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Yoga Foundation Certification Course (YFC)
RYT – 200 Hr Level – 1 Yoga Foundation Certification Course (YFC)
Course Duration: 02 Months
Course Fee: INR 25,000 for Indian citizens only, for foreigners USD 500.
 Yoga Manual (01)
 Catheter Tube (01)
 Jala Neti Pot (01)
 Certificate
 Excluded with accommodation and food
Upcoming Batches of Yoga Foundation Certification Course (YFC) RYT – 200 Hr Level – 1
Non-Residential (Week-Days/Week-End)
Date Days Time Location
09 0ct. 2023 Mon – Fri (Week-Days) 06:00 AM – 08:00 AM J. P. Nagar
09 0ct. 2023 Mon – Fri (Week-Days) 11:00 AM – 01:00 PM J. P. Nagar
09 0ct. 2023 Mon – Fri (Week-Days) 05:00 PM – 07:00 PM J. P. Nagar
07 0ct. 2023 Sat–Sun (Week-Ends) 11:00AM – 02:00 PM J. P. Nagar
This accredited Offline/online yoga foundation certificate course is designed for those who wish to begin and have little
knowledge of the origin, philosophy and different teachings of yoga. It is an ideal starting point for those who wish to
learn more on their path to becoming a teacher. Many people may just want to improve the quality of their lives with
hatha yoga practices and this is a perfect course for them.
Date Days Time Location
01 Nov. 2023 Mon – Fri (Week-Days) 06:00 AM – 08:00 AM J. P. Nagar
01 Nov. 2023 Mon – Fri (Week-Days) 11:00 AM – 01:00 PM J. P. Nagar
01 Nov. 2023 Mon – Fri (Week-Days) 05:00 PM – 07:00 PM J. P. Nagar
01 Nov. 2023 Sat–Sun (Week-Ends) 11:00AM – 02:00 PM J. P. Nagar
Date Days Time Location
01 Dec. 2023 Mon – Fri (Week-Days) 06:00 AM – 08:00 AM J. P. Nagar
01 Dec. 2023 Mon – Fri (Week-Days) 11:00 AM – 01:00 PM J. P. Nagar
01 Dec. 2023 Mon – Fri (Week-Days) 05:00 PM – 07:00 PM J. P. Nagar
01 Dec. 2023 Sat–Sun (Week-Ends) 11:00AM – 02:00 PM J. P. Nagar
Aim and Objectives
The objective of this course is to provide support for understanding the basic of yoga practices like asana, pranayama,
mudra, bandha, yoga Nidra, meditation, philosophy and principles for basic yogic life style. This also helps to bring the
holistic vision of Yoga and spiritual lore as a way of life dominated by health & strength, peace and efficiency harmony
and growth; to solve the problems of the modern society and to build ideal social orders.
Yoga Styles
•Hatha Yoga (B.K.S. Iyengar Alignment Principles & Satyananda and Gentle Yoga
This course is open to all students who wish to deepen their knowledge and application of some of the highest
teachings of yoga. Participants do not need to be yoga teachers. Mastery of any yoga practice is not necessary. Only your
sincere desire for knowledge and your commitment to personal growth. Even if you do not wish to are required be a
yoga teacher, you may attempt this course to deepen the understanding of the philosophies as well as for the intense
purification experience and for the personality development. Classes start at the Beginners’ Level and progress through
to the Intermediate Level.
Yoga is a Profitable & Knowledgeable Business
•Start earning money immediately after completing the course. Working as freelance (part time or full time) Yoga
• After getting International Yoga Certification, you are eligible to work as a yoga expert anywhere in the world.
• Become financially stable with an additional income.
• Start your Own Yoga Studio, we will guide you.
• Increase your knowledge, skill, and experience with lifetime of yoga learning and continuing education.
• Get your own unique voice and tone as Yoga Teacher.
• Organize Yoga Workshops, Yoga Seminars and increase your Yoga knowledge so financially become sounder.
Course Syllabus
Part 1 – Theory
 Yoga, the Need of the hour & Basis of Yoga
 Theory of Yogic practices, Asanas, Pranayama, Kriyas, and Meditation
 Meaning
 Definition of Yoga
 History of Yoga
 Karuna yoga teaching tradition
 Yoga Asanas
 Asanas beginners to intermediate level
 Sun salutation and its advanced variations
 Proper posture alignment
 Benefits and limitations of Yoga Asanas
 Yoga Diet & mindful eating
 Basic Anatomy & Physiology as applied to yoga
 Ethics for yoga teachers
Part 2 – Techniques & Training
 Understanding Five Principles of Asana Sequencing
 Movement in Yogasana
 Contraindications
 Misalignments
 Adaptations
 80+ Asanas
 Standing, kneeling, seating, supine, prone, inversion and balancing asanas.
 Contraindications & Benefits of each Asana
 Get confidence in Postures with use of Props
 Surya Namaskar- different variations
 Basic elements of Asanas and Pranayamas, Mudras & Bandhas.
 Transitioning into Asana – Transitioning out of Asana.
 Classical Surya Namaskara & Astanga Surya Namaskara
 Standing forward bending – Balancing & Twisting Asana.
