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Individual Needs Appointment for Hair Styling
Employee greets customer and asks customer last name or
phone number
Calls UMUC Haircuts and requests appointment
Is appointment today ?
Does customer want to schedule next appointment?
Is one of the dates/times acceptable?
Does customer want the same stylist as last time?
Previous Customer?
Employee checks stylist availability and times and advises
Employee asks customer feedback questions and enters
responses into the system
Drives to UMUC Haircuts
Employee asks customer when the service is desired
Employee tells customer cost and time needed for service
Employee asks customer what services are needed
Employee welcomes customer back and reminds of last
appointment and services provided
Cashier enters info from paper receipt to system and advises
customer of total charges
Customer receives service; employee documents services
completed and time on paper receipt
Appointment scheduled
Customer takes paper receipt to cashier
Payment Process
Stylist selected
Employee gets alternate date/time and/or alternate stylist from
Will customer provide feedback?
Customer leaves UMUC Haircuts
Customer completes call or leaves UMUC Haircuts
Employee asks for and enters customer information
UMUC Haircuts Appointment Process
Process: Enter Time Needed and Cost for Services
Service, Time, Cost
Customer pays bill
Employee Scheduling Process
Financial Data
This assignment consists of two (2) sections:
· A Java program file
· A screen shot of the output and a description of your Java
Label each file name according to the section of the assignment
for which it is written. Put both sections together in a single zip
file and submit the zip file.
Imagine that you work as a Java programmer for a software
company. Your company is developing a new interactive
learning management tool called uGrade. You have the task of
creating the functionality that will allow the user to manually
enter names and grades. The program will store this information
in parallel arrays. Next, it will prompt the user to sort the date
by name or by grade and display the sorted data accordingly in
an organized table.
Section 1: Java Program File
1. Create a Java program in which you include:
· a class called “roster”
· attributes, which must be last names and numerical grades,
and must also be parallel arrays
· an indefinite loop, which allows the user to manually enter
five (5) names and grades and stores them in the array. Note:
The loop must end either when the user specifies that they are
done or when a maximum of five (5) values have been stored in
the arrays, i.e., five (5) names and a corresponding grade for
each name.
· an indefinite loop, which prompts the user to select a sorting
criterion or to end the program, and must also use bubble sort.
Note: The user may either select name or grade as the sorting
criteria. The program must use bubble sort to sort that data
according to the specific criteria and then use another loop to
display the data. This process must continue until the user ends
the program.
Section 2: Screen Shot of the Output and Description of Your
Java Program
2. Create a screen shot of the output and include a description
about your Java program.
· Submit a screen shot which shows the output of your Java
Program. Note: Go to if you
need a tutorial on taking a screen shot.
· Include a one (1) page description about your program. Note:
Use MS Word for your program description, and place the
screen shot of the output from your Java program into the Word
file as an attached image.
The output should look like this if the user chose to sort by
Name Numerical Grade
Bailey 97
David 88
Ericson 79
Frank 99
Manning 91
The output should look like this if the user chose to sort by
Name Numerical Grade
Frank 99
Bailey 97
Manning 91
David 88
Ericson 79
Note: The name and grade pairs must stay together.
Section 1 and Section 2 will be graded based on the following:
1. The program must compile, execute, produce correct results,
and meet all of the specifications stated in Section 1.
Additionally you must:
2. Organize the code for user readability.
3. Organize the code for reusability.
4. Organize the code for efficiency.
5. Provide documentation with embedded comments for reader
6. Include a one (1) page description about your program.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this
assignment are:
· Demonstrate the proper use and application of syntax in the
Java programming language.
· Demonstrate the ability to design, compile, implement, test,
and debug simple programs in Java.
· Demonstrate the ability to manipulate numbers and character
strings in Java.
· Compare and contrast classes and objects in Java.
· Construct classes through systematic procedures.
· Discuss object-oriented design principles.
· Compare and contrast abstract and concrete data types.
