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Singapore Airlines Case Study
(Student paper)
Singapore Airlines was created in 1972 following a separation
from Malaysian Airlines. In the wake of reorganization,
Singapore Airlines undertook aggressive growth, investing and
trading to maximize profitability and expand market share.
Through this change, a new company philosophy emerged,
“Success or failure is largely dictated by the quality of service
it provides” (Wyckoff, 1989). By reinventing the company
infrastructure and introducing new initiatives focused on
excellence in customer service, Singapore Airlines became a
global leader in the service industry, elevating existing
standards among competitors.Evaluation of Workforce
Management Program
The strategy widely utilized by Singapore Airlines to ensure
differentiation in an increasingly competitive market was its
attention to in-flight service. “Good flight service [was]
important in its own right and is a reflection of attention to
detail throughout the airline” (Wyckoff, 1989). This statement
perpetuated the belief that excellence in service was directly
tied to the careful selection and individual performance of in-
flight crews charged with the responsibility of fulfilling the
needs of individual passengers and exuding the levels of service
demanded by the organization. Applicants destined to work as
flight stewards were drawn from a very young population,
typically spanning the ages of 18-25 years of age with high
school equivalency against the English system of education.
Selection of applications was competitive largely due to the
degree of skill, poise, and experience required of its candidates.
These policies led to the on-boarding of a highly skilled and
youthful workforce with positive attitudes and a willingness to
be trained. Critique of this approach revealed several
disadvantages. The most significant being the potential for
greater turnover when hiring a younger population as opposed
to an older, more experienced crew. Experience alone would
play some role in the development of new employees, as greater
experience would bring greater poise and confidence. However,
in light of the predominant population Singapore Airlines
catered to, a younger in-flight crew would remedy the
awkwardness likely to be encountered by older clients being
served by older crew members. In addition, a younger crew
would likely be more accepting of new procedures and less
cynical of the requirements of employment.
In light of the young demographic most desired in this role,
recruitment, training and “conversion” processes were both
stringent and comprehensive. All aspects of in-flight service,
including training related to terminology, amenities and food
preparation were provided in great detail, as were training for
emergency preparedness and response to every potential
scenario encountered in the air and on the ground. Formalized
on-boarding, training and continued development were the
hallmarks of the comprehensive workforce program. Even well
into a crew member’s employment, on-going training and
cyclical evaluation provided a mechanism for employees to be
aware of individual performance and gain exposure to methods
of continuous improvement. With an on-going plan of
evaluation, communication, and development, the workforce
was well-positioned for high levels of performance and quality
Though it would seem that Singapore Airlines’ work
management program suited the organization well, it greatly
narrowed the pool of applicants and kept many, well-qualified
and experienced candidates from positions that would create
diversity among the largely homogeneous workforce and place
the organization in a better position to serve populations whose
ethnic origins were not of Asian descent. If the organization
aims to be the leader in an increasingly global marketplace, the
workforce must mirror the diverse needs and perceptions of the
greater population.
Advertising Campaign
Singapore Airlines is known in the airline industry for its
quality of service. This emphasis on customer service and
customer satisfaction is largely reflective of the Asian culture
for which the company embodies. Attention to detail,
impeccable presentation, and care for others are traits
synonymous with countries of Asian heritage. Similarly, Asian
countries revere conservatism, organization and hierarchy
(Allik, n.d.) so, it would follow that young Asian individuals
demonstrate the same gracious, caring behaviors to others. The
expectation of “gentle, courteous service” is consistent with
these norms and with the approaches taken by the organization.
So much are these standards and stereotypes linked to Asian
culture and the epitome of service, that the symbol applied to
the airline is that of a young Asian woman. This image is
resoundingly more beguiling and traditional, recognized by
nearly 50% of consumers over typical marketing imparted by
competitors, with a marginal recognition of 9.6%. In light of the
positive impact and recognition of the existing marketing
campaign, it was considered advisable to retain the current
marketing strategy.
Systems for Measuring Service Quality
Singapore Airlines has two primary components involved in
measuring service quality. The first is a system to measure
customer complaints and compliments for every 10,000
passengers. The second measurement is a comparative rating of
airline services prepared by the International Research
Associates (INRA).
