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                    By Aleksey Narko

                         Index: 18782

          Subject: Quality Management
Company profile
       "Have you ever made lasagne? Well, it’s the same for skis… it’s no more complicated than
                                               that!” Julien Vigouroux, Sales Manager in Dynastar.

Skis Rossignol like when things go downhill at least when their skis and snowboards do so.
Being one of the biggest producers of Nordic, alpine equipment, snowboards as well as
accessories and outdoors the company unites the brands such as Rossignol, Dynastar, Lange, and
Look. Moreover it has the longest company history in the industry which started in 1907. The products of
the company have been worn by many Olympians and world champions since 1936 Winter Olympic
games. In 1972, Rossignol became the world’s leading ski manufacturer. Headquartered in Voiron, a
small town in southeastern France, the company was among the first to make skis in France and was an
early leader in ski technology and design. Rossignol has 2 factories in Europe (France and Spain) and
Dynastar factory in the US producing in total 850000 pairs of skis per year. By 2000, almost 40 percent
of all downhill skis sold throughout the world were manufactured by Rossignol. The company is a
subsidiary of Chartreuse & Mont Blanc, itself owned by Australia's Macquarie Group. The key to the
company’s success is continuous development process and investing money in new technologies in an
unstable market with lots of competitors.

Quality issues

"A layer of paste, a layer of meat, a layer of béchamel sauce and cheese. That makes really good
                                skis, we just have to heat it up and it all slides down all on its own!"
                                                      Julien Vigouroux, Sales Manager in Dynastar.
First skis were created by human beings around 4000-5000 years ago. These first skis were
probably used for hunting, travelling, military maneuvers and practical means of transportation.
First skis created for recreation were built in 1850s. At this time there were just few enthusiasts
who were experimenting on constructing a new way to have fun. The skis got more popularity in
the early 1900's when its quick development process started to take place.
First materials used to build skis were different kinds of wood such as ash, pine and larch chosen
for their flexibility and resilience. Than in order to protect wood it started to be laminated. But
the progress didn’t stop at this point. Soon enough the ski manufacturers started to experiment
with different kinds of metal such as aluminum and even titanium, fiberglass, plastic, Kevlar,
carbon, etc. Nowadays we can see a mixture of all these materials used in ski production. The
facilities for ski production also changed a lot: from small sheds full of saws and hammers to the
multimillion factories full of employees and clever machines. The main issue of Rossignol
company is how to produce high-quality skis according to all the standards, tastes of the
customers, change in fashion and design, “quickly-running” technologies, lots of competitors,
The main quality issue for the ski-producing company like Rossignol is how to make good-
quality skis and control all the processes of multimillion factories. They need to take care about
the design trends, have a look on their competitors to compare the products. Moreover they need
to invest millions in research and development, improving the quality and usage of materials and
using new technologies. In the 21 century Rossignol factory mainly consists of high-technology
machines and people who operate them. How to control their performance? How to build durable
skis that won’t break a month after buying? How to make the skis that would fit different people
that will be using them in a great variety of conditions? These are the important questions that
the quality managers of Rossignol answer every day.
Producing skis is quite similar to cooking lasagna. You never get a perfect dish from the first
time. The same is happening with skis. The combination of the materials, form, size and other
aspects of production are checked all the time. This highly-technological process is very
complicated. The first pairs of skis go through different tests to check their week and strong
points and find the mistakes before actually being put on the production line in huge quantities.
This is how the piece of wood becomes the piece of technological art.

Quality Management problems and techniques.
"One thing is sure. We have to do something. We have to do the best we know how at the moment
                                . . . ; If it doesn't turn out right, we can modify it as we go along."
                                                                               Franklin D.Roosevelt

House of quality
House of quality is a good technique to find the companies weak and strong points as well as to
compare it with the competitor’s effectiveness and find out what can and should be improved. It
shows the relationships between the customers desires and engineers (companies) capabilities.
This technique can help Rossignol see their strengths and weaknesses and change in a better way
in order to get a bigger market share. First of all is to find the main competitors of the company.
It has many of them, big almost fully-automized firms like Atomic, Fischer and Salomon to the
small companies producing hand-made skis like Aluflex.
According the World Cup brand Ranking 2006-2010, which shows the Ski Champions and the
equipment they are using Rossignol takes the second place in the combined table of ski
manufacturers. It shows that there are more men and women wearing Atomic skis and less
wearing Salomon ones compared to Rossignol.
This is why I have chosen these companies to be the main competitors for my company X
(Rossignol) in the house of quality.
When we take the part including customer requirements I have chosen the price, comfort,
reliability, look and durability to be the most important. From the engineers’ perspective unit
cost, quality, performance, design and durability are the most significant factors.

