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Running head: KONY 2017 SAMPLE TEMPLATE
Project 3: Research Paper
<add your name>
CMST 301 – Section <add your section number>
<add the Semester e.g. Fall 2017>
Professor’s Name
<add the Title of your Research Paper Topic>
Section 1: Topic Introduction
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer
elementum malesuada suscipit. Duis in orci euismod, vulputate
risus quis, rhoncus lorem. Etiam varius auctor diam. Ut a luctus
massa, sit amet ultrices justo. Quisque orci libero, ultricies sed
imperdiet non, dictum in orci. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam
rutrum ultrices molestie. Donec lectus nibh, dapibus vitae
aliquet ut, consequat nec dolor. Mauris ut tristique augue.
Quisque lorem mi, dapibus a hendrerit eu, dapibus ut risus. Cras
non risus suscipit, blandit arcu sit amet, venenatis elit. Aenean
porttitor sapien ipsum, eu porta metus malesuada ac. Duis
tempus aliquet fringilla. Phasellus et justo felis. Sed sed congue
neque, nec suscipit magna. Mauris nec pharetra turpis.
Proin molestie nisl et pulvinar ultricies. Sed ante odio,
vulputate ut malesuada a, blandit ut urna. Praesent vitae ex et
sem tincidunt dapibus. Suspendisse potenti. Cras hendrerit quis
quam non gravida. Curabitur sit amet odio sed orci aliquam
hendrerit a eu massa. Etiam cursus at nulla quis consectetur.
Mauris efficitur ipsum non pharetra porttitor. Fusce a augue ac
dolor viverra faucibus. Donec libero augue, sagittis pharetra
nulla eget, blandit laoreet mauris. Nullam lobortis aliquet
facilisis. Mauris pellentesque sodales nulla sit amet semper.
Aliquam id ante finibus, egestas purus quis, imperdiet erat.
Nunc commodo velit quam, ac aliquam justo sagittis eget.
Integer consectetur tortor quis dolor aliquet pulvinar in id leo.
Nulla pharetra facilisis nisl, id pulvinar ex tempus quis. Fusce
eget cursus lorem. Mauris vehicula, velit eget tempus
ullamcorper, erat libero elementum dui, non sagittis metus
massa vitae mauris. Donec sed nunc vitae justo tristique sodales
ut et ipsum. Suspendisse potenti. Proin nibh enim, interdum
vitae ligula eu, malesuada tincidunt enim. Integer at nulla ut dui
condimentum lacinia non ut felis. Proin nibh enim, interdum
vitae ligula eu, malesuada tincidunt enim. Integer at nulla ut dui
condimentum lacinia non ut felis.
Section 2: Topic Discussion
Donec ac eros a diam suscipit egestas. Nullam ac risus massa.
Nam ornare libero dolor, ut faucibus elit fringilla ut. Proin
luctus turpis sit amet eros condimentum, id fringilla orci
ultricies. Duis at auctor turpis, eu auctor lacus. Nullam porttitor
sed ex sit amet ultricies. Phasellus nulla urna, placerat sit amet
vehicula vel, cursus at mi. Praesent elit ipsum, bibendum eget
sem a, cursus viverra leo. Quisque nec aliquet urna, in
malesuada lorem. Vestibulum interdum turpis non sodales
condimentum. Nulla venenatis sagittis lacinia. Vestibulum
tincidunt felis sit amet odio cursus dignissim eu at nibh. Nunc
sit amet massa auctor, dignissim urna ut, mattis justo. Nunc elit
ligula, ornare ac ornare at, accumsan sed massa. Donec
vestibulum consequat pellentesque.
Mauris posuere justo quam, efficitur aliquet tortor luctus non.
Nullam laoreet suscipit ligula pretium scelerisque. Cras nec
odio nec dui porta mattis. Pellentesque vitae tortor commodo,
dictum tortor id, commodo orci. Curabitur mollis non lectus non
tristique. Morbi ac lacus a nisi imperdiet pellentesque. Duis ac
ultrices leo, vitae scelerisque erat. Ut vel dolor a justo
accumsan consectetur et at felis. Aliquam quis suscipit erat,
pretium vehicula enim. Pellentesque ultricies ipsum quis
placerat venenatis. Nunc varius enim malesuada tellus pretium
tincidunt. Quisque vel odio iaculis, blandit lacus congue,
ullamcorper diam. Suspendisse vel cursus erat, id sollicitudin
ante. Nullam varius sed lectus eu venenatis. Maecenas nunc
ante, posuere non orci at, mollis mattis felis.
Aenean egestas suscipit ex, ac aliquam libero interdum quis.
Phasellus vel ante ac lacus elementum fringilla. Pellentesque
iaculis tellus vel est maximus bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum
primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;
Nam id ullamcorper nisl. Cras semper, erat eget congue
vestibulum, turpis lorem rutrum felis, sed laoreet turpis nunc
bibendum magna. Etiam vehicula nulla nibh, sit amet dictum
ligula blandit in. Nulla eu tortor turpis. Aenean quis sapien
Pellentesque et ipsum consequat, euismod erat quis, porttitor
mauris. Integer lectus neque, varius sed nulla at, luctus feugiat
urna. Nullam eu augue ut quam volutpat ornare. Proin tempus
quam sit amet congue iaculis. Aenean quis pretium nisl. Sed
ullamcorper fringilla eros at blandit. Phasellus lacinia in sapien
eu mollis. Phasellus sagittis lorem non nunc consectetur, sed
condimentum tellus mollis. Integer feugiat sem ac eros
condimentum, et dapibus erat feugiat. Pellentesque et nibh
justo. Aenean finibus quam at neque volutpat, lobortis auctor
metus porta.
Section 3: Additional Research
Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
Vestibulum est diam, tempor sit amet tempor sit amet, venenatis
tempor felis. Etiam lacus tortor, congue ac tortor sed,
malesuada ornare lorem. Phasellus pretium mollis pulvinar. In
ac tellus eros. Morbi eget ex est. Aenean eget orci posuere,
rhoncus urna a, aliquam massa. Nullam eu lacus iaculis,
facilisis ante ac, auctor nisl. Aenean interdum libero vel neque
egestas, et faucibus nisi bibendum. Proin vitae dui urna.
Curabitur in risus metus. Donec malesuada et quam a tempus.
Phasellus feugiat accumsan velit, et rhoncus nunc faucibus eget.
Nullam sed elit condimentum, congue leo quis, consequat
ligula. Donec in ornare magna. Praesent massa arcu, ornare quis
ante quis, hendrerit posuere ante. Sed sit amet felis sagittis,
varius neque vitae, vestibulum tortor. Nullam sagittis, lorem et
sagittis pulvinar, nulla tortor feugiat sapien, ac suscipit justo
sem id orci. Nam commodo justo arcu, in maximus nulla mollis
nec. Aliquam pharetra dui vestibulum felis interdum, vel ornare
ligula rutrum. Donec rhoncus eleifend tincidunt. In eu feugiat
nibh. Mauris placerat rutrum ex, quis imperdiet turpis tristique
lobortis. Sed vel dictum dui. Cras enim sem, interdum sit amet
egestas eget, laoreet in ipsum. Praesent finibus purus sed orci
porttitor varius.
