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Sebika Darnal
Devarani Arumugam
Mar -03- 2020
Professor Deva Arumugam
People from different religions should be allowed to marry
because it is beneficial.
People from different religions should allow to marry because it
allows people to explore different religious culture and
Even though some group of people and countries do not accept
inter-religious marriage, people should allow to explore
different religions because it is beneficial to create respect,
love, care, and peace between two different religious people.
Sebika Darnal
Devarani Arumugam
Topic proposal: Inter religious marriage
My topic is going to be about Inter religious marriage. The
reason why I pick these topic because I have seen in many
country where couples get married with different religion and
face many obstacles. Many times situation get so difficult were
people are force to get kicked out from their country, church
,home and many more. In my research paper I want to talk
about why people are forced to get kicked out and why cannot
family accept inter religious marriage. an inter religious
marriage couples attempt tons of circumstances. “According to
Article 16 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, men
and women who have attained the age of majority have the right
to marry "without any limitation due to race, nationality or
religion". Even though we have right to pick whoever we want
to marry still, religion have become big issue because the way
how our parent raise us. I also want to acknowledge that
religion does not define our humanism. We should all learned to
respects every religion.
The inter religious marriage contribute to me and my
community because religious difference can bring unexpected
conflict in our married life. In other hand communities does not
always accept inter religious marriage because of their
traditional and their belief. Different religion have different
belief and everyone must follow their own belief. Community
people always consider about their people and whom should
women get married because inter religious will surface many
struggles and how children will grow up into. If couples have
different religion and whom should children follow, every
community and parent have desire that children must raise by
their parent religion.. Parents and community have passed down
cultural and tradition for generations. Therefore they want their
children to hold the generations for next generation. Parent
don’t usually accept inter religious marriage because of their
belief. They normally force their children to feel as they must
choose between their boyfriends or girlfriend nor parents. If
they go against and get inter religious marriage they are forced
to get kicked out and have no relationship with parents. Last but
not least every one have their right to choose.
This topic is very important to me because I want each of
us to know that religious does not define our humanism. It
doesn’t define who am I and who we are. we all have our own
religion and beliefs but it is important to be open minded. We
must respect all religion. I want to discover about inter
religious marriage because I am also a victim of inter religious
marriage. I know how bad situation can be and lead into. I have
face many difficulty and consequence. This is the reason why I
want to talk and teach all people through my research paper.
Many time we thought our society change because we in
different place and different language and etc. But we fail to
understand people and started judging. Inter religious marriage
have big impact on society because marriage should not be
taken for granted.
Diana Lugo Profesor Deva ENGL-1302 10/30/18Outline
1. Thesis- America barely passed the mark if a democratic
nation because of its socio-political and democratic practices
compared to a true democratic nation.
2. Information- Background information that describes the basic
level of government the United States has. Including the
differences between the US government (democracy) and the
dictionary definition.
3. Talk about the contradictions between what the US says in
regards to voting and the realities of the electoral college.
4. Describe how the US is seen in the eyes of the rest of the
world. Detail the differences between Russian/China and
5. Begin to discuss the chinese problems in regards to the
Uyghur peoples and how they are treated.( Cunningham)
6. Then discuss the problems Japanese Americans had during
WWII including racism, internment camps, and excuses. (Ward)
7. In a small paragraph discuss the similarities between Uyghur
and Japanese Americans.
8. Followed up by a paragraph about the modern day way
America is continuing its practice of intolerance of minorities.
(Trump’s Child Hostages)
9. Begin to talk about the connections between America and
Russia. In regards to the Trump administration. Tie in the way
Russia has been portraying the United States on TV and the
Russian meddlings in the 2016 elections. (Burrett)
10. Briefly add another reason how America is showing
totalitarian characteristics through the promotions of
democracy. ( Journal of Third World Studies)
11. This paragraph will mention the wrong path the US is in for
if it continues to show authoritarian including its impacts and
causes. (LEVITSKY, Porter,DAVID, Friedman)
12. Cont.
13. Talk about the pros of totalitarianism which is a classless
society and the downfall of immorality. (Babik,Tucker)
14. Conclusion the paper by re-stating my thesis, then
addressing the pros and cons of having an authoritarian
government. Then state my position of the topic and end the
paragraph with a call to action.
Jefferson 1
Dinesha JeffersonProfessor Deva ArumugamEnglish
1302November 1, 2018What Makes Vegetarian Diets Healthier
Introduction: I will introduce what vegetarianism is and give
background information about how society perceives vegetarian
diets compared to non-vegetarian diets
Thesis : Although meat is enticing, a vegetarian diet is more
beneficial because of health reasons, environmental issues, and
life longevity
Body Paragraphs / Content :
I. There Are Major Health Benefits From Being A Vegetarian
A. A Healthier heart
1. Vegetarians have much lower cholesterol levels than meat-
eaters, and heart disease
is less common in vegetarians. The reasons are not hard to find.
Vegetarian meals
are typically low in saturated fat and usually contain little or no
cholesterol. Since
cholesterol is found only in animal products such as meat,
dairy, and eggs, vegans consume a cholesterol-free diet.
2. The type of protein in a vegetarian diet may be another
important advantage. Many studies show that replacing animal
protein with plant protein lowers blood cholesterol
levels—even if the amount and type of fat in the diet stays the
same. Those studies show that a low-fat, vegetarian diet has a
clear advantage over other diets
B. Helps Control Diabetes
1. The latest studies on diabetes show that a vegetarian diet
high in
complex carbo-hydrates and fiber (which are found only in plant
foods) and low in fat is the best dietary prescription for
controlling diabetes. A diet based on vegetables, legumes,
fruits, and whole grains, which is also low in fat and sugar, can
lower blood sugar levels and often reduce or even eliminate the
need for medication. Since individuals with diabetes are at high
risk for heart disease, avoiding fat and cholesterol is important,
and a vegetarian diet is the best way to do that.
