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Our mission is simple: we want to save the
world from wasting their energy on poor
startup ideas!
Working at full speed on a mediocre idea is
perhaps the worst possible waste of energy.
We want to help by ensuring you work on an
awesome idea right from the start!
Here’s how it works:
Every week we break down an industry for
you, explaining how it works, who the key
players are, and where the industry is heading
Using the newly acquired knowledge, you
complete a 45 minute thought experiment
designed to help you reimagine the space in an
innovative way
Once you have several ideas fleshed out, you
then refine them in real-time together with
your peers, and get live feedback from VCs
and industry experts on our Slack community
Job Search
Looking For A Job?
Searching for the needle in the job postings stack
the average time a
recruiter looks at a
of applicants are not
qualified to apply in the
first place
Tapping into the social
networks of employees
for candidate referrals
Video recruiting is
seeing a lot of hype
lately as a means to cut
interview time
Education is a good way
to improve your odds,
but do companies place
enough value on e.g.
Udemy or Coursera?
Success Factors
A not-so-surprising finding of academic research is that the key
drivers of success are job search intensity and career planning,
while the key hindering factor is procrastination.
Given the abysmal statistics of the job search funnel (more on
the next slide), it is no wonder that procrastination plays such a
large role. It is a game of rising above the noise, and in this
market there is a LOT of noise.
There aren’t that many markets out there as broken and in need of
reimagining than the labor market. If you’re looking for a job in
2015, you’ re probably going about it in pretty much the same way
as in, say, 1915.
Find a job ad, send in your resume, and wait. Or you know
somebody and send them the resume directly. Or, you’re a star,
and they approach you. Sure, you have LinkedIn and Monster and
Indeed now, but the process is pretty much the same.
Then, based on a 1-page synthesis of your entire life, and 2-3 hours
of interviews, both you and the employer must make a decision
which will affect your life for years to come. Now, you wouldn’t get
married based on this process, would you?
01 02
03 046 sec. 50%
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Leverage social graphs
to generate warm
introductions for job
Job Application Funnel
On average, an online job
posting gets about 1,000
Out of these, about 200
start the application
Surprisingly, only half the
applicants who start
applying actually end up
submitting their
After an average of two
interview rounds, 1
applicant will get the offer,
and only 80% of those
receiving the offer will
actually accept it.
start applying
gets the offer
finish applying
see the job posting
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This is the biggest drop in
the funnel. About 75
applications will be
automatically screened out
based on e.g. keywords.
The remaining 25 will be
manually reviewed, and
about 4 people will be
invited for an interview.
get an interview
What Makes A Good Application Process?
The steps are obvious, but few people consistently do them for long stretches of time
This is where an
applicant will
spend most of her
time, and where
procrastination is
most likely to
occur. Many job
seekers tend to
underestimate how
long this step
normally takes.
It’s interesting that
a high interview
rate does not
correlate with a
high offer rate.
Great resumes
don’t necessarily
mean great
Having a well
written resume, a
clear letter of
intent and a career
plan is the
foundation of a
successful job
Once you’ve
accepted the offer,
it is critical to hit
the ground running
and position
yourself early as a
high performer.
It is sometimes
overlooked that
compensation can
be easier at this
stage than when
already employed.
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Holy Grail
Key Players
These guys just want to fill their vacancies.
At 20% turnover rate, on average, there’s
always demand for talent. Their main
problem is sifting through all the noise to
find someone that can get the job done. For
all the uplifting corporate rhetoric about
hiring stars, most hiring managers care
much more about risk avoidance rather than
about taking a chance on a star.
Job seeking is a marathon, and those
applicants that treat it as such are the most
successful ones. Consistency and drive in
job search goes a long way to secure an
interview. Also, most start looking for a new
job way too late, underestimating the time it
takes to clear the noise and land a job.
These are big players, (e.g. Oracle), who sell
HR management software to big companies
for lots of money and multi-year
implementations. Their systems help clients
to manage their HR process (e.g.
applications, performance evaluations,
There are two types of firms here. One type
is executive search, aka matchmaking
The second one is placement services.
These guys basically provide temporary
capacity (administrative, mostly) when
We mean LinkedIn. We’re not bashing its
game changing potential, but for now, it still
mostly acts as a job board. Whether it can
turn its massive social graph into a more
meaningful service remains to be seen.
examples of companies which aim to be a
one-stop-shop for all your employment
needs. Monster, for example, aims to
differentiate by offering resume writing
services, career advice, interview prep, etc.
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Key Players
Key Players
Recent Deals
Holy Grail
Key Players
Recent Deals
YesGraph (
YesGraph simplifies the process of finding new workers by asking existing employees
to refer people in their social networks. They just raised a $1M seed funding round in
February this year, led by Bloomberg Beta L.P.
Nimble (
Nimble (or Breezy, as they have just rebranded themselves) is like Trello for hiring.
Candidates move through states as cards move through lists in Trello. They raised
$250k in a pre-seed round from Real Ventures in January this year.
