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Evaluate a written text based on its properties (organization,
coherence and cohesion, language use and mechanics)
2. Repetitions include a word, a phrase, or a full
sentence repeated to highlight its
importance in the entire text. The repetition of the main
ideas keeps continuity and helps the
readers remain focused and headed in the right
1. The president said, “Work, work, and work,” are the keys to
2. If you think you can make it, you can make it.
3. Most students are intimated by the works of William Shakespeare.
They believe Shakepeare’s sonnets and plays are far too complicated
to read and understand.
Text structure
Text structure refers to the framework of a text’s
beginning, middle, and end.
Different narrative and expository genres have
different purposes and different audiences, so
they require different text structures. Beginnings
and endings help link the text into a coherent
Three major parts of a text
Also called as the lead or the hook. It introduces the readers to the
purpose of the writing by introducing characters or setting(for narrative)
or the topic, thesis, or argument (for expository writing)
Text structure
The organization of the middle of a piece of writing dependes on
the genre. Researchers have identified five basic organizational
structures: sequence, description, cause and effect, compare and
contrast, and problem and solution.
It is the restatement of the thesis and majoir points, showing how
the writer has proven his/her position. Possible implications of what has
been discussed and writer's conclusion may also be included .
the skill:
The first few sentences, paragraphs or pages of a
story are the reader's entry point into a new world.
Often, a reader will decide whether or not to
continue reading based purely off a story's
The exposition is an opportunity to introduce your
writing style, set the scene and establish your
central characters and conflict. It's extremely
important that we practice the skill of grabbing a
reader's attention straight away through an
interesting and engaging introduction.
Try to avoid boring cliche openings and instead
consider the following:
a thought-provoking question or comment
about your central theme
a surprising, strange or unexpected
statement or detail to intrigue the reader
a powerful piece of dialogue or
conversation to set the scene
jumping right into the action to create
tension or suspense
a foreshadowing clue about the character's
potential fate to make the reader wonder
Coherence and
Properties of
Learning Objectives
properties of a
write a well-
written text.
evaluate written
text based on
the identified
properties; and
Evaluate a written text based on its properties (organization, coherence and
cohesion, language use and mechanics)
In academic terms, a text is defined as written
material or piece of writing such as an article, essay,
book, magazine, or newspaper.
For a paragraph or any composition to be effective, it
must always consider the properties of a well-
written text which includes organization, cohesion
and coherence, language use, and mechanics.
Properties of a Well-Written Text
This is also known as an arrangement that refers
to the structural framework for
A text is considered organized when ideas are
accurately and logically arranged
with a focus on the arrangements of ideas,
incidents, evidence, or details in a definite order in
a paragraph, essay, or speech.
Types of Claims: Establishing Purpose and
Claims of Fact
Claims of Definition
Claims of Cause
Claims of Value
Claims of Policy
Five Types of Claims
 Virtually all arguments can be categorized according to one
of five types of claims.
 Claims can be identified by discovering the question the
argument answers.
 As we browse the types, notice how the questions all invite
different purposes and different points of view.
 They all lead to argument.
Claims of Fact
Claims of Definition
Claims of Cause
Claims of Value
Claims of Policy
Claims of Fact:
 Did it happen?
 Does it exist?
 Is it true?
 Is it a fact?
Fact Claim
 When you insist a paper was turned in on time even if the
professor cannot find it, or that you were not exceeding the
speed limit when a police officer claims that you were, you
are making claims of fact.
Fact Claims
 These are central to court room debate since lawyers argue
about what happened in order to prove innocence or guilt.
 Historians also argue about what happened as they sort
through historical evidence to try to establish historical fact.
Fact Claims:
 Women are as effective as men in combat.
 The ozone layer is becoming depleted.
 Increasing population threatens the environment.
 Bigfoot exists in remote areas.
 Men need women to civilize them.
Fact Claims
 Note that all these claims are statements of fact, but not
everyone would agree with them.
 They are all controversial.
 The facts in these claims need to be proved as either
absolutely or probably true in order to be acceptable to an
Claims of Definition:
 What is it?
 How should we define it?
