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SPE 107846

Study of Sweep Efficiency of Water Injection under Fracturing Conditions Process
Eduin O. Muñoz Mazo, SPE, UNICAMP/CEPETRO/DEP/UNISIM, Juan M. Montoya Moreno and Denis J. Schiozer, SPE,

Copyright 2007, Society of Petroleum Engineers
                                                                                                       The results show the applicability of water injection under
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2007 SPE Latin American and Caribbean              fracturing conditions in different scenarios. In addition, this
Petroleum Engineering Conference held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 15–18 April 2007.
                                                                                                   work shows the importance of the reservoir parameters into
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
                                                                                                   the injectivity loss and fracture propagation models, the
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to         significance of the FR and NPV in the quantification of these
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at      effects. Finally, the relation between the heterogeneity degree
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
                                                                                                   and production parameters is presented.
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than
300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous                  Introduction
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, Texas 75083-3836 U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
                                                                                                       Water injection is the most common method for oil
                                                                                                   recovery and pressure maintenance. Injectivity loss is the
Abstract                                                                                           principal problem associated with water injection. Altoé et. al.1
    Water injection performance depends on the petrophysical                                       describe that it is caused, mainly, when seawater, produced
reservoir properties and fluid-flow characteristics. Reservoir                                     water or any other poor quality water is injected into reservoir.
simulation models should include rock properties variation and                                     Solid and liquid dispersed particles from the injection water
rock-fluid interactions and, when it is necessary,                                                 are deposited in the porous media; it can turn inefficient the
geomechanical phenomena.                                                                           injection process with time. Palson et. al.2 comments about
    When water Injection above Fracture Propagation Pressure                                       different solutions that can be applied to improve the injection
(IFPP) is used, its effects over the reservoir model                                               process: (i) treatment of the water injection for removal
performance, and specially, on waterflooding sweep                                                 suspended particles, bacteria and oil droplets, (ii) well
efficiency, become a critical point to be assessed.                                                workovers for removal the damage, using mechanical and
Quantification of these effects using parameters such as the                                       chemical treatments. As mentioned by Souza et. al.3, any of
Recovery Factor (FR) and Net Present Value (NPV) is                                                these solutions can be expensive, some in CAPEX, others in
important for the water injection project dimensioning and to                                      OPEX.
determine the feasibility and usefulness of the injection                                              Actually, there is other option to attack the injectivity
process to be implemented.                                                                         decline and it is know as water injection above the formation
    Water injection under fracturing conditions is an important                                    parting pressure. This option reestablishes the well injectivity
method to overcome the production decline caused by the                                            creating high conductivity channels and avoids complex
injectivity loss in reservoirs with water injection. Also, the                                     systems of water treatment. However, the apprehension to use
modeling of injectivity loss and fracturing processes are                                          water injection above formation parting pressure is associated
subject of several studies, which aim to understand these                                          to the canalization of the injected water towards producing
processes in order to enhance the results to be used for the                                       wells leading to negative results for the production
reservoir development strategy proposal.                                                           performance. Even though, this technique is applied in North
    The objective of this work is to quantify, using Sweep                                         Sea and Alaska (Ovens et. al.4, Ali et. al.5).
Efficiency and NPV as study parameters, the effects of                                                 Due to complexity and number of variables, involve in
anisotropies on the production performance during a                                                water injection above formation parting pressure, recent
waterflooding under fracturing conditions. The methodology                                         studies are focused in different aspects as fracture
proposed considers the simulation of scenarios in which the                                        mechanisms, modeling and fracture’s effects in the reservoir
injectivity loss is represented by an analytical decline model,                                    performance (Van den Hoek6, Gadde et. al.7).
and the fracture is represented using a virtual horizontal well.                                       To model those effects, the fracture behavior must be
This proposal is implemented in order to show the effect of the                                    reproduced in the flow simulator and its effects in the behavior
water injection – injectivity loss – fracturing process on the                                     of the production during the process of injection of water. It
reservoir behavior. Three different fluid models were used to                                      also necessary study tools that allows model the injectivity
illustrate their effect in some production parameters and                                          loss. In this way, it can couple the process injection with loss
usefulness of fracturing process in several scenarios.                                             of injectivity and fracturing in a more complete and coherent
                                                                                                   way for refined and coarse simulation grids.
2                                                                                                                            SPE 107846

    This work seeks mainly to study the effects of anisotropies      fluid injection properties and water injection parameters
on the production performance (sweep efficiency) during a            (Devloo et. al.10). This program predicts formation parting
waterflooding under fracturing conditions. In addition, it aims      pressure, vertical penetration, pressure propagation, width and
to show the modeling of the injectivity loss and its coupling        length fracture.
with models of fracture propagation in commercial flow
simulators.                                                          Effect of directional permeability anisotropy in
                                                                     sweep efficiency analysis
Fracture modeling in commercial simulators.
                                                                     Simulation models and methodology analysis
Injectivity loss modeling
    Injectivity loss modeling consists in an analytical model to         The simulation models used to obtain the results reported
represent the absolute permeability variation near to the            in this work and to accomplish the analysis consist in a
injector well or formation damage region (Figure 1). The             synthetic reservoir, represented by a Cartesian grid, with
analytical model is represented by a hyperbolic decline of the       51x51x10 active cells. Each cell has 30 x 30 x 4 m. The
permeability and this variation is incorporated in the flow          production strategy is represented by a five spot arrangement,
simulator to represent the injectivity loss in the injector well     as is shown in Figure 3.
(Montoya et. al.8).
                                                                                        Virtual horizontal injector well

               Formation damage       Well
                                     Original region

                                                                                        Virtual multilateral injector well

            Figure 1. Injector well and damage region

    The information generated by the analytic model is used in
the model of Well Index, WI, through the modification of the
damage factor (s), the permeability of the simulation block (kb)
or the combination of both parameters as shown in Equation 1.
Other variables from the Equation 1 are defined in the
                                                                             Figure 2. Fracture propagation using virtual wells

    WI =                                                      (1)
             r 
           ln e  + s
             r 
              w

   Once obtained the values of WI, the data are introduced
automatically in the simulation file for each time step, until the
well bottom pressure reach the formation pressure fracture.

Fracture propagation model.
    Nowadays, some commercial simulators do not present
options to model induced fractures by water injection, and                           Producer               Injector
some artifices, as transmissibility modifiers, local refinements             Figure 3. Well arrangement in the simulation grid
and equivalent well radius, are used to represent it. Souza et.
al.9 altered the block transmissibility to model the fracture           Other salient parameters for this study are:
induced by water injection. On the other hand, geomechanical            • Porosity (φ): 25%;
simulators are the best option but these simulators are under           • Vertical permeability (kz): 200 mD (except for the
development or are time consumption and this makes more                     case with kx = ky = 100 mD, where kz = 40 mD);
difficult their use under realistic full field simulation.              • Matrix compressibility (cf): 4.5x10-7.
    In this work, the fracture’s propagation is modeled using a
virtual horizontal well (or multilateral wells) as is showed in          The goal of the tests is to analyze the behavior of the
the Figure 2, where the perforations are open in agreement           production under anisotropic horizontal permeability. For that,
with the fracture’s propagation profile. Information about the       they were defined some sets of horizontal permeability with
fracture is obtained from an in-house program for simulation         different anisotropies. It is important to take into account that
of hydraulic fracturing process, which based on the rock and         the model only has anisotropy in the horizontal permeability
SPE 107846                                                                                                                         3

and for this reason is not considered the condition of             models. Equations 2 and 3 present the definition of parameter
heterogeneous to define the model, since the permeability          DAC:
value in a certain direction (x or y) is constant for all the
blocks of the simulation grid. Table 1 shows the sets of
directional Permeability used in the tests.                                      k y − k mean
                                                                       DAC =                                                     (2)
         Table 1. Directional permeability sets