 Core Strengthening Asana, Arm Balancing Asana, Backward Bending Asana,
 Seated forward bending & twisting Asanas.
 Balancing asana. Supine Twists – Backward bending. Hip & Pelvic Opening Asanas.
 Inverted Asana
 Shoulder work, arm strengthening, arm balancing, rotation of arms and shoulders.
 Pranayama- going deeper into the essence of breathe. Chakra balancing asana sequence.
 Foundational yoga postures and their proper alignment.
 Loosening & stretching Practices
 Fundamental yogic breathing practices (Pranayama)
 Meditation
 Kriyas (Cleansing Techniques for nostrils and stomach)
 Mudras and Bandhas
Part 3 – Practical Class
1. Mantra Chanting
i. Gayathri Mantra
ii. Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra
iii. Santhi Mantra
iv. Patanjali Mantra
2. Surya Namaskara (sun salutation) Beginners Level
1. Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation) Sivananada School of Yoga Style
Intermediate Level
4.Chandra Namaskara (Moon Salutation)
5.Astanga Surya Namaskara – A
Advanced Level
6. Astanga Surya Namaskara – B
2.5. Foundation of Asana
1. Hatha Yoga View on Asana
2. Patanjali concept on Asana
2.6. Classification of Asana
1. Beginners
2. Intermediate
3. Advanced
7. Isometric static & Dynamic Asana
8. Perspective view on Asana
2.6. Introduction to Asana
1. Standing Asana
2. Forward Bending Asanas
3. Backward Bending Asanas
4. Vajrasana Group of Asanas
5. Sitting Asana
6. Meditation Asanas
7. Spinal Twisting Asanas
8. Relaxation Asanas
9. Supine and Prone Asana
10. Inverted Asanas
11. Core Asana
12. Hip Opening Asana
13. Balancing Asanas
3. Asanas
1. Standing Asana Beginners Level
1.Samasthiti(upright or still)
2. Tadasana – (mountain pose)
3. Vrksasana (tree pose)
4. Ardha Uttanasana(standing half forward bend)
5. Padahastasana (hand to foot pose)
6.Ardha Chakrasana (half wheel pose)
Intermediate Level
7.Garudasana (eagle pose)
8. Utkatasana (mighty pose)
9. Utthita Trikonasana (extended triangle pose)
10. Parivritta Trikonasana (revolved triangle pose)
11. Utthita Parsvakonasana (extended side angle pose)
12. Parivritta Utthita Parsvakonasana (revolved extended side angle pose)
13. Parsvottanasana(side intense stretch)
14. Virabhadrasana -1 (warrior -1)
15.Virabhadrasana -2(warrior-2)
Advanced Level
16. Ardha Chandrasana (half moon pose)
17. Virabhadrasana -3(warrior-3)
18. Natarajasana(Lord of the dance Pose)
19. Prasarita Padottanasana(legs widespread intense stretch)
20. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana(intense arms hold big toe)
21. Malasana (garland pose)
3.2. Kneeling Asana Beginners Level
22. Vajrasana (diamond pose)
23.Balasana(Child’s Pose) or Shashankasana ( moon or hare pose)
24. Madukasana(Frog Pose) or Bhadrasana (gracious pose)
25. Marjaryasana(Cat Pose)
26.Vyaghrasana(Tiger Pose)
Intermediate Level
27. Virasana (hero pose)
28.Ustrasana(camel pose)
Advanced Level
29. Supta Virasana (recline hero pose)
3.3. Sitting Asana Beginners Level
30.Sukhasana(Easy pose)
31. Dandasana (Staff Pose)
32. Siddhasana(adept pose)
33.Padmasana(lotus pose)
Intermediate Level
34. Janu Sirsasana (Head to Knee Pose)
35. Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana(revolved knee to head pose)
36. Paschimottanasana(ugrasana or brahmacharyasana)
37.Purvauttansana(east intense stretch pose)
38. Gomukhasana(cow face resembling)
39. Marichyasana(name of the sage mariachi)
40. Ardha Navasana (half boat)
41. Upavistha Konasana(wide angle seated forward bend pose)
42. Baddha Konasana(bounded angle pose)
43. Ardha Matsyendrasana (half spinal twist)
44.Yogamudrasana(yoga gesture or psychic union pose)
Advanced Level
45. Ardha Padma Paschimottanasana(half lotus west intense stretch pose)
46. Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana
47. Bharadvajasana(Bharadvaja was the father of drona)
48. Hanumanasana(front full split or hindu monkey god)
49. Eka Pada Raja kapotasana(single leg king pigeon pose)
3.4. Supine Asana (on back) Beginners Level
50. Shavasana(corpse pose)
51. Supta Pawanmuktasana (wind relieving pose)
52. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana(bridge lock Sarvangasana)
Intermediate Level
53.Jathara Parivartanasana(abdomen twisting pose)
54. Salamba Sarvangasana(supported Sarvangasana)
55. Matsyasana(fish pose)
56. Supta Konasana(reclining angle pose)
57.Urdhva Cakrasana(upward wheel pose)
Advanced Level
58. Niralamba Sarvangasana (without support Sarvangasana)
59. Supta Padangusthasana(supine holding big toe)
60. Halasana(Plough Pose)
61. Eka Pada Urdhva Dhanurasana(single leg upward bow pose)
3. 5. Prone Asana (abdomen) Beginners Level
62. Makarasana (crocodile pose)
63. Ardha Shalabhasana(half locust pose)
64. Salabhasana (locust Pose)
65. Sarpasana(snake pose)
66. Bhujangasana(serpent pose)
67. Ardha Dhanurasana (half bow)
Intermediate Level
68.Dhanurasana(bow pose)
69.Urdhva Mukha Svanasana(upward facing dog pose)
Advanced Level
70. Parsva Dhanurasana(sideways bow pose)
3. 6. Arm Balancing and Head Standing Asana Intermediate Level
71.Phalakasana(plank pose) or Santolanasana (balancing pose)
72. Chaturanga Dandasana(four limbed staff pose)
73. Tolasana(scale pose)
74.Purvottanasana(east intense stretch)