C. Helps To Reduce The Risk of Cancer
1. A vegetarian diet helps prevent cancer. Studies of vegetarians
show that death rates from cancer are only about one-half to
three-quarters of those of the general population. Breast cancer
rates are dramatically lower in countries where diets are
typically plant-based. When people from those countries adopt a
Western, meat-based diet, their rates of breast cancer soar.
2. Vegetarians also have significantly lower rates of colon
cancer than meat-eaters. Colon cancer is more closely
associated with meat consumption than any other dietary factor.
II. Vegetarian Diets Help The Environment
A. Helps Save Water
1. “It takes more than 2,400 gallons of water to produce 1
pound of beef, while producing one pound of tofu only requires
244 gallons of water. By going vegetarian, one person can save
approximately 219,000 gallons of water a year” (“ Meat And
The Environment”). In other words, you’d take an average
swimming pool worth of water and you’d only be able to make
about 10 pounds of beef.
2. The amount of water it takes just to feed McDonald’s
customers daily requirement of beef, requires the water from 38
SeaWorld tanks—or roughly a third of a billion gallons of
water.Corn and potatoes only require 110 and 100 gallons of
water respectively to produce one pound of produce. For the
same amount of water, we can produce 20x more potatoes than
we can produce beef and 18x more corn.
B. Helps reduce greenhouse gases
1. Methane is generated in the guts of animals, according to
Rob Jackson. The livestock sector of agriculture emits 37
percent of anthropogenic methane, which has 23 times the
global warming potential of carbon dioxide, according to the
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation’s
“Livestock’s Long Shadow” report.
2. The livestock sector is also responsible for 64 percent of
anthropogenic ammonia emissions, which contribute to acid rain
and acidification of ecosystems.
III. Vegetarianism Helps Increase Longevity
Have lower risk of death
1. A 2013 study of more than 70,000 people found that
vegetarians had a 12% lower risk of death compared with non-
vegetarians. With none of the saturated fat and cholesterol that
clogs arteries, vegetarians may be at a lower risk for chronic
diseases overall.
2. The foods of a vegetarian diet such as fruits and vegetables
provide nutrients that the body needs to be strong and healthy.
If you take care of your body by feeding it the right foods, your
body will take care of you. The foods of a vegetarian diets
provide one to have more energy. Meat is the main cause of
diseases, so when it eliminated you have a better chance of a
longer lifespan.
3. Vegetarian diets have the ability to reduce chronic diseases
which gives individuals a better chance at a longer lifespan.
Conclusion: I will restate my thesis and conclude why
vegetarianism is healthiest overall.
Romero 1
Romero 7Yvette RomeroProfessor ArumugamENG 1302-
Botei, Mircea. "Misinformation with Fake News." Bulletin of
the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series VII: Social
Sciences. Law, vol. 10, no. 2, 2017, pp. 133-40. Academic
Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. The presidential
election of 2016 is the real reason why "fake news" became a
thing. Manipulating people with false information is not new.
Donald Trump raised awareness with his coined term, and it is
labeled a threat to democracy. Tech giants contribute to this
widespread phenomenon. Responsibility online should be
considered, and the protection of people should be too.
Burkhardt, Joanna M. "Chapter 4: Can We save Ourselves?"
Library Technology Reports., vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 22-28.
Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article
presents ways to avoid the spread of fake news. Topics are
about checking who you accept as friends online, reading news
articles before sending them out to even checking the source.
Skepticism and media literacy tools are emphasized.
"Chapter 1: History of Fake News." Library Technology
Reports, vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 5-9. Academic Search Complete.
Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article wants to focus on the
history of fake news dating back to the printing press with the
spread of competency in literacy, all the way to hoax websites
when the invention of the internet came along, and the
psychological appeal fake propaganda has on the masses.
"Chapter 2: How Fake News Spreads." Library Technology
Reports, vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 10-13. Academic Search Complete.
Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article centers on the history of
how fake news spreads and its various forms. Including the
writing of social groups, the internet being utilized to
democratize information, and social media on how bots spread
news no matter what type of content it is.
Dawes, Nic. "How the Press Should Cover TRUMP." The
Nation, vol. 304, no. 9, pp. 22-26. Academic Search Complete.
Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article communicates the threat
U.S Journalism has in the Trump Administration. The subject of
press secretary Sean Spicer, crying over CNN News coverage by
Jared Kushner and the crucial need to protect freedom of the
press with a new game plan.
Galvin, Gaby. "The Globalization of 'Fake News.'" The Report,
27 Dec. 2017, p. 11. Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12
Oct. 2018. This article gives a quick rundown on how fake news
on social media such as twitter and Facebook two dominated
media outlets that affect real journalism.
Jones, RonNell Andersen, and Sonja R. West. "The Fragility of
the Free American Press." Northwestern University Law
Review, vol. 112, no. 3, 2017, pp. 567-95. Academic Search
Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article discusses the
attacks to the press Donald Trump has created. They believe
that this type of treatment can set a precedent for significant
press-protections to collapse. His strange conversation
regarding the media should be acknowledged critically along
with the complex system of beliefs the press upholds.
Jones, RonNell Anderson, and Lisa Grow Sun. "Enemy
Construction and the Press." Arizona State Law Journal, vol.