Aenean feugiat dapibus dapibus. Maecenas placerat odio quis
erat iaculis vehicula. Curabitur quis ex eu turpis venenatis
porta. Curabitur id dolor imperdiet, aliquet ipsum et, euismod
leo. Fusce ut malesuada velit. Fusce ac mi mollis, volutpat ante
vel, malesuada nibh. Fusce porttitor porta justo, at rhoncus leo
lobortis in. Vivamus consequat ante vestibulum tellus sodales
accumsan. Proin quis sollicitudin dui. Nam nec dolor eleifend,
ultrices ante sit amet, dictum diam. Mauris bibendum, enim
aliquet mattis suscipit, mauris velit ultricies velit, in fermentum
urna magna maximus justo. Quisque malesuada in lorem ut
commodo. In consequat porttitor tellus, tempor bibendum ipsum
placerat sit amet. Integer eget lacus dui. Pellentesque ut elit at
augue blandit ornare nec in orci.
Integer egestas ut ligula et sagittis. Pellentesque nisl dolor,
mattis ac congue ut, auctor ut nisi. Nulla tincidunt ullamcorper
tincidunt. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut bibendum, augue et
facilisis fermentum, libero est bibendum arcu, non interdum
lacus sapien ac libero. Sed blandit dolor id felis sodales
ultrices. Nulla euismod velit ac nibh fermentum, sed lobortis
ante tincidunt. Vivamus facilisis mi eu malesuada interdum. Sed
in risus ac lectus elementum lacinia sed in quam. Proin
condimentum condimentum varius. Donec gravida vulputate
pharetra. Aenean ut odio quis orci scelerisque posuere. Integer
erat orci, vestibulum et ex eu, tincidunt suscipit tellus.
Vestibulum mollis condimentum nisi, a bibendum sapien feugiat
nec. Sed ac tincidunt nulla.
Maecenas malesuada elit nec lectus rhoncus bibendum. Praesent
ut diam enim. Nulla suscipit molestie dolor at egestas. Morbi
eget interdum tortor, posuere euismod felis. Phasellus maximus
mi vel lobortis pellentesque. Duis quis ligula eu nisl fringilla
placerat non ac leo. Phasellus rhoncus eleifend auctor. Praesent
pharetra dolor tristique diam congue aliquam. Mauris ac
ultricies orci. Integer sapien dui, accumsan eu commodo eget,
tempus ac leo. Praesent ullamcorper diam orci, ac condimentum
mauris egestas sodales. Suspendisse quis varius arcu. Donec
vitae dolor mauris. Nullam ac faucibus ipsum. Nam aliquet mi
sit amet dapibus tincidunt.
Vestibulum euismod dui sit amet enim porttitor maximus.
Vivamus consequat diam ac orci pulvinar, ac sollicitudin ex
condimentum. Fusce facilisis libero vestibulum nibh pharetra,
sed lacinia mauris placerat. Etiam iaculis venenatis felis quis
mollis. Fusce tempus erat sit amet sapien porttitor tempor.
Vivamus sed tincidunt sem. Phasellus non orci purus. Orci
varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes,
nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas sollicitudin venenatis justo,
eget egestas eros fermentum a.
Quisque scelerisque vel lacus sed placerat. Nulla porttitor justo
mi, a tempor nisl vestibulum eu. Duis fermentum vehicula velit,
quis mattis nibh mattis tempor. Mauris convallis nisi id nibh
faucibus, at efficitur velit posuere. Pellentesque congue, neque
a consequat viverra, diam elit semper velit, et mattis turpis
tortor id tellus. Suspendisse sit amet tellus vestibulum,
consectetur arcu quis, molestie nulla. Quisque vitae vestibulum
ligula. Sed id enim consequat, pretium risus eu, pulvinar mi.
Proin molestie, risus non lobortis hendrerit, libero urna cursus
ligula, et sagittis dolor libero varius sapien.
Etiam molestie neque at neque gravida, sodales sollicitudin
purus eleifend. Duis sed metus vel felis pretium vestibulum eget
quis lectus. Nam in nisi sit amet turpis dictum viverra.
Vestibulum non hendrerit sem, ut viverra lacus. Vivamus
vestibulum ultrices nulla, at suscipit turpis convallis quis.
Aliquam in scelerisque dolor. Curabitur elementum nulla eget
velit sollicitudin finibus. Ut sed placerat enim. Suspendisse
vitae commodo lectus. Maecenas vitae elit iaculis, maximus
tortor at, volutpat justo.
Alfred, J. N., Bailey, B., & Krautely, R. (2017). The quality of
face-to-face relationships. Communications of the ACD, 54(4),
American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication
manual of the American Psychological Association.
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Anderson, M., Angeli, E., Brizee, A., Lawrick, E., Moore, K.,
Soderlund, L., & Wagner, J. (2016, May 13). General format.
Retrieved from
Hollywood, D., Wood, J. F., Smite, F., & West N. (2016).
Friendships through IM: Examining the relationship between
instant messaging and intimacy. Journal of Computer-Mediated
Communication, 11, 32-44.
Last Name, F. M. (Year). Article Title. Journal Title, Pages
From - To.
Last Name, F. M. (Year). Book Title. City Name: Publisher
Name and add URL if you accessed an online resource. This
item demonstrates the hanging indent. Modify by accessing the
Paragraph settings then in the Indentation section under the
special option, select Hanging Indent.
Timmons, L. G., & Wallet, J. C. (2017). Computer-mediated
communication effects on virtual reality. Human
Communication Research, 28, 310-345.
Underdog, J., & Friday, C. (2016). Internet relationships and
their impact on primary giving. Behavior Changes, 22(2), 123-
The purpose of this project is to demonstrate your
understanding of the following course concepts:
1. How companies or organizations and individuals use digital
or social media to effectively communicate ideas, information,
arguments, and messages to achieve a specific goal.
2. How digital or social media has transformed the
communication of idea, information, and arguments in society.
3. Access, analyze, interpret, and evaluate digital media to
foster learning and to guide decision-making.
4. Make responsible choices in the creation and consumption of
digital media based on awareness of global, social, ethical, and
legal contexts.
Project Description
In this project, you will select a topic discussed in class from
the list provided below, conduct additional research on the
topic, and share this information in a research paper.
