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Specifications for the 'Eco-renovation platforms for housing stock'
Call for Expressions of Interest
The commitments made by France at an international level (3x20 targets) and the Grenelle 1 (August
2009) and Grenelle 2 (July 2010) laws, as well as the measures taken as part of the national round
table on energy efficiency (TRNEE – December 2011) and the national debate on energy transition
have set out a road map for the construction industry that is both quantitative and qualitative:
   all new buildings must be energy-positive from 2020;
   a 38% reduction in the energy used by housing stock by 2020 (in comparison with 2005
   a 75% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 in comparison with 1990 levels.
On 21 March 2013, the French President unveiled the housing investment plan (Plan d’investissement
pour le logement), which includes an eco-renovation programme for housing stock (Plan de
Rénovation Energétique de l’Habitat or PREH). As part of this plan, the French government is aiming
to renovate 500,000 homes per year by 2017, thus confirming the need to make eco-renovation much
more widely available.
In order to achieve these targets, the President has put in place 3 complementary
   encourage homeowners to undertake eco-renovation projects by supporting them via a network
of renovation information points (Points Rénovation Information Service or PRISs), which were
launched on 19 September 2013 by the Prime Minister;
   finance renovation work by providing funding to households wishing to undertake eco-renovation
   support and bring together professionals working in the sector to ensure that eco-renovation
projects are completed to a high standard.
This Call for Expressions of Interest (CEI) is being jointly issued by the French Environment and
Energy Management Agency (ADEME) and the Regional Council and is a key part of the PREH.
It aims to encourage local authorities to introduce large-scale eco-renovation programmes for housing
stock and, in the long term, to achieve annual targets on eco-renovation projects and the quality of
renovation work carried out.
1.1 Challenges facing the ADEME and Regional Council
The aim of this CEI is to set up and/or strengthen local eco-renovation platforms for housing stock
(which will provide assistance to both individual households and groups of homeowners). These
platforms will support the independent information and advice service provided by PRISs, the
'' website and telephone helpline.
These local platforms are intended to provide homeowners with a range of services that bring together
all of the key stakeholders involved in eco-renovation projects, from design through to post-renovation
They will also help households to arrange any funding and insurance cover needed to carry out
renovation work and will therefore work closely with banks and insurance companies.
Platforms will need to work in conjunction with energy efficiency advisers (Conseillers Info Energie)
and housing providers that have been approved by the French national housing agency (Agence
Nationale de l'Habitat or ANAH) or the departmental housing information agency (Agence
Départementale d'Information sur le Logement), all of which play a key role in delivering the PREH.
The aim of these platforms is to support homeowners and make it easier for them to make their eco-
renovation ideas a reality. They will simplify and streamline the processes involved by delivering an
'integrated eco-renovation service' (the exact nature of this service is set out in Section 2). Platforms
will provide a range of coordinated services that are adapted to homeowners' individual circumstances,
using either their own resources or partnerships and/or subcontracting. These services may include
providing support with technical, administrative or financial aspects and cover the entire process (from
defining and planning the eco-renovation project to consulting and choosing companies, drawing up a
funding plan, completing administrative procedures, carrying out and approving renovation work and
monitoring energy consumption).
Their aim is to make it easier for homeowners to make their eco-renovation ideas a reality and to bring
together the various stakeholders involved in an eco-renovation project, including engineering firms
(energy, acoustics, indoor air, damp management), project managers, construction firms, banks,
insurance companies and contracting authorities.
Platforms will also be involved in supporting professionals and encouraging them to work together to
meet the needs of the eco-renovation market for private homes. This could involve developing a
project management approach to suit this client group, forming consortia, providing energy efficiency
training (such as FEEBAT), obtaining the 'Reconnu Garant de l’Environnement' (RGE) quality label or
utilising PRAXIBAT technical resources.
They will adopt a leadership and governance role and will work in conjunction with existing local
initiatives as far as is possible, by uniting all of the stakeholders involved around a number of shared
objectives. Platforms will use existing sources of funding (such as state funding, banks and companies
that are required to make energy savings under the Energy Saving Certificate scheme), as well as
those provided by regional or departmental councils, intercommunal bodies, communes or the local
town or village to promote the funding opportunities available to households.
Individual homeowners will be able to choose between two main types
of service:
   A 'facilitating' service: the homeowner is the contracting authority for their project and
manages each stage independently, while receiving support as needed from their local
energy efficiency information service (Espace Info Energie or EIE) and/or an adviser from
their local platform. The platform builds a network of selected qualified professionals to
assist the homeowner with stages such as defining and planning their eco-renovation
project, finding funding, carrying out renovation work and managing the project through to
completion. The role and responsibilities of a project manager will be clearly explained to
the homeowner.
   A 'turnkey' service: the homeowner appoints a third party to manage the eco-renovation
project, although they are still responsible for checking each stage (this could even take
the form of delegated project management). The third party is responsible for overseeing
the entire project, from defining and planning the work required to consulting and choosing
companies, drawing up a funding plan, completing administrative procedures, carrying out
and approving renovation work and monitoring energy consumption. Depending on the
homeowner's circumstances, this may also involve drawing up a 'turnkey' funding plan or
even finding a loan to finance the project (via third-party financing mechanisms). A project
manager is therefore mandatory in this instance.
Different elements of these two services can be combined to create a 'mixed' project. The service can
be structured in a number of different ways, such as:
   adopting a collaborative approach in the form of formal partnerships with different
professional networks, including engineering consultancies (providing either diagnostic or
full project management services), companies and consortia and economic interest groups
(Groupements d'Intérêt Economique or GIEs), as well as other professional intermediaries
(such as estate agencies, materials distributors, energy suppliers and banking networks);
   nominating a single contact person to support contracting authorities throughout the entire
   creating an integrated support service within a dedicated organisation (public or
Applicants will have to specify their targets (population affected, geographical coverage, etc.) and
quantified objectives (desired rates for converting ideas into projects that factor in an increase in
influence, desired level of energy savings, etc.). Applications will be assessed based on their
compatibility with the aim of introducing large-scale programmes as set out in the PREH, the regional
climate and energy plan (Schéma Régional Climat Air Energie or SRCAE) and the regional town and
country planning and sustainable development plan (Schéma Régional d’Aménagement et de
Développement Durable du Territoire or SRADDT).
