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by Mihir Shrivastava
Samuel X was an English entrepreneur and sports enthusiast who was the progenitor of the idea of selling
flower seeds in paper packets, upon which he built a successful business. He became interested in a particular
sport after a bout of illness and quickly became a competent amateur. Upon realizing that the English
professionals were underfunded compared to their cousins from across the Atlantic, he devised the idea for a
competition between the American and British professionals. The first official event was held in 1927 with
Samuel donating a £300 trophy. The tourney underwent two revisions, one in 1971 and another in 1973 which
immensely expanded the scope of the competition.
What was Samuel’s surname?
The Ensign N179 which raced(?) in the 1979 season is often regarded as the ugliest Formula 1 car of all time.
The car featured a radical design choice wherein the radiators were mounted on the front of the car, along the
nose instead of being mounted on the sidepods as was and still is the custom. Given how radiators naturally
look, this gave the car an appearance of a X, which is a common kitchen equipment. The car never scored a
single point as it would funnily enough overheat quickly.
What did the car resemble?
Mueller Sports Medicine is an American company that manufactures various protective and corrective sports
equipments such as back and knee braces and mouthguards. They also make X, which is often used by NFL
players to protect their eyes from sun glare.
Back in the days, quite a few of us must have wondered about the distinctive features on Y’s face along with his
weird and unorthodox stance. It was in fact these X made by Mueller that he donned from 2005 till his
retirement in 2016.
Identify this legendary player Y.
On the next slide you will see the opening theme of a four-decade old children’s anime series.
What was the title of the anime?
ID the protagonist.
Koguma no Misha (Little Bear Misha)
Misha the Russian Bear, Moscow 1980
The 1980 Moscow Olympics were held amidst a great geo-political crisis. Sixty-six countries boycotted the
games, which meant a whole lot of medals for the Soviet Union and East German, but also resulted in a lot of
events, specially team events left without requisite number of competitors. Women’s field hockey was one such
sport. Introduced for the first time ever, five of the six participating nations pulled out, forcing the organizers to
call up teams eliminated qualifying rounds. They also invited the team from X, which were competing as an
independent nation under its new name for the first time as they were barred from the previous three events due
to apartheid laws. The team mostly composed of housewives, all of whom belonged to the white minority. Little
did anyone know that the Golden Girls of X, as they would come to be known as would wipe the floor and win
the first ever gold for their country, defeating Austria 4-1 in their final game.
Identify the country X.
The Italian city of X is famous for its legend of Y. The legend stemmed from first-century pagan religious
practices which included gatherings around a fabled walnut tree, skinning of goats and consumption of
hallucinogenic. The Romans believed in the story enough to rename the city from Maleventum (‘bad event’) to
something meaning ‘good event’, which got simplified in modern Italian to X. The diffusion of Christianity was
characterized by a harsh battle against the pagan cultural practices which were demonized and practitioners of
these rituals were persecuted throughout Europe and later-on in the Americas.
How does this legend manifest in modern sporting context?
Benevento Calcio have a witch on their
X is a former Italian F1 driver who had a long yet unremarkable career spanning 14 years and raced for the likes
of Renault, Toyota and Jordan. He was known for his exploits in qualifying, achieving high grid positions in
comparatively slower cars. Combining this with his excellent defensive skills, he would hold off faster cars for
long durations which would result in the formation of what popularly became known as the X Ys. The FIA
introduced a certain aerodynamic change Z in the early 2010s in order to counter the ever-growing number of
such X Ys, as cars became aerodynamically complex. While this change produced desired results in its early days,
it soon morphed into the very problem it was designed to resolve, leading to the formation of Z Ys that we all
despise till this day.
ID X Y and Z Y.
Trulli Train
DRS Train.
On the next slide you will see a clip from a test match.
What ‘historic moment’ does the commentator refer to?
Sachin Tendulkar became the first batsman
to be given out by the 3rd Umpire in an international
The first national side from X toured the British Isles in 1908. Newspaper in Britain initially nicknamed them
‘rabbits’. The players found this nickname derogatory and consequently christened themselves as Y, one of the
many endemic animals found in X. In typical X fashion, Ys are not a distinct genus with the term starting out as a
slang for smaller variants of a very popular animal Z which has lent its name to various other national sides from
Identify the animal Y and the sporting side it lends its name to.
Australia Nation Rugby Union
On the subsequent slides, you will see screengrabs from a Reddit thread wherein commenters are trying to
explain the reason behind the failure of something during a marathon event 12 years ago.
What’s all the fuss about?
2011 Wimbledon R1 match between John Isner
and Nicolas Mahut which lasted for over 11
The scoreboard froze after 47-47 in the final set.
In 2008, the European club X visited Cardiff for a pre-season friendly. Although the game finished nil-nil, the
visiting fans were asked to stay after the final whistle. In order to keep the crowd entertained, the stadium
announcer started playing songs, beginning with a classic Y from across the Atlantic. The away crowd instantly
connected with this song and started jiving with the music. Before long, this song by an artist whose love for the
beautiful game is well documented was adopted as the unofficial anthem of the club and is sung at every home
game ever since.
In 2021, the club decided to acknowledge this by bringing out a striking black third kit with green, yellow and
red trims on the sleeves, shoulders and shorts, paying tribute to this legendary artist. They also cleverly
incorporated the song with the logo on the city flag, which features three St. Andrew crosses. The kit was an
instant hit and generated massive interest from fans and media, however the club was asked by UEFA to remove
this particular design element as it violated its very prescriptive jersey guidelines
Identify the Club X.
