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Why you need to go to Personal Development
                                   Seminars ?

              Is it just hype and “feel good factor” or is there really
                             some useful stuff to learn?

                 What have I achieved from Seminars
                       What changed for me
                          6 human needs
                     Learning and taking action
                     You get what you focus on

What have I achieved?

I have just spent the weekend in the UK attending a great FREE seminar. There
were 12 speakers, all multi-millionaire’s and obviously all promoting
something..but WOW what gems they gave us, I learnt about Internet
marketing,property, passive investments,tax avoidance (wow), business setups
and stock market trading (already done that one but hey always a good

The whole experience was amazing. Not only did I learn loads of hot tips, I also
met loads of great people and hob-nobbing with successful people who walk their
talk and actually started out from the same place as me is always completely

This time last year I attended a Anthony Robbins UPW seminar which was
brilliant, I have just re-read my note that I took and I was a little ashamed to
admit how little I have really done to get to my goal. However after discussing
with Ian (my husband) he pointed out that actually we have achieved quite alot;

   •   We made a decision ..yes drums roll…In may 2009, I gave up my £40K+
       job as an accountant and we moved to France from England
   •   I have set up my website
   •   We attended 2 major seminars
   •   I studied NLP
   •   I studied speed reading
   •   I have directly helped people to change their lives through my coaching
       this year
   •   I have met some great people who will change my life in the future
•   I have made some decisions regarding my health, my business and my
   •   We celebarated 10 years of marriage
   •   I read at least 20 life changing/inspirational books

So I have acheived loads..unfortunately we are not brought up to say “Well done
me” to blow our own trumpet, to praise ourselves and celebrate when we are
great…as Joseph McClendon tells to say…You Freakin Rock!

What changed for me

Sometime I really don’t believe that I am a confident person, but I try not to let
that stop me moving myself through the pain barrier and doing what needs to be
done to connect with the right sort of people.

A few years ago a went on a NLP workshop (Neuro linguistic programming –
basically analysising what beliefs that you have about yourself and dealing with
A few strange things happened:
There were 10 people attending the course and we shook hands & said Hi as
you do. As we (me & my husband Ian) shook hands with a guy he said “Hi Ian
Goddard” WOW out of 10 people what are the odds that someone there should
have the same name as my husband!!
Over lunch at the pub we discovered that not only did the Ians have the same
name (middle names as well!!) they also had the same birthday..spooky.
Joking I said to one of the girls “bet you don’t have the same maiden name as
me though ..Pease” to which fell a horrid silence, “No” she replied, ”but my
mothers maiden name is!!” Oh my God I can not tell you how freaked out I was,
tingles down the spine.

Anyway back to this workshop you had to share an issue with the
group that was bothering you. I shared that I had no confidence, I thought that
no-one ever remembered who I was and that I was quite insignificant. The group
were amazed and shared with me the actual persona that I give off (unbeknown
to me!) Apparently when I walked in to the room I walked in confidently, giving an
air of knowing but approachable, they all said that I was definitely memorable
and they completely broke down the “idea” that I HAD of myself. This was a
revelation to say the least.

Since then, although I do still have the odd panic of insecurity, I do feel more
confident, more able to hold my head up and say “here I am”. I also use a few
little tricks that may help you too:-
If I am going somewhere that I am going to have to socialise and make small
a) I tell myself repeatedly ..I am an incredible person and I am great at talking to

b) I remember a time that I did have a good time socialising and felt successful in
doing so and I try to get into the same mind set.

c) I write some key things down on a flashcard that I know that I can talk about,
 so if I get stuck I know that I have something prepared. Normally it is something
that I have read on the internet that I thought amusing or interesting that I can
share with people

d) Before I walk into the room I take a deep breath and decide I am going to have
a good time

These little tricks always work for me and it gets easier the more you do it. And
now living in France I am having to make conversation in French ..oh my, it is fun

I beleive that confidence is a state of mind, If you are telling yourself that you are
not good enough, you are not worthy of being listended to, then that is the
vibration that you give out. You are setting yourself up for disaster before you
even arrive at the event.