There will be a focus on households experiencing energy insecurity, regardless of whether the local
authority is an ANAH delegate. To this end, platforms will be able to develop services for this category
of homeowners that tie in with existing programmes, such as general interest programmes
(Programmes d’Intérêts Généraux) or regeneration schemes (Opérations Programmées d’Amélioration
de l’Habitat or OPAHs).
Platforms will have to submit a financing plan and business model that demonstrate that they are able
to generate revenue and are not solely dependent on funding from the ADEME or Regional Council.
2 Description of services to be provided by platforms
2.1 Required services
The aim of this CEI, which has been jointly issued by the ADEME and the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
(PACA) Regional Council, is to support platforms that can deliver services in the following five key
   Stimulate demand among individual households
   Strengthen how services provided by eco-renovation professionals are structured
   Support/encourage/organise funding opportunities from banks and new operators
   Support/encourage/organise insurance cover from insurance companies
   Provide governance and leadership (efficiency, visibility, replicability, financial
independence, knock-on effects, etc.)
Applicants must address each of these five points in their expression of interest, even if they will not
necessarily be dealt with directly by the platform. They will have to factor in and work in conjunction
with any existing resources, organisations and initiatives in their area.
The staff who work for the platforms will be a key factor in whether they are successful. They will have
to be committed to raising awareness and promoting the service to homeowners, as well as
coordinating the various stakeholders involved.
Eco-renovation projects must aim to achieve (in the long term and possibly over several phases of
work) performance levels that are compatible with the BBC- EFFINERGIE rénovation® label. In order
to achieve this, platforms will be able to use technical solutions/work packages from the Mediterranean
and alpine energy efficiency protocol drawn up as part of the EU's MARIE project (information on this
project is available in the appendix).
A non-exhaustive list of the various services that local eco-renovation platforms are expected to
provide is set out below.
Certain services (such as finance and insurance services or IT systems) may be delivered at a higher
level than that covered by the platform, for example, at departmental or regional level.
2.2 Services for homeowners
2.2.1 Raising awareness
   Visibility, consistent service provision and easy access for target households
   Compliance with the specifications for PRISs and coordination with existing PRISs
2.2.2 Defining and planning an eco-renovation project
   Support households to define and plan their project, including audits/work packages and
scheduling the work (either in phases or as a single job) required to achieve performance
levels that are compatible with those set by the BBC- EFFINERGIE rénovation® label
   Ability to take into account households' overall renovation requirements
   Ability to schedule work accurately
   Ability to factor in (and possibly improve) other aspects relating to comfort or health to the
eco-renovation project, such as indoor air quality, sound insulation, ventilation, comfort
during the summer months, damp management and issues relating to managing site
waste or accessibility
   Support the use of more environmentally friendly materials (such as bio-sourced raw
materials, locally sourced materials or materials with low toxicity levels) and promote
greener construction sites by adopting an overarching environmental strategy
   Assess funding plans when considering renovation proposals
   The option of supervised self-renovation
projects could be discussed with a view to
providing a tailored service
2.2.3 Consulting and choosing companies
   Help homeowners to prepare for consultations with companies and encourage them to
use companies with an RGE
quality label
   Help homeowners to understand quotations provided by companies
   Help homeowners to compare quotations and choose companies
2.2.4 Funding
   Help homeowners to draw up a funding plan
   Help homeowners to complete funding applications and coordinate with local authorities
and banks
   Ability to incorporate existing sources of funding into the funding plan
   Ability to incorporate or introduce additional financial products (amount, interest rates, term,
associated criteria)
   Ability to incorporate or introduce additional insurance policies and cover
2.2.5 Carrying out renovation work
   Provide support to homeowners while renovation work is under way (monitoring
costs/deadlines/quality of the work)
   Check that work has been completed to a satisfactory standard (compliance with project
specifications, arranging air-tightness tests where applicable and providing quality
assurance over a 10-year period)
2.2.6 Post-renovation follow-up
   Provide support to homeowners once renovation work has been completed and inform
them of how they can adjust their lifestyle to make energy savings (green living)
   Offer and deliver a follow-up energy consumption service (including readings and any
devices used) to a sample group of households that have undertaken renovation work
with the support of the platform
   Support households to put in place maintenance contracts for new equipment
   Analyse households' actual energy consumption once renovation work has been
2.3 Services for professionals
2.3.1 Services for professionals in the construction industry
Build professional networks and support the creation of high-quality, well-coordinated services:
   Manage networks of industry professionals, capitalise on resources and experience
(techniques, implementation, results achieved, costs, etc.), share information, organise
tours and workshops in conjunction with local chambers of commerce and craft trades and
professional associations
   Support traders and construction firms to form consortia that can offer 'work packages'
and deliver a comprehensive renovation service
   Integrate project managers and architects
As part of this strategy, platforms will be able to bring together manufacturers, materials dealers and
distributors and energy suppliers who also provide eco-renovation services to construction firms.
