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Tweet #ProBook
       2011 12
Social Media  
                                                                                                                  Table of Contents

                                                    By Steve Rubel
                                            A few years ago at a 2007 Paley                                           04             05            07             08            10                     12                    14
                                            Center confab, Cisco executive
    Steve Rubel is EVP                      Daniel Scheinman predicted that,                                      Whatever          New          How to       Operational A Day in the     8 Critical Elements to       A Day in the
    of Global Strategy                      in the future, content would find us
                                                                                                                  Happened        Entrants      Organize        models      Life of...        Scaling Globally            Life of...
    and Insights for                        through our social networks, rather
    Edelman. He is                          than requiring us to seek it out.                                       to…?           by Brad     Internally     By Jeremiah    Scott         by Ekaterina Walker &          Adam
    a highly visible                        	 Flash forward four years later                                       by Jesse         Cohen         by Joe       Owyang       Monty              Bryan Rhoads               Singer
    thought leader and                      and there’s no doubt he was right.                                     Thomas                       Chernov
    writer on media,                        Increasingly relevant information -
    technology and                          whether it be from brands, the media or
    digital culture.                        individuals - is finding us through our
    His insights can                        social networks. However, with everyone
    be found at www.                        and their mother creating content,                          standing out is becoming only more
                                            	 Enter this guide. Eloqua and JESS3
                                            have once again pulled together an all-
                                            star team to share their best practices in
                                            social media. However, talk is one thing.                                  16            17             18            20            22                     24                    25
                                            Action is another.
                                            	 Thankfully, the the team proved it         With this resource,        Usage        Writing for   A Day in the    Practical   A Day in the        Influencers              Infographics
                                            had the know-how to stand out in an
                                            age of too much content and not enough
                                            time. They cleverly gave custom avatars
                                                                                         it’s clear that you’re   Guidelines
                                                                                                                   by Leslie
                                                                                                                                   by Jeff
                                                                                                                                                 Life of...
                                                                                                                                                               Uses for
                                                                                                                                                                             Life of...
                                                                                                                                                                                           by Leslie Bradshaw &
                                                                                                                                                                                               Joe Chernov
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         by Robin
                                            to each author. When I saw these
                                            popping up on Facebook I was curious         in good hands             Bradshaw       Widman         Philips        by Chris
                                            where they came from and was able to
                                            track down the source - and of course get
                                            my own.
                                                                                         to navigate the
Eloqua Social Media ProBook

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Eloqua Social Media ProBook
                                                                                                                      30             32             33            35           36             37               38

                                                                                                                  A Day in the    How PR        Do You        Wikipedia   10 “Rules”       Index            Epilogue
                                                                                                                    Life of...      people     Believe in      Funda-      for  Social    All people        By Leslie
                              Tweet This!

                                                                                                                    Frank         should       Life After      mentals    Advertising     mentioned         Bradshaw
                                                                                                                   Eliason            think      Likes?       By William    By Leslie      in this
                                                                                                                                     about     Measuring       Beutler       Poston       ProBook
                                                                                                                                     social      Social
                                                                                                                                    media      Business
                                                                                                                                  by Sarah      by David

                                                                                                                                     Evans      Armano
Flickr: The popular photo and                  FriendFeed: FriendFeed                       Google Wave:                   Google      April 2008. Later that year, the
                                                                                                 video sharing site launched out of             launched in 2007 as a social networking      Wave is – err, was – a real-time           company introduced MySpace  
                                                                                                 Vancouver in 2004. Acquired by Yahoo!          aggregator that connected a user’s           communication and collaboration            Music, driving new traffic to the site.
                                                                                                 just one year later, Flickr grew into an       profiles across multiple social networks     platform that launched in May 2009. An     By 2011, however, MySpace had laid
                                                                                                 online home for more than 51 million           to display information in a single,          invitation-only roll-out led to high       off more than half of its workforce
                                                                                                 users and 5 billion images. But as             Facebook-like feed. Facebook acquired        demand, with some users auctioning off     and has since dropped from a top 10
                                                                                                 Facebook and mobile photo services             the service in 2009. Today, FriendFeed.      their invitations. Once the initial buzz   site in the Alexa rankings down to
                                                                                                 like Twitpic and Yfrog add options to          com receives about 270,000 unique            dissipated, users were slow to adopt the   #77. At the time of this writing, News
                                                                                                 the photo-sharing market, Flickr has           visitors per month, but because it’s a       service and Google eventually stopped      Corp. appears to be trying to sell
                                                                                                 seen a decline in their audience over the      content / news aggregator, it shouldn’t      developing Wave, citing a lack of          MySpace for a fraction of its original
                                                                                                 past two years. The site is far from dead,     be considered a priority social outpost      interest. In late 2010, Google Wave        purchase price.
                                                                                                 however, as accounts like The Official         for marketers in the way that the            moved into the open source Apache
                                                                                                 White House Photostream continue to            “source” networks are.                       Software Foundation’s incubator and it     Bebo:         Launched in January
                                                                                                 drive traffic to Flickr. In some ways, it’s                                                 was renamed Apache Wave.                   2005, Bebo was particularly popular
                                                                                                 returned to the purest version of itself       Google Buzz: Google Buzz                                                                outside of America and appealed to a
                                                                                                 – that is, a hub for photography               is a social network that utilizes Google’s   MySpace: MySpace was                       younger audience. The social network
                                                                                                 enthusiasts. It never became the               Gmail interface and Google Profiles.         founded in 2004 and grew into one of       hoped to distinguish itself from  
    Jesse Thomas is                                                                              corporate marketing “outpost” some             When launched in 2010 it was dubbed “a       the world’s largest social networks.       rival social networks through its
    JESS3’s founder,                                                                             originally imagined.                           Google approach to sharing” and              Less than a year after its launch,         development of original content.  
    CEO and executive                                                                                                                           generated a great deal of media coverage.    MySpace had more than 5 million            AOL acquired Bebo in March 2008
    creative director.                                                                           StumbleUpon: The                               Significant questions about privacy led      members and, as a result of its            for $850 million, but sold it for less
    He ensures that the                                                                          StumbleUpon toolbar is an in-browser           to lawsuits and complaints to the Federal    (ephemeral) dominance, was                 than $10 million just two years later.
    highest levels of                                                                            “engine” that helps users discover new         Trade Commission. Though some issues         purchased by News Corp. in 2006 for        Since their purchase, Criterion
    excellence and                                                                               Websites and rate them based on their          have been resolved, current speculation      $580 million.  MySpace remained the        Capital Partners has revamped  
    innovation go into                                                                           preferences. The service was founded           is that Google Buzz may be scrapped in       largest social network in America          and re-launched Bebo with  
    every JESS3 project                                                                          in 2001 and grew to more than 2 million        the near future.                             until being overtaken by Facebook in       new features.
    and is considered                                                                            users before being sold to eBay in 2007.
    one of the pioneers                                                                          The founders have since reacquired the
    in the field of social                                                                       company and increased the service’s

    media data                                                                                   user base to nearly 13 million.
    visualization. Jesse                                                                         StumbleUpon has surged ahead of
    regularly shares his                                                                         Facebook to account for 43% of all social
    insights at his                                                                              media site referral traffic. The
    Forbes blog.                                                                                 community remains prominent in the
                                                                                                 field of social bookmarking (along with
                                                                                                 sites like Reddit and Digg).