How was the song and the logo creatively fused?
Ajax Amsterdam
The Three Little Birds are perching on the three Saint Andrew
X is a common safety device found in cars and recently made mandatory in India. While they are installed in cars,
they are sometimes used by riders on two wheels as well. They specially find use in motorcycle racing as the very
nature of the sport requires these for protecting riders lives. However, you will not find these in single-seater race
An extraordinary incident took place last year in MotoGP during the closing stages of Round 7 due to
malfunctioning of X on a rider which forced him to do something, reminiscent of a certain Bollywood star
renowned for his (lack of) driving skills and penchant for riding the kerbs.
Identify X. What did the rider do to remedy the malfunctioning X?
Fabio Quartararo unzipped his race suit after its airbag blew
Written Round
• Six questions on obscure and weird sports around the world.
• Each question carries +5 points.
• No negatives for an incorrect answer.
• Getting a full house fetches +5 bonus points.
Yukigassen is a winter sport played which is a codified version of a popular activity that children in the colder
climates often indulge in. Played between two teams of seven, the objective is to eliminate the opposing team’s
players using X, ninety of which are prepared before the start of each game. Popular in countries like Sweden,
Finland, Norway and Canada, the sport originated in Japan, which also hosts the Yukigassen World
Identify this sport.
While the origin of this sport(?) is disputed, it is believed that it became popular among miners in Yorkshire,
England as a pub game. Another more interesting origin story suggests that it originated at a time when hunting
was a luxury only the rich could afford to keep X for hunting. This meant that poachers had to hide the live X that
they caught from gamekeepers at a very short notice and found it convenient to hide them in their Y. This slowly
developed into an endurance sport where players would try prevent the X from coming out for as long as they
can, with the (un)official record being 5.5 hours.
Identify the sport/where did the poachers hide the X?
Also identify X, an animal which has been hit the hardest during the pandemic, specially those involved in a
questionable industry in continental Europe.
Played on a inflatable court that looks like something you would find in and amusement park, X is a modern sport
that integrates elements of football, volleyball, gymnastics and music. The name is a portmanteau of two words
where the first word refers to a musical style that is a laid-back, jazz infused variant of samba and is often
translated as ‘style’, ‘flair’ or ‘attitude’. The inflatable court is divided into two halves by a volleyball-style net.
There are trampolines on each side that allow player to jump high up and spike the ball, preferably with their feet
in order to score extra points. The referees in this sport are not only tasked with judging the play but also serve
as Master of Ceremonies, complete with whistles, percussion instruments and sometimes, a DJ set.
Identify this sport.
X Y is an outdoor sport which is a spinoff of the regal sport of Y whose roots can be traced to Northeast India.
Started by two British entrepreneurs in Nepal, it is played by teams from India, Cambodia and Thailand as well.
Initially, footballs were used, a logical choice considering the nature of the contestants involved. However, they
kept popping, which resulted in the use of traditional Y balls. The size of the playing field is reduced as well,
keeping in mind the slow and clumsy nature of the game. The sport has come under fire in recent times with the
intervention of a nosy activist organization and the last remaining tournaments are being phased out.
Identify this sport.
There was once an Olympic sport X that according to the New York Times, favoured “mere mountains of ___ who
fall in the _____ more or less successfully and depend upon inertia to get their points for them” and made its first
and only appearance at the 1904 St. Louis Olympics. The rules were simple, the competitor that travelled the
longest distance within 60 seconds without moving any part of their body scored the most points. The Americans
swept the competition, mostly down to the fact that they were the only ones competing. The event, as one could
expect, was widely mocked. The Amateur Athletic Union rallied to eliminate the sport from its ranks, panning it is
as “a type of contest requiring neither athletic ability, nor especial skill of any kind,” except of course, a very
unhealthy diet.
Identify/describe this sport.
A quick glance at the name might mislead you, but the CEO of the governing body of this fledgling combat sport
believes “It's not something where you sit there and laugh and ________ are flying.” The idea behind developing
this very serious iteration of a fun childhood activity seems to be rooted in appealing to a wider family audience
which prefers less bloody combat sports. But the sport if no child’s play, most of the contestants in the inaugural
X Y Championship were professional MMA fighters equipped with specialized X, designed to minimize facial
Identify this sport.
Yukigassen is a winter sport played which is a codified version of a popular activity that children in the colder
climates often indulge in. Played between two teams of seven, the objective is to eliminate the opposing team’s
players using X, ninety of which are prepared before the start of each game. Popular in countries like Sweden,
Finland, Norway and Canada, the sport originated in Japan, which also hosts the Yukigassen World
Identify this sport.
While the origin of this sport(?) is disputed, it is believed that it became popular among miners in Yorkshire,
England as a pub game. Another more interesting origin story suggests that it originated at a time when hunting
was a luxury only the rich could afford to keep X for hunting. This meant that poachers had to hide the live X that
they caught from gamekeepers at a very short notice and found it convenient to hide them in their Y. This slowly
developed into an endurance sport where players would try prevent the X from coming out for as long as they
can, with the (un)official record being 5.5 hours.
Identify the sport/where did the poachers hide the X?
Also identify X, an animal which has been hit the hardest during the pandemic, specially those involved in a
questionable industry in continental Europe.
Ferret Legging. Ferrets are trapped inside the competitors
Played on a inflatable court that looks like something you would find in and amusement park, X is a modern sport
that integrates elements of football, volleyball, gymnastics and music. The name is a portmanteau of two words
where the first word refers to a musical style that is a laid-back, jazz infused variant of samba and is often
translated as ‘style’, ‘flair’ or ‘attitude’. The inflatable court is divided into two halves by a volleyball-style net.
