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Spanish Languages
Spanish ( español ), sometimes called Castilian ( castellano ), is a Romance language in the Iberian subgroup .
It is one of the six official languages ​
of the United Nations .
Spanish ranks first as the most widely spoken language in the world in terms of the number of speakers of the
mother tongue , preceded only by Mandarin Chinese .
It is spoken as a first and second language by between 450 [2] and 500 million people. [3]
Spanish also ranks second in the world's most studied languages, being taught by at least 14 million students.
[4] According to other sources,
this number exceeds 46 million students in 90 countries. [5]
Both Spanish and other Romance languages ​
are a modern continuation of vulgar Latin ,
a language that was spoken along with cult Latin in the former Roman Empire and laid the foundations of all
modern Romance languages.
Due to its spread
1 Origin and name
1.1 The first influences of the Spanish language (before the appearance of Latin)
1.2 The major influence of Latin on Spanish
1.3 Modern Spanish
1.4 Disputes names
2 Classification and related languages
3 History
4 Geographical distribution
4.1 Europe
4.2 America
4.3 Philippines
4.4 Other parts of the world
5 variant
5.1 Judeo-Spanish
5.2 Papiamento
5.3 Spanish Creoles
6 Writing system
7 Lexic
7.1 The pre-Roman fund
8 Phonetics
8.1 consonant
8.2 Vocal
8.3 emphasis
9 Grammar
9.1 Verb
9.2 Substantive
9.3 Adjectives and adverbs
9.4 Determinant
10 Note
11 See also
12 External links
Origin and name
The first influences of Spanish (before the emergence of Latin)
Historical data show that at the beginning of the first millennium BC. the Iberian Peninsula was occupied by
peoples who differed according to the languages ​
spoken. Therefore, in the 9th century BC. They were:
● the Celts in the northwest and the interior of the peninsula
● the Partisans in the southwest
● the Lusitanians in the west
● Iberians located on the Mediterranean coast
● Also, apart from these peoples, archeological discoveries relate the existence of Greek colonies. These
were discovered on the southeast coast of the peninsula.
The Greeks linguistically influenced the evolution of this area. The name Iberia comes from the Greek word
The Proto-Basque language is the predecessor of the Basque language. This language was spoken in the
western Pyrenees and is very similar to the Aquitanian language . The first person to address the historical
linguistic changes in the Basque language was Koldo Mitxelena.
The proto-Basque language that formed the basis of the formation of the Basque language greatly influenced
the Spanish language. The change from the Latin "f-" to the Spanish pronunciation "h-" was largely attributed to
the Basque and Proto-Basque influences.
The Celtiberian and Gallaecian languages ​
are part of the group of continental Celtic languages. The way in
which the Celtiberian language influenced the Spanish language is visible through the expression of voiceless
consonants, as well as the choice of vocal consonants.
Examples of words taken from the Celtiberian language :
● "Spear" - spear (Celtiberian) - spear (Spanish)
● "Achievement" - logroño (Celtiberian) - logroño (Spanish)
● "Witch" - witch (Celtiberian) - witch (Spanish)
Major Latin influence on Spanish
Spanish developed from the Latin dialect spoken in the areas bordering Cantabria , Burgos , La Rioja and Álava
, the northern provinces of present-day Spain , becoming the most popular language of the Kingdom of Castile (
Latin was an official language). Hence the original name of the dialect, castellano , which refers to the
geographical area where the language comes from. The other name, español , comes from medieval Latin
Hispaniolus , more precisely from its correct form Spaniolus . [6] Ramón Menéndez Pidaloffers another
etymological explanation. To the classical words hispanus and hispanicus, the suffix -one was added in vulgar
Latin (cf. in Spanish: bretón , borgoñón , in French wallon, etc.), so the word hispanione was changed to
españón , and then to español . [7] This word was then borrowed from other Romance languages ​
(cf. Catalan
Spanish , French Espagnol , Italian Spanish , Occitan Espanhòu , Portuguese Spanish , română spaniol ).
Historical, socio-economic events and the use of Spanish as a language of exchange allowed it to become
lingua franca in the Iberian Peninsula , but these facts did not lead to the disappearance of other languages
spoken there. It is estimated that in the second half of the 16th century, 80% of the population of Spain spoke
Spanish. [8]
Spanish modern
During the colonization era, Spain was a global power and was one of the strongest nations on the sea, with a
huge fleet and an extremely well-developed system of naval trade networks. This helped a lot in spreading the
Spanish language in the New World , as an impressive number of Spanish explorers, gold diggers, settlers or
adventurers rushed west to the newly discovered lands. The effect of this massive movement of settlers can be
seen today, when most countries in South and Central America, as well as those in the Caribbean, have Spanish
as their official language.
Dispute name
According to the normative dictionary, published by the Spanish Royal Academy , and the Pan-Hispanic
Dictionary of Issues, [9] approved by 22 Spanish-language academies as normative, the names español and
castellano are synonymous , both being accepted. The Association of Spanish Language Academies, which
brings together all Spanish-language academies in Spanish-speaking countries, recommends the name español
to be used in general in other national languages ​
(cf. German Spanisch , English ,Spanish , Polish, hiszpański ,
Russian испанский ).
Classification and related languages
Spanish is part of the Ibero- Romance subgroup of Romance languages . [10] It has much in common with
Aragonese , Asturian , Catalan , Galician and Portuguese . Spaniards can also get along with Italian speakers
without knowing Italian. The Ladino language , spoken by the Sephardim, is in fact medieval Castilian,
influenced by Turkish and Hebrew . Being a Romance language, we find many similarities with the Romanian
language, many Romanian citizens who emigrated to Spain after 1989 easily embracing the Spanish language
This is one of the reasons why the density of translations from / into Spanish on the Romanian territory, as well
as from simultaneous or consecutive interpretations from / into Spanish is very high.
Matteo Bartoli , an Italian linguist, and Valeriu Rusu, along with other Ibero-Romance and Eastern Romance
languages, classified it as a conservative language, which has preserved many words that have become archaic
in other Romance languages. [11]
The history of the Spanish language begins with the Iberian dialects of Vulgar Latin , a language spoken by the
population of the Roman Empire . The variants spoken in northern Spain today laid the foundations for the
further development of the language. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century, the influence
of classical Latin on the people was successively reduced.
