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12 February 2015!
Social Media Report!
Name: Laureline Baron
Student Number: w1507478
Course: MA Public Relations
Module: Public Relations & New Media
Tutors: Matt Holland
Table of content!
1. Terms of Reference………………………………………………………….…..3!
1.1. About Topshop……………………………………………………………3!
2.1. Social Media Goals………………………………………………………3!
3.1. Target Audiences…………………………………………………………5!
2. Social Media Activity.……………………………………………………………..6!
2.1. Social Media Platforms: Where?……………………………………….6!
2.1.1. Facebook.……………………..……………………………….7!
2.1.2. Twitter…………………………………………………………..9!
2.1.3. Instagram..………………………………………….………..10!
2.1.4. Pinterest………………………………………………………11!
2.1.5. Tumblr…..…………………………………………………….12!
2.1.6. Youtube……………………………………………………….12!
2.1.7. Google+…………….…………..…………………………….13!
2.1.8. Vine……………………………………………………………14!
2.1.9. Blog……………………………………..…………….………15!
2.2. Main Competitor’s Social Media Activity: Urban Outfitters…………16!
2.3. Timeline: When?………………………………………………………..18!
3. Key metrics and tools used to measure them..………….…………………19!
3.1. Engagement…………………………………………………………….19!
3.2. Segmentation..……………………….…………………………………19!
3.3. Content………….……………………………………………………….19!
3.4. Message Resonation…………………………………………………..20!
3.5. Tone and Sentiment……………………………………………………20!
4. Results…………………………………………………………………………….22!
4.1. Narrative…………………………………………………………………45!
5. Conclusion and Recommendations…………….……….……….…………..53!
6. Appendices………………………………………………………………………..54!
1. Terms of Reference!
1.1. About Topshop!
Topshop is a multinational fashion retailer of clothing, shoes, accessories and
make-up based in the UK. There are 300 shops in the UK and the brand is also
present worldwide with approximately 200 shops across 36 countries, plus
online operations in most of its markets. It is part of the Arcadia Group, owned
by Sir Phillip Green. Originally known as Top Shop, the brand was founded in
1964 as a brand extension of the department store Peter Robinson and sold
high fashion for the “young and different generation” (The Times, 1965) by
young British designers. In 1973, Top Shop by Peter Robinson was split into two
independent chains: Peter Robinson targeted the over 25’s market while Top
Shop focused on the age range from 13 to 24. The brand expanded rapidly
during the 1970’s changing its name to Topshop. It struggled to maintain its
profile of a high fashion brand during the 80’s before being revived from the late
90’s by focusing on presenting catwalk designs at budget prices. It also started
collaborations with emerging fashion designers, artists (Stella Vine) and
celebrities (Kate Moss, Cara Delevingne) while becoming a key sponsor of
London Fashion Week, where it shows on the catwalk schedule since 2005. In
2014, Topshop signed a 50-50 deal with singer Beyoncé to launch an
activewear brand called Parkwood Topshop Athletic Ltd in autumn 2015.!
1.2. Social Media Goals!
Topshop’s social media goals are driven from the brand’s personality, heritage
and values to serve its main purpose: to establish itself as the unique high
street fashion brand that brings catwalk designs in the street at budget prices.
Topshop’s personality lies in being the one with “one eye on the catwalk, the
other on the cool street style”, as the brand defines itself. !
On one hand, the brand’s heritage (starting as young British fashion designers’s
stockist) and its many collaborations with emerging well-respected designers,
artists and celebrities contribute to build this image of high fashion. On the
other hand, Topshop builds its cool/street style fashion image mainly through
its close communication with its audiences on social media, where it adopts a
friendly tone and focuses on making the audience wanted, getting them
involved with the brand and appearing accessible to them.!
Topshop’s mission is to “bring style to you, wherever you are”. The phrase
implies it adresses a large audience worldwide and therefore need to focus on
communicating about their online store and quality delivery services. !
Topshop’s social media goals can be listed as following:!
1. To appear accessible, easy-to-talk and friendly to its audience.!
2. To communicate about their new collaborations and make the audience feel
part of the “Topshop experience”.!
3. To inform about promotional offers in stores or on deliveries.!
4. To establish itself as much more than just a brand but as a lifestyle/
philosophy. !
5. To build an online community around the brand by making them “fall in love
with everything Topshop” and engage in conversations about it.!
6. To engage its audience on providing feedback.!
7. To engage its audience on sharing their Topshop experience on social
8. To differentiate itself from the high street, mainstream fashion brands by
sharing London Fashion Week exclusive experiences, images, designs. !
1.3. Target Audience!
Topshop features women’s wear and the target audience is therefore women
only. The brand owns a menswear branch called Topman but it is not part of this
report’s interest. As the brand’s history shows, Topshop initially targets the age
range from 13 to 24. According to a report by People Pattern, Topshop’s
audience still include this main age range but its primary and core audience
(41%) corresponds to the age range 18-24. However, its many different
collections allow it to target a very diverse audience with women aged up to 44,
which constitute Topshop’s secondary audience alongside with the 13-17 age
As shown in’s website analysis, the audience is typically in college or
is graduated from college and tend to access Topshop’s website from home or
from work. As we know, Topshop targets a large audience worldwide. The
analysis shows that Topshop’s website visitors are mainly located in the US
(31,1%), in the UK (28,7%), in India (6,8%), in Germany (4,3%) and in France
• Primary Audience: Mature millennial females aged 18-24, composed of
students and young postgraduate professionals from the UK and all over the
world. According to People Pattern and based on online conversations
analysis, the typical Topshop buyer can be defined as trendy, price conscious
and engaging with the brand through digital and social media. They care
more about style than quality of the products when it comes to buy clothes.
They are highly connected and are always connected via mobile device.!
• Secondary Audience: Teenage high-school girls aged 13-17, young
professionals aged 25-34 and women aged 35-44. Teenage girls want to
follow trends in fashion and are likely to engage and interact with the brand
on social media (comments, likes, shares). They are more likely to buy in
store only then online as they are financially dependent on their parents.
Young professionals and older women have more money to spend on clothes
and are more likely to buy online but are less likely to engage on
conversation with the brand on social media. !
The primary audience is both highly connected and likely to buy online, it
therefore constitutes Topshop’s main target on their social media platforms.!
2. Social Media Activity!
Topshop is very active on many social platforms, given its young audience and
the importance of visuals in building the brand’s image. However, it is still
considerably less active than one of its main competitor: Urban Outfitters.!
2.1. Social Media Platforms: Where?!
Individual pages for Topshop London, Oxford Circus, Strand, Knightsbridge
exists on Facebook but are inactive. On Twitter, in addition to the official
account, Topshop Help offers dedicated customer service and there are active
Topshop pages for many different countries. Also, there are empty Topshop
London/NY/Manchester pages on Pinterest. This report will look at the main
official Topshop accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr.,
Youtube, Google+, Vine and Topshop InsideOut Blog. !
Topshop’s official website centres on the online shop, displays video/news/
promotional offers on the front page and links to all other social media platforms
except for Vine. Most accounts are interconnected between each other and link
to the main official website and online shop. However, !
• the Tumblr. link is inactive everywhere!
• the Pinterest link on Youtube and Google+ is dead!
• no link to Instagram on Youtube and Google+!
• no link to Topshop InsideOut Blog on Youtube!
• no link to Twitter on Google+!
• no link to Instagram and Youtube on blog!
• no link to Vine on any Topshop platforms or website!
2.1.1. Facebook!
• Frequency: Topshop’s facebook page is ranked 3rd behind Twitter and
Instagram among Topshop’s social media most active accounts, with an
average of less than one post per day. However, the page offer customer
service and customers requests are answered everyday.!
• Content: Posts are mostly pictures, some videos and no text-only post. As we
can read in the “About” section below, Topshop’s posts communicate about
latest fashion collections/items shown on icon model Cara Delevingne, Haley
Baldwin or well-known fashion bloggers using a “make like” technique. They
also inform about promotional offers or launch competition to win tickets to
their events. Each post contains a direct vertical link ending to the central
website where customers can “Shop”. The cover image showing icon model/
celebrity Cara Delevingne represents the brand’s will to completely identify/
merge with her image of cool but high fashion figure. They want people to
think that Cara Delevingne who embodies style is Topshop and feel that if
they buy into Topshop they will embody style as Cara Delevingne does.!
2.1.2. Twitter !
• Frequency: Topshop’s Twitter account is the most active with an average of 7
posts per day. They actively replies to customer requests/complaints tweets
every day. !
• Content: Posts are mostly composed of picture and text posts with some
videos. The exact same presentation is used in Facebook and Twitter that
share the same profile and cover images, probably to avoid confusing online
users. However, the content is almost always different. Even if the same
news are communicated, they use another picture/video/text to display them.