Advanced Level
75. Mayurasana (mayura means a peacock)
76. Salamba Sirsasana
4. Pranayama
1. Introduction
2. Four aspects of pranayama
1. Pooraka or inhalation
2. Rechaka or exhalation
3. Antar kumbhaka or internal breath retention
4. Bahir kumbhaka or external breath retention.
3. The Pranic body
4. Breath, health and pranayama
5. Breathing and life span
6. General notes for the practitioner
7. Natural breathing
8. Abdominal (diaphragmatic) breathing
9. Thoracic Breathing
10. Clavicular Breathing
11. Full Yogic Breathing
12. Kapalbhati Pranayama (frontal brain cleansing breath)
13. Bhastrika Pranayama (bellows breath)
14. Nadi Shodhana Pranayama (psychic network purification)
4. 15. Ujjayi Pranayama (the psychic breath)
4. Sheetali Pranayama(cooling pranayama)
17. Sheetkari Pranayama (hissing breath)
18. Bhramari Pranayama (humming bee breath)
5. Mudra
1. Introduction
2. Mudras and prana
3. A scientific look at mudras
4. Five Groups of Yoga Mudras
i) Jnana Mudra (psychic gesture of knowledge)
ii)Chin Mudra (psychic gesture of consciousness)
iii)Bhairava Mudra (fierce or terrifying attitude)
iv)Hridaya Mudra (heart gesture)
v)Shambhavi Mudra (eyebrow centre gazing)
vi) Nasikagra Drishti(gaze at tip of nose)
vii)Shanmukhi Mudra (closing the seven gates)
viii)Yoga Mudra (attitude of psychic union)
6. Bandhas
1. Jalandhara Bandha
2. Moola Bandha
3. Uddiyana Bandha
4. Maha Bandha
7. Yoga Nidra
8. Meditation (anapanasati)
9. Shatkarma(internal cleansing)
i. Jala Neti (nasal cleansing with water)
ii. Sutra Neti (nasal cleansing with thread)
iii. Vaman Dhauti (regurgitative cleansing)
iv. Shankhaprakshalana(cleansing entire digestive tract)
What you can expect from us?
 Well qualified and experienced faculty with their own specialties.
 Yoga Alliance USA certification as RYT 200 – international certification that allows you to teach yoga anywhere in the
 Giving adequate guidance to the individuals and groups during training session.
 Yoga helps in self-discipline, leading to immense amount of awareness, concentration and higher level of
 To enable the student to have sound body and sound mind, along with Yoga ethics.
 Yoga course help, to learn to handle oneself well in all situations, to learn techniques of gaining good health, to
develop a discriminative mind capable of knowing the real from the unreal and to face the dualities of life with
 Yoga course increase level of awareness and balance attitude for social activity.
 At the end of the course not only you would have adapted a healthy life style but you would also be fit to show
others this path by becoming a skilled Yoga teacher.
 At the yoga TTC at Karuna Yoga, students learn a unique combination of Hatha Yoga and Iyengar alignment
principles. This approach has an ultimate goal of practicing injury free yoga.
Assessment and Certification
The students are continuously assessed throughout the course at all levels. There will be a practical as well as written
examination at the end of the course to evaluate the understanding of the philosophy of Yoga and skills of the students.
Participant should pass all different aspects of the course to be eligible for the Yoga teacher Training Course.
Teaching Tradition
While contemporary in application and language, all our teachings are based on the thousands of years old Vedic and
Yogic tradition of India.
The source of our practice and teachings is Swami Satyananda Saraswati from bihar school of yoga, asana,
pranayama, mudra, bandha , shat-karma, yoga nidra , trataka, ajapa japa, meditation. B. K. S. Iyengar’s alignment
principle and Vinyasa style of yoga inculcated from Tirumalai Krishnamacharya Ashtanga Yoga, from Mysore.
We practice and teach Swami Satyananda Saraswati, B. K. S. Iyengar’s & Tirumalai Krishnamacharya. Yoga of Synthesis
which aims at the harmonious development of a human being through the practice of all three styles of hatha
What Makes This Course Unique
Our TTC provides you with an intensive, small-group learning environment where there is ample room to come forward
with your questions and receive individual guidance for your practice and teaching skills.