                                                                                 k mean − k x
                Set number kx (mD)        ky (mD)                      DAC =                                                     (3)
                    1           2000        2000                                    k mean
                    2            500        2000
                                                                       DAC is an adaptation of the Coefficient of Heterogeneity
                    3            50         2000                   of Dykstra–Parsons, which is based on the accumulated
                    4            500          500                  probability that a heterogeneous system has that its equivalent
                    5            100          500                  permeability, has a determined value between the minimum
                    6            50           500                  permeability and the maximum permeability of the system
                                                                   (Maschio et. al.12). Due to that, the cases tested in this work
                    7            100          100
                                                                   did not present heterogeneities and, in any direction the
                                                                   probability of the permeability to have a certain value is 1
    It can be noticed that the permeability value in the y         (anisotropy in permeability is constant in x and y directions),
direction is larger or, at most, the same to the permeability in   the coefficient of Dykstra-Parsons was not used. This is a
the x direction. This is due to the y direction is the axis of     reason to introduce the parameter DAC to determine the
propagation of the fracture, and consequently, according to the    reservoir anisotropy degree (Muñoz Mazo et. al.13).
pointed by Ji et. al.11, it is the direction of the maximum            DAC has values between 0 and 1, where the value zero
horizontal stress and the largest permeability in the case of      indicates a total isotropy in the directional permeability, and
heterogeneous or anisotropic systems.                              the value of one it indicates an elevated degree of this
    The simulations are made in three stages: initially a base     condition. Besides, for the cases here shown, the value of
model is simulated without injectivity loss and without            DAC calculated by the Equations (2) and (3) it is the same, in
fracturing presence (NLNF for No Loss – No Fracture).              such a way that will only be reported an only value of DAC in
    Afterwards, the injectivity loss is introduced into the        the analysis of the results.
simulation model, reproducing the effect of the formation              The Decline Index (DECLI) is the ratio between the values
damage, but maintaining the pressure of the reservoir below        obtained from the simulation of the cases that involve the
the value of the fracture pressure (WLNF, for With Loss – No       injectivity loss due to the formation damage (WLNF) and the
Fracture) with the purpose of establishing the effect of the       cases with the original model (NLNF). In this way, if DECLI
formation damage on the original model.                            values are smaller than 1, it will indicate that due, to the
    Finally the fracture is introduced when the well bottom        injectivity loss, there was a decrease in the control indicators
hole pressure reaches the fracturing pressure. Fracture            used for the analysis. Values of DECLI equal to the unit is
propagation was represented using an horizontal virtual well       indicative that the process of injectivity loss did not affect the
(WLWF, for With Loss – With Fracture).                             reservoir performance, and values larger than 1 will indicate
    To analyze the results, it was introduced some parameters      that even with injectivity loss the productive behavior of the
to quantify the degree of anisotropy of the sets and for allow     system was improved.
establish the degree of decline or recovery of the production          In the other hand, the Recovery Index (RECOVI) is the
conditions of the used models. In the case of the tests            ratio between the obtained values of the simulation of the
accomplished for the elaboration of this work were used the        cases that involve the fracture presence (WLWF) and the
parameters that are listed following in the Table 2.               obtained values of the other two cases: the original case
                                                                   (NLNF) and the case that takes into account the injectivity loss
      Table 2. Parameters used in the directional                  (WLNF). For the Recovery Index (inverse DECLI), values
       permeability anisotropy effects analysis.                   smaller than 1 will indicate that the presence of the fracture
                                                                   did not improve the behavior of the system, considering, or
       Parameter                 Definition                        not, the injectivity loss. Otherwise, values equals or larger than
        kmean      Mean Permeability                               1 will show that the fracture got, at least, to equal the
        DAC        Directional Anisotropy Coefficient              indicators of the cases to the which it is compared, showing
        DECLI      Decline Index (Reservoir performance)           improvement indicators of behavior of the reservoir when the
        RECOVI     Recovery Index (Reservoir Performance)
                                                                   values of the index are larger than 1.
                                                                       Besides the Factor of Recovery in terms of the mobile oil
                                                                   (FRMO) and of the Net Present Value (NPV) as control
   The kmean corresponds to the geometric mean of the
                                                                   parameters, they will be used the Accumulated Production of
permeabilities in the directions x and y. The DAC parameter
                                                                   Water (Wp) and the Accumulated Injection of Water (Wi). To
aims to establish the degree of anisotropy of the simulation
                                                                   accomplish a global analysis, it was used an economic
4                                                                                                                                  SPE 107846

scenario for the calculation of NPV. Economic parameters are          Table 4. Quantification of the degree of directional
shown in the Table 3.                                                                     anisotropy.

Effect of oil type on the sweep efficiency of the
                                                                                                    kx      ky   kmean DAC
waterflooding under fracturing conditions process
                                                                                                   2000 2000 2000.0 0.00
    Additional to the sets of horizontal directional
                                                                                                   500 2000 1000.0 0.50
permeability, three oil types were used. These tests have the
                                                                                                   500    500    500.0   0.00
purpose of also examining the behavior of the combination of
directional permeability anisotropy with different motilities                                       50    2000 316.2     0.84
and its effects in the sweep efficiency of the process.                                            100    500    223.6   0.55
                                                                                                    50    500    158.1   0.68
    Table 3. Economic scenario for the simulations.                                                100    100    100.0   0.00

                               Taxes                                          Table 5. Decline indexes for the used control
              Discount rate (%)                   10                                           parameters.
              Royalties (%)                       10
              Other                           0.3665                                                                     ID
                                                                                        kx    ky    kmean CAD
                                                                                                                    FR Wp Wi VPL

              Oil price (US$/bbl)                 35                                2000 2000 2000.0 0.00 1.12 0.92 0.98 1.10

              Oil price (US$/m³)                                                    500 2000 1000.0 0.50 1.00 0.97 0.99 1.00
                                                                                    500      500    500.0    0.00 0.87 0.18 0.82 0.91
              Gas price (US$/m³)                 0.09
                                                                                        50   2000 316.2      0.84 0.68 0.43 0.52 0.80
                                                                                    100      500    223.6    0.55 0.54 0.01 0.36 0.58
              Platform (US$)               10000000
                                                                                        50   500    158.1    0.68 0.55 0.00 0.16 0.61
              Producer well (US$)            2000000
                                                                                    100      100    100.0    0.00 0.40 0.00 0.23 0.35
              Injector well (US$)            2000000
                               Costs                                    The effect of the mean permeability on the Decline Index
              Oil production (US$/m³)          37.74                 (DECLI) of the control parameters is shown in the Figure 4.
              Water production (US$/m³)          4.03
              Gas production (US$/m³)          0.002
              Water injection (US$/m³)           4.03
              Gas injection (US$/m³)           0.002                          1,0

Results and Discussions                                                       0,8
    This analysis of the obtained results is based on the tests

for an intermediate fluid.                                                    0,6                                                       Wp
Quantification of the degree of directional anisotropy                        0,4                                                       NPV

    Table 4 shows the values of the indexes used to quantify                  0,2
the degree of directional anisotropy (kmean and DAC) for the
tested cases, using the Equations 2 and 3.                                    0,0
                                                                                    0               500            1000         1500          2000
Analysis of the effect of the directional permeability
anisotropy and the injectivity loss on sweep efficiency                                                          k mean
                                                                          Figure 4. Effect of kmean on the Decline Index of the control
    In this section, the results of the comparison of the original                                 parameters.
model (NLNF) and the case with injectivity loss (WLNF) are
analyzed. For the achievement of this analysis, the Decline              It can be observed from Figure 4 that DECLI for the
Index (DECLI) is used and it will be examined his impact on          control parameters does not follow a specific trend in relation
the indicators of directional anisotropy kmean and DAC).             to the variation of the mean permeability. The Figure 4 also
    Table 5 presents the results of the comparison of the cases      shows that for the model with kmean = 2000 mD, FR and NPV
for the control parameters proposed for the analysis of the          increase instead of decreasing, what can be interpreted as,
production performance.                                              eventually, the injectivity loss improved the acting of a
                                                                     probably over-rated water injection for the conditions of the
                                                                     system. It is evident that the injection rates should be observed
SPE 107846                                                                                                                             5

with attention for high permeability systems, and that makes         Table 8. DECLI vs. DAC for anisotropic models with
necessary several studies to establish an efficient injection rate                      ky = 500 mD.
for the model within established limits by the geomechanical
simulation. This guarantee fracturing and propagation of the                                               DECLI
fracture once the fracture pressure is reached around the                               kx    ky DAC
                                                                                                       FR Wp Wi NPV
injector well.                                                                         500 500 0.00 0.87 0.18 0.82 0.91
    The analysis using the mean permeability is shown much
                                                                                       100 500 0.55 0.54 0.01 0.36 0.58
more useful for the results obtained from isotropic cases (DAC
                                                                                        50 500 0.68 0.55 0.00 0.16 0.61
= 0) reported in the Table 6 and the effect on DECLI for the
control parameters is illustrated in the Figure 5.
                                                                         From the information contained in the Tables 7 and 8 it can
   Table 6. DECLI vs. kmean for the isotropic cases.                 be observed that as well for the anisotropies with ky = 2000
                                                                     mD as for the with ky = 500 mD, DECLI for the control
                                               DECLI                 parameters decreases in function of the increase in DAC. Of
                 kx     ky       kmean                               course, this evidences that when the anisotropy increases, the
                                         FR   Wp Wi         NPV
                                                                     effect of the injectivity loss also increases, making that the
                2000 2000 2000 1.12 0.92             0.98   1.10     productive behavior of the reservoir gets worse if compared as
                500     500      500     0.87 0.18   0.82   0.91     well with the original model (NLNF) as with an isotropic
                100     100      100     0.40 0.00   0.23   0.35     model (DAC = 0). The behavior of the models with
                                                                     anisotropies with ky = 2000 mD and with ky = 500 mD are
                                                                     shown in the Figures 6 and 7.

