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SysAdmin skills for PHP developers
                          Pablo Godel @pgodel - March 13, 2013
                             South Florida PHP Users Group

Thursday, March 14, 13

                          - Why SysAdmin Skills
                         - Introduction to LAMP
                         - Hosting options
                         - Linux distributions
                         - Installing PHP options
                         - Deploying PHP
                         - Various production tips
                         - Monitoring
                         - Backups

Thursday, March 14, 13
Who Am I?

    ⁃ Born in Argentina, living in the US since 1999
    ⁃ PHP & Symfony developer
    ⁃ Founder of the original PHP mailing list in spanish
    ⁃ Master of the parrilla

Thursday, March 14, 13
Who Am I?

    ⁃ Born in Argentina, living in the US since 1999
    ⁃ PHP & Symfony developer
    ⁃ Founder of the original PHP mailing list in spanish
    ⁃ Master of the parrilla

Thursday, March 14, 13
Thursday, March 14, 13

      ⁃ Founded ServerGrove Networks in 2005

      ⁃ Provider of web hosting specialized in PHP,
        Symfony, ZendFramework, and others

      ⁃ Now with servers in Miami, FL and Dublin, Ireland


Thursday, March 14, 13
Community is our teacher
            ⁃ Very active open source supporter through code
              contributions and usergroups/conference sponsoring

Thursday, March 14, 13
Who needs them?

                         Sysadmin Skills

Thursday, March 14, 13

                         IT is busy / Different Priorities
Thursday, March 14, 13
!Rocket Science
Thursday, March 14, 13
Lack of control
Thursday, March 14, 13
Less downtime
Thursday, March 14, 13
Better Performance
Thursday, March 14, 13
What do you prefer?
Thursday, March 14, 13
Or this?
Thursday, March 14, 13
I am limited to line
               I don’t do line commands
               in Linux.
               Either they can install the
               Centos desktop, or they
               can just send me the files.
                         An example...
Thursday, March 14, 13
What is


Thursday, March 14, 13
Thursday, March 14, 13
Thursday, March 14, 13
Thursday, March 14, 13
Thursday, March 14, 13
Thursday, March 14, 13
Scott Beale

Thursday, March 14, 13
Thursday, March 14, 13
Thursday, March 14, 13
Thursday, March 14, 13
Thursday, March 14, 13


Thursday, March 14, 13


Thursday, March 14, 13


Thursday, March 14, 13


Thursday, March 14, 13


Thursday, March 14, 13


Thursday, March 14, 13


Thursday, March 14, 13

                         Easily Available

Thursday, March 14, 13
Hosting Options

Thursday, March 14, 13
Hosting Options
                         Shared Hosting
                         +                -
    - Inexpensive                - Shared resources
    - Widely available           - No/Limited Shell
    - Easy to use                - Many restrictions
    - No maintenance             - No control
    - No updates                 - Fixed versions
    - Instant provisioning       - Multitude of CPs
    - DNS/Email services
Thursday, March 14, 13
Hosting Options
                         Dedicated Servers
                         +                  -
  - Full control                 - Hard to plan
  - No sharing                   - Software updates
  - Best performance             - SysAdmin skills
  - Software / Hardware          - Expensive to start
  to specs                       - Parts replacements
                                 - Control Panel licenses

Thursday, March 14, 13
Hosting Options
                         Virtual Servers / VPS
                             - Shared resources
                             - Software updates
                             - SysAdmin skills
                             - Limited/No CP
                             - Lack of email

Thursday, March 14, 13
Hosting Options
                         Virtual Servers / VPS
                          +                 +
     - Inexpensive                 - Custom configurations
     - Widely available            - Snapshots
     - Choice of OS                - Multiple Envs
     - Root access
     - Full shell
     - Fast provisioning
     - Custom software
Thursday, March 14, 13
Hosting Options
                              Cloud Hosting
                          +                   -

                         Depends on implementation

Thursday, March 14, 13
Hosting Options
                            Cloud Hosting

                         Some are a shared hosting
                         with a fancy new name

Thursday, March 14, 13
Hosting Options
                            Cloud Hosting

                         Some are a shared hosting
                         with a fancy new name
                         Others let you start small
                         and scale easily

Thursday, March 14, 13
Hosting Options
                            Cloud Hosting

                         Some are a shared hosting
                         with a fancy new name
                         Others let you start small
                         and scale easily
                         Gets really expensive at

Thursday, March 14, 13
Hosting Options
                           Cloud Hosting
                         Most suffer from some of the
                         shared hosting problems:
                         - vendor lock-in
                         - lack of control
                         - high learning curve
                         - limited environment

Thursday, March 14, 13
Hosting Options

                    Which one to choose?

