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A Sims 2 RandomacyA Sims 2 Randomacy
(Closet romance <.<)
Space Pirate
+Red Hair
1 Child
Non-standard career
of my choice
(Didn’t realise this until halfway trough)
No secondary income
Deadbeat parents
No strangers
No pets
Welcome ladies, gentlemen and nargles to my first ever legacy! Here
you see our lovely founder Dnorma Dice, who will be doing things
a bit differently from Pinstar’s original challenge. Her stats and this
generation’s goals/restrictions were generated at
Now, shall we get started?
Dnorma: What is that voice?
Oh, just an invisible person who occasionally controls you while documenting/narrating your and your family’s life,
but nevermind that. So how do you like the place I built ya?
Dnorma: *sniff sniff* Mmm, it got that new house smell.
If you say so, although I wouldn’t call it a house.
In traditional legacy fashion, here’s a 5x5 lot with only the bare necessities plus some
skill building items.
Want a grand tour?
Here’s the bedroom/kitchen (soon to be invaded by flies)...
... and here’s the bath/hobbyroom.
Dnorma: Ermagerd, so that’s how you’re supposed to use wrenches!
And you thought they were...?
Dnorma: Substitutes for hammers?
My headphones were way too quiet so I added a radio to the lot.
Rock that salsa! *laughs at dance moves*
Dnorma: I hope no one saw that...
I did *snicker*
Dnorma: Damn it.
Well hello there Alon.
Alon Livingston: Who are you and what do you want from me?
What, an invisible person with a camera can’t greet the paperboy?
You know, it just happens that you’re a redhead and I haven’t decided yet
whether to install Inteen or not...
Alon Livingston: Please get away from me.
Dnorma: Good morning young man.
Alon: Good morning to you too, mrs Dice.
Miss, actually. Hey Dnorma you like redheads right?
Dnorma: Just what are you implying?
Oh, nothing really *shifty eyes*
Noo, come back! I want to interact with you!
Alon: I’m getting the hell out of here.
Hmph. NPCs and their coding.
Armando Cox: Hello, I am a member of the local Garden Club and...
I don’t care! Go interact with Dnorma!
Is that... a smexy walk? I knew you were a closet romance sim!
Armando: Did you know I used to play for the SimCity Llamas? Don’t mean to
brag, but if I hadn’t turned into gardening I’d be a Hall of Famer by now!
Dnorma: I bet you would!
Dnorma: Although I prefer tennis over baseball. Did you see the tournaments
last Saturday?
Armando: Oh, that must’ve been awesome!
Armando: Unfortunately I was at Deh´Javu the whole day. They’re having a
lovely exhibit on post-modern Balticism, featuring sculptures by none other
than the legendary Sum Gai!
Dnorma: Uh... yeah, I didn’t get a word of that.
Me neither.
Armando: *snort* Uncivilised people.
Margaret Ying: Greetings, superior being from another world. May I offer my services to this
Good thing you dropped by, since... Hold on, how did you know about my existence and origins?
Margaret: My crystal ball tells me everything I need to know.
Ah. I see.
Dnorma: Hey matchmaker, could you set me up with someone and fast?
Margaret: Of course dear. Anything for a paying customer.
Dnorma: Here’s all I got, now give me a red-haired schmoozer!
Margaret: I’ll see what I can do. {Hehe, sucker!}
*puts money in cleavage* *pulls crystal ball out of butt*
That’s just gross -.-
Dnorma: {Please don’t be ugly, please don’t be ugly}
Dnorma: He’s old, isn’t he?
Pretty much so.
Dnorma: Pleased to meet you sir, the name’s Dnorma. {Ugh, he smells weird}
Old dude: What? Oh, ehm, yes, pleased to meet you too miss Dnorma.
{Where am I?} My name is Matthew Smith. {I think...}
Dnorma: So, listen to this; An artist was hired to make a painting about
recycling, enviroment and stuff like that, so you know what he did? He
painted the canvas full with flowers!
(The actual speech bubble shots were deleted due to bad camera angles and photobombing elderly
women <.<)
*both burst out laughing*
Matthew: Oh my, you sure are funny!
Dnorma: Hehe, I know *evil grin*
...should I be afraid? ._.
Margaret: Really?
I know right? I don’t see what’s so funny about that (or any sim jokes, tbh)
Margaret: No, I meant that.