I have recently joined a mastermind group that is full of successful people, some
learning (like me) and some who have achieved some fantastic financial goals
and moving on to bigger ones. It has been said before “you are the people who
you mix with”, so I am putting myself out there, I am ready to move into the big
league, which is a far cry from that timid girl a few years back!
The 6 “human” needs – In a dog’s life!!!
We have recently got a dog, he was a stray and in desperate need of a home, he
was living rough and eating out of peoples bins, so we found a place for him with
us and WOW what an impact he has made on all of us!
He is very gentle but he is huge and very strong, but has the nicest
temperament. He was obviously once trained but he is very mischievous and is
still only a puppy.

Rusty is the first dog I have owned since being an adult, so this experience really
is enlightening. Being a life coach, I have found that I have been noting his
behaviour and what I have been amazed about, is how many “human” traits he

You may or not know about the 6 human needs that we all crave
Everything that we do in life meets one of the 6 human needs – whether we like it
or not!
The needs are:
    • Certainty
    • Variety
    • Love and Connection
    • Significance
    • Contribution
    • Growth

What ever we do meets one of these needs. Even when it is something that we
shouldn’t be doing.
For example: I know I should be exercising but I don’t! ..If I think about this, my
need for not exercising is meeting Certainty. I am certain I won’t enjoy
exercising, I am certain that I will get bored long before it has done me any good
– so why start at all!

However by finding situations in your life that meet all your needs is fantastic and
if you can find ways to have more of these the more success you will have.

A positive example:
I love writing and from it I get all 6 of my needs met :
       Significance - I feel proud of what I have written, knowing that
       Someone, Somewhere in the world will share my thoughts – how powerful
       is that!
       Variety – I get variety from all the different topics that I write about and
Love and Connection – connecting to people from all over the world! The
       written word is such a powerful, expressive tool
       Certainty – Someone will read my words and I know deep down that this is
       what I should be doing
       Contribution – If just one phrase or word helps someone then how
       amazing is that!
       Growth – I learn so much about me and how I think from my writing and
       research I am a never-ending student of life!

Back to my Dog Rusty!
                                      He also seems to need to have these needs
                                      met – human or not!!!
                                      Significance: He shows he is significant to us
                                      by guarding the door, running after the
                                      postman and has developed a great bark for
                                      people going past in their cars, (which he
                                      loves to chase)
                                      Variety; Oh yes – socks, shoes, hankies – if
                                      Rusty is board then he gets destructive – he
                                      needs variety. He is also a little escape
artist, all though we keep thinking we have Rusty proofed the garden he still
manages to escape!
Love and Connection: As any dog owner will know, he lives to love us, always
so pleased to see us and brightens up my day
Contribution: Not only does he brighten my day, he also calms me if I am feeling
stressed. And he makes me walk him. Rusty is definitely contributing to my
fitness regime!
Growth : whether it is learning to fetch a ball, rollover or just come on command –
he is growing and learning constantly.
Certainty : He has to be included in what ever I am doing – he follows me
around, whines if I go out and needs to have certainty that he is not going to be
abandoned again! (never!!!)

So whether you are human or animal we all want or 6 “human” needs to be met.

Can you see something in your own life that you love to do and feel passionate
Write down a list of experiences that you have from this and see how many of
these 6 human needs are being met – you will be amazed!
Learning and taking action
Not just at seminars but from recordings of seminars and
workshops – books,DVD’s, CD’s and MP3 recording ..knowledge
is all around us.

When I am reading something from which I want to learn, I tend to sit with a note
pad and paper and write down any idea’s that pop into my little brain while I am
So yesterday I was sitting in the sunshine eating my lunch, looking at the snow
on the peeks of the Pyrenees, reading my DB’s Inner circle newsletter for May,
with pen at the ready (yes I know I am lucky to live here!)
Firstly! 3 new cds to listen to ..will listen to those later
Reading through the newsletter my mind starts buzzing and I have to put my fork
down to pick up my pen!
It is all good stuff but these points make it on to my to do list:
          Devise a questionnaire or survey that I can send to my new free e-course
          members that will give me more information about them. I can then use
          this information to mould my sales techniques around and maybe use it to
          create some new products
          Find out what they want (FOWTW) Go get it (GGI) Give it to them (GITT)
          (from Keith Cunningham)
          I think this is a great idea and so easy – when I heard about using
 before I couldn’t see how I could use this idea without
          a list. But now I can see that using a simple survey will a tune me to my
          customers (especially those who haven’t bought from me yet)

