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Project Name:
Women‘s Dress Code
(According to the Quran)
Project Presented By: Andleeb Nasir
College Roll # 535
University Roll # 011655
Session: 2014-2018
BS Mass Communication
Queen Marry College Lahore
This Short Movie has been prepared by Andleeb Nasir who also a leading character of
this Short Movie. Other characters has been played by Amina Bibi who has been presented a
role of friend of main character, Character of Mother has been played by Salika and friend of
mother‘s character has been played by Nida who has done the job of cameraman too.
Basic Idea
The Main character Andleeb Nasir is also writer and director of this movie and the
basic idea of this whole short movie is to highlight the Importance of ‘Hijab‖ in our society.
After Globalization of the world our Eastern and Middle East people adopted the western
culture and left their own social norms behind which created a multicultural society. Here a
question rises that what is a relation between society and Hijab and why it is important and
what is Hijab actually?
Hijab is the dress that covers the adornment of Muslim woman, on the condition that it won‘t
be adornment by itself. In other words the Islamic definition of Hijab is the dress that covers
whatever might arouse instincts. It is what keep a woman safe, not only in her own society
but wherever she goes.
It should be noticed that the way its worn does not arouse the sexual appeal for both men and
women. Despite these points, Hijab is not old fashioned as some might claim. On the
contrary, a Muslim woman needs to be careful of her appearance. She needs not only to be
neat, but as a dress, does not have the same rank of importance as manners and behavior
have. It is crucially important for a Muslim woman to behave well when wearing her Hijab,
because her behavior will give an impression to the dress she is wearing on the hand, and to
the religion itself on the other.
Table of Content
No# Chapter Name Page No#
01 Introduction 01
02 Studying The Qur’an 02
03 The Quran and Hijab (Verses) 04
04 The Sunna and Hijab 08
05 Muslim Culture and the Style of Hijab 10
06 Why Hijab 11
07 Common Questions about Hijab and Related Issues 14
08 The Mehram 16
09 Topic Selection and Approval 16
10 Script Writing 17
11 Production Plan 17
12 Characters and Selection 20
13 Shoot Coordination (Shoot Days and Time) 21
14 Post Production (Editing) Project Done 21
15 Our Script 23
16 Budget 25
17 Conclusion 31
18 Suggestions 32
Short Movie Booklet 1
‫الرحيم‬ ‫الرحمن‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫بسم‬
‫الطاهرين‬ ‫آله‬ ‫و‬ ‫محمد‬ ‫على‬ ‫السالم‬ ‫و‬ ‫الصالة‬ ‫و‬ ‫العالمين‬ ‫رب‬ ‫هلل‬ ‫الحمد‬
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the
Universe. May Allah shower His blessings upon Prophet Muhammad and his progeny?
Islam is a world religion; its presence can be felt all over the world through
conversion or migration. However, the most visible symbol of Islam‘s presence in the West is
the hijab—the headdress used by a Muslim woman to cover her head. In the Greater Toronto
Area, you can see Muslim women in hijab at schools, in colleges and universities, in the
workplace, in malls, and on the streets.
Being the most obvious symbol of Islam‘s presence, it is also the easiest target for
harassment against Muslims. Whenever a racist politician or the media or any hate group
attacks Islam, the very first target is the Muslim woman‘s hijab. Also, some so-called experts
on Islam and the Middle East assume a patronizing attitude and try to teach Muslims that
hijab is not a religious requirement in Islam, saying it is more a cultural issue used by Muslim
men to oppress the women. Some self-loathing Muslim journalists, politicians and
intellectuals also jump on that back wagon to prove themselves as ―progressive‖ and
Is hijab really a cultural tradition of the Persians or the Turks that was adopted by the
Arabs who implanted it into Islam? Or is there a religious basis in the Qur‘an and the
tradition of the Prophet for hijab?
The Term “Hijab—‫الحجاب‬ ” literally means a cover, curtain or screen. It is not a technical
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term used in Islamic jurisprudence for the dress code of women. The term used in Islamic
jurisprudence that denotes the conduct of unrelated men and women towards one another, and
their dress code, is ―satror satir— ،‫الستر‬‫الساتر‬ ”.
In the last two decades however, the Muslims in the west, as well as the media, use
the term ―hijab‖ to define the headdress and the overall clothing of Muslim women. It is in
this latter meaning —headdress as well as the overall clothing— that we have used the term
―hijab in this article.
Studying The QUR'AN
The holy book of the Muslims is the Qur‘an; it is the revelation of Almighty Allah
upon Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny). The 114 chapters of the
Qur‘an were revealed in a piece-meal form in around twenty-two years; some of the verses
were revealed in Mecca while others were revealed in Medina. For Muslims, the Qur‘an is
the first and the foremost source of Islamic laws and values. It is considered the final message
of God for mankind, and it is to be followed at all times and in all places until the end of this
These days we are often told that we must keep up with the times, writes Dr. Nasr, a
prominent Muslim scholar who currently teaches Islamat the George Washington University
in D.C.―Rarely does on eask what have the ‗times‘ to keep up with. For men who have lost
the vision of a reality which transcends time, who are caught completely in the mesh of our
time and space and who have been affected by the historicism prevalent in modern European
philosophy, it is difficult to imagine the validity of a truth that does not conform to their
immediate external environment.
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Islam, however, is based on the principle that truth transcends history and time. Divine Law
is an objective transcendent reality, by which man and his actions are judged, not vice versa.
What are called the ‗times today are to a large extent a set of problems and
difficulties created by man‘s ignorance of his own real nature and his stubborn determination
to ‗live by bread alone‘. To attempt to shape the Divine Law to the ‗times is therefore no less
than spiritual suicide because it removes the very criteria by which the real value of human
life and action can be objectively judged and thus surrenders man to the most infernal
impulses of his lower nature. To say the least, the very manner of approaching the problem of
Islamic Law and religion in general by trying to make them conform to the times ‘is to
misunderstand the whole perspective and spirit of Islam.
Some Muslim sisters have started incorporating Western feminist ideology in
studying the Qur‘an; they believe that hijab and other related issues have been interpreted
from almost exclusively male perspective. Some of them go to the extent of saying that since
all Prophets and Messengers were men, and so the laws are also biased towards men.
The problem with this trend of thought is that there is no evidence to support it. It is
baseless to accuse the Prophet (s.a.w.), the Imams of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.), and even the jurists —
who are only considered an authority if they are just and upright in character— of having a
male bias in interpretation of the divine laws. Are we going to have now a gender-based
interpretation of the Qur‘an where the men and the women will study the holy Book
differently? The Qur‘an clearly says,
“And do not covet that by which Allah has made some of you excel others; men shall
have the benefit of what they earn and women shall have the benefit of what they earn; and
ask Allah of His grace; surely Allah knows all things.” (4:32)
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Such Muslim ―feminists‖ are also of the opinion that a woman has a right to interpret Qur‘an
according to her own understanding, and that she has the right to choose how she interprets
her dress code. In their discussion, the famous verse 2:256 is brought as evidence:
“There is no compulsion in the religion…”
First of all, the verse 2:256 is not giving the choice for a Muslim to do whatever he or she
likes. “Muslim” means someone who submits to God’s commandments. To say that a person
can be a “Muslim” and still have “choice in everything” is a true oxymoron. Secondly, such
brothers and sisters conveniently ignore the context of that verse. The verse is talking about
the choice of religion before coming into Islam— submission to the will of God. It means
that no one can be forced to become a Muslim.
There is no compulsion in the religion; truly the right way has become clearly distinct
from error; therefore, whoever disbelieves in the Shaytan and believes in Allah, he indeed has
got hold onto the firmest rope which shall not break off; and Allah is Hearing, Knowing.
The verse is clearly talking about rejecting the Shaytan and believing in Allah. It does not
mean that a Muslim has a choice in whatever he or she wants to do.
Once a person has submitted to God, there is no choice left for him or her in the
matters already decided by Allah and His Messenger. See the following verse that makes the
issue of obedience clear for both men as well as women:
And it behooves not a believing man and a believing woman that they should have
any choice in their matter when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter; and
whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he [or she] surely strays off a manifest straying.‖
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And so the Qur‘an is for all: man and woman, young and old, white and black, Arab and non-
Arab, easterner and westerner; but it has to be studied on its own terms without imposing the
personal likes or dislikes upon it and without strait-jacketing it into this or that ism‘
The QUR‟AN and Hijab
Islam has strongly emphasized the concept of decency and modesty in the interaction
between members of the opposite sex. Dress code is part of that overall teaching. There are
two verses in the Qur‘an in which Almighty Allah talks about the issue of decency and hijab
as defined earlier.
The First Verse
In Chapter 24 known as An-Nur (the Light), in verse 30, Allah commands Prophet
Muhammad as follows:
“Say to the believing men that: they should cast down their glances and guard their private
parts (by being chaste). This is better for them.”
This is a command to Muslim men that they should not lustfully look at women (other
than their own wives); and in order to prevent any possibility of temptation, they are required
to cast their glances downwards. This is known as ―hijab of the eyes. Then in the next verse,
Allah commands the Prophet to address the women:
“Say to the believing women that: they should cast down their glances and guard their
private parts (by being chaste)…”
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This is a similar command as given to the men in the previous verse regarding―hijab
of the eyes. This hijab of eyes is similar to the teaching of Jesus where he says, ―You have
heard that it was said by them of old time, you shall not commit adultery. But I say unto you,
that whosoever looks on a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in
his heart.‖ So if you see a Muslim casting his/her eyes downwards when he/she is talking to a
member of opposite sex, this should not be considered as rude or an indication of lack of
confidence — he/she is just abiding by the Qur‘anic as well as Biblical teaching.
After―hijab of the eyes came the order describing the dress code for women:
“...and not display their beauty except what is apparent, and they should place their khumur
over their bosoms...”
There are two issues about this sentence
(1) What is the meaning of “khumur” used in this verse?
Khumur ‫ر‬ُ‫م‬ُ‫خ‬is plural of khimar ‫ار‬‫م‬ِ‫خ‬, the veil covering the head. See any Arabic dictionary
like Lisanu ’l-‘Arab, Majma‘u ’l-Bahrayn or al-Munjid.
Al-Munjid, which is the most popular dictionary in the Arab world, defines al-khimar as
“something with which a woman conceals her head — ‫رأسها‬ ‫المرأة‬ ‫به‬ ‫تغطى‬ ‫ما‬.” Fakhru ’d-Din
al-Turayhi in Majma‘u ’l-Bahrayn (which is a dictionary of Qur’anic and hadith terms)
defines al-khimar as “scarf, and it is known as such because the head is covered with it.”
So the word khimar, by definition, means a piece of cloth that covers the head.
(2) Then what does the clause “placing the khumur over the bosoms “mean?
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According to the commentators of the Qur‘an, the women of Medina in the pre-
Islamic era used to put their khumur over the head with the two ends tucked behind and
tied at the back of the neck, in the process exposing their ears and neck. By saying that place
the khumur over the bosoms, Almighty Allah ordered the women to let the two ends of their
headgear extend onto their bosoms so that they conceal their ears, the neck, and the upper
part of the bosom also. This is confirmed by the way the Muslim women of the Prophet‘s era
understood this commandment of Almighty Allah. The Sunni sources quote Ummu ‘l-
mu‘minin ‗A‘isha, the Prophet‘s wife, as follows: I have not seen women better than those of
al-Ansar (the inhabitants of Medina): when this verse was revealed, all of them got hold of
their aprons, tore them apart, and used them to cover their heads...The meaning of khimar and
the context in which the verse was revealed clearly talks about concealing the head and then
using the loose ends of the scarf to conceal the neck and the bosom. It is absurd to believe
that the Qur‘an would use the word khimar (which, by definition, means a cloth that covers
the head) only to conceal the bosom with the exclusion of the head! It would be like saying to
put on your shirt only around the belly or the waist without covering the chest! Finally the
verse goes on to give the list of the mahram – male family members in whose presence the
hijab is not required, such as the husband, the father, the father-in-law, the son(s), and others
The second verse
In Chapter 33 known as al-Ahzab, verse 59, Allah gives the following command to
Prophet Muhammad:
“O Prophet! Say to your wives, your daughters, and the women of the believers that: they
should let down upon themselves their jalabib
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What is the meaning of “jalabib”?
Jalabib ‫ب‬‫ي‬ِ‫ب‬‫ال‬‫ج‬is the plural of jilbab ‫اب‬‫ب‬‫ل‬ِ‫ج‬, which means a loose outer garment. See any
Arabic dictionary like Lisanu ’l-‘Arab, Majma‘u ’l-Bahrayn or al-Munjid.
Al-Munjid, for instance, defines jilbab as “the shirt or a wide dress— ‫الثوب‬ ‫أو‬ ‫القميص‬
‫”.الواسع‬ While al-Turayhi, in Majma‘u ’l-Bahrayn, defines it as “a wide dress, wider than the
scarf and shorter than a robe, that a woman puts upon her head and lets it down on her
This means that the Islamic dress code for women does not only consist of a scarf that
covers the head, the neck and the bosom; it also includes the overall dress that should be long
and loose.
So, for instance, the combination of a tight, short sweater with tight-fitting jeans with
a scarf over the head does not fulfill the requirements of the Islamic dress code.
1. the Gospel of Matthew, chap. 5, verses27-28.
2. Al-Munjid (Beirut: Daru ‘l-Mashriq, 1986) p. 195; at-Turayh¢, Majma‗u ‘l-Bahrayn, vol.1
(Tehran: Daftar Nashr, 1408 AH) p. 700. See at-Tusi, at-Tibyan, vol. 7 (Qum: Maktabatu ‘l-
l‗lam al-Islami, 1409 AH) p. 428; at-Tabrasi, Majma‘u ‘l-Bayan, vol. 7 (Beirut: Dar Ihyai ‘t-
Turathi ‘l-‗Arabi, 1379AH) p.138; also see the
Famous Sunni commentator, Fakhru ‘d-Din ar-Razi, at-Tafsiru ‘l-Kabir, vol. 23
(Beirut: Daru ‘l-Kutubi ‘l-‗Ilmiyya, 1990) p. 179-180. Even the Hans Wehr Dictionary of
Modern Written Arabic (Ithaca, NY: Spoken LanguagesServices,1976) definesal-khimar as
―veil covering head and face of a woman. (p. 261) No one has excluded the covering of the
head from definition of―al-khimar.
Short Movie Booklet 9
3.Ar-Razi, at-Tafsiru ‘l-Kabir, vol.23, p. 179, and other famous commentaries and collections
of hadith such as at-Tabataba‘i, al-Mizan, vol. 15 (Tehran: Daru ‘l-Kutub, 1397AH) p. 121;
al-Kulayni, al-Furu‗ mina ‘l-Kafi, vol. 5 (Tehran: Daru ‘l-Kutub, 1367AH) p. 521. Also see
the commentaries of al-Kashshaf, Ibn Kathir, at-Tabari, and al-Qurtubi.
4.Ibid, also see, al-Bukhari, Sahih (Arabic & English) vol. 6 (Beirut: Daru ‘l-‗Arabiyya) p.
267; Abu ‘l-A‗la Mawdudi, Tafhimu ‘l-Qur‘an, vol. 3 (Lahore: Idara-e Tarjuman-e Qur‘an,
1994) p.316.
5.Ibid. al-Munjid, p. 96; at-Turayhi, Majma‗u ‘l-Bahrayn, vol. 1,p.384.
The SUNNA and Hijab
The sunna the sayings and examples of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.)— is the
second most important source for Islamic laws. It is impossible to truly understand the
Qur‘an without studying the Prophet‘s life that provided the context in which the holy Book
was revealed. Almighty Allah says,
“And We have revealed to you (O Muhammad) the Reminder (i.e., the Qur‟an) so that you
may clarify to the people what has been revealed to them, and so that they may
reflect.”(16:44) ―Sunna is that ―clarification mentioned in this verse.
There is a tendency among the so-called progressive and liberated Muslims to claim
that they only follow the Qur‘an and ignore the sunna of the Prophet. Responding to such
Muslims, Drs. Murata and Chittick write, ―We are perfectly aware that many contemporary
Muslims are tired of what they consider outdated material: they would like to discard their
intellectual heritage and replace it with truly scientific‘endeavors, such as sociology. By
Short Movie Booklet 10
claiming that the Islamic intellectual heritage is superfluous and that the Koran is sufficient,
such people have surrendered to the spirit of the times. This is a far different enterprise than
that pursued by the great authorities, who interpreted their present in the light of a grand
tradition and who never fell prey to the up-to- date—that most obsolescent of all abstractions.
From the Shi’i point of view, the authentic sayings of the Imams of Ahlul Bayt
portray the true sunna of the Prophet and further clarify the meaning of the Qur‘anic verses.
