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To:	        Dr.	Leonard	

From:	      Stephanie	Singleton

Date:	      June	29,	2011

Subject:	   Get	There	User	Case	

This	memo	contain	storyboards,	personas,	user	cases,	wireframes,	and	device	details	for	the	Get	There	

Get	There		helps	you	save	time.	Just	put	in	all	your	task	for	the	day,	and	Get	There	maps	out	the	quickest	
route	for	all	your	task.	It	doesn’t	just	show	you	the	quickest	route	for	a	single	destination	but	it	takes	into	
account	all	your	destinations	and	to	create	the	path.	Need	to	customize	your	route?	You	can	prioritize	
your	task	based	on	time	and	importance.

Once	you	finish	with		your	current		destination,	simply	click	next	destination	to	continue	on	your	route.	
Get	There	saves	your	route	for	you.	If	your	next	destination	has	a	time	constraint,	Get	There	will	notify	
you	when	the	deadline	is	approaching.	Based	on	your	GPS	location	and	the	time	of	the	next	task,	Get	
There	calculates	what	time	you	need	to	hit	the	road.

Simply	need	to	keep	up	with	tasks?	Create	a	list	in	Get	There	and	it	will	notify	you	when	you	are	in	the	
vicinity	of	one	of	your	task.	Need	to	get	a	key	made	at	Home	Depot?	Get	There	will	notify	you	when	you	
are	near	Home	Depot.	Need	to	pick	up	your	dry	cleaning?	Enter	the	business	name	and	next	time	you	
are	in	the	area	Get	There	will	notify	you.	It	is	a	navigation	based	application	that	takes	your	to-do	list	and	
schedule	into	mind.

Device Uses
Get	There	provides	user	with	a	more	effective	way	to	run	errands.	Users	inform	the	application	of	the	
different	tasks	they	need	to	perform	with	the	option	of	including	prioritizes	such	as	time	and	importance	
to	customize	their	route.	Get	There	then	provides	a	map	of	all	their	task	and	the	best	route	to	take	to	
accomplish	each.	With	this	application,	users	can	find	the	most	efficient	way	to	reach	their	destination	
while	factoring	in	their	other	task.	Get	There	will	eliminate	wasted	time	and	gas.	Users	can	organize	their	
errands,	to-do	list,	tasks	and	destinations.	This	application	will	allow	users	to	focus	on	other	things	while	
letting	their	device	direct	them	to	the	next	location.	Get	There	is	like	having	a	virtual	assistant	in	their	
Target Audience
Get	There	will	be	for	users	who	are	busy	occasionally	or	everyday.	Users	that	benefit	from	making	list,	
using	navigation,	and	organizing	their	life	will	benefit	from	Get	There.		It	is	an	application	that	can	be	
used	for	the	user’s	work	and	personal	life.		It	is	for	the	forgetful	user,	the	user	that	wants	to	improve	
their	efficiency,	and	the	user	that	simply	loves	the	ease	applications	provide.

Device Class
The	device	class	you’re	targeting	and	OS	Since	this	is	a	navigation	based	application,	only	navigation	
ready	devices	would	be	able	to	facilitate	this	application.	This	application	will	be	created	for	the	Android	
Marketplace	and	then	considered	for	the	App	Store.	Initially	this	application	will	be	created	for	the	
Android	Marketplace	and	then	for	the	Apple	App	Store.	The	mockups	for	this	application	are	create	for	
the	Android	OS.

Screen size
A	screen	size	of	480x800	was	used	as	the	template	for	the	design,	the	most	popular	phone	dimensions	
for	the	Android	among	users.	This	is	currently	the	most	common	screen	size	used	in	the	Android	
Marketplace	(http://		Android	provides	a	
small,	normal,large,	and	extra-large	screen.		The	markup	was	created	with	the	dimensions	of	the	large	
size	phone	but	the	markup	will	be	adaptable	to	all	dimensions.	User	Flow	

Design dilemma
This	application	takes	pieces	from	current	applications	to	create	a	simple,	cohesive,	new	application.	
Get	There	borrows	from	navigation,	calendar,	and	to-do	list	applications.	Deciding	which	pieces	would	
work	together	to	help	the	user	complete	task	was	hard.	In	some	areas	,	new	pieces	had	to	be	introduced	
in	order	to	make	the	application	come	together	in	an	effective	way.	Looking	at	what	essential	parts	to	
keep	and	which	the	user	could	do	without	was	the	hardest	part.	To	create	a	simple	ease	of	use,	the	
application	had	to	remain	simple	while	still	encompassing	the	necessary	components.	