 What is it like?
 How should it be classified?
 How should we interpret it?
 How does its usual meaning change in a particular context?
Definition Claims:
 The entire argument can center around the definition of a
 When you argue that an athlete who receives compensation
for playing a sport is “professional,” and thereby looses
“amateur” status, you are making a claim of definition.
Definition Claims:
 We are considering definition claims that dominate the
argument as a whole.
 Definition is also used as a type of support, often at the
beginning, to establish the meaning of one or more key
Definition Claims: Examples
 Marriage as an institution needs to be redefined to include
modern variations on the traditional family.
 Some so-called art exhibits could more accurately be
described as pornography exhibits.
 The fetus is a human being, not just a group of cells.
Definition Claims: Examples
 Wars in this century can all be defined as “just” rather than
“unjust” wars.
 Sexual harassment is defined in terms of behavior and not
sexual desire.
 Note that arguments introduced by these claims will focus on
the definitions of family, art, fetus, just war, and sexual
Claims of Cause:
 What caused it?
 Where did it come from?
 Why did it happen?
 What are the effects?
 What will probably be the results over the short and the long
Cause Claims:
 When you claim that staying up late at a party caused you to
fail your exam the next day or that your paper is late because
the library closed too early, you are making claims of cause.
 People often disagree about what causes something to
happen, and they also disagree about the effects.
Clause Claims: Examples
The cause-effect relationship is at issue in these statements
 Overeating causes disease and early death
 A healthy economy causes people to have faith in their
political leaders
 Sending infants to day care results in psychological problems
later in life
 Inadequate funding for AIDS research will result in a
disastrous worldwide epidemic
 Crime is caused by lack of family values
Cause Claims
 An organizational strategy commonly used for cause papers
is to describe causes and then effects.
 Clear-cutting would be described as a cause that would lead
to the ultimate destruction of the forests, which would be the
Identify claims explicitly or implicitly in a written
Claims are synonymous to belief, argument, assertion, or stand.
According to (Tiongson 2016, 20-21), a good claim should be
argumentative and debatable, specific and focused, interesting and
engaging, and logical.
These information can be explicit or implicit. An explicit claim is
directly and clearly stated in the text. It is when you can easily point
out the information in the passage.
Meanwhile, an implicit claim is indirectly expressed in the text and
you need to look for clues or make inferences to understand its
Task 1. Read the text and write down E if the piece of information is explicit or write
down I if it is implicit.
“Congratulations, Rosie! Your parents must be proud of you.” The teacher greeted her
with delight. It was graduation day and Rosie managed to stand on stage and delivered
her speech in front of her fellow graduates and guests. She ended her speech thanking
her Alma mater and her parents and said, “Let us trust God’s plan.”
Rosie left the stage with tears in her eyes as the clicking of the medals could be heard
from afar. As she approached her parents, they kissed her and gave her a big hug and
uttered, “We love you, dear! Your success is our success. We will surely celebrate at
Task 1
1. The teacher congratulated Rosie.
2. Rosie stood on stage and delivered her speech.
3. Rosie was full of happiness.
4. Rosie was a hard-working and intelligent student.
5. The parents of Rosie promised to celebrate her success.
Task 2. Write CF if the statement is a claim of fact and
put a cross mark (X)if it is not.
1. The Department of Education shows its readiness on the
‘new normal’ in the teaching and learning process.
2. Curfew must be enforced by parents to their children.
3. Vaping can have same side effects as smoking.
4. The closing of Philippine borders to tourists is one way
to slow down the spread of COVID-19.
5. Doing videos in TikTok is more exciting than vlogging.
6. Research says that people can reduce stress by taking a nap.
7. It is more beneficial for a child to grow up speaking more
than one language than knowing only his or her mother
8. National ID system should now be implemented in the
9. Neil Armstrong made a history as the first man to walk on
the moon.
10. Watching K-Drama is the best form of entertainment.
Claim has been associated with words such as
belief, argument, assertion or stand. It can be
classified according to method and nature. Explicit
claim and implicit claim are types of claim based on
method. On the other hand, claim of fact, claim of
policy and claim of value are types of claim based
on nature.