The first component, customers’ complaints and compliments,
stayed relatively the same despite rapid organizational
expansion. This type of analysis has shown a generally high
satisfaction level, but could be skewed due to the vast areas the
complaints and compliments could cover; from ticket sales and
baggage areas to in-flight crews. To address this concern the
complaints were split between the areas. However, to get an
accurate barometer of customer satisfaction, it was
recommended that the airline conduct routine surveys of
customers. Often, customers submitting comments fell into one
of two categories; those having complaints or those having
The second component to gauge customer satisfaction involved
the INRA surveys. The airline executives paid particular
attention to these scores as they indicated levels of satisfaction
among the general consumer population and identified areas
requiring continuous improvement. In 1973 Singapore Airlines
scored 68, in 1974 the company scored 74 and in 1979 they
scored 78. The scores of 39 other airlines demonstrated that two
other competitors, Cathy Pacific and Thai International, were
improving rapidly. This provided one indicator of competitive
advantage. In order for Singapore Airlines to stay ahead of their
competitors they would need to evaluate their position against
industry leaders and determine if changes would be needed to
stay competitive, particularly with respect to customer service
and customer satisfaction (Wyckoff, 1989).
Plan to Introduce Slot Machines
Singapore Airlines has responded to many changes in order to
differentiate itself within an increasingly competitive market
place. One responsive action was to remove sleepers, replacing
them with a business class section. Reactions from consumers
were less than favorable. The move strayed from what
consumers came to expect of elite levels of customer service,
which were in large part, due to the attention paid to the
personal needs of its elite customers. Although intended to be
innovative and distinctive, the inclusion of slot machines on
transatlantic flights was another idea met with considerable
consumer dissatisfaction. While potentially generating a new
stream of revenue, the idea only worked to incite passengers
with a new category of charges. In addition to generating cost
for the consumer, the machines took valuable space away from
seats and posed problems in light of weight restrictions (Time,
1981). These changes only compounded issues and introduced
new problems such as the potential for in-flight injury, rather
than improving in-flight services. While there was some
opportunity for revenue, initially, the gains would last for a
season and were not expected to extend out into the long-term.
The Singapore Airlines Case Study highlights both effective as
well as ineffective management approaches within the company.
The subsequent analysis and evaluation of company operations
and strategies offer a compelling glimpse of organizational
design and leadership amid change, as well as provide a
platform for future discussions of organizational development
and change management. Group evaluation of organizational
design, organizational decision-making, and organizational
process at Singapore Airlines yielded some recommendations
for new approaches to address complaints, become more
mainstream in an increasingly diverse market space, and
become more innovative without losing sight of the customer
service focus that has made Singapore Airlines so successful.
30.0 %Case study assesses the readiness of the health care
organization or network in addressing the health care needs of
citizens in the next decade
10.0 %Case study includes a strategic plan that addresses issues
pertaining to network growth
10.0 %Case study includes a strategic plan that addresses issues
pertaining to nurse staffing
10.0 %Case study includes a strategic plan that addresses issues
pertaining to patient satisfaction
10.0 %Case study includes a strategic plan that addresses issues
pertaining to resource management
“Global Issues, Challenges, and Conflicts in the World of
Overview of the Analytical Report
This report requires conducting research, collecting viable
source material, reporting gathered information, and compiling
it into a visually-enhanced report with the expected front matter
and end matter (A Concise Guide to Technical Communication,
Chapter 12 -- specifically pages 267-282).
Description of Assignment
Select an event somehow related to a field of study that is of
interest to you as your starting point of investigation for this
report. The topic you select is thus to be an industry-related
event involving possible ethical workplace infractions,
misconduct, conflicts, etc. You will examine a particular
issue/event to determine what caused the ensuing
problem/conflict. And, finally, you will offer recommendations
to ensure a similar incident does not reoccur.
Possible Workplace Issues to Investigate for the Analytical
· Instances of workplace violence
· Unionization
· Outsourcing
· Case of sexual harassment
· Mishandling of finances
· Insider trading
· Poor and/or dangerous working conditions
· Unfair/illegal hiring practices,
· Unfair/unethical/illegal termination practices
· Product recalls
The “Long Report” section of Chapter 12, in A Concise Guide
to Technical Communication, describes the types of situations
that typically lead to this kind of investigation and reporting.
