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SEO for
Building A Brand and Getting
Found by Customers

 Rand Fishkin
 Co-Founder & CEO, SEOmoz

        * Transcript
Startup SEO Transcript

STARTUP SEO                                         I should go after. How do I decide?
Andrew:     So, Rand, do you have an ex-
ample of what our listener will be able to do       Rand: Yeah. This is a tough call, right? I’m
at the end of this program?                         going	to	look	at	my	traffic	sources	over	the	
                                                    last few months, and if I go in and look at
Rand:	Yeah,	I	think	I	can	definitely	do	that,	      the	keywords	that	sent	me	traffic,	this	is	in	my	
Andrew. So why don’t we talk real quick             Google Analytics account for the SEOmoz
about a promotion that we did. We’re try-           website. I can see that there are a lot of dif-
ing	to	hire	some	engineers	and,	specifically,	      ferent	keywords	sending	me	traffic,	but	not	
get people to refer software engineers to           all	of	them	are	sending	great	quality	traffic.	
SEOmoz. I’ll show you something cool that           Some of those send conversions, people who
we’ve done recently. Let’s see if you search        end up buying a membership or taking a
for “refer an engineer,” oh, look at that, what     free trial or signing up to get e-mail from us,
a convenient coincidence. “Refer an engi-           and	some	of	them	send	traffic	that’s	of	low	
neer” surprisingly comes up number one and          to middling quality at best.
there you go; “Refer a software engineer to
SEOmoz, make $12,000.”                              So here we go. We can look down the list,
                                                    and you can see some branded terms. SEO,
This is a promotion that we did and then            that’s a pretty good keyword, get a lot of
we	did	some	SEO	around	it.	We	figured	it	           traffic	for	that.	SEO	tools,	our	toolbar,	SEO	
would be very convenient if we could just tell      blog, that’s a good one to rank for. But you
people, we’re out at a conference, we’re            get this idea of like, huh, if I just looked at
meeting people at a hack-a-thon, “Google            the things that are already sending me traf-
‘refer an engineer’ and you’ll not only see         fic,	I	wouldn’t	have	that	idea	of	opportunity.	
that we’re good at SEO, which is something          Where	could	I	go	and	find	the	keywords	that	
we should be good at, but also exactly the          might	send	me	great	traffic?	And	to	do	that,	
promotion that you need.” You don’t have            Google’s actually got some really good tools
to hand them a business card and you don’t          for this. So let’s go in here and search for
have to give them the URL. You can tell them        “SEO tools,” and I can say I only want ideas
to just Google “refer an engineer.” So it’s a       close to my website, but I’m going to be
cool thing.                                         pretty international.

Andrew:      That’s incredibly powerful. By the     Andrew:    How do we get to that? We go
way, I can’t believe you’re offering $12,000        to, and we look for
to anyone who refers an engineer to SEO-            keyword tools?
moz. That gets my attention on its own.
                                                    Rand: That’s right, or you can just search for
Rand: I was going to say and the engineer           AdWords tool or keyword tool in Google. I
gets $12,000 for signing up. Yeah, so we went       believe	keyword	tool,	the	first	result	will	come	
all out with this.                                  up as that AdWords tool. There you go, the
                                                    first	one.	Google	is	also	reasonably	good	at	
Andrew:      Wow. All right. Well, I’d like to      their own SEO, which is nice. When I do a
learn	how	to	do	that.	Here’s	one	of	the	first	is-   search in here, it will show me a few things
sues that I have. I don’t know what keywords        that are kind of interesting. I get this idea of                                                                                 2
Startup SEO Transcript

how many searches there are per month, the         Google AdWords. Monthly global search-
competition. Now remember, that’s AdWords          es gives you an indication of how many
competition, not SEO competition.                  searches are being done, and local monthly
                                                   searches, I guess, means in your neighbor-
I get this list and then I can say, “Well, why     hood, in your part of the country. Is that
don’t we sort by the global monthly search-        right?
es, free SEO tools, SEO tools for keywords,
Google SEO tools, best SEO tools.” These all       Rand: Right. So in the advanced options
might be kinds of things that I would consider.    up here at the top, if I had selected just the
And if I want to, the next step that I might       United States, for example, I can redo that
take is actually buying some of these in paid      search, and then the local monthly searches
search. So if I do a quick search here.            should show me just the queries that are tak-
                                                   ing place in the U.S.
Andrew:     I just wanted to make sure that
I understood what was on that page be-             Andrew:      I see.
fore we move on past it. Is it still up on your
screen?                                            Rand: And that’s what I’m seeing now. So
                                                   6,600 in the U.S., 33,000 worldwide.
Rand: Sure. It’s right here.
                                                   Andrew:     What’s our goal here, Rand? Are
Andrew:      There it is.                          we looking for a phrase that has not much
                                                   competition but a lot of global searches?
Rand: Essentially, we’ve got these keyword
columns, and then we’re showing global             Rand: It depends on what you’re trying to
and local searches. The biggest thing to be        do. The three things that I really look for in a
aware of over here on the left-hand side is        keyword – and only a few of these can be
this match type. See that broad, exact, and        gotten from this tool – you want as high a
phrase?                                            volume as possible while being relevant to
                                                   the things that you’re trying to achieve. So
Andrew:      Right.                                SEO tools might be very relevant for us. It’s
                                                   probably not super relevant for lots of other
Rand: If I show only exact, it’ll make sure that   people.
it only shows phrases that contain that exact
word, and that can actually be a much bet-         Andrew:      Right.
ter idea. So let’s do that.
                                                   Rand:	If	you	have	specific	e-commerce	prod-
Andrew:       And at the top, you typed in a       ucts,	the	more	specific	those	products,	those	
key phrase that was already sending you            queries tend to be, the more products you’re
traffic	and	you’re	looking	for	phrases	around	     likely to sell versus the broad searches. Let’s
it	that	might	send	you	even	more	traffic.	         say I’m selling Batman comic books. Some-
What you’re seeing is keywords on the left.        one who searches for Batman is probably go-
The competition, I guess the bigger the bar,       ing to be a terrible customer. Someone who
the more competition there is for people           searches for Batman the Dark Knight graphic
who are trying to buy those keywords from          novels is probably an excellent customer.                                                                                 3
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                                                      low	difficulty.
So the volume is one thing. The value or
potential value of the conversions is another.        Rand: Yeah. One of the things that we like
And	then	the	third	one	is	difficulty.	Unfortu-        to do is kind of store this data just in a key
nately, competition only shows you the dif-           table here. So you can see, I guess I recently
ficulty	or	the	price	of	ranking	in	the	AdWords	       searched for “what is the best chat tool for
results. So let’s take a quick look at a Google       customer support,” which is actually kind
search result over here. Here’s SEO tools,            of surprisingly hard. But here are some easy
and you can see SEOmoz up there at the                ones: “Dreams La Romana,” not too hard;
top being a high amount. So right there’s an          “Maritime Hotel New York,” less challeng-
ad, and then here are the normal results. So          ing; and then tougher things like “pony and
we’re ranking fourth for that, below the new          peanut butter,” which are harder to search
search, unfortunately. This is called the or-         for. And there’s the volume, so I can get kind
ganic results, and Google doesn’t really give         of a sense and then maybe build out a da-
you a great idea of what it takes to rank in          tabase or build out an Excel spreadsheet,
those results, but luckily, there are some tools      rather, that can help me identify which terms
to help with this.                                    and phrases I should be targeting.

I’m going to show off a tool that SEOmoz              Andrew:      So we come up with a few
makes that does this. But there are several           hunches and we test those hunches by buy-
other ones, too. If I search for a keyword dif-       ing keywords that match those phrases. And
ficulty	tool	and	I	type	in	“SEO	tools,”	it’ll	give	   if those phrases covert for us, then we know
me a sense of how powerful and important              we’re on to something, we’ve got keywords
those sites are that are ranking. Wow, that           that we need to try to rank for in the organic
is extremely [inaudible 07:42] results. That’s        search results. What do we do next?
going to be very hard to try and rank for or
to try and move up in. And there I’ve got the         Rand: This process is not entirely unchalleng-
Google AdWords volume number that I saw               ing, but the biggest thing that we need to
[inaudible 07:51] from the tool, as well, sort of     do next is what I call keyword targeting. So
showing that.                                         why don’t we just do a quick on-page opti-
                                                      mization. It’s kind of nice that we rank for all
So I can see, based on the importance, this           this	stuff	because	it	makes	it	easy	to	find.	This	
is from SEOmoz data, but page authority,              process of on-page optimization is essentially
domain authority, how tough is it going to be         we want to do some things on the page to
to outrank the pages that are in there. And           indicate, not just to search engines, but also
you can see those top four results. Oh, man,          to visitors that this page is about the topic
those are beasts, those are monsters. That’s          that they are searching for and it contains
going	to	be	hard.	So	what	you	want	to	find	           great information on that topic, maybe a
are words that have high volume, high value,          great tool, a great resource, something they
low	difficulty.	                                      can download.