Also, Twitter contains a lot of retweets from other pages like Vogue, I-D,
celebrities tweeting about Topshop like Kendall Jenner, MTC Style,
Cosmopolitan UK, etc. that usually gain a lot of engagement. Also, Twitter
posts contain hashtags links in addition to vertical links to the central website.
Twitter content is more mixed, less fashion-only than Facebook content, with
posts about music and lifestyle.!
2.1.3. Instagram!
• Frequency: Topshop is fairly active on Instagram, being the 2nd most active
of its accounts behind Twitter, with an average of 2 posts/day. Given the
importance of visuals to build the brand’s image and engage and given their
large audience on Instagram (3,7M compared to 1,06M on Twitter and 4,1M
on Facebook), Topshop could posts even more on Instagram. For example,
Urban Outfitters post on average 4 posts/day.!
• Content: Their content on Instagram is a mix of the pictures and videos
posted on Facebook and Twitter (fashion/music/lifestyle/offers), with an
emphasis on street style pictures.!
2.1.4. Pinterest!
• Frequency: Topshop is very active on Pinterest with an average of 9 pins
added to existing or new boards per day. It nearly reaches 1M users (knowing
that Twitter has 1,06M) and is growing fast (+or- 865 new followers/week).!
• Content: Pictures are distributed in different “boards” per theme, which can
be a new collection (“Topshop loves Denim”), a new trend (“Which 70’s girl
are you?”) or a current theme (“Valentines Dilemmas”). This classification
allows users to “follow” specific boards they are most interested in, which
allows Topshop to get feedback evaluating which trend/theme people most
engage with. The board most followed over the last 4 weeks is “Topshop
loves Denim”, the new jeans collection worn by model Hailey Baldwin.!
2.1.5. Tumblr.!
Topshop Tumblr. exists but all links to it are dead, even from the Tumblr.
platform itself.!
2.1.6. Youtube!
• Frequency: Videos are uploaded irregularly and scarcely. In 4 weeks, only 2
have been uploaded but both on the same week. Latest comments from the
discussion page are dated over a year ago and there are only 88 comments
in total, since 2007. Viewers comment videos directly on the page where the
conversation is engaged.!
• Content: The fact that Topshop uploads few videos is not an inconvenient: the
videos are carefully and relevantly chosen. They mostly include Topshop’s
campaigns videos featuring Cara Delevingne, who literally “reigns” over the
channel to serve Topshop’s objective to be associated with her image/style/
lifestyle (see the video shown on the front page: “Merry Christmas From
Cara!”). Videos also include exclusive backstage and catwalk videos of the
London Fashion Week. Topshop wants its Youtube viewers to feel exclusive
as they get a unique insight on Topshop's high fashion.!
2.1.7. Google+!
• Frequency: Topshop is fairly active on its Google+ account with an average of
1post/day, which is explained by the large audience it gets from the platform:
nearly 2,5M (against 50K for Youtube; 1,06M for Twitter and 4,1M for
• Content: The Google+ account displays the exact same content than the
Facebook account and shares the same presentation (same cover image), it
gets far less engagement though (Avg. 22shares/week against 70 on
Facebook). !
2.1.8. Vine !
Links to Topshop Vine’s account are inexistent in every Topshop social media
platforms and official website.!
• Frequency: Topshop’s vine is underused. Last video uploaded is dated
September 2014.!
• Content: Videos include London Fashion Week backstage, models’s talks,
catwalks and some new items in store being tested by the press team, which
is a nice funny angle to present new arrivals and should be exploited more.!
2.1.9. Blog !
• Frequency: Topshop posts on average one article every 2 days on its blog. It
gets avg. 30 shares/week (on Twitter and Facebook).!
• Content: Posts are long, contain 3-4 pictures and sometimes videos. Topshop
InsideOut blog is different in its presentation as well as in its content. Blog
posts consist of real stories about fashion inspirations (not directly linked to
the Topshop’s brand), exhibitions opening, whole stories about Topshop’s
collaborations with celebrities and designers, about trends, lifestyle, music
bands. Even if Topshop is not always on the spot, each post is told in an
“inspiring angle” that allow it to end with a direct vertical link leading to the
online store or newsletters subscriptions, accompanied with phrases like:!
2.2. Main Competitor’s Social Media Activity: Urban Outfitters!
On almost every social media platforms, Urban Outfitters owns an European
account in addition to the international one. As the European one is significantly
less used, this report will look at UO international account. Both UO and
Topshop are specialised in cutting-edge fashion retail and share the same
audience in terms of age-range and profile. UO is present on the same social
platforms than Topshop but has a consistent Tumblr. account that is actually
active (Topshop one is not viewable) as well as a Vimeo account, a Flickr page
and a music playlist on Songdrop. As we can see from the table below, UO
posts significantly more on its social platforms and gets overall more
engagement and interactions with its content (except in Facebook). Given that
UO also counts significantly less followers but still gets more interactions, it
means its audience is very active and engaged on social media. According to
TweetReach, UO reaches on average 183,462 accounts against 73,730 for
The table below allows to compare Topshop and Urban Outfitters’s reach to
their audience in terms of engagement and resonation (shares, retweets, likes,
comments). For a full numbers comparison of the two brands’ social media
activity over a 4 weeks’s period, see appendices.!
In terms of content, UO posts much more mixed content, it focuses less on
fashion items and aims at displaying a whole lifestyle feeling with pictures/
videos of music, food and landscapes. Over the last month, on Facebook, their
pictures of home decor and Valentine themed pictures got the highest
interaction and resonation.!
FACEBOOK fans/week avg. 4,465 2,070
FACEBOOK posts/week avg. 6 23
FACEBOOK shares/week avg. 70 53
TWITTER followers/week avg. 5,273 4,879
TWEETS/week avg. 47 52
RETWEETS/week avg. 4,321 11,932
INSTAGRAM followers/week
150,000 100,000
INSTAGRAM posts/week avg. 12 31
INSTAGRAM likes + comments
518,076 1,531,308
On Twitter UO gathered more than 30 000 shares launching a competition to
win polaroid cameras.!
2.3. Timeline: When? !
This report covers Topshop’s activity on social media over a four-week period, !
from January 15th to February 12th 2015. Data is presented as four weekly !
analyses. !
3. Key metrics and tools used to measure them!
3.1. Engagement!
Engagement refers to the audience’s response to and interaction with the
posted content. It can be tracked by measuring Facebook likes/comments/
shares, Twitter favourites/comments/retweets, Instagram likes/comments,
Pinterest pins/boards, Youtube views/likes/comments, Google+ likes/shares/
comments, blog posts’s Twitter and Facebook shares.!
To monitor engagement, the following tools were used : SocialBackers, Topsy,
IceRocket, Twitalyzer, Tweetreach, Howsociable.!
3.2. Segmentation!
Segmentation refers to the categories/subgroups into which the brand’s target
audience can be divided, based on demographics, geographics and
psychographics. !
To get a full profile portrait of the target audience, the following tools we used:
SocialBackers,, PeoplePattern.!
3.3. Content!
Content refers to anything that is uploaded and produced on social media
platforms to build storytelling around the brand’s image: texts, pictures, videos,
gif., graphs, infographics, charts, audio. !
To analyse content, the following tools were used: Reachli, Buzzfeed, Reddit.!
3.4. Message Resonation!
Message resonation refers to the number of times a piece of content was
passed along, repeated, shared. It can be tracked by measuring shares,
retweets, mentions, links in posts. !
To track message resonation, the following tools were used: Topsy, Buzzsumo,
3.5. Tone and Sentiment!
Refers to the audience’s reactions, that can be positive, neutral or negative. It
allows the brand to get feedback, adjust their strategy and identify issues that
need to be addressed. Social metric tools exist to evaluate tone and sentiment
but it is important to bear in mind they are not fully reliable as they are unable to
detect subtle human sentiments such as irony. Sentiment can be evaluate
through likes, dislikes (Youtube), favourites and manual comments analysis.!
In addition to manual analysis, the following tools were used to detect positive/
negative sentiment: Sentiment140, Socialmention, Topsy.!
In addition to those social metric tools, the following were monitored
manually every day:!
• Facebook: number of fans, posts, likes, comments, shares.!
• Twitter: number of followers, posts, favourites, comments, retweets.!
• Instagram: number of followers, posts, likes, comments.!
• Pinterest: number of followers, pins.!
• Youtube: number of followers, videos posted, views, likes, dislikes,
• Google+: number of followers, posts, likes, shares, comments.!
• Vine: number of followers, loops, posts.!
• Blog: number of Facebook likes, posts, Twitter and Facebook shares,
4. Results!
4.1. Topshop!
SocialBacker Fan Growth!
4.2. Twitter!
SocialBacker Follower Growth!
Tosy: Mentions in Twitter!
Twitalyzer analysis!
4.3. Instagram!
4.4. Youtube!
SocialBacker: Subscribers Growth!
