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Sexual Assault In The Military Essay
Introduction Sexual assault is an ongoing problem in the U.S military. But there is a large number of soldiers who will admit that during their time in
the service they have been sexually assaulted but did not report. Any unwanted sexual contact should be reported; these soldiers should receive justice
without being afraid of what might happen to them and their career. Not reporting sexual assaults is putting others in danger of being a victim, and is
encouraging these assailants that their actions is acceptable and it's not.
Sexual Assault Sexual assault is defined as any sexual activity involving a person who does not or cannot (due to alcohol, drugs, or some sort of
incapacitation) consent. Women are overwhelmingly the victims of sexual assaults, while men are almost always the perpetrators. National reviews in
the United States assess that one in six women more content...
military which has received media coverage in the past several years. Because of the growing number of sexual assaults in the military the Department
of Defense issued a memorandum stating that there need to be a system or plan in place to protect the victims of a sexual assault. Which led to the
SHARP program, (Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention), it promotes an environment where sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual
language and gestures are not tolerated. Under the SHARP program victims who are ready to report have different ways of reporting. Restricted
Reporting are for the victim who want to confidentially disclose a sexual assault without an official investigation being conducted. Unrestricted
Reporting are for the victims who want medical treatment, legal assistance, and want an investigation done. The Army encourages the I. A.M. strong
program. Have the personal courage to Intervene, take Action and do what is right, Motivated to keep fellow soldiers safe.
Statement of the
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Persuasive Speech On Sexual Assault
Did you know according to the national sexual violence resource center, 1 in 5 women, and 1 in 16 men will face sexual assault during their time
at a college? And from women in school are 3x more likely to face it than women out of school( ). Hopefully that's as frightening to you
as it is to me. It is important that one day these statistics are lowered to 0. Today, I want to give everyone more insight on how sexual assault can
be stopped by letting you know about the problems we face being in college when it comes to sexual assault and the laws and reasons that make it
difficult for victims to report. After stating the problems, I will present you with solutions and the benefits your actions will have. So, let's get started.
Because we are in college, most of us probably spend some weekends out at the bars, parties or other events where alcohol is presented. Around
89,000 cases of rape are reported annually and of those cases 7.2% occurs at parties or other events, according to statistic brain. To be put that in a
better Boone Pickens has 56,790 seats (O' Colly). So, that's almost 1.5 stadiums filled with people that have been sexually assaulted at a parties.
Just think about that for a moment, we ourselves either know people or are the people who go out and have too much to drink sometimes, but is
anybody asking to be belittled or taken advantage of? Being at social events make people less aware, especially when they are drinking, so their
guard is being put down, which is how they may be taken advantage of. Not only does sexual assault occur out at public events, but it also occurs in
people's private time as well. Put yourself in the shoes of someone who may just experienced sexual assault. Who did it to you? Someone you've
never met? Well, guess what if I told you it was your best friend, a relative, or your boyfriend/girlfriend. According to the National Institute of Justice,
approximately 90% of sexual assaults reported are committed by someone that they know ( ). You probably never thought of that, just as most victims
didn't. Because most victims do experience this from someone they know, an estimated 63% of sexual assaults are never reported, according to
So why
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Sexual Assault In College Essay
Sexual Assualt: End the Epidemic Jade does not receive adequate treatment from her counselor when reporting a recent sexual assault. Her integrity is
questioned, and the counselor advises her to forget the incident ever happened. The rapist receives no punishment or consequences for his actions.
Cases similar to this hypothetical situation occur regularly. Victims ofsexual assault often resort to dropping their cases due to the lack of support and
services offered by the college. Students continue to fight for the fair treatment of everyone on campus. The problem with reporting sexual assault
during college lies in the unfair treatment of the victims and the limited consequences and punishment for the rapist. Colleges have attempted to lower more content...
Problems arise when colleges do not supply their students with adequate support, and allowing repeat offenders to remain in the college. The college
can prevent possible obstacles by creating an environment to encourage reporting and discourage sexual assault. Also, the elimination of repeat
offenders will prevent future sexual assault on campus. Interactive workshops and early education provide essential knowledge about sexual assault
and general safety to students entering college. A single prevention effort will not end sexual assault, but through collaboration with education and
preventative actions could lead to a safer environment for college
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Essay On Sexual Assault
Imagine beginning your day with a comfortable pair of sweatpants matched with a loose fitted t–shirt. It is just like every other day, you go to school,
see your friends, and enjoy your day. There is just one thing different, you take a ride with a male friend. You are not afraid, nothing could happen to
you, you are perfectly safe. The next thing you know he's on top of you, forcing himself onto and into you. This type of behavior is known as sexual
assault, which is defined as "any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient" (Department of Justice).
Sexual assault has become an increasing issue in the world according to the Huffington Post, "2,780,000 (is) the estimated number of men who have
experienced an attempted or completed rape since 1998" (Alanna Vagianos). Some believe that the number of sexual assault is increasing due to the
population growing, others believe that sexual assault cases increasing is a result of the increase in reports in general. Due to the increase in mental
issues among millennials, an increase in crime such as sexual assault has become a larger issue, heavily affecting the way society is balanced.
Sexual assault is an extremely large issue in today's society, most are aware of this; however, the public has not set guidelines to prevent sexual
assault. According to a study titled "Students' Perceptions of Sexual Violence Resources," there are many resources campuses try to offer to students.
One campus has begun to draw attention to a link between alcohol and sexual assault. A student reports seeing posters around campus with slogans
such as: 'no means no, and if there is alcohol involved yes means no too.' Nationwide, most college campuses have physical resources to prevent
sexual assault such as safety lights and call boxes. Some campuses allow security officers to escort and transport a student if one requests. Campuses
also provide programs to educate students about preventing sexual violence. Other resources include online resources, counselors, and therapists. If all
these resources are available, how are sexual assault cases reported so frequently?
Society has constructed several standards that makes sexual
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The Victim Of Sexual Assault Essay
Tom sat on the sofa, his shoulders hunched forward, his eyes staring listlessly into space. In his hands, a forgotten cup of coffee trembled violently,
the lukewarm liquid spilling over his fingers. He hadn't uttered a single word since his impassioned attempt to justify Booker's assault, and as the
minutes ticked by, his silence only added to Doug's concerns. Although not an expert, as a cop, Penhall understood about trauma, and fearing his
friend was going into shock, he made the decision to call 911. With an ambulance on its way, he dialed a second number, and after a brief
conversation, he hung up. Turning his attention to Tom, he wondered how to proceed. While he wanted to offer comfort, he honestly did not know
what to say. How did you console the victim of sexual assault when the perpetrator was a trusted colleague you worked side by side with day in day
out? He was out of his depth and terrified of making matters worse, but he knew he needed to do something other than making a cup of coffee, and
approaching Tom, he squatted down and laid a hand on his knee. "How ya doin', buddy?"