                             Isotropic Models
                                                                                     Anisotropy with ky = 2000 mD.


          0,4         Wp
                      Wi                                                       0,4
          0,2                                                                                Wp
                                                                               0,2           Wi
          0,0                                                                                NPV
                       2000                  500               100
                                                                                         0,00           0,50           0,84
                                           k mean
     Figure 5. Effect of kmean on DECLI for the isotropic models
                                                                      Figure 6. DECLI vs. DAC for anisotropic models, ky = 2000 mD.
    Figure 5 illustrates the effect of the permeability for
isotropic cases where. It is observed a decreasing tendency in
the indicators as the permeability decreases. It is also possible                    Anisotropy with ky 500 = mD.
notice that the decline, caused by the injectivity loss, is higher             1,0
for lower permeabilities.
    For the analysis using DAC, the tests were organized in                    0,8
two groups according to the permeability in the axis y, as
shown in Table 7 and Table 8.                                                  0,6       FR

 Table 7. DECLI vs. DAC for anisotropic models with                            0,4       Wi
                    ky = 2000 mD.                                                        NPV
                  kx        ky    DAC
                                      FR Wp Wi NPV                             0,0
                 2000 2000 0.00 1.12 0.92 0.98 1.10                                      0,00           0,55              0,68
                 500 2000 0.50 1.00 0.97 0.99 1.00                                                      DAC
                  50    2000 0.84 0.68 0.43 0.52 0.80                   Figure 7. DECLI vs. DAC for anisotropic models, ky = 500 mD.
6                                                                                                                                   SPE 107846

Analysis of the effects of the anisotropy on directional                        In Figures 9 and 10 the effect of the anisotropy,
permeability and the fracture presence on the sweep                         represented by DAC, on RECOVI is shown for the cases with
efficiency of reservoirs with injectivity loss problems                     ky = 2000 mD and ky = 500 mD.

    In this section, the results of the comparison of the model
with injectivity loss (WLNF) and the case with injectivity loss                                          Isotropic Models
and with fracture (WLWF) are analyzed. In this analysis, the                             3,5
Index of Recovery (RECOVI) is used to observe the effects of
the directional anisotropy in the behavior of the indicators of                                         FR
tested models (kmean and DAC).

    The comparisons among the cases are shown as a function                              2,5
of RECOVI in the Table 9. It is observed that for permeability
of 2000 mD there are not values of RECOVI for the control                                2,0
parameters. This is because the process of injectivity loss,
although it has leaded to an increase in the injector bottom-
hole pressure, it did not do that in the well bottom the fracture                        1,0
pressure was reached. That condition confirms the illustrated
                                                                                                      2000        500            100
in the previous section regarding the injection rates for                                                       k mean
reservoirs with high permeabilities.
                                                                               Figure 8. Effect of kmean on the Recovery Index of thr isotropic
    The analysis of the isotropic cases using the mean                                                       cases.
permeability is illustrated in the Table 10 and in the Figure 8.

    Table 9. Recovery indexes (RECOVI) for the used                                            Anisotropy with ky = 2000 mD.
                  control parameters.
                                               RECOVI                                    2,1          FR
     kx      ky    kmean    DAC                                                                       Wp
                                   FR          Wp   Wi              NPV

    2000    2000   2000.0   0.00     -          -         -           -                  1,7          NPV
    500     2000   1000.0   0.50   0.99        1.05      1.00        0.99                1,5
    500     500    500.0    0.00   1.13        5.08      1.20        1.08                1,3
    50      2000   316.2    0.84   1.45        2.19      1.85        1.25                1,1
    100     500    223.6    0.55   0.94        0.94      0.94        0.90
    100     500    223.6    0.55   1.69       108.24     2.59        1.53
                                                                                                      0,00        0,50            0,84
    50      500    158.1    0.68   1.55       187.96     2.88        1.39                                        DAC
    100     100    100.0    0.00   2.04         **       3.38        1.91
                                                                             Figure 9. RECOVI vs. DAC for anisotropic models, ky = 2000 mD.

    Table 10. RECOVI vs. kmean for the isotropic cases.
                                                                                                   Anisotropy with ky = 500 mD.
      kx     ky    kmean                                                                  200
                            FR      Wp           Wi           NPV
     2000   2000   2000      -           -           -          -                         160           Wp
     500     500    500     1.13    5.08        1.20          1.08                                      Wi

                                                                                          120           NPV
     100     100    100     2.04     **         3.38          1.91
    In Table 10, it can be observed that the values of the
control parameters increase as well mean permeability                                      40
decreases. In the model with kmean = 100 mD. RECOVI Wp
grows infinitely due to the production of water, which in the
case with injectivity loss was shown nonexistent, begins to                                            0,00       0,55            0,68
appear as consequence of the presence of the fracture. In                                                         DAC
general, it is observed that for all the control parameters the              Figure 10. RECOVI vs. DAC for anisotropic models, ky = 500 mD.
effect of the fracture was favorable. These parameter increases
in a more pronounced way when the mean permeability                             For the models with anisotropy in directional permeability,
decreases, showing the usefulness of the process of injection               Figures 9 and 10, show that RECOVI grows as the anisotropy
of water with pressures above the fracture pressure to                      increases, being much more expressive for high coefficients of
reestablish the well productivity.                                          anisotropy. It is observed that the cumulative production of
                                                                            water is the control parameter that more increment presents.
SPE 107846                                                                                                                                7

This evidences the water canalization owed to the combination            Observing the Figure 11, it can be seen that RECOVI for
of the anisotropy presence with the induced fracture,                the control parameters, that in the previous section it was
increasing the flow of water into the direction of the producing     ascending, now decreases with the fall of the medium
wells parallel to the axis of propagation of the fracture, fact      permeability, and for lower permeabilities the difficulty that
that is more evident for high coefficients of anisotropy.            the fracturing has to return to the conditions of the original
    It is observed that for all the cases, although a considerable   system is larger.
increase is shown in the water production, that fact is not
negative for NPV, which shows larger for the cases with
fracture presence when compared with cases only with                                          Isotropic Models
injectivity loss, independent of the degree of anisotropy of the                  1,0
models. In general the favorable result of the fracture presence                             FR
is observed, which gets to improve the productive behavior of                     0,8        Wp
the reservoir, remedying the current effects of the injectivity                              Wi

loss.                                                                             0,6        NPV

Analysis of the effects of the directional permeability
anisotropy and the fracture presence on the sweep                                 0,2
efficiency of reservoirs, comparison with the case without
injectivity loss and without fracture.                                            0,0
                                                                                            2000        500                100
    In this section, the results of the comparison of the model                                        k mean
without injectivity loss and without fracture (NLNF) and the          Figure 11. Effect of kmean on the Recovery Index of the isotropic
case with injectivity loss and with fracture (WLWF) are                                              cases.
analyzed. In this analysis, the Recovery Index (RECOVI) is              That same difficulty that the fracture has is also evident in
used to observe the effects of the indicators of directional         the models with anisotropy, where the trend to the fall of
anisotropy (kmean and DAC) on the behavior of the tested             RECOVI is more evident for the models with permeability of
models. The objective of this comparison of cases is to              500 mD in the y axis, as it is shown in the Figures 12 and 13.
illustrate to what extent the fracture presence can elevate the
value of the control parameters in relation to the models
without injectivity loss. Table 11 shows the results of the                            Anisotropy with ky = 2000 mD.
comparison of the cases WLWF and NLNF in terms of                                1,04
RECOVI.                                                                                     FR
                                                                                 1,02       Wp
 Table 11. Recovery indexes (RECOVI) for the used                                1,00       Wi

               control parameters.                                                          NPV

                                             RECOVI                              0,96
  kx       ky     kmean    CAD
                                    FR      Wp   Wi         NPV                  0,94
 2000     2000    2000.0   0.00
 500      2000    1000.0   0.50     0.99    1.00    0.99    0.99
                                                                                            0,00        0,50              0,84
 500      500     500.0    0.00     0.99    0.90    0.99    0.98                                        DAC
  50      2000    316.2    0.84     0.98    0.94    0.97    1.00      Figure 12. RECOVI vs. DAC for anisotropic models, ky = 500 mD.
 100      500     223.6    0.55     0.92    1.00    0.94    0.89
  50      500     158.1    0.68     0.36    0.00    0.21    0.39
                                                                                        Anisotropy with ky = 500 mD.
  50      500     158.1    0.68     0.85    0.50    0.45    0.85                 1,1
 100      100     100.0    0.00     0.81    0.00    0.78    0.68                 1,0
    The results reported in Table 11 show that the difference of

the comparison among the models with injectivity loss without
fracture, and injectivity loss with fracture of the previous                     0,7
section. Although the fracture improves the behavior of                          0,6         Wp
systems under the effect of the injectivity loss, it does not get                            Wi
                                                                                 0,5         NPV
to improve the conditions of the system with loss and without
fracture until the conditions of the original model (without                     0,4
injectivity loss and without fracture). Figure 11 shows the                                0,00        0,55               0,68
behavior of RECOVI between the cases WLWF and NLNF for                                                 DAC
the isotropic models tested in function of the mean                  Figure 13. RECOVI vs. DAC for anisotropic models, ky = 500 mD.
8                                                                                                                                      SPE 107846