Andrew:     I guess using both these tools, we        The search results, particularly in the organic
can	figure	out	which	are	the	right	keywords,	         side, bias towards things that people want to
which are the ones that have high volume,             link to, want to share, have good, relevant,                                                                                    4
Startup SEO Transcript

deep, accurate content, oftentimes have                 use good alt attributes and good text in their
good visuals or video or images. Those are all          alt attributes, but we also see that people link
the kinds of things that we need to be think-           more to those pages and they share those
ing about when we’re building these per-                pages more on Twitter and Facebook and all
fectly optimized pages for Google.                      these kinds of things.

It’s much less about things like, “Oh, I need to        I’m just going to quickly show you inside
worry about putting my keyword seven times              WordPress. This is my personal blog, and I’ll
on the page or using the meta keywords                  show you in here it couldn’t be easier to
tag,” which isn’t even used anymore by the              target a keyword inside WordPress. It’s really,
search engines, and much more about say-                really quite simple. You can see at the top,
ing, “Hey, here’s the keyword. Let’s make               “enter title here”, and then there’s the post.
sure	that	the	first	word	is	in	the	title	and	it’s	in	   Let’s say I wanted to target something like
the	first	few	paragraphs	and	that	the	subject	          “Andrew Warner rocks the house,” which is
of the page is actually about that, because             probably a highly competitive search result,
search engines do pretty sophisticated text             lots of people are trying to rank for that. It
analyses	to	try	to	figure	these	things	out.	And	        gets so many searches every day, it’s just
then let’s make sure that it’s super relevant           unbelievable.
and valuable for visitors so that they’re very
happy when they see that result.”                       And then I might want to say, “Why does An-
                                                        drew Warner rock so hard?” It’s easy, right?
Andrew:         Okay. So if I were to use Word-         I’ve got these things in here. Maybe I want
Press, Drupal, Joomla – I’m looking here                to make a graphic showing the amount of
at a list of all the publishing platforms that          rocking that you’ve done over the years, that
are out there – they all make it easy for me            graphic showing a nice chart going up, may-
to put in my keywords in the sections that              be a picture of your face, the kinds of things
you’ve got up on your screen right now, on              where people would think, “It’s relevant, it’s
your blog post. And what you’re saying is if            sharing worthy, it’s got good content, it an-
you’re targeting a phrase like “SEO tools,”             swers	the	question.	I’m	very	satisfied	by	this.”	
in that header, use the word SEO tools. If              You can see Google doing so many things
you’re using SEO tools as one of the phrases            over the last few years to make sure that the
that you’re targeting, make sure to include             relevancy and the quality of the results that
it in the blog post itself. Even in the picture, it     they have is going up dramatically, especial-
looks like we should include it?                        ly the last few months.

Rand: Yeah. Well, what I would say is in the            I don’t know if you’ve heard about things
picture, what I really like having is, for exam-        like the Google Farmer update or the stack
ple, a relevant image that someone might                overflow	update	that	they	made,	but	both	of	
say, “Wow, that’s a great image. If I was go-           those had a big impact on a lot of, let’s say,
ing to make a presentation and I was going              low quality sites going down.
to talk about this topic, that’s the image I
would want to use.” That means lots of good             Andrew:        And with all those changes,
things for your page. Not only have we seen             what we’re talking about here today still
better ranking correlations with pages that             works, still applies, and it sounds like you’re                                                                                      5
Startup SEO Transcript

saying it works even more because the com-            image. Let’s go throw an image in here. I
petition that was creating shoddy text and            can	select	a	file.	I’m	going	to	pretend	that	I	
shoddy content before is getting downgrad-            don’t have ten pictures of you on my hard
ed.                                                   drive already. It’s being a little slow here.
                                                      There we go. Let’s take this back link screen
Rand: Yeah, that’s exactly right. It’s kind of        shot and we’ll put that in there.
a beautiful symbiotic relationship. If you’re
doing great inbound marketing, great con-             So	when	I	upload	this	file,	I	might	want	to	do	
tent creation, and doing these things with a          things	like	call	the	file	“Andrew	Warner	rocks	
sharing-likely audience in mind, you just have        the house” and I might want to make the
so much more opportunity to rank because              alternate text, which is the text not just that
Google is doing such a good job.                      search engines see, but remember, anyone
                                                      using a screen reader, anyone who’s on a
Andrew:       Now that I understand the ba-           mobile device that’s not rendering images,
sics, I understand that I’d want to have a            that’s the text that they’re going to see to
good picture, I’d want to have a good                 describe the image. So you really want to
headline, I’d want to have content that re-           make sure that you’re not spamming or
lated to my keywords, what about the other            misleading with that because you’re not just
elements of the page here, like categories,           fooling the engines, you’re essentially screw-
the tags are somewhere on there, maybe                ing over blind or disabled users and mobile
even the excerpt? What else should I be               device users. So that’s a really bad thing to
paying attention to, to help me with the . . .        do.

Rand: There are a few things that can make            But we can go in here and say, “Andrew
some sense. For example, I might want to              Warner rocks” into my alt text there, and I
have something like, let’s take this up here          can save my changes and have that nice
and we’ll make it the headline, heading one.          relevant image. Well, we’ll assume this is a
That might actually be a good idea because            relevant image. It’s not in this case, but you
it will make it stand out for users, and the H1       get the idea. We can put that into the blog
has some SEO value, as well. I might want to          post. So these are quite good things to be
add a new category. So not necessarily, but           doing for SEO.
if I decide that Andrew Warner is a topic that
I’m going to be writing about a lot or maybe          But this on-page optimization is really kind of
I’m going to be writing about people who              the tip of the iceberg. It’s the things that you
rock the house quite a bit, I can create that         don’t see, the things behind the scenes that
category, and now it lives inside that catego-        really matter.
ry. It helps tell the search engines, “Hey, this is
relevant,” and it helps tell visitors when they       Andrew:       First of all, I’ve got to tell you,
get to my site, “I want to know more people           I’ve read some of this stuff before and it just
who rock the house,” and they can click that          didn’t click with me until I saw here up on the
link and see those types of things.                   screen. The other thing that I like about what
                                                      you’re doing is I don’t feel overwhelmed. I
We also talked about the images, so I might           feel like I could do all this stuff. Can I set up
want to do something like put in an actual            WordPress? Absolutely. Is Joomla similar to                                                                                   6
Startup SEO Transcript

this? Absolutely. Can I do this tomorrow? Can        Oh, look at that. That’s no good. I have used
I do this as soon as you and I are done? A           the words “title tag” 21 times on this page.
hundred percent.                                     It’s possible I’ve gone a little bit overboard.
                                                     I might want to look into that. Maybe I’ve
Rand: Yeah.                                          gone too far. But I’ve done a lot of other
                                                     things right. I can see this is pretty good.
Andrew:         I don’t feel overwhelmed and         Here’s a nice little explanation.
that feels good, because a lot of times SEO,
it feels like there are all these experts that are   So this type of stuff, it tends to be pretty sim-
really good at it and I’m never going to learn       ple. If you want to go deep down the rabbit
any of it and I’d better just stay away and          hole, there are always options. That’s why
leave it to the experts and just mind my own         there	are	experts	in	this	field	and	consultants	
business.                                            who charge $1,000 an hour is because there
                                                     are deep ways to do it. It’s so wonderful
Rand: One of the things that’s pretty nice           because, like you said, you can pop open
about this is let’s say that, for example, I         WordPress, do a little bit of keyword research,
don’t have WordPress or Drupal or Joomla             say I want to target this keyword, build a
or some of these easier systems, and I’m             page around it, and then start working on
wondering did I do a good job, did I not do          marketing that page, which will really bring
a good job. There is a free tool on SEOmoz           more links and references to it and help it
to help do on-page analysis. There are other         move up in the search engines.
good ones out there. I just want to express
that this is simple, basic stuff. You don’t need     Andrew:      All right. I’ve got a couple of
to know very much about SEO at all to be             other questions about on-page optimization,
able to do this.                                     actually	three	questions.	The	first	is:		What	is	
                                                     on-page optimization and as opposed to
So let’s take, for example, a page. Why don’t        what?
we take our SEO tools page on SEOmoz and
plug it in there. So here’s this         Rand: On-page optimization is all the stuff
tools, and I can plug that in and do some on-        we’ve been doing. It’s essentially anything
page optimization. Oh, look, here we go. So          that I do on my actual website or web pages
here’s title tag, something that SEOmoz might        to help make them rank higher. It compares
want to rank for because lots of people are          itself, I guess, to off-page optimization, which
searching for title tags. How do I optimize for      is really about the links and citations and
that? And here’s a nice little report grade.         references to the page; things like, “Can I
I’ve got a B. Maybe I want to get an A. What         get the news to link to me? Can I have other
would I have to do to get an A? Well, I can          bloggers link to me? Can I have forums linked
scroll right down here and see, “Oh, I haven’t       to me?” Those kinds of things.
used rel=canonical. That might a good idea,
because if people are producing my URL,              Andrew:      The other question was: We talk-
linking to it with weird things like the Feed-       ed about categories and how we can cat-
Burner or Twitter parameters at the end, it          egorize our posts to make them more useful
might not be getting all the credit it could.”       for users and for search engines. What about
                                                     tags? I know that that’s another feature.                                                                                  7
Startup SEO Transcript

