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1. X is a slight modification of a Hebrew gesture the letter "Shin“ (Pic
on the next slide) which represents the name "Shaddal" or "Almighty”.
This gesture is still used today by orthodox Jews of the Honahim,
which are priests descended from Ahron by the patrillineal line. These
Kohanim form a subset of the priestly Levite tribe.
The Kohanim use the Shin gesture during a blessing ceremony, the
neslat Kapaylm or "Priestly blessing"that accompanies the prayer
service.The gesture is done with both hands extended outward at a
rough 45 degree angle with the shoulders.
What is X?
2) The chambered or pearly X is a cephalopod (a type of mollusk)—a
distant cousin to squids, octopi, and cuttlefish. Unlike its color-changing
cousins, though, the soft-bodied X lives inside its hard external shell.
The shell itself has many closed interior chambers or “compartments.”
The animal resides in the shell’s largest chamber, while the other
chambers function like the _______ tanks of a _________. This is the
secret to how the X _____
X also shares it’s name with a vehicle of sorts in a famous adventure
novel published in 1870. This also lead to a modern invention by Simon
Lake in 1898, earning him a congratulatory note from the the author of
the book. ID X and the invention.
3.) Give Funda
The Order of Asimov’s rules
4) A neurological condition characterized by by skewed perception.
Objects may appear smaller or bigger than they normally are, and in
some cases even their own body size. Keeping in mind a 1865 novel
and two cinematic adaptations (1951 & 2010), what is the name of the
aforementioned syndrome?
*5) In ‘2001, A Space Odyssey’ , Frank defies gravity while taking a jog
around the Discovery 1.[video] The very clever illusion in this scene
was accomplished through a massive centrifuge set which rotated while
the camera remained fixed on a mount. This technique with slight
modifications found it’s way into prominence in 2009 with a unique
sequence in a blockbuster.
Which sequence, movie?
6) The preference given to X over Y is attributed to the following set of
Biologically the human brain is wired to like X more than Y, as in it is
far easier to find a Y that everyone likes over a X that everyone likes.
According to some sources, the use of Y in navigation devices dates
back to World War II, when they were employed in airplane cockpits
because they stood out among the pilots. And as telephone operators
have traditionally been _______, people were more likely to be
accustomed to getting assistance from a Y.
Id X and Y.
7) “X is not really based on anyone per se. People might think we
wrote the Y story – but this has been in production for a number of
years before that so it is just a case of life imitating art.
“Back when we started this we didn’t know who Y was and obviously
he broke through and almost emulated the story we’re telling in the
game – which is testament to our authenticity of the game which is
great to see.
“We wanted to create a brand new character and one that was
indicative of the real world of ________. We wanted someone that
represents that – through writing the character and representing the
character we came out with X.”
Which 2016 release would you associate this with?
8) Which phenomena is being described?
A feeling of nostalgia
A dopamine release on beating an opponent
Herd Mentality
Phenomenally Sociable
A welcome distraction
9) Chroma keying is a technique used for combining two frames or
images by replacing a color or a color range in one frame with that from
the another frame. This technique is often used in movies or television,
often to avoid tedious and more physical methods. Give Funda
*10) The puzzle was invented by the French mathematician Édouard
Lucas in 1883. There is a story about an Indian temple in Kashi
Vishwanath which contains a large room with three time-worn posts in it
surrounded by 64 golden disks. Brahmin priests, acting out the
command of an ancient prophecy, have been moving these disks, in
accordance with the immutable rules of the Brahma, since that time.
The puzzle is therefore also known as the __ _ __ puzzle. According to
the legend, when the last move of the puzzle will be completed, the
world will end. It is not clear whether Lucas invented this legend or was
inspired by it.
11) "We started to kick this off in 2001, but it fell away. The American
dollar collapsed with 9/11, the budget ballooned, we had to get on
to Happy Feet because the digital facility was [ready]. Then it rose
again, and we had unprecedented rains in the outback of Australia.
Where there was red desert there were now flowers. We waited a
year for it to dry out. It didn’t, so we had to take everything from the
east coast of Australia to the west coast of Africa, to Namibia where it
never rains. We had to do it old school, this is not a CG movie, we
don’t defy the laws of physics, and so we had to stage it. For 120
days, and every day was a big stunt day.“
What is being talked about?
12) In 1843, several onlookers described a __ match between Howard
Staunton and Pierre St. Amant as a test of physical endurance rather
than a battle of skill and brains. It was reported that their 21st match
game took 66 ___and 14½ hours. These kinds of purposeless
prolongations and deliberate attempts to fatigue and wear out the
opponent were commonplace at the time, and an average game lasted
nine hours. Which innovation was brought about by this necessity?
13) X was a player until he began to suffer from rheumatoid arthiritis
and took up his current profession. Because of the illness, he couldn't
do his job in the conventional fashion and hence had to introduce a new
twist to it. This behavior attracted both critics and fans alike, with people
calling him Bozo the Clown and one of his colleagues suggesting that
he should stop because the game was for players and fans and not for
Who is being talked about?
14) The research team first went to Animal Kingdom in Orlando, where
they talked to animal experts.The team then went to Kenya, to study
animals in the Savannah. The room their research further by even
studying the individual strands of fur on animals on a microscopic
level.They also visited the natural history museum in LA where they
were able to better understand each species of fur. What was this
research team preparing for ?
*15) The USSR had a televised singing contest. Since few people had
phones at that time, the state energy department would record the
power spikes across the federation and report these results to the
showmakers to determine the points for each contestant.
How did each household vote?
16)In 1907 Japanese researcher Kikunae Ikeda of the Tokyo Imperial
University identified brown crystals left behind after the evaporation of
a large amount ofkombu broth as ___. These crystals, when tasted,
reproduced the ineffable but undeniable flavor he detected in many
foods, most especially in seaweed. Professor Ikeda termed this
flavor umami. He then patented a method of mass-producing a
crystalline salt of ___, named X .
Give me X, which we have all heard of
17) Identify the weapon.
To evade security, this can be assembled and disassembled into its component
Fountain Pen – Forming the ‘barrel’ of the pistol, the pen screws directly into the
body of the lighter. Includes removable thread cap.
Lighter – With a hidden ‘slide out’ section the lighter forms the main body of the
weapon. The lighter ‘lid’ opens to reveal a breech chamber.
Cigarette Case – The end of the case opens to create the handle and trigger
Cufflink – With sprung blades, the cufflink fits into the trigger housing to create the
trigger which can be pulled.
Bullet – A single custom-made 4.2 mm golden (23-carat gold with traces of nickel)
dum-dum bullet can be fitted into the ‘breech’ of the cigarette lighter. For transit, the
ammunition is concealed in the buckle of his belt.
The idea is that it is a weapon assembled from five seemingly innocuous ______
18) “One of the programs that ran into trouble was X. The 64-bit
version had a pretty nasty bug where the __ would simply pass through
other objects like a ghost. In particular, when you started the game, the
__ would be delivered to the launcher, and then it would slowly fall
towards the bottom of the screen, through the plunger, and out the
bottom of the table,” the blog post reads.Y initially tried to debug the
application and make it work on newer __ operating systems, but
apparently it was taking too much time because the game was actually
created by a third-party company, and not by Y itself.
19) James Doohan was an actor in a popular series.. What was the name of his autobiography? And what is
wrong with the title with regards to the live action series?
*20) X Y is an English-language textbook of human Y originally written
by Henry X and illustrated by Henry Vandyke Carter. Earlier editions
were called Y: Descriptive and Surgical and X Y: Descriptive and
Applied, but the book's name is commonly shortened to, and later
editions are titled, X Y.
The book is widely regarded as an extremely influential work on the
subject, and has continued to be revised and republished from its initial
publication in 1858 to the present day. The latest edition of the book,
the 41st, was published in September 2015.
X,Y What is the Ent connect?
21) Zbtb7, originally named X, is a gene that may act as a master
switch for cancer, and is responsible for the proliferation of cancer
throughout surrounding cells.
The original name, X, stands for "POK erythroid myeloid ontogenic
factor". The X Company, not wanting the bad press inherent with its
trademark sharing a name with a cancer-causing gene, threatened
the center with legal action in December 2005, at which point MSKCC
decided to rename it as Zbtb7.
22) What was the peagant called?
The pageant was created to celebrate the continuous ___ ___ at Yucca
Flat, Nevada, a mere 65 miles from Las Vegas. Above-ground ___ ___
was a major Las Vegas public attraction during the late 1950s, and
hotels capitalized on the craze by hosting watch parties for the same.
Images on the next slide.
23) “I heard a bit in the studio. I don’t have much to say about music. Usually I like it,
and I just absorb it. I don’t have much to say, and they ain’t let me say anything
anyway. They say “For God’s sake, Storm, do not harm our song. Do not murder our
tune.” So I never say anything, really, about the music. I just let it go over, really, I
suppose. It’s my job to reinterpret it, really. So it doesn’t really matter what I think, it
matters what comes out the other end.
It related mostly to a light show. They hadn’t really celebrated their light show. That
was one thing. The other thing was the triangle. I think the triangle, which is a
symbol of thought and ambition, was very much a subject of _____’s lyrics. So the
triangle was a very a useful – as we know, obviously – was a very useful icon to
deploy and making it into the X-you know, the X belonged to Y.