500 Startups invested $75k in of Hussle, a self-serve staffing company, in return for a
7% stake. Hussle brings Uber-like ease and logistics to any type of task you need
Hired (
In an example of later round financing, Hired has recently raised a Series B round from
Crosslink Capital, SVB and others, to fund their expansion into new verticals and
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Holy Grail
Recent Deals
What is the Holy Grail in this market?
It’s probably got to do with the noise
This is recurring theme here; we strongly believe that any major game changing
innovation has to start with the consumer, in this case with the applicant.
Improving the process for job seekers will likely make everyone better off. See
In our view, the noise polluting this space is the worst problem for everyone. For
example, if over 50% of applicants to the average job shouldn’t be applying in the
first place, then this only serves to overload recruiters, reducing the time they can
realistically spend looking at a resume to under 10 seconds. And everyone is
worst off. Good applicants get overlooked by automated filters, vacancies don’t
get filled, and costs shoot up.
It is unlikely that ‘more’ of anything will improve this space, e.g. more
applications, more candidates, more resumes, more job postings. The thought
experiment you’re about to engage in is about reimagining this space in a
different way, not in a ‘more of the same’ way. Good luck! :)
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Holy Grail
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Holy GrailHoly Grail
Ready to Play?
The Rules
Just have fun! :)
Follow the Instructions
Try to resist the impulse to skip
ahead; follow the steps in the
order they have been given. In
this exercise we will be wearing
the hat of the end-user, the
Keep the Time
Use a timer to keep you on track;
if you finish the task earlier, don’t
skip ahead, use the time to play
with the concepts a bit more.
Don’t stress out too much over
time though, it’s just a guideline
Have Fun
It’s just a game! :) It’s simply a fun
way to spend a bit of time, not the
You may come up with an awesome idea now, or you may not – what
matters is that you are exercising your business creativity.
That is a skill, not a genetic trait – as with any learned skill, just relax
and expect it to become better with practice.
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Your VersionOur Version 
A. The Ideal System
We define the target of our thought experiment as the job search process, from the point of view of the job seeker.
The question that we are trying to answer is simple: how does the ideal job search look like? What does it do? We found it useful,
albeit slightly embarrassing, to imagine ourselves as almighty wizards with unlimited powers (e.g. Gandalf + Magneto) :)
In other words, how does a magic job search look like?
Ready? Set the timer and go! :)
1. A magic job search process, by itself,
2. A magic job search process, by itself,
3. A magic job search process, by itself,
4. A magic job search process, by itself,
1. A magic job search process, by itself, applies to the jobs where I
would be most happy
2. A magic job search process, by itself, finds me a job before I
even need one
3. A magic job search process, by itself, ensures I get the highest
possible salary
4. A magic job search process, by itself, maintains my resume up
to date
5. A magic job search process, by itself, ensures I get to work with
a great team
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Magic Wand
B. The Anti System
Now, we negate the propositions we created in the previous step. Just go through each and write it’s negative. Try to play around
with different negations, and try to come up with as many versions as possible.
If upon reflection, you come up with more ideas for the previous step, go ahead and add them, no problem.
Start the timer when ready.
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Magic Wand
Your VersionOur Version 
1. A magic job search process, by itself,
2. A magic job search process, by itself,
3. A magic job search process, by itself,
4. A magic job search process, by itself,
1. A magic job search process, by itself, applies to the jobs where
I would be LEAST happy
2. A magic job search process, by itself, does NOT find me a job
even when I need one
3. A magic job search process, by itself, does NOT ensure I get the
highest possible salary
4. A magic job search process, by itself, does NOT maintain my
resume up to date
5. A magic job search process, by itself, does NOT ensure I get to
work with a great team
C. Benefits of Anti Systems
Our version
In this step we will figure out what benefits, if any, the anti-cards can have. You can find our thoughts below, feel free to read them
in order to understand the exercise better, there’s no timer on this slide!
Negation Benefits
A magic job search process, by itself, applies to the jobs where I would
be LEAST happy
Tough one – perhaps it applies to jobs where I would be
CHALLENGED the most, where I likely have to stretch myself to grow
A magic job search process, by itself, does NOT find me a job even
when I need one
Maybe instead of finding me a job, it helps me start my own business
and create jobs for others
A magic job search process, by itself, does NOT ensure I get the
highest possible salary
It may suggest variable compensation schemes, where I don’t get the
highest possible FIXED salary, but overall I stand to earn more based
on certain parameters
A magic job search process, by itself, does NOT maintain my resume
up to date
A magic job search process, by itself, does NOT ensure I get to work
with a great team
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Magic Wand
C. Benefits of Anti Systems
Your version
Go through each item you came up with in the previous step and reflect upon it. Are there any benefits from the newly defined
functions? Who would find such an item useful? Remember that many times, adding the opposite to something increases its
usefulness (think pencil + eraser).
Start the timer when ready!
Negation Benefits
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Magic Wand
D. Generate New Systems
Now, take all magic processes you generated in step A, and all the systems you found benefits for in step C. What systems would
accomplish that? What features would they have? Start the timer when ready!
