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For those of you who
don’t know me
For those of you who
don’t know me
This is me ------>
My first computer
My second computer
Third Computer
Number 4
Number 5 (with dial up internet)
Much More Computers :)
My most recent computer :)
My favourite computer
Looks like this…
Looks like this… yes, that’s a Mainframe
Christopher O'Malley
President and CEO at Compuware
“There’s an acknowledged surge of interest in Agile and DevOps
on the mainframe. With good reason. Your business can’t be truly
agile unless your systems-of-record are truly agile. And for most
large enterprises, those systems run on the mainframe………”
*) TechNerd examination points…
Twitter: @henrikuiper
So how did I end up here?
• Encryption
• Smartcrypt TDE
• SecureZIP
• Compression
• Threat Detection
• TrapX
for most major platforms
• Pentesting
• Vulnerability Checks
• Risk Assessments
• Security Officers!
• Monitoring
• Policy Enforcers
• Managed Security Services
161116 PBSA Good, Bad, Ugly
Legal Stuff
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras feugiat velit ac justo finibus, ut molestie lectus bibendum. Duis leo massa, bibendum vitae imperdiet in,
commodo nec velit. Vivamus tincidunt, eros eu rutrum posuere, ex dui porta sapien, in placerat quam diam sit amet tortor. Aenean nec diam tellus. Integer ornare
euismod enim. Aenean ipsum diam, feugiat hendrerit justo ut, maximus ornare nisi. Nullam augue diam, malesuada consequat porta non, ullamcorper sed tortor.
Phasellus in lacus eget erat vestibulum hendrerit sed nec quam. Praesent ante magna, consequat eget ultrices vitae, congue sed leo. Vivamus nec felis ac neque
accumsan rutrum in id massa. Ut mollis in mauris a auctor. Aliquam dictum lectus vel vehicula iaculis.

Quisque at quam ut libero rhoncus consectetur. Proin ac ultricies lacus. Sed in mauris ut velit malesuada consequat in eu lorem. Quisque sollicitudin dapibus orci sit
amet feugiat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra,
per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla facilisi. Sed ultricies tellus in sem elementum, vitae fringilla ante vestibulum.

Nullam pharetra arcu odio, sed pharetra purus pulvinar et. Suspendisse nec aliquet orci. Nulla consequat elit ante, eu malesuada elit laoreet ut. Sed malesuada
ornare tortor. Pellentesque fringilla fermentum quam eget bibendum. Etiam porttitor, quam sit amet laoreet ultricies, erat ipsum fermentum metus, sit amet
elementum elit leo aliquet purus. Maecenas varius metus purus, eu eleifend est pellentesque a. Duis mauris eros, ultricies sit amet posuere sed, pulvinar ut elit.
Aliquam mattis ligula felis, sit amet venenatis ligula porta quis. Nunc ut vulputate ante. Pellentesque congue eleifend pellentesque. Curabitur bibendum porttitor sem,
eu varius mauris ultricies vitae. Phasellus pulvinar vestibulum gravida. Proin non eleifend odio. Aenean pharetra pretium orci ac scelerisque.

Sed lobortis vel magna nec volutpat. Nam et dui metus. Quisque aliquam ligula dapibus, convallis purus ac, accumsan ex. Ut id tempus diam, vel porttitor justo.
Pellentesque venenatis justo sem, sit amet interdum mauris tristique vitae. Fusce metus magna, suscipit vitae convallis eget, ultricies sed est. Fusce sodales diam sit
amet imperdiet venenatis. Aenean sed eros quis arcu dapibus porttitor id ut magna. Ut suscipit ex eu nibh bibendum posuere.

Quisque semper feugiat ante, pharetra ultrices turpis feugiat ac. Fusce non neque purus. Curabitur eget sagittis nunc, nec aliquam diam. Integer augue ligula,
eleifend ut eleifend vitae, congue eu est. Vestibulum semper, nunc nec placerat condimentum, tortor lectus tempor risus, eu viverra sem tortor sed dolor. Nam
volutpat nulla a felis ultricies, ac pellentesque ligula vehicula. Phasellus imperdiet velit sit amet laoreet sollicitudin. Morbi elementum viverra enim, eget feugiat sem
interdum nec. Nulla facilisi. Praesent ex lectus, posuere non molestie et, laoreet at lorem. Phasellus mollis, justo quis venenatis ultricies, ante ante ultrices est, sed
dapibus turpis odio ac leo. In pharetra velit commodo massa eleifend, eget vehicula felis commodo.
Legal Stuff
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras feugiat velit ac justo finibus, ut molestie lectus bibendum. Duis leo massa, bibendum vitae imperdiet in,
commodo nec velit. Vivamus tincidunt, eros eu rutrum posuere, ex dui porta sapien, in placerat quam diam sit amet tortor. Aenean nec diam tellus. Integer ornare
euismod enim. Aenean ipsum diam, feugiat hendrerit justo ut, maximus ornare nisi. Nullam augue diam, malesuada consequat porta non, ullamcorper sed tortor.
Phasellus in lacus eget erat vestibulum hendrerit sed nec quam. Praesent ante magna, consequat eget ultrices vitae, congue sed leo. Vivamus nec felis ac neque
accumsan rutrum in id massa. Ut mollis in mauris a auctor. Aliquam dictum lectus vel vehicula iaculis.