What is being talked out?
24) If IS&T stands for Society of Imaging Science and Technology,
identify the lady in the picture.
*25) Leland Stanford had a large farm at which he bred, trained and raced horses.
He was interested in improving the performance of his horses and in the scientific
questions of their gait action.
During July 1877, the photographer Muybridge tried to settle Stanford's question
with a series of progressively clearer, single photographs of Stanford's trotter,
Occident, at a racing-speed gait. One of the prints was sent to the local California
press, but because they found that the film negative was retouched, the press
dismissed it.
The following year, Stanford financed Muybridge's next project: to use multiple
cameras to photograph a Thoroughbred at a gallop at Stanford's farm in Palo Alto
on June 15, 1878, in the presence of the press.
What was Stanford’s question? How was it answered?
The purpose of the shoot was to determine whether a galloping
horse ever lifts all four feet completely off the ground during the gait.
First ever motion picture / film / video.
1. X is a slight modification of a Hebrew gesture the letter "Shin“ (Pic on the
next slide) which represents the name "Shaddal" or "Almighty”. This gesture
is still used today by orthodox Jews of the Honahim, which are priests
descended from Ahron by the patrillineal line. These Kohanim form a subset
of the priestly Levite tribe.
The Kohanim use the Shin gesture during a blessing ceremony, the neslat
Kapaylm or "Priestly blessing"that accompanies the prayer service.The
gesture is done with both hands extended outward at a rough 45 degree
angle with the shoulders.
What is X?
2) The chambered or pearly X is a cephalopod (a type of mollusk)—a distant
cousin to squids, octopi, and cuttlefish. Unlike its color-changing cousins,
though, the soft-bodied X lives inside its hard external shell. The shell itself has
many closed interior chambers or “compartments.”
The animal resides in the shell’s largest chamber, while the other chambers
function like the _______ tanks of a _________. This is the secret to how the X
X also shares it’s name with a vehicle of sorts in a famous adventure novel
published in 1870. This also lead to a modern invention by Simon Lake in 1898,
earning him a congratulatory note from the the author of the book. ID X and
the invention.
3.) Give Funda
The Order of Asimov’s rules
4) A neurological condition characterized by by skewed perception. Objects
may appear smaller or bigger than they normally are, and in some cases even
their own body size. Keeping in mind a 1865 novel and two cinematic
adaptations (1951 & 2010), what is the name of the aforementioned
*5) In ‘2001, A Space Odyssey’ , Frank defies gravity while taking a jog around
the Discovery 1.[video] The very clever illusion in this scene was accomplished
through a massive centrifuge set which rotated while the camera remained
fixed on a mount. This technique with slight modifications found it’s way into
prominence in 2009 with a unique sequence in a blockbuster.
Which sequence, movie?
6) The preference given to X over Y is attributed to the following set of
Biologically the human brain is wired to like X more than Y, as in it is far
easier to find a Y that everyone likes over a X that everyone likes.
According to some sources, the use of Y in navigation devices dates back to
World War II, when they were employed in airplane cockpits because they
stood out among the pilots. And as telephone operators have traditionally
been _______, people were more likely to be accustomed to getting
assistance from a Y.
Id X and Y.
7) “X is not really based on anyone per se. People might think we wrote the Y
story – but this has been in production for a number of years before that so it
is just a case of life imitating art.
“Back when we started this we didn’t know who Y was and obviously he
broke through and almost emulated the story we’re telling in the game –
which is testament to our authenticity of the game which is great to see.
“We wanted to create a brand new character and one that was indicative of
the real world of ________. We wanted someone that represents that –
through writing the character and representing the character we came out
with X.”
Which 2016 release would you associate this with?
8) Which phenomena is being described?
A feeling of nostalgia
A dopamine release on beating an opponent
Herd Mentality
Phenomenally Sociable
A welcome distraction
9) Chroma keying is a technique used for combining two frames or images by
replacing a color or a color range in one frame with that from the another
frame. This technique is often used in movies or television, often to avoid
tedious and more physical methods. Give Funda
*10) The puzzle was invented by the French mathematician Édouard Lucas in
1883. There is a story about an Indian temple in Kashi Vishwanath which
contains a large room with three time-worn posts in it surrounded by 64
golden disks. Brahmin priests, acting out the command of an ancient prophecy,
have been moving these disks, in accordance with the immutable rules of the
Brahma, since that time. The puzzle is therefore also known as the __ _ __
puzzle. According to the legend, when the last move of the puzzle will be
completed, the world will end. It is not clear whether Lucas invented this
legend or was inspired by it.
11) "We started to kick this off in 2001, but it fell away. The American dollar
collapsed with 9/11, the budget ballooned, we had to get on to Happy
Feet because the digital facility was [ready]. Then it rose again, and we had
unprecedented rains in the outback of Australia. Where there was red desert
there were now flowers. We waited a year for it to dry out. It didn’t, so we
had to take everything from the east coast of Australia to the west coast of
Africa, to Namibia where it never rains. We had to do it old school, this is not
a CG movie, we don’t defy the laws of physics, and so we had to stage it. For
120 days, and every day was a big stunt day.“
What is being talked about?
12) In 1843, several onlookers described a __ match between Howard
Staunton and Pierre St. Amant as a test of physical endurance rather than a
battle of skill and brains. It was reported that their 21st match game took 66
___and 14½ hours. These kinds of purposeless prolongations and deliberate
attempts to fatigue and wear out the opponent were commonplace at the
time, and an average game lasted nine hours. Which innovation was brought
about by this necessity?
13) X was a player until he began to suffer from rheumatoid arthiritis and took
up his current profession. Because of the illness, he couldn't do his job in the
conventional fashion and hence had to introduce a new twist to it. This
behavior attracted both critics and fans alike, with people calling him Bozo the
Clown and one of his colleagues suggesting that he should stop because the
game was for players and fans and not for him.
Who is being talked about?
14) The research team first went to Animal Kingdom in Orlando, where they
talked to animal experts.The team then went to Kenya, to study animals in the
Savannah. The room their research further by even studying the individual
strands of fur on animals on a microscopic level.They also visited the natural
history museum in LA where they were able to better understand each species
of fur. What was this research team preparing for ?
*15) The USSR had a televised singing contest. Since few people had phones at
that time, the state energy department would record the power spikes across
the federation and report these results to the showmakers to determine the
points for each contestant.
How did each household vote?
16)In 1907 Japanese researcher Kikunae Ikeda of the Tokyo Imperial
University identified brown crystals left behind after the evaporation of a
large amount ofkombu broth as ___. These crystals, when tasted,
reproduced the ineffable but undeniable flavor he detected in many foods,
most especially in seaweed. Professor Ikeda termed this flavor umami. He
then patented a method of mass-producing a crystalline salt of ___, named
X .
Give me X, which we have all heard of
17) Identify the weapon.
To evade security, this can be assembled and disassembled into its component parts:
Fountain Pen – Forming the ‘barrel’ of the pistol, the pen screws directly into the body of
the lighter. Includes removable thread cap.
Lighter – With a hidden ‘slide out’ section the lighter forms the main body of the weapon.
The lighter ‘lid’ opens to reveal a breech chamber.
Cigarette Case – The end of the case opens to create the handle and trigger housing.
Cufflink – With sprung blades, the cufflink fits into the trigger housing to create the trigger
which can be pulled.
Bullet – A single custom-made 4.2 mm golden (23-carat gold with traces of nickel) dum-
dum bullet can be fitted into the ‘breech’ of the cigarette lighter. For transit, the
ammunition is concealed in the buckle of his belt.
The idea is that it is a weapon assembled from five seemingly innocuous ______ objects.
18) “One of the programs that ran into trouble was X. The 64-bit version had
a pretty nasty bug where the __ would simply pass through other objects like
a ghost. In particular, when you started the game, the __ would be delivered
to the launcher, and then it would slowly fall towards the bottom of the
screen, through the plunger, and out the bottom of the table,” the blog post
reads.Y initially tried to debug the application and make it work on newer __
operating systems, but apparently it was taking too much time because the
game was actually created by a third-party company, and not by Y itself.
19) James Doohan was an actor in a popular series.. What was the name of his autobiography? And what is wrong with
the title with regards to the live action series?
*20) X Y is an English-language textbook of human Y originally written by
Henry X and illustrated by Henry Vandyke Carter. Earlier editions were called
Y: Descriptive and Surgical and X Y: Descriptive and Applied, but the book's
name is commonly shortened to, and later editions are titled, X Y.
The book is widely regarded as an extremely influential work on the subject,
and has continued to be revised and republished from its initial publication in
1858 to the present day. The latest edition of the book, the 41st, was
published in September 2015.
X,Y What is the Ent connect?
21) Zbtb7, originally named X, is a gene that may act as a master switch for
cancer, and is responsible for the proliferation of cancer throughout
surrounding cells.
The original name, X, stands for "POK erythroid myeloid ontogenic factor".
The X Company, not wanting the bad press inherent with its trademark
sharing a name with a cancer-causing gene, threatened the center with
legal action in December 2005, at which point MSKCC decided to rename it
as Zbtb7.
