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Dries (Clockwise)
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• The following image is most popularly associated with a certain microgenre of music and visual
a e s t h e t i c (X) that originated in the 2010s
• Y is a term used to describe products that are announced but never actually manufactured and
were used as a smokescreen to mislead customers.
• What are X and Y
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• Vaporwave/Vaporware
2 Arts and Crafts
• In the following slide you'll see some artworks created by X for a certain entity Y.
• Due to them being featured in said entity albeit in a downscaled manner, X is considered
to be arguably the artist with the most exposure in the world even though his name is relatively
• These artworks can be "created" by using wool and 8 wooden sticks.
• Look at these images and tell me what Y is , the best-selling entity of its kind
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A2 Kristoffer Zetterstrand , Minecraft
• The following image is a daguerreotype(early photograph) that was taken in 1838 which holds a
certain distinction.
• The reason for this distinction not being achieved earlier was due to the long exposure time of
daguerreotypes requiring the object to remain still for around 5 minutes.
• Look at the image carefully and tell me what is this distinction?
• Why was it possible?
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• The first photograph to include an image of a human
• The person was getting his shoes shined and hence stood still for long enough
• X is an American food company best known for its flagship product whose classic red and white
design has become an integral part of pop art due to a certain 1962 work.
• In 1989, X decided to copy an apocryphal tale of an intelligent corvid in an effort to make their
product look better in advertisements but it ended up in them getting sued by the Federal trade
• Name X , what did they do?
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• Campbell's Soup Cans
• They added marbles in the soup to make the ingredients rise in the photo
• X was an American author, illustrator, cartoonist and poet best known for his drawings of wacky
animals and gravity defying architecture.
• The following image is one of his lesser known works depicting a certain biblical myth which
leads to nonsensical words, much like in his books.
• Who is X, which myth ?
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A5 Dr. Seuss , Tower Of Babel
• A regular since 2007, X is a polarizing entity with many judging people as lazy for using X.
• This laziness also brought upon the downfall of Nawaz Shariff. Caught in a corruption scandal
following the Panama Papers, the legal team of Maryam Nawaz produced critical evidence which
was then found to be forged, tell me how X played a role in the detection of this forgery.
• After a long 15 year stay, there are new s(h)erifs in town Tenorite, Bierstadt, Skeena, Seaford, and
Grandview. Tell me why these 5 were commissioned by Uncle Bill?
• The observant might notice something different about this slide :)
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• X = Calibri
• Maryam Nawaz produced signed documents from before 2007 (2006) which used
sharif-government-1.2065614 ,
• Calibri Font is being replaced as the default font
• This song X from the early 2000s is best known for its iconic opening riff and has become
immensely popular as a sports anthem.
• Its music video(image follows) shows a continuous shot of black, white and red triangles which
among other things is evocative of an iconic artwork from 1971 which was designed to promote a
different color.
• ID X. What was the music video inspired by?
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A7 Seven Nation Army, A Clockwork
• Explaining the rationale behind this now iconic design choice , the creator said that while other
companies preferred letters or colors he wanted something simpler to remember and hence he
chose those symbols.
• While 2 of them referred to the choice of yes or no, the 3rd was a square representing menus or
maps and another one represented a viewpoint.
• "When you think of the Madonna in painting, most people come up with the same image of the
same woman in their minds. In a similar way, the combination of those simple symbols has come
to represent both the __________ and the fun of ______ _____, and being able to communicate
that is a great thing."
• What are we talking about?
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A8 Playstation Symbols
• In an era where the average influencer is known for spreading shit, Kat McAfee takes a different
approach and works with a different kind of spread.
• Using skills she learnt in business school and in her job doing securitization reviews for banks, Kat
creates short videos set to music, teaching tricks which might help you excel at your job.
• Tell me what she teaches people on social media.
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• Excel influencer, she is actually Kat Norton my bad
Last Weekend (in history) Tonight
• Written round
• Common theme, no points for identifying it, just look at the title
• +10/0 ( part points whenever indicated )
• On 7th (or 8th) January in the mid 19th century, X a French scientist performed a crucial
experiment in his wine cellar, an image of the experiment follows.
• Prior to this, X was in medical school but he dropped out. Without any formal scientific training, he
worked as a lab assistant. He devised a way to use rotating mirrors to measure the speed of light
and subsequently observed that light travel slowly in water than in air.
