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Seven Changes 1
Seven Changes
To Universalvation
A message from 2100..................................................................................................................... 2
Change 1: Develop shared beliefs ............................................................................................. 4
Change 2: Save the global ecosystem..................................................................................... 6
Change 3: Improve quality of life .............................................................................................. 8
Change 4: Develop a just economy .......................................................................................... 9
Change 5: Develop just politics ................................................................................................ 12
Change 6: Ensure peace.............................................................................................................. 15
Change 7: Reduce human Population .................................................................................... 16
Seven Changes 2
A message from 2100
A message from 2100
My name is Sebastian and this is my
message to you from the year 2100. In this
memo I will try to convince you to put
pressure on your world leaders to initiate
seven changes which lead to universalvation
as you might call it. Today it is the year 2100
and there are about one million humans left
on this earth and a few thousand species of
pets and insects. I know that the world will
continue to exist even if you don’t succeed in
these seven changes to happen.
My age is 89, so in 2018 I was 7 years of
age. I am able to remember those days like it
was yesterday because they were the best in
my memories. It is not my purpose to
frighten you of what is coming to you in the
nearby future. But looking back in my diaries
I want you to know what should be done to
save the earth, and most of the living
creatures on it.
The seven changes cannot be completed by
individuals, NGO’s or states. Coordinated
world politics is absolutely necessary,
because your national state governments,
neither International Institutions like UN nor
NGO’s are capable of solving the issues you
are dealing with. This is because the issues
are global and interconnected. The problem is
that responsibility is not taken by your world
leaders. Unfortunately they are focussed on
short term money and power.
It does not require rocket science to put
through the seven changes. In fact all
solutions are already available in your days.
In my opinion they are logical and straight
forward. Please find yourselves a way to put
pressure on your world leaders to work
together on these issues for the sake of
What happened?
Planet Earth now is halfway through its
lifecycle. 4,5 billion years ago it was formed
and earth life expectation from now on is
another 4 or 5 billion years before the sun,
and therefore also our earth, will cease to
exist. For 3 billion years now there exists life
on earth and 0,5 billion years ago some life
forms developed a rudimentary brain. This
brain has been evolving into a very effective
instrument, although we did not look like
humans at that time.
This rudimentary brain (or animal brain or
red brain) made sure we reacted to situations
in the most effective way to survive and
reproduce. The first reactions our brain
developed were flight, fight or freeze
reflexes. Later on more complex behavioural
patterns and emotions were added as well as
the ability to learn new behaviours.
Our animal brains enabled our bodies to
function in the most efficient and to help us
finding food and water. Our brains helped us
to survive in social groups by means of
emotions and win-win behaviours and
enabled us to learn new things. So the animal
brain has become very effective the last few
hundred million years.
About 150k years ago (a glimpse of time
compared to the 3 billion years of life on
earth) things started to change drastically.
Our grand-grandparents, that looked like
apes, started to walk straight up and a
strange thing happened. On top of our animal
brain a new brain started to grow, which we
now call the human brain (or green brain).
This new species we now call Homo Sapiens
(translated: wise man) or humans. Our
human brain enabled us to become aware of
things, to make plans, to understand things,
to develop language and to fantasize about
the future. These functions were new and
gave homo sapiens a huge head start
Seven Changes 3
compared to other living creatures which had
only an animal brain.
Humans started to make good use of their
new human brains by inventing equipment,
making fire, develop language and weapons
and later on religions, organizational
structures, science and hierarchical classes.
The natural process of evolution was sped up
big time. That is when things started to go
the wrong way because humans became by
far the dominant species at the top of the
food chain.
The human brain gave us the feeling of
superiority. Almost everything the human
brain can think of, became reality after a
while. Unfortunately the human brain has
been programmed to solve short term
problems (because coordinated by the animal
brain). Thinking of possible risks in the long
term is not something the human brain
excels in. The consequence of this can be
found in most world problems today.
So now we are 150k years down the line
since homo sapiens appeared. With our
human brains we have invented a world that
our hairy ancestors could not have imagined.
A lot of things have developed in a positive
direction. The chances of being killed in a
fight are about 10 times as low as it was in
the Middle Ages. Science, inventions,
economy, hygiene and education has
improved our lives in many ways.
Unfortunately we ran into some unwanted
side effects along the way. Because of the
human species and its drive for new and
more our ecosystem has been severely
damaged and a new climate change is
becoming reality. The chase for power and
wealth by humans has led to huge
inequalities between rich and poor. Also there
is still lots of war and human suffering in our
The awareness of these unwanted side
effects is growing for about 100 years now.
But apparently this awareness does not lead
to the change required. This makes sense
because our human brains are programmed
to find short term solutions. The question is if
homo sapiens can learn to use its human
brains to make the right long term decisions.
The only difference between men and animals
is the ability to choose. So it is up to us to
choose and save our own species.
Seven changes
The following seven changes are definitely
not new ideas. New is that these changes
should be orchestrated on global level. This is
because our national states, nor the UN nor
the NGO’s are capable for the job. States and
Institutions today like UN and NGO’s seam to
operate in silo’s and governments are hardly
willing to cooperate.
State governments main goal is to maximize
power and economic growth to ensure
protection and survival of the state. Unions
like EU are not the solution because these are
another silo. Competitive states and
institutions do not help to solve the global
challenges we face.
So a central coordination is required. A global
supra governmental commission is required
which has global authority and mandate.
The seven changes will only work together,
not separately. If we succeed in change the
first 6 changes but world population will
continue to grow, earth will survive probably
but without humans on it. Just before the
2071 crash human species had reached the
number of 10,5 billion.
Going through this changes we could be
really proud of ourselves and call ourselves
Homo Sapiens (wise man) for a reason. The
seven changes are:
1. Change 1: Develop shared beliefs.
2. Change 2: Save the global ecosystem.
3. Change 3: Improve quality of life.
4. Change 4: Develop a just economy.
5. Change 5: Develop just politics.
6. Change 6: Ensure Peace.
7. Change 7: Reduce human population.
Seven Changes
Change 1: Develop s
What happened
Religious extremism contributed for sure to
the 2071 crash. In the slums religious gangs
caused millions of deaths. Religion has
always been misused for amoral purposes.
In human history religion has taken an
important position in peoples lives
comes to find meaning in life. In religion
people tried to find a shared purpose.
Humans are the only species who have
religions, as far as we know. What we do
know is that some animals have death
related rituals, like elephants who visit and
caress remains of deceased family members.
Religious thoughts became possible by our
human brains developing.
With our human brains we developed
language and started to tell each other
stories about the worlds phenomena that
could not be explained rationally. F.i. Death,
disease, extreme weather, luck, the skies,
the sun, friendship, altruism etc.
Our human brain enabled us to use fantasies
and metaphors in the stories. Some of the
stories lasted for generations and obtained a
mythical status. These stories contributed to
strong shared beliefs and those were the
beginning of religions because of their strong
social coherence powers.
When groups of homo sapiens started to
travel the world after their start in the East of
Africa (70k years ago) stories were adapted
to other surroundings, animals and climates.
In this way each culture developed their own
religious stories and this is still going on
today. As religions were developing, rituals,
symbols and rules how to live were added
the stories.
