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Resolving Employee Performance Issue
Resolving Employee Performance Issue
Most companies are struggling with the achievement of the set
goals. Among all the resources available, it is important to note
that the employees are the most fundamental. Their
ineffectiveness would thus be extremely disadvantages to a
large number of individuals that are essentially important to
consider. The employee underperformance has been a downfall
for most of the companies. Among the many companies that are
currently facing challenges in employee effectiveness include
the Brime Wear Company, which involves in the activities of
selling clothes online. In this organization, employee
ineffectiveness can be associated to the inability of the follow
the right procedures while dealing with employee disciplinary
The organizational management is currently seeking solutions
which can help in making sure that the organization regains its
general effectiveness, first by regaining the effectiveness of its
employees. According to Devito, (2016), every employee is
motivated by issues differently and thus the first step of the
plan proposed by the study is evaluating the specific
organizational employees that are ineffective and then
identifying the cause of this ineffectiveness. The next step
should then be confronting the employee on a counseling and
skill development session to help them improve their work
performance (Devito, 2016). After that, if no change is
recorded, then the management can issue a warning letter the, a
reprimand before dismissal. The process is procedural and thus
ensuring that every step is clear and that every employee is
treated with respect. The study thus provides an effective model
that an organization can utilize to ensure that at all times,
employees of Brime Wear Company can remain completely
effective and motivated to work.
Brime wear is completely conversant with the fact that
organizational employees are the most essential and important
resource in an organization. Resolving employee performance
issues is thus an essentially important issue for the organization
to consider. It is unfortunate that most of the companies have
not invested in understanding the most ideal process they can
use to deal with the issue of employee ineffectiveness. Brime
Wear is among these organizations and it requires a solid
strategy that will be used to handle all cases of employee
ineffectiveness. The employees are delicate resources, and they
are characterized by diverse skills that are important in ensuring
that the workforce is diversified. It is for this among other
reasons that it is important to ensure that they remain
completely effective and motivated to work for the
This study is completely dedicated to providing and justifying a
proposal through which the issues of employee performance can
completely be solved. It is guided by the thesis statement that
“evaluating the cause of employee ineffectiveness and then
creating a strategy to address this issue for every organizational
employee is the right solution for Brime Wear Company to use
because it will help the organization understand the issues that
are causing employees to reduce their effectiveness, address
every performance issue individually for every employee and
completely solve the problems that are contributing to increased
employee ineffectiveness.”
For any given organization, the development to achieve its
goals is highly dependent on the input of the employees. They
are the basis of the company since they are responsible for
implementing all the plans made by the management. Therefore,
resolving their issues will see the company in another step of
growth. In Brime Wear Company it is important to note that
there has been tremendous complains from the employees on the
way they are treated. Additionally, company’s management has
experienced the problem of hiring and firing of their workforce
year in year out. Therefore, there is need to come up with the
recommendations that will help the organization to cease the
hiring and firing process, but manage to obtain and sustain a
solid solution.
Criteria upon which recommendations will be based
The recommendations to solve the poor performance by
employees will be based on the cause of the poor performance.
Before the recommendations on the process of solving the
employee performance issues, it is important to develop the
cause of the problem. Employee performance is tied to the
ability to work as well as the motivation they get to perform the
task. Most of the employees are fired because of the inability to
perform and meet their assigned targets. Some of the factors
that cause the employees not to perform in their line of duty are
the lack of ability as well as lack of motivation in the
Lack of ability
Lack of ability is the absence of some of the essential factors in
the process of carrying out a task. After carrying out a thorough
evaluation of the company and how the employees of the
organization operate, I managed to identify a number of
possible causes to employee ineffectiveness in the work place.
To begin with, the employees failed to perform because they
lack the necessary resources such as the personnel, Time,
supplies or even money. When employees experience issues, it
is advisable that they inform the employer or rather the
management of the challenge instead of trying to carry out the
duty without the resources and thus ending up being shoddy
(Lazaroiu, 2015).
Also, the employees might come across obstacles in their
process of carrying out their duty. Some of the obstacles would
include the inability to agree with different departments, issues
with the clients, issues with the supervisors or any other
obstacles that are not within the control of the employees. It is
necessary that the company’s management come in handy to
help the employee reduce the effect of the obstacles on the
Inadequate skills also proved to be the greatest challenge in the
employee performance. The employees lack the skills necessary
for the duty because they are being promoted to higher positions
before they are ready or rather they are promoted with no
further training and thus having employees with poor leadership
skills. Finally, all the job descriptions have expectations or the
goals that are to be achieved at the end of the process.
Considering this, if the employees have no clear goals or the
expectations are misunderstood, it thus leads to poor
Lack of motivation
Employees can lack the necessary motivation in the workplace
due to lack of carrots, lack of sticks also burn out. No carrots
mean the absence of the motivation through rewards. If the
employees are not rewarded after any attainment of the set
goals, then, it means that their hard work is not recognized. In
the process, they are not motivated to work for their targets.