   To better illustrate the comparison procedure shown in the            In Figure 15, the effect of the different fluids on the
previous sections, in the Figure 14 the behavior of the               behavior of FR (and the sweep efficiency) is shown for the
recovery Factor is shown for the three cases of comparison            indexes proposed for the model above mentioned.
(NLNF vs. WLNF; WLNF vs. WLWF and WLWF vs. NLNF)
and the effect of DAC on this behavior.
                                                                                              Effect of Fluid type on the behavior of FR
                           DECLI and RECOVI behavior for FR

                     1,8                                                                1,5

                                                                       DECLI (RECOVI)

                     1,4                    WLNF vs. NLNF (DECLI)
                     1,2                    WLNF vs. WLWF (RECOVI)                      1,1
                                            WLWF vs. NLNF (RECOVI)
                     1,0                                                                0,9
                     0,8                                                                                         FR Light Oil
                                                                                        0,7                      FR Intermediate Oil
                     0,6                                                                                         FR Heavy Oil
                     0,4                                                                0,5
                               0,00         0,55           0,68                                WLNF vs. NLNF   WLNF vs. WLWF WLWF vs. NLNF
                                            DAC                       Figure 15. Behavior of DECLI and RECOVI for the FR of the three
Figure 14. Behavior of DECLI and RECOVI with DAC for the FR of                                  fluid types.
                       anisotropic models.
                                                                          From Figure 15, it can be observed that the effect of the
    Figure 14 illustrates clearly the decreasing behavior of          fluid difference is larger on the recovery of FR among the
DECLI with the increase of DAC for FR (and consequently               cases with injectivity loss without fracture and with injectivity
for sweep efficiency). It can be seen that the effect of the          loss with fracture. It can be noticed that for these cases
injectivity loss is more notorious as the system becomes more         RECOVI increases in a more expressive way as the density of
anisotropic (blue line). For the comparison of cases where the        the fluid decreases, showing a more favorable effect of the
fracture is opened once the system with injectivity loss reaches      fracture on the sweep efficiency of the process for lighter
the fracture pressure, the ascending trend of RECOVI (line            fluids. The comparison among the cases with loss and
magenta) can be observed and is more accentuated with the             fractures, and without loss and without fracture shows that the
increase of the anisotropy degree. These two previous                 more dense the fluid of the reservoir, the larger the difficulty
comparisons indicate that the injection with pressure above the       that the fracture has to reestablish the productive conditions of
fracture pressure shows a more favorable effect in systems            the original model.
with high anisotropy degree or in systems with a very
expressive loss of injectivity. In these cases, the productive        Conclusions
behavior of those systems presents a significant improvement              Effect of injection pressure above the fracture pressure on
in comparison to its behavior under the effect of the injectivity     sweep efficiency and NPV were studied in cases with
loss.                                                                 permeability anisotropy. In order to compare the results, some
    It is observed that the fracture presence, even improving         performance indexes were created.
the indicators of systems with injectivity loss, it does not get to       It can be inferred that the mean permeability does not get
elevate those indicators at the level of the original case            to reflect a specific tendency on the results for cases with
(NLNF). It is Noticed that the difficulty to get back to the level    anisotropy, doing necessary the calculation and use the new
of the original case is more evident for models with larger           performance indexes as the Index of Decline (DECLI) and the
degree of anisotropy (yellow line), what shows that the               Index of Recovery (RECOVI). These parameters are used to
influence of the damage is larger and needs a more careful            quantify the effects on the control parameters and to describe
treatment for models with high anisotropy degree.                     the behavior of anisotropic systems in the injection of water
                                                                      above the fracture pressure.
Analysis of the effect of the fluid on the performance of the             To quantify the level of anisotropy, it was introduced the
simulation models.                                                    Directional Anisotropy Coefficient (DAC). This parameter
                                                                      was used to analyze the behavior of models and measure the
    In this section, the effect of the different fluids in the        degree of anisotropy of the models with different permeability
performance of the injection process with pressure above the          sets used in the simulations.
fracture pressure is evaluated. For that is only taken a                  With those indexes, it is possible to establish different
simulation model with a DAC 0.84 (kx = 50 mD, ky = 2000               relations to study water injection above fracture propagation
mD) and the effect of the three fluids proposed in the behavior       pressure. Some relations are: (i) relationship between the
of the performance indexes proposed for the analysis of the           decrease of the sweep efficiency with the increase of the
models and cases simulated (DECLI and RECOVI).                        anisotropy level; (ii) capacity that the water injection above
SPE 107846                                                                                                                             9

formation pressure has to resolve the well impairment in                       presented at the 2005 Offshore Technology Conference,
anisotropic models; and (iii) relations to establish the capacity              Houston, May 2-5.
that the fracture presence has to improve the productive                 4.    Ovens, J. E. V. et al.: “Making Sense of Water Injection
conditions of the models with respect of cases where there are                 Fractures in the Dan Field,” SPERE Vol 1 (December
                                                                               1998), 556.
injectivity loss not fracture propagation.                               5.    Ali, N. et al.: “Injection Above Parting Pressure
    Three different fluid types were tested to establish their                 Waterflood Pilot, Valhall Field, Norway,” SPERE, Vol. 9,
influences in the sweep efficiency of the process. That analysis               (February 1994) 22.
also took into consideration the different anisotropy levels and         6.    Van den Hoek, P. J.: “Impact of Induced Fractures on
the performance indicators implemented for the analysis.                       Sweep and Reservoir Management in Pattern Floods,”
    It can be observed that the fracture propagation gets to                   paper SPE 90968 presented at the 2004 SPE Annual
improve the behavior and the sweep efficiency in reservoirs                    Technical Conference and Exhibition. Houston, Sept. 26-
that present injectivity loss, and that capacity of improvement                29, 2004.
of the productive conditions is more significant in systems that         7.    Gadde, P. B. et al.: “Growing Injection Well Fractures and
                                                                               Their Impact on Waterflood Performance,” paper SPE
present high degrees of anisotropy.                                            71614 presented at the 2001 SPE Annual Technical
    In a similar way, the fracturing process, however it gets to               Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, Sept. 30 – Oct. 3.
improve the performance indicators, it does not get, in most of          8.    Montoya Moreno, J. M. et al.: “Well Impairment Upscaling
the cases, to recover the production conditions of the models at               Applied to Water Injection Above Fracture Pressure
the level of the cases hat do not have injectivity loss nor                    Simulation,” paper CIL28-502 presented at the 2006 XXVII
fracture propagation. It was also observed that the difficulty in              CILAMCE - Iberian Latin American Congress on
recuperating the performance levels increases in function of                   Computational Methods in Engineering, Belém, Sept. 3-6.
the index of anisotropy of the tested models.                            9.    Souza, A. L. S. et al.: “The Impact of Injection with
    Finally, the influence of the oil type can be observed in the              Fracture Propagation During Waterflooding Process,”
                                                                               paper 94704 presented at the 2005 SPE Latin American and
behavior of the performance indexes. For lighter fluids, the                   Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, Rio de
effect of the fracture in relation to the improvement of the                   Janeiro, Jun. 20-23.
conditions of productivity of the models is much more                    10.   Devloo, P. R. B. et al.: “Modelagem Numérica de
expressive, and it decreases as the density of the fluid                       Fraturamento Hidráulico,” paper presented at the 2001
increases. In the case of heavy fluids, with a higher difficulty               XXII CILAMCE - Iberian Latim Americam Congress on
in recovering the production conditions with respect to models                 Computational Methods in Engineering, Campinas, Nov. 7-
without loss not fractures, this difficulty decreases as the                   9.
density of the fluid increases.                                          11.   Ji, L. et al.: “Methods for Modeling Dynamic Fractures in
                                                                               Coupled and Geomechanis Simulation,” paper 90874
                                                                               presented at the 2004 SPE Annual Technical Conference
Acknowledgements                                                               and Exhibition, Houston, Sept. 26 – 29.
The authors would like to thank the Petroleum Engineering                12.   Maschio, C. et al.: “A New Upscaling Technique Based on
Department of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP),                      Dykstra-Parsons Coefficient: Evaluation with Streamline
the Center for Petroleum Studies (CEPETRO), PETROBRAS,                         Reservoir Simulation,” JPSE Vol 40, (October 2003) 27.
FINEP and CNPq for their technical and economic support.                 13.   Muñoz Mazo, Eduin O. et al.: “Efeito do Acoplamento da
                                                                               Geomecânica à Simulação Numérica de Reservatórios com
Nomenclature                                                                   Injeção de Água a Pressão Acima da Pressão de Fratura,”
Letters                                                                        paper IBP1581-06 presented at the 2006 Rio Oil & Gas
CAPEX : Capital expenditure                                                    Exposition and Conference 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Sept.11-
DAC     : Directional permeability coefficient
DECLI   : Decline index
h       : Formation thickness
k       : Permeability
OPEX    : Operational expenditure
re      : Equivalent radius
rw      : Well radius
RECOVI : Recovery index
s       : Formation damage