Two circles represent strong correlation, one represents small correlation and line means no
correlation at all.
A letter represents Atomic company
B is for Salomon
X stands for Rossignol
The price affects the performance of the skis a lot. The cheaper the skis the worse will be their
performance in different conditions, because the quality of the materials would be not so good
and skis won’t go downhill as good as their more expensive competitors. The design is also
influenced by the price. The less you pay for your skis the less attractive and fashionable they
look. Durability of the skis also depends on the quality of the materials and the price as well
therefore cheap skis usually live less than their expensive opponents.
The comfort of the skis depends a lot on their quality. The better the materials used in the
production process are the better you feel when you use your skis. The performance also affects
comfort a lot. The more problems you have when you go downhill the less comfortable you feel.
Reliability depends a bit on the quality of the materials as well as the performance factor. The
better the quality of the ski materials and the more confident you feel when you use them the
more you rely on them when having fun going on mountains and cliffs.
The look of the skis depends a lot on the design and modern trends. Ski industry is like clothing
one, both have designers that get their inspiration from daily life. It is also affected by the price.
The more you pay-the more beautiful they are!
Durability is dependent on the cost. But it is weak dependence because modern technologies
don’t give almost any chance for even the cheapest skis to break unexpectedly. The more
important fact is the quality of the materials: either it is fiberglass with wood and carbon or
titanium with Kevlar and wooden base. Durability also depends a lot on the performance. It is
quite natural: the better they perform- the longer they live.
 When we take into account competitive evaluation of the brands Rossignol has no competition
at all in their look and comfort they bring to their owners. They are modern, colorful, well-
projected and designed. Moreover those skis appeal to different age groups from the very young
children to the older professionals. When it comes to comfort Rossignol is also the absolute
winner. They spend 13 million dollars on modernization of their factories for the period of 2012-
2013. What for? To buy new machines and train their employees in order to bring their
customers better, more comfortable skis.
Rossignol got three when it comes to the price factor. Maybe because they value their brand
name and don’t make any effort to change the formula: “quality not quantity”. Moreover most of
their factories are situated in Europe where they are getting access to more qualified labor and
quicker availability of new technologies which brings extra costs.
Rossignol is on the 4th position when it comes to reliability and durability. It comes from the fact
that not all 100% of customers are satisfied how the firm performs in those aspects. But these
factors will never satisfy the customers- there is always a way to improve.
How can Rossignol improve their situation? From my point of view they can change the places
of Manufacture to the places with cheaper labor and better price and availability of natural
resources. These places can be found in Asia, such as China or India, but unfortunately they have
their own drawbacks which are making the process more complicated. More important fact is to
improve the quality control in order to get better feedback from the customers and get new
clients. The third feature is improving the experimental base while testing the skis. This means
improving the relationship between the number of tests and the number of broken or bad-quality
skis. Another factor is employing more creative designers. In today’s world everything is based
on creativity, people want to be different from the others and look fashionable. That is why the
necessity for more creative stuff appears. Another factor that Rossignol can improve is to use
new, more durable and quality materials to make their skis “immortal” after long usage in
difficult situations.
 According to the engineering perspective the most important factors in producing Rossignol skis
are design and quality. The brand is extremely successful because it is working all the time
improving the mixture of those elements, by using brand-new techniques, technologically-
developed machines and professional workers in their production process. The other components
that got 4 points each are durability and performance. According to the customer’s feedback they
are very happy when it comes to Rossignol ski performance in different nature and weather
situations. Furthermore modern materials used in ski production nowadays almost never break
and fail to perform according to the expectations. Unit cost doesn’t care Rossignol manufacturers
a lot. They are on a good price way offering the great variety of their customers goods of high
price and good prices compared to the competitors.
When it comes to the dependence between the factors, unit cost of the skis depends a lot on the
quality of the materials used. This tendency is the same in all the products, not only skis.
Performance of the skis depends on the quality and price which are strongly connected with each
other. The better, more expensive, quality skis you have-the better you feel when you use them.
That is why the pair of skis used by the Olympic champions can easily cost more than a thousand
dollars. Durability has also strong correlation with the quality, which is also natural. When the
company uses the most advanced technologies and materials it can easily create strong and at the
same time flexible skis, which can be used even in the most difficult situations.