                                                    version, I get a different URL but with the
Rand: Yeah. Actually, there’s a great blog          same content. So the engines have this really
post about this if you ever want to learn a         tough time saying, “Wait a minute. Which
ton about the history of meta tags. Danny           one is the original? Which is the one that I
Sullivan from Search Engine Land did a great        should rank, because there are these four
article called “The Meta Keywords Tag 101:          different versions? They all look really similar.
How to Legally Hide Words on your Page.”            Some of them earn links. Should we be as-
He talks about how, back in the old days of         signing that link juice separately, or does it all
SEO, this was really important and search           go to one page?” And this is a great way of
engines really stopped using it around 2002         telling the engines, “Hey guys, this page over
to 2003, and now they’re all publicly saying,       here, that’s the original. Any other copies
“No, we don’t use the meta keywords tag at          that you might see of this, refer them back to
all. We ignore it. It doesn’t help with ranking.    here.”
It doesn’t even help with discovery.”
                                                    So we can essentially take something like I’ve
You can see Danny doing a test in there of          got category systems that create multiple
his meta keywords tag and showing how it            versions of the same page, or I’ve got print-
doesn’t impact anything. At SEOmoz, we              only URLs, or I have something like session
have some correlation data showing it’s use-        IDs, the guy down here in Orange who’s got
less. So, the only thing I would say about the      these session IDs at the end of his URLs. All of
meta keywords tags is if you want to show           those can be solved with the rel=canonical
your competition all the keywords that you’re       text. It’s a [inaudible 23:33], I think the en-
trying to rank for, I recommend using it. If you    gines came out with it, I guess, whatever day
don’t, then I wouldn’t recommend doing it.          this blog post was published, 2009, and it’s
                                                    been super helpful.
Andrew:        Okay. Then you used a phrase
earlier that I wanted to come back and ask          Andrew:      Okay. And I see the blog post up
about. Rel=canonical, what is that?                 there on your screen, too, and people can
                                                    go directly to it. So we talked about on-page
Rand: The canonical URL tag is something            optimization. What’s next?
that the search engines came out with be-
cause they realized that there’s a big prob-        Rand: From here, the next part is where the
lem in the SEO space in general. Basically,         tough part really begins. In SEO, the build
the canonical URL tag, I’ve got some nice           it and they will come mentality, generally
cartoons here that help illustrate this. The ca-    speaking, does not work. Unless you can
nonical URL tag was meant to solve a prob-          find	an	area	or	a	niche	where	nobody	else	
lem that exists across the Web and has for a        is competing, you’re going to really have
long time.                                          to get your feet on the street, start beat-
                                                    ing down people’s doors, and make them
Check out this URL. I’ve got        aware that you have this great content.
and then I’ve got
And you see this all the time. If I follow a link   When I look down the search results . . . let’s
from Twitter, from FeedBurner, if I’m on a site     do a quick search for your name, Andrew.
like the New York Times and I click the print       Hopefully this won’t bring up anything em-                                                                                  8
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barrassing.	I	can	see	here	that	the	first	two	re-       nels, many of which will lead back with a link.
sults are from Mixergy. In fact, they’re ranked         Even the ones that don’t can lead to a sec-
even higher than your personal website, An-             ond order impact of more people seeing it, One of the reasons for that             finding	it,	and	linking	to	it.
is that there are more links pointing to Mixer-
gy, and higher quality links potentially, point-        Andrew:       Okay. So we go to all the sites
ing to Mixergy saying, “Here’s where Andrew             that you talked about and we point there
Warner talks about these things.” So even               and we create links back to our site and
though look it’s not in the title tag, [inaudible       we get content that’s so exciting that oth-
24:55], and it is clearly in the title tag here, it’s   ers link back. What about using the phrases
in the title tag of your Twitter account.               that	we	picked	out	in	the	first	segment	of	this	
                                                        program? How do we use them when we’re
Twitter is a really powerful website. It’s sur-         getting	traffic	and	when	we’re	getting	all	
prising that they don’t rank. But, wow, that’s          these links?
strong, and it’s [inaudible 25:06] based on
the fact that lots of people are referencing            Rand: Sure. Let’s go back to our “refer an
it. Google invented page ranks, just a classic          engineer” example. Google came out last
link citation method, and now there’s all this          year and said, “We’re now using Twitter data,
focus on links. So you need to be out there             the links that are tweeted in Twitter, to help
marketing, trying to earn those links and ref-          us rank results, kind of like the way we used
erences back to your site.                              links for the last decade.” So we said, ‘Hmm,
                                                        really? All right, let’s make a custom bitly
Andrew:       I see. Okay. So that’s the off-site       URL that uses our URL shortener and then the
optimization that we need, the right content            text of that URL is ‘refer-an-engineer.’” This is
that will get people to link over to us.                probably one of the things that helped this
                                                        page rank so well because everyone started
Rand: Yeah. And once we write it, we can’t              tweeting it and linking to it with “refer an en-
just stop there. We need to then go and                 gineer.”	That	definitely	is	going	to	help	it	rank	
proactively promote it. Just like we wouldn’t           higher than it ordinarily would.
build a great piece of software and then sit
on our hands and hope that people are go-               I like to think really hard when I build my bio.
ing to come and use our software, or make               The biography that I’m putting together
a great startup and not tell anyone about,              goes onto a lot of different websites. I make
we’ve got to go tell people.                            sure that, okay, [inaudible 27:44] to SEOmoz.
                                                        I make sure that the name is in there, and
That’s where social media and inbound                   when I link to my wife’s site, I’m going to put
marketing have been so great. I can go to               her name in there and then I’m going to link
Twitter and I can tell my friends about it. I can       to these sites in a relevant way. I’ll link to the
go to Facebook and I can update about it. I             book that I wrote, “The Art of SEO,” in a rel-
can write a blog on that site and tell people           evant way. So thinking about how you’re link-
about it. I can make presentations and up-              ing is important.
load them to SlideShare and DocStoc and
Scribd. I can make videos and put them on               I wouldn’t go overboard with this. Just like
YouTube. There are all these marketing chan-            everything else on the planet, you can abuse                                                                                     9
Startup SEO Transcript

and manipulate it and that causes lots of           name. So using those in the bio intelligently.
nasty problems. Be smart about what you             I would love it if, maybe sometime soon, “40
say. Don’t just put click here and here, check      Under 40” list or “30 Under 30” comes up in
this out, and oh, here’s another thing you          there.
should look at. Call them what they are. Call
them what you want to rank for. Use the text        Andrew:      So if anyone says, “We need to
that people are searching for. It’s not just        find	a	hot	new	entrepreneur.	Let’s	look	at	the	
good for search engines, it’s good for people       ‘30 Under 30’ or ‘40 Under 40’ list,” you want
who are browsing that page, too, because            them to be able to come up on your page
they	know	what	they’re	going	to	find	on	the	        and	say,	“Let’s	find	out	more	about	Rand.”
link that they click.
                                                    Rand: Yeah, you got it.
Andrew:       I remember after I interviewed
you,	one	of	the	first	things	I	did	was,	in	order	   Andrew:     That’s the way it would work if
to give you your biography on my page, I just       that was your plan.
copied and pasted the bio exactly as you
wrote it with all the links and everything that     Rand: Exactly. When I come up, I want Mix-
you had and put it in the bio on my page            ergy, for example, to rank number one for
with the links. So what I was doing there was       interviews with entrepreneurs or learn entre-
saying, “40 Under 40” list and linking to, since    preneurship. So I might say, “Andrew Warner
that’s one of the phrases there that’s hyper-       runs Mixergy, the number one startup site
linked, I was linking the way you wanted me         for learning entrepreneurship,” and you can
to, to the page you wanted me to point out.         have that whole phrase, “Mixergy learning
Why did you pick “40 Under 40” as one of the        entrepreneurship” link back to the Mixergy
phrases that you were going to hyperlink?           website. That’s probably a great way to go
                                                    because your bio gets put all over the Web
Rand: In this case, what I’m actually trying to     in these ways.
do is to get these things to generally rank for
or to appear next to when you search for my         And it’s not just about bios, it’s about all sorts
name. So what I want to see is the words and        of things. When you have a signature link
phrases that are associated with Rand Fish-         that you might leave in a forum, or in your
kin. Actually, let’s do a quick Google search.      Quora	profile	when	you’re	answering	ques-
You can see a bunch of these rankings. So           tions in there, you might want to have those
there’s	my	LinkedIn	profile,	my	Twitter	profile	    links	point	back.	Google	now	has	profiles.	
that I link to, there’s my personal blog that       There’s	Google	Profiles.	I	was	just	testing	that	
I’ve been linking to. This stuff works kind of      out a couple of days ago. They let you cus-
well.                                               tomize the text that you want to have over
                                                    here.	There’s	my	SEOmoz	company	profile,	
I’ll show you some others. So Mixergy, there’s      my personal blog, Flickr, Facebook, Twitter. I
the interview I did with you, which is some-        can actually edit the text of what those links
thing I regularly link to, the book, “The Art       are. I should probably do that.
of SEO” book, SEO, the blog, the interview.
These are all kinds of things that I want to        Andrew:	   I	see.	So	we	find	the	keywords,	
come up and want to be associated with my           we use them on our page, we start tweet-                                                                                  10
Startup SEO Transcript