Promote professional development and encourage professionals to obtain qualifications/certifications
that will enable them to access the eco-renovation market:
   Promote the upskilling of professionals in the construction industry in conjunction with the
relevant professional bodies
   Inform/raise awareness among professionals of training opportunities and the benefits of
obtaining an RGE quality label
   Inform professionals of all existing local training opportunities, particularly FEEBAT
training and PRAXIBAT technical resources, where these are available
   Coordinate with Envirobat, the resource centre for environmental quality in the built
environment for the PACA region and member of the BEEP (Bâti Environnement -
Espaces Pro) network
   Work with organisations that provide initial training, apprenticeships and continuing
education to deliver 'train the trainer' courses and implement and share technical
resources, practical training and training sites
   Introduce tailored training programmes or support services, with a particular focus on
practical applications and breaking down barriers around professional practices and
   Inform/raise awareness among professionals of how the issues of indoor air, damp
management and sound insulation are linked with that of heat
   Inform/raise awareness among professionals of how to manage and prevent waste
2.3.2 Services for the financial sector
   Implement and incorporate complementary and/or competing financial products, with the
possibility of including financial services for homeowners experiencing energy insecurity
(microcredit, etc.)
   Implement and incorporate complementary insurance covers
   Support and manage local banking networks
These complementary services will have the support of a regional network.
Financial services provided by the various platforms will have to be coordinated with those offered by
existing organisations, such as zero-interest environmental loans (éco-PTZs), funding through the
ANAH and energy suppliers.
2.4 Platform governance and management
Applicants will be asked to submit a document detailing the formal duties of each staff member that
takes into account the roles and skills of partners.
2.4.1 Legal and financial arrangements for platforms
   Coordinate with strategies already in place in the local area, such as SRCAEs and regional
climate and energy plans (Plans Climat-Energie Territorial or PCETs)
   Involve local partners
   Set up formal partnerships with stakeholders (e.g. by drawing up agreements or charters
or creating an ad hoc organisation)
   Type of management, nature of leadership, number of staff and their qualifications
   Funding plan that enables the platform to deliver services in the long term
2.4.2 Monitoring and evaluation
   A monthly monitoring and evaluation procedure will need to be put in place to check, on
the one hand, how platforms are performing (e.g. based on the number of contacts made,
type of customers, support provided, coordinating activities, identification of possible
problems, etc.) and, on the other, renovation projects (e.g. based on location, surface
area, type of building, 'facilitating' or 'turnkey' service, amount and nature of work involved,
number of phases, financial arrangements (financial assistance, loans, self-financing),
how many projects have resulted in work being carried out and how many have not (and
why), the number of renovations carried out, etc.)
2.4.3 Support with setting up the platform
   Local communication
   Local plan for managing construction waste generated by renovation work organised
through the platform
   Group action (e.g. stakeholders work together to provide services)
   CEI process
Discussions will be held with applicants to support them in drawing up their expressions of interest.
3.1 Submission and selection process
Applicants can submit their expressions of interest online using a tool provided by the ADEME.
Expressions of interest must be submitted via the '' platform.
The process for selecting proposals is as follows (discussions may be held by mutual agreement
between each of the phases):
   Applicants submit a draft proposal via the online platform (a template is provided in
the appendix):
i. Proposals are assessed and discussions are held by mutual agreement.
ii. The panel, which must include representatives from the ADEME, the PACA
Regional Council and the regional environment, planning and housing
agency (Direction Régionale de l’Environnement, de l’Aménagement et du
Logement or DREAL) as a minimum, selects the best draft proposals. At
this stage, applicants may be encouraged to commission a preliminary
analysis, depending on what stage of development the project is at.
   Applicants submit detailed proposals
i. Proposals are selected by the ADEME/Regional Council/DREAL panel.
ii. Applicants are notified of the outcome of their proposal.
This CEI will be issued at least every 2 years and these processes may change in the future.
3.2 Deadlines
There will be 3 selection phases for the 2014 CEI, which will be spread out across the year. Proposals
will be commissioned as needed by the ADEME and Regional Council.
The submission dates below are given for information only. If a project is deemed to be ready to go
ahead then it may be commissioned without having to wait for the date when the panel is scheduled to
Deadlines for Phase 1:
CEI opens: 2 December 2013
Deadline for submitting draft proposals: 5 February 2014
Selection of draft proposals: 5 March 2014
Deadline for submitting detailed proposals: 2 July 2014 (proposals are commission as needed)
Applicants who submit proposals during Phase 1 will be notified of the outcome of their proposal no
later than: 29 August 2014
Deadlines for Phase 2:
Deadline for submitting draft proposals: 10 April 2014
Selection of draft proposals: 14 May 2014
Deadline for submitting detailed proposals: 10 September 2014 (proposals are commissioned as
Applicants who submit proposals during Phase 2 will be notified of the outcome of their
proposal no later than: 4 November 2014
Deadlines for Phase 3:
Deadline for submitting draft proposals: 10 September 2014
Selection of draft proposals: 8 October 2014
Deadline for submitting detailed proposals: 10 February 2015 (proposals are commission as needed)
Applicants who submit proposals during Phase 3 will be notified of the outcome of their proposal no
later than: 16 April 2015
3.3 Eligible applicants
This CEI is aimed at local authorities, including intercommunal bodies (Etablissements Publics de
Coopération Intercommunale or EPCIs), communes, consortia of communes or EPCIs, project areas
and departments.
Local public enterprises (Entreprises Publiques Locales), such as semi-public companies (Sociétés
d’Economie Mixte) and local public companies (Sociétés Publiques Locales) may also submit
expressions of interest. In this instance, public/private partnerships may be proposed, provided that the
local authority is the lead applicant.
Expressions of interest may also be submitted by local energy agencies (Agences Locales d'Energie or
ALEs), local energy and climate agencies (Agences Locales de l'Energie et du Climat or ALECs) and
other organisations formed for a similar purpose, as well as specialist social and solidarity economy
organisations that have been appointed by one or more local authorities.
When selecting proposals, preference will be given to applicants working in areas where a PCET or
Collectivité Lauréate-type arrangement is already in place, i.e. areas that have already introduced
energy or greenhouse gas analyses, set strategic priorities and raised awareness among local
residents via an EIE and/or as part of an ANAH scheme. Preference will also be given to local
authorities that have implemented an OPAH and want to adopt a broader approach in terms of targets,
scope and energy performance objectives.