Quisque at quam ut libero rhoncus consectetur. Proin ac ultricies lacus. Sed in mauris ut velit malesuada consequat in eu lorem. Quisque sollicitudin dapibus orci sit
amet feugiat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra,
per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla facilisi. Sed ultricies tellus in sem elementum, vitae fringilla ante vestibulum.

Nullam pharetra arcu odio, sed pharetra purus pulvinar et. Suspendisse nec aliquet orci. Nulla consequat elit ante, eu malesuada elit laoreet ut. Sed malesuada
ornare tortor. Pellentesque fringilla fermentum quam eget bibendum. Etiam porttitor, quam sit amet laoreet ultricies, erat ipsum fermentum metus, sit amet
elementum elit leo aliquet purus. Maecenas varius metus purus, eu eleifend est pellentesque a. Duis mauris eros, ultricies sit amet posuere sed, pulvinar ut elit.
Aliquam mattis ligula felis, sit amet venenatis ligula porta quis. Nunc ut vulputate ante. Pellentesque congue eleifend pellentesque. Curabitur bibendum porttitor sem,
eu varius mauris ultricies vitae. Phasellus pulvinar vestibulum gravida. Proin non eleifend odio. Aenean pharetra pretium orci ac scelerisque.

Sed lobortis vel magna nec volutpat. Nam et dui metus. Quisque aliquam ligula dapibus, convallis purus ac, accumsan ex. Ut id tempus diam, vel porttitor justo.
Pellentesque venenatis justo sem, sit amet interdum mauris tristique vitae. Fusce metus magna, suscipit vitae convallis eget, ultricies sed est. Fusce sodales diam sit
amet imperdiet venenatis. Aenean sed eros quis arcu dapibus porttitor id ut magna. Ut suscipit ex eu nibh bibendum posuere.

Quisque semper feugiat ante, pharetra ultrices turpis feugiat ac. Fusce non neque purus. Curabitur eget sagittis nunc, nec aliquam diam. Integer augue ligula,
eleifend ut eleifend vitae, congue eu est. Vestibulum semper, nunc nec placerat condimentum, tortor lectus tempor risus, eu viverra sem tortor sed dolor. Nam
volutpat nulla a felis ultricies, ac pellentesque ligula vehicula. Phasellus imperdiet velit sit amet laoreet sollicitudin. Morbi elementum viverra enim, eget feugiat sem
interdum nec. Nulla facilisi. Praesent ex lectus, posuere non molestie et, laoreet at lorem. Phasellus mollis, justo quis venenatis ultricies, ante ante ultrices est, sed
dapibus turpis odio ac leo. In pharetra velit commodo massa eleifend, eget vehicula felis commodo.
The Good

The Bad

The Ugly
Platform Security Assessments
Are they better than Network Security Scanners? (Wireshark, nmap,
metasploit, …)?

Or better than Web Security Scanners? (OWASP, Burp Suite, …)?

They identify intrinsic security flaws
How do you do them?

And what’s the goal?
“I don’t hate technology, I don’t hate hackers, because that’s just
what comes with it without those hackers we wouldn’t solve the
problems we need to solve, especially security.”
–Fred Durst, Limp Bizkit
“I don’t hate technology, I don’t hate hackers, because that’s just
what comes with it without those hackers we wouldn’t solve the
problems we need to solve, especially security.”
–Fred Durst, Limp Bizkit
“I don’t hate technology, I don’t hate hackers, because that’s just
what comes with it without those hackers we wouldn’t solve the
problems we need to solve, especially security.”
–Fred Durst, Limp Bizkit
Somewhere on
“Type a quote here.”
–Johnny Appleseed
The Mainframe (for me)
The Mainframe (for most people I know)
What on Earth is a Mainframe?
Mainframe Myths
Mainframes are old/legacy