• Y was a French philosopher in the 20th century and shared his name with X. Y was the first public
figures in France to die from HIV/AIDS, bringing public awareness to the disease.
• In a 2001 piece, a Canadian author argues how reality TV such as Big Brother can be analysed
through the lens of Y's work according to whom our society is one of surveillance.
• Give me what famous result X gave from his experiment and Y.
• X and Y are iconic artists who shared their birth anniversary sometime last weekend, finding this
out left me all shook up. You can't help falling in love with the work of these heroes.
• Give me X, a "monarch" from Mississippi and Y, a British androgynous anti goliath.
• Take your time to think about this, and don’t answer under pressure.
• A chairman (A), a ghost rider (B), a hurt locker (C) and a whiny racer (D) walk into a bar and all of
them order a birthday cake for 7th Jan.
• On seeing the cake, A takes a great leap forward, while B asks for a bill to avoid another tax
scandal, C asks for an archery themed frosting and D asks for a silver arrow?
• Give me any two out of the four
• In the winter of 1609-1610, a famous Italian heretic and a lesser known German astronomer,
discovered and identified 4 interesting celestial bodies.
• The heretic wanted to name the discovered objects after the Italian dukes who funded
him, whereas the German decided to name them after the lovers of Zeus giving them the names
by which they are known today.
• At the time the Ptolemaic world system was widely accepted, in which it was believed that all
objects orbited the Earth. The discovery of these 4 objects dealt a blow to this theory. How?
• What discovery and how did it break the Ptolemaic world system?
• The largest contributing source of the UK government's revenues, this was first introduced in
January 1799 by William Pitt the Younger, as a temporary measure to cover the cost of the
Napoleonic Wars.
• No one expected the measure to become such a permanent feature, which might explain why
even today the measure remains temporary and has to be renewed every year.
• This measure was much reviled and later repealed in 1816 a year after a certain event (X). However
a precedent was set and it was reintroduced in 1842 and at other times in the 19th century to raise
money for the government.
• Identify the measure and the event X.
Written Round Answers
• On 7th (or 8th) January in the mid 19th century, X a French scientist performed a crucial
experiment in his wine cellar, an image of the experiment follows.
• Prior to this, X was in medical school but he dropped out. Without any formal scientific training, he
worked as a lab assistant. He devised a way to use rotating mirrors to measure the speed of light
and subsequently observed that light travel slowly in water than in air.
• Y was a French philosopher in the 20th century and shared his name with X. Y was the first public
figures in France to die from HIV/AIDS, bringing public awareness to the disease.
• In a 2001 piece, a Canadian author argues how reality TV such as Big Brother can be analysed
through the lens of Y's work according to whom our society is one of surveillance.
• Give me what famous result X gave from his experiment and Y.
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• Léon Foucault demonstrated evidence that the earth rotated using his pendulum
• (Paul) Michel Foucault
• X and Y are iconic artists who shared their birth anniversary sometime last weekend, finding this
out left me all shook up. You can't help falling in love with the work of these heroes.
• Give me X, a "monarch" from Mississippi and Y, a British androgynous anti goliath.
• Take your time to think about this, and don’t answer under pressure.
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• Elvis Presley and David Bowie, both born on 8th Jan
• A chairman (A), a ghost rider (B), a hurt locker (C) and a whiny racer (D) walk into a bar and all of
them order a birthday cake for 7th Jan.
• On seeing the cake, A takes a great leap forward, while B asks for a bill to avoid another tax
scandal, C asks for an archery themed frosting and D asks for a silver arrow?
• Give me any two out of the four
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• Mao, Nicholas Cage, Jeremy Renner and
Lewis Hamilton
• All of them have birthdays on 7th Jan,
though some sources state Mao's birthday
today be 26th Dec ( maybe gregorian vs
jullian calendar ).
• In the winter of 1609-1610, a famous Italian heretic and a lesser known German astronomer,
discovered and identified 4 interesting celestial bodies.
• The heretic wanted to name the discovered objects after the Italian dukes who funded
him, whereas the German decided to name them after the lovers of Zeus giving them the names
by which they are known today.
• At the time the Ptolemaic world system was widely accepted, in which it was believed that all
objects orbited the Earth. The discovery of these 4 objects dealt a blow to this theory. How?
• What discovery and how did it break the Ptolemaic world system?