      Start recording my Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for my business – I
      am an accountant and I haven’t been doing this..what was I thinking?
      Before I beat myself up too much, I must say that I really, up to this point
      did not have a huge amount to record. I have just started a PPC (pay-per-
      click) advert campaign so I am now recording all my data and tweaking
      and recording as I go.
      I have set up a spreadsheet to record my other indicators such as
      turnover, expenses etc
      What I hadn’t been recording was New customers & repeat customers
      (although these are all recorded on my autoresponder) it is nice to
      periodically update a spreadsheet so that they are all in one place. So I
      have noted my diary and once every month I am going to update my full
      set of KPI’s AND take action where needed
Have some time out - I have been obsessing about my website and
      products and it has taken over my life. I know that it is important and I
      have really enjoyed building my website but I now recognise that it is time
      to pull back a little.
      So I immediately sent my husband, Ian down the shops (I am still too busy
      on the computer!) to get some painting canvases and some paints so that
      I can start a new hobby. I am pretty rubbish at painting but I like abstract
      art ..I can do splodges! So I am excited and I am determined to do this for

      Contact some potential Joint Venture groups. I have a few contacts that I
      really would love to do joint ventures with, but to be perfectly honest I am
      a little in awe of them and a little afraid – however after reading the article I
      am feeling a little bit braver and I am in the process of writing to 2 of them
      and then I will do a follow up call. (oh no , I have told you all now so I will
      have to do it!!)
      At the end of the day all I can do is ask and there are only 3 responses
      that they can give – Yes, No , or Maybe. If YES ..yippee, if NO..I am no
      worse off then I was before I asked!
      If Maybe ..maybe’s just need a bit more influence to become a YES. So
      go ask!

What does amaze me, is that the newsletter is crammed full of information, most
of it I do know already but just haven’t used or practiced. A few months ago I
would have just tossed the above aside but today I am ready to hear them. I
think this is a combination of :
a) Where I am now in my business & personal life
b) How the message is told – whether it is in written or verbal form or even by
someone else and the phrasing.
So I am taking action …watch this space
Careful what you visualise

                           At another London seminar. I had two “light bulb”
                           moments - you know when the lights come on and you
                           truly understand something or finally figure out what
                           you have been missing. So I thought I would share my
                           moments with you.

                            I have been, for a little while trying to build my website
and start an Internet marketing business. To-date I have done OK but traffic is
slow and I am getting a little frustrated with it all. After having lunch with one of
the speakers (so cool to chat face to face with millionaires and be able to ask
them questions directly) I had my first enlightened moment… if I want to set up a
business I have to treat it like a business..yes I know it is simple but obviously so
am I!

For all this time I have been “playing” at my business, probably because I hadn’t
defined what I truly wanted to do. I haven’t had the right tools to the job but
instead I have used “cheap make do” versions. I have spent lots of time getting
these tools to work how I want them to let alone a huge amount of time to learn
how to use them.

Lesson learned:

   •   Define my business
   •   Get the right tools to do the job
   •   Become a professional and stop playing

My second aha ! moment was a little more traumatic for me. I am not a huge fan
of speaking in public, I am not really shy but I do lack confidence and suffer
extreme panic when asked to speak up in front of people. So let me tell you what

It all started when I went to book the seminar. The email described the events
and the opportunity to have someone “pimp” your website. Great I thought, I
really need help so I visualised myself winning this chance. Every time I thought
of the weekend I visualised me winning.

At the seminar, the time came for delegates to put their names forward for the
prize. I queued and was about to walk away when the lady next to me said ..”she
is next, pointing to me”…so down went my name.

Over lunch I felt really worried, getting myself in a bit of a state much so I
considered returning and removing my website name from the list..but I didn’t.
The time came for the final 7 and yes there was my website, far worst than
anyone . Scary event number 1: standing up in front 80 people explaining why
my site does what it does. Anyway I survived that just…and yes you guest it ..I
won. So there I was standing, now up on stage, in front of 80 people and worse
having to be interviewed for an audio recording about my site ..scary, scary stuff!!