                                                                                                 Digg: Digg is the original social
                                                                                                 news Website. It allows users to submit
                                                                                                 and “vote up” stories that interest them.
                                                                                                 A darling of the early Web 2.0
                                                                                                 community, Digg repeatedly decided
                                                                                                 against selling, preferring to remain
                                                                                                 independent. Though it raised
                                                                                                 additional funding and released                                                                                  By Brad Cohen

                                                                                                 numerous new features, Digg has                                                                                                                                                Brad Cohen is the
                                                                                                 hemorrhaged users and talent,                                                                                                                                                  director of strategy
                                                                                                 including founder and Valley superstar                                                                           The most interesting discussions always begin                 at JESS3. He has
                                                                                                 Kevin Rose, who left in March 2011. As                                                                           with the question: “What’s next?” The following is a          experience
                                                                                                 services like Twitter help users                                                                                 handful of tools, technologies and social networks            designing strategies
                                                                                                 consume news more efficiently, this                                                                              that are making headlines. Note that we attempted             that utilize social

                                                                                                 downward trend is likely to continue.                                                                            to focus on platforms that offer significant                  media to leverage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  potential for marketers. As a result, some of our             and coordinate
Eloqua Social Media ProBook

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Eloqua Social Media ProBook
                                                                                                                          Delicious, a social                                                                     personal favorites – such as stylized photo-sharing           assets across an
                                                                                                 bookmarking Website, was founded in                                                                              networks like Instagram and picplz – regrettably              enterprise,
                                                                                                 2003 and acquired by Yahoo! just two                                                                             didn’t make the list.                                         campaign, or
                                                                                                 years later. Its easy interface and                                                                                                                                            initiative and
                                                                                                 cloud-based approach to bookmarking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Micro-blogging services                                       creating social

                                                                                                 made it one of the most popular online                                                                                                                                         objects that resonate
                                                                                                 services of its time. After considerable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  LIKE Posterous and Tumblr                                     within a target
                              Tweet This!

                                                                                                 drama surrounding its fate, Delicious                                                                                                                                          community while
                                                              Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter     was recently purchased and will become                                                                                                                                         conveying messages
                                                              weren’t always the social media    part of AVOS, an Internet venture                                                                                Posterous:                Posterous, like competitor Tumblr   that are core to
                                                              trinity. Any number of networks    started by YouTube founders Chad                                                                                 (see below), is a micro-blogging platform that allows users   brand initiatives.
                                                              paved the way for their success.   Hurley and Steve Chen. It’s unclear                                                                              to upload and publish content – text, photo, audio, video     He has worked with

                                            By Jesse Thomas   Here’s the latest on a few
                                                              foundational platforms.
                                                                                                 what will become of Delicious, though it
                                                                                                 has a sizable community pulling for it.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  – via browser, email, or mobile app. What distinguishes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Posterous is its ability to allow users to publish blog
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Intel, Adobe, IBM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and Nestle.

entries simply by emailing the text and           Qik: Qik allows users to record                As public social networks are evolving,        items and promoting products like shoes
                                            corresponding media to their account.             and upload video directly from a mobile        so too are their behind-the-firewall           and apparel that can be worn or used in the
                                            Using a distribution platform similar to          phone. The popular service is easy to          counterparts. Services like Yammer             game.
                                  , Posterous also enables users             use with YouTube, Facebook, Twitter            and Chatter allow for secure business
                                            to “autopost” their articles / media to
                                            all major social platforms. Posterous’s
                                            strategic advantage is its ease-of-use for
                                                                                              and other video-sharing platforms.
                                                                                              Having won numerous awards for its
                                                                                              functionality and technology, Qik was
                                                                                                                                             communications to happen in an
                                                                                                                                             environment that has all of the earmarks
                                                                                                                                             of social media.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Social NETWORKS
                                            content creators and distributors.                acquired by Skype for more than $100                                                          Google+            Less than three

                                            Tumblr: According to many,
                                            Tumblr is the preeminent micro-blogging
                                                                                              million. It remains to be seen what
                                                                                              the future of Qik will be now that its
                                                                                              parent is a part of Microsoft. What is
                                                                                                                                             Social Q&A sites                               months after Google CEO Larry Page
                                                                                                                                                                                            famously tied employee bonuses to social
                                                                                                                                                                                            networking product success, Google
                                            platform on the Web. Similar to Posterous,        not in doubt, however, is that the mobile      Quora:          Quora has taken the            unveiled Google+ (which, incidentally,
                                            Tumblr makes it easy to publish multiple          broadcasting services Qik pioneered will       media by storm. Although Q&A                   sounds startlingly similar to “Google
                                            media types (text, photos, quotes, links,         be significant for consumers, advertisers      sites have long lived on the Internet          Circles,” a rumored social platform first
                                            music and videos) in a dashboard that             and technologists.                             (Yahoo! Answers, for example), there           reported by ReadWriteWeb’s Marshall
                                            experts like Mashable superstar Jennifer                                                         is something provocative about Quora.          Kirkpatrick covered at SXSW 2011).
                                            van Grove have described as “killer.”             YouTube Live:                    Recently,     Given the company’s background – it            Google+ is a new social network that
                                            While Tumblr also accepts entries from            YouTube began the slow rollout of              was founded by Facebook alums – it’s           promises to make it easier for members
                                            email and mobile, the service’s true              YouTube Live, a service that enables           no surprise that Quora has been able           to share information to “circles” of
                                            strength is found in its active community         users to host a real-time video stream.        to attract top business leaders and            friends to whom that update is relevant.
                                            and design features. Tumblr allows users          YouTube has been developing the service        contributors. The mix of quality content       Whether that differentiator is sufficient
                                            to customize their blogs into a remarkable        for some time, grabbing headlines              with social networking tool integration        to lure people away from the familiar
                                            number of layouts, called “themes.” The           when it live-streamed a U2 concert in          has created a unique repository of             blue halls of Facebook is, of course,
                                            tight-knit Tumblr community also allows           2009. Currently, YouTube has agreed to         expertise. Quora has kicked the ball           anyone’s guess. Google seems serious
                                            app development by third parties.                 provide live-streaming capabilities for        forward for online Q&A sites. Will any         this time. But history is not on their side.
                                                                                              certain content partners with an eye on        of their competitors still want to play?
                                            As corporate blogs become more, well,
                                            “corporate,” forward-looking brands are
                                            beginning to use hosted services like Posterous
                                                                                              expanding it to the public.

