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Social Injustice and Cultural Identifiers Research Paper
Your Name
Grand Canyon University: EDU 330
Social Injustice and Cultural Identifiers Research Paper
You will need one paragraph for each of the six points in the
assignment. You do need an introduction and conclusion.
Please stay within the 750-1000 word limit. This is the
benchmark assignment. This first paragraph will state the
controversial issue that you are addressing, and describe the
cultural identifiers discussed in the articles that you found from
your research. You need to include in-text citations. You need
to include in-text citations.
Historical Background
In paragraph two you will summarize the historical background
of the cultural identifiers and associated controversial topic in
K-12 education. You need to include in-text citations.
In paragraph three, you will identify 2-3 arguments presented
for and 2-3 arguments against the issue. You need to include
in-text citations.
Associated Injustices
In paragraph four, you will discuss any associated injustices
arising from the issue, including how teachers and students are
affected by the cultural identifiers and associated controversial
topic. You need to include in-text citations.
In paragraph five, you will explain solutions that you
recommend implementing to remedy the associated injustices,
and why you selected them.. You need to include in-text
In paragraph six, identify where you fall on the cultural
competence continuum in relation to the issue, including your
commitment to understanding others’ frames of reference (e.g.
culture, gender, language, abilities, ways of knowing), in order
to reduce personal biases and improve relationships with
colleagues, students, and students’ families.
In-text citations and references should be presented using APA
documentation guidelines, which
can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student
Success Center.
You should have a MINIMUM of three scholarly journals. I
will accept articles from any time in the last three years. You
should have nothing published before 2014.
�Do not delete the words “Running head:” from this header.
The title in the header should be in all capital letters.
�This title should exactly match the title on page 1.
�You must keep the headings for this assignment in order to
keep in organized. DO NOT DELETE THEM!
�Only the first word of this title, the first word after a colon,
and any proper nouns should be capitalized.
Felix Plata
Felix’s Journal
Today I went out with my sister to help her with her errands she
had to run and keep her company. We had fun and it was nice to
reconnect with her again especially after being back from
college and not seeing her in so long. Behavior wise, I was kind
to her and social when we were out. I made the decision to go
with her based on my need for reconnecting with my family
because when I first came back, things felt weird and awkward
for me. The decision was between me staying home and doing
laundry and playing video games, or going out and spending
quality time with my sister. In my opinion, each decision has
their own repercussions and perks. For what I am seeking right
now, I made the right decision to get closer to my family again.
I learned today that my actions and work ethic does not go
unnoticed because I got offered an old job today when I was
with my sister at the mall. He told me I was a good kid and a
hard worker and personally it really affected me a validated
what I do. Because I feel like I am taken for granted sometimes
because I am so consistent and balanced as a person. Hearing
that from my old boss made me feel like people do notice the
little things and your character. And in the end it reaped me
benefits because he gave me an application and told me I am
always welcome to come work there again. Now I realize the
man I used to be is the one I should get back to being. I am
making strides and I feel as though it is a positive step forward
especially since I have two jobs now. I am just really worried
about those 35 community service hours, because I will be
working every day this summer and those hours are hours that I
can be working. However, I’m owning up to it. Just like I
learned how to do when I joined my fraternity. Face my battles
no matter how unfair they seem, because life is merciless.
Today was Mother’s Day and I woke up early and woke my
Mom up to wish her a Happy Mother’s Day. It was a good
decision to spend the day with her because I am working to get
closer to my family again and catch up. A lot of family came
over and we ate together and my decision to really stay
downstairs and talk to my family. It was a good decision in my
opinion because I got to strengthen that bond we have again.
Family is so important and I am chasing for this bond to be as
strong as possible. I also decided to talk to my grandmother
more and she really appreciated the conversation we had and
told me how I am growing into a fine young man. We talked
about my schooling and my life in college. She told me some
stories about her high school days and talked about how she
wished she went to college. She said she wishes she had some
of my characteristics like my sociability and my height. Keep in
mind she is four feet nine inches. I learned that family is
important and to remember to talk to the ones that may not have
as much time as others on this planet. This fits along with me
reintroducing myself back to the family. I also learned that this
day though important should not be the only day you show your
mother or any mother gratitude. I learned that this day is just a
full recognition of the relationship each person has with their
mother. I learned I am a very important part of this family and
this is something I did not see before. I also learned a lot about
my grandmother’s upbringing and about her life in school.
Today I woke up and decided to finish up my laundry and clean
the house up a bit. I then played some video games with my
friends from my hometown so I can reconnect with them as
well. I missed them more than I thought and I think it was a
good decision to do this. Then later on I made food for my
mother and I just to be nice so of course that was a good
decision to take off some weight off her shoulders. I also
decided to get dressed and go play basketball with my boy
David because I need to stay active and in shape. We went to
the park next to my house and I have not been there since senior
year in high school. The court was brand new compared to the
last time I was there. I played about four games to 16 and they
were competitive and I missed that side of me so much. I was
playing great ball too. My shots were on point and my ball
handle was back up to par after the first game. This decision
was not only physically healthy but therapeutic for me to let out
my energy and frustrations. I learned how good at basketball I
am. I tend to be hard on myself but after every game the
opposing team would give me a handshake and compliment my
skills. I missed the court so much more than I thought, it felt
like home. I learned that I am not as restricted to the house as I
thought I was because I actually forgot to tell my parents I was
going to the park and it was not until three hours later I told
them and they had not even called my phone. I learned I am a
huge role model for my younger cousin who is 11 years old.
When I came back home from the park he came running and
asked me how I was and what I was doing and he seemed
genuinely interested and I could tell by how he looks and talks
to me that I am a huge influence on him. I hope to be the best
role model I can be for him to grow up to b e a productive man.
My behavior is good as usual, I woke up and instead of playing
video games and I flet like I should clean the house so I did.
The kitchen especially and I also went out and got more water
for the house. I did these things because I am a caring guy.
When I finished all that I decided to start writing again and
listening to music. Something I did not do much of in college
because I was always busy and distracted. It felt good mentally
to vent out onto the paper and be creative again. I took a shower
and got dressed in hopes of playing basketball at the park but
once I look outside thunder erupted and rain began to poor. I
was upset because as I type this I am still hype to play ball. The
decision to try and play basketball today was to keep me in
shape and busy. I also decided to watch some Netflix
documentaries and it helped me realize that I need to have a
vision of myself and where I want to be in the future. Frankly, I
do not have an exact path or idea of where I want to be and
what I want in my life aside for wealth. Watching that show I
noticed each of the successful people in it had a goal they were
working to reach. It was related to their passions as well. I
learned that I need to figure out what my passion is. Once I
figure that out I can determine what goal I want to reach in my
life. From there I will work towards that goal. I learned that I
have a lot of soul searching to do in order to find that passion
that I know I have. However, I need to figure it out quick before
too much time goes by, because sophomore year is on its way.
Some decisions I made today were very good regarding my
relationship with my friends. I went out to my friend’s house to
reunite with them and play basketball at the park nearby. I made
the decision to see them because I missed the friendship I have
with all six of them. We had fun without smoking or drinking
and it was nice to know that we can still hangout how we used
to before we used drugs. It was a good time and we played
video games together and reminisced the old times we had in
Bloomfield. I think the decision I made to not participate in any
drug use was beneficial towards my life style. I learned that the
relationship I have with my friends never really faded. At first I
was worried that the relationship we had would not be the same
but when we began to talk again it felt like high school again,
but better. I learned that our relationship stems beyond just
getting lit together. In the midst of all of it, I forgot how we all
became friends in the first place. It was a surreal moment to see
us all back in the same place we were in years ago except all
grown up with different things going on for each of us. I also
learned that no matter what, I can trust them with my problems
because I told them everything I have been through over the
past year and it felt good to talk about how I felt and what was
going on with me emotional. The decision I made to talk to
them about it was well made because of the need I had to talk
about it. They love me and back me up no matter what I do.
Today was a boring day. It was raining all day but I decided to
take care of some more relationships I have by hanging out with
my friend Justin. I made this decision based on the need I have
to see my old friends again. I believe it was a beneficial
decision to keep me updated with the people I am friends with.
Today I also received a call from Pacsun, my old job, and they
told me my interview is coming up on Wednesday and I am
excited for that because I know exactly what is what to expect
when I walk in that day. I learned that my hard work at that job
paid off because I am very confident in my odds of getting the
job. The manager even called me to let me know I did not have
to go to the interview. I decided to play video games and relax
today to just enjoy myself in my own company. I think it is
important to have your own downtime and to be able to remove
yourself from society some times. I learned that I need this
down time because it keeps me grounded and is good to clear
my mind and not get too stressed. I hung out with my dog as
well and it was nice to spend time with him because he is
getting old and I know I have been away a while in college and
I have been taking him for granted. I learned to really
appreciate him and pay more attention to him. I need to start
getting on the community service hours because they are
stressing me out. I really wish I did not have to do them but I
am learning that I need to face my consequences because it is
me who put myself in this predicament. I still have not even
told me parents about the incident so volunteering for no reason
might be odd to them.
Today was another day of waking up and cleaning my house and
hanging out with my friends from back home. We went out to
play ball and took pictures at various locations that are around
my town. The reason why I did this is to have some photos to
hold on to and I feel like I could have done some better things
better today, like researching some background knowledge for
my major to prepare me for the next grueling next semester. Or
maybe I could have volunteered somewhere to get some
community service hours. I learned today that there are so many
things you can do in a day. So many different possibilities that
can lead you a completely new direction if you just step out of
your comfort zone. I learned that I need to do that more and I
am working on building up the nerve to do so. I am just waiting
on getting this job and making money. I also decided to talk to
my mother about what I want to do with my life. It was a good
decision because it was a lot of stress that I needed to get off
my chest. I learned that I am stuck between choosing the career
that is unrealistic and the career that is realistic but not
something I would truly enjoy. It is between being truly happy
and having money. But the reality of life is making me choose
the money even though I know in the long run it will not make
me happy. I learned that this decision is one that everyone
makes when they are coming of age to join the adult life in
society. It is a feeling I cannot stand and despise but it is
something I must deal with head on.
Today I made the decision to go to the mall and fill out some
more paperwork to work at Pacsun. Orientation is coming up
soon and I am very excited to meet my coworkers and to start
developing relationships with them. I made the decision to look
for some other community service opportunities that are not so
far because some of them are difficult to get to. I made the
decision because I need to get it done so it is no longer
weighing on my mind. I hate that feeling of having something
that is due. I rather just get it done with in one day if I could.
Another decision I made today was to go with my sister to my
old high school’s softball game. I made this decision because I
wanted to spend some quality time with her and get out of the
house and enjoy being outside. I also wanted to see old high
school friends that I left behind when I went to college. It was a
good decision because it reminded me of where I came from and
where I was only a year ago. It felt really good to see them all
again and made me feel a little more complete. I learned today
that staying in touch with your past helps you remember who
you are and, in turn, helps you move forward in your life. I also
made the decision to work out more often and I have been doing
fifty pushups everyday at least twice a day. I am doing this
because I need to stay in shape and keep myself busy.
Tomorrow I am going to reassemble my bench press and start
using it again because I need to get back into shape and look
good for the summer. Today I also went out to a club with some
of my friends and it was fun and got to meet some new people. I
think it was a good decision because it keeps me involved and
relevant in social circles. And I do not care who you ask, that is
an extremely important aspect of life. Being relevant and
known. It brings you opportunities and allies.
Today I worked on my writing and focused on venting out
through it. I made this decision because I need to be mentally
clear and my way of doing so is through writing and meditating.
I made this decision based on how I felt when I woke up. I
learned that this is an important aspect of myself that I want to
keep around as I grow no matter what age I am. I also went to
my chapter brother’s graduation party at this relaxed lounge.
There were a lot of people I never met before and through going
there I made some good connections with new people. I made
the decision to go because I wanted to support a friend that
graduated college. That is a huge accomplishment and I know I
would want as many people as possible to come to my
graduation party four years from now. I learned that I am a part
of something bigger in his life and that cannot be taken away
from him. In a way I guaranteed a pot in his memory. I also
made the decision when I got back home to work out and then
shower and go to bed. I am making the decision to work out
because I want to get bigger and stay fit. Not only for myself
but for the people that love me. I want to be the best version of
myself and being fit is included in that. I learned that these
journal entries are getting repetitive and I am starting to lose
interest in doing them. I know I have to but it just seems boring
and not very helpful anymore. Maybe a weekly report would be
more effective? It would also be more interesting from your
perspective as the reader because I am sure you would rather
hear about the bigger decisions I made in the week rather than
when I worked out or when I decided to go to sleep.
Another day full of decisions. I took decided to take the dog out
for a walk today to keep him in shape. I did this because as a
miniature dachshund, he needs to stay the proper weight or else
it can lead to back problems because of their long backs. I made
the decision to take him out for the walk instead of letting him
sleep because I care about him and I want him to live a long and
enjoyable life. Another decision I made today was going back to
my old high school to see the teachers that had an impact on my
life when I was younger. They all told me how much older I
looked as well as asked what I was doing in my current
endeavors. I made the decision to go to there because I want to
remember where I am from and how I got to where I am today.
Another decision that I made today was looking up some
community service opportunities. I made this decision because I
again need to find some hours to do, to fulfill the stipulations. I
went to the movies as well with my Pana and we saw Deadpool
2 and it was a great movie. I made this decision based off of my
need to keep that relationship between him and I strong as well
as enjoy a good and funny movie. I learned today that where
you come from has a large effect of the person you are today
and the kind of person you will be in the future. I am getting
sick of doing this to be honest. I learned today to definitely not
get in any trouble again at Montclair State University.
My cousin came over today and he is seven years old and
extremely hyper. I made the decision to let him stay in my room
when usually I kicked him out because he is always annoying
and too hyper for me. I decided to just deal with it and try and
be a better cousin towards him and actually participate in his
shenanigans and or make sure he does not hurt himself in the
process. I also made the decision to let him play on my
PlayStation Four because usually I do not let him because I am
afraid he will break something to mess up the games. But I
decided to take the time out of my day to supervise him while
her begged me for help that I did not give. I figured he should
learn how to play the game through experience rather than me
handing it all to him. It builds a better work ethic especially at a
young age this can be a good lesson learned for him. SNother
decision I made was going to another graduation party in
Paterson. Except this was a surprise party for two graduates that
I am good friends with. I made the made the smart decision
while there not to drink especially because I was driving. I
learned today that to be a good cousin is to take a big role in
that child’s life. No matter what I do that young kid looks up to
me, so I have to set a better example for him so he can watch
and learn and inherit the habits I try to instill in him. Such as
working for what you want or having persistence to keep trying
to reach a goal you set for yourself. I hope what I did today
lasts in his mind forever.
Today was a beautiful day because it was 80 degrees outside
and I got up nice and early. I got up early because I had
orientation for my new job at Pacsun today and I had to get
there at nine thirty in the morning. However, it was fun and it
made me feel good to know that I was doing something
productive in my life. I also learned a lot more than I thought I
would while I was there. I learned how to assign the awards to
someone and how to implement discounts as well as put remove
certain items due to a misbranding or error in the system. When
I got back home I made the decision to hang out with my
parents more and spend quality time with them. I also looked up
more information on my new major for next year. Business
analytics will be what I will be studying for the next three years
at Montclair State University. I learned that the market will
grow up to four hundred percent in the next ten to fifteen years
because of the way technology is advancing in society. I learned
that the way data is being used and collected these days there
will be so much that more and more people in my field will
need to work and be hired. Not only that but big companies will
pay very good money to those in the field I am majoring in. It is
a good move on my part to major in this because I need the
money especially this day in age where things are going
downhill in this country. Money seems to be the only stable way
to protect yourself and live a long and sustainable life. As sad
and unfair as that may be, it is the reality and I must do
everything in my power to reach that goal for my future.
Today I went to the beach with some friends and family. I made
the decision to go because I thought it would be fun to do. I
also decided to go because I needed to have some fun and get
out of the house again. I saw some family members I have not
seen in a long time and they all told me how much I grew and
how proud they are of me going to college. It was very
empowering to hear that coming from people that I love. To
know that I am basically a role model and I represent the family
really makes me feel strong and gives me the drive and
motivation I crave and need. I learned that I need to try and
remember that feeling next semester when school starts because
I am going to need it. I just wish I could bottle it up and store it
away for whenever I need a push or sense of purpose. Last
semester I felt like I was on my own and that what I did
predominantly affected me. I was just caught up in my own wild
world where I had to get good grades, know people, try and eat
good food, have fun and be relevant on campus. I mean I did a
good job at it but that is not what I should be focused on. I
should have been focused on what I was trying to learn way
more than the other aspects. I also made the decision to not
drink after I was offered by a friend, I really want to get myself
together before I start to indulge and have that kind of fun.
Because right now I cannot afford that kind of fun. I have to be
clear of mind at all times.
Today I went to work at Pacsun at ten in the morning and I was
never so happy to start working. Not only did I make the
conscious decision to be a great salesmen and worker but I
decided to help out my co-workers more than a new hire should.
I made this decision because I want to get on my co-workers’
good sides and really impact the work environment of the store.
I want people to remember me even more than they did last time
I worked here. I learned today that people worked there when I
worked before were really excited to see me again. It was nice
to know that I genuinely made those people happier and
impacted their lives in a positive way. Another decision I made
today was to go see my friends back at Montclair because I
missed them a lot and I also received some gifts from a friend
that means so much to me. One was the number five, which was
my number for all the sports I played and it was also my line
number. I believe it was a good decision because it kept up with
my relationships from back at school. I learned that I am much
more influential in my life than I always thought I was. I used
to be upset about how little I mattered but I realize now that
was all in my head. Because people do care about me and my
wellbeing as well as want me around them because of that
influence I have on them and the environment around me. I
made the decision to work out again once I got home because it
has been slipping my mind lately and I need to stick to I
regularly in order to get good results.
Today was a boring day. There was not much to do so I just
stayed home and watched some Netflix shows. I made the
decision to do so because I have not watched Netflix in a long
time. It was not the best decision but there is always a better
decision to make every day. Does not mean you should or will
always make it. It is impossible to. Another decision I made was
going to McDonalds to eat. I made this decision because I did
not feel like cooking so I decided to go buy food. This was not
the best decision because I spent money when I am trying to
save up because I am so broke it is funny. So instead of getting
McDonalds, I should have just made some cup noodles or made
some rice and beans at home. It would have saved me money
that I really need. I also decided to go play basketball with five
of my friends in my backyard. Then we decided to go to the
park next to my house about a block away and continue playing
basketball there. When we got tired we decided to come back to
my house and we decided to play video games. We played a
basketball game called NBA 2K18. The decision I made to go
play ball was a good decision because it kept me in shape and
kept me socializing with my friends from my town. I learned
today that I need to work harder at saving my money as well as
getting more hours because I want to be able to do things and
live a comfortable life. Money seems to be the only way to do
that and I learned that I hate the fact that that is how the world
works. I also learned that Kanye West is dropping a new album
today and it made me realize how much I miss good music.
Today is I woke up and went to work at ten in the morning. I
made the decision to get there earlier than normal just to make
show that I am someone to likes to be on time to my manager. I
made the decision to get there at a quarter to twelve and my
shift started at twelve. It was a good decision because it is nice
to build those kinds of habits to carry on through other stages of
your life. I also need to keep getting money because I am broke.
When I got back from work, I decided I should get back to
working creatively with my writing and music. It is a great
stress reliever and it has the power to completely change my
mood. I made this decision because I needed time to myself to
express my thoughts and feelings. It was a good decision in my
opinion because I needed that time to myself to keep me
grounded and sane. Without that creative or therapeutic time, I
would be an emotional wreck. I learned after working on my
own music, how beneficial it is for me especially after work.
Another decision I made was listening to new music today. I
made this decision because I have been craving new music for a
long time and I enjoy hearing new ways of putting music
together. I think it was a good decision for myself and helped
for my creative juices to flow easier. I learned from this that
new things are needed in this world to entice more new ideas. I
also learned that I am very influenced off of the kinds of music
I hear and I can tell this by the kind of music I make. Certain
aspects of songs I listen to can be heard in the music I make.
Today was a beautiful day so I decided to go outside with my
boys and play basketball. I made this decision for the same
reasons I have been saying for these past few weeks. I want to
stay healthy and keep my body in shape also while bonding with
my boys in a game we all love. I also love to play and I find it
very fun to pass the time. I may have not made the right
decision because with the time I spent with them, I could have
been volunteering or doing community service opportunities or
doing something more productive. But that is life, there is
always something else you can do, it does not mean it is the
best thing for you. After I played basketball with them I went
back home and got ready for work. Which was the right decision
because I always try to be on time especially for work. I made
the correct decision because I walked into my job at literally the
exact I had to clock in. However, it was a bit too close for
comfort. I learned to leave a bit earlier so, from now on I will
leave about thirty minutes before I have to clock in for the day.
Another decision I made was to not buy food from the foo court
as tempting as it was, I wanted to so badly especially because I
was starving after work. Those people that give out the free
samples almost had me a few times. However, I made the
decision not to because I have to save as much money as
possible. I think it was the right decision because I made sure to
call my mother to ask if there was any food at home and she
told me there was, so it was definitely the responsible decision
to make.
I am so sick of doing this you have no idea. It was cool at first
but now it is just becoming tedious. However, I am learning to
deal with my actions straight on. It is just extremely annoying. I
even downloaded the Microsoft Word application on my phone
so in case I forget I can do my three-hundred words on the go.
Which was the best decision I made since starting this journal. I
made the decision because the reality of it is I will not always
be in reach of my computer so I had to adapt somehow. I
learned that I need to be adaptable to get things done. I went to
Dave and Busters today with my friend Ray and he paid for
everything and it really meant a lot to me. I think it was a great
decision to go because he really wanted to spend time with me
and he missed me a lot. He is like the older brother I never had.
The decision was a good one because I got to spend time with
him and have a lot of fun at Dave and Busters which I have not
been to in years. I learned I can really count on him to be there
for me no matter what I am going through. After that we
decided to go to his job and got some great free food. We were
really hungry after Dave and Busters and free food is always a
good decision especially when you are broke. When I got home
I decided to call this one girl I have been having my eyes on for
a few weeks now. I made the decision because I really like her
vibe and she is so beautiful to me. I also miss having that
female attention in my life. It was a good decision because she
appreciated me calling her and talking to her for a couple of
hours. It was a nice conversation and I think I won some points
for it.
Today I had to get up early for work again and got there on
time. I made multiple decisions to do a little more than what
was asked of me today by cleaning up a lot and covering the
floor and also doing go backs quickly. I made the decision
because I just felt like being nice and helpful today. It turned
out to be a great decision because I my manager noticed and
told me I was doing a great job today. Hopefully, that will lead
to more hours and that means more money for me. I learned
after this decision that hard work pays off and that good karma
exists. After work I decided to go take my dog to the dog park
with my family. It was a fun time walking around the park and
seeing some friends from high school along the way. My dog
was out of shape and definitely had his exercise for the day. He
is overweight and for his breed that can be detrimental to him.
He is a miniature dachshund and their backs are long so, when
they get fat it weighs on their spine and can hurt them and give
them back problems. It was a good decision to take him to the
park because health was improved in the process. It was also
nice to get out of the house and be in a natural setting with
other animals around and nice scenery. I learned today that my
family is really a beautiful thing. When we were all just talking
and laughing together at the park with the dog, it felt so good to
be united with them and I realized how blessed I am to have a
family like this. I would not trade this family for anything.
I woke up late today, around eleven thirty and it felt great to
sleep in. It was a good decision because I have waking up early
the past few days so it felt great to sleep in. I decided to help
out the family by doing some extra chores around the house. I
cleaned the kitchen, the dining room and the second floor
bathroom. I made this decision by thinking about my family and
how they would feel about me doing these chores that needed to
be done without being told. I think the decision was a good one
because when they got home they were surprised with how clean
everything was and they thanked me so much for being “their
favorite son” even though I am their only son. I learned through
doing this that a little help goes a long way and just being nice
and doing something for someone once in a while can really
make someone’s day. After I finished cleaning I decided to play
video games with my boys from Bloomfield and I played really
well in this game called Fortnite, that I am usually kind of bad
in. I think this was a good decision to make considering I had
just cleaned up the house and had some time to myself. I felt
like I deserved to have some fun time with my friends. I learned
that the saying “practice makes better” holds true even when it
comes to video games because I have been playing with them
somewhat consistently. I have gotten so much better because of
that. After playing games with my friends I decided to work out,
outside in the backyard. I set up my pullup bar and got my
basketball from the garage. I think it was a good decision to do
this because I felt I had to do one more productive thing in the
day at least. I think it was a good decision because I gained
weight since college and I want to make sure I do not get a gut
or lose my muscle tone.
Today I woke up and decided to clean my room and do some
laundry because I am running low on boxers and that is a
serious problem that had to be handled as soon as possible. I
came to this decision by looking at all of the dirty clothes I had
stockpiled in the corner of my room and decided it had to be
dealt with. It was a good decision to do laundry because I need
my clothes to be clean and I was running out of them. I learned
that I should pay more attention to when I need to do laundry
because I did not notice until I had one pair of boxers left. After
I put the stuff in the washing machine I started to cook food for
the family. I started to make rice beans and pork chops for
lunch. I came to this decision because I wanted to be kind and
make the day easier for my mother. It was a good decision
because she really appreciated it and she had some time to
herself so she sat on the couch and watched TV while I did
some of the work load she usually does for us. After I cooked I
had to get ready to go to MSU campus in the Village for a
chapter meeting at 7, one of the brothers also asked me to play
ball before the meeting so we stopped at the ball courts in the
village before going to my friend’s room in the village for the
meeting. I made the decision to o based on the fact that I live
somewhat close to the campus as well as not many brother could
make it so we had to call a lot of them. It was a good decision
because I got to get work done and spend some time with the
chapter because they missed me. I also was appointed Treasurer
of the chapter today during the meeting. Which I was excited
about especially since there is a lot of people that could have
been treasurer and that wanted to. It was definitely a learning
experience to see my efforts towards the organization pay off in
me getting a e-board position.
So when I woke up this morning, the girl I had been trying to
get to know more had texted me. I made the decision to text her
right back and try to start a conversation. I really did not want
to mess this up so I asked her what she was doing today. She
told me she was free until she had work at six. So I decided to
go pick her up and go out to eat for lunch. I picked her up
around two and we decided on this pizza spot near my town that
has really good buffalo chicken pizza. We ate and then went to
this park right next to it and it has like a little river and a park
people hang out at. She wanted to sit on the bench and we
talked for a little and she kind of got and I felt like she wanted
a kiss but I decided not to kiss her. I made this decision because
I felt like it was a bit rushed and I did not want to rush into this
little relationship we have right now. I think it was a good
decision because not only does it allow us to take things slow
and let the relationship grow, it also makes her want me more
which doesn’t hurt me. So I took her home in time for her to get
ready for work and then I went back home to took out the
garbage because I felt like it was the right thing to do when I
saw it was full. I know my parents would appreciate it. I learned
today that taking things slow in a relationship can be rewarding
especially when you really are into the other person. I am kind
of excited about this relationship but I know I should not get
too hyped over it.
Thank god I woke up somewhat early today at nine thirty
because I picked up some ones shift at twelve at the mall. So I
had time to get ready, eat and drive down there on time to clock
in. I made the right decision to pick up the shift because I need
all the money I can get. Also, my manager really appreciated me
taking shifts quickly and noticed the amount of work I am
putting into the store. After work I again refused to buy food
from the food court and when I got home I decided to look up
some birthday ideas for my friend Ray. I found some necklaces
he might like and I also found bracelets with his birth stone on
it for a good price. I also plan on getting some people together
to surprise him at my house one day. I did this become I want to
make his birthday special and show him how much he means to
me and how much I care about him. It was a good decision to
prepare now so that I know exactly when I am doing when the
big day comes in a few weeks. I also went out to work out in my
backyard again to stay in shape. This decision is always good
because I got to keep this summer body in check so I can look
good for that girl I am trying to get to know more. Also I helped
my mom bring in the groceries when she came home from
shopping. I could tell she was tired and stressed so I decided to
take most of the bags in and put them away for her. It was a
good decision because it took some weight off of my mother’s
shoulder’s and she already does a lot for this family.
I had work early today at ten in the morning so I woke up at
nine got ready and left the house at nine-thirty. I got to work
about five minutes early and had a eight hour shift ahead of me.
I also made the decision to be social while working towards my
other co-workers. It was a good decision because we became
more comfortable with each other. I learned that I am a very
sociable person when I want to be especially in the work
setting. When I got back I was really tired after an eight hour
shift and I decided to take a very much needed nap. It was a
good decision because I was exhausted and my feet hurt from
standing and walking around for eight hours straight. When I
woke up around eight I showered and watched television in the
living room with my family and we talked and cracked jokes on
each other during dinner. It was a good decision to stay
downstairs and spend time with my family because I missed
talking to them. I got to bond with my family and I know my
parents and sisters appreciated my presence. Then I decided to
walk my dog and take advantage of the nice weather. It was a
good decision because my dog needs to get out and lose some
weight and stay active. Not only that, but being out at night
allowed me to clear my head and have some peace with my dog.
I learned that the relationship I have with my dog needs to be
cherished and I need to appreciate him especially with how old
he is getting. I love him and I need to spend more time worth
him before I get really busy during the summer. And before the
school season starts again.

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  • 1. Running Head: SOCIAL INJUSTICE RESEARCH PAPER 1 PAGE 4 SOCIAL INJUSTICE RESEARCH PAPER Social Injustice and Cultural Identifiers Research Paper Your Name Grand Canyon University: EDU 330 Date Social Injustice and Cultural Identifiers Research Paper Introduction You will need one paragraph for each of the six points in the assignment. You do need an introduction and conclusion. Please stay within the 750-1000 word limit. This is the benchmark assignment. This first paragraph will state the controversial issue that you are addressing, and describe the cultural identifiers discussed in the articles that you found from your research. You need to include in-text citations. You need to include in-text citations. Historical Background In paragraph two you will summarize the historical background of the cultural identifiers and associated controversial topic in K-12 education. You need to include in-text citations. Arguments
  • 2. In paragraph three, you will identify 2-3 arguments presented for and 2-3 arguments against the issue. You need to include in-text citations. Associated Injustices In paragraph four, you will discuss any associated injustices arising from the issue, including how teachers and students are affected by the cultural identifiers and associated controversial topic. You need to include in-text citations. Solution s In paragraph five, you will explain solutions that you recommend implementing to remedy the associated injustices, and why you selected them.. You need to include in-text citations. Conclusion In paragraph six, identify where you fall on the cultural competence continuum in relation to the issue, including your commitment to understanding others’ frames of reference (e.g. culture, gender, language, abilities, ways of knowing), in order to reduce personal biases and improve relationships with colleagues, students, and students’ families.
  • 3. References In-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. You should have a MINIMUM of three scholarly journals. I will accept articles from any time in the last three years. You should have nothing published before 2014. �Do not delete the words “Running head:” from this header. The title in the header should be in all capital letters. �This title should exactly match the title on page 1. �You must keep the headings for this assignment in order to keep in organized. DO NOT DELETE THEM! �Only the first word of this title, the first word after a colon, and any proper nouns should be capitalized.
  • 4. Felix Plata Felix’s Journal 5/12/18 Today I went out with my sister to help her with her errands she had to run and keep her company. We had fun and it was nice to reconnect with her again especially after being back from college and not seeing her in so long. Behavior wise, I was kind to her and social when we were out. I made the decision to go with her based on my need for reconnecting with my family because when I first came back, things felt weird and awkward for me. The decision was between me staying home and doing laundry and playing video games, or going out and spending quality time with my sister. In my opinion, each decision has their own repercussions and perks. For what I am seeking right now, I made the right decision to get closer to my family again. I learned today that my actions and work ethic does not go unnoticed because I got offered an old job today when I was with my sister at the mall. He told me I was a good kid and a hard worker and personally it really affected me a validated what I do. Because I feel like I am taken for granted sometimes because I am so consistent and balanced as a person. Hearing that from my old boss made me feel like people do notice the little things and your character. And in the end it reaped me benefits because he gave me an application and told me I am
  • 5. always welcome to come work there again. Now I realize the man I used to be is the one I should get back to being. I am making strides and I feel as though it is a positive step forward especially since I have two jobs now. I am just really worried about those 35 community service hours, because I will be working every day this summer and those hours are hours that I can be working. However, I’m owning up to it. Just like I learned how to do when I joined my fraternity. Face my battles no matter how unfair they seem, because life is merciless. 5/13/18 Today was Mother’s Day and I woke up early and woke my Mom up to wish her a Happy Mother’s Day. It was a good decision to spend the day with her because I am working to get closer to my family again and catch up. A lot of family came over and we ate together and my decision to really stay downstairs and talk to my family. It was a good decision in my opinion because I got to strengthen that bond we have again. Family is so important and I am chasing for this bond to be as strong as possible. I also decided to talk to my grandmother more and she really appreciated the conversation we had and told me how I am growing into a fine young man. We talked about my schooling and my life in college. She told me some stories about her high school days and talked about how she wished she went to college. She said she wishes she had some of my characteristics like my sociability and my height. Keep in
  • 6. mind she is four feet nine inches. I learned that family is important and to remember to talk to the ones that may not have as much time as others on this planet. This fits along with me reintroducing myself back to the family. I also learned that this day though important should not be the only day you show your mother or any mother gratitude. I learned that this day is just a full recognition of the relationship each person has with their mother. I learned I am a very important part of this family and this is something I did not see before. I also learned a lot about my grandmother’s upbringing and about her life in school. 5/14/18 Today I woke up and decided to finish up my laundry and clean the house up a bit. I then played some video games with my friends from my hometown so I can reconnect with them as well. I missed them more than I thought and I think it was a good decision to do this. Then later on I made food for my mother and I just to be nice so of course that was a good decision to take off some weight off her shoulders. I also decided to get dressed and go play basketball with my boy David because I need to stay active and in shape. We went to the park next to my house and I have not been there since senior year in high school. The court was brand new compared to the last time I was there. I played about four games to 16 and they were competitive and I missed that side of me so much. I was playing great ball too. My shots were on point and my ball
  • 7. handle was back up to par after the first game. This decision was not only physically healthy but therapeutic for me to let out my energy and frustrations. I learned how good at basketball I am. I tend to be hard on myself but after every game the opposing team would give me a handshake and compliment my skills. I missed the court so much more than I thought, it felt like home. I learned that I am not as restricted to the house as I thought I was because I actually forgot to tell my parents I was going to the park and it was not until three hours later I told them and they had not even called my phone. I learned I am a huge role model for my younger cousin who is 11 years old. When I came back home from the park he came running and asked me how I was and what I was doing and he seemed genuinely interested and I could tell by how he looks and talks to me that I am a huge influence on him. I hope to be the best role model I can be for him to grow up to b e a productive man. 5/15/18 My behavior is good as usual, I woke up and instead of playing video games and I flet like I should clean the house so I did. The kitchen especially and I also went out and got more water for the house. I did these things because I am a caring guy. When I finished all that I decided to start writing again and listening to music. Something I did not do much of in college because I was always busy and distracted. It felt good mentally to vent out onto the paper and be creative again. I took a shower
  • 8. and got dressed in hopes of playing basketball at the park but once I look outside thunder erupted and rain began to poor. I was upset because as I type this I am still hype to play ball. The decision to try and play basketball today was to keep me in shape and busy. I also decided to watch some Netflix documentaries and it helped me realize that I need to have a vision of myself and where I want to be in the future. Frankly, I do not have an exact path or idea of where I want to be and what I want in my life aside for wealth. Watching that show I noticed each of the successful people in it had a goal they were working to reach. It was related to their passions as well. I learned that I need to figure out what my passion is. Once I figure that out I can determine what goal I want to reach in my life. From there I will work towards that goal. I learned that I have a lot of soul searching to do in order to find that passion that I know I have. However, I need to figure it out quick before too much time goes by, because sophomore year is on its way. 5/16/18 Some decisions I made today were very good regarding my relationship with my friends. I went out to my friend’s house to reunite with them and play basketball at the park nearby. I made the decision to see them because I missed the friendship I have with all six of them. We had fun without smoking or drinking
  • 9. and it was nice to know that we can still hangout how we used to before we used drugs. It was a good time and we played video games together and reminisced the old times we had in Bloomfield. I think the decision I made to not participate in any drug use was beneficial towards my life style. I learned that the relationship I have with my friends never really faded. At first I was worried that the relationship we had would not be the same but when we began to talk again it felt like high school again, but better. I learned that our relationship stems beyond just getting lit together. In the midst of all of it, I forgot how we all became friends in the first place. It was a surreal moment to see us all back in the same place we were in years ago except all grown up with different things going on for each of us. I also learned that no matter what, I can trust them with my problems because I told them everything I have been through over the past year and it felt good to talk about how I felt and what was going on with me emotional. The decision I made to talk to them about it was well made because of the need I had to talk about it. They love me and back me up no matter what I do. 5/17/18 Today was a boring day. It was raining all day but I decided to take care of some more relationships I have by hanging out with my friend Justin. I made this decision based on the need I have to see my old friends again. I believe it was a beneficial
  • 10. decision to keep me updated with the people I am friends with. Today I also received a call from Pacsun, my old job, and they told me my interview is coming up on Wednesday and I am excited for that because I know exactly what is what to expect when I walk in that day. I learned that my hard work at that job paid off because I am very confident in my odds of getting the job. The manager even called me to let me know I did not have to go to the interview. I decided to play video games and relax today to just enjoy myself in my own company. I think it is important to have your own downtime and to be able to remove yourself from society some times. I learned that I need this down time because it keeps me grounded and is good to clear my mind and not get too stressed. I hung out with my dog as well and it was nice to spend time with him because he is getting old and I know I have been away a while in college and I have been taking him for granted. I learned to really appreciate him and pay more attention to him. I need to start getting on the community service hours because they are stressing me out. I really wish I did not have to do them but I am learning that I need to face my consequences because it is me who put myself in this predicament. I still have not even told me parents about the incident so volunteering for no reason might be odd to them. 5/18/18 Today was another day of waking up and cleaning my house and
  • 11. hanging out with my friends from back home. We went out to play ball and took pictures at various locations that are around my town. The reason why I did this is to have some photos to hold on to and I feel like I could have done some better things better today, like researching some background knowledge for my major to prepare me for the next grueling next semester. Or maybe I could have volunteered somewhere to get some community service hours. I learned today that there are so many things you can do in a day. So many different possibilities that can lead you a completely new direction if you just step out of your comfort zone. I learned that I need to do that more and I am working on building up the nerve to do so. I am just waiting on getting this job and making money. I also decided to talk to my mother about what I want to do with my life. It was a good decision because it was a lot of stress that I needed to get off my chest. I learned that I am stuck between choosing the career that is unrealistic and the career that is realistic but not something I would truly enjoy. It is between being truly happy and having money. But the reality of life is making me choose the money even though I know in the long run it will not make me happy. I learned that this decision is one that everyone makes when they are coming of age to join the adult life in society. It is a feeling I cannot stand and despise but it is something I must deal with head on. 5/19/18
  • 12. Today I made the decision to go to the mall and fill out some more paperwork to work at Pacsun. Orientation is coming up soon and I am very excited to meet my coworkers and to start developing relationships with them. I made the decision to look for some other community service opportunities that are not so far because some of them are difficult to get to. I made the decision because I need to get it done so it is no longer weighing on my mind. I hate that feeling of having something that is due. I rather just get it done with in one day if I could. Another decision I made today was to go with my sister to my old high school’s softball game. I made this decision because I wanted to spend some quality time with her and get out of the house and enjoy being outside. I also wanted to see old high school friends that I left behind when I went to college. It was a good decision because it reminded me of where I came from and where I was only a year ago. It felt really good to see them all again and made me feel a little more complete. I learned today that staying in touch with your past helps you remember who you are and, in turn, helps you move forward in your life. I also made the decision to work out more often and I have been doing fifty pushups everyday at least twice a day. I am doing this because I need to stay in shape and keep myself busy. Tomorrow I am going to reassemble my bench press and start using it again because I need to get back into shape and look good for the summer. Today I also went out to a club with some
  • 13. of my friends and it was fun and got to meet some new people. I think it was a good decision because it keeps me involved and relevant in social circles. And I do not care who you ask, that is an extremely important aspect of life. Being relevant and known. It brings you opportunities and allies. 5/20/18 Today I worked on my writing and focused on venting out through it. I made this decision because I need to be mentally clear and my way of doing so is through writing and meditating. I made this decision based on how I felt when I woke up. I learned that this is an important aspect of myself that I want to keep around as I grow no matter what age I am. I also went to my chapter brother’s graduation party at this relaxed lounge. There were a lot of people I never met before and through going there I made some good connections with new people. I made the decision to go because I wanted to support a friend that graduated college. That is a huge accomplishment and I know I would want as many people as possible to come to my graduation party four years from now. I learned that I am a part of something bigger in his life and that cannot be taken away from him. In a way I guaranteed a pot in his memory. I also made the decision when I got back home to work out and then shower and go to bed. I am making the decision to work out because I want to get bigger and stay fit. Not only for myself but for the people that love me. I want to be the best version of
  • 14. myself and being fit is included in that. I learned that these journal entries are getting repetitive and I am starting to lose interest in doing them. I know I have to but it just seems boring and not very helpful anymore. Maybe a weekly report would be more effective? It would also be more interesting from your perspective as the reader because I am sure you would rather hear about the bigger decisions I made in the week rather than when I worked out or when I decided to go to sleep. 5/21/18 Another day full of decisions. I took decided to take the dog out for a walk today to keep him in shape. I did this because as a miniature dachshund, he needs to stay the proper weight or else it can lead to back problems because of their long backs. I made the decision to take him out for the walk instead of letting him sleep because I care about him and I want him to live a long and enjoyable life. Another decision I made today was going back to my old high school to see the teachers that had an impact on my life when I was younger. They all told me how much older I looked as well as asked what I was doing in my current endeavors. I made the decision to go to there because I want to remember where I am from and how I got to where I am today. Another decision that I made today was looking up some community service opportunities. I made this decision because I again need to find some hours to do, to fulfill the stipulations. I went to the movies as well with my Pana and we saw Deadpool
  • 15. 2 and it was a great movie. I made this decision based off of my need to keep that relationship between him and I strong as well as enjoy a good and funny movie. I learned today that where you come from has a large effect of the person you are today and the kind of person you will be in the future. I am getting sick of doing this to be honest. I learned today to definitely not get in any trouble again at Montclair State University. 5/22/18 My cousin came over today and he is seven years old and extremely hyper. I made the decision to let him stay in my room when usually I kicked him out because he is always annoying and too hyper for me. I decided to just deal with it and try and be a better cousin towards him and actually participate in his shenanigans and or make sure he does not hurt himself in the process. I also made the decision to let him play on my PlayStation Four because usually I do not let him because I am afraid he will break something to mess up the games. But I decided to take the time out of my day to supervise him while her begged me for help that I did not give. I figured he should learn how to play the game through experience rather than me handing it all to him. It builds a better work ethic especially at a young age this can be a good lesson learned for him. SNother decision I made was going to another graduation party in
  • 16. Paterson. Except this was a surprise party for two graduates that I am good friends with. I made the made the smart decision while there not to drink especially because I was driving. I learned today that to be a good cousin is to take a big role in that child’s life. No matter what I do that young kid looks up to me, so I have to set a better example for him so he can watch and learn and inherit the habits I try to instill in him. Such as working for what you want or having persistence to keep trying to reach a goal you set for yourself. I hope what I did today lasts in his mind forever. 5/23/18 Today was a beautiful day because it was 80 degrees outside and I got up nice and early. I got up early because I had orientation for my new job at Pacsun today and I had to get there at nine thirty in the morning. However, it was fun and it made me feel good to know that I was doing something productive in my life. I also learned a lot more than I thought I would while I was there. I learned how to assign the awards to someone and how to implement discounts as well as put remove certain items due to a misbranding or error in the system. When I got back home I made the decision to hang out with my parents more and spend quality time with them. I also looked up more information on my new major for next year. Business analytics will be what I will be studying for the next three years at Montclair State University. I learned that the market will
  • 17. grow up to four hundred percent in the next ten to fifteen years because of the way technology is advancing in society. I learned that the way data is being used and collected these days there will be so much that more and more people in my field will need to work and be hired. Not only that but big companies will pay very good money to those in the field I am majoring in. It is a good move on my part to major in this because I need the money especially this day in age where things are going downhill in this country. Money seems to be the only stable way to protect yourself and live a long and sustainable life. As sad and unfair as that may be, it is the reality and I must do everything in my power to reach that goal for my future. 5/24/18 Today I went to the beach with some friends and family. I made the decision to go because I thought it would be fun to do. I also decided to go because I needed to have some fun and get out of the house again. I saw some family members I have not seen in a long time and they all told me how much I grew and how proud they are of me going to college. It was very empowering to hear that coming from people that I love. To know that I am basically a role model and I represent the family really makes me feel strong and gives me the drive and motivation I crave and need. I learned that I need to try and remember that feeling next semester when school starts because I am going to need it. I just wish I could bottle it up and store it
  • 18. away for whenever I need a push or sense of purpose. Last semester I felt like I was on my own and that what I did predominantly affected me. I was just caught up in my own wild world where I had to get good grades, know people, try and eat good food, have fun and be relevant on campus. I mean I did a good job at it but that is not what I should be focused on. I should have been focused on what I was trying to learn way more than the other aspects. I also made the decision to not drink after I was offered by a friend, I really want to get myself together before I start to indulge and have that kind of fun. Because right now I cannot afford that kind of fun. I have to be clear of mind at all times. 5/25/18 Today I went to work at Pacsun at ten in the morning and I was never so happy to start working. Not only did I make the conscious decision to be a great salesmen and worker but I decided to help out my co-workers more than a new hire should. I made this decision because I want to get on my co-workers’ good sides and really impact the work environment of the store. I want people to remember me even more than they did last time I worked here. I learned today that people worked there when I worked before were really excited to see me again. It was nice to know that I genuinely made those people happier and impacted their lives in a positive way. Another decision I made today was to go see my friends back at Montclair because I
  • 19. missed them a lot and I also received some gifts from a friend that means so much to me. One was the number five, which was my number for all the sports I played and it was also my line number. I believe it was a good decision because it kept up with my relationships from back at school. I learned that I am much more influential in my life than I always thought I was. I used to be upset about how little I mattered but I realize now that was all in my head. Because people do care about me and my wellbeing as well as want me around them because of that influence I have on them and the environment around me. I made the decision to work out again once I got home because it has been slipping my mind lately and I need to stick to I regularly in order to get good results. 5/26/18 Today was a boring day. There was not much to do so I just stayed home and watched some Netflix shows. I made the decision to do so because I have not watched Netflix in a long time. It was not the best decision but there is always a better decision to make every day. Does not mean you should or will always make it. It is impossible to. Another decision I made was going to McDonalds to eat. I made this decision because I did not feel like cooking so I decided to go buy food. This was not the best decision because I spent money when I am trying to save up because I am so broke it is funny. So instead of getting McDonalds, I should have just made some cup noodles or made
  • 20. some rice and beans at home. It would have saved me money that I really need. I also decided to go play basketball with five of my friends in my backyard. Then we decided to go to the park next to my house about a block away and continue playing basketball there. When we got tired we decided to come back to my house and we decided to play video games. We played a basketball game called NBA 2K18. The decision I made to go play ball was a good decision because it kept me in shape and kept me socializing with my friends from my town. I learned today that I need to work harder at saving my money as well as getting more hours because I want to be able to do things and live a comfortable life. Money seems to be the only way to do that and I learned that I hate the fact that that is how the world works. I also learned that Kanye West is dropping a new album today and it made me realize how much I miss good music. 5/27/18 Today is I woke up and went to work at ten in the morning. I made the decision to get there earlier than normal just to make show that I am someone to likes to be on time to my manager. I made the decision to get there at a quarter to twelve and my shift started at twelve. It was a good decision because it is nice to build those kinds of habits to carry on through other stages of your life. I also need to keep getting money because I am broke.
  • 21. When I got back from work, I decided I should get back to working creatively with my writing and music. It is a great stress reliever and it has the power to completely change my mood. I made this decision because I needed time to myself to express my thoughts and feelings. It was a good decision in my opinion because I needed that time to myself to keep me grounded and sane. Without that creative or therapeutic time, I would be an emotional wreck. I learned after working on my own music, how beneficial it is for me especially after work. Another decision I made was listening to new music today. I made this decision because I have been craving new music for a long time and I enjoy hearing new ways of putting music together. I think it was a good decision for myself and helped for my creative juices to flow easier. I learned from this that new things are needed in this world to entice more new ideas. I also learned that I am very influenced off of the kinds of music I hear and I can tell this by the kind of music I make. Certain aspects of songs I listen to can be heard in the music I make. 5/28/18 Today was a beautiful day so I decided to go outside with my boys and play basketball. I made this decision for the same reasons I have been saying for these past few weeks. I want to stay healthy and keep my body in shape also while bonding with my boys in a game we all love. I also love to play and I find it very fun to pass the time. I may have not made the right
  • 22. decision because with the time I spent with them, I could have been volunteering or doing community service opportunities or doing something more productive. But that is life, there is always something else you can do, it does not mean it is the best thing for you. After I played basketball with them I went back home and got ready for work. Which was the right decision because I always try to be on time especially for work. I made the correct decision because I walked into my job at literally the exact I had to clock in. However, it was a bit too close for comfort. I learned to leave a bit earlier so, from now on I will leave about thirty minutes before I have to clock in for the day. Another decision I made was to not buy food from the foo court as tempting as it was, I wanted to so badly especially because I was starving after work. Those people that give out the free samples almost had me a few times. However, I made the decision not to because I have to save as much money as possible. I think it was the right decision because I made sure to call my mother to ask if there was any food at home and she told me there was, so it was definitely the responsible decision to make. 5/29/18 I am so sick of doing this you have no idea. It was cool at first but now it is just becoming tedious. However, I am learning to deal with my actions straight on. It is just extremely annoying. I even downloaded the Microsoft Word application on my phone
  • 23. so in case I forget I can do my three-hundred words on the go. Which was the best decision I made since starting this journal. I made the decision because the reality of it is I will not always be in reach of my computer so I had to adapt somehow. I learned that I need to be adaptable to get things done. I went to Dave and Busters today with my friend Ray and he paid for everything and it really meant a lot to me. I think it was a great decision to go because he really wanted to spend time with me and he missed me a lot. He is like the older brother I never had. The decision was a good one because I got to spend time with him and have a lot of fun at Dave and Busters which I have not been to in years. I learned I can really count on him to be there for me no matter what I am going through. After that we decided to go to his job and got some great free food. We were really hungry after Dave and Busters and free food is always a good decision especially when you are broke. When I got home I decided to call this one girl I have been having my eyes on for a few weeks now. I made the decision because I really like her vibe and she is so beautiful to me. I also miss having that female attention in my life. It was a good decision because she appreciated me calling her and talking to her for a couple of hours. It was a nice conversation and I think I won some points for it. 5/30/18 Today I had to get up early for work again and got there on
  • 24. time. I made multiple decisions to do a little more than what was asked of me today by cleaning up a lot and covering the floor and also doing go backs quickly. I made the decision because I just felt like being nice and helpful today. It turned out to be a great decision because I my manager noticed and told me I was doing a great job today. Hopefully, that will lead to more hours and that means more money for me. I learned after this decision that hard work pays off and that good karma exists. After work I decided to go take my dog to the dog park with my family. It was a fun time walking around the park and seeing some friends from high school along the way. My dog was out of shape and definitely had his exercise for the day. He is overweight and for his breed that can be detrimental to him. He is a miniature dachshund and their backs are long so, when they get fat it weighs on their spine and can hurt them and give them back problems. It was a good decision to take him to the park because health was improved in the process. It was also nice to get out of the house and be in a natural setting with other animals around and nice scenery. I learned today that my family is really a beautiful thing. When we were all just talking and laughing together at the park with the dog, it felt so good to be united with them and I realized how blessed I am to have a family like this. I would not trade this family for anything. 5/31/18 I woke up late today, around eleven thirty and it felt great to
  • 25. sleep in. It was a good decision because I have waking up early the past few days so it felt great to sleep in. I decided to help out the family by doing some extra chores around the house. I cleaned the kitchen, the dining room and the second floor bathroom. I made this decision by thinking about my family and how they would feel about me doing these chores that needed to be done without being told. I think the decision was a good one because when they got home they were surprised with how clean everything was and they thanked me so much for being “their favorite son” even though I am their only son. I learned through doing this that a little help goes a long way and just being nice and doing something for someone once in a while can really make someone’s day. After I finished cleaning I decided to play video games with my boys from Bloomfield and I played really well in this game called Fortnite, that I am usually kind of bad in. I think this was a good decision to make considering I had just cleaned up the house and had some time to myself. I felt like I deserved to have some fun time with my friends. I learned that the saying “practice makes better” holds true even when it comes to video games because I have been playing with them somewhat consistently. I have gotten so much better because of that. After playing games with my friends I decided to work out, outside in the backyard. I set up my pullup bar and got my basketball from the garage. I think it was a good decision to do this because I felt I had to do one more productive thing in the
  • 26. day at least. I think it was a good decision because I gained weight since college and I want to make sure I do not get a gut or lose my muscle tone. 6/1/18 Today I woke up and decided to clean my room and do some laundry because I am running low on boxers and that is a serious problem that had to be handled as soon as possible. I came to this decision by looking at all of the dirty clothes I had stockpiled in the corner of my room and decided it had to be dealt with. It was a good decision to do laundry because I need my clothes to be clean and I was running out of them. I learned that I should pay more attention to when I need to do laundry because I did not notice until I had one pair of boxers left. After I put the stuff in the washing machine I started to cook food for the family. I started to make rice beans and pork chops for lunch. I came to this decision because I wanted to be kind and make the day easier for my mother. It was a good decision because she really appreciated it and she had some time to herself so she sat on the couch and watched TV while I did some of the work load she usually does for us. After I cooked I had to get ready to go to MSU campus in the Village for a chapter meeting at 7, one of the brothers also asked me to play ball before the meeting so we stopped at the ball courts in the village before going to my friend’s room in the village for the meeting. I made the decision to o based on the fact that I live
  • 27. somewhat close to the campus as well as not many brother could make it so we had to call a lot of them. It was a good decision because I got to get work done and spend some time with the chapter because they missed me. I also was appointed Treasurer of the chapter today during the meeting. Which I was excited about especially since there is a lot of people that could have been treasurer and that wanted to. It was definitely a learning experience to see my efforts towards the organization pay off in me getting a e-board position. 6/2/18 So when I woke up this morning, the girl I had been trying to get to know more had texted me. I made the decision to text her right back and try to start a conversation. I really did not want to mess this up so I asked her what she was doing today. She told me she was free until she had work at six. So I decided to go pick her up and go out to eat for lunch. I picked her up around two and we decided on this pizza spot near my town that has really good buffalo chicken pizza. We ate and then went to this park right next to it and it has like a little river and a park people hang out at. She wanted to sit on the bench and we talked for a little and she kind of got and I felt like she wanted a kiss but I decided not to kiss her. I made this decision because I felt like it was a bit rushed and I did not want to rush into this little relationship we have right now. I think it was a good decision because not only does it allow us to take things slow
  • 28. and let the relationship grow, it also makes her want me more which doesn’t hurt me. So I took her home in time for her to get ready for work and then I went back home to took out the garbage because I felt like it was the right thing to do when I saw it was full. I know my parents would appreciate it. I learned today that taking things slow in a relationship can be rewarding especially when you really are into the other person. I am kind of excited about this relationship but I know I should not get too hyped over it. 6/3/18 Thank god I woke up somewhat early today at nine thirty because I picked up some ones shift at twelve at the mall. So I had time to get ready, eat and drive down there on time to clock in. I made the right decision to pick up the shift because I need all the money I can get. Also, my manager really appreciated me taking shifts quickly and noticed the amount of work I am putting into the store. After work I again refused to buy food from the food court and when I got home I decided to look up some birthday ideas for my friend Ray. I found some necklaces he might like and I also found bracelets with his birth stone on it for a good price. I also plan on getting some people together to surprise him at my house one day. I did this become I want to make his birthday special and show him how much he means to me and how much I care about him. It was a good decision to prepare now so that I know exactly when I am doing when the
  • 29. big day comes in a few weeks. I also went out to work out in my backyard again to stay in shape. This decision is always good because I got to keep this summer body in check so I can look good for that girl I am trying to get to know more. Also I helped my mom bring in the groceries when she came home from shopping. I could tell she was tired and stressed so I decided to take most of the bags in and put them away for her. It was a good decision because it took some weight off of my mother’s shoulder’s and she already does a lot for this family. 6/4/18 I had work early today at ten in the morning so I woke up at nine got ready and left the house at nine-thirty. I got to work about five minutes early and had a eight hour shift ahead of me. I also made the decision to be social while working towards my other co-workers. It was a good decision because we became more comfortable with each other. I learned that I am a very sociable person when I want to be especially in the work setting. When I got back I was really tired after an eight hour shift and I decided to take a very much needed nap. It was a good decision because I was exhausted and my feet hurt from standing and walking around for eight hours straight. When I woke up around eight I showered and watched television in the living room with my family and we talked and cracked jokes on each other during dinner. It was a good decision to stay downstairs and spend time with my family because I missed
  • 30. talking to them. I got to bond with my family and I know my parents and sisters appreciated my presence. Then I decided to walk my dog and take advantage of the nice weather. It was a good decision because my dog needs to get out and lose some weight and stay active. Not only that, but being out at night allowed me to clear my head and have some peace with my dog. I learned that the relationship I have with my dog needs to be cherished and I need to appreciate him especially with how old he is getting. I love him and I need to spend more time worth him before I get really busy during the summer. And before the school season starts again.