49, no. 4, pp. 1301-68. Academic Search Complete. Accessed
12 Oct. 2018. This article points out the chaotic criticism that
President Donald Trump has been receiving. Donald Trump has
labeled the media as "the enemy." As a result, the press and
first amendment defenders have responded in anger. Trump
critics fail to understand his statement; therefore, this article
tries to explain "enemy construction" by offering an inside view
to the social, legal, technological, and political reality that the
press creates to wage war against the other.
Kaye, Barbara K., and Thomas J. Johnson. "Across the Great
Divide: How Partisanship and Perceptions of Media Bias
Influence Changes in Time Spent with Media." Journal of
Broadcasting & Electronic Media. Academic Search Complete.
Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article cornerstones the 2012
election. Barack Obama and Mick Romney were both running to
get the presidency. One thing that this focuses on is how biased
both candidates' supporters were. Obama supporters watched
liberal media, while Romney supports tuned into the
conservative press. Both candidates took more time to be with
their party's favorable press. This could be an example of how
on all presidencies there is partisan divide with the media.
Lee, Tien-Tsung. "The Liberal Media Myth Revisited: An
Examination of Factors Influencing Perceptions of Media Bias."
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, vol. 49, no. 1, pp.
43-64. Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This
article claims that the media is hardcore liberal therefore have
more nepotism towards them. To know why the media is biased
they did a study. According to them the general audience
ideologies and partisanships affect how the media is viewed.
For example, republican distrust the media, political cynicism is
a big contributor.
Marshall, Jonathan Paul. "Disinformation Society,
Communication and Cosmopolitan Democracy." Cosmopolitan
Civil Societies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, vol. 9, no. 2,
2017, pp. 1-24. Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct.
2018. This article states that fake news is a disease to our
society, not only to internet users. Our daily life involves
communicating, categorizing social groups, formulating, and
"patterns of power." Stuff like fake news disrupt, and ruin
accuracy along with effectiveness. If a "cosmopolitan society"
must have good interactions, this article dives into the obstacles
of communication, other sequences that assist lousy
communication must be handled before they are confronted.
Massing, Michael. "Journalism in the Age of Trump." The
Nation, vol. 307, no. 4, 13 Aug. 2018, pp. 12-18. Academic
Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article
specifically focuses on how the Trump Administration
challenges journalism in the United States. Things that are in
conversation involve his attacks to the press, the dissemination
of falsehoods, Trump's damage to body politics, and the primary
concern of fake news skyrocketing.
McDevitt, Michael, and Patrick Ferrucci. "Populism,
Journalism, and the Limits of Reflexivity: The Case of Donald
J. Trump." Taylor and Francis Group, 21 Oct. 2017,
ump. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article studies how severe
populism is as pressure against "intellectualism" is accepted
into how journalists in the U.S think of audiences. Even
scholars predicted the rise of trump as inevitable, his routines
with the press and the lack journalist's comprehension on what
populism is. In this article, they target "boundaries of
reflexivity" by comparing commentaries/interpretations of a
journalist in the surprising 2016 election
Monzon-Palma, Tina. "Do Journalists Still Matter?" Vital
Speeches of the Day, vol. 83, no. 10, Oct. 2017, pp. 293-95.
Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article
showcases the importance of not only of journalism but
journalists, the trend of fake news, and how vital it is to keep
journalists around to stay truthful to their stories.
Murphy, James. "Unnoteworthy NEWS: Fake News, Once
Dubbed 'Yellow Journalism,' Is as Old as News Itself, but
Nowadays, with the Slant Given by Major Media to Most
Reporting, Major Media Have Themselves to Blame." New
American, vol. 34, no. 9, 19 Feb. 2018, pp. 21-23. Academic
Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article
concentrates on the history and impact of fake news, and the
role media must play. People that use propaganda use it to
defame their enemies. Hoax news outlets spread lies to rack up
views and money. Fake news blossoms because citizens do not
trust mainstream media.
"A Press under Siege." The Nation, vol. 307, no. 5, p. 3.
Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. Editorial.
This article majority of the time focuses on the relationship
Donald Trump has with the media. An overview of the rhetoric
used in his tweets have been listed.
Steinmetz, Katy. "The Real Fake News Crisis." Time, vol. 192,
no. 7, 20 Aug. 2018, pp. 26-31. Academic Search Complete.
Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article examines the psychological
effects of how the authenticity of news is found. It shows
studies of how people get wired in to believe anything on the
internet because of how simple it is told which cause emotional
and illogical thinking; hence people will believe biased
information, and not understand how search engines work.
Varadkar, Leo. "Free Speech and the Necessity of Discomfort."
Vital Speeches of the Day, vol. 84, no. 4, Apr. 2018, pp. 117-
21. Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This
article does not focus on fake news. Most importantly it will
shine a light on things that are being spoken about now that are
serious pressing matters. Freedom of speech is something that
thankfully we have in America. Gay rights, #Metoo movement,
women's suffrage are uncomfortable topics to many nevertheless
they should be addressed in the media because we have that
privilege. A journalist job is to report on them.
Yeste, Elena, and Pere Franch. "Trump Vs. Los Medios.
Tratamiento De La Prensa Desde La Cuenta De Twitter Del
Presidente De EU." ["Trump vs. media. Treatment of the press
from the US president's Twitter account."]. El Profesional De
La Información, vol. 27, no. 5, 5 Aug. 2018, pp. 975-83.
Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article
documented the behavior of Donald Trump during his six
months in office. They analyze his twitter account in which he
goes by the name of @realdonaldtrump. His tone, mentioning in
media, and any related keywords are thoroughly inspected.
Trump is hostile to the media that criticize him and is respectful
with those who aren't and instead praise him.