Magic Job Search System
A magic job search process, by itself, applies to the
jobs where I would be most happy
A “reverse crawler” comes to mind; instead of me searching job postings, the system would
automatically apply to job openings which match my experience and career goals, as soon as they open.
It would ensure my job search intensity remains high, and would reduce the noise for recruiters as well.
A magic job search process, by itself, finds me a job
before I even need one
This system might look at different parameters related to my employer (e.g. news, stock price, implied
volatility, indebtedness) and would proactively tell me that “hey, things are not that great lately, maybe
it’s time to look for something else?”
A magic job search process, by itself, ensures I get
the highest possible salary
As an added feature to the automated application system above, it could employ reverse auction
and/or range matching mechanisms to ensure the salary I get is the best match between my
expectations and the employer’s budget.
A magic job search process, by itself, maintains my
resume up to date
No ideas
A magic job search process, by itself, ensures I get to
work with a great team
Something as simple as a 10 minute Google Hangout with a few members from the team would go a
long way to avoid potential mismatches
A magic job search process, by itself, applies to the
jobs where I would be LEAST happy
The system could take a look at my career goals and my career progression so far, and could raise flags
(e.g. you’re not on the right track, below peers) and suggest actions (e.g. ask for a project to lead, move
to a more demanding role). It’s job would be to tell me the things I don’t want to hear, but I need to.
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E. Find the Big Picture
Great! You made it this far!
Time to take a step back and look at all the systems you’ve generated. Do you see any pattern emerging from all of them? Is there a
prototypical system or principle which seems to be lurking behind all of them? If any such ‘big picture’ systems emerge, explore
them further. What are they? Apps? Networks? Try to describe them in a few words.
If no ‘big picture’ emerges, no worries, it doesn’t have to! :)
Your Big PictureOur Big Picture 
…The biggest win throughout the systems we generated so far lies in
improving the factors of a successful job search: consistency in the
search process, starting the search early (e.g. before one becomes
unemployed) and employee due diligence (e.g. do I really want to
work for these guys?).
Doing this through an automated system would help raise the odds
of finding a great job, and it would also reduce the workload of
recruiters, since the system would only apply to those jobs for
which we qualify. That alone should cut the number of applications
in half.
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Big Picture
F. Scoring
Phew! You’re almost done! Time to rank your ideas and see what is worth pursuing further!
Taking all the systems generated so far (including ‘big picture’ ones if applicable), score them on a scale of 1-10 on the following criteria (it
will be your subjective judgment, of course; it’s fine). Anything that scores over 20 should be pretty interesting! :)
System Orig. Prob. Exec. Total
A “reversecrawler” comes to mind; instead of me searching job postings, the system would automatically apply
to job openings which match my experience and career goals, as soon as they open. It would ensuremy job
search intensity remains high, and would reduce the noise for recruiters as well.
8 9 7 24
An early warning system that might look at different parameters related to my employer (e.g. news, stock price,
implied volatility, indebtedness) and would proactively tell me that “hey, things are not that great lately, maybe it’s
time to look for something else?”
7 4 5 16
A reverse auction and/or range matching system to ensure the salary I get is the best match between my
expectations and the employer’s budget
6 6 5 17
An on-demand video Hangout system with a few members from the hiring team 4 8 8 20
Personal career performance system -- It’s job would be to tell me the things I don’t want to hear, but I need to 7 8 5 20
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Originality: how creative, original or unexpected would you say it is? (1 is completely uncreative, 10 is brilliant)
Problem Solving: is the problem it addresses a significantone? (1 is insignificant, 10 is a huge problem)
Ability to Execute: how would you rate your ability to execute on the idea? Think of industry knowledge, contacts, technical expertise
Ready to show the world?
Show the Community
User feedback shows that ideas improved most during Slack discussions
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Synthesize Your Idea
Take all ideas which scored
>20, or your top 3 ones if none
scored > 20, and describe
them, for example using this
<Your Product Name>
delivers <main benefit> to
<key customer segment> by
<high-level system
Show it on Slack
Join the #imaginarium channel
and show us what you got!
We’re really curious what you
came up with! :)
Refine It
Get feedback from your peers,
and find interested people to
refine your ideas further with!
You should have received an invite email after you signed up;
just search for “Sparrk Slack”, but if you can’t find it, drop us a
line at and we’ll resend it ASAP!
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One Pager
Your Team’s Name Here!
Best advice we can ever give you: DON’T OVERSELL!
Insert latest market
size figures
Estimate market growth
(CAGR) 5 years out
The Early Adopter
Who are the people most likely to use your product as soon as
its out the door?
Think of people who have the problem, who are aware that
they have the problem, are searching for a solution right now
and would gladly pay for it!
The Market
Start by describing, in just a few words, the market you’re in. Be careful not
to be too broad; be as specific as you can as to what segment of the
industry you’re going into. For example, “cross-border payments
processing” is much better than “financial services”.