                                                                                              Brands are starting to adapt to live video,
                                                                                                                                             Focus: Focus has been around
                                                                                                                                             for longer than Quora, and, like Quora,
                                                                                                                                                                                            Group buying                                                                                                               Joe Chernov is VP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       of Content Marketing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       for Eloqua. He owns
                                            and Tumblr to establish “lightweight” blogs.      and that’s where services like Ustream,        it is an active site with a highly engaged     Groupon:                Groupon is a                                                                                       public relations,
                                            These properties help companies get messages, Qik and YouTube Live enter          community. In addition to the Q&A              deal-of-the-day Website that features                                                                                      analyst relations and
                                            and digital assets to market faster than they     the picture. As bandwidth and streaming        format, Focus also taps its “expert”           discounted gift certificates usable at local                                                                               social media strategy.
                                            could on a more rigorously managed corporate      technology improve, the barriers between       community to participate in online             or national companies. It made headlines                                                                                   He blogs regularly on
                                            blog or Website. They are also valuable tools     the consumer and content will continue         Webinars, which are then turned into           several times recently: once when it                                                                                       the company’s It’s All
                                            for organizations that support the “personal      to fall. Companies will stream their own       content marketing assets. The assets           turned down a rumored $6 billion offer                                                                                     About Revenue blog
                                            brands” of select executives and spokespeople.    corporate events, as well as interviews from   are available for download, and Focus          from Google, next when it aired Super                                                                                      (
                                            Think of them as occupying the space between      conferences. Feeds can run on the streaming    uses them to capture leads to sell to          Bowl ads many found offensive, and,                                                                                        and speaks pretty
                                            full-featured blogging platforms and Twitter.     provider’s site, YouTube, the corporate        advertising partners.                          most recently, in June 2011 when it                                                                                        much everywhere.
                                                                                              Website, a microsite, blog, or a Facebook                                                     filed its S-1 in preparation for an IPO.

                                            “Live streaming”                                  Fan page.                                      People have questions, and Quora
                                                                                                                                             and Focus are two of the top sites for
                                                                                                                                                                                            The Wall Street Journal estimated that
                                                                                                                                                                                            Groupon could raise as much as $1 billion

                                            services like                                     Enterprise social                              both individuals and businesses to get
                                                                                                                                             answers. LinkedIn Answers and Facebook
                                                                                                                                                                                            on a valuation of $20 billion.  Despite,
                                                                                                                                                                                            or perhaps because of, these front-page

                                            Ustream,                                communications                                 Questions are also part of this booming
                                                                                                                                                                                            news stories, Groupon remains the front-
                                                                                                                                                                                            runner in the increasingly popular daily

                                            and Quik                                          tools                                          Social gaming
                                                                                                                                                                                            deals / group buying category.

                                                                                                                                                                                            LivingSocial: LivingSocial

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           How to Organize  
                                            Ustream: Like its competitors                     Yammer: Yammer is a tool for                                                                  is generally considered to be the biggest
                                   and Livestream, Ustream                 making companies and organizations             Empire Avenue:                                 threat to Groupon. The premise and
                                            provides video streaming for live online          more productive through the exchange           Empire Avenue is a stock market                execution are similar to Groupon
                                            events. Originally conceived as a service         of short, frequent answers to one simple       simulation social game network. If that        (Altimeter Group analyst Jeremiah

                                            to allow military members to talk to their        question: What are you doing?  Despite         sounds like a mouthful, here’s a simpler       Owyang has pointed out that there
                                            families while overseas, Ustream has              the emergence of competing tools,              explanation: It’s an online community          is virtually no barrier to entry in this
                                            grown to include more than 10 million             Yammer continues to grow rapidly and           where members buy (using faux currency,        category), but LivingSocial offers more
                                            registered broadcasters. Since 2007,              introduce new features. It took top prize      called “Eaves”) and sell virtual stock in      deals focused on travel and hospitality.
                                            political, technology and lifecasting stars       at the prestigious TechCunch50 in 2008         real people and companies. The game            LivingSocial’s daily deal “experiences”
                                            have used Ustream to get their message            and was used by 80% of Fortune 500                                                            can be shared with friends for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           By Joe Chernov
                                                                                                                                             makes use of all of the tried-and-true
                                            out. The site is supported by in-video            companies by September 2010.                   forms of social currency – badges, status      additional benefits.
                                            advertising and will likely continue                                                             tiers, shout-outs – to create a “sticky”
Eloqua Social Media ProBook

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Eloqua Social Media ProBook
                                            growing as its technology improves.                                                              community. It has been described as            If you need more evidence that this is a       “Organic” is generally            themselves caught in operational
                                                                                              answer to Yammer is Chatter, a                 “FarmVille for professionals.”                 hot space, consider this: by some accounts,    considered to be a favorable      weeds. Their efforts are likely to be
                                             The Justin of Justin.        real-time collaboration tool for the                                                          there are as many as 100 different daily       adjective. It connotes            impeded by inefficiency, inconsistency
                                            tv fame started the live video site as a          enterprise. Chatter, which allows              Speaking of FarmVille, there any number        deals companies in the United States alone.    a healthy, maybe even             and possibly even a lack of compliance
                                            24/7 lifecasting stream in 2007. Justin.          employees to share information                 of social games – many of which are            Groupon and LivingSocial have combined to      sustainable, product or           with government requirements.
                                            tv has since moved beyond its self-               securely with colleagues, may be one           published by powerhouse Zynga and run          raise more than a billion dollars in venture   practice. But when used to         	 Since this is the “professional
                                            referential beginnings to expand into             of the building blocks of the cloud            on the Facebook platform – that marketers      funding. Moreover, existing Web 2.0            describe your company’s           edition” of the Social Media Playbook,
                              Tweet This!