Selected proposals will have to coordinate with other local housing strategies and initiatives,
particularly OPAHs and schemes to combat energy insecurity.
3.4 Selection criteria
Expressions of interest will be selected based on the quality of the proposals and whether they meet
the following criteria:
3.4.1 Relevance
   Does the proposal fulfil the priorities set out in the CEI?
   Are the tools and services offered to homeowners and professionals of a high standard?
   Does the proposal meet the homeowners' identified needs and help them to make their
eco-renovation project a reality?
   Is the proposal compatible with the broader target of making eco-renovations more widely
available at a national level (households, type of housing stock)?
   Can the approach put forward in the proposal be replicated elsewhere?
3.4.2 Implementation procedure
   Are the implementation phases clearly defined? Has the project been suitably planned?
Have appropriate procedures been put in place to monitor performance?
   Is the project suitably developed and robust in terms of technical aspects and finances?
   Will the proposed approach encourage homeowners to make their eco-renovation ideas a
reality and result in eco-renovations that are compatible with the 2009 BBC-EFFINERGIE
rénovation® label?
3.4.3 Ambition and likely impact
   Does the proposal commit to quantified, realistic targets (such as a certain number of
renovations, energy savings or volume of construction work carried out)?
   Will the proposed solutions make it easier for homeowners to access funding for their eco-
renovation projects and offer security to those providing funding?
   Does the proposal involve a large network of local professionals (e.g. engineering
consultancies, estate agencies, materials dealers, construction firms, banks and local
authority representatives) and a community of stakeholders (e.g. professionals,
intermediaries and facilitators)?
   Does the proposal cover upskilling professionals through training and checking the quality
of services provided?
3.4.4 Resources allocated to the proposal
   Does the proposal explain how the platform team will be composed and managed and
how skills, experience and duties will be balanced?
   Does the proposal include the implementation of quality assurance procedures? Are
arrangements in place for monitoring/evaluating how the service is performing?
   Does the proposal provide a justification for the costs involved and a financing plan that
covers a period of 3 years or more?
   Is the proposed platform likely to remain financially viable in the long term?
3.5 Funding
3.5.1 Funding for preliminary analyses
Proposals that the panel deems to be insufficiently developed may be eligible for partial funding to
cover the cost of carrying out preliminary analyses on setting up a platform.
Proposals that receive funding for preliminary analyses may be resubmitted in draft form to this CEI if
the deadline for doing so has not passed. If the deadline has already passed, then they may be
submitted during the next phase of the CEI.
Under no circumstances may a proposal receive funding for a preliminary analysis more than once,
either during the current phase of the CEI or during any future phases.
Expenses deemed eligible by the ADEME and PACA Regional Council will be subsidised. These must
cover the cost of employing an engineering consultancy to analyse the financial, legal and technical
issues involved in setting up a platform. This funding is capped at 70% of the cost of the analysis, with
a maximum limit of € 100,000.
3.5.2 Funding for successful proposals
This CEI is the first to be issued in this area and aims to support the creation of local eco-renovation
platforms, in line with the PREH. Platforms wishing to work with both homeowners (individual
households and groups of homeowners) and other contracting authorities (e.g. social landlords or
businesses) will not be subsidised for any costs relating to the latter.
Successful applicants will receive funding in the form of subsidies from the ADEME and PACA
Regional Council. This funding is intended to make it quicker and easier to set up and/or develop local
eco-renovation platforms.
Expenses deemed eligible by the ADEME and PACA Regional Council relate strictly to setting up and
operating the platform. Expenses are considered eligible from the date that the draft proposal is
The ADEME and PACA Regional Council will provide funding for each platform based on a three-year
action plan. Funding is calculated using an average cost that is adjusted to take into account each
platform's individual circumstances. It covers:
   managing and monitoring the platform, by cofinancing project leader posts by up to 60%
(reducing to 50% in year 2 and 40% in year 3), to a maximum of € 230,000 per post over 3
   and/or cofinancing this part of the action plan (either internally, particularly in the case of urban
areas, or by subcontracting to an external service provider);
   communicating with and raising awareness among homeowners;
   supporting (mobilising and training) professionals working in the construction and banking
sectors and, more generally, all those working in related fields (e.g. estate agencies), as well
as stakeholders and partners;
   providing analyses, training, assessments, etc. agreed under the action plan;
   organising and carrying out any activities agreed under the action plan that aim to achieve the
platform's objectives.
Depending on the budgets available to partners (such as the ADEME, Regional Council and European
Regional Development Fund, where applicable), a funding cap may be set for each platform. This cap
may be adjusted to take into account the size of different platforms (based on the number of
inhabitants in the areas they cover or the number of target households).
The funding provided by the ADEME and PACA Regional Council is intended to help set up the
platform and enable it to become established. The long-term aim is to withdraw funding completely.
Triennial quantitative and qualitative performance targets will be set and monitored. Objectives relating
to the platform's stability and potential for replication will be checked to ensure that they comply with
those set out in the PREH and SRCAE.
Activities undertaken by the platform's partners (such as professionals from the construction and
banking sectors) will be included in the action plan, with the aim of helping them to find their break-
even model after the initial set-up phase and any (potentially decreasing) financial support.
It is preferred and recommended that platforms coordinate their services with the ANAH's 'Habiter
Mieux' scheme. However, ADEME funding is not intended to provide additional funding for Habiter
Mieux contractors.