There are trampolines on each side that allow player to jump high up and spike the ball, preferably with their feet
in order to score extra points. The referees in this sport are not only tasked with judging the play but also serve
as Master of Ceremonies, complete with whistles, percussion instruments and sometimes, a DJ set.
Identify this sport.
X Y is an outdoor sport which is a spinoff of the regal sport of Y whose roots can be traced to Northeast India.
Started by two British entrepreneurs in Nepal, it is played by teams from India, Cambodia and Thailand as well.
Initially, footballs were used, a logical choice considering the nature of the contestants involved. However, they
kept popping, which resulted in the use of traditional Y balls. The size of the playing field is reduced as well,
keeping in mind the slow and clumsy nature of the game. The sport has come under fire in recent times with the
intervention of a nosy activist organization and the last remaining tournaments are being phased out.
Identify this sport.
There was once an Olympic sport X that according to the New York Times, favoured “mere mountains of ___ who
fall in the _____ more or less successfully and depend upon inertia to get their points for them” and made its first
and only appearance at the 1904 St. Louis Olympics. The rules were simple, the competitor that travelled the
longest distance within 60 seconds without moving any part of their body scored the most points. The Americans
swept the competition, mostly down to the fact that they were the only ones competing. The event, as one could
expect, was widely mocked. The Amateur Athletic Union rallied to eliminate the sport from its ranks, panning it is
as “a type of contest requiring neither athletic ability, nor especial skill of any kind,” except of course a rather
spherical physique.
Identify/describe this sport.
Plunge for Distance
Competitors dived into the pool
and glided unaided, face-down
A quick glance at the name might mislead you, but the CEO of the governing body of this fledgling combat sport
believes “It's not something where you sit there and laugh and ________ are flying.” The idea behind developing
this very serious iteration of a fun childhood activity seems to be rooted in appealing to a wider family audience
which prefers less bloody combat sports. But the sport if no child’s play, most of the contestants in the inaugural
X Y Championship were professional MMA fighters equipped with specialized X, designed to minimize facial
Identify this sport.
The X arena, named after the city it is located in is a multi-purpose sports facility. It initially hosted the 2007
World Track Cycling Championship but is best remembered for hosting a one-off match between the local hero
and his eternal rival. The match was dubbed the ______ __ ________ , riffing on another iconic one-off match
played five decades ago and the fact that the two protagonists are considered masters of the two ________ and
held long unbeaten streaks. Much to the delight of the crowd, the local hero emerged victorious as he dominated
his opponent on the _______ of his choice.
Which match is being talked about?
Battle of
Nadal v Federer
This Somalia-born Canadian hip-hop artist’s tryst with sports began in 2005, when his song Soopax was
featured in FIFA 06. Further, Madden NFL 09 featured the song ABC’s from his critically acclaimed album 2008
Troubadour. However, it was a reworked version of another song from this album that was picked up by an
FMCG giant for its promotional campaign for a 2010 sporting event that propelled him to stardom. The lyrics in
the original version are about the struggle of refugees displaced by war, with references to the singer’s native
Somalia. The song was initially reworked as a charity single for relief efforts following the Haiti earthquake in
2010. However, the version used in the promotional campaign had a celebratory tone, inspired by the joyous
dance celebrations familiar to Africa. The song and the accompanying music video became massive hit across
the world, rivalling the popularity of the official anthem of the event.
Identify the artist and the song.
From 1912 to 1948, the Olympics featured arts competitions with medals being awarded in painting, sculpting,
music, architecture and literature which were collectively referred to as X of the Y, drawing parallels with the
sporting event it resembled as well as the fact that it was an artistic endeavour. The art events were phased out
in 1948 not because of the fact that they had no business being in the Olympics, but due to the fact that IOC
deemed that almost all of the contestants in these events failed a certain criteria, which had famously resulted
in a trailblazing American athlete being stripped of his Olympics titles in 1912.
What were the art events collectively known as?
Why were these events dropped from the Olympics?
Pentathlon of the Muses.
Competitors in these events were deemed to be
hence they failed the amateur criteria.
X is a type of flatbread popular in the Indian subcontinent, particularly in North India and Pakistan. Traditionally
baked in a tandoor and leavened with curd, they have a soft texture and are often stuffed with some combination
of paneer, onions, potatoes and pea. The X of Amritsar and Delhi are particularly famous and is often served with
Identify this delectable bread, often served in a not so delectable form during special dinner in campus halls.
Robert Prosinečki is a retired football player who operated as a midfielder and is one of the select player to have
featured for both Real Madrid and Barcelona. Although born in Germany in 1969, he chose to represent
Yugoslavia, the country his parents migrated from and was an integral part of their golden generation. He
began his career at Dinamo Zagreb before moving to Red Star Belgrade where he won the European Cup in
1991. Amidst great upheaval in his native land, he moved to Madrid the very next year. His stay in Spain yielded
little success, so he moved back to his first club, now called X Zagreb, as a result of the same upheaval in the
region that pushed him out. He hung up his boots in 2005, calling time to an illustrious career, having played in
three World Cups.
What unique goalscoring record does Prosinečki hold?
Only player to have
World Cup finals goals
two different nations.
