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Henrry Venegas
Nancy Gutiérrez’
María Antonieta Angarita
February-May 2021
UNIMET English Department Social Responsability Program
Stories from the field
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Venezuela Híkola 2021 UNIMET
Venezuela 68 En Venezuela
2 2 venezolanos en USA
Colombia 7 1 rumana en Colombia
1 colombiano en Caracas
2 venezolanos en
3 colombianos en Colombia
Ecuador 1 1 venezolana en Ecuador
Guatemala 1 residenciado en Italia
Uruguay 4
Perú 1
México 3
Madrid 3 1 venezolano en España
Irán 1 iraní en Caracas
Polonia 2
Finlandia 1
Eslovaquia 1
Caracas 53
Valencia 2
Barinas 1
Lara 1
Margarita 1
Pto. Ordaz 1
Mérida 1
Maracaibo 2
Monagas 1
Cumaná 1
Yaracuy 1
Guárico 2
Venezuela Híkola 2021 UNIMET
February 2021
Vladimir Gómez Carpio Werner Corrales Leal
Sesión Nro. 3
Informative mails 28
On line practical activities 11
Content videos 28
Recorded sessions 12
Evaluation forms 4
Reading links 9
General information
Participants who filled out the registration form. 126
Participants who have filled out the follow-up form. 44
Participants of Venezuela Híkola Lab average during live sessions from
the Presencing Institute. 50
Participants that participated during regular and additional sessions of
Venezuela Híkola Lab 2021
Participants in WhatsApp group 104
The 2021 “From Prototype to Ecosystem Impact” leadership program
was designed to cover all content in 75 hours over 4 months. 24 hours
correspond to synchronous online sessions that the participant can see
through the recordings sent later through weekly correspondences, the
approximate average number of hours to do the suggested activities is 4
hours per week.
It has been a challenge to prototype practical sessions online to
develop leadership programs from the Presencing Institute. Despite the
difficulties of internet access in Venezuela, by the year 2021 it has
been possible to teach the leadership program, adaptation to the online
"From Prototype to Ecosystem Impact" offered by the Presencing
Institute in partnership with the Department of English of the
Metropolitan University.
We tried to humanize the online experience by prioritizing emotionality, eye
contact through cameras and the type of empathic and generative listening that
Theory U proposes in its postulates to overcome global disconnection.
This humanized approach to emerging online teaching fostered a space of trust,
belonging, inclusion and participation through reflective activities for self-learning,
emotional and personal development, fostering emotional literacy to manage
uncertainty and adequately covering the contents of the program. .
Formamos equipo las siguientes personas participantes de
Híkola 2021:Grace Sanz, Myrna González, Sara Grijalva y la
invitada Hikolense Ana K .
Nos hemos unido para dar vida a un proyecto social que
hemos llamado " Tómate un Respiro".
…Crear espacios de coexistencia, donde disfrutar de
actividades comunes de esparcimiento, respetando nuestras
diferencias de pensamiento, es paso vital para promover la
salud integral de los habitantes de esta comunidad.
Hemos recorrido la trayectoria del Teoría U en nuestro
proyecto, la experiencia de la creación del Mapa 3D, fue una
experiencia expansiva: un mix presencial con participación
virtual de Grace Sanz.
Sara Grijalba
I started out full of surprises and expectations. I
understood that this began with my personal
transformation with an open mind and heart, I
felt freedom and confidence. Listening is a
learning that is not finished. The jamming
exercises have been revealing. Keeping a
record gives me insight and monitoring
horizons. I feel accompanied and in tune.
Something emerges in me, in Venezuela and
the world.
I want to continue.
Do not tire of doing good!
Aniuska Aponte
Your invitation came to me at a time in my life where
due to the pandemic my world was turned upside
down, in the first meeting I already experienced a
change in my way of listening that my whole world
mobilized and gradually I did. spinning at each
Mineralized I feel so much !!
I would like to propose to the group to continue as
such and to hold meetings to unite with a single
purpose, to help change the wonderful Venezuela.
I thank all the members of the Hikola collective,
especially the teacher Marianto, Nancy, Henrry and
the teacher Luis for their translations. Thank you,
Thank you, Thank you for so much.