If Tom heard, he made no acknowledgment. His eyes remained dull, his expression vacant. Somewhere, in the midst of the chaos that was the
harshness of reality, he had managed to build a protective wall, a refuge in his mind where he was no longer a victim, no longer a weak, pathetic
excuse for a man. He was Tom Hanson the cop, the loving son, the loyal friend; he was a man free
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Consent And Sexual Assault
One of the main issues that comes with sexual assault is the what constitutes as consent, because so many people view what qualifies as consent
differently. Consent is when the word yes comes out of your partner's mouth. (whether it be a hook–up or your partner). A study was done and it
showed that 47% of those who took the poll believe that if someone takes off their clothes they are consenting to have sex (Weiss). That is not consent.
Consent is receiving a verbal yes, not a moan, or a head nod, wearing certain clothes, or even drunk flirting. Thankfully colleges and universities have
started having classes and presentations that go over consent among other things related to sexual assault at either orientation or they are courses the
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Sexual Assault On Women Essay
Women face mostly the maximum rate of dating violence. One in five women will be a victim of sexual assault while they are in college. One in
nine girls will be forced against their will to have sex. One in ten will be hurt on purpose by someone they are dating. Men also go through these
assaults the number of victims are fewer but nevertheless greatly essential. What is sexual assault? According to the Rape Abuse and Incest National
Sexual assault involuntary sexual act in which a person is physically forced to engage against their will, or any non–consensual sexual touching of a
person. Sexual assault is a form of sexual violence, and it includes rape, groping, forced kissing, child sexual abuse, or the torture of the person in a
sexual manner. This more content...
It always important to be safe and also feel safe wherever you are. There is no excuse for someone to rape you out your will. Rape can be
traumatizing for the helpless victim. There are many resources and talk groups provided for the victim of rape in order to help them to overcome
this tragic event. Most victims cannot get over the fact that they have been touched in an inappropriate way but this helps them understand it's not
their fault. If you have been raped or know someone who has been raped you should call a trusted friend, family members or anyone that you trust
who can be with you and give you support throughout the whole situation. Go to a safe place and contact the police immediately make sure you are
not in any danger anymore. You are likely to go through a range of emotions, such as fear, anxiety shock, guilt and anger. However remember you
are the victim of sexual assault or rape in order to cope with trauma of the event many women will just to carry on as normal and not tell anyone for a
long time. Being raped is something you wouldn't wish on anyone that's why we need to ensure of the people we are
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Argumentative Essay About Sexual Assault
Are you okay? Please do not cry. You are not alone. You do not know me but I am listening; I will wipe your tears, and stand by your side. Because
what happen to you is not right, it is unjust, unmoral, and revolting. Although I was not there, I am here now. Although I have not experienced it, I am
listening. However, I will never truly understand what you went through because I have not lived it. Sexual assault is "illegal sexual contact that usually
involves force upon a person without consent or is inflicting upon a person who is incapable of giving consent", according to Webster Dictionary. I
will not judge you, I will not patronize you, and you can trust me. What happened that night? Can you remember? What started out as a fun night with
drinking and dancing; ended with your cold naked body lying upon the ground. You were intoxicated, incoherent, and unconscious. Your blood alcohol
level and your dashing good looks should not make you vulnerable or a victim to inhumane acts of sexual violence.
Where you at a party? What were you wearing? Who did you go with? Where you drinking? Where you flirting with anyone? Quite frankly, it does
not matter where you were, what you wearing, who you were with, and if you were intoxicated. That does not justify that you were sexually assaulted.
Your perpetrators "misunderstanding" of the night is a poor excuse of how the night ended. The way you dressed that night, how you swayed you hips,
and batted your eyelashes earlier in the
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Sexual Assault In Schools Essay
Schools and colleges have addressed the issue of sexual assault in many ways to try their best to prevent them from occurring. "Most schools have
focused on implementing training and awareness programs on campus for students and employees, often with tens of thousands of dollars in funding
from federal grant programs." Many elementary and middle schools have been giving presentations to help prevent and stop this started at an early
age to make the students realize how horrible a situation like this can be, it also helps the students become aware of their surroundings. Guest speakers
will come onto campuses, whether its school or colleges and will be taught the dangers of the world and the horrible people out there. Colleges have
the biggest
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Sexual Assault And Its Effects On Society Essay
When presented with this project, we chose to focus on sexual assault because it is a harsh realistic nightmare that poses reoccurring issues in our
society. The goal of our campaign is to not only spread awareness about sexual assault, but also to educate about the topic. Although sexual assault is
a very common occurrence, it is a sensitive topic; which leads to people and victims feeling hesitant to talk about it, causing so many cases to remain
untouched and victims silenced. For our project, we decided to focus on reaching out to our peers since most of them are in college or ages 18–24,
where sexual assault is at an all time high. However, sexual assault is not limited strictly to college campuses or other professional academic settings so
everything that we are posting relates to anyone – because of the sad truth that sexual assault can happen anytime, to anyone at anywhere. To begin our
campaign, we created a Facebook page and an Instagram account. The Facebook page was simple to create and has been effective thus far;
because of its popularity between adults and even teenagers in high school, we had several likes on our Facebook page. Our goal was to get at
least 35 likes for the "NU Sexual Assault Awareness Campaign," but within hours of launching it, we got nearly 50 and are currently have nearly
100 likes! On our Instagram account, we have almost 30 followers and frequent likes on all of our photos; perhaps since it is a less popular social
media site it is
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Introduction This paper is intended to look at the connection between substance abuse and sexual assault. In Canada, sexual assault and rape are far
more prevalent than many people know and/or want to admit. This paper will be looking at sexual aggression along with three different populations of
sex offenders and the correlation with substance abuse. These populations of sex offenders include: adolescents, college and university students, and
adults (other than students). Before exploring sexual aggression and sexual assault, the following are some statistics showing the prevalence and scope
of the issue. Per 100,000 individuals, fifteen years old and older, have been victims of sexual assault. Most sexual assaults in Canadian are
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Offenders in the college population are slightly more likely to be under the influence of drugs than are other "groups of sex offenders (Brecklin &
Ullman, 2010).