The Prophet himself introduced the Ahlul Bayt as the twin of the Qur‘an.The following two
sayings from the Imams of the Ahlul Bayt on the issue of hijab are presented here as an
Al-Fudayl bin Yasar asked Imam as-Sadiq (a.s.) about the forearms of a woman:
whether they are included in the ―beauty‖ as described by the Almighty when He says,
―and they should not display their beauty except for their husbands...‖ The Imam replied,
―Yes, and what is beneath the veil covering the head (khimar) is from the beauty [as
mentioned in the verse], and also what is beneath the wristbands.
As one can clearly see in this authentic hadith, the Imam has exempted the face and
the hands, but everything else has been counted as―the beauty that should not be displayed
except for their husbands...AbuNasr al-Bazinli quotes Imam ‗Ali as-Rida (a.s.) as follows: A
woman does not have to cover her head in the presence of a boy who has not yet reached the
age of puberty.
The implication of this statement is obvious that once a boy who is not related to a
woman reaches the age of puberty, she has to cover her head in his presence. Even the
founders of the Sunni schools of law are unanimous in this view. According to the Maliki, the
Hanafi, the Shafi and the Han Bali views, the entire body of a woman is awrah hand therefore
it should be covered with the exception of the face and the hands.
Short Movie Booklet 11
The two verses discussed above put together clearly show that hijab, as a decent code
of dress for Muslim women, is part of the Qur‟anic teachings. This is also confirmed by how
the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) understood and implemented these verses among the Muslim
women. This is further confirmed by how the Imams of the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.), and the Muslim
scholars of the early generations of Islam understood the Qur‟an.
It is an understanding that has been continuously affirmed by Muslims for the last
fourteen centuries. And, strangely, now we hear some so-called experts of Islam telling us
that hijab has nothing to do with Islam, it is just a cultural issue and a matter of personal
The two verses discussed above put together clearly show that hijab, as a decent code
of dress for Muslim women, is part of the Qur‟anic teachings. This is also confirmed by how
the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) understood and implemented these verses among the Muslim
women. This is further confirmed by how the Imams of the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.), and the Muslim
scholars of the early generations of Islam understood the Qur‟an.
It is an understanding that has been continuously affirmed by Muslims for the last
fourteen centuries. And, strangely, now we hear some so-called experts of Islam telling us
that hijab has nothing to do with Islam, it is just a cultural issue and a matter of personal
1. Sachiko Murata & William C. Chittick, The Vision of Islam (St. Paul, MN: Paragon
House, 1995) p.xi.
2. The Qur‟an and the Ahlul Bayt, see my Introduction to Islamic Laws.
3. Al-Kulayni, al-Furu„ mina ‟l-Kafi, vol. 2, p.64.
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4. As-Saduq, Man la Yahduruhu ‟l-Faqih, vol. 2, p. 140; Qurbu ‟l-Asnad, p. 170. See
Wasa‟ilu ‟sh-Shi„ah, vol. 14 (Beirut: Dar at-Turath al-„Arabi, n.d.) p. 169.
5. „Abdu ‟r-Rahman al-Juzari, al-Fiqh „ala‟l-Madhahibi ‟l-Arba„ah, vol. 5 (Beirut: Daru ‟l-
Fikr,1969) p.54-55.
6. Besides the references quoted earlier, also see at-Tabrasi, Majma„u ‟l-Bayan, vol. 7-8, p.
138, 370; at-Tusi, at-Tibyan, vol. 8, p. 361; Fakhru ‟d-Din ar-Razi, at-Tafsiru ‟l-Kabir, vol.
23, p. 179-180.
Muslim Culture & The style of Hijab
It is quite probable that these so-called experts of Islam and of the Middle East have
confused the basic order of the Qur‘an with the style of hijab worn by Muslim women of
various ethnic backgrounds.The requirement of hijab is a Qur‘anic command. The basic
requirement is that a Muslim woman should cover her head and bosom with a khimar (a head
covering), and her body with a jilbab (a loose over-garment). Of course, she can leave her
face and hands open. When it comes to the style, color, and material of the khimar and jilbab,
each Muslim ethnic group can follow the Qur‘anic injunction according to their own cultural
background. The variety in styles of implementing the same Qur‘anic law is so because Islam
is a world religion, it is cannot be confined to one region or tribe or culture.
Therefore you see that the Muslim women in Arabia use abaya; the Persian Muslim
women use chador; the Afghani Muslim women use burqa; the Indo-Pakistani Muslim
women use niqab or purdah; the Malaysian/Indonesian Muslim women use Kerudung; the
East African Muslim women use buibui; and now in the West, the Canadian Muslim women
use mainstream clothes worn with a bigger scarf over the head and a loose outfit.
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Islam is not concerned with the style as long as it fulfills the basic requirement of
khimar and jilbab. This is where the religion and culture interact with one another, and
therein lies the dynamic aspect of the Islamic sharia; and this interaction might have
confused some of the so-called experts of Islam who erroneously believe that hijab is a
cultural tradition and not a religious requirement.
Putting a veil to cover the face is not the initial requirement of the rules of hijab. The Shi„I
as well as majority of Sunni jurists say that the face should be covered only if there is a
danger of fitna, a situation that could lead to committing a sin.
Why Hijab?
One of the many questions that I have been asked is why does Islam make hijab
mandatory for women? Islam has introduced hijab as part of the decency and modesty in
interaction between members of the opposite sex. Verse 59 of chapter 33 quoted previously
gives a very good reason; it says,
“This is more appropriate so that they may be known [as Muslim women] and thus
not be harassed [or molested].” Men, whether they confess it or not, are slaves of lust and
Hijab protects women from such men; it symbolizes that she has been sanctified to
one man only and is off- limit to all others. Hijab contributes to the stability and preservation
of marriage and family by eliminating the chances of extra marital affairs.
Finally, it compels men to focus on the real personality of the woman and de-emphasizes her
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physical beauty. It puts the woman in control of strangers‘reaction to her. Commenting on the
attire of women in North Africa and South East Asia, Germaine Greer, one of the pioneers of
the women‘s liberation movement, wrote:
Women who wear Cortes or Huipiles or Saris or Jellabasor salwar kameez or any
other ample garment scan swell and diminish inside them without embarrassment or
discomfort. Women with shawls and veils can breastfeed anywhere without calling attention
to themselves, while baby is protected from dust and flies. In most non-Western societies, the
dress and ornaments of women celebrate them othering function. Ours deny it.
Note that she also specifically mentions the salwar, kameez and jellabas that are used
by Muslim women in the East. Feminists and the Western media often portray the hijab as a
symbol of oppression and slavery of women. This sexist angle of viewing the hijab reflects
the influence of Western feminists who are subconsciously reacting to the Judea-Christian
concept of veil –– ―the symbol of woman‘s subjection to her husband.
To look at one‘s own religious or cultural history and then to pass a judgment against
another religion is, on the milder side, an intellectual miscalculation, and, on the harsher side,
outright cultural imperialism! My father made an interesting observation in an article that
when the Europeans penetrated the interior of Africa a century ago, they found some tribes
who went about naked. They forced the tribes to wear clothes as mark of civilization. ―Now
those advocates of civilization ‘are themselves discarding their clothes. One often wonders if
the ‗primitive tribes‘of the last century were not more civilized than the rest of the world.
After all, it is rest of the world which is now imitating the ways of the so-called primitive
I am surprised at the society which shows tolerance towards those who would like to
go around topless but finds it difficult to tolerate a lady who by her own choice wants to
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observe hijab! According to Naheed Mustafa, a Canadian Muslim, ―In the Western world,
the hijab has come to symbolize either forced silence or radical, unconscionable militancy.
Actually, it‘s neither. It is simply a woman‘s assertion that judgment of her physical person is
to play no role what so ever in social interaction. Wearing the hijab has given me the freedom
Constant attention to my physical self. Because my appearance is not subjected to
scrutiny, my beauty, or perhaps lack of it, has been removed from the realm of what can
legitimately be discussed.
Hijab is not a symbol of oppression. Women are oppressed because of socio-
economic reasons even in countries where women have never heard about hijab. On the
contrary, the practice of displaying pictures of almost naked women in the commercials,
billboards, and in the entertainment industry in the west is a true symbol of oppression.
Neither does the hijab prevent a woman from acquiring knowledge or from
contributing to the betterment of human society. Historically women have also greatly
contributed to Islam. Lady Khadijah, the first wife of the Prophet, played a significant role in
the early history of Islam. A successful businesswoman in her own right, she was the first
person to accept the message of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.). Her acceptance and faith were
a great source of emotional support for the Prophet. She stood by her husband in the difficult
days of early Islam, and spent her wealth for the promotion of the new religion.
The first Muslim person to be martyred in Muslim history was a woman by the name
of Sumayya, the wife of Yasir and the mother of ‗Ammar. She was killed along with her
husband for refusing to renounce Islam.
Lady Falimatu ‘z-Zahra‘, the daughter of Prophet Muhammad, was a beacon of light and a
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source of guidance for the women of her time. She faithfully stood by her husband, Imam
‗Ali, in his struggle for his right of caliphate, and strongly protested against the first violation
of the right of inheritance for daughters in Islam.
One of the most important events in the early history of Islam was the event of
Karbala, which was a protest led by Imam Husayn against the tyranny of Yazid. In that
protest, the soldiers of Yazid massacred Husayn and about seventy-two of his supporters. It
was Husayn‘s sister, Zaynab, who continued the social protest and was very influential in
bringing about the awakening among the people to stand up against the tyranny of the rulers.
Zaynab greatly contributed to the factors that eventually brought about the downfall of the
1. Greer, Sex & Destiny: The Politics of Human Fertility (London: Picador, 1985) p. 14.
See Aid to Bible Understanding, p.468.
For the Biblical Christian perspective, see what St. Paul says: “But I would have you
know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the
head of Christ is God. Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered,
dishonoureth his head. But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered
dishonoureth her head…Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God
uncovered?” (1 Corinthians 11:3-5, 13) In simple English, it means that if a man keeps his
head covered in prayer, then he is disrespecting Christ; and if a woman keeps her head
uncovered in prayer, then she is disrespecting her man. For Biblical Jewish concept, see
3. S. Saeed Akhtar Rizvi, “On Modesty,” in Sunday News (Dar-es-salaam) 27
Short Movie Booklet 17
4. Mustafa, “My Body Is My Own Business,” Globe & Mail, 29th June1993.
Common questions about Hijab and related issues
1. Meaning of Casting Down
What ―casting down the glances mean?
It means that a person should not look at the member of the opposite sex except for those
parts that may be uncovered. So, for instance, a man is allowed to look at the face and hands
of a non-mahram lady who is not related to him provided it is not done in with a lustful
intention. (―Mahram‖ means person in whose presence hijab is not required. See the list at
end of this section.)
2. Shaking hands
Is it permissible to shake hands with a person of opposite sex?
If the person is mahram, then it is permissible. But if the person is non-mahram, then it is
3. Beautification of Women
Is a woman allowed to line eyes with kohl, to put mascara on her eyelashes, and to wear rings
in both hands?
A woman is allowed to put kohl or similar cosmetics on her eyelashes and also to wear rings
provided it is not done with the intention of drawing lustful attention of men towards herself.
4. Exposing the Chin
Short Movie Booklet 18
A vast majority of Muslim women who observe hijab are used to keeping their chins and
a small part of the under chin exposed while they cover the neck. Is this permissible? And
how big an area of the face can women expose; are the ears included in that?
The ears are not part of the face, therefore it is obligatory to cover them. As for the part of
the chin and the under chin that is seen when putting on the common head scarf, it is to be
considered as part of the face and, therefore, can be exposed.
5. Facial Hair
Is it permissible for a woman who observes hijab to get rid of her facial hair, to straighten
her eyebrows, and to wear natural and light makeup?
Getting rid of facial hair, straightening of eyebrows, and wearing of light make up do not
prevent her from keeping her face uncovered provided it is not done with the intention of
drawing attention.
6. Wig as a Replacement
Can a woman put on a wig as replacement of the head-covering (hijab)?
Since the wig is an item of beauty (zinat), it must be covered in presence of non-mahram
7. High heeled Shoes
A Muslim woman wears high heeled shoes that hit the ground in such a way that they
draw attention. Is she allowed to wear them?
If it is intended to draw the attention of non-mahram men to herself, or if it generally causes
temptation for committing sin, then it is not permissible.
Short Movie Booklet 19
8. Tight Fitting Shirt
If a woman puts on a scarf and wears a tight-fitting shirt and tight-fitting jeans or trousers
or a tight- fitting qamees and shalwar – is that considered an acceptable hijab in the presence
of non-mahram men?
Any dress that reveals the contours of her body or that would normally arouse temptation is
not permissible and does not fulfill the requirements of hijab. It is a pointless hijab!
9. Men and Uni sex Swimming
Is it permissible for a Muslim man to go to unisex swimming pools and other similar
places where people go about half-naked?
It is not permissible for a Muslim man to go to unisex swimming pools and other
similar places if it entails a haram act. Based on obligatory precaution, according to
Ayatullah Sistani, he must refrain from going to such places even if it does not entail a haram
10. Defining those who are mahram
Is the brother-in-law or a cousin included among the list of the people in whose presence
a lady does not have to observe hijab? Is she allowed to shake their hands or hug them?
The brother-in-law or a male cousin is not included in that list and, therefore, it is
obligatory upon a Muslim lady to observe hijab in their presence, and also it is not
permissible for her to shake their hands or hug them. There verse will apply to a Muslim man
in relation to his sister-in-law or a female cousin.
Short Movie Booklet 20
The Mahram
Topic Selection and approval
A strong topic is essential for strong and effective presentation of any idea. When our
respected teacher assigned us the Short movie from the same day i started searching a
different idea to prepare my project.
After few days research I got an idea related to society and that was―HIJAB
As i wrote in preface that after globalization we have become a multi-cultural society,
we don‘t think what we belongs to, we don‘t bother about staring eyes i would add evil eyes
and only hijab can protect a woman from this. I presented my idea to respected teacher and it
has been approved. Now it was the time to start working on next step which was script
Short Movie Booklet 21
Script writing
Script is the second most important thing of any story any movie any ad any short
movie or any documentary. It may called a long lasting process because it changes according
to the situations or resources. Script of Hijab can be changed but the references which based
on our Religion can never be changed. I stared research on Hijab and its importance and
during a week i found a huge data about it, that what our religion says, It took two complete
weeks in search selection summaries the whole data and finally after proof reading the next
process started.
Here a question raised into my mind that how to convey an effective message via
short movie then an idea popped up about a modern Girl who don‘t cares about her dressing
but after getting some advice by her close friend she starts caring to herself on the basis of
our Religion. Hijab Short movie script took one week to be written with dialogues, the next
step was Production Plan.
Short Movie Booklet 22
Production plan
Production Plan may also called how to produce a movie or documentary or song.etc
here is a shoot plan of our short movie.
No# Scenes Dialogues Carpet Music Duration Information
01 Title of Short Movie --- Yes 08 Seconds Women‘s
Dress Code
02 Producer‘s Details --- Yes 12 Seconds Presenter’s
03 Main Character‘s Friend (Amina) Getting ready for
Party in front of Mirror
--- Yes 14 Seconds
Solo Shot.
04 Second a modern character
entry, who looks busy in
mobile (Andleeb)
She has come to move with
Amina at Party
--- Yes 03 Seconds
Solo Shot.
Two Shot.
05 Both Character talks about
dressing and leaves to join the
Yes Yes 46 Seconds
Two Shot.
Moves out
Short Movie Booklet 23
06 Frame open (after fade in)
at third Character who is a
mother (Salika) of main
character working into the
Kitchen same time the friend
(amina) comes to ask about
main character (Andleeb)
Yes Yes 18 Seconds
Solo Shots.
Meeting of
and her
07 Next frame open into guest
room where mother and 4th
Character (Nida) who played a
role of Mother‘s Friend sitting
at Sofa.
Main Modern Character comes
into the room. Friend of
Mother looks the main
character with strong eye just
because of her advance
dressing then leaves.
Yes Yes 50 Seconds
Two Shots (Mas
Solo Shot.
08 Main character and her friend
enjoying tea.
Yes Yes 45 Seconds
Two Shot.
Solo Shot.
Here the
of Hijab
Short Movie Booklet 24
Both discuss about dressing
and looks, Sitting at lawn
chairs friend advice to main
character to wear Hijab.
Miss Shot.
comes into
09 Main Character Search about
Religious point of view about
Hijab and fell in deep
Yes 01 Minute
27 Seconds
Solo + OTS
about Hijab
10 Next scene will be recorded
into open area (Park) Main
Character joins her friend and
express her feel about Hijab.
She also show her desire that
she will follow the religious
rules regarding her Hijab
(pardah). Then they will move
out of the frame.
Yes Yes 01 Minute
42 Seconds
Master Shot.
Pan Shot.