The religious stories got spread faster when
writing was invented (about 5k years
The identification from people with their
religions got really strong and that’s why
Develop shared beliefs
Religious extremism contributed for sure to
In the slums religious gangs
caused millions of deaths. Religion has
always been misused for amoral purposes.
human history religion has taken an
important position in peoples lives when it
In religion
d purpose.
umans are the only species who have
religions, as far as we know. What we do
know is that some animals have death
related rituals, like elephants who visit and
caress remains of deceased family members.
sible by our
With our human brains we developed
language and started to tell each other
stories about the worlds phenomena that
could not be explained rationally. F.i. Death,
disease, extreme weather, luck, the skies,
ndship, altruism etc.
Our human brain enabled us to use fantasies
in the stories. Some of the
stories lasted for generations and obtained a
contributed to
strong shared beliefs and those were the
ligions because of their strong
homo sapiens started to
travel the world after their start in the East of
Africa (70k years ago) stories were adapted
to other surroundings, animals and climates.
ture developed their own
religious stories and this is still going on
today. As religions were developing, rituals,
symbols and rules how to live were added to
got spread faster when
writing was invented (about 5k years BC).
The identification from people with their
religions got really strong and that’s why
other religions were seen as enemies with
numerous religious wars as a result. Today
about 35 religions exist (who have at least
500k followers each).
If we look back we can see that religions did
not only provide us with positive things, like a
strong group coherence, social comfort and
stability, rules to live by and self
On the contrary, religions were being used to
judge people, to torture and assassi
start wars with other religions. Also the
religions became stronger and more
dominant so internal abuse became visible.
As a reaction to this in the beginning of this
century people started to walk
religions especially in the Western World.
People started searching for new purposes in
life for instance in the commercial world and
the virtual world on the internet
kicks instead of compassion and long term
values. This leads again to contra reactions in
other religions whose leaders seem to have
the desire to expand their religions and so
fundamentalists were created
gave rise to extremist religious groups who
saw the Western World as weak.
The way forward is to retu
most religions. Religions should cooperate in
other religions were seen as enemies with
numerous religious wars as a result. Today
who have at least >
ck we can see that religions did
not only provide us with positive things, like a
strong group coherence, social comfort and
and self-confidence.
On the contrary, religions were being used to
judge people, to torture and assassinate, to
start wars with other religions. Also the
religions became stronger and more
dominant so internal abuse became visible.
in the beginning of this
started to walk away from
religions especially in the Western World.
started searching for new purposes in
in the commercial world and
the virtual world on the internet. Instant
kicks instead of compassion and long term
to contra reactions in
other religions whose leaders seem to have
the desire to expand their religions and so
created. These events
gave rise to extremist religious groups who
saw the Western World as weak.
return to the roots of
religions. Religions should cooperate in
Seven Changes 5
tracking down the origins and the purpose of
stories, gods, rituals and rules. All religions
arise from similar stories from our grand
parents. A global religious connection
program could provide all religions with a
shared purpose and shared beliefs. A few
shared beliefs in most religions are:
1. Charity (peace and non violence).
2. Equal rights for all living creatures.
3. Moral principles (do not...., help
4. Compassion and respect.
5. Every Human is responsible for the
To do Examples:
1. To install a global task force that will
create a new religion based on shared
2. Preferably a religion based on ‘dharma’
instead of fear (act like this or else...).
Dharma is a Buddhist concept which
means acting in the right way, not to just
go for instant kicks but to increase
wellbeing for life in broadest sense. The
shared beliefs should be enhanced by a
sustainability mindset, such as care for
each other, our surroundings and
ourselves. A mindset that is focussed on
a learning attitude and wellbeing through
a maximum of compassion and a
minimum of consumption.
3. Media should be transformed to embrace
this shared beliefs and to make it an
integral part of news broadcasting. So
people will be constantly primed with
shared beliefs news which primes an
open and positive mind. Every news item
shall be brought not only by facts but
also with the why, the backgrounds
behind the facts and connection to the
shared beliefs.
Seven Changes 6
Change 2: Save the global ecosystem
What happened
In your days there were information boards
on every zoo animal cage listing the numbers
of this animal left in the wild. In the years
before the 2071 crash there were no wild
animals left outside of the zoos. Mass
extinction of animals was happening real
quick due to climate change, disappearing of
habitat, human consumption and pollution. In
your days already 50% of all species had
disappeared compared to the origin days of
homo sapiens. One species had become
dominant and made it impossible for other
species to survive. This species is human
In history mass extinctions of this magnitude
happened 5 times before but this time it was
caused by human sapiens (causes in history
were volcanic eruptions, meteor crashes, sea
level dropping and tectonic movements).
Since 150 k years human sapiens lumbered
forests, killed all the animals, built cities,
airfields, industries, hotels. Humans
exhausted agricultural lands, pumped up too
much water, oil, gas, produced plastics,
waste, chemicals, emitted dangerous
substances in the air, ground and waters and
took away animal living habitats.
The solutions for a healthy ecosystem are
already available. The only thing is to globally
coordinate execution of the solutions.
To do examples:
1. An Immediate ban on harmful goods,
plastics, harmful chemicals and pesticides
etc. The industry will find new innovative
solutions fast enough.
2. A ban on fossil fuels as soon as possible.
Introduce a maximum level of carbon
dioxide emission. Transportation sector
today is the biggest global green house
gas polluter (cars, ships, trucks, planes),
so this sector should be changed
immediately (f.i. maximum travel
distance for products, high tax on
3. 70% of global green house gas emissions
is caused by only 100 companies. These
big (fossil fuel) companies like SHELL, BP
etc. should be guided by the global task
force in order to change their business
models quickly into a sustainable one.
4. Bio-fuels could be developed but without
the use of agricultural lands.
5. Well being of animals and vegetation
should be on the same level as well being
of humans. This means we have to install
Seven Changes 7
minimum living space for biodiversity to
6. Ban on animals pressed together in too
small cages.
7. Ban on genetic manipulation.
8. Ban on snorkelling on coral reefs.
9. Immediate ban on illegal animal trading.
10. Ban on fishing for fun.
11. Ban on animal mass transportations.
12. Ban on manipulated growing techniques.
13. Immediate ban on hunting of protected
14. Immediate ban on forest lumbering.
15. Basic foods like grains, rice, milk,
potatoes, animals, fish, fruits and
vegetables should be locally grown and
consumed, not mass transported. Animal
rights are main focus.
Seven Changes 8
Change 3: Improve quality of life
What happened
In the year of the crash, in 2071, 10,5 billion
people lived on our planet. Huge parts of the
earth were no longer liveable (too hot, too
dry, too wet, too dangerous) and this lead to
massive migrations of people to the cities. At
that point the rich started to built new cities
for themselves. These cities were guarded
heavily and the rest of the people lived in
slums. Quality of life for the 99,9% of the
people in the slums was really bad. People
born in a slum had little chances in life but to
work for the multinationals.
To do examples:
1. To have a global task force on security,
education, sanitary facilities, food and
water supply and healthcare to guarantee
a minimum level of quality of life for all
2. To monitor globally the security of people
and the application of the new shared
beliefs. This includes monitoring,
prevention and reaction in case of
discrimination, moral standards, human
rights violations etc.
3. To install safe areas where victims of war
or climate change could live temporarily.
4. To have global coordination on food and
water needs versus availability in order to
help local production. To have food and
water equally available to all people and
to end the obese versus hunger situation.
Urban farming is a part of this program.