Oh, that.
This picture here might actually be the least humiliating one for Armando.
You’ll see what I mean.
Dnorma: ...why is that guy dancing in front of my radio?
Matthew: *still laughing* Hahaha, flowers!
Matthew: Say, we could use someone to light up the mood at the Garden
Club. Would you mind swinging by our headquarters some day?
Dnorma: Suuure, that sounds terrific! How about we’ll call it a day now, huh?
I got to, uh... take care of some things.
Ofc right before I clicked ”End Date” he decided to do the smustle.
Seriously, what is it with sims and autonomous dancing?
Well, that worked out great <.<
What’s the matter? Maybe you actually enjoyed his company and now feel bad for ending the date so shortly?
Dnorma: I’m completely broke while some dude is giving dancing a bad name in my one-walled home.
Oh... well, sucks to be you.
Dnorma: That’s all you got to say?! It’s your fault that this happened in the first place!
Don’t you dare snap back at me, or I’ll make it even worse -.- Capish?
Dnorma: Fine. *turns around to laugh at Armando*
I’m not sure whether to mock him or feel pity.
*Welcome Wagon message pops up*
Aaw, only females ._. Dnorma needs a spouse, damn it!
You know, they kinda look like one of those stereotypical high school cliques,
don’t you think?
Look, in the first pic they even walk in sync!
Christy Stratton: {I miss college.}
Brandi LeTorneau: {I miss college.}
Christy Stratton: {I’m so awesome.}
Brandi LeTorneau: {I’m so awesome.}
Marisa Bendett: {I miss college.}
You can clearly see the hierarchy *rolls eyes*
Armando: *uff*
Dnorma: Is this how you do it?
Dancing sims, how I love/loathe thee.
Christy: Weirdos.
Brandi: Weirdos.
Marisa: {I’m so awesome.}
She seems to be a bit slower than the others,
Brandi: Like oh my god, they’re so weird right?
Christy: Your hand just glitched trough my pants *death stare*
Yeah it was quite amusing, didn’t take a shot in time though *mini pout*
Marisa: Weirdos, right?
You’re still thinking about yourself.
Just saying <.<
Dnorma: Shake that booty!
Armando: Wooh!
Brandi: ...
Christy: I’m sooo much better at dancing than those two.
So why don’t you show us?
Christy: Because it’s weird, duuh!
Of course.
Marisa: Like totally! It’s sooo weird!
Wow, you actually did something before Brandi for once.
Marisa: I did? That’s so weird!
You there! Enough with the dancing, go find yourself a job!
Dnorma: You’re not my boss!
Didn’t we have this talk earlier? Besides you need the money.
Dnorma: *grumble* Whatever.
Hope the next generation won’t be like this -.-’
Oh, so now you guys decide to join?
Brandi: Can’t you see that I’m much better than these w –
If I hear that word again someone’s gonna get hurt.
Brandi: ...dimwits?
Thank you.
Armando: Watch and learn girls!
Christy: Pfft, I don’t need no lessons from you!
Armando: ...she’s staring at me, isn’t she?
Why don’t you turn around and see for yourself?
Armando: ...I’m too scared.
Anything in Adventure?
Dnorma: Nope.
My typical luck -.- Take Law Enforcement or something until it comes up.
Whatcha doin’?
Dnorma: Making myself some lunch meat sandwiches.
Well… Alright then. Carry on.
Dnorma: You’re really running out of wits, aren’t you?
Quiet you.
Dnorma: Oh my, Armando sure knows how to dance!
But didn’t you say earlier –
Dnorma: Quiet you.
Hey, that’s my line!
Armando: How dare you try to outdance me!
Brandi: I’m not even trying, jerk! I’m way better than you at dancing, or
anyone else in anything for that matter!
*Person minus minus* *Person minus minus* *staring at Marisa*
*stuffs face*
Armando: Wanna dance together?
Dnorma: *glug glug* Yeah, sure. *wipes mouth with sleeve*
*awkward dance moves*
Armando: So, you like ice cream right?
Armando: It tastes much better when mashed with a spatula!
Dnorma: You have a point there.
Dnorma: Have you tried mixing it with, what’s it called again… Soke-a-cola?
Armando: Once, but the flavor wasn’t all that great.