The Latin spoken at that time was a mixture of Hispanic Romanesque varieties, including the old Castilian. In the
8th century, the Muslim invasion of the Iberian Peninsula led to the formation of the two Latin areas: Al-Andalus (
AndalusiaRomanesque dialects known as the "Mozarabic language", which was strongly influenced by the
languages ​
of the invaders:
Arabic and Berber , and the northern area, where Christian kingdoms were formed and Romance dialects
developed separately. of Castilian and other modern Romance languages: Catalan , Aragonese ,
Asturian-Leonese and Galician-Portuguese . [12]
Primitive Castilian was derived from Latin in the medieval county of Castile and was under the influence of the
Basque and Visigothic languages . The oldest texts in Spanish are Glosas Emilianenses ("Emilian Glosses"),
which have been preserved in the Yuso Monastery in San Millán de la Cogolla, La Rioja, Spain. This town was
considered a medieval cultural center.
The Spanish expanded to the south of the peninsula due to the Reconquest and the unions of the Christian
kingdoms (the union of Castile and Leon, Castile and Aragon and then the formation of the Spanish state). In the
15th century, during the process of unifying Spain, Antonio de Nebrija published Gramática della lengua
castellana .
This is the first treatise on the grammar of Spanish and in general on a vulgar European language. The
colonization and conquest of America allowed the language to expand to most of the Americas.
Spanish is currently one of the most widely spoken and popular languages ​
in the world and the most widely
used Romance language. It is used in the United Nations , the European Union and, as an official language, in
the Latin Union .
The number of speakers is growing rapidly due to the fact that it ranks second as the most studied language in
the world, preceded only by English . [13]
Geographical distribution
Spanish is an official language of the European Union , [14] Organization of Ibero-American [15] Organization of
American States , [16] United Nations , [17] Mercosur acquis [18] and the Andean Community . [19]
Knowledge of Spanish in the European Union in 2006
Native country
● More than 8.99%
● Between 4% and 8.99%
● Between 1% and 3.99%
● Less than 1%
Spanish is the official language in Spain , the country from which it inherited its name and where it developed. In
Spain, Spanish is spoken with the exception of: a) the north-eastern region ( Catalonia , Valencia , the Balearic
Islands ), where Catalan is spoken by about 4.5 million speakers; b) the northern region - the four Basque
provinces ( Álava , Guipúzcoa , Navarra , Vizcaya ) with about 700,000 speakers; c) the northwestern region -
Galicia - where Galician is spoken by 2.5 million people (more important centers: A Coruña , Lugo , Ourense ,
Pontevedra ); d) the Val d'Aran region - where a variety of Gascon is spoken (which has become the official
language of the valley since 1990).
It remains in use in Gibraltar , but only English is officially used there. [20] Spanish is also spoken (unofficially) in
Andorra , where only Catalan enjoys the status of a state language. [21]
It is also one of the 24 official languages ​
of the European Union . [22] There are Spanish-speaking communities
in other European countries as well: Switzerland , where Castilian is the most widely spoken minority language,
[23] the United Kingdom , France and Germany . [24]
Most Spanish speakers live in Latin America . Among the countries with the highest number of Spanish
speakers, only Spain is not in America. The countries with the largest Spanish-speaking population are Mexico
and Colombia , both located on this continent.
At the national level, Spanish is official in Argentina , Bolivia , Chile , Colombia , Costa Rica , Cuba , Ecuador , El
Salvador , Guatemala , Honduras , Mexico , Nicaragua , Panama, Paraguay , Peru , Dominican Republic ,
Uruguay and Venezuela . [25] It is also official in the United States, Puerto Rico , along with English. [26]
Spanish is not officially recognized in the former British colony of Belize , but according to the 2000 census,
52.1% of the population know and speak Spanish at an advanced level. [27]
The language is preserved due to the descendants of the Spanish colonizers, who remained in the region since
the 17th century. However, English is the only official language of the country. [28]
The Spanish language has become increasingly important in Brazil due to the proximity and trade between this
state and its Spanish-speaking neighbors, especially due to joining the Mercosur political group . [29] In 2005,
the Brazilian National Congress approved an act, which was later accepted by the President, which made
Spanish a school subject in high school. [30] The Creole language, also called "portuñol", is also spoken along
the border between Brazil and Uruguay. [31]
In Haiti , French is one of the two official languages, although only 10% of the population speaks it. Most
Haitians speak Creole , which is also official. Creole is based on French and some African languages, but has
also been deeply influenced by Spanish. Although Spanish itself is not official, it is spoken by most of the
population, especially those living near the border with the Dominican Republic .
Trinidad and Tobago were first colonized by the Spanish in 1498 . Although both islands later came under
English rule, the local population retained the language of the early settlers. Because Trinidad is located near the
northern coasts of South America, it remains influenced by its Spanish-speaking neighbors. The recent census
showed that more than
1,500 people speak Spanish.
Distribution of the Spanish language in the United States in 2008. Darker shades of green indicate regions with
more Spanish-speaking populations.
In the United States , according to the 2006 census, 44.3 million people are of Spanish or Hispanic descent. 34
million or 12.2% of the population over the age of five use Spanish for family use. [32] Spanish had a long
history in the United States, as many states in the southwest (e.g. Texas or California ) were partly Spanish
colonies, and are now being revitalized due to human migration from Latin America.
It is the most studied foreign language in US schools. [33] Although the United States has not designated any
official language, Spanish is formally recognized at the state level in New Mexico., where it is spoken by 30% of
the population, and remains the main language in Puerto Rico . In this case, the United States ranks fifth on the
list of countries with the largest Spanish-speaking population in the world.
Although Spanish was the official language of the Philippines , it was never spoken by the majority of the
population. Its importance diminished in the early twentieth century after the occupation of the islands by the
United States. The introduction of English into the Philippine system of government led to less use of Spanish
and, consequently, the loss of official language status in 1987.
The President of the Philippines, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, announced in 2007 that Spanish would once again
become an object of compulsory study. [34] This does not mean, however, that Spanish will once again become
the official language of the islands. But it remains an auxiliary language.
According to the 1990 census, there were 2,658 native speakers of the Castilian language living in the
Philippines. [35] Data on the Spanish-speaking population are currently unavailable because they did not appear
in the 1995 and 2000 censuses.
According to the 2000 census, 600,000 people in the Philippines speak Chavacano, a variety of Spanish Creole.
Many of the islands' native languages ​
also contain borrowings from Spanish due to European and Mexican
influence during colonization.
In Africa,
Spanish is an official language of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands [36] and of the
Autonomous Cities of Ceuta and Melilla . It is also official in Western Sahara [37] (along with Arabic ),
recognized by the UN, and in Equatorial Guinea [38] (along with French and Portuguese ).
In Oceania , Spanish is spoken on Easter Island , a territorial possession of Chile .