5. Also global coordination of food and
water quality.
6. To have an immediate tax on unhealthy
products (including products containing
too much sugar).
7. To have a global awareness program on
food and water waste and low footprint
diets. To stop using crops for animal food
and bio-fuels.
8. Offer a global education program not only
based on knowledge but also on social
skills like self awareness, human
interaction, knowledge of the brain and
shared beliefs in practice.
9. Apply the ‘Food for education’ principle.
Children in developing countries come to
school and receive food for their families
in return. This until the global basic
income has been implemented.
10. Ban on religious schools.
11. To have global coordination on healthcare
needs versus availability.
12. To have a global healthcare insurance for
all people free of charge.
13. To transform healthcare organisations
(insurance companies, hospitals,
pharmaceutical industry) into non profit
organisations. This means the global
needs for certain medications will be
coordinated globally.
Seven Changes 9
Change 4: Develop a just economy
What happened?
Economic developments have contributed
heavily to the 2071 crash. Companies were
able to control all aspects of human life by
big data and algorithms. These technologies
increased the gap between the rich and the
rest by sucking al capital in the world like
vacuum cleaners. On the other hand
government debts increased hugely which
created governments to be in debt of the
companies. A few years before the crash a
revolution broke out because of these huge
inequalities and the 0,1% who owned
everything lost the battle.
Before the agricultural revolution, 12k years
ago, people barely cared for possessions and
wealth. Possessions meant extra weight to
travel to the next camping place. Living in
permanent farms enabled people to collect
things. Having (more) stuff (than your
neighbours) became an objective on itself
and our brains developed loss aversion, the
fear of losing possessions or wealth.
Loss aversion inflicted the basics of economy
based on scarcity (demand versus
availability). With our inventive human brains
we developed ways to increase our wealth
which lead to the global shared assumption of
infinite economic growth. Profits grew year by
year and an accompanying financial system
was created in which new money was printed
easily and interest based loaning was
Infinite growing profits, interest loans, free
markets and derivate money streams created
huge concentrations of capital for fewer
people. These huge capital stacks sucked
more capital continually (interest on
interest). Like a vacuum cleaner they sucked
in all wealth and leaves almost nothing for
the majority of people.
This rising inequality was started a few
hundred years ago by rich Western countries
(especially UK, Netherlands, France, Spain)
exploiting poor countries, first by raids, then
by starting colonies and slavery and more
recent by unfair trade agreements and
exploitative multinational companies.
Around 2018, 1% of the people owned
already 2/3 of all the wealth in the world. In
history periods of wealth redistribution
happened because of plagues, revolution, war
and state collapses (the four horsemen). The
2071 crash could have been the fifth
horseman, but unfortunately there was
nothing left to rebuilt.
The total amount of money in the world in
2018 is about $ 80.000 billion (cash and bank
accounts), but the total amount of derivates
is 10 times higher. The power of derivates to
disrupt the economy is massive. The
consequences of this were first encountered
in the 2008 financial crisis. It became clear
that derivates do not serve long term goals
for many, though derivates kept being used
as a turbo effect on the wealth vacuum
Seven Changes 10
The total amount of global debt in 2018 was
about $ 200.000 billion of which 1/3 is US
debt. This massive debt system has
disrupting the economy as well.
In 2018 more than a billion people earned an
income of less than $ 1,25 a day. 70% of the
world population earned an income of less
than $ 10,- a day.
To do examples
1. A global task force for just economy
should be installed with representatives
of WTO, OECD, World Bank, IMF and
International Labour Organisation.
2. This global task force should develop a
global program for creating a just
economy. Strategic important products
and services should be globally
coordinated. Luxury goods can be left to
the free market.
3. Infinite economic growth should be
stopped. A more fair distribution of
wealth is the first priority. A just
economy serves many instead of a few.
4. Governmental debt, inflation and interest
rates should be reset to zero. First step is
a global reset of all governmental debts
to zero. From that point the amount of
money in the world should be globally
coordinated and kept within range.
5. This in combination with maximum prices
for products will prevent inflation.
6. Inflation and interest rates should be set
to zero. From that time governmental
debts are not allowed anymore.
7. Economic growth should be held beneath
1%. Remember that until the year 1800
economic growth was beneath 1%.
Before the year 0 economic growth was
close to 0%.
8. Economy financing should be globally
coordinated. Banks act in this system as
non profit organisations because money
should be an economic enabler and not a
profit generating system on its own.
9. Loans are 0% interest but there must be
a strict refunding schedule.
10. One global currency should be
implemented to have a level playing field
for all.
11. Ownership of natural resources like land,
forests, minerals, oil, wood, waters, raw
metals, fish, animals should not be
possible anymore. These resources
cannot be owned by persons or
organisations anymore, but rented
instead. The global task force decides
what purpose fits best. Local people
collect the rent revenues.
12. A speculation ban to keep the economy
connected to real activities and real
people. No secondary capital currents or
derivative trade shall exist anymore.
13. A minimum global basic income should be
implemented for all people. The total
global gross world product (GWP) in 2018
was about $ 80.000 billion (80 trillion).
Suppose this amount was being used to
equally pay all world citizens between 18
and 65 (60% of world population) every
person would get $ 17.800 every year.
Seven Changes 11
14. This basic income should be an
unconditionally right except for:
a. Following continuing education
b. Adhering the average of 1,5 offspring
(average counted for a complete
family. So if your sisters family has 1
child, you could have 2).
15. All welfare, pension and subvention
institutions could be closed. Income and
price levels should be equalized globally.
For products maximum prices shall be
installed to prevent inflation.
16. A global income tax system should be
implemented with a more progressive tax
rate. This global tax system should be
heavily simplified and standardized for all
17. A wealth tax should be implemented, fi.
1% for capitals above $ 5 mln to 5%
every year for capitals above $ 100 mln.
18. An eco tax should be implemented
worldwide connected to the consequences
of a product or service for the ecosystem,
f.i. CO2 emission.
19. A difference should be made in products:
a. Basic goods (grains, rice, milk,
potatoes, animals, fish, fruits and
vegetables). Coordination shall be
global but production and
consumption shall be local (max. 200
km transportation range).
b. Strategic goods (natural resources,
energy, capital, science, education,
healthcare, pharmaceuticals, waste).
Coordination shall be globally
organised including maximum sales
prices and minimum prices for
manufacturers, farmers, etc.
c. Luxury goods (luxury foods, goods,
cars, planes, holidays, software). For
luxury goods free market mechanism
applies but a max. 1000 km
transportation range.
20. A global profit tax system should be
implemented. Taxes should be paid
where turnover is generated. The
situation today where multinationals are
looking for the lowest tax fee areas and
go there is not acceptable.
21. Trade barriers and trade agreements
should be abandoned, which means free
and transparent trade but this is
restricted in transportation distance:
Maximum travel distance for basic goods
is 200 km. So food and fresh water
should be produced and consumed
locally. Maximum travel distance for all
other (physical) products is 1.000 km so
unnecessary transportation movements
are prevented.
22. Possible disruptive technologies like
Artificial Intelligence shall be globally
monitored. New technologies are only
allowed if they contribute to sustainable
wellbeing of all organisms.
23. Shareholders and investors shall no
longer put pressure on corporate boards
except when it comes to long term
sustainability issues. Investments should
be done for 5 years minimum on a 0%
interest basis.