SocialBacker: Uploaded Videos Views!
4.5. Google+!
4.6. Blog!
4.7. Narrative!
4.7.1. Week 1: 15/01-22/01!
Content posted on the first week:!
• 8 Facebook posts (all pictures, no video/audio)!
• 51 Tweets (31 pictures, 18 text tweets, 2 videos)!
• 14 Instagram posts (all pictures)!
• 0 pins on Pinterest!
• 0 video on Youtube!
• 7 posts on Google+!
• 0 video on Vine!
• 2 blog posts!
Week 1 is the biggest week in terms of interaction on Instagram and Google+.
On the other social platforms, the interaction score is average. !
The main reason for this high score on Instagram and Google+ is that Topshop
posted more than usual on those platforms during Week 1 (14 against avg. 12
on Instagram - 29 against avg. 20 on Google+). However, it is interesting to
note that the same picture on both platform is responsible for this high
interaction rate:!
The same picture also got the highest number of likes and shares, and thus the
highest resonation, on Facebook and 2nd highest of favourites and retweets on
Twitter (after a picture of a jacket from the new collection, that doesn’t appear
on the other platforms). The picture shows tops from the new collection and
seem to imply an offer “buy one get one free” with the phrase “Two tees are
better than one, right?” that entices to click on the link leading to the online
store. It suggests that offers resonate the best with the audience. However, links
from the picture are dead on all social platforms where the picture is posted. !
As it is the case throughout the whole monitoring period, Urban Outfitters posts
more than twice (8 against 22) more than Topshop on Facebook and gains the
triple in engagement. It also gains better engagement in all other platforms
except for Google+. However, overall on Facebook Topshop engages more its
audience in starting the conversation and sharing than its competitor:
proportionally Topshop gains more comments and shares than likes on its
content. On Twitter, both brand posted the same amount of posts on average
(51 for Topshop, 55 for UO) but UO gained 3x more engagement thanks to its
lifestyle pictures. !
Topshop didn’t post either on Youtube, Pinterest or Vine this week. Noting there
will be no video posted on Vine during the whole monitored period. Last video is
dated September 16th, 2014. On their blog, Topshop’s most retweeted article
was about 70’s Icons, which introduces Topshop 2015’s new fashion trend. !
The sentiment score (from SocialMention and Sentiment140) is the lowest over
the 4 weeks period with 39% of negative mentions on Twitter. However,
Topshop seem to have an overall better reputation than UO, whose negative
mentions this week reach 57%. The negative tweets/comments/posts on
Topshop are mostly complaints from customers about the quality or composition
of the products. For example, the rabbit fur scandal is one of the most common
4.7.2. Week 2 : 22/01-29/01!
Content posted on the 2nd week:!
• 5 Facebook posts (all pictures)!
• 35 Tweets (14 pictures, 20 text tweets, 1 video)!
• 12 pictures on Instagram!
• 58 pins on Pinterest!
• 0 video on Youtube!
• 4 posts on Google+ !
• 0 post on Vine!
• 5 blog posts!
This week Facebook reached the biggest fans’s growth over the four weeks: 5
465, even if only 5 pictures were posted. The interaction rate was at its highest
(after week1) on Instagram, thanks to a picture of icon model Cara Delevingne
that got 90,1K likes, showing the importance of celebrity endorsement in the
fashion industry. It’s interesting to note that most of the 495 comments on the
picture are actually tags of other people, showing a strong will from the
audience to share Instagram content. !
Similarly, the most liked and shared post on Google+ was a picture Cara
Delevingne wearing some new items from the collection. The piece got more
interaction than the Valentine underwear collection launching picture on Google
+ but less on Facebook. On Facebook, the fan growth may be due to the launch
of the Valentine underwear collection: the launching picture got the highest
interaction rate of the week with 505 likes, 7 comments but only 3 shares. On
Twitter, the most liked and shared post is a text post (which is unusual, pictures
and video often draw more resonation):!
Even if the post does not convey any message directly related to Topshop, this
“Happy Friday” is a clever way to gain resonation as it is a simple thing
everybody wants to hear and wish on a Friday. Non-followers who received the
tweet from friends might follow Topshop and people can suddenly feel like
shopping at Topshop this weekend. !
This week Topshop also created its “Valentine dilemmas” on Pinterest and
posted 58 pins, which corresponds to the underwear collection launch on
Facebook. !
Topshop’s most shared article on its blog this week is about a Guide to the 2015
Super Bowl: What to expect? What to do? What to wear?, showing the
importance of finding a current angle linked to people’s agenda. !
Even if there are no video posted on Youtube, the number of subscribers keep
on growing steadily.!
4.7.3. Week 3: 29/01 - 05/02!
Content posted on the 3rd week:!
• 4 Facebook posts (2 pictures, 2 videos)!
• 55 Tweets (23 pictures, 26 texts, 6 videos)!
• 10 Instagram posts (8 pictures, 2 videos)!
• 74 pins on Pinterest!
• 2 videos on Youtube!
• 4 posts on Google+!
• 0 Vine video!
• 4 blog posts!
Week 3 gets the highest interaction rate on every platforms except on Google+
and Instagram, generating the biggest social buzz of the monitored period.
Week 3 gathers on avg. 75% of the total interaction on Facebook, Twitter,
Youtube and on the blog.!
This passion and enthusiasm is mainly due to two big releases from Topshop on
both Facebook and Twitter: a funny video about an awkward Tinder Valentine
date (cleverly mixing dating and what to wear issues) posted on February 5th
and the announcement of celeb model Hailey Baldwin being the face of
Topshop’s S/S 2015 denim collection posted on February 2nd. Both were
posted on Twitter and Facebook but the video only got 40 favourites and 11
retweets on Twitter whilst it reached 2,353 likes, 397 comments and 169 shares
on Facebook. Vice versa, the Haley Baldwin announcement only got 201 likes,
4 comments and 27 shares on Facebook whilst it gained 1000 favourites and
638 retweets on Twitter. Both posts gained the highest interaction rate on their
respective platforms, in terms of all three metrics: likes, comments and shares.
The conclusion is that video is more likely to be viewed on Facebook than
Twitter and, on the contrary, a short announcement is more likely to resonate on
Twitter. The possible explanation is that whilst Twitter (being of short content)
allows people to follow the posts in a constant way, popping on the phone and
flowing on the computer’s screen corner; Facebook is more mixed and dense
and require a more focused scanning. In this way, a video is more likely to be
watched on Facebook where people dedicate some time at Facebook scanning
and will more easily engage in watching it. On the contrary, a short
announcement is more likely to reach more people and thus resonates more if
it’s released on Twitter, more likely to be followed thorough the day. !
On Instagram, both stories were passed on but with average engagement only.
On Pinterest, a board on “Topshop loves denim” (worn by Haley Baldwin) with
74 pins was published. On Youtube, 2 videos were released: a video featuring
Haley Baldwin wearing Topshop jeans, posted on February 2nd and the Tinder
Valentine video, posted on February 5th. The first one got 20,352 views, 205
likes and 16 dislikes ; the second 5, 568 views, 261 likes and 1 dislikes. It can
be concluded that celebrity-endorsement allow to draw bigger attention but the
use of themed content (Valentine day) and humour engage more in starting the
conversation and liking the content. !
On Google+, both videos were posted but gained low interaction. On the blog,
the article that was more shared on Twitter (74) was titled “Wear Jeans Like the
Pros”, fitting the Haley Baldwin announcement. !
Negative sentiment reaches its lowest rate this week with only 12% of negative
mentions and 88% positive mentions. !
4.7.4. Week 4: 05/02-12/02!
Content posted on the 4th week:!
• 5 Facebook posts (all pictures)!
• 38 Tweets (22 pictures, 12 texts, 2 videos)!
• 8 posts on Instagram (7 pictures, 1 video)!
• 57 pins on Pinterest!
• 0 video on Youtube!
• 5 posts on Google+!
• 0 Vine video!
• 3 blog posts !
Week 4 is a regular week for Topshop on social media with average interaction
rate. The average Facebook shares is the second highest of the month and
Twitalyzer detects a growth in the influence and impact score on Twitter on
February 9th, which may be due to Topshop’s post about Sam Smith at the
Grammy Awards. !
Once again, Topshop uses a strategy to tweet about something that people, at
that particular moment, want to hear and share (see “Happy Friday”). It also
allows to personify the brand by expressing music tastes. !
On Facebook, a picture about the launch of the SS15 Unique (catwalk)
collection raised the most shares. The post contains a “Shop the collection”
vertical link to the central website. On Instagram, most pictures were from the
catwalks featuring the SS15 Unique collection. A board titled “Topshop Unique”
with 57 new pins was also created. No video were posted on Youtube, which is
quite surprising as their strategy is to publish exclusive video of catwalk
backstage and shows on their Youtube channel. SS15 Unique collection
(showed at the Fashion Week) was announced everywhere else on their social
channel and it could have contained a horizontal link to Youtube videos if they
were uploaded. !