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Specifications ami-platforms-energy-renovation-paca-marie-project

  • 1. 1                     Specifications for the 'Eco-renovation platforms for housing stock' Call for Expressions of Interest             1   Introduction   The commitments made by France at an international level (3x20 targets) and the Grenelle 1 (August 2009) and Grenelle 2 (July 2010) laws, as well as the measures taken as part of the national round table on energy efficiency (TRNEE – December 2011) and the national debate on energy transition have set out a road map for the construction industry that is both quantitative and qualitative: -   all new buildings must be energy-positive from 2020; -   a 38% reduction in the energy used by housing stock by 2020 (in comparison with 2005 levels); -   a 75% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 in comparison with 1990 levels.   On 21 March 2013, the French President unveiled the housing investment plan (Plan d’investissement pour le logement), which includes an eco-renovation programme for housing stock (Plan de Rénovation Energétique de l’Habitat or PREH). As part of this plan, the French government is aiming to renovate 500,000 homes per year by 2017, thus confirming the need to make eco-renovation much more widely available.   In order to achieve these targets, the President has put in place 3 complementary measures: -   encourage homeowners to undertake eco-renovation projects by supporting them via a network of renovation information points (Points Rénovation Information Service or PRISs), which were launched on 19 September 2013 by the Prime Minister; -   finance renovation work by providing funding to households wishing to undertake eco-renovation projects; -   support and bring together professionals working in the sector to ensure that eco-renovation projects are completed to a high standard.   This Call for Expressions of Interest (CEI) is being jointly issued by the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) and the Regional Council and is a key part of the PREH.   It aims to encourage local authorities to introduce large-scale eco-renovation programmes for housing stock and, in the long term, to achieve annual targets on eco-renovation projects and the quality of renovation work carried out.
  • 2. 2     1.1 Challenges facing the ADEME and Regional Council     The aim of this CEI is to set up and/or strengthen local eco-renovation platforms for housing stock (which will provide assistance to both individual households and groups of homeowners). These platforms will support the independent information and advice service provided by PRISs, the '' website and telephone helpline.   These local platforms are intended to provide homeowners with a range of services that bring together all of the key stakeholders involved in eco-renovation projects, from design through to post-renovation checks.   They will also help households to arrange any funding and insurance cover needed to carry out renovation work and will therefore work closely with banks and insurance companies.   Platforms will need to work in conjunction with energy efficiency advisers (Conseillers Info Energie) and housing providers that have been approved by the French national housing agency (Agence Nationale de l'Habitat or ANAH) or the departmental housing information agency (Agence Départementale d'Information sur le Logement), all of which play a key role in delivering the PREH.     The aim of these platforms is to support homeowners and make it easier for them to make their eco- renovation ideas a reality. They will simplify and streamline the processes involved by delivering an 'integrated eco-renovation service' (the exact nature of this service is set out in Section 2). Platforms will provide a range of coordinated services that are adapted to homeowners' individual circumstances, using either their own resources or partnerships and/or subcontracting. These services may include providing support with technical, administrative or financial aspects and cover the entire process (from defining and planning the eco-renovation project to consulting and choosing companies, drawing up a funding plan, completing administrative procedures, carrying out and approving renovation work and monitoring energy consumption).   Their aim is to make it easier for homeowners to make their eco-renovation ideas a reality and to bring together the various stakeholders involved in an eco-renovation project, including engineering firms (energy, acoustics, indoor air, damp management), project managers, construction firms, banks, insurance companies and contracting authorities.   Platforms will also be involved in supporting professionals and encouraging them to work together to meet the needs of the eco-renovation market for private homes. This could involve developing a project management approach to suit this client group, forming consortia, providing energy efficiency training (such as FEEBAT), obtaining the 'Reconnu Garant de l’Environnement' (RGE) quality label or utilising PRAXIBAT technical resources.   They will adopt a leadership and governance role and will work in conjunction with existing local initiatives as far as is possible, by uniting all of the stakeholders involved around a number of shared objectives. Platforms will use existing sources of funding (such as state funding, banks and companies that are required to make energy savings under the Energy Saving Certificate scheme), as well as those provided by regional or departmental councils, intercommunal bodies, communes or the local town or village to promote the funding opportunities available to households.   Individual homeowners will be able to choose between two main types of service: -­‐   A 'facilitating' service: the homeowner is the contracting authority for their project and manages each stage independently, while receiving support as needed from their local energy efficiency information service (Espace Info Energie or EIE) and/or an adviser from their local platform. The platform builds a network of selected qualified professionals to
  • 3. 3     assist the homeowner with stages such as defining and planning their eco-renovation project, finding funding, carrying out renovation work and managing the project through to completion. The role and responsibilities of a project manager will be clearly explained to the homeowner. -­‐   A 'turnkey' service: the homeowner appoints a third party to manage the eco-renovation project, although they are still responsible for checking each stage (this could even take the form of delegated project management). The third party is responsible for overseeing the entire project, from defining and planning the work required to consulting and choosing companies, drawing up a funding plan, completing administrative procedures, carrying out and approving renovation work and monitoring energy consumption. Depending on the homeowner's circumstances, this may also involve drawing up a 'turnkey' funding plan or even finding a loan to finance the project (via third-party financing mechanisms). A project manager is therefore mandatory in this instance.   Different elements of these two services can be combined to create a 'mixed' project. The service can be structured in a number of different ways, such as: -­‐   adopting a collaborative approach in the form of formal partnerships with different professional networks, including engineering consultancies (providing either diagnostic or full project management services), companies and consortia and economic interest groups (Groupements d'Intérêt Economique or GIEs), as well as other professional intermediaries (such as estate agencies, materials distributors, energy suppliers and banking networks); -­‐   nominating a single contact person to support contracting authorities throughout the entire project; -­‐   creating an integrated support service within a dedicated organisation (public or public/private).   