For the purposes of this paper, sexual assault is defined as being forced to engage in sexual acts (Abbey, 2002). These acts include: "forced touching
or kissing; verbally coerced intercourse; and physically forced vaginal, oral and anal penetration" (Abbey, 2002). Rape is defined as "sexual behaviours
that involve some type of penetration due to force or threat of force; a lack of consent; or inability to give consent due to age, intoxication or mental
status" (Abbey, 2002). The definition of sexual aggression was quoted from authors Barongan and Nagayama Hall, however they adapated their
definition from authors Hall, G. C. N. and Hirschman, R. Sexual Aggression is defined as "ranging from sexually impositional acts such as telling a
sexually oriented joke to someone who finds such jokes offensive, to extreme forms of sexual aggression like rape" (Barongan & Nagayama Hall,
Sexual Aggression There are still quite a few debates and questions revolving around the correlation between alcohol and/or drug use and sexual
aggression and sexual assault (Swartout & White, 2010). It has been shown that males in college exhibit higher levels of sexually aggressive
behaviours. In a national survey conducted on college men, 25.1% of them, before the age of fourteen, said that they had
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Personal Narrative: Sexual Assault
I spent nearly five years getting rid of the shadows that I have experienced sexual assault. This incident occurred in the winter when I was a five–grade
student in primary school. However, until now, I still remember it. The rising sun was orient in the blue sky. Dewdrops sparkle in the morning
sun. Someone patted me on the back. The man whipped out a knife. He was a fat clumsy and dirty looking man. His hair had been badly cut and
the ends were uneven. The sight made me stop dead in my tracks. Fear stole into my heart. He cowed me with his threats. The smell of smoke
clung to his clothes.On the one hand, he had pressed and held both my hands. On the other hand, he continually stroked my body. He just bear
down on me with all his strength so I was unable to repel and move. The rough cloth pricked my skin.Then I just lost it and started screaming. "Stop
it !" I bellowed at him. My word made no impression on him. No one was on the scene at the time. Why he did it? What was his intention in doing
that? How could this happen to me? Why should it be me? After that, every step I took sent the pain shooting up my thighs. I could not breathe. As I
straightened up, the ache in my back grew worse. I bore the pain without a word of complaint. I thought it more content...
A morbid melancholy stole over me. Anxiety gnawed at my heart. I was a living corpse. There was a feeling of chill in the air every day as I felt. I
faked illness so as not to go to school. Despair hangs heavy in the stifling air. It was a dreary day for me , cold and without sunshine. I dread people
and always avoid people. The door was locked from the inside. A cold grey light crept under the curtains. The windows were secured with locks
and bars. The room felt cold and sterile.The flowers faded for want of water. A single lamp was suspended from the ceiling. The clock ticked louder
and louder in a quiet room. I regarded the room as a refuge from the outside
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Sexual Assault And Sexual Assaults Essay
Sexual Assault is one of the most feared topics on campus because of different experiences that people face on their life. These request is to create a
student organization on campus name FASPVA which stands for Fight Against Sexual Physical or Verbal Assault. College campuses have a high rated
numbers of sexual assault compared to non–college campus because of major reasons like parties, alcohol, fraternities and sororities. Whether it is rape,
abused or sexual assault the gender who encounter these issues are women and they are less likely to report it because of the person who did it or
they are afraid of the consequences of them reporting it or just wondered whether there would be any justice at all or not. Almost all the sexual
assault incidents are men acts but the women are blamed for it because of the way they dress, act or their actions. Most women who are victims of
sexual assaults don't acknowledge these facts or don't do it on propose. In the reading "Fraternities and Rape on Campus" by Yancey Martin and Robert
A.Hummer, they argue that Fraternities use their parties and their use of alcohol and drugs to influence women and to sexually assault them. It's hard
to feel or understand someone else's feelings unless you are the victim. In "I want a Twenty–Four–Hour Truce" reading of Andrea Dworkins, she points
out how freedom, male supremacy, the gender inequality and feminism relates to theses sexual assault and rape on campus. In "Beyond Yes or No:
Consent as
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Sexual Abuse And Sexual Assault Essay
When most people hear the phrase sexual abuse we all have a tendency to assume the victim is a female. It is only a myth that males are not sexually
assaulted, or that it only happens in while incarcerated. Sexual assaults can happen to anyone no matter their age, sex, orientation, or even identity. In
fact, in between 9–10% of all male rape survivors outside of prisons are male and 16% of men have experienced sexual abuse before the age of 18.
These reports are only an estimate because most male survivors of sexual abuse will either never report it or they encounter barriers while trying to
report it. (Male Survivors of Sexual Assault, 2015) "The U.S. Department of Justice records an average of greater than 12,000 reported sexual assaults
of men annually, and predicts that if unreported assaults are included, the actual number of men who are sexually assaulted in the United States each
year is approximately 60,000." (Male Survivors of Sexual Assault, 2015) Sexual abuse is any sexual act that is committed against someone's will, also
called sexual violence it covers a range of offenses, including a completed nonconsensual sex act, an attempted nonconsensual sex act, abusive sexual
contact, and non–contact sexual abuse. Approximately one in six boys will have experienced some form of sexual abuse prior to reaching the age of
18, that number may even be higher given the understandable reluctance of children to report such crimes. Sexual abuse occurs at the hands of fathers,
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Student Sexual Assault Case Study
Some students and professors build relationships that go beyond the studies of a classroom, so it is not uncommon for a professor to be put in a
situation where a student confides in them, and looks to them as a counselor. If a student informed a professor that they had been a victim of sexual
assault, and stated they did not want to report it, should the teacher report the incident for the good of the student body or remain that student's
confidant? A professor's relationship with an individual student can create an ethical dilemma, where the professor is unsure of how they should
respond in the most appropriate manner. The ethical dilemma here stems from the responsibility of the professor to abide by the rules and regulations
of more content...
There are a plethora of factors that contribute to a sexual assault case, which suggests that all cases should not be handled in the same manner. Rather,
as an alternative to mandatory reporting, professors should be allowed or able to assess the situation using their knowledge of the student and their
experience. The professor may consider criterions, such as the number of incidents and the student's relationship to the accused, important in their
decision of whether they should report the incident (Classen et al. 2005, 116). In a situation where the assault was a single incident and the student
did not know the perpetrator, the professor may feel more comfortable allowing the student to avoid reporting. Though this criterion suggests that the
victim would be less likely to endure any future sexual violence, the professor can never know for sure, and the student body is still vulnerable to a
repeat offender (Classen et al. 2005, 111). Changing legislation to give professors more room to assess the circumstances when a student would like to
abstain from reporting can be beneficial to the victim, while also allowing professors to not be put into a position where there relationship with the
student can be
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Sexual Assault
up to 14 years imprisonment; and aggravated sexual assault – victim is wounded, disfigured or life is in endanger – is level 3 which is punishable by
up to life imprisonment (Brennan & Taylor–Butts, 2008: 7). Moreover, because of this new amendment, questions about survivor's past sexual history
and sexual reputation are now restricted. The word 'rape' was taken out and replaced with sexual assault. The purpose for changing the terminology
was to obviate the moral stigma associated with the word 'rape'. This also supported the fact that men could also be victimized because penetration
was not required in order to prove the sexual assault. Now both men and women are given rights to equal treatment under the law (Handbook,
The more content...