22) What was the peagant called?
The pageant was created to celebrate the continuous ___ ___ at Yucca Flat,
Nevada, a mere 65 miles from Las Vegas. Above-ground ___ ___ was a major
Las Vegas public attraction during the late 1950s, and hotels capitalized on the
craze by hosting watch parties for the same.
Images on the next slide.
23) “I heard a bit in the studio. I don’t have much to say about music. Usually I like it, and I
just absorb it. I don’t have much to say, and they ain’t let me say anything anyway. They say
“For God’s sake, Storm, do not harm our song. Do not murder our tune.” So I never say
anything, really, about the music. I just let it go over, really, I suppose. It’s my job to
reinterpret it, really. So it doesn’t really matter what I think, it matters what comes out the
other end.
It related mostly to a light show. They hadn’t really celebrated their light show. That was one
thing. The other thing was the triangle. I think the triangle, which is a symbol of thought and
ambition, was very much a subject of _____’s lyrics. So the triangle was a very a useful – as
we know, obviously – was a very useful icon to deploy and making it into the X-you know,
the X belonged to Y.
What is being talked out?
24) If IS&T stands for Society of Imaging Science and Technology, identify the
lady in the picture.
*25) Leland Stanford had a large farm at which he bred, trained and raced horses. He was
interested in improving the performance of his horses and in the scientific questions of their
gait action.
During July 1877, the photographer Muybridge tried to settle Stanford's question with a
series of progressively clearer, single photographs of Stanford's trotter, Occident, at a racing-
speed gait. One of the prints was sent to the local California press, but because they found
that the film negative was retouched, the press dismissed it.
The following year, Stanford financed Muybridge's next project: to use multiple cameras to
photograph a Thoroughbred at a gallop at Stanford's farm in Palo Alto on June 15, 1878, in
the presence of the press.
What was Stanford’s question? How was it answered?
The purpose of the shoot was to determine whether a galloping horse ever
lifts all four feet completely off the ground during the gait.
First ever motion picture / film / video.
12 Questions
Infinite Bounce and Pounce
+10/-10 on the Pounce and +10/0 on the Bounce
Dwiref is still Mithrandir
1) “I think X is a very uncynical character, he is actually very open and
entirely self-centred and a highly vindictive character when he wants to be.
Not at all pleasant, but at the same time I do not think he has any malice in
X often gets himself into all manner of scrapes. Now, while it is true that a
lot of the time the problems he creates for himself are completely his own
fault, he does manage to come up with spectacular solutions time and time
again. His original thinking and problem solving abilities do certainly point
to some sort sort of above-average intelligence. All things taken into
account, X’s main disorder – if you can call it that – is probably High
Functioning Autism.
Who is being talked about?
Mr. Bean
2) Geena Davis – Academy Award-winning actress
Nolan Gould – American actor, Modern Family
John McAfee – Computer programmer, founder of McAfee, Inc., one of the
first people to design anti-virus software
Julie Peterson – Playboy Playmate of the Month, February 1987
Asia Carrera – Former pornographic actress and blogger
Scott Adams – Cartoonist, creator of Dilbert
Erik Kuselias – ESPN radio and television personality
Connect this inexhaustive list to something that describes itself as the
"Coming together of equals“ and for which only the top 2% of the
participants qualify.
3) Waldo was a short story by Robert A. Heinlein about a mechanical genius
named Waldo. The titular character was born a weakling, unable to lift his
hands or head or use them to drink or eat. This prompted Waldo to use his
skill to fashion something that enabled him to do exactly that. Modern and
very much real versions of the selfsame contraption are called The Waldo in
his honor and are widely used in industrial applications.
What is The Waldo?
4) Identify.
5) Give the Funda
When gamma radiation hits DNA, it breaks the molecule's double-stranded,
ladder-like helix, a process known as chromothripsis.
Your body can repair a few breaks without significant loss of function.
If many breaks occur – say, if you were subject to high intensity gamma
radiation – the repairs can become sloppy, and new instructions can be keyed
into the genetic code. It is possible that when X’s DNA reassembled after the
initial blast, it now included a handful of epigenetic switches. Instead of being
activated by light, however, the hormones produced when X is _____ might flip
the genetic switches to reconfigure his DNA to transform him into Y.
As for Y's skin turning ______,. When you bruise, red blood cells at the point of
injury die and the oxygen-carrying molecule on their surface, hemoglobin,
begins to break up. One of hemoglobin's metabolites, Alvarado said, is a
molecule called biliverdin, which can make the blood appear ______.
7) If IS&T stands for Society of
Imaging Science and Technology,
identify the lady in the picture.
8) X is a key concept of cartoon physics and refers to an extradimensional,
instantly accessible storage area which is used to explain how animated
characters can produce objects out of thin air. The phenomenon has
existed in animation for many years but the term X originated from a gag
common in certain anime and manga where a female character would
produce an oversized __ ___ and hit a male character with it.
Identify X.
9) X is a sweetly scented, highly poisonous woodland flowering plant that is
native throughout the cool temperate Northern Hemisphere in Asia, and
All parts of the plant are highly poisonous, including the red berries which
may be attractive to children. If ingested—even in small amounts—the
plant can cause abdominal pain, vomiting, reduced heart rate, blurred
vision, drowsiness and red skin rashes.
The plant pops up in Christian legend several times. As the story goes, it
was formed from the tears of Mary as she wept at the crucifixion of Jesus,
and grew from the blood shed by Saint Leonard of Noblac during his fight
with a dragon. It was also used as the floral emblem of Yugoslavia and is the
national flower of Finland.
(Image on the next slide)
X : Lily of the Valley
It’s the potted plant in Gus Fring’s
backyard, and Walter kills Brock
using the berry of this plant, in an
unknown way.
10) James Kakalios, a Physics professor at the University of Minnesota has
proposed a very interesting hypothesis regarding X’s incredible weight. He
speculates that since it is made of a foreign and presumably scientifically-
advanced metal, under proper external stimulus, it must be able to control
the emission of Y.
So when someone tries to ____ X, it changes the number of Ys emitted to
counter the upward force being applied to it, based on whether or not it
finds the person ______.
This theory also offers an explanation as to how X is able to control its
trajectory and move when thrown, seemingly of its own volition, and return
to Z in the end.
X: Mjolnir, Y:
Gravitons, Z: Thor
George P. Lakoff is an American cognitive linguist, best known for his
thesis that lives of individuals are significantly influenced by the central
metaphors they use to explain complex phenomena.
His book describes conceptual framing, the use of certain words to
literally insert certain ideas about a subject into the listener's mind in a
surreptitious way, e.g. implanting the idea that taxes are a bad thing by
using the phrase "tax relief."
The name of the book is also used in a multiple-award-winning,
critically acclaimed 2010 movie, in a similar sense.
Name the Book.
12) When Y made the movie ______, he surrounded himself with a highly
skilled crew of studio professionals, as well as engineers and designers
recruited from the aerospace industry. When it came time to make his
space film X therefore set out to hire as many people who had worked with
Y as he could. He hired so many Y alumni that as a group they were
referred to as "The Class of ____."
But he borrowed selectively. Y’s environments were cohesive and
balanced, informed by architectural theory and late-’60s aesthetics. By
contrast, X willfully mashed together minimalism, modernism and NASA
design. Two visual rhetorics are at war on-screen: The first is that of an
industrial superpower; the second is that of a rogue fringe of misfits and
ID X and Y
X: George Lucas
Y: Stanley Kubrick
ROUND 2-WRITTEN- Organisms named after
7 questions
+10/0 on every correct answer a bonus 10 if all correct
Write down your answers, don’t cheat and exchange
your sheets once the questions are done
1) Referring to its behavioral resemblance with the X, who suck their
prey's soul, leaving it an empty body with neither thoughts nor emotions,
in a way like the wasp.
2) Named after the resemblance its shiny exoskeleton bears to the
Daddy of all SciFi villains.
Darth Vader
3) Named after X for its hourglass-shaped glabellum.
4) It has a striking golden tip to its abdomen,
formed by a dense patch of golden hairs,
providing the inspiration for its name
5) A certain kind of wasp that uses caterpillars as hosts for
their larvae. One of those species causes the host caterpillar
to twist in all different sorts of ways as it dies, which
reminded the scientists of X.
6) A new tree frog species with a shrill, X-like call discovered in
the Brazilian Amazon. Named after the person who bit the
head off an X thrown at him, thinking it was rubber.
Ozzy Osbourne. X: Bat
7) "When I first saw the pair of isolated claws in the fossil records of this
species I could not help but think of X. Even the genus name, Kootenichela,
includes the reference to this film as 'chela' is Latin for claws or scissors. In
truth, I am also a bit of a Y fan and so what better way to honour the man
than to immortalise him as an ancient creature that once roamed the sea?"
Round 3 : Long Connect
7 questions
Standard bounce pounce (+10/0), (+10/-10)
All answers connect to a common theme
Theme points are on each slide
X? +60/-30
• An X worm is an extremely rapidly propagating computer worm that
spreads as fast as physically possible, infecting all vulnerable machines
on the entire Internet in 15 minutes or less. The term is based on X's
remark that "In the future, everyone will have 15 minutes of fame".