                                            a site on which anyone can set up a               computing giant’s long-awaited                 have begun to incorporate into their mix.      giants are taking notice of the marketplace.   social media structure,           we will assume your organization
                                            channel. Like YouTube, the streams                “Marketing Cloud” initiative. Salesforce.      One technique is for a brand to subsidize      Facebook made a big splash with Facebook       organic is code for “chaos.”      is committed to participating in the
                                            – and accompanying chat – are fully               com appears to have doubled down on            the cost of the participant “leveling up” in   Deals, and services like Foursquare and Yelp    	 Whether by design or by        social Web.  It simply may be trying
                                            embeddable. is ad-supported,            this push, with a Chatter Super Bowl           game-play if the individual watches an ad,     are also working on their own variations.      indifference, companies that      to determine a safer, more efficient or
                                            but the open platform has periodically            commercial and the acquisition of              takes a poll or views a video published by     Retailers and consumer brands need to think    take a “let a thousand flowers    more scalable model.  Fortunately for
                                            led to challenges with policing                   Radian6 in early 2011.                         the marketer. Other integration techniques     seriously about the role this new wave of      bloom” approach to social media   you, much of the heavy lifting has been
                                            copyrighted content.                                                                             involve allowing users to buy branded          group buying will have on their business.     participation will quickly find   performed already. Jeremiah Owyang of

Altimeter Group has published several
                                            must-reads, including the seminal “The          Step One: First, Do                             gives you an opportunity to effectively
                                                                                                                                            write your own reputation.                       Step Three:                                    diagramed several models that have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            been embraced by various companies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         you begin your program in earnest.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Answering them up front will not only
                                            Career Path of the Corporate Social
                                            Strategist” report and the “Program             No Harm                                          	 You should also check with your
                                                                                                                                            organization’s legal department.                 Determine                                      (See: “Social Strategy Getting Your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Company Ready”).  He has generously
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ensure the program runs efficiently, but
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         it will also help you track performance.
                                            Plan: The Social media Center of
                                            Excellence” blog article.
                                             	 From a practitioner’s standpoint,
                                                                                            Primum non nocere.  First, do no harm.  
                                                                                            This phrase doesn’t only apply to
                                                                                            the medical profession.  It’s equally
                                                                                                                                            Some companies want staffers to add
                                                                                                                                            disclaimers like “these words are my
                                                                                                                                            own and do not reflect my employer” to
                                                                                                                                                                                             Reasonable KPIs
                                                                                                                                                                                             You have to measure something bigger
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            contributed those structures to this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            book, and we have “JESS3-ified”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            their design. There are pros and cons        Recalibrate in
                                            establishing a functional model for             vital to social media.   By now most            their online profiles.                           and more strategic than the number of          with each model, yet ultimately, the         Real Time
                                            social engagement is a political and            companies know that appropriate                                                                  Facebook Fans or Twitter Followers.            “Honeycomb” is the most aspirational.         Stop engineering. Get out there and
                                            operational exercise.  Following is one
                                            reliable way to operationalize social
                                                                                            engagement in social channels creates
                                                                                            opportunities across the organization’s         Step Two: Marshal                                Sure you can, and should, track those
                                                                                                                                                                                             tactical metrics.  The smart money says
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Many high-performing companies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            seem to gravitate to the Coordinated or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         participate. Be human. Be personal. Be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         engaged. And if something isn’t working,
                                            media throughout your organization,
                                            including tips on how to secure the buy-
                                            in necessary for success:
                                                                                            marketing, support, recruiting and
                                                                                            even sales functions.  But surprisingly
                                                                                            few companies are also aware that
                                                                                                                                            Former US Vice President Al Gore
                                                                                                                                                                                             your executives will love it.  But you
                                                                                                                                                                                             also need to track more.  Decide what
                                                                                                                                                                                             success metrics you are structured (and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            “Dandelion” models, depending on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            size of the organization.  See sidebar.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         don’t reengineer your entire model.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Simply recalibrate. Slight changes over
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         time will keep your program moving
                                                                                            there are a number of activities that
                                                                                            can land them in hot water with the
                                                                                                                                            said, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If
                                                                                                                                            you want to go far, go together.”  Great
                                                                                                                                                                                             funded) to measure, and then crosscheck
                                                                                                                                                                                             those against what is likely to satisfy        Establish                                    forward.  Inertia is your opponent;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         momentum is your ally. Being nimble
                                                                                            Federal Trade Commission (and                   words of wisdom for social strategists.          your executive team.   This is where your      Departmental                                 enough to make real-time adjustments is
                                                                                            the blogosphere).  Step one should
                                                                                            be to familiarize yourself with the
                                                                                                                                            Because virtually every department is
                                                                                                                                            a beneficiary of the company’s social
                                                                                                                                                                                             executive sponsor can lend a hand.
                                                                                                                                                                                              	 Although what each company                  “Social Media                                the key to your long-term success. 
    “Organic” is generally                                                                  FTC’s “Guides Concerning the Use
                                                                                            of Testimonials and Endorsements
                                                                                                                                            media efforts, it’s important that
                                                                                                                                            multiple voices are heard before you
                                                                                                                                                                                             measures will vary depending on
                                                                                                                                                                                             their business objectives and degree
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            You’ve got staff trained.  You’ve secured    Don’t Forget To
    considered to be a favorable                                                            in Advertising,” and then conduct               build your model.  Start by creating a           of social media involvement, following         a senior sponsor.  You’ve established        Say Thank You
                                                                                            a workshop for staff so everyone                SWAT team consisting of representatives          are some areas to consider monitoring:         a social business model that reflects        Reconfiguring your organization’s
                                                                                            understands what is expected of them            from marketing, communications,                  number of new leads captured via social        stakeholder needs. You’ve listened and       “social” structure to be more efficient
    adjective. It connotes                                                                  when they participate on behalf of the
                                                                                            organization across the social Web.
                                                                                                                                            product, support, human resources and
                                                                                                                                            sales.  Each member of the team should
                                                                                                                                                                                             media, lift in search rank for key terms,
                                                                                                                                                                                             increase in awareness in the media (both
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            you’ve given. Now it’s time for the “ask.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             	 If every department is a beneficiary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and agile is not only hard work for you, it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         can also be uncomfortable for those who
    a healthy, maybe even                                                                    	 Though it may sound contradictory,
                                                                                            it’s also important to avoid scaring
                                                                                                                                            be an advocate for their department’s
                                                                                                                                            particular objectives.
                                                                                                                                                                                             traditional and social), improvement
                                                                                                                                                                                             in customer satisfaction, reduction of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            of social engagement, then every
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            department needs to play a role in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         participate. It takes people out of their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         comfort zone. Translation: some eggs are
                                                                                            off staffers who are inclined to join            	 It’s also essential that you secure an        customer churn, addition of new ideas          organized participation. Without             going break before this omelette is served.
    sustainable, product or                                                                 your cause, but are fearful of making
                                                                                            a mistake.  To this end, think of your
                                                                                                                                            executive champion for the initiative.  
                                                                                                                                            At some companies the presence of an
                                                                                                                                                                                             for product development, and, of course,
                                                                                                                                                                                             growth in top-line revenue. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            content and people, social media is a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            racecar with an empty tank and no
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         	 Be sure to recognize, cheer and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         learn from the earliest of the early
    practice. But when used to                                                              workshop as “guardrails, not red lights”
                                                                                            – show them the safe path to follow
                                                                                                                                            executive sponsor is required to get
                                                                                                                                            staff buy-in; at others, the executive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            driver. All show, no go.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             	 Establish Service Level Agreements
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         adopters – you know, those people in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         your company who were off building
                                                                                                                                                                                             Pick a Model
    describe your company’s
                                                                                            for social success.  Share constructive         sponsor is easier to secure once there’s                                                        – or SLAs – with each department. In         communities before policies or
                                                                                            tips, make light of benign mistakes,            a groundswell of staff interest.  You            Once you have heard from your                  which networks will they participate?        guidelines ever existed.  These are the
                                                                                            and provide role models to emulate.             need to decide what’s the best strategy          colleagues and received the support            How quickly will they respond on             true vanguards. After all, they are truly
    social media structure,                                                                 Don’t forget to give people a reason to
                                                                                            get involved.  Remind colleagues of the
                                                                                                                                            at your company, but because social
                                                                                                                                            media is a horizontal channel, a C-level
                                                                                                                                                                                             of a top executive, it’s time for you to
                                                                                                                                                                                             earn your “social strategist” title and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Twitter? How often will they produce
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            content? Is there a particular community
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the thought leaders and influencers in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         your organizations.  Make sure they