According to studies and research conducted, 1 in every 17 Canadian women is sexually assaulted at some point in her life; compared to United
States where 1 in 6 women had experienced an attempted or completed sexual assault (Munch, 2013). In contrast, 1 in 33 men are sexually
assaulted in United States. Moreover, every 17 min, a woman in Canada is sexually assaulted. According to Statistics Canada, 80% of assaults
happen in victim's home; 70% are committed by someone the victims knows; 62% are physically injured in the assault (9% of victims are beaten
severely); and approximately one half of all sexual assaults occur on dates (Statistics Canada, 2013). Also victims of sexual assaults tend to be
younger in age. The General Social Survey (GSS) of 2004 showed that sexual assault rates for individuals aged 15 to 24 were almost 18 times greater
than rates of those individuals aged 55 or older (Brennan & Taylor–Butts, 2008: 6). With the number of sexual assaults that occur every day, one would
assume approximately the same amount of cases would get reported to the police but unfortunately that is not the case. Statistics shows that in Canada
only 8% of sexual assaults are reported to police; and the reporting rates
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I was absolutely mortified by the administrators response to victims of sexual assault. I just couldn't believe that they would rather uphold the prestige
of a college campus than to do right by a victim of sexual assault. I honestly thought that administrators would be more supporting, it was really
difficult to see how administrators are supposed to guide us in the right path but they spoke down to all the women that were rape survivors, it truly
disgusted me. The structural issues that influenced the reactions survivors received were the issues from the administrators and even police officers,
basically every institution where rape survivors are supposed to be able to turn to turned out to be a big let down to them. It's terrible because sexual
assault survivors don't feel comfortable to turn to their own parents so they turn to powerful institutions like police officers and administrators but it
was just a let down.
I think one way they held their schools accountable would be telling their experiences with the issue. If they weren't more content...
They don't want their parents to look at them and think about her or his experience with sexual assault. I feel like its important for parents to
establish the idea that every child can always count on their parent for support no matter how difficult the situation is. Parents should be more open
about this topic, no matter how difficult or awkward it may be to discuss. I feel like if a parent watches to ask questions about sexual assault on the
school where the child is applying to they can but how are we supposed to know what their saying is true. For example, for years universities have
promoted their schools by saying their academic levels are high and that there is no violence or sexual assault on their campus, mean while we just
learned that there is a lot of sexual assaults on campus but the survivors are just being
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Psychological Effects of Sexual Assault
Sexual assault is a term that is used interchangeably with the word rape. The decision on whether or not to use the term rape or sexual assault is made
by a state's jurisdiction. Sexual assault is more readily used in an attempt to be more gender neutral (National Victim Center). Sexual assault can be
most easily described as forced or unconsentual sexual intercourse. The individual that is performing these acts on the victim may either be a stranger
or an acquaintance. In 1994, 64.2 percent of all rapes were committed by someone the offender had previously known (Ringel, 1997). Regardless, this
type of crime can have extreme effects on the victim. Sexual assault is a traumatic more content...
They feel as though there is no one that can help them and that they are alone. This phase "may be expressed several hours or even days after the
crime" (Bard and Sangrey, 1979, pg. 35). In the second phase, called the recoil stage, the victim struggles "to adapt to the violation and tries to
reintegrate their fragmented selves" (Bard and Sangrey, 1979, pg. 40). During this phase, the victim tries to recover. This phase is very complex
and deals with a lot of issues and emotions. The victim often faces extreme fear and anxiety. They become fearful of their safety, as well as anxious
in their surrounding environment. They are afraid of the person that has violated them as well as fearful of being alone. They also may "fear the
medical, legal, or social consequences of the crime" (CASA House). During this phase, the victim experiences sadness and depression, as well as low
self–esteem. Along with this phase comes anger. The victim either becomes angry with the person who defiled them or they may turn against
themselves. (Bard and Sangrey, 1979, pg. 45). The victim has a sense of guilt and blame. They often ask themselves "why did I go there by
myself?" or "why didn't I fight back harder?" During this phase, the victim may also suffer from mood swings (Bard and Sangrey, 1979, pg. 46).
They may go from happiness to sudden sadness, or from rage to despair. The third and final phase is called the reorganization phase; the victim
becomes "reorganized over time and
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Sexual Assault Essay examples
Sexual Assault described in technical terms is defined as any sort of sexual activity between two or more people in which one of the people
involved is involved against his or her will. (3) The description of "against his or her will" extends to varying degrees of aggression, ranging from
indirect pressure to a direct physical attack. While sexual assaults are associated with the crime of rape, it may cover assaults which would not be
considered rape. What constitutes a sexual assault is determined by the laws of the jurisdiction where the assault takes place, which vary considerably,
and are influenced by local social and cultural attitudes. Every year, an estimated 300,000 women are raped and 3.7 million are confronted with more content...
Forms of CSA include asking or pressuring a child to engage in sexual activities (regardless of the outcome), indecent exposure of the genitals to a
child, displaying pornography to a child, actual sexual contact against a child, physical contact with the child's genitals, viewing of the child's genitalia
without physical contact, or using a child to produce child pornography. The effects ofchild sexual abuse include depression, post–traumatic stress
disorder, anxiety, propensity to re–victimization in adulthood, and physical injury to the child, among other problems. Sexual abuse by a family
member is a form of incest, and can result in more serious and long–term psychological trauma, especially in the case of parental incest. Approximately
15% to 25% of women and 5% to 15% of men were sexually abused when they were children. Most sexual abuse offenders are acquainted with their
victims; approximately 30% are relatives of the child, most often brothers, fathers, mothers, sisters and uncles or cousins; around 60% are other
acquaintances such as friends of the family, babysitters, or neighbors; strangers are the offenders in approximately 10% of child sexual abuse cases.
