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Volume 3
With the compliments of
Astill Hawke & Associates Limited
Chartered Accountants
2 © Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved
We really appreciate all our valued clients and friends like you.
And we are always searching for helpful ideas we can pass along.
That’s why we are delighted to share with you this wonderful guide called ‘Smart Marketing Volume 3’
It’s written by marketing consultant Graham McGregor.
Each edition of Smart Marketing contains proven strategies that can be used to increase sales, boost
profits and create delighted clients for your business.
Smart Marketing Volume 3 is all about how to use AVSIT Marketing in your business.
AVSIT stands for Add Value Stay in Touch and it’s a fun way to create amazing relationships with the
three important groups of people in your business.
In the next few pages you’ll discover why AVSIT Marketing works so well.
And you’ll see five easy ways to use AVSIT Marketing in your own business.
I invite you to pick the AVSIT Marketing Strategies that appeal the most to you and put them into action.
I know you’ll be delighted at how well these strategies actually work.
I look forward to your comments and best wishes in the meantime.
Kind regards
Kirsten Hawke
““The lesson which life repeats and constantly
enforces is ‘look under foot.’ The lure of the
distant and the difficult is deceptive. The great
opportunity is where you are.
John Burroughs
Astill Hawke & Associates Limited
Chartered Accountants
P O Box 58 359
Botany, Manukau 2163
Ph (09) 985 9791
Fax (09) 985 9792
3© Copyright Graham McGregor 2012 All rights reserved 3
The Magic of AVSIT
© Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved
When I look back over all my years in sales and marketing, there is one strategy I
wish I had used a lot more often than I did.
And that strategy is something I call ‘AVSIT Marketing’.
AVSIT stands for Add Value Stay in Touch.
AVSIT Marketing means you stay in touch with three groups of people on a regular
•	 Group 1 is your past and present clients and customers.
•	 Group 2 is potential clients who have made contact with your business but not yet spent money.
•	 Group 3 is key ‘Centres of Influence’ who can potentially refer large numbers of new people to
your business on a regular basis.
Now the key to AVSIT Marketing is to always ‘add value’ whenever you make contact with the people in these
three groups.
So your goal is to leave them ‘better off’ each time you communicate with them.
Here’s a great example:
I interviewed a top selling real estate sales professional called Tim a while ago and he told me that 66% of his
business each month comes directly from referrals.
(In other words people contact him and ask if he can sell their current home or help them to buy another one.)
And he gets all these referrals by using a super simple (yet amazingly effective) AVSIT Marketing programme.
Tim has a small database of only 250 people.
And each month he sends these people a one page ‘snail mail’ letter and a four paragraph email. (He also phones
each person and speaks to them briefly three times a year.)
In his one page ‘snail mail’ letter Tim says hello and mentions a local business that he has used recently and can
highly recommend.
It might be a great café, excellent tradesperson, helpful professional person etc.
He gives the full contact details of this business and explains exactly why this business is so good.
Tim then sends a short email the following week that is the key to his AVSIT Marketing programme.
The email says something like this:
‘Hi John, just wanted to let you know that the XYZ business I mentioned last week in my letter has now been
popular with some of my clients. A number have tried it out and really like it. I also want to take a moment to
personally thank Fred Smith, Jane Evans, George White, Mary Brown and Elizabeth Green for giving me referrals
over the last month. I really appreciate their thoughtfulness. Have a great month and if you have any friends or
colleagues who are interested in buying or selling a home I’d love to be of service. Kind regards. Tim.’
4 © Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved
Tim adds great value to his database by recommending a good local business each month. He then adds more
value by publicly thanking in his email every single person who has given him a referral in the previous month.
You’ll notice that Tim uses both email and good old fashioned ‘snail mail’ as part of his AVSIT Marketing
And I recommend that you use a variety of different ways to communicate with the three groups of people that I
mentioned earlier.
Let’s take a look at how you can use AVSIT Marketing in your business.
We’ll start with a great AVSIT strategy I call ‘The Dripping Tap.’
AVSIT Marketing Strategy 1: The Dripping Tap
Here’s something important to remember:
A lot of the people you are in contact with right now would love to buy the products you
have for sale. Or they would love to use your services.
However, sometimes the timing may just not be right for many of these people to make a
purchase today.
Most business and sales people (at some point) make a huge marketing mistake:
We think that if a person does not buy right now, it means they will never buy.
So we never follow up and stay in touch.
When we have this short sighted attitude to marketing we usually end up throwing away a small fortune in easy
sales. (I can speak with great authority on this mistake in marketing because I have personally made it many
The solution to this common marketing mistake is to use what I call “The Dripping tap’.
The concept of the dripping tap is very simple to explain.
A dripping tap goes ‘drip, drip, drip’ continuously over a period of time.
Each individual drip does not seem to have much of an effect.
However, over time these continual drips can fill a container and can even wear a hole in
something hard like stone.
Now think of each drip as being a communication from you to a customer, potential
customer or key centre of influence where you add value in some way.
There may be no apparent result or impact from each individual communication you send.
But over time, with repeated communications you can create a huge number of new customers, repeat sales,
referrals and testimonials.
Here’s a great example of the ‘Dripping Tap’ AVSIT Marketing strategy:
A few years ago I came across an interesting article on marketing by a person called Bob Serling.
When I read this article, I also had the opportunity to sign up for a regular free article on marketing from Bob from
one of the e-zines he wrote.
At this point I had never heard of Bob Serling.
However over the next 12-18 months I received a number of useful articles on marketing by reading his e-zine.
5© Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved
I liked what I read and eventually decided to purchase one of the products Bob had for sale on marketing. It was
a short easy to understand downloadable book on getting a competitive advantage in any business. I invested
around $39 and continued to get my regular articles in Bob’s e-zine.
About a year later Bob offered a six month personal mentoring programme to help individual clients increase sales
with more effective marketing. The investment was many thousands of dollars and I had no hesitation in signing
up for the service.
It was an excellent investment and was directly responsible for helping me increase my sales by over 91% within
the first three months.
Bob’s approach is an excellent example of the dripping tap concept.
Bob is continually in touch with existing clients and also with potential new clients in a way that adds great
value. And while many of the individual communications he sends may not produce a huge amount of sales, the
cumulative impact over a period of time is excellent.
You can learn more about Bob and his excellent services at
Here’s another example of the power of a Dripping Tap AVSIT strategy:
Many years ago I worked in a sales and marketing role for a business
that sold Investment Properties.
In my first year I made a big mistake.
I didn’t stay in touch with my clients.
So my clients would purchase an Investment Property from our firm and
they would only hear back from me about once a year.
(I think I sent them a Xmas card.)
This was a costly error on my part because I got next to no referrals from any of my clients and very little repeat
What was worse was that when I did make contact a year later there was no real connection or relationship
between us.
After a year or so a client named Steve sent a letter that said he was really disappointed with me. He was surprised
about not hearing back from me after becoming a client.
He told me that he was delighted with his investment property, however he had not heard from me and wondered
why not?
He told me that he felt that by not staying in touch I didn’t really care about him.
He explained that he was a good potential source of repeat and referral business and that I should treat him
better. He then gave me a list of things I could do to stay in touch with all of my clients like him.
I was highly embarrassed to get Steve’s letter because I knew the importance of staying in touch and adding value
to clients. (I had just forgotten to do it.)
So I swung into action with a simple AVSIT Dripping Tap programme.
I started by sending every person on my database a personal note in the mail every 4-6 weeks. I made sure I
included something of value with every note I sent out.
One note would go to my property clients and might have a couple of free movie passes and a short note that said
something like this…
‘Thanks for being a client. I thought you would appreciate a couple of free movie passes with my compliments.