..WOW I did it and actually, after I got over the wobbaly voice, uncontrolable
shaking and sweaty palms, I enjoyed it…mountain I am now
looking into learning how to speak publicly and perhaps run some of my own
seminars - what a turnaround!

So be careful what you visualise and when you go to jump over those
uncomfortable hurdles remember how good you will feel having achieved what
you wanted all along.

So going to Seminars can seriously damage your health, your life, your finances,
your love life…….

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Seminar Boost.Co.Uk Why You Need To Go To Personal Development Seminars

  • 1. Why you need to go to Personal Development Seminars ? Is it just hype and “feel good factor” or is there really some useful stuff to learn? What have I achieved from Seminars What changed for me 6 human needs Learning and taking action You get what you focus on What have I achieved? I have just spent the weekend in the UK attending a great FREE seminar. There were 12 speakers, all multi-millionaire’s and obviously all promoting something..but WOW what gems they gave us, I learnt about Internet marketing,property, passive investments,tax avoidance (wow), business setups and stock market trading (already done that one but hey always a good reminder). The whole experience was amazing. Not only did I learn loads of hot tips, I also met loads of great people and hob-nobbing with successful people who walk their talk and actually started out from the same place as me is always completely inspiring. This time last year I attended a Anthony Robbins UPW seminar which was brilliant, I have just re-read my note that I took and I was a little ashamed to admit how little I have really done to get to my goal. However after discussing with Ian (my husband) he pointed out that actually we have achieved quite alot; • We made a decision ..yes drums roll…In may 2009, I gave up my ÂŁ40K+ job as an accountant and we moved to France from England • I have set up my website • We attended 2 major seminars • I studied NLP • I studied speed reading • I have directly helped people to change their lives through my coaching this year • I have met some great people who will change my life in the future
  • 2. • I have made some decisions regarding my health, my business and my relationships • We celebarated 10 years of marriage • I read at least 20 life changing/inspirational books So I have acheived loads..unfortunately we are not brought up to say “Well done me” to blow our own trumpet, to praise ourselves and celebrate when we are great…as Joseph McClendon tells to say…You Freakin Rock! What changed for me Sometime I really don’t believe that I am a confident person, but I try not to let that stop me moving myself through the pain barrier and doing what needs to be done to connect with the right sort of people. A few years ago a went on a NLP workshop (Neuro linguistic programming – basically analysising what beliefs that you have about yourself and dealing with them) A few strange things happened: There were 10 people attending the course and we shook hands & said Hi as you do. As we (me & my husband Ian) shook hands with a guy he said “Hi Ian Goddard” WOW out of 10 people what are the odds that someone there should have the same name as my husband!! Over lunch at the pub we discovered that not only did the Ians have the same name (middle names as well!!) they also had the same birthday..spooky. Joking I said to one of the girls “bet you don’t have the same maiden name as me though ..Pease” to which fell a horrid silence, “No” she replied, ”but my mothers maiden name is!!” Oh my God I can not tell you how freaked out I was, tingles down the spine. Anyway back to this workshop you had to share an issue with the group that was bothering you. I shared that I had no confidence, I thought that no-one ever remembered who I was and that I was quite insignificant. The group were amazed and shared with me the actual persona that I give off (unbeknown to me!) Apparently when I walked in to the room I walked in confidently, giving an air of knowing but approachable, they all said that I was definitely memorable and they completely broke down the “idea” that I HAD of myself. This was a revelation to say the least. Since then, although I do still have the odd panic of insecurity, I do feel more confident, more able to hold my head up and say “here I am”. I also use a few little tricks that may help you too:-
  • 3. If I am going somewhere that I am going to have to socialise and make small talk. a) I tell myself repeatedly ..I am an incredible person and I am great at talking to people. b) I remember a time that I did have a good time socialising and felt successful in doing so and I try to get into the same mind set. c) I write some key things down on a flashcard that I know that I can talk about, so if I get stuck I know that I have something prepared. Normally it is something that I have read on the internet that I thought amusing or interesting that I can share with people d) Before I walk into the room I take a deep breath and decide I am going to have a good time These little tricks always work for me and it gets easier the more you do it. And now living in France I am having to make conversation in French ..oh my, it is fun I beleive that confidence is a state of mind, If you are telling yourself that you are not good enough, you are not worthy of being listended to, then that is the vibration that you give out. You are setting yourself up for disaster before you even arrive at the event. I have recently joined a mastermind group that is full of successful people, some learning (like me) and some who have achieved some fantastic financial goals and moving on to bigger ones. It has been said before “you are the people who you mix with”, so I am putting myself out there, I am ready to move into the big league, which is a far cry from that timid girl a few years back!
