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The Natural Law Theory Essay examples
Obeying by the natural law theory is the only true and moral way to live life; especially a life lived
in God's image. God's presence is a guiding factor to obtaining a moral and virtuous life, which can
only be obtained by following the natural law theory. God created a set of laws as a supreme guide
for humans to live life, like any law these laws were created to ensure wellbeing for everyone. The
laws he created are the civil law, the natural law and the divine law God created them from a law
much superior than the rest, one which only God himself has the knowledge of, the eternal law.
Humans actively participate in the eternal law of God by using reason in conformity with the
Natural Law to discern what is good and evil(Magee 1). more content...
Whatever is in motion now was at rest until moved by something else, and that by something else,
and so on. But if there were an infinite series of movers, all waiting to be moved by something
else, then actual motion could never have got started, and there would be no motion now. But there
is motion now. So there must be a First Mover which is itself unmoved. This First Mover we call
God (Archon 1).
The final crucial proof of the existence of God is Aquinas fourth proof. This proof looks at
qualities of humans; all humans possess many different attributes which we consider unique to
each individual. This is when standards are formed humans began to have a certain criteria for
how or what someone with a given attribute should act or how they should portray themselves. The
only way this standard could come into existence is to believe that there is a perfect creation
possessing all qualities and expressing them in the most precise and perfect way. This perfect
creation is God, the person in which humans get the laws at which the obeyed by. Aquinas five
proofs of the existence of God are much more extensive but just looking at the proof of motion and
the proof of perfection it becomes unquestionable that there is an almighty creation. This superior
creation creates laws at which
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Why Study Law Essay
Why study law? I think law is a course where you can practice practical skills and gain other skills
too. Law is human rights; it is solving people's problems and getting to know what people go
through. Firstly I want to study law because of the injustices that still exist in the world we are in
and it bothers me a lot. I want to be the one that can change it. I want to be the one that will help
people and get them justice. I want to the society to be equal and I want to fight for some human
rights. I want to be a lawyer or an investigator in crime scenes because I love solving problems which
are between two people and think about which option is the best to set and go for. I am a good
listener and I like taking risks. I want to more content...
I think studying abroad makes you gain some self confidence and know how to handle
responsibilities by yourself. I will be able to rebuild my life from scratch. I will get to meet
different people who lead to different cultures and I will meet an entirely new culture. I will get to
ask the friends I will make about how is law back in their countries. How does their law differ
from ours? I will be able to explore the world, the world that I yet didn't see. I will get to see how
education is in different countries and get to experience it. Being an international student will
help meet other international students and I will get to ask and see how cultures differ and what
are their traditions are like. The steps I take are my future; I am the one who move my feet towards
the goal I want. It is what I want to be and what I will hopefully be. There isn't anyone who could
stop me from being what or who I want to become. Yes I will be alone and I will get lost a lot of
times but that is part of rebuilding who I am. That'll teach me loads of things I never knew and I
will learn more about
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How is I Bill Made Into a Law? Essay example
The basic idea for a law can originate from an array of places ranging from a concerned citizen to
the President. In order for a bill to become a law it must begin in either the House or the Senate
and can only be introduced by a member of Congress (Schwalbe, 2014). In order for a bill to have
a chance at becoming a law it must go through various different stages which include committee
consideration, floor debate(by House and Senate), conference committees, and then if both houses
pass the bill it is then sent to the president to either be signed and become a law or vetoed. When
the president gets the bill he actually has up to five options on what to do with it. (Schwalbe,
2014). He can pass it as a law by both dating and signing more content...
Another example of how bills and laws work is shown with the Student Loan Fairness Act of
2013(H.R. 1330). Authored by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D–Mass) and sponsored by Representative
Karen Bass (CA–37), if this bill is signed into a law it would dramatically lower the interest rates
on federal student loans (Kingkade, 2013). Warren's plan is to have the percentage rate on
government issued student loans lower from 6.8 percent to .75 percent (Kingkade, 2013). When
looking at the details of H.R. 1330, you can see the timeline of events that has happened since the
bill was introduced in 2013. The details show that Hon. Karen Bass introduced the bill to the
House Education and the Workforce, House Financial Services, House Ways and Means, and
then the bill was referred to the subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Training.