Also, no sticks, on the other hand, refers to the absence of the
consequences in case the employees do not attain their goals. If
there are no sticks, the employees feel like they can run away
with the wrong that they have done, or even turning in shoddy
work. There is a need for the management to communicate the
consequences of not performing. Finally, burn out of the
employees causes poor performance. The employees are
considered to burn out after some time working and this should
be an indicator to the employer that they are bored and there is
need to bring up some motivation to reenergize the workforce
Data and research findings
According to the research carried out in a bank in Bangladesh,
the employees were issued with questionnaires that were
intended to provide information on the extent to which the
performance appraisal as a way of motivating the employees
affects the employee performance. From the research, the
employee motivation is highly dependent on the leadership
style, and the appraisal they receive from the management. 72%
of the total population strongly agreed that the environment is a
key factor in the employee population. For Brime Wear
Company, the environment involves the support they receive
from the management as well as the stability of the external
environment. Only 4% disagree that the environment does not
affect them in the process if achieving their goals in work and
meeting the already set targets.
Additionally, 52% of the population affirmed that, when
responsibilities are bestowed upon the employees, it motivates
them to perform their duties with much more desire. Only 9%
disagree with the positive influence of responsibility on positive
employee motivation. 65% of the total population interviewed
agreed that promotion increases employee motivation to a great
extent while only 3% disagree. Finally, 72% of the employees
affirmed that recognition and appraisal lead to employee
motivation through the feeling of inclusion. The employees feel
part of the company and that their contribution matter to the
performance of the company and thus taking their duties more
Analysis of data against criteria
From the data obtained in the research, the four main factors
that would be of importance in the employee performance
improvement is promotion, responsibilities, environment, and
recognition as well as the appraisal. For the company
management to ensure that employees at Brime Wear Company
perform to their best, it is important that they provide them with
the necessary resources for example supply of the necessary
materials and also the training and required coaching. For
example, before any individual is promoted to a leadership
position, he or she should be ensured to go through additional
training which will equip him or her with the necessary skills
need in the new position where roles and duties relies on him or
her. However, more often, the employees may fail to perform
because the absence of consequences of failure to perform. To
avoid such an occurrence, the organization should establish a
disciplinary body which will solely involve in the activities of
creating consequences for any inappropriate action or behavior
by an organizational employee. The disciplinary should be
introduced at early stages before the offense is over the board.
Progressive disciplinary is defined as the attempt to correct the
offensive occurrence in the process of work through counseling,
warnings, and reprimand in a manner that is favorable to the
employee’s environment and behavior. Early recognition of the
presence of a need for the discipline is paramount to ensure that
the process of disciplining an employee does not end up
demoralizing that employee. Additionally, at the end of the
process, if the employee record improvements, there is a need
for them to be rewarded. In this manner, the discipline process
would be positive, and the employee would recognize it as a
method of correction and not punishment (Mujtaba, 2013).
The pre-counseling activity involved in the process is
counseling to ensure that the employee understands the
objective of the process. Progressive discipline is a step by step
process, and it involves written warning, letter of reprimand,
suspension, demotion, and finally dismissal. The verbal
counseling process is important in the process of poor employee
performance. Most of the verbal counseling meetings are carried
out in a casual manner which causes the problem to persist. The
process should be formal with a time set for the discussion. The
discussion should be objective in pointing out the weak points
of the work performance and coming up with reasonable
solutions (Sims, 2015). It should be accompanied by the
recording of the session on a counseling book or a diary for
future references to act in future if the same mistake persists.
After the verbal counseling but no improvement is recorded, it
warrants the employee a written warning. The warning should
be objective in its intent and tone. The communication is meant
to be recorded instead of the usual verbal warnings. The
information to the employee at this point is that, if no
improvement is recorded with all the ideal conditions for work
is provided, then a disciplinary action will be taken upon them.
With all these measures through which improvements can be
implemented in the workplace, Brime Wear Company will thus
have a solid plan of adressing employee ineffectiveness. Being
the team that deals with employee behavior and capabilities in
the work place, the human resource department of the
organization has the mandate to involve in all the essential
employee management activivities. These activities should
include a regular evaluation of every employees performance in
the organization. in realization of any performance enhnacement
necessity for any employee, the individuals should then begin
with the first step of employee improvements solution. The
following are the proposed steps that should be followed to
adress employee effectiveness issues by the organization. The
steps begin after the identification of an employee who is less
effectiveness in the organization.
Evaluation of the cause of ineffectiveness for the emeployee. It
should be categorised into the following; lack of skills needed
at work, understanding that the organization lacks effective
disciprinary actions for ineffective employees, low motivattion
to work for the organization and lack of sufficient resources to
complete work.
Depending on the category the ineffectiveness of the employee
is grouped, different measures are taken in this group.
For employees that lack skills needed to work, - an employee
development program is established where he and other
employees that might need futher training are trained.
For the ignorant employees who are ineffective because the
organziation does not seem to have a sufficient disciplinary
action for ineffectiveness – a thorough disiplinary action is
established, depending on hisnor her level of ineffectiveness
and attitude at work.
For the lowly motivated employees, - source of their
demotivation is identified and motivation strategies and
measures established.
For those that lack sufficient resources – the organization makes
arrangement to provide the resources needed to work
Evaluation on the performance of the employees after the
measures have been established is carried out.
Determination whether the employees have regained their
effectiveness or not is ade. When they have regained their
effectiveness, there is no need for other measures. In case they
have not, they repeat the first step of ths method again.