Project 3 consists of:
1. Project Requirements (topics and content to cover)
2. Paper Requirements (content organization)
3. Submission Requirements (how to submit your assignment)
4. APA Resources (how to cite and select sources)
5. Due Date Information and Late Policy
Project RequirementsSelect one of the 15 research topics below
and complete ALL THREE sections: RESEARCH TOPICS
Topic 1: Digital Media as a Distraction (week 1)
1. Digital Nation: Life on the Virtual Frontier - Chapter 1:
Distracted by Everything PBS Online Video Documentary
Series – Chapter 1 (00:00 - 08:28 minutes)
Topic 2: Digital Media's Effects on the Brain (week 1)
1. Digital Nation: Life on the Virtual Frontier - Chapter 2:
What's It Doing to Their Brains? (PBS Online Video
Documentary Series – Chapter 2 (08:29 - 10:40 minutes)
Topic 3: The Use of Digital and Social Media in Politics (week
1. Social media and participation in political protest:
Observations from Tahrir Square (web page)
2. In 2012, campaigns target voters through their phones (web
Topic 4: Digital Humanitarianism (week 2)
1. Paul Conneally: Digital Humanitarianism (TED Talk video)
Topic 5. How Citizens use Digital and Social Media to Report
News in Repressive Regimes (week 2)
1. Clay Shirky: How Social Media Can Make History (TED Talk
Topic 6: Virtual Worlds and Their Impact on Society (week 3)
1. Digital Nation: Life on the Virtual Frontier- Chapter 7
Virtual Worlds PBS Online Video Documentary Series – Start
the video then Navigate to Chapter 7 (52:05 - 1:01:26)Topic 7:
Digital Rights Management (DRM) (week 4)
1. What is DRM? (web page)
Topic 8: Moral Operating Systems (week 4)
1. Damon Horowitz: We need a "moral operating system"(TED
Talk video)
Topic 9: The Security Mirage
1. The Security Mirage: Bruce Schneier (TED Talk video)
(week 4)
Topic 10: Customer Data Collection by Phone Companies (week
1. Malta Spitz: Your Phone Company Is Watching (TED Talk
Topic 11: Social Media and Likes (week 5)
1. Jennifer Golbeck: The curly fry conundrum: Why social
media “likes” say more than you might think(TED Talk video)
Topic 12: Filter Bubbles (week 5)
1. Eli Pariser: Beware online "filter bubbles" (TED Talk video)
Topic 13: The Digital Divide (week 6)
1. The Digital Divide is Still Leaving Americans Behind (web
2. Aleph Molinari: Let's bridge the digital divide! (TED Talk
Topic 14: Cognitive Surplus (week 6)
Clay Shirky: How cognitive surplus will change the world (TED
Talk video)
Topic 15: E-commerce (week 7)
How Amazon Controls E-commerce: the Hidden
empire: (online slide show - 84 slides)
Answer the questions below:Item 1:Which topic did you
select?Item 2:Why does this topic appeal to you?NOTE 1:
Section 1 should be the shortest section of your paper (10-15%).
Discuss your topic as presented in class.Item 1: Summarize the
information on the topic as presented in the class, using the
resource AND any classroom discussion of the topic.Item 2: Is
the topic you selected relevant in a course on digital and social
media?Whether you answer yes or no, justify your
answer.Section 2 Sources: Include the source(s) as an in-paper
citation and on your References page.
NOTE 2: Section 2 should comprise (30-40%) of your paper.
TOPICProvide additional information on the topic you selected
by locating TWO or MORE new resources (in addition to the
resources provided in class) to expand your knowledge of the
Item 1:What additional sources did you find on the topic you
selected (list at least 2)?
Item 2: Why is each resource you found (a) relevant, (b)
credible, (c) accurate, and (d) unbiased based on what you
learned from the UMUC: Evaluating Web Resources site?
Address a-d in your answer.
Item 3: What new information do the two new resources
contribute to the topic as presented in class?
Section 3 Sources: Include at least TWO SOURCES related to
your topic that are NOT presented, discussed, or posted in the
weekly Read & Watch in class or posted in the 15 topic list
above. Include these sources as in-paper citations and list them
on your References page.
NOTE 3: Section 3 should comprise the majority of your paper
(45-60%). This is where your primary focus should be.
Paper Requirements1. Your paper must follow APA format
guidelines throughout.(A sample APA template for you to use is
attached to the bottom of this page. It contains Latin
placeholder text. Replace the text with your content).
1. Double-spaced
2. 1-inch Margins
3. 12-point size professional font (e.g. Times New Roman).
4. Header
5. Automatic Page numbers
6. Title page
7. Reference page
2. Length: Minimum of 1,500
(Title page, Reference page, and direct quotes do not count
toward the total word count).
NOTE 4:Going over 1,500 words is fine, but if you are under
1,500 you will be penalized based on the following scale:
One letter grade (10%) for every 500 words you are under the
word count minimum.
4. Title Page
Your title page must be APA formatted and include the
1. Project Name
2. Your Name
3. Course Name and Section Number
4. Semester
5. Instructor’s Name
6. Title of Research Paper Topic
5. References Page
Your References page must be APA formatted.
6.Sources:Include the source(s) from Section 2 and at least
TWO (2) sources in Section 3.
Clarification:Please do not use unprofessional sources such as
Wikipedia,,,,, or anything remotely similar. Examples of scholarly
sources include textbooks, articles, academic journals, and
conference proceedings. Scholarly resources are written by
experts in their fields, grounded in research, and often refereed
(reviewed and edited by researchers in the field). Examples of
professional sources include: trade journals or magazines.
Professional sources are written for a specific audience that
works in certain field. They are not research-based. You can
also use our course content (e.g. Read & Watch resources) as a
source as well. UMUC has a top-notch, extensive online
library. You can find many scholarly and professional sources
NOTE 5:You can also use social media (e.g. Twitter posts,
blogs, YouTube) sources as well as this is a paper about the use
of digital and social media.
7.Setup & OrganizationYour paper must include the following
pages and Level 1 Headings:
1. Cover Page
2. Topic Introduction (Section 1)
3. Topic Discussion (Section 2)
4. Additional Research (Section 3)
5. Reference Page
Student’s Name
Project 1: Company Analysis of Target
CMST 301 – Section 6380
Fall 2017
Professor David P. Johnson
Section 1: Company Information: Target
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut
enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco
laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure
dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu
fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non
proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est
laborum (Internet Usage Statistics, 2017).“
"Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem
accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque
ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae
vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia
voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur
magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque
porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet,
consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi
tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat
voluptatem (TechJournal South, 2015). Ut enim ad minima
veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit
laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis
autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse
quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum
fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?"
Section 2: Target’s Digital and Social Media Use
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui
blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos
dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non
provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia
animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum
facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum
soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus
id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas
assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem
quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe
eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non
recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus,
ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut
perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.
The Use of Statisticians
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut
enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco
laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure
dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu
fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non
proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est
laborum (TechJournal South, 2011).
Section 3: Analysis: Target’s Use of Big Data
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem
accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque
ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae
vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia
voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur
magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque
porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet,
consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi
tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat
voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum
exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut
aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure
reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae
consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas
nulla pariatur?
Target’s Statisticians
"At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus
qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti
quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati
cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia
deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et
harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam
libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil
impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus,
omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus
(TechJournal South, 2017).
Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum
necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et
molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a
sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias
consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.
Alfred, J. N., Bailey, B., & Krautely, R. (2017). The quality of
face-to-face relationships. Communications of the ACD, 54(4),
Hollywood, D., Wood, J. F., Smite, F., & West N. (2016).