ing out the keywords that we want so that          to that SEO Chat page. Why don’t we take
people start re-tweeting using the phrases         a look through the linking domains and see
that we’re coming up with. We link to them         which domains, which websites, are actually
from	our	profile	and	all	over	the	place.	Even	     linking to them. Wow, they’ve got a link from
from, you go to and you create a     Wikipedia, from StatCounter, from Reference.
shortcut and you customize that shortcut by        com, Squidoo, Submit Express, from Word-
adding the key phrases that you want. What         Press, from Mashable. That’s a pretty good
else? Those seem pretty easy. What’s the           set of links. I can export to CSV and sort of
next	level	of	difficulty	beyond	that?              see	the	specific	pages,	or	I	can	click	on	the	
                                                   linking pages tab and see where those links
Rand:	The	difficulty,	in	a	lot	of	these	cases	.	   are coming from.
. . so this is our account and you can
see that I can create a keyword. I’ll just go      For example, I might want to say, “Just show
ahead and make a quick link here to show           me the followed and 301 links from external
you. I might say, “Oh, let’s customize that link   to	just	this	page	and	filter	those	results.”	Then	
so	that	it’s	keyword-difficulty	as	opposed	to	     I can get a real sense for like, huh, Web De-
just fm6qvs.” That might actually be a smart       signer Wall, okay. They got a link from there. I
thing to do when I tweet it out. That’s pretty     wonder if I should contact the guys who run
cool.                                              Web Designer Wall, which are a couple of
                                                   pretty cool bloggers in the design space and
What I was going to say is that the tough part     see if next time they write about SEO, could
comes in when you’re trying to outrank peo-        I could contribute an article for you. I’ll write
ple who have quite a bit more years of doing       a good piece about SEO, and then in my bio
SEO work, of trying to rank for these things       or the snippet about who I am, who wrote
ahead of them. For example, let’s say boy, if      the article, I can link back to my stuff. Maybe
I want to overtake SEO Chat, which started         I can even get listed on that SEO guide for
running about three or four years before           designers page if they like my stuff better.
SEOmoz did, has had a tools page for a long
time, has had a lot of people linking to them,     Andrew:       I see. And if I see Mashable on
they’ve got embedded tools, I might actu-          there, I can reach out to Mashable. I know
ally	want	to	figure	out	something	like,	“Hey,	     that they take a lot of outsourced writers or
where did they get their links? Can I get the      contributed writers and ask to write a blog
same links or some of the same links that they     post there.
got, some of the same links that all these
other people got?”                                 Rand: Guest posting is a great way to go. It’s
                                                   not just these sort of more manual systems
Andrew:      So how do you do that?                of link building. You also want to be thinking
                                                   bigger and broader, like, “Hey, how could I
Rand: Well, it turns out there are actually        build something that everyone would always
some good tools. This is a tool called Open        be linking to? Maybe I could build an em-
Site Explorer, and most of it is free to use,      beddable widget. I’ll make an SEO tool or I’ll
much of it is free to use. So I can dive in        make a tool or a graphic that someone can
here, click “get link data,” and now I can         go put on their website and then it will auto-
see here’s all these people who are linking        matically link back to me with the right kinds                                                                                 11
Startup SEO Transcript

of anchor text.”                                    Rand: The best luck that I’ve actually had is
                                                    finding	people	who	do	great	design	work	
Infographics are really popular for this. I’ll      and	contracting	them	to	do	it	specifically.	
show you a great one. This comes from Oli           I think a lot of what I’d call the infographic
Gardner, who’s the Director of Inbound Mar-         farms out there create kind of low qual-
keting at Unbounce, Unbounce being some             ity stuff that people don’t share as much. If
pretty phenomenal software for creating             you have an in-house designer or someone
landing page testing. Here is their new guide       you love that you contract with, or you do
to online marketing. It’s a phenomenally cool       a search like “CSS gallery”, look, here’s CSS
infographic. It actually illustrates a lot of the   Elite. Why don’t we see who’s listed in there?
things you and I have been talking about,           Wow, this guy looks like he has an awesome
about inbound marketing and all these dif-          looking site. Let’s see who the guy who de-
ferent kinds of things.                             signed that is and I’ll contact him.

So you can see here – content marketing,            Andrew:      Gotcha.
analytics, conversion rate optimization, there
are things in SEO. I can actually take this         Rand: So those kinds of things, particularly if
graphic, and if I want to, I can embed it right     I’m going through and I’m like, “Oh, I love
on my site. So you see I grabbed that piece         these. That artist, that art style meshes with
of code there and I can paste it right into my      my design aesthetic. I want to do this.”
blog or my website if I want to show it off.
                                                    Andrew:     All right. Now that we know what
And then what’s great is, they were pretty          to do on our site, what to do off-site, how
smart about this, so they have the anchor           do we measure success and know whether
text say “Unbounce, the DIY landing page            we’re on the right track or need to adjust?
platform.” That’s who made this infographic,
Unbounce, the DIY landing page platform. I          Rand: That’s a great question. There are a
bet if I go “DIY landing page platform,” what       couple of things that I recommend. I don’t
do you know, Unbounce, fantastic. They’ve           totally want to push our own stuff, but I would
done some smart marketing. They didn’t              say that SEOmoz Pro is actually quite good
spam anyone. They didn’t manipulate any-            for this. A couple of things that is does nicely
thing. They just made a great infographic           are crawl diagnostics, so crawling your web-
showing off all this stuff, sharing it with the     site	every	week,	finding	errors	and	warnings,	
right people, getting some good people to           keeping track of keyword rankings so you
guest post about it. And now, boom, they’ve         can see when you’re going up and down,
got the top three positions for DIY landing         keeping	track	of	your	link	and	traffic	data.	
                                                    You can also do all of this stuff more manu-
Andrew:     This is a little outside the scope      ally and for free, so I don’t want to suggest
of our conversation, but is there a place           that this is the only way. For example, Google
that you know of that you can recommend             Analytics is totally free and I can go in here
our audience go if they want infographics           and	I	can	see	my	search	traffic	and	I	can	see	
made?                                               which	keywords	are	sending	me	traffic.	I	can	
                                                    measure over time how many different key-                                                                                 12
Startup SEO Transcript

words	are	sending	me	traffic.	Which	engines?	      of the search engines are missing out some-
How much? Which pages is that going to?            how, and that probably means you’re miss-
Are	there	pages	that	used	to	earn	traffic	that	    ing	out	on	traffic.
no	longer	are?	You	have	to	do	some	modifi-
cations to the service to see all these things,    So I might want to go in here and say, “Hmm,
but it’s quite good.                               what is going on, because this page, footer
                                                   link optimization for search engine users,
Two services, Google and Bing both make            there are 100 pages that link to it.” I can click
webmaster tools. They are completely free.         those, see them all, and then say, “Oh, man,
Site owners can register with them. I’m going      I wonder what I did wrong. Something must
to try and dive in here, depending on if I can     be broken about that page. I should go in-
remember my password. They even give nice          vestigate. Maybe someone on my engineer-
warnings like, “Hey, we found a lot of URLs        ing staff broke the page. Maybe the page
on Open Site Explorer. You might want to be        was just timing out for a little while. Maybe
aware of that.” That was back last year, so I      I made a dumb error in my CMS and I told
think we’re probably okay at this point. But       WordPress to block Google bot from visiting
we can dive in and they’ll show me some            this page.” Whatever it is that I did, I want to
data that’s pretty accurate. The search            find	those	things,	know	where	they	are	be-
query data, unfortunately, inside webmas-          fore	they	start	really	hurting	my	search	traffic.
ter tools, for some reason, is really bad. Use
Google Analytics, it’s much more accurate.         Andrew:     I see. Anything else that we
I know, they’re both Google, you’d think           should be measuring or other tools that we
they’d get it right.                               should use to measure?