Studies have shown that the psychological damage is often particularly severe when sexual assault is committed by parents against children due to the
incestuous nature of the assault. Incest between a child or adolescent and a related adult has been identified as the most
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Sexual Assault In The Military Essay

  • 1. Sexual Assault In The Military Essay Introduction Sexual assault is an ongoing problem in the U.S military. But there is a large number of soldiers who will admit that during their time in the service they have been sexually assaulted but did not report. Any unwanted sexual contact should be reported; these soldiers should receive justice without being afraid of what might happen to them and their career. Not reporting sexual assaults is putting others in danger of being a victim, and is encouraging these assailants that their actions is acceptable and it's not. Sexual Assault Sexual assault is defined as any sexual activity involving a person who does not or cannot (due to alcohol, drugs, or some sort of incapacitation) consent. Women are overwhelmingly the victims of sexual assaults, while men are almost always the perpetrators. National reviews in the United States assess that one in six women more content... military which has received media coverage in the past several years. Because of the growing number of sexual assaults in the military the Department of Defense issued a memorandum stating that there need to be a system or plan in place to protect the victims of a sexual assault. Which led to the SHARP program, (Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention), it promotes an environment where sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual language and gestures are not tolerated. Under the SHARP program victims who are ready to report have different ways of reporting. Restricted Reporting are for the victim who want to confidentially disclose a sexual assault without an official investigation being conducted. Unrestricted Reporting are for the victims who want medical treatment, legal assistance, and want an investigation done. The Army encourages the I. A.M. strong program. Have the personal courage to Intervene, take Action and do what is right, Motivated to keep fellow soldiers safe. Statement of the Get more content on
  • 2. Persuasive Speech On Sexual Assault Did you know according to the national sexual violence resource center, 1 in 5 women, and 1 in 16 men will face sexual assault during their time at a college? And from women in school are 3x more likely to face it than women out of school( ). Hopefully that's as frightening to you as it is to me. It is important that one day these statistics are lowered to 0. Today, I want to give everyone more insight on how sexual assault can be stopped by letting you know about the problems we face being in college when it comes to sexual assault and the laws and reasons that make it difficult for victims to report. After stating the problems, I will present you with solutions and the benefits your actions will have. So, let's get started. Because we are in college, most of us probably spend some weekends out at the bars, parties or other events where alcohol is presented. Around 89,000 cases of rape are reported annually and of those cases 7.2% occurs at parties or other events, according to statistic brain. To be put that in a better Boone Pickens has 56,790 seats (O' Colly). So, that's almost 1.5 stadiums filled with people that have been sexually assaulted at a parties. Just think about that for a moment, we ourselves either know people or are the people who go out and have too much to drink sometimes, but is anybody asking to be belittled or taken advantage of? Being at social events make people less aware, especially when they are drinking, so their guard is being put down, which is how they may be taken advantage of. Not only does sexual assault occur out at public events, but it also occurs in people's private time as well. Put yourself in the shoes of someone who may just experienced sexual assault. Who did it to you? Someone you've never met? Well, guess what if I told you it was your best friend, a relative, or your boyfriend/girlfriend. According to the National Institute of Justice, approximately 90% of sexual assaults reported are committed by someone that they know ( ). You probably never thought of that, just as most victims didn't. Because most victims do experience this from someone they know, an estimated 63% of sexual assaults are never reported, according to NSRVC( ). So why Get more content on
  • 3. Sexual Assault In College Essay Sexual Assualt: End the Epidemic Jade does not receive adequate treatment from her counselor when reporting a recent sexual assault. Her integrity is questioned, and the counselor advises her to forget the incident ever happened. The rapist receives no punishment or consequences for his actions. Cases similar to this hypothetical situation occur regularly. Victims ofsexual assault often resort to dropping their cases due to the lack of support and services offered by the college. Students continue to fight for the fair treatment of everyone on campus. The problem with reporting sexual assault during college lies in the unfair treatment of the victims and the limited consequences and punishment for the rapist. Colleges have attempted to lower more content... Problems arise when colleges do not supply their students with adequate support, and allowing repeat offenders to remain in the college. The college can prevent possible obstacles by creating an environment to encourage reporting and discourage sexual assault. Also, the elimination of repeat offenders will prevent future sexual assault on campus. Interactive workshops and early education provide essential knowledge about sexual assault and general safety to students entering college. A single prevention effort will not end sexual assault, but through collaboration with education and preventative actions could lead to a safer environment for college Get more content on
  • 4. Essay On Sexual Assault Imagine beginning your day with a comfortable pair of sweatpants matched with a loose fitted t–shirt. It is just like every other day, you go to school, see your friends, and enjoy your day. There is just one thing different, you take a ride with a male friend. You are not afraid, nothing could happen to you, you are perfectly safe. The next thing you know he's on top of you, forcing himself onto and into you. This type of behavior is known as sexual assault, which is defined as "any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient" (Department of Justice). Sexual assault has become an increasing issue in the world according to the Huffington Post, "2,780,000 (is) the estimated number of men who have experienced an attempted or completed rape since 1998" (Alanna Vagianos). Some believe that the number of sexual assault is increasing due to the population growing, others believe that sexual assault cases increasing is a result of the increase in reports in general. Due to the increase in mental issues among millennials, an increase in crime such as sexual assault has become a larger issue, heavily affecting the way society is balanced. Sexual assault is an extremely large issue in today's society, most are aware of this; however, the public has not set guidelines to prevent sexual assault. According to a study titled "Students' Perceptions of Sexual Violence Resources," there are many resources campuses try to offer to students. One campus has begun to draw attention to a link between alcohol and sexual assault. A student reports seeing posters around campus with slogans such as: 'no means no, and if there is alcohol involved yes means no too.' Nationwide, most college campuses have physical resources to prevent sexual assault such as safety lights and call boxes. Some campuses allow security officers to escort and transport a student if one requests. Campuses also provide programs to educate students about preventing sexual violence. Other resources include online resources, counselors, and therapists. If all these resources are available, how are sexual assault cases reported so frequently? Society has constructed several standards that makes sexual Get more content on