Two Shot.
of advice.
11 Door Bell Rings, Friend moves
to opent the door and
astonished to see the Main
Character who completely
covered herself according to
Yes Yes 39 Seconds
Shot of Door,
OTS Shot.
Two Shot.
Wind-up at
change of
Short Movie Booklet 25
religion rules. Then both
Moves inside of home.
Pan Shot. Character.
12 Hijab Reference according to
the Religion.
Yes Yes 35 seconds Information
Short Movie Booklet 26
Characters and Selection
Professionally the casting process involves a series of auditions before a casting
panel, composed of individuals within a theatrical production such as theatrical producer and
theater director. However within a given television production a casting panel can consist of a
television producer or within a film producer film director. The Casting process is also a long
lasting process which based auditions, screen test voice test body language test camera looks
test etc.
But in our mater it was not possible for us to do everything professionally because
being a student it was very expensive to pay some professional actors therefore we planned to
help each other. We all four friends discussed and decided to play all characters by ourselves.
Andleeb Nasir who played the leading character of this Short Movie as a modern girl..
Character of religious friend (The mentor of main character Andleeb) Played by Amina Bibi
Character of Mother has been played by Salika and friend of mother‘s character has been
played by Nida who has done the job of camera man too. The Main character Andleeb Nasir
is also Writer, Producer, Casting Director and Director of this movie.
Shoot coordination
(Shoot Days and Time)
The plan of effective shooting schedule not only save you a lot more time than you
put into it, but it will also make the experience a whole lot easier and ergo, more enjoyable.
We learned that: Don’t make the mistake of heading out to set determined to work it out as
Short Movie Booklet 27
you go. A good shooting schedule will reflect in the quality of your finished production.
We have done various administrative services to keep the all cast (crew) happy and the
production on schedule within budget. This entails daily contact with others (team) to
organize everything and supervising whole recordings. Arrangement of Locations,
Equipment, Script and financial (budget) matters too. All works has been done by own self.
Post Production (editing)
The Post Production phase of creating a Film usually takes longer than actual
shooting of any movie and can takes several months (based on duration and quality of work)
to complete because it includes the complete editing, color correction, audio treatment and
the additional music and sound.
Editing process
1. Video editing the picture of a television program using an edit decision list(EDL)
2. Writing recording and editing the video and soundtracks.
3. Adding visual special effects, mainly computer generated imagery and digital copy.
4. Sound design, sound effects, and music culminating in process known as sound re-
recording or mixing with professional audio equipment.
5. Transfer of color motion picture film to video with telecine and color grading (correction)
in a color suite.
Short Movie Booklet 28
Editing process of our short film
1. Hired a Video Editor and provided him the recorded data and script, from that
information, rough Cut the film according to the script what make the story better.
2. In second step finalized the content and scenes with visual effects.
3. Audio Balancing and music adding.
4. Color correction.
5. Added title and credits and Final Preview.
6. Final Export (rendering to prepare a single video file)
7. Preparation of DVDs
Short Movie Booklet 29
Expenses at documentary shoot (budget spent)
Topic: Hijab
No# Producer Shoot
and single
Budget Spent
01 Andleeb
1000/- 03 Dec
= 15000/- 17400/-
02 = 14
1200/- 08 Dec
= =
03 = 16
900/- 20 Dec
= =
05 = 16
1500/- = =
06 = 20
800/- = =
07 = 30
1000/- = =
Total = = 6400/- 7000/- 4000/- 15000/- 17400/-
Note: Budget exceed due to first shoot cancellation by Department.
Short Movie Booklet 30
‫حجاب‬ :‫فلم‬ ‫شارٹ‬
‫ناصر‬ ‫عندليب‬:‫نمبر‬ ‫کردار‬ )‫گرل‬ ‫ماڈرن‬ ،‫کردار‬ ‫(مرکزی‬01
‫بی‬ ‫بی‬ ‫آمنہ‬:‫نمبر‬ ‫کردار‬ )‫دوست‬ ‫کی‬ ‫(عندليب‬02
‫ساليکہ‬:‫نمبر‬ ‫کردار‬ ) ‫(والدہ‬03
‫نداء‬:‫نمبر‬ ‫کردار‬ )‫دوست‬ ‫کی‬ ‫والدہ‬ ،‫(مہمان‬04
‫تفصيالت‬ ‫کی‬ ‫کرداروں‬:
Duration and Shot
08:04‫منٹ‬ ‫دورانيہ‬ ‫مکمل‬
Seconds 04 ‫حجاب‬ Title
Seconds 04 Women’s Dress Code Sub Title
Seconds 20 Information of Director and Credits Presenter’s
01 Minutes ‫درميان‬ ‫کے‬ ‫کرداروں‬ ‫دو‬ ‫پہلے‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫(کمرے‬ ‫سين‬ ‫پہال‬( Scene 01
Master Shot. Pan
Right Shot. Mid
Shot. Over The
)‫ہوئے‬ ‫ہوتے‬ ‫تيار‬ ‫سامنے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫(آئينے‬ ‫سامنے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫(آئينے‬ ‫آمنہ‬
)‫ہوئے‬ ‫ہوتے‬ ‫تيار‬
Short Movie Booklet 31
Pan Right, Solo
Shot, Master Shot,
Pan Left, Master +
Two Shot.
‫آمنہ‬ ‫عليکم‬ ‫السالم‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫(کمرے‬ ‫عندليب‬
)‫ہوئے‬ ‫ہوتے‬ ‫داخل‬
Master Shot. Pan
Right, Solo Shot,
Master + Two Shot.
‫السالم‬ ‫وعليکم‬ ‫سامنے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫(آئينے‬ ‫آمنہ‬
)‫ہوئے‬ ‫ہوتے‬ ‫تيار‬
Master Shot. Pan
Right, Solo Shot,
Master + Two Shot.
‫ہوئيں؟‬ ‫نہيں‬ ‫تيار‬ ‫تک‬ ‫ابهی‬ ‫تم‬ ‫ہو؟‬ ‫کيسی‬ ‫عندليب‬
Master Shot. Pan
Right, Solo Shot,
Master + Two Shot.
‫۔۔۔‬ ‫گئی‬ ‫ہو‬ ‫بس‬ ‫ہاں‬ ‫آمنہ‬
Master Shot. Pan
Right, Solo Shot,
Master + Two Shot.
‫نہيں‬ ‫ہی‬ ‫تيار‬ ‫تک‬ ‫ابهی‬ ‫تم‬ ‫اور‬ ‫ہيں‬ ‫آرہی‬ ‫کالز‬ ‫کی‬ ‫سب‬ ‫آمنہ‬ ‫عندليب‬
Master Shot. Pan
Right, Solo Shot,
Master + Two Shot.
‫ہوگئی۔۔۔‬ ‫بس‬ ‫بس۔۔۔‬ ‫آمنہ‬
Master Shot. Pan
Right, Solo Shot,
‫مسئلہ‬ ‫تمہيں‬ ‫کيا‬ ‫يار‬ ‫۔۔‬ ‫اف‬ ‫ميں۔۔۔‬ ‫حجاب‬ ‫پهر‬ ‫تم‬ ‫آج‬ ‫آمنہ۔۔۔۔‬ ‫کيا‬ ‫يہ‬ ‫اور‬
‫حجاب‬ ‫پهر‬ ‫۔۔آج‬ ‫ہے؟‬
Short Movie Booklet 32
Master + Two Shot.
Master Shot. Pan
Right, Solo Shot,
Master + Two Shot.
‫منٹ۔۔‬ ‫ايک‬ ‫عندليب۔۔۔بس‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫رہی‬ ‫ہو‬ ‫دير‬ ‫ہميں‬ ‫چلو‬ ‫آمنہ‬
Master Shot. Pan
Right, Solo Shot,
Master + Two Shot.
‫ہو‬ ‫رہی‬ ‫لے‬ ‫کيوں‬ ‫حجاب‬ ‫يہ‬ ‫تم‬ ‫عندليب‬
Master Shot. Pan
Right, Solo Shot,
Master + Two Shot.
‫ہو۔۔۔‬ ‫شروع‬ ‫پارٹی‬ ‫کے‬ ‫پہلے‬ ‫سے‬ ‫اس‬ ‫ہيں‬ ‫رہے‬ ‫ہو‬ ‫ليٹ‬ ‫ہم‬ ‫يار‬ ‫چل‬ ‫آمنہ‬
50 Seconds ‫کے‬ ‫کےکرداروں‬ ‫نمبر‬ ‫چوتهے‬ ‫اور‬ ‫تيسرے‬ ، ‫(پہلے‬ ‫دو‬ ‫نمبر‬ ‫سين‬
Scene 02
Two Shots, Master
Shot, Over The
Shoulder OTS Shot,
Tilt Up Shot,
‫صوفے‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫کمرے‬ )‫ء(مہمان‬ ‫ندا‬ ) ‫(ماں‬ ‫ساليکہ‬
‫ہے‬ ‫ہوتا‬ ‫داخل‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫)کمرے‬ ‫(عندليب‬ ‫کی‬ ‫کردار‬ ‫پہال‬ ‫تو‬ ‫ہيں‬ ‫بيٹهے‬ ‫پر‬
Two Shots, Master
Shot, Over The
Shoulder OTS Shot,
Tilt Up Shot,
) ‫(ماں‬ ‫ساليکہ‬‫پر‬ ‫ايک‬ ‫کردارنمبر‬ ‫نظريں‬ ‫کی‬ ‫دونوں‬ )‫ء(مہمان‬ ‫ندا‬
‫مصروف‬ ‫ہی‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫موبائل‬ ‫وہ‬ ‫جبکہ‬ ‫ہيں‬‫اٹهاتے‬ ‫نظرہيں‬ ‫پهر‬ ‫اور‬
Short Movie Booklet 33
Two Shots, Master
Shot, Over The
Shoulder OTS Shot,
Tilt Up Shot,
‫۔۔۔‬ ‫عليکم‬ ‫السالم‬ ‫عندليب‬
Two Shots, Master
Shot, Over The
Shoulder OTS Shot,
Tilt Up Shot,
‫اسکے‬ ‫اور‬ ‫عندليب‬ ‫مسلسل‬ ‫نظريں‬ ‫کی‬ ) ‫ندا(مہمان‬ ‫۔۔۔‬ ‫السالم‬ ‫وعليکم‬
‫مہمان‬ ‫پر‬ ‫لباس‬ ‫کے‬ ‫بيٹی‬ ‫اپنی‬ ‫کو‬ ‫والدہ‬ ‫کی‬ ‫عندليب‬ ‫جبکہ‬ ‫ہيں‬ ‫پر‬ ‫لباس‬
‫ہے۔۔۔‬ ‫ليتی‬ ‫جان‬ ‫کو‬ ‫ں‬ ‫نظرو‬ ‫کی‬
) ‫ندائ(مہمان‬
Two Shots, Master
Shot, Over The
Shoulder OTS Shot,
Tilt Up Shot,
‫ہو‬ ‫چلتی‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫اب‬‫سے‬ ‫نظروں‬ ‫(عجيب‬ ‫حافظ۔۔۔‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫۔۔۔‬ ‫ں‬‫کی‬ ‫عندليب‬
‫ہے‬ ‫جاتی‬ ‫چلی‬ ‫ہوئے‬ ‫ديکهتے‬ ‫جانب‬(
) ‫ندائ(مہمان‬
Two Shots, Master
Shot, Over The
Shoulder OTS Shot,
Tilt Up Shot,
‫دن۔۔۔‬ ‫سارا‬ ‫نے‬ ‫آپ‬ ‫آج‬ ‫،کيا‬ ‫کيا‬ ‫اورماما۔۔سنائيں‬ ‫عندليب‬‫قريب‬ ‫کے‬ ‫(ماں‬
)‫ہوئے‬ ‫ہوتے‬
Two Shots, Master
Shot, Over The
Shoulder OTS Shot,
Tilt Up Shot,
‫سنو۔۔۔‬ ‫بات‬ ‫ميری‬ ‫ذرا‬ ‫پہلے‬ ‫بيٹا۔۔۔‬ ‫عندليب‬!!!! ‫ساليکہ‬
Two Shots, Master
Shot, Over The
‫امی۔۔‬ ‫جی‬ ‫عندليب‬
Short Movie Booklet 34
Shoulder OTS Shot,
Tilt Up Shot,
Two Shots, Master
Shot, Over The
Shoulder OTS Shot,
Tilt Up Shot,
‫جا‬ ‫باہر‬‫ﺅ‬‫لگتا۔۔‬ ‫نہيں‬ ‫اچها‬ ‫طرح‬ ‫اس‬ ‫کرو۔۔۔‬ ‫جايا‬ ‫کر‬ ‫لے‬ ‫جادر‬ ‫تو‬ ‫ساليکہ‬
Two Shots, Master
Shot, Over The
Shoulder OTS Shot,
Tilt Up Shot,
‫۔۔۔‬ ‫نہ‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫ہی‬ ‫ڈاهانپنا‬ ‫نے۔۔۔‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫ہوا‬ ‫کيا‬ ‫کيا‬ ‫يہ‬ ‫چادر۔۔۔تو‬‫کو‬ ‫د‬ ‫خو‬
‫نے۔۔‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫ہوا‬ ‫لپيٹا‬
18 Seconds ‫(دوسرے‬ ‫تين‬ ‫نمبر‬ ‫سين‬‫کے‬ ‫کرداروں‬ ‫کے‬ ‫نمبر‬ ‫تيسرے‬ ‫اور‬
Scene 03
Solo Shots, Wide
Shot, Mid Shot.
‫ہوئے‬ ‫کرتے‬ ‫کام‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫کچن‬ )‫ميں‬ ‫کردار‬ ‫کے‬ ‫(ماں‬ ‫ساليکہ‬
Solo Shots, Wide
Shot, Mid Shot.
‫آنٹی‬ ‫عليکم‬ ‫السالم‬ :‫ہوئے‬ ‫بڑهاتے‬ ‫قدم‬ ‫پاس‬ ‫کے‬ ‫کچن‬ ‫کے‬ ‫(عندليب‬ :‫آمنہ‬
Solo Shots, Wide
Shot, Mid Shot.
‫بيٹا‬ ‫ہو‬ ‫م۔۔۔کيسی‬ ‫السال‬ ‫وعليکم‬ ‫ساليکہ‬
Solo Shots, Wide
Shot, Mid Shot.
‫آنٹی‬ ‫۔۔۔‬ ‫الحمدهللا‬ ‫آمنہ‬
Short Movie Booklet 35
Solo Shots, Wide
Shot, Mid Shot.
‫ہے؟‬ ‫کہاں‬ ‫عندليب‬ ‫آنٹی‬ ‫آمنہ‬
Solo Shots, Wide
Shot, Mid Shot.
‫جا‬ ‫اپنے۔۔۔‬ ‫گی‬ ‫ہو‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫کمرے‬‫ﺅ‬‫لو۔۔۔‬ ‫ديکه‬ ‫جاکے‬ ‫ساليکہ‬
45 Seconds ‫کرداروں‬ ‫دو‬ ‫پہلے‬ ‫ہوئے‬ ‫پيتے‬ ‫چائے‬ ‫بيٹهے‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫(لن‬ ‫سين‬ ‫چوتها‬
‫درميان‬ ‫کے‬(
Scene 04
Wide Two Shot,
Solo Shot, Master.
‫؟‬ ‫ہوں‬ ‫رہی‬ ‫لگ‬ ‫کيسی‬ ‫آج‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫آمنہ‬ ‫عندليب‬
Wide Two Shot,
Solo Shot, Master.
‫عندليب‬ ‫ليتيں‬ ‫ڈهانپ‬ ‫بهی‬ ‫گردن‬ ‫اپنی‬ ‫تم‬ ‫ہو۔۔۔ليکن۔۔۔اگر‬ ‫رہی‬ ‫لگ‬ ‫اچهی‬
‫ہوتا۔۔‬ ‫اچها‬ ‫زيادہ‬ ‫تو‬
‫تاثرات‬ ‫کے‬ ‫آمنہ(چہرے‬
)‫ہوئے‬ ‫بدلتے‬
Wide Two Shot,
Solo Shot, Master.
‫کہ‬ ‫ہو‬ ‫چاہتی‬ ‫طرح‬ ‫کس‬ ‫اور‬ ‫۔۔‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫تو‬ ‫ڈهانپا‬ ‫تمہارا۔۔‬ ‫مطلب‬ ‫کيا‬
‫اس‬ ‫ہيں‬ ‫رہے‬ ‫گزر‬ ‫ہم‬ ‫سے‬ ‫دور‬ ‫کے‬ ‫طرح‬ ‫جس‬ ‫بهی‬ ‫ويسے‬ ‫ڈهانپوں؟‬
‫کرنا‬ ‫ہميں‬ ‫تو‬ ‫اتنا‬ ‫۔۔۔۔‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫ضروری‬ ‫کرنا‬ ‫ماڈرن‬ ‫کو‬ ‫خود‬ ‫ميں‬‫چاہئے۔۔۔‬
Wide Two Shot,
Solo Shot, Master.