In the 80s, F1 was in the middle of a turbocharger frenzy. Turbos were getting larger and more powerful, with
some cars running at 1500 HP in qualification trim. These ridiculously overpowered engines burned a large
amount of fuel, nearly three times the amount allowed today. In 1984, FIA banned refuelling after a spate of pit
stop fires. They also limited the maximum capacity of fuel tanks to 220 litres. Team were slow to adapt, leading
to the farcical 1985 San Marino Grand Prix where more than half of the field ran out of fuel. As always, engineers
found a loophole In the regulations by exploiting the vague phrasing of the rules. By utilizing a very basic
physical property of liquids and running the fuel through a simple process, they were able to fill in more fuel in
the cars than what the FIA thought they had allowed. A pleasant side-effect of this process was the increased
output of the engines as there were more fuel molecules present for every combustion cycle.
What clever yet simple workaround did the engineers devise?
Engineers supercooled the fuel,
which allowed more fuel to be pumped into the 220 ltr
The 1908 London Olympics marathon might just be the single most eventful event in the modern Olympics
history. Back in those days, it was believed that consumption of X not just steadied the nerves but also soothed
the stomach and hence, was the energy drink of choice for the marathon runners. This was probably the reason
why they started cramping up or passing out one after another. It’s still a unclear what happened to Dorando
Pietri. A five-foot-two baker from Capri, Pietri took over the lead after the previous leader had a stomach cramp.
But the Italian was fighting his own battles. It probably didn’t help that his pre-race meal was a steak. Whatever
the reason, with about 385 yards left, he fainted. Watching all this unfold was the Daily Mail correspondent and
part-time cricketer Y, twenty-one years after he began his innings. “Good heavens, he has fainted,” he wrote. “Is
it possible that even at this last moment the prize may slip through his fingers? . . . I do not think in all that great
assembly any man would have wished victory to be torn at the last instant from this plucky little Italian.”
What did runners favour as a stimulant?
Identify Y.
Runners used to drink alcohol before and during the
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
On the subsequent slide you will see a clip from a 1983 movie. This was the acting debut of an illustrious
sportsperson who had a reputation for being a giant-killer.
Identify the autorickshaw driver.
X is a locality in an Indian metropolis, located in the centre of the city. The origin of the name is unclear, although
it is believed to have been derived from Hindi, as a portmanteau of two words meaning ‘six gardens’, but a part
of the word was later anglicized. It is home to a famous palace built in Indo-Saracenic style as well as one of
India’s oldest universities. However, we know it from a sporting context as a famous international stadium
located here is nicknamed X.
Identify this locality.
The 1975 Spanish Grand Prix held at the street circuit of Montjuïc, Barcelona remains one of the most tragic
weekends in the history of Formula 1. The race was doomed from the start, with the barriers not bolted properly,
leading to a strike by the Grand Prix Drivers Association. There was a pile-up at the blind first corner which
wiped out pole-sitter Lauda and his teammate Regazzoni. This was only the start of the mayhem as cars kept
dropping out after crashes and mechanical failures. All this chaos culminated to the lap 26 incident where Rolf
Stommelen’s rear wing broke off sending him into the barriers. He bounced off it and got launched into the
crowd, killing four. The race was red flagged four laps later, with just six finishers. Mclaren’s Jochen Mass took
the win and surprisingly, remained the only driver from his country to win a grand prix till 1992. An even bigger
record, one that remains unsurpassed was set by the sixth and final finisher, who scored half a point due to the
race being shortened.
Who broke Mass’s record in 1992?
What unsurpassed record was set by the sixth-place finisher?
Michael Schumacher
became the
first German race winner
since Mass.
Lella Lombardi became the
first and only woman to
score World Championship
Foehn is a dry, warm wind that blows in the leeward regions of the Alps. These winds occur due to the adiabatic
heating of the air that is devoid of moisture and hence has a severe warming effect. Foehn winds can raise the
ambient temperature by as much as 14 °C and are the major reason behind the warmer than expected climate of
Switzerland, Austria and Southern Germany. In 1964, intense Foehn winds, which raised the temperature above
0 °C and the subsequent rainfall resulted in a tricky situation before a certain event. With no respite from the
heavens, the army was called in to help out, moving in a total of 60,000 m3 of a certain material that had become
a rare commodity.
Which event is being talked about?​
What rare commodity did the army move in?
1964 Innsbruck Winter Olympics​
There was not enough snow/ice for the
games, so the army moved in snow from
Brenner Pass. ​
Throughout the history of the football, there have been countless memorable commentator’s quotes. The first of
these to attain a legendary status was that by BBC commentator Kenneth Wolstenholme over five decades ago.
With the final in its closing moments and spectators invading the pitch, X collected the ball high up the pitch and
rifled it into the top left corner, completing his hattrick and thus becoming the only player to achieve a certain
feat. Amidst all this, Kenneth exclaimed how the spectators flooding the pitch thought the final whistle had gone
and it was time for celebration, but with X’s third goal, it was all done and dusted.
Identify the famous quote.
What record does X hold, one that has remain unsurpassed till date?
“And they think it’s all over!”
Geoff Hurst is the only player to score a hattrick in a World Cup
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Sports Quiz

  • 2. Q1 Samuel X was an English entrepreneur and sports enthusiast who was the progenitor of the idea of selling flower seeds in paper packets, upon which he built a successful business. He became interested in a particular sport after a bout of illness and quickly became a competent amateur. Upon realizing that the English professionals were underfunded compared to their cousins from across the Atlantic, he devised the idea for a competition between the American and British professionals. The first official event was held in 1927 with Samuel donating a £300 trophy. The tourney underwent two revisions, one in 1971 and another in 1973 which immensely expanded the scope of the competition. What was Samuel’s surname?