Zaharoff, Zachary N. "Defaming the Prince: Why the Media Is
Entitled to Immunity from a Presidential Defamation Suit."
Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 48-
41. Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This
article talks about how the press should not have defamation
suits bolted at them. Mainly when a president is aiming them
since they have the immense power, it could be dangerous.
Lawsuits like so go against the first amendment. In times where,
fake news is way out of hand, and where the president is known
to be litigious there should be a conversation and suggest if a
president should be allowed to bring a case to light regarding
Sebika Darnal
Devarani Arumugam
My Research planner
Due date
Topic proposal plan
Must done before conference day. Must be 2 page long
Conference Day
02/18/2020 at 11:45am
Face to face meeting with Ms deva regrading about my topic for
Research question and thesis statement
I must come up with some question base upon my Topic and
start working on my thesis
Annotated bibliography
Must read 20 articles about my research Topic
Note card nor cite
20 note card
Draft 1
I should know what am I going to talk about and ready to draft
it out
Draft 2
3 page
Draft 3
Research evaluation and portfolio
Final draft
Essay should be ready by now
Presentation Day
5 slide
English 1302
A. What is research?
If you’ve watched any detective movies, you’ll find the job of
sleuthing that leads to finding a culprit to a crime, somewhat
interesting. When investigators interview their witness, read
through files and reports, piece together clues and attempt to
uncover criminals, their search is exciting. The enthusiasm is
often attributed to the purposeful excitement of discovering the
unknown. Yet, the people who may find murder mysteries
exciting may not be aware that academic research is in its
essence similar in nature to all other research. Honest and
inquisitive research writing demands attention to details. The
research process can be tedious. However, if you see the work
contributing to new knowledge and discoveries, you may find
research work meaningful. As you consider what others have to
say about your subject, you will become an expert on the
subject in your own right. You will form an in-depth knowledge
of the field that you care about, and you will be able to
communicate that to your audience. B. Why should you
document your sources?
As with all good research, some amount of library work is
essential. When using library research, you must be careful to
keep a thorough record of all your sources. Do refer to the
annotated bibliography assignment for the necessary items
needed for documentation. In your process of researching, you
must not only document your sources, but also analyze and
evaluate your sources. You must also draw from work done by
other researchers to form, support, and extend your own
opinions. You must practice intellectual integrity by presenting
the work others have done, accurately, and by acknowledging
your sources of information. You are expected to develop a
thesis for your topic, do research on it, form a position on your
findings, and develop argumentations in support of your thesis.
C. What are the general requirements of this assignment?
You must make sure that this research paper is not a mere
report, but a true research where you address societal concerns
by exploring new ways of dealing with real life problems. The
target audience must go away feeling that they’ve learned and
discovered something new from your research findings. You
must find a way of analyzing and studying your interest area
from a fresh, new perspective. The research must allow for the
readers to see a clear link between the findings and the analysis
of the underlying issues, themes, values, assumptions or beliefs
that control current ways of looking at the problem. You must
find a way to persuade your audience to draw new meanings and
new ways of seeing the world from the argumentations,
analysis, and findings. The research paper should present your
positioning on where you stand in the conflicting opinions of
the field and how you intend to resolve it. It is extremely
important that your arguments build towards a cohesive way of
seeing the field of study from a new-fangled perspective.
D. How do you pick a topic?
Know that your choice of topic is very important for your
research and that your topic proposal will be evaluated for
research worthiness before it will be approved for the research
project. Research worthiness will be evaluated on a scale of
how the topic appeals to the concerns of a common audience
and if it would have impact on the target audience. Obviously,
topics that are more controversial are usually seen as topics that
are more appealing to the masses. Having said that, what that
appeals to the masses may be areas that may not completely
satisfy the research worthy criterion as these may be topics that
have not been addressed in scholarly research or topics that
have very little impact value. Such topics would certainly be
disastrous for our purpose. Therefore, I suggest that you leave
such topics out. Be aware that all topics that do not meet the
criterion of research worthiness, will have to be reworked for a
better topic.E. Parameters for the assignment:
For the purpose of this research, you must write an eight to
twelve-page paper (excluding the references) on the topic that
you have proposed. The research paper must be based on the
research that was proposed, documented, and researched in this
class. All papers must be double spaced and presented in Times
New Roman 12pt. font, with a one-inch margin and presented in
the MLA format. All papers must have at least 10 MLA style in-
text citation and a minimum of 10 references in a MLA style
work cited page. These references should be from those that
were listed in your annotated bibliography. All research
material referred to and cited in the work cited page must be
presented in a research portfolio. Your research portfolio must
consist of all the materials below:
Research Process Total 2,000 points
Topic Proposal 100 points
Proposal Conference 200 points
Proposal Plan 100 points
Research Question 50 points
Thesis Development 50
Outline 100 points
Research Report 100 points
Note Cards (20) 200 points
Bibliography (20) 200 points
Draft 1 100 points
Draft 2 100 points
Draft 3 100 points
Eportfolio 100points
Powerpoint Presentation 200 points
Research Evaluation 100 points
Research Paper 1,000 points
Topic Proposal and Research Plan:Below are the heuristics for
the topic proposal and research plan assignment:
· Topic proposal must be two pages long.
· Topic proposal must clearly define the area that you are
studying for the research paper.
· The topic must show be narrow enough for the length of the
· The researcher must also suggest the reasons why he/she has
chosen to limit the research within the specific area. The
reasons can comprise of any particular social, political,
economical hardship, or problem that communities around the
world are facing. It is also crucial for the researcher to stipulate
how the researcher is directly or indirectly impacted by it as
· The purpose for the topic proposal is to convince me and your
classmates that your topic is research worthy.