Three types of analytical reports are discussed: “causal
analysis” (Why does X happen?), “comparative analysis” (Is X
or Y better for our needs?), and “feasibility analysis” (Is this a
good idea?). Your report should develop from one of these
three approaches. A model report appears in Chapter 12 (Figure
12.9 – pages276-282). Your report should look similar to this
Guidelines for the Three Optional Analyses
These three approaches reflect different purposes, require
different data to be collected, and result in different structures
for organizing information in the report. For example, “causal”
investigates why the event happened, isolating immediate and
ultimate factors. “Comparative analysis” contrasts similar
events to determine what differs in the factors or circumstances
leading to the event and its outcome. “Feasibility” examines
whether a proposed course of action is realistic or desirable,
often contrasting several optional courses of action to argue in
favor of one or another. No matter which type of analysis is
chosen, the analytical report contains common features that lead
to a set of conclusions and recommendations that grow logically
out of the data.
· A “Causal Analysis” using Davis-Besse might investigate the
causes of the corrosion that had built up without detection.
Such investigations look beyond the superficial and obvious
answers in an attempt to determine how the situation came to
happen, with the intent being to prevent similar situations from
occurring in the future. NRC and First Energy Corporation
have prepared reports, as have other groups. Reading through
these several reports, you will – as informed engineers and
managers – identify the mostlikely causes, and from the causes,
recommend a specific course of action. Your recommendation
must consider what these several groups have suggested, and
what the strengths and flaws in their different approaches are.
Finally, your recommendation must put forth an intelligent
approach that goes beyond merely restating what others have
· A “Comparative Analysis” using Davis-Besse could contrast
alternative plans for correcting the problem associated with
corrosion in reactor heads, alternative energy sources, or
alternative oversight responsibilities. You would then discuss
the benefits of each plan, after establishing categories by which
to compare them (such as “financial,” “long-term,” “short-
term,” “public support,” etc
). Or, you might contrast Davis-
Besse with nuclear power plants of a similar vintage to
determine what structural or operating problems have occurred
at others. A third possibility might be to compare nuclear
power plants built at the same time as Davis-Besse with newer
plants to determine what design or operations’ changes have
been made and why. These are only some of the possible types
of comparisons you could investigate and report.
· A “Feasibility Analysis” using Davis-Besse would examine
proposed courses of action to build solid explanations as to why
one particular course of action should have previously been
taken, or should now be taken. For example, you might
“justify” why Davis-Besse personnel were unable to detect the
problem earlier, though the NRC identified several “missed
opportunities.” Or you might want to justify why First Energy’s
decision to replace the impaired reactor head with the never-
operated head from Midland, Michigan, was the correct
decision. You might want to justify why the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission recommended a new replacement head.
You might want to justify – citing Davis-Besse information –
the continued use of older nuclear power plants, especially in
light of the expiration of forty-year operating license.
Research (“Data Collection”)
Information (“secondary sources”) for this report must come
from relevant, reliable, current sources (reports prepared by
companies, academics, government agencies, and private
organizations). In keeping with research guidelines, anticipate
biases and be able to account for them. Thus, read informed
opinions of different experts in the field who publish in
professional journals, as well as comments and responses of
community leaders published in national and international news
sources. You may want to locate information printed in
newsletters of organizations, public agencies, or community
action groups. You must also collect information first hand
(“primary sources”) by interviewing someone, distributing a
survey, conducting a mini poll, or via an email posting. These
two types of information – primary and secondary – will need to
be summarized, paraphrased, quoted, analyzed, and interpreted
within your report. Locate relevant information from a
minimum of 4 different and reputable secondarysources,
including professional journals, dissertation abstracts,
conference proceedings, online databases, international news
sources, or textbooks. Collect relevant information from a
minimum of 1 primary source.
(Completed report should be approximately 16 pages: the
BODY of the report should comprise approximately 8 of those
total pages; the remaining pages are made up of the indicated
front matter and end matter.)