(Committee Action, Schwalbe, 2014). As of April 2013, the bill has gained up to 51 different
cosponsors however it is still under review by committee and awaiting further action or until the
committees are ready to send it to the floor for debate. If this bill did become a law it would help
college students with the debt they incur while obtaining higher education. Some people say that
bills take too long to pass and looking at H.R. 1330 one can see why most Americans feel this way.
(No action since April 2013) The wait time and the
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Federal Laws Essay examples
Federal Laws
The federal governments stand on inclusion is somewhat indistinct. There are federal laws that
govern education of children with disabilities. However, they do not require inclusion, but only that
a significant effort be made to find an inclusive placement. The Individuals With Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA) was amended in 1997. The term inclusion does not appear in the act, but does
require that children with disabilities be educated to the maximum extent appropriate in the least
restrictive environment, which is interpreted to mean the regular education classroom. The intent of
IDEA is to educate as many students with disabilities as possible in the regular education classroom
(––, 2002.)
Section 504 of more content...
Holland the parents were challenging the district's decision to place their daughter half–time in a
special education classroom and half–time in a regular education classroom. They were fighting over
the non–academic benefits that their daughter would gain if included full time. The court established
a four–part balancing test to determine whether a school district is complying with IDEA. The four
factors were as follows; The educational benefits of placing the child in a full–time regular
education program, the non–academic benefits of such a placement, the effect the child would have
on the teacher and other students in the regular classroom, and the costs associated with this
placement. As a result of applying these factors, the court found in favor of including the child
(Schultz 2001.)
Special Education Legislation
Special Education Legislation has helped inclusion activists throughout the years. In 1975 the
Education of All Handicapped Children Act required that a free and appropriate education and
related services be provided in the least restrictive environment and that an individualized plan (IEP)
be written for each student. In 1983 amendments were passed that emphasize planning for
transitional services for secondary students and authorize parent training and information centers. In
1986 Amendments were passed that extend the provisions to children ages three
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Law Commission Essay
As a body the law commission is an independent, permanent and full time organisation where their
aim is to improve the law by making suggested changes and brings it up to date. The law
commission was created by the law commission act of 1965.
In the law commission there are five commissioners. There is one chairman/women who is a high
court judge and four others which can be either legal academics and/or practicing barristers who are
both trained to a high standard.
There are three ways that they try to modernise the law, by codification where they bring together a
particular topic to one act of parliament. Examples of this includes Draft Criminal Code Act 1989,
Murder and Homicide Act 2006 and the Coroners and Justice Act 2009. more
Where they will go through the same process as to the House of Commons, but, when they have
done the third reading the bill will go through the consideration of amendments. This is where the
house of lords makes any changes to the bill, then the bill has to go back to the house of commons
so they can approve it before it goes to the queen. However, if both houses cannot come to any
agreement, the house of commons will get the say, because they have more power than the house of
lords. Finally, the last stage is Royal Assent, where the crown formally assents to the bill in order for
it to become a law.
Orders in council are used for a range of different reasons for example transferring obligations
between government departments. The Queen and the privy council have authority to make orders
in council that affect the whole country. This way it doesn't have to go through government. The
privy council are a group of senior politicians. An example of this was the petrol strike in 2000.
This was when there was a fast moving protest about the price of petrol and deasil, this cause a panic
to the community about buying petrol from stations, so they tried to preserve fuel
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Unjust Law Examples
A "just" law, according to me, is the one that is ethical, fair, unbiased, and one that honors every
individual who resides within the law; it's a law that is in place for honoring every individual
without any discrimination. A "unjust" law is one that unfair, inhumane, unethical, and one that
is in place for the benefit of one group; a law that does not honor every individual who resides within
the law. Laws have been around for a long time, whether social or legal, and they will continue to be
around for a long time as well. However, just because laws have been around for a long period of
time it does not mean that are "just". Some laws are considered to be "just" for some while some
laws are considered as "unjust" for some. For example,
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Social Work Law Essay
Social Work Law
This assignment involves a case study where Ralph, a fourteen year old boy, is currently in foster
care because his mother; Kerry, felt she was unable to control him due to his behaviour. However,
Kerry has now expressed that she is unhappy with this foster placement and has requested that her
son be returned to live with her and his two younger brothers. The scenario becomes more complex
owing to the fact that Ralph has disclosed that his mother had regularly hit him with a walking
stick. In this essay I will seek to consider the main practice issues raised by the scenario of the case
study. Using the materials provided within the course along with my own professional experience, I
will outline relevant more content...