• The SQL Slammer worm was the first observed example of an X worm.
The mechanism of SQL Slammer's spread used a pseudo-random
number generator seeded from a system variable to determine which IP
addresses to attack next. In spite of deficiencies in its implementation, the
randomized attack was highly effective.
Andy Warhol.
Minimalist poster
depicting whom?
Ada Lovelace.
X? +40/-20
• X was an English theoretical physicist who made fundamental contributions to
the early development of both quantum mechanics and quantum
• Among other discoveries, he formulated the X equation, which describes the
behaviour of fermions and predicted the existence of antimatter. He shared the
1933 Nobel Prize in Physics with Erwin Schrödinger, "for the discovery of new
productive forms of atomic theory". He also did work that forms the basis of
modern attempts to reconcile general relativity with quantum mechanics.
• He was regarded by his friends and colleagues as unusual in character. Albert
Einstein said of him, "This balancing on the dizzying path between genius and
madness is awful". His mathematical brilliance, however, means he is regarded
as one of the most significant physicists of the 20th century.
Paul Dirac.
X? +30/-15
• In Greek mythology, X was the daughter of Zeus and Leda, and was
considered the most beautiful woman in the world.
• Her abduction by Paris, Prince of ____, brought about the Trojan War.
Elements of her putative biography come from classical authors such as
Aristophanes, Cicero, Euripides and Homer.
• The legends recounting X’s fate in ____ are contradictory. Homer depicts
her as a wistful, even a sorrowful, figure, coming to regret her choice and
wishing to be reunited with Menelaus. Other accounts have a treacherous
X who simulates Bacchic rites and rejoices in the carnage.
Helen of Troy.
X? +20/-10
• X's son, Nick, wrote several episodes in the Star Trek franchise. In an episode
of Star Trek: Enterprise entitled "Terra Prime", a quick shot is shown of the relic
rover Sojourner, part of the Mars Pathfinder mission, placed by a historical
marker at X Memorial Station on the Martian surface. The marker displays a
quote from X: "Whatever the reason you're on Mars, I'm glad you're there, and I
wish I was with you."
• X's student Steve Squyres led the team that landed the rovers Spirit and
Opportunity successfully on Mars in 2004.
Carl Sagan.
X? +10/0
• X first gained international attention by starring in the Rob Reiner film
Stand By Me (1986). He then played his most famous role in a TV
show for a little over three years.
• He is married to Anne Price and lives in Arcadia, California with her
and her two sons from a previous relationship. X is an aficionado of
computers, the Internet and technology in general. He says he is
drawn to alternatives like Linux because he is left-handed, brewing
his own beer at home, the Los Angeles Kings ice hockey team and
the Los Angeles Dodgers.
Will Wheaton.
These are all units of
• Warhol: 15 minutes of fame
• Lovelace: Lack of Quality of an Operating System
• Dirac: Information flow
• Helen: Beauty
• Sagan: “billions and billions”
• Wheaton: Twitter followers
List as many elements as you can that were
named for scientists
13 Questions
Infinite Bounce and Pounce
+10/-10 on the Pounce and +10/0 on the Bounce
Excerpt of a conversation from the 1983 sci-fi thriller, WarGames.
Stephen Falken: The whole point was to find a way to practice nuclear war
without destroying ourselves. To get the computers to learn from mistakes
we couldn't afford to make. Except, I never could get Joshua to learn the
most important lesson.
David Lightman: What's that?
Stephen Falken: Futility. That there's a time when you should just give up.
Jennifer: What kind of a lesson is that?
Stephen Falken: Did you ever play X?
Jennifer: Yeah, of course.
Stephen Falken: But you don't anymore.
Jennifer: No.
Stephen Falken: Why?
Jennifer: Because it's a boring game. It's always a tie.
Stephen Falken: Exactly. There's no way to win. The game itself is
pointless! But back at the war room, they believe you can win a nuclear
war. That there can be "acceptable losses.
1) ID X
2) The sci-fi TV show X provided the inspiration for the project's name. In the
series, a ____ is an electronic communication, often consisting of a video call or
video message.
During the developer preview, a number of references were made to the series,
such as Lars Rasmussen replying to a message with "shiny", a word used in the
series to mean cool or good, and the crash message of ____ being a popular
quotation from the series: "Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!“
Another common error message, "Everything's shiny, Cap'n. Not to fret!" is a
quote from Kaylee Frye in the 2005 motion-picture X continuation, Y, and it is
matched with a sign declaring that "This ____ is experiencing some turbulence
and might explode. If you don't want to explode..." which is another reference to
the opening of the film.
Give X and the project
X: Firefly
Project: Google Wave
3) The Internet Archive is home to over 200,000 scanned copies of
classic books. Some of them are gorgeously crafted, but fancy
styling can make it difficult for computers to translate the books into
an indexable digital text. Much like a Mechanical Turk application,
X uses ______ to translate images of scanned words that a
computer couldn’t understand.
The scanned words are placed alongside a normal _______ widget
so users decode both words at the same time. The word can be
run by multiple people to cut down on errors. _______ also offer
the opportunity to convert a lot of words.
4) Name the company and put funda.
X was a company co-founded by Y with his friend Z. The name came
from a combination of the two's last names.
At this time, Y was dating his female lab assistant, Gretchen . For
reasons not yet explained, he suddenly left Gretchen during a vacation
with her family, leaving her and his research behind.
Gretchen eventually went on to marry Z instead and X became a
highly successful company using Y's research. Y secretly feels that his
work was stolen from him and bitterly blames Z and Gretchen for his lot
in life.
In 2008 the company was nominated for a Nobel Prize.
After leaving Gretchen, Y sold his share of the company to Z for
$5,000. As of 2010, X has a net worth of 2.16 billion dollars.
Gray Matter Technologies from Breaking Bad.
Y: Walter White
Z: Elliot Schwartz (Schwartz meaning black in
5) In the 1888 utopian novel, author Edward Bellamy writes
about a man who falls into a hypnosis induced sleep, only to
wake up 113 years later. Of the many interesting predictions
that Bellamy makes in this 'future' world, he describes the
use of X, the use of which one could procure any provisions
by simply presenting X to the vendor. In the real world, two
similar items of daily use exist. As futuristic as his idea was,
what the author described is more like the second of the
two items in question.
Put funda and ID X?
Credit Cards. Bellamy's description of how his
credit cards worked is similar to how modern
debit cards work.
6)This is a special rendition of a famous song.
Name the song, the original artist and the person who’s
singing it in this audio clip.
What makes this rendition special?
Astronaut Chris Hadfield singing Space Oddity
(by David Bowie) aboard the ISS.
7) Fill in the blanks and give
Average color of the universe -
Cosmic Latte
Glenn Seaborg,
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
UC Berkeley, California
United States of America
What's so unique about the above address?
Each of the names in this address references an element named for
or related to their namesake:
Glenn Seaborg – Seaborgium
Lawrence Berkeley Lab – Lawrencium
UC Berkeley – Berkelium
California – Californium
USA – Americium
9) This is a trailer of a BBC series released in 2003 based on a true
story. Who’s the clerk here and give funda.
Arthur Conan Doyle
Dr. Bell, who was the the inspiration behind Sherlock Holmes
The show is called Dr. Bell and Mr. Doyle
10) In the background of this video clip from Avatar, is a
statement referring to a common urban myth regarding one of
the purposes of the organ in question. What’s the myth?
Identify the blanks in the following poster
People go blind when they play with themselves too much
IBM's Watson on Jeopardy
11) In the prelims, you’ve seen the biological reason for
why female voices in AI are preferred over male voices.
There is another reason that gains roots from pop culture.
HAL 9000, with its calm composed voice scared many
people. In 2001: A Space Odyssey, as Dave unplugs
modules and arrays from HAL 9000’s mainframe, HAL loses
control over logical ability and begins to sing a song.
What is significant about this song?
Daisy Bell was the first song ever sung by a computer
12) X?
A New Era of Thought consists of two parts. The first part is a collection
of philosophical and mathematical essays on the fourth dimension.
These essays are somewhat disconnected. They teach the possibility of
thinking four-dimensionally and about the religious and philosophical
insights thus obtainable.
In the second part Hinton develops a system of coloured cubes. These
cubes serve as model to get a four-dimensional perception as a basis of
four-dimensional thinking. This part describes how to visualize a X by
looking at several 3-D cross sections of it. The system of cubic models in
A New Era of Thought is a forerunner of the cubic models in Hinton's
book The Fourth Dimension.
13) Identify X.
• X is an English musician, singer, songwriter and astrophysicist, best known as
the lead guitarist of the rock band Y.
• He was appointed a Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British
Empire (CBE) in 2005 for "services to the music industry and for charity work".
• He attained a PhD in astrophysics from Imperial College London in 2007 and
was Chancellor of Liverpool John Moores University from 2008 to 2013.
• He was a "science team collaborator" with NASA's New Horizons Pluto
• He is also a co-founder of the awareness campaign, Asteroid Day, also has an
asteroid named after him.
• Also an animal rights activist, campaigning against the hunting of foxes and the
culling of badgers in the UK.