Inés Rodríguez
My look at my learning of Otto Scharmer's
Theory U
Marvelous!!! Thanks to María Antonieta
Angarita, for her unconditional generosity and
dedication, for me it has been a key factor in
being connected with everything I have learned
and continue to learn.
And for having the opportunity to meet beautiful
and valuable people, I will mention Nancy
Cordero de Gutiérrez, Henrry Venegas, Vladimir
Gómez Carpio, Jesús Pérez and others, who
have shared their knowledge.
Thanks to the Hub Venezuela Hikola 2021 team
and the Presencing Institute. I wish with all my
heart we can form a Class A Team, for our Free
Venezuela, it is how I see and feel my emerging
A warm hug from Lima, Peru.Linda Hu
This wonderful Course has taught me
that whatever project I undertake, its
future is assured if I put into practice
active and deep listening from my
"Open Mind, Open heart and Open
For this reason I want to become an
Agent of Change and also a multiplier
of the knowledge acquired to build a
better society from my space
"Myrna González
Hoy estoy agradecida porque celebro
los 22 años de vida de mi hija y vuelvo
a dar a luz a un proyecto que ha sido
parte de mi vida y gracias a Híkola hoy
lo doy a conocer.
Nancy Gómez
The course seemed wonderful to
me, it helped me a lot in listening to
people, because before I did not
pay attention to what people were
saying to me and also in doing the
statues thing, I really liked that it
helps you a lot to de-stress
María Corina Olavarría
Anto I can not enter!
"During the time I participated, it seemed to
me a space that fosters illusion and human
encounters and that teaches how to handle
tools for change and transformation“
Vladimir Gómez
How do you go from what
you say to what you do?
What is your story of
fulfilled agreements?
May your word go ahead!
I listen to you and I accompany you in
your process and I help you to generate
that change you want ... And to follow up
on a plan to fulfill what you want.
Hello, my experience has been unique
and I thank everyone for giving me this
It is a new process and approach for me
and I hope to continue growing within
this new format and style and achieve
great things.
All new learning and experience is well
accepted to grow and be better.
John Jacob Tepper
Knowing Theory U has made
me see a side of the coin
totally unknown to me ...
Compassion, reconnection,
encounter without judgment.
Being heard has been
magical for me.
Grace Sanz
Always grateful to the entire ULAB
Venezuela team and my admiration of their
individual power to lead the groups in
Julio César Carrero Pulido
Aprendizaje, evolución, cambio, futuro
emergente dimensión interna, escucha,
despertar soy una pequeña semilla con
muchas ideas para contribuir con mi
comunidad y mi país.
Mirialba Rodríguez
I thank God, Susana Pérez, the participants and the Venezuela
Hikola 2021 UNIMET team.
I must delve into the tools, personal growth and progress in my
accompaniment prototype. The levels of listening keep me alert,
close me to the other with greater awareness, listening to him with
and from the heart has allowed me to get out of myself and
connect with his being and from there go together looking for the
best for everyone.
Deep listening and the 4D map have allowed me to be aware of my
jams or weaknesses. As an institutional leader I must keep the
focus, I thank the two people who gave me feedback in that space
(Prof. Henry Venegas and Mrs. Irene). I must practice the
exercises allowing them to form a body in me. There are limiting
beliefs that I need to let go, so that the garden can emerge. I still
have a long way to go, so I take the first steps.
Thank you again!! Nancy Alzuru
We are approaching the end of the
leadership program, 2021, satisfied
and grateful to be a part of this
diverse community.
Despite the distance we could
perceive the closeness. Each of us
was touched differently.Carlos del
his U Lab 2x course has been a deep learning school that truly moved
me inside, a continuous being in contact with my feelings, emotions, my
fears, my dreams and my hopes… Something changed. I feel happy, my
vision is different, my body feels it, I want to create, accompany, be with
others, more human, more loose, happier ...
I'm in the works with my prototype, not ready for the prototype fair yet. I
continue working on it, this small system, which is aligned with what we
all want, a transformation from within and from below for our country.
Many thanks to our guides and companions, to Marie Antoinette, for her
dedication and dedication. A thousand thanks to the whole team. Thank
you Sr. Nancy for inviting me to be a part. Grateful for so much. Many
Blessings !!
Hna. Belkys Oropeza- (Hermanas de las Escuelas Cristianas de
Cs, 10/05/2021
I congratulate you for having come this far, it is a blessing to read
to you from time to time, although, to be honest, my participation
has been minimal.