And while you are enjoying the movie, remember that you are growing your wealth at the same time with the
investment property that we are managing for you. Kind regards Graham.’
6 © Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved
Another note would go to everyone in my database and included a short motivational article I had come across on
something like goal setting.
The note might say “Hi John, thought you might enjoy this short article on goal setting. Kind regards Graham.”
Sometimes I would include a newsletter that I wrote that had helpful ideas on personal success.
Everything I did with my AVSIT Dripping Tap programme was something tangible that people received in their
hands. (So I didn’t use email for this.)
Within 12 months of using this AVSIT programme the results were obvious.
I started getting calls and even letters from my clients and contacts telling me how
much they appreciated the added value follow up.
I got referrals, I got repeat sales and best of all I now had a wonderful relationship
with many of the people on my database.
My client Steve told me that he was now thrilled with how well I was treating him.
Within 18 months he purchased another Investment Property himself and gave me
a referral to a family member who also became a new client.
Within two years of using my AVSIT Dripping Tap programme regularly, I was
getting nearly 70% of my sales every month from repeat sales and referrals.
And the people who referred me or contacted me were delighted at the huge amount of value they received from
my AVSIT Dripping Tap Programme.
The interesting thing I discovered from this process was that most of the communications I sent out to my
database had nothing to do with investment property. (Which is what I sold.)
I mentioned it every so often (maybe one message in four) but it was not my main focus.
My main goal was to stay in touch and add value consistently to all the people on my database. And the end result
was a delighted group of raving fans and a huge amount of easy sales.
How could you implement a ‘Dripping Tap’
AVSIT Marketing programme in your own
business? What type of material could you
send out on a regular basis that the key
people on your database would find useful
and valuable? (Your main goal here is you are
going to ‘Add Value’ each time you touch base
and stay in touch with people.)
7© Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved
Why should you use AVSIT Marketing in your business?
This is an excellent question.
And it’s why you need to know the Lifetime Value of a customer for your
‘Customer Lifetime Value’ is the total amount of money that a customer will
spend with you or your organization over the time frame they continue to spend
money on your products or service.
Customer Lifetime Value can be a very large amount
Examples of Customer Lifetime Value:
I go to a hairdresser once a month or about twelve times a year. I spend $75 on a haircut and $28 on hair products
each time I go in.
This is around $100 a month or $1,200 a year. So far I have been going to the same hairdresser for over 20 years.
This means my Customer lifetime value is already close to $20,000. If I keep going for another 10 years my
customer lifetime value could easily be worth over $30,000.
I spoke with an accountant recently who told me their average client spends $2,000 a year on accounting fees
and stays with them at least ten years. So the customer lifetime value of each of their accounting clients is around
Real Estate Company:
I have worked with a number of real estate sales professionals. They tell me the average person buys a new home
about every 6 years. So over a 20 year period they could buy around three or more homes. If the average real
estate commission is say $10,000 it means the lifetime value of a customer for a real estate person could easily be
$30,000 or more over 20 years.
I go to the supermarket twice a week for groceries. I spend around $80 each time and go about 50 weeks a
year. So my customer value is easily worth $8,000 a year to this one supermarket. (Over five years that’s at least
$40,000 in sales they will get from me.)
When you think about using AVSIT Marketing with a group of customers or potential customers,
keep in mind their customer lifetime value.
It’s usually a surprisingly large amount of money.
How much money should I spend to stay in touch with customers and potential
I’m often asked by business people and sales professionals
“How much money should I spend to stay in touch with customers and potential
My answer is that it doesn’t matter how much you spend on staying in touch.
As long as the profit you make from any customer is larger than the cost of
staying in touch with them the amount of money you spend is not important.
8 © Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved
Work out the lifetime value of one of your own
customers or clients. How much money could
they potentially spend on products and services
from your business over the next X number of
years? And what would it be worth to you in
new sales if one client referred you to two new
clients who each spent the same amount of
money with your business?
In most cases you’ll be surprised how large this
life time value actually is.
AVSIT Marketing Strategy 2: Use the 1-5-15 day follow-up system with brand
new customers
Many customers never hear back from a business after they have made a purchase for the first time.
Remember “Out of mind” means no opportunity for future business and referrals.
One AVSIT Marketing approach that is very helpful to use with new clients and customers is the 1-5-15 follow-up schedule.
(It’s called this because you take specific follow-up action on days 1, 5, 15.)
Day 1:
Within 24 hours of the first sale to a new customer send a short handwritten thank you note.
“Dear Mr Smith thanks for investing in xyz product or service. I know you will be delighted with your purchase.
Best wishes. Your Name”.
Day 5:
Approximately 5 days after the sale deliver a small present to the purchaser.
It could be a small pot plant, a gift book, a couple of free movie passes and so on.
Enclose a short thank you note that says something like this…
““‘Profit in business comes from repeat customers;
customers that boast about your product and
service, and that bring friends with them.’
W. Edwards Deming
9© Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved
“Dear Mr Smith, I appreciate you being a customer and thought you would enjoy this
small gift. With my compliments. Your name.”
Day 15:
Approximately 15 days after the customer purchase make a quick
follow up phone call.
Ask them how their widget is going and how they are finding it.
This follow-up call lets the customer know you value the relationship with them even after
you’ve made the sale.
The 1-5-15 day programme can easily be adapted to any business by changing the days you take follow up action on.
For instance, you may implement a 1-7-30 day follow-up programme in your business.
Or perhaps yours is a 1-10-20 day follow-up programme.
The key idea with this 1-5-15 follow up system is that you are in contact in an added value way three times within
the first month of a new customer making a purchase.
This shows the customer that you are serious about treating them well and looking after them on a long term
basis. This is a very rare experience for most customers!
Develop a 1-5-15 day follow-up plan you can
use with your own customers:
What specific action steps will you take on the
following days?
(Feel free to change the days given here to other days if it would be more appropriate for your business.)
Day 1:
Day 5:
Day 15:
Then use this follow-up plan with all your new customers and clients.
AVSIT Strategy 3: Use the ‘Rule of Six’ with potential clients and customers
The rule of six in selling says that you can multiply your sales by contacting all your potential
prospects at least six times within a 12 month period.
There are two steps to using the ‘rule of six’ AVSIT Marketing strategy.
Step One:
Make the decision that you will send an added value communication to a reasonable number
of potential new customers at least six times in the next 12 months.
(Most business people and sales people have never made this decision.)
10 © Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved
Step Two:
Choose what you will send your potential customers in each of these six communications.
Let’s say you are a real estate sales professional.
Here are six things you might send out to stay in touch over a twelve month period with potential prospects for
your real estate services.
1: An interesting article on ‘10 reasons why now is a great time to buy (or sell) real estate.’
This is something you could easily write in an hour or two.
And because your name is on this article it will also have the extra benefit of positioning you as an expert on real
estate at the same time.
2: A copy of 4-6 positive testimonials from some of your delighted real estate clients.
These testimonials should talk about why clients love using your real estate
services, the benefits they have enjoyed by using your services and why
they highly recommend your services to other people.
(Positive client testimonials are one of the most powerful ways to convince
potential clients that using your business is a smart choice.)
3: A packet of Easter Eggs with a hand written note at Easter.
The note could say something low key like this. ‘Hi Mary, just a quick note to let you know that if you would like
some helpful ideas on how to get a great price when you sell your home I’m here to help. In the meantime here is
a packet of Easter Eggs with my compliments. Kind regards. Your name.”
A note and small gift like this is totally unexpected and a great way to get people remembering you positively.
(Even if they don’t use your services themselves they could still easily recommend your real estate services to other
people they know.)
4: A short letter along with an interesting article on why we procrastinate on the most important things in our
life. (Things like money, health, and relationships.) The letter would talk about how good it is to make a decision
in important areas of your life and how you are there to help them when they make that decision to buy or sell a
Again you are adding value by sending out helpful information like this.