Brian May from

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Science & Entertainment Quiz - TechTatva 2016

  • 4. 1. X is a slight modification of a Hebrew gesture the letter "Shin“ (Pic on the next slide) which represents the name "Shaddal" or "Almighty”. This gesture is still used today by orthodox Jews of the Honahim, which are priests descended from Ahron by the patrillineal line. These Kohanim form a subset of the priestly Levite tribe. The Kohanim use the Shin gesture during a blessing ceremony, the neslat Kapaylm or "Priestly blessing"that accompanies the prayer service.The gesture is done with both hands extended outward at a rough 45 degree angle with the shoulders. What is X?
  • 5.
  • 7. 2) The chambered or pearly X is a cephalopod (a type of mollusk)—a distant cousin to squids, octopi, and cuttlefish. Unlike its color-changing cousins, though, the soft-bodied X lives inside its hard external shell. The shell itself has many closed interior chambers or “compartments.” The animal resides in the shell’s largest chamber, while the other chambers function like the _______ tanks of a _________. This is the secret to how the X _____ X also shares it’s name with a vehicle of sorts in a famous adventure novel published in 1870. This also lead to a modern invention by Simon Lake in 1898, earning him a congratulatory note from the the author of the book. ID X and the invention.
  • 8.
  • 11. The Order of Asimov’s rules
  • 12. 4) A neurological condition characterized by by skewed perception. Objects may appear smaller or bigger than they normally are, and in some cases even their own body size. Keeping in mind a 1865 novel and two cinematic adaptations (1951 & 2010), what is the name of the aforementioned syndrome?
  • 14. *5) In ‘2001, A Space Odyssey’ , Frank defies gravity while taking a jog around the Discovery 1.[video] The very clever illusion in this scene was accomplished through a massive centrifuge set which rotated while the camera remained fixed on a mount. This technique with slight modifications found it’s way into prominence in 2009 with a unique sequence in a blockbuster. Which sequence, movie?
  • 16. 6) The preference given to X over Y is attributed to the following set of reasons. Biologically the human brain is wired to like X more than Y, as in it is far easier to find a Y that everyone likes over a X that everyone likes. According to some sources, the use of Y in navigation devices dates back to World War II, when they were employed in airplane cockpits because they stood out among the pilots. And as telephone operators have traditionally been _______, people were more likely to be accustomed to getting assistance from a Y. Id X and Y.
  • 18. 7) “X is not really based on anyone per se. People might think we wrote the Y story – but this has been in production for a number of years before that so it is just a case of life imitating art. “Back when we started this we didn’t know who Y was and obviously he broke through and almost emulated the story we’re telling in the game – which is testament to our authenticity of the game which is great to see. “We wanted to create a brand new character and one that was indicative of the real world of ________. We wanted someone that represents that – through writing the character and representing the character we came out with X.” Which 2016 release would you associate this with?
  • 20. 8) Which phenomena is being described? A feeling of nostalgia A dopamine release on beating an opponent Herd Mentality Phenomenally Sociable A welcome distraction
  • 22. 9) Chroma keying is a technique used for combining two frames or images by replacing a color or a color range in one frame with that from the another frame. This technique is often used in movies or television, often to avoid tedious and more physical methods. Give Funda
  • 24. *10) The puzzle was invented by the French mathematician Édouard Lucas in 1883. There is a story about an Indian temple in Kashi Vishwanath which contains a large room with three time-worn posts in it surrounded by 64 golden disks. Brahmin priests, acting out the command of an ancient prophecy, have been moving these disks, in accordance with the immutable rules of the Brahma, since that time. The puzzle is therefore also known as the __ _ __ puzzle. According to the legend, when the last move of the puzzle will be completed, the world will end. It is not clear whether Lucas invented this legend or was inspired by it. What?
  • 26. 11) "We started to kick this off in 2001, but it fell away. The American dollar collapsed with 9/11, the budget ballooned, we had to get on to Happy Feet because the digital facility was [ready]. Then it rose again, and we had unprecedented rains in the outback of Australia. Where there was red desert there were now flowers. We waited a year for it to dry out. It didn’t, so we had to take everything from the east coast of Australia to the west coast of Africa, to Namibia where it never rains. We had to do it old school, this is not a CG movie, we don’t defy the laws of physics, and so we had to stage it. For 120 days, and every day was a big stunt day.“ What is being talked about?
  • 28. 12) In 1843, several onlookers described a __ match between Howard Staunton and Pierre St. Amant as a test of physical endurance rather than a battle of skill and brains. It was reported that their 21st match game took 66 ___and 14½ hours. These kinds of purposeless prolongations and deliberate attempts to fatigue and wear out the opponent were commonplace at the time, and an average game lasted nine hours. Which innovation was brought about by this necessity?
  • 30. 13) X was a player until he began to suffer from rheumatoid arthiritis and took up his current profession. Because of the illness, he couldn't do his job in the conventional fashion and hence had to introduce a new twist to it. This behavior attracted both critics and fans alike, with people calling him Bozo the Clown and one of his colleagues suggesting that he should stop because the game was for players and fans and not for him. Who is being talked about?
  • 32. 14) The research team first went to Animal Kingdom in Orlando, where they talked to animal experts.The team then went to Kenya, to study animals in the Savannah. The room their research further by even studying the individual strands of fur on animals on a microscopic level.They also visited the natural history museum in LA where they were able to better understand each species of fur. What was this research team preparing for ?
  • 34. *15) The USSR had a televised singing contest. Since few people had phones at that time, the state energy department would record the power spikes across the federation and report these results to the showmakers to determine the points for each contestant. How did each household vote?
  • 36. 16)In 1907 Japanese researcher Kikunae Ikeda of the Tokyo Imperial University identified brown crystals left behind after the evaporation of a large amount ofkombu broth as ___. These crystals, when tasted, reproduced the ineffable but undeniable flavor he detected in many foods, most especially in seaweed. Professor Ikeda termed this flavor umami. He then patented a method of mass-producing a crystalline salt of ___, named X . Give me X, which we have all heard of
  • 37. MSG
  • 38. 17) Identify the weapon. To evade security, this can be assembled and disassembled into its component parts: Fountain Pen – Forming the ‘barrel’ of the pistol, the pen screws directly into the body of the lighter. Includes removable thread cap. Lighter – With a hidden ‘slide out’ section the lighter forms the main body of the weapon. The lighter ‘lid’ opens to reveal a breech chamber. Cigarette Case – The end of the case opens to create the handle and trigger housing. Cufflink – With sprung blades, the cufflink fits into the trigger housing to create the trigger which can be pulled. Bullet – A single custom-made 4.2 mm golden (23-carat gold with traces of nickel) dum-dum bullet can be fitted into the ‘breech’ of the cigarette lighter. For transit, the ammunition is concealed in the buckle of his belt. The idea is that it is a weapon assembled from five seemingly innocuous ______ objects.
  • 40. 18) “One of the programs that ran into trouble was X. The 64-bit version had a pretty nasty bug where the __ would simply pass through other objects like a ghost. In particular, when you started the game, the __ would be delivered to the launcher, and then it would slowly fall towards the bottom of the screen, through the plunger, and out the bottom of the table,” the blog post reads.Y initially tried to debug the application and make it work on newer __ operating systems, but apparently it was taking too much time because the game was actually created by a third-party company, and not by Y itself. Funda?
  • 42. 19) James Doohan was an actor in a popular series.. What was the name of his autobiography? And what is wrong with the title with regards to the live action series?
  • 44. *20) X Y is an English-language textbook of human Y originally written by Henry X and illustrated by Henry Vandyke Carter. Earlier editions were called Y: Descriptive and Surgical and X Y: Descriptive and Applied, but the book's name is commonly shortened to, and later editions are titled, X Y. The book is widely regarded as an extremely influential work on the subject, and has continued to be revised and republished from its initial publication in 1858 to the present day. The latest edition of the book, the 41st, was published in September 2015. X,Y What is the Ent connect?
  • 46. 21) Zbtb7, originally named X, is a gene that may act as a master switch for cancer, and is responsible for the proliferation of cancer throughout surrounding cells. The original name, X, stands for "POK erythroid myeloid ontogenic factor". The X Company, not wanting the bad press inherent with its trademark sharing a name with a cancer-causing gene, threatened the center with legal action in December 2005, at which point MSKCC decided to rename it as Zbtb7. Funda?
  • 48. 22) What was the peagant called? The pageant was created to celebrate the continuous ___ ___ at Yucca Flat, Nevada, a mere 65 miles from Las Vegas. Above-ground ___ ___ was a major Las Vegas public attraction during the late 1950s, and hotels capitalized on the craze by hosting watch parties for the same. Images on the next slide.
  • 49.
  • 51. 23) “I heard a bit in the studio. I don’t have much to say about music. Usually I like it, and I just absorb it. I don’t have much to say, and they ain’t let me say anything anyway. They say “For God’s sake, Storm, do not harm our song. Do not murder our tune.” So I never say anything, really, about the music. I just let it go over, really, I suppose. It’s my job to reinterpret it, really. So it doesn’t really matter what I think, it matters what comes out the other end. It related mostly to a light show. They hadn’t really celebrated their light show. That was one thing. The other thing was the triangle. I think the triangle, which is a symbol of thought and ambition, was very much a subject of _____’s lyrics. So the triangle was a very a useful – as we know, obviously – was a very useful icon to deploy and making it into the X-you know, the X belonged to Y. What is being talked out?