  • 4. The 6 “human” needs – In a dog’s life!!! We have recently got a dog, he was a stray and in desperate need of a home, he was living rough and eating out of peoples bins, so we found a place for him with us and WOW what an impact he has made on all of us! He is very gentle but he is huge and very strong, but has the nicest temperament. He was obviously once trained but he is very mischievous and is still only a puppy. Rusty is the first dog I have owned since being an adult, so this experience really is enlightening. Being a life coach, I have found that I have been noting his behaviour and what I have been amazed about, is how many “human” traits he has. You may or not know about the 6 human needs that we all crave Everything that we do in life meets one of the 6 human needs – whether we like it or not! The needs are: • Certainty • Variety • Love and Connection • Significance • Contribution • Growth What ever we do meets one of these needs. Even when it is something that we shouldn’t be doing. For example: I know I should be exercising but I don’t! ..If I think about this, my need for not exercising is meeting Certainty. I am certain I won’t enjoy exercising, I am certain that I will get bored long before it has done me any good – so why start at all! However by finding situations in your life that meet all your needs is fantastic and if you can find ways to have more of these the more success you will have. A positive example: I love writing and from it I get all 6 of my needs met : Significance - I feel proud of what I have written, knowing that Someone, Somewhere in the world will share my thoughts – how powerful is that! Variety – I get variety from all the different topics that I write about and research
  • 5. Love and Connection – connecting to people from all over the world! The written word is such a powerful, expressive tool Certainty – Someone will read my words and I know deep down that this is what I should be doing Contribution – If just one phrase or word helps someone then how amazing is that! Growth – I learn so much about me and how I think from my writing and research I am a never-ending student of life! Back to my Dog Rusty! He also seems to need to have these needs met – human or not!!! Significance: He shows he is significant to us by guarding the door, running after the postman and has developed a great bark for people going past in their cars, (which he loves to chase) Variety; Oh yes – socks, shoes, hankies – if Rusty is board then he gets destructive – he needs variety. He is also a little escape artist, all though we keep thinking we have Rusty proofed the garden he still manages to escape! Love and Connection: As any dog owner will know, he lives to love us, always so pleased to see us and brightens up my day Contribution: Not only does he brighten my day, he also calms me if I am feeling stressed. And he makes me walk him. Rusty is definitely contributing to my fitness regime! Growth : whether it is learning to fetch a ball, rollover or just come on command – he is growing and learning constantly. Certainty : He has to be included in what ever I am doing – he follows me around, whines if I go out and needs to have certainty that he is not going to be abandoned again! (never!!!) So whether you are human or animal we all want or 6 “human” needs to be met. Can you see something in your own life that you love to do and feel passionate about? Write down a list of experiences that you have from this and see how many of these 6 human needs are being met – you will be amazed!
  • 6. Learning and taking action Not just at seminars but from recordings of seminars and workshops – books,DVD’s, CD’s and MP3 recording ..knowledge is all around us. When I am reading something from which I want to learn, I tend to sit with a note pad and paper and write down any idea’s that pop into my little brain while I am reading. So yesterday I was sitting in the sunshine eating my lunch, looking at the snow on the peeks of the Pyrenees, reading my DB’s Inner circle newsletter for May, with pen at the ready (yes I know I am lucky to live here!) Firstly! 3 new cds to listen to ..will listen to those later Reading through the newsletter my mind starts buzzing and I have to put my fork down to pick up my pen! It is all good stuff but these points make it on to my to do list: Devise a questionnaire or survey that I can send to my new free e-course members that will give me more information about them. I can then use this information to mould my sales techniques around and maybe use it to create some new products Find out what they want (FOWTW) Go get it (GGI) Give it to them (GITT) (from Keith Cunningham) I think this is a great idea and so easy – when I heard about using before I couldn’t see how I could use this idea without a list. But now I can see that using a simple survey will a tune me to my customers (especially those who haven’t bought from me yet) Start recording my Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for my business – I am an accountant and I haven’t been doing this..what was I thinking? ..dooh! Before I beat myself up too much, I must say that I really, up to this point did not have a huge amount to record. I have just started a PPC (pay-per- click) advert campaign so I am now recording all my data and tweaking and recording as I go. I have set up a spreadsheet to record my other indicators such as turnover, expenses etc What I hadn’t been recording was New customers & repeat customers (although these are all recorded on my autoresponder) it is nice to periodically update a spreadsheet so that they are all in one place. So I have noted my diary and once every month I am going to update my full set of KPI’s AND take action where needed
  • 7. Have some time out - I have been obsessing about my website and products and it has taken over my life. I know that it is important and I have really enjoyed building my website but I now recognise that it is time to pull back a little. So I immediately sent my husband, Ian down the shops (I am still too busy on the computer!) to get some painting canvases and some paints so that I can start a new hobby. I am pretty rubbish at painting but I like abstract art ..I can do splodges! So I am excited and I am determined to do this for me. Contact some potential Joint Venture groups. I have a few contacts that I really would love to do joint ventures with, but to be perfectly honest I am a little in awe of them and a little afraid – however after reading the article I am feeling a little bit braver and I am in the process of writing to 2 of them and then I will do a follow up call. (oh no , I have told you all now so I will have to do it!!) At the end of the day all I can do is ask and there are only 3 responses that they can give – Yes, No , or Maybe. If YES ..yippee, if NO..I am no worse off then I was before I asked! If Maybe ..maybe’s just need a bit more influence to become a YES. So go ask! What does amaze me, is that the newsletter is crammed full of information, most of it I do know already but just haven’t used or practiced. A few months ago I would have just tossed the above aside but today I am ready to hear them. I think this is a combination of : a) Where I am now in my business & personal life b) How the message is told – whether it is in written or verbal form or even by someone else and the phrasing. So I am taking action …watch this space
  • 8. Careful what you visualise At another London seminar. I had two “light bulb” moments - you know when the lights come on and you truly understand something or finally figure out what you have been missing. So I thought I would share my moments with you. I have been, for a little while trying to build my website and start an Internet marketing business. To-date I have done OK but traffic is slow and I am getting a little frustrated with it all. After having lunch with one of the speakers (so cool to chat face to face with millionaires and be able to ask them questions directly) I had my first enlightened moment… if I want to set up a business I have to treat it like a business..yes I know it is simple but obviously so am I! For all this time I have been “playing” at my business, probably because I hadn’t defined what I truly wanted to do. I haven’t had the right tools to the job but instead I have used “cheap make do” versions. I have spent lots of time getting these tools to work how I want them to let alone a huge amount of time to learn how to use them. Lesson learned: • Define my business • Get the right tools to do the job • Become a professional and stop playing My second aha ! moment was a little more traumatic for me. I am not a huge fan of speaking in public, I am not really shy but I do lack confidence and suffer extreme panic when asked to speak up in front of people. So let me tell you what happened: It all started when I went to book the seminar. The email described the events and the opportunity to have someone “pimp” your website. Great I thought, I really need help so I visualised myself winning this chance. Every time I thought of the weekend I visualised me winning. At the seminar, the time came for delegates to put their names forward for the prize. I queued and was about to walk away when the lady next to me said ..”she is next, pointing to me”…so down went my name. Over lunch I felt really worried, getting myself in a bit of a state much so I considered returning and removing my website name from the list..but I didn’t.
  • 9. The time came for the final 7 and yes there was my website, far worst than anyone . Scary event number 1: standing up in front 80 people explaining why my site does what it does. Anyway I survived that just…and yes you guest it ..I won. So there I was standing, now up on stage, in front of 80 people and worse having to be interviewed for an audio recording about my site ..scary, scary stuff!! ..WOW I did it and actually, after I got over the wobbaly voice, uncontrolable shaking and sweaty palms, I enjoyed it…mountain I am now looking into learning how to speak publicly and perhaps run some of my own seminars - what a turnaround! So be careful what you visualise and when you go to jump over those uncomfortable hurdles remember how good you will feel having achieved what you wanted all along. So going to Seminars can seriously damage your health, your life, your finances, your love life…….