Friendships through IM: Examining the relationship between
instant messaging and intimacy. Journal of Computer-Mediated
Communication, 11, 32-44.
Timmons, L. G., & Wallet, J. C. (2017). Computer-mediated
communication effects on virtual reality. Human
Communication Research, 28, 310-345.
Underdog, J., & Friday, C. (2016). Internet relationships and
their impact on primary giving. Behaviour Changes, 22(2), 123-
The purpose of this project is to demonstrate your
understanding of the following course concepts:
1. How companies use digital and social media to effectively
communicate ideas, information, arguments, and messages to
achieve a specific goal.
2. How digital media has transformed the communication of
idea, information, and arguments in society.
Project Description
The use of digital media has transformed how companies
communicate with their customers. The use of the websites,
YouTube, e-books, e-mail and various forms of social media
such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, Instagram, and
blogs has shaped current day communication strategies.
Project 1 Consists of:
1. Project Requirements (topics and content to cover)
2. Paper Requirements (content organization)
3. Submission Requirements (how to submit your assignment)
4. APA Resources (how to cite and select sources)
5. Due Date Information and Late Policy
Project Requirements
Select a company that utilizes digital or social media to
communicate with customers to complete Section 1.
NOTE 1: You are required to complete ALL THREE SECTIONS
of this project (Sections 1, 2, and 3).
Provide the following information about the company you
select:Item 1: What is the name of the company?
Item 2: What year was the company established?
Item 3: What is the company’s goal or mission?
Item 4: What products and services does the company offer or
Item 5: Provide the company website address (URL).
Item 6:How many employees does the company employ?
Item 7:Where is the company’s headquarters located?
Item 8:What are the company’s most recent earnings?
Section 1 Source: Include at least one source for Section 1.
Include this source as an in-paper citation and on your
Reference page.
Section 1 Example: The Henkel Company
To help you with completing Section 1, an example is provided
“…Henkel was founded in 1876. People around the world trust
Henkel’s innovations, brands and technologies. In the fiscal
year 2016, the company reported sales of approx. 18.7 billion
euros and an operating profit of around 3.2 billion euros
(adjusted for one-time gains/charges and restructuring charges).
The DAX-30 company has its headquarters in Düsseldorf,
Germany. Henkel employs more than 50,000 people worldwide,
over 80 percent of whom work outside of Germany. Henkel is
thus one of the most international German companies…”
Henkel. (2017). Company Profile. In Company Profile.
Retrieved 5/18/17, from
NOTE 2: You can not use the Henkel Company in your project.
How does the company use Digital and Social Media to
communicate with their customers?
Item 1: List all of the digital and social media platforms the
company uses to communicate with customers (including
websites, YouTube, e-books, e-mail and various forms of social
media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat,
Instagram, and blogs).
Item 2:Describe how the company uses each digital and social
media listed in Item 1 above to achieve their goals or mission.
Section 2 Source: Include at least one source for Section 2.
Include this source as an in-paper citation and on your
References page.
SECTION 3: ANALYSISProvide an example of how the
company uses digital and or social media to accomplish an
objective ( address a serious public relations issue,
promote a cause, market a product, achieve strategic advantage
by using Big Data, or promote an event).
Item 1: Describe the situation or example in detail.
Item 2: How successful was the company in accomplishing the
objective? Support your answer.
Item 3: List one thing the company could have done better to
accomplish their objective.
Item 4: If you decide to discuss the company's use of Big Data
to achieve strategic advantage, does their use of Big Data
concern you as a potential customer? Why or why not?
To help you with completing Section 3, we have provided two
sample topics below:
Section 3 Example 1: Target’s Data Breach
Target’s December 2013 data breach was a public relations
nightmare, but the company responded swiftly over social
media, posting safety guidelines on Twitter and keeping an open
dialog with its aggrieved customers.
Section 3 Example 2: Target’s Use of Big Data
Target is renowned in the industry for its data collection
practices. Target maintains a customer relationship
management database which includes information from in-store
purchases (they link all of your purchases to a unique customer
identifier) and data they collect externally (e.g. data from
Facebook and other sources). Combine the two data streams
and Target can predict, with high degree of certainly, what your
gender is, where you live, how far you travel to work, your
relationship status, and they can even tell if you are pregnant,
and if so, when you are due. The amount of money spent each
year in pregnancy-related purchases is tremendous. In efforts to
win the market share in this profit area, Target has hired a team
of statisticians to perform predictive analysis. The goal, in this
particular situation, is to predict which women are expecting (or
soon to be), without asking them directly, by analyzing their
purchasing behavior (e.g. cribs, baby clothes, prenatal vitamins,
etc.). This way Target can "target" this particular demographic
(with coupons, discounts, and other offers) very early, thus
getting a jump on the competition.
Section 3 Sources: Include at least two sources for Section 3.
Include the two sources as in-paper citations and on your
References page. At least one source should be professional or
NOTE 3: You can not use Target in your project or any
company we discussed in class (e.g. Google).
Paper Requirements1. Your paper must follow APA format
guidelines throughout.(A sample APA template for you to use is
attached to the bottom of this page).
1. Double-spaced
2. 1 inch Margins
3. 12-point size professional font (e.g. Times New Roman).
4. Header
5. Automatic Page numbers
6. Title page
7. Reference page
2. Length: Minimum of 1,500; Maximum of 2,000 words.
(Title page, Reference page, and direct quotes do not count
toward the total word count).
NOTE 4:Going over 2,000 words is fine, but if you are under
1,500 you will be penalized 10% (one letter grade) for every
100 words you are under the word count minimum. 3. Include
one Image
Include at least one table, graph, or image of an appropriate size
that is relevant and supports the information provided in your
paper. Feel free to create the image if you like.
Image Example: The Henkel Company Infographic
To help you with completing your project, we have included a
sample image. This is a great infographic that provides data on
the Henkel Company. This infographic would work well in
Section 1.
Henkel Company Infographic [Digital image]. (n.d.). Retrieved
May 18, 2017, from here.
4. Title Page
Your title page must be APA formatted and include the
1. Project Name
2. Your Name
3. Instructor’s Name
4. Course name and section number
5. Title of Company Analysis
5. References Page
Your References page must be APA formatted.
6.Sources:Include at least Four (4) Sources (Total)
· Include at least One (1) Source for Section 1.
· Include at least One (1) Source for Section 2.
· Include at least Two (2) Sources for Section 3. At least one of
the two sources must be a Professional or Scholarly Source.
Clarification:Please do not use unprofessional sources such as
Wikipedia,,,,, or anything remotely similar. Examples of scholarly
sources include textbooks, articles, academic journals, and
conference proceedings. Scholarly resources are written by
experts in their fields, grounded in research, and often refereed
(reviewed and edited by researchers in the field). Examples of
professional sources include: trade journals or magazines.