The crawl errors are phenomenal. I can click     Rand: I do like Bing webmaster tools, as well,
on this. I can see, “Oh, look. Here are all      which I would recommend. But between
these 403 errors. Here are the ones that were    these, you’re going to get a pretty good
in my site maps. Here are the soft 404s. Here    sense of how things are going for your site. I
are URLs that timed out.”                        might actually suggest doing some custom
                                                 reporting. On a regular basis, the marketing
Andrew:        What does all that mean? What     team here at SEOmoz has sort of key metrics,
are all these errors, and why should we be       KPIs, that they’re trying to achieve in terms of
paying attention to them?                        social	media	traffic	and	search	traffic	and	re-
                                                 ferring	link	traffic,	direct	traffic,	e-mail	market-
Rand: I’ll start with the reason to pay atten-   ing	traffic,	all	of	those	things.	So	they’ve	got	
tion. Any time Google or SEOmoz Pro or           kind of a leader board up on a whiteboard
something	finds	an	error,	you	should	probably	 and they write all those down, they keep
pay at least a little bit of attention, because  track of them in an Excel spreadsheet, and
what it means is that there’s an automated       every board meeting we can report those.
bot that crawling through your site looking for
pages, looking for keywords, and it’s having     That’s actually a really smart idea, no matter
problems. This means that you are not poten- what size you are, having those data backed
tially capturing all of the opportunity that you marketing efforts. Marketing has become so
could be capturing. It means that the spiders technical and there are so many channels                                                                                13
Startup SEO Transcript

that it comes through that all of these are re-     getting 50 to 100 search visits a day and 50
ally smart.                                         to 100 social visits a day. I haven’t been blog-
                                                    ging regularly, so that’s actually been going
Two more things that I’ll just point out. They’re   down now. But you can see results reason-
not for everyone, but if you produce a blog         ably quickly. It depends on a few things,
and you do a lot of social sharing, I think Post-   though. It depends on the niche you’re
Rank offers some really phenomenal intel-           targeting.	It	depends	on	what	kinds	of	traffic	
ligence essentially about the blog posts that       those keywords are sending. It depends on
are produced, whether they get tweeted, or          how much content you’re producing and
Facebook liked and shared, or mentioned on          the effort that you’re putting into this.
Hacker News or Reddit or Digg, these kinds of
things.                                             But what’s beautiful about all this stuff, SEO,
                                                    social, inbound marketing, etc., is that it re-
The second one is if you are producing a            ally relies on your creativity and your hustle.
blog and you are doing RSS feeds of any             If you’ve got great hustle and you can just
kind, FeedBurner is a really excellent thing        go out after this stuff and you’ve got great
to have running on your site. FeedBurner will       creativity and can come up with great ideas
show you your feeds. They’ll show you data          and execute on them, you are going to win
about them. That’s another good solution.           in this space. That’s what I love. It’s not about
                                                    spending the most money, being the biggest
Andrew:    Yeah, I use FeedBurner all the           brand. It’s about being the best, the most
time and have for years, but I didn’t know          creative, the most interesting, the most for-
about PostRank. I’ve got to check that out.         ward thinking, and doing the best work.

Rand: You’ll like it a bunch.                       Andrew:         That’s motivating to know that
                                                    it’s all within our control. Now we know the
Andrew:       I’ve never seen them before. I        levers that we need to manipulate, that we
love tools like that. How long will it take for     need to adjust, and we know what to do
me to start seeing measurable results from all      and we know how to measure them. This has
the work that we talked about in this inter-        been very helpful. Thanks, Rand.
                                                    Rand: My pleasure, Andrew.
Rand: I started a personal blog probably in
November, and by January I was regularly                                                                                 14