  • 3.
  • 5. The Ensign N179 which raced(?) in the 1979 season is often regarded as the ugliest Formula 1 car of all time. The car featured a radical design choice wherein the radiators were mounted on the front of the car, along the nose instead of being mounted on the sidepods as was and still is the custom. Given how radiators naturally look, this gave the car an appearance of a X, which is a common kitchen equipment. The car never scored a single point as it would funnily enough overheat quickly. What did the car resemble? Q2
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 9. Mueller Sports Medicine is an American company that manufactures various protective and corrective sports equipments such as back and knee braces and mouthguards. They also make X, which is often used by NFL players to protect their eyes from sun glare. Back in the days, quite a few of us must have wondered about the distinctive features on Y’s face along with his weird and unorthodox stance. It was in fact these X made by Mueller that he donned from 2005 till his retirement in 2016. Identify this legendary player Y. Q3
  • 10.
  • 12. On the next slide you will see the opening theme of a four-decade old children’s anime series. What was the title of the anime? or ID the protagonist. Q4
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15. Koguma no Misha (Little Bear Misha) Misha the Russian Bear, Moscow 1980 mascot.
  • 16. The 1980 Moscow Olympics were held amidst a great geo-political crisis. Sixty-six countries boycotted the games, which meant a whole lot of medals for the Soviet Union and East German, but also resulted in a lot of events, specially team events left without requisite number of competitors. Women’s field hockey was one such sport. Introduced for the first time ever, five of the six participating nations pulled out, forcing the organizers to call up teams eliminated qualifying rounds. They also invited the team from X, which were competing as an independent nation under its new name for the first time as they were barred from the previous three events due to apartheid laws. The team mostly composed of housewives, all of whom belonged to the white minority. Little did anyone know that the Golden Girls of X, as they would come to be known as would wipe the floor and win the first ever gold for their country, defeating Austria 4-1 in their final game. Identify the country X. Q5
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 20. The Italian city of X is famous for its legend of Y. The legend stemmed from first-century pagan religious practices which included gatherings around a fabled walnut tree, skinning of goats and consumption of hallucinogenic. The Romans believed in the story enough to rename the city from Maleventum (‘bad event’) to something meaning ‘good event’, which got simplified in modern Italian to X. The diffusion of Christianity was characterized by a harsh battle against the pagan cultural practices which were demonized and practitioners of these rituals were persecuted throughout Europe and later-on in the Americas. How does this legend manifest in modern sporting context? Q6
  • 21.
  • 22. Benevento Calcio have a witch on their crest
  • 23. X is a former Italian F1 driver who had a long yet unremarkable career spanning 14 years and raced for the likes of Renault, Toyota and Jordan. He was known for his exploits in qualifying, achieving high grid positions in comparatively slower cars. Combining this with his excellent defensive skills, he would hold off faster cars for long durations which would result in the formation of what popularly became known as the X Ys. The FIA introduced a certain aerodynamic change Z in the early 2010s in order to counter the ever-growing number of such X Ys, as cars became aerodynamically complex. While this change produced desired results in its early days, it soon morphed into the very problem it was designed to resolve, leading to the formation of Z Ys that we all despise till this day. ID X Y and Z Y. Q7
  • 24.
  • 26. On the next slide you will see a clip from a test match. What ‘historic moment’ does the commentator refer to? Q8
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29.
  • 30. Sachin Tendulkar became the first batsman to be given out by the 3rd Umpire in an international match.
  • 31. The first national side from X toured the British Isles in 1908. Newspaper in Britain initially nicknamed them ‘rabbits’. The players found this nickname derogatory and consequently christened themselves as Y, one of the many endemic animals found in X. In typical X fashion, Ys are not a distinct genus with the term starting out as a slang for smaller variants of a very popular animal Z which has lent its name to various other national sides from X. Identify the animal Y and the sporting side it lends its name to. Q9
  • 32.
  • 34. On the subsequent slides, you will see screengrabs from a Reddit thread wherein commenters are trying to explain the reason behind the failure of something during a marathon event 12 years ago. What’s all the fuss about? Q10
  • 35.
  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 38.
  • 39.
  • 40.
  • 41. 2011 Wimbledon R1 match between John Isner and Nicolas Mahut which lasted for over 11 hours. The scoreboard froze after 47-47 in the final set.
  • 42. In 2008, the European club X visited Cardiff for a pre-season friendly. Although the game finished nil-nil, the visiting fans were asked to stay after the final whistle. In order to keep the crowd entertained, the stadium announcer started playing songs, beginning with a classic Y from across the Atlantic. The away crowd instantly connected with this song and started jiving with the music. Before long, this song by an artist whose love for the beautiful game is well documented was adopted as the unofficial anthem of the club and is sung at every home game ever since. In 2021, the club decided to acknowledge this by bringing out a striking black third kit with green, yellow and red trims on the sleeves, shoulders and shorts, paying tribute to this legendary artist. They also cleverly incorporated the song with the logo on the city flag, which features three St. Andrew crosses. The kit was an instant hit and generated massive interest from fans and media, however the club was asked by UEFA to remove this particular design element as it violated its very prescriptive jersey guidelines Identify the Club X. How was the song and the logo creatively fused? Q11
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 45. Ajax Amsterdam The Three Little Birds are perching on the three Saint Andrew crosses.