There are some important differences between the dialects of the Spanish language used in both Spain and
Latin America. Spain is considered common national standard Castilian pronunciation and use of laísmo (a
tendency to put a direct object pronoun in place of the indirect complement ) is deprecated.
Spaniola has three second-person pronouns in the singular: tú , usted and vos . Generally, tú and vos are
informal, but their use depends on the country - in Spain the use of the pronoun vos is limited to liturgy and in
Argentina tú is considered archaic. You (derived from vuestra merced , which justifies the abbreviation vd. ) Is
the most formal form and used to show respect for the interlocutor.
Many dialects of the Spanish language are distinguished by some of the following features:
ceceo - lack of distinction between the phonemes / θ / and / s /, with / θ / being the sound used instead of both.
Ceceo can be found almost exclusively in Andalusia .
distinción - clear distinction between the phonemes / θ / and / s /. It belongs to the standard version of the
Spanish language.
lleísmo - lack of distinction between the phonemes / ʎ / and / ʝ /, with / ʎ / being the sound used instead of both.
seseo - lack of distinction between the phonemes / θ / and / s /, with / s / being the sound used instead of both.
Seseo is typical of Latin America and the Canary Islands dialect .
sheísmo - the replacement of the phonemes / ʎ / and / ʝ / with / ʃ /.
voseo - the use of the pronoun vos instead of tú , which occurs mainly in Argentina , Chile and Uruguay , but is
also becoming popular in Central America .
yeísmo - lack of distinction between the phonemes / ʎ / and / ʝ /, with / ʝ / being the sound used instead of both.
zheísmo - replacement of the phonemes / ʎ / and / ʝ / with / ʒ /.
Inscription in standard Spanish and Judeo-Spanish in Jaén , Andalusia
It is the language of the Jews expelled from Spain at the end of the 15th century, after the end of the Reconquest
(1492). They took refuge in the Ottoman Empire ( Egypt , Syria , Morocco , Turkey , Greece , Bulgaria ), in Italy
(they settled in Venice , Naples , Rome , Livorno , Ferrara ), in southern Germany . Judeo-Spanish is also called
Sephardic, after the name "Sephar '' given by the Jews to Spain.
The language spoken by the descendants of the Spanish Jews bears different names - kakatiya in Morocco,
titoni in Algeria , judezmo in the Levant .
Sephardic should not be confused with Ladino . Ladino is the name given to a more archaic language, by rabbis
who used it to translate Hebrew biblical texts into Castilian.
Sephardic is very important for the study of Spanish, because it preserves many of the features of the Spanish of
the 15th century.
It is spoken at one point in the world, in the Netherlands Antilles . He has a Portuguese grammar and a Spanish
lexicon. She is, according to some, the descendant of the first conquerors; according to others it is a Creole.
Creolele Spanish
It is known that a Creole language is a simplified language, based on an indigenous syntax and with a lexicon of
the conquering language. There are Spanish Creoles in Cuba ; several creoles are spoken in the Philippines .
Writing system
Main article: Spelling of the Spanish language .
The Spanish alphabet
Spanish uses the Latin alphabet enriched with the letter ñ ( eñe , which represents the phoneme / ɲ /) and the
diagrams ch (represents the phoneme / tʃ /) and ll (represents the phoneme / ʎ /). However, the diagram rr ,
which represents the phoneme / r /, is not considered part of the alphabet. Thus, the traditional Spanish alphabet
contains 28 signs (30 with k and w , which appear only in borrowed words).
During the Ninth Congress of the Association of Spanish Language Academies in 1994, the adaptation of a
universal Latin alphabet was granted, in which ch and ll are not independent letters. However, this reform only
affects the alphabetical order of words, not the composition of the alphabet. Thus, the digraphs ch and ll are still
part of it. [39]
The Spaniard uses a sharp accent to mark a place of emphasis when he does not agree with the rules. Each
sign belonging to the vowel ( a , e , i , o , u ) can catch this diacritic (resulting in á , é , í , ó , ú ). Also, the
diaeresis remains in use in the trigraphs güe and güi to indicate sound u (otherwise, u in the trigraphs gue and
gui is mute).
Spanish has a lexical background inherited from popular Latin. It has also preserved many classic terms, which
have disappeared in other areas of Romania: AVIS > ave (bird), COMEDERE > comer (to eat), PERCONTARI >
ask (ask), TAMMAGNUS > size (waist, greatness). There are also descendants of Latin derivatives not found
elsewhere: CAPITA > cabeza (head), CORACIONE > corazón (heart), AMARELLU (S) > amarillo (yellow).
Fund pre-Roman
The Iberian Peninsula was inhabited before the Roman conquest by non-Indo-European and Indo-European
populations: Ligurians (non-Indo-Europeans), Celts (Indo-Europeans), Iberians (non-Indo-Europeans),
Celtiberians (resulting from the merger of the Celts with the Iberians), Phoenicians , Vascones. resisted to this
day). From these populations remained toponyms and hydronyms, prefixes and suffixes used in all three Iberian
Celtic words are generally not original, but from Latin found in other Romance languages: carro (car) camisa
(shirt), cerveza (beer) arpenda (acre), Abed (birch).
Basque words : Basque also provided some words after Romanization, especially in the Middle Ages , through
the duchy of Navarre : izquierdo (left), chaparro (green oak), pizarra (slate), gabarra (boat), cencerro (bell).
Germanic words: Germanic words first came from Latin: jábon < SAPONE . From the Germanic populations
(mainly Visigoths (409–711) and Vandals ) words such as albergo (hotel), espuela (spur), guerra (war), robar (to
steal), bruno (brown), rico (rich) blanco (white) fresco (new) Ganso (gosling), Aya (nurse), Falda (skirt), Guise
(way), Treg(armistice), harrow (iron rod, clamp). Proper names: Alvaro , Alfredo , Adolfo , Fernando , Rodrigo
etc. Toponyms: Andalucia (< Portugal Wandalusiu ), Catalunya ( Got + alan ), Burgos (< burg ).
Arabic words : The Arabs ruled from 711 (when they crossed Gibraltar led by Musa and Tariq) to 1492 the
Iberian Peninsula, the territory controlled by them gradually narrowing in the face of the liberation movement
from the north.
There are 4,000 words of Arabic origin in Spanish (including derivatives), of which about 1,500 are toponyms (
only 400 in Portuguese , as well as 420 in French ). Arabic words are used in various fields, being terms related
to culture , civilization , administration, war , agriculture , industry, science . Many of these words have been
universal heritage: algebra , alcohol , elixir , algorithm , number , zero , almanac , chemistry , alchemy , hazard
etc. Words of Arabic origin in Spanish are, for example: arrabal (neighborhood), adive (jackal), azeituna (olive),
azucena (white lily), aduana (customs), azúcar (sugar), alcaide (governor), alafia(forgiveness), naranja (orange).