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Seo For Startups Transcript

  • 1. An APPSUMO + MIXERGY Production SEO for Startups* Building A Brand and Getting Found by Customers with Rand Fishkin Co-Founder & CEO, SEOmoz * Transcript
  • 2. Startup SEO Transcript STARTUP SEO I should go after. How do I decide? Andrew: So, Rand, do you have an ex- ample of what our listener will be able to do Rand: Yeah. This is a tough call, right? I’m at the end of this program? going to look at my traffic sources over the last few months, and if I go in and look at Rand: Yeah, I think I can definitely do that, the keywords that sent me traffic, this is in my Andrew. So why don’t we talk real quick Google Analytics account for the SEOmoz about a promotion that we did. We’re try- website. I can see that there are a lot of dif- ing to hire some engineers and, specifically, ferent keywords sending me traffic, but not get people to refer software engineers to all of them are sending great quality traffic. SEOmoz. I’ll show you something cool that Some of those send conversions, people who we’ve done recently. Let’s see if you search end up buying a membership or taking a for “refer an engineer,” oh, look at that, what free trial or signing up to get e-mail from us, a convenient coincidence. “Refer an engi- and some of them send traffic that’s of low neer” surprisingly comes up number one and to middling quality at best. there you go; “Refer a software engineer to SEOmoz, make $12,000.” So here we go. We can look down the list, and you can see some branded terms. SEO, This is a promotion that we did and then that’s a pretty good keyword, get a lot of we did some SEO around it. We figured it traffic for that. SEO tools, our toolbar, SEO would be very convenient if we could just tell blog, that’s a good one to rank for. But you people, we’re out at a conference, we’re get this idea of like, huh, if I just looked at meeting people at a hack-a-thon, “Google the things that are already sending me traf- ‘refer an engineer’ and you’ll not only see fic, I wouldn’t have that idea of opportunity. that we’re good at SEO, which is something Where could I go and find the keywords that we should be good at, but also exactly the might send me great traffic? And to do that, promotion that you need.” You don’t have Google’s actually got some really good tools to hand them a business card and you don’t for this. So let’s go in here and search for have to give them the URL. You can tell them “SEO tools,” and I can say I only want ideas to just Google “refer an engineer.” So it’s a close to my website, but I’m going to be cool thing. pretty international. Andrew: That’s incredibly powerful. By the Andrew: How do we get to that? We go way, I can’t believe you’re offering $12,000 to, and we look for to anyone who refers an engineer to SEO- keyword tools? moz. That gets my attention on its own. Rand: That’s right, or you can just search for Rand: I was going to say and the engineer AdWords tool or keyword tool in Google. I gets $12,000 for signing up. Yeah, so we went believe keyword tool, the first result will come all out with this. up as that AdWords tool. There you go, the first one. Google is also reasonably good at Andrew: Wow. All right. Well, I’d like to their own SEO, which is nice. When I do a learn how to do that. Here’s one of the first is- search in here, it will show me a few things sues that I have. I don’t know what keywords that are kind of interesting. I get this idea of 2
  • 3. Startup SEO Transcript how many searches there are per month, the Google AdWords. Monthly global search- competition. Now remember, that’s AdWords es gives you an indication of how many competition, not SEO competition. searches are being done, and local monthly searches, I guess, means in your neighbor- I get this list and then I can say, “Well, why hood, in your part of the country. Is that don’t we sort by the global monthly search- right? es, free SEO tools, SEO tools for keywords, Google SEO tools, best SEO tools.” These all Rand: Right. So in the advanced options might be kinds of things that I would consider. up here at the top, if I had selected just the And if I want to, the next step that I might United States, for example, I can redo that take is actually buying some of these in paid search, and then the local monthly searches search. So if I do a quick search here. should show me just the queries that are tak- ing place in the U.S. Andrew: I just wanted to make sure that I understood what was on that page be- Andrew: I see. fore we move on past it. Is it still up on your screen? Rand: And that’s what I’m seeing now. So 6,600 in the U.S., 33,000 worldwide. Rand: Sure. It’s right here. Andrew: What’s our goal here, Rand? Are Andrew: There it is. we looking for a phrase that has not much competition but a lot of global searches? Rand: Essentially, we’ve got these keyword columns, and then we’re showing global Rand: It depends on what you’re trying to and local searches. The biggest thing to be do. The three things that I really look for in a aware of over here on the left-hand side is keyword – and only a few of these can be this match type. See that broad, exact, and gotten from this tool – you want as high a phrase? volume as possible while being relevant to the things that you’re trying to achieve. So Andrew: Right. SEO tools might be very relevant for us. It’s probably not super relevant for lots of other Rand: If I show only exact, it’ll make sure that people. it only shows phrases that contain that exact word, and that can actually be a much bet- Andrew: Right. ter idea. So let’s do that. Rand: If you have specific e-commerce prod- Andrew: And at the top, you typed in a ucts, the more specific those products, those key phrase that was already sending you queries tend to be, the more products you’re traffic and you’re looking for phrases around likely to sell versus the broad searches. Let’s it that might send you even more traffic. say I’m selling Batman comic books. Some- What you’re seeing is keywords on the left. one who searches for Batman is probably go- The competition, I guess the bigger the bar, ing to be a terrible customer. Someone who the more competition there is for people searches for Batman the Dark Knight graphic who are trying to buy those keywords from novels is probably an excellent customer. 3
  • 4. Startup SEO Transcript low difficulty. So the volume is one thing. The value or potential value of the conversions is another. Rand: Yeah. One of the things that we like And then the third one is difficulty. Unfortu- to do is kind of store this data just in a key nately, competition only shows you the dif- table here. So you can see, I guess I recently ficulty or the price of ranking in the AdWords searched for “what is the best chat tool for results. So let’s take a quick look at a Google customer support,” which is actually kind search result over here. Here’s SEO tools, of surprisingly hard. But here are some easy and you can see SEOmoz up there at the ones: “Dreams La Romana,” not too hard; top being a high amount. So right there’s an “Maritime Hotel New York,” less challeng- ad, and then here are the normal results. So ing; and then tougher things like “pony and we’re ranking fourth for that, below the new peanut butter,” which are harder to search search, unfortunately. This is called the or- for. And there’s the volume, so I can get kind ganic results, and Google doesn’t really give of a sense and then maybe build out a da- you a great idea of what it takes to rank in tabase or build out an Excel spreadsheet, those results, but luckily, there are some tools rather, that can help me identify which terms to help with this. and phrases I should be targeting. I’m going to show off a tool that SEOmoz Andrew: So we come up with a few makes that does this. But there are several hunches and we test those hunches by buy- other ones, too. If I search for a keyword dif- ing keywords that match those phrases. And ficulty tool and I type in “SEO tools,” it’ll give if those phrases covert for us, then we know me a sense of how powerful and important we’re on to something, we’ve got keywords those sites are that are ranking. Wow, that that we need to try to rank for in the organic is extremely [inaudible 07:42] results. That’s search results. What do we do next? going to be very hard to try and rank for or to try and move up in. And there I’ve got the Rand: This process is not entirely unchalleng- Google AdWords volume number that I saw ing, but the biggest thing that we need to [inaudible 07:51] from the tool, as well, sort of do next is what I call keyword targeting. So showing that. why don’t we just do a quick on-page opti- mization. It’s kind of nice that we rank for all So I can see, based on the importance, this this stuff because it makes it easy to find. This is from SEOmoz data, but page authority, process of on-page optimization is essentially domain authority, how tough is it going to be we want to do some things on the page to to outrank the pages that are in there. And indicate, not just to search engines, but also you can see those top four results. Oh, man, to visitors that this page is about the topic those are beasts, those are monsters. That’s that they are searching for and it contains going to be hard. So what you want to find great information on that topic, maybe a are words that have high volume, high value, great tool, a great resource, something they low difficulty. can download. Andrew: I guess using both these tools, we The search results, particularly in the organic can figure out which are the right keywords, side, bias towards things that people want to which are the ones that have high volume, link to, want to share, have good, relevant, 4
  • 5. Startup SEO Transcript deep, accurate content, oftentimes have use good alt attributes and good text in their good visuals or video or images. Those are all alt attributes, but we also see that people link the kinds of things that we need to be think- more to those pages and they share those ing about when we’re building these per- pages more on Twitter and Facebook and all fectly optimized pages for Google. these kinds of things. It’s much less about things like, “Oh, I need to I’m just going to quickly show you inside worry about putting my keyword seven times WordPress. This is my personal blog, and I’ll on the page or using the meta keywords show you in here it couldn’t be easier to tag,” which isn’t even used anymore by the target a keyword inside WordPress. It’s really, search engines, and much more about say- really quite simple. You can see at the top, ing, “Hey, here’s the keyword. Let’s make “enter title here”, and then there’s the post. sure that the first word is in the title and it’s in Let’s say I wanted to target something like the first few paragraphs and that the subject “Andrew Warner rocks the house,” which is of the page is actually about that, because probably a highly competitive search result, search engines do pretty sophisticated text lots of people are trying to rank for that. It analyses to try to figure these things out. And gets so many searches every day, it’s just then let’s make sure that it’s super relevant unbelievable. and valuable for visitors so that they’re very happy when they see that result.” And then I might want to say, “Why does An- drew Warner rock so hard?” It’s easy, right? Andrew: Okay. So if I were to use Word- I’ve got these things in here. Maybe I want Press, Drupal, Joomla – I’m looking here to make a graphic showing the amount of at a list of all the publishing platforms that rocking that you’ve done over the years, that are out there – they all make it easy for me graphic showing a nice chart going up, may- to put in my keywords in the sections that be a picture of your face, the kinds of things you’ve got up on your screen right now, on where people would think, “It’s relevant, it’s your blog post. And what you’re saying is if sharing worthy, it’s got good content, it an- you’re targeting a phrase like “SEO tools,” swers the question. I’m very satisfied by this.” in that header, use the word SEO tools. If You can see Google doing so many things you’re using SEO tools as one of the phrases over the last few years to make sure that the that you’re targeting, make sure to include relevancy and the quality of the results that it in the blog post itself. Even in the picture, it they have is going up dramatically, especial- looks like we should include it? ly the last few months. Rand: Yeah. Well, what I would say is in the I don’t know if you’ve heard about things picture, what I really like having is, for exam- like the Google Farmer update or the stack ple, a relevant image that someone might overflow update that they made, but both of say, “Wow, that’s a great image. If I was go- those had a big impact on a lot of, let’s say, ing to make a presentation and I was going low quality sites going down. to talk about this topic, that’s the image I would want to use.” That means lots of good Andrew: And with all those changes, things for your page. Not only have we seen what we’re talking about here today still better ranking correlations with pages that works, still applies, and it sounds like you’re 5