A large percentage of the employees do not perform because of
the in availability of the resources and motivation. In a case
where motivation is provided, the employees have no option to
perform. Failure to perform will warrant a progressive
disciplinary process. Before carrying out the process, the
management should first establish the cause of the poor
performance, engage the employee in a one on one official
discussion, then assist the employee to improve. Failure to
improve from that point, therefore, would lead to a warning
letter, reprimand and finally dismissal. With Brime Wear
Company implimnting this process the employees of the
organization are likely to remain completely effective and
capable of providing high quality work at all times. Like the
thesis of the study states, therefore, evaluating the issue with
every individual employee and addressing that issue is a
significantly effective method of solving the employee
ineffectiveness issues that the organization is currently facing.
Devito, L. B. (2016). Employee Motivation based on the
Hierarchy of Needs, Expectancy and the Two-Factor Theories
Applied with Higher Education Employees. International
Journal of Advances in Management, Economics and
Entrepreneurship, , 3(1), 20.
Lazaroiu, G. (2015). Employee Motivation and Job
Performance. Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations, 14,
Mujtaba, B. G. (2013). Managerial skills and practices for
global leadership. ILEAD Academy.
Sims, R. R. (2015). Leadership: Succeeding in the private,
public, and not-for-profit sectors. Routledge.
NRS-451V Singapore Airlines Case Study
(Student paper)
Singapore Airlines was created in 1972 following a
separation from Malaysian Airlines. In the wake of
reorganization, Singapore Airlines undertook aggressive
growth, investing and trading to maximize profitability and
expand market share. Through this change, a new company
philosophy emerged, “Success or failure is largely dictated by
the quality of service it provides” (Wyckoff, 1989). By
reinventing the company infrastructure and introducing new
initiatives focused on excellence in customer service, Singapore
Airlines became a global leader in the service industry,
elevating existing standards among competitors.Evaluation of
Workforce Management Program
The strategy widely utilized by Singapore Airlines to ensure
differentiation in an increasingly competitive market was its
attention to in-flight service. “Good flight service [was]
important in its own right and is a reflection of attention to
detail throughout the airline” (Wyckoff, 1989). This statement
perpetuated the belief that excellence in service was directly
tied to the careful selection and individual performance of in-
flight crews charged with the responsibility of fulfilling the
needs of individual passengers and exuding the levels of service
demanded by the organization. Applicants destined to work as
flight stewards were drawn from a very young population,
typically spanning the ages of 18-25 years of age with high
school equivalency against the English system of education.
Selection of applications was competitive largely due to the
degree of skill, poise, and experience required of its candidates.
These policies led to the on-boarding of a highly skilled and
youthful workforce with positive attitudes and a willingness to
be trained. Critique of this approach revealed several
disadvantages. The most significant being the potential for
greater turnover when hiring a younger population as opposed
to an older, more experienced crew. Experience alone would
play some role in the development of new employees, as greater
experience would bring greater poise and confidence. However,
in light of the predominant population Singapore Airlines
catered to, a younger in-flight crew would remedy the
awkwardness likely to be encountered by older clients being
served by older crew members. In addition, a younger crew
would likely be more accepting of new procedures and less
cynical of the requirements of employment.
In light of the young demographic most desired in this role,
recruitment, training and “conversion” processes were both
stringent and comprehensive. All aspects of in-flight service,
including training related to terminology, amenities and food
preparation were provided in great detail, as were training for
emergency preparedness and response to every potential
scenario encountered in the air and on the ground. Formalized
on-boarding, training and continued development were the
hallmarks of the comprehensive workforce program. Even well
into a crew member’s employment, on-going training and
cyclical evaluation provided a mechanism for employees to be
aware of individual performance and gain exposure to methods
of continuous improvement. With an on-going plan of
evaluation, communication, and development, the workforce
was well-positioned for high levels of performance and quality
Though it would seem that Singapore Airlines’ work
management program suited the organization well, it greatly
narrowed the pool of applicants and kept many, well-qualified
and experienced candidates from positions that would create
diversity among the largely homogeneous workforce and place
the organization in a better position to serve populations whose
ethnic origins were not of Asian descent. If the organization
aims to be the leader in an increasingly global marketplace, the
workforce must mirror the diverse needs and perceptions of the
greater population.
Advertising Campaign
Singapore Airlines is known in the airline industry for its
quality of service. This emphasis on customer service and
customer satisfaction is largely reflective of the Asian culture
for which the company embodies. Attention to detail,
impeccable presentation, and care for others are traits
synonymous with countries of Asian heritage. Similarly, Asian
countries revere conservatism, organization and hierarchy
(Allik, n.d.) so, it would follow that young Asian individuals
demonstrate the same gracious, caring behaviors to others. The
expectation of “gentle, courteous service” is consistent with
these norms and with the approaches taken by the organization.
So much are these standards and stereotypes linked to Asian
culture and the epitome of service, that the symbol applied to
the airline is that of a young Asian woman. This image is
resoundingly more beguiling and traditional, recognized by
nearly 50% of consumers over typical marketing imparted by
competitors, with a marginal recognition of 9.6%. In light of the
positive impact and recognition of the existing marketing
campaign, it was considered advisable to retain the current
marketing strategy.