The Problem
What’s the problem you’re solving? Put on the hat of your customer and
describe her problem, e.g. cross-border payments are much too expensive
and take too long to process.
The Opportunity
Briefly describe your tentative product / service and insert a very
conservative estimate on the market share you believe you can capture
within 3 years. Be extremely conservative. In fact, here’s how to do it: take
your most conservative estimation and divide it by 10. Seriously.
$100b 9.4%
Team Member #1
Short bio of team member;
focus on work experience
relevant to the idea. Mention
what his specific role in the
team will be. Don’t oversell!
Team Member #2
Short bio of team member;
focus on work experience
relevant to the idea. Mention
what his specific role in the
team will be. Don’t oversell!
Team Member #3
Short bio of team member;
focus on work experience
relevant to the idea. Mention
what his specific role in the
team will be. Don’t oversell!
Team Member #4
Short bio of team member;
focus on work experience
relevant to the idea. Mention
what his specific role in the
team will be. Don’t oversell!
Office Hours With Esteve
Probably the nicest VC you’ll ever meet :)
Esteve joined ACTIVE Venture Partners after obtaining his MBA degree at INSEAD. His career
started co-founding & leading a company that provided consulting services and supply chain
management software for Healthcare centers.
Along this intense executive experience requiring business development, product management
and strong focus on its execution; he gained transaction skills while raising €1m in funds and
negotiating the sale of his venture. This wide exposure was well regarded while working in a
Singaporean M&A Boutique firm, where he participated in Southeast Asian transactions
centered in TMT and commodities.
On top of these assignments, he has consulted several tech start-ups and participated on the
turnaround of a small vending machine company.
Esteve was born in Barcelona and has lived and worked in France, Singapore and Spain. He is
fluent in English, Spanish and Catalan.
Esteve studied Telecommunications Engineering at La Salle, an Entrepreneurship Course at IE
Business School, and holds an MBA degree from INSEAD with concentration in Finance.
Esteve Jane, Investment Associate
ACTIVE Venture Partners
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Office Hours
This is where we publish the bio of the VC or industry
expert who will hold the weekly office hours for our
This bio slide is censored, however, since we don’t
have permission to release this person’s details into
the public domain.
What’s Next?
You have a team, a market, and VC feedback on your awesome idea. Now, launch it!
You’ve already done your
one pager, so you’re in pretty
good shape already!
If you’re going the Lean way,
you have your early adopter
and problem definition done!
Well, go ahead, talk to
people, test your idea in the
real world!
Remember, if it turns out to
be a bad idea, just dump it!
You deserve better! :)
Time for your MVP! Launch,
learn, refine, repeat.
Don’t forget to give us a wink
when you ring that NASDAQ
bell, alright? :)
Good luck!
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Reinventing the Job Search - A Thought Experiment

  • 2. Our mission is simple: we want to save the world from wasting their energy on poor startup ideas! Working at full speed on a mediocre idea is perhaps the worst possible waste of energy. We want to help by ensuring you work on an awesome idea right from the start! Here’s how it works: WHO ARE WE? MARKET KNOWLEDGE Every week we break down an industry for you, explaining how it works, who the key players are, and where the industry is heading IDEATION METHODOLOGY Using the newly acquired knowledge, you complete a 45 minute thought experiment designed to help you reimagine the space in an innovative way EXPERT FEEDBACK Once you have several ideas fleshed out, you then refine them in real-time together with your peers, and get live feedback from VCs and industry experts on our Slack community
  • 4. Looking For A Job? Searching for the needle in the job postings stack the average time a recruiter looks at a resume of applicants are not qualified to apply in the first place Tapping into the social networks of employees for candidate referrals Video recruiting is seeing a lot of hype lately as a means to cut interview time Education is a good way to improve your odds, but do companies place enough value on e.g. Udemy or Coursera? Success Factors A not-so-surprising finding of academic research is that the key drivers of success are job search intensity and career planning, while the key hindering factor is procrastination. Given the abysmal statistics of the job search funnel (more on the next slide), it is no wonder that procrastination plays such a large role. It is a game of rising above the noise, and in this market there is a LOT of noise. Overview There aren’t that many markets out there as broken and in need of reimagining than the labor market. If you’re looking for a job in 2015, you’ re probably going about it in pretty much the same way as in, say, 1915. Find a job ad, send in your resume, and wait. Or you know somebody and send them the resume directly. Or, you’re a star, and they approach you. Sure, you have LinkedIn and Monster and Indeed now, but the process is pretty much the same. Then, based on a 1-page synthesis of your entire life, and 2-3 hours of interviews, both you and the employer must make a decision which will affect your life for years to come. Now, you wouldn’t get married based on this process, would you? 01 02 03 046 sec. 50% 44444 IMAGINE Rules Magic Wand Systems Big Picture Score BUILD Feedback One Pager Office Hours Next Steps 4 LEARN Overview Funnel Process Key Players Recent Deals Holy Grail Overview Leverage social graphs to generate warm introductions for job seekers