Along with this training there was a yoga certification and other
things of my work. I believe that leadership in this particular time
requires being honest with yourself and by extension with other
If I have learned something, it is that the leader does not always
go to the forefront of the group, but that he really is where he feels
he has to be and accompany from empathy, which in turn requires
the development of acute listening.
It is a group of the highest level, precisely the one that the present
demands to accompany others not only to discover their own
strengths, but to put them into practice in the areas of life that are
Miguel Cabrera
Mi Pasión sobre el tema de las
organizaciones que aprenden desde las
ideas de Peter Senge me condujo hasta
las puertas de la Teoría U. Esto es lo
mío, el tema de la teoría U y la escucha
Fue una experiencia de aprendizaje en
tensión creativa en medio de la
intensidad y las exigencias de nuestro
evento en homenaje a Stephen Covey.
Quiero invitarlos a nuestras conferencias
en homenaje a Stephen Covey la
próxima semana.
My prototype is a transformation leadership course for a group of
18 religious who work in Youth Ministry with young people from
populations marginalized by society.
The interesting thing is that they are already very clear about the
purpose of the course, they want to obtain the skills to lead
processes in which these boys find the meaning of their lives
and hope for the future, and that they, in turn, can lead their own.
personal and collective level.
Part of the inspiration for this shift in focus comes from Nancy
Alzuru's comment to me that just having a higher level of
awareness when listening and talking makes the course
worthwhile. And so Otto Scharmer raises Theory U as a
methodology to change systems based on flat consciousness,
where he combines systems thinking, innovation and change
leadership from the point of view of an evolving human
Susana Pérez
"I think about Theory U, and I recognize that in
Otto Scharmer's approaches, there is no idea
of" Don't think about the future, don't think
about the past, think only about the present. "
I understand that I do have a goal in the future
and I must take advantage of the opportunities
that the present gives me to put in place the
mechanisms that will ensure that future.
Regarding the past, although I agree that we
must not remain tied to it, we must not forget it
either, because from it we have learned the
logics that are put into operation in society.
Werner Corrales Leal
Where do you have to focus? There, in
the shared vision of the country. This is
where Theory U can be of great help, in
formal education and in the hands of
civil society organizations to make
leaders recognize each other and are
willing to cooperate.
From now on, I invite all social actors to
promote a shared vision of the country
that promotes a new style of
Werner Corrales Leal
I learned concepts and new techniques and to reflect a lot. I
am more humble now. I reaffirmed values ​​and positive
aspects of myself and learned to approach others more
deeply and authentically through deep listening.
Although I have not developed a prototype as such, I
confirm that my greatest accomplishment consists in
helping others by approaching me with much greater
respect; indispensable basis to be of use.
I deeply felt that despite all the differences our essential
human identity is the same. We have the same final
beginning and destination. This is known intellectually, but it
is another thing to feel it in the soul and in the body.
Thank you
Rosalind Pulido
Luis Almeida
I think this is a course that makes you discover your
strengths and reconcile yourself with your weaknesses; It
urges you to think ahead and to plan concrete actions to
apply in your most immediate context.
Everything I experienced during the development of this
course was spectacular, deep learning. I especially liked
the opportunity to be the interpreter for the participants.
That was an opportunity that allowed me to put into
practice one of the great passions of my life: to
I am very grateful to our dear Marie Antoinette for her
leadership and trust in me, as well as all the participants
for their enthusiasm and commitment to this cause.
Rebuilding Venezuela from school
Transformational literacy
prototype in primary education
John Jacob Tepper
Henrry Venegas
Mayo de 2021
The Path
for Transformation
John Jacob
Henrry Venegas
Mayo de 2021
a). Participate in GAIA session called from
the Presencing Institute for May 27.
b) Participate in the Global Forum of Theory U
June 15 and 16.
c). Participate in U Lab 1x from September to
December 2021 on the EDX platform and
Presencing Institute in partnership with the
UNIMET English Department.
d). Participate in U lab 2x program from Presencing
Institute in February 2022 in partnership with the
English Department of Universidad Metropolitana.
e). Continue teaching U Theory through the
workshop: Powerful Conversations in English from the
English Department UNIMET.
f) Continue teaching contents of theory U in the subject:
Competences in Action of the Entrepreneurial Initiative Department
at UNIMET, complementing the contents of said subject.
g). Investigate the adaptation of the contents of the leadership
program based on Theory U that complement the contents of
subjects and programs taught by the English Department at
G Start alliances with national and foreign universities to
share the experience.
h). Participate in National and International Congresses to
continue making visible the experience of the leadership
training program for the transformation of consciousness
and the reconstruction of the social field in Venezuela that
began in 2017.