Mainframes don’t run modern applications

Mainframes are expensive

There is a skill shortage

It’s unbelievably secure
Did you know…..
nmap and metasploit have support for
the mainframe?
tso-brute, vtam-enum, etc.
Every heard of ELV.APF?
3 words: Started Task Impersonation
Did you know…..
nmap and metasploit have support for
the mainframe?
tso-brute, vtam-enum, etc.
Every heard of ELV.APF?
3 words: Started Task Impersonation
Did you know…..
nmap and metasploit have support for
the mainframe?
tso-brute, vtam-enum, etc.
Every heard of ELV.APF?
3 words: Started Task Impersonation
Did you know…..
nmap and metasploit have support for
the mainframe?
tso-brute, vtam-enum, etc.
Every heard of ELV.APF?
3 words: Started Task Impersonation
The hackers don’t care…
Offering their services via the dark web

Have plenty of resources

Operate like a regular business

three-letter (foreign) agencies?


Remember the video?
Pretty interesting for hackers
So why does this happen….
So why does this happen….
Anti Patterns
Anti Patterns
Accepting “you don’t need to test this” scenarios
Anti Patterns
Accepting “you don’t need to test this” scenarios
Scoping off an assessment on the platform level
Anti Patterns
Accepting “you don’t need to test this” scenarios
Scoping off an assessment on the platform level
Assuming protocols and procedures are enforced (or controlled)
Anti Patterns
Accepting “you don’t need to test this” scenarios
Scoping off an assessment on the platform level
Assuming protocols and procedures are enforced (or controlled)
Complacency vs. Compliancy
Anti Patterns
Accepting “you don’t need to test this” scenarios
Scoping off an assessment on the platform level
Assuming protocols and procedures are enforced (or controlled)
Complacency vs. Compliancy
You can’t test this on production
Summary and things to remember
Don’t stick at the platform scope
Don’t stick at the platform scope
Include The Mainframe in all tests & assessments
Don’t stick at the platform scope
Include The Mainframe in all tests & assessments
Assume you already have been hacked
Don’t stick at the platform scope
Include The Mainframe in all tests & assessments
Assume you already have been hacked
Don’t believe previous reports
Don’t stick at the platform scope
Include The Mainframe in all tests & assessments
Assume you already have been hacked
Don’t believe previous reports
Be careful out there…..
170424 isaca lux slides