Toponyms and hydronyms: Gibraltar < gebel Tariq (“mountain of Tariq”),
Guadalquivir < Wadi-al-kabir (“sea water”), Guadalajara < Wadi + hajar (“water with stones”), Alhambra < hamra
(red), Alcazar (palace), Alcalá (fortress), Algeciras < djazira ("green island"), Murcia < mursah (fortified). Most
words of Arabic origin entered Spanish (and beyond) with the definite articleal ( as , ar ) and are recognized, as
such, alcohol , almanac , alchemy . Some toponyms have an Arabic article attached to a Latin word: Almonaster
, Alpuente , Alfuente , Almonte . There is also the opposite situation, in which an Arabic word receives a definite
article from lat. ILLE : La Mancha ("high plain").
Iberian loans
in Portuguese : chopo (poplar), chubasco (trouble) Morrin (miss)
from Catalan : paella (pilaf), seo (cathedral), ñao (ship, nave)
from American Spanish, which in turn took them from Native American languages:
din arhuaco : hurricane (uragan), cacique (șef de trib), corn (porumb), hummingbird , cannibal
in Nahuatl : tomatoes (red), chocolate (chocolate), cocoa , Petacal (tobacco pouch) Aguacate (avocado)
in Quechua : Pampa , Cóndor , alpaca , guano , tabaco (tobacco), canoa (canoe), papa (potato)
Galician ( French and Occitan ) (less in the Middle Ages ). It facilitated entry of a new pilgrimage route to
Santiago de Compostela El Camino Francés pilgrims stopping at Mesones , feeding on manjares (dishes) and
viandas (feed, food) with Vinagre (vinegar). The monks were called monks .
Other French words penetrated through the contacts of the court of the Spanish kings with the French
aristocracy: homenaje (homage), mensaje (message), batallón (battalion), jefe (chief),coquette (flirt), meringue ,
dressmaker (croitoreasă), garage (garaj).
italienische (penetrated especially during the Renaissance ): balcón , novela (novel), diseño (decorative
drawing), bisoño (young, inexperienced soldier).
The presentation of the phonemes of the Spanish language is very difficult due to the dialectical variety. The
tables below show sounds that are part of the Spanish standard, but may not exist in some dialects due to
phonetic processes such as yeísmo .
The table below shows the consonantal phonemes of the Spanish language.
In the 16th century, the consonantal system of Spanish underwent several important changes that differentiated
it from neighboring languages, such as Portuguese or Catalan :
/ f / at the beginning of the words changed to / h /, which then became mute (lat. FERRVM → sp. hierro , rom.
fier , lat. FORMOSUS → sp. hermoso , rom. frumos ).
the bilabial fricative / β̞ / merged with the bilabial occlusion / b /, resulting from the lack of difference between the
pronunciation of the letters b and v in contemporary Spanish (an exception being some areas of Spain and
The sonorous alveolar fricative / z /, the separate phoneme in medieval Spanish, was united with its deaf
equivalent / s /, resulting from the deaf pronunciation of both.
the sonorous postalveolar fricative / ʒ / merged with / ʃ / and evolved into the deaf velar fricative / x /, written
either as j or as g before e and i .
the sonorous alveolar affricate / d ͡z / merged with its deaf equivalent / t ͡s / and evolved into the deaf dental
fricative / θ /, written either as z or as c before e and i . However, in Andalusia , the Canary Islands and America ,
this sound also merged with / s /.
The consonantal system of medieval Spanish is well preserved in Ladino , as it became a separate language
before the changes presented above.
Main article: Spanish grammar .
Because both Spanish and Romanian are Romance languages derived from Latin , they share many
grammatical features, but due to different development the use of inherited forms varies.
Spanish is a relatively inflectional language, with very complicated conjugation, but it lacks almost all the
inflection of the other parts of speech. Many prepositions are used and the adjective is placed after the noun.
Unlike Romanian, in Spanish both definite and indefinite articles are proclitic. The syntax typology is usually
SVO, but the changes are common. Like most Romance languages, Spanish can lose its personal pronoun
when it is not needed in terms of context.
Main article: Verbs in Spanish .
The inflection of verbs in Spanish is one of the most complex areas of Spanish grammar. As in Romanian ,
Spanish verbs contain much more information than in English, including: time, number (singular and plural),
person, politeness (you / you), manner, appearance and diathesis. There are 16 paradigmsSpanish conjugation
verbs (sets of forms for each combination of time and mode - time refers to when the action takes place, and
how to the subject's safety or insecurity), plus an incomplete paradigm (imperative), and three forms
non-temporal (infinitive, gerund and past participle).
The 14 regular tenses are also divided into seven simple tenses and seven compound tenses (known as perfect
tenses). The seven compound tenses are formed with the auxiliary verb haber followed by the past participle.
Verbs can be used in other forms, such as the present progressive, but in grammar treatises it is not usually
treated as a special tense, but rather as a periphrastic verbal construction. Most commonly used verbs are
The others are divided into three regular conjugations, depending on the ending of the infinitive: -ar , -er or -ir .
The verbs -ar are the most numerous and regular; usually new verbs take the form -ar . The verbs -er and -ir are
fewer and include more irregular verbs.
In the case of Spanish, there are three simple conjugation patterns:
Spanish has nouns that describe concrete objects, groups and classes of objects, qualities, feelings, etc. As in
Romanian, each of them can be countable and innumerable and is either masculine or feminine.
It is considered that the neutral gender has disappeared from all Romance languages ​
except Romanian, but
Spanish has a variant of the decidedly neutral article, lo .
Lo does not accompany a noun, but may precede an adjective that has the value of a noun, to express a
general, abstract idea. Countable nouns have a separate plural form, indicated using the suffix -s .
Adjectives and adverbs
In general, adjectives and adverbs are used in Spanish in the same way as in Romanian and almost every other
Indo-European language. Simple adverbs are still separate form adjectives by adding the suffix created -mente
adjective feminine (eg afortunada - Lucky → fortunately - fortunately). This paradigm is common to Western
Romance languages ​
and can also be found in Romanian, in the case of adverbs as at present .
Spanish use items determined and undecided , pronoun demonstrative, possessive pronouns, interrogative
pronouns, numerals cardinal ordinals and numerals undecided as decisive words, as in Romanian. Most of them
do not form a subject of declension, but there are exceptions that follow the declension pattern of adjectives,
such as the numeral one .