Systems for Measuring Service Quality
Singapore Airlines has two primary components involved in
measuring service quality. The first is a system to measure
customer complaints and compliments for every 10,000
passengers. The second measurement is a comparative rating of
airline services prepared by the International Research
Associates (INRA).
The first component, customers’ complaints and compliments,
stayed relatively the same despite rapid organizational
expansion. This type of analysis has shown a generally high
satisfaction level, but could be skewed due to the vast areas the
complaints and compliments could cover; from ticket sales and
baggage areas to in-flight crews. To address this concern the
complaints were split between the areas. However, to get an
accurate barometer of customer satisfaction, it was
recommended that the airline conduct routine surveys of
customers. Often, customers submitting comments fell into one
of two categories; those having complaints or those having
The second component to gauge customer satisfaction involved
the INRA surveys. The airline executives paid particular
attention to these scores as they indicated levels of satisfaction
among the general consumer population and identified areas
requiring continuous improvement. In 1973 Singapore Airlines
scored 68, in 1974 the company scored 74 and in 1979 they
scored 78. The scores of 39 other airlines demonstrated that two
other competitors, Cathy Pacific and Thai International, were
improving rapidly. This provided one indicator of competitive
advantage. In order for Singapore Airlines to stay ahead of their
competitors they would need to evaluate their position against
industry leaders and determine if changes would be needed to
stay competitive, particularly with respect to customer service
and customer satisfaction (Wyckoff, 1989).
Plan to Introduce Slot Machines
Singapore Airlines has responded to many changes in order to
differentiate itself within an increasingly competitive market
place. One responsive action was to remove sleepers, replacing
them with a business class section. Reactions from consumers
were less than favorable. The move strayed from what
consumers came to expect of elite levels of customer service,
which were in large part, due to the attention paid to the
personal needs of its elite customers. Although intended to be
innovative and distinctive, the inclusion of slot machines on
transatlantic flights was another idea met with considerable
consumer dissatisfaction. While potentially generating a new
stream of revenue, the idea only worked to incite passengers
with a new category of charges. In addition to generating cost
for the consumer, the machines took valuable space away from
seats and posed problems in light of weight restrictions (Time,
1981). These changes only compounded issues and introduced
new problems such as the potential for in-flight injury, rather
than improving in-flight services. While there was some
opportunity for revenue, initially, the gains would last for a
season and were not expected to extend out into the long-term.
The Singapore Airlines Case Study highlights both effective as
well as ineffective management approaches within the company.
The subsequent analysis and evaluation of company operations
and strategies offer a compelling glimpse of organizational
design and leadership amid change, as well as provide a
platform for future discussions of organizational development
and change management. Group evaluation of organizational
design, organizational decision-making, and organizational
process at Singapore Airlines yielded some recommendations
for new approaches to address complaints, become more
mainstream in an increasingly diverse market space, and
become more innovative without losing sight of the customer
service focus that has made Singapore Airlines so successful.
© 2013. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
ENG 3107: Writing for the Professions—Business & Social
Project 7: PPT Presentation
ENG Final Submission Deadline:
Length and Number of Slides: 5-minute oral presentation using
7-10 slides
WHAT: Design and develop a 5-minute PPT Presentation that
persuades your classmates to accept or
consider the recommendations—and the criteria used to
determine the recommendations—to the
problem identified in your Recommendation Report.
On-ground sections of this course will conduct the PPT
presentation in class for face-to-face
audience members. Online sections of this course will add
audio and appropriate slide-transition
timing to the PPT and post it for viewing by Bb audience
HOW: Create a 5-minute PPT presentation using 7 to 10 slides.
e, include audio and slide
presentation to deliver while showing
your slides in class.
appropriate for your audience (your
classmates) and subject.
strategies to demonstrate quality
skills in writing, visual presentation, and audio/speaking.
o Introduces the audience to the
ose of the Recommendation Report
o Discusses
will be based
o Concludes with a
conclusion based on
data/findings in the Recommendation Report
based on
discussion in the Recommendation Report
o Provides research references used in Recommendation Report
Please refer to your course textbook for tips on using PPT and
for developing effective visual
presentations. The final version of the PPT Presentation will be
presented in class.
WHY: Companies dedicate resources to attract consumers to
their products and services. Print and
broadcast advertisements, social media, and community
outreach are just some of the ways
companies connect with people. A PPT presentation is another
way companies communicate
information and needs, and it can be an important tool for
sharing ideas and pitching new products,
especially within a company or targeted community. This
assignment requires you to build a 5-
ENG 3107: Writing for the Professions—Business & Social
minute PPT presentation that will capture the attention and
imagination of your audience by
introducing them to work completed for your Recommendation
Report. The assignment expands
your skills in effective use of visual presentations, enhances
your understanding of appeals to reason
(ethos, logos, pathos), and promotes your ability to craft
persuasive and informative visual
PPT Presentation Grading Criteria
ENG3107: Writing for the Professions-Business & Social
College of Professional Studies
Criteria Elements of Review Points
Content Introduces audience to the
ommended solution(s) will be based;
Concludes with a
based on data/findings in report;
ps or course of action to be taken
based on
discussion in report.