  • 5. The Victim Of Sexual Assault Essay Tom sat on the sofa, his shoulders hunched forward, his eyes staring listlessly into space. In his hands, a forgotten cup of coffee trembled violently, the lukewarm liquid spilling over his fingers. He hadn't uttered a single word since his impassioned attempt to justify Booker's assault, and as the minutes ticked by, his silence only added to Doug's concerns. Although not an expert, as a cop, Penhall understood about trauma, and fearing his friend was going into shock, he made the decision to call 911. With an ambulance on its way, he dialed a second number, and after a brief conversation, he hung up. Turning his attention to Tom, he wondered how to proceed. While he wanted to offer comfort, he honestly did not know what to say. How did you console the victim of sexual assault when the perpetrator was a trusted colleague you worked side by side with day in day out? He was out of his depth and terrified of making matters worse, but he knew he needed to do something other than making a cup of coffee, and approaching Tom, he squatted down and laid a hand on his knee. "How ya doin', buddy?" If Tom heard, he made no acknowledgment. His eyes remained dull, his expression vacant. Somewhere, in the midst of the chaos that was the harshness of reality, he had managed to build a protective wall, a refuge in his mind where he was no longer a victim, no longer a weak, pathetic excuse for a man. He was Tom Hanson the cop, the loving son, the loyal friend; he was a man free Get more content on
  • 6. Consent And Sexual Assault One of the main issues that comes with sexual assault is the what constitutes as consent, because so many people view what qualifies as consent differently. Consent is when the word yes comes out of your partner's mouth. (whether it be a hook–up or your partner). A study was done and it showed that 47% of those who took the poll believe that if someone takes off their clothes they are consenting to have sex (Weiss). That is not consent. Consent is receiving a verbal yes, not a moan, or a head nod, wearing certain clothes, or even drunk flirting. Thankfully colleges and universities have started having classes and presentations that go over consent among other things related to sexual assault at either orientation or they are courses the Get more content on
  • 7. Sexual Assault On Women Essay Women face mostly the maximum rate of dating violence. One in five women will be a victim of sexual assault while they are in college. One in nine girls will be forced against their will to have sex. One in ten will be hurt on purpose by someone they are dating. Men also go through these assaults the number of victims are fewer but nevertheless greatly essential. What is sexual assault? According to the Rape Abuse and Incest National Network Sexual assault involuntary sexual act in which a person is physically forced to engage against their will, or any non–consensual sexual touching of a person. Sexual assault is a form of sexual violence, and it includes rape, groping, forced kissing, child sexual abuse, or the torture of the person in a sexual manner. This more content... It always important to be safe and also feel safe wherever you are. There is no excuse for someone to rape you out your will. Rape can be traumatizing for the helpless victim. There are many resources and talk groups provided for the victim of rape in order to help them to overcome this tragic event. Most victims cannot get over the fact that they have been touched in an inappropriate way but this helps them understand it's not their fault. If you have been raped or know someone who has been raped you should call a trusted friend, family members or anyone that you trust who can be with you and give you support throughout the whole situation. Go to a safe place and contact the police immediately make sure you are not in any danger anymore. You are likely to go through a range of emotions, such as fear, anxiety shock, guilt and anger. However remember you are the victim of sexual assault or rape in order to cope with trauma of the event many women will just to carry on as normal and not tell anyone for a long time. Being raped is something you wouldn't wish on anyone that's why we need to ensure of the people we are Get more content on
  • 8. Argumentative Essay About Sexual Assault Are you okay? Please do not cry. You are not alone. You do not know me but I am listening; I will wipe your tears, and stand by your side. Because what happen to you is not right, it is unjust, unmoral, and revolting. Although I was not there, I am here now. Although I have not experienced it, I am listening. However, I will never truly understand what you went through because I have not lived it. Sexual assault is "illegal sexual contact that usually involves force upon a person without consent or is inflicting upon a person who is incapable of giving consent", according to Webster Dictionary. I will not judge you, I will not patronize you, and you can trust me. What happened that night? Can you remember? What started out as a fun night with drinking and dancing; ended with your cold naked body lying upon the ground. You were intoxicated, incoherent, and unconscious. Your blood alcohol level and your dashing good looks should not make you vulnerable or a victim to inhumane acts of sexual violence. Where you at a party? What were you wearing? Who did you go with? Where you drinking? Where you flirting with anyone? Quite frankly, it does not matter where you were, what you wearing, who you were with, and if you were intoxicated. That does not justify that you were sexually assaulted. Your perpetrators "misunderstanding" of the night is a poor excuse of how the night ended. The way you dressed that night, how you swayed you hips, and batted your eyelashes earlier in the Get more content on
  • 9. Sexual Assault In Schools Essay Schools and colleges have addressed the issue of sexual assault in many ways to try their best to prevent them from occurring. "Most schools have focused on implementing training and awareness programs on campus for students and employees, often with tens of thousands of dollars in funding from federal grant programs." Many elementary and middle schools have been giving presentations to help prevent and stop this started at an early age to make the students realize how horrible a situation like this can be, it also helps the students become aware of their surroundings. Guest speakers will come onto campuses, whether its school or colleges and will be taught the dangers of the world and the horrible people out there. Colleges have the biggest Get more content on
  • 10. Sexual Assault And Its Effects On Society Essay When presented with this project, we chose to focus on sexual assault because it is a harsh realistic nightmare that poses reoccurring issues in our society. The goal of our campaign is to not only spread awareness about sexual assault, but also to educate about the topic. Although sexual assault is a very common occurrence, it is a sensitive topic; which leads to people and victims feeling hesitant to talk about it, causing so many cases to remain untouched and victims silenced. For our project, we decided to focus on reaching out to our peers since most of them are in college or ages 18–24, where sexual assault is at an all time high. However, sexual assault is not limited strictly to college campuses or other professional academic settings so everything that we are posting relates to anyone – because of the sad truth that sexual assault can happen anytime, to anyone at anywhere. To begin our campaign, we created a Facebook page and an Instagram account. The Facebook page was simple to create and has been effective thus far; because of its popularity between adults and even teenagers in high school, we had several likes on our Facebook page. Our goal was to get at least 35 likes for the "NU Sexual Assault Awareness Campaign," but within hours of launching it, we got nearly 50 and are currently have nearly 100 likes! On our Instagram account, we have almost 30 followers and frequent likes on all of our photos; perhaps since it is a less popular social media site it is Get more content on