Thursday, March 14, 13
Hosting Options
                         Which one to choose?

                            IT   DEPENDS

Thursday, March 14, 13
Linux Distributions

Thursday, March 14, 13
                          RedHat based

                    - Fedora
                    - RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
                    - CentOS
                    - Scientific Linux

Thursday, March 14, 13
                           Debian based

                    - Debian
                    - Ubuntu

Thursday, March 14, 13
                    - Gentoo
                    - Slackware
                    - OpenSuse
                    - Archlinux
                    - any many many more!

Thursday, March 14, 13
                         Key differences
                         - Configuration files
                         - Package Manager
                         - Managing Services
                         - Software versions
                         - Updates

Thursday, March 14, 13
                         Key differences
   - Configuration files





Thursday, March 14, 13
                         Key differences
   - Package Manager


             yum install php-cli


            apt-get install php5

Thursday, March 14, 13
                         Key differences
   - Package Manager


             yum search php-cli


             apt-cache search php

Thursday, March 14, 13
                         Key differences
   - Managing Services

           service restart httpd
           chkconfig --list httpd
           chkconfig httpd on

           service restart apache2
           sudo update-rc.d apache2 enable
Thursday, March 14, 13
                         Key differences
   - Software versions





Thursday, March 14, 13
                         Key differences
   - Updates

           CentOS 5.x

            PHP 5.1.6

          Ubuntu 11

            PHP 5.3.5

Thursday, March 14, 13
                             Key similarities

                         - Based on Linux Kernel

                         - Screwed up or ancient PHP
                         - Lack of PHP extensions

Thursday, March 14, 13
                         Which one to choose?

                            IT   DEPENDS

Thursday, March 14, 13
                         Which one to choose?

                         - Best feeling
                         - Previous experience
                         - Workplace selection
                         - Coworker / friend knowledge

Thursday, March 14, 13
Sysadmin skills for
                             PHP Devs

Thursday, March 14, 13
First Experience

Thursday, March 14, 13
First Experience

                         - Run Linux natively
                         - Mac OSX
                         - Virtual Machine:
                           - VirtualBox
                           - Parallels
                           - VMware
                         - VPS

Thursday, March 14, 13
First Experience

Thursday, March 14, 13
First Experience

Thursday, March 14, 13
First Experience

Thursday, March 14, 13
First Experience

Thursday, March 14, 13
First Experience

       Recommended Books:
       - Learning the bash Shell
       - bash Cookbook

Thursday, March 14, 13
First Experience
                         Most Common Commands:

                         $   ls -l /path/
                         $   cd /path
                         $   pwd
                         $   cat /etc/passwd
                         $   less /etc/resolv.conf
                         $   tail -f /var/log/*
                         $   last
                         $   lastb
                         $   vi /etc/hosts

Thursday, March 14, 13
First Experience
                         User`s config files:

                              export PATH

                              alias rm='rm -i'
                              alias cp='cp -i'
                              alias mv='mv -i'
Thursday, March 14, 13
First Experience
                         Most common directories:


Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing Apache/PHP

Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing Apache/PHP
                   # CentOS
                   $ yum install httpd php-cli mod_php

                   # Ubuntu
                   $ apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5

                  Mac OSX
                  - MAMP
                  - Native Apache + Liip PHP installation
                  - Zend Server CE

                  - WAMP
                  - IIS + PHP
Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing PHP
                    Third Party Repositories
                         - Remi RPM
                         - Webtatic
                         - ServerGrove: PHP 5.3.x / 5.4.x
                         (always latest)
Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing PHP
                    Third Party Repositories

   cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
   yum install php53 # or php54

Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing PHP
                    Third Party Repositories
                                PHP 5.3.x / 5.4.x

                         - Dotdeb:
                         - ServerGrove: (always latest)

Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing PHP
                    Third Party Repositories

  echo “deb
  precise precise main” >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
  apt-get install php53 # or php54

Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing PHP
                         From Source

   tar jxvf php-5.4.12.tar.bz2
   cd php-5.4.12
   make && make install

Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing PHP
  php -i |grep configure
  ./configure '--with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs' '--prefix=/usr/local/
  php53' '--with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php53/conf.d' '--
  enable-bcmath' '--enable-ctype' '--enable-exif' '--enable-
  mbstring' '--enable-ftp' '--enable-intl' '--enable-sockets' '--
  enable-sysvmsg' '--enable-pcntl' '--with-bz2' '--with-curl' '--
  with-gettext' '--with-gd' '--enable-gd-native-ttf' '--enable-exif' '--
  with-freetype-dir=/usr' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr' '--with-t1lib=/usr'
  '--with-mcrypt' '--with-openssl' '--with-kerberos' '--with-iconv'
  '--with-xsl' '--with-xmlrpc' '--with-zlib' '--with-mysql=mysqlnd' '--
  with-mysqli=mysqlnd' '--with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd'
  make && make install
Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing PHP
                         Compiling for Apache