Claim of policy is the argument where actions should be carried
out. Basically, it is perceived as a relatively direct statement. This
claim can also be called claim of solution because it suggests and
supports policies and solutions, and the action to be taken is based
on the results. You will know if a statement is a claim of policy if
there is an action to be done or a solution to be taken
Task 3:Analyze each statement below. Then answer the guide questions on a separate sheet.
1. Gender equality should be supported by every Filipino.
Is there an action to be done?
If yes, what is that action?
What type of claim is this?
2. The pandemic which the world is experiencing takes away lives; thus, Filipinos are
ought to stay at home.
Is there an action to be done?
If yes, what is that action?
What type of claim is this?
3. The Bayanihan to Heal as One Act is implemented to fight COVID 19 crisis
and therefore should be obeyed.
Is there an action to be done?
If yes, what is that action?
What type of claim is this?
4. Spreading fake news in the midst of pandemic will not help at all;
hence, by all means it should be stopped.
Is there an action to be done?
If yes, what is that action?
What type of claim is this?
5. Frontliners save lives while sacrificing their own;discrimination
of these people should not be tolerated.
Is there an action to be done?
If yes, what is that action?
What type of claim is this?
Task 4: Directions: Complete the sentence by writing down the letter of the
correct word.
A. Should B. Result C. Intervention D. Comparison
E. discipline F. problem G. action H. love
1. Claim of policy is also called claim of solution because it proposes ____to
solve the existing problem.
2. _______________is the main element of claim of policy.
3. The suggested action is based on the identified ______________.
4. “Ought”, “must”, and _____can be directly or indirectly stated in the claim.
5. In claim of policy, one can notice the possible solution because there is an
existing ________________.
Task 5
Directions: On a separate sheet, write ‘CP’ if the given statement is a claim of policy
and ‘NCP’ if not.
1. Anti-Text Scam Bill should be passed as law to protect the people.
2. Euthanasia also known as mercy killing is against the Law of God.
3. We should not support nor do Euthanasia or mercy killing in the Philippines
because it is still an act of killing.
4. Abortion should not be legalized in the Philippines because every child is a gift.
5. Every child has the right to be born whether he/she is made out of love or
anything else. Doing abortion is doing a criminal act.
Previously, you have learned that claim of policy is an argument that offers
Solutions based on the identified problems. Action is its main core; thus, its end
result is when a certain action has been taken or implemented. However, other than
taking actions, making justification is also as important. So, this will be the focus
of this lesson
You caught me first at home but over the
years, you formed me in school.
Claim of value is an argument based on morality, belief, ethics, or
philosophy. It is influentially stated by combining limited facts
and proving them as either good or bad by targeting the reader’s
It is also called claim of judgment because the reader has to decide
whether the argument or proposition is right or wrong or has to be
accepted or rejected. In other words, this type of claim is more
appealing to the reader’s subjectivity. If the argument challenges
the decision making or judgment leading to acceptance or
rejection of the reader, then it is considered to be a claim of value.
Task 6
Directions: Answer the three questions relative to the listed issues. Write your answers on a separate sheet.
A. Does it appeal to your judgment?
B. Is it right or wrong?
C. What type of claim is this?
1. Bullying will never be right.
2. Security is more important than privacy.
3. In the midst of pandemic, restriction is much better than individual
4. Fake news is not worthy of our attention.
5. Discriminating our front liners who save our lives does not make sense.
Task 7 Directions: Write the letter of the word which completes the
statement. Use a separate sheet.
A. result B. evaluation C. emotion D. bad
E. action F. judgment G. problem H.
1. Claim of value appeals to _______________________.
2. Words like good or ______________allow us to recognize claim of value.
3. Claim of value is also called __________________because it persuades the
readers to decide whether to value or not an argument.
4. Morality, philosophy, belief, or __________are references of claim of value.
5. Acceptance and rejection must be done with claim of value after the
argument undergoes thorough comparison and___________ .
Task 8
Direction: On a separate sheet write ‘CV’ if the statement is a claim of policy and write ‘NCV’ if not.