On Google+, two posts with the same content gained most attention: street
style pictures of a personal shopper from the Topshop’s store. This represents
Topshop’s strategy to involve bloggers and streetstylers in order to get closer to
their audience. On its blog, Topshop posted an article on their catwalk “Topshop
Unique” collection, matching content on other platforms, but the article that got
most coverage was “Oxford Circus Does Valentine’s Day”, published on
February 10th, in which they advertise special makeovers and a florist pop-up
stand in their Oxford Circus store on Valentine’s Day. The latest is probably
something that should be announced on every social platforms as independent
posts. !
5. Conclusion and Recommendations!
Overall, Topshop has an effective and active social media strategy. However, as
the figures and graphs shown, it is significantly less active and engaging than
one of its main competitor: Urban Outfitters. Consequently, even if Topshop has
an overall better reputation than UO, Topshop should take into consideration
what the competition is doing, adapt and rethink its strategy. This implies mainly
being more active on every platforms and adopt a larger way of communicating
the brand’s identity by including more music, landscapes, home decoration and
lifestyle (which is the kind of content that gets UO most of its engagement).
Topshop may also consider opening a Vimeo and a Flickr. account (that UO
already have).!
Another much more practical recommendation would be being more
professional and attentive in monitoring the smooth functioning of all platforms.
There are a few technical problems like the Tumblr. platform that is
unaccessible, some horizontal links between the social platforms missing or
even dead links to the online shop from recent posts, that could really deter the
potential buyer and dramatically alters the brand’s credibility and trustfulness
(people are not going to buy from a deficient website/page). Also, the link to
Topshop InsideOut blog should appear as a section of the official website and
not only among the other social platforms icon-links listed below the page and
difficult to spot. !
Vine could be a strong asset in Topshop’s social media strategy but it is almost
inactive (last video was posted 6 months ago). Topshop could take advantage
of it buy posting more videos of catwalk’s backstage, of personal shopping in
store, of the press team trying new items, etc. Instagram is also underused
given its very large audience (3,7) and the thousands of likes/hundreds of
comments it already generates. To fit with Topshop’s strategy to stay “close to
the street”, Instagram should be used to post evenmore streetstyles, for
6. Appendices!
Fans 4,118,229 -
4,122,461 (+
4,127,926 (+
4,131,626 (+
Picture Posts 8 5 2 5
Video Posts / / 2 /
Total Posts 8 5 4 5
Likes 2780 1467 3071 2,645
Shares 15 15 181 32
Comments 17 15 302 12
Followers 1,044,714 -
1,050,733 (+
1,055,849 (+
1,060,534 (+
Text Tweets 18 20 26 12
Picture Tweets 31 14 23 22
Video Tweets 2 1 6 2
Total Tweets 51 35 55 38
Retweets 1,482 881 10,600 904
Favorites 5,221 2,549 25,246 5,258
Followers 3,4M 3,6M 3,7M 3,8M
Picture Posts 14 12 8 7
Video Posts / / 2 1
Total Posts 14 12 10 8
Likes 728,310 667,500 147,500 313,500
Comments 4,329 2,647 3,943 3,318
Followers 96,181 96,916 97,911 100,020
Total Boards 42 43 43 44
Total Pins 7,494 7,552 7,626 7,683
Pins per week / 58 74 57
TUMBLR. Topshop Tumblr. exists but all links to it are dead,
even from the Tumblr. platform itself.
Subscribers 49,772 49,882 50,162 50,455
Total Views 10,732,417 10,811,386 10,858,715 10,917,619
Videos Posted / / 2 /
Views for
posted videos
/ / 23,016 /
Likes / / 433 /
Dislikes / / 16 /
Comments / / 20 /
Followers 2,229,896 2,227,900 2,256,826 2,276,264
Total Views 57,170,952 57,741,497 57,770,423 58,102,626
Posts 7 4 4 5
Likes (+1) 672 363 327 420
Shares 29 23 14 12
Comments 20 15 10 11
VIMEO No Vimeo account.
Followers 60,4 60,6K 61K 61,3K
Loops 1,062,538 1,064,824 1,067,110 1,068,743
Posts / / / /
Likes for Blog
7,742 7,834 7,967 7,998
Posts 2 5 4 3
Twitter Shares 30 60 457 7
8 41 32 4
Comments / / / /
Strength 41% 27% 48% 26%
Sentiment 6:01 35 1 11:01 7:01
Passion 39% 46% 30% 47%
Reach 25% 14% 33% 14%
Negative 3% 1% 1% 2%
Positive 19% 26% 16% 2%
Neutral 78% 73% 83% 87%
(avg. per
30s 56s 22s 38s
123 56 129 53
31% 29% 12% 18%
69% 71% 88% 82%
Mentions in
29,922 24,446 36,229 30,776
79 68 84 76
All Mentions
in Twitter/hour
58,9 43,6 59,7 12,5
Links 3,5 2,4 8,7 11,8
Texts 4,4 3,1 12,2 17,7
Hashtags 4,6 2,9 / /
Fans 2,121,422 -
2,123,224 (+
2,126,130 (+
2,127,633 (+
Picture Posts 22 22 24 17
Video Posts / / / /
Likes 12,857 14,710 24,008 19,622
Shares 45 14 99 128
Comments 74 93 170 169
Followers 956,866 -
Text Tweets 15 13 10 10
Picture Tweets 37 35 41 17
Video Tweets 3 2 1 1
Total Tweets 55 50 52 39
Retweets 2,615 1,485 31,696 1,334
Favorites 13,124 3,696 18,016 36,240
Followers 2,2M 2,3M 2,4M 2,5M
Picture Posts 29 28 29 21
Video Posts 4 1 1 /
Total Posts 33 29 30 21
Likes 2,470,100 1,315,000 757,000 2,405,981
Comments 17,198 11,955 22,672 14,263
Followers 152,273 153,741 155,393 216,840
Total Boards 1 1 1 1
Total Pins 3,624 3,695 3,716 32,038
Posts 79 42 69 34
Subscribers 19,744 19,954 20,310 20,567
Total Views 6,924,861 6,924,984 6,925,099 7,064,957
Videos Posted / 2 / /
Views for
posted videos
/ 79,312 / /
Likes / 2,518 / /
Dislikes / 21 / /
Comments / 186 / /
Followers 13,452 13,574 13,653 13,757
Total Views 4,093,024 4,165,039 4,231,464 4,292733
Posts 5 3 4 /
Likes (+1) 113 114 110 /
Shares 3 5 3 /
Comments 5 3 1 /
VIMEO 99 videos.
Followers 104K 104,6K 105,2K 105,6K
Loops 6,398,659 6,508,826 6,618,993 6,729,160
Posts 2 / 1 /
Likes 1,222 / 8,359 /
Revines 98 / 520 /
Comments 21 / 157 /
No possibility
to like the
Posts 5 5 4 /
Twitter Shares 87 100 66 /
367 236 646 /
No possibility
to comment
/ / / /
Strength 35% 35% 48% 41%
Sentiment 3:01 3:01 11:01 2:01
Passion 57% 53% 30% 51%
Reach 14% 16% 33% 18%
Negative 7% 7% 1% 11%
Positive 24% 23% 16% 16%
Neutral 67% 70% 83% 73%
49s 34s 22s 23s
49 56 129 60
57% 61% 42% 36%
43% 39% 58% 64%
Mentions in
5,953 6,403 3,989 6,894
67% 72% 76% 66%
All Mentions
in Twitter/hour
70,5 41,6 29,6 24,6
Links 26,9 22,4 12,6 18,2
Texts 57,8 61,2 48,7 85,9
Hashtags 5,5 8,3 6,4 18,2

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Social media monitoring: Topshop

  • 1. ! ! 12 February 2015! ! ! Social Media Report! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Name: Laureline Baron Student Number: w1507478 Course: MA Public Relations Module: Public Relations & New Media Tutors: Matt Holland
  • 2. Table of content! ! ! 1. Terms of Reference………………………………………………………….…..3! 1.1. About Topshop……………………………………………………………3! 2.1. Social Media Goals………………………………………………………3! 3.1. Target Audiences…………………………………………………………5! ! 2. Social Media Activity.……………………………………………………………..6! 2.1. Social Media Platforms: Where?……………………………………….6! 2.1.1. Facebook.……………………..……………………………….7! 2.1.2. Twitter…………………………………………………………..9! 2.1.3. Instagram..………………………………………….………..10! 2.1.4. Pinterest………………………………………………………11! 2.1.5. Tumblr…..…………………………………………………….12! 2.1.6. Youtube……………………………………………………….12! 2.1.7. Google+…………….…………..…………………………….13! 2.1.8. Vine……………………………………………………………14! 2.1.9. Blog……………………………………..…………….………15! 2.2. Main Competitor’s Social Media Activity: Urban Outfitters…………16! 2.3. Timeline: When?………………………………………………………..18! ! 3. Key metrics and tools used to measure them..………….…………………19! 3.1. Engagement…………………………………………………………….19! 3.2. Segmentation..……………………….…………………………………19! 3.3. Content………….……………………………………………………….19! 3.4. Message Resonation…………………………………………………..20! 3.5. Tone and Sentiment……………………………………………………20! ! 4. Results…………………………………………………………………………….22! 4.1. Narrative…………………………………………………………………45! ! 5. Conclusion and Recommendations…………….……….……….…………..53! 6. Appendices………………………………………………………………………..54! !