External links
● Speak Spanish From Day One.
● Learn Spanish by speaking!

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Spainish language

  • 1. Spanish Languages Spanish ( español ), sometimes called Castilian ( castellano ), is a Romance language in the Iberian subgroup . It is one of the six official languages ​ ​ of the United Nations . Spanish ranks first as the most widely spoken language in the world in terms of the number of speakers of the mother tongue , preceded only by Mandarin Chinese . It is spoken as a first and second language by between 450 [2] and 500 million people. [3] Spanish also ranks second in the world's most studied languages, being taught by at least 14 million students. [4] According to other sources, this number exceeds 46 million students in 90 countries. [5] Both Spanish and other Romance languages ​ ​ are a modern continuation of vulgar Latin , a language that was spoken along with cult Latin in the former Roman Empire and laid the foundations of all modern Romance languages. Due to its spread
  • 2. Content 1 Origin and name 1.1 The first influences of the Spanish language (before the appearance of Latin)
  • 3. 1.2 The major influence of Latin on Spanish 1.3 Modern Spanish 1.4 Disputes names 2 Classification and related languages 3 History 4 Geographical distribution 4.1 Europe 4.2 America 4.3 Philippines 4.4 Other parts of the world 5 variant 5.1 Judeo-Spanish 5.2 Papiamento 5.3 Spanish Creoles 6 Writing system 7 Lexic 7.1 The pre-Roman fund 8 Phonetics 8.1 consonant 8.2 Vocal 8.3 emphasis 9 Grammar 9.1 Verb
  • 4. 9.2 Substantive 9.3 Adjectives and adverbs 9.4 Determinant 10 Note 11 See also 12 External links Origin and name The first influences of Spanish (before the emergence of Latin) Historical data show that at the beginning of the first millennium BC. the Iberian Peninsula was occupied by peoples who differed according to the languages ​ ​ spoken. Therefore, in the 9th century BC. They were: ● the Celts in the northwest and the interior of the peninsula ● the Partisans in the southwest ● the Lusitanians in the west ● Iberians located on the Mediterranean coast ● Also, apart from these peoples, archeological discoveries relate the existence of Greek colonies. These were discovered on the southeast coast of the peninsula. The Greeks linguistically influenced the evolution of this area. The name Iberia comes from the Greek word "Iber". The Proto-Basque language is the predecessor of the Basque language. This language was spoken in the western Pyrenees and is very similar to the Aquitanian language . The first person to address the historical linguistic changes in the Basque language was Koldo Mitxelena.
  • 5. The proto-Basque language that formed the basis of the formation of the Basque language greatly influenced the Spanish language. The change from the Latin "f-" to the Spanish pronunciation "h-" was largely attributed to the Basque and Proto-Basque influences. The Celtiberian and Gallaecian languages ​ ​ are part of the group of continental Celtic languages. The way in which the Celtiberian language influenced the Spanish language is visible through the expression of voiceless consonants, as well as the choice of vocal consonants. Examples of words taken from the Celtiberian language : ● "Spear" - spear (Celtiberian) - spear (Spanish) ● "Achievement" - logroño (Celtiberian) - logroño (Spanish) ● "Witch" - witch (Celtiberian) - witch (Spanish) Major Latin influence on Spanish Spanish developed from the Latin dialect spoken in the areas bordering Cantabria , Burgos , La Rioja and Álava , the northern provinces of present-day Spain , becoming the most popular language of the Kingdom of Castile ( Latin was an official language). Hence the original name of the dialect, castellano , which refers to the geographical area where the language comes from. The other name, español , comes from medieval Latin Hispaniolus , more precisely from its correct form Spaniolus . [6] Ramón Menéndez Pidaloffers another etymological explanation. To the classical words hispanus and hispanicus, the suffix -one was added in vulgar Latin (cf. in Spanish: bretón , borgoñón , in French wallon, etc.), so the word hispanione was changed to españón , and then to español . [7] This word was then borrowed from other Romance languages ​ ​ (cf. Catalan Spanish , French Espagnol , Italian Spanish , Occitan Espanhòu , Portuguese Spanish , română spaniol ).
  • 6.
  • 7. Historical, socio-economic events and the use of Spanish as a language of exchange allowed it to become lingua franca in the Iberian Peninsula , but these facts did not lead to the disappearance of other languages ​ ​ spoken there. It is estimated that in the second half of the 16th century, 80% of the population of Spain spoke Spanish. [8] Spanish modern During the colonization era, Spain was a global power and was one of the strongest nations on the sea, with a huge fleet and an extremely well-developed system of naval trade networks. This helped a lot in spreading the Spanish language in the New World , as an impressive number of Spanish explorers, gold diggers, settlers or adventurers rushed west to the newly discovered lands. The effect of this massive movement of settlers can be seen today, when most countries in South and Central America, as well as those in the Caribbean, have Spanish as their official language. Dispute name According to the normative dictionary, published by the Spanish Royal Academy , and the Pan-Hispanic Dictionary of Issues, [9] approved by 22 Spanish-language academies as normative, the names español and castellano are synonymous , both being accepted. The Association of Spanish Language Academies, which brings together all Spanish-language academies in Spanish-speaking countries, recommends the name español to be used in general in other national languages ​ ​ (cf. German Spanisch , English ,Spanish , Polish, hiszpański , Russian испанский ). Classification and related languages Spanish is part of the Ibero- Romance subgroup of Romance languages . [10] It has much in common with Aragonese , Asturian , Catalan , Galician and Portuguese . Spaniards can also get along with Italian speakers without knowing Italian. The Ladino language , spoken by the Sephardim, is in fact medieval Castilian,
  • 8. influenced by Turkish and Hebrew . Being a Romance language, we find many similarities with the Romanian language, many Romanian citizens who emigrated to Spain after 1989 easily embracing the Spanish language This is one of the reasons why the density of translations from / into Spanish on the Romanian territory, as well as from simultaneous or consecutive interpretations from / into Spanish is very high. Matteo Bartoli , an Italian linguist, and Valeriu Rusu, along with other Ibero-Romance and Eastern Romance languages, classified it as a conservative language, which has preserved many words that have become archaic in other Romance languages. [11]
  • 9. History The history of the Spanish language begins with the Iberian dialects of Vulgar Latin , a language spoken by the population of the Roman Empire . The variants spoken in northern Spain today laid the foundations for the further development of the language. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century, the influence of classical Latin on the people was successively reduced. The Latin spoken at that time was a mixture of Hispanic Romanesque varieties, including the old Castilian. In the 8th century, the Muslim invasion of the Iberian Peninsula led to the formation of the two Latin areas: Al-Andalus ( AndalusiaRomanesque dialects known as the "Mozarabic language", which was strongly influenced by the languages ​ ​ of the invaders: Arabic and Berber , and the northern area, where Christian kingdoms were formed and Romance dialects developed separately. of Castilian and other modern Romance languages: Catalan , Aragonese , Asturian-Leonese and Galician-Portuguese . [12] Primitive Castilian was derived from Latin in the medieval county of Castile and was under the influence of the Basque and Visigothic languages . The oldest texts in Spanish are Glosas Emilianenses ("Emilian Glosses"), which have been preserved in the Yuso Monastery in San Millán de la Cogolla, La Rioja, Spain. This town was considered a medieval cultural center. The Spanish expanded to the south of the peninsula due to the Reconquest and the unions of the Christian kingdoms (the union of Castile and Leon, Castile and Aragon and then the formation of the Spanish state). In the 15th century, during the process of unifying Spain, Antonio de Nebrija published Gramática della lengua castellana .