Dnorma: Speaking of flavors, you just have to try out the chili one!
Armando: Ermagerd yes!
Dnorma: Rawr, I want to have me some of that…
Are we still talking in terms of ice cream?
Dnorma: Say, how about you and I head out on a little date, right here right now?
Armando: I’d love to.
Date start-u!
Dnorma: Hey, word around town is that Marisa’s pretty slow in the head!
Armando: Heheh, yeah!
Damn it, I missed the on-going drama. Could one of you tell me what happened?
Christy: …I’m screwed.
Fine, guess I’ll just leave it to the readers’ imaginations.
Dnorma: But don’t tell anyone, deal?
Armando: Deal.
Christy: Deal.
Brandi: *suspiciously turns head in the direction of Christy’s lower back*
[insert cliché soap opera/high school movie dialog here]
Dnorma: *whistles innocently*
Dnorma: What? I’m just in the need of some relaxation...
Ooh no, I know what that interaction means, especially when it’s autonomous.
Armando: Hey, Marisa, you got a
little something there.
Marisa: What? Where?
Armando: Gotcha! {Heheh, she
really is slow!}
Marisa: Ooh, I’m so mad at you
right now! *granny pose*
Armando: Hi there *fingergun*
Dnorma: Care to join?
Stop that already! Jeesh, seems like you’re not even hiding it -.-
Dnorma: What’s your problem? Stop yelling at me, damn it.
There’s plenty of reasons for me to yell at you, in fact there’s so many of
them that I’m not even going to waste my time telling you. So just get off
those sheets and go interact.
Dnorma: How about no.
Ugh, I hate it when the “cancel” doesn’t work -.-
But apparently an autonomous “get asskissed” always does.
Christy: Can I just say that –
We don’t care.
Dnorma: So, why hasn’t it rained here yet? I’m quite fond of rain.
Armando: Now you listen here; First of all, this is a desert, okay? It’s not
supposed to rain a lot here, and even if it did I couldn’t care less. It might
be good for the plants, but not for me. Rain is one of the things I loathe
most here in life, got it?
Dnorma: Lalala, I can’t hear you, lalala! Rain is wonderful, lalala!
Hmm, I feel this is going to get boring. Let’s head over to the drama
department, shall we?
Christy: So, do you like money?
Brandi: *cries in the corner*
[insert cliché soap opera/high school movie dialog here]
[insert cliché soap opera/high school movie dialog here]
Ooh, now things are finally starting to happen!
[insert cliché soap opera/high school movie self-centered thoughts here]
How’s the date going so far?
Dnorma: So hungry...
Dnorma: That pillow fight made me even hungrier.
Since you can’t stop nagging about it and the both of you keep rolling the
want to go to a community lot/eat at a restaurant I took some of my
valuable time to build you one literally across the street.
Welcome to Desert Dining, the finest (and only) restaurant available in Desu
Desu! Our staff has nothing but the best education to provide you the
heavenliest meals you could ever imagine.
Waitress: What’s this thing?
Not that there’s ever been much education in this neighborhood to begin
Hostess: Welcome to Desert Dining! May I show you to your table?
Dnorma: Please.
Armando: *low voice* Couldn’t we just have gone Downtown?
I haven’t added any subhoods yet, so no.
Waitress: Hi there, what can I get ya? Perhaps those mini-sandwich
appetizers with tiny Simnation flags on them?
Dnorma: We’ll just have Chef’s choice, thanks.
Armando: So, what are your views on SimNation’s congress and the way they
intend to handle the international llama milk crisis?
Dnorma: I don’t follow politics that much. Wouldn’t it be easier if all the
countries and policians would just get along?
Armando: ...oh look, the food’s here.
Armando: So, I heard you’re searching for a job at the ambassadors office?
Dnorma: Yeah, but I don’t plan on staying there for long. You know how
sometimes you just want to pack your suitcase and go somewhere tropical,
exploring new things? That’s what I want to do for a living.
Cute, you have a crush on each other. Maybe it’s because you both eat like
pigs -.-
Time to go home. *clicks ”Skip out on bill”*
Hostess: Oh no you don’t!
Crap. What else could we have done? She’s got 0§ to her name you know ._.
Home at last (after some much unneeded scolding).
Wait where’s your date?
Dnorma: I dunno.