  • 46. X is a common safety device found in cars and recently made mandatory in India. While they are installed in cars, they are sometimes used by riders on two wheels as well. They specially find use in motorcycle racing as the very nature of the sport requires these for protecting riders lives. However, you will not find these in single-seater race cars. An extraordinary incident took place last year in MotoGP during the closing stages of Round 7 due to malfunctioning of X on a rider which forced him to do something, reminiscent of a certain Bollywood star renowned for his (lack of) driving skills and penchant for riding the kerbs. Identify X. What did the rider do to remedy the malfunctioning X? Q12
  • 47.
  • 48.
  • 49. Airbag Fabio Quartararo unzipped his race suit after its airbag blew up.
  • 50. Written Round • Six questions on obscure and weird sports around the world. • Each question carries +5 points. • No negatives for an incorrect answer. • Getting a full house fetches +5 bonus points.
  • 51. WR1 Yukigassen is a winter sport played which is a codified version of a popular activity that children in the colder climates often indulge in. Played between two teams of seven, the objective is to eliminate the opposing team’s players using X, ninety of which are prepared before the start of each game. Popular in countries like Sweden, Finland, Norway and Canada, the sport originated in Japan, which also hosts the Yukigassen World Championship. Identify this sport.
  • 52.
  • 53. WR2 While the origin of this sport(?) is disputed, it is believed that it became popular among miners in Yorkshire, England as a pub game. Another more interesting origin story suggests that it originated at a time when hunting was a luxury only the rich could afford to keep X for hunting. This meant that poachers had to hide the live X that they caught from gamekeepers at a very short notice and found it convenient to hide them in their Y. This slowly developed into an endurance sport where players would try prevent the X from coming out for as long as they can, with the (un)official record being 5.5 hours. Identify the sport/where did the poachers hide the X? Also identify X, an animal which has been hit the hardest during the pandemic, specially those involved in a questionable industry in continental Europe.
  • 54. WR3 Played on a inflatable court that looks like something you would find in and amusement park, X is a modern sport that integrates elements of football, volleyball, gymnastics and music. The name is a portmanteau of two words where the first word refers to a musical style that is a laid-back, jazz infused variant of samba and is often translated as ‘style’, ‘flair’ or ‘attitude’. The inflatable court is divided into two halves by a volleyball-style net. There are trampolines on each side that allow player to jump high up and spike the ball, preferably with their feet in order to score extra points. The referees in this sport are not only tasked with judging the play but also serve as Master of Ceremonies, complete with whistles, percussion instruments and sometimes, a DJ set. Identify this sport.
  • 55.
  • 56. WR4 X Y is an outdoor sport which is a spinoff of the regal sport of Y whose roots can be traced to Northeast India. Started by two British entrepreneurs in Nepal, it is played by teams from India, Cambodia and Thailand as well. Initially, footballs were used, a logical choice considering the nature of the contestants involved. However, they kept popping, which resulted in the use of traditional Y balls. The size of the playing field is reduced as well, keeping in mind the slow and clumsy nature of the game. The sport has come under fire in recent times with the intervention of a nosy activist organization and the last remaining tournaments are being phased out. Identify this sport.
  • 57. WR5 There was once an Olympic sport X that according to the New York Times, favoured “mere mountains of ___ who fall in the _____ more or less successfully and depend upon inertia to get their points for them” and made its first and only appearance at the 1904 St. Louis Olympics. The rules were simple, the competitor that travelled the longest distance within 60 seconds without moving any part of their body scored the most points. The Americans swept the competition, mostly down to the fact that they were the only ones competing. The event, as one could expect, was widely mocked. The Amateur Athletic Union rallied to eliminate the sport from its ranks, panning it is as “a type of contest requiring neither athletic ability, nor especial skill of any kind,” except of course, a very unhealthy diet. Identify/describe this sport.
  • 58. WR6 A quick glance at the name might mislead you, but the CEO of the governing body of this fledgling combat sport believes “It's not something where you sit there and laugh and ________ are flying.” The idea behind developing this very serious iteration of a fun childhood activity seems to be rooted in appealing to a wider family audience which prefers less bloody combat sports. But the sport if no child’s play, most of the contestants in the inaugural X Y Championship were professional MMA fighters equipped with specialized X, designed to minimize facial injuries. Identify this sport.
  • 60. WR1 Yukigassen is a winter sport played which is a codified version of a popular activity that children in the colder climates often indulge in. Played between two teams of seven, the objective is to eliminate the opposing team’s players using X, ninety of which are prepared before the start of each game. Popular in countries like Sweden, Finland, Norway and Canada, the sport originated in Japan, which also hosts the Yukigassen World Championship. Identify this sport.
  • 61.
  • 63. WR2 While the origin of this sport(?) is disputed, it is believed that it became popular among miners in Yorkshire, England as a pub game. Another more interesting origin story suggests that it originated at a time when hunting was a luxury only the rich could afford to keep X for hunting. This meant that poachers had to hide the live X that they caught from gamekeepers at a very short notice and found it convenient to hide them in their Y. This slowly developed into an endurance sport where players would try prevent the X from coming out for as long as they can, with the (un)official record being 5.5 hours. Identify the sport/where did the poachers hide the X? Also identify X, an animal which has been hit the hardest during the pandemic, specially those involved in a questionable industry in continental Europe.