  • 10. This is the first treatise on the grammar of Spanish and in general on a vulgar European language. The colonization and conquest of America allowed the language to expand to most of the Americas. Spanish is currently one of the most widely spoken and popular languages ​ ​ in the world and the most widely used Romance language. It is used in the United Nations , the European Union and, as an official language, in the Latin Union . The number of speakers is growing rapidly due to the fact that it ranks second as the most studied language in the world, preceded only by English . [13] Geographical distribution Spanish is an official language of the European Union , [14] Organization of Ibero-American [15] Organization of American States , [16] United Nations , [17] Mercosur acquis [18] and the Andean Community . [19] Europe Knowledge of Spanish in the European Union in 2006 Native country ● More than 8.99% ● Between 4% and 8.99% ● Between 1% and 3.99% ● Less than 1%
  • 11. Spanish is the official language in Spain , the country from which it inherited its name and where it developed. In Spain, Spanish is spoken with the exception of: a) the north-eastern region ( Catalonia , Valencia , the Balearic Islands ), where Catalan is spoken by about 4.5 million speakers; b) the northern region - the four Basque provinces ( Álava , Guipúzcoa , Navarra , Vizcaya ) with about 700,000 speakers; c) the northwestern region - Galicia - where Galician is spoken by 2.5 million people (more important centers: A Coruña , Lugo , Ourense , Pontevedra ); d) the Val d'Aran region - where a variety of Gascon is spoken (which has become the official language of the valley since 1990). It remains in use in Gibraltar , but only English is officially used there. [20] Spanish is also spoken (unofficially) in Andorra , where only Catalan enjoys the status of a state language. [21] It is also one of the 24 official languages ​ ​ of the European Union . [22] There are Spanish-speaking communities in other European countries as well: Switzerland , where Castilian is the most widely spoken minority language, [23] the United Kingdom , France and Germany . [24] America Most Spanish speakers live in Latin America . Among the countries with the highest number of Spanish speakers, only Spain is not in America. The countries with the largest Spanish-speaking population are Mexico and Colombia , both located on this continent. At the national level, Spanish is official in Argentina , Bolivia , Chile , Colombia , Costa Rica , Cuba , Ecuador , El Salvador , Guatemala , Honduras , Mexico , Nicaragua , Panama, Paraguay , Peru , Dominican Republic , Uruguay and Venezuela . [25] It is also official in the United States, Puerto Rico , along with English. [26]
  • 12. Spanish is not officially recognized in the former British colony of Belize , but according to the 2000 census, 52.1% of the population know and speak Spanish at an advanced level. [27] The language is preserved due to the descendants of the Spanish colonizers, who remained in the region since the 17th century. However, English is the only official language of the country. [28] The Spanish language has become increasingly important in Brazil due to the proximity and trade between this state and its Spanish-speaking neighbors, especially due to joining the Mercosur political group . [29] In 2005, the Brazilian National Congress approved an act, which was later accepted by the President, which made Spanish a school subject in high school. [30] The Creole language, also called "portuñol", is also spoken along the border between Brazil and Uruguay. [31] In Haiti , French is one of the two official languages, although only 10% of the population speaks it. Most Haitians speak Creole , which is also official. Creole is based on French and some African languages, but has also been deeply influenced by Spanish. Although Spanish itself is not official, it is spoken by most of the population, especially those living near the border with the Dominican Republic . Trinidad and Tobago were first colonized by the Spanish in 1498 . Although both islands later came under English rule, the local population retained the language of the early settlers. Because Trinidad is located near the northern coasts of South America, it remains influenced by its Spanish-speaking neighbors. The recent census showed that more than 1,500 people speak Spanish. Distribution of the Spanish language in the United States in 2008. Darker shades of green indicate regions with more Spanish-speaking populations.
  • 13. In the United States , according to the 2006 census, 44.3 million people are of Spanish or Hispanic descent. 34 million or 12.2% of the population over the age of five use Spanish for family use. [32] Spanish had a long history in the United States, as many states in the southwest (e.g. Texas or California ) were partly Spanish colonies, and are now being revitalized due to human migration from Latin America. It is the most studied foreign language in US schools. [33] Although the United States has not designated any official language, Spanish is formally recognized at the state level in New Mexico., where it is spoken by 30% of the population, and remains the main language in Puerto Rico . In this case, the United States ranks fifth on the list of countries with the largest Spanish-speaking population in the world. Philippines Although Spanish was the official language of the Philippines , it was never spoken by the majority of the population. Its importance diminished in the early twentieth century after the occupation of the islands by the United States. The introduction of English into the Philippine system of government led to less use of Spanish and, consequently, the loss of official language status in 1987. The President of the Philippines, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, announced in 2007 that Spanish would once again become an object of compulsory study. [34] This does not mean, however, that Spanish will once again become the official language of the islands. But it remains an auxiliary language. According to the 1990 census, there were 2,658 native speakers of the Castilian language living in the Philippines. [35] Data on the Spanish-speaking population are currently unavailable because they did not appear in the 1995 and 2000 censuses.
  • 14. According to the 2000 census, 600,000 people in the Philippines speak Chavacano, a variety of Spanish Creole. Many of the islands' native languages ​ ​ also contain borrowings from Spanish due to European and Mexican influence during colonization. Elsewhere In Africa, Spanish is an official language of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands [36] and of the Autonomous Cities of Ceuta and Melilla . It is also official in Western Sahara [37] (along with Arabic ), recognized by the UN, and in Equatorial Guinea [38] (along with French and Portuguese ). In Oceania , Spanish is spoken on Easter Island , a territorial possession of Chile . Variants There are some important differences between the dialects of the Spanish language used in both Spain and Latin America. Spain is considered common national standard Castilian pronunciation and use of laísmo (a tendency to put a direct object pronoun in place of the indirect complement ) is deprecated. Spaniola has three second-person pronouns in the singular: tú , usted and vos . Generally, tú and vos are informal, but their use depends on the country - in Spain the use of the pronoun vos is limited to liturgy and in Argentina tú is considered archaic. You (derived from vuestra merced , which justifies the abbreviation vd. ) Is the most formal form and used to show respect for the interlocutor.