  • 5. Job Application Funnel 5 FIND On average, an online job posting gets about 1,000 views. START Out of these, about 200 start the application process. SUBMIT Surprisingly, only half the applicants who start applying actually end up submitting their application. OFFER After an average of two interview rounds, 1 applicant will get the offer, and only 80% of those receiving the offer will actually accept it. start applying gets the offer finish applying see the job posting 55555 LEARN Overview Funnel Process Key Players Recent Deals Holy Grail IMAGINE Rules Magic Wand Systems Big Picture Score BUILD Feedback One Pager Office Hours Next Steps 5 Funnel INTERVIEW This is the biggest drop in the funnel. About 75 applications will be automatically screened out based on e.g. keywords. The remaining 25 will be manually reviewed, and about 4 people will be invited for an interview. get an interview 1,000 200 100 4 1
  • 6. What Makes A Good Application Process? The steps are obvious, but few people consistently do them for long stretches of time APPLY This is where an applicant will spend most of her time, and where procrastination is most likely to occur. Many job seekers tend to underestimate how long this step normally takes. INTERVIEW It’s interesting that a high interview rate does not correlate with a high offer rate. Great resumes don’t necessarily mean great interviews. PREPARE Having a well written resume, a clear letter of intent and a career plan is the foundation of a successful job search. ONBOARD Once you’ve accepted the offer, it is critical to hit the ground running and position yourself early as a high performer. NEGOTIATE It is sometimes overlooked that negotiating compensation can be easier at this stage than when already employed. 0201 66666 LEARN Overview Process Key Players Power Map Recent Deals Holy Grail IMAGINE Rules Magic Wand Systems Big Picture Score BUILD Feedback One Pager Office Hours Next Steps 6 Process LEARN Overview Funnel Process Key Players Recent Deals Holy Grail Process
  • 7. Key Players EMPLOYERS These guys just want to fill their vacancies. At 20% turnover rate, on average, there’s always demand for talent. Their main problem is sifting through all the noise to find someone that can get the job done. For all the uplifting corporate rhetoric about hiring stars, most hiring managers care much more about risk avoidance rather than about taking a chance on a star. APPLICANTS Job seeking is a marathon, and those applicants that treat it as such are the most successful ones. Consistency and drive in job search goes a long way to secure an interview. Also, most start looking for a new job way too late, underestimating the time it takes to clear the noise and land a job. ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE PROVIDERS These are big players, (e.g. Oracle), who sell HR management software to big companies for lots of money and multi-year implementations. Their systems help clients to manage their HR process (e.g. applications, performance evaluations, payroll). RECRUITMENT FIRMS There are two types of firms here. One type is executive search, aka matchmaking companies. The second one is placement services. These guys basically provide temporary capacity (administrative, mostly) when needed. PROFESSIONAL SOCIAL NETWORKS We mean LinkedIn. We’re not bashing its game changing potential, but for now, it still mostly acts as a job board. Whether it can turn its massive social graph into a more meaningful service remains to be seen. JOB SEARCH ENGINES and are two examples of companies which aim to be a one-stop-shop for all your employment needs. Monster, for example, aims to differentiate by offering resume writing services, career advice, interview prep, etc. 77777 LEARN Overview Funnel Key Players Power Map Recent Deals Holy Grail IMAGINE Rules Magic Wand Systems Big Picture Score BUILD Feedback One Pager Office Hours Next Steps 7 Key Players LEARN Overview Funnel Process Key Players Recent Deals Holy Grail Key Players
  • 8. Recent Deals YesGraph ( YesGraph simplifies the process of finding new workers by asking existing employees to refer people in their social networks. They just raised a $1M seed funding round in February this year, led by Bloomberg Beta L.P. $1M Nimble ( Nimble (or Breezy, as they have just rebranded themselves) is like Trello for hiring. Candidates move through states as cards move through lists in Trello. They raised $250k in a pre-seed round from Real Ventures in January this year. Hussle 500 Startups invested $75k in of Hussle, a self-serve staffing company, in return for a 7% stake. Hussle brings Uber-like ease and logistics to any type of task you need done. Hired ( In an example of later round financing, Hired has recently raised a Series B round from Crosslink Capital, SVB and others, to fund their expansion into new verticals and markets. $250k $75k $15M 88888 LEARN Overview Process Key Players Power Map Recent Deals Holy Grail IMAGINE Rules Magic Wand Systems Big Picture Score BUILD Feedback One Pager Office Hours Next Steps 8 Recent Deals LEARN Overview Funnel Process Key Players Recent Deals Holy Grail Recent Deals
  • 9. What is the Holy Grail in this market? It’s probably got to do with the noise START WITH THE APPLICANT This is recurring theme here; we strongly believe that any major game changing innovation has to start with the consumer, in this case with the applicant. Improving the process for job seekers will likely make everyone better off. See below. 01 REDUCE THE NOISE In our view, the noise polluting this space is the worst problem for everyone. For example, if over 50% of applicants to the average job shouldn’t be applying in the first place, then this only serves to overload recruiters, reducing the time they can realistically spend looking at a resume to under 10 seconds. And everyone is worst off. Good applicants get overlooked by automated filters, vacancies don’t get filled, and costs shoot up. 02 REDESIGN THE PROCESS It is unlikely that ‘more’ of anything will improve this space, e.g. more applications, more candidates, more resumes, more job postings. The thought experiment you’re about to engage in is about reimagining this space in a different way, not in a ‘more of the same’ way. Good luck! :) 03 99999 LEARN Overview Process Key Players Power Map Recent Deals Holy Grail IMAGINE Rules Magic Wand Systems Big Picture Score BUILD Feedback One Pager Office Hours Next Steps 9 Holy Grail LEARN Overview Funnel Process Key Players Recent Deals Holy GrailHoly Grail