  • 64. Ferret Legging. Ferrets are trapped inside the competitors trousers. Mink/Ferret
  • 65. WR3 Played on a inflatable court that looks like something you would find in and amusement park, X is a modern sport that integrates elements of football, volleyball, gymnastics and music. The name is a portmanteau of two words where the first word refers to a musical style that is a laid-back, jazz infused variant of samba and is often translated as ‘style’, ‘flair’ or ‘attitude’. The inflatable court is divided into two halves by a volleyball-style net. There are trampolines on each side that allow player to jump high up and spike the ball, preferably with their feet in order to score extra points. The referees in this sport are not only tasked with judging the play but also serve as Master of Ceremonies, complete with whistles, percussion instruments and sometimes, a DJ set. Identify this sport.
  • 66.
  • 68. WR4 X Y is an outdoor sport which is a spinoff of the regal sport of Y whose roots can be traced to Northeast India. Started by two British entrepreneurs in Nepal, it is played by teams from India, Cambodia and Thailand as well. Initially, footballs were used, a logical choice considering the nature of the contestants involved. However, they kept popping, which resulted in the use of traditional Y balls. The size of the playing field is reduced as well, keeping in mind the slow and clumsy nature of the game. The sport has come under fire in recent times with the intervention of a nosy activist organization and the last remaining tournaments are being phased out. Identify this sport.
  • 70. WR5 There was once an Olympic sport X that according to the New York Times, favoured “mere mountains of ___ who fall in the _____ more or less successfully and depend upon inertia to get their points for them” and made its first and only appearance at the 1904 St. Louis Olympics. The rules were simple, the competitor that travelled the longest distance within 60 seconds without moving any part of their body scored the most points. The Americans swept the competition, mostly down to the fact that they were the only ones competing. The event, as one could expect, was widely mocked. The Amateur Athletic Union rallied to eliminate the sport from its ranks, panning it is as “a type of contest requiring neither athletic ability, nor especial skill of any kind,” except of course a rather spherical physique. Identify/describe this sport.
  • 71. Plunge for Distance Competitors dived into the pool and glided unaided, face-down
  • 72. WR6 A quick glance at the name might mislead you, but the CEO of the governing body of this fledgling combat sport believes “It's not something where you sit there and laugh and ________ are flying.” The idea behind developing this very serious iteration of a fun childhood activity seems to be rooted in appealing to a wider family audience which prefers less bloody combat sports. But the sport if no child’s play, most of the contestants in the inaugural X Y Championship were professional MMA fighters equipped with specialized X, designed to minimize facial injuries. Identify this sport.
  • 74. The X arena, named after the city it is located in is a multi-purpose sports facility. It initially hosted the 2007 World Track Cycling Championship but is best remembered for hosting a one-off match between the local hero and his eternal rival. The match was dubbed the ______ __ ________ , riffing on another iconic one-off match played five decades ago and the fact that the two protagonists are considered masters of the two ________ and held long unbeaten streaks. Much to the delight of the crowd, the local hero emerged victorious as he dominated his opponent on the _______ of his choice. Which match is being talked about? Q13
  • 75.
  • 76.
  • 78. This Somalia-born Canadian hip-hop artist’s tryst with sports began in 2005, when his song Soopax was featured in FIFA 06. Further, Madden NFL 09 featured the song ABC’s from his critically acclaimed album 2008 Troubadour. However, it was a reworked version of another song from this album that was picked up by an FMCG giant for its promotional campaign for a 2010 sporting event that propelled him to stardom. The lyrics in the original version are about the struggle of refugees displaced by war, with references to the singer’s native Somalia. The song was initially reworked as a charity single for relief efforts following the Haiti earthquake in 2010. However, the version used in the promotional campaign had a celebratory tone, inspired by the joyous dance celebrations familiar to Africa. The song and the accompanying music video became massive hit across the world, rivalling the popularity of the official anthem of the event. Identify the artist and the song. Q14
  • 79.
  • 81. From 1912 to 1948, the Olympics featured arts competitions with medals being awarded in painting, sculpting, music, architecture and literature which were collectively referred to as X of the Y, drawing parallels with the sporting event it resembled as well as the fact that it was an artistic endeavour. The art events were phased out in 1948 not because of the fact that they had no business being in the Olympics, but due to the fact that IOC deemed that almost all of the contestants in these events failed a certain criteria, which had famously resulted in a trailblazing American athlete being stripped of his Olympics titles in 1912. What were the art events collectively known as? Why were these events dropped from the Olympics? Q15
  • 82.
  • 83. Pentathlon of the Muses. Competitors in these events were deemed to be professionals, hence they failed the amateur criteria.
  • 84. X is a type of flatbread popular in the Indian subcontinent, particularly in North India and Pakistan. Traditionally baked in a tandoor and leavened with curd, they have a soft texture and are often stuffed with some combination of paneer, onions, potatoes and pea. The X of Amritsar and Delhi are particularly famous and is often served with chole. Identify this delectable bread, often served in a not so delectable form during special dinner in campus halls. Q16
  • 85.
  • 87. Robert Prosinečki is a retired football player who operated as a midfielder and is one of the select player to have featured for both Real Madrid and Barcelona. Although born in Germany in 1969, he chose to represent Yugoslavia, the country his parents migrated from and was an integral part of their golden generation. He began his career at Dinamo Zagreb before moving to Red Star Belgrade where he won the European Cup in 1991. Amidst great upheaval in his native land, he moved to Madrid the very next year. His stay in Spain yielded little success, so he moved back to his first club, now called X Zagreb, as a result of the same upheaval in the region that pushed him out. He hung up his boots in 2005, calling time to an illustrious career, having played in three World Cups. What unique goalscoring record does Prosinečki hold? Q17
  • 88.