Provides research references used in report.
_______/3 pts
Quality &
audience and
and subject;
at is 5 minutes in length (7 - 10 slides
_______/3 pts
_______/2 pts
Professionalism Presenter
out grammatical errors or slang;
_______/2 pts
_______/10 pts

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  • 1. Running head: RESOLVING EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE ISSUE 1 RESOLVING EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE ISSUE 11 Resolving Employee Performance Issue Resolving Employee Performance Issue Abstract Most companies are struggling with the achievement of the set goals. Among all the resources available, it is important to note that the employees are the most fundamental. Their ineffectiveness would thus be extremely disadvantages to a large number of individuals that are essentially important to consider. The employee underperformance has been a downfall for most of the companies. Among the many companies that are currently facing challenges in employee effectiveness include the Brime Wear Company, which involves in the activities of selling clothes online. In this organization, employee ineffectiveness can be associated to the inability of the follow
  • 2. the right procedures while dealing with employee disciplinary issues. The organizational management is currently seeking solutions which can help in making sure that the organization regains its general effectiveness, first by regaining the effectiveness of its employees. According to Devito, (2016), every employee is motivated by issues differently and thus the first step of the plan proposed by the study is evaluating the specific organizational employees that are ineffective and then identifying the cause of this ineffectiveness. The next step should then be confronting the employee on a counseling and skill development session to help them improve their work performance (Devito, 2016). After that, if no change is recorded, then the management can issue a warning letter the, a reprimand before dismissal. The process is procedural and thus ensuring that every step is clear and that every employee is treated with respect. The study thus provides an effective model that an organization can utilize to ensure that at all times, employees of Brime Wear Company can remain completely effective and motivated to work. Introduction Brime wear is completely conversant with the fact that organizational employees are the most essential and important resource in an organization. Resolving employee performance issues is thus an essentially important issue for the organization to consider. It is unfortunate that most of the companies have not invested in understanding the most ideal process they can use to deal with the issue of employee ineffectiveness. Brime Wear is among these organizations and it requires a solid strategy that will be used to handle all cases of employee ineffectiveness. The employees are delicate resources, and they are characterized by diverse skills that are important in ensuring that the workforce is diversified. It is for this among other reasons that it is important to ensure that they remain completely effective and motivated to work for the organization.
  • 3. This study is completely dedicated to providing and justifying a proposal through which the issues of employee performance can completely be solved. It is guided by the thesis statement that “evaluating the cause of employee ineffectiveness and then creating a strategy to address this issue for every organizational employee is the right solution for Brime Wear Company to use because it will help the organization understand the issues that are causing employees to reduce their effectiveness, address every performance issue individually for every employee and completely solve the problems that are contributing to increased employee ineffectiveness.” Discussion For any given organization, the development to achieve its goals is highly dependent on the input of the employees. They are the basis of the company since they are responsible for implementing all the plans made by the management. Therefore, resolving their issues will see the company in another step of growth. In Brime Wear Company it is important to note that there has been tremendous complains from the employees on the way they are treated. Additionally, company’s management has experienced the problem of hiring and firing of their workforce year in year out. Therefore, there is need to come up with the recommendations that will help the organization to cease the hiring and firing process, but manage to obtain and sustain a solid solution. Criteria upon which recommendations will be based The recommendations to solve the poor performance by employees will be based on the cause of the poor performance. Before the recommendations on the process of solving the employee performance issues, it is important to develop the cause of the problem. Employee performance is tied to the ability to work as well as the motivation they get to perform the task. Most of the employees are fired because of the inability to perform and meet their assigned targets. Some of the factors that cause the employees not to perform in their line of duty are the lack of ability as well as lack of motivation in the
  • 4. workplace. Lack of ability Lack of ability is the absence of some of the essential factors in the process of carrying out a task. After carrying out a thorough evaluation of the company and how the employees of the organization operate, I managed to identify a number of possible causes to employee ineffectiveness in the work place. To begin with, the employees failed to perform because they lack the necessary resources such as the personnel, Time, supplies or even money. When employees experience issues, it is advisable that they inform the employer or rather the management of the challenge instead of trying to carry out the duty without the resources and thus ending up being shoddy (Lazaroiu, 2015). Also, the employees might come across obstacles in their process of carrying out their duty. Some of the obstacles would include the inability to agree with different departments, issues with the clients, issues with the supervisors or any other obstacles that are not within the control of the employees. It is necessary that the company’s management come in handy to help the employee reduce the effect of the obstacles on the results. Inadequate skills also proved to be the greatest challenge in the employee performance. The employees lack the skills necessary for the duty because they are being promoted to higher positions before they are ready or rather they are promoted with no further training and thus having employees with poor leadership skills. Finally, all the job descriptions have expectations or the goals that are to be achieved at the end of the process. Considering this, if the employees have no clear goals or the expectations are misunderstood, it thus leads to poor performance. Lack of motivation Employees can lack the necessary motivation in the workplace due to lack of carrots, lack of sticks also burn out. No carrots mean the absence of the motivation through rewards. If the
  • 5. employees are not rewarded after any attainment of the set goals, then, it means that their hard work is not recognized. In the process, they are not motivated to work for their targets. Also, no sticks, on the other hand, refers to the absence of the consequences in case the employees do not attain their goals. If there are no sticks, the employees feel like they can run away with the wrong that they have done, or even turning in shoddy work. There is a need for the management to communicate the consequences of not performing. Finally, burn out of the employees causes poor performance. The employees are considered to burn out after some time working and this should be an indicator to the employer that they are bored and there is need to bring up some motivation to reenergize the workforce Data and research findings According to the research carried out in a bank in Bangladesh, the employees were issued with questionnaires that were intended to provide information on the extent to which the performance appraisal as a way of motivating the employees affects the employee performance. From the research, the employee motivation is highly dependent on the leadership style, and the appraisal they receive from the management. 72% of the total population strongly agreed that the environment is a key factor in the employee population. For Brime Wear Company, the environment involves the support they receive from the management as well as the stability of the external environment. Only 4% disagree that the environment does not affect them in the process if achieving their goals in work and meeting the already set targets. Additionally, 52% of the population affirmed that, when responsibilities are bestowed upon the employees, it motivates them to perform their duties with much more desire. Only 9% disagree with the positive influence of responsibility on positive employee motivation. 65% of the total population interviewed agreed that promotion increases employee motivation to a great extent while only 3% disagree. Finally, 72% of the employees affirmed that recognition and appraisal lead to employee