  • 11. Introduction This paper is intended to look at the connection between substance abuse and sexual assault. In Canada, sexual assault and rape are far more prevalent than many people know and/or want to admit. This paper will be looking at sexual aggression along with three different populations of sex offenders and the correlation with substance abuse. These populations of sex offenders include: adolescents, college and university students, and adults (other than students). Before exploring sexual aggression and sexual assault, the following are some statistics showing the prevalence and scope of the issue. Per 100,000 individuals, fifteen years old and older, have been victims of sexual assault. Most sexual assaults in Canadian are more content... Offenders in the college population are slightly more likely to be under the influence of drugs than are other "groups of sex offenders (Brecklin & Ullman, 2010). Definitions For the purposes of this paper, sexual assault is defined as being forced to engage in sexual acts (Abbey, 2002). These acts include: "forced touching or kissing; verbally coerced intercourse; and physically forced vaginal, oral and anal penetration" (Abbey, 2002). Rape is defined as "sexual behaviours that involve some type of penetration due to force or threat of force; a lack of consent; or inability to give consent due to age, intoxication or mental status" (Abbey, 2002). The definition of sexual aggression was quoted from authors Barongan and Nagayama Hall, however they adapated their definition from authors Hall, G. C. N. and Hirschman, R. Sexual Aggression is defined as "ranging from sexually impositional acts such as telling a sexually oriented joke to someone who finds such jokes offensive, to extreme forms of sexual aggression like rape" (Barongan & Nagayama Hall, 1995). Sexual Aggression There are still quite a few debates and questions revolving around the correlation between alcohol and/or drug use and sexual aggression and sexual assault (Swartout & White, 2010). It has been shown that males in college exhibit higher levels of sexually aggressive behaviours. In a national survey conducted on college men, 25.1% of them, before the age of fourteen, said that they had Get more content on
  • 12. Personal Narrative: Sexual Assault I spent nearly five years getting rid of the shadows that I have experienced sexual assault. This incident occurred in the winter when I was a five–grade student in primary school. However, until now, I still remember it. The rising sun was orient in the blue sky. Dewdrops sparkle in the morning sun. Someone patted me on the back. The man whipped out a knife. He was a fat clumsy and dirty looking man. His hair had been badly cut and the ends were uneven. The sight made me stop dead in my tracks. Fear stole into my heart. He cowed me with his threats. The smell of smoke clung to his clothes.On the one hand, he had pressed and held both my hands. On the other hand, he continually stroked my body. He just bear down on me with all his strength so I was unable to repel and move. The rough cloth pricked my skin.Then I just lost it and started screaming. "Stop it !" I bellowed at him. My word made no impression on him. No one was on the scene at the time. Why he did it? What was his intention in doing that? How could this happen to me? Why should it be me? After that, every step I took sent the pain shooting up my thighs. I could not breathe. As I straightened up, the ache in my back grew worse. I bore the pain without a word of complaint. I thought it more content... A morbid melancholy stole over me. Anxiety gnawed at my heart. I was a living corpse. There was a feeling of chill in the air every day as I felt. I faked illness so as not to go to school. Despair hangs heavy in the stifling air. It was a dreary day for me , cold and without sunshine. I dread people and always avoid people. The door was locked from the inside. A cold grey light crept under the curtains. The windows were secured with locks and bars. The room felt cold and sterile.The flowers faded for want of water. A single lamp was suspended from the ceiling. The clock ticked louder and louder in a quiet room. I regarded the room as a refuge from the outside Get more content on
  • 13. Sexual Assault And Sexual Assaults Essay Sexual Assault is one of the most feared topics on campus because of different experiences that people face on their life. These request is to create a student organization on campus name FASPVA which stands for Fight Against Sexual Physical or Verbal Assault. College campuses have a high rated numbers of sexual assault compared to non–college campus because of major reasons like parties, alcohol, fraternities and sororities. Whether it is rape, abused or sexual assault the gender who encounter these issues are women and they are less likely to report it because of the person who did it or they are afraid of the consequences of them reporting it or just wondered whether there would be any justice at all or not. Almost all the sexual assault incidents are men acts but the women are blamed for it because of the way they dress, act or their actions. Most women who are victims of sexual assaults don't acknowledge these facts or don't do it on propose. In the reading "Fraternities and Rape on Campus" by Yancey Martin and Robert A.Hummer, they argue that Fraternities use their parties and their use of alcohol and drugs to influence women and to sexually assault them. It's hard to feel or understand someone else's feelings unless you are the victim. In "I want a Twenty–Four–Hour Truce" reading of Andrea Dworkins, she points out how freedom, male supremacy, the gender inequality and feminism relates to theses sexual assault and rape on campus. In "Beyond Yes or No: Consent as Get more content on
  • 14. Sexual Abuse And Sexual Assault Essay When most people hear the phrase sexual abuse we all have a tendency to assume the victim is a female. It is only a myth that males are not sexually assaulted, or that it only happens in while incarcerated. Sexual assaults can happen to anyone no matter their age, sex, orientation, or even identity. In fact, in between 9–10% of all male rape survivors outside of prisons are male and 16% of men have experienced sexual abuse before the age of 18. These reports are only an estimate because most male survivors of sexual abuse will either never report it or they encounter barriers while trying to report it. (Male Survivors of Sexual Assault, 2015) "The U.S. Department of Justice records an average of greater than 12,000 reported sexual assaults of men annually, and predicts that if unreported assaults are included, the actual number of men who are sexually assaulted in the United States each year is approximately 60,000." (Male Survivors of Sexual Assault, 2015) Sexual abuse is any sexual act that is committed against someone's will, also called sexual violence it covers a range of offenses, including a completed nonconsensual sex act, an attempted nonconsensual sex act, abusive sexual contact, and non–contact sexual abuse. Approximately one in six boys will have experienced some form of sexual abuse prior to reaching the age of 18, that number may even be higher given the understandable reluctance of children to report such crimes. Sexual abuse occurs at the hands of fathers, Get more content on
  • 15. Student Sexual Assault Case Study Some students and professors build relationships that go beyond the studies of a classroom, so it is not uncommon for a professor to be put in a situation where a student confides in them, and looks to them as a counselor. If a student informed a professor that they had been a victim of sexual assault, and stated they did not want to report it, should the teacher report the incident for the good of the student body or remain that student's confidant? A professor's relationship with an individual student can create an ethical dilemma, where the professor is unsure of how they should respond in the most appropriate manner. The ethical dilemma here stems from the responsibility of the professor to abide by the rules and regulations of more content... There are a plethora of factors that contribute to a sexual assault case, which suggests that all cases should not be handled in the same manner. Rather, as an alternative to mandatory reporting, professors should be allowed or able to assess the situation using their knowledge of the student and their experience. The professor may consider criterions, such as the number of incidents and the student's relationship to the accused, important in their decision of whether they should report the incident (Classen et al. 2005, 116). In a situation where the assault was a single incident and the student did not know the perpetrator, the professor may feel more comfortable allowing the student to avoid reporting. Though this criterion suggests that the victim would be less likely to endure any future sexual violence, the professor can never know for sure, and the student body is still vulnerable to a repeat offender (Classen et al. 2005, 111). Changing legislation to give professors more room to assess the circumstances when a student would like to abstain from reporting can be beneficial to the victim, while also allowing professors to not be put into a position where there relationship with the student can be Get more content on