· Demonstrate the ability to implement generic classes and
· Declare and use interface types.
· Demonstrate the ability to program simple and complex
decisions in Java.
· Implement loops for repetitive tasks.
· Compare and contrast definite loops and indefinite loops.
· Compare and contrast arrays and array lists in Java.
· Write clearly and concisely about Java programming using
proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.
Grading for this assignment will be based on the following
Points: 200
Assignment 2: uGrade
Below 60% F
Meets Minimum Expectations
60-69% D
70-79% C
80-89% B
90-100% A
1. Specifications
Weight: 50%
The program does not compile.
The program compiles but does not execute.
The program compiles and executes but produces incorrect
The program compiles, executes, and produces correct results
but does not meet all of the specifications.
The program compiles, executes, produces correct results, and
meets all of the specifications.
2. Readability
Weight: 10%
The code is not organized and very difficult to read.
The code is poorly organized and difficult to read.
The code is partially organized but readable only by someone
who knows the expected end result.
The code is organized and easy to read.
The code is exceptionally organized and very easy to read.
3. Reusability and object-oriented programming constructs
Weight: 10%
The code is not organized for reusability.
The code is poorly organized for reusability.
The code is partially organized and some parts of the code could
be reused in other programs.
The code is organized and most of the code could be reused in
other programs.
The code is exceptionally organized and could be reused as a
whole or each routine could be reused.
4. Efficiency
Weight: 10%
The code is unnecessarily long and appears to be patched
The code is unnecessarily long.
The code is fairly efficient but sacrifices readability and
The code is efficient without sacrificing readability and
The code is extremely efficient without sacrificing readability
and understanding.
5. Documentation
Weight: 10%
No documentation is provided.
The documentation consists of embedded comments but does
not help the reader understand the code.
The documentation consists of embedded comments and some
header comments separating routines.
The documentation consists of embedded comments and header
documentation that is useful in understanding the code.
The documentation consists of embedded comments and clearly
explains what the code is accomplishing and how.
6. Include a one (1) page description about your program.
Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely included a one (1) page
description about your program.
Insufficiently included a one (1) page description about your
Partially included a one (1) page description about your
Satisfactorily included a one (1) page description about your
Thoroughly included a one (1) page description about your
7. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements
Weight: 5%
More than 8 errors present
7-8 errors present
5-6 errors present
3-4 errors present
0-2 errors present
ISFM-300 Case Study, Stage 2: Business Process Analysis and
Functional Requirements
Before you begin this assignment, be sure you:
1. Have completed all previously assigned readings, particularly
those assigned in Week 2.
2. Re-read the “UMUC Haircuts Case Study" and the Stage 1
assignment, and review the “Walmart Example,” beginning with
"Background for Stage 2" on page 3.
3. Review Instructor feedback from the Stage 1 assignment.
4. Carefully review the Example shown following the
Assignment instructions below.
Purpose of this Assignment
This assignment demonstrates how business processes are
analyzed to develop information systems functional (business)
requirements. This assignment specifically addresses the
following course outcome to enable you to:
· analyze internal and external business processes to identify
information systems requirements
Overview of Business Process Analysis and Functional
Requirements for UMUC Haircuts
For your Case Study Stage 1 assignment, you performed a Five
Forces Analysis and justified Myra's chosen strategy for
competitive advantage and the business process that she would
like to improve through the application of technology.
In the Stage 2 assignment, you will identify the inputs,
processing, and outputs of Myra's selected businessprocess.