‫ہے؟‬ ‫فرمايا‬ ‫ارشاد‬ ‫کيا‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫پاک‬ ‫قرآن‬ ‫نے‬ ٰ‫تعالی‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫معلوم‬ ‫تمہيں‬ ‫آمنہ‬
Wide Two Shot,
Solo Shot, Master.
‫کيا؟؟‬ ‫عندليب‬
Wide Two Shot,
Solo Shot, Master.
”‫رکهيناپنی‬ ‫نيچی‬ ‫نگاہيں‬ ‫اپنی‬ ‫بهی‬ ‫وہ‬ ‫کہوکہ‬ ‫سے‬ ‫عورتوں‬ ‫مسلمان‬
‫کريں‬ ‫نہ‬ ‫ظاہر‬ ‫کو‬ ‫زينت‬ ‫اپنی‬ ‫ديناور‬ ‫آنے‬ ‫نہ‬ ‫فرق‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫عصمت‬“‫اور‬
‫ہے۔۔۔‬ ‫ہوا‬ ‫ڈهانپا‬ ‫کو‬ ‫خود‬ ‫نے‬ ‫تم‬ ‫کہ‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫رہا‬ ‫لگ‬ ‫تمہيں‬
‫کے‬ ‫(چہرے‬ ‫آمنہ‬
‫لتے‬ ‫تنز‬ ‫پر‬ ‫تاثرات‬
Short Movie Booklet 36
Master Shot, Pan
Shot, Two Shot.
‫ہے۔‬ ‫جاتی‬ ‫بيٹه‬ ‫ساته‬ ‫آکر‬ ‫ں‬ ‫وہا‬ ‫عندليب‬ ‫اور‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫بيٹهی‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫لن‬ ‫تنہا‬ ‫آمنہ‬
Master Shot, Pan
Shot, Two Shot.
‫ہو؟؟؟‬ ‫رہی‬ ‫لگ‬ ‫پريشان‬ ‫؟؟‬ ‫ہوا‬ ‫۔۔۔کيا‬ ‫ہوا‬ ‫کيا‬ ‫آمنہ‬
Master Shot, Pan
Shot, Two Shot.
‫ہاں‬‫۔‬ ‫ہوں‬ ‫پريشان‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫آمنہ‬ ‫عندليب‬
Master Shot, Pan
Shot, Two Shot.
‫ہوا؟‬ ‫کيا‬ ‫آمنہ‬
Master Shot, Pan
Shot, Two Shot.
‫ہوں۔۔‬ ‫مبتال‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫وپنج‬ ‫شش‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫عندليب‬
01 Minute 27
‫کمرے‬ ‫کردار‬ ‫(پہال‬ ‫سين‬ ‫پانچواں‬‫کے‬ ‫حجاب‬ ‫اور‬ ‫بيٹهے‬ ‫تنہا‬ ‫ميں‬
‫سوچتے‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫بارے‬(
Scene 05
Over The Shoulder
OTS Shot, Solo
Shot,Cut Shot,
‫کيدين‬ ‫حجاب‬ ‫پهر‬ ‫اور‬ ‫سوچتی‬ ‫ہوئے‬ ‫کرتے‬ ‫کام‬ ‫پر‬ ‫ٹاپ‬ ‫ليپ‬ ‫اپنے‬
‫پهر‬ ‫اور‬ ‫ہے۔۔‬ ‫سنتی‬ ‫کو‬ ‫دين‬ ‫عالم‬ ‫لئے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫جاننے‬ ‫اہميت‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫اسالم‬
‫سوچ‬ ‫وہ‬ ‫ہے۔۔۔اور‬ ‫ہوتی‬ ‫آشکار‬ ‫پر‬ ‫اس‬ ‫اہميت‬ ‫اور‬ ‫حقيقت‬ ‫کی‬ ‫حجاب‬
‫ہے۔۔‬ ‫جاتی‬ ‫ڈوب‬ ‫ميں‬
01 Minute 42
، ‫بيٹهے‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫لن‬ ‫کے‬ ‫(کالج‬ ‫سين‬ ‫چهٹا‬‫درميان‬ ‫کے‬ ‫کرداروں‬ ‫دو‬ ‫پہلے‬
Scene 06
Short Movie Booklet 37
Master Shot, Pan
Shot, Two Shot.
‫پر‬ ‫بات‬ ‫کس‬ ‫آمنہ‬
Master Shot, Pan
Shot, Two Shot.
‫بنا‬ ‫ميرا‬ ‫کيا‬‫ﺅ‬‫ہے؟‬ ‫ديتا‬ ‫زيب‬ ‫مجهے‬ ‫سنگهاکرنا‬ ‫عندليب‬
Master Shot, Pan
Shot, Two Shot.
‫نہيں‬ ‫اجازت‬ ‫کوئی‬ ‫کی‬ ‫طرح‬ ‫اس‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫مذہب‬ ‫ہمارے‬ ‫۔۔‬ ‫عندليب‬ ‫ديکهو‬
‫بنا‬ ‫طرح‬ ‫اس‬ ‫لڑکی‬ ‫ہےکہ‬‫ﺅ‬‫نکلے۔۔‬ ‫باہر‬ ‫سے‬ ‫گهر‬ ‫کے‬ ‫کر‬ ‫سنگهار‬
‫ديتا۔۔۔‬ ‫نہيں‬ ‫اجازت‬ ‫کی‬ ‫بات‬ ‫اس‬ ‫مذہب‬ ‫ہمارا‬
Master Shot, Pan
Shot, Two Shot.
‫بنا‬ ‫اپنا‬ ‫ہم‬ ‫تو‬‫ﺅ‬‫ہيں۔۔‬ ‫سکتے‬ ‫کر‬ ‫آخر‬ ‫لئے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫کس‬ ‫سنگهار‬ ‫عندليب‬
Master Shot, Pan
Shot, Two Shot.
‫بنا‬ ‫اپنا‬ ‫ہم‬‫ﺅ‬‫سکتے‬ ‫کر‬ ‫لئے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫رشتوں‬ ‫محرم‬ ‫اپنے‬ ‫صرف‬ ‫سنگهاہر‬
‫ڈهانپ‬ ‫خودکو‬ ‫صرف‬ ‫حجاب‬ ‫کيونکہ‬‫يہ‬ ‫بلکہ‬ ‫ہے۔۔‬ ‫نہيں‬ ‫نام‬ ‫کا‬ ‫لينے‬
‫آپ‬ ‫کہ‬ ‫يہ‬ ‫مطلب‬ ،‫ہے‬ ‫ت‬ ‫حيا‬ ‫طرز‬ ‫مکمل‬ ‫ايک‬‫کس‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫معاشرے‬
‫بات‬ ‫سے‬ ‫طرح‬ ‫کس‬ ‫سے‬ ‫محرم‬ ‫ہيں۔۔۔نا‬ ‫کرتے‬ ‫ر‬ ‫اختيا‬ ‫رويہ‬ ‫کا‬ ‫طرح‬
‫سب‬ ‫يہ‬ ‫ہيں۔۔‬ ‫کرتے‬ ‫کيسے‬ ‫حفاظت‬ ‫کی‬ ‫نظروں‬ ‫اپنی‬ ،‫ہيں‬ ‫کرتے‬
‫ہے۔۔‬ ‫آتا‬ ‫ہيں‬ ‫زمرے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫حجاب‬
Master Shot, Pan
Shot, Two Shot.
‫۔۔‬ ‫دوں‬ ‫کر‬ ‫شروع‬ ‫حجاب‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫کے‬ ‫ہوں‬ ‫رہی‬ ‫سوچ‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫آمنہ‬
‫حجاب‬ ‫اپنے‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫ليکن‬‫اگر‬ ‫گی۔۔اور‬ ‫کروں‬ ‫سے‬ ‫نظروں‬ ‫اپنی‬ ‫آغاز‬ ‫کا‬
‫کسی‬‫ہی‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫لہجے‬ ‫سخت‬ ‫ہميشہ‬ ‫تو‬ ‫ہوا‬ ‫مقصود‬ ‫کرنا‬ ‫بات‬ ‫سے‬ ‫نامحرم‬
‫گی۔۔‬ ‫کروں‬ ‫بات‬‫ديا۔۔‬ ‫حکم‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫پاک‬ ‫قرآن‬ ‫نے‬ ٰ‫تعالی‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫جيسا‬
Short Movie Booklet 38
Master Shot, Pan
Shot, Two Shot.
‫ميں‬ ‫سمجه‬ ‫مطلب‬ ‫اصل‬ ‫کا‬ ‫حجاب‬ ‫تمہيں‬ ‫کے‬ ‫ہوں‬ ‫خوش‬ ‫بہت‬ ‫ميں‬
‫آگيا۔۔زياد‬‫حجاب‬ ‫اصل‬ ‫ہی‬ ‫لينا‬ ‫ڈهانپ‬ ‫کو‬ ‫چہرے‬ ‫محض‬ ‫افراد‬ ‫تر‬ ‫ہ‬
‫ہے۔۔‬ ‫گيا‬ ‫ہو‬ ‫وقت‬ ‫کا‬ ‫کالس‬ ‫ہماری‬ ‫چليں‬ ‫اب‬ ‫ہيں۔۔‬ ‫سمجهتے‬
40 Seconds ‫ميں‬ ‫صورت‬ ‫نئی‬ ‫اپنی‬ ‫کئے‬ ‫حجاب‬ ‫عندليب‬ ‫پہالکردار‬ ( ‫سين‬ ‫ساتواں‬
‫ہے‬ ‫پہنچتا‬ ‫گهر‬ ‫کے‬ ‫کردارآمنہ‬ ‫دوسرے‬)
Scene 07
Establishing Shot of
Door, OTS Shot.
Two Shot, Pan Shot,
Frame Out.
‫۔۔۔‬ ‫کون‬ ‫آپ‬ ‫جی‬ ‫پر‬ ‫بجنے‬ ‫گهنٹی‬ ( ‫آمنہ‬
)‫ہے‬ ‫کهولتی‬ ‫دروازہ‬
Establishing Shot of
Door, OTS Shot.
Two Shot, Pan Shot,
‫آمنہ۔۔‬ ‫ہو‬ ‫کيسی‬ ‫۔۔‬ ‫عليکم‬ ‫السالم‬ ‫کی‬ ‫آمنہ‬ ‫عندليب(چہرہ‬
)‫ہوئے‬ ‫پهيرتے‬ ‫طرف‬
Establishing Shot of
Door, OTS Shot.
Two Shot, Pan Shot,
‫السالم‬ ‫وعليکم‬ ‫سے‬ ‫(حيرانی‬ ‫آمنہ‬
)‫ہوئے‬ ‫ديکهتے‬
Establishing Shot of
Door, OTS Shot.
Two Shot, Pan Shot,
‫گی۔۔۔؟؟‬ ‫بولو‬ ‫نہيں‬ ‫کا‬ ‫آنے‬ ‫اندر‬ ‫کی‬ ‫آمنہ‬ (‫عندليب‬
‫کرتے‬ ‫ختم‬ ‫حيرانی‬
Establishing Shot of
Door, OTS Shot.
Two Shot, Pan Shot,
‫آ‬ ‫۔۔‬ ‫ں‬ ‫ہا‬‫ﺅ‬ ‫آمنہ‬
Short Movie Booklet 39
Establishing Shot of
Door, OTS Shot.
Two Shot, Pan Shot,
‫ہو؟‬ ‫رہی‬ ‫ديکه‬ ‫کيا‬ ‫سے‬ ‫حيرت‬ ‫اتنی‬ ‫ہوا؟؟‬ ‫کيا‬ ‫عندليب‬
Establishing Shot of
Door, OTS Shot.
Two Shot, Pan Shot,
‫؟؟‬ ‫ہو‬ ‫تم‬ ‫يہ‬ ‫۔۔۔‬ ‫عندليب‬ ‫سے‬ ‫(حيرانی‬ ‫آمنہ‬
Two Shot, Frame
‫ہو۔۔۔‬ ‫کيسی‬ ‫اور‬ ‫۔۔۔‬ ‫چليں‬ ‫ہوں۔۔۔!!!۔۔۔اندر‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫۔۔۔‬ ‫ہاں‬
‫آ‬ ‫سے‬ ‫کيمرے‬ ‫(کردار‬‫ﺅ‬)‫ہيں‬ ‫جاتے‬ ‫ہو‬ ‫ٹ‬
45 Seconds ‫ميں۔۔‬ ‫شکل‬ ‫تصاويری‬ ‫تفصيالت‬ ‫سے‬ ‫حوالے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫حجاب‬ ‫اختتام‬
10 Seconds End Credits Presenter’s Credit
To those who very harshly and quickly judge hijab as a symbol of oppression of
women, I ask: When you see a nun in her habit, what do you think of that—is that a symbol
of oppression or a dress that demands dignity and respect? The habit of a nun is a complete
hijab. Why then the double standard? Is this not cultural imperialism?
When a Catholic nun dresses in that way, she becomes dignified, but when a Muslim woman
dresses in that way, she becomes the symbol of oppression?! In Islam, we want that dignity
and respect for each and every Muslim woman, not only a few selected ones who have
decided to serve the cause of their faith.
I salute those Muslim women who have found the courage in themselves to observe hijab in
this non-Muslim society, and I strongly urge their male-counterparts to appreciate women‘s
great contribution in being at the forefront in the struggle to carve out a niche for Islam in the
multicultural society of Canada.
One last thing that I must say is that in spite of all the talk about suppression of rights of
women in Muslim societies, we have had three countries in the world of Islam—Turkey,
Pakistan and Bangladesh—which have had female Prime Ministers. Against this track record,
the United States of America or Canada have not yet shown that openness for the
advancement of women where a lady could be elected for a full term as a President or Prime
Minister. I think that says a lot about Islam and the Muslims.
(Types of Hijab)
The al-amira is a two-piece veil. It
consists of a close fitting cap, usually
made from cotton or polyester, and an
accompanying tube-like scarf. The
shayla is a long, rectangular scarf
popular in the Gulf region. It is
wrapped around the headend
tucked or pinned in place at the shoulders.
The word hijab comes from the Arabic for veil and is
used to describe the headscarves worn by Muslim
women. These scarves come in a myriad of styles and
colors. The type most commonly worn in the West is a
square scarf that covers the head and neck but leaves
the face clear.
The niqab is a veil for the face that leaves
the area around the eyes clear. However,
it may be worn with a separate eye veil. It
is worn with an accompanying headscarf.
The burka is the most concealing of all
Islamic veils. It covers the entire face and
body, leaving just a mesh screen to see
The khimar is a long, cape-like veil that
hangs down to just above the waist. It covers
the hair, neck and shoulders completely, but
leaves the face clear. The chador, worn by
many Iranian women when outside the house,
is a full-body cloak. It is often accompanied
by a smaller headscarf underneath.

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Short Movie Booklet by Andleeb Nasir

  • 1. SHORT MOVIE BOOKLET Project Name: Women‘s Dress Code (According to the Quran) Project Presented By: Andleeb Nasir College Roll # 535 University Roll # 011655 Session: 2014-2018 BS Mass Communication Queen Marry College Lahore
  • 2. Preface This Short Movie has been prepared by Andleeb Nasir who also a leading character of this Short Movie. Other characters has been played by Amina Bibi who has been presented a role of friend of main character, Character of Mother has been played by Salika and friend of mother‘s character has been played by Nida who has done the job of cameraman too.
  • 3. Basic Idea The Main character Andleeb Nasir is also writer and director of this movie and the basic idea of this whole short movie is to highlight the Importance of ‘Hijab‖ in our society. After Globalization of the world our Eastern and Middle East people adopted the western culture and left their own social norms behind which created a multicultural society. Here a question rises that what is a relation between society and Hijab and why it is important and what is Hijab actually? Hijab is the dress that covers the adornment of Muslim woman, on the condition that it won‘t be adornment by itself. In other words the Islamic definition of Hijab is the dress that covers whatever might arouse instincts. It is what keep a woman safe, not only in her own society but wherever she goes. It should be noticed that the way its worn does not arouse the sexual appeal for both men and women. Despite these points, Hijab is not old fashioned as some might claim. On the contrary, a Muslim woman needs to be careful of her appearance. She needs not only to be neat, but as a dress, does not have the same rank of importance as manners and behavior have. It is crucially important for a Muslim woman to behave well when wearing her Hijab, because her behavior will give an impression to the dress she is wearing on the hand, and to the religion itself on the other.