24. 20% of annual gross profit of companies
shall be paid to the employees (including
flexible contract workers).
Seven Changes 12
25. After payments of taxes and employees
share dividend payments to shareholders
could be done but maximized globally.
26. Top management salaries should be no
higher than 10 times the average salary
in the company. And not 300 times like
the average US CEO as it was the case in
27. No difference shall exist between fixed
and flexible contracts.
28. A global Health and Safety program
should be implemented to secure workers
rights and working conditions, based on
the 10 principles of the United Nations. A
global audit system should prevent
workers abuse.
29. The last change in this chapter is to
install a global task force to end
Seven Changes 13
Change 5: Develop just politics
What happened?
In the last decade before the 2071 crash
politics really lost control. This happened
because politics was still based on the nation-
state principle. But nation-states did not exist
anymore, only online communities
Politicians did not see this one coming
because unfortunately they only focused on
short term goals for the benefit of their home
states. Democracy lost its power in the past
century. Political parties became enemies of
each other. This development, lead,
combined with the uncontrolled growth of
fake news, to public mistrust and frustration.
So politicians were busy with their short term
goals and internal quarrels and they did not
see the threat coming.
To do examples
1. A democratic elected global commission
should be installed based on 3 levels.
a. Level 1: a global supra governmental
commission which is responsible for
global decision making and setting the
goals (on shared beliefs, food,
healthcare, education, ecosystem, just
economy, peacekeeping, population
planning etc.). The global commission
issues a 5 year plan with a vision,
mission and strategy. Local governments
cascade this 5 year plan into concrete
actions per year. This commission guides
local governments. The commission
members should be democratically
elected based on their beliefs and vision
on the long term goals.
b. Level 2: global task forces which
compare global research, advise the
commission on policies and strategies.
F.i. a global task force on religions
integration, on ecosystem issues, on use
of natural resources, on food supply etc.
These could be existing NGO’s or
international institutions like WTO. The
task force ‘just economy’ could issue for
example issue sub taskforces for:
 Eco tax
 Income tax
 Wealth tax
 Income distribution
 Derivates stop
 Corruption stop
 Non profit banking
 Government Finance
 Economic planning
 Corporate monitoring
c. Level 3: a global audit team. This
audit team monitors performance and
results and should have extended
authorisation to apply rewards and
corrections on commission level, state
level, country level, city level,
organisational level and individual level.
The audit team reports quarterly. The
audit reports are available to anyone.
2. Local governments main responsibility
shall be to implement the objectives
issued by the global commission.
Governments cooperate closely with this
commission to reach the global goals.
The local political party systems should
be aligned with the global task forces
specialised in one subject.
Seven Changes 14
3. Local governments should be aligned with
the global structure. This means:
a. Level 1: a local government which is
responsible for executing the 5 year
global plan into concrete actions. The
commission members should be
democratically elected based on their
beliefs and vision on the long term goals.
Leading positions in this commission
should be elected in a democratic way
not only by votes of the country people
but only by votes of other countries that
are involved with that country, f.i.
neighbour countries or trade partners. So
all stakeholders are enabled to vote for
leadership in the countries.
b. Level 2: local task forces on specific
issues, closely working together with the
global task forces.
c. Level 3: a local audit team. The audit
team reports quarterly. The audit reports
are available to anyone. The local audit
teams work closely together with the
global audit team.
4. The connection between Profit
organisations and politics should be cut.
This also means that lobbying and
campaign financing must end. Politics
should not be distracted by interests
other the global goals.
5. There should be one global system of
justice. The system of justice must
remain independent. Politicians shall not
criticize the system of justice. The global
system of justice should be on the same
3 levels as politics including a global and
local structure.
6. A derivative goal should be a minimum of
bureaucratic systems.
Seven Changes 15
Change 6: Ensure peace
What happened?
From beginning of mankind tribes fought
about almost anything. Our animal brain
thrives on emotions so this is not a surprise.
Unfortunately our human brains got smarter
and new weapons were invented over time.
At first rocks and sticks were used to kill,
then weapons of metal were developed.
Violence got really out of hand when fire
arms were invented. Now we could kill
another person without have to look him in
the eye. This concept was optimized in every
possible way our human brains could think
Nuclear, biologic and chemical weapons
helped us to gain power and to maintain it.
Unfortunately not only stable regimes
develop weapons but also dictatorial regimes,
militant groups and terrorists could easily buy
Before the year 2000 warfare was relatively
easy to follow, one state against the other.
After 2000 things changed and warfare
became fuzzy, one group against the other
and some of these groups mingled amongst
other groups. The last decade before the
crash of 2071 warfare was fought almost on
individual level. People were individually
tracked down by means of big data and
algorithms and respectively attacked by
drones and personal hacks.
The human species should use its human
brains to end warfare and violence before it
gets out of hand. Besides of the human
suffering because of war, total global war
cost in the year 2018 is about $ 5.000 billion
per year average, damage because of war
not included in this amount.
Suppose this amount would be used to
equally pay all world citizens between 18 and
65 (60% of world population) every person in
your days would get $ 1.087,- every year. If
this amount would be paid to people with an
income of less than $ 1,25 a day (15% of the
total population) these people would get $
4.386,- every year.
To do examples
1. First change is an immediate ban on all
nuclear, biological and chemical weapons
including landmines (production,
distribution, stocks and use).
2. Secondly a global army should be
installed. This global army will be
activated to ensure local peace and to
prevent genocides, human rights
violations etc. all over the world.
3. Only this global army has the right to use
firearms. The possession of fire arms in
the rest of the world will be prohibited,
even for local police enforcement and
hunters. When local parties do not have
access to weapons anymore they can be
forced to negotiate on solutions. The
endless circle of violence, reaction,
violence, reaction shall be stopped.
Seven Changes 16
Change 7: Reduce human Population
What happened?
The last chapter in this memo is the
human species itself. You are annoyed
about traffic jams? You think it is crowded
in the supermarket, at work, in the woods
on Sunday morning, at the parking lot, in
your cities? Well, you ain’t seen nothing
yet. Until the crash of 2071 about 3 billion
people were added since your days,
unfortunately in Africa and South East
Asia. This growth, combined with big data
having completely taken over daily life, all
people were constantly feeling fearful and
stressed. After that there was just silence.
How did it come so far?
150.000 years ago homo sapiens evolved
from our ancestors, the apes. For thousands
of years our granddads and grandmas
wandered around and had no possessions at
all. 12.000 years ago everything changed.
We started to build villages and started to
burn down the woods for agricultural
At that time we were with about 100 million
people and the average available space per
person was about 214 football fields. The
total available earth land surface is 144
million km2 including forests, desserts, ice
fields, mountains, agricultural fields, animal
territories etc.
The villages became bigger and bigger
because people started to collect things. This
collecting was accelerated heavily during the
industrial revolution starting around 1800.
Around 1850 we welcomed the 1 billionth
world citizen and one hundred years later
around 1950 there were 2 billion of us. In
1850 the average available space per person
had shrunk to 21,7 football fields. In 2018
world population was 7,5 billion people which
meant an average available space per person
of 2,9 football fields. So world population is
growing exponentially since 1800.
Around 2018 the world population was
growing with 220.000 persons a day
(newborn minus deceased), so a new big city
every day. The highest number of people, in
2071, was 10,5 billion and an average
available space per person of 2 football fields.