The Children Act 1989, section 47 states that the Local Authority must investigate if it has
'reasonable cause' to suspect that a child is suffering significant harm. This is also known as a
section 47 enquiry. Ralph says he has been the victim of physical abuse and that this was a
reoccurring act. As a social worker I would have to investigate this further. The questions I would
want to find answers to would include; Are Ralph's siblings at risk from experiencing similar
physical abuse? Is Ralph at risk of suffering from physical abuse if he returns home to his mother? I
would also want to look further into the causes behind Ralph's truancy and why he has started to
engage in anti–social behaviour. Could this be a result of a breakdown in his relationship with his
mother? Or are there problems with the home environment? When Ralph disclosed that his mother
hit him with a stick, he said that he did not want anyone else to know. With this we encounter a
conflict of what Ralph wishes and the professional duty of the worker. When working with young
people it is important to make sure that they are aware of and understand the agency's
confidentiality policy. As a social worker I would explain to Ralph, within his level of
understanding, that I will have to record some of the information he shares with me. However if he
shares information that suggests that himself
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Law School Essay
Law School Perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of the practice of law is learning to be a
lawyer. Virtually every new lawyer today is a graduate of law school, a much dreaded, but
fulfilling journey to practicing law. Modern law schools differ greatly from their earlier counterpart,
in that many more requirements and responsibilities exist. In colonial times, students pursuing a
career in law would enter institutions for instruction of the law, and would automatically become
qualified to practice law in the courts after a few years of study. Today, however, becoming a
lawyer takes much more training, rigorous work and effort, and many years of studying in order to
take a bar exam of which passage represents more content...
These sections include logical reasoning, analytical reasoning, reading comprehension, a writing
sample, and an experimental section, which does not count toward the final score of the law
school applicant. The writing sample is not scored either, but it is sent to every law school to
which an aspiring law student applies. Law schools usually do not use it as a significant part of
the admissions process. Admission requirements of prestigious schools in the United States differ
greatly with those of the less prominent. As written by the Dean of Admissions at Stanford Law
School: "Admission to Stanford Law School is based primarily upon superior academic
achievement and potential to contribute to the development and practice of the law. Competition
is severe: the 178 members of the Class of 2002 were selected from among 4,000 applicants, and
most were drawn from the upper 5 percent of their undergraduate class and the upper 5 percent of
the LSAT pool. The class that entered in 1999 numbered 93 women and 85 men, over half of whom
had been out of college for two or more years." In contrast, other less–prominent law schools around
the nation do not present nearly as strict requirements for applicants. In evaluating individual files,
the faculty of any law school considers the record of both undergraduate and graduate education, and
the applicant's talents, nonacademic experience, and
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Law School Reflection
Before the A–S–3900 class started I had absolutely no clue about law school I just knew I wanted
to be a lawyer. So far, this semester I have learned that law school is hard to gain acceptance. I
wasn't aware that the LSAT isn't based on your knowledge of the law. I've researched the law
schools I want to attend and their requirements, I will not let my fear stop me from being a lawyer.
I also had the opportunity to take a practice exam, which helped me figure out what areas I need to
study before taking the actual test. A lot of the presenters were awesome, and the Michigan state
presentation changed my perspective on law school, the presenter made it seem like law school is
an amazing place to be and anyone can make it. Although I fear of a lot of debt and failure, I'm
going to still pursue the career of a defense attorney.
I had no clue of what I was going to be learning this semester, but I had a clue of what I wanted to
learn. I thought this class was about having mock law classes and debates, but I'm happy that it
wasn't because I was able to learn so many new and important things this semester. I have a
different perspective of law school after taking this course. While taking this course I learned how
hard and important law school stands. Something that still stands out in law school is the student's
age range from 21+, I appreciate the diversity that is offered. Another thing that stood out was a lot
of other students didn't like this course, but it's effective, it will help you decide whether you want to
go to law school. Making the decision to go to law school is difficult and important, especially when
it comes to the levies you have in order to apply for law school.