  • 11. The Rules Just have fun! :) 11 Follow the Instructions Try to resist the impulse to skip ahead; follow the steps in the order they have been given. In this exercise we will be wearing the hat of the end-user, the customer. 01 Keep the Time Use a timer to keep you on track; if you finish the task earlier, don’t skip ahead, use the time to play with the concepts a bit more. Don’t stress out too much over time though, it’s just a guideline 02 Have Fun It’s just a game! :) It’s simply a fun way to spend a bit of time, not the SAT! 03 You may come up with an awesome idea now, or you may not – what matters is that you are exercising your business creativity. That is a skill, not a genetic trait – as with any learned skill, just relax and expect it to become better with practice. REMEMBER 1111111111 LEARN Overview Funnel Process Key Players Recent Deals Holy Grail IMAGINE Rules Magic Wand Systems Big Picture Score BUILD Feedback One Pager Office Hours Next Steps 11 Rules
  • 12. Your VersionOur Version  A. The Ideal System We define the target of our thought experiment as the job search process, from the point of view of the job seeker. The question that we are trying to answer is simple: how does the ideal job search look like? What does it do? We found it useful, albeit slightly embarrassing, to imagine ourselves as almighty wizards with unlimited powers (e.g. Gandalf + Magneto) :) In other words, how does a magic job search look like? Ready? Set the timer and go! :) 12 Instructions 05 MINUTES 1. A magic job search process, by itself, 2. A magic job search process, by itself, 3. A magic job search process, by itself, 4. A magic job search process, by itself, 1. A magic job search process, by itself, applies to the jobs where I would be most happy 2. A magic job search process, by itself, finds me a job before I even need one 3. A magic job search process, by itself, ensures I get the highest possible salary 4. A magic job search process, by itself, maintains my resume up to date 5. A magic job search process, by itself, ensures I get to work with a great team 12 1212121212 LEARN Overview Funnel Process Key Players Recent Deals Holy Grail IMAGINE Rules Magic Wand Systems Big Picture Score BUILD Feedback One Pager Office Hours Next Steps 12 Magic Wand
  • 13. B. The Anti System Now, we negate the propositions we created in the previous step. Just go through each and write it’s negative. Try to play around with different negations, and try to come up with as many versions as possible. If upon reflection, you come up with more ideas for the previous step, go ahead and add them, no problem. Start the timer when ready. 13 Instructions 10 MINUTES 1313 1313131313 LEARN Overview Funnel Process Key Players Recent Deals Holy Grail IMAGINE Rules Magic Wand Systems Big Picture Score BUILD Feedback One Pager Office Hours Next Steps 13 Magic Wand Your VersionOur Version  1. A magic job search process, by itself, 2. A magic job search process, by itself, 3. A magic job search process, by itself, 4. A magic job search process, by itself, 1. A magic job search process, by itself, applies to the jobs where I would be LEAST happy 2. A magic job search process, by itself, does NOT find me a job even when I need one 3. A magic job search process, by itself, does NOT ensure I get the highest possible salary 4. A magic job search process, by itself, does NOT maintain my resume up to date 5. A magic job search process, by itself, does NOT ensure I get to work with a great team
  • 14. C. Benefits of Anti Systems Our version In this step we will figure out what benefits, if any, the anti-cards can have. You can find our thoughts below, feel free to read them in order to understand the exercise better, there’s no timer on this slide! 14 Instructions Negation Benefits A magic job search process, by itself, applies to the jobs where I would be LEAST happy Tough one – perhaps it applies to jobs where I would be CHALLENGED the most, where I likely have to stretch myself to grow A magic job search process, by itself, does NOT find me a job even when I need one Maybe instead of finding me a job, it helps me start my own business and create jobs for others A magic job search process, by itself, does NOT ensure I get the highest possible salary It may suggest variable compensation schemes, where I don’t get the highest possible FIXED salary, but overall I stand to earn more based on certain parameters A magic job search process, by itself, does NOT maintain my resume up to date None A magic job search process, by itself, does NOT ensure I get to work with a great team None 141414 1414141414 LEARN Overview Funnel Process Key Players Recent Deals Holy Grail IMAGINE Rules Magic Wand Systems Big Picture Score BUILD Feedback One Pager Office Hours Next Steps 14 Magic Wand
  • 15. C. Benefits of Anti Systems Your version Go through each item you came up with in the previous step and reflect upon it. Are there any benefits from the newly defined functions? Who would find such an item useful? Remember that many times, adding the opposite to something increases its usefulness (think pencil + eraser). Start the timer when ready! 15 Instructions Negation Benefits 05 MINUTES 15151515 1515151515 LEARN Overview Funnel Process Key Players Recent Deals Holy Grail IMAGINE Rules Magic Wand Systems Big Picture Score BUILD Feedback One Pager Office Hours Next Steps 15 Magic Wand
  • 16. D. Generate New Systems Now, take all magic processes you generated in step A, and all the systems you found benefits for in step C. What systems would accomplish that? What features would they have? Start the timer when ready! 16 Instructions Magic Job Search System A magic job search process, by itself, applies to the jobs where I would be most happy A “reverse crawler” comes to mind; instead of me searching job postings, the system would automatically apply to job openings which match my experience and career goals, as soon as they open. It would ensure my job search intensity remains high, and would reduce the noise for recruiters as well. A magic job search process, by itself, finds me a job before I even need one This system might look at different parameters related to my employer (e.g. news, stock price, implied volatility, indebtedness) and would proactively tell me that “hey, things are not that great lately, maybe it’s time to look for something else?” A magic job search process, by itself, ensures I get the highest possible salary As an added feature to the automated application system above, it could employ reverse auction and/or range matching mechanisms to ensure the salary I get is the best match between my expectations and the employer’s budget. A magic job search process, by itself, maintains my resume up to date No ideas A magic job search process, by itself, ensures I get to work with a great team Something as simple as a 10 minute Google Hangout with a few members from the team would go a long way to avoid potential mismatches A magic job search process, by itself, applies to the jobs where I would be LEAST happy The system could take a look at my career goals and my career progression so far, and could raise flags (e.g. you’re not on the right track, below peers) and suggest actions (e.g. ask for a project to lead, move to a more demanding role). It’s job would be to tell me the things I don’t want to hear, but I need to. 10 MINUTES 16161616 1616161616 LEARN Overview Funnel Process Key Players Recent Deals Holy Grail IMAGINE Rules Magic Wand Systems Big Picture Score BUILD Feedback One Pager Office Hours Next Steps 16 Systems
  • 17. E. Find the Big Picture Great! You made it this far! Time to take a step back and look at all the systems you’ve generated. Do you see any pattern emerging from all of them? Is there a prototypical system or principle which seems to be lurking behind all of them? If any such ‘big picture’ systems emerge, explore them further. What are they? Apps? Networks? Try to describe them in a few words. If no ‘big picture’ emerges, no worries, it doesn’t have to! :) 17 Instructions Your Big PictureOur Big Picture  …The biggest win throughout the systems we generated so far lies in improving the factors of a successful job search: consistency in the search process, starting the search early (e.g. before one becomes unemployed) and employee due diligence (e.g. do I really want to work for these guys?). Doing this through an automated system would help raise the odds of finding a great job, and it would also reduce the workload of recruiters, since the system would only apply to those jobs for which we qualify. That alone should cut the number of applications in half. 10 MINUTES 1717171717 1717171717 LEARN Overview Funnel Process Key Players Recent Deals Holy Grail IMAGINE Rules Magic Wand Systems Big Picture Score BUILD Feedback One Pager Office Hours Next Steps 17 Big Picture
  • 18. F. Scoring Phew! You’re almost done! Time to rank your ideas and see what is worth pursuing further! Taking all the systems generated so far (including ‘big picture’ ones if applicable), score them on a scale of 1-10 on the following criteria (it will be your subjective judgment, of course; it’s fine). Anything that scores over 20 should be pretty interesting! :) 18 Instructions System Orig. Prob. Exec. Total A “reversecrawler” comes to mind; instead of me searching job postings, the system would automatically apply to job openings which match my experience and career goals, as soon as they open. It would ensuremy job search intensity remains high, and would reduce the noise for recruiters as well. 8 9 7 24 An early warning system that might look at different parameters related to my employer (e.g. news, stock price, implied volatility, indebtedness) and would proactively tell me that “hey, things are not that great lately, maybe it’s time to look for something else?” 7 4 5 16 A reverse auction and/or range matching system to ensure the salary I get is the best match between my expectations and the employer’s budget 6 6 5 17 An on-demand video Hangout system with a few members from the hiring team 4 8 8 20 Personal career performance system -- It’s job would be to tell me the things I don’t want to hear, but I need to 7 8 5 20 05 MINUTES 181818181818 1818181818 LEARN Overview Funnel Process Key Players Recent Deals Holy Grail IMAGINE Rules Magic Wand Systems Big Picture Score BUILD Feedback One Pager Office Hours Next Steps 18 Score Originality: how creative, original or unexpected would you say it is? (1 is completely uncreative, 10 is brilliant) Problem Solving: is the problem it addresses a significantone? (1 is insignificant, 10 is a huge problem) Ability to Execute: how would you rate your ability to execute on the idea? Think of industry knowledge, contacts, technical expertise
  • 20. Show the Community User feedback shows that ideas improved most during Slack discussions 2020202020202020 2020202020 LEARN Overview Funnel Process Key Players Recent Deals Holy Grail IMAGINE Rules Magic Wand Systems Big Picture Score BUILD Feedback One Pager Office Hours Next Steps 20 Feedback Synthesize Your Idea Take all ideas which scored >20, or your top 3 ones if none scored > 20, and describe them, for example using this template: <Your Product Name> delivers <main benefit> to <key customer segment> by <high-level system description> 01 Show it on Slack Join the #imaginarium channel and show us what you got! We’re really curious what you came up with! :) 02 Refine It Get feedback from your peers, and find interested people to refine your ideas further with! 03 You should have received an invite email after you signed up; just search for “Sparrk Slack”, but if you can’t find it, drop us a line at and we’ll resend it ASAP! DID YOU JOIN SLACK?
  • 21. 2121212121212121 2121212121 LEARN Overview Funnel Process Key Players Recent Deals Holy Grail IMAGINE Rules Magic Wand Systems Big Picture Score BUILD Feedback One Pager Office Hours Next Steps 21 One Pager Your Team’s Name Here! Best advice we can ever give you: DON’T OVERSELL! Insert latest market size figures Estimate market growth (CAGR) 5 years out The Early Adopter Who are the people most likely to use your product as soon as its out the door? Think of people who have the problem, who are aware that they have the problem, are searching for a solution right now and would gladly pay for it! The Market Start by describing, in just a few words, the market you’re in. Be careful not to be too broad; be as specific as you can as to what segment of the industry you’re going into. For example, “cross-border payments processing” is much better than “financial services”. The Problem What’s the problem you’re solving? Put on the hat of your customer and describe her problem, e.g. cross-border payments are much too expensive and take too long to process. The Opportunity Briefly describe your tentative product / service and insert a very conservative estimate on the market share you believe you can capture within 3 years. Be extremely conservative. In fact, here’s how to do it: take your most conservative estimation and divide it by 10. Seriously. $100b 9.4% Team Member #1 Short bio of team member; focus on work experience relevant to the idea. Mention what his specific role in the team will be. Don’t oversell! Team Member #2 Short bio of team member; focus on work experience relevant to the idea. Mention what his specific role in the team will be. Don’t oversell! Team Member #3 Short bio of team member; focus on work experience relevant to the idea. Mention what his specific role in the team will be. Don’t oversell! Team Member #4 Short bio of team member; focus on work experience relevant to the idea. Mention what his specific role in the team will be. Don’t oversell!
  • 22. Office Hours With Esteve Probably the nicest VC you’ll ever meet :) 22 Esteve joined ACTIVE Venture Partners after obtaining his MBA degree at INSEAD. His career started co-founding & leading a company that provided consulting services and supply chain management software for Healthcare centers. Along this intense executive experience requiring business development, product management and strong focus on its execution; he gained transaction skills while raising €1m in funds and negotiating the sale of his venture. This wide exposure was well regarded while working in a Singaporean M&A Boutique firm, where he participated in Southeast Asian transactions centered in TMT and commodities. On top of these assignments, he has consulted several tech start-ups and participated on the turnaround of a small vending machine company. Esteve was born in Barcelona and has lived and worked in France, Singapore and Spain. He is fluent in English, Spanish and Catalan. Esteve studied Telecommunications Engineering at La Salle, an Entrepreneurship Course at IE Business School, and holds an MBA degree from INSEAD with concentration in Finance. Esteve Jane, Investment Associate ACTIVE Venture Partners 2222222222222222 2222222222 LEARN Overview Funnel Process Key Players Recent Deals Holy Grail IMAGINE Rules Magic Wand Systems Big Picture Score BUILD Feedback One Pager Office Hours Next Steps 22 Office Hours This is where we publish the bio of the VC or industry expert who will hold the weekly office hours for our members. This bio slide is censored, however, since we don’t have permission to release this person’s details into the public domain.
  • 23. What’s Next? You have a team, a market, and VC feedback on your awesome idea. Now, launch it! 23 Research You’ve already done your one pager, so you’re in pretty good shape already! If you’re going the Lean way, you have your early adopter and problem definition done! Test Well, go ahead, talk to people, test your idea in the real world! Remember, if it turns out to be a bad idea, just dump it! You deserve better! :) Launch Time for your MVP! Launch, learn, refine, repeat. Don’t forget to give us a wink when you ring that NASDAQ bell, alright? :) Good luck! 2323232323232323 2323232323 LEARN Overview Funnel Process Key Players Recent Deals Holy Grail IMAGINE Rules Magic Wand Systems Big Picture Score BUILD Feedback One Pager Office Hours Next Steps 23 Next Steps