  • 3. 1. Terms of Reference! ! 1.1. About Topshop! ! Topshop is a multinational fashion retailer of clothing, shoes, accessories and make-up based in the UK. There are 300 shops in the UK and the brand is also present worldwide with approximately 200 shops across 36 countries, plus online operations in most of its markets. It is part of the Arcadia Group, owned by Sir Phillip Green. Originally known as Top Shop, the brand was founded in 1964 as a brand extension of the department store Peter Robinson and sold high fashion for the “young and different generation” (The Times, 1965) by young British designers. In 1973, Top Shop by Peter Robinson was split into two independent chains: Peter Robinson targeted the over 25’s market while Top Shop focused on the age range from 13 to 24. The brand expanded rapidly during the 1970’s changing its name to Topshop. It struggled to maintain its profile of a high fashion brand during the 80’s before being revived from the late 90’s by focusing on presenting catwalk designs at budget prices. It also started collaborations with emerging fashion designers, artists (Stella Vine) and celebrities (Kate Moss, Cara Delevingne) while becoming a key sponsor of London Fashion Week, where it shows on the catwalk schedule since 2005. In 2014, Topshop signed a 50-50 deal with singer Beyoncé to launch an activewear brand called Parkwood Topshop Athletic Ltd in autumn 2015.! ! 1.2. Social Media Goals! ! Topshop’s social media goals are driven from the brand’s personality, heritage and values to serve its main purpose: to establish itself as the unique high street fashion brand that brings catwalk designs in the street at budget prices. Topshop’s personality lies in being the one with “one eye on the catwalk, the other on the cool street style”, as the brand defines itself. ! ! On one hand, the brand’s heritage (starting as young British fashion designers’s stockist) and its many collaborations with emerging well-respected designers, artists and celebrities contribute to build this image of high fashion. On the ! 3
  • 4. other hand, Topshop builds its cool/street style fashion image mainly through its close communication with its audiences on social media, where it adopts a friendly tone and focuses on making the audience wanted, getting them involved with the brand and appearing accessible to them.! ! Topshop’s mission is to “bring style to you, wherever you are”. The phrase implies it adresses a large audience worldwide and therefore need to focus on communicating about their online store and quality delivery services. ! ! Topshop’s social media goals can be listed as following:! ! 1. To appear accessible, easy-to-talk and friendly to its audience.! 2. To communicate about their new collaborations and make the audience feel part of the “Topshop experience”.! 3. To inform about promotional offers in stores or on deliveries.! 4. To establish itself as much more than just a brand but as a lifestyle/ philosophy. ! 5. To build an online community around the brand by making them “fall in love with everything Topshop” and engage in conversations about it.! 6. To engage its audience on providing feedback.! 7. To engage its audience on sharing their Topshop experience on social media.! 8. To differentiate itself from the high street, mainstream fashion brands by sharing London Fashion Week exclusive experiences, images, designs. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 4
  • 5. 1.3. Target Audience! ! Topshop features women’s wear and the target audience is therefore women only. The brand owns a menswear branch called Topman but it is not part of this report’s interest. As the brand’s history shows, Topshop initially targets the age range from 13 to 24. According to a report by People Pattern, Topshop’s audience still include this main age range but its primary and core audience (41%) corresponds to the age range 18-24. However, its many different collections allow it to target a very diverse audience with women aged up to 44, which constitute Topshop’s secondary audience alongside with the 13-17 age range.! As shown in’s website analysis, the audience is typically in college or is graduated from college and tend to access Topshop’s website from home or from work. As we know, Topshop targets a large audience worldwide. The analysis shows that Topshop’s website visitors are mainly located in the US (31,1%), in the UK (28,7%), in India (6,8%), in Germany (4,3%) and in France (3,4%).! ! • Primary Audience: Mature millennial females aged 18-24, composed of students and young postgraduate professionals from the UK and all over the world. According to People Pattern and based on online conversations analysis, the typical Topshop buyer can be defined as trendy, price conscious and engaging with the brand through digital and social media. They care more about style than quality of the products when it comes to buy clothes. They are highly connected and are always connected via mobile device.! ! ! 5
  • 6. • Secondary Audience: Teenage high-school girls aged 13-17, young professionals aged 25-34 and women aged 35-44. Teenage girls want to follow trends in fashion and are likely to engage and interact with the brand on social media (comments, likes, shares). They are more likely to buy in store only then online as they are financially dependent on their parents. Young professionals and older women have more money to spend on clothes and are more likely to buy online but are less likely to engage on conversation with the brand on social media. ! ! The primary audience is both highly connected and likely to buy online, it therefore constitutes Topshop’s main target on their social media platforms.! ! 2. Social Media Activity! ! Topshop is very active on many social platforms, given its young audience and the importance of visuals in building the brand’s image. However, it is still considerably less active than one of its main competitor: Urban Outfitters.! ! 2.1. Social Media Platforms: Where?! ! Individual pages for Topshop London, Oxford Circus, Strand, Knightsbridge exists on Facebook but are inactive. On Twitter, in addition to the official account, Topshop Help offers dedicated customer service and there are active Topshop pages for many different countries. Also, there are empty Topshop London/NY/Manchester pages on Pinterest. This report will look at the main official Topshop accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr., Youtube, Google+, Vine and Topshop InsideOut Blog. ! ! ! ! ! 6
  • 7. Topshop’s official website centres on the online shop, displays video/news/ promotional offers on the front page and links to all other social media platforms except for Vine. Most accounts are interconnected between each other and link to the main official website and online shop. However, ! • the Tumblr. link is inactive everywhere! • the Pinterest link on Youtube and Google+ is dead! • no link to Instagram on Youtube and Google+! • no link to Topshop InsideOut Blog on Youtube! • no link to Twitter on Google+! • no link to Instagram and Youtube on blog! • no link to Vine on any Topshop platforms or website! ! 2.1.1. Facebook! ! • Frequency: Topshop’s facebook page is ranked 3rd behind Twitter and Instagram among Topshop’s social media most active accounts, with an average of less than one post per day. However, the page offer customer service and customers requests are answered everyday.! ! ! ! 7
  • 8. ! • Content: Posts are mostly pictures, some videos and no text-only post. As we can read in the “About” section below, Topshop’s posts communicate about latest fashion collections/items shown on icon model Cara Delevingne, Haley Baldwin or well-known fashion bloggers using a “make like” technique. They also inform about promotional offers or launch competition to win tickets to their events. Each post contains a direct vertical link ending to the central website where customers can “Shop”. The cover image showing icon model/ celebrity Cara Delevingne represents the brand’s will to completely identify/ merge with her image of cool but high fashion figure. They want people to think that Cara Delevingne who embodies style is Topshop and feel that if they buy into Topshop they will embody style as Cara Delevingne does.! ! 8
  • 9. 2.1.2. Twitter ! ! • Frequency: Topshop’s Twitter account is the most active with an average of 7 posts per day. They actively replies to customer requests/complaints tweets every day. ! • Content: Posts are mostly composed of picture and text posts with some videos. The exact same presentation is used in Facebook and Twitter that share the same profile and cover images, probably to avoid confusing online users. However, the content is almost always different. Even if the same news are communicated, they use another picture/video/text to display them. Also, Twitter contains a lot of retweets from other pages like Vogue, I-D, celebrities tweeting about Topshop like Kendall Jenner, MTC Style, Cosmopolitan UK, etc. that usually gain a lot of engagement. Also, Twitter posts contain hashtags links in addition to vertical links to the central website. Twitter content is more mixed, less fashion-only than Facebook content, with posts about music and lifestyle.! ! ! 9