  • 53. 24) If IS&T stands for Society of Imaging Science and Technology, identify the lady in the picture.
  • 55. *25) Leland Stanford had a large farm at which he bred, trained and raced horses. He was interested in improving the performance of his horses and in the scientific questions of their gait action. During July 1877, the photographer Muybridge tried to settle Stanford's question with a series of progressively clearer, single photographs of Stanford's trotter, Occident, at a racing-speed gait. One of the prints was sent to the local California press, but because they found that the film negative was retouched, the press dismissed it. The following year, Stanford financed Muybridge's next project: to use multiple cameras to photograph a Thoroughbred at a gallop at Stanford's farm in Palo Alto on June 15, 1878, in the presence of the press. What was Stanford’s question? How was it answered?
  • 56. The purpose of the shoot was to determine whether a galloping horse ever lifts all four feet completely off the ground during the gait. First ever motion picture / film / video.
  • 60. 1. X is a slight modification of a Hebrew gesture the letter "Shin“ (Pic on the next slide) which represents the name "Shaddal" or "Almighty”. This gesture is still used today by orthodox Jews of the Honahim, which are priests descended from Ahron by the patrillineal line. These Kohanim form a subset of the priestly Levite tribe. The Kohanim use the Shin gesture during a blessing ceremony, the neslat Kapaylm or "Priestly blessing"that accompanies the prayer service.The gesture is done with both hands extended outward at a rough 45 degree angle with the shoulders. What is X?
  • 61.
  • 63. 2) The chambered or pearly X is a cephalopod (a type of mollusk)—a distant cousin to squids, octopi, and cuttlefish. Unlike its color-changing cousins, though, the soft-bodied X lives inside its hard external shell. The shell itself has many closed interior chambers or “compartments.” The animal resides in the shell’s largest chamber, while the other chambers function like the _______ tanks of a _________. This is the secret to how the X _____ X also shares it’s name with a vehicle of sorts in a famous adventure novel published in 1870. This also lead to a modern invention by Simon Lake in 1898, earning him a congratulatory note from the the author of the book. ID X and the invention.
  • 64.
  • 67. The Order of Asimov’s rules
  • 68. 4) A neurological condition characterized by by skewed perception. Objects may appear smaller or bigger than they normally are, and in some cases even their own body size. Keeping in mind a 1865 novel and two cinematic adaptations (1951 & 2010), what is the name of the aforementioned syndrome?
  • 70. *5) In ‘2001, A Space Odyssey’ , Frank defies gravity while taking a jog around the Discovery 1.[video] The very clever illusion in this scene was accomplished through a massive centrifuge set which rotated while the camera remained fixed on a mount. This technique with slight modifications found it’s way into prominence in 2009 with a unique sequence in a blockbuster. Which sequence, movie?
  • 72. 6) The preference given to X over Y is attributed to the following set of reasons. Biologically the human brain is wired to like X more than Y, as in it is far easier to find a Y that everyone likes over a X that everyone likes. According to some sources, the use of Y in navigation devices dates back to World War II, when they were employed in airplane cockpits because they stood out among the pilots. And as telephone operators have traditionally been _______, people were more likely to be accustomed to getting assistance from a Y. Id X and Y.
  • 74. 7) “X is not really based on anyone per se. People might think we wrote the Y story – but this has been in production for a number of years before that so it is just a case of life imitating art. “Back when we started this we didn’t know who Y was and obviously he broke through and almost emulated the story we’re telling in the game – which is testament to our authenticity of the game which is great to see. “We wanted to create a brand new character and one that was indicative of the real world of ________. We wanted someone that represents that – through writing the character and representing the character we came out with X.” Which 2016 release would you associate this with?
  • 76. 8) Which phenomena is being described? A feeling of nostalgia A dopamine release on beating an opponent Herd Mentality Phenomenally Sociable A welcome distraction
  • 78. 9) Chroma keying is a technique used for combining two frames or images by replacing a color or a color range in one frame with that from the another frame. This technique is often used in movies or television, often to avoid tedious and more physical methods. Give Funda
  • 80. *10) The puzzle was invented by the French mathematician Édouard Lucas in 1883. There is a story about an Indian temple in Kashi Vishwanath which contains a large room with three time-worn posts in it surrounded by 64 golden disks. Brahmin priests, acting out the command of an ancient prophecy, have been moving these disks, in accordance with the immutable rules of the Brahma, since that time. The puzzle is therefore also known as the __ _ __ puzzle. According to the legend, when the last move of the puzzle will be completed, the world will end. It is not clear whether Lucas invented this legend or was inspired by it. What?
  • 82. 11) "We started to kick this off in 2001, but it fell away. The American dollar collapsed with 9/11, the budget ballooned, we had to get on to Happy Feet because the digital facility was [ready]. Then it rose again, and we had unprecedented rains in the outback of Australia. Where there was red desert there were now flowers. We waited a year for it to dry out. It didn’t, so we had to take everything from the east coast of Australia to the west coast of Africa, to Namibia where it never rains. We had to do it old school, this is not a CG movie, we don’t defy the laws of physics, and so we had to stage it. For 120 days, and every day was a big stunt day.“ What is being talked about?
  • 84. 12) In 1843, several onlookers described a __ match between Howard Staunton and Pierre St. Amant as a test of physical endurance rather than a battle of skill and brains. It was reported that their 21st match game took 66 ___and 14½ hours. These kinds of purposeless prolongations and deliberate attempts to fatigue and wear out the opponent were commonplace at the time, and an average game lasted nine hours. Which innovation was brought about by this necessity?
  • 86. 13) X was a player until he began to suffer from rheumatoid arthiritis and took up his current profession. Because of the illness, he couldn't do his job in the conventional fashion and hence had to introduce a new twist to it. This behavior attracted both critics and fans alike, with people calling him Bozo the Clown and one of his colleagues suggesting that he should stop because the game was for players and fans and not for him. Who is being talked about?
  • 88. 14) The research team first went to Animal Kingdom in Orlando, where they talked to animal experts.The team then went to Kenya, to study animals in the Savannah. The room their research further by even studying the individual strands of fur on animals on a microscopic level.They also visited the natural history museum in LA where they were able to better understand each species of fur. What was this research team preparing for ?
  • 90. *15) The USSR had a televised singing contest. Since few people had phones at that time, the state energy department would record the power spikes across the federation and report these results to the showmakers to determine the points for each contestant. How did each household vote?
  • 92. 16)In 1907 Japanese researcher Kikunae Ikeda of the Tokyo Imperial University identified brown crystals left behind after the evaporation of a large amount ofkombu broth as ___. These crystals, when tasted, reproduced the ineffable but undeniable flavor he detected in many foods, most especially in seaweed. Professor Ikeda termed this flavor umami. He then patented a method of mass-producing a crystalline salt of ___, named X . Give me X, which we have all heard of
  • 93. MSG
  • 94. 17) Identify the weapon. To evade security, this can be assembled and disassembled into its component parts: Fountain Pen – Forming the ‘barrel’ of the pistol, the pen screws directly into the body of the lighter. Includes removable thread cap. Lighter – With a hidden ‘slide out’ section the lighter forms the main body of the weapon. The lighter ‘lid’ opens to reveal a breech chamber. Cigarette Case – The end of the case opens to create the handle and trigger housing. Cufflink – With sprung blades, the cufflink fits into the trigger housing to create the trigger which can be pulled. Bullet – A single custom-made 4.2 mm golden (23-carat gold with traces of nickel) dum- dum bullet can be fitted into the ‘breech’ of the cigarette lighter. For transit, the ammunition is concealed in the buckle of his belt. The idea is that it is a weapon assembled from five seemingly innocuous ______ objects.
  • 96. 18) “One of the programs that ran into trouble was X. The 64-bit version had a pretty nasty bug where the __ would simply pass through other objects like a ghost. In particular, when you started the game, the __ would be delivered to the launcher, and then it would slowly fall towards the bottom of the screen, through the plunger, and out the bottom of the table,” the blog post reads.Y initially tried to debug the application and make it work on newer __ operating systems, but apparently it was taking too much time because the game was actually created by a third-party company, and not by Y itself. Funda?
  • 98. 19) James Doohan was an actor in a popular series.. What was the name of his autobiography? And what is wrong with the title with regards to the live action series?
  • 100. *20) X Y is an English-language textbook of human Y originally written by Henry X and illustrated by Henry Vandyke Carter. Earlier editions were called Y: Descriptive and Surgical and X Y: Descriptive and Applied, but the book's name is commonly shortened to, and later editions are titled, X Y. The book is widely regarded as an extremely influential work on the subject, and has continued to be revised and republished from its initial publication in 1858 to the present day. The latest edition of the book, the 41st, was published in September 2015. X,Y What is the Ent connect?
  • 102. 21) Zbtb7, originally named X, is a gene that may act as a master switch for cancer, and is responsible for the proliferation of cancer throughout surrounding cells. The original name, X, stands for "POK erythroid myeloid ontogenic factor". The X Company, not wanting the bad press inherent with its trademark sharing a name with a cancer-causing gene, threatened the center with legal action in December 2005, at which point MSKCC decided to rename it as Zbtb7. Funda?