Those inputs, processing, and outputs form the functional
(business) requirements for an IT system to improve the
The first step in identifying the functional or business
requirements for an information system is to develop the high
level requirements that establish the scope of the system. Myra
has selected the Customer and Employee Scheduling Process for
improvement using an IT solution, and together you have
identified the following high level requirements. The system
· Allow employees to enter their availability and desired
days/times to work
· Allow Myra to review the employee requests and develop a
· Make the schedule available to employees to review their final
work schedule
· Make the employee schedule available for staff to enter
customer appointments
· Allow Myra and the staff to enter customer appointments
· Keep track of customer appointments, including stylist and
service performed
· Accommodate changes in the employee schedules and
customer appointments, and update the schedule accordingly
· Accommodate changes in the customer information stored in
the system
· Provide management reports to Myra showing employee
workload, customers served, customer contact information, busy
times/days, etc.
For this assignment, you will focus on the customer
appointment portion of the overall process. The high level
requirements are not detailed enough to be used as the
functional or business requirements. More detailed
requirements are developed using a variety of tools and
methods. One such tool is a process model. The process model
shows the steps in the customer appointment process. In a
process model, rectangles are used to illustrate process steps
and diamonds are used where decisions, or choices, are made.
You need to be aware that there are other aspects of the process
to be considered, as shown in the high level requirements
above. The points at which these additional steps intersect with
the customer appointment process are shown in the process
model with a circle.
Customer Appointment Process Model: The Customer
Appointment Process model is separately provided as an Excel
file, labeled "Stage 2 Customer Appointment Process Model."
Assignment: UMUC Haircuts Stage 2: Using the Customer
Appointment Process Model, create a document that includes:
I. Introduction
At the top of your paper, show the strategy for competitive
advantage that Myra selected and the business process she has
chosen to improve, using the following format:
Generic Strategy for Competitive Advantage: xxxxxxx (just
name the strategy)
Business Process to Be Improved: xxxxxxxxx (just name the
II. Table of Functional (Business) Requirements
Copy the table below into your paper. Using the Customer
Appointment Process Model provided complete the table of
requirements for an IT system, for each of the numbered process
steps, that includes:
· the inputs to the process – include specific items of
information or data elements (for example, customer name)
entered into the system as part of the process step
· processing or actions that the system takes (for example,
check calendar to let person know if UMUC Haircuts is open at
the specified time)
· outputs of the process – include specific items of information
or data elements (for example, appointment date) that the
system will display or print out for the user to see
There are 7 numbered steps in the Appointment Process itself.
In addition, there are two other processes that are needed
(numbered 8 and 9), but are beyond the scope of the
appointment process: a process for entering the time needed
and costs for the various styling services; and the payment
process that collects customer payments and updates the
database accordingly. For these two processes, you should also
identify the input needed for the system, what the system is to
do with that input (process) and what output the system will
need to create or display either immediately or later.
The responses that you enter into the table for each requirement
must be aligned to the specific business process to be improved
and the data it uses, and it must be appropriate to the UMUC
Haircuts business.
Note: Processes are actions that the system will take and should
include action verbs. Inputs and outputs are not actions, but are
data or information. If you need to use action words (verbs) to
describe the input or output, they should be kept to a minimum
and put in parentheses.
Table of Functional (Business) Requirements
Steps in the Appointment Process
Process Step
Information/data item(s) entered into the system as part of this
Processing or action the system must perform for this step
Information/data item(s)/record created, or displayed, or printed
out for the user in this step
EXAMPLE Using the Employee Scheduling Process
The example below demonstrates what is required for the
assignment, using the Employee Scheduling Process, which is
shown in a circle in the Customer Appointment Process Model.
The process model for this example is separately provided as an
Excel file named "Stage 2 Example - Scheduling Process
Model." The entries in the table correspond with the numbered
process steps in the model.
Table of Functional (Business) Requirements
Steps in the Employee Scheduling Process
Process Step
Information/data item(s) entered into the system as part of this
Processing or action the system must perform for this step
Information/data item(s)/record created, or displayed, or printed
out for the user in this step
User ID and password
Verify user id and password against security database
"Welcome" screen or "Invalid User ID and Password" message
Employee name, dates
Locate and present appointment dates for the employee
Appointment dates for employee
Dates and times available for work (employee name entered in
step 2)
Record dates and times employee is available for work
Confirmation that dates and times have been saved
For academic writing, the writer is expected to write in the third
person. In third person, the writer avoids the pronouns I, we,
my, and our. The third person is used to make the writing more
objective by taking the individual, the “self,” out of the writing.