  • 6. Startup SEO Transcript saying it works even more because the com- image. Let’s go throw an image in here. I petition that was creating shoddy text and can select a file. I’m going to pretend that I shoddy content before is getting downgrad- don’t have ten pictures of you on my hard ed. drive already. It’s being a little slow here. There we go. Let’s take this back link screen Rand: Yeah, that’s exactly right. It’s kind of shot and we’ll put that in there. a beautiful symbiotic relationship. If you’re doing great inbound marketing, great con- So when I upload this file, I might want to do tent creation, and doing these things with a things like call the file “Andrew Warner rocks sharing-likely audience in mind, you just have the house” and I might want to make the so much more opportunity to rank because alternate text, which is the text not just that Google is doing such a good job. search engines see, but remember, anyone using a screen reader, anyone who’s on a Andrew: Now that I understand the ba- mobile device that’s not rendering images, sics, I understand that I’d want to have a that’s the text that they’re going to see to good picture, I’d want to have a good describe the image. So you really want to headline, I’d want to have content that re- make sure that you’re not spamming or lated to my keywords, what about the other misleading with that because you’re not just elements of the page here, like categories, fooling the engines, you’re essentially screw- the tags are somewhere on there, maybe ing over blind or disabled users and mobile even the excerpt? What else should I be device users. So that’s a really bad thing to paying attention to, to help me with the . . . do. Rand: There are a few things that can make But we can go in here and say, “Andrew some sense. For example, I might want to Warner rocks” into my alt text there, and I have something like, let’s take this up here can save my changes and have that nice and we’ll make it the headline, heading one. relevant image. Well, we’ll assume this is a That might actually be a good idea because relevant image. It’s not in this case, but you it will make it stand out for users, and the H1 get the idea. We can put that into the blog has some SEO value, as well. I might want to post. So these are quite good things to be add a new category. So not necessarily, but doing for SEO. if I decide that Andrew Warner is a topic that I’m going to be writing about a lot or maybe But this on-page optimization is really kind of I’m going to be writing about people who the tip of the iceberg. It’s the things that you rock the house quite a bit, I can create that don’t see, the things behind the scenes that category, and now it lives inside that catego- really matter. ry. It helps tell the search engines, “Hey, this is relevant,” and it helps tell visitors when they Andrew: First of all, I’ve got to tell you, get to my site, “I want to know more people I’ve read some of this stuff before and it just who rock the house,” and they can click that didn’t click with me until I saw here up on the link and see those types of things. screen. The other thing that I like about what you’re doing is I don’t feel overwhelmed. I We also talked about the images, so I might feel like I could do all this stuff. Can I set up want to do something like put in an actual WordPress? Absolutely. Is Joomla similar to 6
  • 7. Startup SEO Transcript this? Absolutely. Can I do this tomorrow? Can Oh, look at that. That’s no good. I have used I do this as soon as you and I are done? A the words “title tag” 21 times on this page. hundred percent. It’s possible I’ve gone a little bit overboard. I might want to look into that. Maybe I’ve Rand: Yeah. gone too far. But I’ve done a lot of other things right. I can see this is pretty good. Andrew: I don’t feel overwhelmed and Here’s a nice little explanation. that feels good, because a lot of times SEO, it feels like there are all these experts that are So this type of stuff, it tends to be pretty sim- really good at it and I’m never going to learn ple. If you want to go deep down the rabbit any of it and I’d better just stay away and hole, there are always options. That’s why leave it to the experts and just mind my own there are experts in this field and consultants business. who charge $1,000 an hour is because there are deep ways to do it. It’s so wonderful Rand: One of the things that’s pretty nice because, like you said, you can pop open about this is let’s say that, for example, I WordPress, do a little bit of keyword research, don’t have WordPress or Drupal or Joomla say I want to target this keyword, build a or some of these easier systems, and I’m page around it, and then start working on wondering did I do a good job, did I not do marketing that page, which will really bring a good job. There is a free tool on SEOmoz more links and references to it and help it to help do on-page analysis. There are other move up in the search engines. good ones out there. I just want to express that this is simple, basic stuff. You don’t need Andrew: All right. I’ve got a couple of to know very much about SEO at all to be other questions about on-page optimization, able to do this. actually three questions. The first is: What is on-page optimization and as opposed to So let’s take, for example, a page. Why don’t what? we take our SEO tools page on SEOmoz and plug it in there. So here’s this Rand: On-page optimization is all the stuff tools, and I can plug that in and do some on- we’ve been doing. It’s essentially anything page optimization. Oh, look, here we go. So that I do on my actual website or web pages here’s title tag, something that SEOmoz might to help make them rank higher. It compares want to rank for because lots of people are itself, I guess, to off-page optimization, which searching for title tags. How do I optimize for is really about the links and citations and that? And here’s a nice little report grade. references to the page; things like, “Can I I’ve got a B. Maybe I want to get an A. What get the news to link to me? Can I have other would I have to do to get an A? Well, I can bloggers link to me? Can I have forums linked scroll right down here and see, “Oh, I haven’t to me?” Those kinds of things. used rel=canonical. That might a good idea, because if people are producing my URL, Andrew: The other question was: We talk- linking to it with weird things like the Feed- ed about categories and how we can cat- Burner or Twitter parameters at the end, it egorize our posts to make them more useful might not be getting all the credit it could.” for users and for search engines. What about tags? I know that that’s another feature. 7
  • 8. Startup SEO Transcript version, I get a different URL but with the Rand: Yeah. Actually, there’s a great blog same content. So the engines have this really post about this if you ever want to learn a tough time saying, “Wait a minute. Which ton about the history of meta tags. Danny one is the original? Which is the one that I Sullivan from Search Engine Land did a great should rank, because there are these four article called “The Meta Keywords Tag 101: different versions? They all look really similar. How to Legally Hide Words on your Page.” Some of them earn links. Should we be as- He talks about how, back in the old days of signing that link juice separately, or does it all SEO, this was really important and search go to one page?” And this is a great way of engines really stopped using it around 2002 telling the engines, “Hey guys, this page over to 2003, and now they’re all publicly saying, here, that’s the original. Any other copies “No, we don’t use the meta keywords tag at that you might see of this, refer them back to all. We ignore it. It doesn’t help with ranking. here.” It doesn’t even help with discovery.” So we can essentially take something like I’ve You can see Danny doing a test in there of got category systems that create multiple his meta keywords tag and showing how it versions of the same page, or I’ve got print- doesn’t impact anything. At SEOmoz, we only URLs, or I have something like session have some correlation data showing it’s use- IDs, the guy down here in Orange who’s got less. So, the only thing I would say about the these session IDs at the end of his URLs. All of meta keywords tags is if you want to show those can be solved with the rel=canonical your competition all the keywords that you’re text. It’s a [inaudible 23:33], I think the en- trying to rank for, I recommend using it. If you gines came out with it, I guess, whatever day don’t, then I wouldn’t recommend doing it. this blog post was published, 2009, and it’s been super helpful. Andrew: Okay. Then you used a phrase earlier that I wanted to come back and ask Andrew: Okay. And I see the blog post up about. Rel=canonical, what is that? there on your screen, too, and people can go directly to it. So we talked about on-page Rand: The canonical URL tag is something optimization. What’s next? that the search engines came out with be- cause they realized that there’s a big prob- Rand: From here, the next part is where the lem in the SEO space in general. Basically, tough part really begins. In SEO, the build the canonical URL tag, I’ve got some nice it and they will come mentality, generally cartoons here that help illustrate this. The ca- speaking, does not work. Unless you can nonical URL tag was meant to solve a prob- find an area or a niche where nobody else lem that exists across the Web and has for a is competing, you’re going to really have long time. to get your feet on the street, start beat- ing down people’s doors, and make them Check out this URL. I’ve got aware that you have this great content. and then I’ve got And you see this all the time. If I follow a link When I look down the search results . . . let’s from Twitter, from FeedBurner, if I’m on a site do a quick search for your name, Andrew. like the New York Times and I click the print Hopefully this won’t bring up anything em- 8
  • 9. Startup SEO Transcript barrassing. I can see here that the first two re- nels, many of which will lead back with a link. sults are from Mixergy. In fact, they’re ranked Even the ones that don’t can lead to a sec- even higher than your personal website, An- ond order impact of more people seeing it, One of the reasons for that finding it, and linking to it. is that there are more links pointing to Mixer- gy, and higher quality links potentially, point- Andrew: Okay. So we go to all the sites ing to Mixergy saying, “Here’s where Andrew that you talked about and we point there Warner talks about these things.” So even and we create links back to our site and though look it’s not in the title tag, [inaudible we get content that’s so exciting that oth- 24:55], and it is clearly in the title tag here, it’s ers link back. What about using the phrases in the title tag of your Twitter account. that we picked out in the first segment of this program? How do we use them when we’re Twitter is a really powerful website. It’s sur- getting traffic and when we’re getting all prising that they don’t rank. But, wow, that’s these links? strong, and it’s [inaudible 25:06] based on the fact that lots of people are referencing Rand: Sure. Let’s go back to our “refer an it. Google invented page ranks, just a classic engineer” example. Google came out last link citation method, and now there’s all this year and said, “We’re now using Twitter data, focus on links. So you need to be out there the links that are tweeted in Twitter, to help marketing, trying to earn those links and ref- us rank results, kind of like the way we used erences back to your site. links for the last decade.” So we said, ‘Hmm, really? All right, let’s make a custom bitly Andrew: I see. Okay. So that’s the off-site URL that uses our URL shortener and then the optimization that we need, the right content text of that URL is ‘refer-an-engineer.’” This is that will get people to link over to us. probably one of the things that helped this page rank so well because everyone started Rand: Yeah. And once we write it, we can’t tweeting it and linking to it with “refer an en- just stop there. We need to then go and gineer.” That definitely is going to help it rank proactively promote it. Just like we wouldn’t higher than it ordinarily would. build a great piece of software and then sit on our hands and hope that people are go- I like to think really hard when I build my bio. ing to come and use our software, or make The biography that I’m putting together a great startup and not tell anyone about, goes onto a lot of different websites. I make we’ve got to go tell people. sure that, okay, [inaudible 27:44] to SEOmoz. I make sure that the name is in there, and That’s where social media and inbound when I link to my wife’s site, I’m going to put marketing have been so great. I can go to her name in there and then I’m going to link Twitter and I can tell my friends about it. I can to these sites in a relevant way. I’ll link to the go to Facebook and I can update about it. I book that I wrote, “The Art of SEO,” in a rel- can write a blog on that site and tell people evant way. So thinking about how you’re link- about it. I can make presentations and up- ing is important. load them to SlideShare and DocStoc and Scribd. I can make videos and put them on I wouldn’t go overboard with this. Just like YouTube. There are all these marketing chan- everything else on the planet, you can abuse 9