Professional sources are written for a specific audience that
works in certain field. They are not research-based. You can
also use our course content (e.g. Read & Watch resources) as a
source as well. UMUC has a top-notch, extensive online
library. You can find many scholarly and professional sources
NOTE 5: You can also use social media (e.g. Twitter posts,
blogs, YouTube) sources as well as this is a paper about the use
of digital and social media.
7.Setup & OrganizationYour paper must include the following
pages and Level 1 Headings:
1. Cover Page
2. Company Profile (Section 1)
3. Digital and Social Media Use (Section 2)
4. Analysis (Section 3)
5. Reference Page

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Running head KONY 2017 SAMPLE TEMPLATE .docx

  • 1. Running head: KONY 2017 SAMPLE TEMPLATE 1 2 KONY 2017 SAMPLE TEMPLATE Project 3: Research Paper <add your name> CMST 301 – Section <add your section number> <add the Semester e.g. Fall 2017> Professor’s Name <add the Title of your Research Paper Topic> Section 1: Topic Introduction Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer elementum malesuada suscipit. Duis in orci euismod, vulputate risus quis, rhoncus lorem. Etiam varius auctor diam. Ut a luctus massa, sit amet ultrices justo. Quisque orci libero, ultricies sed imperdiet non, dictum in orci. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam rutrum ultrices molestie. Donec lectus nibh, dapibus vitae aliquet ut, consequat nec dolor. Mauris ut tristique augue. Quisque lorem mi, dapibus a hendrerit eu, dapibus ut risus. Cras
  • 2. non risus suscipit, blandit arcu sit amet, venenatis elit. Aenean porttitor sapien ipsum, eu porta metus malesuada ac. Duis tempus aliquet fringilla. Phasellus et justo felis. Sed sed congue neque, nec suscipit magna. Mauris nec pharetra turpis. Proin molestie nisl et pulvinar ultricies. Sed ante odio, vulputate ut malesuada a, blandit ut urna. Praesent vitae ex et sem tincidunt dapibus. Suspendisse potenti. Cras hendrerit quis quam non gravida. Curabitur sit amet odio sed orci aliquam hendrerit a eu massa. Etiam cursus at nulla quis consectetur. Mauris efficitur ipsum non pharetra porttitor. Fusce a augue ac dolor viverra faucibus. Donec libero augue, sagittis pharetra nulla eget, blandit laoreet mauris. Nullam lobortis aliquet facilisis. Mauris pellentesque sodales nulla sit amet semper. Aliquam id ante finibus, egestas purus quis, imperdiet erat. Nunc commodo velit quam, ac aliquam justo sagittis eget. Integer consectetur tortor quis dolor aliquet pulvinar in id leo. Nulla pharetra facilisis nisl, id pulvinar ex tempus quis. Fusce eget cursus lorem. Mauris vehicula, velit eget tempus ullamcorper, erat libero elementum dui, non sagittis metus massa vitae mauris. Donec sed nunc vitae justo tristique sodales ut et ipsum. Suspendisse potenti. Proin nibh enim, interdum vitae ligula eu, malesuada tincidunt enim. Integer at nulla ut dui condimentum lacinia non ut felis. Proin nibh enim, interdum vitae ligula eu, malesuada tincidunt enim. Integer at nulla ut dui condimentum lacinia non ut felis. Section 2: Topic Discussion Donec ac eros a diam suscipit egestas. Nullam ac risus massa. Nam ornare libero dolor, ut faucibus elit fringilla ut. Proin luctus turpis sit amet eros condimentum, id fringilla orci ultricies. Duis at auctor turpis, eu auctor lacus. Nullam porttitor sed ex sit amet ultricies. Phasellus nulla urna, placerat sit amet vehicula vel, cursus at mi. Praesent elit ipsum, bibendum eget sem a, cursus viverra leo. Quisque nec aliquet urna, in malesuada lorem. Vestibulum interdum turpis non sodales condimentum. Nulla venenatis sagittis lacinia. Vestibulum tincidunt felis sit amet odio cursus dignissim eu at nibh. Nunc
  • 3. sit amet massa auctor, dignissim urna ut, mattis justo. Nunc elit ligula, ornare ac ornare at, accumsan sed massa. Donec vestibulum consequat pellentesque. Mauris posuere justo quam, efficitur aliquet tortor luctus non. Nullam laoreet suscipit ligula pretium scelerisque. Cras nec odio nec dui porta mattis. Pellentesque vitae tortor commodo, dictum tortor id, commodo orci. Curabitur mollis non lectus non tristique. Morbi ac lacus a nisi imperdiet pellentesque. Duis ac ultrices leo, vitae scelerisque erat. Ut vel dolor a justo accumsan consectetur et at felis. Aliquam quis suscipit erat, pretium vehicula enim. Pellentesque ultricies ipsum quis placerat venenatis. Nunc varius enim malesuada tellus pretium tincidunt. Quisque vel odio iaculis, blandit lacus congue, ullamcorper diam. Suspendisse vel cursus erat, id sollicitudin ante. Nullam varius sed lectus eu venenatis. Maecenas nunc ante, posuere non orci at, mollis mattis felis. Aenean egestas suscipit ex, ac aliquam libero interdum quis. Phasellus vel ante ac lacus elementum fringilla. Pellentesque iaculis tellus vel est maximus bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam id ullamcorper nisl. Cras semper, erat eget congue vestibulum, turpis lorem rutrum felis, sed laoreet turpis nunc bibendum magna. Etiam vehicula nulla nibh, sit amet dictum ligula blandit in. Nulla eu tortor turpis. Aenean quis sapien lacus. Pellentesque et ipsum consequat, euismod erat quis, porttitor mauris. Integer lectus neque, varius sed nulla at, luctus feugiat urna. Nullam eu augue ut quam volutpat ornare. Proin tempus quam sit amet congue iaculis. Aenean quis pretium nisl. Sed ullamcorper fringilla eros at blandit. Phasellus lacinia in sapien eu mollis. Phasellus sagittis lorem non nunc consectetur, sed condimentum tellus mollis. Integer feugiat sem ac eros condimentum, et dapibus erat feugiat. Pellentesque et nibh justo. Aenean finibus quam at neque volutpat, lobortis auctor metus porta. Section 3: Additional Research
  • 4. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vestibulum est diam, tempor sit amet tempor sit amet, venenatis tempor felis. Etiam lacus tortor, congue ac tortor sed, malesuada ornare lorem. Phasellus pretium mollis pulvinar. In ac tellus eros. Morbi eget ex est. Aenean eget orci posuere, rhoncus urna a, aliquam massa. Nullam eu lacus iaculis, facilisis ante ac, auctor nisl. Aenean interdum libero vel neque egestas, et faucibus nisi bibendum. Proin vitae dui urna. Curabitur in risus metus. Donec malesuada et quam a tempus. Phasellus feugiat accumsan velit, et rhoncus nunc faucibus eget. Nullam sed elit condimentum, congue leo quis, consequat ligula. Donec in ornare magna. Praesent massa arcu, ornare quis ante quis, hendrerit posuere ante. Sed sit amet felis sagittis, varius neque vitae, vestibulum tortor. Nullam sagittis, lorem et sagittis pulvinar, nulla tortor feugiat sapien, ac suscipit justo sem id orci. Nam commodo justo arcu, in maximus nulla mollis nec. Aliquam pharetra dui vestibulum felis interdum, vel ornare ligula rutrum. Donec rhoncus eleifend tincidunt. In eu feugiat nibh. Mauris placerat rutrum ex, quis imperdiet turpis tristique lobortis. Sed vel dictum dui. Cras enim sem, interdum sit amet egestas eget, laoreet in ipsum. Praesent finibus purus sed orci porttitor varius. Aenean feugiat dapibus dapibus. Maecenas placerat odio quis erat iaculis vehicula. Curabitur quis ex eu turpis venenatis porta. Curabitur id dolor imperdiet, aliquet ipsum et, euismod leo. Fusce ut malesuada velit. Fusce ac mi mollis, volutpat ante vel, malesuada nibh. Fusce porttitor porta justo, at rhoncus leo lobortis in. Vivamus consequat ante vestibulum tellus sodales accumsan. Proin quis sollicitudin dui. Nam nec dolor eleifend, ultrices ante sit amet, dictum diam. Mauris bibendum, enim aliquet mattis suscipit, mauris velit ultricies velit, in fermentum urna magna maximus justo. Quisque malesuada in lorem ut commodo. In consequat porttitor tellus, tempor bibendum ipsum placerat sit amet. Integer eget lacus dui. Pellentesque ut elit at augue blandit ornare nec in orci. Integer egestas ut ligula et sagittis. Pellentesque nisl dolor,