· After identifying the topic, it is crucial that the researcher has
a research plan.
· The purpose for the plan is for the researcher to have an
individualized timeline or plan for the completion of the final
research paper.
· The researcher is required to incorporate all the due dates
scheduled in his/her calendar into his/her plan towards the final
completion of the research paper.

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  • 1. Sebika Darnal Devarani Arumugam ENGL-1302-51008 Mar -03- 2020 Professor Deva Arumugam Thesis People from different religions should be allowed to marry because it is beneficial. People from different religions should allow to marry because it allows people to explore different religious culture and behavior. Even though some group of people and countries do not accept inter-religious marriage, people should allow to explore different religions because it is beneficial to create respect, love, care, and peace between two different religious people. Sebika Darnal Devarani Arumugam ENGL-1302-51008 Feb-11-2020 Topic proposal: Inter religious marriage My topic is going to be about Inter religious marriage. The reason why I pick these topic because I have seen in many country where couples get married with different religion and face many obstacles. Many times situation get so difficult were people are force to get kicked out from their country, church ,home and many more. In my research paper I want to talk about why people are forced to get kicked out and why cannot
  • 2. family accept inter religious marriage. an inter religious marriage couples attempt tons of circumstances. “According to Article 16 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, men and women who have attained the age of majority have the right to marry "without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion". Even though we have right to pick whoever we want to marry still, religion have become big issue because the way how our parent raise us. I also want to acknowledge that religion does not define our humanism. We should all learned to respects every religion. The inter religious marriage contribute to me and my community because religious difference can bring unexpected conflict in our married life. In other hand communities does not always accept inter religious marriage because of their traditional and their belief. Different religion have different belief and everyone must follow their own belief. Community people always consider about their people and whom should women get married because inter religious will surface many struggles and how children will grow up into. If couples have different religion and whom should children follow, every community and parent have desire that children must raise by their parent religion.. Parents and community have passed down cultural and tradition for generations. Therefore they want their children to hold the generations for next generation. Parent don’t usually accept inter religious marriage because of their belief. They normally force their children to feel as they must choose between their boyfriends or girlfriend nor parents. If they go against and get inter religious marriage they are forced to get kicked out and have no relationship with parents. Last but not least every one have their right to choose. This topic is very important to me because I want each of us to know that religious does not define our humanism. It doesn’t define who am I and who we are. we all have our own religion and beliefs but it is important to be open minded. We
  • 3. must respect all religion. I want to discover about inter religious marriage because I am also a victim of inter religious marriage. I know how bad situation can be and lead into. I have face many difficulty and consequence. This is the reason why I want to talk and teach all people through my research paper. Many time we thought our society change because we in different place and different language and etc. But we fail to understand people and started judging. Inter religious marriage have big impact on society because marriage should not be taken for granted. Diana Lugo Profesor Deva ENGL-1302 10/30/18Outline 1. Thesis- America barely passed the mark if a democratic nation because of its socio-political and democratic practices compared to a true democratic nation. 2. Information- Background information that describes the basic level of government the United States has. Including the differences between the US government (democracy) and the dictionary definition. 3. Talk about the contradictions between what the US says in regards to voting and the realities of the electoral college. 4. Describe how the US is seen in the eyes of the rest of the world. Detail the differences between Russian/China and America. 5. Begin to discuss the chinese problems in regards to the Uyghur peoples and how they are treated.( Cunningham) 6. Then discuss the problems Japanese Americans had during WWII including racism, internment camps, and excuses. (Ward) 7. In a small paragraph discuss the similarities between Uyghur and Japanese Americans. 8. Followed up by a paragraph about the modern day way
  • 4. America is continuing its practice of intolerance of minorities. (Trump’s Child Hostages) 9. Begin to talk about the connections between America and Russia. In regards to the Trump administration. Tie in the way Russia has been portraying the United States on TV and the Russian meddlings in the 2016 elections. (Burrett) 10. Briefly add another reason how America is showing totalitarian characteristics through the promotions of democracy. ( Journal of Third World Studies) 11. This paragraph will mention the wrong path the US is in for if it continues to show authoritarian including its impacts and causes. (LEVITSKY, Porter,DAVID, Friedman) 12. Cont. 13. Talk about the pros of totalitarianism which is a classless society and the downfall of immorality. (Babik,Tucker) 14. Conclusion the paper by re-stating my thesis, then addressing the pros and cons of having an authoritarian government. Then state my position of the topic and end the paragraph with a call to action. Jefferson 1 Dinesha JeffersonProfessor Deva ArumugamEnglish 1302November 1, 2018What Makes Vegetarian Diets Healthier ? Introduction: I will introduce what vegetarianism is and give background information about how society perceives vegetarian diets compared to non-vegetarian diets Thesis : Although meat is enticing, a vegetarian diet is more beneficial because of health reasons, environmental issues, and life longevity
  • 5. Body Paragraphs / Content : I. There Are Major Health Benefits From Being A Vegetarian A. A Healthier heart 1. Vegetarians have much lower cholesterol levels than meat- eaters, and heart disease is less common in vegetarians. The reasons are not hard to find. Vegetarian meals are typically low in saturated fat and usually contain little or no cholesterol. Since cholesterol is found only in animal products such as meat, dairy, and eggs, vegans consume a cholesterol-free diet. 2. The type of protein in a vegetarian diet may be another important advantage. Many studies show that replacing animal protein with plant protein lowers blood cholesterol levels—even if the amount and type of fat in the diet stays the same. Those studies show that a low-fat, vegetarian diet has a clear advantage over other diets B. Helps Control Diabetes 1. The latest studies on diabetes show that a vegetarian diet high in complex carbo-hydrates and fiber (which are found only in plant foods) and low in fat is the best dietary prescription for controlling diabetes. A diet based on vegetables, legumes, fruits, and whole grains, which is also low in fat and sugar, can lower blood sugar levels and often reduce or even eliminate the need for medication. Since individuals with diabetes are at high risk for heart disease, avoiding fat and cholesterol is important, and a vegetarian diet is the best way to do that.