The program honors the traditional Yogic knowledge system as it has been passed down to us via a lineage of thousands
of years. Our focus is on applying the ancient practices in modern day life while maintaining the integrity of the
We explore connections between the Yogic science and modern scientific findings to give you the theoretical, practical
as well as the spiritual foundation to teach Yoga to anyone in all its aspects.
All techniques and teachings acknowledge and honor the individuality of each students’ path and the different physical,
mental and emotional conditions they come to the course with.
To Whom This Training For?
a) All levels welcome
The course is designed for anyone – from complete beginner to longtime student on the path of Yoga – who wishes to
deepen their knowledge and practice.
This course is a deep immersion into all aspects of Yoga both for those who feel called to teach and those
who simply want to advance their own studies.
b) Yoga teachers from any tradition
The course is also open to Yoga teachers who have already completed 200 hours of yoga teacher training and
who look to deepen their knowledge and bring new impulses and inspiration to their own practice and teaching.
Admission Process
Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham will review the applications and select the applicants according to the norms of the current
section procedure pursued by the Board of Studies.
Application and Admission Requirements
Checklist of documents to enclose with this application:
1. Current passport-size photos (2)
2. Certificate of educational qualifications
3. Photocopy of Drivers license / Voters ID / Aadhaar card
4. Photocopy of passport and visa (overseas applicants)
5. Medical Fitness Certificate
6. Curriculum vitae (CV)
7. Filled in application form
Written Examination: Each applicant will also be required to write and send in an essay (each 1000 words) on any two
of the questions given below:
Sample Questions:
Relevance of Yoga in today’s world
Why do you wish to become a Yoga teacher?
What is your own understanding of Yoga? Write from your experience.
Do you think Yoga will help in personal transformation? If yes, how?
Interview: On receipt and approval of your application. Each applicant will be required to attend an online interview via
Zoom or Skype with one of the members of the selection committee.
Response: After the evaluation and selection procedure is over, selected applicants will be notified.
Contact Numbers and Assistance
Whom to Contact:
Mr. Murthy the course facilitators. Any yoga questions should be directed to Mr. Murthy. All administration and
payment queries should be emailed to
Course Queries:
If needed once you commence you can arrange a meeting with Mr. Murthy, to go over the course and answer any
questions you may have please email to arrange an appointment.
Email contact:
Student Grievances and Complaints:
Student grievances and complaints will only be accepted in writing to the Director of the yoga centre (Mr. Murthy (+91
9686549129). They will be responded to and remedied as soon as possible.
Other General Information: Please Contact (Mr. Murthy +91 9686549129)
Training Venue
No. 1271, 20th Main, 2nd Phase,
J. P. Nagar, Bangalore – 78
Land Mark: Behind Central Mall & Near Samatvam Diabetic Center
Frequently Asked Questions
I am traveling to India for the first time. Is their anything I need to know?
Our confirmation email contains detailed information regarding transportation and from the course site. Indian visa and
health recommendations, and FAQ s about the location and daily schedule. If you have any questions before receiving
the confirmation email or if any questions has not been answered, please feel free to contact us anytime by email,
whatsapp or phone. We are happy to support you in your first journey to India.
What is the process to register?
if you are interested in any of our yoga teacher trainings, please fill out the registration form on our website once your
application is approved deposit must be made to hold your spot in the course. Full payments due weeks prior to start
date of the course, as specified in our confirmation email.
Can I take yoga as soon as I complete this course?
You will leave the curse with the knowledge and skill to teach hatha yoga classes and we recommend that you do so.
Teacher training is the very first step on a continued learning journey to becoming the yoga teacher you can be, and
teaching practice is crucial, as with anything else in life. If you wish to teach in a studio, you may be asked to present
your graduation certificate and register with the yoga alliance. This course prepares you with the foundational
requirement of yoga teacher training course.
Do you speak any other languages than English ?
The course language is English. Ur team member also speaks Tamil, Kannada, Hindi.
Is this course only for people who want t teach yoga ?
Many people attend the training session to learn more about the postures, benefits and alignments for their own
bodies/or to take time to connect t themselves and deepen their yoga practice. Each session typically has a mix of
people exploring the possibility of teaching and those seeking personal development.
Do I need to be a yoga expert to take this training?
No. this training is designed to meet you wherever you are in your journey. Prior practice of yoga is suggested but by no
means necessary. People have attended in the past with just a little experience, alongside those who have been
practicing for many years. The course typically has nice balance of experience, ages and objectives.
How to register?
To reserve your place for Yoga Teacher Training, You can apply online with fees, which is a non-refundable.