Wheel of Deming
In the Rossi production of the skis employees implement also the quality technique known as the
wheel of Deming which consists of four parts such as plan, do, check and act.
Plan: First of all engineers, using computer programs, plan the skis should look like. It comes to
everything from the types of materials used, color and design of the skis to the time necessary to
bake the skis in a special machine so that they perform well and be durable enough.
Do: After planning a small sample of skis is produced for testing.
Check: Than different types of tests take place. Engineers painstakingly check the final
product’s shape and flexibility, using special tests that measure the precise shape of the ski under
different loads, as well as measuring the strength of the ski every 5 cm along its length. If the
skis are not within the special limits, the adjustments are made to the production line, rerun the
tests until everything is ready for the main production process.
Act: Once all the kinks in the production has been worked out, the factory goes into full
production, which is limited when it comes to the skis for the Olympiads and professional
sportsmen and consists of about 10 pairs coming out of each mold per day.

Business process reengineering
Rossignol Company is a very big organization with more than 1100 employees who work in 20
sites worldwide. Company has 15 offices in Europe, North America and Asia. Rossignol’s
annual turnover is 270m. In order to manage such a big organization the company needs good IT
base. But the problem with it was to combine all the decentralized IT services to a central
location in order to reduce the money spent on it without affecting the employee productivity and
application performance. Each regional office of the company had its own IT resources. There
was a lot of mess with this because of the great number of servers, enterprise planning systems
and domain controllers which were extremely difficult to control one by one. The idea was to
centralize in order to increase the ease of operating and reduce the exploding costs.
 The decision was made to use Riverbed technologies to centralize the Enterprise Planning
Systems to a central location and optimization of WAN performance. Wan in this case is the
geographically dispersed telecommunications network which is used by the Rossignol company
to store, transfer and exchange information.
Riverbed Steelhead appliances helped the company optimize the WAN network and decrease the
latency associated with many file formats. After this improvement employees could get the
necessary document from the network in 4 seconds instead of 50 like it was before.
Moreover the change in the IT eliminated the necessity to back up data by the local stuff; it is
done automatically at the end of the day by the new appliances. It means that the information
became more secure. Furthermore it also improved the application performance which now
enables the company employees do their job quicker and more effectively.
In addition the company implemented an e-commerce program 4 years ago with the help of the
Shopatron Company. E-commerce represents buying and selling products on-line. The company
decided to use this technique because it represents the fastest growing consumer sales channel in
the world. It is not surprising taking into consideration the growing number of computers and
internet being used nowadays. The program was mainly oriented for the retailers which were
very excited by the implementation of the new technique in the sales between them and
Rossignol. Moreover the program helped to improve partnership relations between both sides.
Nevertheless the biggest result was seen from the sales side. They increased by 40%. Moreover
the company got the ability to sell their products to the most important skiers and improve the
transparency of the whole selling process. The other important issue was that the retailers
became more confident in a brand as their quality parts and products supplier.
Both of these reengineering techniques were used mainly in order to reduce costs and increase
efficiency. If the company like Rossignol wants to be competitive at the market it needs to use
modern methods such as IT transformation and going online as business is never standing at one
place, but continuously moving forward, especially in such an unstable field as sportgoods

Personal suggestions to the company:
If I was the director in Rossignol Company I will put more emphasis in the quality control of my
company. Of course it is extremely hard to exist in such an unstable industry were trends are
changing so rapidly, where you depend on the modern trends, research and development,
designers and many other forces in order to create a product which is not perfect, but at least
very close to being it.
It was quite hard to find enough information about Rossignol quality management, maybe
because this is like the industry producing goods for the army, where there are lots of
competitors and everything is kept in secret. From my point of view the company should be
more open to the changes and their customers. They should listen to their feedback and improve
their products according to it. They should try to implement more quality management
techniques to become more competitive.
For example Rossignol can use Six Sigma in the production process and set their goal to 3,4
pairs of defective skis per million. Of course will be more difficult than with Motorola (the
company that first implemented this technique) mobile phones as skis are bigger and more
difficult to transport and store. Moreover ski production is mostly mass-production business
where it is quite hard to implement such changes and get such perfect results.
Moreover the company can easily use Kaizen technique to improve their quality and focus on the
issues which are very important in delivering high-quality products to the customer such as
purchasing and logistics, as the mistakes are not only made in the production line, but also
outside of the factory.
All this techniques are very valuable in improving the quality of Rossignol products. Moreover
the company should remember that the best way for the company is not to focus on one
technique, but to combine and mix the usage of a number of different quality management
Rossignol, Final project (Quality Management)

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Rossignol, Final project (Quality Management)

  • 1. FINAL PROJECT By Aleksey Narko Index: 18782 Subject: Quality Management
  • 2. Company profile "Have you ever made lasagne? Well, it’s the same for skis… it’s no more complicated than that!” Julien Vigouroux, Sales Manager in Dynastar. Skis Rossignol like when things go downhill at least when their skis and snowboards do so. Being one of the biggest producers of Nordic, alpine equipment, snowboards as well as accessories and outdoors the company unites the brands such as Rossignol, Dynastar, Lange, and Look. Moreover it has the longest company history in the industry which started in 1907. The products of the company have been worn by many Olympians and world champions since 1936 Winter Olympic games. In 1972, Rossignol became the world’s leading ski manufacturer. Headquartered in Voiron, a small town in southeastern France, the company was among the first to make skis in France and was an early leader in ski technology and design. Rossignol has 2 factories in Europe (France and Spain) and Dynastar factory in the US producing in total 850000 pairs of skis per year. By 2000, almost 40 percent of all downhill skis sold throughout the world were manufactured by Rossignol. The company is a subsidiary of Chartreuse & Mont Blanc, itself owned by Australia's Macquarie Group. The key to the company’s success is continuous development process and investing money in new technologies in an unstable market with lots of competitors. Quality issues "A layer of paste, a layer of meat, a layer of béchamel sauce and cheese. That makes really good skis, we just have to heat it up and it all slides down all on its own!" Julien Vigouroux, Sales Manager in Dynastar. First skis were created by human beings around 4000-5000 years ago. These first skis were probably used for hunting, travelling, military maneuvers and practical means of transportation. First skis created for recreation were built in 1850s. At this time there were just few enthusiasts who were experimenting on constructing a new way to have fun. The skis got more popularity in the early 1900's when its quick development process started to take place. First materials used to build skis were different kinds of wood such as ash, pine and larch chosen for their flexibility and resilience. Than in order to protect wood it started to be laminated. But the progress didn’t stop at this point. Soon enough the ski manufacturers started to experiment with different kinds of metal such as aluminum and even titanium, fiberglass, plastic, Kevlar, carbon, etc. Nowadays we can see a mixture of all these materials used in ski production. The facilities for ski production also changed a lot: from small sheds full of saws and hammers to the multimillion factories full of employees and clever machines. The main issue of Rossignol company is how to produce high-quality skis according to all the standards, tastes of the customers, change in fashion and design, “quickly-running” technologies, lots of competitors, etc.
  • 3. The main quality issue for the ski-producing company like Rossignol is how to make good- quality skis and control all the processes of multimillion factories. They need to take care about the design trends, have a look on their competitors to compare the products. Moreover they need to invest millions in research and development, improving the quality and usage of materials and using new technologies. In the 21 century Rossignol factory mainly consists of high-technology machines and people who operate them. How to control their performance? How to build durable skis that won’t break a month after buying? How to make the skis that would fit different people that will be using them in a great variety of conditions? These are the important questions that the quality managers of Rossignol answer every day. Producing skis is quite similar to cooking lasagna. You never get a perfect dish from the first time. The same is happening with skis. The combination of the materials, form, size and other aspects of production are checked all the time. This highly-technological process is very complicated. The first pairs of skis go through different tests to check their week and strong points and find the mistakes before actually being put on the production line in huge quantities. This is how the piece of wood becomes the piece of technological art. Quality Management problems and techniques. "One thing is sure. We have to do something. We have to do the best we know how at the moment . . . ; If it doesn't turn out right, we can modify it as we go along." Franklin D.Roosevelt House of quality House of quality is a good technique to find the companies weak and strong points as well as to compare it with the competitor’s effectiveness and find out what can and should be improved. It shows the relationships between the customers desires and engineers (companies) capabilities. This technique can help Rossignol see their strengths and weaknesses and change in a better way in order to get a bigger market share. First of all is to find the main competitors of the company. It has many of them, big almost fully-automized firms like Atomic, Fischer and Salomon to the small companies producing hand-made skis like Aluflex. According the World Cup brand Ranking 2006-2010, which shows the Ski Champions and the equipment they are using Rossignol takes the second place in the combined table of ski manufacturers. It shows that there are more men and women wearing Atomic skis and less wearing Salomon ones compared to Rossignol.
  • 4. This is why I have chosen these companies to be the main competitors for my company X (Rossignol) in the house of quality. When we take the part including customer requirements I have chosen the price, comfort, reliability, look and durability to be the most important. From the engineers’ perspective unit cost, quality, performance, design and durability are the most significant factors. Two circles represent strong correlation, one represents small correlation and line means no correlation at all.