  • 16. Sexual Assault up to 14 years imprisonment; and aggravated sexual assault – victim is wounded, disfigured or life is in endanger – is level 3 which is punishable by up to life imprisonment (Brennan & Taylor–Butts, 2008: 7). Moreover, because of this new amendment, questions about survivor's past sexual history and sexual reputation are now restricted. The word 'rape' was taken out and replaced with sexual assault. The purpose for changing the terminology was to obviate the moral stigma associated with the word 'rape'. This also supported the fact that men could also be victimized because penetration was not required in order to prove the sexual assault. Now both men and women are given rights to equal treatment under the law (Handbook, 2007:4–5). The more content... According to studies and research conducted, 1 in every 17 Canadian women is sexually assaulted at some point in her life; compared to United States where 1 in 6 women had experienced an attempted or completed sexual assault (Munch, 2013). In contrast, 1 in 33 men are sexually assaulted in United States. Moreover, every 17 min, a woman in Canada is sexually assaulted. According to Statistics Canada, 80% of assaults happen in victim's home; 70% are committed by someone the victims knows; 62% are physically injured in the assault (9% of victims are beaten severely); and approximately one half of all sexual assaults occur on dates (Statistics Canada, 2013). Also victims of sexual assaults tend to be younger in age. The General Social Survey (GSS) of 2004 showed that sexual assault rates for individuals aged 15 to 24 were almost 18 times greater than rates of those individuals aged 55 or older (Brennan & Taylor–Butts, 2008: 6). With the number of sexual assaults that occur every day, one would assume approximately the same amount of cases would get reported to the police but unfortunately that is not the case. Statistics shows that in Canada only 8% of sexual assaults are reported to police; and the reporting rates Get more content on
  • 17. I was absolutely mortified by the administrators response to victims of sexual assault. I just couldn't believe that they would rather uphold the prestige of a college campus than to do right by a victim of sexual assault. I honestly thought that administrators would be more supporting, it was really difficult to see how administrators are supposed to guide us in the right path but they spoke down to all the women that were rape survivors, it truly disgusted me. The structural issues that influenced the reactions survivors received were the issues from the administrators and even police officers, basically every institution where rape survivors are supposed to be able to turn to turned out to be a big let down to them. It's terrible because sexual assault survivors don't feel comfortable to turn to their own parents so they turn to powerful institutions like police officers and administrators but it was just a let down. I think one way they held their schools accountable would be telling their experiences with the issue. If they weren't more content... They don't want their parents to look at them and think about her or his experience with sexual assault. I feel like its important for parents to establish the idea that every child can always count on their parent for support no matter how difficult the situation is. Parents should be more open about this topic, no matter how difficult or awkward it may be to discuss. I feel like if a parent watches to ask questions about sexual assault on the school where the child is applying to they can but how are we supposed to know what their saying is true. For example, for years universities have promoted their schools by saying their academic levels are high and that there is no violence or sexual assault on their campus, mean while we just learned that there is a lot of sexual assaults on campus but the survivors are just being Get more content on
  • 18. Psychological Effects of Sexual Assault Sexual assault is a term that is used interchangeably with the word rape. The decision on whether or not to use the term rape or sexual assault is made by a state's jurisdiction. Sexual assault is more readily used in an attempt to be more gender neutral (National Victim Center). Sexual assault can be most easily described as forced or unconsentual sexual intercourse. The individual that is performing these acts on the victim may either be a stranger or an acquaintance. In 1994, 64.2 percent of all rapes were committed by someone the offender had previously known (Ringel, 1997). Regardless, this type of crime can have extreme effects on the victim. Sexual assault is a traumatic more content... They feel as though there is no one that can help them and that they are alone. This phase "may be expressed several hours or even days after the crime" (Bard and Sangrey, 1979, pg. 35). In the second phase, called the recoil stage, the victim struggles "to adapt to the violation and tries to reintegrate their fragmented selves" (Bard and Sangrey, 1979, pg. 40). During this phase, the victim tries to recover. This phase is very complex and deals with a lot of issues and emotions. The victim often faces extreme fear and anxiety. They become fearful of their safety, as well as anxious in their surrounding environment. They are afraid of the person that has violated them as well as fearful of being alone. They also may "fear the medical, legal, or social consequences of the crime" (CASA House). During this phase, the victim experiences sadness and depression, as well as low self–esteem. Along with this phase comes anger. The victim either becomes angry with the person who defiled them or they may turn against themselves. (Bard and Sangrey, 1979, pg. 45). The victim has a sense of guilt and blame. They often ask themselves "why did I go there by myself?" or "why didn't I fight back harder?" During this phase, the victim may also suffer from mood swings (Bard and Sangrey, 1979, pg. 46). They may go from happiness to sudden sadness, or from rage to despair. The third and final phase is called the reorganization phase; the victim becomes "reorganized over time and Get more content on
  • 19. Sexual Assault Essay examples Sexual Assault described in technical terms is defined as any sort of sexual activity between two or more people in which one of the people involved is involved against his or her will. (3) The description of "against his or her will" extends to varying degrees of aggression, ranging from indirect pressure to a direct physical attack. While sexual assaults are associated with the crime of rape, it may cover assaults which would not be considered rape. What constitutes a sexual assault is determined by the laws of the jurisdiction where the assault takes place, which vary considerably, and are influenced by local social and cultural attitudes. Every year, an estimated 300,000 women are raped and 3.7 million are confronted with more content... Forms of CSA include asking or pressuring a child to engage in sexual activities (regardless of the outcome), indecent exposure of the genitals to a child, displaying pornography to a child, actual sexual contact against a child, physical contact with the child's genitals, viewing of the child's genitalia without physical contact, or using a child to produce child pornography. The effects ofchild sexual abuse include depression, post–traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, propensity to re–victimization in adulthood, and physical injury to the child, among other problems. Sexual abuse by a family member is a form of incest, and can result in more serious and long–term psychological trauma, especially in the case of parental incest. Approximately 15% to 25% of women and 5% to 15% of men were sexually abused when they were children. Most sexual abuse offenders are acquainted with their victims; approximately 30% are relatives of the child, most often brothers, fathers, mothers, sisters and uncles or cousins; around 60% are other acquaintances such as friends of the family, babysitters, or neighbors; strangers are the offenders in approximately 10% of child sexual abuse cases. Studies have shown that the psychological damage is often particularly severe when sexual assault is committed by parents against children due to the incestuous nature of the assault. Incest between a child or adolescent and a related adult has been identified as the most Get more content on