Research in the 20th
century had already
found that overpopulation of species lead to
stress, environmental damage, lack of food,
water, aggression and new diseases. This
was exactly what happened to human
So human population has to decline. I mean
not all at once, but by means of family
planning, especially in poor countries. An
average child birth rate of about 1,5 per
woman should have reduced population to
2,5 billion people over a 80 year time period,
equal to the world population of 1950.
To do examples
1. Install a global taskforce on family
planning, with focus on developing
countries because of the high fertility
rates and low contraception availability /
use there.
Seven Changes 17
2. Initiate a program for women
empowerment because woman are the
key to achieve this goal. Women in
developing countries should be educated,
coached and empowered in their new role
as savers of the world.
3. Initiate a global awareness program for
overpopulation and contraception.
4. Install a global minimum age for
marriage of 21 years .

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Seven Changes - Paper

  • 1. Seven Changes 1 Seven Changes To Universalvation Contents A message from 2100..................................................................................................................... 2 Change 1: Develop shared beliefs ............................................................................................. 4 Change 2: Save the global ecosystem..................................................................................... 6 Change 3: Improve quality of life .............................................................................................. 8 Change 4: Develop a just economy .......................................................................................... 9 Change 5: Develop just politics ................................................................................................ 12 Change 6: Ensure peace.............................................................................................................. 15 Change 7: Reduce human Population .................................................................................... 16
  • 2. Seven Changes 2 A message from 2100 A message from 2100 My name is Sebastian and this is my message to you from the year 2100. In this memo I will try to convince you to put pressure on your world leaders to initiate seven changes which lead to universalvation as you might call it. Today it is the year 2100 and there are about one million humans left on this earth and a few thousand species of pets and insects. I know that the world will continue to exist even if you don’t succeed in these seven changes to happen. My age is 89, so in 2018 I was 7 years of age. I am able to remember those days like it was yesterday because they were the best in my memories. It is not my purpose to frighten you of what is coming to you in the nearby future. But looking back in my diaries I want you to know what should be done to save the earth, and most of the living creatures on it. The seven changes cannot be completed by individuals, NGO’s or states. Coordinated world politics is absolutely necessary, because your national state governments, neither International Institutions like UN nor NGO’s are capable of solving the issues you are dealing with. This is because the issues are global and interconnected. The problem is that responsibility is not taken by your world leaders. Unfortunately they are focussed on short term money and power. It does not require rocket science to put through the seven changes. In fact all solutions are already available in your days. In my opinion they are logical and straight forward. Please find yourselves a way to put pressure on your world leaders to work together on these issues for the sake of Universalvation. What happened? Planet Earth now is halfway through its lifecycle. 4,5 billion years ago it was formed and earth life expectation from now on is another 4 or 5 billion years before the sun, and therefore also our earth, will cease to exist. For 3 billion years now there exists life on earth and 0,5 billion years ago some life forms developed a rudimentary brain. This brain has been evolving into a very effective instrument, although we did not look like humans at that time. This rudimentary brain (or animal brain or red brain) made sure we reacted to situations in the most effective way to survive and reproduce. The first reactions our brain developed were flight, fight or freeze reflexes. Later on more complex behavioural patterns and emotions were added as well as the ability to learn new behaviours. Our animal brains enabled our bodies to function in the most efficient and to help us finding food and water. Our brains helped us to survive in social groups by means of emotions and win-win behaviours and enabled us to learn new things. So the animal brain has become very effective the last few hundred million years. About 150k years ago (a glimpse of time compared to the 3 billion years of life on earth) things started to change drastically. Our grand-grandparents, that looked like apes, started to walk straight up and a strange thing happened. On top of our animal brain a new brain started to grow, which we now call the human brain (or green brain). This new species we now call Homo Sapiens (translated: wise man) or humans. Our human brain enabled us to become aware of things, to make plans, to understand things, to develop language and to fantasize about the future. These functions were new and gave homo sapiens a huge head start
  • 3. Seven Changes 3 compared to other living creatures which had only an animal brain. Humans started to make good use of their new human brains by inventing equipment, making fire, develop language and weapons and later on religions, organizational structures, science and hierarchical classes. The natural process of evolution was sped up big time. That is when things started to go the wrong way because humans became by far the dominant species at the top of the food chain. The human brain gave us the feeling of superiority. Almost everything the human brain can think of, became reality after a while. Unfortunately the human brain has been programmed to solve short term problems (because coordinated by the animal brain). Thinking of possible risks in the long term is not something the human brain excels in. The consequence of this can be found in most world problems today. So now we are 150k years down the line since homo sapiens appeared. With our human brains we have invented a world that our hairy ancestors could not have imagined. A lot of things have developed in a positive direction. The chances of being killed in a fight are about 10 times as low as it was in the Middle Ages. Science, inventions, economy, hygiene and education has improved our lives in many ways. Unfortunately we ran into some unwanted side effects along the way. Because of the human species and its drive for new and more our ecosystem has been severely damaged and a new climate change is becoming reality. The chase for power and wealth by humans has led to huge inequalities between rich and poor. Also there is still lots of war and human suffering in our world. The awareness of these unwanted side effects is growing for about 100 years now. But apparently this awareness does not lead to the change required. This makes sense because our human brains are programmed to find short term solutions. The question is if homo sapiens can learn to use its human brains to make the right long term decisions. The only difference between men and animals is the ability to choose. So it is up to us to choose and save our own species. Seven changes The following seven changes are definitely not new ideas. New is that these changes should be orchestrated on global level. This is because our national states, nor the UN nor the NGO’s are capable for the job. States and Institutions today like UN and NGO’s seam to operate in silo’s and governments are hardly willing to cooperate. State governments main goal is to maximize power and economic growth to ensure protection and survival of the state. Unions like EU are not the solution because these are another silo. Competitive states and institutions do not help to solve the global challenges we face. So a central coordination is required. A global supra governmental commission is required which has global authority and mandate. The seven changes will only work together, not separately. If we succeed in change the first 6 changes but world population will continue to grow, earth will survive probably but without humans on it. Just before the 2071 crash human species had reached the number of 10,5 billion. Going through this changes we could be really proud of ourselves and call ourselves Homo Sapiens (wise man) for a reason. The seven changes are: 1. Change 1: Develop shared beliefs. 2. Change 2: Save the global ecosystem. 3. Change 3: Improve quality of life. 4. Change 4: Develop a just economy. 5. Change 5: Develop just politics. 6. Change 6: Ensure Peace. 7. Change 7: Reduce human population.