Honestly, before this course, I had never thought about why I wanted to go to law school or what
pushed me into wanting this career, but when I did, it made me think more about if I actually
really want to go to law school. Since this course has started, I felt like I was out of place and I
didn't want to attend law school anymore. Although I shouldn't base my opinion on what others
have encountered, I did. I heard law school was too difficult for me to take on, but now I have done
some thinking and I believe I should at least try to
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Sample Law Essays

  • 1. The Natural Law Theory Essay examples Obeying by the natural law theory is the only true and moral way to live life; especially a life lived in God's image. God's presence is a guiding factor to obtaining a moral and virtuous life, which can only be obtained by following the natural law theory. God created a set of laws as a supreme guide for humans to live life, like any law these laws were created to ensure wellbeing for everyone. The laws he created are the civil law, the natural law and the divine law God created them from a law much superior than the rest, one which only God himself has the knowledge of, the eternal law. Humans actively participate in the eternal law of God by using reason in conformity with the Natural Law to discern what is good and evil(Magee 1). more content... Whatever is in motion now was at rest until moved by something else, and that by something else, and so on. But if there were an infinite series of movers, all waiting to be moved by something else, then actual motion could never have got started, and there would be no motion now. But there is motion now. So there must be a First Mover which is itself unmoved. This First Mover we call God (Archon 1). The final crucial proof of the existence of God is Aquinas fourth proof. This proof looks at qualities of humans; all humans possess many different attributes which we consider unique to each individual. This is when standards are formed humans began to have a certain criteria for how or what someone with a given attribute should act or how they should portray themselves. The only way this standard could come into existence is to believe that there is a perfect creation possessing all qualities and expressing them in the most precise and perfect way. This perfect creation is God, the person in which humans get the laws at which the obeyed by. Aquinas five proofs of the existence of God are much more extensive but just looking at the proof of motion and the proof of perfection it becomes unquestionable that there is an almighty creation. This superior creation creates laws at which Get more content on
  • 2. Why Study Law Essay Why study law? I think law is a course where you can practice practical skills and gain other skills too. Law is human rights; it is solving people's problems and getting to know what people go through. Firstly I want to study law because of the injustices that still exist in the world we are in and it bothers me a lot. I want to be the one that can change it. I want to be the one that will help people and get them justice. I want to the society to be equal and I want to fight for some human rights. I want to be a lawyer or an investigator in crime scenes because I love solving problems which are between two people and think about which option is the best to set and go for. I am a good listener and I like taking risks. I want to more content... I think studying abroad makes you gain some self confidence and know how to handle responsibilities by yourself. I will be able to rebuild my life from scratch. I will get to meet different people who lead to different cultures and I will meet an entirely new culture. I will get to ask the friends I will make about how is law back in their countries. How does their law differ from ours? I will be able to explore the world, the world that I yet didn't see. I will get to see how education is in different countries and get to experience it. Being an international student will help meet other international students and I will get to ask and see how cultures differ and what are their traditions are like. The steps I take are my future; I am the one who move my feet towards the goal I want. It is what I want to be and what I will hopefully be. There isn't anyone who could stop me from being what or who I want to become. Yes I will be alone and I will get lost a lot of times but that is part of rebuilding who I am. That'll teach me loads of things I never knew and I will learn more about Get more content on
  • 3. How is I Bill Made Into a Law? Essay example The basic idea for a law can originate from an array of places ranging from a concerned citizen to the President. In order for a bill to become a law it must begin in either the House or the Senate and can only be introduced by a member of Congress (Schwalbe, 2014). In order for a bill to have a chance at becoming a law it must go through various different stages which include committee consideration, floor debate(by House and Senate), conference committees, and then if both houses pass the bill it is then sent to the president to either be signed and become a law or vetoed. When the president gets the bill he actually has up to five options on what to do with it. (Schwalbe, 2014). He can pass it as a law by both dating and signing more content... Another example of how bills and laws work is shown with the Student Loan Fairness Act of 2013(H.R. 1330). Authored by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D–Mass) and sponsored by Representative Karen Bass (CA–37), if this bill is signed into a law it would dramatically lower the interest rates on federal student loans (Kingkade, 2013). Warren's plan is to have the percentage rate on government issued student loans lower from 6.8 percent to .75 percent (Kingkade, 2013). When looking at the details of H.R. 1330, you can see the timeline of events that has happened since the bill was introduced in 2013. The details show that Hon. Karen Bass introduced the bill to the House Education and the Workforce, House Financial Services, House Ways and Means, and then the bill was referred to the subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Training. (Committee Action, Schwalbe, 2014). As of April 2013, the bill has gained up to 51 different cosponsors however it is still under review by committee and awaiting further action or until the committees are ready to send it to the floor for debate. If this bill did become a law it would help college students with the debt they incur while obtaining higher education. Some people say that bills take too long to pass and looking at H.R. 1330 one can see why most Americans feel this way. (No action since April 2013) The wait time and the Get more content on