    organic is code for “chaos.”                                                            adage, “You are who search engines
                                                                                            say you are,” and emphasize that being
                                                                                            actively involved across social channels
                                                                                                                                            sponsor is vital.                                determine which operational model is
                                                                                                                                                                                             most consistent with your objectives
                                                                                                                                                                                             and culture.  Jeremiah Owyang has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            they want to “own”? Are there others
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            that don’t fit their needs? These are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            essential questions to ask before
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         are applauded and empowered.  They
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         may just be your most important assets
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         moving forward. 

                                                                                        Organic                                             Centralized
                                                                                                                                                                                             Coordinated                                    Multiple hub & spoke                          HOLISTIC “HONEYCOMB
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Holistic “honeycomb”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            “dandelion”SPOKE “DANDELION”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MULTIPLE HUB &
Eloqua Social Media ProBook

                                            Operational models

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Eloqua Social Media ProBook
                                            By Jeremiah Owyang
                                            Jeremiah Owyang is a partner with
                                            Altimeter Group (http://www.altimetergroup.
                                            com/). He also runs the highly influential                                                       Centralized: Notice that a central
                              Tweet This!

                                            Web-Strategy blog (http://www.Web-strategist.                                                    group initiates and represents busi-
                                            com/blog/). We thank him for contributing hisOrganic: Notice that the dots (those using ness units, funneling up the social
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Multiple hub & spoke “Dandelion” notice how
                                            Operational Model illustrations with us. The social tools) are inconsistent in size and one
                                                                                             Organic: Notice that the dots (those using     Centralized: Notice that a central group         Coordinated: Notice how a central a central
                                                                                                                                                                                               Coordinated: Notice how group will           Multiple hub & spoke “Dandelion”: Notice        Holistic “Honeycomb”: Notice how each
                                                                                                                                             strategy to one group.                                                                          each business unit may have semi-autonomy     Holistic “Honeycomb” notice how each individual
                                            full content is available here (http://www.                                                     initiates and represents business units,
                                                                                         set social tools) are inconsistentdirectly connected
                                                                                             of employees are not in size and one                                                            help to provide an equal experience to other   how each business unit may have semi-           individual in the organization is social enabled,
                                                                                                                                                                                               group will help to provide an equal           with an over arching tie back to a central group.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           in theaorganization is social enabled, yet in a
                                                set of employees are not directly connected
                                                                                         to others.                                         funneling up the social strategy to one group.   business units.                                autonomy with an over arching tie back to a     yet in consistent, organized pattern.
                                            framework-and-matrix-the-five-ways-              to others.                                                                                          experience to other business units.        central group.                                 consistent, organized pattern.

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Social Media Pro Book
Social Media Pro Book
Social Media Pro Book
Social Media Pro Book
Social Media Pro Book
Social Media Pro Book
Social Media Pro Book
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Social Media Pro Book