  • 6. motivation through the feeling of inclusion. The employees feel part of the company and that their contribution matter to the performance of the company and thus taking their duties more seriously. Analysis of data against criteria From the data obtained in the research, the four main factors that would be of importance in the employee performance improvement is promotion, responsibilities, environment, and recognition as well as the appraisal. For the company management to ensure that employees at Brime Wear Company perform to their best, it is important that they provide them with the necessary resources for example supply of the necessary materials and also the training and required coaching. For example, before any individual is promoted to a leadership position, he or she should be ensured to go through additional training which will equip him or her with the necessary skills need in the new position where roles and duties relies on him or her. However, more often, the employees may fail to perform because the absence of consequences of failure to perform. To avoid such an occurrence, the organization should establish a disciplinary body which will solely involve in the activities of creating consequences for any inappropriate action or behavior by an organizational employee. The disciplinary should be introduced at early stages before the offense is over the board. Progressive disciplinary is defined as the attempt to correct the offensive occurrence in the process of work through counseling, warnings, and reprimand in a manner that is favorable to the employee’s environment and behavior. Early recognition of the presence of a need for the discipline is paramount to ensure that the process of disciplining an employee does not end up demoralizing that employee. Additionally, at the end of the process, if the employee record improvements, there is a need for them to be rewarded. In this manner, the discipline process would be positive, and the employee would recognize it as a method of correction and not punishment (Mujtaba, 2013). The pre-counseling activity involved in the process is
  • 7. counseling to ensure that the employee understands the objective of the process. Progressive discipline is a step by step process, and it involves written warning, letter of reprimand, suspension, demotion, and finally dismissal. The verbal counseling process is important in the process of poor employee performance. Most of the verbal counseling meetings are carried out in a casual manner which causes the problem to persist. The process should be formal with a time set for the discussion. The discussion should be objective in pointing out the weak points of the work performance and coming up with reasonable solutions (Sims, 2015). It should be accompanied by the recording of the session on a counseling book or a diary for future references to act in future if the same mistake persists. After the verbal counseling but no improvement is recorded, it warrants the employee a written warning. The warning should be objective in its intent and tone. The communication is meant to be recorded instead of the usual verbal warnings. The information to the employee at this point is that, if no improvement is recorded with all the ideal conditions for work is provided, then a disciplinary action will be taken upon them. With all these measures through which improvements can be implemented in the workplace, Brime Wear Company will thus have a solid plan of adressing employee ineffectiveness. Being the team that deals with employee behavior and capabilities in the work place, the human resource department of the organization has the mandate to involve in all the essential employee management activivities. These activities should include a regular evaluation of every employees performance in the organization. in realization of any performance enhnacement necessity for any employee, the individuals should then begin with the first step of employee improvements solution. The following are the proposed steps that should be followed to adress employee effectiveness issues by the organization. The steps begin after the identification of an employee who is less effectiveness in the organization. Evaluation of the cause of ineffectiveness for the emeployee. It
  • 8. should be categorised into the following; lack of skills needed at work, understanding that the organization lacks effective disciprinary actions for ineffective employees, low motivattion to work for the organization and lack of sufficient resources to complete work. Depending on the category the ineffectiveness of the employee is grouped, different measures are taken in this group. For employees that lack skills needed to work, - an employee development program is established where he and other employees that might need futher training are trained. For the ignorant employees who are ineffective because the organziation does not seem to have a sufficient disciplinary action for ineffectiveness – a thorough disiplinary action is established, depending on hisnor her level of ineffectiveness and attitude at work. For the lowly motivated employees, - source of their demotivation is identified and motivation strategies and measures established. For those that lack sufficient resources – the organization makes arrangement to provide the resources needed to work Evaluation on the performance of the employees after the measures have been established is carried out. Determination whether the employees have regained their effectiveness or not is ade. When they have regained their effectiveness, there is no need for other measures. In case they have not, they repeat the first step of ths method again. Conclusion A large percentage of the employees do not perform because of the in availability of the resources and motivation. In a case where motivation is provided, the employees have no option to perform. Failure to perform will warrant a progressive disciplinary process. Before carrying out the process, the management should first establish the cause of the poor performance, engage the employee in a one on one official discussion, then assist the employee to improve. Failure to
  • 9. improve from that point, therefore, would lead to a warning letter, reprimand and finally dismissal. With Brime Wear Company implimnting this process the employees of the organization are likely to remain completely effective and capable of providing high quality work at all times. Like the thesis of the study states, therefore, evaluating the issue with every individual employee and addressing that issue is a significantly effective method of solving the employee ineffectiveness issues that the organization is currently facing. References Devito, L. B. (2016). Employee Motivation based on the Hierarchy of Needs, Expectancy and the Two-Factor Theories Applied with Higher Education Employees. International Journal of Advances in Management, Economics and Entrepreneurship, , 3(1), 20. Lazaroiu, G. (2015). Employee Motivation and Job Performance. Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations, 14, 97. Mujtaba, B. G. (2013). Managerial skills and practices for global leadership. ILEAD Academy. Sims, R. R. (2015). Leadership: Succeeding in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors. Routledge.