  • 10. 2.1.3. Instagram! ! • Frequency: Topshop is fairly active on Instagram, being the 2nd most active of its accounts behind Twitter, with an average of 2 posts/day. Given the importance of visuals to build the brand’s image and engage and given their large audience on Instagram (3,7M compared to 1,06M on Twitter and 4,1M on Facebook), Topshop could posts even more on Instagram. For example, Urban Outfitters post on average 4 posts/day.! ! ! • Content: Their content on Instagram is a mix of the pictures and videos posted on Facebook and Twitter (fashion/music/lifestyle/offers), with an emphasis on street style pictures.! ! ! 10
  • 11. 2.1.4. Pinterest! ! • Frequency: Topshop is very active on Pinterest with an average of 9 pins added to existing or new boards per day. It nearly reaches 1M users (knowing that Twitter has 1,06M) and is growing fast (+or- 865 new followers/week).! ! • Content: Pictures are distributed in different “boards” per theme, which can be a new collection (“Topshop loves Denim”), a new trend (“Which 70’s girl are you?”) or a current theme (“Valentines Dilemmas”). This classification allows users to “follow” specific boards they are most interested in, which allows Topshop to get feedback evaluating which trend/theme people most engage with. The board most followed over the last 4 weeks is “Topshop loves Denim”, the new jeans collection worn by model Hailey Baldwin.! ! 11
  • 12. 2.1.5. Tumblr.! ! Topshop Tumblr. exists but all links to it are dead, even from the Tumblr. platform itself.! ! 2.1.6. Youtube! ! 12
  • 13. • Frequency: Videos are uploaded irregularly and scarcely. In 4 weeks, only 2 have been uploaded but both on the same week. Latest comments from the discussion page are dated over a year ago and there are only 88 comments in total, since 2007. Viewers comment videos directly on the page where the conversation is engaged.! • Content: The fact that Topshop uploads few videos is not an inconvenient: the videos are carefully and relevantly chosen. They mostly include Topshop’s campaigns videos featuring Cara Delevingne, who literally “reigns” over the channel to serve Topshop’s objective to be associated with her image/style/ lifestyle (see the video shown on the front page: “Merry Christmas From Cara!”). Videos also include exclusive backstage and catwalk videos of the London Fashion Week. Topshop wants its Youtube viewers to feel exclusive as they get a unique insight on Topshop's high fashion.! ! 2.1.7. Google+! ! • Frequency: Topshop is fairly active on its Google+ account with an average of 1post/day, which is explained by the large audience it gets from the platform: nearly 2,5M (against 50K for Youtube; 1,06M for Twitter and 4,1M for Facebook).! ! 13
  • 14. • Content: The Google+ account displays the exact same content than the Facebook account and shares the same presentation (same cover image), it gets far less engagement though (Avg. 22shares/week against 70 on Facebook). ! ! ! 2.1.8. Vine ! ! Links to Topshop Vine’s account are inexistent in every Topshop social media platforms and official website.! ! • Frequency: Topshop’s vine is underused. Last video uploaded is dated September 2014.! • Content: Videos include London Fashion Week backstage, models’s talks, catwalks and some new items in store being tested by the press team, which is a nice funny angle to present new arrivals and should be exploited more.! ! ! ! 14
  • 15. 2.1.9. Blog ! ! • Frequency: Topshop posts on average one article every 2 days on its blog. It gets avg. 30 shares/week (on Twitter and Facebook).! • Content: Posts are long, contain 3-4 pictures and sometimes videos. Topshop InsideOut blog is different in its presentation as well as in its content. Blog posts consist of real stories about fashion inspirations (not directly linked to the Topshop’s brand), exhibitions opening, whole stories about Topshop’s collaborations with celebrities and designers, about trends, lifestyle, music bands. Even if Topshop is not always on the spot, each post is told in an “inspiring angle” that allow it to end with a direct vertical link leading to the online store or newsletters subscriptions, accompanied with phrases like:! ! 15
  • 16. 2.2. Main Competitor’s Social Media Activity: Urban Outfitters! On almost every social media platforms, Urban Outfitters owns an European account in addition to the international one. As the European one is significantly less used, this report will look at UO international account. Both UO and Topshop are specialised in cutting-edge fashion retail and share the same audience in terms of age-range and profile. UO is present on the same social platforms than Topshop but has a consistent Tumblr. account that is actually active (Topshop one is not viewable) as well as a Vimeo account, a Flickr page and a music playlist on Songdrop. As we can see from the table below, UO posts significantly more on its social platforms and gets overall more engagement and interactions with its content (except in Facebook). Given that UO also counts significantly less followers but still gets more interactions, it means its audience is very active and engaged on social media. According to TweetReach, UO reaches on average 183,462 accounts against 73,730 for Topshop.! The table below allows to compare Topshop and Urban Outfitters’s reach to their audience in terms of engagement and resonation (shares, retweets, likes, comments). For a full numbers comparison of the two brands’ social media activity over a 4 weeks’s period, see appendices.! ! 16
  • 17. ! ! In terms of content, UO posts much more mixed content, it focuses less on fashion items and aims at displaying a whole lifestyle feeling with pictures/ videos of music, food and landscapes. Over the last month, on Facebook, their pictures of home decor and Valentine themed pictures got the highest interaction and resonation.! TOPSHOP URBAN OUTFITTERS FACEBOOK fans/week avg. 4,465 2,070 FACEBOOK posts/week avg. 6 23 FACEBOOK shares/week avg. 70 53 TWITTER followers/week avg. 5,273 4,879 TWEETS/week avg. 47 52 RETWEETS/week avg. 4,321 11,932 INSTAGRAM followers/week avg. 150,000 100,000 INSTAGRAM posts/week avg. 12 31 INSTAGRAM likes + comments avg. 518,076 1,531,308 ! 17
  • 18. On Twitter UO gathered more than 30 000 shares launching a competition to win polaroid cameras.! ! ! 2.3. Timeline: When? ! ! This report covers Topshop’s activity on social media over a four-week period, ! from January 15th to February 12th 2015. Data is presented as four weekly ! analyses. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 18
  • 19. 3. Key metrics and tools used to measure them! ! 3.1. Engagement! ! Engagement refers to the audience’s response to and interaction with the posted content. It can be tracked by measuring Facebook likes/comments/ shares, Twitter favourites/comments/retweets, Instagram likes/comments, Pinterest pins/boards, Youtube views/likes/comments, Google+ likes/shares/ comments, blog posts’s Twitter and Facebook shares.! ! To monitor engagement, the following tools were used : SocialBackers, Topsy, IceRocket, Twitalyzer, Tweetreach, Howsociable.! ! 3.2. Segmentation! ! Segmentation refers to the categories/subgroups into which the brand’s target audience can be divided, based on demographics, geographics and psychographics. ! ! To get a full profile portrait of the target audience, the following tools we used: SocialBackers,, PeoplePattern.! ! 3.3. Content! ! Content refers to anything that is uploaded and produced on social media platforms to build storytelling around the brand’s image: texts, pictures, videos, gif., graphs, infographics, charts, audio. ! ! To analyse content, the following tools were used: Reachli, Buzzfeed, Reddit.! ! ! ! ! ! 19
  • 20. 3.4. Message Resonation! ! Message resonation refers to the number of times a piece of content was passed along, repeated, shared. It can be tracked by measuring shares, retweets, mentions, links in posts. ! ! To track message resonation, the following tools were used: Topsy, Buzzsumo, Wefollow.! ! 3.5. Tone and Sentiment! ! Refers to the audience’s reactions, that can be positive, neutral or negative. It allows the brand to get feedback, adjust their strategy and identify issues that need to be addressed. Social metric tools exist to evaluate tone and sentiment but it is important to bear in mind they are not fully reliable as they are unable to detect subtle human sentiments such as irony. Sentiment can be evaluate through likes, dislikes (Youtube), favourites and manual comments analysis.! ! In addition to manual analysis, the following tools were used to detect positive/ negative sentiment: Sentiment140, Socialmention, Topsy.! ! ! ! ! 20