Applicants will have to specify their targets (population affected, geographical coverage, etc.) and quantified objectives (desired rates for converting ideas into projects that factor in an increase in influence, desired level of energy savings, etc.). Applications will be assessed based on their compatibility with the aim of introducing large-scale programmes as set out in the PREH, the regional climate and energy plan (Schéma Régional Climat Air Energie or SRCAE) and the regional town and country planning and sustainable development plan (Schéma Régional d’Aménagement et de Développement Durable du Territoire or SRADDT).   There will be a focus on households experiencing energy insecurity, regardless of whether the local authority is an ANAH delegate. To this end, platforms will be able to develop services for this category of homeowners that tie in with existing programmes, such as general interest programmes (Programmes d’Intérêts Généraux) or regeneration schemes (Opérations Programmées d’Amélioration de l’Habitat or OPAHs).   Platforms will have to submit a financing plan and business model that demonstrate that they are able to generate revenue and are not solely dependent on funding from the ADEME or Regional Council.       2 Description of services to be provided by platforms   2.1 Required services     The aim of this CEI, which has been jointly issued by the ADEME and the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (PACA) Regional Council, is to support platforms that can deliver services in the following five key areas: -­‐   Stimulate demand among individual households
  • 4. 4     -­‐   Strengthen how services provided by eco-renovation professionals are structured -­‐   Support/encourage/organise funding opportunities from banks and new operators -­‐   Support/encourage/organise insurance cover from insurance companies -­‐   Provide governance and leadership (efficiency, visibility, replicability, financial independence, knock-on effects, etc.) Applicants must address each of these five points in their expression of interest, even if they will not necessarily be dealt with directly by the platform. They will have to factor in and work in conjunction with any existing resources, organisations and initiatives in their area.   The staff who work for the platforms will be a key factor in whether they are successful. They will have to be committed to raising awareness and promoting the service to homeowners, as well as coordinating the various stakeholders involved. Eco-renovation projects must aim to achieve (in the long term and possibly over several phases of work) performance levels that are compatible with the BBC- EFFINERGIE rénovation® label. In order to achieve this, platforms will be able to use technical solutions/work packages from the Mediterranean and alpine energy efficiency protocol drawn up as part of the EU's MARIE project (information on this project is available in the appendix).   A non-exhaustive list of the various services that local eco-renovation platforms are expected to provide is set out below.   Certain services (such as finance and insurance services or IT systems) may be delivered at a higher level than that covered by the platform, for example, at departmental or regional level.       2.2 Services for homeowners     2.2.1 Raising awareness     -­‐   Visibility, consistent service provision and easy access for target households -­‐   Compliance with the specifications for PRISs and coordination with existing PRISs   2.2.2 Defining and planning an eco-renovation project     -­‐   Support households to define and plan their project, including audits/work packages and scheduling the work (either in phases or as a single job) required to achieve performance levels that are compatible with those set by the BBC- EFFINERGIE rénovation® label -­‐   Ability to take into account households' overall renovation requirements -­‐   Ability to schedule work accurately -­‐   Ability to factor in (and possibly improve) other aspects relating to comfort or health to the eco-renovation project, such as indoor air quality, sound insulation, ventilation, comfort during the summer months, damp management and issues relating to managing site waste or accessibility -­‐   Support the use of more environmentally friendly materials (such as bio-sourced raw materials, locally sourced materials or materials with low toxicity levels) and promote greener construction sites by adopting an overarching environmental strategy -­‐   Assess funding plans when considering renovation proposals -­‐   The option of supervised self-renovation 1 projects could be discussed with a view to                                                                                                                           1  Further  information  on  this  option  is  available  in  the  appendix  
  • 5. 5     providing a tailored service   2.2.3 Consulting and choosing companies   -­‐   Help homeowners to prepare for consultations with companies and encourage them to use companies with an RGE 2 quality label -­‐   Help homeowners to understand quotations provided by companies -­‐   Help homeowners to compare quotations and choose companies   2.2.4 Funding     -­‐   Help homeowners to draw up a funding plan -­‐   Help homeowners to complete funding applications and coordinate with local authorities and banks -­‐   Ability to incorporate existing sources of funding into the funding plan -­‐   Ability to incorporate or introduce additional financial products (amount, interest rates, term, associated criteria) -­‐   Ability to incorporate or introduce additional insurance policies and cover     2.2.5 Carrying out renovation work     -­‐   Provide support to homeowners while renovation work is under way (monitoring costs/deadlines/quality of the work) -­‐   Check that work has been completed to a satisfactory standard (compliance with project specifications, arranging air-tightness tests where applicable and providing quality assurance over a 10-year period)   2.2.6 Post-renovation follow-up     -­‐   Provide support to homeowners once renovation work has been completed and inform them of how they can adjust their lifestyle to make energy savings (green living) -­‐   Offer and deliver a follow-up energy consumption service (including readings and any devices used) to a sample group of households that have undertaken renovation work with the support of the platform -­‐   Support households to put in place maintenance contracts for new equipment -­‐   Analyse households' actual energy consumption once renovation work has been completed       2.3 Services for professionals     2.3.1 Services for professionals in the construction industry     Build professional networks and support the creation of high-quality, well-coordinated services: -­‐   Manage networks of industry professionals, capitalise on resources and experience (techniques, implementation, results achieved, costs, etc.), share information, organise tours and workshops in conjunction with local chambers of commerce and craft trades and professional associations -­‐   Support traders and construction firms to form consortia that can offer 'work packages' and deliver a comprehensive renovation service                                                                                                                           2  This  is  mandatory  for  those  wishing  to  apply  for  certain  types  of  state  funding,  for  example,  tax  credit  and  zero-­‐interest  loans  