What do you mean ”I dunno” he was right next to you a minute ago!
Dnorma: Hey, it’s Dnorma... remember me? We had dinner a few minutes
ago... Aha... yeah... so how about you come over so we can finish that date
Armando: I’ll be right over!
I can’t tell if he’s singing along or booing at it.
Armando: ...Marisa’s behind me again, isn’t she?
Dnorma: *barf* Do I really have to eat this? It got flies and everything!
Food is not meant to be wasted! (Besides I haven’t seen a sick sim in a long
time...*evil grin*)
Ichabod: {Wolf disapproves of your dancing.}
Dnorma: [insert the romantic action’s queue line which I forgot here]
Armando: [insert rejection of previously stated romantic interaction here]
Uh oh.
Dnorma: Why did he reject me? Is it because I haven’t showered even once
in my entire life?
Dnorma: Well, good thing I’m knowledge.
You sure about that?
Dnorma: What did you say?
Nothing <.<
Dnorma: Zzz... I’m so awesome... zzz...
How come the sims in my game have such big egos?
That’s a bit of an overreaction, don’t ya think?
Armando: *joink*
Chipmunk cheeks! ^.^
I replaced the exercise machine with a shower so the almost-constant
complaining about stinkiness would stop.
Weird thing is that 3-neat-point sims shouldn’t really care that much about
hygiene <.<
Dance my puppet dance!
Dnorma: *pant* Why do I *pant* have to get a promotion *pant* in Law
Because you need ze cash.
Let’s round up here with this heartwarming picture.
Thanks for reading and be sure to join us in part two for more random acts
of randomness!

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~Roll The Dice~ Chapter 1.1

  • 1. A Sims 2 RandomacyA Sims 2 Randomacy 1.1
  • 2. Knowledge (Closet romance <.<) Become Space Pirate 3-7-5-5-5 +Charismatic +Red Hair -Fitness Couple 1 Child Non-standard career of my choice (Didn’t realise this until halfway trough) No secondary income Deadbeat parents No strangers No pets Welcome ladies, gentlemen and nargles to my first ever legacy! Here you see our lovely founder Dnorma Dice, who will be doing things a bit differently from Pinstar’s original challenge. Her stats and this generation’s goals/restrictions were generated at Now, shall we get started?
  • 3. Dnorma: What is that voice? Oh, just an invisible person who occasionally controls you while documenting/narrating your and your family’s life, but nevermind that. So how do you like the place I built ya? Dnorma: *sniff sniff* Mmm, it got that new house smell. If you say so, although I wouldn’t call it a house.
  • 4. In traditional legacy fashion, here’s a 5x5 lot with only the bare necessities plus some skill building items. Want a grand tour?
  • 5. Here’s the bedroom/kitchen (soon to be invaded by flies)...
  • 6. ... and here’s the bath/hobbyroom.
  • 7. Dnorma: Ermagerd, so that’s how you’re supposed to use wrenches! And you thought they were...? Dnorma: Substitutes for hammers? *facepalm*
  • 8. My headphones were way too quiet so I added a radio to the lot. Rock that salsa! *laughs at dance moves*
  • 9. Dnorma: I hope no one saw that... I did *snicker* Dnorma: Damn it.
  • 10. Well hello there Alon. Alon Livingston: Who are you and what do you want from me? What, an invisible person with a camera can’t greet the paperboy?
  • 11. You know, it just happens that you’re a redhead and I haven’t decided yet whether to install Inteen or not... Alon Livingston: Please get away from me.
  • 12. Dnorma: Good morning young man. Alon: Good morning to you too, mrs Dice. Miss, actually. Hey Dnorma you like redheads right? Dnorma: Just what are you implying? Oh, nothing really *shifty eyes*
  • 13. Noo, come back! I want to interact with you! Alon: I’m getting the hell out of here. Hmph. NPCs and their coding.
  • 14. Armando Cox: Hello, I am a member of the local Garden Club and... I don’t care! Go interact with Dnorma!
  • 15. Is that... a smexy walk? I knew you were a closet romance sim!
  • 16. Armando: Did you know I used to play for the SimCity Llamas? Don’t mean to brag, but if I hadn’t turned into gardening I’d be a Hall of Famer by now!
  • 17. Dnorma: I bet you would!