  • 89. Only player to have scored World Cup finals goals for two different nations.
  • 90. In the 80s, F1 was in the middle of a turbocharger frenzy. Turbos were getting larger and more powerful, with some cars running at 1500 HP in qualification trim. These ridiculously overpowered engines burned a large amount of fuel, nearly three times the amount allowed today. In 1984, FIA banned refuelling after a spate of pit stop fires. They also limited the maximum capacity of fuel tanks to 220 litres. Team were slow to adapt, leading to the farcical 1985 San Marino Grand Prix where more than half of the field ran out of fuel. As always, engineers found a loophole In the regulations by exploiting the vague phrasing of the rules. By utilizing a very basic physical property of liquids and running the fuel through a simple process, they were able to fill in more fuel in the cars than what the FIA thought they had allowed. A pleasant side-effect of this process was the increased output of the engines as there were more fuel molecules present for every combustion cycle. What clever yet simple workaround did the engineers devise? Q18
  • 91.
  • 92. Engineers supercooled the fuel, which allowed more fuel to be pumped into the 220 ltr tanks.
  • 93. The 1908 London Olympics marathon might just be the single most eventful event in the modern Olympics history. Back in those days, it was believed that consumption of X not just steadied the nerves but also soothed the stomach and hence, was the energy drink of choice for the marathon runners. This was probably the reason why they started cramping up or passing out one after another. It’s still a unclear what happened to Dorando Pietri. A five-foot-two baker from Capri, Pietri took over the lead after the previous leader had a stomach cramp. But the Italian was fighting his own battles. It probably didn’t help that his pre-race meal was a steak. Whatever the reason, with about 385 yards left, he fainted. Watching all this unfold was the Daily Mail correspondent and part-time cricketer Y, twenty-one years after he began his innings. “Good heavens, he has fainted,” he wrote. “Is it possible that even at this last moment the prize may slip through his fingers? . . . I do not think in all that great assembly any man would have wished victory to be torn at the last instant from this plucky little Italian.” What did runners favour as a stimulant? Identify Y. Q19
  • 94.
  • 95. Runners used to drink alcohol before and during the marathons. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
  • 96. On the subsequent slide you will see a clip from a 1983 movie. This was the acting debut of an illustrious sportsperson who had a reputation for being a giant-killer. Identify the autorickshaw driver. Q20
  • 97.
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  • 99.
  • 101. X is a locality in an Indian metropolis, located in the centre of the city. The origin of the name is unclear, although it is believed to have been derived from Hindi, as a portmanteau of two words meaning ‘six gardens’, but a part of the word was later anglicized. It is home to a famous palace built in Indo-Saracenic style as well as one of India’s oldest universities. However, we know it from a sporting context as a famous international stadium located here is nicknamed X. Identify this locality. Q21
  • 102.
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  • 104.
  • 106. The 1975 Spanish Grand Prix held at the street circuit of Montjuïc, Barcelona remains one of the most tragic weekends in the history of Formula 1. The race was doomed from the start, with the barriers not bolted properly, leading to a strike by the Grand Prix Drivers Association. There was a pile-up at the blind first corner which wiped out pole-sitter Lauda and his teammate Regazzoni. This was only the start of the mayhem as cars kept dropping out after crashes and mechanical failures. All this chaos culminated to the lap 26 incident where Rolf Stommelen’s rear wing broke off sending him into the barriers. He bounced off it and got launched into the crowd, killing four. The race was red flagged four laps later, with just six finishers. Mclaren’s Jochen Mass took the win and surprisingly, remained the only driver from his country to win a grand prix till 1992. An even bigger record, one that remains unsurpassed was set by the sixth and final finisher, who scored half a point due to the race being shortened. Who broke Mass’s record in 1992? What unsurpassed record was set by the sixth-place finisher? Q22
  • 107.
  • 108. Michael Schumacher became the first German race winner since Mass.
  • 109. Lella Lombardi became the first and only woman to score World Championship point.
  • 110. Foehn is a dry, warm wind that blows in the leeward regions of the Alps. These winds occur due to the adiabatic heating of the air that is devoid of moisture and hence has a severe warming effect. Foehn winds can raise the ambient temperature by as much as 14 °C and are the major reason behind the warmer than expected climate of Switzerland, Austria and Southern Germany. In 1964, intense Foehn winds, which raised the temperature above 0 °C and the subsequent rainfall resulted in a tricky situation before a certain event. With no respite from the heavens, the army was called in to help out, moving in a total of 60,000 m3 of a certain material that had become a rare commodity. Which event is being talked about?​ What rare commodity did the army move in? Q23
  • 111.
  • 112. 1964 Innsbruck Winter Olympics​ There was not enough snow/ice for the games, so the army moved in snow from Brenner Pass. ​
  • 113. Throughout the history of the football, there have been countless memorable commentator’s quotes. The first of these to attain a legendary status was that by BBC commentator Kenneth Wolstenholme over five decades ago. With the final in its closing moments and spectators invading the pitch, X collected the ball high up the pitch and rifled it into the top left corner, completing his hattrick and thus becoming the only player to achieve a certain feat. Amidst all this, Kenneth exclaimed how the spectators flooding the pitch thought the final whistle had gone and it was time for celebration, but with X’s third goal, it was all done and dusted. Identify the famous quote. What record does X hold, one that has remain unsurpassed till date? Q24
  • 114.
  • 115.
  • 116. “And they think it’s all over!” Geoff Hurst is the only player to score a hattrick in a World Cup Final.