This method is very helpful for academic writing, a form in
which facts, not opinion, drive the tone of the text. Writing in
the third person allows the writer to come across as unbiased
and thus more informed.
· Submit a document that includes the Table of Functional
· Table entries should be single spaced.
· Use APA formatted citations and references for any external
sources used.
· Include a title page, and a reference page if references are
· Compare your final work to the rubric to be sure you have met
content and quality criteria.
· Submit your paper as a Word document, or a document that
can be read in Word.
· Your submission should include your last name first in the
filename: Lastname_firstname_Stage _2
The "right" and "wrong" answers have to do with whether or not
you correctly incorporated the course vocabulary and concepts
to support your choices, and that you address all parts of the
ISFM-300 Case Study, Stage 2 Rubric: Functional
Far Above Standards
Above Standards
Meets Standards
Below Standards
< 60%
Well Below Standards
Possible Points
27-30 Points
All inputs listed demonstrate a strong understanding of course
concepts, analysis and critical thinking; and are appropriate for
the business in the case study and the process. Avoids the use of
action words.
24-26 Points
Most inputs listed demonstrate an understanding of course
concepts, analysis and critical thinking; and are appropriate for
the business in the case study and the process. Limited use of
action words.
21-23 Points
Inputs listed are designated and demonstrate a basic
understanding of course concepts or analysis. May include
some action words.
18-20 Points
Inputs are provided but selection may be lacking in
demonstration of understanding of course concepts or analysis.
May overuse action words.
0-17 Points
Few, if any inputs are provided or inputs are not appropriate for
the process step and/or the case study.
27-30 Points
All processing listed demonstrates a strong understanding of
course concepts, analysis and critical thinking; and are
appropriate for the business in the case study and the process.
24-26 Points
Most processing listed demonstrates an understanding of course
concepts, analysis and critical thinking; and are appropriate for
the business in the case study and the process.
21-23 Points
Processing is listed and demonstrates a basic understanding of
course concepts or analysis.
18-20 Points
Processing is provided but may be lacking in demonstration of
understanding of course concepts or analysis.
0-17 Points
Processing shown is not appropriate for the process step and/or
the case study.
27-30 Points
All outputs listed demonstrate a strong understanding of course
concepts, analysis and critical thinking; and are appropriate for
the business in the case study and the process. Avoids the use
of action words.
24-26 Points
Most outputs listed demonstrate an understanding of course
concepts, analysis and critical thinking; and are appropriate for
the business in the case study and the process. Limited use of
action words.
21-23 Points
Outputs listed are designated and demonstrate a basic
understanding of course concepts or analysis. May include
some action words.
18-20 Points
Outputs are provided but selection may be lacking in
demonstration of understanding of course concepts or analysis.
May overuse action words.
0-17 Points
Few, if any outputs are provided or outputs are not appropriate
for the process step and/or the case study.
Table Format
9-10 Points
Information is professionally presented, clear and easily
understood; is written in third person and uses course
vocabulary, correct sentence structure, grammar, and spelling.
Any references used are listed and cited using APA style.
8 Points
Information is presented well; is clear, and uses correct
sentence structure; written in third person, and has few grammar
and spelling errors. Any references used are listed and cited
using APA style.
7 Points
Information is presented with some grammar and/or spelling
errors. Any references used are listed and cited using APA
6 Points
Information is not professionally presented, may not be clearly
written, and/or contains several grammar and/or spelling errors,
or errors in use of APA style for references/ citations.