  • 18. Dnorma: Although I prefer tennis over baseball. Did you see the tournaments last Saturday? Armando: Oh, that must’ve been awesome!
  • 19. Armando: Unfortunately I was at Deh´Javu the whole day. They’re having a lovely exhibit on post-modern Balticism, featuring sculptures by none other than the legendary Sum Gai!
  • 20. Dnorma: Uh... yeah, I didn’t get a word of that. Me neither. Armando: *snort* Uncivilised people.
  • 21. Margaret Ying: Greetings, superior being from another world. May I offer my services to this household? Good thing you dropped by, since... Hold on, how did you know about my existence and origins? Margaret: My crystal ball tells me everything I need to know. Ah. I see.
  • 22. Dnorma: Hey matchmaker, could you set me up with someone and fast? Margaret: Of course dear. Anything for a paying customer.
  • 23. Dnorma: Here’s all I got, now give me a red-haired schmoozer! Margaret: I’ll see what I can do. {Hehe, sucker!}
  • 24. *puts money in cleavage* *pulls crystal ball out of butt* That’s just gross -.-
  • 25. Dnorma: {Please don’t be ugly, please don’t be ugly}
  • 27. Dnorma: He’s old, isn’t he? Pretty much so.
  • 28. Dnorma: Pleased to meet you sir, the name’s Dnorma. {Ugh, he smells weird} Old dude: What? Oh, ehm, yes, pleased to meet you too miss Dnorma. {Where am I?} My name is Matthew Smith. {I think...}
  • 29. Dnorma: So, listen to this; An artist was hired to make a painting about recycling, enviroment and stuff like that, so you know what he did? He painted the canvas full with flowers! (The actual speech bubble shots were deleted due to bad camera angles and photobombing elderly women <.<)
  • 30. *both burst out laughing* Matthew: Oh my, you sure are funny!
  • 31. Dnorma: Hehe, I know *evil grin* ...should I be afraid? ._.
  • 32. Margaret: Really? I know right? I don’t see what’s so funny about that (or any sim jokes, tbh) Margaret: No, I meant that.
  • 33. Oh, that. This picture here might actually be the least humiliating one for Armando. You’ll see what I mean.
  • 34. Dnorma: ...why is that guy dancing in front of my radio? Matthew: *still laughing* Hahaha, flowers!
  • 35. Matthew: Say, we could use someone to light up the mood at the Garden Club. Would you mind swinging by our headquarters some day? Dnorma: Suuure, that sounds terrific! How about we’ll call it a day now, huh? I got to, uh... take care of some things.
  • 36. Ofc right before I clicked ”End Date” he decided to do the smustle. Seriously, what is it with sims and autonomous dancing?
  • 37. Well, that worked out great <.<
  • 38. What’s the matter? Maybe you actually enjoyed his company and now feel bad for ending the date so shortly? Dnorma: I’m completely broke while some dude is giving dancing a bad name in my one-walled home. Oh... well, sucks to be you. Dnorma: That’s all you got to say?! It’s your fault that this happened in the first place! Don’t you dare snap back at me, or I’ll make it even worse -.- Capish?
  • 39. Dnorma: Fine. *turns around to laugh at Armando*
  • 40. I’m not sure whether to mock him or feel pity. *Welcome Wagon message pops up*
  • 41. Aaw, only females ._. Dnorma needs a spouse, damn it! You know, they kinda look like one of those stereotypical high school cliques, don’t you think?
  • 42. Look, in the first pic they even walk in sync! Christy Stratton: {I miss college.} Brandi LeTorneau: {I miss college.} Christy Stratton: {I’m so awesome.} Brandi LeTorneau: {I’m so awesome.} Marisa Bendett: {I miss college.} You can clearly see the hierarchy *rolls eyes*
  • 44. Dnorma: Is this how you do it? Dancing sims, how I love/loathe thee.
  • 45. Christy: Weirdos. Brandi: Weirdos. Marisa: {I’m so awesome.} She seems to be a bit slower than the others, eh?
  • 46. Brandi: Like oh my god, they’re so weird right? Christy: Your hand just glitched trough my pants *death stare* Yeah it was quite amusing, didn’t take a shot in time though *mini pout*
  • 47. Marisa: Weirdos, right? You’re still thinking about yourself. Marisa: Just saying <.<
  • 48. Dnorma: Shake that booty! Armando: Wooh! Brandi: ...