1. Mercy killing is objectionable because it is still an act of killing.
2. Self-restriction during the pandemic is better than individual
3. Discrimination has no place in a good society because it weakens its
moral fiber.
4. Hallucination is the side effect of using marijuana.
5. According to studies, smoking causes lung cancer.
Direction: Write the letter of the best answer on a separate sheet.
1. The following are characteristics of a good claim EXCEPT
a. argumentative and debatable C. interesting and engaging
b. specific and focused D. fun and entertaining
2. Coronavirus is now classified as a pandemic. What type of claim is this?
a. claim of judgment C. claim of value
b. claim of policy D. claim of fact
3. Jeremiah is happy because he gets good grades. Which question from the list below is
a. Who is Jeremiah? c. What did Jeremiah feel after seeing his grades?
b. Where is Jeremiah? d. What did Jeremiah do to be able to get a good
4. Tears came out of Rhianne’s eyes when her teacher announced the honor students.
Which question from the list below is implicit?
a. What was announced? c. What was the
name of the girl who cried?
b. Who announced the honor students? d. Why did Rhianne cry?11
5. What specific claim asserts some empirical (experience/ observation based)truth?
a. claim of fact C. claim of policy
b. claim of value D. claim of judgment
6. Which of the following statements is an example of a claim?
a. Ruiz believes that change has come. c. Annie thinks that
we should have a universal health care.
b. Filipinos need to exercise their right to vote. d. All of the above

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Senior High School Reading and Writing Skills

  • 1. Objective: Evaluate a written text based on its properties (organization, coherence and cohesion, language use and mechanics)
  • 2. 2. Repetitions include a word, a phrase, or a full sentence repeated to highlight its importance in the entire text. The repetition of the main ideas keeps continuity and helps the readers remain focused and headed in the right direction. Examples: 1. The president said, “Work, work, and work,” are the keys to success. 2. If you think you can make it, you can make it. 3. Most students are intimated by the works of William Shakespeare. They believe Shakepeare’s sonnets and plays are far too complicated to read and understand.
  • 3. Text structure Text structure refers to the framework of a text’s beginning, middle, and end. Different narrative and expository genres have different purposes and different audiences, so they require different text structures. Beginnings and endings help link the text into a coherent whole. Organization
  • 4. Three major parts of a text INTRODUCTION Also called as the lead or the hook. It introduces the readers to the purpose of the writing by introducing characters or setting(for narrative) or the topic, thesis, or argument (for expository writing) Text structure BODY The organization of the middle of a piece of writing dependes on the genre. Researchers have identified five basic organizational structures: sequence, description, cause and effect, compare and contrast, and problem and solution. Conclusion It is the restatement of the thesis and majoir points, showing how the writer has proven his/her position. Possible implications of what has been discussed and writer's conclusion may also be included .
  • 5. the skill: The first few sentences, paragraphs or pages of a story are the reader's entry point into a new world. Often, a reader will decide whether or not to continue reading based purely off a story's exposition! The exposition is an opportunity to introduce your writing style, set the scene and establish your central characters and conflict. It's extremely important that we practice the skill of grabbing a reader's attention straight away through an interesting and engaging introduction. Try to avoid boring cliche openings and instead consider the following: a thought-provoking question or comment about your central theme a surprising, strange or unexpected statement or detail to intrigue the reader a powerful piece of dialogue or conversation to set the scene jumping right into the action to create tension or suspense a foreshadowing clue about the character's potential fate to make the reader wonder 01 02 03 04 05
  • 7. Properties of Well-Written Texts R E A D I N G A N D W R I T I N G
  • 8. Learning Objectives identify properties of a well-written text; 01 write a well- written text. 03 evaluate written text based on the identified properties; and 02 LEARNING COMPETENCY: Evaluate a written text based on its properties (organization, coherence and cohesion, language use and mechanics)
  • 9. In academic terms, a text is defined as written material or piece of writing such as an article, essay, book, magazine, or newspaper. For a paragraph or any composition to be effective, it must always consider the properties of a well- written text which includes organization, cohesion and coherence, language use, and mechanics. Properties of a Well-Written Text
  • 11. This is also known as an arrangement that refers to the structural framework for writing. A text is considered organized when ideas are accurately and logically arranged with a focus on the arrangements of ideas, incidents, evidence, or details in a definite order in a paragraph, essay, or speech. Organization
  • 12. Types of Claims: Establishing Purpose and Organization Claims of Fact Claims of Definition Claims of Cause Claims of Value Claims of Policy
  • 13. Five Types of Claims  Virtually all arguments can be categorized according to one of five types of claims.  Claims can be identified by discovering the question the argument answers.  As we browse the types, notice how the questions all invite different purposes and different points of view.  They all lead to argument. Claims of Fact Claims of Definition Claims of Cause Claims of Value Claims of Policy
  • 14. Claims of Fact:  Did it happen?  Does it exist?  Is it true?  Is it a fact?
  • 15. Fact Claim  When you insist a paper was turned in on time even if the professor cannot find it, or that you were not exceeding the speed limit when a police officer claims that you were, you are making claims of fact.
  • 16. Fact Claims  These are central to court room debate since lawyers argue about what happened in order to prove innocence or guilt.  Historians also argue about what happened as they sort through historical evidence to try to establish historical fact.
  • 17. Fact Claims:  Women are as effective as men in combat.  The ozone layer is becoming depleted.  Increasing population threatens the environment.  Bigfoot exists in remote areas.  Men need women to civilize them.
  • 18. Fact Claims  Note that all these claims are statements of fact, but not everyone would agree with them.  They are all controversial.  The facts in these claims need to be proved as either absolutely or probably true in order to be acceptable to an audience.
  • 19. Claims of Definition:  What is it?  How should we define it?  What is it like?  How should it be classified?  How should we interpret it?  How does its usual meaning change in a particular context?
  • 20. Definition Claims:  The entire argument can center around the definition of a term.  When you argue that an athlete who receives compensation for playing a sport is “professional,” and thereby looses “amateur” status, you are making a claim of definition.
  • 21. Definition Claims:  We are considering definition claims that dominate the argument as a whole.  Definition is also used as a type of support, often at the beginning, to establish the meaning of one or more key words.
  • 22. Definition Claims: Examples  Marriage as an institution needs to be redefined to include modern variations on the traditional family.  Some so-called art exhibits could more accurately be described as pornography exhibits.  The fetus is a human being, not just a group of cells.
  • 23. Definition Claims: Examples  Wars in this century can all be defined as “just” rather than “unjust” wars.  Sexual harassment is defined in terms of behavior and not sexual desire.  Note that arguments introduced by these claims will focus on the definitions of family, art, fetus, just war, and sexual harassment.
  • 24. Claims of Cause:  What caused it?  Where did it come from?  Why did it happen?  What are the effects?  What will probably be the results over the short and the long term?
  • 25. Cause Claims:  When you claim that staying up late at a party caused you to fail your exam the next day or that your paper is late because the library closed too early, you are making claims of cause.  People often disagree about what causes something to happen, and they also disagree about the effects.
  • 26. Clause Claims: Examples The cause-effect relationship is at issue in these statements  Overeating causes disease and early death  A healthy economy causes people to have faith in their political leaders  Sending infants to day care results in psychological problems later in life  Inadequate funding for AIDS research will result in a disastrous worldwide epidemic  Crime is caused by lack of family values
  • 27. Cause Claims  An organizational strategy commonly used for cause papers is to describe causes and then effects.  Clear-cutting would be described as a cause that would lead to the ultimate destruction of the forests, which would be the effect.
  • 28. READING AND WRITING MODULE 2-WEEK5-6 Identify claims explicitly or implicitly in a written text
  • 29.
  • 30. Claims are synonymous to belief, argument, assertion, or stand. According to (Tiongson 2016, 20-21), a good claim should be argumentative and debatable, specific and focused, interesting and engaging, and logical. These information can be explicit or implicit. An explicit claim is directly and clearly stated in the text. It is when you can easily point out the information in the passage. Meanwhile, an implicit claim is indirectly expressed in the text and you need to look for clues or make inferences to understand its meaning.
  • 31. Task 1. Read the text and write down E if the piece of information is explicit or write down I if it is implicit. “Congratulations, Rosie! Your parents must be proud of you.” The teacher greeted her with delight. It was graduation day and Rosie managed to stand on stage and delivered her speech in front of her fellow graduates and guests. She ended her speech thanking her Alma mater and her parents and said, “Let us trust God’s plan.” Rosie left the stage with tears in her eyes as the clicking of the medals could be heard from afar. As she approached her parents, they kissed her and gave her a big hug and uttered, “We love you, dear! Your success is our success. We will surely celebrate at home
  • 32. Task 1 1. The teacher congratulated Rosie. 2. Rosie stood on stage and delivered her speech. 3. Rosie was full of happiness. 4. Rosie was a hard-working and intelligent student. 5. The parents of Rosie promised to celebrate her success. ANSWER: 1.EXPLICIT 2. EXPLICIT 3.IMPLICIT 4. IMPLICIT 5. EXPLICIT
  • 33.
  • 34. Task 2. Write CF if the statement is a claim of fact and put a cross mark (X)if it is not. 1. The Department of Education shows its readiness on the ‘new normal’ in the teaching and learning process. 2. Curfew must be enforced by parents to their children. 3. Vaping can have same side effects as smoking. 4. The closing of Philippine borders to tourists is one way to slow down the spread of COVID-19. 5. Doing videos in TikTok is more exciting than vlogging.
  • 35. 6. Research says that people can reduce stress by taking a nap. 7. It is more beneficial for a child to grow up speaking more than one language than knowing only his or her mother tongue. 8. National ID system should now be implemented in the Philippines. 9. Neil Armstrong made a history as the first man to walk on the moon. 10. Watching K-Drama is the best form of entertainment.
  • 37. Claim has been associated with words such as belief, argument, assertion or stand. It can be classified according to method and nature. Explicit claim and implicit claim are types of claim based on method. On the other hand, claim of fact, claim of policy and claim of value are types of claim based on nature.
  • 39.
  • 40. Claim of policy is the argument where actions should be carried out. Basically, it is perceived as a relatively direct statement. This claim can also be called claim of solution because it suggests and supports policies and solutions, and the action to be taken is based on the results. You will know if a statement is a claim of policy if there is an action to be done or a solution to be taken
  • 41. Task 3:Analyze each statement below. Then answer the guide questions on a separate sheet. 1. Gender equality should be supported by every Filipino. Is there an action to be done? If yes, what is that action? What type of claim is this? 2. The pandemic which the world is experiencing takes away lives; thus, Filipinos are ought to stay at home. Is there an action to be done? If yes, what is that action? What type of claim is this? 3. The Bayanihan to Heal as One Act is implemented to fight COVID 19 crisis and therefore should be obeyed. Is there an action to be done? If yes, what is that action? What type of claim is this?
  • 42. 4. Spreading fake news in the midst of pandemic will not help at all; hence, by all means it should be stopped. Is there an action to be done? If yes, what is that action? What type of claim is this? 5. Frontliners save lives while sacrificing their own;discrimination of these people should not be tolerated. Is there an action to be done? If yes, what is that action? What type of claim is this?
  • 43.
  • 44. Task 4: Directions: Complete the sentence by writing down the letter of the correct word. A. Should B. Result C. Intervention D. Comparison E. discipline F. problem G. action H. love 1. Claim of policy is also called claim of solution because it proposes ____to solve the existing problem. 2. _______________is the main element of claim of policy. 3. The suggested action is based on the identified ______________. 4. “Ought”, “must”, and _____can be directly or indirectly stated in the claim. 5. In claim of policy, one can notice the possible solution because there is an existing ________________. G B F A C
  • 45. Task 5 Directions: On a separate sheet, write ‘CP’ if the given statement is a claim of policy and ‘NCP’ if not. 1. Anti-Text Scam Bill should be passed as law to protect the people. 2. Euthanasia also known as mercy killing is against the Law of God. 3. We should not support nor do Euthanasia or mercy killing in the Philippines because it is still an act of killing. 4. Abortion should not be legalized in the Philippines because every child is a gift. 5. Every child has the right to be born whether he/she is made out of love or anything else. Doing abortion is doing a criminal act.