  • 15. Many dialects of the Spanish language are distinguished by some of the following features: ceceo - lack of distinction between the phonemes / θ / and / s /, with / θ / being the sound used instead of both. Ceceo can be found almost exclusively in Andalusia . distinción - clear distinction between the phonemes / θ / and / s /. It belongs to the standard version of the Spanish language. lleísmo - lack of distinction between the phonemes / ʎ / and / ʝ /, with / ʎ / being the sound used instead of both. seseo - lack of distinction between the phonemes / θ / and / s /, with / s / being the sound used instead of both. Seseo is typical of Latin America and the Canary Islands dialect . sheísmo - the replacement of the phonemes / ʎ / and / ʝ / with / ʃ /. voseo - the use of the pronoun vos instead of tú , which occurs mainly in Argentina , Chile and Uruguay , but is also becoming popular in Central America . yeísmo - lack of distinction between the phonemes / ʎ / and / ʝ /, with / ʝ / being the sound used instead of both. zheísmo - replacement of the phonemes / ʎ / and / ʝ / with / ʒ /. Judeo-Spanish Inscription in standard Spanish and Judeo-Spanish in Jaén , Andalusia It is the language of the Jews expelled from Spain at the end of the 15th century, after the end of the Reconquest (1492). They took refuge in the Ottoman Empire ( Egypt , Syria , Morocco , Turkey , Greece , Bulgaria ), in Italy (they settled in Venice , Naples , Rome , Livorno , Ferrara ), in southern Germany . Judeo-Spanish is also called Sephardic, after the name "Sephar '' given by the Jews to Spain. The language spoken by the descendants of the Spanish Jews bears different names - kakatiya in Morocco, titoni in Algeria , judezmo in the Levant . Sephardic should not be confused with Ladino . Ladino is the name given to a more archaic language, by rabbis who used it to translate Hebrew biblical texts into Castilian.
  • 16. Sephardic is very important for the study of Spanish, because it preserves many of the features of the Spanish of the 15th century. Papiamento It is spoken at one point in the world, in the Netherlands Antilles . He has a Portuguese grammar and a Spanish lexicon. She is, according to some, the descendant of the first conquerors; according to others it is a Creole. Creolele Spanish It is known that a Creole language is a simplified language, based on an indigenous syntax and with a lexicon of the conquering language. There are Spanish Creoles in Cuba ; several creoles are spoken in the Philippines . Writing system Main article: Spelling of the Spanish language . THE MENU0:00 The Spanish alphabet Spanish uses the Latin alphabet enriched with the letter ñ ( eñe , which represents the phoneme / ɲ /) and the diagrams ch (represents the phoneme / tʃ /) and ll (represents the phoneme / ʎ /). However, the diagram rr , which represents the phoneme / r /, is not considered part of the alphabet. Thus, the traditional Spanish alphabet contains 28 signs (30 with k and w , which appear only in borrowed words). During the Ninth Congress of the Association of Spanish Language Academies in 1994, the adaptation of a universal Latin alphabet was granted, in which ch and ll are not independent letters. However, this reform only affects the alphabetical order of words, not the composition of the alphabet. Thus, the digraphs ch and ll are still part of it. [39]
  • 17. The Spaniard uses a sharp accent to mark a place of emphasis when he does not agree with the rules. Each sign belonging to the vowel ( a , e , i , o , u ) can catch this diacritic (resulting in á , é , í , ó , ú ). Also, the diaeresis remains in use in the trigraphs güe and güi to indicate sound u (otherwise, u in the trigraphs gue and gui is mute). Glossary Spanish has a lexical background inherited from popular Latin. It has also preserved many classic terms, which have disappeared in other areas of Romania: AVIS > ave (bird), COMEDERE > comer (to eat), PERCONTARI > ask (ask), TAMMAGNUS > size (waist, greatness). There are also descendants of Latin derivatives not found elsewhere: CAPITA > cabeza (head), CORACIONE > corazón (heart), AMARELLU (S) > amarillo (yellow). Fund pre-Roman The Iberian Peninsula was inhabited before the Roman conquest by non-Indo-European and Indo-European populations: Ligurians (non-Indo-Europeans), Celts (Indo-Europeans), Iberians (non-Indo-Europeans), Celtiberians (resulting from the merger of the Celts with the Iberians), Phoenicians , Vascones. resisted to this day). From these populations remained toponyms and hydronyms, prefixes and suffixes used in all three Iberian languages. Celtic words are generally not original, but from Latin found in other Romance languages: carro (car) camisa (shirt), cerveza (beer) arpenda (acre), Abed (birch). Basque words : Basque also provided some words after Romanization, especially in the Middle Ages , through the duchy of Navarre : izquierdo (left), chaparro (green oak), pizarra (slate), gabarra (boat), cencerro (bell). Germanic words: Germanic words first came from Latin: jábon < SAPONE . From the Germanic populations (mainly Visigoths (409–711) and Vandals ) words such as albergo (hotel), espuela (spur), guerra (war), robar (to steal), bruno (brown), rico (rich) blanco (white) fresco (new) Ganso (gosling), Aya (nurse), Falda (skirt), Guise
  • 18. (way), Treg(armistice), harrow (iron rod, clamp). Proper names: Alvaro , Alfredo , Adolfo , Fernando , Rodrigo etc. Toponyms: Andalucia (< Portugal Wandalusiu ), Catalunya ( Got + alan ), Burgos (< burg ). Arabic words : The Arabs ruled from 711 (when they crossed Gibraltar led by Musa and Tariq) to 1492 the Iberian Peninsula, the territory controlled by them gradually narrowing in the face of the liberation movement from the north. There are 4,000 words of Arabic origin in Spanish (including derivatives), of which about 1,500 are toponyms ( only 400 in Portuguese , as well as 420 in French ). Arabic words are used in various fields, being terms related to culture , civilization , administration, war , agriculture , industry, science . Many of these words have been universal heritage: algebra , alcohol , elixir , algorithm , number , zero , almanac , chemistry , alchemy , hazard etc. Words of Arabic origin in Spanish are, for example: arrabal (neighborhood), adive (jackal), azeituna (olive), azucena (white lily), aduana (customs), azúcar (sugar), alcaide (governor), alafia(forgiveness), naranja (orange). Toponyms and hydronyms: Gibraltar < gebel Tariq (“mountain of Tariq”), Guadalquivir < Wadi-al-kabir (“sea water”), Guadalajara < Wadi + hajar (“water with stones”), Alhambra < hamra (red), Alcazar (palace), Alcalá (fortress), Algeciras < djazira ("green island"), Murcia < mursah (fortified). Most words of Arabic origin entered Spanish (and beyond) with the definite articleal ( as , ar ) and are recognized, as such, alcohol , almanac , alchemy . Some toponyms have an Arabic article attached to a Latin word: Almonaster , Alpuente , Alfuente , Almonte . There is also the opposite situation, in which an Arabic word receives a definite article from lat. ILLE : La Mancha ("high plain"). Iberian loans in Portuguese : chopo (poplar), chubasco (trouble) Morrin (miss) from Catalan : paella (pilaf), seo (cathedral), ñao (ship, nave) from American Spanish, which in turn took them from Native American languages: din arhuaco : hurricane (uragan), cacique (șef de trib), corn (porumb), hummingbird , cannibal in Nahuatl : tomatoes (red), chocolate (chocolate), cocoa , Petacal (tobacco pouch) Aguacate (avocado)