  • 4. Table of Content No# Chapter Name Page No# 01 Introduction 01 02 Studying The Qur’an 02 03 The Quran and Hijab (Verses) 04 04 The Sunna and Hijab 08 05 Muslim Culture and the Style of Hijab 10 06 Why Hijab 11 07 Common Questions about Hijab and Related Issues 14 08 The Mehram 16 09 Topic Selection and Approval 16 10 Script Writing 17 11 Production Plan 17 12 Characters and Selection 20 13 Shoot Coordination (Shoot Days and Time) 21 14 Post Production (Editing) Project Done 21 15 Our Script 23 16 Budget 25 17 Conclusion 31 18 Suggestions 32
  • 5. Short Movie Booklet 1 Introduction ‫الرحيم‬ ‫الرحمن‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫بسم‬ ‫الطاهرين‬ ‫آله‬ ‫و‬ ‫محمد‬ ‫على‬ ‫السالم‬ ‫و‬ ‫الصالة‬ ‫و‬ ‫العالمين‬ ‫رب‬ ‫هلل‬ ‫الحمد‬ In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Universe. May Allah shower His blessings upon Prophet Muhammad and his progeny? Islam is a world religion; its presence can be felt all over the world through conversion or migration. However, the most visible symbol of Islam‘s presence in the West is the hijab—the headdress used by a Muslim woman to cover her head. In the Greater Toronto Area, you can see Muslim women in hijab at schools, in colleges and universities, in the workplace, in malls, and on the streets. Being the most obvious symbol of Islam‘s presence, it is also the easiest target for harassment against Muslims. Whenever a racist politician or the media or any hate group attacks Islam, the very first target is the Muslim woman‘s hijab. Also, some so-called experts on Islam and the Middle East assume a patronizing attitude and try to teach Muslims that hijab is not a religious requirement in Islam, saying it is more a cultural issue used by Muslim men to oppress the women. Some self-loathing Muslim journalists, politicians and intellectuals also jump on that back wagon to prove themselves as ―progressive‖ and ―liberated‖. Is hijab really a cultural tradition of the Persians or the Turks that was adopted by the Arabs who implanted it into Islam? Or is there a religious basis in the Qur‘an and the tradition of the Prophet for hijab? The Term “Hijab—‫الحجاب‬ ” literally means a cover, curtain or screen. It is not a technical
  • 6. Short Movie Booklet 2 term used in Islamic jurisprudence for the dress code of women. The term used in Islamic jurisprudence that denotes the conduct of unrelated men and women towards one another, and their dress code, is ―satror satir— ،‫الستر‬‫الساتر‬ ”. In the last two decades however, the Muslims in the west, as well as the media, use the term ―hijab‖ to define the headdress and the overall clothing of Muslim women. It is in this latter meaning —headdress as well as the overall clothing— that we have used the term ―hijab in this article. Studying The QUR'AN The holy book of the Muslims is the Qur‘an; it is the revelation of Almighty Allah upon Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny). The 114 chapters of the Qur‘an were revealed in a piece-meal form in around twenty-two years; some of the verses were revealed in Mecca while others were revealed in Medina. For Muslims, the Qur‘an is the first and the foremost source of Islamic laws and values. It is considered the final message of God for mankind, and it is to be followed at all times and in all places until the end of this world. These days we are often told that we must keep up with the times, writes Dr. Nasr, a prominent Muslim scholar who currently teaches Islamat the George Washington University in D.C.―Rarely does on eask what have the ‗times‘ to keep up with. For men who have lost the vision of a reality which transcends time, who are caught completely in the mesh of our time and space and who have been affected by the historicism prevalent in modern European philosophy, it is difficult to imagine the validity of a truth that does not conform to their immediate external environment.
  • 7. Short Movie Booklet 3 Islam, however, is based on the principle that truth transcends history and time. Divine Law is an objective transcendent reality, by which man and his actions are judged, not vice versa. What are called the ‗times today are to a large extent a set of problems and difficulties created by man‘s ignorance of his own real nature and his stubborn determination to ‗live by bread alone‘. To attempt to shape the Divine Law to the ‗times is therefore no less than spiritual suicide because it removes the very criteria by which the real value of human life and action can be objectively judged and thus surrenders man to the most infernal impulses of his lower nature. To say the least, the very manner of approaching the problem of Islamic Law and religion in general by trying to make them conform to the times ‘is to misunderstand the whole perspective and spirit of Islam. Some Muslim sisters have started incorporating Western feminist ideology in studying the Qur‘an; they believe that hijab and other related issues have been interpreted from almost exclusively male perspective. Some of them go to the extent of saying that since all Prophets and Messengers were men, and so the laws are also biased towards men. The problem with this trend of thought is that there is no evidence to support it. It is baseless to accuse the Prophet (s.a.w.), the Imams of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.), and even the jurists — who are only considered an authority if they are just and upright in character— of having a male bias in interpretation of the divine laws. Are we going to have now a gender-based interpretation of the Qur‘an where the men and the women will study the holy Book differently? The Qur‘an clearly says, “And do not covet that by which Allah has made some of you excel others; men shall have the benefit of what they earn and women shall have the benefit of what they earn; and ask Allah of His grace; surely Allah knows all things.” (4:32)
  • 8. Short Movie Booklet 4 Such Muslim ―feminists‖ are also of the opinion that a woman has a right to interpret Qur‘an according to her own understanding, and that she has the right to choose how she interprets her dress code. In their discussion, the famous verse 2:256 is brought as evidence: “There is no compulsion in the religion…” First of all, the verse 2:256 is not giving the choice for a Muslim to do whatever he or she likes. “Muslim” means someone who submits to God’s commandments. To say that a person can be a “Muslim” and still have “choice in everything” is a true oxymoron. Secondly, such brothers and sisters conveniently ignore the context of that verse. The verse is talking about the choice of religion before coming into Islam— submission to the will of God. It means that no one can be forced to become a Muslim. There is no compulsion in the religion; truly the right way has become clearly distinct from error; therefore, whoever disbelieves in the Shaytan and believes in Allah, he indeed has got hold onto the firmest rope which shall not break off; and Allah is Hearing, Knowing. The verse is clearly talking about rejecting the Shaytan and believing in Allah. It does not mean that a Muslim has a choice in whatever he or she wants to do. Once a person has submitted to God, there is no choice left for him or her in the matters already decided by Allah and His Messenger. See the following verse that makes the issue of obedience clear for both men as well as women: And it behooves not a believing man and a believing woman that they should have any choice in their matter when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter; and whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he [or she] surely strays off a manifest straying.‖ (33:36)
  • 9. Short Movie Booklet 5 And so the Qur‘an is for all: man and woman, young and old, white and black, Arab and non- Arab, easterner and westerner; but it has to be studied on its own terms without imposing the personal likes or dislikes upon it and without strait-jacketing it into this or that ism‘ The QUR‟AN and Hijab Islam has strongly emphasized the concept of decency and modesty in the interaction between members of the opposite sex. Dress code is part of that overall teaching. There are two verses in the Qur‘an in which Almighty Allah talks about the issue of decency and hijab as defined earlier. The First Verse In Chapter 24 known as An-Nur (the Light), in verse 30, Allah commands Prophet Muhammad as follows: ‫ل‬ُ‫ق‬‫ن‬‫ي‬ِ‫ن‬ِ‫م‬‫ؤ‬ُ‫م‬‫ل‬ِ‫ل‬‫ا‬‫و‬ُّ‫ض‬ُ‫غ‬‫ي‬‫ن‬ِ‫م‬‫م‬ِ‫ه‬ِ‫ار‬‫ص‬‫ب‬‫أ‬‫و‬‫ا‬‫و‬ُ‫ظ‬‫ف‬‫ح‬‫ي‬‫ُم‬‫ه‬‫ج‬‫ُو‬‫ر‬ُ‫ف‬,‫ك‬ِ‫ل‬‫ذ‬‫ى‬‫ك‬‫ز‬‫أ‬‫ُم‬‫ه‬‫ل‬. “Say to the believing men that: they should cast down their glances and guard their private parts (by being chaste). This is better for them.” This is a command to Muslim men that they should not lustfully look at women (other than their own wives); and in order to prevent any possibility of temptation, they are required to cast their glances downwards. This is known as ―hijab of the eyes. Then in the next verse, Allah commands the Prophet to address the women: ‫ل‬ُ‫ق‬ِ‫ت‬‫ا‬‫ن‬ِ‫م‬‫ؤ‬ُ‫م‬‫ل‬ِ‫ل‬‫ن‬‫ُض‬‫ض‬‫غ‬‫ي‬‫ن‬ِ‫م‬‫ن‬ِ‫ه‬ِ‫ار‬‫ص‬‫ب‬‫أ‬‫و‬‫ن‬‫ظ‬‫ف‬‫ح‬‫ي‬‫ُن‬‫ه‬‫ج‬‫ُو‬‫ر‬ُ‫ف‬... “Say to the believing women that: they should cast down their glances and guard their private parts (by being chaste)…”
  • 10. Short Movie Booklet 6 This is a similar command as given to the men in the previous verse regarding―hijab of the eyes. This hijab of eyes is similar to the teaching of Jesus where he says, ―You have heard that it was said by them of old time, you shall not commit adultery. But I say unto you, that whosoever looks on a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart.‖ So if you see a Muslim casting his/her eyes downwards when he/she is talking to a member of opposite sex, this should not be considered as rude or an indication of lack of confidence — he/she is just abiding by the Qur‘anic as well as Biblical teaching. After―hijab of the eyes came the order describing the dress code for women: ‫و‬‫ل‬‫ن‬‫ي‬ِ‫د‬‫ُب‬‫ي‬‫ُن‬‫ه‬‫ت‬‫ن‬‫ي‬ِ‫ز‬‫ل‬ِ‫إ‬‫ا‬‫م‬‫ر‬‫ه‬‫ظ‬ِ‫م‬‫ا‬‫ه‬‫ن‬‫و‬‫ن‬‫ب‬ِ‫ر‬‫ض‬‫ي‬‫ل‬‫ن‬ِ‫ه‬ِ‫ر‬ُ‫م‬ُ‫خ‬ِ‫ب‬‫لى‬‫ع‬‫ن‬ِ‫ه‬ِ‫ب‬‫ُو‬‫ي‬ُ‫ج‬... “...and not display their beauty except what is apparent, and they should place their khumur over their bosoms...” There are two issues about this sentence (1) What is the meaning of “khumur” used in this verse? Khumur ‫ر‬ُ‫م‬ُ‫خ‬is plural of khimar ‫ار‬‫م‬ِ‫خ‬, the veil covering the head. See any Arabic dictionary like Lisanu ’l-‘Arab, Majma‘u ’l-Bahrayn or al-Munjid. Al-Munjid, which is the most popular dictionary in the Arab world, defines al-khimar as “something with which a woman conceals her head — ‫رأسها‬ ‫المرأة‬ ‫به‬ ‫تغطى‬ ‫ما‬.” Fakhru ’d-Din al-Turayhi in Majma‘u ’l-Bahrayn (which is a dictionary of Qur’anic and hadith terms) defines al-khimar as “scarf, and it is known as such because the head is covered with it.” So the word khimar, by definition, means a piece of cloth that covers the head. (2) Then what does the clause “placing the khumur over the bosoms “mean?
  • 11. Short Movie Booklet 7 According to the commentators of the Qur‘an, the women of Medina in the pre- Islamic era used to put their khumur over the head with the two ends tucked behind and tied at the back of the neck, in the process exposing their ears and neck. By saying that place the khumur over the bosoms, Almighty Allah ordered the women to let the two ends of their headgear extend onto their bosoms so that they conceal their ears, the neck, and the upper part of the bosom also. This is confirmed by the way the Muslim women of the Prophet‘s era understood this commandment of Almighty Allah. The Sunni sources quote Ummu ‘l- mu‘minin ‗A‘isha, the Prophet‘s wife, as follows: I have not seen women better than those of al-Ansar (the inhabitants of Medina): when this verse was revealed, all of them got hold of their aprons, tore them apart, and used them to cover their heads...The meaning of khimar and the context in which the verse was revealed clearly talks about concealing the head and then using the loose ends of the scarf to conceal the neck and the bosom. It is absurd to believe that the Qur‘an would use the word khimar (which, by definition, means a cloth that covers the head) only to conceal the bosom with the exclusion of the head! It would be like saying to put on your shirt only around the belly or the waist without covering the chest! Finally the verse goes on to give the list of the mahram – male family members in whose presence the hijab is not required, such as the husband, the father, the father-in-law, the son(s), and others The second verse In Chapter 33 known as al-Ahzab, verse 59, Allah gives the following command to Prophet Muhammad: ‫ا‬‫ي‬‫ا‬‫ُّه‬‫ي‬‫أ‬ُّ‫ي‬ِ‫ب‬‫الن‬,‫ل‬ُ‫ق‬‫ك‬ِ‫ج‬‫ا‬‫و‬‫ز‬‫أل‬‫و‬‫ك‬ِ‫ت‬‫ا‬‫ن‬‫ب‬‫و‬ِ‫ء‬‫سآ‬ِ‫ن‬‫ن‬‫ي‬ِ‫ن‬ِ‫م‬‫ؤ‬ُ‫م‬‫ال‬:‫ن‬‫ي‬ِ‫ن‬‫ُد‬‫ي‬‫ن‬ِ‫ه‬‫ي‬‫ل‬‫ع‬‫ن‬ِ‫م‬‫ن‬ِ‫ه‬ِ‫ب‬‫ي‬ِ‫ب‬‫ال‬‫ج‬... “O Prophet! Say to your wives, your daughters, and the women of the believers that: they should let down upon themselves their jalabib
  • 12. Short Movie Booklet 8 What is the meaning of “jalabib”? Jalabib ‫ب‬‫ي‬ِ‫ب‬‫ال‬‫ج‬is the plural of jilbab ‫اب‬‫ب‬‫ل‬ِ‫ج‬, which means a loose outer garment. See any Arabic dictionary like Lisanu ’l-‘Arab, Majma‘u ’l-Bahrayn or al-Munjid. Al-Munjid, for instance, defines jilbab as “the shirt or a wide dress— ‫الثوب‬ ‫أو‬ ‫القميص‬ ‫”.الواسع‬ While al-Turayhi, in Majma‘u ’l-Bahrayn, defines it as “a wide dress, wider than the scarf and shorter than a robe, that a woman puts upon her head and lets it down on her bosom...” This means that the Islamic dress code for women does not only consist of a scarf that covers the head, the neck and the bosom; it also includes the overall dress that should be long and loose. So, for instance, the combination of a tight, short sweater with tight-fitting jeans with a scarf over the head does not fulfill the requirements of the Islamic dress code. 1. the Gospel of Matthew, chap. 5, verses27-28. 2. Al-Munjid (Beirut: Daru ‘l-Mashriq, 1986) p. 195; at-Turayh¢, Majma‗u ‘l-Bahrayn, vol.1 (Tehran: Daftar Nashr, 1408 AH) p. 700. See at-Tusi, at-Tibyan, vol. 7 (Qum: Maktabatu ‘l- l‗lam al-Islami, 1409 AH) p. 428; at-Tabrasi, Majma‘u ‘l-Bayan, vol. 7 (Beirut: Dar Ihyai ‘t- Turathi ‘l-‗Arabi, 1379AH) p.138; also see the Famous Sunni commentator, Fakhru ‘d-Din ar-Razi, at-Tafsiru ‘l-Kabir, vol. 23 (Beirut: Daru ‘l-Kutubi ‘l-‗Ilmiyya, 1990) p. 179-180. Even the Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic (Ithaca, NY: Spoken LanguagesServices,1976) definesal-khimar as ―veil covering head and face of a woman. (p. 261) No one has excluded the covering of the head from definition of―al-khimar.