  • 46. CLAIM OF VALUE Previously, you have learned that claim of policy is an argument that offers Solutions based on the identified problems. Action is its main core; thus, its end result is when a certain action has been taken or implemented. However, other than taking actions, making justification is also as important. So, this will be the focus of this lesson
  • 47.
  • 48. You caught me first at home but over the years, you formed me in school. E B L I E F S
  • 49. Claim of value is an argument based on morality, belief, ethics, or philosophy. It is influentially stated by combining limited facts and proving them as either good or bad by targeting the reader’s emotion. It is also called claim of judgment because the reader has to decide whether the argument or proposition is right or wrong or has to be accepted or rejected. In other words, this type of claim is more appealing to the reader’s subjectivity. If the argument challenges the decision making or judgment leading to acceptance or rejection of the reader, then it is considered to be a claim of value.
  • 50. Task 6 Directions: Answer the three questions relative to the listed issues. Write your answers on a separate sheet. A. Does it appeal to your judgment? B. Is it right or wrong? C. What type of claim is this? 1. Bullying will never be right. 2. Security is more important than privacy. 3. In the midst of pandemic, restriction is much better than individual freedom. 4. Fake news is not worthy of our attention. 5. Discriminating our front liners who save our lives does not make sense.
  • 51.
  • 52. Task 7 Directions: Write the letter of the word which completes the statement. Use a separate sheet. A. result B. evaluation C. emotion D. bad E. action F. judgment G. problem H. ethics 1. Claim of value appeals to _______________________. 2. Words like good or ______________allow us to recognize claim of value. 3. Claim of value is also called __________________because it persuades the readers to decide whether to value or not an argument. 4. Morality, philosophy, belief, or __________are references of claim of value. 5. Acceptance and rejection must be done with claim of value after the argument undergoes thorough comparison and___________ . C D F H B
  • 53. Task 8 Direction: On a separate sheet write ‘CV’ if the statement is a claim of policy and write ‘NCV’ if not. 1. Mercy killing is objectionable because it is still an act of killing. 2. Self-restriction during the pandemic is better than individual freedom. 3. Discrimination has no place in a good society because it weakens its moral fiber. 4. Hallucination is the side effect of using marijuana. 5. According to studies, smoking causes lung cancer.
  • 54. Assessment Direction: Write the letter of the best answer on a separate sheet. 1. The following are characteristics of a good claim EXCEPT a. argumentative and debatable C. interesting and engaging b. specific and focused D. fun and entertaining 2. Coronavirus is now classified as a pandemic. What type of claim is this? a. claim of judgment C. claim of value b. claim of policy D. claim of fact 3. Jeremiah is happy because he gets good grades. Which question from the list below is explicit? a. Who is Jeremiah? c. What did Jeremiah feel after seeing his grades? b. Where is Jeremiah? d. What did Jeremiah do to be able to get a good grade?
  • 55. 4. Tears came out of Rhianne’s eyes when her teacher announced the honor students. Which question from the list below is implicit? a. What was announced? c. What was the name of the girl who cried? b. Who announced the honor students? d. Why did Rhianne cry?11 5. What specific claim asserts some empirical (experience/ observation based)truth? a. claim of fact C. claim of policy b. claim of value D. claim of judgment 6. Which of the following statements is an example of a claim? a. Ruiz believes that change has come. c. Annie thinks that we should have a universal health care. b. Filipinos need to exercise their right to vote. d. All of the above

Editor's Notes

  1. There are three types of claims in written texts. One of which is the claim of fact. Simply, this claim is a statement that reports, describes predicts, make causal claims, or whether something is a settled fact.
  2. E-E-I-I-E
  3. F N F F L F N N F F
  4. F N F F L F N N F F
  5. You have learned that claim of fact is an argument that is based on reality, it considers time (past, present, and future). Now, we’re moving on to the claim of policy.
  6. C d f h b