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• The 4 Galilean Moons of Jupiter ( Io, Europa, Callisto and Ganymede)
• First (discovered) celestial body(ies) to orbit something other than the Earth
• The largest contributing source of the UK government's revenues, this was first introduced in
January 1799 by William Pitt the Younger, as a temporary measure to cover the cost of the
Napoleonic Wars.
• No one expected the measure to become such a permanent feature, which might explain why
even today the measure remains temporary and has to be renewed every year.
• This measure was much reviled and later repealed in 1816 a year after a certain event (X). However
a precedent was set and it was reintroduced in 1842 and at other times in the 19th century to raise
money for the government.
• Identify the measure and the event X.
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• Income Tax
• Battle of Waterloo
Dries (Anticlockwise)
• +10/0 on bounce
• +10/-5 on pounce
• Chimping allowed
• These structures came into use first in the UK where they improved flows of a certain kind and
increased safety. These flow differ based on which geographical region they're present in and could
be either anti-clockwise or clockwise.
• The center is usually fitted with an object to indicate its presence and some communities use it to
display monuments, public art or even waterworks.
• One such monument is present on the "square of a star" which features four sculpture groups -
The Departure of 17__, The Triumph of 18__, The Resistance of 18__, and The Peace of 18__.
• Name the structures and the monument.
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Roundabouts, Arc de Triomphe
• What is this an ad for?
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• A certain feature of an organ differs based on the characteristic of the animal in question.
• Round ones do not provide the benefits that some other animals have, but this is made up for by
the size and strength of their owners, a tendency to hunt in packs, or an animal's intelligence,
which all help to overcome any limitations.
• The narrower shapes allows for a greater expansion when needed. This helps animals that hunt at
any time of the day. This also aids in activities involving short distances as well.
• One particular shape and it's physical positioning helps preys from potential threats and predators.
It helped by increasing the area of intake of a certain sensory stimulant that could help them stay
alert at all times.
• What was its shape? What feature of which organ is this?
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Rectangular pupils
• The grave of a certain designer reflects his biggest contribution in his field of work.
• His plan consisted of a grid of streets that would unite the old city with seven peripheral villages.
The united area was almost four times the size of the old city (which was around 2 sq km) and
would come to be known as "Expansion District".
• This was a design that considered traffic and transport along with sunlight and ventilation in
coming up with his characteristic octagonal blocks, where the streets broaden at every intersection
making for greater visibility, better ventilation and (today) some short-term parking areas. It also
provided an area for horse-drawn wagons and carriages to easily turn around.
• Each 20-square-block district was meant to be largely self-contained, with its own shops and civic
facilities. Hospitals, parks, and plazas were to be spaced evenly throughout the city, to maximize
equality of access.
• Where is his contribution located?
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Barcelona, architect Ildefons
• The following incident is said to be the inspiration for a certain two word term.
• "O held up a bank and took four hostages. During the ensuing negotiations, the Minister of Justice
Lennart Geijer allowed O's former cellmate and friend C to be brought from prison to the bank.
Although C was a long-time career criminal, it is doubtful he was in league with O. Famously, the
hostages then bonded with their captors and appeared to protect them. It is noted however that
the hostages were in fact simply distrustful of the police and their willingness to risk the hostages'
• It results from a rather specific set of circumstances, namely the power imbalances contained
certain confined relationships. This makes it hard to determine trends in the development and
effects of the condition.
• What is this term?
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Stockholm Syndrome
• A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ point is where three bodies could orbit each other, yet stay in the same position
relative to each other. The first specific three-body problem to receive extended study was the one
involving the Moon, Earth, and the Sun.
• These points in space are beneficial as they require little to no extra energy to keep objects where
they need to be.
• These points are named after a notable mathematicians who worked on many problems ranging
from mechanics to algebra, number theory and astronomy.
• Recently one such point formed by the Earth and the Sun is going to be used to deploy an
observatory that would revolutionize astronomy.
• Fill in the blank and ID this observatory.
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Lagrange Points and James Webb
Space Telescope
• Contrary to popular belief, performing a certain action after "capturing" something has no
• This action is believed to have originated in the earlier version where performing it would speed up
the drying process. However, in the later generations of the same, this action had no effect simply
because it worked on a different mechanism altogether and it never came in contact with air.
• Experts say that there is the off chance you might create unwanted bubbles or marks between
some of the layers, causing flaws in the final object.
• What is this action and what is it associated with?