    1.   Altoé, J. E. et al.: “Effects of Oil-Water Mobility on
         Injectivity Impairment due to Suspended Particles”, paper
         SPE 88501 presented at the 2004 SPE Asia Pacific Oil and
         Gas Conference, Perth, October 18-20.
    2.   Palsson, B. et al.: “A Holistic Review of the Water Injection
         Process,” paper SPE 82224 presented at the 2003 SPE
         European Formation Damage Conference, The Hague, May
    3.   Souza, A. L. S. et al.: “Water Management in Petrobras:
         Developments and Challenges,” paper OTC 17258

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  • 1. SPE 107846 Study of Sweep Efficiency of Water Injection under Fracturing Conditions Process Eduin O. Muñoz Mazo, SPE, UNICAMP/CEPETRO/DEP/UNISIM, Juan M. Montoya Moreno and Denis J. Schiozer, SPE, UNICAMP/FEM/DEP Copyright 2007, Society of Petroleum Engineers The results show the applicability of water injection under This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2007 SPE Latin American and Caribbean fracturing conditions in different scenarios. In addition, this Petroleum Engineering Conference held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 15–18 April 2007. work shows the importance of the reservoir parameters into This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as the injectivity loss and fracture propagation models, the presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to significance of the FR and NPV in the quantification of these correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at effects. Finally, the relation between the heterogeneity degree SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper and production parameters is presented. for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous Introduction acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, Texas 75083-3836 U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435. Water injection is the most common method for oil recovery and pressure maintenance. Injectivity loss is the Abstract principal problem associated with water injection. Altoé et. al.1 Water injection performance depends on the petrophysical describe that it is caused, mainly, when seawater, produced reservoir properties and fluid-flow characteristics. Reservoir water or any other poor quality water is injected into reservoir. simulation models should include rock properties variation and Solid and liquid dispersed particles from the injection water rock-fluid interactions and, when it is necessary, are deposited in the porous media; it can turn inefficient the geomechanical phenomena. injection process with time. Palson et. al.2 comments about When water Injection above Fracture Propagation Pressure different solutions that can be applied to improve the injection (IFPP) is used, its effects over the reservoir model process: (i) treatment of the water injection for removal performance, and specially, on waterflooding sweep suspended particles, bacteria and oil droplets, (ii) well efficiency, become a critical point to be assessed. workovers for removal the damage, using mechanical and Quantification of these effects using parameters such as the chemical treatments. As mentioned by Souza et. al.3, any of Recovery Factor (FR) and Net Present Value (NPV) is these solutions can be expensive, some in CAPEX, others in important for the water injection project dimensioning and to OPEX. determine the feasibility and usefulness of the injection Actually, there is other option to attack the injectivity process to be implemented. decline and it is know as water injection above the formation Water injection under fracturing conditions is an important parting pressure. This option reestablishes the well injectivity method to overcome the production decline caused by the creating high conductivity channels and avoids complex injectivity loss in reservoirs with water injection. Also, the systems of water treatment. However, the apprehension to use modeling of injectivity loss and fracturing processes are water injection above formation parting pressure is associated subject of several studies, which aim to understand these to the canalization of the injected water towards producing processes in order to enhance the results to be used for the wells leading to negative results for the production reservoir development strategy proposal. performance. Even though, this technique is applied in North The objective of this work is to quantify, using Sweep Sea and Alaska (Ovens et. al.4, Ali et. al.5). Efficiency and NPV as study parameters, the effects of Due to complexity and number of variables, involve in anisotropies on the production performance during a water injection above formation parting pressure, recent waterflooding under fracturing conditions. The methodology studies are focused in different aspects as fracture proposed considers the simulation of scenarios in which the mechanisms, modeling and fracture’s effects in the reservoir injectivity loss is represented by an analytical decline model, performance (Van den Hoek6, Gadde et. al.7). and the fracture is represented using a virtual horizontal well. To model those effects, the fracture behavior must be This proposal is implemented in order to show the effect of the reproduced in the flow simulator and its effects in the behavior water injection – injectivity loss – fracturing process on the of the production during the process of injection of water. It reservoir behavior. Three different fluid models were used to also necessary study tools that allows model the injectivity illustrate their effect in some production parameters and loss. In this way, it can couple the process injection with loss usefulness of fracturing process in several scenarios. of injectivity and fracturing in a more complete and coherent way for refined and coarse simulation grids.
  • 2. 2 SPE 107846 This work seeks mainly to study the effects of anisotropies fluid injection properties and water injection parameters on the production performance (sweep efficiency) during a (Devloo et. al.10). This program predicts formation parting waterflooding under fracturing conditions. In addition, it aims pressure, vertical penetration, pressure propagation, width and to show the modeling of the injectivity loss and its coupling length fracture. with models of fracture propagation in commercial flow simulators. Effect of directional permeability anisotropy in sweep efficiency analysis Fracture modeling in commercial simulators. Simulation models and methodology analysis Injectivity loss modeling Injectivity loss modeling consists in an analytical model to The simulation models used to obtain the results reported represent the absolute permeability variation near to the in this work and to accomplish the analysis consist in a injector well or formation damage region (Figure 1). The synthetic reservoir, represented by a Cartesian grid, with analytical model is represented by a hyperbolic decline of the 51x51x10 active cells. Each cell has 30 x 30 x 4 m. The permeability and this variation is incorporated in the flow production strategy is represented by a five spot arrangement, simulator to represent the injectivity loss in the injector well as is shown in Figure 3. (Montoya et. al.8). Virtual horizontal injector well Formation damage Well Region Original region Virtual multilateral injector well Figure 1. Injector well and damage region The information generated by the analytic model is used in the model of Well Index, WI, through the modification of the damage factor (s), the permeability of the simulation block (kb) or the combination of both parameters as shown in Equation 1. Other variables from the Equation 1 are defined in the nomenclature: Figure 2. Fracture propagation using virtual wells 2πhkb WI = (1) r  ln e  + s r   w Once obtained the values of WI, the data are introduced automatically in the simulation file for each time step, until the well bottom pressure reach the formation pressure fracture. Fracture propagation model. Nowadays, some commercial simulators do not present options to model induced fractures by water injection, and Producer Injector some artifices, as transmissibility modifiers, local refinements Figure 3. Well arrangement in the simulation grid and equivalent well radius, are used to represent it. Souza et. al.9 altered the block transmissibility to model the fracture Other salient parameters for this study are: induced by water injection. On the other hand, geomechanical • Porosity (φ): 25%; simulators are the best option but these simulators are under • Vertical permeability (kz): 200 mD (except for the development or are time consumption and this makes more case with kx = ky = 100 mD, where kz = 40 mD); difficult their use under realistic full field simulation. • Matrix compressibility (cf): 4.5x10-7. In this work, the fracture’s propagation is modeled using a virtual horizontal well (or multilateral wells) as is showed in The goal of the tests is to analyze the behavior of the the Figure 2, where the perforations are open in agreement production under anisotropic horizontal permeability. For that, with the fracture’s propagation profile. Information about the they were defined some sets of horizontal permeability with fracture is obtained from an in-house program for simulation different anisotropies. It is important to take into account that of hydraulic fracturing process, which based on the rock and the model only has anisotropy in the horizontal permeability
  • 3. SPE 107846 3 and for this reason is not considered the condition of models. Equations 2 and 3 present the definition of parameter heterogeneous to define the model, since the permeability DAC: value in a certain direction (x or y) is constant for all the blocks of the simulation grid. Table 1 shows the sets of directional Permeability used in the tests. k y − k mean DAC = (2) ky Table 1. Directional permeability sets k mean − k x Set number kx (mD) ky (mD) DAC = (3) 1 2000 2000 k mean 2 500 2000 DAC is an adaptation of the Coefficient of Heterogeneity 3 50 2000 of Dykstra–Parsons, which is based on the accumulated 4 500 500 probability that a heterogeneous system has that its equivalent 5 100 500 permeability, has a determined value between the minimum 6 50 500 permeability and the maximum permeability of the system (Maschio et. al.12). Due to that, the cases tested in this work 7 100 100 did not present heterogeneities and, in any direction the probability of the permeability to have a certain value is 1 It can be noticed that the permeability value in the y (anisotropy in permeability is constant in x and y directions), direction is larger or, at most, the same to the permeability in the coefficient of Dykstra-Parsons was not used. This is a the x direction. This is due to the y direction is the axis of reason to introduce the parameter DAC to determine the propagation of the fracture, and consequently, according to the reservoir anisotropy degree (Muñoz Mazo et. al.13). pointed by Ji et. al.11, it is the direction of the maximum DAC has values between 0 and 1, where the value zero horizontal stress and the largest permeability in the case of indicates a total isotropy in the directional permeability, and heterogeneous or anisotropic systems. the value of one it indicates an elevated degree of this The simulations are made in three stages: initially a base condition. Besides, for the cases here shown, the value of model is simulated without injectivity loss and without DAC calculated by the Equations (2) and (3) it is the same, in fracturing presence (NLNF for No Loss – No Fracture). such a way that will only be reported an only value of DAC in Afterwards, the injectivity loss is introduced into the the analysis of the results. simulation model, reproducing the effect of the formation The Decline Index (DECLI) is the ratio between the values damage, but maintaining the pressure of the reservoir below obtained from the simulation of the cases that involve the the value of the fracture pressure (WLNF, for With Loss – No injectivity loss due to the formation damage (WLNF) and the Fracture) with the purpose of establishing the effect of the cases with the original model (NLNF). In this way, if DECLI formation damage on the original model. values are smaller than 1, it will indicate that due, to the Finally the fracture is introduced when the well bottom injectivity loss, there was a decrease in the control indicators hole pressure reaches the fracturing pressure. Fracture used for the analysis. Values of DECLI equal to the unit is propagation was represented using an horizontal virtual well indicative that the process of injectivity loss did not affect the (WLWF, for With Loss – With Fracture). reservoir performance, and values larger than 1 will indicate To analyze the results, it was introduced some parameters that even with injectivity loss the productive behavior of the to quantify the degree of anisotropy of the sets and for allow system was improved. establish the degree of decline or recovery of the production In the other hand, the Recovery Index (RECOVI) is the conditions of the used models. In the case of the tests ratio between the obtained values of the simulation of the accomplished for the elaboration of this work were used the cases that involve the fracture presence (WLWF) and the parameters that are listed following in the Table 2. obtained values of the other two cases: the original case (NLNF) and the case that takes into account the injectivity loss Table 2. Parameters used in the directional (WLNF). For the Recovery Index (inverse DECLI), values permeability anisotropy effects analysis. smaller than 1 will indicate that the presence of the fracture did not improve the behavior of the system, considering, or Parameter Definition not, the injectivity loss. Otherwise, values equals or larger than kmean Mean Permeability 1 will show that the fracture got, at least, to equal the DAC Directional Anisotropy Coefficient indicators of the cases to the which it is compared, showing DECLI Decline Index (Reservoir performance) improvement indicators of behavior of the reservoir when the RECOVI Recovery Index (Reservoir Performance) values of the index are larger than 1. Besides the Factor of Recovery in terms of the mobile oil (FRMO) and of the Net Present Value (NPV) as control The kmean corresponds to the geometric mean of the parameters, they will be used the Accumulated Production of permeabilities in the directions x and y. The DAC parameter Water (Wp) and the Accumulated Injection of Water (Wi). To aims to establish the degree of anisotropy of the simulation accomplish a global analysis, it was used an economic
  • 4. 4 SPE 107846 scenario for the calculation of NPV. Economic parameters are Table 4. Quantification of the degree of directional shown in the Table 3. anisotropy. Effect of oil type on the sweep efficiency of the kx ky kmean DAC waterflooding under fracturing conditions process 2000 2000 2000.0 0.00 Additional to the sets of horizontal directional 500 2000 1000.0 0.50 permeability, three oil types were used. These tests have the 500 500 500.0 0.00 purpose of also examining the behavior of the combination of directional permeability anisotropy with different motilities 50 2000 316.2 0.84 and its effects in the sweep efficiency of the process. 100 500 223.6 0.55 50 500 158.1 0.68 Table 3. Economic scenario for the simulations. 100 100 100.0 0.00 Taxes Table 5. Decline indexes for the used control Discount rate (%) 10 parameters. Royalties (%) 10 Other 0.3665 ID kx ky kmean CAD Price FR Wp Wi VPL Oil price (US$/bbl) 35 2000 2000 2000.0 0.00 1.12 0.92 0.98 1.10 Oil price (US$/m³) 500 2000 1000.0 0.50 1.00 0.97 0.99 1.00 220.15 500 500 500.0 0.00 0.87 0.18 0.82 0.91 Gas price (US$/m³) 0.09 50 2000 316.2 0.84 0.68 0.43 0.52 0.80 Investments 100 500 223.6 0.55 0.54 0.01 0.36 0.58 Platform (US$) 10000000 50 500 158.1 0.68 0.55 0.00 0.16 0.61 Producer well (US$) 2000000 100 100 100.0 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.23 0.35 Injector well (US$) 2000000 Costs The effect of the mean permeability on the Decline Index Oil production (US$/m³) 37.74 (DECLI) of the control parameters is shown in the Figure 4. Water production (US$/m³) 4.03 Gas production (US$/m³) 0.002 1,2 Water injection (US$/m³) 4.03 Gas injection (US$/m³) 0.002 1,0 Results and Discussions 0,8 This analysis of the obtained results is based on the tests DECLI FR for an intermediate fluid. 0,6 Wp Wi Quantification of the degree of directional anisotropy 0,4 NPV Table 4 shows the values of the indexes used to quantify 0,2 the degree of directional anisotropy (kmean and DAC) for the tested cases, using the Equations 2 and 3. 0,0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Analysis of the effect of the directional permeability anisotropy and the injectivity loss on sweep efficiency k mean Figure 4. Effect of kmean on the Decline Index of the control In this section, the results of the comparison of the original parameters. model (NLNF) and the case with injectivity loss (WLNF) are analyzed. For the achievement of this analysis, the Decline It can be observed from Figure 4 that DECLI for the Index (DECLI) is used and it will be examined his impact on control parameters does not follow a specific trend in relation the indicators of directional anisotropy kmean and DAC). to the variation of the mean permeability. The Figure 4 also Table 5 presents the results of the comparison of the cases shows that for the model with kmean = 2000 mD, FR and NPV for the control parameters proposed for the analysis of the increase instead of decreasing, what can be interpreted as, production performance. eventually, the injectivity loss improved the acting of a probably over-rated water injection for the conditions of the system. It is evident that the injection rates should be observed
  • 5. SPE 107846 5 with attention for high permeability systems, and that makes Table 8. DECLI vs. DAC for anisotropic models with necessary several studies to establish an efficient injection rate ky = 500 mD. for the model within established limits by the geomechanical simulation. This guarantee fracturing and propagation of the DECLI fracture once the fracture pressure is reached around the kx ky DAC FR Wp Wi NPV injector well. 500 500 0.00 0.87 0.18 0.82 0.91 The analysis using the mean permeability is shown much 100 500 0.55 0.54 0.01 0.36 0.58 more useful for the results obtained from isotropic cases (DAC 50 500 0.68 0.55 0.00 0.16 0.61 = 0) reported in the Table 6 and the effect on DECLI for the control parameters is illustrated in the Figure 5. From the information contained in the Tables 7 and 8 it can Table 6. DECLI vs. kmean for the isotropic cases. be observed that as well for the anisotropies with ky = 2000 mD as for the with ky = 500 mD, DECLI for the control DECLI parameters decreases in function of the increase in DAC. Of kx ky kmean course, this evidences that when the anisotropy increases, the FR Wp Wi NPV effect of the injectivity loss also increases, making that the 2000 2000 2000 1.12 0.92 0.98 1.10 productive behavior of the reservoir gets worse if compared as 500 500 500 0.87 0.18 0.82 0.91 well with the original model (NLNF) as with an isotropic 100 100 100 0.40 0.00 0.23 0.35 model (DAC = 0). The behavior of the models with anisotropies with ky = 2000 mD and with ky = 500 mD are shown in the Figures 6 and 7. Isotropic Models 1,2 Anisotropy with ky = 2000 mD. 1,2 1,0 1,0 0,8 DECLI 0,8 0,6 DECLI FR 0,6 0,4 Wp FR Wi 0,4 0,2 Wp NPV 0,2 Wi 0,0 NPV 0,0 2000 500 100 0,00 0,50 0,84 k mean DAC Figure 5. Effect of kmean on DECLI for the isotropic models Figure 6. DECLI vs. DAC for anisotropic models, ky = 2000 mD. Figure 5 illustrates the effect of the permeability for isotropic cases where. It is observed a decreasing tendency in the indicators as the permeability decreases. It is also possible Anisotropy with ky 500 = mD. notice that the decline, caused by the injectivity loss, is higher 1,0 for lower permeabilities. For the analysis using DAC, the tests were organized in 0,8 two groups according to the permeability in the axis y, as shown in Table 7 and Table 8. 0,6 FR DECLI Wp Table 7. DECLI vs. DAC for anisotropic models with 0,4 Wi ky = 2000 mD. NPV 0,2 DECLI kx ky DAC FR Wp Wi NPV 0,0 2000 2000 0.00 1.12 0.92 0.98 1.10 0,00 0,55 0,68 500 2000 0.50 1.00 0.97 0.99 1.00 DAC 50 2000 0.84 0.68 0.43 0.52 0.80 Figure 7. DECLI vs. DAC for anisotropic models, ky = 500 mD.
  • 6. 6 SPE 107846 Analysis of the effects of the anisotropy on directional In Figures 9 and 10 the effect of the anisotropy, permeability and the fracture presence on the sweep represented by DAC, on RECOVI is shown for the cases with efficiency of reservoirs with injectivity loss problems ky = 2000 mD and ky = 500 mD. In this section, the results of the comparison of the model with injectivity loss (WLNF) and the case with injectivity loss Isotropic Models and with fracture (WLWF) are analyzed. In this analysis, the 3,5 Index of Recovery (RECOVI) is used to observe the effects of the directional anisotropy in the behavior of the indicators of FR 3,0 Wi tested models (kmean and DAC). NPV RECOVI The comparisons among the cases are shown as a function 2,5 of RECOVI in the Table 9. It is observed that for permeability of 2000 mD there are not values of RECOVI for the control 2,0 parameters. This is because the process of injectivity loss, 1,5 although it has leaded to an increase in the injector bottom- hole pressure, it did not do that in the well bottom the fracture 1,0 pressure was reached. That condition confirms the illustrated 2000 500 100 in the previous section regarding the injection rates for k mean reservoirs with high permeabilities. Figure 8. Effect of kmean on the Recovery Index of thr isotropic The analysis of the isotropic cases using the mean cases. permeability is illustrated in the Table 10 and in the Figure 8. Table 9. Recovery indexes (RECOVI) for the used Anisotropy with ky = 2000 mD. control parameters. 2,3 RECOVI 2,1 FR kx ky kmean DAC Wp FR Wp Wi NPV RECOVI 1,9 Wi 2000 2000 2000.0 0.00 - - - - 1,7 NPV 500 2000 1000.0 0.50 0.99 1.05 1.00 0.99 1,5 500 500 500.0 0.00 1.13 5.08 1.20 1.08 1,3 50 2000 316.2 0.84 1.45 2.19 1.85 1.25 1,1 100 500 223.6 0.55 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.90 0,9 100 500 223.6 0.55 1.69 108.24 2.59 1.53 0,00 0,50 0,84 50 500 158.1 0.68 1.55 187.96 2.88 1.39 DAC 100 100 100.0 0.00 2.04 ** 3.38 1.91 Figure 9. RECOVI vs. DAC for anisotropic models, ky = 2000 mD. Table 10. RECOVI vs. kmean for the isotropic cases. Anisotropy with ky = 500 mD. RECOVI kx ky kmean 200 FR Wp Wi NPV FR 2000 2000 2000 - - - - 160 Wp 500 500 500 1.13 5.08 1.20 1.08 Wi RECOVI 120 NPV 100 100 100 2.04 ** 3.38 1.91 80 In Table 10, it can be observed that the values of the control parameters increase as well mean permeability 40 decreases. In the model with kmean = 100 mD. RECOVI Wp 0 grows infinitely due to the production of water, which in the case with injectivity loss was shown nonexistent, begins to 0,00 0,55 0,68 appear as consequence of the presence of the fracture. In DAC general, it is observed that for all the control parameters the Figure 10. RECOVI vs. DAC for anisotropic models, ky = 500 mD. effect of the fracture was favorable. These parameter increases in a more pronounced way when the mean permeability For the models with anisotropy in directional permeability, decreases, showing the usefulness of the process of injection Figures 9 and 10, show that RECOVI grows as the anisotropy of water with pressures above the fracture pressure to increases, being much more expressive for high coefficients of reestablish the well productivity. anisotropy. It is observed that the cumulative production of water is the control parameter that more increment presents.
  • 7. SPE 107846 7 This evidences the water canalization owed to the combination Observing the Figure 11, it can be seen that RECOVI for of the anisotropy presence with the induced fracture, the control parameters, that in the previous section it was increasing the flow of water into the direction of the producing ascending, now decreases with the fall of the medium wells parallel to the axis of propagation of the fracture, fact permeability, and for lower permeabilities the difficulty that that is more evident for high coefficients of anisotropy. the fracturing has to return to the conditions of the original It is observed that for all the cases, although a considerable system is larger. increase is shown in the water production, that fact is not negative for NPV, which shows larger for the cases with fracture presence when compared with cases only with Isotropic Models injectivity loss, independent of the degree of anisotropy of the 1,0 models. In general the favorable result of the fracture presence FR is observed, which gets to improve the productive behavior of 0,8 Wp the reservoir, remedying the current effects of the injectivity Wi RECOVI loss. 0,6 NPV 0,4 Analysis of the effects of the directional permeability anisotropy and the fracture presence on the sweep 0,2 efficiency of reservoirs, comparison with the case without injectivity loss and without fracture. 0,0 2000 500 100 In this section, the results of the comparison of the model k mean without injectivity loss and without fracture (NLNF) and the Figure 11. Effect of kmean on the Recovery Index of the isotropic case with injectivity loss and with fracture (WLWF) are cases. analyzed. In this analysis, the Recovery Index (RECOVI) is That same difficulty that the fracture has is also evident in used to observe the effects of the indicators of directional the models with anisotropy, where the trend to the fall of anisotropy (kmean and DAC) on the behavior of the tested RECOVI is more evident for the models with permeability of models. The objective of this comparison of cases is to 500 mD in the y axis, as it is shown in the Figures 12 and 13. illustrate to what extent the fracture presence can elevate the value of the control parameters in relation to the models without injectivity loss. Table 11 shows the results of the Anisotropy with ky = 2000 mD. comparison of the cases WLWF and NLNF in terms of 1,04 RECOVI. FR 1,02 Wp Table 11. Recovery indexes (RECOVI) for the used 1,00 Wi RECOVI control parameters. NPV 0,98 RECOVI 0,96 kx ky kmean CAD FR Wp Wi NPV 0,94 2000 2000 2000.0 0.00 0,92 500 2000 1000.0 0.50 0.99 1.00 0.99 0.99 0,00 0,50 0,84 500 500 500.0 0.00 0.99 0.90 0.99 0.98 DAC 50 2000 316.2 0.84 0.98 0.94 0.97 1.00 Figure 12. RECOVI vs. DAC for anisotropic models, ky = 500 mD. 100 500 223.6 0.55 0.92 1.00 0.94 0.89 50 500 158.1 0.68 0.36 0.00 0.21 0.39 Anisotropy with ky = 500 mD. 50 500 158.1 0.68 0.85 0.50 0.45 0.85 1,1 100 100 100.0 0.00 0.81 0.00 0.78 0.68 1,0 0,9 The results reported in Table 11 show that the difference of RECOVI 0,8 the comparison among the models with injectivity loss without fracture, and injectivity loss with fracture of the previous 0,7 FR section. Although the fracture improves the behavior of 0,6 Wp systems under the effect of the injectivity loss, it does not get Wi 0,5 NPV to improve the conditions of the system with loss and without fracture until the conditions of the original model (without 0,4 injectivity loss and without fracture). Figure 11 shows the 0,00 0,55 0,68 behavior of RECOVI between the cases WLWF and NLNF for DAC the isotropic models tested in function of the mean Figure 13. RECOVI vs. DAC for anisotropic models, ky = 500 mD. permeability.