  • 13. Short Movie Booklet 9 3.Ar-Razi, at-Tafsiru ‘l-Kabir, vol.23, p. 179, and other famous commentaries and collections of hadith such as at-Tabataba‘i, al-Mizan, vol. 15 (Tehran: Daru ‘l-Kutub, 1397AH) p. 121; al-Kulayni, al-Furu‗ mina ‘l-Kafi, vol. 5 (Tehran: Daru ‘l-Kutub, 1367AH) p. 521. Also see the commentaries of al-Kashshaf, Ibn Kathir, at-Tabari, and al-Qurtubi. 4.Ibid, also see, al-Bukhari, Sahih (Arabic & English) vol. 6 (Beirut: Daru ‘l-‗Arabiyya) p. 267; Abu ‘l-A‗la Mawdudi, Tafhimu ‘l-Qur‘an, vol. 3 (Lahore: Idara-e Tarjuman-e Qur‘an, 1994) p.316. 5.Ibid. al-Munjid, p. 96; at-Turayhi, Majma‗u ‘l-Bahrayn, vol. 1,p.384. The SUNNA and Hijab The sunna the sayings and examples of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.)— is the second most important source for Islamic laws. It is impossible to truly understand the Qur‘an without studying the Prophet‘s life that provided the context in which the holy Book was revealed. Almighty Allah says, “And We have revealed to you (O Muhammad) the Reminder (i.e., the Qur‟an) so that you may clarify to the people what has been revealed to them, and so that they may reflect.”(16:44) ―Sunna is that ―clarification mentioned in this verse. There is a tendency among the so-called progressive and liberated Muslims to claim that they only follow the Qur‘an and ignore the sunna of the Prophet. Responding to such Muslims, Drs. Murata and Chittick write, ―We are perfectly aware that many contemporary Muslims are tired of what they consider outdated material: they would like to discard their intellectual heritage and replace it with truly scientific‘endeavors, such as sociology. By
  • 14. Short Movie Booklet 10 claiming that the Islamic intellectual heritage is superfluous and that the Koran is sufficient, such people have surrendered to the spirit of the times. This is a far different enterprise than that pursued by the great authorities, who interpreted their present in the light of a grand tradition and who never fell prey to the up-to- date—that most obsolescent of all abstractions. From the Shi’i point of view, the authentic sayings of the Imams of Ahlul Bayt portray the true sunna of the Prophet and further clarify the meaning of the Qur‘anic verses. The Prophet himself introduced the Ahlul Bayt as the twin of the Qur‘an.The following two sayings from the Imams of the Ahlul Bayt on the issue of hijab are presented here as an example. Al-Fudayl bin Yasar asked Imam as-Sadiq (a.s.) about the forearms of a woman: whether they are included in the ―beauty‖ as described by the Almighty when He says, ―and they should not display their beauty except for their husbands...‖ The Imam replied, ―Yes, and what is beneath the veil covering the head (khimar) is from the beauty [as mentioned in the verse], and also what is beneath the wristbands. As one can clearly see in this authentic hadith, the Imam has exempted the face and the hands, but everything else has been counted as―the beauty that should not be displayed except for their husbands...AbuNasr al-Bazinli quotes Imam ‗Ali as-Rida (a.s.) as follows: A woman does not have to cover her head in the presence of a boy who has not yet reached the age of puberty. The implication of this statement is obvious that once a boy who is not related to a woman reaches the age of puberty, she has to cover her head in his presence. Even the founders of the Sunni schools of law are unanimous in this view. According to the Maliki, the Hanafi, the Shafi and the Han Bali views, the entire body of a woman is awrah hand therefore it should be covered with the exception of the face and the hands.
  • 15. Short Movie Booklet 11 The two verses discussed above put together clearly show that hijab, as a decent code of dress for Muslim women, is part of the Qur‟anic teachings. This is also confirmed by how the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) understood and implemented these verses among the Muslim women. This is further confirmed by how the Imams of the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.), and the Muslim scholars of the early generations of Islam understood the Qur‟an. It is an understanding that has been continuously affirmed by Muslims for the last fourteen centuries. And, strangely, now we hear some so-called experts of Islam telling us that hijab has nothing to do with Islam, it is just a cultural issue and a matter of personal choice! The two verses discussed above put together clearly show that hijab, as a decent code of dress for Muslim women, is part of the Qur‟anic teachings. This is also confirmed by how the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) understood and implemented these verses among the Muslim women. This is further confirmed by how the Imams of the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.), and the Muslim scholars of the early generations of Islam understood the Qur‟an. It is an understanding that has been continuously affirmed by Muslims for the last fourteen centuries. And, strangely, now we hear some so-called experts of Islam telling us that hijab has nothing to do with Islam, it is just a cultural issue and a matter of personal choice! 1. Sachiko Murata & William C. Chittick, The Vision of Islam (St. Paul, MN: Paragon House, 1995) p.xi. 2. The Qur‟an and the Ahlul Bayt, see my Introduction to Islamic Laws. 3. Al-Kulayni, al-Furu„ mina ‟l-Kafi, vol. 2, p.64.
  • 16. Short Movie Booklet 12 4. As-Saduq, Man la Yahduruhu ‟l-Faqih, vol. 2, p. 140; Qurbu ‟l-Asnad, p. 170. See Wasa‟ilu ‟sh-Shi„ah, vol. 14 (Beirut: Dar at-Turath al-„Arabi, n.d.) p. 169. 5. „Abdu ‟r-Rahman al-Juzari, al-Fiqh „ala‟l-Madhahibi ‟l-Arba„ah, vol. 5 (Beirut: Daru ‟l- Fikr,1969) p.54-55. 6. Besides the references quoted earlier, also see at-Tabrasi, Majma„u ‟l-Bayan, vol. 7-8, p. 138, 370; at-Tusi, at-Tibyan, vol. 8, p. 361; Fakhru ‟d-Din ar-Razi, at-Tafsiru ‟l-Kabir, vol. 23, p. 179-180. Muslim Culture & The style of Hijab It is quite probable that these so-called experts of Islam and of the Middle East have confused the basic order of the Qur‘an with the style of hijab worn by Muslim women of various ethnic backgrounds.The requirement of hijab is a Qur‘anic command. The basic requirement is that a Muslim woman should cover her head and bosom with a khimar (a head covering), and her body with a jilbab (a loose over-garment). Of course, she can leave her face and hands open. When it comes to the style, color, and material of the khimar and jilbab, each Muslim ethnic group can follow the Qur‘anic injunction according to their own cultural background. The variety in styles of implementing the same Qur‘anic law is so because Islam is a world religion, it is cannot be confined to one region or tribe or culture. Therefore you see that the Muslim women in Arabia use abaya; the Persian Muslim women use chador; the Afghani Muslim women use burqa; the Indo-Pakistani Muslim women use niqab or purdah; the Malaysian/Indonesian Muslim women use Kerudung; the East African Muslim women use buibui; and now in the West, the Canadian Muslim women use mainstream clothes worn with a bigger scarf over the head and a loose outfit.
  • 17. Short Movie Booklet 13 Islam is not concerned with the style as long as it fulfills the basic requirement of khimar and jilbab. This is where the religion and culture interact with one another, and therein lies the dynamic aspect of the Islamic sharia; and this interaction might have confused some of the so-called experts of Islam who erroneously believe that hijab is a cultural tradition and not a religious requirement. Putting a veil to cover the face is not the initial requirement of the rules of hijab. The Shi„I as well as majority of Sunni jurists say that the face should be covered only if there is a danger of fitna, a situation that could lead to committing a sin. Why Hijab? One of the many questions that I have been asked is why does Islam make hijab mandatory for women? Islam has introduced hijab as part of the decency and modesty in interaction between members of the opposite sex. Verse 59 of chapter 33 quoted previously gives a very good reason; it says, “This is more appropriate so that they may be known [as Muslim women] and thus not be harassed [or molested].” Men, whether they confess it or not, are slaves of lust and desire. Hijab protects women from such men; it symbolizes that she has been sanctified to one man only and is off- limit to all others. Hijab contributes to the stability and preservation of marriage and family by eliminating the chances of extra marital affairs. Finally, it compels men to focus on the real personality of the woman and de-emphasizes her
  • 18. Short Movie Booklet 14 physical beauty. It puts the woman in control of strangers‘reaction to her. Commenting on the attire of women in North Africa and South East Asia, Germaine Greer, one of the pioneers of the women‘s liberation movement, wrote: Women who wear Cortes or Huipiles or Saris or Jellabasor salwar kameez or any other ample garment scan swell and diminish inside them without embarrassment or discomfort. Women with shawls and veils can breastfeed anywhere without calling attention to themselves, while baby is protected from dust and flies. In most non-Western societies, the dress and ornaments of women celebrate them othering function. Ours deny it. Note that she also specifically mentions the salwar, kameez and jellabas that are used by Muslim women in the East. Feminists and the Western media often portray the hijab as a symbol of oppression and slavery of women. This sexist angle of viewing the hijab reflects the influence of Western feminists who are subconsciously reacting to the Judea-Christian concept of veil –– ―the symbol of woman‘s subjection to her husband. To look at one‘s own religious or cultural history and then to pass a judgment against another religion is, on the milder side, an intellectual miscalculation, and, on the harsher side, outright cultural imperialism! My father made an interesting observation in an article that when the Europeans penetrated the interior of Africa a century ago, they found some tribes who went about naked. They forced the tribes to wear clothes as mark of civilization. ―Now those advocates of civilization ‘are themselves discarding their clothes. One often wonders if the ‗primitive tribes‘of the last century were not more civilized than the rest of the world. After all, it is rest of the world which is now imitating the ways of the so-called primitive society. I am surprised at the society which shows tolerance towards those who would like to go around topless but finds it difficult to tolerate a lady who by her own choice wants to
  • 19. Short Movie Booklet 15 observe hijab! According to Naheed Mustafa, a Canadian Muslim, ―In the Western world, the hijab has come to symbolize either forced silence or radical, unconscionable militancy. Actually, it‘s neither. It is simply a woman‘s assertion that judgment of her physical person is to play no role what so ever in social interaction. Wearing the hijab has given me the freedom from Constant attention to my physical self. Because my appearance is not subjected to scrutiny, my beauty, or perhaps lack of it, has been removed from the realm of what can legitimately be discussed. Hijab is not a symbol of oppression. Women are oppressed because of socio- economic reasons even in countries where women have never heard about hijab. On the contrary, the practice of displaying pictures of almost naked women in the commercials, billboards, and in the entertainment industry in the west is a true symbol of oppression. Neither does the hijab prevent a woman from acquiring knowledge or from contributing to the betterment of human society. Historically women have also greatly contributed to Islam. Lady Khadijah, the first wife of the Prophet, played a significant role in the early history of Islam. A successful businesswoman in her own right, she was the first person to accept the message of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.). Her acceptance and faith were a great source of emotional support for the Prophet. She stood by her husband in the difficult days of early Islam, and spent her wealth for the promotion of the new religion. The first Muslim person to be martyred in Muslim history was a woman by the name of Sumayya, the wife of Yasir and the mother of ‗Ammar. She was killed along with her husband for refusing to renounce Islam. Lady Falimatu ‘z-Zahra‘, the daughter of Prophet Muhammad, was a beacon of light and a
  • 20. Short Movie Booklet 16 source of guidance for the women of her time. She faithfully stood by her husband, Imam ‗Ali, in his struggle for his right of caliphate, and strongly protested against the first violation of the right of inheritance for daughters in Islam. One of the most important events in the early history of Islam was the event of Karbala, which was a protest led by Imam Husayn against the tyranny of Yazid. In that protest, the soldiers of Yazid massacred Husayn and about seventy-two of his supporters. It was Husayn‘s sister, Zaynab, who continued the social protest and was very influential in bringing about the awakening among the people to stand up against the tyranny of the rulers. Zaynab greatly contributed to the factors that eventually brought about the downfall of the Umayyads. 1. Greer, Sex & Destiny: The Politics of Human Fertility (London: Picador, 1985) p. 14. See Aid to Bible Understanding, p.468. For the Biblical Christian perspective, see what St. Paul says: “But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head. But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head…Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered?” (1 Corinthians 11:3-5, 13) In simple English, it means that if a man keeps his head covered in prayer, then he is disrespecting Christ; and if a woman keeps her head uncovered in prayer, then she is disrespecting her man. For Biblical Jewish concept, see Genesis24:65. 3. S. Saeed Akhtar Rizvi, “On Modesty,” in Sunday News (Dar-es-salaam) 27 November1966.
  • 21. Short Movie Booklet 17 4. Mustafa, “My Body Is My Own Business,” Globe & Mail, 29th June1993. Common questions about Hijab and related issues 1. Meaning of Casting Down What ―casting down the glances mean? It means that a person should not look at the member of the opposite sex except for those parts that may be uncovered. So, for instance, a man is allowed to look at the face and hands of a non-mahram lady who is not related to him provided it is not done in with a lustful intention. (―Mahram‖ means person in whose presence hijab is not required. See the list at end of this section.) 2. Shaking hands Is it permissible to shake hands with a person of opposite sex? If the person is mahram, then it is permissible. But if the person is non-mahram, then it is forbidden. 3. Beautification of Women Is a woman allowed to line eyes with kohl, to put mascara on her eyelashes, and to wear rings in both hands? A woman is allowed to put kohl or similar cosmetics on her eyelashes and also to wear rings provided it is not done with the intention of drawing lustful attention of men towards herself. 4. Exposing the Chin
  • 22. Short Movie Booklet 18 A vast majority of Muslim women who observe hijab are used to keeping their chins and a small part of the under chin exposed while they cover the neck. Is this permissible? And how big an area of the face can women expose; are the ears included in that? The ears are not part of the face, therefore it is obligatory to cover them. As for the part of the chin and the under chin that is seen when putting on the common head scarf, it is to be considered as part of the face and, therefore, can be exposed. 5. Facial Hair Is it permissible for a woman who observes hijab to get rid of her facial hair, to straighten her eyebrows, and to wear natural and light makeup? Getting rid of facial hair, straightening of eyebrows, and wearing of light make up do not prevent her from keeping her face uncovered provided it is not done with the intention of drawing attention. 6. Wig as a Replacement Can a woman put on a wig as replacement of the head-covering (hijab)? Since the wig is an item of beauty (zinat), it must be covered in presence of non-mahram men. 7. High heeled Shoes A Muslim woman wears high heeled shoes that hit the ground in such a way that they draw attention. Is she allowed to wear them? If it is intended to draw the attention of non-mahram men to herself, or if it generally causes temptation for committing sin, then it is not permissible.
  • 23. Short Movie Booklet 19 8. Tight Fitting Shirt If a woman puts on a scarf and wears a tight-fitting shirt and tight-fitting jeans or trousers or a tight- fitting qamees and shalwar – is that considered an acceptable hijab in the presence of non-mahram men? Any dress that reveals the contours of her body or that would normally arouse temptation is not permissible and does not fulfill the requirements of hijab. It is a pointless hijab! 9. Men and Uni sex Swimming Is it permissible for a Muslim man to go to unisex swimming pools and other similar places where people go about half-naked? It is not permissible for a Muslim man to go to unisex swimming pools and other similar places if it entails a haram act. Based on obligatory precaution, according to Ayatullah Sistani, he must refrain from going to such places even if it does not entail a haram act. 10. Defining those who are mahram Is the brother-in-law or a cousin included among the list of the people in whose presence a lady does not have to observe hijab? Is she allowed to shake their hands or hug them? The brother-in-law or a male cousin is not included in that list and, therefore, it is obligatory upon a Muslim lady to observe hijab in their presence, and also it is not permissible for her to shake their hands or hug them. There verse will apply to a Muslim man in relation to his sister-in-law or a female cousin.
  • 24. Short Movie Booklet 20 The Mahram Topic Selection and approval A strong topic is essential for strong and effective presentation of any idea. When our respected teacher assigned us the Short movie from the same day i started searching a different idea to prepare my project. After few days research I got an idea related to society and that was―HIJAB As i wrote in preface that after globalization we have become a multi-cultural society, we don‘t think what we belongs to, we don‘t bother about staring eyes i would add evil eyes and only hijab can protect a woman from this. I presented my idea to respected teacher and it has been approved. Now it was the time to start working on next step which was script writing.
  • 25. Short Movie Booklet 21 Script writing Script is the second most important thing of any story any movie any ad any short movie or any documentary. It may called a long lasting process because it changes according to the situations or resources. Script of Hijab can be changed but the references which based on our Religion can never be changed. I stared research on Hijab and its importance and during a week i found a huge data about it, that what our religion says, It took two complete weeks in search selection summaries the whole data and finally after proof reading the next process started. Here a question raised into my mind that how to convey an effective message via short movie then an idea popped up about a modern Girl who don‘t cares about her dressing but after getting some advice by her close friend she starts caring to herself on the basis of our Religion. Hijab Short movie script took one week to be written with dialogues, the next step was Production Plan.