  • 4. Federal Laws Essay examples Federal Laws The federal governments stand on inclusion is somewhat indistinct. There are federal laws that govern education of children with disabilities. However, they do not require inclusion, but only that a significant effort be made to find an inclusive placement. The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was amended in 1997. The term inclusion does not appear in the act, but does require that children with disabilities be educated to the maximum extent appropriate in the least restrictive environment, which is interpreted to mean the regular education classroom. The intent of IDEA is to educate as many students with disabilities as possible in the regular education classroom (––, 2002.) Section 504 of more content... Holland the parents were challenging the district's decision to place their daughter half–time in a special education classroom and half–time in a regular education classroom. They were fighting over the non–academic benefits that their daughter would gain if included full time. The court established a four–part balancing test to determine whether a school district is complying with IDEA. The four factors were as follows; The educational benefits of placing the child in a full–time regular education program, the non–academic benefits of such a placement, the effect the child would have on the teacher and other students in the regular classroom, and the costs associated with this placement. As a result of applying these factors, the court found in favor of including the child (Schultz 2001.) Special Education Legislation Special Education Legislation has helped inclusion activists throughout the years. In 1975 the Education of All Handicapped Children Act required that a free and appropriate education and related services be provided in the least restrictive environment and that an individualized plan (IEP) be written for each student. In 1983 amendments were passed that emphasize planning for transitional services for secondary students and authorize parent training and information centers. In 1986 Amendments were passed that extend the provisions to children ages three Get more content on
  • 5. Law Commission Essay As a body the law commission is an independent, permanent and full time organisation where their aim is to improve the law by making suggested changes and brings it up to date. The law commission was created by the law commission act of 1965. In the law commission there are five commissioners. There is one chairman/women who is a high court judge and four others which can be either legal academics and/or practicing barristers who are both trained to a high standard. There are three ways that they try to modernise the law, by codification where they bring together a particular topic to one act of parliament. Examples of this includes Draft Criminal Code Act 1989, Murder and Homicide Act 2006 and the Coroners and Justice Act 2009. more content... Where they will go through the same process as to the House of Commons, but, when they have done the third reading the bill will go through the consideration of amendments. This is where the house of lords makes any changes to the bill, then the bill has to go back to the house of commons so they can approve it before it goes to the queen. However, if both houses cannot come to any agreement, the house of commons will get the say, because they have more power than the house of lords. Finally, the last stage is Royal Assent, where the crown formally assents to the bill in order for it to become a law. Orders in council are used for a range of different reasons for example transferring obligations between government departments. The Queen and the privy council have authority to make orders in council that affect the whole country. This way it doesn't have to go through government. The privy council are a group of senior politicians. An example of this was the petrol strike in 2000. This was when there was a fast moving protest about the price of petrol and deasil, this cause a panic to the community about buying petrol from stations, so they tried to preserve fuel Get more content on
  • 6. Unjust Law Examples A "just" law, according to me, is the one that is ethical, fair, unbiased, and one that honors every individual who resides within the law; it's a law that is in place for honoring every individual without any discrimination. A "unjust" law is one that unfair, inhumane, unethical, and one that is in place for the benefit of one group; a law that does not honor every individual who resides within the law. Laws have been around for a long time, whether social or legal, and they will continue to be around for a long time as well. However, just because laws have been around for a long period of time it does not mean that are "just". Some laws are considered to be "just" for some while some laws are considered as "unjust" for some. For example, Get more content on