  • 5. mattis ac congue ut, auctor ut nisi. Nulla tincidunt ullamcorper tincidunt. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut bibendum, augue et facilisis fermentum, libero est bibendum arcu, non interdum lacus sapien ac libero. Sed blandit dolor id felis sodales ultrices. Nulla euismod velit ac nibh fermentum, sed lobortis ante tincidunt. Vivamus facilisis mi eu malesuada interdum. Sed in risus ac lectus elementum lacinia sed in quam. Proin condimentum condimentum varius. Donec gravida vulputate pharetra. Aenean ut odio quis orci scelerisque posuere. Integer erat orci, vestibulum et ex eu, tincidunt suscipit tellus. Vestibulum mollis condimentum nisi, a bibendum sapien feugiat nec. Sed ac tincidunt nulla. Maecenas malesuada elit nec lectus rhoncus bibendum. Praesent ut diam enim. Nulla suscipit molestie dolor at egestas. Morbi eget interdum tortor, posuere euismod felis. Phasellus maximus mi vel lobortis pellentesque. Duis quis ligula eu nisl fringilla placerat non ac leo. Phasellus rhoncus eleifend auctor. Praesent pharetra dolor tristique diam congue aliquam. Mauris ac ultricies orci. Integer sapien dui, accumsan eu commodo eget, tempus ac leo. Praesent ullamcorper diam orci, ac condimentum mauris egestas sodales. Suspendisse quis varius arcu. Donec vitae dolor mauris. Nullam ac faucibus ipsum. Nam aliquet mi sit amet dapibus tincidunt. Vestibulum euismod dui sit amet enim porttitor maximus. Vivamus consequat diam ac orci pulvinar, ac sollicitudin ex condimentum. Fusce facilisis libero vestibulum nibh pharetra, sed lacinia mauris placerat. Etiam iaculis venenatis felis quis mollis. Fusce tempus erat sit amet sapien porttitor tempor. Vivamus sed tincidunt sem. Phasellus non orci purus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas sollicitudin venenatis justo, eget egestas eros fermentum a. Quisque scelerisque vel lacus sed placerat. Nulla porttitor justo mi, a tempor nisl vestibulum eu. Duis fermentum vehicula velit, quis mattis nibh mattis tempor. Mauris convallis nisi id nibh faucibus, at efficitur velit posuere. Pellentesque congue, neque
  • 6. a consequat viverra, diam elit semper velit, et mattis turpis tortor id tellus. Suspendisse sit amet tellus vestibulum, consectetur arcu quis, molestie nulla. Quisque vitae vestibulum ligula. Sed id enim consequat, pretium risus eu, pulvinar mi. Proin molestie, risus non lobortis hendrerit, libero urna cursus ligula, et sagittis dolor libero varius sapien. Etiam molestie neque at neque gravida, sodales sollicitudin purus eleifend. Duis sed metus vel felis pretium vestibulum eget quis lectus. Nam in nisi sit amet turpis dictum viverra. Vestibulum non hendrerit sem, ut viverra lacus. Vivamus vestibulum ultrices nulla, at suscipit turpis convallis quis. Aliquam in scelerisque dolor. Curabitur elementum nulla eget velit sollicitudin finibus. Ut sed placerat enim. Suspendisse vitae commodo lectus. Maecenas vitae elit iaculis, maximus tortor at, volutpat justo. References Alfred, J. N., Bailey, B., & Krautely, R. (2017). The quality of face-to-face relationships. Communications of the ACD, 54(4), 111-118. American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Anderson, M., Angeli, E., Brizee, A., Lawrick, E., Moore, K., Soderlund, L., & Wagner, J. (2016, May 13). General format. Retrieved from Hollywood, D., Wood, J. F., Smite, F., & West N. (2016). Friendships through IM: Examining the relationship between instant messaging and intimacy. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11, 32-44. Last Name, F. M. (Year). Article Title. Journal Title, Pages From - To. Last Name, F. M. (Year). Book Title. City Name: Publisher Name and add URL if you accessed an online resource. This item demonstrates the hanging indent. Modify by accessing the Paragraph settings then in the Indentation section under the
  • 7. special option, select Hanging Indent. Timmons, L. G., & Wallet, J. C. (2017). Computer-mediated communication effects on virtual reality. Human Communication Research, 28, 310-345. Underdog, J., & Friday, C. (2016). Internet relationships and their impact on primary giving. Behavior Changes, 22(2), 123- 140. PROJECT 3: RESEARCH PAPERObjective The purpose of this project is to demonstrate your understanding of the following course concepts: 1. How companies or organizations and individuals use digital or social media to effectively communicate ideas, information, arguments, and messages to achieve a specific goal. 2. How digital or social media has transformed the communication of idea, information, and arguments in society. 3. Access, analyze, interpret, and evaluate digital media to foster learning and to guide decision-making. 4. Make responsible choices in the creation and consumption of digital media based on awareness of global, social, ethical, and legal contexts. Project Description In this project, you will select a topic discussed in class from the list provided below, conduct additional research on the topic, and share this information in a research paper. Project 3 consists of: 1. Project Requirements (topics and content to cover) 2. Paper Requirements (content organization) 3. Submission Requirements (how to submit your assignment) 4. APA Resources (how to cite and select sources) 5. Due Date Information and Late Policy Project RequirementsSelect one of the 15 research topics below and complete ALL THREE sections: RESEARCH TOPICS
  • 8. Topic 1: Digital Media as a Distraction (week 1) 1. Digital Nation: Life on the Virtual Frontier - Chapter 1: Distracted by Everything PBS Online Video Documentary Series – Chapter 1 (00:00 - 08:28 minutes) Topic 2: Digital Media's Effects on the Brain (week 1) 1. Digital Nation: Life on the Virtual Frontier - Chapter 2: What's It Doing to Their Brains? (PBS Online Video Documentary Series – Chapter 2 (08:29 - 10:40 minutes) Topic 3: The Use of Digital and Social Media in Politics (week 2) 1. Social media and participation in political protest: Observations from Tahrir Square (web page) 2. In 2012, campaigns target voters through their phones (web page) Topic 4: Digital Humanitarianism (week 2) 1. Paul Conneally: Digital Humanitarianism (TED Talk video) Topic 5. How Citizens use Digital and Social Media to Report News in Repressive Regimes (week 2) 1. Clay Shirky: How Social Media Can Make History (TED Talk video) Topic 6: Virtual Worlds and Their Impact on Society (week 3) 1. Digital Nation: Life on the Virtual Frontier- Chapter 7 Virtual Worlds PBS Online Video Documentary Series – Start the video then Navigate to Chapter 7 (52:05 - 1:01:26)Topic 7: Digital Rights Management (DRM) (week 4) 1. What is DRM? (web page) Topic 8: Moral Operating Systems (week 4) 1. Damon Horowitz: We need a "moral operating system"(TED Talk video)