  • 6. 6     -­‐   Integrate project managers and architects   As part of this strategy, platforms will be able to bring together manufacturers, materials dealers and distributors and energy suppliers who also provide eco-renovation services to construction firms.   Promote professional development and encourage professionals to obtain qualifications/certifications that will enable them to access the eco-renovation market: -­‐   Promote the upskilling of professionals in the construction industry in conjunction with the relevant professional bodies -­‐   Inform/raise awareness among professionals of training opportunities and the benefits of obtaining an RGE quality label -­‐   Inform professionals of all existing local training opportunities, particularly FEEBAT training and PRAXIBAT technical resources, where these are available -­‐   Coordinate with Envirobat, the resource centre for environmental quality in the built environment for the PACA region and member of the BEEP (Bâti Environnement - Espaces Pro) network -­‐   Work with organisations that provide initial training, apprenticeships and continuing education to deliver 'train the trainer' courses and implement and share technical resources, practical training and training sites -­‐   Introduce tailored training programmes or support services, with a particular focus on practical applications and breaking down barriers around professional practices and targets -­‐   Inform/raise awareness among professionals of how the issues of indoor air, damp management and sound insulation are linked with that of heat -­‐   Inform/raise awareness among professionals of how to manage and prevent waste   2.3.2 Services for the financial sector     -­‐   Implement and incorporate complementary and/or competing financial products, with the possibility of including financial services for homeowners experiencing energy insecurity (microcredit, etc.) -­‐   Implement and incorporate complementary insurance covers -­‐   Support and manage local banking networks   These complementary services will have the support of a regional network. Financial services provided by the various platforms will have to be coordinated with those offered by existing organisations, such as zero-interest environmental loans (éco-PTZs), funding through the ANAH and energy suppliers.       2.4 Platform governance and management     Applicants will be asked to submit a document detailing the formal duties of each staff member that takes into account the roles and skills of partners.   2.4.1 Legal and financial arrangements for platforms     -­‐   Coordinate with strategies already in place in the local area, such as SRCAEs and regional climate and energy plans (Plans Climat-Energie Territorial or PCETs) -­‐   Involve local partners -­‐   Set up formal partnerships with stakeholders (e.g. by drawing up agreements or charters or creating an ad hoc organisation)
  • 7. 7     -­‐   Type of management, nature of leadership, number of staff and their qualifications -­‐   Funding plan that enables the platform to deliver services in the long term   2.4.2 Monitoring and evaluation     -­‐   A monthly monitoring and evaluation procedure will need to be put in place to check, on the one hand, how platforms are performing (e.g. based on the number of contacts made, type of customers, support provided, coordinating activities, identification of possible problems, etc.) and, on the other, renovation projects (e.g. based on location, surface area, type of building, 'facilitating' or 'turnkey' service, amount and nature of work involved, number of phases, financial arrangements (financial assistance, loans, self-financing), how many projects have resulted in work being carried out and how many have not (and why), the number of renovations carried out, etc.)   2.4.3 Support with setting up the platform     -­‐   Local communication -­‐   Local plan for managing construction waste generated by renovation work organised through the platform -­‐   Group action (e.g. stakeholders work together to provide services)       3   CEI process     Discussions will be held with applicants to support them in drawing up their expressions of interest.   3.1 Submission and selection process     Applicants can submit their expressions of interest online using a tool provided by the ADEME. Expressions of interest must be submitted via the '' platform.     The process for selecting proposals is as follows (discussions may be held by mutual agreement between each of the phases): -­‐   Applicants submit a draft proposal via the online platform (a template is provided in the appendix): i. Proposals are assessed and discussions are held by mutual agreement. ii. The panel, which must include representatives from the ADEME, the PACA Regional Council and the regional environment, planning and housing agency (Direction Régionale de l’Environnement, de l’Aménagement et du Logement or DREAL) as a minimum, selects the best draft proposals. At this stage, applicants may be encouraged to commission a preliminary analysis, depending on what stage of development the project is at.   -­‐   Applicants submit detailed proposals i. Proposals are selected by the ADEME/Regional Council/DREAL panel. ii. Applicants are notified of the outcome of their proposal. This CEI will be issued at least every 2 years and these processes may change in the future.      
  • 8. 8     3.2 Deadlines     There will be 3 selection phases for the 2014 CEI, which will be spread out across the year. Proposals will be commissioned as needed by the ADEME and Regional Council.   The submission dates below are given for information only. If a project is deemed to be ready to go ahead then it may be commissioned without having to wait for the date when the panel is scheduled to meet.   Deadlines for Phase 1: CEI opens: 2 December 2013 Deadline for submitting draft proposals: 5 February 2014 Selection of draft proposals: 5 March 2014 Deadline for submitting detailed proposals: 2 July 2014 (proposals are commission as needed) Applicants who submit proposals during Phase 1 will be notified of the outcome of their proposal no later than: 29 August 2014   Deadlines for Phase 2: Deadline for submitting draft proposals: 10 April 2014 Selection of draft proposals: 14 May 2014 Deadline for submitting detailed proposals: 10 September 2014 (proposals are commissioned as needed) Applicants who submit proposals during Phase 2 will be notified of the outcome of their proposal no later than: 4 November 2014     Deadlines for Phase 3: Deadline for submitting draft proposals: 10 September 2014 Selection of draft proposals: 8 October 2014 Deadline for submitting detailed proposals: 10 February 2015 (proposals are commission as needed) Applicants who submit proposals during Phase 3 will be notified of the outcome of their proposal no later than: 16 April 2015       3.3 Eligible applicants     This CEI is aimed at local authorities, including intercommunal bodies (Etablissements Publics de Coopération Intercommunale or EPCIs), communes, consortia of communes or EPCIs, project areas and departments. Local public enterprises (Entreprises Publiques Locales), such as semi-public companies (Sociétés d’Economie Mixte) and local public companies (Sociétés Publiques Locales) may also submit expressions of interest. In this instance, public/private partnerships may be proposed, provided that the local authority is the lead applicant. Expressions of interest may also be submitted by local energy agencies (Agences Locales d'Energie or ALEs), local energy and climate agencies (Agences Locales de l'Energie et du Climat or ALECs) and other organisations formed for a similar purpose, as well as specialist social and solidarity economy organisations that have been appointed by one or more local authorities.   When selecting proposals, preference will be given to applicants working in areas where a PCET or Collectivité Lauréate-type arrangement is already in place, i.e. areas that have already introduced energy or greenhouse gas analyses, set strategic priorities and raised awareness among local residents via an EIE and/or as part of an ANAH scheme. Preference will also be given to local authorities that have implemented an OPAH and want to adopt a broader approach in terms of targets, scope and energy performance objectives.