  • 5. A letter represents Atomic company B is for Salomon X stands for Rossignol The price affects the performance of the skis a lot. The cheaper the skis the worse will be their performance in different conditions, because the quality of the materials would be not so good and skis won’t go downhill as good as their more expensive competitors. The design is also influenced by the price. The less you pay for your skis the less attractive and fashionable they look. Durability of the skis also depends on the quality of the materials and the price as well therefore cheap skis usually live less than their expensive opponents. The comfort of the skis depends a lot on their quality. The better the materials used in the production process are the better you feel when you use your skis. The performance also affects comfort a lot. The more problems you have when you go downhill the less comfortable you feel. Reliability depends a bit on the quality of the materials as well as the performance factor. The better the quality of the ski materials and the more confident you feel when you use them the more you rely on them when having fun going on mountains and cliffs. The look of the skis depends a lot on the design and modern trends. Ski industry is like clothing one, both have designers that get their inspiration from daily life. It is also affected by the price. The more you pay-the more beautiful they are! Durability is dependent on the cost. But it is weak dependence because modern technologies don’t give almost any chance for even the cheapest skis to break unexpectedly. The more important fact is the quality of the materials: either it is fiberglass with wood and carbon or titanium with Kevlar and wooden base. Durability also depends a lot on the performance. It is quite natural: the better they perform- the longer they live. When we take into account competitive evaluation of the brands Rossignol has no competition at all in their look and comfort they bring to their owners. They are modern, colorful, well- projected and designed. Moreover those skis appeal to different age groups from the very young children to the older professionals. When it comes to comfort Rossignol is also the absolute winner. They spend 13 million dollars on modernization of their factories for the period of 2012- 2013. What for? To buy new machines and train their employees in order to bring their customers better, more comfortable skis. Rossignol got three when it comes to the price factor. Maybe because they value their brand name and don’t make any effort to change the formula: “quality not quantity”. Moreover most of their factories are situated in Europe where they are getting access to more qualified labor and quicker availability of new technologies which brings extra costs. Rossignol is on the 4th position when it comes to reliability and durability. It comes from the fact that not all 100% of customers are satisfied how the firm performs in those aspects. But these factors will never satisfy the customers- there is always a way to improve.
  • 6. How can Rossignol improve their situation? From my point of view they can change the places of Manufacture to the places with cheaper labor and better price and availability of natural resources. These places can be found in Asia, such as China or India, but unfortunately they have their own drawbacks which are making the process more complicated. More important fact is to improve the quality control in order to get better feedback from the customers and get new clients. The third feature is improving the experimental base while testing the skis. This means improving the relationship between the number of tests and the number of broken or bad-quality skis. Another factor is employing more creative designers. In today’s world everything is based on creativity, people want to be different from the others and look fashionable. That is why the necessity for more creative stuff appears. Another factor that Rossignol can improve is to use new, more durable and quality materials to make their skis “immortal” after long usage in difficult situations. According to the engineering perspective the most important factors in producing Rossignol skis are design and quality. The brand is extremely successful because it is working all the time improving the mixture of those elements, by using brand-new techniques, technologically- developed machines and professional workers in their production process. The other components that got 4 points each are durability and performance. According to the customer’s feedback they are very happy when it comes to Rossignol ski performance in different nature and weather situations. Furthermore modern materials used in ski production nowadays almost never break and fail to perform according to the expectations. Unit cost doesn’t care Rossignol manufacturers a lot. They are on a good price way offering the great variety of their customers goods of high price and good prices compared to the competitors.
  • 7. When it comes to the dependence between the factors, unit cost of the skis depends a lot on the quality of the materials used. This tendency is the same in all the products, not only skis. Performance of the skis depends on the quality and price which are strongly connected with each other. The better, more expensive, quality skis you have-the better you feel when you use them. That is why the pair of skis used by the Olympic champions can easily cost more than a thousand dollars. Durability has also strong correlation with the quality, which is also natural. When the company uses the most advanced technologies and materials it can easily create strong and at the same time flexible skis, which can be used even in the most difficult situations. Wheel of Deming In the Rossi production of the skis employees implement also the quality technique known as the wheel of Deming which consists of four parts such as plan, do, check and act. Plan: First of all engineers, using computer programs, plan the skis should look