RYT – 200 Hr Level – 1 Yoga Foundation Certification Course (YFC)(1)
RYT – 200 Hr Level – 1 Yoga Foundation Certification Course (YFC)(1)
RYT – 200 Hr Level – 1 Yoga Foundation Certification Course (YFC)(1)
RYT – 200 Hr Level – 1 Yoga Foundation Certification Course (YFC)(1)
RYT – 200 Hr Level – 1 Yoga Foundation Certification Course (YFC)(1)
RYT – 200 Hr Level – 1 Yoga Foundation Certification Course (YFC)(1)
RYT – 200 Hr Level – 1 Yoga Foundation Certification Course (YFC)(1)
RYT – 200 Hr Level – 1 Yoga Foundation Certification Course (YFC)(1)
RYT – 200 Hr Level – 1 Yoga Foundation Certification Course (YFC)(1)
RYT – 200 Hr Level – 1 Yoga Foundation Certification Course (YFC)(1)
RYT – 200 Hr Level – 1 Yoga Foundation Certification Course (YFC)(1)

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RYT – 200 Hr Level – 1 Yoga Foundation Certification Course (YFC)(1)

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  • 8. Yoga Foundation Certification Course (YFC) RYT – 200 Hr Level – 1 Yoga Foundation Certification Course (YFC) Course Duration: 02 Months Course Fee: INR 25,000 for Indian citizens only, for foreigners USD 500.  Yoga Manual (01)  Catheter Tube (01)  Jala Neti Pot (01)  Certificate  Excluded with accommodation and food Upcoming Batches of Yoga Foundation Certification Course (YFC) RYT – 200 Hr Level – 1 Non-Residential (Week-Days/Week-End) Date Days Time Location 09 0ct. 2023 Mon – Fri (Week-Days) 06:00 AM – 08:00 AM J. P. Nagar 09 0ct. 2023 Mon – Fri (Week-Days) 11:00 AM – 01:00 PM J. P. Nagar 09 0ct. 2023 Mon – Fri (Week-Days) 05:00 PM – 07:00 PM J. P. Nagar 07 0ct. 2023 Sat–Sun (Week-Ends) 11:00AM – 02:00 PM J. P. Nagar
  • 9. This accredited Offline/online yoga foundation certificate course is designed for those who wish to begin and have little knowledge of the origin, philosophy and different teachings of yoga. It is an ideal starting point for those who wish to learn more on their path to becoming a teacher. Many people may just want to improve the quality of their lives with hatha yoga practices and this is a perfect course for them. Date Days Time Location 01 Nov. 2023 Mon – Fri (Week-Days) 06:00 AM – 08:00 AM J. P. Nagar 01 Nov. 2023 Mon – Fri (Week-Days) 11:00 AM – 01:00 PM J. P. Nagar 01 Nov. 2023 Mon – Fri (Week-Days) 05:00 PM – 07:00 PM J. P. Nagar 01 Nov. 2023 Sat–Sun (Week-Ends) 11:00AM – 02:00 PM J. P. Nagar Date Days Time Location 01 Dec. 2023 Mon – Fri (Week-Days) 06:00 AM – 08:00 AM J. P. Nagar 01 Dec. 2023 Mon – Fri (Week-Days) 11:00 AM – 01:00 PM J. P. Nagar 01 Dec. 2023 Mon – Fri (Week-Days) 05:00 PM – 07:00 PM J. P. Nagar 01 Dec. 2023 Sat–Sun (Week-Ends) 11:00AM – 02:00 PM J. P. Nagar
  • 10. Aim and Objectives The objective of this course is to provide support for understanding the basic of yoga practices like asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha, yoga Nidra, meditation, philosophy and principles for basic yogic life style. This also helps to bring the holistic vision of Yoga and spiritual lore as a way of life dominated by health & strength, peace and efficiency harmony and growth; to solve the problems of the modern society and to build ideal social orders. Yoga Styles •Hatha Yoga (B.K.S. Iyengar Alignment Principles & Satyananda and Gentle Yoga This course is open to all students who wish to deepen their knowledge and application of some of the highest teachings of yoga. Participants do not need to be yoga teachers. Mastery of any yoga practice is not necessary. Only your sincere desire for knowledge and your commitment to personal growth. Even if you do not wish to are required be a yoga teacher, you may attempt this course to deepen the understanding of the philosophies as well as for the intense purification experience and for the personality development. Classes start at the Beginners’ Level and progress through to the Intermediate Level. Yoga is a Profitable & Knowledgeable Business •Start earning money immediately after completing the course. Working as freelance (part time or full time) Yoga Trainer. • After getting International Yoga Certification, you are eligible to work as a yoga expert anywhere in the world. • Become financially stable with an additional income. • Start your Own Yoga Studio, we will guide you. • Increase your knowledge, skill, and experience with lifetime of yoga learning and continuing education. • Get your own unique voice and tone as Yoga Teacher.
  • 11. • Organize Yoga Workshops, Yoga Seminars and increase your Yoga knowledge so financially become sounder. Course Syllabus Part 1 – Theory  Yoga, the Need of the hour & Basis of Yoga  Theory of Yogic practices, Asanas, Pranayama, Kriyas, and Meditation  Meaning  Definition of Yoga  History of Yoga  Karuna yoga teaching tradition  Yoga Asanas  Asanas beginners to intermediate level  Sun salutation and its advanced variations  Proper posture alignment  Benefits and limitations of Yoga Asanas  Yoga Diet & mindful eating  Basic Anatomy & Physiology as applied to yoga  Ethics for yoga teachers
  • 12. Part 2 – Techniques & Training  Understanding Five Principles of Asana Sequencing  Movement in Yogasana  Contraindications  Misalignments  Adaptations  80+ Asanas  Standing, kneeling, seating, supine, prone, inversion and balancing asanas.  Contraindications & Benefits of each Asana  Get confidence in Postures with use of Props  Surya Namaskar- different variations  Basic elements of Asanas and Pranayamas, Mudras & Bandhas.  Transitioning into Asana – Transitioning out of Asana.  Classical Surya Namaskara & Astanga Surya Namaskara  Standing forward bending – Balancing & Twisting Asana.  Core Strengthening Asana, Arm Balancing Asana, Backward Bending Asana,  Seated forward bending & twisting Asanas.  Balancing asana. Supine Twists – Backward bending. Hip & Pelvic Opening Asanas.