  • 4. Seven Changes Change 1: Develop s What happened Religious extremism contributed for sure to the 2071 crash. In the slums religious gangs caused millions of deaths. Religion has always been misused for amoral purposes. In human history religion has taken an important position in peoples lives comes to find meaning in life. In religion people tried to find a shared purpose. Humans are the only species who have religions, as far as we know. What we do know is that some animals have death related rituals, like elephants who visit and caress remains of deceased family members. Religious thoughts became possible by our human brains developing. With our human brains we developed language and started to tell each other stories about the worlds phenomena that could not be explained rationally. F.i. Death, disease, extreme weather, luck, the skies, the sun, friendship, altruism etc. Our human brain enabled us to use fantasies and metaphors in the stories. Some of the stories lasted for generations and obtained a mythical status. These stories contributed to strong shared beliefs and those were the beginning of religions because of their strong social coherence powers. When groups of homo sapiens started to travel the world after their start in the East of Africa (70k years ago) stories were adapted to other surroundings, animals and climates. In this way each culture developed their own religious stories and this is still going on today. As religions were developing, rituals, symbols and rules how to live were added the stories. The religious stories got spread faster when writing was invented (about 5k years The identification from people with their religions got really strong and that’s why Develop shared beliefs Religious extremism contributed for sure to In the slums religious gangs caused millions of deaths. Religion has always been misused for amoral purposes. human history religion has taken an important position in peoples lives when it In religion d purpose. umans are the only species who have religions, as far as we know. What we do know is that some animals have death related rituals, like elephants who visit and caress remains of deceased family members. sible by our With our human brains we developed language and started to tell each other stories about the worlds phenomena that could not be explained rationally. F.i. Death, disease, extreme weather, luck, the skies, ndship, altruism etc. Our human brain enabled us to use fantasies in the stories. Some of the stories lasted for generations and obtained a contributed to strong shared beliefs and those were the ligions because of their strong homo sapiens started to travel the world after their start in the East of Africa (70k years ago) stories were adapted to other surroundings, animals and climates. ture developed their own religious stories and this is still going on today. As religions were developing, rituals, symbols and rules how to live were added to got spread faster when writing was invented (about 5k years BC). The identification from people with their religions got really strong and that’s why other religions were seen as enemies with numerous religious wars as a result. Today about 35 religions exist (who have at least 500k followers each). If we look back we can see that religions did not only provide us with positive things, like a strong group coherence, social comfort and stability, rules to live by and self On the contrary, religions were being used to judge people, to torture and assassi start wars with other religions. Also the religions became stronger and more dominant so internal abuse became visible. As a reaction to this in the beginning of this century people started to walk religions especially in the Western World. People started searching for new purposes in life for instance in the commercial world and the virtual world on the internet kicks instead of compassion and long term values. This leads again to contra reactions in other religions whose leaders seem to have the desire to expand their religions and so fundamentalists were created gave rise to extremist religious groups who saw the Western World as weak. The way forward is to retu most religions. Religions should cooperate in 4 other religions were seen as enemies with numerous religious wars as a result. Today who have at least > ck we can see that religions did not only provide us with positive things, like a strong group coherence, social comfort and and self-confidence. On the contrary, religions were being used to judge people, to torture and assassinate, to start wars with other religions. Also the religions became stronger and more dominant so internal abuse became visible. in the beginning of this started to walk away from religions especially in the Western World. started searching for new purposes in in the commercial world and the virtual world on the internet. Instant kicks instead of compassion and long term to contra reactions in other religions whose leaders seem to have the desire to expand their religions and so created. These events gave rise to extremist religious groups who saw the Western World as weak. return to the roots of religions. Religions should cooperate in
  • 5. Seven Changes 5 tracking down the origins and the purpose of stories, gods, rituals and rules. All religions arise from similar stories from our grand parents. A global religious connection program could provide all religions with a shared purpose and shared beliefs. A few shared beliefs in most religions are: 1. Charity (peace and non violence). 2. Equal rights for all living creatures. 3. Moral principles (do not...., help others). 4. Compassion and respect. 5. Every Human is responsible for the earth. To do Examples: 1. To install a global task force that will create a new religion based on shared beliefs. 2. Preferably a religion based on ‘dharma’ instead of fear (act like this or else...). Dharma is a Buddhist concept which means acting in the right way, not to just go for instant kicks but to increase wellbeing for life in broadest sense. The shared beliefs should be enhanced by a sustainability mindset, such as care for each other, our surroundings and ourselves. A mindset that is focussed on a learning attitude and wellbeing through a maximum of compassion and a minimum of consumption. 3. Media should be transformed to embrace this shared beliefs and to make it an integral part of news broadcasting. So people will be constantly primed with shared beliefs news which primes an open and positive mind. Every news item shall be brought not only by facts but also with the why, the backgrounds behind the facts and connection to the shared beliefs.
  • 6. Seven Changes 6 Change 2: Save the global ecosystem What happened In your days there were information boards on every zoo animal cage listing the numbers of this animal left in the wild. In the years before the 2071 crash there were no wild animals left outside of the zoos. Mass extinction of animals was happening real quick due to climate change, disappearing of habitat, human consumption and pollution. In your days already 50% of all species had disappeared compared to the origin days of homo sapiens. One species had become dominant and made it impossible for other species to survive. This species is human sapiens. In history mass extinctions of this magnitude happened 5 times before but this time it was caused by human sapiens (causes in history were volcanic eruptions, meteor crashes, sea level dropping and tectonic movements). Since 150 k years human sapiens lumbered forests, killed all the animals, built cities, airfields, industries, hotels. Humans exhausted agricultural lands, pumped up too much water, oil, gas, produced plastics, waste, chemicals, emitted dangerous substances in the air, ground and waters and took away animal living habitats. The solutions for a healthy ecosystem are already available. The only thing is to globally coordinate execution of the solutions. To do examples: 1. An Immediate ban on harmful goods, plastics, harmful chemicals and pesticides etc. The industry will find new innovative solutions fast enough. 2. A ban on fossil fuels as soon as possible. Introduce a maximum level of carbon dioxide emission. Transportation sector today is the biggest global green house gas polluter (cars, ships, trucks, planes), so this sector should be changed immediately (f.i. maximum travel distance for products, high tax on airplanes). 3. 70% of global green house gas emissions is caused by only 100 companies. These big (fossil fuel) companies like SHELL, BP etc. should be guided by the global task force in order to change their business models quickly into a sustainable one. 4. Bio-fuels could be developed but without the use of agricultural lands. 5. Well being of animals and vegetation should be on the same level as well being of humans. This means we have to install
  • 7. Seven Changes 7 minimum living space for biodiversity to thrive. 6. Ban on animals pressed together in too small cages. 7. Ban on genetic manipulation. 8. Ban on snorkelling on coral reefs. 9. Immediate ban on illegal animal trading. 10. Ban on fishing for fun. 11. Ban on animal mass transportations. 12. Ban on manipulated growing techniques. 13. Immediate ban on hunting of protected species 14. Immediate ban on forest lumbering. 15. Basic foods like grains, rice, milk, potatoes, animals, fish, fruits and vegetables should be locally grown and consumed, not mass transported. Animal rights are main focus.
  • 8. Seven Changes 8 Change 3: Improve quality of life What happened In the year of the crash, in 2071, 10,5 billion people lived on our planet. Huge parts of the earth were no longer liveable (too hot, too dry, too wet, too dangerous) and this lead to massive migrations of people to the cities. At that point the rich started to built new cities for themselves. These cities were guarded heavily and the rest of the people lived in slums. Quality of life for the 99,9% of the people in the slums was really bad. People born in a slum had little chances in life but to work for the multinationals. To do examples: 1. To have a global task force on security, education, sanitary facilities, food and water supply and healthcare to guarantee a minimum level of quality of life for all people. 2. To monitor globally the security of people and the application of the new shared beliefs. This includes monitoring, prevention and reaction in case of discrimination, moral standards, human rights violations etc. 3. To install safe areas where victims of war or climate change could live temporarily. 4. To have global coordination on food and water needs versus availability in order to help local production. To have food and water equally available to all people and to end the obese versus hunger situation. Urban farming is a part of this program. 5. Also global coordination of food and water quality. 6. To have an immediate tax on unhealthy products (including products containing too much sugar). 7. To have a global awareness program on food and water waste and low footprint diets. To stop using crops for animal food and bio-fuels. 8. Offer a global education program not only based on knowledge but also on social skills like self awareness, human interaction, knowledge of the brain and shared beliefs in practice. 9. Apply the ‘Food for education’ principle. Children in developing countries come to school and receive food for their families in return. This until the global basic income has been implemented. 10. Ban on religious schools. 11. To have global coordination on healthcare needs versus availability. 12. To have a global healthcare insurance for all people free of charge. 13. To transform healthcare organisations (insurance companies, hospitals, pharmaceutical industry) into non profit organisations. This means the global needs for certain medications will be coordinated globally.
  • 9. Seven Changes 9 Change 4: Develop a just economy What happened? Economic developments have contributed heavily to the 2071 crash. Companies were able to control all aspects of human life by big data and algorithms. These technologies increased the gap between the rich and the rest by sucking al capital in the world like vacuum cleaners. On the other hand government debts increased hugely which created governments to be in debt of the companies. A few years before the crash a revolution broke out because of these huge inequalities and the 0,1% who owned everything lost the battle. Before the agricultural revolution, 12k years ago, people barely cared for possessions and wealth. Possessions meant extra weight to travel to the next camping place. Living in permanent farms enabled people to collect things. Having (more) stuff (than your neighbours) became an objective on itself and our brains developed loss aversion, the fear of losing possessions or wealth. Loss aversion inflicted the basics of economy based on scarcity (demand versus availability). With our inventive human brains we developed ways to increase our wealth which lead to the global shared assumption of infinite economic growth. Profits grew year by year and an accompanying financial system was created in which new money was printed easily and interest based loaning was stimulated. Infinite growing profits, interest loans, free markets and derivate money streams created huge concentrations of capital for fewer people. These huge capital stacks sucked more capital continually (interest on interest). Like a vacuum cleaner they sucked in all wealth and leaves almost nothing for the majority of people. This rising inequality was started a few hundred years ago by rich Western countries (especially UK, Netherlands, France, Spain) exploiting poor countries, first by raids, then by starting colonies and slavery and more recent by unfair trade agreements and exploitative multinational companies. Around 2018, 1% of the people owned already 2/3 of all the wealth in the world. In history periods of wealth redistribution happened because of plagues, revolution, war and state collapses (the four horsemen). The 2071 crash could have been the fifth horseman, but unfortunately there was nothing left to rebuilt. The total amount of money in the world in 2018 is about $ 80.000 billion (cash and bank accounts), but the total amount of derivates is 10 times higher. The power of derivates to disrupt the economy is massive. The consequences of this were first encountered in the 2008 financial crisis. It became clear that derivates do not serve long term goals for many, though derivates kept being used as a turbo effect on the wealth vacuum cleaner.
  • 10. Seven Changes 10 The total amount of global debt in 2018 was about $ 200.000 billion of which 1/3 is US debt. This massive debt system has disrupting the economy as well. In 2018 more than a billion people earned an income of less than $ 1,25 a day. 70% of the world population earned an income of less than $ 10,- a day. To do examples 1. A global task force for just economy should be installed with representatives of WTO, OECD, World Bank, IMF and International Labour Organisation. 2. This global task force should develop a global program for creating a just economy. Strategic important products and services should be globally coordinated. Luxury goods can be left to the free market. 3. Infinite economic growth should be stopped. A more fair distribution of wealth is the first priority. A just economy serves many instead of a few. 4. Governmental debt, inflation and interest rates should be reset to zero. First step is a global reset of all governmental debts to zero. From that point the amount of money in the world should be globally coordinated and kept within range. 5. This in combination with maximum prices for products will prevent inflation. 6. Inflation and interest rates should be set to zero. From that time governmental debts are not allowed anymore. 7. Economic growth should be held beneath 1%. Remember that until the year 1800 economic growth was beneath 1%. Before the year 0 economic growth was close to 0%. 8. Economy financing should be globally coordinated. Banks act in this system as non profit organisations because money should be an economic enabler and not a profit generating system on its own. 9. Loans are 0% interest but there must be a strict refunding schedule. 10. One global currency should be implemented to have a level playing field for all. 11. Ownership of natural resources like land, forests, minerals, oil, wood, waters, raw metals, fish, animals should not be possible anymore. These resources cannot be owned by persons or organisations anymore, but rented instead. The global task force decides what purpose fits best. Local people collect the rent revenues. 12. A speculation ban to keep the economy connected to real activities and real people. No secondary capital currents or derivative trade shall exist anymore. 13. A minimum global basic income should be implemented for all people. The total global gross world product (GWP) in 2018 was about $ 80.000 billion (80 trillion). Suppose this amount was being used to equally pay all world citizens between 18 and 65 (60% of world population) every person would get $ 17.800 every year.
  • 11. Seven Changes 11 14. This basic income should be an unconditionally right except for: a. Following continuing education courses. b. Adhering the average of 1,5 offspring (average counted for a complete family. So if your sisters family has 1 child, you could have 2). 15. All welfare, pension and subvention institutions could be closed. Income and price levels should be equalized globally. For products maximum prices shall be installed to prevent inflation. 16. A global income tax system should be implemented with a more progressive tax rate. This global tax system should be heavily simplified and standardized for all states. 17. A wealth tax should be implemented, fi. 1% for capitals above $ 5 mln to 5% every year for capitals above $ 100 mln. 18. An eco tax should be implemented worldwide connected to the consequences of a product or service for the ecosystem, f.i. CO2 emission. 19. A difference should be made in products: a. Basic goods (grains, rice, milk, potatoes, animals, fish, fruits and vegetables). Coordination shall be global but production and consumption shall be local (max. 200 km transportation range). b. Strategic goods (natural resources, energy, capital, science, education, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, waste). Coordination shall be globally organised including maximum sales prices and minimum prices for manufacturers, farmers, etc. c. Luxury goods (luxury foods, goods, cars, planes, holidays, software). For luxury goods free market mechanism applies but a max. 1000 km transportation range. 20. A global profit tax system should be implemented. Taxes should be paid where turnover is generated. The situation today where multinationals are looking for the lowest tax fee areas and go there is not acceptable. 21. Trade barriers and trade agreements should be abandoned, which means free and transparent trade but this is restricted in transportation distance: Maximum travel distance for basic goods is 200 km. So food and fresh water should be produced and consumed locally. Maximum travel distance for all other (physical) products is 1.000 km so unnecessary transportation movements are prevented. 22. Possible disruptive technologies like Artificial Intelligence shall be globally monitored. New technologies are only allowed if they contribute to sustainable wellbeing of all organisms. 23. Shareholders and investors shall no longer put pressure on corporate boards except when it comes to long term sustainability issues. Investments should be done for 5 years minimum on a 0% interest basis. 24. 20% of annual gross profit of companies shall be paid to the employees (including flexible contract workers).