  • 10. Startup SEO Transcript and manipulate it and that causes lots of name. So using those in the bio intelligently. nasty problems. Be smart about what you I would love it if, maybe sometime soon, “40 say. Don’t just put click here and here, check Under 40” list or “30 Under 30” comes up in this out, and oh, here’s another thing you there. should look at. Call them what they are. Call them what you want to rank for. Use the text Andrew: So if anyone says, “We need to that people are searching for. It’s not just find a hot new entrepreneur. Let’s look at the good for search engines, it’s good for people ‘30 Under 30’ or ‘40 Under 40’ list,” you want who are browsing that page, too, because them to be able to come up on your page they know what they’re going to find on the and say, “Let’s find out more about Rand.” link that they click. Rand: Yeah, you got it. Andrew: I remember after I interviewed you, one of the first things I did was, in order Andrew: That’s the way it would work if to give you your biography on my page, I just that was your plan. copied and pasted the bio exactly as you wrote it with all the links and everything that Rand: Exactly. When I come up, I want Mix- you had and put it in the bio on my page ergy, for example, to rank number one for with the links. So what I was doing there was interviews with entrepreneurs or learn entre- saying, “40 Under 40” list and linking to, since preneurship. So I might say, “Andrew Warner that’s one of the phrases there that’s hyper- runs Mixergy, the number one startup site linked, I was linking the way you wanted me for learning entrepreneurship,” and you can to, to the page you wanted me to point out. have that whole phrase, “Mixergy learning Why did you pick “40 Under 40” as one of the entrepreneurship” link back to the Mixergy phrases that you were going to hyperlink? website. That’s probably a great way to go because your bio gets put all over the Web Rand: In this case, what I’m actually trying to in these ways. do is to get these things to generally rank for or to appear next to when you search for my And it’s not just about bios, it’s about all sorts name. So what I want to see is the words and of things. When you have a signature link phrases that are associated with Rand Fish- that you might leave in a forum, or in your kin. Actually, let’s do a quick Google search. Quora profile when you’re answering ques- You can see a bunch of these rankings. So tions in there, you might want to have those there’s my LinkedIn profile, my Twitter profile links point back. Google now has profiles. that I link to, there’s my personal blog that There’s Google Profiles. I was just testing that I’ve been linking to. This stuff works kind of out a couple of days ago. They let you cus- well. tomize the text that you want to have over here. There’s my SEOmoz company profile, I’ll show you some others. So Mixergy, there’s my personal blog, Flickr, Facebook, Twitter. I the interview I did with you, which is some- can actually edit the text of what those links thing I regularly link to, the book, “The Art are. I should probably do that. of SEO” book, SEO, the blog, the interview. These are all kinds of things that I want to Andrew: I see. So we find the keywords, come up and want to be associated with my we use them on our page, we start tweet- 10
  • 11. Startup SEO Transcript ing out the keywords that we want so that to that SEO Chat page. Why don’t we take people start re-tweeting using the phrases a look through the linking domains and see that we’re coming up with. We link to them which domains, which websites, are actually from our profile and all over the place. Even linking to them. Wow, they’ve got a link from from, you go to and you create a Wikipedia, from StatCounter, from Reference. shortcut and you customize that shortcut by com, Squidoo, Submit Express, from Word- adding the key phrases that you want. What Press, from Mashable. That’s a pretty good else? Those seem pretty easy. What’s the set of links. I can export to CSV and sort of next level of difficulty beyond that? see the specific pages, or I can click on the linking pages tab and see where those links Rand: The difficulty, in a lot of these cases . are coming from. . . so this is our account and you can see that I can create a keyword. I’ll just go For example, I might want to say, “Just show ahead and make a quick link here to show me the followed and 301 links from external you. I might say, “Oh, let’s customize that link to just this page and filter those results.” Then so that it’s keyword-difficulty as opposed to I can get a real sense for like, huh, Web De- just fm6qvs.” That might actually be a smart signer Wall, okay. They got a link from there. I thing to do when I tweet it out. That’s pretty wonder if I should contact the guys who run cool. Web Designer Wall, which are a couple of pretty cool bloggers in the design space and What I was going to say is that the tough part see if next time they write about SEO, could comes in when you’re trying to outrank peo- I could contribute an article for you. I’ll write ple who have quite a bit more years of doing a good piece about SEO, and then in my bio SEO work, of trying to rank for these things or the snippet about who I am, who wrote ahead of them. For example, let’s say boy, if the article, I can link back to my stuff. Maybe I want to overtake SEO Chat, which started I can even get listed on that SEO guide for running about three or four years before designers page if they like my stuff better. SEOmoz did, has had a tools page for a long time, has had a lot of people linking to them, Andrew: I see. And if I see Mashable on they’ve got embedded tools, I might actu- there, I can reach out to Mashable. I know ally want to figure out something like, “Hey, that they take a lot of outsourced writers or where did they get their links? Can I get the contributed writers and ask to write a blog same links or some of the same links that they post there. got, some of the same links that all these other people got?” Rand: Guest posting is a great way to go. It’s not just these sort of more manual systems Andrew: So how do you do that? of link building. You also want to be thinking bigger and broader, like, “Hey, how could I Rand: Well, it turns out there are actually build something that everyone would always some good tools. This is a tool called Open be linking to? Maybe I could build an em- Site Explorer, and most of it is free to use, beddable widget. I’ll make an SEO tool or I’ll much of it is free to use. So I can dive in make a tool or a graphic that someone can here, click “get link data,” and now I can go put on their website and then it will auto- see here’s all these people who are linking matically link back to me with the right kinds 11
  • 12. Startup SEO Transcript of anchor text.” Rand: The best luck that I’ve actually had is finding people who do great design work Infographics are really popular for this. I’ll and contracting them to do it specifically. show you a great one. This comes from Oli I think a lot of what I’d call the infographic Gardner, who’s the Director of Inbound Mar- farms out there create kind of low qual- keting at Unbounce, Unbounce being some ity stuff that people don’t share as much. If pretty phenomenal software for creating you have an in-house designer or someone landing page testing. Here is their new guide you love that you contract with, or you do to online marketing. It’s a phenomenally cool a search like “CSS gallery”, look, here’s CSS infographic. It actually illustrates a lot of the Elite. Why don’t we see who’s listed in there? things you and I have been talking about, Wow, this guy looks like he has an awesome about inbound marketing and all these dif- looking site. Let’s see who the guy who de- ferent kinds of things. signed that is and I’ll contact him. So you can see here – content marketing, Andrew: Gotcha. analytics, conversion rate optimization, there are things in SEO. I can actually take this Rand: So those kinds of things, particularly if graphic, and if I want to, I can embed it right I’m going through and I’m like, “Oh, I love on my site. So you see I grabbed that piece these. That artist, that art style meshes with of code there and I can paste it right into my my design aesthetic. I want to do this.” blog or my website if I want to show it off. Andrew: All right. Now that we know what And then what’s great is, they were pretty to do on our site, what to do off-site, how smart about this, so they have the anchor do we measure success and know whether text say “Unbounce, the DIY landing page we’re on the right track or need to adjust? platform.” That’s who made this infographic, Unbounce, the DIY landing page platform. I Rand: That’s a great question. There are a bet if I go “DIY landing page platform,” what couple of things that I recommend. I don’t do you know, Unbounce, fantastic. They’ve totally want to push our own stuff, but I would done some smart marketing. They didn’t say that SEOmoz Pro is actually quite good spam anyone. They didn’t manipulate any- for this. A couple of things that is does nicely thing. They just made a great infographic are crawl diagnostics, so crawling your web- showing off all this stuff, sharing it with the site every week, finding errors and warnings, right people, getting some good people to keeping track of keyword rankings so you guest post about it. And now, boom, they’ve can see when you’re going up and down, got the top three positions for DIY landing keeping track of your link and traffic data. page. You can also do all of this stuff more manu- Andrew: This is a little outside the scope ally and for free, so I don’t want to suggest of our conversation, but is there a place that this is the only way. For example, Google that you know of that you can recommend Analytics is totally free and I can go in here our audience go if they want infographics and I can see my search traffic and I can see made? which keywords are sending me traffic. I can measure over time how many different key- 12
  • 13. Startup SEO Transcript words are sending me traffic. Which engines? of the search engines are missing out some- How much? Which pages is that going to? how, and that probably means you’re miss- Are there pages that used to earn traffic that ing out on traffic. no longer are? You have to do some modifi- cations to the service to see all these things, So I might want to go in here and say, “Hmm, but it’s quite good. what is going on, because this page, footer link optimization for search engine users, Two services, Google and Bing both make there are 100 pages that link to it.” I can click webmaster tools. They are completely free. those, see them all, and then say, “Oh, man, Site owners can register with them. I’m going I wonder what I did wrong. Something must to try and dive in here, depending on if I can be broken about that page. I should go in- remember my password. They even give nice vestigate. Maybe someone on my engineer- warnings like, “Hey, we found a lot of URLs ing staff broke the page. Maybe the page on Open Site Explorer. You might want to be was just timing out for a little while. Maybe aware of that.” That was back last year, so I I made a dumb error in my CMS and I told think we’re probably okay at this point. But WordPress to block Google bot from visiting we can dive in and they’ll show me some this page.” Whatever it is that I did, I want to data that’s pretty accurate. The search find those things, know where they are be- query data, unfortunately, inside webmas- fore they start really hurting my search traffic. ter tools, for some reason, is really bad. Use Google Analytics, it’s much more accurate. Andrew: I see. Anything else that we I know, they’re both Google, you’d think should be measuring or other tools that we they’d get it right. should use to measure? The crawl errors are phenomenal. I can click Rand: I do like Bing webmaster tools, as well, on this. I can see, “Oh, look. Here are all which I would recommend. But between these 403 errors. Here are the ones that were these, you’re going to get a pretty good in my site maps. Here are the soft 404s. Here sense of how things are going for your site. I are URLs that timed out.” might actually suggest doing some custom reporting. On a regular basis, the marketing Andrew: What does all that mean? What team here at SEOmoz has sort of key metrics, are all these errors, and why should we be KPIs, that they’re trying to achieve in terms of paying attention to them? social media traffic and search traffic and re- ferring link traffic, direct traffic, e-mail market- Rand: I’ll start with the reason to pay atten- ing traffic, all of those things. So they’ve got tion. Any time Google or SEOmoz Pro or kind of a leader board up on a whiteboard something finds an error, you should probably and they write all those down, they keep pay at least a little bit of attention, because track of them in an Excel spreadsheet, and what it means is that there’s an automated every board meeting we can report those. bot that crawling through your site looking for pages, looking for keywords, and it’s having That’s actually a really smart idea, no matter problems. This means that you are not poten- what size you are, having those data backed tially capturing all of the opportunity that you marketing efforts. Marketing has become so could be capturing. It means that the spiders technical and there are so many channels 13
  • 14. Startup SEO Transcript that it comes through that all of these are re- getting 50 to 100 search visits a day and 50 ally smart. to 100 social visits a day. I haven’t been blog- ging regularly, so that’s actually been going Two more things that I’ll just point out. They’re down now. But you can see results reason- not for everyone, but if you produce a blog ably quickly. It depends on a few things, and you do a lot of social sharing, I think Post- though. It depends on the niche you’re Rank offers some really phenomenal intel- targeting. It depends on what kinds of traffic ligence essentially about the blog posts that those keywords are sending. It depends on are produced, whether they get tweeted, or how much content you’re producing and Facebook liked and shared, or mentioned on the effort that you’re putting into this. Hacker News or Reddit or Digg, these kinds of things. But what’s beautiful about all this stuff, SEO, social, inbound marketing, etc., is that it re- The second one is if you are producing a ally relies on your creativity and your hustle. blog and you are doing RSS feeds of any If you’ve got great hustle and you can just kind, FeedBurner is a really excellent thing go out after this stuff and you’ve got great to have running on your site. FeedBurner will creativity and can come up with great ideas show you your feeds. They’ll show you data and execute on them, you are going to win about them. That’s another good solution. in this space. That’s what I love. It’s not about spending the most money, being the biggest Andrew: Yeah, I use FeedBurner all the brand. It’s about being the best, the most time and have for years, but I didn’t know creative, the most interesting, the most for- about PostRank. I’ve got to check that out. ward thinking, and doing the best work. Rand: You’ll like it a bunch. Andrew: That’s motivating to know that it’s all within our control. Now we know the Andrew: I’ve never seen them before. I levers that we need to manipulate, that we love tools like that. How long will it take for need to adjust, and we know what to do me to start seeing measurable results from all and we know how to measure them. This has the work that we talked about in this inter- been very helpful. Thanks, Rand. view? Rand: My pleasure, Andrew. Rand: I started a personal blog probably in November, and by January I was regularly 14