  • 13.  Inverted Asana  Shoulder work, arm strengthening, arm balancing, rotation of arms and shoulders.  Pranayama- going deeper into the essence of breathe. Chakra balancing asana sequence.  Foundational yoga postures and their proper alignment.  Loosening & stretching Practices  Fundamental yogic breathing practices (Pranayama)  Meditation  Kriyas (Cleansing Techniques for nostrils and stomach)  Mudras and Bandhas Part 3 – Practical Class 1. Mantra Chanting i. Gayathri Mantra ii. Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra iii. Santhi Mantra iv. Patanjali Mantra 2. Surya Namaskara (sun salutation) Beginners Level 1. Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation) Sivananada School of Yoga Style Intermediate Level
  • 14. 4.Chandra Namaskara (Moon Salutation) 5.Astanga Surya Namaskara – A Advanced Level 6. Astanga Surya Namaskara – B 2.5. Foundation of Asana 1. Hatha Yoga View on Asana 2. Patanjali concept on Asana 2.6. Classification of Asana 1. Beginners 2. Intermediate 3. Advanced 7. Isometric static & Dynamic Asana 8. Perspective view on Asana 2.6. Introduction to Asana 1. Standing Asana 2. Forward Bending Asanas 3. Backward Bending Asanas 4. Vajrasana Group of Asanas
  • 15. 5. Sitting Asana 6. Meditation Asanas 7. Spinal Twisting Asanas 8. Relaxation Asanas 9. Supine and Prone Asana 10. Inverted Asanas 11. Core Asana 12. Hip Opening Asana 13. Balancing Asanas 3. Asanas 1. Standing Asana Beginners Level 1.Samasthiti(upright or still) 2. Tadasana – (mountain pose) 3. Vrksasana (tree pose) 4. Ardha Uttanasana(standing half forward bend) 5. Padahastasana (hand to foot pose) 6.Ardha Chakrasana (half wheel pose) Intermediate Level
  • 16. 7.Garudasana (eagle pose) 8. Utkatasana (mighty pose) 9. Utthita Trikonasana (extended triangle pose) 10. Parivritta Trikonasana (revolved triangle pose) 11. Utthita Parsvakonasana (extended side angle pose) 12. Parivritta Utthita Parsvakonasana (revolved extended side angle pose) 13. Parsvottanasana(side intense stretch) 14. Virabhadrasana -1 (warrior -1) 15.Virabhadrasana -2(warrior-2) Advanced Level 16. Ardha Chandrasana (half moon pose) 17. Virabhadrasana -3(warrior-3) 18. Natarajasana(Lord of the dance Pose) 19. Prasarita Padottanasana(legs widespread intense stretch) 20. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana(intense arms hold big toe) 21. Malasana (garland pose) 3.2. Kneeling Asana Beginners Level 22. Vajrasana (diamond pose)
  • 17. 23.Balasana(Child’s Pose) or Shashankasana ( moon or hare pose) 24. Madukasana(Frog Pose) or Bhadrasana (gracious pose) 25. Marjaryasana(Cat Pose) 26.Vyaghrasana(Tiger Pose) Intermediate Level 27. Virasana (hero pose) 28.Ustrasana(camel pose) Advanced Level 29. Supta Virasana (recline hero pose) 3.3. Sitting Asana Beginners Level 30.Sukhasana(Easy pose) 31. Dandasana (Staff Pose) 32. Siddhasana(adept pose) 33.Padmasana(lotus pose) Intermediate Level 34. Janu Sirsasana (Head to Knee Pose) 35. Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana(revolved knee to head pose) 36. Paschimottanasana(ugrasana or brahmacharyasana)
  • 18. 37.Purvauttansana(east intense stretch pose) 38. Gomukhasana(cow face resembling) 39. Marichyasana(name of the sage mariachi) 40. Ardha Navasana (half boat) 41. Upavistha Konasana(wide angle seated forward bend pose) 42. Baddha Konasana(bounded angle pose) 43. Ardha Matsyendrasana (half spinal twist) 44.Yogamudrasana(yoga gesture or psychic union pose) Advanced Level 45. Ardha Padma Paschimottanasana(half lotus west intense stretch pose) 46. Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana 47. Bharadvajasana(Bharadvaja was the father of drona) 48. Hanumanasana(front full split or hindu monkey god) 49. Eka Pada Raja kapotasana(single leg king pigeon pose) 3.4. Supine Asana (on back) Beginners Level 50. Shavasana(corpse pose) 51. Supta Pawanmuktasana (wind relieving pose) 52. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana(bridge lock Sarvangasana)