  • 21. In addition to those social metric tools, the following were monitored manually every day:! • Facebook: number of fans, posts, likes, comments, shares.! • Twitter: number of followers, posts, favourites, comments, retweets.! • Instagram: number of followers, posts, likes, comments.! • Pinterest: number of followers, pins.! • Youtube: number of followers, videos posted, views, likes, dislikes, comments.! • Google+: number of followers, posts, likes, shares, comments.! • Vine: number of followers, loops, posts.! • Blog: number of Facebook likes, posts, Twitter and Facebook shares, comments.! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 21
  • 25. ! 25
  • 26. ! 4.2. Twitter! ! ! ! ! SocialBacker Follower Growth! ! ! Tosy: Mentions in Twitter! ! ! ! ! 26
  • 30. ! 30
  • 35. 4.4. Youtube! ! ! ! SocialBacker: Subscribers Growth! ! ! ! ! ! SocialBacker: Uploaded Videos Views! ! ! ! ! ! 35
  • 44. ! 44
  • 45. 4.7. Narrative! ! 4.7.1. Week 1: 15/01-22/01! ! Content posted on the first week:! • 8 Facebook posts (all pictures, no video/audio)! • 51 Tweets (31 pictures, 18 text tweets, 2 videos)! • 14 Instagram posts (all pictures)! • 0 pins on Pinterest! • 0 video on Youtube! • 7 posts on Google+! • 0 video on Vine! • 2 blog posts! ! Week 1 is the biggest week in terms of interaction on Instagram and Google+. On the other social platforms, the interaction score is average. ! ! The main reason for this high score on Instagram and Google+ is that Topshop posted more than usual on those platforms during Week 1 (14 against avg. 12 on Instagram - 29 against avg. 20 on Google+). However, it is interesting to note that the same picture on both platform is responsible for this high interaction rate:! ! 45
  • 46. ! The same picture also got the highest number of likes and shares, and thus the highest resonation, on Facebook and 2nd highest of favourites and retweets on Twitter (after a picture of a jacket from the new collection, that doesn’t appear on the other platforms). The picture shows tops from the new collection and seem to imply an offer “buy one get one free” with the phrase “Two tees are better than one, right?” that entices to click on the link leading to the online store. It suggests that offers resonate the best with the audience. However, links from the picture are dead on all social platforms where the picture is posted. ! ! As it is the case throughout the whole monitoring period, Urban Outfitters posts more than twice (8 against 22) more than Topshop on Facebook and gains the triple in engagement. It also gains better engagement in all other platforms except for Google+. However, overall on Facebook Topshop engages more its audience in starting the conversation and sharing than its competitor: proportionally Topshop gains more comments and shares than likes on its content. On Twitter, both brand posted the same amount of posts on average (51 for Topshop, 55 for UO) but UO gained 3x more engagement thanks to its lifestyle pictures. ! ! Topshop didn’t post either on Youtube, Pinterest or Vine this week. Noting there will be no video posted on Vine during the whole monitored period. Last video is dated September 16th, 2014. On their blog, Topshop’s most retweeted article was about 70’s Icons, which introduces Topshop 2015’s new fashion trend. ! ! The sentiment score (from SocialMention and Sentiment140) is the lowest over the 4 weeks period with 39% of negative mentions on Twitter. However, Topshop seem to have an overall better reputation than UO, whose negative mentions this week reach 57%. The negative tweets/comments/posts on Topshop are mostly complaints from customers about the quality or composition of the products. For example, the rabbit fur scandal is one of the most common complaint.! ! ! ! 46
  • 47. ! 4.7.2. Week 2 : 22/01-29/01! ! Content posted on the 2nd week:! • 5 Facebook posts (all pictures)! • 35 Tweets (14 pictures, 20 text tweets, 1 video)! • 12 pictures on Instagram! • 58 pins on Pinterest! • 0 video on Youtube! • 4 posts on Google+ ! • 0 post on Vine! • 5 blog posts! ! This week Facebook reached the biggest fans’s growth over the four weeks: 5 465, even if only 5 pictures were posted. The interaction rate was at its highest (after week1) on Instagram, thanks to a picture of icon model Cara Delevingne that got 90,1K likes, showing the importance of celebrity endorsement in the fashion industry. It’s interesting to note that most of the 495 comments on the picture are actually tags of other people, showing a strong will from the audience to share Instagram content. ! ! ! ! 47
  • 48. ! Similarly, the most liked and shared post on Google+ was a picture Cara Delevingne wearing some new items from the collection. The piece got more interaction than the Valentine underwear collection launching picture on Google + but less on Facebook. On Facebook, the fan growth may be due to the launch of the Valentine underwear collection: the launching picture got the highest interaction rate of the week with 505 likes, 7 comments but only 3 shares. On Twitter, the most liked and shared post is a text post (which is unusual, pictures and video often draw more resonation):! Even if the post does not convey any message directly related to Topshop, this “Happy Friday” is a clever way to gain resonation as it is a simple thing everybody wants to hear and wish on a Friday. Non-followers who received the tweet from friends might follow Topshop and people can suddenly feel like shopping at Topshop this weekend. ! ! This week Topshop also created its “Valentine dilemmas” on Pinterest and posted 58 pins, which corresponds to the underwear collection launch on Facebook. ! ! Topshop’s most shared article on its blog this week is about a Guide to the 2015 Super Bowl: What to expect? What to do? What to wear?, showing the importance of finding a current angle linked to people’s agenda. ! ! Even if there are no video posted on Youtube, the number of subscribers keep on growing steadily.! ! ! ! ! ! 48
  • 49. ! 4.7.3. Week 3: 29/01 - 05/02! ! Content posted on the 3rd week:! • 4 Facebook posts (2 pictures, 2 videos)! • 55 Tweets (23 pictures, 26 texts, 6 videos)! • 10 Instagram posts (8 pictures, 2 videos)! • 74 pins on Pinterest! • 2 videos on Youtube! • 4 posts on Google+! • 0 Vine video! • 4 blog posts! ! Week 3 gets the highest interaction rate on every platforms except on Google+ and Instagram, generating the biggest social buzz of the monitored period. Week 3 gathers on avg. 75% of the total interaction on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and on the blog.! ! This passion and enthusiasm is mainly due to two big releases from Topshop on both Facebook and Twitter: a funny video about an awkward Tinder Valentine date (cleverly mixing dating and what to wear issues) posted on February 5th and the announcement of celeb model Hailey Baldwin being the face of Topshop’s S/S 2015 denim collection posted on February 2nd. Both were posted on Twitter and Facebook but the video only got 40 favourites and 11 retweets on Twitter whilst it reached 2,353 likes, 397 comments and 169 shares on Facebook. Vice versa, the Haley Baldwin announcement only got 201 likes, 4 comments and 27 shares on Facebook whilst it gained 1000 favourites and 638 retweets on Twitter. Both posts gained the highest interaction rate on their respective platforms, in terms of all three metrics: likes, comments and shares. The conclusion is that video is more likely to be viewed on Facebook than Twitter and, on the contrary, a short announcement is more likely to resonate on Twitter. The possible explanation is that whilst Twitter (being of short content) allows people to follow the posts in a constant way, popping on the phone and flowing on the computer’s screen corner; Facebook is more mixed and dense ! 49
  • 50. and require a more focused scanning. In this way, a video is more likely to be watched on Facebook where people dedicate some time at Facebook scanning and will more easily engage in watching it. On the contrary, a short announcement is more likely to reach more people and thus resonates more if it’s released on Twitter, more likely to be followed thorough the day. ! ! ! On Instagram, both stories were passed on but with average engagement only. On Pinterest, a board on “Topshop loves denim” (worn by Haley Baldwin) with 74 pins was published. On Youtube, 2 videos were released: a video featuring Haley Baldwin wearing Topshop jeans, posted on February 2nd and the Tinder Valentine video, posted on February 5th. The first one got 20,352 views, 205 likes and 16 dislikes ; the second 5, 568 views, 261 likes and 1 dislikes. It can be concluded that celebrity-endorsement allow to draw bigger attention but the use of themed content (Valentine day) and humour engage more in starting the conversation and liking the content. ! ! On Google+, both videos were posted but gained low interaction. On the blog, the article that was more shared on Twitter (74) was titled “Wear Jeans Like the Pros”, fitting the Haley Baldwin announcement. ! ! Negative sentiment reaches its lowest rate this week with only 12% of negative mentions and 88% positive mentions. ! ! 50