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170424 isaca lux slides

  • 1.
  • 2. For those of you who don’t know me
  • 3. For those of you who don’t know me This is me ------>
  • 8. Number 5 (with dial up internet)
  • 10. My most recent computer :)
  • 13. Looks like this… yes, that’s a Mainframe
  • 14. Christopher O'Malley President and CEO at Compuware “There’s an acknowledged surge of interest in Agile and DevOps on the mainframe. With good reason. Your business can’t be truly agile unless your systems-of-record are truly agile. And for most large enterprises, those systems run on the mainframe………”
  • 16. Email: Twitter: @henrikuiper LinkedIN:
  • 17. So how did I end up here?
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20. Software • Encryption • Smartcrypt TDE • SecureZIP • Compression • PKZIP • Threat Detection • TrapX for most major platforms
  • 21. Services • Pentesting • Vulnerability Checks • Risk Assessments • Security Officers! • Monitoring • Policy Enforcers • Managed Security Services
  • 22.
  • 24. 161116 PBSA Good, Bad, Ugly
  • 25. Legal Stuff Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras feugiat velit ac justo finibus, ut molestie lectus bibendum. Duis leo massa, bibendum vitae imperdiet in, commodo nec velit. Vivamus tincidunt, eros eu rutrum posuere, ex dui porta sapien, in placerat quam diam sit amet tortor. Aenean nec diam tellus. Integer ornare euismod enim. Aenean ipsum diam, feugiat hendrerit justo ut, maximus ornare nisi. Nullam augue diam, malesuada consequat porta non, ullamcorper sed tortor. Phasellus in lacus eget erat vestibulum hendrerit sed nec quam. Praesent ante magna, consequat eget ultrices vitae, congue sed leo. Vivamus nec felis ac neque accumsan rutrum in id massa. Ut mollis in mauris a auctor. Aliquam dictum lectus vel vehicula iaculis. Quisque at quam ut libero rhoncus consectetur. Proin ac ultricies lacus. Sed in mauris ut velit malesuada consequat in eu lorem. Quisque sollicitudin dapibus orci sit amet feugiat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla facilisi. Sed ultricies tellus in sem elementum, vitae fringilla ante vestibulum. Nullam pharetra arcu odio, sed pharetra purus pulvinar et. Suspendisse nec aliquet orci. Nulla consequat elit ante, eu malesuada elit laoreet ut. Sed malesuada ornare tortor. Pellentesque fringilla fermentum quam eget bibendum. Etiam porttitor, quam sit amet laoreet ultricies, erat ipsum fermentum metus, sit amet elementum elit leo aliquet purus. Maecenas varius metus purus, eu eleifend est pellentesque a. Duis mauris eros, ultricies sit amet posuere sed, pulvinar ut elit. Aliquam mattis ligula felis, sit amet venenatis ligula porta quis. Nunc ut vulputate ante. Pellentesque congue eleifend pellentesque. Curabitur bibendum porttitor sem, eu varius mauris ultricies vitae. Phasellus pulvinar vestibulum gravida. Proin non eleifend odio. Aenean pharetra pretium orci ac scelerisque. Sed lobortis vel magna nec volutpat. Nam et dui metus. Quisque aliquam ligula dapibus, convallis purus ac, accumsan ex. Ut id tempus diam, vel porttitor justo. Pellentesque venenatis justo sem, sit amet interdum mauris tristique vitae. Fusce metus magna, suscipit vitae convallis eget, ultricies sed est. Fusce sodales diam sit amet imperdiet venenatis. Aenean sed eros quis arcu dapibus porttitor id ut magna. Ut suscipit ex eu nibh bibendum posuere. Quisque semper feugiat ante, pharetra ultrices turpis feugiat ac. Fusce non neque purus. Curabitur eget sagittis nunc, nec aliquam diam. Integer augue ligula, eleifend ut eleifend vitae, congue eu est. Vestibulum semper, nunc nec placerat condimentum, tortor lectus tempor risus, eu viverra sem tortor sed dolor. Nam volutpat nulla a felis ultricies, ac pellentesque ligula vehicula. Phasellus imperdiet velit sit amet laoreet sollicitudin. Morbi elementum viverra enim, eget feugiat sem interdum nec. Nulla facilisi. Praesent ex lectus, posuere non molestie et, laoreet at lorem. Phasellus mollis, justo quis venenatis ultricies, ante ante ultrices est, sed dapibus turpis odio ac leo. In pharetra velit commodo massa eleifend, eget vehicula felis commodo.
  • 26. Legal Stuff Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras feugiat velit ac justo finibus, ut molestie lectus bibendum. Duis leo massa, bibendum vitae imperdiet in, commodo nec velit. Vivamus tincidunt, eros eu rutrum posuere, ex dui porta sapien, in placerat quam diam sit amet tortor. Aenean nec diam tellus. Integer ornare euismod enim. Aenean ipsum diam, feugiat hendrerit justo ut, maximus ornare nisi. Nullam augue diam, malesuada consequat porta non, ullamcorper sed tortor. Phasellus in lacus eget erat vestibulum hendrerit sed nec quam. Praesent ante magna, consequat eget ultrices vitae, congue sed leo. Vivamus nec felis ac neque accumsan rutrum in id massa. Ut mollis in mauris a auctor. Aliquam dictum lectus vel vehicula iaculis. Quisque at quam ut libero rhoncus consectetur. Proin ac ultricies lacus. Sed in mauris ut velit malesuada consequat in eu lorem. Quisque sollicitudin dapibus orci sit amet feugiat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla facilisi. Sed ultricies tellus in sem elementum, vitae fringilla ante vestibulum. Nullam pharetra arcu odio, sed pharetra purus pulvinar et. Suspendisse nec aliquet orci. Nulla consequat elit ante, eu malesuada elit laoreet ut. Sed malesuada ornare tortor. Pellentesque fringilla fermentum quam eget bibendum. Etiam porttitor, quam sit amet laoreet ultricies, erat ipsum fermentum metus, sit