  • 19. Intermediate Level 53.Jathara Parivartanasana(abdomen twisting pose) 54. Salamba Sarvangasana(supported Sarvangasana) 55. Matsyasana(fish pose) 56. Supta Konasana(reclining angle pose) 57.Urdhva Cakrasana(upward wheel pose) Advanced Level 58. Niralamba Sarvangasana (without support Sarvangasana) 59. Supta Padangusthasana(supine holding big toe) 60. Halasana(Plough Pose) 61. Eka Pada Urdhva Dhanurasana(single leg upward bow pose) 3. 5. Prone Asana (abdomen) Beginners Level 62. Makarasana (crocodile pose) 63. Ardha Shalabhasana(half locust pose) 64. Salabhasana (locust Pose) 65. Sarpasana(snake pose) 66. Bhujangasana(serpent pose) 67. Ardha Dhanurasana (half bow)
  • 20. Intermediate Level 68.Dhanurasana(bow pose) 69.Urdhva Mukha Svanasana(upward facing dog pose) Advanced Level 70. Parsva Dhanurasana(sideways bow pose) 3. 6. Arm Balancing and Head Standing Asana Intermediate Level 71.Phalakasana(plank pose) or Santolanasana (balancing pose) 72. Chaturanga Dandasana(four limbed staff pose) 73. Tolasana(scale pose) 74.Purvottanasana(east intense stretch) Advanced Level 75. Mayurasana (mayura means a peacock) 76. Salamba Sirsasana 4. Pranayama 1. Introduction 2. Four aspects of pranayama 1. Pooraka or inhalation 2. Rechaka or exhalation
  • 21. 3. Antar kumbhaka or internal breath retention 4. Bahir kumbhaka or external breath retention. 3. The Pranic body 4. Breath, health and pranayama 5. Breathing and life span 6. General notes for the practitioner 7. Natural breathing 8. Abdominal (diaphragmatic) breathing 9. Thoracic Breathing 10. Clavicular Breathing 11. Full Yogic Breathing 12. Kapalbhati Pranayama (frontal brain cleansing breath) 13. Bhastrika Pranayama (bellows breath) 14. Nadi Shodhana Pranayama (psychic network purification) 4. 15. Ujjayi Pranayama (the psychic breath) 4. Sheetali Pranayama(cooling pranayama) 17. Sheetkari Pranayama (hissing breath) 18. Bhramari Pranayama (humming bee breath)
  • 22. 5. Mudra 1. Introduction 2. Mudras and prana 3. A scientific look at mudras 4. Five Groups of Yoga Mudras i) Jnana Mudra (psychic gesture of knowledge) ii)Chin Mudra (psychic gesture of consciousness) iii)Bhairava Mudra (fierce or terrifying attitude) iv)Hridaya Mudra (heart gesture) v)Shambhavi Mudra (eyebrow centre gazing) vi) Nasikagra Drishti(gaze at tip of nose) vii)Shanmukhi Mudra (closing the seven gates) viii)Yoga Mudra (attitude of psychic union) 6. Bandhas 1. Jalandhara Bandha 2. Moola Bandha 3. Uddiyana Bandha 4. Maha Bandha
  • 23. 7. Yoga Nidra 8. Meditation (anapanasati) 9. Shatkarma(internal cleansing) i. Jala Neti (nasal cleansing with water) ii. Sutra Neti (nasal cleansing with thread) iii. Vaman Dhauti (regurgitative cleansing) iv. Shankhaprakshalana(cleansing entire digestive tract) What you can expect from us?  Well qualified and experienced faculty with their own specialties.  Yoga Alliance USA certification as RYT 200 – international certification that allows you to teach yoga anywhere in the world.  Giving adequate guidance to the individuals and groups during training session.  Yoga helps in self-discipline, leading to immense amount of awareness, concentration and higher level of consciousness.  To enable the student to have sound body and sound mind, along with Yoga ethics.  Yoga course help, to learn to handle oneself well in all situations, to learn techniques of gaining good health, to develop a discriminative mind capable of knowing the real from the unreal and to face the dualities of life with equanimity.