  • 9. 9     Selected proposals will have to coordinate with other local housing strategies and initiatives, particularly OPAHs and schemes to combat energy insecurity.       3.4 Selection criteria     Expressions of interest will be selected based on the quality of the proposals and whether they meet the following criteria:   3.4.1 Relevance     -­‐   Does the proposal fulfil the priorities set out in the CEI? -­‐   Are the tools and services offered to homeowners and professionals of a high standard? -­‐   Does the proposal meet the homeowners' identified needs and help them to make their eco-renovation project a reality? -­‐   Is the proposal compatible with the broader target of making eco-renovations more widely available at a national level (households, type of housing stock)? -­‐   Can the approach put forward in the proposal be replicated elsewhere?   3.4.2 Implementation procedure     -­‐   Are the implementation phases clearly defined? Has the project been suitably planned? Have appropriate procedures been put in place to monitor performance? -­‐   Is the project suitably developed and robust in terms of technical aspects and finances? -­‐   Will the proposed approach encourage homeowners to make their eco-renovation ideas a reality and result in eco-renovations that are compatible with the 2009 BBC-EFFINERGIE rénovation® label?   3.4.3 Ambition and likely impact     -­‐   Does the proposal commit to quantified, realistic targets (such as a certain number of renovations, energy savings or volume of construction work carried out)? -­‐   Will the proposed solutions make it easier for homeowners to access funding for their eco- renovation projects and offer security to those providing funding? -­‐   Does the proposal involve a large network of local professionals (e.g. engineering consultancies, estate agencies, materials dealers, construction firms, banks and local authority representatives) and a community of stakeholders (e.g. professionals, intermediaries and facilitators)? -­‐   Does the proposal cover upskilling professionals through training and checking the quality of services provided?   3.4.4 Resources allocated to the proposal     -­‐   Does the proposal explain how the platform team will be composed and managed and how skills, experience and duties will be balanced? -­‐   Does the proposal include the implementation of quality assurance procedures? Are arrangements in place for monitoring/evaluating how the service is performing? -­‐   Does the proposal provide a justification for the costs involved and a financing plan that covers a period of 3 years or more? -­‐   Is the proposed platform likely to remain financially viable in the long term?
  • 10. 10     3.5 Funding     3.5.1 Funding for preliminary analyses     Proposals that the panel deems to be insufficiently developed may be eligible for partial funding to cover the cost of carrying out preliminary analyses on setting up a platform. Proposals that receive funding for preliminary analyses may be resubmitted in draft form to this CEI if the deadline for doing so has not passed. If the deadline has already passed, then they may be submitted during the next phase of the CEI. Under no circumstances may a proposal receive funding for a preliminary analysis more than once, either during the current phase of the CEI or during any future phases.   Expenses deemed eligible by the ADEME and PACA Regional Council will be subsidised. These must cover the cost of employing an engineering consultancy to analyse the financial, legal and technical issues involved in setting up a platform. This funding is capped at 70% of the cost of the analysis, with a maximum limit of € 100,000.   3.5.2 Funding for successful proposals     This CEI is the first to be issued in this area and aims to support the creation of local eco-renovation platforms, in line with the PREH. Platforms wishing to work with both homeowners (individual households and groups of homeowners) and other contracting authorities (e.g. social landlords or businesses) will not be subsidised for any costs relating to the latter.   Successful applicants will receive funding in the form of subsidies from the ADEME and PACA Regional Council. This funding is intended to make it quicker and easier to set up and/or develop local eco-renovation platforms.   Expenses deemed eligible by the ADEME and PACA Regional Council relate strictly to setting up and operating the platform. Expenses are considered eligible from the date that the draft proposal is submitted.   The ADEME and PACA Regional Council will provide funding for each platform based on a three-year action plan. Funding is calculated using an average cost that is adjusted to take into account each platform's individual circumstances. It covers: -   managing and monitoring the platform, by cofinancing project leader posts by up to 60% (reducing to 50% in year 2 and 40% in year 3), to a maximum of € 230,000 per post over 3 years; -   and/or cofinancing this part of the action plan (either internally, particularly in the case of urban areas, or by subcontracting to an external service provider); -   communicating with and raising awareness among homeowners; -   supporting (mobilising and training) professionals working in the construction and banking sectors and, more generally, all those working in related fields (e.g. estate agencies), as well as stakeholders and partners; -   providing analyses, training, assessments, etc. agreed under the action plan; -   organising and carrying out any activities agreed under the action plan that aim to achieve the platform's objectives.   Depending on the budgets available to partners (such as the ADEME, Regional Council and European Regional Development Fund, where applicable), a funding cap may be set for each platform. This cap may be adjusted to take into account the size of different platforms (based on the number of inhabitants in the areas they cover or the number of target households).  
  • 11. 11     The funding provided by the ADEME and PACA Regional Council is intended to help set up the platform and enable it to become established. The long-term aim is to withdraw funding completely. Triennial quantitative and qualitative performance targets will be set and monitored. Objectives relating to the platform's stability and potential for replication will be checked to ensure that they comply with those set out in the PREH and SRCAE.   Activities undertaken by the platform's partners (such as professionals from the construction and banking sectors) will be included in the action plan, with the aim of helping them to find their break- even model after the initial set-up phase and any (potentially decreasing) financial support.   It is preferred and recommended that platforms coordinate their services with the ANAH's 'Habiter Mieux' scheme. However, ADEME funding is not intended to provide additional funding for Habiter Mieux contractors.