  • 12. Seven Changes 12 25. After payments of taxes and employees share dividend payments to shareholders could be done but maximized globally. 26. Top management salaries should be no higher than 10 times the average salary in the company. And not 300 times like the average US CEO as it was the case in 2018. 27. No difference shall exist between fixed and flexible contracts. 28. A global Health and Safety program should be implemented to secure workers rights and working conditions, based on the 10 principles of the United Nations. A global audit system should prevent workers abuse. 29. The last change in this chapter is to install a global task force to end corruption.
  • 13. Seven Changes 13 Change 5: Develop just politics What happened? In the last decade before the 2071 crash politics really lost control. This happened because politics was still based on the nation- state principle. But nation-states did not exist anymore, only online communities maintained. Politicians did not see this one coming because unfortunately they only focused on short term goals for the benefit of their home states. Democracy lost its power in the past century. Political parties became enemies of each other. This development, lead, combined with the uncontrolled growth of fake news, to public mistrust and frustration. So politicians were busy with their short term goals and internal quarrels and they did not see the threat coming. To do examples 1. A democratic elected global commission should be installed based on 3 levels. a. Level 1: a global supra governmental commission which is responsible for global decision making and setting the goals (on shared beliefs, food, healthcare, education, ecosystem, just economy, peacekeeping, population planning etc.). The global commission issues a 5 year plan with a vision, mission and strategy. Local governments cascade this 5 year plan into concrete actions per year. This commission guides local governments. The commission members should be democratically elected based on their beliefs and vision on the long term goals. b. Level 2: global task forces which compare global research, advise the commission on policies and strategies. F.i. a global task force on religions integration, on ecosystem issues, on use of natural resources, on food supply etc. These could be existing NGO’s or international institutions like WTO. The task force ‘just economy’ could issue for example issue sub taskforces for:  Eco tax  Income tax  Wealth tax  Income distribution  Derivates stop  Corruption stop  Non profit banking  Government Finance  Economic planning  Corporate monitoring c. Level 3: a global audit team. This audit team monitors performance and results and should have extended authorisation to apply rewards and corrections on commission level, state level, country level, city level, organisational level and individual level. The audit team reports quarterly. The audit reports are available to anyone. 2. Local governments main responsibility shall be to implement the objectives issued by the global commission. Governments cooperate closely with this commission to reach the global goals. The local political party systems should be aligned with the global task forces specialised in one subject.
  • 14. Seven Changes 14 3. Local governments should be aligned with the global structure. This means: a. Level 1: a local government which is responsible for executing the 5 year global plan into concrete actions. The commission members should be democratically elected based on their beliefs and vision on the long term goals. Leading positions in this commission should be elected in a democratic way not only by votes of the country people but only by votes of other countries that are involved with that country, f.i. neighbour countries or trade partners. So all stakeholders are enabled to vote for leadership in the countries. b. Level 2: local task forces on specific issues, closely working together with the global task forces. c. Level 3: a local audit team. The audit team reports quarterly. The audit reports are available to anyone. The local audit teams work closely together with the global audit team. 4. The connection between Profit organisations and politics should be cut. This also means that lobbying and campaign financing must end. Politics should not be distracted by interests other the global goals. 5. There should be one global system of justice. The system of justice must remain independent. Politicians shall not criticize the system of justice. The global system of justice should be on the same 3 levels as politics including a global and local structure. 6. A derivative goal should be a minimum of bureaucratic systems.
  • 15. Seven Changes 15 Change 6: Ensure peace What happened? From beginning of mankind tribes fought about almost anything. Our animal brain thrives on emotions so this is not a surprise. Unfortunately our human brains got smarter and new weapons were invented over time. At first rocks and sticks were used to kill, then weapons of metal were developed. Violence got really out of hand when fire arms were invented. Now we could kill another person without have to look him in the eye. This concept was optimized in every possible way our human brains could think of. Nuclear, biologic and chemical weapons helped us to gain power and to maintain it. Unfortunately not only stable regimes develop weapons but also dictatorial regimes, militant groups and terrorists could easily buy weapons. Before the year 2000 warfare was relatively easy to follow, one state against the other. After 2000 things changed and warfare became fuzzy, one group against the other and some of these groups mingled amongst other groups. The last decade before the crash of 2071 warfare was fought almost on individual level. People were individually tracked down by means of big data and algorithms and respectively attacked by drones and personal hacks. The human species should use its human brains to end warfare and violence before it gets out of hand. Besides of the human suffering because of war, total global war cost in the year 2018 is about $ 5.000 billion per year average, damage because of war not included in this amount. Suppose this amount would be used to equally pay all world citizens between 18 and 65 (60% of world population) every person in your days would get $ 1.087,- every year. If this amount would be paid to people with an income of less than $ 1,25 a day (15% of the total population) these people would get $ 4.386,- every year. To do examples 1. First change is an immediate ban on all nuclear, biological and chemical weapons including landmines (production, distribution, stocks and use). 2. Secondly a global army should be installed. This global army will be activated to ensure local peace and to prevent genocides, human rights violations etc. all over the world. 3. Only this global army has the right to use firearms. The possession of fire arms in the rest of the world will be prohibited, even for local police enforcement and hunters. When local parties do not have access to weapons anymore they can be forced to negotiate on solutions. The endless circle of violence, reaction, violence, reaction shall be stopped.
  • 16. Seven Changes 16 Change 7: Reduce human Population What happened? The last chapter in this memo is the human species itself. You are annoyed about traffic jams? You think it is crowded in the supermarket, at work, in the woods on Sunday morning, at the parking lot, in your cities? Well, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Until the crash of 2071 about 3 billion people were added since your days, unfortunately in Africa and South East Asia. This growth, combined with big data having completely taken over daily life, all people were constantly feeling fearful and stressed. After that there was just silence. How did it come so far? 150.000 years ago homo sapiens evolved from our ancestors, the apes. For thousands of years our granddads and grandmas wandered around and had no possessions at all. 12.000 years ago everything changed. We started to build villages and started to burn down the woods for agricultural purposes. At that time we were with about 100 million people and the average available space per person was about 214 football fields. The total available earth land surface is 144 million km2 including forests, desserts, ice fields, mountains, agricultural fields, animal territories etc. The villages became bigger and bigger because people started to collect things. This collecting was accelerated heavily during the industrial revolution starting around 1800. Around 1850 we welcomed the 1 billionth world citizen and one hundred years later around 1950 there were 2 billion of us. In 1850 the average available space per person had shrunk to 21,7 football fields. In 2018 world population was 7,5 billion people which meant an average available space per person of 2,9 football fields. So world population is growing exponentially since 1800. Around 2018 the world population was growing with 220.000 persons a day (newborn minus deceased), so a new big city every day. The highest number of people, in 2071, was 10,5 billion and an average available space per person of 2 football fields. Research in the 20th century had already found that overpopulation of species lead to stress, environmental damage, lack of food, water, aggression and new diseases. This was exactly what happened to human sapiens. So human population has to decline. I mean not all at once, but by means of family planning, especially in poor countries. An average child birth rate of about 1,5 per woman should have reduced population to 2,5 billion people over a 80 year time period, equal to the world population of 1950. To do examples 1. Install a global taskforce on family planning, with focus on developing countries because of the high fertility rates and low contraception availability / use there.
  • 17. Seven Changes 17 2. Initiate a program for women empowerment because woman are the key to achieve this goal. Women in developing countries should be educated, coached and empowered in their new role as savers of the world. 3. Initiate a global awareness program for overpopulation and contraception. 4. Install a global minimum age for marriage of 21 years .