  • 7. Social Work Law Essay Social Work Law This assignment involves a case study where Ralph, a fourteen year old boy, is currently in foster care because his mother; Kerry, felt she was unable to control him due to his behaviour. However, Kerry has now expressed that she is unhappy with this foster placement and has requested that her son be returned to live with her and his two younger brothers. The scenario becomes more complex owing to the fact that Ralph has disclosed that his mother had regularly hit him with a walking stick. In this essay I will seek to consider the main practice issues raised by the scenario of the case study. Using the materials provided within the course along with my own professional experience, I will outline relevant more content... The Children Act 1989, section 47 states that the Local Authority must investigate if it has 'reasonable cause' to suspect that a child is suffering significant harm. This is also known as a section 47 enquiry. Ralph says he has been the victim of physical abuse and that this was a reoccurring act. As a social worker I would have to investigate this further. The questions I would want to find answers to would include; Are Ralph's siblings at risk from experiencing similar physical abuse? Is Ralph at risk of suffering from physical abuse if he returns home to his mother? I would also want to look further into the causes behind Ralph's truancy and why he has started to engage in anti–social behaviour. Could this be a result of a breakdown in his relationship with his mother? Or are there problems with the home environment? When Ralph disclosed that his mother hit him with a stick, he said that he did not want anyone else to know. With this we encounter a conflict of what Ralph wishes and the professional duty of the worker. When working with young people it is important to make sure that they are aware of and understand the agency's confidentiality policy. As a social worker I would explain to Ralph, within his level of understanding, that I will have to record some of the information he shares with me. However if he shares information that suggests that himself Get more content on
  • 8. Law School Essay Law School Perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of the practice of law is learning to be a lawyer. Virtually every new lawyer today is a graduate of law school, a much dreaded, but fulfilling journey to practicing law. Modern law schools differ greatly from their earlier counterpart, in that many more requirements and responsibilities exist. In colonial times, students pursuing a career in law would enter institutions for instruction of the law, and would automatically become qualified to practice law in the courts after a few years of study. Today, however, becoming a lawyer takes much more training, rigorous work and effort, and many years of studying in order to take a bar exam of which passage represents more content... These sections include logical reasoning, analytical reasoning, reading comprehension, a writing sample, and an experimental section, which does not count toward the final score of the law school applicant. The writing sample is not scored either, but it is sent to every law school to which an aspiring law student applies. Law schools usually do not use it as a significant part of the admissions process. Admission requirements of prestigious schools in the United States differ greatly with those of the less prominent. As written by the Dean of Admissions at Stanford Law School: "Admission to Stanford Law School is based primarily upon superior academic achievement and potential to contribute to the development and practice of the law. Competition is severe: the 178 members of the Class of 2002 were selected from among 4,000 applicants, and most were drawn from the upper 5 percent of their undergraduate class and the upper 5 percent of the LSAT pool. The class that entered in 1999 numbered 93 women and 85 men, over half of whom had been out of college for two or more years." In contrast, other less–prominent law schools around the nation do not present nearly as strict requirements for applicants. In evaluating individual files, the faculty of any law school considers the record of both undergraduate and graduate education, and the applicant's talents, nonacademic experience, and Get more content on
  • 9. Law School Reflection Before the A–S–3900 class started I had absolutely no clue about law school I just knew I wanted to be a lawyer. So far, this semester I have learned that law school is hard to gain acceptance. I wasn't aware that the LSAT isn't based on your knowledge of the law. I've researched the law schools I want to attend and their requirements, I will not let my fear stop me from being a lawyer. I also had the opportunity to take a practice exam, which helped me figure out what areas I need to study before taking the actual test. A lot of the presenters were awesome, and the Michigan state presentation changed my perspective on law school, the presenter made it seem like law school is an amazing place to be and anyone can make it. Although I fear of a lot of debt and failure, I'm going to still pursue the career of a defense attorney. I had no clue of what I was going to be learning this semester, but I had a clue of what I wanted to learn. I thought this class was about having mock law classes and debates, but I'm happy that it wasn't because I was able to learn so many new and important things this semester. I have a different perspective of law school after taking this course. While taking this course I learned how hard and important law school stands. Something that still stands out in law school is the student's age range from 21+, I appreciate the diversity that is offered. Another thing that stood out was a lot of other students didn't like this course, but it's effective, it will help you decide whether you want to go to law school. Making the decision to go to law school is difficult and important, especially when it comes to the levies you have in order to apply for law school. Honestly, before this course, I had never thought about why I wanted to go to law school or what pushed me into wanting this career, but when I did, it made me think more about if I actually really want to go to law school. Since this course has started, I felt like I was out of place and I didn't want to attend law school anymore. Although I shouldn't base my opinion on what others have encountered, I did. I heard law school was too difficult for me to take on, but now I have done some thinking and I believe I should at least try to Get more content on