  • 1. c o p y r i g h t E lo q ua a n d J E S S 3 Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License   Tweet #ProBook 2011 12 Social   Media   ProBook
  • 2. Social Media     ProBook Table of Contents   Foreword By Steve Rubel A few years ago at a 2007 Paley 04 05 07 08 10 12 14 Center confab, Cisco executive Steve Rubel is EVP Daniel Scheinman predicted that, Whatever New How to Operational A Day in the 8 Critical Elements to A Day in the of Global Strategy in the future, content would find us Happened Entrants Organize models Life of... Scaling Globally Life of... and Insights for through our social networks, rather Edelman. He is than requiring us to seek it out. to…? by Brad Internally By Jeremiah Scott by Ekaterina Walker & Adam a highly visible Flash forward four years later by Jesse Cohen by Joe Owyang Monty Bryan Rhoads Singer thought leader and and there’s no doubt he was right. Thomas Chernov writer on media, Increasingly relevant information - technology and whether it be from brands, the media or digital culture. individuals - is finding us through our His insights can social networks. However, with everyone be found at www. and their mother creating content, standing out is becoming only more challenging. Enter this guide. Eloqua and JESS3 have once again pulled together an all- star team to share their best practices in social media. However, talk is one thing. 16 17 18 20 22 24 25 Action is another. Thankfully, the the team proved it   With this resource, Usage Writing for A Day in the Practical A Day in the Influencers Infographics had the know-how to stand out in an age of too much content and not enough time. They cleverly gave custom avatars it’s clear that you’re Guidelines by Leslie Facebook by Jeff Life of... Liz Uses for Geo Life of... Jamie by Leslie Bradshaw & Joe Chernov by Robin Richards to each author. When I saw these popping up on Facebook I was curious in good hands Bradshaw Widman Philips by Chris Thompson Grenney where they came from and was able to track down the source - and of course get my own. to navigate the challenges. Eloqua Social Media ProBook Eloqua Social Media ProBook 30 32 33 35 36 37 38 A Day in the How PR Do You Wikipedia   10 “Rules” Index Epilogue Life of...  people Believe in Funda- for  Social All people By Leslie Tweet This! Frank should Life After mentals Advertising mentioned Bradshaw Eliason  think Likes? By William By Leslie in this about Measuring Beutler Poston ProBook  social Social media Business by Sarah by David 2 3 Evans Armano
  • 3. Flickr: The popular photo and FriendFeed: FriendFeed Google Wave: Google April 2008. Later that year, the video sharing site launched out of launched in 2007 as a social networking Wave is – err, was – a real-time company introduced MySpace   Vancouver in 2004. Acquired by Yahoo! aggregator that connected a user’s communication and collaboration Music, driving new traffic to the site. just one year later, Flickr grew into an profiles across multiple social networks platform that launched in May 2009. An By 2011, however, MySpace had laid online home for more than 51 million to display information in a single, invitation-only roll-out led to high off more than half of its workforce users and 5 billion images. But as Facebook-like feed. Facebook acquired demand, with some users auctioning off and has since dropped from a top 10 Facebook and mobile photo services the service in 2009. Today, FriendFeed. their invitations. Once the initial buzz site in the Alexa rankings down to like Twitpic and Yfrog add options to com receives about 270,000 unique dissipated, users were slow to adopt the #77. At the time of this writing, News the photo-sharing market, Flickr has visitors per month, but because it’s a service and Google eventually stopped Corp. appears to be trying to sell seen a decline in their audience over the content / news aggregator, it shouldn’t developing Wave, citing a lack of MySpace for a fraction of its original past two years. The site is far from dead, be considered a priority social outpost interest. In late 2010, Google Wave purchase price. however, as accounts like The Official for marketers in the way that the moved into the open source Apache White House Photostream continue to “source” networks are. Software Foundation’s incubator and it Bebo: Launched in January drive traffic to Flickr. In some ways, it’s was renamed Apache Wave. 2005, Bebo was particularly popular returned to the purest version of itself Google Buzz: Google Buzz outside of America and appealed to a – that is, a hub for photography is a social network that utilizes Google’s MySpace: MySpace was younger audience. The social network enthusiasts. It never became the Gmail interface and Google Profiles. founded in 2004 and grew into one of hoped to distinguish itself from   Jesse Thomas is corporate marketing “outpost” some When launched in 2010 it was dubbed “a the world’s largest social networks. rival social networks through its JESS3’s founder, originally imagined. Google approach to sharing” and Less than a year after its launch, development of original content. CEO and executive generated a great deal of media coverage. MySpace had more than 5 million AOL acquired Bebo in March 2008 creative director. StumbleUpon: The Significant questions about privacy led members and, as a result of its for $850 million, but sold it for less He ensures that the StumbleUpon toolbar is an in-browser to lawsuits and complaints to the Federal (ephemeral) dominance, was than $10 million just two years later. highest levels of “engine” that helps users discover new Trade Commission. Though some issues purchased by News Corp. in 2006 for Since their purchase, Criterion excellence and Websites and rate them based on their have been resolved, current speculation $580 million. MySpace remained the Capital Partners has revamped   innovation go into preferences. The service was founded is that Google Buzz may be scrapped in largest social network in America and re-launched Bebo with   every JESS3 project in 2001 and grew to more than 2 million the near future. until being overtaken by Facebook in new features. and is considered users before being sold to eBay in 2007. one of the pioneers The founders have since reacquired the in the field of social company and increased the service’s New    media data user base to nearly 13 million. visualization. Jesse StumbleUpon has surged ahead of regularly shares his Facebook to account for 43% of all social insights at his media site referral traffic. The Forbes blog. community remains prominent in the field of social bookmarking (along with sites like Reddit and Digg). Entrants   Digg: Digg is the original social news Website. It allows users to submit and “vote up” stories that interest them. A darling of the early Web 2.0 community, Digg repeatedly decided against selling, preferring to remain independent. Though it raised additional funding and released By Brad Cohen Whatever     numerous new features, Digg has Brad Cohen is the hemorrhaged users and talent, director of strategy including founder and Valley superstar The most interesting discussions always begin at JESS3. He has Kevin Rose, who left in March 2011. As with the question: “What’s next?” The following is a experience services like Twitter help users handful of tools, technologies and social networks designing strategies consume news more efficiently, this that are making headlines. Note that we attempted that utilize social Happened     downward trend is likely to continue. to focus on platforms that offer significant media to leverage potential for marketers. As a result, some of our and coordinate Delicious: Eloqua Social Media ProBook Eloqua Social Media ProBook Delicious, a social personal favorites – such as stylized photo-sharing assets across an bookmarking Website, was founded in networks like Instagram and picplz – regrettably enterprise, 2003 and acquired by Yahoo! just two didn’t make the list. campaign, or years later. Its easy interface and initiative and cloud-based approach to bookmarking Micro-blogging services creating social To...?   made it one of the most popular online objects that resonate services of its time. After considerable LIKE Posterous and Tumblr within a target Tweet This! drama surrounding its fate, Delicious community while Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter was recently purchased and will become conveying messages weren’t always the social media part of AVOS, an Internet venture Posterous: Posterous, like competitor Tumblr that are core to trinity. Any number of networks started by YouTube founders Chad (see below), is a micro-blogging platform that allows users brand initiatives. paved the way for their success. Hurley and Steve Chen. It’s unclear to upload and publish content – text, photo, audio, video He has worked with By Jesse Thomas Here’s the latest on a few foundational platforms. what will become of Delicious, though it has a sizable community pulling for it. – via browser, email, or mobile app. What distinguishes Posterous is its ability to allow users to publish blog Intel, Adobe, IBM and Nestle. 4 5