Long-term goals:
Continue teaching the leadership program in alliance with the Presencing
Institute and the Venezuela Híkola Social Innovation Laboratory, at the
Universidad Metropolitana from the English Department as part of the
Social Responsibility program, now 100% online and later in mixed mode
and to become a reference in the leadership field, training from the online
and face-to-face modality for Latin America and the world.
María Antonieta Angarita
Nancy Gutiérrez
María Natalia Ochoa
Mirialba Rodríguez
Luis Almeida Carmen Carpio
María Antonieta Angarita
Henrry Venegas
Nancy Gutiérrez
Borges E (2021) La nueva norma para la agilidad empresarial.
Dime cómo ser pan.
Empatía. Material complementario de reflexión
Entrevista de Otto Scharmer y Arawana Hayasi
María Antonieta Angarita
+58 424 273 0553
Henrry Venegas
+58 416 8159718
Nancy Gutiérrez
+58 414 926 2576

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Social Innovation Lab Venezuela Híkola UNIMET 2021

  • 1. Henrry Venegas Nancy Gutiérrez’ María Antonieta Angarita February-May 2021 SOCIAL INNOVATION LABORATORY VENEZUELA HIKOLA 2021 UNIMET “FROM PROTOTYPE TO ECOSYSTEM IMPACT” UNIMET English Department Social Responsability Program
  • 2. AGENDA JOURNEY Stories from the field Prototypes Next steps
  • 4. PARTICIPANTS in the ON LINE SOCIAL INNOVATION LABORATORY Venezuela Híkola 2021 UNIMET PAÍS Nro. OBSERVACIÓN Venezuela 68 En Venezuela Estados Unidos 2 2 venezolanos en USA Colombia 7 1 rumana en Colombia 1 colombiano en Caracas 2 venezolanos en Colombia 3 colombianos en Colombia Ecuador 1 1 venezolana en Ecuador Guatemala 1 residenciado en Italia Uruguay 4 Perú 1 México 3 Madrid 3 1 venezolano en España Irán 1 iraní en Caracas Polonia 2 Finlandia 1 Eslovaquia 1
  • 5. Ubicación Caracas 53 Valencia 2 Barinas 1 Lara 1 Margarita 1 Pto. Ordaz 1 Mérida 1 Maracaibo 2 Monagas 1 Cumaná 1 Yaracuy 1 Guárico 2 PARTICIPANTS in the ON LINE SOCIAL INNOVATION LABORATORY Venezuela Híkola 2021 UNIMET
  • 7. 3 D MAP VENEZUELA HÍKOLA February 2021
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 11. GUEST SPEAKERS Vladimir Gómez Carpio Werner Corrales Leal
  • 17. IMPORTANT DATA DATOS GENERALES Informative mails 28 On line practical activities 11 Content videos 28 Recorded sessions 12 Evaluation forms 4 Reading links 9
  • 18. General information Participants who filled out the registration form. 126 Participants who have filled out the follow-up form. 44 Participants of Venezuela Híkola Lab average during live sessions from the Presencing Institute. 50 Participants that participated during regular and additional sessions of Venezuela Híkola Lab 2021 30 Participants in WhatsApp group 104 IMPORTANT DATA
  • 19. BIG IDEAS The 2021 “From Prototype to Ecosystem Impact” leadership program was designed to cover all content in 75 hours over 4 months. 24 hours correspond to synchronous online sessions that the participant can see through the recordings sent later through weekly correspondences, the approximate average number of hours to do the suggested activities is 4 hours per week.
  • 20. It has been a challenge to prototype practical sessions online to develop leadership programs from the Presencing Institute. Despite the difficulties of internet access in Venezuela, by the year 2021 it has been possible to teach the leadership program, adaptation to the online program: "From Prototype to Ecosystem Impact" offered by the Presencing Institute in partnership with the Department of English of the Metropolitan University. BIG IDEAS
  • 21. We tried to humanize the online experience by prioritizing emotionality, eye contact through cameras and the type of empathic and generative listening that Theory U proposes in its postulates to overcome global disconnection. This humanized approach to emerging online teaching fostered a space of trust, belonging, inclusion and participation through reflective activities for self-learning, emotional and personal development, fostering emotional literacy to manage uncertainty and adequately covering the contents of the program. . BING IDEAS
  • 23. Formamos equipo las siguientes personas participantes de Híkola 2021:Grace Sanz, Myrna González, Sara Grijalva y la invitada Hikolense Ana K . Nos hemos unido para dar vida a un proyecto social que hemos llamado " Tómate un Respiro". …Crear espacios de coexistencia, donde disfrutar de actividades comunes de esparcimiento, respetando nuestras diferencias de pensamiento, es paso vital para promover la salud integral de los habitantes de esta comunidad. Hemos recorrido la trayectoria del Teoría U en nuestro proyecto, la experiencia de la creación del Mapa 3D, fue una experiencia expansiva: un mix presencial con participación virtual de Grace Sanz. Sara Grijalba
  • 24. I started out full of surprises and expectations. I understood that this began with my personal transformation with an open mind and heart, I felt freedom and confidence. Listening is a learning that is not finished. The jamming exercises have been revealing. Keeping a record gives me insight and monitoring horizons. I feel accompanied and in tune. Something emerges in me, in Venezuela and the world. I want to continue. Thanks Do not tire of doing good! Aniuska Aponte
  • 25. Your invitation came to me at a time in my life where due to the pandemic my world was turned upside down, in the first meeting I already experienced a change in my way of listening that my whole world mobilized and gradually I did. spinning at each meeting. Mineralized I feel so much !! I would like to propose to the group to continue as such and to hold meetings to unite with a single purpose, to help change the wonderful Venezuela. I thank all the members of the Hikola collective, especially the teacher Marianto, Nancy, Henrry and the teacher Luis for their translations. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for so much. Inés Rodríguez
  • 26. My look at my learning of Otto Scharmer's Theory U Marvelous!!! Thanks to María Antonieta Angarita, for her unconditional generosity and dedication, for me it has been a key factor in being connected with everything I have learned and continue to learn. And for having the opportunity to meet beautiful and valuable people, I will mention Nancy Cordero de Gutiérrez, Henrry Venegas, Vladimir Gómez Carpio, Jesús Pérez and others, who have shared their knowledge. Thanks to the Hub Venezuela Hikola 2021 team and the Presencing Institute. I wish with all my heart we can form a Class A Team, for our Free Venezuela, it is how I see and feel my emerging future. A warm hug from Lima, Peru.Linda Hu
  • 27. This wonderful Course has taught me that whatever project I undertake, its future is assured if I put into practice active and deep listening from my "Open Mind, Open heart and Open will.“ For this reason I want to become an Agent of Change and also a multiplier of the knowledge acquired to build a better society from my space "Myrna González
  • 28. Hoy estoy agradecida porque celebro los 22 años de vida de mi hija y vuelvo a dar a luz a un proyecto que ha sido parte de mi vida y gracias a Híkola hoy lo doy a conocer. Nancy Gómez
  • 29. The course seemed wonderful to me, it helped me a lot in listening to people, because before I did not pay attention to what people were saying to me and also in doing the statues thing, I really liked that it helps you a lot to de-stress María Corina Olavarría Anto I can not enter!
  • 30. "During the time I participated, it seemed to me a space that fosters illusion and human encounters and that teaches how to handle tools for change and transformation“ Vladimir Gómez Deliver How do you go from what you say to what you do? What is your story of fulfilled agreements? May your word go ahead!