  • 51. 4.7.4. Week 4: 05/02-12/02! ! Content posted on the 4th week:! • 5 Facebook posts (all pictures)! • 38 Tweets (22 pictures, 12 texts, 2 videos)! • 8 posts on Instagram (7 pictures, 1 video)! • 57 pins on Pinterest! • 0 video on Youtube! • 5 posts on Google+! • 0 Vine video! • 3 blog posts ! ! Week 4 is a regular week for Topshop on social media with average interaction rate. The average Facebook shares is the second highest of the month and Twitalyzer detects a growth in the influence and impact score on Twitter on February 9th, which may be due to Topshop’s post about Sam Smith at the Grammy Awards. ! Once again, Topshop uses a strategy to tweet about something that people, at that particular moment, want to hear and share (see “Happy Friday”). It also allows to personify the brand by expressing music tastes. ! ! ! 51
  • 52. On Facebook, a picture about the launch of the SS15 Unique (catwalk) collection raised the most shares. The post contains a “Shop the collection” vertical link to the central website. On Instagram, most pictures were from the catwalks featuring the SS15 Unique collection. A board titled “Topshop Unique” with 57 new pins was also created. No video were posted on Youtube, which is quite surprising as their strategy is to publish exclusive video of catwalk backstage and shows on their Youtube channel. SS15 Unique collection (showed at the Fashion Week) was announced everywhere else on their social channel and it could have contained a horizontal link to Youtube videos if they were uploaded. ! ! On Google+, two posts with the same content gained most attention: street style pictures of a personal shopper from the Topshop’s store. This represents Topshop’s strategy to involve bloggers and streetstylers in order to get closer to their audience. On its blog, Topshop posted an article on their catwalk “Topshop Unique” collection, matching content on other platforms, but the article that got most coverage was “Oxford Circus Does Valentine’s Day”, published on February 10th, in which they advertise special makeovers and a florist pop-up stand in their Oxford Circus store on Valentine’s Day. The latest is probably something that should be announced on every social platforms as independent posts. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 52
  • 53. 5. Conclusion and Recommendations! ! Overall, Topshop has an effective and active social media strategy. However, as the figures and graphs shown, it is significantly less active and engaging than one of its main competitor: Urban Outfitters. Consequently, even if Topshop has an overall better reputation than UO, Topshop should take into consideration what the competition is doing, adapt and rethink its strategy. This implies mainly being more active on every platforms and adopt a larger way of communicating the brand’s identity by including more music, landscapes, home decoration and lifestyle (which is the kind of content that gets UO most of its engagement). Topshop may also consider opening a Vimeo and a Flickr. account (that UO already have).! ! Another much more practical recommendation would be being more professional and attentive in monitoring the smooth functioning of all platforms. There are a few technical problems like the Tumblr. platform that is unaccessible, some horizontal links between the social platforms missing or even dead links to the online shop from recent posts, that could really deter the potential buyer and dramatically alters the brand’s credibility and trustfulness (people are not going to buy from a deficient website/page). Also, the link to Topshop InsideOut blog should appear as a section of the official website and not only among the other social platforms icon-links listed below the page and difficult to spot. ! ! Vine could be a strong asset in Topshop’s social media strategy but it is almost inactive (last video was posted 6 months ago). Topshop could take advantage of it buy posting more videos of catwalk’s backstage, of personal shopping in store, of the press team trying new items, etc. Instagram is also underused given its very large audience (3,7) and the thousands of likes/hundreds of comments it already generates. To fit with Topshop’s strategy to stay “close to the street”, Instagram should be used to post evenmore streetstyles, for example.! ! ! ! 53
  • 54. 6. Appendices! ! TOPSHOP DATA TABLE WEEK1 (15/01-22/01) WEEK2 (22/01-29/01) WEEK 3 (29/01-05/02) WEEK 4 (05/02-12/02) FACEBOOK Fans 4,118,229 - 4,122,461 (+ 4,232) 4,127,926 (+ 5.465) 4,131,626 (+ 3.700) 4,136,091 (+4,465) Picture Posts 8 5 2 5 Video Posts / / 2 / Total Posts 8 5 4 5 Likes 2780 1467 3071 2,645 Shares 15 15 181 32 Comments 17 15 302 12 TWITTER Followers 1,044,714 - 1,050,733 (+ 6,019) 1,055,849 (+ 5,116) 1,060,534 (+ 4,685) 1,065,807 (+4,878) Text Tweets 18 20 26 12 Picture Tweets 31 14 23 22 Video Tweets 2 1 6 2 Total Tweets 51 35 55 38 Retweets 1,482 881 10,600 904 Favorites 5,221 2,549 25,246 5,258 INSTAGRAM Followers 3,4M 3,6M 3,7M 3,8M Picture Posts 14 12 8 7 Video Posts / / 2 1 Total Posts 14 12 10 8 Likes 728,310 667,500 147,500 313,500 ! 54
  • 55. ! 55 Comments 4,329 2,647 3,943 3,318 PINTEREST Followers 96,181 96,916 97,911 100,020 Total Boards 42 43 43 44 Total Pins 7,494 7,552 7,626 7,683 Pins per week / 58 74 57 TUMBLR. Topshop Tumblr. exists but all links to it are dead, even from the Tumblr. platform itself. YOUTUBE Subscribers 49,772 49,882 50,162 50,455 Total Views 10,732,417 10,811,386 10,858,715 10,917,619 Videos Posted / / 2 / Views for posted videos / / 23,016 / Likes / / 433 / Dislikes / / 16 / Comments / / 20 / GOOLGE+ Followers 2,229,896 2,227,900 2,256,826 2,276,264 Total Views 57,170,952 57,741,497 57,770,423 58,102,626 Posts 7 4 4 5 Likes (+1) 672 363 327 420 Shares 29 23 14 12 Comments 20 15 10 11 VIMEO No Vimeo account. VINE Followers 60,4 60,6K 61K 61,3K Loops 1,062,538 1,064,824 1,067,110 1,068,743 Posts / / / /
  • 56. ! 56 BLOG Total Facebook Likes for Blog 7,742 7,834 7,967 7,998 Posts 2 5 4 3 Twitter Shares 30 60 457 7 Facebook Shares 8 41 32 4 Comments / / / / SOCIAL MENTION Strength 41% 27% 48% 26% Sentiment 6:01 35 1 11:01 7:01 Passion 39% 46% 30% 47% Reach 25% 14% 33% 14% Negative 3% 1% 1% 2% Positive 19% 26% 16% 2% Neutral 78% 73% 83% 87% Mention frequency (avg. per mention) 30s 56s 22s 38s Unique authors 123 56 129 53 SENTIMENT 140 Negative tweets 31% 29% 12% 18% Positive Tweets 69% 71% 88% 82% TOPSY Mentions in Twitter 29,922 24,446 36,229 30,776 Sentiment Score 79 68 84 76
  • 57. ! 57 ICEROCKET All Mentions in Twitter/hour 58,9 43,6 59,7 12,5 Links 3,5 2,4 8,7 11,8 Texts 4,4 3,1 12,2 17,7 Hashtags 4,6 2,9 / / URBAN OUTFITTERS DATA TABLE WEEK1 (15/01-22/01) WEEK2 (22/01-29/01) WEEK 3 (29/01-05/02) WEEK 4 (05/02-12/02) FACEBOOK Fans 2,121,422 - 2,123,224 (+ 1,802) 2,126,130 (+ 2,906) 2,127,633 (+ 1,503) 2,130,448 (+2,815) Picture Posts 22 22 24 17 Video Posts / / / / Likes 12,857 14,710 24,008 19,622 Shares 45 14 99 128 Comments 74 93 170 169 TWITTER Followers 956,866 - 959,409 (+2,543) 961,444 (+2,035) 971,503 (+10,059) 974,014 (+2,512) Text Tweets 15 13 10 10 Picture Tweets 37 35 41 17 Video Tweets 3 2 1 1 Total Tweets 55 50 52 39 Retweets 2,615 1,485 31,696 1,334 Favorites 13,124 3,696 18,016 36,240 INSTAGRAM Followers 2,2M 2,3M 2,4M 2,5M Picture Posts 29 28 29 21 Video Posts 4 1 1 / Total Posts 33 29 30 21
  • 58. ! 58 Likes 2,470,100 1,315,000 757,000 2,405,981 Comments 17,198 11,955 22,672 14,263 PINTEREST Followers 152,273 153,741 155,393 216,840 Total Boards 1 1 1 1 Total Pins 3,624 3,695 3,716 32,038 TUMBLR. Posts 79 42 69 34 YOUTUBE Subscribers 19,744 19,954 20,310 20,567 Total Views 6,924,861 6,924,984 6,925,099 7,064,957 Videos Posted / 2 / / Views for posted videos / 79,312 / / Likes / 2,518 / / Dislikes / 21 / / Comments / 186 / / GOOLGE+ Followers 13,452 13,574 13,653 13,757 Total Views 4,093,024 4,165,039 4,231,464 4,292733 Posts 5 3 4 / Likes (+1) 113 114 110 / Shares 3 5 3 / Comments 5 3 1 / VIMEO 99 videos. VINE Followers 104K 104,6K 105,2K 105,6K Loops 6,398,659 6,508,826 6,618,993 6,729,160 Posts 2 / 1 /
  • 59. ! 59 Likes 1,222 / 8,359 / Revines 98 / 520 / Comments 21 / 157 / BLOG No possibility to like the blog / Posts 5 5 4 / Twitter Shares 87 100 66 / Facebook Shares 367 236 646 / No possibility to comment / / / / SOCIAL MENTION Strength 35% 35% 48% 41% Sentiment 3:01 3:01 11:01 2:01 Passion 57% 53% 30% 51% Reach 14% 16% 33% 18% Negative 7% 7% 1% 11% Positive 24% 23% 16% 16% Neutral 67% 70% 83% 73% Mention frequency 49s 34s 22s 23s Unique authors 49 56 129 60 SENTIMENT 140 Negative tweets 57% 61% 42% 36% Positive Tweets 43% 39% 58% 64% TOPSY Mentions in Twitter 5,953 6,403 3,989 6,894 Sentiment Score 67% 72% 76% 66%
  • 60. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 60 ICEROCKET All Mentions in Twitter/hour 70,5 41,6 29,6 24,6 Links 26,9 22,4 12,6 18,2 Texts 57,8 61,2 48,7 85,9 Hashtags 5,5 8,3 6,4 18,2