  • 9. Topic 9: The Security Mirage 1. The Security Mirage: Bruce Schneier (TED Talk video) (week 4) Topic 10: Customer Data Collection by Phone Companies (week 4) 1. Malta Spitz: Your Phone Company Is Watching (TED Talk video) Topic 11: Social Media and Likes (week 5) 1. Jennifer Golbeck: The curly fry conundrum: Why social media “likes” say more than you might think(TED Talk video) Topic 12: Filter Bubbles (week 5) 1. Eli Pariser: Beware online "filter bubbles" (TED Talk video) Topic 13: The Digital Divide (week 6) 1. The Digital Divide is Still Leaving Americans Behind (web page) 2. Aleph Molinari: Let's bridge the digital divide! (TED Talk video) Topic 14: Cognitive Surplus (week 6) Clay Shirky: How cognitive surplus will change the world (TED Talk video) Topic 15: E-commerce (week 7) How Amazon Controls E-commerce: the Hidden empire: (online slide show - 84 slides) SECTION 1: SELECT ONE TOPIC FROM THE 15 TOPICS LISTED ABOVE Answer the questions below:Item 1:Which topic did you select?Item 2:Why does this topic appeal to you?NOTE 1: Section 1 should be the shortest section of your paper (10-15%). SECTION 2: SUMMARIZE THE TOPIC YOU SELECTED USING CLASS RESOURCES
  • 10. Discuss your topic as presented in class.Item 1: Summarize the information on the topic as presented in the class, using the resource AND any classroom discussion of the topic.Item 2: Is the topic you selected relevant in a course on digital and social media?Whether you answer yes or no, justify your answer.Section 2 Sources: Include the source(s) as an in-paper citation and on your References page. NOTE 2: Section 2 should comprise (30-40%) of your paper. SECTION 3: CONDUCT ADDITIONAL RESEARCH ON THE TOPICProvide additional information on the topic you selected by locating TWO or MORE new resources (in addition to the resources provided in class) to expand your knowledge of the topic. Item 1:What additional sources did you find on the topic you selected (list at least 2)? Item 2: Why is each resource you found (a) relevant, (b) credible, (c) accurate, and (d) unbiased based on what you learned from the UMUC: Evaluating Web Resources site? Address a-d in your answer. Item 3: What new information do the two new resources contribute to the topic as presented in class? Section 3 Sources: Include at least TWO SOURCES related to your topic that are NOT presented, discussed, or posted in the weekly Read & Watch in class or posted in the 15 topic list above. Include these sources as in-paper citations and list them on your References page. NOTE 3: Section 3 should comprise the majority of your paper (45-60%). This is where your primary focus should be. Paper Requirements1. Your paper must follow APA format guidelines throughout.(A sample APA template for you to use is attached to the bottom of this page. It contains Latin placeholder text. Replace the text with your content).
  • 11. 1. Double-spaced 2. 1-inch Margins 3. 12-point size professional font (e.g. Times New Roman). 4. Header 5. Automatic Page numbers 6. Title page 7. Reference page 2. Length: Minimum of 1,500 (Title page, Reference page, and direct quotes do not count toward the total word count). NOTE 4:Going over 1,500 words is fine, but if you are under 1,500 you will be penalized based on the following scale: One letter grade (10%) for every 500 words you are under the word count minimum. 4. Title Page Your title page must be APA formatted and include the following: 1. Project Name 2. Your Name 3. Course Name and Section Number 4. Semester 5. Instructor’s Name 6. Title of Research Paper Topic 5. References Page Your References page must be APA formatted. 6.Sources:Include the source(s) from Section 2 and at least TWO (2) sources in Section 3. Clarification:Please do not use unprofessional sources such as Wikipedia,,,,, or anything remotely similar. Examples of scholarly sources include textbooks, articles, academic journals, and conference proceedings. Scholarly resources are written by experts in their fields, grounded in research, and often refereed
  • 12. (reviewed and edited by researchers in the field). Examples of professional sources include: trade journals or magazines. Professional sources are written for a specific audience that works in certain field. They are not research-based. You can also use our course content (e.g. Read & Watch resources) as a source as well. UMUC has a top-notch, extensive online library. You can find many scholarly and professional sources there. NOTE 5:You can also use social media (e.g. Twitter posts, blogs, YouTube) sources as well as this is a paper about the use of digital and social media. 7.Setup & OrganizationYour paper must include the following pages and Level 1 Headings: 1. Cover Page 2. Topic Introduction (Section 1) 3. Topic Discussion (Section 2) 4. Additional Research (Section 3) 5. Reference Page Running head: COMPANY ANALYSIS OF TARGET 2 Running head: COMPANY ANALYSIS OF TARGET Student’s Name Project 1: Company Analysis of Target CMST 301 – Section 6380 Fall 2017
  • 13. Professor David P. Johnson Section 1: Company Information: Target "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum (Internet Usage Statistics, 2017).“ "Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem (TechJournal South, 2015). Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?" Section 2: Target’s Digital and Social Media Use At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui
  • 14. blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat. The Use of Statisticians Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum (TechJournal South, 2011). Section 3: Analysis: Target’s Use of Big Data Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae
  • 15. consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur? Target’s Statisticians "At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus (TechJournal South, 2017). Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat. References Alfred, J. N., Bailey, B., & Krautely, R. (2017). The quality of face-to-face relationships. Communications of the ACD, 54(4), 111-118. Hollywood, D., Wood, J. F., Smite, F., & West N. (2016). Friendships through IM: Examining the relationship between instant messaging and intimacy. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11, 32-44. Timmons, L. G., & Wallet, J. C. (2017). Computer-mediated communication effects on virtual reality. Human Communication Research, 28, 310-345. Underdog, J., & Friday, C. (2016). Internet relationships and their impact on primary giving. Behaviour Changes, 22(2), 123- 140. PROJECT 1: COMPANY ANALYSISObjective The purpose of this project is to demonstrate your
  • 16. understanding of the following course concepts: 1. How companies use digital and social media to effectively communicate ideas, information, arguments, and messages to achieve a specific goal. 2. How digital media has transformed the communication of idea, information, and arguments in society. Project Description The use of digital media has transformed how companies communicate with their customers. The use of the websites, YouTube, e-books, e-mail and various forms of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, Instagram, and blogs has shaped current day communication strategies. Project 1 Consists of: 1. Project Requirements (topics and content to cover) 2. Paper Requirements (content organization) 3. Submission Requirements (how to submit your assignment) 4. APA Resources (how to cite and select sources) 5. Due Date Information and Late Policy Project Requirements Select a company that utilizes digital or social media to communicate with customers to complete Section 1. NOTE 1: You are required to complete ALL THREE SECTIONS of this project (Sections 1, 2, and 3). SECTION 1: COMPANY INFORMATION Provide the following information about the company you select:Item 1: What is the name of the company? Item 2: What year was the company established? Item 3: What is the company’s goal or mission? Item 4: What products and services does the company offer or provide? Item 5: Provide the company website address (URL). Item 6:How many employees does the company employ?