The	initiation	of	this	design	will	provide	users	with	a	easier	way	to	get	from	place	to	place	to	place.	Get	
There	is	a	user	centered	design	that	believes	in	constantly	improving	their	design	to	fit	the	user’s	needs.	
Look	forward	to	constant	updates	and	improvements.
Persona One: Alexis Parker, 24, Stanford, CA

Occupation: Full time Paralegal, Part time law stu-

Personality: Driven, motivated, social, organized

Lifestyle: Alexis Parker works hard to balances her career, school, and her social life. She spends
8 to 10 hours at work as a paralegal. The other half of her life she spends studying law at Stan-
ford. To keep her sane, Alexis makes time for the friends she’s meet at school.

Originally from Settle, she left her home to start school in California. Alexis makes trips home on
holidays to visit her family. If she is not working on school or work related business, she is out
socializing, trying new recipes, or traveling. She rarely gets a free moment to herself but when
she does she simply likes to relax and enjoy movies.

Technology: Alexis likes to have the newest gadgets but knows that technology changes quickly.
She only purchases the gadgets that she thinks are essential to her everyday life. She is too prac-
tical to spend money on the things she only wants. Instead she admires them from a distance.

She currently has a Droid. Her first smartphone was a Blackberry. She switched over because
she was curious about the apps on Android. Blackberry was too business oriented and she
needed a phone that satisfied all aspects of her life. She does, however, carry a Blackberry that
is issued to everyone at work. She only uses it for phone calls and emails.

Application needs: With Alexis busy schedule, it can be hard to organize her life. But it’s essen-
tial to Alexis to organize the various aspects of her life because without organization, she wastes
time. Alexis usually runs errands in various parts of the city. She finds herself often missing
destinations or driving in circles trying to complete all her task. Alexis needs an application that
organizes all her task for her. She also needs to prioritize certain task over others. Alexis would
also like the application to keep up with her to-do list and notify her when she’s approaching a
destination where she can accomplish her task. Often times she creates a to-do list without be-
ing able to finish all the task. This function would allow her to be more efficient.
Persona One’s Get There Scenario:

    Figure 1. Alexis needs help running errands after work
Figure 2. Alexis decides to use Get There to route her destinations
Figure 3. Alexis uses Get There to get all her errands done quickly and easily
Persona Two: Bradley Coogan, 37,
Atlanta, GA

Occupation: Full time Quality Systems

Personality: Fast learner, intelligent,
adaptive, dominant

Lifestyle: On a regular day Bradley
Coogan works 10 hours. Some days are longer. He is in his late 30’s and is one of the only young
professionals in his position. In college, Bradley worked to climb up the ladder of his company.
He never rest in excelling in his career.

When he’s not at work, he enjoys bowling with his friends and wife. He is a newly wed that
loves to travel with his wife. Him and his wife are very family oriented though they haven’t
started a family of their own yet. They split the holidays between both families.

Technology: Bradley stays on top of the latest technological advances. He loves reading Engad-
get and Android Central. He also reads reviews on the latest phones with Android OS as well as
keeping up with the competition. Bradley buys all the newest gadgets whether he needs them
or not.

He currently owns an HTC Thunderbolt. The world of smartphones is not a new one for him.
Bradley’s first smartphone was a WIndow’s phone that he brought while in college. Later he
switched over to Android because of the various apps and the faster processor. Bradley’s motto
is the faster the better.