  • 8. 8 SPE 107846 To better illustrate the comparison procedure shown in the In Figure 15, the effect of the different fluids on the previous sections, in the Figure 14 the behavior of the behavior of FR (and the sweep efficiency) is shown for the recovery Factor is shown for the three cases of comparison indexes proposed for the model above mentioned. (NLNF vs. WLNF; WLNF vs. WLWF and WLWF vs. NLNF) and the effect of DAC on this behavior. Effect of Fluid type on the behavior of FR 1,9 DECLI and RECOVI behavior for FR 1,7 1,8 1,5 DECLI (RECOVI) 1,6 DECLI (RECOVI) 1,3 1,4 WLNF vs. NLNF (DECLI) 1,2 WLNF vs. WLWF (RECOVI) 1,1 WLWF vs. NLNF (RECOVI) 1,0 0,9 0,8 FR Light Oil 0,7 FR Intermediate Oil 0,6 FR Heavy Oil 0,4 0,5 0,00 0,55 0,68 WLNF vs. NLNF WLNF vs. WLWF WLWF vs. NLNF DAC Figure 15. Behavior of DECLI and RECOVI for the FR of the three Figure 14. Behavior of DECLI and RECOVI with DAC for the FR of fluid types. anisotropic models. From Figure 15, it can be observed that the effect of the Figure 14 illustrates clearly the decreasing behavior of fluid difference is larger on the recovery of FR among the DECLI with the increase of DAC for FR (and consequently cases with injectivity loss without fracture and with injectivity for sweep efficiency). It can be seen that the effect of the loss with fracture. It can be noticed that for these cases injectivity loss is more notorious as the system becomes more RECOVI increases in a more expressive way as the density of anisotropic (blue line). For the comparison of cases where the the fluid decreases, showing a more favorable effect of the fracture is opened once the system with injectivity loss reaches fracture on the sweep efficiency of the process for lighter the fracture pressure, the ascending trend of RECOVI (line fluids. The comparison among the cases with loss and magenta) can be observed and is more accentuated with the fractures, and without loss and without fracture shows that the increase of the anisotropy degree. These two previous more dense the fluid of the reservoir, the larger the difficulty comparisons indicate that the injection with pressure above the that the fracture has to reestablish the productive conditions of fracture pressure shows a more favorable effect in systems the original model. with high anisotropy degree or in systems with a very expressive loss of injectivity. In these cases, the productive Conclusions behavior of those systems presents a significant improvement Effect of injection pressure above the fracture pressure on in comparison to its behavior under the effect of the injectivity sweep efficiency and NPV were studied in cases with loss. permeability anisotropy. In order to compare the results, some It is observed that the fracture presence, even improving performance indexes were created. the indicators of systems with injectivity loss, it does not get to It can be inferred that the mean permeability does not get elevate those indicators at the level of the original case to reflect a specific tendency on the results for cases with (NLNF). It is Noticed that the difficulty to get back to the level anisotropy, doing necessary the calculation and use the new of the original case is more evident for models with larger performance indexes as the Index of Decline (DECLI) and the degree of anisotropy (yellow line), what shows that the Index of Recovery (RECOVI). These parameters are used to influence of the damage is larger and needs a more careful quantify the effects on the control parameters and to describe treatment for models with high anisotropy degree. the behavior of anisotropic systems in the injection of water above the fracture pressure. Analysis of the effect of the fluid on the performance of the To quantify the level of anisotropy, it was introduced the simulation models. Directional Anisotropy Coefficient (DAC). This parameter was used to analyze the behavior of models and measure the In this section, the effect of the different fluids in the degree of anisotropy of the models with different permeability performance of the injection process with pressure above the sets used in the simulations. fracture pressure is evaluated. For that is only taken a With those indexes, it is possible to establish different simulation model with a DAC 0.84 (kx = 50 mD, ky = 2000 relations to study water injection above fracture propagation mD) and the effect of the three fluids proposed in the behavior pressure. Some relations are: (i) relationship between the of the performance indexes proposed for the analysis of the decrease of the sweep efficiency with the increase of the models and cases simulated (DECLI and RECOVI). anisotropy level; (ii) capacity that the water injection above
  • 9. SPE 107846 9 formation pressure has to resolve the well impairment in presented at the 2005 Offshore Technology Conference, anisotropic models; and (iii) relations to establish the capacity Houston, May 2-5. that the fracture presence has to improve the productive 4. Ovens, J. E. V. et al.: “Making Sense of Water Injection conditions of the models with respect of cases where there are Fractures in the Dan Field,” SPERE Vol 1 (December 1998), 556. injectivity loss not fracture propagation. 5. Ali, N. et al.: “Injection Above Parting Pressure Three different fluid types were tested to establish their Waterflood Pilot, Valhall Field, Norway,” SPERE, Vol. 9, influences in the sweep efficiency of the process. That analysis (February 1994) 22. also took into consideration the different anisotropy levels and 6. Van den Hoek, P. J.: “Impact of Induced Fractures on the performance indicators implemented for the analysis. Sweep and Reservoir Management in Pattern Floods,” It can be observed that the fracture propagation gets to paper SPE 90968 presented at the 2004 SPE Annual improve the behavior and the sweep efficiency in reservoirs Technical Conference and Exhibition. Houston, Sept. 26- that present injectivity loss, and that capacity of improvement 29, 2004. of the productive conditions is more significant in systems that 7. Gadde, P. B. et al.: “Growing Injection Well Fractures and Their Impact on Waterflood Performance,” paper SPE present high degrees of anisotropy. 71614 presented at the 2001 SPE Annual Technical In a similar way, the fracturing process, however it gets to Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, Sept. 30 – Oct. 3. improve the performance indicators, it does not get, in most of 8. Montoya Moreno, J. M. et al.: “Well Impairment Upscaling the cases, to recover the production conditions of the models at Applied to Water Injection Above Fracture Pressure the level of the cases hat do not have injectivity loss nor Simulation,” paper CIL28-502 presented at the 2006 XXVII fracture propagation. It was also observed that the difficulty in CILAMCE - Iberian Latin American Congress on recuperating the performance levels increases in function of Computational Methods in Engineering, Belém, Sept. 3-6. the index of anisotropy of the tested models. 9. Souza, A. L. S. et al.: “The Impact of Injection with Finally, the influence of the oil type can be observed in the Fracture Propagation During Waterflooding Process,” paper 94704 presented at the 2005 SPE Latin American and behavior of the performance indexes. For lighter fluids, the Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, Rio de effect of the fracture in relation to the improvement of the Janeiro, Jun. 20-23. conditions of productivity of the models is much more 10. Devloo, P. R. B. et al.: “Modelagem Numérica de expressive, and it decreases as the density of the fluid Fraturamento Hidráulico,” paper presented at the 2001 increases. In the case of heavy fluids, with a higher difficulty XXII CILAMCE - Iberian Latim Americam Congress on in recovering the production conditions with respect to models Computational Methods in Engineering, Campinas, Nov. 7- without loss not fractures, this difficulty decreases as the 9. density of the fluid increases. 11. Ji, L. et al.: “Methods for Modeling Dynamic Fractures in Coupled and Geomechanis Simulation,” paper 90874 presented at the 2004 SPE Annual Technical Conference Acknowledgements and Exhibition, Houston, Sept. 26 – 29. The authors would like to thank the Petroleum Engineering 12. Maschio, C. et al.: “A New Upscaling Technique Based on Department of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Dykstra-Parsons Coefficient: Evaluation with Streamline the Center for Petroleum Studies (CEPETRO), PETROBRAS, Reservoir Simulation,” JPSE Vol 40, (October 2003) 27. FINEP and CNPq for their technical and economic support. 13. Muñoz Mazo, Eduin O. et al.: “Efeito do Acoplamento da Geomecânica à Simulação Numérica de Reservatórios com Nomenclature Injeção de Água a Pressão Acima da Pressão de Fratura,” Letters paper IBP1581-06 presented at the 2006 Rio Oil & Gas CAPEX : Capital expenditure Exposition and Conference 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Sept.11- 14. DAC : Directional permeability coefficient DECLI : Decline index h : Formation thickness k : Permeability OPEX : Operational expenditure re : Equivalent radius rw : Well radius RECOVI : Recovery index s : Formation damage References 1. Altoé, J. E. et al.: “Effects of Oil-Water Mobility on Injectivity Impairment due to Suspended Particles”, paper SPE 88501 presented at the 2004 SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference, Perth, October 18-20. 2. Palsson, B. et al.: “A Holistic Review of the Water Injection Process,” paper SPE 82224 presented at the 2003 SPE European Formation Damage Conference, The Hague, May 13-14. 3. Souza, A. L. S. et al.: “Water Management in Petrobras: Developments and Challenges,” paper OTC 17258