  • 17. Item 7:Where is the company’s headquarters located? Item 8:What are the company’s most recent earnings? Section 1 Source: Include at least one source for Section 1. Include this source as an in-paper citation and on your Reference page. Section 1 Example: The Henkel Company To help you with completing Section 1, an example is provided below: “…Henkel was founded in 1876. People around the world trust Henkel’s innovations, brands and technologies. In the fiscal year 2016, the company reported sales of approx. 18.7 billion euros and an operating profit of around 3.2 billion euros (adjusted for one-time gains/charges and restructuring charges). The DAX-30 company has its headquarters in Düsseldorf, Germany. Henkel employs more than 50,000 people worldwide, over 80 percent of whom work outside of Germany. Henkel is thus one of the most international German companies…” Henkel. (2017). Company Profile. In Company Profile. Retrieved 5/18/17, from media/specials/company-profile NOTE 2: You can not use the Henkel Company in your project. SECTION 2: DIGITAL AND SOCIAL MEDIA USE How does the company use Digital and Social Media to communicate with their customers? Item 1: List all of the digital and social media platforms the company uses to communicate with customers (including websites, YouTube, e-books, e-mail and various forms of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, Instagram, and blogs). Item 2:Describe how the company uses each digital and social media listed in Item 1 above to achieve their goals or mission.
  • 18. Section 2 Source: Include at least one source for Section 2. Include this source as an in-paper citation and on your References page. SECTION 3: ANALYSISProvide an example of how the company uses digital and or social media to accomplish an objective ( address a serious public relations issue, promote a cause, market a product, achieve strategic advantage by using Big Data, or promote an event). Item 1: Describe the situation or example in detail. Item 2: How successful was the company in accomplishing the objective? Support your answer. Item 3: List one thing the company could have done better to accomplish their objective. Item 4: If you decide to discuss the company's use of Big Data to achieve strategic advantage, does their use of Big Data concern you as a potential customer? Why or why not? To help you with completing Section 3, we have provided two sample topics below: Section 3 Example 1: Target’s Data Breach Target’s December 2013 data breach was a public relations nightmare, but the company responded swiftly over social media, posting safety guidelines on Twitter and keeping an open dialog with its aggrieved customers. Section 3 Example 2: Target’s Use of Big Data Target is renowned in the industry for its data collection practices. Target maintains a customer relationship management database which includes information from in-store purchases (they link all of your purchases to a unique customer identifier) and data they collect externally (e.g. data from Facebook and other sources). Combine the two data streams and Target can predict, with high degree of certainly, what your gender is, where you live, how far you travel to work, your
  • 19. relationship status, and they can even tell if you are pregnant, and if so, when you are due. The amount of money spent each year in pregnancy-related purchases is tremendous. In efforts to win the market share in this profit area, Target has hired a team of statisticians to perform predictive analysis. The goal, in this particular situation, is to predict which women are expecting (or soon to be), without asking them directly, by analyzing their purchasing behavior (e.g. cribs, baby clothes, prenatal vitamins, etc.). This way Target can "target" this particular demographic (with coupons, discounts, and other offers) very early, thus getting a jump on the competition. Section 3 Sources: Include at least two sources for Section 3. Include the two sources as in-paper citations and on your References page. At least one source should be professional or scholarly. NOTE 3: You can not use Target in your project or any company we discussed in class (e.g. Google). Paper Requirements1. Your paper must follow APA format guidelines throughout.(A sample APA template for you to use is attached to the bottom of this page). 1. Double-spaced 2. 1 inch Margins 3. 12-point size professional font (e.g. Times New Roman). 4. Header 5. Automatic Page numbers 6. Title page 7. Reference page 2. Length: Minimum of 1,500; Maximum of 2,000 words. (Title page, Reference page, and direct quotes do not count toward the total word count). NOTE 4:Going over 2,000 words is fine, but if you are under 1,500 you will be penalized 10% (one letter grade) for every 100 words you are under the word count minimum. 3. Include
  • 20. one Image Include at least one table, graph, or image of an appropriate size that is relevant and supports the information provided in your paper. Feel free to create the image if you like. Image Example: The Henkel Company Infographic To help you with completing your project, we have included a sample image. This is a great infographic that provides data on the Henkel Company. This infographic would work well in Section 1. Henkel Company Infographic [Digital image]. (n.d.). Retrieved May 18, 2017, from here. 4. Title Page Your title page must be APA formatted and include the following: 1. Project Name 2. Your Name 3. Instructor’s Name 4. Course name and section number 5. Title of Company Analysis 5. References Page Your References page must be APA formatted. 6.Sources:Include at least Four (4) Sources (Total) · Include at least One (1) Source for Section 1. · Include at least One (1) Source for Section 2. · Include at least Two (2) Sources for Section 3. At least one of the two sources must be a Professional or Scholarly Source. Clarification:Please do not use unprofessional sources such as Wikipedia,,,,, or anything remotely similar. Examples of scholarly sources include textbooks, articles, academic journals, and conference proceedings. Scholarly resources are written by
  • 21. experts in their fields, grounded in research, and often refereed (reviewed and edited by researchers in the field). Examples of professional sources include: trade journals or magazines. Professional sources are written for a specific audience that works in certain field. They are not research-based. You can also use our course content (e.g. Read & Watch resources) as a source as well. UMUC has a top-notch, extensive online library. You can find many scholarly and professional sources there. NOTE 5: You can also use social media (e.g. Twitter posts, blogs, YouTube) sources as well as this is a paper about the use of digital and social media. 7.Setup & OrganizationYour paper must include the following pages and Level 1 Headings: 1. Cover Page 2. Company Profile (Section 1) 3. Digital and Social Media Use (Section 2) 4. Analysis (Section 3) 5. Reference Page