    ./configure '--with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs'
    make && make install

Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing PHP
Compiling for Nginx / PHP-FPM

                   ./configure '--enable-fpm'
                   make && make install

Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing PHP
                         Compiling extension

                   ./configure --with-curl --enable-ftp
                   make && make install

Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing PHP
                         Compiling extension

                   cd ext/curl
                   make && make install
                   echo “” >> php.ini

Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing PHP
                         Compiling extension


Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing PHP
                         Compiling extension
    pecl install apc
    # or
    pecl download apc
    tar zxvf APC-3.1.13.tgz
    cd APC-3.13
    make && make install
    echo “” >> php.ini
Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing PHP

                           - Chef
                           - Puppet
                           - ...

Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing PHP

                  Default location


                  Other common locations



Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing PHP

  php -i | grep php.ini
  Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /usr/local/php5/lib
  Loaded Configuration File => /usr/local/php5-20110426-093151/
  Scan this dir for additional .ini files => /usr/local/php5/php.d
  Additional .ini files parsed => /usr/local/php5/php.d/10-

Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing PHP

  php -i | grep mongo
   mongo.allow_empty_keys => 0 => 0
   mongo.allow_persistent => 1 => 1
   mongo.auto_reconnect => 1 => 1
   mongo.chunk_size => 262144 => 262144
   mongo.cmd => $ => $
   mongo.default_host => localhost => localhost
   mongo.default_port => 27017 => 27017
Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing PHP
          php -m
           [PHP Modules]
Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing PHP


Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing PHP

   php -i | grep extension_dir
   extension_dir => /usr/local/php5/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-

Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing PHP

                         display_errors = off
                         log_errors = on
                         error_log = /var/log/php.log

Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing PHP
                         memory_limit = 128M
                         max_execution_time = 30
                         display_errors = off
                         expose_php = off
                         mail.log = /var/log/phpmails.log
                         disable_functions = exec
                         allow_url_fopen = off

Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing PHP
                File uploads on .htaccess
                           php_value memory_limit 128M
                           php_value max_file_uploads 20
                           php_value max_input_time -1
                           php_value post_max_size 8M
                           php_value upload_max_filesize 2M
                           php_value max_execution_time 0

                         AllowOverride=All in Apache!
Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing PHP
                           Include .htaccess

                         <Directory /path/to/document/root>
                           Include /path/to/.htaccess

                  AllowOverride=None in Apache!
Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing PHP
                             php_value date.timezone UTC
                             php_flag display_errors 1
                             php_value memory_limit 128M
                             php_value max_execution_time 0

                         Don’t forget to restart Apache
Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing PHP
                              Web Server User
            Permissions issues with clear cache
            and uploads, Anyone?

          Possible users
                         - apache
                         - nobody
                         - www-data
                         - ftp / ssh user (sometimes)

Thursday, March 14, 13
Installing PHP
                         Web Server User
            Permissions issues with clear cache
            and uploads, Anyone?

  rm -rf app/cache/*
  rm -rf app/logs/*

  sudo chmod +a "www-data allow delete,write,append,file_inherit,directory_inherit" app/cache
  sudo chmod +a "`whoami` allow delete,write,append,file_inherit,directory_inherit" app/cache

Thursday, March 14, 13
Deploying PHP

Thursday, March 14, 13
Deploying PHP
                         Before going live
                                       Make sure ntpd is
                                       installed and running
                                       to ensure accurate
                                       server time

                yum install ntp
                chkconfig ntpd on

Thursday, March 14, 13
Deploying PHP
                          Before going live
          - Disable PHP in specific directories

                   <Location /uploads>
                     php_admin_flag engine off

Thursday, March 14, 13
Deploying PHP
                          Before going live
          - Limit access by IP

                   <Location /admin>
                     Order Deny,Allow
                     Deny from all
                     Allow from

Thursday, March 14, 13
Deploying PHP
                          Before going live
         - Add HTTP Authentication

                   <Location /admin>
                       Require valid-user
                       AuthType Basic
                       AuthName "SG"
                       AuthUserFile /path/users

Thursday, March 14, 13
Deploying PHP
                         Before going live

                  - Quiet down Apache

                  ServerTokens Prod

Thursday, March 14, 13
Deploying PHP
                          Before going live
                  Move document root with .htaccess
                   RewriteEngine On

                   RewriteRule ^.htaccess$ - [F]

                   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
                   RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L]

                   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/web/.*$
                   RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /web/$1