  • 104. 22) What was the peagant called? The pageant was created to celebrate the continuous ___ ___ at Yucca Flat, Nevada, a mere 65 miles from Las Vegas. Above-ground ___ ___ was a major Las Vegas public attraction during the late 1950s, and hotels capitalized on the craze by hosting watch parties for the same. Images on the next slide.
  • 105.
  • 107. 23) “I heard a bit in the studio. I don’t have much to say about music. Usually I like it, and I just absorb it. I don’t have much to say, and they ain’t let me say anything anyway. They say “For God’s sake, Storm, do not harm our song. Do not murder our tune.” So I never say anything, really, about the music. I just let it go over, really, I suppose. It’s my job to reinterpret it, really. So it doesn’t really matter what I think, it matters what comes out the other end. It related mostly to a light show. They hadn’t really celebrated their light show. That was one thing. The other thing was the triangle. I think the triangle, which is a symbol of thought and ambition, was very much a subject of _____’s lyrics. So the triangle was a very a useful – as we know, obviously – was a very useful icon to deploy and making it into the X-you know, the X belonged to Y. What is being talked out?
  • 109. 24) If IS&T stands for Society of Imaging Science and Technology, identify the lady in the picture.
  • 111. *25) Leland Stanford had a large farm at which he bred, trained and raced horses. He was interested in improving the performance of his horses and in the scientific questions of their gait action. During July 1877, the photographer Muybridge tried to settle Stanford's question with a series of progressively clearer, single photographs of Stanford's trotter, Occident, at a racing- speed gait. One of the prints was sent to the local California press, but because they found that the film negative was retouched, the press dismissed it. The following year, Stanford financed Muybridge's next project: to use multiple cameras to photograph a Thoroughbred at a gallop at Stanford's farm in Palo Alto on June 15, 1878, in the presence of the press. What was Stanford’s question? How was it answered?
  • 112. The purpose of the shoot was to determine whether a galloping horse ever lifts all four feet completely off the ground during the gait. First ever motion picture / film / video.
  • 114. ROUND 1- CLOCKWISE DRIES 12 Questions Infinite Bounce and Pounce +10/-10 on the Pounce and +10/0 on the Bounce Dwiref is still Mithrandir
  • 115. 1) “I think X is a very uncynical character, he is actually very open and entirely self-centred and a highly vindictive character when he wants to be. Not at all pleasant, but at the same time I do not think he has any malice in him.” . X often gets himself into all manner of scrapes. Now, while it is true that a lot of the time the problems he creates for himself are completely his own fault, he does manage to come up with spectacular solutions time and time again. His original thinking and problem solving abilities do certainly point to some sort sort of above-average intelligence. All things taken into account, X’s main disorder – if you can call it that – is probably High Functioning Autism. Who is being talked about?
  • 117. 2) Geena Davis – Academy Award-winning actress Nolan Gould – American actor, Modern Family John McAfee – Computer programmer, founder of McAfee, Inc., one of the first people to design anti-virus software Julie Peterson – Playboy Playmate of the Month, February 1987 Asia Carrera – Former pornographic actress and blogger Scott Adams – Cartoonist, creator of Dilbert Erik Kuselias – ESPN radio and television personality Connect this inexhaustive list to something that describes itself as the "Coming together of equals“ and for which only the top 2% of the participants qualify.
  • 119. 3) Waldo was a short story by Robert A. Heinlein about a mechanical genius named Waldo. The titular character was born a weakling, unable to lift his hands or head or use them to drink or eat. This prompted Waldo to use his skill to fashion something that enabled him to do exactly that. Modern and very much real versions of the selfsame contraption are called The Waldo in his honor and are widely used in industrial applications. What is The Waldo?
  • 123. 5) Give the Funda
  • 125. 6) When gamma radiation hits DNA, it breaks the molecule's double-stranded, ladder-like helix, a process known as chromothripsis. Your body can repair a few breaks without significant loss of function. If many breaks occur – say, if you were subject to high intensity gamma radiation – the repairs can become sloppy, and new instructions can be keyed into the genetic code. It is possible that when X’s DNA reassembled after the initial blast, it now included a handful of epigenetic switches. Instead of being activated by light, however, the hormones produced when X is _____ might flip the genetic switches to reconfigure his DNA to transform him into Y. As for Y's skin turning ______,. When you bruise, red blood cells at the point of injury die and the oxygen-carrying molecule on their surface, hemoglobin, begins to break up. One of hemoglobin's metabolites, Alvarado said, is a molecule called biliverdin, which can make the blood appear ______.
  • 126.
  • 127. 7) If IS&T stands for Society of Imaging Science and Technology, identify the lady in the picture.
  • 129. 8) X is a key concept of cartoon physics and refers to an extradimensional, instantly accessible storage area which is used to explain how animated characters can produce objects out of thin air. The phenomenon has existed in animation for many years but the term X originated from a gag common in certain anime and manga where a female character would produce an oversized __ ___ and hit a male character with it. Identify X.
  • 131. 9) X is a sweetly scented, highly poisonous woodland flowering plant that is native throughout the cool temperate Northern Hemisphere in Asia, and Europe. All parts of the plant are highly poisonous, including the red berries which may be attractive to children. If ingested—even in small amounts—the plant can cause abdominal pain, vomiting, reduced heart rate, blurred vision, drowsiness and red skin rashes. The plant pops up in Christian legend several times. As the story goes, it was formed from the tears of Mary as she wept at the crucifixion of Jesus, and grew from the blood shed by Saint Leonard of Noblac during his fight with a dragon. It was also used as the floral emblem of Yugoslavia and is the national flower of Finland. (Image on the next slide)
  • 132.
  • 133. X : Lily of the Valley It’s the potted plant in Gus Fring’s backyard, and Walter kills Brock using the berry of this plant, in an unknown way. BREAKING BAD
  • 134. 10) James Kakalios, a Physics professor at the University of Minnesota has proposed a very interesting hypothesis regarding X’s incredible weight. He speculates that since it is made of a foreign and presumably scientifically- advanced metal, under proper external stimulus, it must be able to control the emission of Y. So when someone tries to ____ X, it changes the number of Ys emitted to counter the upward force being applied to it, based on whether or not it finds the person ______. This theory also offers an explanation as to how X is able to control its trajectory and move when thrown, seemingly of its own volition, and return to Z in the end.
  • 136. George P. Lakoff is an American cognitive linguist, best known for his thesis that lives of individuals are significantly influenced by the central metaphors they use to explain complex phenomena. His book describes conceptual framing, the use of certain words to literally insert certain ideas about a subject into the listener's mind in a surreptitious way, e.g. implanting the idea that taxes are a bad thing by using the phrase "tax relief." The name of the book is also used in a multiple-award-winning, critically acclaimed 2010 movie, in a similar sense. Name the Book. 11)
  • 137.
  • 138. 12) When Y made the movie ______, he surrounded himself with a highly skilled crew of studio professionals, as well as engineers and designers recruited from the aerospace industry. When it came time to make his space film X therefore set out to hire as many people who had worked with Y as he could. He hired so many Y alumni that as a group they were referred to as "The Class of ____." But he borrowed selectively. Y’s environments were cohesive and balanced, informed by architectural theory and late-’60s aesthetics. By contrast, X willfully mashed together minimalism, modernism and NASA design. Two visual rhetorics are at war on-screen: The first is that of an industrial superpower; the second is that of a rogue fringe of misfits and mismatches. ID X and Y
  • 139. X: George Lucas Y: Stanley Kubrick
  • 140. ROUND 2-WRITTEN- Organisms named after celebrities 7 questions +10/0 on every correct answer a bonus 10 if all correct Write down your answers, don’t cheat and exchange your sheets once the questions are done
  • 141. 1) Referring to its behavioral resemblance with the X, who suck their prey's soul, leaving it an empty body with neither thoughts nor emotions, in a way like the wasp.
  • 143. 2) Named after the resemblance its shiny exoskeleton bears to the Daddy of all SciFi villains.
  • 145. 3) Named after X for its hourglass-shaped glabellum.
  • 147. 4) It has a striking golden tip to its abdomen, formed by a dense patch of golden hairs, providing the inspiration for its name
  • 149. 5) A certain kind of wasp that uses caterpillars as hosts for their larvae. One of those species causes the host caterpillar to twist in all different sorts of ways as it dies, which reminded the scientists of X.
  • 151. 6) A new tree frog species with a shrill, X-like call discovered in the Brazilian Amazon. Named after the person who bit the head off an X thrown at him, thinking it was rubber.
  • 153. 7) "When I first saw the pair of isolated claws in the fossil records of this species I could not help but think of X. Even the genus name, Kootenichela, includes the reference to this film as 'chela' is Latin for claws or scissors. In truth, I am also a bit of a Y fan and so what better way to honour the man than to immortalise him as an ancient creature that once roamed the sea?"