  • 24.  Yoga course increase level of awareness and balance attitude for social activity.  At the end of the course not only you would have adapted a healthy life style but you would also be fit to show others this path by becoming a skilled Yoga teacher.  At the yoga TTC at Karuna Yoga, students learn a unique combination of Hatha Yoga and Iyengar alignment principles. This approach has an ultimate goal of practicing injury free yoga. Assessment and Certification The students are continuously assessed throughout the course at all levels. There will be a practical as well as written examination at the end of the course to evaluate the understanding of the philosophy of Yoga and skills of the students. Participant should pass all different aspects of the course to be eligible for the Yoga teacher Training Course. Teaching Tradition While contemporary in application and language, all our teachings are based on the thousands of years old Vedic and Yogic tradition of India. The source of our practice and teachings is Swami Satyananda Saraswati from bihar school of yoga, asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha , shat-karma, yoga nidra , trataka, ajapa japa, meditation. B. K. S. Iyengar’s alignment principle and Vinyasa style of yoga inculcated from Tirumalai Krishnamacharya Ashtanga Yoga, from Mysore. We practice and teach Swami Satyananda Saraswati, B. K. S. Iyengar’s & Tirumalai Krishnamacharya. Yoga of Synthesis which aims at the harmonious development of a human being through the practice of all three styles of hatha yoga. Accreditation ACCREDITED BY YOGA ALLIANCE USA
  • 25. What Makes This Course Unique SMALL GROUP SIZE Our TTC provides you with an intensive, small-group learning environment where there is ample room to come forward with your questions and receive individual guidance for your practice and teaching skills. AUTHENTIC TEACHINGS The program honors the traditional Yogic knowledge system as it has been passed down to us via a lineage of thousands of years. Our focus is on applying the ancient practices in modern day life while maintaining the integrity of the teachings. MODERN APPROACH We explore connections between the Yogic science and modern scientific findings to give you the theoretical, practical as well as the spiritual foundation to teach Yoga to anyone in all its aspects. HONORING INDIVIDUALITY All techniques and teachings acknowledge and honor the individuality of each students’ path and the different physical, mental and emotional conditions they come to the course with. To Whom This Training For? a) All levels welcome The course is designed for anyone – from complete beginner to longtime student on the path of Yoga – who wishes to deepen their knowledge and practice. This course is a deep immersion into all aspects of Yoga both for those who feel called to teach and those who simply want to advance their own studies. b) Yoga teachers from any tradition
  • 26. The course is also open to Yoga teachers who have already completed 200 hours of yoga teacher training and who look to deepen their knowledge and bring new impulses and inspiration to their own practice and teaching. Admission Process Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham will review the applications and select the applicants according to the norms of the current section procedure pursued by the Board of Studies. Application and Admission Requirements Checklist of documents to enclose with this application: 1. Current passport-size photos (2) 2. Certificate of educational qualifications 3. Photocopy of Drivers license / Voters ID / Aadhaar card 4. Photocopy of passport and visa (overseas applicants) 5. Medical Fitness Certificate 6. Curriculum vitae (CV) 7. Filled in application form Written Examination: Each applicant will also be required to write and send in an essay (each 1000 words) on any two of the questions given below: Sample Questions: Relevance of Yoga in today’s world Why do you wish to become a Yoga teacher?
  • 27. What is your own understanding of Yoga? Write from your experience. Do you think Yoga will help in personal transformation? If yes, how? Interview: On receipt and approval of your application. Each applicant will be required to attend an online interview via Zoom or Skype with one of the members of the selection committee. Response: After the evaluation and selection procedure is over, selected applicants will be notified. Contact Numbers and Assistance Whom to Contact: Mr. Murthy the course facilitators. Any yoga questions should be directed to Mr. Murthy. All administration and payment queries should be emailed to Course Queries: If needed once you commence you can arrange a meeting with Mr. Murthy, to go over the course and answer any questions you may have please email to arrange an appointment. Email contact: Student Grievances and Complaints: Student grievances and complaints will only be accepted in writing to the Director of the yoga centre (Mr. Murthy (+91 9686549129). They will be responded to and remedied as soon as possible. Other General Information: Please Contact (Mr. Murthy +91 9686549129) Training Venue No. 1271, 20th Main, 2nd Phase,
  • 28. J. P. Nagar, Bangalore – 78 Land Mark: Behind Central Mall & Near Samatvam Diabetic Center Frequently Asked Questions I am traveling to India for the first time. Is their anything I need to know? Our confirmation email contains detailed information regarding transportation and from the course site. Indian visa and health recommendations, and FAQ s about the location and daily schedule. If you have any questions before receiving the confirmation email or if any questions has not been answered, please feel free to contact us anytime by email, whatsapp or phone. We are happy to support you in your first journey to India. What is the process to register? if you are interested in any of our yoga teacher trainings, please fill out the registration form on our website once your application is approved deposit must be made to hold your spot in the course. Full payments due weeks prior to start date of the course, as specified in our confirmation email. Can I take yoga as soon as I complete this course? You will leave the curse with the knowledge and skill to teach hatha yoga classes and we recommend that you do so. Teacher training is the very first step on a continued learning journey to becoming the yoga teacher you can be, and teaching practice is crucial, as with anything else in life. If you wish to teach in a studio, you may be asked to present your graduation certificate and register with the yoga alliance. This course prepares you with the foundational requirement of yoga teacher training course. Do you speak any other languages than English ? The course language is English. Ur team member also speaks Tamil, Kannada, Hindi.
  • 29. Is this course only for people who want t teach yoga ? Many people attend the training session to learn more about the postures, benefits and alignments for their own bodies/or to take time to connect t themselves and deepen their yoga practice. Each session typically has a mix of people exploring the possibility of teaching and those seeking personal development. Do I need to be a yoga expert to take this training? No. this training is designed to meet you wherever you are in your journey. Prior practice of yoga is suggested but by no means necessary. People have attended in the past with just a little experience, alongside those who have been practicing for many years. The course typically has nice balance of experience, ages and objectives. How to register? To reserve your place for Yoga Teacher Training, You can apply online with fees, which is a non-refundable.