  • 26. Short Movie Booklet 22 Production plan Production Plan may also called how to produce a movie or documentary or song.etc here is a shoot plan of our short movie. No# Scenes Dialogues Carpet Music Duration Information 01 Title of Short Movie --- Yes 08 Seconds Women‘s Dress Code 02 Producer‘s Details --- Yes 12 Seconds Presenter’s Information 03 Main Character‘s Friend (Amina) Getting ready for Party in front of Mirror --- Yes 14 Seconds Solo Shot. Establishing shot 04 Second a modern character entry, who looks busy in mobile (Andleeb) She has come to move with Amina at Party --- Yes 03 Seconds Solo Shot. Two Shot. Main Character 05 Both Character talks about dressing and leaves to join the gathering. Yes Yes 46 Seconds Two Shot. Pan Moves out
  • 27. Short Movie Booklet 23 Movement. 06 Frame open (after fade in) at third Character who is a mother (Salika) of main character working into the Kitchen same time the friend (amina) comes to ask about main character (Andleeb) Yes Yes 18 Seconds Solo Shots. Meeting of Main character and her friend. 07 Next frame open into guest room where mother and 4th Character (Nida) who played a role of Mother‘s Friend sitting at Sofa. Main Modern Character comes into the room. Friend of Mother looks the main character with strong eye just because of her advance dressing then leaves. Yes Yes 50 Seconds Two Shots (Mas Solo Shot. Astonishing behavior because 08 Main character and her friend enjoying tea. Yes Yes 45 Seconds Two Shot. Solo Shot. Here the importance of Hijab
  • 28. Short Movie Booklet 24 Both discuss about dressing and looks, Sitting at lawn chairs friend advice to main character to wear Hijab. Master. Miss Shot. comes into dialogues. 09 Main Character Search about Religious point of view about Hijab and fell in deep Thoughts. Yes 01 Minute 27 Seconds Solo + OTS Information about Hijab 10 Next scene will be recorded into open area (Park) Main Character joins her friend and express her feel about Hijab. She also show her desire that she will follow the religious rules regarding her Hijab (pardah). Then they will move out of the frame. Yes Yes 01 Minute 42 Seconds Master Shot. Pan Shot. Two Shot. Acceptance of advice. 11 Door Bell Rings, Friend moves to opent the door and astonished to see the Main Character who completely covered herself according to Yes Yes 39 Seconds Establishing Shot of Door, OTS Shot. Two Shot. Wind-up at self- presentation change of Main
  • 29. Short Movie Booklet 25 religion rules. Then both Moves inside of home. Pan Shot. Character. 12 Hijab Reference according to the Religion. Yes Yes 35 seconds Information
  • 30. Short Movie Booklet 26 Characters and Selection Professionally the casting process involves a series of auditions before a casting panel, composed of individuals within a theatrical production such as theatrical producer and theater director. However within a given television production a casting panel can consist of a television producer or within a film producer film director. The Casting process is also a long lasting process which based auditions, screen test voice test body language test camera looks test etc. But in our mater it was not possible for us to do everything professionally because being a student it was very expensive to pay some professional actors therefore we planned to help each other. We all four friends discussed and decided to play all characters by ourselves. Andleeb Nasir who played the leading character of this Short Movie as a modern girl.. Character of religious friend (The mentor of main character Andleeb) Played by Amina Bibi Character of Mother has been played by Salika and friend of mother‘s character has been played by Nida who has done the job of camera man too. The Main character Andleeb Nasir is also Writer, Producer, Casting Director and Director of this movie. Shoot coordination (Shoot Days and Time) The plan of effective shooting schedule not only save you a lot more time than you put into it, but it will also make the experience a whole lot easier and ergo, more enjoyable. We learned that: Don’t make the mistake of heading out to set determined to work it out as
  • 31. Short Movie Booklet 27 you go. A good shooting schedule will reflect in the quality of your finished production. We have done various administrative services to keep the all cast (crew) happy and the production on schedule within budget. This entails daily contact with others (team) to organize everything and supervising whole recordings. Arrangement of Locations, Equipment, Script and financial (budget) matters too. All works has been done by own self. Post Production (editing) The Post Production phase of creating a Film usually takes longer than actual shooting of any movie and can takes several months (based on duration and quality of work) to complete because it includes the complete editing, color correction, audio treatment and the additional music and sound. Editing process 1. Video editing the picture of a television program using an edit decision list(EDL) 2. Writing recording and editing the video and soundtracks. 3. Adding visual special effects, mainly computer generated imagery and digital copy. 4. Sound design, sound effects, and music culminating in process known as sound re- recording or mixing with professional audio equipment. 5. Transfer of color motion picture film to video with telecine and color grading (correction) in a color suite.
  • 32. Short Movie Booklet 28 Editing process of our short film 1. Hired a Video Editor and provided him the recorded data and script, from that information, rough Cut the film according to the script what make the story better. 2. In second step finalized the content and scenes with visual effects. 3. Audio Balancing and music adding. 4. Color correction. 5. Added title and credits and Final Preview. 6. Final Export (rendering to prepare a single video file) 7. Preparation of DVDs
  • 33. Short Movie Booklet 29 Expenses at documentary shoot (budget spent) Topic: Hijab No# Producer Shoot Date Refreshment and single meal Editing with Final DVDs Transport Total Budget Expected Budget Spent including Miscellaneous 01 Andleeb Nasir 12 Nov 2018 1000/- 03 Dec 2018 = 15000/- 17400/- 02 = 14 Nov 2018 1200/- 08 Dec 2018 = = 03 = 16 Nov 2018 900/- 20 Dec 2018 = = 05 = 16 Nov 2018 1500/- = = 06 = 20 Nov 2018 800/- = = 07 = 30 Nov 2018 1000/- = = Total = = 6400/- 7000/- 4000/- 15000/- 17400/- Note: Budget exceed due to first shoot cancellation by Department.
  • 34. Short Movie Booklet 30 Script ‫حجاب‬ :‫فلم‬ ‫شارٹ‬ ‫ناصر‬ ‫عندليب‬:‫نمبر‬ ‫کردار‬ )‫گرل‬ ‫ماڈرن‬ ،‫کردار‬ ‫(مرکزی‬01 ‫بی‬ ‫بی‬ ‫آمنہ‬:‫نمبر‬ ‫کردار‬ )‫دوست‬ ‫کی‬ ‫(عندليب‬02 ‫ساليکہ‬:‫نمبر‬ ‫کردار‬ ) ‫(والدہ‬03 ‫نداء‬:‫نمبر‬ ‫کردار‬ )‫دوست‬ ‫کی‬ ‫والدہ‬ ،‫(مہمان‬04 ‫تفصيالت‬ ‫کی‬ ‫کرداروں‬: Duration and Shot Details 08:04‫منٹ‬ ‫دورانيہ‬ ‫مکمل‬ Seconds 04 ‫حجاب‬ Title Seconds 04 Women’s Dress Code Sub Title Seconds 20 Information of Director and Credits Presenter’s Information 01 Minutes ‫درميان‬ ‫کے‬ ‫کرداروں‬ ‫دو‬ ‫پہلے‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫(کمرے‬ ‫سين‬ ‫پہال‬( Scene 01 Master Shot. Pan Right Shot. Mid Shot. Over The Shoulder. )‫ہوئے‬ ‫ہوتے‬ ‫تيار‬ ‫سامنے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫(آئينے‬ ‫سامنے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫(آئينے‬ ‫آمنہ‬ )‫ہوئے‬ ‫ہوتے‬ ‫تيار‬
  • 35. Short Movie Booklet 31 Pan Right, Solo Shot, Master Shot, Pan Left, Master + Two Shot. ‫آمنہ‬ ‫عليکم‬ ‫السالم‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫(کمرے‬ ‫عندليب‬ )‫ہوئے‬ ‫ہوتے‬ ‫داخل‬ Master Shot. Pan Right, Solo Shot, Master + Two Shot. ‫السالم‬ ‫وعليکم‬ ‫سامنے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫(آئينے‬ ‫آمنہ‬ )‫ہوئے‬ ‫ہوتے‬ ‫تيار‬ Master Shot. Pan Right, Solo Shot, Master + Two Shot. ‫ہوئيں؟‬ ‫نہيں‬ ‫تيار‬ ‫تک‬ ‫ابهی‬ ‫تم‬ ‫ہو؟‬ ‫کيسی‬ ‫عندليب‬ Master Shot. Pan Right, Solo Shot, Master + Two Shot. ‫۔۔۔‬ ‫گئی‬ ‫ہو‬ ‫بس‬ ‫ہاں‬ ‫آمنہ‬ Master Shot. Pan Right, Solo Shot, Master + Two Shot. ‫نہيں‬ ‫ہی‬ ‫تيار‬ ‫تک‬ ‫ابهی‬ ‫تم‬ ‫اور‬ ‫ہيں‬ ‫آرہی‬ ‫کالز‬ ‫کی‬ ‫سب‬ ‫آمنہ‬ ‫عندليب‬ Master Shot. Pan Right, Solo Shot, Master + Two Shot. ‫ہوگئی۔۔۔‬ ‫بس‬ ‫بس۔۔۔‬ ‫آمنہ‬ Master Shot. Pan Right, Solo Shot, ‫مسئلہ‬ ‫تمہيں‬ ‫کيا‬ ‫يار‬ ‫۔۔‬ ‫اف‬ ‫ميں۔۔۔‬ ‫حجاب‬ ‫پهر‬ ‫تم‬ ‫آج‬ ‫آمنہ۔۔۔۔‬ ‫کيا‬ ‫يہ‬ ‫اور‬ ‫حجاب‬ ‫پهر‬ ‫۔۔آج‬ ‫ہے؟‬ ‫عندليب‬
  • 36. Short Movie Booklet 32 Master + Two Shot. Master Shot. Pan Right, Solo Shot, Master + Two Shot. ‫منٹ۔۔‬ ‫ايک‬ ‫عندليب۔۔۔بس‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫رہی‬ ‫ہو‬ ‫دير‬ ‫ہميں‬ ‫چلو‬ ‫آمنہ‬ Master Shot. Pan Right, Solo Shot, Master + Two Shot. ‫ہو‬ ‫رہی‬ ‫لے‬ ‫کيوں‬ ‫حجاب‬ ‫يہ‬ ‫تم‬ ‫عندليب‬ Master Shot. Pan Right, Solo Shot, Master + Two Shot. ‫ہو۔۔۔‬ ‫شروع‬ ‫پارٹی‬ ‫کے‬ ‫پہلے‬ ‫سے‬ ‫اس‬ ‫ہيں‬ ‫رہے‬ ‫ہو‬ ‫ليٹ‬ ‫ہم‬ ‫يار‬ ‫چل‬ ‫آمنہ‬ 50 Seconds ‫کے‬ ‫کےکرداروں‬ ‫نمبر‬ ‫چوتهے‬ ‫اور‬ ‫تيسرے‬ ، ‫(پہلے‬ ‫دو‬ ‫نمبر‬ ‫سين‬ ‫درميان‬( Scene 02 Two Shots, Master Shot, Over The Shoulder OTS Shot, Tilt Up Shot, ‫صوفے‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫کمرے‬ )‫ء(مہمان‬ ‫ندا‬ ) ‫(ماں‬ ‫ساليکہ‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫ہوتا‬ ‫داخل‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫)کمرے‬ ‫(عندليب‬ ‫کی‬ ‫کردار‬ ‫پہال‬ ‫تو‬ ‫ہيں‬ ‫بيٹهے‬ ‫پر‬ Two Shots, Master Shot, Over The Shoulder OTS Shot, Tilt Up Shot, ) ‫(ماں‬ ‫ساليکہ‬‫پر‬ ‫ايک‬ ‫کردارنمبر‬ ‫نظريں‬ ‫کی‬ ‫دونوں‬ )‫ء(مہمان‬ ‫ندا‬ ‫مصروف‬ ‫ہی‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫موبائل‬ ‫وہ‬ ‫جبکہ‬ ‫ہيں‬‫اٹهاتے‬ ‫نظرہيں‬ ‫پهر‬ ‫اور‬ ‫ہوئے‬.
  • 37. Short Movie Booklet 33 Two Shots, Master Shot, Over The Shoulder OTS Shot, Tilt Up Shot, ‫۔۔۔‬ ‫عليکم‬ ‫السالم‬ ‫عندليب‬ Two Shots, Master Shot, Over The Shoulder OTS Shot, Tilt Up Shot, ‫اسکے‬ ‫اور‬ ‫عندليب‬ ‫مسلسل‬ ‫نظريں‬ ‫کی‬ ) ‫ندا(مہمان‬ ‫۔۔۔‬ ‫السالم‬ ‫وعليکم‬ ‫مہمان‬ ‫پر‬ ‫لباس‬ ‫کے‬ ‫بيٹی‬ ‫اپنی‬ ‫کو‬ ‫والدہ‬ ‫کی‬ ‫عندليب‬ ‫جبکہ‬ ‫ہيں‬ ‫پر‬ ‫لباس‬ ‫ہے۔۔۔‬ ‫ليتی‬ ‫جان‬ ‫کو‬ ‫ں‬ ‫نظرو‬ ‫کی‬ ) ‫ندائ(مہمان‬ Two Shots, Master Shot, Over The Shoulder OTS Shot, Tilt Up Shot, ‫ہو‬ ‫چلتی‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫اب‬‫سے‬ ‫نظروں‬ ‫(عجيب‬ ‫حافظ۔۔۔‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫۔۔۔‬ ‫ں‬‫کی‬ ‫عندليب‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫جاتی‬ ‫چلی‬ ‫ہوئے‬ ‫ديکهتے‬ ‫جانب‬( ) ‫ندائ(مہمان‬ Two Shots, Master Shot, Over The Shoulder OTS Shot, Tilt Up Shot, ‫دن۔۔۔‬ ‫سارا‬ ‫نے‬ ‫آپ‬ ‫آج‬ ‫،کيا‬ ‫کيا‬ ‫اورماما۔۔سنائيں‬ ‫عندليب‬‫قريب‬ ‫کے‬ ‫(ماں‬ )‫ہوئے‬ ‫ہوتے‬ Two Shots, Master Shot, Over The Shoulder OTS Shot, Tilt Up Shot, ‫سنو۔۔۔‬ ‫بات‬ ‫ميری‬ ‫ذرا‬ ‫پہلے‬ ‫بيٹا۔۔۔‬ ‫عندليب‬!!!! ‫ساليکہ‬ Two Shots, Master Shot, Over The ‫امی۔۔‬ ‫جی‬ ‫عندليب‬