  • 4. entries simply by emailing the text and Qik: Qik allows users to record As public social networks are evolving, items and promoting products like shoes corresponding media to their account. and upload video directly from a mobile so too are their behind-the-firewall and apparel that can be worn or used in the Using a distribution platform similar to phone. The popular service is easy to counterparts. Services like Yammer game., Posterous also enables users use with YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Chatter allow for secure business to “autopost” their articles / media to all major social platforms. Posterous’s strategic advantage is its ease-of-use for and other video-sharing platforms. Having won numerous awards for its functionality and technology, Qik was communications to happen in an environment that has all of the earmarks of social media. Social NETWORKS content creators and distributors. acquired by Skype for more than $100 Google+ Less than three Tumblr: According to many, Tumblr is the preeminent micro-blogging million. It remains to be seen what the future of Qik will be now that its parent is a part of Microsoft. What is Social Q&A sites months after Google CEO Larry Page famously tied employee bonuses to social networking product success, Google platform on the Web. Similar to Posterous, not in doubt, however, is that the mobile Quora: Quora has taken the unveiled Google+ (which, incidentally, Tumblr makes it easy to publish multiple broadcasting services Qik pioneered will media by storm. Although Q&A sounds startlingly similar to “Google media types (text, photos, quotes, links, be significant for consumers, advertisers sites have long lived on the Internet Circles,” a rumored social platform first music and videos) in a dashboard that and technologists. (Yahoo! Answers, for example), there reported by ReadWriteWeb’s Marshall experts like Mashable superstar Jennifer is something provocative about Quora. Kirkpatrick covered at SXSW 2011). van Grove have described as “killer.” YouTube Live: Recently, Given the company’s background – it Google+ is a new social network that While Tumblr also accepts entries from YouTube began the slow rollout of was founded by Facebook alums – it’s promises to make it easier for members email and mobile, the service’s true YouTube Live, a service that enables no surprise that Quora has been able to share information to “circles” of strength is found in its active community users to host a real-time video stream. to attract top business leaders and friends to whom that update is relevant. and design features. Tumblr allows users YouTube has been developing the service contributors. The mix of quality content Whether that differentiator is sufficient to customize their blogs into a remarkable for some time, grabbing headlines with social networking tool integration to lure people away from the familiar number of layouts, called “themes.” The when it live-streamed a U2 concert in has created a unique repository of blue halls of Facebook is, of course, tight-knit Tumblr community also allows 2009. Currently, YouTube has agreed to expertise. Quora has kicked the ball anyone’s guess. Google seems serious app development by third parties. provide live-streaming capabilities for forward for online Q&A sites. Will any this time. But history is not on their side. certain content partners with an eye on of their competitors still want to play? As corporate blogs become more, well, “corporate,” forward-looking brands are beginning to use hosted services like Posterous expanding it to the public. Brands are starting to adapt to live video, Focus: Focus has been around for longer than Quora, and, like Quora, Group buying Joe Chernov is VP of Content Marketing for Eloqua. He owns and Tumblr to establish “lightweight” blogs. and that’s where services like Ustream, it is an active site with a highly engaged Groupon: Groupon is a public relations, These properties help companies get messages, Qik and YouTube Live enter community. In addition to the Q&A deal-of-the-day Website that features analyst relations and and digital assets to market faster than they the picture. As bandwidth and streaming format, Focus also taps its “expert” discounted gift certificates usable at local social media strategy. could on a more rigorously managed corporate technology improve, the barriers between community to participate in online or national companies. It made headlines He blogs regularly on blog or Website. They are also valuable tools the consumer and content will continue Webinars, which are then turned into several times recently: once when it the company’s It’s All for organizations that support the “personal to fall. Companies will stream their own content marketing assets. The assets turned down a rumored $6 billion offer About Revenue blog brands” of select executives and spokespeople. corporate events, as well as interviews from are available for download, and Focus from Google, next when it aired Super ( Think of them as occupying the space between conferences. Feeds can run on the streaming uses them to capture leads to sell to Bowl ads many found offensive, and, and speaks pretty full-featured blogging platforms and Twitter. provider’s site, YouTube, the corporate advertising partners. most recently, in June 2011 when it much everywhere. Website, a microsite, blog, or a Facebook filed its S-1 in preparation for an IPO. “Live streaming” Fan page. People have questions, and Quora and Focus are two of the top sites for The Wall Street Journal estimated that Groupon could raise as much as $1 billion services like Enterprise social both individuals and businesses to get answers. LinkedIn Answers and Facebook on a valuation of $20 billion. Despite, or perhaps because of, these front-page Ustream, communications Questions are also part of this booming sector. news stories, Groupon remains the front- runner in the increasingly popular daily and Quik tools Social gaming deals / group buying category. LivingSocial: LivingSocial How to Organize     Ustream: Like its competitors Yammer: Yammer is a tool for is generally considered to be the biggest and Livestream, Ustream making companies and organizations Empire Avenue: threat to Groupon. The premise and provides video streaming for live online more productive through the exchange Empire Avenue is a stock market execution are similar to Groupon events. Originally conceived as a service of short, frequent answers to one simple simulation social game network. If that (Altimeter Group analyst Jeremiah Internally   to allow military members to talk to their question: What are you doing? Despite sounds like a mouthful, here’s a simpler Owyang has pointed out that there families while overseas, Ustream has the emergence of competing tools, explanation: It’s an online community is virtually no barrier to entry in this grown to include more than 10 million Yammer continues to grow rapidly and where members buy (using faux currency, category), but LivingSocial offers more registered broadcasters. Since 2007, introduce new features. It took top prize called “Eaves”) and sell virtual stock in deals focused on travel and hospitality. political, technology and lifecasting stars at the prestigious TechCunch50 in 2008 real people and companies. The game LivingSocial’s daily deal “experiences” have used Ustream to get their message and was used by 80% of Fortune 500 can be shared with friends for By Joe Chernov makes use of all of the tried-and-true out. The site is supported by in-video companies by September 2010. forms of social currency – badges, status additional benefits. advertising and will likely continue tiers, shout-outs – to create a “sticky” Chatter:’s Eloqua Social Media ProBook Eloqua Social Media ProBook growing as its technology improves. community. It has been described as If you need more evidence that this is a “Organic” is generally themselves caught in operational answer to Yammer is Chatter, a “FarmVille for professionals.” hot space, consider this: by some accounts, considered to be a favorable weeds. Their efforts are likely to be The Justin of Justin. real-time collaboration tool for the there are as many as 100 different daily adjective. It connotes impeded by inefficiency, inconsistency tv fame started the live video site as a enterprise. Chatter, which allows Speaking of FarmVille, there any number deals companies in the United States alone. a healthy, maybe even and possibly even a lack of compliance 24/7 lifecasting stream in 2007. Justin. employees to share information of social games – many of which are Groupon and LivingSocial have combined to sustainable, product or with government requirements. tv has since moved beyond its self- securely with colleagues, may be one published by powerhouse Zynga and run raise more than a billion dollars in venture practice. But when used to Since this is the “professional referential beginnings to expand into of the building blocks of the cloud on the Facebook platform – that marketers funding. Moreover, existing Web 2.0 describe your company’s edition” of the Social Media Playbook, Tweet This! a site on which anyone can set up a computing giant’s long-awaited have begun to incorporate into their mix. giants are taking notice of the marketplace. social media structure, we will assume your organization channel. Like YouTube, the streams “Marketing Cloud” initiative. Salesforce. One technique is for a brand to subsidize Facebook made a big splash with Facebook organic is code for “chaos.” is committed to participating in the – and accompanying chat – are fully com appears to have doubled down on the cost of the participant “leveling up” in Deals, and services like Foursquare and Yelp Whether by design or by social Web. It simply may be trying embeddable. is ad-supported, this push, with a Chatter Super Bowl game-play if the individual watches an ad, are also working on their own variations. indifference, companies that to determine a safer, more efficient or but the open platform has periodically commercial and the acquisition of takes a poll or views a video published by Retailers and consumer brands need to think take a “let a thousand flowers more scalable model. Fortunately for led to challenges with policing Radian6 in early 2011. the marketer. Other integration techniques seriously about the role this new wave of bloom” approach to social media you, much of the heavy lifting has been copyrighted content. involve allowing users to buy branded group buying will have on their business.  participation will quickly find performed already. Jeremiah Owyang of 6 7