5: A copy of a short article called ‘7 quick tips to get a good price when you sell your home’. Obviously one of the
tips would be ‘Use a great real estate agent like me.’
You could write this article in a few hours and it can also be used a lot of other different ways to promote your
real estate services.
6: A scratch and win Lotto ticket, or ‘scratchie’ as they are sometimes called. (When you send out something like
this you could include a note that explains why you sent it.)
11© Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved
“Hi Sue, I’ve enclosed a fun instant scratch and win lotto ticket. In the next 15 seconds you could potentially win
$50,000. Now you probably won’t win big. However when you use my real estate services I can guarantee I will
do my best to make sure you get the highest possible price when you sell. This could easily be worth thousands of
dollars more in your pocket. I’m here to help when needed. Kind regards. Your name.”
This type of letter and unexpected gift is an excellent low cost way to build a great relationship with potential real
estate clients.
Now when you add up what you have invested in staying in touch with each potential real estate client it works
out to about $25 per person over a 12 month period.
So if you do this with 100 potential clients you will have invested around $2,500.
The good news is that just one sale from any one of these clients will cover your total investment many times over.
And best of all you will now have a wonderful relationship with 100 people who can easily recommend your real
estate services at any time.
The Rule of Six is an excellent AVSIT Marketing strategy to use with potential clients and customers and I
recommend you use it in your own business as well.
Choose at least 25-50 potential customers that
you will use the Rule of Six AVSIT Marketing
Strategy with. What will you send each
potential customer in the six added value
communications you have with them over the
next twelve months?
I will send the following added value communications to my potential customers
over the next 12 months:
““Loyal customers, they don’t just come back, they
don’t simply recommend you, they insist that
their friends do business with you.
Chip Bell, Founder Chip Bell Group
12 © Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved
AVSIT Strategy 4: Create a ‘Gold, Silver, Bronze’ Programme
Here’s something else that is important to keep in mind.
All customers are not the same. Some are far more valuable than others.
These higher value customers may make larger purchases, more frequent purchases or may just be excellent at
recommending other people to your business.
I recommend you classify all your customers into three categories:
You may choose to give each of these customer categories names like gold, silver or bronze. Then decide on what
customers you will put into each category.
Gold Customers may be customers who are repeat customers, give you good referrals and are a pleasure to do
business with.
Silver Customers may be customers who have bought from you more than once, however they have not yet given
you any referrals.
Bronze customers may be customers who have bought from you once and have not given you any referrals yet.
Now once you have all your customers sorted into these categories you can develop an AVSIT marketing
programme for each group.
You may wish to stay in touch with your gold customers 12 times a year, your silver customers 8 times a year and
your bronze customers only 6 times a year.
You may also wish to invest more money on your gold customers than your bronze customers because they are
more profitable to you.
I have clients who have invested thousands of dollars on my marketing services over a period of time. And other
clients who have invested only a few hundred dollars.
I firmly believe that a client of mine, who has invested $5,000 deserves to be treated better than a customer who
has only invested $200.
So I have no hesitation investing more money in providing higher added value for a Gold Customer compared to a
Bronze customer.
All customers are not equal. (They may all be important; however some of them are definitely more important
than others.)
13© Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved
Look at the customers in your own business.
How could you categorize them into Gold,
Silver or Bronze customers?
Gold Class customers would be customers who:
Silver Class customers would be customers who:
Bronze Class customers would be customers who:
How many times each year will you stay in touch with an added value communication programme with each of
these three different groups of customers?
And what will you send these people each time you make contact?
Gold Class Customers I will send the following things each year
Silver Class Customers I will send the following things each year
Bronze Class Customers I will send the following things each year
““In marketing I’ve seen only one strategy that
can’t miss - and that is to market to your best
customers first, your best prospects second and
the rest of the world last.
John Romero
14 © Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved
AVSIT Strategy 5: Cultivate Key Centres of Influence
Many years ago I was selling motivational seminars to the business market.
I had one client who attended the seminar and loved it. Over the next few months he also personally paid for a
dozen of his colleagues and friends to attend the same seminar. This client was in charge of a large business and
he continued to recommend this motivational seminar for several years to many of the people he knew.
Singlehandedly this one client was responsible for a huge amount of sales and repeat business for me.
He was a perfect example of what we call a ‘Key Centre of Influence.’
(In other words, someone who can potentially influence a lot of other
people about your products or services.)
In any business there are usually a number of key centres of influence
who could potentially recommend you to many of the people they
If you are an accountant a good centre of influence is often a legal
If you are a personal fitness trainer a good centre of influence might be
a local chiropractor.
And so on.
So how can you get some of these key centres of influence to positively recommend your business? (Just use two
simple steps.)
Step 1: Focus on adding value first before you ask to be recommended.
Start by creating a list of 10-20 potential centres of influence for your business. However when you make contact
with these people don’t ask them to recommend your business.
Instead, ‘add value’ in some way.
Example: Let’s say you are an accountant and would like to get recommended by a number of legal
firms in your area.
You might send a number of these legal firms a short letter that says something like this...
‘Hi John/Jane, we haven’t personally met, however I own a local accounting firm called XYZ Accountants. I meet
regularly with a lot of interesting people. And I may be able to refer a potential new legal client to you every so
often. Can you send me half a dozen of your business cards and let me know what type of person you are looking
for in an ideal new legal client? I’ve enclosed a prepaid envelope you can use to send me your business cards. In
the meantime, here is a copy of a short article that I noticed recently. It’s about a legal practice that got a lot of new
business with a novel marketing approach. I thought you might find this of interest. Kind regards. Your name.’
Notice how you are adding value first without asking for anything in return.
This is a powerful way to begin a potential new business relationship.
Step 2: Stay in touch at least once a month and ‘add value’ each time you make contact.
My favourite way of doing this is to send out something hard copy each month by ‘snail mail’.
•	 It could be a positive article you noticed.
•	 It might be information that could be useful for the person you are sending it to.
•	 It may be a short booklet or newsletter in hard copy format.
15© Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved
Within 6 months of doing this you will notice that a number of these key centres of influence will start to ask for
further information about what you do.
And many of these centres of influence will start to give you referrals.
Keep in mind that developing a great relationship with key centres of influences doesn’t happen overnight.
It takes time, patience and consistently adding value.
The good news is that once you have this great relationship you could easily enjoy excellent referrals from each key
centre of influence for a very long period of time.
Write down the names of 10-20 businesses that
could potentially be a good centre of influence
for your products and services. Make contact
once a month with these businesses in a low
key way that adds high value.
Here is a commonly asked question on using AVSIT Marketing:
Should you use AVSIT online or offline?
(In other words digitally or with hard copy?)
My personal recommendation is that you Add Value and Stay In Touch
both ways.
So you use both online and offline methods in all your AVSIT Marketing.
1: Here are some things you could do with online (digital) AVSIT
You could share articles and reports in PDF format, present online videos or webinars, provide useful ideas on your
website, send out helpful e-zines etc.
2: Here are some things you could do with offline (hard copy) AVSIT Marketing.
You could post a hand written thank you card, give a hard copy of a helpful article, send an unexpected small gift
by courier, mail a useful hard copy booklet or newsletter and so on.
““Every contact we have with a customer
influences whether or not they’ll come back. We
have to be great every time or we’ll lose them.
Kevin Stirtz
16 © Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved
Here’s a simple example of an online AVSIT method:
I have a free copy of a 28 page booklet called ‘The Little Blue Book of Marketing Magic’
available on my website for people to download at this link…
This booklet contains a short summary of 18 strategies that were shared by many of the sales
and marketing experts that I interviewed for the ‘Unfair Business Advantage Report.’