1. Letter of Transmittal (page 272). As indicated, this is an
actual business letter. It is written to the readers of your Report,
as a way to introduce yourself and your subject matter. It should
include a BRIEF summary of your Report’s content. It should
also include the appropriate heading and closing material. It
should be no longer than 1 page.
2. Cover or Title Page (page 272, and sample -- page 276).
3. Descriptive Abstract/Executive Summary (page 272-273, and
sample -- page 276). As shown in the sample, this is a brief
summary of the main content of your report. It should be no
longer than 1 page. *It contains basically the same summary
material included in your letter of transmittal – just written in
‘stand-alone’ format (rather than letter format).
4. Table of Contents (page 272, and sample – page 276).
5. Body (pages 269-271, and sample – pages 277-281).
6. Conclusions (page 271, and sample -- page 281).
7. Recommendations. (These are usually incorporated into the
8. Graphs, Charts, Illustrations (throughout report).
9. Appendix (or Appendices), (page 273) – which MAY include
any of the following (depending on the PURPOSE and
AUDIENCE of YOUR report):
primary sources
*Refer to Little, Brown Compact Handbook (or a similar
reference guide) for MLA and APA formatting information.
** The final Report is due by 5pm, Friday of Finals Week.
Additional Notes:
· As you work on this Project, I want you to imagine that you
are preparing this Report for a committee of readers that is
comprised of administrators, managers, upper-level officials of
a company that is interested in your subject matter. They hope
to improve an aspect of their company’s working environment,
and have asked for help in accomplishing that goal. To that end,
you have prepared this Report. Because this committee is made
up of several very busy professionals, it is imperative that you
grab their attention (both individually and collectively) right
away. This does not have to be an ACTUAL company and
committee; you may create all of that – for the purpose of this
· In order to immediately grab the attention of your readers, you
must make sure that your Report is VISUALLY APPEALING
AND ACCESSIBLE. Utilize white-space. Make sure to spread
your text out: use bullet-points, incorporate pictures, graphs,
etc. into the body of your text. Basically, do not completely fill
your pages with written text.
· Effectively use visual text – in order to support and strengthen
the purpose of your Report, and to make it interesting to look
· Remember: How your Report looks is almost as important as
what your Report says.

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  • 1. Singapore Airlines Case Study (Student paper) Singapore Airlines was created in 1972 following a separation from Malaysian Airlines. In the wake of reorganization, Singapore Airlines undertook aggressive growth, investing and trading to maximize profitability and expand market share. Through this change, a new company philosophy emerged, “Success or failure is largely dictated by the quality of service it provides” (Wyckoff, 1989). By reinventing the company infrastructure and introducing new initiatives focused on excellence in customer service, Singapore Airlines became a global leader in the service industry, elevating existing standards among competitors.Evaluation of Workforce Management Program The strategy widely utilized by Singapore Airlines to ensure differentiation in an increasingly competitive market was its attention to in-flight service. “Good flight service [was] important in its own right and is a reflection of attention to detail throughout the airline” (Wyckoff, 1989). This statement perpetuated the belief that excellence in service was directly tied to the careful selection and individual performance of in- flight crews charged with the responsibility of fulfilling the needs of individual passengers and exuding the levels of service demanded by the organization. Applicants destined to work as flight stewards were drawn from a very young population, typically spanning the ages of 18-25 years of age with high school equivalency against the English system of education. Selection of applications was competitive largely due to the degree of skill, poise, and experience required of its candidates. These policies led to the on-boarding of a highly skilled and youthful workforce with positive attitudes and a willingness to be trained. Critique of this approach revealed several disadvantages. The most significant being the potential for greater turnover when hiring a younger population as opposed
  • 2. to an older, more experienced crew. Experience alone would play some role in the development of new employees, as greater experience would bring greater poise and confidence. However, in light of the predominant population Singapore Airlines catered to, a younger in-flight crew would remedy the awkwardness likely to be encountered by older clients being served by older crew members. In addition, a younger crew would likely be more accepting of new procedures and less cynical of the requirements of employment. In light of the young demographic most desired in this role, recruitment, training and “conversion” processes were both stringent and comprehensive. All aspects of in-flight service, including training related to terminology, amenities and food preparation were provided in great detail, as were training for emergency preparedness and response to every potential scenario encountered in the air and on the ground. Formalized on-boarding, training and continued development were the hallmarks of the comprehensive workforce program. Even well into a crew member’s employment, on-going training and cyclical evaluation provided a mechanism for employees to be aware of individual performance and gain exposure to methods of continuous improvement. With an on-going plan of evaluation, communication, and development, the workforce was well-positioned for high levels of performance and quality improvements. Though it would seem that Singapore Airlines’ work management program suited the organization well, it greatly narrowed the pool of applicants and kept many, well-qualified and experienced candidates from positions that would create diversity among the largely homogeneous workforce and place the organization in a better position to serve populations whose ethnic origins were not of Asian descent. If the organization aims to be the leader in an increasingly global marketplace, the workforce must mirror the diverse needs and perceptions of the greater population.