  • 5. Altimeter Group has published several must-reads, including the seminal “The Step One: First, Do gives you an opportunity to effectively write your own reputation. Step Three: diagramed several models that have been embraced by various companies you begin your program in earnest. Answering them up front will not only Career Path of the Corporate Social Strategist” report and the “Program No Harm You should also check with your organization’s legal department. Determine (See: “Social Strategy Getting Your Company Ready”). He has generously ensure the program runs efficiently, but it will also help you track performance. Plan: The Social media Center of Excellence” blog article. From a practitioner’s standpoint, Primum non nocere. First, do no harm. This phrase doesn’t only apply to the medical profession. It’s equally Some companies want staffers to add disclaimers like “these words are my own and do not reflect my employer” to Reasonable KPIs You have to measure something bigger contributed those structures to this book, and we have “JESS3-ified” their design. There are pros and cons Recalibrate in establishing a functional model for vital to social media. By now most their online profiles. and more strategic than the number of with each model, yet ultimately, the Real Time social engagement is a political and companies know that appropriate Facebook Fans or Twitter Followers. “Honeycomb” is the most aspirational. Stop engineering. Get out there and operational exercise. Following is one reliable way to operationalize social engagement in social channels creates opportunities across the organization’s Step Two: Marshal Sure you can, and should, track those tactical metrics. The smart money says Many high-performing companies seem to gravitate to the Coordinated or participate. Be human. Be personal. Be engaged. And if something isn’t working, media throughout your organization, including tips on how to secure the buy- in necessary for success: marketing, support, recruiting and even sales functions. But surprisingly few companies are also aware that Supporters Former US Vice President Al Gore your executives will love it. But you also need to track more. Decide what success metrics you are structured (and “Dandelion” models, depending on the size of the organization. See sidebar. don’t reengineer your entire model. Simply recalibrate. Slight changes over time will keep your program moving there are a number of activities that can land them in hot water with the said, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Great funded) to measure, and then crosscheck those against what is likely to satisfy Establish forward. Inertia is your opponent; momentum is your ally. Being nimble Federal Trade Commission (and words of wisdom for social strategists. your executive team. This is where your Departmental enough to make real-time adjustments is the blogosphere). Step one should be to familiarize yourself with the Because virtually every department is a beneficiary of the company’s social executive sponsor can lend a hand. Although what each company “Social Media the key to your long-term success.    “Organic” is generally FTC’s “Guides Concerning the Use of Testimonials and Endorsements media efforts, it’s important that multiple voices are heard before you measures will vary depending on their business objectives and degree SLAs” You’ve got staff trained. You’ve secured Don’t Forget To considered to be a favorable in Advertising,” and then conduct build your model. Start by creating a of social media involvement, following a senior sponsor. You’ve established Say Thank You a workshop for staff so everyone SWAT team consisting of representatives are some areas to consider monitoring: a social business model that reflects Reconfiguring your organization’s understands what is expected of them from marketing, communications, number of new leads captured via social stakeholder needs. You’ve listened and “social” structure to be more efficient adjective. It connotes when they participate on behalf of the organization across the social Web. product, support, human resources and sales. Each member of the team should media, lift in search rank for key terms, increase in awareness in the media (both you’ve given. Now it’s time for the “ask.” If every department is a beneficiary and agile is not only hard work for you, it can also be uncomfortable for those who a healthy, maybe even Though it may sound contradictory, it’s also important to avoid scaring be an advocate for their department’s particular objectives. traditional and social), improvement in customer satisfaction, reduction of of social engagement, then every department needs to play a role in participate. It takes people out of their comfort zone. Translation: some eggs are off staffers who are inclined to join It’s also essential that you secure an customer churn, addition of new ideas organized participation. Without going break before this omelette is served. sustainable, product or your cause, but are fearful of making a mistake. To this end, think of your executive champion for the initiative. At some companies the presence of an for product development, and, of course, growth in top-line revenue.  content and people, social media is a racecar with an empty tank and no Be sure to recognize, cheer and learn from the earliest of the early practice. But when used to workshop as “guardrails, not red lights” – show them the safe path to follow executive sponsor is required to get staff buy-in; at others, the executive   driver. All show, no go. Establish Service Level Agreements adopters – you know, those people in your company who were off building Pick a Model describe your company’s for social success. Share constructive sponsor is easier to secure once there’s – or SLAs – with each department. In communities before policies or tips, make light of benign mistakes, a groundswell of staff interest. You Once you have heard from your which networks will they participate? guidelines ever existed. These are the and provide role models to emulate. need to decide what’s the best strategy colleagues and received the support How quickly will they respond on true vanguards. After all, they are truly social media structure, Don’t forget to give people a reason to get involved. Remind colleagues of the at your company, but because social media is a horizontal channel, a C-level of a top executive, it’s time for you to earn your “social strategist” title and Twitter? How often will they produce content? Is there a particular community the thought leaders and influencers in your organizations. Make sure they organic is code for “chaos.” adage, “You are who search engines say you are,” and emphasize that being actively involved across social channels sponsor is vital.  determine which operational model is most consistent with your objectives and culture. Jeremiah Owyang has they want to “own”? Are there others that don’t fit their needs? These are essential questions to ask before are applauded and empowered. They may just be your most important assets moving forward.  ORGANIC Organic Centralized CENTRALIZED COORDINATED Coordinated Multiple hub & spoke HOLISTIC “HONEYCOMB Holistic “honeycomb” “dandelion”SPOKE “DANDELION” MULTIPLE HUB & Eloqua Social Media ProBook Operational models Eloqua Social Media ProBook By Jeremiah Owyang Jeremiah Owyang is a partner with Altimeter Group (http://www.altimetergroup. com/). He also runs the highly influential Centralized: Notice that a central Tweet This! Web-Strategy blog (http://www.Web-strategist. group initiates and represents busi- com/blog/). We thank him for contributing hisOrganic: Notice that the dots (those using ness units, funneling up the social Multiple hub & spoke “Dandelion” notice how Operational Model illustrations with us. The social tools) are inconsistent in size and one Organic: Notice that the dots (those using Centralized: Notice that a central group Coordinated: Notice how a central a central Coordinated: Notice how group will Multiple hub & spoke “Dandelion”: Notice Holistic “Honeycomb”: Notice how each strategy to one group. each business unit may have semi-autonomy Holistic “Honeycomb” notice how each individual full content is available here (http://www. initiates and represents business units, set social tools) are inconsistentdirectly connected of employees are not in size and one help to provide an equal experience to other how each business unit may have semi- individual in the organization is social enabled, group will help to provide an equal with an over arching tie back to a central group. in theaorganization is social enabled, yet in a set of employees are not directly connected to others. funneling up the social strategy to one group. business units. autonomy with an over arching tie back to a yet in consistent, organized pattern. framework-and-matrix-the-five-ways- to others. experience to other business units. central group. consistent, organized pattern. companies-organize-for-social-business/). 8 9