  • 31. ACCOMPANIMENT WITH PUERPOSE I listen to you and I accompany you in your process and I help you to generate that change you want ... And to follow up on a plan to fulfill what you want. IleanaAsprimo
  • 32. Hello, my experience has been unique and I thank everyone for giving me this opportunity. It is a new process and approach for me and I hope to continue growing within this new format and style and achieve great things. All new learning and experience is well accepted to grow and be better. John Jacob Tepper
  • 33. Knowing Theory U has made me see a side of the coin totally unknown to me ... Compassion, reconnection, encounter without judgment. Being heard has been magical for me. Thanks Grace Sanz
  • 34. Always grateful to the entire ULAB Venezuela team and my admiration of their individual power to lead the groups in virtuality Julio César Carrero Pulido
  • 35. Aprendizaje, evolución, cambio, futuro emergente dimensión interna, escucha, despertar soy una pequeña semilla con muchas ideas para contribuir con mi comunidad y mi país. Mirialba Rodríguez
  • 36. I thank God, Susana Pérez, the participants and the Venezuela Hikola 2021 UNIMET team. I must delve into the tools, personal growth and progress in my accompaniment prototype. The levels of listening keep me alert, close me to the other with greater awareness, listening to him with and from the heart has allowed me to get out of myself and connect with his being and from there go together looking for the best for everyone. Deep listening and the 4D map have allowed me to be aware of my jams or weaknesses. As an institutional leader I must keep the focus, I thank the two people who gave me feedback in that space (Prof. Henry Venegas and Mrs. Irene). I must practice the exercises allowing them to form a body in me. There are limiting beliefs that I need to let go, so that the garden can emerge. I still have a long way to go, so I take the first steps. Thank you again!! Nancy Alzuru
  • 37. We are approaching the end of the leadership program, 2021, satisfied and grateful to be a part of this diverse community. Despite the distance we could perceive the closeness. Each of us was touched differently.Carlos del Castillo
  • 38. his U Lab 2x course has been a deep learning school that truly moved me inside, a continuous being in contact with my feelings, emotions, my fears, my dreams and my hopes… Something changed. I feel happy, my vision is different, my body feels it, I want to create, accompany, be with others, more human, more loose, happier ... I'm in the works with my prototype, not ready for the prototype fair yet. I continue working on it, this small system, which is aligned with what we all want, a transformation from within and from below for our country. Many thanks to our guides and companions, to Marie Antoinette, for her dedication and dedication. A thousand thanks to the whole team. Thank you Sr. Nancy for inviting me to be a part. Grateful for so much. Many Blessings !! Hna. Belkys Oropeza- (Hermanas de las Escuelas Cristianas de Vorselaar) Cs, 10/05/2021
  • 39. I congratulate you for having come this far, it is a blessing to read to you from time to time, although, to be honest, my participation has been minimal. Along with this training there was a yoga certification and other things of my work. I believe that leadership in this particular time requires being honest with yourself and by extension with other people. If I have learned something, it is that the leader does not always go to the forefront of the group, but that he really is where he feels he has to be and accompany from empathy, which in turn requires the development of acute listening. It is a group of the highest level, precisely the one that the present demands to accompany others not only to discover their own strengths, but to put them into practice in the areas of life that are relevant. Miguel Cabrera
  • 40. Mi Pasión sobre el tema de las organizaciones que aprenden desde las ideas de Peter Senge me condujo hasta las puertas de la Teoría U. Esto es lo mío, el tema de la teoría U y la escucha generativa. Fue una experiencia de aprendizaje en tensión creativa en medio de la intensidad y las exigencias de nuestro evento en homenaje a Stephen Covey. Quiero invitarlos a nuestras conferencias en homenaje a Stephen Covey la próxima semana.