Thursday, March 14, 13
Deploying PHP
                         Before going live
               - Case senstive filesystem

               IPCheck_Form_Index_Login !=
               class IPCheck_Form_Index_Login

Thursday, March 14, 13
Deploying PHP
                         - server-side vi
                         - plain old FTP
                         - SFTP
                         - scp
                         - rsync + ssh
                         - git
                         - tar / gzip
                         - rpm / deb packages
                         - capistrano / capifony

Thursday, March 14, 13
Deploying PHP
                         - server-side vi
                         - plain old FTP
                         - SFTP
                         - scp
                         - rsync + ssh
                         - git
                         - tar / gzip
                         - rpm / deb packages
                         - capistrano / capifony

Thursday, March 14, 13
Deploying PHP
                         Effing Package Management

              Build packages for multiple platforms (deb, rpm, etc) with great ease and sanity.

              fpm -s dir -t rpm -n "sfapp" -v 1.0 /var/www/sfapp

              fpm -s dir -t deb -a all -n sfapp -v 1.0 /etc/apache2/
              conf.d/my.conf /var/www/sfapp


Thursday, March 14, 13
Deploying PHP
                         Capistrano / Capifony

            - multiple servers
            - multiple environments
            - setup shared folders (vendors, cache, logs, etc)
            - copy files
            - update vendors
            - multi versions
            - rollback
            - restart apache

Thursday, March 14, 13
Deploying PHP
                            Setting up SSH

            $ ssh-keygen -t dsa

            $ ssh-copy-id user@remote-host

            $ ssh-add

Thursday, March 14, 13
Deploying PHP
                                Setting up SSH


                   Host *
                    ForwardAgent yes
                    Port 22123

                   Host gh
                    Port 22
                    PreferredAuthentications publickey
                    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/me_rsa

Thursday, March 14, 13
Deploying PHP
                               Setting up SSH


                   Port 22
                   Port 22123
                   PermitRootLogin no
                   PasswordAuthentication no

Thursday, March 14, 13
Deploying PHP                                                   Automate!



Thursday, March 14, 13
DNS Tips

Thursday, March 14, 13
DNS Tips           The Power of the hosts file

Thursday, March 14, 13
DNS Tips                     The Power of the hosts file



Thursday, March 14, 13
DNS Tips           The Power of the hosts file


Thursday, March 14, 13
DNS Tips
                         Virtual Document Root

   UseCanonicalName Off

   VirtualDocumentRoot /var/www/vhosts/%0/web

   <Location /var/www/vhosts>
       AllowOverride All
       Options +FollowSymLinks

  => /var/www/vhosts/
  => /var/www/vhosts/
Thursday, March 14, 13
DNS Tips

   Name Servers:

   Creation date: 19 May 2005 23:34:36
   Expiration date: 19 May 2014 23:34:00

Thursday, March 14, 13
DNS Tips
                         DNS records
   dig -t A
   ;; ANSWER SECTION:       184 IN A       184 IN A       184 IN A       184 IN A       184 IN A       184 IN A       184 IN A       184 IN A       184 IN A       184 IN A       184 IN A
Thursday, March 14, 13
DNS Tips
                         DNS records

   dig -t A
   ;; ANSWER SECTION:      3600 IN A

Thursday, March 14, 13
DNS Tips                                          DNS Delegation

Thursday, March 14, 13
DNS Tips


   traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
    1 ( 0.360 ms 0.365 ms 0.432 ms
    2 ( 1.558 ms 1.546 ms 1.532 ms
    3 ( 0.238 ms 0.224 ms 0.230 ms
    4 ( 0.266 ms 0.283 ms 0.312 ms
    5 ( 12.764 ms 12.757 ms 12.749 ms
    6 ( 14.177 ms 14.257 ms 14.359 ms
    7 ( 13.653 ms 13.606 ms 13.618 ms

Thursday, March 14, 13
DNS Tips

Thursday, March 14, 13
DNS Tips

Thursday, March 14, 13

Thursday, March 14, 13
                            Apache Requests

                         <Location /server-status>
                           SetHandler server-status
                           Order deny,allow
                           Deny from all
                           Allow from

                         ExtendedStatus On

Thursday, March 14, 13
                         Apache Requests

Thursday, March 14, 13

                         - Cacti
                         - Ganglia
                         - Zabbix
                         - collectd
                         - statsd / StatsDBundle
                         - graphite

Thursday, March 14, 13
                         statsd / StatsDBundle / Graphite

Thursday, March 14, 13
                         CPU / Memory / IO

Thursday, March 14, 13

Thursday, March 14, 13

Thursday, March 14, 13
                               Handling logs

           - Centralize logs with syslog
                         error_log = syslog

           - Monolog supports syslog
           - logstash, logster, loggly, logio

Thursday, March 14, 13
                         Handling logs

         $ grep POST /var/log/apache2/access_log

Thursday, March 14, 13
Speeding up

Thursday, March 14, 13
Speeding up

                         - nginx/php-fpm
                         - APC
                         - ZendOptimizer+
                         - Memcache
                         - nginx reverse proxy cache
                         - Varnish

Thursday, March 14, 13

Thursday, March 14, 13

                         - rsync
                         - rdiff-backup
                         - Unison
                         - Bacula
                         - Amanda

Thursday, March 14, 13

                              Don’t forget to
                              backup your DB!