like. It comes to everything from the types of materials used, color and design of the skis to the time necessary to bake the skis in a special machine so that they perform well and be durable enough. Do: After planning a small sample of skis is produced for testing. Check: Than different types of tests take place. Engineers painstakingly check the final product’s shape and flexibility, using special tests that measure the precise shape of the ski under different loads, as well as measuring the strength of the ski every 5 cm along its length. If the skis are not within the special limits, the adjustments are made to the production line, rerun the tests until everything is ready for the main production process. Act: Once all the kinks in the production has been worked out, the factory goes into full production, which is limited when it comes to the skis for the Olympiads and professional sportsmen and consists of about 10 pairs coming out of each mold per day. Business process reengineering Rossignol Company is a very big organization with more than 1100 employees who work in 20 sites worldwide. Company has 15 offices in Europe, North America and Asia. Rossignol’s annual turnover is 270m. In order to manage such a big organization the company needs good IT base. But the problem with it was to combine all the decentralized IT services to a central location in order to reduce the money spent on it without affecting the employee productivity and application performance. Each regional office of the company had its own IT resources. There was a lot of mess with this because of the great number of servers, enterprise planning systems and domain controllers which were extremely difficult to control one by one. The idea was to centralize in order to increase the ease of operating and reduce the exploding costs. The decision was made to use Riverbed technologies to centralize the Enterprise Planning Systems to a central location and optimization of WAN performance. Wan in this case is the geographically dispersed telecommunications network which is used by the Rossignol company to store, transfer and exchange information. Riverbed Steelhead appliances helped the company optimize the WAN network and decrease the latency associated with many file formats. After this improvement employees could get the necessary document from the network in 4 seconds instead of 50 like it was before. Moreover the change in the IT eliminated the necessity to back up data by the local stuff; it is done automatically at the end of the day by the new appliances. It means that the information became more secure. Furthermore it also improved the application performance which now enables the company employees do their job quicker and more effectively.
  • 8. In addition the company implemented an e-commerce program 4 years ago with the help of the Shopatron Company. E-commerce represents buying and selling products on-line. The company decided to use this technique because it represents the fastest growing consumer sales channel in the world. It is not surprising taking into consideration the growing number of computers and internet being used nowadays. The program was mainly oriented for the retailers which were very excited by the implementation of the new technique in the sales between them and Rossignol. Moreover the program helped to improve partnership relations between both sides. Nevertheless the biggest result was seen from the sales side. They increased by 40%. Moreover the company got the ability to sell their products to the most important skiers and improve the transparency of the whole selling process. The other important issue was that the retailers became more confident in a brand as their quality parts and products supplier. Both of these reengineering techniques were used mainly in order to reduce costs and increase efficiency. If the company like Rossignol wants to be competitive at the market it needs to use modern methods such as IT transformation and going online as business is never standing at one place, but continuously moving forward, especially in such an unstable field as sportgoods production. Personal suggestions to the company: If I was the director in Rossignol Company I will put more emphasis in the quality control of my company. Of course it is extremely hard to exist in such an unstable industry were trends are changing so rapidly, where you depend on the modern trends, research and development, designers and many other forces in order to create a product which is not perfect, but at least very close to being it. It was quite hard to find enough information about Rossignol quality management, maybe because this is like the industry producing goods for the army, where there are lots of competitors and everything is kept in secret. From my point of view the company should be more open to the changes and their customers. They should listen to their feedback and improve their products according to it. They should try to implement more quality management techniques to become more competitive. For example Rossignol can use Six Sigma in the production process and set their goal to 3,4 pairs of defective skis per million. Of course will be more difficult than with Motorola (the company that first implemented this technique) mobile phones as skis are bigger and more difficult to transport and store. Moreover ski production is mostly mass-production business where it is quite hard to implement such changes and get such perfect results. Moreover the company can easily use Kaizen technique to improve their quality and focus on the issues which are very important in delivering high-quality products to the customer such as purchasing and logistics, as the mistakes are not only made in the production line, but also outside of the factory. All this techniques are very valuable in improving the quality of Rossignol products. Moreover the company should remember that the best way for the company is not to focus on one technique, but to combine and mix the usage of a number of different quality management instruments.