  • 41. My prototype is a transformation leadership course for a group of 18 religious who work in Youth Ministry with young people from populations marginalized by society. The interesting thing is that they are already very clear about the purpose of the course, they want to obtain the skills to lead processes in which these boys find the meaning of their lives and hope for the future, and that they, in turn, can lead their own. personal and collective level. Part of the inspiration for this shift in focus comes from Nancy Alzuru's comment to me that just having a higher level of awareness when listening and talking makes the course worthwhile. And so Otto Scharmer raises Theory U as a methodology to change systems based on flat consciousness, where he combines systems thinking, innovation and change leadership from the point of view of an evolving human consciousness. Susana Pérez
  • 42. "I think about Theory U, and I recognize that in Otto Scharmer's approaches, there is no idea of" Don't think about the future, don't think about the past, think only about the present. " I understand that I do have a goal in the future and I must take advantage of the opportunities that the present gives me to put in place the mechanisms that will ensure that future. Regarding the past, although I agree that we must not remain tied to it, we must not forget it either, because from it we have learned the logics that are put into operation in society. Werner Corrales Leal
  • 43. Where do you have to focus? There, in the shared vision of the country. This is where Theory U can be of great help, in formal education and in the hands of civil society organizations to make leaders recognize each other and are willing to cooperate. From now on, I invite all social actors to promote a shared vision of the country that promotes a new style of development. Werner Corrales Leal
  • 44. I learned concepts and new techniques and to reflect a lot. I am more humble now. I reaffirmed values ​​and positive aspects of myself and learned to approach others more deeply and authentically through deep listening. Although I have not developed a prototype as such, I confirm that my greatest accomplishment consists in helping others by approaching me with much greater respect; indispensable basis to be of use. I deeply felt that despite all the differences our essential human identity is the same. We have the same final beginning and destination. This is known intellectually, but it is another thing to feel it in the soul and in the body. Thank you Rosalind Pulido
  • 45. Luis Almeida I think this is a course that makes you discover your strengths and reconcile yourself with your weaknesses; It urges you to think ahead and to plan concrete actions to apply in your most immediate context. Everything I experienced during the development of this course was spectacular, deep learning. I especially liked the opportunity to be the interpreter for the participants. That was an opportunity that allowed me to put into practice one of the great passions of my life: to communicate. I am very grateful to our dear Marie Antoinette for her leadership and trust in me, as well as all the participants for their enthusiasm and commitment to this cause. WE ARE THOSE WHO THANK YOUR DELIVERY
  • 46. Rebuilding Venezuela from school Transformational literacy prototype in primary education Liderazgo Creatividad Innovación John Jacob Tepper Henrry Venegas Mayo de 2021
  • 47. HÍKOLA MEMORY The Path for Transformation John Jacob Tepper Henrry Venegas Mayo de 2021
  • 48.
  • 49. NEXT STEPS a). Participate in GAIA session called from the Presencing Institute for May 27. b) Participate in the Global Forum of Theory U June 15 and 16. c). Participate in U Lab 1x from September to December 2021 on the EDX platform and Presencing Institute in partnership with the UNIMET English Department.
  • 50. d). Participate in U lab 2x program from Presencing Institute in February 2022 in partnership with the English Department of Universidad Metropolitana. e). Continue teaching U Theory through the workshop: Powerful Conversations in English from the English Department UNIMET. NEXT STEPS
  • 51. f) Continue teaching contents of theory U in the subject: Competences in Action of the Entrepreneurial Initiative Department at UNIMET, complementing the contents of said subject. g). Investigate the adaptation of the contents of the leadership program based on Theory U that complement the contents of subjects and programs taught by the English Department at UNIMET. NEXT STEPS
  • 52. G Start alliances with national and foreign universities to share the experience. h). Participate in National and International Congresses to continue making visible the experience of the leadership training program for the transformation of consciousness and the reconstruction of the social field in Venezuela that began in 2017. NEXT STEPS
  • 53. Long-term goals: Continue teaching the leadership program in alliance with the Presencing Institute and the Venezuela Híkola Social Innovation Laboratory, at the Universidad Metropolitana from the English Department as part of the Social Responsibility program, now 100% online and later in mixed mode and to become a reference in the leadership field, training from the online and face-to-face modality for Latin America and the world. NEXT STEPS
  • 54. María Antonieta Angarita Nancy Gutiérrez UNIMET ENGLISH DEPARTMENT María Natalia Ochoa Mirialba Rodríguez Luis Almeida Carmen Carpio WE ARE ALL INHABITANTS OF THE HÍKOLA VILLAGE
  • 55. THE CORE TEAM María Antonieta Angarita Henrry Venegas Nancy Gutiérrez
  • 56. LINKS AND REFERENCES Borges E (2021) La nueva norma para la agilidad empresarial. agility-915562c1593f Dime cómo ser pan. Empatía. Material complementario de reflexión la-empatia Entrevista de Otto Scharmer y Arawana Hayasi pO_SfiZWXmL4c/edit?usp=sharing
  • 57. THANK YOU María Antonieta Angarita @antoangarita @proyectohikola +58 424 273 0553 Henrry Venegas @henrryven @proyectohikola +58 416 8159718 Nancy Gutiérrez @nancycord @proyectohikola +58 414 926 2576