amet elementum elit leo aliquet purus. Maecenas varius metus purus, eu eleifend est pellentesque a. Duis mauris eros, ultricies sit amet posuere sed, pulvinar ut elit. Aliquam mattis ligula felis, sit amet venenatis ligula porta quis. Nunc ut vulputate ante. Pellentesque congue eleifend pellentesque. Curabitur bibendum porttitor sem, eu varius mauris ultricies vitae. Phasellus pulvinar vestibulum gravida. Proin non eleifend odio. Aenean pharetra pretium orci ac scelerisque. Sed lobortis vel magna nec volutpat. Nam et dui metus. Quisque aliquam ligula dapibus, convallis purus ac, accumsan ex. Ut id tempus diam, vel porttitor justo. Pellentesque venenatis justo sem, sit amet interdum mauris tristique vitae. Fusce metus magna, suscipit vitae convallis eget, ultricies sed est. Fusce sodales diam sit amet imperdiet venenatis. Aenean sed eros quis arcu dapibus porttitor id ut magna. Ut suscipit ex eu nibh bibendum posuere. Quisque semper feugiat ante, pharetra ultrices turpis feugiat ac. Fusce non neque purus. Curabitur eget sagittis nunc, nec aliquam diam. Integer augue ligula, eleifend ut eleifend vitae, congue eu est. Vestibulum semper, nunc nec placerat condimentum, tortor lectus tempor risus, eu viverra sem tortor sed dolor. Nam volutpat nulla a felis ultricies, ac pellentesque ligula vehicula. Phasellus imperdiet velit sit amet laoreet sollicitudin. Morbi elementum viverra enim, eget feugiat sem interdum nec. Nulla facilisi. Praesent ex lectus, posuere non molestie et, laoreet at lorem. Phasellus mollis, justo quis venenatis ultricies, ante ante ultrices est, sed dapibus turpis odio ac leo. In pharetra velit commodo massa eleifend, eget vehicula felis commodo.
  • 31. Platform Security Assessments Are they better than Network Security Scanners? (Wireshark, nmap, metasploit, …)? Or better than Web Security Scanners? (OWASP, Burp Suite, …)? They identify intrinsic security flaws How do you do them? And what’s the goal?
  • 33.
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  • 35.
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  • 37.
  • 38. “I don’t hate technology, I don’t hate hackers, because that’s just what comes with it without those hackers we wouldn’t solve the problems we need to solve, especially security.” –Fred Durst, Limp Bizkit
  • 39. “I don’t hate technology, I don’t hate hackers, because that’s just what comes with it without those hackers we wouldn’t solve the problems we need to solve, especially security.” –Fred Durst, Limp Bizkit
  • 40. “I don’t hate technology, I don’t hate hackers, because that’s just what comes with it without those hackers we wouldn’t solve the problems we need to solve, especially security.” –Fred Durst, Limp Bizkit Somewhere on
  • 42. “Type a quote here.” –Johnny Appleseed AWESOME !! The Mainframe (for me)
  • 43. The Mainframe (for most people I know)
  • 44. What on Earth is a Mainframe? 5m27secs
  • 47. Mainframe Myths Mainframes are old/legacy Mainframes don’t run modern applications Mainframes are expensive There is a skill shortage It’s unbelievably secure
  • 48. Did you know….. nmap and metasploit have support for the mainframe? tso-brute, vtam-enum, etc. Every heard of ELV.APF? 3 words: Started Task Impersonation
  • 49. Did you know….. nmap and metasploit have support for the mainframe? tso-brute, vtam-enum, etc. Every heard of ELV.APF? 3 words: Started Task Impersonation
  • 50. Did you know….. nmap and metasploit have support for the mainframe? tso-brute, vtam-enum, etc. Every heard of ELV.APF? 3 words: Started Task Impersonation
  • 51. Did you know….. nmap and metasploit have support for the mainframe? tso-brute, vtam-enum, etc. Every heard of ELV.APF? 3 words: Started Task Impersonation
  • 53. The hackers don’t care… Offering their services via the dark web Have plenty of resources Operate like a regular business three-letter (foreign) agencies? Cyberwarfare …..
  • 54. Remember the video? Pretty interesting for hackers
  • 55. So why does this happen….
  • 56. So why does this happen….
  • 58. Anti Patterns Accepting “you don’t need to test this” scenarios
  • 59. Anti Patterns Accepting “you don’t need to test this” scenarios Scoping off an assessment on the platform level
  • 60. Anti Patterns Accepting “you don’t need to test this” scenarios Scoping off an assessment on the platform level Assuming protocols and procedures are enforced (or controlled)
  • 61. Anti Patterns Accepting “you don’t need to test this” scenarios Scoping off an assessment on the platform level Assuming protocols and procedures are enforced (or controlled) Complacency vs. Compliancy
  • 62. Anti Patterns Accepting “you don’t need to test this” scenarios Scoping off an assessment on the platform level Assuming protocols and procedures are enforced (or controlled) Complacency vs. Compliancy You can’t test this on production
  • 63. Summary and things to remember
  • 65. Summary Don’t stick at the platform scope
  • 66. Summary Don’t stick at the platform scope Include The Mainframe in all tests & assessments
  • 67. Summary Don’t stick at the platform scope Include The Mainframe in all tests & assessments Assume you already have been hacked
  • 68. Summary Don’t stick at the platform scope Include The Mainframe in all tests & assessments Assume you already have been hacked Don’t believe previous reports
  • 69. Summary Don’t stick at the platform scope Include The Mainframe in all tests & assessments Assume you already have been hacked Don’t believe previous reports Be careful out there…..