0-5 Points
Information is extremely poorly written; has many grammar
and/or spelling errors; and/or does not convey the information
TOTAL Points Possible
3/27/15 – for Summer 2015
3/27/15- for Summer 2015
2 | Page
Sheet1Individual Needs Appointment for Hair StylingEmployee gr.docx

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Sheet1Individual Needs Appointment for Hair StylingEmployee gr.docx

  • 1. Sheet1 Individual Needs Appointment for Hair Styling Employee greets customer and asks customer last name or phone number Calls UMUC Haircuts and requests appointment Is appointment today ? Does customer want to schedule next appointment? Is one of the dates/times acceptable? Does customer want the same stylist as last time? Previous Customer? Employee checks stylist availability and times and advises customer Employee asks customer feedback questions and enters responses into the system Drives to UMUC Haircuts YES YES YES NO NO NO Employee asks customer when the service is desired Employee tells customer cost and time needed for service Employee asks customer what services are needed Employee welcomes customer back and reminds of last appointment and services provided Cashier enters info from paper receipt to system and advises customer of total charges Customer receives service; employee documents services completed and time on paper receipt Appointment scheduled Customer takes paper receipt to cashier Payment Process Stylist selected
  • 2. NO NO YES Employee gets alternate date/time and/or alternate stylist from customer Will customer provide feedback? YES YES NO Customer leaves UMUC Haircuts Customer completes call or leaves UMUC Haircuts Employee asks for and enters customer information UMUC Haircuts Appointment Process 1 3 4 5 6 7 Schedule 9 Process: Enter Time Needed and Cost for Services Service, Time, Cost Customers 2 Appoint-ments Customer pays bill Employee Scheduling Process 8 Financial Data Questions/Customer Responses Sheet2 Sheet3 This assignment consists of two (2) sections:
  • 3. · A Java program file · A screen shot of the output and a description of your Java program Label each file name according to the section of the assignment for which it is written. Put both sections together in a single zip file and submit the zip file. Imagine that you work as a Java programmer for a software company. Your company is developing a new interactive learning management tool called uGrade. You have the task of creating the functionality that will allow the user to manually enter names and grades. The program will store this information in parallel arrays. Next, it will prompt the user to sort the date by name or by grade and display the sorted data accordingly in an organized table. Section 1: Java Program File 1. Create a Java program in which you include: · a class called “roster” · attributes, which must be last names and numerical grades, and must also be parallel arrays · an indefinite loop, which allows the user to manually enter five (5) names and grades and stores them in the array. Note: The loop must end either when the user specifies that they are done or when a maximum of five (5) values have been stored in the arrays, i.e., five (5) names and a corresponding grade for each name. · an indefinite loop, which prompts the user to select a sorting criterion or to end the program, and must also use bubble sort. Note: The user may either select name or grade as the sorting criteria. The program must use bubble sort to sort that data according to the specific criteria and then use another loop to display the data. This process must continue until the user ends the program.
  • 4. Section 2: Screen Shot of the Output and Description of Your Java Program 2. Create a screen shot of the output and include a description about your Java program. · Submit a screen shot which shows the output of your Java Program. Note: Go to if you need a tutorial on taking a screen shot. · Include a one (1) page description about your program. Note: Use MS Word for your program description, and place the screen shot of the output from your Java program into the Word file as an attached image. The output should look like this if the user chose to sort by name: Name Numerical Grade Bailey 97 David 88 Ericson 79 Frank 99 Manning 91 The output should look like this if the user chose to sort by grade: Name Numerical Grade Frank 99 Bailey 97 Manning 91 David 88 Ericson 79 Note: The name and grade pairs must stay together. Section 1 and Section 2 will be graded based on the following: 1. The program must compile, execute, produce correct results, and meet all of the specifications stated in Section 1.
  • 5. Additionally you must: 2. Organize the code for user readability. 3. Organize the code for reusability. 4. Organize the code for efficiency. 5. Provide documentation with embedded comments for reader understanding. 6. Include a one (1) page description about your program. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: · Demonstrate the proper use and application of syntax in the Java programming language. · Demonstrate the ability to design, compile, implement, test, and debug simple programs in Java. · Demonstrate the ability to manipulate numbers and character strings in Java. · Compare and contrast classes and objects in Java. · Construct classes through systematic procedures. · Discuss object-oriented design principles. · Compare and contrast abstract and concrete data types. · Demonstrate the ability to implement generic classes and methods. · Declare and use interface types. · Demonstrate the ability to program simple and complex decisions in Java. · Implement loops for repetitive tasks. · Compare and contrast definite loops and indefinite loops. · Compare and contrast arrays and array lists in Java. · Write clearly and concisely about Java programming using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.
  • 6. Grading for this assignment will be based on the following rubric. Points: 200 Assignment 2: uGrade Criteria Unacceptable Below 60% F Meets Minimum Expectations 60-69% D Fair 70-79% C Proficient 80-89% B Exemplary 90-100% A 1. Specifications Weight: 50% The program does not compile. The program compiles but does not execute. The program compiles and executes but produces incorrect results. The program compiles, executes, and produces correct results but does not meet all of the specifications. The program compiles, executes, produces correct results, and meets all of the specifications. 2. Readability Weight: 10% The code is not organized and very difficult to read. The code is poorly organized and difficult to read. The code is partially organized but readable only by someone
  • 7. who knows the expected end result. The code is organized and easy to read. The code is exceptionally organized and very easy to read. 3. Reusability and object-oriented programming constructs Weight: 10% The code is not organized for reusability. The code is poorly organized for reusability. The code is partially organized and some parts of the code could be reused in other programs. The code is organized and most of the code could be reused in other programs. The code is exceptionally organized and could be reused as a whole or each routine could be reused. 4. Efficiency Weight: 10% The code is unnecessarily long and appears to be patched together. The code is unnecessarily long. The code is fairly efficient but sacrifices readability and understanding. The code is efficient without sacrificing readability and understanding. The code is extremely efficient without sacrificing readability and understanding. 5. Documentation Weight: 10% No documentation is provided. The documentation consists of embedded comments but does not help the reader understand the code. The documentation consists of embedded comments and some header comments separating routines. The documentation consists of embedded comments and header documentation that is useful in understanding the code. The documentation consists of embedded comments and clearly explains what the code is accomplishing and how. 6. Include a one (1) page description about your program.
  • 8. Weight: 5% Did not submit or incompletely included a one (1) page description about your program. Insufficiently included a one (1) page description about your program. Partially included a one (1) page description about your program. Satisfactorily included a one (1) page description about your program. Thoroughly included a one (1) page description about your program. 7. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements Weight: 5% More than 8 errors present 7-8 errors present 5-6 errors present 3-4 errors present 0-2 errors present ISFM-300 Case Study, Stage 2: Business Process Analysis and Functional Requirements Before you begin this assignment, be sure you: 1. Have completed all previously assigned readings, particularly those assigned in Week 2. 2. Re-read the “UMUC Haircuts Case Study" and the Stage 1 assignment, and review the “Walmart Example,” beginning with "Background for Stage 2" on page 3. 3. Review Instructor feedback from the Stage 1 assignment. 4. Carefully review the Example shown following the Assignment instructions below. Purpose of this Assignment
  • 9. This assignment demonstrates how business processes are analyzed to develop information systems functional (business) requirements. This assignment specifically addresses the following course outcome to enable you to: · analyze internal and external business processes to identify information systems requirements Overview of Business Process Analysis and Functional Requirements for UMUC Haircuts For your Case Study Stage 1 assignment, you performed a Five Forces Analysis and justified Myra's chosen strategy for competitive advantage and the business process that she would like to improve through the application of technology. In the Stage 2 assignment, you will identify the inputs, processing, and outputs of Myra's selected businessprocess. Those inputs, processing, and outputs form the functional (business) requirements for an IT system to improve the process. The first step in identifying the functional or business requirements for an information system is to develop the high level requirements that establish the scope of the system. Myra has selected the Customer and Employee Scheduling Process for improvement using an IT solution, and together you have identified the following high level requirements. The system must: · Allow employees to enter their availability and desired days/times to work · Allow Myra to review the employee requests and develop a schedule · Make the schedule available to employees to review their final work schedule · Make the employee schedule available for staff to enter
  • 10. customer appointments · Allow Myra and the staff to enter customer appointments · Keep track of customer appointments, including stylist and service performed · Accommodate changes in the employee schedules and customer appointments, and update the schedule accordingly · Accommodate changes in the customer information stored in the system · Provide management reports to Myra showing employee workload, customers served, customer contact information, busy times/days, etc. For this assignment, you will focus on the customer appointment portion of the overall process. The high level requirements are not detailed enough to be used as the functional or business requirements. More detailed requirements are developed using a variety of tools and methods. One such tool is a process model. The process model shows the steps in the customer appointment process. In a process model, rectangles are used to illustrate process steps and diamonds are used where decisions, or choices, are made. You need to be aware that there are other aspects of the process to be considered, as shown in the high level requirements above. The points at which these additional steps intersect with the customer appointment process are shown in the process model with a circle. Customer Appointment Process Model: The Customer Appointment Process model is separately provided as an Excel file, labeled "Stage 2 Customer Appointment Process Model." Assignment: UMUC Haircuts Stage 2: Using the Customer Appointment Process Model, create a document that includes: I. Introduction At the top of your paper, show the strategy for competitive advantage that Myra selected and the business process she has chosen to improve, using the following format: Generic Strategy for Competitive Advantage: xxxxxxx (just
  • 11. name the strategy) Business Process to Be Improved: xxxxxxxxx (just name the process) II. Table of Functional (Business) Requirements Copy the table below into your paper. Using the Customer Appointment Process Model provided complete the table of requirements for an IT system, for each of the numbered process steps, that includes: · the inputs to the process – include specific items of information or data elements (for example, customer name) entered into the system as part of the process step · processing or actions that the system takes (for example, check calendar to let person know if UMUC Haircuts is open at the specified time) · outputs of the process – include specific items of information or data elements (for example, appointment date) that the system will display or print out for the user to see There are 7 numbered steps in the Appointment Process itself. In addition, there are two other processes that are needed (numbered 8 and 9), but are beyond the scope of the appointment process: a process for entering the time needed and costs for the various styling services; and the payment process that collects customer payments and updates the database accordingly. For these two processes, you should also identify the input needed for the system, what the system is to do with that input (process) and what output the system will need to create or display either immediately or later. The responses that you enter into the table for each requirement must be aligned to the specific business process to be improved and the data it uses, and it must be appropriate to the UMUC Haircuts business. Note: Processes are actions that the system will take and should include action verbs. Inputs and outputs are not actions, but are data or information. If you need to use action words (verbs) to describe the input or output, they should be kept to a minimum and put in parentheses.
  • 12. Table of Functional (Business) Requirements Steps in the Appointment Process Process Step Input Information/data item(s) entered into the system as part of this step Process Processing or action the system must perform for this step Output Information/data item(s)/record created, or displayed, or printed out for the user in this step 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 13. 7 8 9 EXAMPLE Using the Employee Scheduling Process The example below demonstrates what is required for the assignment, using the Employee Scheduling Process, which is shown in a circle in the Customer Appointment Process Model. The process model for this example is separately provided as an Excel file named "Stage 2 Example - Scheduling Process Model." The entries in the table correspond with the numbered process steps in the model. Table of Functional (Business) Requirements Steps in the Employee Scheduling Process Process Step Input Information/data item(s) entered into the system as part of this step Process Processing or action the system must perform for this step Output Information/data item(s)/record created, or displayed, or printed out for the user in this step 1
  • 14. User ID and password Verify user id and password against security database "Welcome" screen or "Invalid User ID and Password" message 2 Employee name, dates Locate and present appointment dates for the employee Appointment dates for employee 3 Dates and times available for work (employee name entered in step 2) Record dates and times employee is available for work Confirmation that dates and times have been saved Formatting: For academic writing, the writer is expected to write in the third person. In third person, the writer avoids the pronouns I, we, my, and our. The third person is used to make the writing more objective by taking the individual, the “self,” out of the writing. This method is very helpful for academic writing, a form in which facts, not opinion, drive the tone of the text. Writing in the third person allows the writer to come across as unbiased and thus more informed. · Submit a document that includes the Table of Functional Requirements. · Table entries should be single spaced. · Use APA formatted citations and references for any external sources used. · Include a title page, and a reference page if references are included. · Compare your final work to the rubric to be sure you have met content and quality criteria. · Submit your paper as a Word document, or a document that can be read in Word. · Your submission should include your last name first in the filename: Lastname_firstname_Stage _2
  • 15. GRADING RUBRIC: The "right" and "wrong" answers have to do with whether or not you correctly incorporated the course vocabulary and concepts to support your choices, and that you address all parts of the assignment. ISFM-300 Case Study, Stage 2 Rubric: Functional RequirementsCriteria 90-100% Far Above Standards 80-89% Above Standards 70-79% Meets Standards 60-69% Below Standards < 60% Well Below Standards Possible Points Inputs 27-30 Points All inputs listed demonstrate a strong understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking; and are appropriate for the business in the case study and the process. Avoids the use of action words. 24-26 Points Most inputs listed demonstrate an understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking; and are appropriate for the business in the case study and the process. Limited use of action words. 21-23 Points
  • 16. Inputs listed are designated and demonstrate a basic understanding of course concepts or analysis. May include some action words. 18-20 Points Inputs are provided but selection may be lacking in demonstration of understanding of course concepts or analysis. May overuse action words. 0-17 Points Few, if any inputs are provided or inputs are not appropriate for the process step and/or the case study. 30 Processing 27-30 Points All processing listed demonstrates a strong understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking; and are appropriate for the business in the case study and the process. 24-26 Points Most processing listed demonstrates an understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking; and are appropriate for the business in the case study and the process. 21-23 Points Processing is listed and demonstrates a basic understanding of course concepts or analysis. 18-20 Points Processing is provided but may be lacking in demonstration of understanding of course concepts or analysis. 0-17 Points Processing shown is not appropriate for the process step and/or the case study. 30
  • 17. Outputs 27-30 Points All outputs listed demonstrate a strong understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking; and are appropriate for the business in the case study and the process. Avoids the use of action words. 24-26 Points Most outputs listed demonstrate an understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking; and are appropriate for the business in the case study and the process. Limited use of action words. 21-23 Points Outputs listed are designated and demonstrate a basic understanding of course concepts or analysis. May include some action words. 18-20 Points Outputs are provided but selection may be lacking in demonstration of understanding of course concepts or analysis. May overuse action words. 0-17 Points Few, if any outputs are provided or outputs are not appropriate for the process step and/or the case study. 30 Table Format 9-10 Points
  • 18. Information is professionally presented, clear and easily understood; is written in third person and uses course vocabulary, correct sentence structure, grammar, and spelling. Any references used are listed and cited using APA style. 8 Points Information is presented well; is clear, and uses correct sentence structure; written in third person, and has few grammar and spelling errors. Any references used are listed and cited using APA style. 7 Points Information is presented with some grammar and/or spelling errors. Any references used are listed and cited using APA style. 6 Points Information is not professionally presented, may not be clearly written, and/or contains several grammar and/or spelling errors, or errors in use of APA style for references/ citations. 0-5 Points Information is extremely poorly written; has many grammar and/or spelling errors; and/or does not convey the information adequately. 10 TOTAL Points Possible 100 3/27/15 – for Summer 2015 3/27/15- for Summer 2015 2 | Page