  • 155. Round 3 : Long Connect 7 questions Standard bounce pounce (+10/0), (+10/-10) All answers connect to a common theme Theme points are on each slide
  • 156. X? +60/-30 • An X worm is an extremely rapidly propagating computer worm that spreads as fast as physically possible, infecting all vulnerable machines on the entire Internet in 15 minutes or less. The term is based on X's remark that "In the future, everyone will have 15 minutes of fame". • The SQL Slammer worm was the first observed example of an X worm. The mechanism of SQL Slammer's spread used a pseudo-random number generator seeded from a system variable to determine which IP addresses to attack next. In spite of deficiencies in its implementation, the randomized attack was highly effective.
  • 160. X? +40/-20 • X was an English theoretical physicist who made fundamental contributions to the early development of both quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics. • Among other discoveries, he formulated the X equation, which describes the behaviour of fermions and predicted the existence of antimatter. He shared the 1933 Nobel Prize in Physics with Erwin Schrödinger, "for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory". He also did work that forms the basis of modern attempts to reconcile general relativity with quantum mechanics. • He was regarded by his friends and colleagues as unusual in character. Albert Einstein said of him, "This balancing on the dizzying path between genius and madness is awful". His mathematical brilliance, however, means he is regarded as one of the most significant physicists of the 20th century.
  • 162. X? +30/-15 • In Greek mythology, X was the daughter of Zeus and Leda, and was considered the most beautiful woman in the world. • Her abduction by Paris, Prince of ____, brought about the Trojan War. Elements of her putative biography come from classical authors such as Aristophanes, Cicero, Euripides and Homer. • The legends recounting X’s fate in ____ are contradictory. Homer depicts her as a wistful, even a sorrowful, figure, coming to regret her choice and wishing to be reunited with Menelaus. Other accounts have a treacherous X who simulates Bacchic rites and rejoices in the carnage.
  • 164. X? +20/-10 • X's son, Nick, wrote several episodes in the Star Trek franchise. In an episode of Star Trek: Enterprise entitled "Terra Prime", a quick shot is shown of the relic rover Sojourner, part of the Mars Pathfinder mission, placed by a historical marker at X Memorial Station on the Martian surface. The marker displays a quote from X: "Whatever the reason you're on Mars, I'm glad you're there, and I wish I was with you." • X's student Steve Squyres led the team that landed the rovers Spirit and Opportunity successfully on Mars in 2004.
  • 166. X? +10/0 • X first gained international attention by starring in the Rob Reiner film Stand By Me (1986). He then played his most famous role in a TV show for a little over three years. • He is married to Anne Price and lives in Arcadia, California with her and her two sons from a previous relationship. X is an aficionado of computers, the Internet and technology in general. He says he is drawn to alternatives like Linux because he is left-handed, brewing his own beer at home, the Los Angeles Kings ice hockey team and the Los Angeles Dodgers.
  • 168. These are all units of measurement. • Warhol: 15 minutes of fame • Lovelace: Lack of Quality of an Operating System • Dirac: Information flow • Helen: Beauty • Sagan: “billions and billions” • Wheaton: Twitter followers
  • 169. List-it List as many elements as you can that were named for scientists
  • 170. ROUND X- ANTICLOCKWISE DRIES 13 Questions Infinite Bounce and Pounce +10/-10 on the Pounce and +10/0 on the Bounce
  • 171. Excerpt of a conversation from the 1983 sci-fi thriller, WarGames. Stephen Falken: The whole point was to find a way to practice nuclear war without destroying ourselves. To get the computers to learn from mistakes we couldn't afford to make. Except, I never could get Joshua to learn the most important lesson. David Lightman: What's that? Stephen Falken: Futility. That there's a time when you should just give up. Jennifer: What kind of a lesson is that? Stephen Falken: Did you ever play X? Jennifer: Yeah, of course. Stephen Falken: But you don't anymore. Jennifer: No. Stephen Falken: Why? Jennifer: Because it's a boring game. It's always a tie. Stephen Falken: Exactly. There's no way to win. The game itself is pointless! But back at the war room, they believe you can win a nuclear war. That there can be "acceptable losses. 1) ID X
  • 173. 2) The sci-fi TV show X provided the inspiration for the project's name. In the series, a ____ is an electronic communication, often consisting of a video call or video message. During the developer preview, a number of references were made to the series, such as Lars Rasmussen replying to a message with "shiny", a word used in the series to mean cool or good, and the crash message of ____ being a popular quotation from the series: "Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!“ Another common error message, "Everything's shiny, Cap'n. Not to fret!" is a quote from Kaylee Frye in the 2005 motion-picture X continuation, Y, and it is matched with a sign declaring that "This ____ is experiencing some turbulence and might explode. If you don't want to explode..." which is another reference to the opening of the film. Give X and the project
  • 175. 3) The Internet Archive is home to over 200,000 scanned copies of classic books. Some of them are gorgeously crafted, but fancy styling can make it difficult for computers to translate the books into an indexable digital text. Much like a Mechanical Turk application, X uses ______ to translate images of scanned words that a computer couldn’t understand. The scanned words are placed alongside a normal _______ widget so users decode both words at the same time. The word can be run by multiple people to cut down on errors. _______ also offer the opportunity to convert a lot of words. FUNDA?
  • 177. 4) Name the company and put funda. X was a company co-founded by Y with his friend Z. The name came from a combination of the two's last names. At this time, Y was dating his female lab assistant, Gretchen . For reasons not yet explained, he suddenly left Gretchen during a vacation with her family, leaving her and his research behind. Gretchen eventually went on to marry Z instead and X became a highly successful company using Y's research. Y secretly feels that his work was stolen from him and bitterly blames Z and Gretchen for his lot in life. In 2008 the company was nominated for a Nobel Prize. After leaving Gretchen, Y sold his share of the company to Z for $5,000. As of 2010, X has a net worth of 2.16 billion dollars.
  • 178. Gray Matter Technologies from Breaking Bad. Y: Walter White Z: Elliot Schwartz (Schwartz meaning black in German)
  • 179. 5) In the 1888 utopian novel, author Edward Bellamy writes about a man who falls into a hypnosis induced sleep, only to wake up 113 years later. Of the many interesting predictions that Bellamy makes in this 'future' world, he describes the use of X, the use of which one could procure any provisions by simply presenting X to the vendor. In the real world, two similar items of daily use exist. As futuristic as his idea was, what the author described is more like the second of the two items in question. Put funda and ID X?
  • 180. Credit Cards. Bellamy's description of how his credit cards worked is similar to how modern debit cards work.
  • 181. 6)This is a special rendition of a famous song. Name the song, the original artist and the person who’s singing it in this audio clip. What makes this rendition special?
  • 182. Astronaut Chris Hadfield singing Space Oddity (by David Bowie) aboard the ISS.
  • 183. 7) Fill in the blanks and give funda.
  • 184. Average color of the universe - Cosmic Latte
  • 185. 8) Glenn Seaborg, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory UC Berkeley, California United States of America What's so unique about the above address?
  • 187. Each of the names in this address references an element named for it/them or related to their namesake: Glenn Seaborg – Seaborgium Lawrence Berkeley Lab – Lawrencium UC Berkeley – Berkelium California – Californium USA – Americium
  • 188. 9) This is a trailer of a BBC series released in 2003 based on a true story. Who’s the clerk here and give funda.
  • 189. Arthur Conan Doyle Dr. Bell, who was the the inspiration behind Sherlock Holmes The show is called Dr. Bell and Mr. Doyle
  • 190. 10) In the background of this video clip from Avatar, is a statement referring to a common urban myth regarding one of the purposes of the organ in question. What’s the myth? OR Identify the blanks in the following poster
  • 192. People go blind when they play with themselves too much OR IBM's Watson on Jeopardy
  • 193. 11) In the prelims, you’ve seen the biological reason for why female voices in AI are preferred over male voices. There is another reason that gains roots from pop culture. HAL 9000, with its calm composed voice scared many people. In 2001: A Space Odyssey, as Dave unplugs modules and arrays from HAL 9000’s mainframe, HAL loses control over logical ability and begins to sing a song. What is significant about this song?
  • 194. Daisy Bell was the first song ever sung by a computer
  • 195. 12) X? A New Era of Thought consists of two parts. The first part is a collection of philosophical and mathematical essays on the fourth dimension. These essays are somewhat disconnected. They teach the possibility of thinking four-dimensionally and about the religious and philosophical insights thus obtainable. In the second part Hinton develops a system of coloured cubes. These cubes serve as model to get a four-dimensional perception as a basis of four-dimensional thinking. This part describes how to visualize a X by looking at several 3-D cross sections of it. The system of cubic models in A New Era of Thought is a forerunner of the cubic models in Hinton's book The Fourth Dimension.
  • 198. 13) Identify X. • X is an English musician, singer, songwriter and astrophysicist, best known as the lead guitarist of the rock band Y. • He was appointed a Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE) in 2005 for "services to the music industry and for charity work". • He attained a PhD in astrophysics from Imperial College London in 2007 and was Chancellor of Liverpool John Moores University from 2008 to 2013. • He was a "science team collaborator" with NASA's New Horizons Pluto mission. • He is also a co-founder of the awareness campaign, Asteroid Day, also has an asteroid named after him. • Also an animal rights activist, campaigning against the hunting of foxes and the culling of badgers in the UK.