  • 49. Christy: I’m sooo much better at dancing than those two. So why don’t you show us?
  • 50. Christy: Because it’s weird, duuh! Of course.
  • 51. Marisa: Like totally! It’s sooo weird! Wow, you actually did something before Brandi for once. Marisa: I did? That’s so weird!
  • 52. You there! Enough with the dancing, go find yourself a job! Dnorma: You’re not my boss! Didn’t we have this talk earlier? Besides you need the money. Dnorma: *grumble* Whatever. Hope the next generation won’t be like this -.-’
  • 53. Oh, so now you guys decide to join? Brandi: Can’t you see that I’m much better than these w – If I hear that word again someone’s gonna get hurt. Brandi: ...dimwits? Thank you.
  • 54. Armando: Watch and learn girls! Christy: Pfft, I don’t need no lessons from you!
  • 55. Armando: ...she’s staring at me, isn’t she? Why don’t you turn around and see for yourself? Armando: ...I’m too scared.
  • 56. Anything in Adventure? Dnorma: Nope. My typical luck -.- Take Law Enforcement or something until it comes up.
  • 57. Whatcha doin’? Dnorma: Making myself some lunch meat sandwiches. Well… Alright then. Carry on. Dnorma: You’re really running out of wits, aren’t you? Quiet you.
  • 58. Dnorma: Oh my, Armando sure knows how to dance! But didn’t you say earlier – Dnorma: Quiet you. Hey, that’s my line!
  • 59. Armando: How dare you try to outdance me!
  • 60. Brandi: I’m not even trying, jerk! I’m way better than you at dancing, or anyone else in anything for that matter!
  • 61. *Person minus minus* *Person minus minus* *staring at Marisa*
  • 63. Armando: Wanna dance together? Dnorma: *glug glug* Yeah, sure. *wipes mouth with sleeve*
  • 65. Armando: So, you like ice cream right?
  • 66. Armando: It tastes much better when mashed with a spatula! Dnorma: You have a point there.
  • 67. Dnorma: Have you tried mixing it with, what’s it called again… Soke-a-cola?
  • 68. Armando: Once, but the flavor wasn’t all that great.
  • 69. Dnorma: Speaking of flavors, you just have to try out the chili one! Armando: Ermagerd yes!
  • 70. Dnorma: Rawr, I want to have me some of that… Are we still talking in terms of ice cream?
  • 71. Dnorma: Say, how about you and I head out on a little date, right here right now? Armando: I’d love to. Date start-u!
  • 72. Dnorma: Hey, word around town is that Marisa’s pretty slow in the head! Armando: Heheh, yeah!
  • 73. Damn it, I missed the on-going drama. Could one of you tell me what happened? Christy: …I’m screwed. Fine, guess I’ll just leave it to the readers’ imaginations.
  • 74. Dnorma: But don’t tell anyone, deal? Armando: Deal.
  • 75. Christy: Deal. Brandi: *suspiciously turns head in the direction of Christy’s lower back*
  • 76. [insert cliché soap opera/high school movie dialog here]
  • 77. Dnorma: *whistles innocently* Forgetaboutit. Dnorma: What? I’m just in the need of some relaxation... Ooh no, I know what that interaction means, especially when it’s autonomous.
  • 78. Armando: Hey, Marisa, you got a little something there. Marisa: What? Where? Armando: Gotcha! {Heheh, she really is slow!} Marisa: Ooh, I’m so mad at you right now! *granny pose*
  • 79. Armando: Hi there *fingergun* Dnorma: Care to join? Stop that already! Jeesh, seems like you’re not even hiding it -.-
  • 80. Dnorma: What’s your problem? Stop yelling at me, damn it. There’s plenty of reasons for me to yell at you, in fact there’s so many of them that I’m not even going to waste my time telling you. So just get off those sheets and go interact.
  • 81. Dnorma: How about no. Ugh, I hate it when the “cancel” doesn’t work -.-
  • 82. But apparently an autonomous “get asskissed” always does. Christy: Can I just say that – We don’t care.
  • 83. Dnorma: So, why hasn’t it rained here yet? I’m quite fond of rain.