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Shaking Polaroids
• _ _ _ _/_ _ _ _ing is a term emotional confusion or frustration in which a player does things sub-
optimally, usually resulting in the player becoming overly-aggressive.
• However this word has seen to gain traction in the e-sports community where this verb is used to
describe the state of a player who loses his control due to anger and is on the verge of "rage-
• The term is said to have originated in pinball where a frustrated player would physically _ _ _ _ the
machine which would then freeze the game and display the said action on screen as well. This
reaction was warranted as doing so can be seen as a form of cheating as it allows the player to give
an unfair advantage to himself.
• What is this word/action?
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• 26th November is celebrated as the Constitution Day. However in the 1930s a fascinating incident
took place on this day at a railway station in India.
• The younger son of a feuding (over inheritance) zamindar family while waiting for a train felt a jab
of pain in his right hand, with someone having pricked him with a laced needle. Over the next few
days, the patient developed a high fever, swelling in his armpits and early signs of lung disease.
Later he slipped into a coma and died.
• Nearly half a decade later famously a Bulgarian waiting for a bus in London, also felt a small prick in
his leg due to a umbrella brushing him, days later the Bulgarian died. Recently two Russian
cathedral enthusiasts were also accused of doing something similar.
• Lab reports conducted on the dead zamindar found the presence of X, making the Indian incident a
certain first in modern history.
• Give me the first.
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• X = Yersinia pestis, bacteria that causes the plague
• First act of individual bio terrorism in modern history
• Germ Murder
O captain
MI captain

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  • 1. DEALING WITH TRAGEDY This quiz has been shortened as the quizmasters were hard hit by devastating news
  • 3. Dries (Clockwise) • +10/0 on bounce • +10/-5 on pounce • Chimping allowed
  • 4. 1 • The following image is most popularly associated with a certain microgenre of music and visual a e s t h e t i c (X) that originated in the 2010s • Y is a term used to describe products that are announced but never actually manufactured and were used as a smokescreen to mislead customers. • What are X and Y
  • 5.
  • 6. Safety by Digit Insurance
  • 8. 2 Arts and Crafts • In the following slide you'll see some artworks created by X for a certain entity Y. • Due to them being featured in said entity albeit in a downscaled manner, X is considered to be arguably the artist with the most exposure in the world even though his name is relatively unknown. • These artworks can be "created" by using wool and 8 wooden sticks. • Look at these images and tell me what Y is , the best-selling entity of its kind
  • 9.
  • 10. Safety by Digit Insurance
  • 12. 3 • The following image is a daguerreotype(early photograph) that was taken in 1838 which holds a certain distinction. • The reason for this distinction not being achieved earlier was due to the long exposure time of daguerreotypes requiring the object to remain still for around 5 minutes. • Look at the image carefully and tell me what is this distinction? • Why was it possible?
  • 13.
  • 14. Safety by Digit Insurance
  • 15. A3 • The first photograph to include an image of a human • The person was getting his shoes shined and hence stood still for long enough
  • 16. 4 • X is an American food company best known for its flagship product whose classic red and white design has become an integral part of pop art due to a certain 1962 work. • In 1989, X decided to copy an apocryphal tale of an intelligent corvid in an effort to make their product look better in advertisements but it ended up in them getting sued by the Federal trade Commision • Name X , what did they do?
  • 17. Safety by Digit Insurance
  • 18. A4 • Campbell's Soup Cans • They added marbles in the soup to make the ingredients rise in the photo
  • 19. 5 • X was an American author, illustrator, cartoonist and poet best known for his drawings of wacky animals and gravity defying architecture. • The following image is one of his lesser known works depicting a certain biblical myth which leads to nonsensical words, much like in his books. • Who is X, which myth ?
  • 20.
  • 21. Safety by Digit Insurance
  • 22. A5 Dr. Seuss , Tower Of Babel
  • 23. 6 • A regular since 2007, X is a polarizing entity with many judging people as lazy for using X. • This laziness also brought upon the downfall of Nawaz Shariff. Caught in a corruption scandal following the Panama Papers, the legal team of Maryam Nawaz produced critical evidence which was then found to be forged, tell me how X played a role in the detection of this forgery. • After a long 15 year stay, there are new s(h)erifs in town Tenorite, Bierstadt, Skeena, Seaford, and Grandview. Tell me why these 5 were commissioned by Uncle Bill? • The observant might notice something different about this slide :)
  • 24. Safety by Digit Insurance
  • 25. A6 • X = Calibri • Maryam Nawaz produced signed documents from before 2007 (2006) which used Calibri. sharif-government-1.2065614 , scandalous-history • Calibri Font is being replaced as the default font 365/blog/2021/04/28/beyond-calibri-finding-microsofts-next-default-font/
  • 26. 7 • This song X from the early 2000s is best known for its iconic opening riff and has become immensely popular as a sports anthem. • Its music video(image follows) shows a continuous shot of black, white and red triangles which among other things is evocative of an iconic artwork from 1971 which was designed to promote a different color. • ID X. What was the music video inspired by?
  • 27.
  • 28. Safety by Digit Insurance
  • 29. A7 Seven Nation Army, A Clockwork Orange
  • 30. 8 • Explaining the rationale behind this now iconic design choice , the creator said that while other companies preferred letters or colors he wanted something simpler to remember and hence he chose those symbols. • While 2 of them referred to the choice of yes or no, the 3rd was a square representing menus or maps and another one represented a viewpoint. • "When you think of the Madonna in painting, most people come up with the same image of the same woman in their minds. In a similar way, the combination of those simple symbols has come to represent both the __________ and the fun of ______ _____, and being able to communicate that is a great thing." • What are we talking about?
  • 31. Safety by Digit Insurance
  • 33. 9 • In an era where the average influencer is known for spreading shit, Kat McAfee takes a different approach and works with a different kind of spread. • Using skills she learnt in business school and in her job doing securitization reviews for banks, Kat creates short videos set to music, teaching tricks which might help you excel at your job. • Tell me what she teaches people on social media.
  • 34. Safety by Digit Insurance
  • 35. A9 • Excel influencer, she is actually Kat Norton my bad •
  • 36. Last Weekend (in history) Tonight • Written round • Common theme, no points for identifying it, just look at the title • +10/0 ( part points whenever indicated )
  • 37. 1 • On 7th (or 8th) January in the mid 19th century, X a French scientist performed a crucial experiment in his wine cellar, an image of the experiment follows. • Prior to this, X was in medical school but he dropped out. Without any formal scientific training, he worked as a lab assistant. He devised a way to use rotating mirrors to measure the speed of light and subsequently observed that light travel slowly in water than in air. • Y was a French philosopher in the 20th century and shared his name with X. Y was the first public figures in France to die from HIV/AIDS, bringing public awareness to the disease. • In a 2001 piece, a Canadian author argues how reality TV such as Big Brother can be analysed through the lens of Y's work according to whom our society is one of surveillance. • Give me what famous result X gave from his experiment and Y.
  • 38. 2 • X and Y are iconic artists who shared their birth anniversary sometime last weekend, finding this out left me all shook up. You can't help falling in love with the work of these heroes. • Give me X, a "monarch" from Mississippi and Y, a British androgynous anti goliath. • Take your time to think about this, and don’t answer under pressure.
  • 39. 3 • A chairman (A), a ghost rider (B), a hurt locker (C) and a whiny racer (D) walk into a bar and all of them order a birthday cake for 7th Jan. • On seeing the cake, A takes a great leap forward, while B asks for a bill to avoid another tax scandal, C asks for an archery themed frosting and D asks for a silver arrow? • Give me any two out of the four
  • 40. 4 • In the winter of 1609-1610, a famous Italian heretic and a lesser known German astronomer, discovered and identified 4 interesting celestial bodies. • The heretic wanted to name the discovered objects after the Italian dukes who funded him, whereas the German decided to name them after the lovers of Zeus giving them the names by which they are known today. • At the time the Ptolemaic world system was widely accepted, in which it was believed that all objects orbited the Earth. The discovery of these 4 objects dealt a blow to this theory. How? • What discovery and how did it break the Ptolemaic world system?
  • 41. 5 • The largest contributing source of the UK government's revenues, this was first introduced in January 1799 by William Pitt the Younger, as a temporary measure to cover the cost of the Napoleonic Wars. • No one expected the measure to become such a permanent feature, which might explain why even today the measure remains temporary and has to be renewed every year. • This measure was much reviled and later repealed in 1816 a year after a certain event (X). However a precedent was set and it was reintroduced in 1842 and at other times in the 19th century to raise money for the government. • Identify the measure and the event X.
  • 43. 1 • On 7th (or 8th) January in the mid 19th century, X a French scientist performed a crucial experiment in his wine cellar, an image of the experiment follows. • Prior to this, X was in medical school but he dropped out. Without any formal scientific training, he worked as a lab assistant. He devised a way to use rotating mirrors to measure the speed of light and subsequently observed that light travel slowly in water than in air. • Y was a French philosopher in the 20th century and shared his name with X. Y was the first public figures in France to die from HIV/AIDS, bringing public awareness to the disease. • In a 2001 piece, a Canadian author argues how reality TV such as Big Brother can be analysed through the lens of Y's work according to whom our society is one of surveillance. • Give me what famous result X gave from his experiment and Y.
  • 44.
  • 45. Safety by Digit Insurance
  • 46. A1 • Léon Foucault demonstrated evidence that the earth rotated using his pendulum • (Paul) Michel Foucault • •
  • 47. 2 • X and Y are iconic artists who shared their birth anniversary sometime last weekend, finding this out left me all shook up. You can't help falling in love with the work of these heroes. • Give me X, a "monarch" from Mississippi and Y, a British androgynous anti goliath. • Take your time to think about this, and don’t answer under pressure.
  • 48. Safety by Digit Insurance
  • 49. A2 • Elvis Presley and David Bowie, both born on 8th Jan
  • 50. 3 • A chairman (A), a ghost rider (B), a hurt locker (C) and a whiny racer (D) walk into a bar and all of them order a birthday cake for 7th Jan. • On seeing the cake, A takes a great leap forward, while B asks for a bill to avoid another tax scandal, C asks for an archery themed frosting and D asks for a silver arrow? • Give me any two out of the four
  • 51. Safety by Digit Insurance
  • 52. A3 • Mao, Nicholas Cage, Jeremy Renner and Lewis Hamilton • All of them have birthdays on 7th Jan, though some sources state Mao's birthday today be 26th Dec ( maybe gregorian vs jullian calendar ).
  • 53. 4 • In the winter of 1609-1610, a famous Italian heretic and a lesser known German astronomer, discovered and identified 4 interesting celestial bodies. • The heretic wanted to name the discovered objects after the Italian dukes who funded him, whereas the German decided to name them after the lovers of Zeus giving them the names by which they are known today. • At the time the Ptolemaic world system was widely accepted, in which it was believed that all objects orbited the Earth. The discovery of these 4 objects dealt a blow to this theory. How? • What discovery and how did it break the Ptolemaic world system?
  • 54. Safety by Digit Insurance
  • 55. A4 • The 4 Galilean Moons of Jupiter ( Io, Europa, Callisto and Ganymede) • First (discovered) celestial body(ies) to orbit something other than the Earth
  • 56. 5 • The largest contributing source of the UK government's revenues, this was first introduced in January 1799 by William Pitt the Younger, as a temporary measure to cover the cost of the Napoleonic Wars. • No one expected the measure to become such a permanent feature, which might explain why even today the measure remains temporary and has to be renewed every year. • This measure was much reviled and later repealed in 1816 a year after a certain event (X). However a precedent was set and it was reintroduced in 1842 and at other times in the 19th century to raise money for the government. • Identify the measure and the event X.
  • 57. Safety by Digit Insurance
  • 58. A5 • Income Tax • Battle of Waterloo
  • 59. Dries (Anticlockwise) • +10/0 on bounce • +10/-5 on pounce • Chimping allowed
  • 60. 1 • These structures came into use first in the UK where they improved flows of a certain kind and increased safety. These flow differ based on which geographical region they're present in and could be either anti-clockwise or clockwise. • The center is usually fitted with an object to indicate its presence and some communities use it to display monuments, public art or even waterworks. • One such monument is present on the "square of a star" which features four sculpture groups - The Departure of 17__, The Triumph of 18__, The Resistance of 18__, and The Peace of 18__. • Name the structures and the monument.
  • 61. Safety by Digit Insurance
  • 63. 2 • What is this an ad for?
  • 64. Safety by Digit Insurance
  • 65.
  • 66. 3 • A certain feature of an organ differs based on the characteristic of the animal in question. • Round ones do not provide the benefits that some other animals have, but this is made up for by the size and strength of their owners, a tendency to hunt in packs, or an animal's intelligence, which all help to overcome any limitations. • The narrower shapes allows for a greater expansion when needed. This helps animals that hunt at any time of the day. This also aids in activities involving short distances as well. • One particular shape and it's physical positioning helps preys from potential threats and predators. It helped by increasing the area of intake of a certain sensory stimulant that could help them stay alert at all times. • What was its shape? What feature of which organ is this?
  • 67. Safety by Digit Insurance
  • 69. 4 • The grave of a certain designer reflects his biggest contribution in his field of work. • His plan consisted of a grid of streets that would unite the old city with seven peripheral villages. The united area was almost four times the size of the old city (which was around 2 sq km) and would come to be known as "Expansion District". • This was a design that considered traffic and transport along with sunlight and ventilation in coming up with his characteristic octagonal blocks, where the streets broaden at every intersection making for greater visibility, better ventilation and (today) some short-term parking areas. It also provided an area for horse-drawn wagons and carriages to easily turn around. • Each 20-square-block district was meant to be largely self-contained, with its own shops and civic facilities. Hospitals, parks, and plazas were to be spaced evenly throughout the city, to maximize equality of access. • Where is his contribution located?
  • 70.
  • 71. Safety by Digit Insurance
  • 73. 5 • The following incident is said to be the inspiration for a certain two word term. • "O held up a bank and took four hostages. During the ensuing negotiations, the Minister of Justice Lennart Geijer allowed O's former cellmate and friend C to be brought from prison to the bank. Although C was a long-time career criminal, it is doubtful he was in league with O. Famously, the hostages then bonded with their captors and appeared to protect them. It is noted however that the hostages were in fact simply distrustful of the police and their willingness to risk the hostages' lives." • It results from a rather specific set of circumstances, namely the power imbalances contained certain confined relationships. This makes it hard to determine trends in the development and effects of the condition. • What is this term?
  • 74. Safety by Digit Insurance
  • 76. 6 • A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ point is where three bodies could orbit each other, yet stay in the same position relative to each other. The first specific three-body problem to receive extended study was the one involving the Moon, Earth, and the Sun. • These points in space are beneficial as they require little to no extra energy to keep objects where they need to be. • These points are named after a notable mathematicians who worked on many problems ranging from mechanics to algebra, number theory and astronomy. • Recently one such point formed by the Earth and the Sun is going to be used to deploy an observatory that would revolutionize astronomy. • Fill in the blank and ID this observatory.
  • 77. Safety by Digit Insurance
  • 78. Lagrange Points and James Webb Space Telescope
  • 79. 7 • Contrary to popular belief, performing a certain action after "capturing" something has no purpose. • This action is believed to have originated in the earlier version where performing it would speed up the drying process. However, in the later generations of the same, this action had no effect simply because it worked on a different mechanism altogether and it never came in contact with air. • Experts say that there is the off chance you might create unwanted bubbles or marks between some of the layers, causing flaws in the final object. • What is this action and what is it associated with?
  • 80. Safety by Digit Insurance
  • 82. 8 • _ _ _ _/_ _ _ _ing is a term emotional confusion or frustration in which a player does things sub- optimally, usually resulting in the player becoming overly-aggressive. • However this word has seen to gain traction in the e-sports community where this verb is used to describe the state of a player who loses his control due to anger and is on the verge of "rage- quitting" • The term is said to have originated in pinball where a frustrated player would physically _ _ _ _ the machine which would then freeze the game and display the said action on screen as well. This reaction was warranted as doing so can be seen as a form of cheating as it allows the player to give an unfair advantage to himself. • What is this word/action?
  • 83. Safety by Digit Insurance
  • 85. 9 • 26th November is celebrated as the Constitution Day. However in the 1930s a fascinating incident took place on this day at a railway station in India. • The younger son of a feuding (over inheritance) zamindar family while waiting for a train felt a jab of pain in his right hand, with someone having pricked him with a laced needle. Over the next few days, the patient developed a high fever, swelling in his armpits and early signs of lung disease. Later he slipped into a coma and died. • Nearly half a decade later famously a Bulgarian waiting for a bus in London, also felt a small prick in his leg due to a umbrella brushing him, days later the Bulgarian died. Recently two Russian cathedral enthusiasts were also accused of doing something similar. • Lab reports conducted on the dead zamindar found the presence of X, making the Indian incident a certain first in modern history. • Give me the first.
  • 86. Safety by Digit Insurance
  • 87. A9 • X = Yersinia pestis, bacteria that causes the plague • First act of individual bio terrorism in modern history • Germ Murder