  • 38. Short Movie Booklet 34 Shoulder OTS Shot, Tilt Up Shot, Two Shots, Master Shot, Over The Shoulder OTS Shot, Tilt Up Shot, ‫جا‬ ‫باہر‬‫ﺅ‬‫لگتا۔۔‬ ‫نہيں‬ ‫اچها‬ ‫طرح‬ ‫اس‬ ‫کرو۔۔۔‬ ‫جايا‬ ‫کر‬ ‫لے‬ ‫جادر‬ ‫تو‬ ‫ساليکہ‬ Two Shots, Master Shot, Over The Shoulder OTS Shot, Tilt Up Shot, ‫۔۔۔‬ ‫نہ‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫ہی‬ ‫ڈاهانپنا‬ ‫نے۔۔۔‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫ہوا‬ ‫کيا‬ ‫کيا‬ ‫يہ‬ ‫چادر۔۔۔تو‬‫کو‬ ‫د‬ ‫خو‬ ‫نے۔۔‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫ہوا‬ ‫لپيٹا‬ ‫عندليب‬ 18 Seconds ‫(دوسرے‬ ‫تين‬ ‫نمبر‬ ‫سين‬‫کے‬ ‫کرداروں‬ ‫کے‬ ‫نمبر‬ ‫تيسرے‬ ‫اور‬ ‫درميان‬( Scene 03 Solo Shots, Wide Shot, Mid Shot. ‫ہوئے‬ ‫کرتے‬ ‫کام‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫کچن‬ )‫ميں‬ ‫کردار‬ ‫کے‬ ‫(ماں‬ ‫ساليکہ‬ Solo Shots, Wide Shot, Mid Shot. ‫آنٹی‬ ‫عليکم‬ ‫السالم‬ :‫ہوئے‬ ‫بڑهاتے‬ ‫قدم‬ ‫پاس‬ ‫کے‬ ‫کچن‬ ‫کے‬ ‫(عندليب‬ :‫آمنہ‬ )‫گهر‬ Solo Shots, Wide Shot, Mid Shot. ‫بيٹا‬ ‫ہو‬ ‫م۔۔۔کيسی‬ ‫السال‬ ‫وعليکم‬ ‫ساليکہ‬ Solo Shots, Wide Shot, Mid Shot. ‫آنٹی‬ ‫۔۔۔‬ ‫الحمدهللا‬ ‫آمنہ‬
  • 39. Short Movie Booklet 35 Solo Shots, Wide Shot, Mid Shot. ‫ہے؟‬ ‫کہاں‬ ‫عندليب‬ ‫آنٹی‬ ‫آمنہ‬ Solo Shots, Wide Shot, Mid Shot. ‫جا‬ ‫اپنے۔۔۔‬ ‫گی‬ ‫ہو‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫کمرے‬‫ﺅ‬‫لو۔۔۔‬ ‫ديکه‬ ‫جاکے‬ ‫ساليکہ‬ 45 Seconds ‫کرداروں‬ ‫دو‬ ‫پہلے‬ ‫ہوئے‬ ‫پيتے‬ ‫چائے‬ ‫بيٹهے‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫(لن‬ ‫سين‬ ‫چوتها‬ ‫درميان‬ ‫کے‬( Scene 04 Wide Two Shot, Solo Shot, Master. ‫؟‬ ‫ہوں‬ ‫رہی‬ ‫لگ‬ ‫کيسی‬ ‫آج‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫آمنہ‬ ‫عندليب‬ Wide Two Shot, Solo Shot, Master. ‫عندليب‬ ‫ليتيں‬ ‫ڈهانپ‬ ‫بهی‬ ‫گردن‬ ‫اپنی‬ ‫تم‬ ‫ہو۔۔۔ليکن۔۔۔اگر‬ ‫رہی‬ ‫لگ‬ ‫اچهی‬ ‫ہوتا۔۔‬ ‫اچها‬ ‫زيادہ‬ ‫تو‬ ‫تاثرات‬ ‫کے‬ ‫آمنہ(چہرے‬ )‫ہوئے‬ ‫بدلتے‬ Wide Two Shot, Solo Shot, Master. ‫کہ‬ ‫ہو‬ ‫چاہتی‬ ‫طرح‬ ‫کس‬ ‫اور‬ ‫۔۔‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫تو‬ ‫ڈهانپا‬ ‫تمہارا۔۔‬ ‫مطلب‬ ‫کيا‬ ‫اس‬ ‫ہيں‬ ‫رہے‬ ‫گزر‬ ‫ہم‬ ‫سے‬ ‫دور‬ ‫کے‬ ‫طرح‬ ‫جس‬ ‫بهی‬ ‫ويسے‬ ‫ڈهانپوں؟‬ ‫کرنا‬ ‫ہميں‬ ‫تو‬ ‫اتنا‬ ‫۔۔۔۔‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫ضروری‬ ‫کرنا‬ ‫ماڈرن‬ ‫کو‬ ‫خود‬ ‫ميں‬‫چاہئے۔۔۔‬ ‫عندليب‬ Wide Two Shot, Solo Shot, Master. ‫ہے؟‬ ‫فرمايا‬ ‫ارشاد‬ ‫کيا‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫پاک‬ ‫قرآن‬ ‫نے‬ ٰ‫تعالی‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫معلوم‬ ‫تمہيں‬ ‫آمنہ‬ Wide Two Shot, Solo Shot, Master. ‫کيا؟؟‬ ‫عندليب‬ Wide Two Shot, Solo Shot, Master. ”‫رکهيناپنی‬ ‫نيچی‬ ‫نگاہيں‬ ‫اپنی‬ ‫بهی‬ ‫وہ‬ ‫کہوکہ‬ ‫سے‬ ‫عورتوں‬ ‫مسلمان‬ ‫کريں‬ ‫نہ‬ ‫ظاہر‬ ‫کو‬ ‫زينت‬ ‫اپنی‬ ‫ديناور‬ ‫آنے‬ ‫نہ‬ ‫فرق‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫عصمت‬“‫اور‬ ‫ہے۔۔۔‬ ‫ہوا‬ ‫ڈهانپا‬ ‫کو‬ ‫خود‬ ‫نے‬ ‫تم‬ ‫کہ‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫رہا‬ ‫لگ‬ ‫تمہيں‬ ‫کے‬ ‫(چہرے‬ ‫آمنہ‬ ‫لتے‬ ‫تنز‬ ‫پر‬ ‫تاثرات‬ ‫ہوئے‬(
  • 40. Short Movie Booklet 36 Master Shot, Pan Shot, Two Shot. ‫ہے۔‬ ‫جاتی‬ ‫بيٹه‬ ‫ساته‬ ‫آکر‬ ‫ں‬ ‫وہا‬ ‫عندليب‬ ‫اور‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫بيٹهی‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫لن‬ ‫تنہا‬ ‫آمنہ‬ Master Shot, Pan Shot, Two Shot. ‫ہو؟؟؟‬ ‫رہی‬ ‫لگ‬ ‫پريشان‬ ‫؟؟‬ ‫ہوا‬ ‫۔۔۔کيا‬ ‫ہوا‬ ‫کيا‬ ‫آمنہ‬ Master Shot, Pan Shot, Two Shot. ‫ہاں‬‫۔‬ ‫ہوں‬ ‫پريشان‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫آمنہ‬ ‫عندليب‬ Master Shot, Pan Shot, Two Shot. ‫ہوا؟‬ ‫کيا‬ ‫آمنہ‬ Master Shot, Pan Shot, Two Shot. ‫ہوں۔۔‬ ‫مبتال‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫وپنج‬ ‫شش‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫عندليب‬ 01 Minute 27 Seconds ‫کمرے‬ ‫کردار‬ ‫(پہال‬ ‫سين‬ ‫پانچواں‬‫کے‬ ‫حجاب‬ ‫اور‬ ‫بيٹهے‬ ‫تنہا‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫سوچتے‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫بارے‬( Scene 05 Over The Shoulder OTS Shot, Solo Shot,Cut Shot, ‫کيدين‬ ‫حجاب‬ ‫پهر‬ ‫اور‬ ‫سوچتی‬ ‫ہوئے‬ ‫کرتے‬ ‫کام‬ ‫پر‬ ‫ٹاپ‬ ‫ليپ‬ ‫اپنے‬ ‫پهر‬ ‫اور‬ ‫ہے۔۔‬ ‫سنتی‬ ‫کو‬ ‫دين‬ ‫عالم‬ ‫لئے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫جاننے‬ ‫اہميت‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫اسالم‬ ‫سوچ‬ ‫وہ‬ ‫ہے۔۔۔اور‬ ‫ہوتی‬ ‫آشکار‬ ‫پر‬ ‫اس‬ ‫اہميت‬ ‫اور‬ ‫حقيقت‬ ‫کی‬ ‫حجاب‬ ‫ہے۔۔‬ ‫جاتی‬ ‫ڈوب‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫عندليب‬ 01 Minute 42 Seconds ، ‫بيٹهے‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫لن‬ ‫کے‬ ‫(کالج‬ ‫سين‬ ‫چهٹا‬‫درميان‬ ‫کے‬ ‫کرداروں‬ ‫دو‬ ‫پہلے‬ ( Scene 06
  • 41. Short Movie Booklet 37 Master Shot, Pan Shot, Two Shot. ‫پر‬ ‫بات‬ ‫کس‬ ‫آمنہ‬ Master Shot, Pan Shot, Two Shot. ‫بنا‬ ‫ميرا‬ ‫کيا‬‫ﺅ‬‫ہے؟‬ ‫ديتا‬ ‫زيب‬ ‫مجهے‬ ‫سنگهاکرنا‬ ‫عندليب‬ Master Shot, Pan Shot, Two Shot. ‫نہيں‬ ‫اجازت‬ ‫کوئی‬ ‫کی‬ ‫طرح‬ ‫اس‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫مذہب‬ ‫ہمارے‬ ‫۔۔‬ ‫عندليب‬ ‫ديکهو‬ ‫بنا‬ ‫طرح‬ ‫اس‬ ‫لڑکی‬ ‫ہےکہ‬‫ﺅ‬‫نکلے۔۔‬ ‫باہر‬ ‫سے‬ ‫گهر‬ ‫کے‬ ‫کر‬ ‫سنگهار‬ ‫ديتا۔۔۔‬ ‫نہيں‬ ‫اجازت‬ ‫کی‬ ‫بات‬ ‫اس‬ ‫مذہب‬ ‫ہمارا‬ ‫آمنہ‬ Master Shot, Pan Shot, Two Shot. ‫بنا‬ ‫اپنا‬ ‫ہم‬ ‫تو‬‫ﺅ‬‫ہيں۔۔‬ ‫سکتے‬ ‫کر‬ ‫آخر‬ ‫لئے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫کس‬ ‫سنگهار‬ ‫عندليب‬ Master Shot, Pan Shot, Two Shot. ‫بنا‬ ‫اپنا‬ ‫ہم‬‫ﺅ‬‫سکتے‬ ‫کر‬ ‫لئے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫رشتوں‬ ‫محرم‬ ‫اپنے‬ ‫صرف‬ ‫سنگهاہر‬ ‫ہيں۔۔‬ ‫ڈهانپ‬ ‫خودکو‬ ‫صرف‬ ‫حجاب‬ ‫کيونکہ‬‫يہ‬ ‫بلکہ‬ ‫ہے۔۔‬ ‫نہيں‬ ‫نام‬ ‫کا‬ ‫لينے‬ ‫آپ‬ ‫کہ‬ ‫يہ‬ ‫مطلب‬ ،‫ہے‬ ‫ت‬ ‫حيا‬ ‫طرز‬ ‫مکمل‬ ‫ايک‬‫کس‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫معاشرے‬ ‫بات‬ ‫سے‬ ‫طرح‬ ‫کس‬ ‫سے‬ ‫محرم‬ ‫ہيں۔۔۔نا‬ ‫کرتے‬ ‫ر‬ ‫اختيا‬ ‫رويہ‬ ‫کا‬ ‫طرح‬ ‫سب‬ ‫يہ‬ ‫ہيں۔۔‬ ‫کرتے‬ ‫کيسے‬ ‫حفاظت‬ ‫کی‬ ‫نظروں‬ ‫اپنی‬ ،‫ہيں‬ ‫کرتے‬ ‫ہے۔۔‬ ‫آتا‬ ‫ہيں‬ ‫زمرے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫حجاب‬ ‫آمنہ‬ Master Shot, Pan Shot, Two Shot. ‫۔۔‬ ‫دوں‬ ‫کر‬ ‫شروع‬ ‫حجاب‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫کے‬ ‫ہوں‬ ‫رہی‬ ‫سوچ‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫آمنہ‬ ‫حجاب‬ ‫اپنے‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫ليکن‬‫اگر‬ ‫گی۔۔اور‬ ‫کروں‬ ‫سے‬ ‫نظروں‬ ‫اپنی‬ ‫آغاز‬ ‫کا‬ ‫کسی‬‫ہی‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫لہجے‬ ‫سخت‬ ‫ہميشہ‬ ‫تو‬ ‫ہوا‬ ‫مقصود‬ ‫کرنا‬ ‫بات‬ ‫سے‬ ‫نامحرم‬ ‫گی۔۔‬ ‫کروں‬ ‫بات‬‫ديا۔۔‬ ‫حکم‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫پاک‬ ‫قرآن‬ ‫نے‬ ٰ‫تعالی‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫جيسا‬ ‫عندليب‬
  • 42. Short Movie Booklet 38 Master Shot, Pan Shot, Two Shot. ‫ميں‬ ‫سمجه‬ ‫مطلب‬ ‫اصل‬ ‫کا‬ ‫حجاب‬ ‫تمہيں‬ ‫کے‬ ‫ہوں‬ ‫خوش‬ ‫بہت‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫آگيا۔۔زياد‬‫حجاب‬ ‫اصل‬ ‫ہی‬ ‫لينا‬ ‫ڈهانپ‬ ‫کو‬ ‫چہرے‬ ‫محض‬ ‫افراد‬ ‫تر‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ہے۔۔‬ ‫گيا‬ ‫ہو‬ ‫وقت‬ ‫کا‬ ‫کالس‬ ‫ہماری‬ ‫چليں‬ ‫اب‬ ‫ہيں۔۔‬ ‫سمجهتے‬ ‫آمنہ‬ 40 Seconds ‫ميں‬ ‫صورت‬ ‫نئی‬ ‫اپنی‬ ‫کئے‬ ‫حجاب‬ ‫عندليب‬ ‫پہالکردار‬ ( ‫سين‬ ‫ساتواں‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫پہنچتا‬ ‫گهر‬ ‫کے‬ ‫کردارآمنہ‬ ‫دوسرے‬) Scene 07 Establishing Shot of Door, OTS Shot. Two Shot, Pan Shot, Frame Out. ‫۔۔۔‬ ‫کون‬ ‫آپ‬ ‫جی‬ ‫پر‬ ‫بجنے‬ ‫گهنٹی‬ ( ‫آمنہ‬ )‫ہے‬ ‫کهولتی‬ ‫دروازہ‬ Establishing Shot of Door, OTS Shot. Two Shot, Pan Shot, ‫آمنہ۔۔‬ ‫ہو‬ ‫کيسی‬ ‫۔۔‬ ‫عليکم‬ ‫السالم‬ ‫کی‬ ‫آمنہ‬ ‫عندليب(چہرہ‬ )‫ہوئے‬ ‫پهيرتے‬ ‫طرف‬ Establishing Shot of Door, OTS Shot. Two Shot, Pan Shot, ‫السالم‬ ‫وعليکم‬ ‫سے‬ ‫(حيرانی‬ ‫آمنہ‬ )‫ہوئے‬ ‫ديکهتے‬ Establishing Shot of Door, OTS Shot. Two Shot, Pan Shot, ‫گی۔۔۔؟؟‬ ‫بولو‬ ‫نہيں‬ ‫کا‬ ‫آنے‬ ‫اندر‬ ‫کی‬ ‫آمنہ‬ (‫عندليب‬ ‫کرتے‬ ‫ختم‬ ‫حيرانی‬ )‫ہوئے‬ Establishing Shot of Door, OTS Shot. Two Shot, Pan Shot, ‫آ‬ ‫۔۔‬ ‫ں‬ ‫ہا‬‫ﺅ‬ ‫آمنہ‬
  • 43. Short Movie Booklet 39 Establishing Shot of Door, OTS Shot. Two Shot, Pan Shot, ‫ہو؟‬ ‫رہی‬ ‫ديکه‬ ‫کيا‬ ‫سے‬ ‫حيرت‬ ‫اتنی‬ ‫ہوا؟؟‬ ‫کيا‬ ‫عندليب‬ Establishing Shot of Door, OTS Shot. Two Shot, Pan Shot, ‫؟؟‬ ‫ہو‬ ‫تم‬ ‫يہ‬ ‫۔۔۔‬ ‫عندليب‬ ‫سے‬ ‫(حيرانی‬ ‫آمنہ‬ ‫پوچهتے‬)‫ہوئے‬ Two Shot, Frame Out. ‫ہو۔۔۔‬ ‫کيسی‬ ‫اور‬ ‫۔۔۔‬ ‫چليں‬ ‫ہوں۔۔۔!!!۔۔۔اندر‬ ‫ميں‬ ‫۔۔۔‬ ‫ہاں‬ ‫آ‬ ‫سے‬ ‫کيمرے‬ ‫(کردار‬‫ﺅ‬)‫ہيں‬ ‫جاتے‬ ‫ہو‬ ‫ٹ‬ ‫عندليب‬ 45 Seconds ‫ميں۔۔‬ ‫شکل‬ ‫تصاويری‬ ‫تفصيالت‬ ‫سے‬ ‫حوالے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫حجاب‬ ‫اختتام‬ 10 Seconds End Credits Presenter’s Credit
  • 44. INTERNSHIP REPORT Conclusion To those who very harshly and quickly judge hijab as a symbol of oppression of women, I ask: When you see a nun in her habit, what do you think of that—is that a symbol of oppression or a dress that demands dignity and respect? The habit of a nun is a complete hijab. Why then the double standard? Is this not cultural imperialism? When a Catholic nun dresses in that way, she becomes dignified, but when a Muslim woman dresses in that way, she becomes the symbol of oppression?! In Islam, we want that dignity and respect for each and every Muslim woman, not only a few selected ones who have decided to serve the cause of their faith. I salute those Muslim women who have found the courage in themselves to observe hijab in this non-Muslim society, and I strongly urge their male-counterparts to appreciate women‘s great contribution in being at the forefront in the struggle to carve out a niche for Islam in the multicultural society of Canada. One last thing that I must say is that in spite of all the talk about suppression of rights of women in Muslim societies, we have had three countries in the world of Islam—Turkey, Pakistan and Bangladesh—which have had female Prime Ministers. Against this track record, the United States of America or Canada have not yet shown that openness for the advancement of women where a lady could be elected for a full term as a President or Prime Minister. I think that says a lot about Islam and the Muslims.
  • 45. INTERNSHIP REPORT 33 Suggestions (Types of Hijab) The al-amira is a two-piece veil. It consists of a close fitting cap, usually made from cotton or polyester, and an accompanying tube-like scarf. The shayla is a long, rectangular scarf popular in the Gulf region. It is wrapped around the headend tucked or pinned in place at the shoulders. The word hijab comes from the Arabic for veil and is used to describe the headscarves worn by Muslim women. These scarves come in a myriad of styles and colors. The type most commonly worn in the West is a square scarf that covers the head and neck but leaves the face clear.
  • 46. INTERNSHIP REPORT 34 The niqab is a veil for the face that leaves the area around the eyes clear. However, it may be worn with a separate eye veil. It is worn with an accompanying headscarf. The burka is the most concealing of all Islamic veils. It covers the entire face and body, leaving just a mesh screen to see through The khimar is a long, cape-like veil that hangs down to just above the waist. It covers the hair, neck and shoulders completely, but leaves the face clear. The chador, worn by many Iranian women when outside the house, is a full-body cloak. It is often accompanied by a smaller headscarf underneath.