  • 3. Advertising Campaign Singapore Airlines is known in the airline industry for its quality of service. This emphasis on customer service and customer satisfaction is largely reflective of the Asian culture for which the company embodies. Attention to detail, impeccable presentation, and care for others are traits synonymous with countries of Asian heritage. Similarly, Asian countries revere conservatism, organization and hierarchy (Allik, n.d.) so, it would follow that young Asian individuals demonstrate the same gracious, caring behaviors to others. The expectation of “gentle, courteous service” is consistent with these norms and with the approaches taken by the organization. So much are these standards and stereotypes linked to Asian culture and the epitome of service, that the symbol applied to the airline is that of a young Asian woman. This image is resoundingly more beguiling and traditional, recognized by nearly 50% of consumers over typical marketing imparted by competitors, with a marginal recognition of 9.6%. In light of the positive impact and recognition of the existing marketing campaign, it was considered advisable to retain the current marketing strategy. Systems for Measuring Service Quality Singapore Airlines has two primary components involved in measuring service quality. The first is a system to measure customer complaints and compliments for every 10,000 passengers. The second measurement is a comparative rating of airline services prepared by the International Research Associates (INRA). The first component, customers’ complaints and compliments, stayed relatively the same despite rapid organizational expansion. This type of analysis has shown a generally high satisfaction level, but could be skewed due to the vast areas the complaints and compliments could cover; from ticket sales and baggage areas to in-flight crews. To address this concern the complaints were split between the areas. However, to get an
  • 4. accurate barometer of customer satisfaction, it was recommended that the airline conduct routine surveys of customers. Often, customers submitting comments fell into one of two categories; those having complaints or those having compliments. The second component to gauge customer satisfaction involved the INRA surveys. The airline executives paid particular attention to these scores as they indicated levels of satisfaction among the general consumer population and identified areas requiring continuous improvement. In 1973 Singapore Airlines scored 68, in 1974 the company scored 74 and in 1979 they scored 78. The scores of 39 other airlines demonstrated that two other competitors, Cathy Pacific and Thai International, were improving rapidly. This provided one indicator of competitive advantage. In order for Singapore Airlines to stay ahead of their competitors they would need to evaluate their position against industry leaders and determine if changes would be needed to stay competitive, particularly with respect to customer service and customer satisfaction (Wyckoff, 1989). Plan to Introduce Slot Machines Singapore Airlines has responded to many changes in order to differentiate itself within an increasingly competitive market place. One responsive action was to remove sleepers, replacing them with a business class section. Reactions from consumers were less than favorable. The move strayed from what consumers came to expect of elite levels of customer service, which were in large part, due to the attention paid to the personal needs of its elite customers. Although intended to be innovative and distinctive, the inclusion of slot machines on transatlantic flights was another idea met with considerable consumer dissatisfaction. While potentially generating a new stream of revenue, the idea only worked to incite passengers with a new category of charges. In addition to generating cost for the consumer, the machines took valuable space away from seats and posed problems in light of weight restrictions (Time, 1981). These changes only compounded issues and introduced
  • 5. new problems such as the potential for in-flight injury, rather than improving in-flight services. While there was some opportunity for revenue, initially, the gains would last for a season and were not expected to extend out into the long-term. Conclusion The Singapore Airlines Case Study highlights both effective as well as ineffective management approaches within the company. The subsequent analysis and evaluation of company operations and strategies offer a compelling glimpse of organizational design and leadership amid change, as well as provide a platform for future discussions of organizational development and change management. Group evaluation of organizational design, organizational decision-making, and organizational process at Singapore Airlines yielded some recommendations for new approaches to address complaints, become more mainstream in an increasingly diverse market space, and become more innovative without losing sight of the customer service focus that has made Singapore Airlines so successful. RUBRIC 30.0 %Case study assesses the readiness of the health care organization or network in addressing the health care needs of citizens in the next decade 10.0 %Case study includes a strategic plan that addresses issues pertaining to network growth 10.0 %Case study includes a strategic plan that addresses issues pertaining to nurse staffing 10.0 %Case study includes a strategic plan that addresses issues pertaining to patient satisfaction 10.0 %Case study includes a strategic plan that addresses issues pertaining to resource management ENGLISH 2950 PROJECT #5
  • 6. ANALYTICAL REPORT “Global Issues, Challenges, and Conflicts in the World of Work” Overview of the Analytical Report This report requires conducting research, collecting viable source material, reporting gathered information, and compiling it into a visually-enhanced report with the expected front matter and end matter (A Concise Guide to Technical Communication, Chapter 12 -- specifically pages 267-282). Description of Assignment Select an event somehow related to a field of study that is of interest to you as your starting point of investigation for this report. The topic you select is thus to be an industry-related event involving possible ethical workplace infractions, misconduct, conflicts, etc. You will examine a particular issue/event to determine what caused the ensuing problem/conflict. And, finally, you will offer recommendations to ensure a similar incident does not reoccur. Possible Workplace Issues to Investigate for the Analytical Report · Instances of workplace violence · Unionization · Outsourcing · Case of sexual harassment · Mishandling of finances · Insider trading · Poor and/or dangerous working conditions · Unfair/illegal hiring practices, · Unfair/unethical/illegal termination practices · Product recalls
  • 7. Analysis The “Long Report” section of Chapter 12, in A Concise Guide to Technical Communication, describes the types of situations that typically lead to this kind of investigation and reporting. Three types of analytical reports are discussed: “causal analysis” (Why does X happen?), “comparative analysis” (Is X or Y better for our needs?), and “feasibility analysis” (Is this a good idea?). Your report should develop from one of these three approaches. A model report appears in Chapter 12 (Figure 12.9 – pages276-282). Your report should look similar to this example. Guidelines for the Three Optional Analyses These three approaches reflect different purposes, require different data to be collected, and result in different structures for organizing information in the report. For example, “causal” investigates why the event happened, isolating immediate and ultimate factors. “Comparative analysis” contrasts similar events to determine what differs in the factors or circumstances leading to the event and its outcome. “Feasibility” examines whether a proposed course of action is realistic or desirable, often contrasting several optional courses of action to argue in favor of one or another. No matter which type of analysis is chosen, the analytical report contains common features that lead to a set of conclusions and recommendations that grow logically out of the data. · A “Causal Analysis” using Davis-Besse might investigate the causes of the corrosion that had built up without detection. Such investigations look beyond the superficial and obvious answers in an attempt to determine how the situation came to happen, with the intent being to prevent similar situations from
  • 8. occurring in the future. NRC and First Energy Corporation have prepared reports, as have other groups. Reading through these several reports, you will – as informed engineers and managers – identify the mostlikely causes, and from the causes, recommend a specific course of action. Your recommendation must consider what these several groups have suggested, and what the strengths and flaws in their different approaches are. Finally, your recommendation must put forth an intelligent approach that goes beyond merely restating what others have said. · A “Comparative Analysis” using Davis-Besse could contrast alternative plans for correcting the problem associated with corrosion in reactor heads, alternative energy sources, or alternative oversight responsibilities. You would then discuss the benefits of each plan, after establishing categories by which to compare them (such as “financial,” “long-term,” “short- term,” “public support,” etc
). Or, you might contrast Davis- Besse with nuclear power plants of a similar vintage to determine what structural or operating problems have occurred at others. A third possibility might be to compare nuclear power plants built at the same time as Davis-Besse with newer plants to determine what design or operations’ changes have been made and why. These are only some of the possible types of comparisons you could investigate and report. · A “Feasibility Analysis” using Davis-Besse would examine proposed courses of action to build solid explanations as to why one particular course of action should have previously been taken, or should now be taken. For example, you might “justify” why Davis-Besse personnel were unable to detect the problem earlier, though the NRC identified several “missed opportunities.” Or you might want to justify why First Energy’s decision to replace the impaired reactor head with the never- operated head from Midland, Michigan, was the correct decision. You might want to justify why the Nuclear
  • 9. Regulatory Commission recommended a new replacement head. You might want to justify – citing Davis-Besse information – the continued use of older nuclear power plants, especially in light of the expiration of forty-year operating license. Research (“Data Collection”) Information (“secondary sources”) for this report must come from relevant, reliable, current sources (reports prepared by companies, academics, government agencies, and private organizations). In keeping with research guidelines, anticipate biases and be able to account for them. Thus, read informed opinions of different experts in the field who publish in professional journals, as well as comments and responses of community leaders published in national and international news sources. You may want to locate information printed in newsletters of organizations, public agencies, or community action groups. You must also collect information first hand (“primary sources”) by interviewing someone, distributing a survey, conducting a mini poll, or via an email posting. These two types of information – primary and secondary – will need to be summarized, paraphrased, quoted, analyzed, and interpreted within your report. Locate relevant information from a minimum of 4 different and reputable secondarysources, including professional journals, dissertation abstracts, conference proceedings, online databases, international news sources, or textbooks. Collect relevant information from a minimum of 1 primary source. BASIC FORMAT FOR REPORTS: (Completed report should be approximately 16 pages: the BODY of the report should comprise approximately 8 of those total pages; the remaining pages are made up of the indicated front matter and end matter.)
  • 10. 1. Letter of Transmittal (page 272). As indicated, this is an actual business letter. It is written to the readers of your Report, as a way to introduce yourself and your subject matter. It should include a BRIEF summary of your Report’s content. It should also include the appropriate heading and closing material. It should be no longer than 1 page. 2. Cover or Title Page (page 272, and sample -- page 276). 3. Descriptive Abstract/Executive Summary (page 272-273, and sample -- page 276). As shown in the sample, this is a brief summary of the main content of your report. It should be no longer than 1 page. *It contains basically the same summary material included in your letter of transmittal – just written in ‘stand-alone’ format (rather than letter format). 4. Table of Contents (page 272, and sample – page 276). 5. Body (pages 269-271, and sample – pages 277-281). 6. Conclusions (page 271, and sample -- page 281). 7. Recommendations. (These are usually incorporated into the conclusion.) 8. Graphs, Charts, Illustrations (throughout report). 9. Appendix (or Appendices), (page 273) – which MAY include any of the following (depending on the PURPOSE and AUDIENCE of YOUR report): primary sources *Refer to Little, Brown Compact Handbook (or a similar reference guide) for MLA and APA formatting information. ** The final Report is due by 5pm, Friday of Finals Week. Additional Notes:
  • 11. · As you work on this Project, I want you to imagine that you are preparing this Report for a committee of readers that is comprised of administrators, managers, upper-level officials of a company that is interested in your subject matter. They hope to improve an aspect of their company’s working environment, and have asked for help in accomplishing that goal. To that end, you have prepared this Report. Because this committee is made up of several very busy professionals, it is imperative that you grab their attention (both individually and collectively) right away. This does not have to be an ACTUAL company and committee; you may create all of that – for the purpose of this Project. · In order to immediately grab the attention of your readers, you must make sure that your Report is VISUALLY APPEALING AND ACCESSIBLE. Utilize white-space. Make sure to spread your text out: use bullet-points, incorporate pictures, graphs, etc. into the body of your text. Basically, do not completely fill your pages with written text. · Effectively use visual text – in order to support and strengthen the purpose of your Report, and to make it interesting to look at. · Remember: How your Report looks is almost as important as what your Report says.