  • 19. in Quechua : Pampa , Cóndor , alpaca , guano , tabaco (tobacco), canoa (canoe), papa (potato) Galician ( French and Occitan ) (less in the Middle Ages ). It facilitated entry of a new pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela El Camino Francés pilgrims stopping at Mesones , feeding on manjares (dishes) and viandas (feed, food) with Vinagre (vinegar). The monks were called monks . Other French words penetrated through the contacts of the court of the Spanish kings with the French aristocracy: homenaje (homage), mensaje (message), batallón (battalion), jefe (chief),coquette (flirt), meringue , dressmaker (croitoreasă), garage (garaj). italienische (penetrated especially during the Renaissance ): balcón , novela (novel), diseño (decorative drawing), bisoño (young, inexperienced soldier). Phonetics The presentation of the phonemes of the Spanish language is very difficult due to the dialectical variety. The tables below show sounds that are part of the Spanish standard, but may not exist in some dialects due to phonetic processes such as yeísmo . Consonants The table below shows the consonantal phonemes of the Spanish language. In the 16th century, the consonantal system of Spanish underwent several important changes that differentiated it from neighboring languages, such as Portuguese or Catalan : / f / at the beginning of the words changed to / h /, which then became mute (lat. FERRVM → sp. hierro , rom. fier , lat. FORMOSUS → sp. hermoso , rom. frumos ). the bilabial fricative / β̞ / merged with the bilabial occlusion / b /, resulting from the lack of difference between the pronunciation of the letters b and v in contemporary Spanish (an exception being some areas of Spain and Peru).
  • 20. The sonorous alveolar fricative / z /, the separate phoneme in medieval Spanish, was united with its deaf equivalent / s /, resulting from the deaf pronunciation of both. the sonorous postalveolar fricative / ʒ / merged with / ʃ / and evolved into the deaf velar fricative / x /, written either as j or as g before e and i . the sonorous alveolar affricate / d ͡z / merged with its deaf equivalent / t ͡s / and evolved into the deaf dental fricative / θ /, written either as z or as c before e and i . However, in Andalusia , the Canary Islands and America , this sound also merged with / s /. The consonantal system of medieval Spanish is well preserved in Ladino , as it became a separate language before the changes presented above. Grammar Main article: Spanish grammar . Because both Spanish and Romanian are Romance languages derived from Latin , they share many grammatical features, but due to different development the use of inherited forms varies. Spanish is a relatively inflectional language, with very complicated conjugation, but it lacks almost all the inflection of the other parts of speech. Many prepositions are used and the adjective is placed after the noun. Unlike Romanian, in Spanish both definite and indefinite articles are proclitic. The syntax typology is usually SVO, but the changes are common. Like most Romance languages, Spanish can lose its personal pronoun when it is not needed in terms of context. Verbs Main article: Verbs in Spanish . The inflection of verbs in Spanish is one of the most complex areas of Spanish grammar. As in Romanian , Spanish verbs contain much more information than in English, including: time, number (singular and plural), person, politeness (you / you), manner, appearance and diathesis. There are 16 paradigmsSpanish conjugation
  • 21. verbs (sets of forms for each combination of time and mode - time refers to when the action takes place, and how to the subject's safety or insecurity), plus an incomplete paradigm (imperative), and three forms non-temporal (infinitive, gerund and past participle). The 14 regular tenses are also divided into seven simple tenses and seven compound tenses (known as perfect tenses). The seven compound tenses are formed with the auxiliary verb haber followed by the past participle. Verbs can be used in other forms, such as the present progressive, but in grammar treatises it is not usually treated as a special tense, but rather as a periphrastic verbal construction. Most commonly used verbs are irregular. The others are divided into three regular conjugations, depending on the ending of the infinitive: -ar , -er or -ir . The verbs -ar are the most numerous and regular; usually new verbs take the form -ar . The verbs -er and -ir are fewer and include more irregular verbs. In the case of Spanish, there are three simple conjugation patterns: Beta Spanish has nouns that describe concrete objects, groups and classes of objects, qualities, feelings, etc. As in Romanian, each of them can be countable and innumerable and is either masculine or feminine. It is considered that the neutral gender has disappeared from all Romance languages ​ ​ except Romanian, but Spanish has a variant of the decidedly neutral article, lo . Lo does not accompany a noun, but may precede an adjective that has the value of a noun, to express a general, abstract idea. Countable nouns have a separate plural form, indicated using the suffix -s .
  • 22. Adjectives and adverbs In general, adjectives and adverbs are used in Spanish in the same way as in Romanian and almost every other Indo-European language. Simple adverbs are still separate form adjectives by adding the suffix created -mente adjective feminine (eg afortunada - Lucky → fortunately - fortunately). This paradigm is common to Western Romance languages ​ ​ and can also be found in Romanian, in the case of adverbs as at present . Determinants Spanish use items determined and undecided , pronoun demonstrative, possessive pronouns, interrogative pronouns, numerals cardinal ordinals and numerals undecided as decisive words, as in Romanian. Most of them do not form a subject of declension, but there are exceptions that follow the declension pattern of adjectives, such as the numeral one . External links ● Speak Spanish From Day One. ● Learn Spanish by speaking!