  • 84. Armando: Now you listen here; First of all, this is a desert, okay? It’s not supposed to rain a lot here, and even if it did I couldn’t care less. It might be good for the plants, but not for me. Rain is one of the things I loathe most here in life, got it?
  • 85. Dnorma: Lalala, I can’t hear you, lalala! Rain is wonderful, lalala! Hmm, I feel this is going to get boring. Let’s head over to the drama department, shall we?
  • 86. Christy: So, do you like money? Brandi: *cries in the corner*
  • 87. [insert cliché soap opera/high school movie dialog here]
  • 88. [insert cliché soap opera/high school movie dialog here]
  • 89. Ooh, now things are finally starting to happen!
  • 90. [insert cliché soap opera/high school movie self-centered thoughts here]
  • 91. How’s the date going so far? Dnorma: So hungry...
  • 92.
  • 93. Dnorma: That pillow fight made me even hungrier. Since you can’t stop nagging about it and the both of you keep rolling the want to go to a community lot/eat at a restaurant I took some of my valuable time to build you one literally across the street.
  • 94. Welcome to Desert Dining, the finest (and only) restaurant available in Desu Desu! Our staff has nothing but the best education to provide you the heavenliest meals you could ever imagine.
  • 95. Waitress: What’s this thing? Not that there’s ever been much education in this neighborhood to begin with.
  • 96. Hostess: Welcome to Desert Dining! May I show you to your table? Dnorma: Please. Armando: *low voice* Couldn’t we just have gone Downtown? I haven’t added any subhoods yet, so no.
  • 97. Waitress: Hi there, what can I get ya? Perhaps those mini-sandwich appetizers with tiny Simnation flags on them? Dnorma: We’ll just have Chef’s choice, thanks.
  • 98. Armando: So, what are your views on SimNation’s congress and the way they intend to handle the international llama milk crisis?
  • 99. Dnorma: I don’t follow politics that much. Wouldn’t it be easier if all the countries and policians would just get along? Armando: ...oh look, the food’s here.
  • 100. Armando: So, I heard you’re searching for a job at the ambassadors office?
  • 101. Dnorma: Yeah, but I don’t plan on staying there for long. You know how sometimes you just want to pack your suitcase and go somewhere tropical, exploring new things? That’s what I want to do for a living.
  • 102. Cute, you have a crush on each other. Maybe it’s because you both eat like pigs -.- Time to go home. *clicks ”Skip out on bill”*
  • 103. Hostess: Oh no you don’t! Crap. What else could we have done? She’s got 0§ to her name you know ._.
  • 104. Home at last (after some much unneeded scolding). Wait where’s your date? Dnorma: I dunno. What do you mean ”I dunno” he was right next to you a minute ago!
  • 105. Dnorma: Hey, it’s Dnorma... remember me? We had dinner a few minutes ago... Aha... yeah... so how about you come over so we can finish that date properly? Armando: I’ll be right over!
  • 106. I can’t tell if he’s singing along or booing at it.
  • 107. Armando: ...Marisa’s behind me again, isn’t she?
  • 108. Dnorma: *barf* Do I really have to eat this? It got flies and everything! Food is not meant to be wasted! (Besides I haven’t seen a sick sim in a long time...*evil grin*)
  • 109. Ichabod: {Wolf disapproves of your dancing.}
  • 110. Dnorma: [insert the romantic action’s queue line which I forgot here]
  • 111. Armando: [insert rejection of previously stated romantic interaction here]
  • 112. Uh oh.
  • 113. Dnorma: Why did he reject me? Is it because I haven’t showered even once in my entire life? Probably.
  • 114. Dnorma: Well, good thing I’m knowledge. You sure about that? Dnorma: What did you say? Nothing <.<
  • 115. Dnorma: Zzz... I’m so awesome... zzz... How come the sims in my game have such big egos?
  • 116. That’s a bit of an overreaction, don’t ya think? Armando: *joink*
  • 118. I replaced the exercise machine with a shower so the almost-constant complaining about stinkiness would stop. Weird thing is that 3-neat-point sims shouldn’t really care that much about hygiene <.<
  • 119. Dance my puppet dance! Dnorma: *pant* Why do I *pant* have to get a promotion *pant* in Law Enforcement? Because you need ze cash.
  • 120. Let’s round up here with this heartwarming picture. Thanks for reading and be sure to join us in part two for more random acts of randomness!