Thursday, March 14, 13
Reading List

    - Automating UNIX and Linux Administration
    - Running Linux
    - Learning the bash Shell: Unix Shell Programming

Thursday, March 14, 13
The End              Questions?

                          Sysadmin skills for PHP developers
Thursday, March 14, 13
Sysadmin skills for PHP developers

                              Thank you!
                                 Pablo Godel @pgodel
Thursday, March 14, 13

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Pablo Godel
Symfony Live NYC 2014 - Rock Solid Deployment of Symfony Apps
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Pablo Godel
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Pablo Godel
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Pablo Godel
php[architect] Summit Series DevOps 2013 - Rock solid deployment of PHP apps
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Pablo Godel
Lone StarPHP 2013 - Building Web Apps from a New Angle
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Pablo Godel
deSymfony 2013 - Creando aplicaciones web desde otro ángulo con Symfony y A...
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Pablo Godel
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Pablo Godel
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Pablo Godel
Symfony2 and MongoDB - MidwestPHP 2013
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Pablo Godel
Rock Solid Deployment of Web Applications
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Rock Solid Deployment of Web Applications
Pablo Godel
Codeworks'12 Rock Solid Deployment of PHP Apps
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Codeworks'12 Rock Solid Deployment of PHP Apps
Pablo Godel
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La Caja de Herramientas del Desarrollador Moderno PHPConferenceAR
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PHP Conference Argentina 2013 - Independizate de tu departamento IT - Habilid...
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Soflophp 2013 - SysAdmin skills for PHP developers