Anyone can download this booklet and it will give them some helpful marketing ideas
they can use quickly in their business.
I sent a short email to all the people on my database inviting them to download this
booklet with my compliments.
I also invited a number of centres of influence to recommend this link to the people they know as well.
The end result is that large numbers of people have now downloaded this booklet. And many have told me how
useful they have found it.
So it is working well as part of my digital AVSIT Marketing Strategy.
I’ve also had this same booklet printed in hard copy format.
And I use this a number of different ways as part of my hard copy AVSIT Marketing strategy as well.
This hard copy version of The Little Blue Booklet is very affordable to print.
They cost me under $3 each in quantities of 50 at time.
And these printed booklets are a wonderful way to add value as part of my hard copy AVSIT Marketing programme.
Here’s a simple example of a hard copy AVSIT Marketing method.
Several times a year I will purchase a number of movie gift vouchers from the local cinema.
These certificates are usually valid for 12 months. I then send a personal letter to a number of my best clients or
centres of influence and include two movie vouchers with the letter.
My letter says something like this…
‘Hi Jane, Thanks again for being one of my best customers. I really appreciate your investment in my services. Here
are a couple of movie tickets with my compliments. There are some great movies coming up soon and I’m sure
you will find something you want to see. Kind regards. Graham’
If the letter is going to a Centre of Influence I will just change a few words.
So the letter will now something like this…
Hi Jane, Thanks again for being one of my best supporters. I really appreciate your assistance in promoting my
business. Here are a couple of movie tickets with my compliments. There are some great movies coming up soon
and I’m sure you will find something you want to see. Kind regards. Graham’
17© Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved
I’ve also created a number of AVSIT Marketing resources and showed a number
of my clients how to use them in their own businesses…
Here are a few of their experiences using my AVSIT Marketing Resources:
“Hi Graham, you showed me a simple system called AVSIT Marketing that has worked well
to turn many of my normal clients and contacts into delighted raving fans who eagerly
recommend my fitness business to many of the people they know. I am delighted at the
increased sales, brand new clients and higher revenues that I have gained from using this
easy to use strategy. In just a few short months I have now created thousands of dollars of
brand new revenues. Best of all, by using AVSIT Marketing I now have in place simple systems
that work to automatically grow my business every month.”
Sally Feinerman
Fitness Fix
“Hi Graham, thanks for all your help with your AVSIT Marketing resources. I have
been using these in my real estate business for over six months now and the results
have been unbelievable. By using AVSIT Marketing I have enjoyed huge amounts
of repeat and referral business and 2012 ended up being my best year ever. Your
AVSIT Marketing resources give me a simple way to stay in touch and add value with
all the important people in my real estate business. I highly recommend your AVSIT
Marketing resources to any business person who wants to create delighted raving
fans and a ton of easy sales.”
Tony White
Cooper and Co
Harcourts Real Estate Milford
“Hi Graham, I’ve been using your AVSIT Marketing resources for over six months now. AVSIT
Marketing has created excellent relationships with many of the people on my database. I love
that I can spend about an hour a month on the AVSIT marketing and with this tiny investment
of time get good comments back from my clients. Many of them appreciate the upbeat nature
of the resources saying how different it is from most such mail outs. I highly recommend it.”
Rodney Pilbrow
Pilbrow Surveying Services
If you would like details of some of these AVSIT Resources just send me an email and tell me two things…
1: The type of business you have and who you mainly sell to.
2: The two biggest marketing challenges you would love to solve.
I’ll personally review your email and let you know how some of these AVSIT Resources could be used in your
business. You can reach me on
““It is not your customer’s job to remember you.
It is your obligation and responsibility to make
sure they don’t have the chance to forget you.
Patricia Fripp
Let’s quickly recap what we’ve covered in this issue of Smart Marketing:
We talked about AVSIT Marketing.
AVSIT stands for Add Value Stay in Touch.
AVSIT Marketing means you stay in touch with three groups of people on a regular basis.
•	 Group 1 is your past and present clients and customers.
•	 Group 2 is potential clients who have made contact with your business but not yet spent money.
•	 Group 3 is key ‘Centres of Influence’ who can potentially refer large numbers of new people to
your business on a regular basis.
Now the key to AVSIT Marketing is to always ‘add value’ whenever you make contact with the people in these
three groups.
So your goal is to leave them ‘better off’ each time you communicate with them
•	 I gave your five AVSIT Marketing Strategies you could use in your business.
These AVSIT strategies include:
1: The Dripping Tap
2: The 1-5-15 day follow up
3: The Rule of Six
4: Gold Silver Bronze
5: Key Centres of Influence
I gave you some ideas on how to use AVSIT Marketing online and offline.
I also invited you to contact me if you wanted to see some samples of ready to use AVSIT Marketing Resources
that you can use immediately in your business.
I trust you found something of value in this report.
And I wish you every success as you use AVSIT Marketing in your own business.
Ideas are a dime a dozen. People who
implement them are priceless.
Mary Kay Ash
18 © Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved
19© Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved
1: I will use the ‘Dripping Tap’ AVSIT Marketing Strategy in these ways…
2: I will put the AVSIT Marketing 1-5-15 day follow up into action by…
3: I will use the ‘Rule of Six’ AVSIT Marketing Strategy by doing this…
4: I will implement a Gold, Silver, Bronze Customer programme by…
5: I will use AVSIT Marketing with key ‘Centres of Influence’ by…
Your AVSIT Marketing
Action Plan:
20© Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved
Helpful Marketing Resource:
If you haven’t already done so, make sure you get a free copy of my 396 page
E-Book ‘The Unfair Business Advantage Report.’
This contains tested sales and marketing strategies from 32 business experts in 5
countries. The result is a treasure trove of proven strategies to boost sales, increase
profits and give your business a completely ‘Unfair’ Business Advantage.
It’s my added value gift to you and has already been enjoyed by business owners
and sales professionals from around the world.
Here’s what one reader had to say about this E-Book...
“You can’t read this amazing report without finding at least a dozen million dollar
ideas!” Robert G. Allen. New York Times Best Selling Author
Here is a sneak peak of just some of the strategies you will find in the Unfair Business Advantage Report…
•	 Legendary marketing strategist Al Ries shares the one thing he advises all his business clients to do
if they want to be amazingly successful.
•	 Business expert Michael Port explains how to get ‘booked solid’ with new clients by using a simple
strategy that takes only ten minutes a day and costs no money
•	 Marketing consultant and best-selling author Jeffrey J Fox shows you how to ‘Dollarize’ the real
value of all your products and services. This allows you to easily outsell low priced competitors and
still bank super healthy profits.
•	 Copywriting expert Bob Bly shares a great strategy that you can use to charge higher prices and
attract better clients who are eager to buy from you.
•	 Dave Garofalo shares the ‘outrageous’ thing he has done for the last 17 years to become the
highest volume retailer of premium cigars in the United States. This same strategy can be used in
any business when you understand exactly what Dave does.
•	 Fred Catona the pioneer of direct response radio shares the exact formula he used to take one
client from a standing start to over a billion dollars in sales in less than 18 months. This same
formula can be used by many businesses to add an extra six figures or more in profits to their
bottom line in a surprisingly short time.
•	 Chris Gilmour explains how as a rookie real estate salesperson in Brisbane, Australia he
leapfrogged his competitors and earned a staggering $880,000 in real estate fees in his second
year in business. This ‘whiz kid ‘sells normal priced properties in 1/3 the time it normally takes and
he has an astonishing 82% market share in his area.
•	 Marketing expert Bob Serling explains his super simple system that he uses to instantly create
brand new sales and profits for 95% of his clients.
•	 Dr Ivan Misner founded BNI the largest business networking organisation in the world. Ivan
explains how to use the VCP Process of Networking ® and why it is so effective in creating new
sales and clients.
•	 Bill Harrison shares his secrets on how to get free media publicity with TV, Radio, Newspapers and
Magazines.(It’s actually a lot easier than you think.)
•	 Plus a goldmine of proven profit making and sales boosting strategies from many other top sales
and marketing experts.
You can download a no cost copy of this amazing new marketing resource by going here and registering now...

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Smart Marketing | Business Buddy

  • 2. 2 © Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved We really appreciate all our valued clients and friends like you. And we are always searching for helpful ideas we can pass along. That’s why we are delighted to share with you this wonderful guide called ‘Smart Marketing Volume 3’ It’s written by marketing consultant Graham McGregor. Each edition of Smart Marketing contains proven strategies that can be used to increase sales, boost profits and create delighted clients for your business. Smart Marketing Volume 3 is all about how to use AVSIT Marketing in your business. AVSIT stands for Add Value Stay in Touch and it’s a fun way to create amazing relationships with the three important groups of people in your business. In the next few pages you’ll discover why AVSIT Marketing works so well. And you’ll see five easy ways to use AVSIT Marketing in your own business. I invite you to pick the AVSIT Marketing Strategies that appeal the most to you and put them into action. I know you’ll be delighted at how well these strategies actually work. I look forward to your comments and best wishes in the meantime. Kind regards Kirsten Hawke Director Introduction ““The lesson which life repeats and constantly enforces is ‘look under foot.’ The lure of the distant and the difficult is deceptive. The great opportunity is where you are. John Burroughs Astill Hawke & Associates Limited Chartered Accountants P O Box 58 359 Botany, Manukau 2163 Ph (09) 985 9791 Fax (09) 985 9792
  • 3. 3© Copyright Graham McGregor 2012 All rights reserved 3 The Magic of AVSIT Marketing: © Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved When I look back over all my years in sales and marketing, there is one strategy I wish I had used a lot more often than I did. And that strategy is something I call ‘AVSIT Marketing’. AVSIT stands for Add Value Stay in Touch. AVSIT Marketing means you stay in touch with three groups of people on a regular basis. • Group 1 is your past and present clients and customers. • Group 2 is potential clients who have made contact with your business but not yet spent money. • Group 3 is key ‘Centres of Influence’ who can potentially refer large numbers of new people to your business on a regular basis. Now the key to AVSIT Marketing is to always ‘add value’ whenever you make contact with the people in these three groups. So your goal is to leave them ‘better off’ each time you communicate with them. Here’s a great example: I interviewed a top selling real estate sales professional called Tim a while ago and he told me that 66% of his business each month comes directly from referrals. (In other words people contact him and ask if he can sell their current home or help them to buy another one.) And he gets all these referrals by using a super simple (yet amazingly effective) AVSIT Marketing programme. Tim has a small database of only 250 people. And each month he sends these people a one page ‘snail mail’ letter and a four paragraph email. (He also phones each person and speaks to them briefly three times a year.) In his one page ‘snail mail’ letter Tim says hello and mentions a local business that he has used recently and can highly recommend. It might be a great café, excellent tradesperson, helpful professional person etc. He gives the full contact details of this business and explains exactly why this business is so good. Tim then sends a short email the following week that is the key to his AVSIT Marketing programme. The email says something like this: ‘Hi John, just wanted to let you know that the XYZ business I mentioned last week in my letter has now been popular with some of my clients. A number have tried it out and really like it. I also want to take a moment to personally thank Fred Smith, Jane Evans, George White, Mary Brown and Elizabeth Green for giving me referrals over the last month. I really appreciate their thoughtfulness. Have a great month and if you have any friends or colleagues who are interested in buying or selling a home I’d love to be of service. Kind regards. Tim.’
  • 4. 4 © Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved Tim adds great value to his database by recommending a good local business each month. He then adds more value by publicly thanking in his email every single person who has given him a referral in the previous month. You’ll notice that Tim uses both email and good old fashioned ‘snail mail’ as part of his AVSIT Marketing programme. And I recommend that you use a variety of different ways to communicate with the three groups of people that I mentioned earlier. Let’s take a look at how you can use AVSIT Marketing in your business. We’ll start with a great AVSIT strategy I call ‘The Dripping Tap.’ AVSIT Marketing Strategy 1: The Dripping Tap Here’s something important to remember: A lot of the people you are in contact with right now would love to buy the products you have for sale. Or they would love to use your services. However, sometimes the timing may just not be right for many of these people to make a purchase today. Most business and sales people (at some point) make a huge marketing mistake: We think that if a person does not buy right now, it means they will never buy. So we never follow up and stay in touch. When we have this short sighted attitude to marketing we usually end up throwing away a small fortune in easy sales. (I can speak with great authority on this mistake in marketing because I have personally made it many times!) The solution to this common marketing mistake is to use what I call “The Dripping tap’. The concept of the dripping tap is very simple to explain. A dripping tap goes ‘drip, drip, drip’ continuously over a period of time. Each individual drip does not seem to have much of an effect. However, over time these continual drips can fill a container and can even wear a hole in something hard like stone. Now think of each drip as being a communication from you to a customer, potential customer or key centre of influence where you add value in some way. There may be no apparent result or impact from each individual communication you send. But over time, with repeated communications you can create a huge number of new customers, repeat sales, referrals and testimonials. Here’s a great example of the ‘Dripping Tap’ AVSIT Marketing strategy: A few years ago I came across an interesting article on marketing by a person called Bob Serling. When I read this article, I also had the opportunity to sign up for a regular free article on marketing from Bob from one of the e-zines he wrote. At this point I had never heard of Bob Serling. However over the next 12-18 months I received a number of useful articles on marketing by reading his e-zine.
  • 5. 5© Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved I liked what I read and eventually decided to purchase one of the products Bob had for sale on marketing. It was a short easy to understand downloadable book on getting a competitive advantage in any business. I invested around $39 and continued to get my regular articles in Bob’s e-zine. About a year later Bob offered a six month personal mentoring programme to help individual clients increase sales with more effective marketing. The investment was many thousands of dollars and I had no hesitation in signing up for the service. It was an excellent investment and was directly responsible for helping me increase my sales by over 91% within the first three months. Bob’s approach is an excellent example of the dripping tap concept. Bob is continually in touch with existing clients and also with potential new clients in a way that adds great value. And while many of the individual communications he sends may not produce a huge amount of sales, the cumulative impact over a period of time is excellent. You can learn more about Bob and his excellent services at Here’s another example of the power of a Dripping Tap AVSIT strategy: Many years ago I worked in a sales and marketing role for a business that sold Investment Properties. In my first year I made a big mistake. I didn’t stay in touch with my clients. So my clients would purchase an Investment Property from our firm and they would only hear back from me about once a year. (I think I sent them a Xmas card.) This was a costly error on my part because I got next to no referrals from any of my clients and very little repeat sales. What was worse was that when I did make contact a year later there was no real connection or relationship between us. After a year or so a client named Steve sent a letter that said he was really disappointed with me. He was surprised about not hearing back from me after becoming a client. He told me that he was delighted with his investment property, however he had not heard from me and wondered why not? He told me that he felt that by not staying in touch I didn’t really care about him. He explained that he was a good potential source of repeat and referral business and that I should treat him better. He then gave me a list of things I could do to stay in touch with all of my clients like him. I was highly embarrassed to get Steve’s letter because I knew the importance of staying in touch and adding value to clients. (I had just forgotten to do it.) So I swung into action with a simple AVSIT Dripping Tap programme. I started by sending every person on my database a personal note in the mail every 4-6 weeks. I made sure I included something of value with every note I sent out. One note would go to my property clients and might have a couple of free movie passes and a short note that said something like this… ‘Thanks for being a client. I thought you would appreciate a couple of free movie passes with my compliments. And while you are enjoying the movie, remember that you are growing your wealth at the same time with the investment property that we are managing for you. Kind regards Graham.’
  • 6. 6 © Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved Another note would go to everyone in my database and included a short motivational article I had come across on something like goal setting. The note might say “Hi John, thought you might enjoy this short article on goal setting. Kind regards Graham.” Sometimes I would include a newsletter that I wrote that had helpful ideas on personal success. Everything I did with my AVSIT Dripping Tap programme was something tangible that people received in their hands. (So I didn’t use email for this.) Within 12 months of using this AVSIT programme the results were obvious. I started getting calls and even letters from my clients and contacts telling me how much they appreciated the added value follow up. I got referrals, I got repeat sales and best of all I now had a wonderful relationship with many of the people on my database. My client Steve told me that he was now thrilled with how well I was treating him. Within 18 months he purchased another Investment Property himself and gave me a referral to a family member who also became a new client. Within two years of using my AVSIT Dripping Tap programme regularly, I was getting nearly 70% of my sales every month from repeat sales and referrals. And the people who referred me or contacted me were delighted at the huge amount of value they received from my AVSIT Dripping Tap Programme. The interesting thing I discovered from this process was that most of the communications I sent out to my database had nothing to do with investment property. (Which is what I sold.) I mentioned it every so often (maybe one message in four) but it was not my main focus. My main goal was to stay in touch and add value consistently to all the people on my database. And the end result was a delighted group of raving fans and a huge amount of easy sales. TAKE ACTION How could you implement a ‘Dripping Tap’ AVSIT Marketing programme in your own business? What type of material could you send out on a regular basis that the key people on your database would find useful and valuable? (Your main goal here is you are going to ‘Add Value’ each time you touch base and stay in touch with people.)
  • 7. 7© Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved Why should you use AVSIT Marketing in your business? This is an excellent question. And it’s why you need to know the Lifetime Value of a customer for your business. ‘Customer Lifetime Value’ is the total amount of money that a customer will spend with you or your organization over the time frame they continue to spend money on your products or service. Customer Lifetime Value can be a very large amount Examples of Customer Lifetime Value: Hairdresser: I go to a hairdresser once a month or about twelve times a year. I spend $75 on a haircut and $28 on hair products each time I go in. This is around $100 a month or $1,200 a year. So far I have been going to the same hairdresser for over 20 years. This means my Customer lifetime value is already close to $20,000. If I keep going for another 10 years my customer lifetime value could easily be worth over $30,000. Accountant: I spoke with an accountant recently who told me their average client spends $2,000 a year on accounting fees and stays with them at least ten years. So the customer lifetime value of each of their accounting clients is around $20,000. Real Estate Company: I have worked with a number of real estate sales professionals. They tell me the average person buys a new home about every 6 years. So over a 20 year period they could buy around three or more homes. If the average real estate commission is say $10,000 it means the lifetime value of a customer for a real estate person could easily be $30,000 or more over 20 years. Supermarket: I go to the supermarket twice a week for groceries. I spend around $80 each time and go about 50 weeks a year. So my customer value is easily worth $8,000 a year to this one supermarket. (Over five years that’s at least $40,000 in sales they will get from me.) When you think about using AVSIT Marketing with a group of customers or potential customers, keep in mind their customer lifetime value. It’s usually a surprisingly large amount of money. How much money should I spend to stay in touch with customers and potential customers? I’m often asked by business people and sales professionals “How much money should I spend to stay in touch with customers and potential customers?” My answer is that it doesn’t matter how much you spend on staying in touch. As long as the profit you make from any customer is larger than the cost of staying in touch with them the amount of money you spend is not important.
  • 8. 8 © Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved TAKE ACTION Work out the lifetime value of one of your own customers or clients. How much money could they potentially spend on products and services from your business over the next X number of years? And what would it be worth to you in new sales if one client referred you to two new clients who each spent the same amount of money with your business? In most cases you’ll be surprised how large this life time value actually is. AVSIT Marketing Strategy 2: Use the 1-5-15 day follow-up system with brand new customers Many customers never hear back from a business after they have made a purchase for the first time. Remember “Out of mind” means no opportunity for future business and referrals. One AVSIT Marketing approach that is very helpful to use with new clients and customers is the 1-5-15 follow-up schedule. (It’s called this because you take specific follow-up action on days 1, 5, 15.) Example: Day 1: Within 24 hours of the first sale to a new customer send a short handwritten thank you note. “Dear Mr Smith thanks for investing in xyz product or service. I know you will be delighted with your purchase. Best wishes. Your Name”. Day 5: Approximately 5 days after the sale deliver a small present to the purchaser. It could be a small pot plant, a gift book, a couple of free movie passes and so on. Enclose a short thank you note that says something like this… ““‘Profit in business comes from repeat customers; customers that boast about your product and service, and that bring friends with them.’ W. Edwards Deming
  • 9. 9© Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved “Dear Mr Smith, I appreciate you being a customer and thought you would enjoy this small gift. With my compliments. Your name.” Day 15: Approximately 15 days after the customer purchase make a quick follow up phone call. Ask them how their widget is going and how they are finding it. This follow-up call lets the customer know you value the relationship with them even after you’ve made the sale. The 1-5-15 day programme can easily be adapted to any business by changing the days you take follow up action on. For instance, you may implement a 1-7-30 day follow-up programme in your business. Or perhaps yours is a 1-10-20 day follow-up programme. The key idea with this 1-5-15 follow up system is that you are in contact in an added value way three times within the first month of a new customer making a purchase. This shows the customer that you are serious about treating them well and looking after them on a long term basis. This is a very rare experience for most customers! TAKE ACTION Develop a 1-5-15 day follow-up plan you can use with your own customers: What specific action steps will you take on the following days? (Feel free to change the days given here to other days if it would be more appropriate for your business.) Day 1: Day 5: Day 15: Then use this follow-up plan with all your new customers and clients. AVSIT Strategy 3: Use the ‘Rule of Six’ with potential clients and customers The rule of six in selling says that you can multiply your sales by contacting all your potential prospects at least six times within a 12 month period. There are two steps to using the ‘rule of six’ AVSIT Marketing strategy. Step One: Make the decision that you will send an added value communication to a reasonable number of potential new customers at least six times in the next 12 months. (Most business people and sales people have never made this decision.)
  • 10. 10 © Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved Step Two: Choose what you will send your potential customers in each of these six communications. Example: Let’s say you are a real estate sales professional. Here are six things you might send out to stay in touch over a twelve month period with potential prospects for your real estate services. 1: An interesting article on ‘10 reasons why now is a great time to buy (or sell) real estate.’ This is something you could easily write in an hour or two. And because your name is on this article it will also have the extra benefit of positioning you as an expert on real estate at the same time. 2: A copy of 4-6 positive testimonials from some of your delighted real estate clients. These testimonials should talk about why clients love using your real estate services, the benefits they have enjoyed by using your services and why they highly recommend your services to other people. (Positive client testimonials are one of the most powerful ways to convince potential clients that using your business is a smart choice.) 3: A packet of Easter Eggs with a hand written note at Easter. The note could say something low key like this. ‘Hi Mary, just a quick note to let you know that if you would like some helpful ideas on how to get a great price when you sell your home I’m here to help. In the meantime here is a packet of Easter Eggs with my compliments. Kind regards. Your name.” A note and small gift like this is totally unexpected and a great way to get people remembering you positively. (Even if they don’t use your services themselves they could still easily recommend your real estate services to other people they know.) 4: A short letter along with an interesting article on why we procrastinate on the most important things in our life. (Things like money, health, and relationships.) The letter would talk about how good it is to make a decision in important areas of your life and how you are there to help them when they make that decision to buy or sell a property. Again you are adding value by sending out helpful information like this. 5: A copy of a short article called ‘7 quick tips to get a good price when you sell your home’. Obviously one of the tips would be ‘Use a great real estate agent like me.’ You could write this article in a few hours and it can also be used a lot of other different ways to promote your real estate services. 6: A scratch and win Lotto ticket, or ‘scratchie’ as they are sometimes called. (When you send out something like this you could include a note that explains why you sent it.)
  • 11. 11© Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved “Hi Sue, I’ve enclosed a fun instant scratch and win lotto ticket. In the next 15 seconds you could potentially win $50,000. Now you probably won’t win big. However when you use my real estate services I can guarantee I will do my best to make sure you get the highest possible price when you sell. This could easily be worth thousands of dollars more in your pocket. I’m here to help when needed. Kind regards. Your name.” This type of letter and unexpected gift is an excellent low cost way to build a great relationship with potential real estate clients. Now when you add up what you have invested in staying in touch with each potential real estate client it works out to about $25 per person over a 12 month period. So if you do this with 100 potential clients you will have invested around $2,500. The good news is that just one sale from any one of these clients will cover your total investment many times over. And best of all you will now have a wonderful relationship with 100 people who can easily recommend your real estate services at any time. The Rule of Six is an excellent AVSIT Marketing strategy to use with potential clients and customers and I recommend you use it in your own business as well. TAKE ACTION Choose at least 25-50 potential customers that you will use the Rule of Six AVSIT Marketing Strategy with. What will you send each potential customer in the six added value communications you have with them over the next twelve months? I will send the following added value communications to my potential customers over the next 12 months: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: ““Loyal customers, they don’t just come back, they don’t simply recommend you, they insist that their friends do business with you. Chip Bell, Founder Chip Bell Group
  • 12. 12 © Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved AVSIT Strategy 4: Create a ‘Gold, Silver, Bronze’ Programme Here’s something else that is important to keep in mind. All customers are not the same. Some are far more valuable than others. These higher value customers may make larger purchases, more frequent purchases or may just be excellent at recommending other people to your business. I recommend you classify all your customers into three categories: You may choose to give each of these customer categories names like gold, silver or bronze. Then decide on what customers you will put into each category. Example: Gold Customers may be customers who are repeat customers, give you good referrals and are a pleasure to do business with. Silver Customers may be customers who have bought from you more than once, however they have not yet given you any referrals. Bronze customers may be customers who have bought from you once and have not given you any referrals yet. Now once you have all your customers sorted into these categories you can develop an AVSIT marketing programme for each group. Example: You may wish to stay in touch with your gold customers 12 times a year, your silver customers 8 times a year and your bronze customers only 6 times a year. You may also wish to invest more money on your gold customers than your bronze customers because they are more profitable to you. Example: I have clients who have invested thousands of dollars on my marketing services over a period of time. And other clients who have invested only a few hundred dollars. I firmly believe that a client of mine, who has invested $5,000 deserves to be treated better than a customer who has only invested $200. So I have no hesitation investing more money in providing higher added value for a Gold Customer compared to a Bronze customer. All customers are not equal. (They may all be important; however some of them are definitely more important than others.)
  • 13. 13© Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved TAKE ACTION Look at the customers in your own business. How could you categorize them into Gold, Silver or Bronze customers? Gold Class customers would be customers who: Silver Class customers would be customers who: Bronze Class customers would be customers who: How many times each year will you stay in touch with an added value communication programme with each of these three different groups of customers? And what will you send these people each time you make contact? Gold Class Customers I will send the following things each year Silver Class Customers I will send the following things each year Bronze Class Customers I will send the following things each year ““In marketing I’ve seen only one strategy that can’t miss - and that is to market to your best customers first, your best prospects second and the rest of the world last. John Romero
  • 14. 14 © Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved AVSIT Strategy 5: Cultivate Key Centres of Influence Many years ago I was selling motivational seminars to the business market. I had one client who attended the seminar and loved it. Over the next few months he also personally paid for a dozen of his colleagues and friends to attend the same seminar. This client was in charge of a large business and he continued to recommend this motivational seminar for several years to many of the people he knew. Singlehandedly this one client was responsible for a huge amount of sales and repeat business for me. He was a perfect example of what we call a ‘Key Centre of Influence.’ (In other words, someone who can potentially influence a lot of other people about your products or services.) In any business there are usually a number of key centres of influence who could potentially recommend you to many of the people they know. If you are an accountant a good centre of influence is often a legal professional. If you are a personal fitness trainer a good centre of influence might be a local chiropractor. And so on. So how can you get some of these key centres of influence to positively recommend your business? (Just use two simple steps.) Step 1: Focus on adding value first before you ask to be recommended. Start by creating a list of 10-20 potential centres of influence for your business. However when you make contact with these people don’t ask them to recommend your business. Instead, ‘add value’ in some way. Example: Let’s say you are an accountant and would like to get recommended by a number of legal firms in your area. You might send a number of these legal firms a short letter that says something like this... ‘Hi John/Jane, we haven’t personally met, however I own a local accounting firm called XYZ Accountants. I meet regularly with a lot of interesting people. And I may be able to refer a potential new legal client to you every so often. Can you send me half a dozen of your business cards and let me know what type of person you are looking for in an ideal new legal client? I’ve enclosed a prepaid envelope you can use to send me your business cards. In the meantime, here is a copy of a short article that I noticed recently. It’s about a legal practice that got a lot of new business with a novel marketing approach. I thought you might find this of interest. Kind regards. Your name.’ Notice how you are adding value first without asking for anything in return. This is a powerful way to begin a potential new business relationship. Step 2: Stay in touch at least once a month and ‘add value’ each time you make contact. My favourite way of doing this is to send out something hard copy each month by ‘snail mail’. • It could be a positive article you noticed. • It might be information that could be useful for the person you are sending it to. • It may be a short booklet or newsletter in hard copy format.
  • 15. 15© Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved Within 6 months of doing this you will notice that a number of these key centres of influence will start to ask for further information about what you do. And many of these centres of influence will start to give you referrals. Keep in mind that developing a great relationship with key centres of influences doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, patience and consistently adding value. The good news is that once you have this great relationship you could easily enjoy excellent referrals from each key centre of influence for a very long period of time. TAKE ACTION Write down the names of 10-20 businesses that could potentially be a good centre of influence for your products and services. Make contact once a month with these businesses in a low key way that adds high value. Here is a commonly asked question on using AVSIT Marketing: Should you use AVSIT online or offline? (In other words digitally or with hard copy?) My personal recommendation is that you Add Value and Stay In Touch both ways. So you use both online and offline methods in all your AVSIT Marketing. 1: Here are some things you could do with online (digital) AVSIT Marketing. You could share articles and reports in PDF format, present online videos or webinars, provide useful ideas on your website, send out helpful e-zines etc. 2: Here are some things you could do with offline (hard copy) AVSIT Marketing. You could post a hand written thank you card, give a hard copy of a helpful article, send an unexpected small gift by courier, mail a useful hard copy booklet or newsletter and so on. ““Every contact we have with a customer influences whether or not they’ll come back. We have to be great every time or we’ll lose them. Kevin Stirtz
  • 16. 16 © Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved Here’s a simple example of an online AVSIT method: I have a free copy of a 28 page booklet called ‘The Little Blue Book of Marketing Magic’ available on my website for people to download at this link… This booklet contains a short summary of 18 strategies that were shared by many of the sales and marketing experts that I interviewed for the ‘Unfair Business Advantage Report.’ Anyone can download this booklet and it will give them some helpful marketing ideas they can use quickly in their business. I sent a short email to all the people on my database inviting them to download this booklet with my compliments. I also invited a number of centres of influence to recommend this link to the people they know as well. The end result is that large numbers of people have now downloaded this booklet. And many have told me how useful they have found it. So it is working well as part of my digital AVSIT Marketing Strategy. I’ve also had this same booklet printed in hard copy format. And I use this a number of different ways as part of my hard copy AVSIT Marketing strategy as well. This hard copy version of The Little Blue Booklet is very affordable to print. They cost me under $3 each in quantities of 50 at time. And these printed booklets are a wonderful way to add value as part of my hard copy AVSIT Marketing programme. Here’s a simple example of a hard copy AVSIT Marketing method. Several times a year I will purchase a number of movie gift vouchers from the local cinema. These certificates are usually valid for 12 months. I then send a personal letter to a number of my best clients or centres of influence and include two movie vouchers with the letter. My letter says something like this… ‘Hi Jane, Thanks again for being one of my best customers. I really appreciate your investment in my services. Here are a couple of movie tickets with my compliments. There are some great movies coming up soon and I’m sure you will find something you want to see. Kind regards. Graham’ If the letter is going to a Centre of Influence I will just change a few words. So the letter will now something like this… Hi Jane, Thanks again for being one of my best supporters. I really appreciate your assistance in promoting my business. Here are a couple of movie tickets with my compliments. There are some great movies coming up soon and I’m sure you will find something you want to see. Kind regards. Graham’
  • 17. 17© Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved I’ve also created a number of AVSIT Marketing resources and showed a number of my clients how to use them in their own businesses… Here are a few of their experiences using my AVSIT Marketing Resources: “Hi Graham, you showed me a simple system called AVSIT Marketing that has worked well to turn many of my normal clients and contacts into delighted raving fans who eagerly recommend my fitness business to many of the people they know. I am delighted at the increased sales, brand new clients and higher revenues that I have gained from using this easy to use strategy. In just a few short months I have now created thousands of dollars of brand new revenues. Best of all, by using AVSIT Marketing I now have in place simple systems that work to automatically grow my business every month.” Sally Feinerman Fitness Fix “Hi Graham, thanks for all your help with your AVSIT Marketing resources. I have been using these in my real estate business for over six months now and the results have been unbelievable. By using AVSIT Marketing I have enjoyed huge amounts of repeat and referral business and 2012 ended up being my best year ever. Your AVSIT Marketing resources give me a simple way to stay in touch and add value with all the important people in my real estate business. I highly recommend your AVSIT Marketing resources to any business person who wants to create delighted raving fans and a ton of easy sales.” Tony White Cooper and Co Harcourts Real Estate Milford “Hi Graham, I’ve been using your AVSIT Marketing resources for over six months now. AVSIT Marketing has created excellent relationships with many of the people on my database. I love that I can spend about an hour a month on the AVSIT marketing and with this tiny investment of time get good comments back from my clients. Many of them appreciate the upbeat nature of the resources saying how different it is from most such mail outs. I highly recommend it.” Rodney Pilbrow Pilbrow Surveying Services If you would like details of some of these AVSIT Resources just send me an email and tell me two things… 1: The type of business you have and who you mainly sell to. 2: The two biggest marketing challenges you would love to solve. I’ll personally review your email and let you know how some of these AVSIT Resources could be used in your business. You can reach me on ““It is not your customer’s job to remember you. It is your obligation and responsibility to make sure they don’t have the chance to forget you. Patricia Fripp
  • 18. Let’s quickly recap what we’ve covered in this issue of Smart Marketing: We talked about AVSIT Marketing. AVSIT stands for Add Value Stay in Touch. AVSIT Marketing means you stay in touch with three groups of people on a regular basis. • Group 1 is your past and present clients and customers. • Group 2 is potential clients who have made contact with your business but not yet spent money. • Group 3 is key ‘Centres of Influence’ who can potentially refer large numbers of new people to your business on a regular basis. Now the key to AVSIT Marketing is to always ‘add value’ whenever you make contact with the people in these three groups. So your goal is to leave them ‘better off’ each time you communicate with them • I gave your five AVSIT Marketing Strategies you could use in your business. These AVSIT strategies include: 1: The Dripping Tap 2: The 1-5-15 day follow up 3: The Rule of Six 4: Gold Silver Bronze 5: Key Centres of Influence I gave you some ideas on how to use AVSIT Marketing online and offline. I also invited you to contact me if you wanted to see some samples of ready to use AVSIT Marketing Resources that you can use immediately in your business. I trust you found something of value in this report. And I wish you every success as you use AVSIT Marketing in your own business. Ideas are a dime a dozen. People who implement them are priceless. Mary Kay Ash 18 © Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved “ “
  • 19. 19© Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved 1: I will use the ‘Dripping Tap’ AVSIT Marketing Strategy in these ways… 2: I will put the AVSIT Marketing 1-5-15 day follow up into action by… 3: I will use the ‘Rule of Six’ AVSIT Marketing Strategy by doing this… 4: I will implement a Gold, Silver, Bronze Customer programme by… 5: I will use AVSIT Marketing with key ‘Centres of Influence’ by… Your AVSIT Marketing Action Plan:
  • 20. 20© Copyright Graham McGregor 2013 All rights reserved Helpful Marketing Resource: If you haven’t already done so, make sure you get a free copy of my 396 page E-Book ‘The Unfair Business Advantage Report.’ This contains tested sales and marketing strategies from 32 business experts in 5 countries. The result is a treasure trove of proven strategies to boost sales, increase profits and give your business a completely ‘Unfair’ Business Advantage. It’s my added value gift to you and has already been enjoyed by business owners and sales professionals from around the world. Here’s what one reader had to say about this E-Book... “You can’t read this amazing report without finding at least a dozen million dollar ideas!” Robert G. Allen. New York Times Best Selling Author Here is a sneak peak of just some of the strategies you will find in the Unfair Business Advantage Report… • Legendary marketing strategist Al Ries shares the one thing he advises all his business clients to do if they want to be amazingly successful. • Business expert Michael Port explains how to get ‘booked solid’ with new clients by using a simple strategy that takes only ten minutes a day and costs no money • Marketing consultant and best-selling author Jeffrey J Fox shows you how to ‘Dollarize’ the real value of all your products and services. This allows you to easily outsell low priced competitors and still bank super healthy profits. • Copywriting expert Bob Bly shares a great strategy that you can use to charge higher prices and attract better clients who are eager to buy from you. • Dave Garofalo shares the ‘outrageous’ thing he has done for the last 17 years to become the highest volume retailer of premium cigars in the United States. This same strategy can be used in any business when you understand exactly what Dave does. • Fred Catona the pioneer of direct response radio shares the exact formula he used to take one client from a standing start to over a billion dollars in sales in less than 18 months. This same formula can be used by many businesses to add an extra six figures or more in profits to their bottom line in a surprisingly short time. • Chris Gilmour explains how as a rookie real estate salesperson in Brisbane, Australia he leapfrogged his competitors and earned a staggering $880,000 in real estate fees in his second year in business. This ‘whiz kid ‘sells normal priced properties in 1/3 the time it normally takes and he has an astonishing 82% market share in his area. • Marketing expert Bob Serling explains his super simple system that he uses to instantly create brand new sales and profits for 95% of his clients. • Dr Ivan Misner founded BNI the largest business networking organisation in the world. Ivan explains how to use the VCP Process of Networking ® and why it is so effective in creating new sales and clients. • Bill Harrison shares his secrets on how to get free media publicity with TV, Radio, Newspapers and Magazines.(It’s actually a lot easier than you think.) • Plus a goldmine of proven profit making and sales boosting strategies from many other top sales and marketing experts. You can download a no cost copy of this amazing new marketing resource by going here and registering now...