Application needs: Bradley needs an application that can keep up with all the errands he runs
on a weekly bases. While he job doesn’t require him to be on the road often, there are times
when he has to meet with clients, and supervisors off campus. He would like an application that
can get him to his meetings while also alerting him of nearby restaurants and stores. Traditional
navigation allows him to complete this task but he would like to populate several entries at one
time. The traditional navigation does not allow him to find all the destinations he needs at once.
Persona Two’s Get There Scenario:

Bradley has a meeting with customers across town. Before the meeting, he has a dentist ap-
pointment. He uses Get There to navigate to his dentist appointment while setting up his next
location across town with location and time. Once he exits the dentist, he can load Get There
again to bring up his next destination. While driving towards his meeting, he realized he has a
little time and calls a friend that works in the area. Bradley gets the location of his friend’s job,
pulls up Get There and presses next destination. The application allows his to interrupt his cur-
rent route with the new directions. While visiting with his friend, a notification/alert appears
that reminds him that he needs to leave for his meeting. Get There finds his current location
and calculates how far he is from his next destination. Unlike other notification/alerts, Bradley
doesn’t have to calculate the time he needs to get to his destination because Get There does it
for him. After his meeting, Bradley then navigates his way home while including a few stops to
the local electronic store and the grocery store.

Get There will provide the on-the-go individual with a way to organize their life. Whether work,
school, personal, or special occasions, Get There will provides users with the quickest route to
their destination. It not only navigates the user but allows them to combine their calendar and
to-do list into one application.

Design Table of Contents
Release ten

User Flows

	          User	Flow	1:	Create	a	list	with	customized eleven

	          User	Flow	1:	Create	a	list	with	customized	reminder	with	Location	not	found twelve

           User	Flow	2:	Create	a	trip	with	time/date thirteen

	          User	Case	2:	Create	a	trip	with	time/date	constraints	Destination	not	saved fourteen


	          Home	page	wireframe fifteen

           Add	Task	input sixteen

	          New	trip	main	page seventeen

	          Trip	map eighteen
Release Notes
Install	version	1.0	of	Get	There	at	the	Android	Market	by	going	to	in	your	
web	browser	or	through	the	application	on	your	Android	phone.	

Changes Version 1.1
Added	action	bar	with	search	feature	

Removed	search	map	button	on	Home	page	

Added	function	to	hard	key	buttons	(search,	back,	and	menu)

Added	instructions	for	touch	and	drop	to	New	Task	page	

Added	examples	to	“Where”	and	“What”	fields	of	Add	Task	page	for	clarification	

Changed	“Hold	Destination”	to	“Pause	Trip”	on	Alert	box	of	Trip	Map	page	

Removed	“Pause	Trip”	from	alert	button	to	allow	application	to	automatically	pause	trip

Removed	“Home”	button	from	hard	key	menu	and	placed	it	in	action	bar

Added	“Find	me”	button	to	hard	key	menu	

Changed	“Reminder”	on	‘Add	task	page’	to	“Timer”

Changed	“Email	Trip”	to	“Share	Trip”

Changed	numerical	values	from	task	buttons	to	stationary	numerical	values	

Changed	“Add	Destination”	to	“Edit	Trip”	

Version 1.0
Below	is	a	list	of	features	for	Get	There.	

     •																	Finds	the	quick	route	for	up	to	7	destinations
     •																	Helps	users	organize	their	task	list	based	on	specific	time	and	importance
     •																	Provides	the	most	efficient	route	for	multiple	destinations
     •		 	             Send	trips	or	lists	through	email	
     •		 	             Hold	space	in	destination	to	quickly	return	to	trip
     •																	Notifies	user	of	upcoming	appointments
     •																	Allows	uses	to	create	To-do	list	that	will	alert	them	when	they	are	near	a			   												 	
       		              destination	on	their	list	

                                                                                                                Page 10
                                    Open Get              Click Create    Click Add      Type task 
                                    There                 List            Task           location into 
                                    application                                          Where field  

                                   Select                 Type task       Select Add      Click Done to 
                                   correct                performed       Reminder to     save task  
                                   location               into What       customize  
                                   from options           field

    User Flow 1: Create a list with customized reminder

                                                                                                           Page 11
                                    Open Get              Click Create           Click Add                 Type task 
                                    There                 List                   Task                      location into 
                                    application                                                            Where field  

                                                                                                         Location not 
                                                                                                         redefine search

                      Select                 Type task            Select Add            Click Done to 
                      correct                performed            Reminder to           save task  
                      location               into What            customize  
                      from                   field

    User Flow 1: Create a list with customized reminder with 
    Location not found error  

                                                                                                                            Page 12
                                    Open Get                Click Create    Click Add        Type task 
                                    There                   Trip            Destination      location into 
                                    application                                              Where field  

                                    Select                  Type task       Select Add        Click Done to 
                                    correct                 performed       Time/Date         save 
                                    location                into What       to customize      destination 
                                    from options            field

                                    Repeat steps            Return to       Click Create      Wait for Get 
                                    until                   Add             Trip              There to 
                                    destinations            Destination                       calculate 
                                    are entered             screen                            your trip

    User Flow 2: Create a trip with time/date constraints

                                                                                                               Page 13
                                     Open Get                Click Create                Click Add              Type task 
                                     There                   Trip                        Destination            location into 
                                     application                                                                Where field  
                                    Select                   Type task                                           Click Done to 
                                                                                         Select Add
                                    correct                  performed                   Time/Date               save 
                                    location                 into What                   to customize            destination 
                                    from options             field
                                        If task still does                Re‐enter task                   Destination does 
                                       not save restart                                                   not save in trip list 
                                       task or report to 
                                   Repeat steps             Return to                     Click Create             Wait for 
                                   until                    Add                           Trip                     Get There 
                                   destinations             Destination                                            to calculate 
                                   are entered              screen                                                 your trip
  User Case 2: Create a trip with time/date constraints Destination not saved error 

                                                                                                                                   Page 14
Page 15
Page 16
Page 17
Page 18

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Singleton week 4 project

  • 1. Memorandum To: Dr. Leonard From: Stephanie Singleton Date: June 29, 2011 Subject: Get There User Case This memo contain storyboards, personas, user cases, wireframes, and device details for the Get There application. Description Get There helps you save time. Just put in all your task for the day, and Get There maps out the quickest route for all your task. It doesn’t just show you the quickest route for a single destination but it takes into account all your destinations and to create the path. Need to customize your route? You can prioritize your task based on time and importance. Once you finish with your current destination, simply click next destination to continue on your route. Get There saves your route for you. If your next destination has a time constraint, Get There will notify you when the deadline is approaching. Based on your GPS location and the time of the next task, Get There calculates what time you need to hit the road. Simply need to keep up with tasks? Create a list in Get There and it will notify you when you are in the vicinity of one of your task. Need to get a key made at Home Depot? Get There will notify you when you are near Home Depot. Need to pick up your dry cleaning? Enter the business name and next time you are in the area Get There will notify you. It is a navigation based application that takes your to-do list and schedule into mind. Device Uses Get There provides user with a more effective way to run errands. Users inform the application of the different tasks they need to perform with the option of including prioritizes such as time and importance to customize their route. Get There then provides a map of all their task and the best route to take to accomplish each. With this application, users can find the most efficient way to reach their destination while factoring in their other task. Get There will eliminate wasted time and gas. Users can organize their errands, to-do list, tasks and destinations. This application will allow users to focus on other things while letting their device direct them to the next location. Get There is like having a virtual assistant in their pocket.
  • 2. Target Audience Get There will be for users who are busy occasionally or everyday. Users that benefit from making list, using navigation, and organizing their life will benefit from Get There. It is an application that can be used for the user’s work and personal life. It is for the forgetful user, the user that wants to improve their efficiency, and the user that simply loves the ease applications provide. Device Class The device class you’re targeting and OS Since this is a navigation based application, only navigation ready devices would be able to facilitate this application. This application will be created for the Android Marketplace and then considered for the App Store. Initially this application will be created for the Android Marketplace and then for the Apple App Store. The mockups for this application are create for the Android OS. Screen size A screen size of 480x800 was used as the template for the design, the most popular phone dimensions for the Android among users. This is currently the most common screen size used in the Android Marketplace (http:// Android provides a small, normal,large, and extra-large screen. The markup was created with the dimensions of the large size phone but the markup will be adaptable to all dimensions. User Flow Design dilemma This application takes pieces from current applications to create a simple, cohesive, new application. Get There borrows from navigation, calendar, and to-do list applications. Deciding which pieces would work together to help the user complete task was hard. In some areas , new pieces had to be introduced in order to make the application come together in an effective way. Looking at what essential parts to keep and which the user could do without was the hardest part. To create a simple ease of use, the application had to remain simple while still encompassing the necessary components. The initiation of this design will provide users with a easier way to get from place to place to place. Get There is a user centered design that believes in constantly improving their design to fit the user’s needs. Look forward to constant updates and improvements.
  • 3. Persona One: Alexis Parker, 24, Stanford, CA Occupation: Full time Paralegal, Part time law stu- dent Personality: Driven, motivated, social, organized Lifestyle: Alexis Parker works hard to balances her career, school, and her social life. She spends 8 to 10 hours at work as a paralegal. The other half of her life she spends studying law at Stan- ford. To keep her sane, Alexis makes time for the friends she’s meet at school. Originally from Settle, she left her home to start school in California. Alexis makes trips home on holidays to visit her family. If she is not working on school or work related business, she is out socializing, trying new recipes, or traveling. She rarely gets a free moment to herself but when she does she simply likes to relax and enjoy movies. Technology: Alexis likes to have the newest gadgets but knows that technology changes quickly. She only purchases the gadgets that she thinks are essential to her everyday life. She is too prac- tical to spend money on the things she only wants. Instead she admires them from a distance. She currently has a Droid. Her first smartphone was a Blackberry. She switched over because she was curious about the apps on Android. Blackberry was too business oriented and she needed a phone that satisfied all aspects of her life. She does, however, carry a Blackberry that is issued to everyone at work. She only uses it for phone calls and emails. Application needs: With Alexis busy schedule, it can be hard to organize her life. But it’s essen- tial to Alexis to organize the various aspects of her life because without organization, she wastes time. Alexis usually runs errands in various parts of the city. She finds herself often missing destinations or driving in circles trying to complete all her task. Alexis needs an application that organizes all her task for her. She also needs to prioritize certain task over others. Alexis would also like the application to keep up with her to-do list and notify her when she’s approaching a destination where she can accomplish her task. Often times she creates a to-do list without be- ing able to finish all the task. This function would allow her to be more efficient.
  • 4. Persona One’s Get There Scenario: Figure 1. Alexis needs help running errands after work
  • 5. Figure 2. Alexis decides to use Get There to route her destinations
  • 6. Figure 3. Alexis uses Get There to get all her errands done quickly and easily
  • 7. Persona Two: Bradley Coogan, 37, Atlanta, GA Occupation: Full time Quality Systems manager Personality: Fast learner, intelligent, adaptive, dominant Lifestyle: On a regular day Bradley Coogan works 10 hours. Some days are longer. He is in his late 30’s and is one of the only young professionals in his position. In college, Bradley worked to climb up the ladder of his company. He never rest in excelling in his career. When he’s not at work, he enjoys bowling with his friends and wife. He is a newly wed that loves to travel with his wife. Him and his wife are very family oriented though they haven’t started a family of their own yet. They split the holidays between both families. Technology: Bradley stays on top of the latest technological advances. He loves reading Engad- get and Android Central. He also reads reviews on the latest phones with Android OS as well as keeping up with the competition. Bradley buys all the newest gadgets whether he needs them or not. He currently owns an HTC Thunderbolt. The world of smartphones is not a new one for him. Bradley’s first smartphone was a WIndow’s phone that he brought while in college. Later he switched over to Android because of the various apps and the faster processor. Bradley’s motto is the faster the better. Application needs: Bradley needs an application that can keep up with all the errands he runs on a weekly bases. While he job doesn’t require him to be on the road often, there are times when he has to meet with clients, and supervisors off campus. He would like an application that can get him to his meetings while also alerting him of nearby restaurants and stores. Traditional navigation allows him to complete this task but he would like to populate several entries at one time. The traditional navigation does not allow him to find all the destinations he needs at once.
  • 8. Persona Two’s Get There Scenario: Bradley has a meeting with customers across town. Before the meeting, he has a dentist ap- pointment. He uses Get There to navigate to his dentist appointment while setting up his next location across town with location and time. Once he exits the dentist, he can load Get There again to bring up his next destination. While driving towards his meeting, he realized he has a little time and calls a friend that works in the area. Bradley gets the location of his friend’s job, pulls up Get There and presses next destination. The application allows his to interrupt his cur- rent route with the new directions. While visiting with his friend, a notification/alert appears that reminds him that he needs to leave for his meeting. Get There finds his current location and calculates how far he is from his next destination. Unlike other notification/alerts, Bradley doesn’t have to calculate the time he needs to get to his destination because Get There does it for him. After his meeting, Bradley then navigates his way home while including a few stops to the local electronic store and the grocery store. Conclusion Get There will provide the on-the-go individual with a way to organize their life. Whether work, school, personal, or special occasions, Get There will provides users with the quickest route to their destination. It not only navigates the user but allows them to combine their calendar and to-do list into one application. /SS
  • 9. Design Table of Contents Release ten User Flows User Flow 1: Create a list with customized eleven User Flow 1: Create a list with customized reminder with Location not found twelve User Flow 2: Create a trip with time/date thirteen User Case 2: Create a trip with time/date constraints Destination not saved fourteen Wireframes Home page wireframe fifteen Add Task input sixteen New trip main page seventeen Trip map eighteen
  • 10. Release Notes Installing Install version 1.0 of Get There at the Android Market by going to in your web browser or through the application on your Android phone. Changes Version 1.1 Added action bar with search feature Removed search map button on Home page Added function to hard key buttons (search, back, and menu) Added instructions for touch and drop to New Task page Added examples to “Where” and “What” fields of Add Task page for clarification Changed “Hold Destination” to “Pause Trip” on Alert box of Trip Map page Removed “Pause Trip” from alert button to allow application to automatically pause trip Removed “Home” button from hard key menu and placed it in action bar Added “Find me” button to hard key menu Changed “Reminder” on ‘Add task page’ to “Timer” Changed “Email Trip” to “Share Trip” Changed numerical values from task buttons to stationary numerical values Changed “Add Destination” to “Edit Trip” Version 1.0 Below is a list of features for Get There. • Finds the quick route for up to 7 destinations • Helps users organize their task list based on specific time and importance • Provides the most efficient route for multiple destinations • Send trips or lists through email • Hold space in destination to quickly return to trip • Notifies user of upcoming appointments • Allows uses to create To-do list that will alert them when they are near a destination on their list Page 10
  • 11.      Open Get  Click Create  Click Add  Type task    There  List  Task  location into  application  Where field   Select  Type task  Select Add  Click Done to  correct  performed  Reminder to  save task   location  into What  customize   from options field User Flow 1: Create a list with customized reminder Page 11
  • 12.      Open Get  Click Create  Click Add  Type task    There  List  Task  location into  application  Where field   Location not  found   Solution:  redefine search Select  Type task  Select Add  Click Done to  correct  performed  Reminder to  save task   location  into What  customize   from  field User Flow 1: Create a list with customized reminder with  Location not found error   Page 12
  • 13.      Open Get  Click Create  Click Add  Type task    There  Trip  Destination  location into  application  Where field   Select  Type task  Select Add Click Done to  correct  performed  Time/Date  save  location  into What  to customize   destination  from options field Repeat steps  Return to  Click Create  Wait for Get  until  Add  Trip   There to  destinations  Destination  calculate  are entered screen your trip User Flow 2: Create a trip with time/date constraints Page 13
  • 14.      Open Get  Click Create  Click Add  Type task    There  Trip  Destination  location into    application  Where field               Select  Type task  Click Done to  Select Add   correct  performed  Time/Date  save    location  into What  to customize   destination    from options field         If task still does  Re‐enter task  Destination does    not save restart  not save in trip list    task or report to    Help          Repeat steps  Return to  Click Create  Wait for    until  Add  Trip   Get There    destinations  Destination  to calculate    are entered screen your trip     User Case 2: Create a trip with time/date constraints Destination not saved error    Page 14