  • 1. SysAdmin skills for PHP developers Pablo Godel @pgodel - March 13, 2013 South Florida PHP Users Group Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 2. Agenda - Why SysAdmin Skills - Introduction to LAMP - Hosting options - Linux distributions - Installing PHP options - Deploying PHP - Various production tips - Monitoring - Backups Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 3. Who Am I? ⁃ Born in Argentina, living in the US since 1999 ⁃ PHP & Symfony developer ⁃ Founder of the original PHP mailing list in spanish ⁃ Master of the parrilla Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 4. Who Am I? ⁃ Born in Argentina, living in the US since 1999 ⁃ PHP & Symfony developer ⁃ Founder of the original PHP mailing list in spanish ⁃ Master of the parrilla Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 6. ServerGrove! ⁃ Founded ServerGrove Networks in 2005 ⁃ Provider of web hosting specialized in PHP, Symfony, ZendFramework, and others ⁃ Now with servers in Miami, FL and Dublin, Ireland ⁃! Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 7. Community is our teacher ⁃ Very active open source supporter through code contributions and usergroups/conference sponsoring Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 8. Who needs them? Sysadmin Skills Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 9. Text IT is busy / Different Priorities Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 14. What do you prefer? Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 16. I am limited to line commands. I don’t do line commands in Linux. Either they can install the Centos desktop, or they can just send me the files. An example... Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 17. What is LAMP Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 27. Thursday, March 14, 13 LANMMPP
  • 28. Why? LANMMPP Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 29. Why LANMMPP Proven Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 30. Why LANMMPP Stable Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 31. Why LANMMPP Secure Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 32. Why LANMMPP Free Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 33. Why LANMMPP Free* Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 34. Why LANMMPP Inexpensive Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 35. Why LANMMPP Easily Available Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 37. Hosting Options Shared Hosting + - - Inexpensive - Shared resources - Widely available - No/Limited Shell - Easy to use - Many restrictions - No maintenance - No control - No updates - Fixed versions - Instant provisioning - Multitude of CPs - DNS/Email services Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 38. Hosting Options Dedicated Servers + - - Full control - Hard to plan - No sharing - Software updates - Best performance - SysAdmin skills - Software / Hardware - Expensive to start to specs - Parts replacements - Control Panel licenses Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 39. Hosting Options Virtual Servers / VPS - - Shared resources - Software updates - SysAdmin skills - Limited/No CP - Lack of email Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 40. Hosting Options Virtual Servers / VPS + + - Inexpensive - Custom configurations - Widely available - Snapshots - Choice of OS - Multiple Envs - Root access - Full shell - Fast provisioning - Custom software Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 41. Hosting Options Cloud Hosting + - Depends on implementation Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 42. Hosting Options Cloud Hosting Some are a shared hosting with a fancy new name Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 43. Hosting Options Cloud Hosting Some are a shared hosting with a fancy new name Others let you start small and scale easily Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 44. Hosting Options Cloud Hosting Some are a shared hosting with a fancy new name Others let you start small and scale easily Gets really expensive at scale Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 45. Hosting Options Cloud Hosting Most suffer from some of the shared hosting problems: - vendor lock-in - lack of control - high learning curve - limited environment Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 46. Hosting Options Which one to choose? Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 47. Hosting Options Which one to choose? IT DEPENDS Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 49. Distributions RedHat based - Fedora - RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) - CentOS - Scientific Linux Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 50. Distributions Debian based - Debian - Ubuntu Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 51. Distributions Others - Gentoo - Slackware - OpenSuse - Archlinux - any many many more! Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 52. Distributions Key differences - Configuration files - Package Manager - Managing Services - Software versions - Updates Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 53. Distributions Key differences - Configuration files CentOS /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 Ubuntu /etc/network/interfaces Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 54. Distributions Key differences - Package Manager CentOS yum install php-cli Ubuntu apt-get install php5 Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 55. Distributions Key differences - Package Manager CentOS yum search php-cli Ubuntu apt-cache search php Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 56. Distributions Key differences - Managing Services CentOS service restart httpd chkconfig --list httpd chkconfig httpd on Ubuntu service restart apache2 sudo update-rc.d apache2 enable Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 57. Distributions Key differences - Software versions CentOS httpd-2.2.3 Ubuntu apache-2.2.17 Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 58. Distributions Key differences - Updates CentOS 5.x PHP 5.1.6 Ubuntu 11 PHP 5.3.5 Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 59. Distributions Key similarities - Based on Linux Kernel - Screwed up or ancient PHP - Lack of PHP extensions Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 60. Distributions Which one to choose? IT DEPENDS Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 61. Distributions Which one to choose? - Best feeling - Previous experience - Workplace selection - Coworker / friend knowledge Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 62. Sysadmin skills for PHP Devs Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 64. First Experience - Run Linux natively - Mac OSX - Virtual Machine: - VirtualBox - Parallels - VMware - VPS Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 65. First Experience #!/bin/bash Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 66. First Experience #!/bin/bash Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 67. First Experience #!/bin/bash Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 68. First Experience #!/bin/bash Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 69. First Experience #!/bin/bash Recommended Books: - Learning the bash Shell - bash Cookbook Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 70. First Experience #!/bin/bash Most Common Commands: $ ls -l /path/ $ cd /path $ pwd $ cat /etc/passwd $ less /etc/resolv.conf $ tail -f /var/log/* $ last $ lastb $ vi /etc/hosts Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 71. First Experience #!/bin/bash User`s config files: ~/.bash_history ~/.bash_logout ~/.bash_profile PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin export PATH ~/.bashrc alias rm='rm -i' alias cp='cp -i' alias mv='mv -i' Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 72. First Experience #!/bin/bash Most common directories: /etc /tmp /var/log /var/run /root /home /usr/local /opt Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 74. Installing Apache/PHP # CentOS $ yum install httpd php-cli mod_php # Ubuntu $ apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 Mac OSX - MAMP - Native Apache + Liip PHP installation - Zend Server CE Windows - WAMP - IIS + PHP Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 75. Installing PHP CentOS Third Party Repositories - Remi RPM - Webtatic - ServerGrove: PHP 5.3.x / 5.4.x (always latest) Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 76. Installing PHP CentOS Third Party Repositories cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ wget servergrove-centos-5.repo yum install php53 # or php54 Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 77. Installing PHP Ubuntu Third Party Repositories PHP 5.3.x / 5.4.x - Dotdeb: - ServerGrove: (always latest) Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 78. Installing PHP Ubuntu Third Party Repositories echo “deb precise precise main” >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ servergrove.list apt-get install php53 # or php54 Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 79. Installing PHP From Source wget tar jxvf php-5.4.12.tar.bz2 cd php-5.4.12 ./configure make && make install Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 80. Installing PHP Recompiling php -i |grep configure ./configure '--with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs' '--prefix=/usr/local/ php53' '--with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php53/conf.d' '-- enable-bcmath' '--enable-ctype' '--enable-exif' '--enable- mbstring' '--enable-ftp' '--enable-intl' '--enable-sockets' '-- enable-sysvmsg' '--enable-pcntl' '--with-bz2' '--with-curl' '-- with-gettext' '--with-gd' '--enable-gd-native-ttf' '--enable-exif' '-- with-freetype-dir=/usr' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr' '--with-t1lib=/usr' '--with-mcrypt' '--with-openssl' '--with-kerberos' '--with-iconv' '--with-xsl' '--with-xmlrpc' '--with-zlib' '--with-mysql=mysqlnd' '-- with-mysqli=mysqlnd' '--with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd' make && make install Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 81. Installing PHP Compiling for Apache ./configure '--with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs' make && make install Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 82. Installing PHP Compiling for Nginx / PHP-FPM ./configure '--enable-fpm' make && make install Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 83. Installing PHP Compiling extension ./configure --with-curl --enable-ftp make && make install Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 84. Installing PHP Compiling extension (dynamic) cd ext/curl phpize ./configure make && make install echo “” >> php.ini Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 85. Installing PHP Compiling extension Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 86. Installing PHP Compiling extension (PECL) pecl install apc # or pecl download apc tar zxvf APC-3.1.13.tgz cd APC-3.13 phpize ./configure make && make install echo “” >> php.ini Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 87. Installing PHP Automate! - Chef - Puppet - ... Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 88. Installing PHP Configuration Default location /usr/local/lib/php.ini Other common locations /etc/php/php.ini /etc/php5/cli/php.ini /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 89. Installing PHP Configuration php -i | grep php.ini Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /usr/local/php5/lib Loaded Configuration File => /usr/local/php5-20110426-093151/ lib/php.ini Scan this dir for additional .ini files => /usr/local/php5/php.d Additional .ini files parsed => /usr/local/php5/php.d/10- extension_dir.ini, Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 90. Installing PHP Configuration php -i | grep mongo /usr/local/php5/php.d/50-extension-mongo.ini, mongo mongo.allow_empty_keys => 0 => 0 mongo.allow_persistent => 1 => 1 mongo.auto_reconnect => 1 => 1 mongo.chunk_size => 262144 => 262144 mongo.cmd => $ => $ mongo.default_host => localhost => localhost mongo.default_port => 27017 => 27017 Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 91. Installing PHP Configuration php -m [PHP Modules] apc bcmath bz2 Core ctype curl date dom ereg Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 92. Installing PHP Configuration php.ini extension_dir=/usr/lib/php/extensions/no- debug-non-zts-20090626 Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 93. Installing PHP Configuration php.ini php -i | grep extension_dir extension_dir => /usr/local/php5/lib/php/extensions/no-debug- non-zts-20090626 Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 94. Installing PHP Configuration php.ini date.timezone=UTC display_errors = off log_errors = on error_log = /var/log/php.log Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 95. Installing PHP Configuration Security memory_limit = 128M max_execution_time = 30 display_errors = off expose_php = off mail.log = /var/log/phpmails.log disable_functions = exec allow_url_fopen = off Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 96. Installing PHP Configuration File uploads on .htaccess php_value memory_limit 128M php_value max_file_uploads 20 php_value max_input_time -1 php_value post_max_size 8M php_value upload_max_filesize 2M php_value max_execution_time 0 AllowOverride=All in Apache! Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 97. Installing PHP Configuration Include .htaccess <Directory /path/to/document/root> Include /path/to/.htaccess </Directory> AllowOverride=None in Apache! Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 98. Installing PHP Configuration Apache php_value date.timezone UTC php_flag display_errors 1 php_value memory_limit 128M php_value max_execution_time 0 Don’t forget to restart Apache Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 99. Installing PHP Web Server User Permissions issues with clear cache and uploads, Anyone? Possible users - apache - nobody - www-data - ftp / ssh user (sometimes) Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 100. Installing PHP Web Server User Permissions issues with clear cache and uploads, Anyone? Fix: rm -rf app/cache/* rm -rf app/logs/* sudo chmod +a "www-data allow delete,write,append,file_inherit,directory_inherit" app/cache app/logs sudo chmod +a "`whoami` allow delete,write,append,file_inherit,directory_inherit" app/cache app/logs Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 102. Deploying PHP Before going live Make sure ntpd is installed and running to ensure accurate server time yum install ntp chkconfig ntpd on ntpdate Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 103. Deploying PHP Before going live - Disable PHP in specific directories <Location /uploads> php_admin_flag engine off </Location> Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 104. Deploying PHP Before going live - Limit access by IP <Location /admin> Order Deny,Allow Deny from all Allow from </Location> Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 105. Deploying PHP Before going live - Add HTTP Authentication <Location /admin> Require valid-user AuthType Basic AuthName "SG" AuthUserFile /path/users </Location> Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 106. Deploying PHP Before going live - Quiet down Apache ServerTokens Prod Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 107. Deploying PHP Before going live Move document root with .htaccess RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^.htaccess$ - [F] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/web/.*$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /web/$1 Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 108. Deploying PHP Before going live - Case senstive filesystem IPCheck_Form_Index_Login != IpCheck_Form_Index_Login /path/to/file/IpCheck_Form_Index_Login.php <?php class IPCheck_Form_Index_Login { ... Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 109. Deploying PHP - server-side vi - plain old FTP - SFTP - scp - rsync + ssh - git - tar / gzip - rpm / deb packages - capistrano / capifony Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 110. Deploying PHP - server-side vi - plain old FTP - SFTP - scp - rsync + ssh - git - tar / gzip - rpm / deb packages - capistrano / capifony Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 111. Deploying PHP Effing Package Management Build packages for multiple platforms (deb, rpm, etc) with great ease and sanity. fpm -s dir -t rpm -n "sfapp" -v 1.0 /var/www/sfapp fpm -s dir -t deb -a all -n sfapp -v 1.0 /etc/apache2/ conf.d/my.conf /var/www/sfapp Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 112. Deploying PHP Capistrano / Capifony - multiple servers - multiple environments - setup shared folders (vendors, cache, logs, etc) - copy files - update vendors - multi versions - rollback - restart apache Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 113. Deploying PHP Setting up SSH $ ssh-keygen -t dsa ~/.ssh/ $ ssh-copy-id user@remote-host ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 $ ssh-add Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 114. Deploying PHP Setting up SSH ~/.ssh/config Host * ForwardAgent yes Port 22123 Host gh HostName Port 22 PreferredAuthentications publickey IdentityFile ~/.ssh/me_rsa Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 115. Deploying PHP Setting up SSH /etc/ssh/sshd_config Port 22 Port 22123 PermitRootLogin no PasswordAuthentication no Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 116. Deploying PHP Automate! <?php exec('/usr/bin/env  -­‐i  HOME=/var/ www/vhosts/­‐ sunshine  git  pull  origin  master'); Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 118. DNS Tips The Power of the hosts file Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 119. DNS Tips The Power of the hosts file /etc/hosts Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 120. DNS Tips The Power of the hosts file /etc/hosts Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 121. DNS Tips Virtual Document Root UseCanonicalName Off VirtualDocumentRoot /var/www/vhosts/%0/web <Location /var/www/vhosts> AllowOverride All Options +FollowSymLinks </Location> => /var/www/vhosts/ => /var/www/vhosts/ Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 122. DNS Tips Nameservers/Expiration whois ... Name Servers: Creation date: 19 May 2005 23:34:36 Expiration date: 19 May 2014 23:34:00 Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 123. DNS Tips DNS records dig -t A ;; ANSWER SECTION: 184 IN A 184 IN A 184 IN A 184 IN A 184 IN A 184 IN A 184 IN A 184 IN A 184 IN A 184 IN A 184 IN A Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 124. DNS Tips DNS records dig -t A ;; ANSWER SECTION: 3600 IN A Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 125. DNS Tips DNS Delegation Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 126. DNS Tips traceroute traceroute traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets 1 ( 0.360 ms 0.365 ms 0.432 ms 2 ( 1.558 ms 1.546 ms 1.532 ms 3 ( 0.238 ms 0.224 ms 0.230 ms 4 ( 0.266 ms 0.283 ms 0.312 ms 5 ( 12.764 ms 12.757 ms 12.749 ms 6 ( 14.177 ms 14.257 ms 14.359 ms 7 ( 13.653 ms 13.606 ms 13.618 ms Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 127. DNS Tips Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 128. DNS Tips mtr Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 130. Monitoring Apache Requests <Location /server-status> SetHandler server-status Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from </Location> ExtendedStatus On Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 131. Monitoring Apache Requests Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 132. Monitoring - Cacti - Ganglia - Zabbix - collectd - statsd / StatsDBundle - graphite Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 133. Monitoring statsd / StatsDBundle / Graphite Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 134. Monitoring CPU / Memory / IO top Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 135. Monitoring IO iotop Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 136. Monitoring Network iptraf Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 137. Monitoring Handling logs - Centralize logs with syslog error_log = syslog - Monolog supports syslog - logstash, logster, loggly, logio Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 138. Monitoring Handling logs $ grep POST /var/log/apache2/access_log Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 140. Speeding up - nginx/php-fpm - APC - ZendOptimizer+ - Memcache - nginx reverse proxy cache - Varnish Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 142. Backups - rsync - rdiff-backup - Unison - Bacula - Amanda Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 143. Backups Don’t forget to backup your DB! database-using-mysqldump/ Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 144. Reading List - Automating UNIX and Linux Administration - Running Linux - Learning the bash Shell: Unix Shell Programming Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 145. The End Questions? Sysadmin skills for PHP developers Thursday, March 14, 13
  • 146. Sysadmin skills for PHP developers Thank you! Pablo Godel @pgodel Thursday, March 14, 13