  • 10. NRS-451V Singapore Airlines Case Study (Student paper) Singapore Airlines was created in 1972 following a separation from Malaysian Airlines. In the wake of reorganization, Singapore Airlines undertook aggressive growth, investing and trading to maximize profitability and expand market share. Through this change, a new company philosophy emerged, “Success or failure is largely dictated by the quality of service it provides” (Wyckoff, 1989). By reinventing the company infrastructure and introducing new initiatives focused on excellence in customer service, Singapore Airlines became a global leader in the service industry, elevating existing standards among competitors.Evaluation of Workforce Management Program The strategy widely utilized by Singapore Airlines to ensure differentiation in an increasingly competitive market was its attention to in-flight service. “Good flight service [was] important in its own right and is a reflection of attention to detail throughout the airline” (Wyckoff, 1989). This statement perpetuated the belief that excellence in service was directly tied to the careful selection and individual performance of in- flight crews charged with the responsibility of fulfilling the needs of individual passengers and exuding the levels of service demanded by the organization. Applicants destined to work as flight stewards were drawn from a very young population, typically spanning the ages of 18-25 years of age with high school equivalency against the English system of education. Selection of applications was competitive largely due to the degree of skill, poise, and experience required of its candidates. These policies led to the on-boarding of a highly skilled and youthful workforce with positive attitudes and a willingness to be trained. Critique of this approach revealed several disadvantages. The most significant being the potential for greater turnover when hiring a younger population as opposed to an older, more experienced crew. Experience alone would
  • 11. play some role in the development of new employees, as greater experience would bring greater poise and confidence. However, in light of the predominant population Singapore Airlines catered to, a younger in-flight crew would remedy the awkwardness likely to be encountered by older clients being served by older crew members. In addition, a younger crew would likely be more accepting of new procedures and less cynical of the requirements of employment. In light of the young demographic most desired in this role, recruitment, training and “conversion” processes were both stringent and comprehensive. All aspects of in-flight service, including training related to terminology, amenities and food preparation were provided in great detail, as were training for emergency preparedness and response to every potential scenario encountered in the air and on the ground. Formalized on-boarding, training and continued development were the hallmarks of the comprehensive workforce program. Even well into a crew member’s employment, on-going training and cyclical evaluation provided a mechanism for employees to be aware of individual performance and gain exposure to methods of continuous improvement. With an on-going plan of evaluation, communication, and development, the workforce was well-positioned for high levels of performance and quality improvements. Though it would seem that Singapore Airlines’ work management program suited the organization well, it greatly narrowed the pool of applicants and kept many, well-qualified and experienced candidates from positions that would create diversity among the largely homogeneous workforce and place the organization in a better position to serve populations whose ethnic origins were not of Asian descent. If the organization aims to be the leader in an increasingly global marketplace, the workforce must mirror the diverse needs and perceptions of the greater population. Advertising Campaign
  • 12. Singapore Airlines is known in the airline industry for its quality of service. This emphasis on customer service and customer satisfaction is largely reflective of the Asian culture for which the company embodies. Attention to detail, impeccable presentation, and care for others are traits synonymous with countries of Asian heritage. Similarly, Asian countries revere conservatism, organization and hierarchy (Allik, n.d.) so, it would follow that young Asian individuals demonstrate the same gracious, caring behaviors to others. The expectation of “gentle, courteous service” is consistent with these norms and with the approaches taken by the organization. So much are these standards and stereotypes linked to Asian culture and the epitome of service, that the symbol applied to the airline is that of a young Asian woman. This image is resoundingly more beguiling and traditional, recognized by nearly 50% of consumers over typical marketing imparted by competitors, with a marginal recognition of 9.6%. In light of the positive impact and recognition of the existing marketing campaign, it was considered advisable to retain the current marketing strategy. Systems for Measuring Service Quality Singapore Airlines has two primary components involved in measuring service quality. The first is a system to measure customer complaints and compliments for every 10,000 passengers. The second measurement is a comparative rating of airline services prepared by the International Research Associates (INRA). The first component, customers’ complaints and compliments, stayed relatively the same despite rapid organizational expansion. This type of analysis has shown a generally high satisfaction level, but could be skewed due to the vast areas the complaints and compliments could cover; from ticket sales and baggage areas to in-flight crews. To address this concern the complaints were split between the areas. However, to get an accurate barometer of customer satisfaction, it was