  • 6. C. Helps To Reduce The Risk of Cancer 1. A vegetarian diet helps prevent cancer. Studies of vegetarians show that death rates from cancer are only about one-half to three-quarters of those of the general population. Breast cancer rates are dramatically lower in countries where diets are typically plant-based. When people from those countries adopt a Western, meat-based diet, their rates of breast cancer soar. 2. Vegetarians also have significantly lower rates of colon cancer than meat-eaters. Colon cancer is more closely associated with meat consumption than any other dietary factor. II. Vegetarian Diets Help The Environment A. Helps Save Water 1. “It takes more than 2,400 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of beef, while producing one pound of tofu only requires 244 gallons of water. By going vegetarian, one person can save approximately 219,000 gallons of water a year” (“ Meat And The Environment”). In other words, you’d take an average swimming pool worth of water and you’d only be able to make about 10 pounds of beef. 2. The amount of water it takes just to feed McDonald’s customers daily requirement of beef, requires the water from 38 SeaWorld tanks—or roughly a third of a billion gallons of water.Corn and potatoes only require 110 and 100 gallons of water respectively to produce one pound of produce. For the same amount of water, we can produce 20x more potatoes than we can produce beef and 18x more corn. B. Helps reduce greenhouse gases
  • 7. 1. Methane is generated in the guts of animals, according to Rob Jackson. The livestock sector of agriculture emits 37 percent of anthropogenic methane, which has 23 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation’s “Livestock’s Long Shadow” report. 2. The livestock sector is also responsible for 64 percent of anthropogenic ammonia emissions, which contribute to acid rain and acidification of ecosystems. III. Vegetarianism Helps Increase Longevity Have lower risk of death 1. A 2013 study of more than 70,000 people found that vegetarians had a 12% lower risk of death compared with non- vegetarians. With none of the saturated fat and cholesterol that clogs arteries, vegetarians may be at a lower risk for chronic diseases overall. 2. The foods of a vegetarian diet such as fruits and vegetables provide nutrients that the body needs to be strong and healthy. If you take care of your body by feeding it the right foods, your body will take care of you. The foods of a vegetarian diets provide one to have more energy. Meat is the main cause of diseases, so when it eliminated you have a better chance of a longer lifespan. 3. Vegetarian diets have the ability to reduce chronic diseases which gives individuals a better chance at a longer lifespan.
  • 8. Conclusion: I will restate my thesis and conclude why vegetarianism is healthiest overall. Romero 1 Romero 7Yvette RomeroProfessor ArumugamENG 1302- 5100810/19/18Bibliography Botei, Mircea. "Misinformation with Fake News." Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series VII: Social Sciences. Law, vol. 10, no. 2, 2017, pp. 133-40. Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. The presidential election of 2016 is the real reason why "fake news" became a thing. Manipulating people with false information is not new. Donald Trump raised awareness with his coined term, and it is labeled a threat to democracy. Tech giants contribute to this widespread phenomenon. Responsibility online should be considered, and the protection of people should be too. Burkhardt, Joanna M. "Chapter 4: Can We save Ourselves?" Library Technology Reports., vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 22-28. Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article presents ways to avoid the spread of fake news. Topics are about checking who you accept as friends online, reading news articles before sending them out to even checking the source. Skepticism and media literacy tools are emphasized. "Chapter 1: History of Fake News." Library Technology Reports, vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 5-9. Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article wants to focus on the history of fake news dating back to the printing press with the spread of competency in literacy, all the way to hoax websites when the invention of the internet came along, and the psychological appeal fake propaganda has on the masses. "Chapter 2: How Fake News Spreads." Library Technology Reports, vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 10-13. Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article centers on the history of how fake news spreads and its various forms. Including the writing of social groups, the internet being utilized to
  • 9. democratize information, and social media on how bots spread news no matter what type of content it is. Dawes, Nic. "How the Press Should Cover TRUMP." The Nation, vol. 304, no. 9, pp. 22-26. Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article communicates the threat U.S Journalism has in the Trump Administration. The subject of press secretary Sean Spicer, crying over CNN News coverage by Jared Kushner and the crucial need to protect freedom of the press with a new game plan. Galvin, Gaby. "The Globalization of 'Fake News.'" The Report, 27 Dec. 2017, p. 11. Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article gives a quick rundown on how fake news on social media such as twitter and Facebook two dominated media outlets that affect real journalism. Jones, RonNell Andersen, and Sonja R. West. "The Fragility of the Free American Press." Northwestern University Law Review, vol. 112, no. 3, 2017, pp. 567-95. Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article discusses the attacks to the press Donald Trump has created. They believe that this type of treatment can set a precedent for significant press-protections to collapse. His strange conversation regarding the media should be acknowledged critically along with the complex system of beliefs the press upholds. Jones, RonNell Anderson, and Lisa Grow Sun. "Enemy Construction and the Press." Arizona State Law Journal, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 1301-68. Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article points out the chaotic criticism that President Donald Trump has been receiving. Donald Trump has labeled the media as "the enemy." As a result, the press and first amendment defenders have responded in anger. Trump critics fail to understand his statement; therefore, this article tries to explain "enemy construction" by offering an inside view to the social, legal, technological, and political reality that the press creates to wage war against the other. Kaye, Barbara K., and Thomas J. Johnson. "Across the Great Divide: How Partisanship and Perceptions of Media Bias
  • 10. Influence Changes in Time Spent with Media." Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article cornerstones the 2012 election. Barack Obama and Mick Romney were both running to get the presidency. One thing that this focuses on is how biased both candidates' supporters were. Obama supporters watched liberal media, while Romney supports tuned into the conservative press. Both candidates took more time to be with their party's favorable press. This could be an example of how on all presidencies there is partisan divide with the media. Lee, Tien-Tsung. "The Liberal Media Myth Revisited: An Examination of Factors Influencing Perceptions of Media Bias." Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 43-64. Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article claims that the media is hardcore liberal therefore have more nepotism towards them. To know why the media is biased they did a study. According to them the general audience ideologies and partisanships affect how the media is viewed. For example, republican distrust the media, political cynicism is a big contributor. Marshall, Jonathan Paul. "Disinformation Society, Communication and Cosmopolitan Democracy." Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, vol. 9, no. 2, 2017, pp. 1-24. Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article states that fake news is a disease to our society, not only to internet users. Our daily life involves communicating, categorizing social groups, formulating, and "patterns of power." Stuff like fake news disrupt, and ruin accuracy along with effectiveness. If a "cosmopolitan society" must have good interactions, this article dives into the obstacles of communication, other sequences that assist lousy communication must be handled before they are confronted. Massing, Michael. "Journalism in the Age of Trump." The Nation, vol. 307, no. 4, 13 Aug. 2018, pp. 12-18. Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article
  • 11. specifically focuses on how the Trump Administration challenges journalism in the United States. Things that are in conversation involve his attacks to the press, the dissemination of falsehoods, Trump's damage to body politics, and the primary concern of fake news skyrocketing. McDevitt, Michael, and Patrick Ferrucci. "Populism, Journalism, and the Limits of Reflexivity: The Case of Donald J. Trump." Taylor and Francis Group, 21 Oct. 2017, lism_and_the_Limits_of_Reflexivity_The_case_of_Donald_J_Tr ump. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article studies how severe populism is as pressure against "intellectualism" is accepted into how journalists in the U.S think of audiences. Even scholars predicted the rise of trump as inevitable, his routines with the press and the lack journalist's comprehension on what populism is. In this article, they target "boundaries of reflexivity" by comparing commentaries/interpretations of a journalist in the surprising 2016 election Monzon-Palma, Tina. "Do Journalists Still Matter?" Vital Speeches of the Day, vol. 83, no. 10, Oct. 2017, pp. 293-95. Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article showcases the importance of not only of journalism but journalists, the trend of fake news, and how vital it is to keep journalists around to stay truthful to their stories. Murphy, James. "Unnoteworthy NEWS: Fake News, Once Dubbed 'Yellow Journalism,' Is as Old as News Itself, but Nowadays, with the Slant Given by Major Media to Most Reporting, Major Media Have Themselves to Blame." New American, vol. 34, no. 9, 19 Feb. 2018, pp. 21-23. Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article concentrates on the history and impact of fake news, and the role media must play. People that use propaganda use it to defame their enemies. Hoax news outlets spread lies to rack up views and money. Fake news blossoms because citizens do not trust mainstream media. "A Press under Siege." The Nation, vol. 307, no. 5, p. 3.
  • 12. Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. Editorial. This article majority of the time focuses on the relationship Donald Trump has with the media. An overview of the rhetoric used in his tweets have been listed. Steinmetz, Katy. "The Real Fake News Crisis." Time, vol. 192, no. 7, 20 Aug. 2018, pp. 26-31. Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article examines the psychological effects of how the authenticity of news is found. It shows studies of how people get wired in to believe anything on the internet because of how simple it is told which cause emotional and illogical thinking; hence people will believe biased information, and not understand how search engines work. Varadkar, Leo. "Free Speech and the Necessity of Discomfort." Vital Speeches of the Day, vol. 84, no. 4, Apr. 2018, pp. 117- 21. Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article does not focus on fake news. Most importantly it will shine a light on things that are being spoken about now that are serious pressing matters. Freedom of speech is something that thankfully we have in America. Gay rights, #Metoo movement, women's suffrage are uncomfortable topics to many nevertheless they should be addressed in the media because we have that privilege. A journalist job is to report on them. Yeste, Elena, and Pere Franch. "Trump Vs. Los Medios. Tratamiento De La Prensa Desde La Cuenta De Twitter Del Presidente De EU." ["Trump vs. media. Treatment of the press from the US president's Twitter account."]. El Profesional De La Información, vol. 27, no. 5, 5 Aug. 2018, pp. 975-83. Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article documented the behavior of Donald Trump during his six months in office. They analyze his twitter account in which he goes by the name of @realdonaldtrump. His tone, mentioning in media, and any related keywords are thoroughly inspected. Trump is hostile to the media that criticize him and is respectful with those who aren't and instead praise him. Zaharoff, Zachary N. "Defaming the Prince: Why the Media Is Entitled to Immunity from a Presidential Defamation Suit."
  • 13. Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 48- 41. Academic Search Complete. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018. This article talks about how the press should not have defamation suits bolted at them. Mainly when a president is aiming them since they have the immense power, it could be dangerous. Lawsuits like so go against the first amendment. In times where, fake news is way out of hand, and where the president is known to be litigious there should be a conversation and suggest if a president should be allowed to bring a case to light regarding defamation. Sebika Darnal Devarani Arumugam ENGL-1302-51008 Feb-11-2020 My Research planner Assignment Due date Note Topic proposal plan 02/11/2020 Must done before conference day. Must be 2 page long
  • 14. Conference Day 02/18/2020 at 11:45am Face to face meeting with Ms deva regrading about my topic for research Research question and thesis statement 03/03/2020 I must come up with some question base upon my Topic and start working on my thesis Annotated bibliography 03/12/2020 Must read 20 articles about my research Topic Note card nor cite 03/24/2020 20 note card Outline 03/31/2020 Draft 1 04/7/2020 I should know what am I going to talk about and ready to draft it out Draft 2 04/9/2020 3 page Draft 3 04/14/2020 Research evaluation and portfolio 04/21/2020 Final draft
  • 15. 04/23/2020 Essay should be ready by now Presentation Day 05/05/2020 5 slide English 1302 RESEARCH PAPER A. What is research? If you’ve watched any detective movies, you’ll find the job of sleuthing that leads to finding a culprit to a crime, somewhat interesting. When investigators interview their witness, read through files and reports, piece together clues and attempt to uncover criminals, their search is exciting. The enthusiasm is often attributed to the purposeful excitement of discovering the unknown. Yet, the people who may find murder mysteries exciting may not be aware that academic research is in its essence similar in nature to all other research. Honest and inquisitive research writing demands attention to details. The research process can be tedious. However, if you see the work contributing to new knowledge and discoveries, you may find research work meaningful. As you consider what others have to say about your subject, you will become an expert on the subject in your own right. You will form an in-depth knowledge of the field that you care about, and you will be able to communicate that to your audience. B. Why should you document your sources? As with all good research, some amount of library work is essential. When using library research, you must be careful to keep a thorough record of all your sources. Do refer to the annotated bibliography assignment for the necessary items needed for documentation. In your process of researching, you must not only document your sources, but also analyze and evaluate your sources. You must also draw from work done by other researchers to form, support, and extend your own
  • 16. opinions. You must practice intellectual integrity by presenting the work others have done, accurately, and by acknowledging your sources of information. You are expected to develop a thesis for your topic, do research on it, form a position on your findings, and develop argumentations in support of your thesis. C. What are the general requirements of this assignment? You must make sure that this research paper is not a mere report, but a true research where you address societal concerns by exploring new ways of dealing with real life problems. The target audience must go away feeling that they’ve learned and discovered something new from your research findings. You must find a way of analyzing and studying your interest area from a fresh, new perspective. The research must allow for the readers to see a clear link between the findings and the analysis of the underlying issues, themes, values, assumptions or beliefs that control current ways of looking at the problem. You must find a way to persuade your audience to draw new meanings and new ways of seeing the world from the argumentations, analysis, and findings. The research paper should present your positioning on where you stand in the conflicting opinions of the field and how you intend to resolve it. It is extremely important that your arguments build towards a cohesive way of seeing the field of study from a new-fangled perspective. D. How do you pick a topic? Know that your choice of topic is very important for your research and that your topic proposal will be evaluated for research worthiness before it will be approved for the research project. Research worthiness will be evaluated on a scale of how the topic appeals to the concerns of a common audience and if it would have impact on the target audience. Obviously, topics that are more controversial are usually seen as topics that are more appealing to the masses. Having said that, what that appeals to the masses may be areas that may not completely satisfy the research worthy criterion as these may be topics that have not been addressed in scholarly research or topics that
  • 17. have very little impact value. Such topics would certainly be disastrous for our purpose. Therefore, I suggest that you leave such topics out. Be aware that all topics that do not meet the criterion of research worthiness, will have to be reworked for a better topic.E. Parameters for the assignment: For the purpose of this research, you must write an eight to twelve-page paper (excluding the references) on the topic that you have proposed. The research paper must be based on the research that was proposed, documented, and researched in this class. All papers must be double spaced and presented in Times New Roman 12pt. font, with a one-inch margin and presented in the MLA format. All papers must have at least 10 MLA style in- text citation and a minimum of 10 references in a MLA style work cited page. These references should be from those that were listed in your annotated bibliography. All research material referred to and cited in the work cited page must be presented in a research portfolio. Your research portfolio must consist of all the materials below: Research Process Total 2,000 points Topic Proposal 100 points Proposal Conference 200 points Proposal Plan 100 points Research Question 50 points Thesis Development 50 Outline 100 points Research Report 100 points
  • 18. Note Cards (20) 200 points Bibliography (20) 200 points Draft 1 100 points Draft 2 100 points Draft 3 100 points Eportfolio 100points Powerpoint Presentation 200 points Research Evaluation 100 points Research Paper 1,000 points Topic Proposal and Research Plan:Below are the heuristics for the topic proposal and research plan assignment: · Topic proposal must be two pages long. · Topic proposal must clearly define the area that you are studying for the research paper. · The topic must show be narrow enough for the length of the assignment. · The researcher must also suggest the reasons why he/she has chosen to limit the research within the specific area. The reasons can comprise of any particular social, political, economical hardship, or problem that communities around the world are facing. It is also crucial for the researcher to stipulate how the researcher is directly or indirectly impacted by it as
  • 19. well. · The purpose for the topic proposal is to convince me and your classmates that your topic is research worthy. · After identifying the topic, it is crucial that the researcher has a research plan. · The purpose for the plan is for the researcher to have an individualized timeline or plan for the completion of the final research paper. · The researcher is required to incorporate all the due dates scheduled in his/her calendar into his/her plan towards the final completion of the research paper. PAGE 1