  • 13. recommended that the airline conduct routine surveys of customers. Often, customers submitting comments fell into one of two categories; those having complaints or those having compliments. The second component to gauge customer satisfaction involved the INRA surveys. The airline executives paid particular attention to these scores as they indicated levels of satisfaction among the general consumer population and identified areas requiring continuous improvement. In 1973 Singapore Airlines scored 68, in 1974 the company scored 74 and in 1979 they scored 78. The scores of 39 other airlines demonstrated that two other competitors, Cathy Pacific and Thai International, were improving rapidly. This provided one indicator of competitive advantage. In order for Singapore Airlines to stay ahead of their competitors they would need to evaluate their position against industry leaders and determine if changes would be needed to stay competitive, particularly with respect to customer service and customer satisfaction (Wyckoff, 1989). Plan to Introduce Slot Machines Singapore Airlines has responded to many changes in order to differentiate itself within an increasingly competitive market place. One responsive action was to remove sleepers, replacing them with a business class section. Reactions from consumers were less than favorable. The move strayed from what consumers came to expect of elite levels of customer service, which were in large part, due to the attention paid to the personal needs of its elite customers. Although intended to be innovative and distinctive, the inclusion of slot machines on transatlantic flights was another idea met with considerable consumer dissatisfaction. While potentially generating a new stream of revenue, the idea only worked to incite passengers with a new category of charges. In addition to generating cost for the consumer, the machines took valuable space away from seats and posed problems in light of weight restrictions (Time, 1981). These changes only compounded issues and introduced new problems such as the potential for in-flight injury, rather
  • 14. than improving in-flight services. While there was some opportunity for revenue, initially, the gains would last for a season and were not expected to extend out into the long-term. Conclusion The Singapore Airlines Case Study highlights both effective as well as ineffective management approaches within the company. The subsequent analysis and evaluation of company operations and strategies offer a compelling glimpse of organizational design and leadership amid change, as well as provide a platform for future discussions of organizational development and change management. Group evaluation of organizational design, organizational decision-making, and organizational process at Singapore Airlines yielded some recommendations for new approaches to address complaints, become more mainstream in an increasingly diverse market space, and become more innovative without losing sight of the customer service focus that has made Singapore Airlines so successful. © 2013. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. ENG 3107: Writing for the Professions—Business & Social Sciences Rev.3.10.16 Project 7: PPT Presentation ENG Final Submission Deadline: Length and Number of Slides: 5-minute oral presentation using 7-10 slides
  • 15. WHAT: Design and develop a 5-minute PPT Presentation that persuades your classmates to accept or consider the recommendations—and the criteria used to determine the recommendations—to the problem identified in your Recommendation Report. On-ground sections of this course will conduct the PPT presentation in class for face-to-face audience members. Online sections of this course will add audio and appropriate slide-transition timing to the PPT and post it for viewing by Bb audience members. HOW: Create a 5-minute PPT presentation using 7 to 10 slides. e, include audio and slide timing. presentation to deliver while showing your slides in class. appropriate for your audience (your classmates) and subject. strategies to demonstrate quality skills in writing, visual presentation, and audio/speaking. o Introduces the audience to the ose of the Recommendation Report
  • 16. o Discusses solution(s) will be based o Concludes with a conclusion based on data/findings in the Recommendation Report based on discussion in the Recommendation Report o Provides research references used in Recommendation Report Please refer to your course textbook for tips on using PPT and for developing effective visual presentations. The final version of the PPT Presentation will be presented in class. WHY: Companies dedicate resources to attract consumers to their products and services. Print and broadcast advertisements, social media, and community outreach are just some of the ways companies connect with people. A PPT presentation is another way companies communicate information and needs, and it can be an important tool for
  • 17. sharing ideas and pitching new products, especially within a company or targeted community. This assignment requires you to build a 5- ENG 3107: Writing for the Professions—Business & Social Sciences Rev.3.10.16 minute PPT presentation that will capture the attention and imagination of your audience by introducing them to work completed for your Recommendation Report. The assignment expands your skills in effective use of visual presentations, enhances your understanding of appeals to reason (ethos, logos, pathos), and promotes your ability to craft persuasive and informative visual productions. Rev.7.20.16 PPT Presentation Grading Criteria ENG3107: Writing for the Professions-Business & Social Sciences College of Professional Studies
  • 18. Criteria Elements of Review Points Content Introduces audience to the Discusses ommended solution(s) will be based; Concludes with a conclusion based on data/findings in report; ps or course of action to be taken based on discussion in report. Provides research references used in report. _______/3 pts Quality & Organization Slides
  • 19. audience and subject; and subject; grammar; at is 5 minutes in length (7 - 10 slides total). _______/3 pts Audience Shows _______/2 pts Professionalism Presenter
  • 20. out grammatical errors or slang; (when appropriate); _______/2 pts Total _______/10 pts Comments: