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Role Of Political Parties In Government
Political parties are important in government because they bring people together who have common ideas, develop policies that benefit people from
common interest groups that support them, and campaign for their candidate to get the people to vote for them. They are used to train and nominate
the leaders the people want into government office. The main purpose of a political party is to join people together that have similar views on
government issues. These people with common views for the same party join interest groups, which help connect people to their government. They
work to influence who gets elected and by belonging to groups like this, you have more power as a citizen. Political parties serve multiple functions in
the government
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Importance Of Political Parties
How would you define political parties? I would define them as groups of individuals that have similar thoughts and opinions about politics. The
official definition is, "an organised group of people with at least roughly similar political aims and opinions, that seeks to influence public policy by
getting its candidates elected to public office". (CITE) Do you believe it is necessary to have political parties? Some of the population assumes we
need political parties due to the first parties being created by three of our Founding Fathers, including; Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and
Alexander Hamilton. However, I believe political parties are unnecessary for many reasons including; George Washington's farewell address, the
Corrupt Bargain, and the Hartford Convention.
George Washington demonstrated in his farewell address why we do not need political parties. "The alternate domination of one faction over another,
sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which indifferent ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself
a frightful despotism", (CITE) In the eyes of George Washington and myself, political parties approach absolute power by the presence of revenge. If
one political party were to reach absolute power there would only be one side of the political views presented, this would led to an unfairly ran
government. It is often found that political parties try to overreach each other due to a political disagreement. One party will try and dominate over
the other, leading to the despotism which we should fear. He also believed it would have a poor foreign influence and distract the government from
their duties. "It always serves to distract the Public Councils and enfeeble the Public Administration. It opens the door to foreign influence and
corruption, which we find a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions". (CITE) There is also the concern of
overstepping the rules of Congress. The parties try and overstep each other and can end up overstepping the rules of Congress. Although George
Washington may have been opposed to political parties, he did see the benefits to them including, promoting liberty in monarchies.
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Compare And Contrast Political Parties
It's that time again, in occurrence every three years when candidates from different political parties begin preparing campaigns for next presidency.
Modern politics consist of two major parties, the Republican and Democratic Party. Candidates from these two parties usually present and debate on
hard pressing issues within the country while running for President during. Among the two major parties that exist there's also third parties; those are
the Constitution, Green and Libertarian party. If the Republican or Democratic Party were non–existent then the Constitution Party would serve as an
outstanding major party.
The Constitution's party platform is based on basic principles this nation was founded and built upon by our forefathers. They
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Evolution Of Political Parties
The presidential election in 1796 has to different political parties which were the Federalist and Republican. These two were the first political parties in
the United States. The Federalists have the belief that the key to achieving America's independence was to establish a strong central government.
Policies implemented under the administration of George Washington mirrored the political party's belief of a powerful central government. Alexander
Hamilton, who was an adviser for George Washington and also one of the people who began the publication of the Federalist papers (contains articles
favoring the ratification of the Constitution, led the Federalist Party.
The Anti–Federalists or Republicans, who were called Democratic–Republican or Jeffersonian Republicans during 1796, stood for states' rights in
conflict with more content...
Since the Democratic–Republican dominated the political system, the Federalist Party was nationally dead. Most politicians during that time were
Democratic–Republicans. This period was commonly known as the Era of Good Feelings because there were no oppositions to the
Democratic–Republican political party. However, the Democratic–Republicans were divided into two new political parties which were the National
Republicans and the Democrats, which stayed alive up to this modern day.
In conclusion, the first political party system emerged from the ratification of the Constitution. There were two political parties namely, the Federalists
who were proponents of powerful central government, and the Anti–Federalists or the Democratic–Republicans who were proponents of states' rights.
Starting from the election of Jefferson up to the succeeding years until 1820, Democratic–Republicans dominated the political party system, ending the
Federalist Party. However, Democratic–Republicans were further divided into two political parties, the Democrats and the National
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Essay on American Political Parties
Political parties are critical structures in the modern society and universal phenomena in most democracies. In fact, they form major objects of
intensive study as they are usually the centre of political and social power. They engage in most activities that are of significant consequence in the
lives of citizens and link the common populace to the government. Therefore, it is important to understand political parties fully from every perspective
of political systems so obtain their real importance in democracies. Apolitical party is basically a group of citizens who converge as voters, activists,
electoral candidates and office holders with a common party label and seek to elect party members into public offices. While modern
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The political system of America is very different from other developed and developing democracies. Most notable is the increased power bestowed on
the upper house of the parliament, the extensive power held by the Supreme Court and the dominance demonstrated by only two major parties. In the
United States, third parties have the least influence on the world's most developed democracy's political structure. In this democracy, people are under
the US Constitution of the governmental system as well as state government and other units of local government. Local government entails counties,
districts and municipalities. The evolution of the American political party system has come a long way; with Hamilton and Jefferson being regarded as
the founder fathers of the modern party system. These were heads of the Federalist and Anti–Federalist groups in the 18th century of American politics.
Ever since, the country has maintained a party system that has two main parties that are relatively stable. These are Democrats and Republicans and
have remained in contest for election every time since the 1860 presidential elections. Initially, the Republican Party was the dominant party but the
Democrats later gained dominance. However, the two parties became closely competitive and neither of them has been notably dominant since the
1970s (O'Connor & Sabato, n.d).
The two major party systems in
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Political Parties Vs. Voting
When it comes to voting, this version of democratic society makes voting more organized and gives some direction to what one should vote for. It
helps to narrow down candidates from hundreds to just a few in order to avoid producing confusion from a mass amount of candidates. Political parties
basically formed the invisible government and this helped to narrow down candidates through manipulation, which in return helped voting to be more
organized. Political parties would narrow down candidates to two or four at the most which helped guide people in a more focused direction rather
than voting for hundreds of different candidates. Bernays feels we voluntarily let the invisible government narrow our choices to a more practical
proportion and
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Political Parties And Interest Groups Essay
The American political system has many different aspects that all work together in order to make it work. Two things that add to the system are
political parties and interest groups. These two specifically are extremely important because they both contribute greatly to the election process, which
is where the political process starts. They are the two most influential bodies that communicate with the citizens. This essay will analyze the
contributions that political parties and interest groups give in the election process and in official's decision making process. Political parties are the
entities that communicate with the people most directly. If someone were to ask people about their ideology, many people would actually state their
party affiliation. The reason for this is because it is the parties more content...
Just like interest groups "Parties mainly push their own agendas and aim to get voters to go along" (Bawn, Cohen, Karol, Masket, Noel, Zaller PG:
572). Both entities want their ideas and plans to be put in place because the people involved with them truly think they are the best. They also both
use things such as money and public publicity to push their voice. This is why they tend to work together so closely in order to push on issues. A
great example of this would be when the National Rifle Association (NRA) partners with the Republican Party to gain support on gun right issues. It is
seen that they are very similar but they also have differences in the way that they are organized and operate. Parties have much more power in the
government because they helped almost all of the officials get in to their position and gain support. Plus they almost have total control over the election
process. Interest groups only have weapons (money, public support) that they can use to attempt to influence
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Impact Of Political Parties On Democracy
Political parties act as an integral part to the working of democracy. It serves as an organization (of the people) to represent their common interest
and needs. However, the effectiveness of a democracy can vary greatly and political parties play a significant role in doing so, thus, strengthening or
weakening the democracy. In the following paragraphs, I hope to point out that Political parties do, in fact, help in promoting and strengthening
democracy even if they are flawed. Democracy, as I see it, is a political system consisting of four key elements, (i) free and fair elections, (ii) active
participation of people in politics, (iii) protection of human rights and (iv) rule of law. A democracy is strong when they execute these four–key
elements with effectively although, it tends to weaken if even one of these criterions aren't met. I analyzed how political parties such as PT in Brazil, the
PJ in Argentina and PAN in Mexico helped in promoting democracy by proposing an alternative to the current political system and increasing the
involvement of the citizens into the political system. Political parties can have both positive and negative impact on Democracy, however, they are
indispensable for the working of a Democracy as well as promoting it.
(a)After the great depression, a military coup was initiated during the infamous decade in Argentina (1930–1943), characterized by electoral fraud,
persecution of the political opposition (mainly against the UCR) and pervasive
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Major Political Parties
Political party: a group of persons who seek to control government through the winning of elections and the holding of political office
2.Major Parties: In american politics, the republican and the democratic parties
3.Partisanship: government action based on firm allegiance to a political party.
4.Party in Power: The party in politics is the party that controls the executive branch of government
5.Minor Party: a political party whose electoral strength is so small as to prevent its gaining control of a government except in rare and exceptional
6.Two Party system:a political system dominated by two major political parties
7.Bipartisan:an adjective describing the legislative body composed of two chambers
8.Incumbent The current office holder
9.Factions a conflicting group
10.Electorate all of the people entitled to vote in a given election
11.Ideological Party parties based on a particular set of beliefs a comprehensive view of social economic and political matters
12.Single–Issue Party parties that concentrate on on only one public policy matter
13.Economic Protest Party Parties rooted in poor economic times lacking a clear ideological base, dissatisfied with current conditions and demanding
better times.
14.Splinter Party: Parties that have split away from one of the major more content...
The two main parties the green party and the libertarian party. The green party is similar to the democrats. The world's first national Green party
meeting was held in may of 1972 . However it wasn't officially founded until 2001. The green party promotes nonviolence , environmentalism, and
social justice. It is known for its strong views about the environment. It is described as an "eco–socialist" party.The green party is an ideological party.
This is because the green party is based upon certain political, economical, and social beliefs as opposed to focusing on one specific
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Comparison Of Political Parties
"America is in the midst of tunnel vision" With all the political parties in the mix today it can be confusing to an average citizen who works daily to
feed the family and pay the bills. You have Democrats and Republicans today that used to be light years apart and today they are shadows of one
another. Many feel the Libertarian and Independent parties are not strong enough to carry the load in government. There are words such as
conservative, socialist, progressive and liberal that are thrown about like the wind. For example their are similarities to the progressive party and the
socialist party. They want the same goal just in a different way. Socialism is an economic system where the government runs and controls the
production more content...
The conservatives are generally and not always part of the republican party. These parties have changed so much since their inception. And with
all the negative feelings of each party towards one another we are giving rise to the "Roman Empire Theory" where America is seen in similarities
to the old Roman Empire that collapsed upon itself. Here are some examples of the connections: First, the huge cost of elections today have
spiralled out of control costing billions of dollars. This is creating the appearance that our leaders are puppets of specail interest groups. In the
Roman Empire, towards the end the elections were costing staggering amounts and causing terrible results. Thus, weakening the system. Second, in
the late Roman Empire the road to wealth was seen as being in the political arena. The Roman leaders would accumulate great amounts of personal
wealth. Today the very same thing is happening across America with those who want to become very wealthy get into the politics and seek a seat
either in Congress or the Presidency. Third, as the Roman Empire spiralled down there were wars and a national state of security arose. The same
can be said for America as in the last century we have had several wars and now the security of the nation is being challenged. Fourth, during the last
years of the Roman Empire the leaders were given wealth from other nations to buy their influence to help them in return. The same is happening in
America today as foreign powers send huge sums of money to our various leaders to gain their favor. Fifth, the Romans in their last years made huge
profits from their business in foreign countries. In America today, many large corporations have there manufacturing plants in other nations and
reaping higher dividends. And Lastly, in the last days of the Roman Empire the middle class was
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The Four Political Parties
Political parties are an essential part of our democratic government system. Having different parties gives individuals freedom to choose an individual
or a group that best meets their needs and expectations. The two main political parties are Democratic and Republican. The Libertarian and Green
parties are the two leading third parties.
The Democratic party is the oldest political party in the United States.
The Republican party was founded in 1854 by a group of anti–slave activists searching for freedom and equal opportunities for everyone. The party is
strongly based on their belief of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Founded in 1971, the Libertarian party opposes any government interference in their lives. They believe more content...
They are against any form of limiting the sale of guns or limiting their size or carrying capacity. They believe if guns were taken away from everyone,
they would have no way of defending themselves.
The Green party believes that gun control should be strengthened. They believe that everyone should have a background check when buying a gun.
This will help prevent the amount of guns getting into the hands of criminals. They believe that police should be have retracted gun use so they
do not have an overwhelming amount of power. I believe if you are a safe, responsible person, you should have the right to own a gun. However, I
do believe there should be background checks for everyone. If you are a criminal and have a bad record, you should not be allowed to buy a gun or
depending on your conviction be limited to what kind of gun you can buy. There should be a system of security checks that need to be done in order
for one to buy a gun to help prevent guns being in the hands of criminals.
Health care has become a significant source of controversy especially since the Affordable Care Act was passed in
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Political Parties & Interest Groups Essay
Political Parties and Interest Groups
Parties are not mentioned in the U.S. Constitution, they are vital to the function of the electoral system in the states. Parties organize opposition by
recruiting and nominating candidates, act as opposition powerless, unify electorate, and provide government and people linkage.(Magleby 55) Election
rules in favor of Democrats and Republicans, not minorities. Minor parties must have a min. number of votes to appear on ballot. Various things must
appear for minor parties to get on the ballot: num. Of signatures, allotted time to collect; signatures distributed across several counties. (Maglebey 56)
The party column ballot–encourages party–line voting, organized by parties, party name more content...
Competition that otherwise would occur between major parties occurs in majority party. Voters don't participate as much. (Magleby 66)
If party imbalance disorganizes dominant party minority party is pulverized. Minority doesn't fight. Young people gain dominant party, and second
party goes national.
Two party, a state in which two major parties alternate in winning majorities, balances the southern and northern states. In general election southern
voted Republican and northern voted Democrat. Party balance is important in it leans people to one party or other and the election can go either way.
(Magleby 66)
Mayors lead city party organizations. The mayors office is a stepping stone to other offices. In legislatures parties are at a 50/50 tie with Democrats
and Republican parties. In order for a candidate to win the legislative they must form party apparatus to wage a winning campaign. Yet it is important
for them to be associated to a party also.( Magleby 83)
A party caucus is a meeting of the members of a party in a legislative chamber to select party leaders and develop party policy. Party unity is found in
states with two party systems and helps party members to vote similarly. The political caucus aids in how members vote. Legislatures with single party
has had long standing dominance or control parties are less important is shaping legislatures. A rebirth of partisanship and
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Political Parties Vs Interest Groups Essay
Political parties and interest groups differ in three main areas: their purpose, their internal issues, and their methods. Political parties can be defined as
organized groups of people that seek to influence public policy by getting candidates elected to office. An interest group can be defined as an organized
group that tries to influence the government to adopt certain policies. From the initial definitions, there is one obvious difference between the purposes
of political parties and interest groups: political parties want their members in office, and interest groups want policies to be implemented. However,
there are many small differences between the two. Political parties unite people under their common political ideas. They are meant to pick candidates
to run campaigns, educate voters, more content...
Rather than nominate candidates that share their beliefs for governmental positions, interest groups merely try to gain the attention of those already in
office. Furthermore, political parties have very broad platforms and opinions that they prioritize. Interest groups usually have one or two stances that
they will not concede, like anti–gun laws or pro–life opinions ("The Relationship"). Because of this difference in policies, political parties and interest
groups often have sharply contrasting structures. Political parties, with all the topics that they form opinions about, are more flexible. Members do
not necessarily have to agree on every single element of the platform, because there are plenty of opportunities to agree with someone on a particular
policy. However, membership in interest groups is much more rigid. Because they typically only opine on one or two things, it is extremely
uncommon for members to disagree because people with differing beliefs cannot be in the same interest group. As for methodology, political parties
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The Role Of Political Parties
Political parties have a big role in our government. states "A political party is a team of politicians, activist, and voters whose goal is to
win control of the government." There are two types of political parties the most popular are the republicans and democrats. The second type of
political party is third parties. Popular third parties are the green and libertarian party. Political parties have a big role in the government by their
political views, by selecting candidates, mobilize voters, and monitoring the opposing party. One of the political party's roles in the government is
sharing their political views. Every four years political parties write their party platform. A party platform is a written document listing that parties
views and beliefs. Candidates will run under their party platforms views during an election. If the candidate is elected he or she will vote for things in
their favorable view. This means a government official will run the country under their party platform, and they will vote for things in their favor and
their party favor. Republicans are pro–life, against medical marijuana, and against LGBT laws. Democrats are pro–choice, for medical marijuana, and
for LGBT laws. The two main parties have opposite views and beliefs and that' why their platforms are so different. Parties share their political
views with the public to gain support from people that share the same views and beliefs. Parties will also share the opposing party's views to gain
more support for people against those views. Political parties also have to nominate candidates to run our country like the president and vice president.
Political parties have a big role in the government by selecting candidates. To select a candidate political parties must go through a two–step process
recruiting and nominating candidates. Parties are looking for someone that meets the requirements of the position that they are recruiting for, an
unblemished record, a credible candidate, and the ability to raise money. The next step in the process is nominating a candidate. The party will
nominate the candidate with a higher chance to win. A candidate can be nominated at a convention or caucus, through the primaries, or
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Political Parties And Its Impact On Society
In the twenty–first century, political parties are a very important aspect of our society. After recently wrapping up a presidential election, we see how
greatly elected officials impact our everyday lives. Civilization has truly evolved since the beginning of the political parties in the 1600's started by
the Ancient Greeks. During that time, two groups who are known as the Patricians and the Plebeians made many of the decisions for the Greek
society. The Patricians were made up of the Nobel families and families that were born into royalty, and the Plebeians represented the middle class.
Even in that time we see how much of an impact social class had on decision making. In the late 1700's, many felt it was time for the change
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These colonial merchants had passed their wealth to their children." (Book, Section 9.4). One of the most powerful families in American history
were founders of the private banking service J.S. Morgan & CO. The Middle Class consisted mainly of artisans, which were workers who made their
items from scratch using their hands, and small business owners. These people valued challenging work and worked to provide for their family
because they did not have the cushion lifestyle that the elite upper class did. Finally, the working class was made up of Industrialization workers.
These individuals suffered the most when any economic crisis occurred. In terms of the political parties in the early United States, the wealthy elite
supported federalism because it benefited the bank owners and kept money in their pockets. The Democratic republic party supported more of the
middle class and working class. Their desire was to limit the central government 's control because a strong central government will weaken the states'
rights and the rights of the people.
The War of 1812 helped the decline of federalism in the United States, which in turn contributed to the rise ofAndrew Jackson. British empire set a
restriction on American trade, called the Embargo Act of 1807,
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In What Ways Are American Political Parties Weak
1. What are the three political arenas within which a party may be found? As a label in the minds of voters, an organization that chooses and
campaigns for candidates, or as a set of leaders who try to organize and control the legislative and executive branches. 2. In what ways are
American political parties weak? (This is an extremely important point so be sure that you understand it and can explain all the reasons. This
concept will turn up again and again in this class.) This would be a good question for writing a detailed answer. As you read through the chapter,
anytime you see a mention of weakened parties, add to this list. Then leave room for more notes or plan to add later since we'll be talking about this all more content...
Describe the structure of the major political parties, making sure you understand the roles of the national committees, congressional committees, and
the national chairmen. At the national level, political parties run candidates for congress and the presidency. Each party has its own national committee
made up of party leaders, elected officials, and the chairs of the state party organizations. The chair of the national committee is chosen by the party's
candidate for president. 6. What has been the difference between the two parties in terms of structure and organization? Republicans began to convert
their national party into a well–financed, highly staffed organization devoted to finding and electing republican candidates, especially to congress.
Democrats began changing the rules governing how presidential candidates are nominated in ways that profoundly altered the distribution of power
within the party. 7. What is a political party machine? How has the power of party machines been weakened? What were some of the positive aspects
of party
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Political Parties Essay
Marca Selway–Kaplar Political Parties March 12, 2017
American Political Parties and the 2016 Elections
A loss by the Democratic Party's presidential candidate in 2016 and victory by an outsider to Republican politics who still became its standard bearer
becomes less surprising when we focus on the organizational underpinnings of both parties and the role they played in the outcome. That outcome
reflects the responding changes in technology and methods of campaigning about national and global economic forces for each of the parties and how
these affect the lives of population groups that are crucial to electoral success.
Cohen et al. (2008) argue that, through "invisible primaries," where partisan insiders in interest groups and more content...
One set of findings focuses on efforts to strengthen the party apparatus. For example, Galvin (2012) documents, from his research and that of others,
how, over several decades, the Republican and Democratic national committees increased their investments in human resources and informational
assets to become service providers to candidates for office. Galvin's assessment leaves open questions about the evolution and relative strengths and
weakness of both parties' apparatus leading up to the 2016 election and how these contributed to its outcome.
Without discounting institutional changes in both parties that enhance the ability to gain electoral advantages, others argue for countervailing trends.
Galvin (2012) sees "shadow parties," nominally independent but run by party insiders, now performing many tasks formerly the purview of the
formal party apparatus. Approximately 40 years ago, the three most central collective actors were a financial contributor, interest group, and advisor.
That is, it was the unofficial wing of the party that already had the most significant impact. One would anticipate, then, that 2016 would be more of the
same. This was not the case. Because the presidency is available to only one party at a given time, possible influences from individual party actors can
be expanded to include other officeholders, including candidates for those offices.
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The Differences Between Our Political Parties America is a land of very diverse people from all parts of the world. They all have wide varieties of
interests, which are represented by both parties of its political system. The Democrats and Republicans represent two different standpoints; although
they concentrate on the same issues both of them have different views on how the issues should be addressed. Two presidential campaigns in which
the parties' candidates differed on the issues are that of 1988 and 1996. Democracy only works when the people who represent the masses differ on
the issues, so that to protect our freedom and the parties of our political system are the best representation of this ideology. The campaign of 1988 more content...
"... we've got to do a lot better on education, and we have to do, be tougher on those who commit crimes." But Mr. Dukakis felt that values must be
reflected by political leaders themselves to set as an example for the children. He goes on by saying that government should send good messages to
young people and its better to advocates early drug education programs and create a good environment in the schools. Another issue with differing
viewpoints was that on the federal deficit. Mr. Dukakis believes that there should be less spending on defense system, which we can afford or
need. He also says investment in economic growth will expand the revenue and bring down the deficit and finally he believes his programs will get
many people out of welfare and become productive citizens, which would save millions of dollars. Mr. Bush refutes his argument with his so called
"flexible freeze." He believes this program is "going to increase revenues to the federal government, and it's going to create jobs." He supports his
argument by saying that John Kennedy had advocated this program and so had Paul Tsongas, a Senator from Massachusetts, and it does not cost the
government any money. One of the most important question that politicians have been arguing about since its establishment after the Depression is
Medicaid. Mr. Bush tended to see Medicaid as a big financial bill for the government. But "we've got to keep going forward without killing off the
engine and throwing
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Political Party Essay
Democratic Party
2. Republican Party
3. Libertarian Party
4. Green Party
5. Constitution Party
1. Democratic Party: In the 1890s this party has favored the progressive and liberal political positions, and that they act on the Congress, in which
means that they act on the debt ceiling. It is also one of the two major contemporary political parties that here in the United States.
2. Republican Part: There are many ideas, conservatism, economic liberalism, fiscal conservatism, and social conservatism.
3. Libertarian Party: This party is the one that gives us individual freedom, social liberals, economic conservatives, abortion, and non–interventionist
foreign policy.
4. Green Party: The Green Party of the United States, in other words, GPUS, more content...
I also like how they act on the Congress. I don't that there is a habit of short–termism because the leaders/governments are generally elected to serve a
certain amount of time and there are many concerns about getting re–elected. This all means that some social, environmental, and economic problems
require longer–term solutions.
I like that there are many different parts of the party. I like that the party has many ideas, conservatism, economic liberalism, fiscal conservatism, and
social conservatism. What I don't like is that there is a long lasting dominance of democratic and Republican parties. Also, I don't like that the 3rd
parties tend to be expressions of discontent with two major parties. Not to mention, the third parties have a little chance, and there are fears of majority
I like that it gives us individual freedom, social liberals, economic conservatives, and non–interventionist foreign policy. I don't like the abortion that
this party has because (to me) abortion is just like murder and I don't agree with it, so that is the only thing that I don't really like.
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Role Of Political Parties In Government

  • 1. Role Of Political Parties In Government Political parties are important in government because they bring people together who have common ideas, develop policies that benefit people from common interest groups that support them, and campaign for their candidate to get the people to vote for them. They are used to train and nominate the leaders the people want into government office. The main purpose of a political party is to join people together that have similar views on government issues. These people with common views for the same party join interest groups, which help connect people to their government. They work to influence who gets elected and by belonging to groups like this, you have more power as a citizen. Political parties serve multiple functions in the government Get more content on
  • 2. Importance Of Political Parties How would you define political parties? I would define them as groups of individuals that have similar thoughts and opinions about politics. The official definition is, "an organised group of people with at least roughly similar political aims and opinions, that seeks to influence public policy by getting its candidates elected to public office". (CITE) Do you believe it is necessary to have political parties? Some of the population assumes we need political parties due to the first parties being created by three of our Founding Fathers, including; Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton. However, I believe political parties are unnecessary for many reasons including; George Washington's farewell address, the Corrupt Bargain, and the Hartford Convention. George Washington demonstrated in his farewell address why we do not need political parties. "The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which indifferent ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism", (CITE) In the eyes of George Washington and myself, political parties approach absolute power by the presence of revenge. If one political party were to reach absolute power there would only be one side of the political views presented, this would led to an unfairly ran government. It is often found that political parties try to overreach each other due to a political disagreement. One party will try and dominate over the other, leading to the despotism which we should fear. He also believed it would have a poor foreign influence and distract the government from their duties. "It always serves to distract the Public Councils and enfeeble the Public Administration. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which we find a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions". (CITE) There is also the concern of overstepping the rules of Congress. The parties try and overstep each other and can end up overstepping the rules of Congress. Although George Washington may have been opposed to political parties, he did see the benefits to them including, promoting liberty in monarchies. Get more content on
  • 3. Compare And Contrast Political Parties It's that time again, in occurrence every three years when candidates from different political parties begin preparing campaigns for next presidency. Modern politics consist of two major parties, the Republican and Democratic Party. Candidates from these two parties usually present and debate on hard pressing issues within the country while running for President during. Among the two major parties that exist there's also third parties; those are the Constitution, Green and Libertarian party. If the Republican or Democratic Party were non–existent then the Constitution Party would serve as an outstanding major party. The Constitution's party platform is based on basic principles this nation was founded and built upon by our forefathers. They Get more content on
  • 4. Evolution Of Political Parties The presidential election in 1796 has to different political parties which were the Federalist and Republican. These two were the first political parties in the United States. The Federalists have the belief that the key to achieving America's independence was to establish a strong central government. Policies implemented under the administration of George Washington mirrored the political party's belief of a powerful central government. Alexander Hamilton, who was an adviser for George Washington and also one of the people who began the publication of the Federalist papers (contains articles favoring the ratification of the Constitution, led the Federalist Party. The Anti–Federalists or Republicans, who were called Democratic–Republican or Jeffersonian Republicans during 1796, stood for states' rights in conflict with more content... Since the Democratic–Republican dominated the political system, the Federalist Party was nationally dead. Most politicians during that time were Democratic–Republicans. This period was commonly known as the Era of Good Feelings because there were no oppositions to the Democratic–Republican political party. However, the Democratic–Republicans were divided into two new political parties which were the National Republicans and the Democrats, which stayed alive up to this modern day. In conclusion, the first political party system emerged from the ratification of the Constitution. There were two political parties namely, the Federalists who were proponents of powerful central government, and the Anti–Federalists or the Democratic–Republicans who were proponents of states' rights. Starting from the election of Jefferson up to the succeeding years until 1820, Democratic–Republicans dominated the political party system, ending the Federalist Party. However, Democratic–Republicans were further divided into two political parties, the Democrats and the National Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on American Political Parties Political parties are critical structures in the modern society and universal phenomena in most democracies. In fact, they form major objects of intensive study as they are usually the centre of political and social power. They engage in most activities that are of significant consequence in the lives of citizens and link the common populace to the government. Therefore, it is important to understand political parties fully from every perspective of political systems so obtain their real importance in democracies. Apolitical party is basically a group of citizens who converge as voters, activists, electoral candidates and office holders with a common party label and seek to elect party members into public offices. While modern more content... The political system of America is very different from other developed and developing democracies. Most notable is the increased power bestowed on the upper house of the parliament, the extensive power held by the Supreme Court and the dominance demonstrated by only two major parties. In the United States, third parties have the least influence on the world's most developed democracy's political structure. In this democracy, people are under the US Constitution of the governmental system as well as state government and other units of local government. Local government entails counties, districts and municipalities. The evolution of the American political party system has come a long way; with Hamilton and Jefferson being regarded as the founder fathers of the modern party system. These were heads of the Federalist and Anti–Federalist groups in the 18th century of American politics. Ever since, the country has maintained a party system that has two main parties that are relatively stable. These are Democrats and Republicans and have remained in contest for election every time since the 1860 presidential elections. Initially, the Republican Party was the dominant party but the Democrats later gained dominance. However, the two parties became closely competitive and neither of them has been notably dominant since the 1970s (O'Connor & Sabato, n.d). The two major party systems in Get more content on
  • 6. Political Parties Vs. Voting When it comes to voting, this version of democratic society makes voting more organized and gives some direction to what one should vote for. It helps to narrow down candidates from hundreds to just a few in order to avoid producing confusion from a mass amount of candidates. Political parties basically formed the invisible government and this helped to narrow down candidates through manipulation, which in return helped voting to be more organized. Political parties would narrow down candidates to two or four at the most which helped guide people in a more focused direction rather than voting for hundreds of different candidates. Bernays feels we voluntarily let the invisible government narrow our choices to a more practical proportion and Get more content on
  • 7. Political Parties And Interest Groups Essay The American political system has many different aspects that all work together in order to make it work. Two things that add to the system are political parties and interest groups. These two specifically are extremely important because they both contribute greatly to the election process, which is where the political process starts. They are the two most influential bodies that communicate with the citizens. This essay will analyze the contributions that political parties and interest groups give in the election process and in official's decision making process. Political parties are the entities that communicate with the people most directly. If someone were to ask people about their ideology, many people would actually state their party affiliation. The reason for this is because it is the parties more content... Just like interest groups "Parties mainly push their own agendas and aim to get voters to go along" (Bawn, Cohen, Karol, Masket, Noel, Zaller PG: 572). Both entities want their ideas and plans to be put in place because the people involved with them truly think they are the best. They also both use things such as money and public publicity to push their voice. This is why they tend to work together so closely in order to push on issues. A great example of this would be when the National Rifle Association (NRA) partners with the Republican Party to gain support on gun right issues. It is seen that they are very similar but they also have differences in the way that they are organized and operate. Parties have much more power in the government because they helped almost all of the officials get in to their position and gain support. Plus they almost have total control over the election process. Interest groups only have weapons (money, public support) that they can use to attempt to influence Get more content on
  • 8. Impact Of Political Parties On Democracy Political parties act as an integral part to the working of democracy. It serves as an organization (of the people) to represent their common interest and needs. However, the effectiveness of a democracy can vary greatly and political parties play a significant role in doing so, thus, strengthening or weakening the democracy. In the following paragraphs, I hope to point out that Political parties do, in fact, help in promoting and strengthening democracy even if they are flawed. Democracy, as I see it, is a political system consisting of four key elements, (i) free and fair elections, (ii) active participation of people in politics, (iii) protection of human rights and (iv) rule of law. A democracy is strong when they execute these four–key elements with effectively although, it tends to weaken if even one of these criterions aren't met. I analyzed how political parties such as PT in Brazil, the PJ in Argentina and PAN in Mexico helped in promoting democracy by proposing an alternative to the current political system and increasing the involvement of the citizens into the political system. Political parties can have both positive and negative impact on Democracy, however, they are indispensable for the working of a Democracy as well as promoting it. (a)After the great depression, a military coup was initiated during the infamous decade in Argentina (1930–1943), characterized by electoral fraud, persecution of the political opposition (mainly against the UCR) and pervasive Get more content on
  • 9. Major Political Parties Political party: a group of persons who seek to control government through the winning of elections and the holding of political office 2.Major Parties: In american politics, the republican and the democratic parties 3.Partisanship: government action based on firm allegiance to a political party. 4.Party in Power: The party in politics is the party that controls the executive branch of government 5.Minor Party: a political party whose electoral strength is so small as to prevent its gaining control of a government except in rare and exceptional circumstances. 6.Two Party system:a political system dominated by two major political parties 7.Bipartisan:an adjective describing the legislative body composed of two chambers 8.Incumbent The current office holder 9.Factions a conflicting group 10.Electorate all of the people entitled to vote in a given election 11.Ideological Party parties based on a particular set of beliefs a comprehensive view of social economic and political matters 12.Single–Issue Party parties that concentrate on on only one public policy matter 13.Economic Protest Party Parties rooted in poor economic times lacking a clear ideological base, dissatisfied with current conditions and demanding
  • 10. better times. 14.Splinter Party: Parties that have split away from one of the major more content... The two main parties the green party and the libertarian party. The green party is similar to the democrats. The world's first national Green party meeting was held in may of 1972 . However it wasn't officially founded until 2001. The green party promotes nonviolence , environmentalism, and social justice. It is known for its strong views about the environment. It is described as an "eco–socialist" party.The green party is an ideological party. This is because the green party is based upon certain political, economical, and social beliefs as opposed to focusing on one specific Get more content on
  • 11. Comparison Of Political Parties "America is in the midst of tunnel vision" With all the political parties in the mix today it can be confusing to an average citizen who works daily to feed the family and pay the bills. You have Democrats and Republicans today that used to be light years apart and today they are shadows of one another. Many feel the Libertarian and Independent parties are not strong enough to carry the load in government. There are words such as conservative, socialist, progressive and liberal that are thrown about like the wind. For example their are similarities to the progressive party and the socialist party. They want the same goal just in a different way. Socialism is an economic system where the government runs and controls the production more content... The conservatives are generally and not always part of the republican party. These parties have changed so much since their inception. And with all the negative feelings of each party towards one another we are giving rise to the "Roman Empire Theory" where America is seen in similarities to the old Roman Empire that collapsed upon itself. Here are some examples of the connections: First, the huge cost of elections today have spiralled out of control costing billions of dollars. This is creating the appearance that our leaders are puppets of specail interest groups. In the Roman Empire, towards the end the elections were costing staggering amounts and causing terrible results. Thus, weakening the system. Second, in the late Roman Empire the road to wealth was seen as being in the political arena. The Roman leaders would accumulate great amounts of personal wealth. Today the very same thing is happening across America with those who want to become very wealthy get into the politics and seek a seat either in Congress or the Presidency. Third, as the Roman Empire spiralled down there were wars and a national state of security arose. The same can be said for America as in the last century we have had several wars and now the security of the nation is being challenged. Fourth, during the last years of the Roman Empire the leaders were given wealth from other nations to buy their influence to help them in return. The same is happening in America today as foreign powers send huge sums of money to our various leaders to gain their favor. Fifth, the Romans in their last years made huge profits from their business in foreign countries. In America today, many large corporations have there manufacturing plants in other nations and reaping higher dividends. And Lastly, in the last days of the Roman Empire the middle class was Get more content on
  • 12. The Four Political Parties Political parties are an essential part of our democratic government system. Having different parties gives individuals freedom to choose an individual or a group that best meets their needs and expectations. The two main political parties are Democratic and Republican. The Libertarian and Green parties are the two leading third parties. The Democratic party is the oldest political party in the United States. The Republican party was founded in 1854 by a group of anti–slave activists searching for freedom and equal opportunities for everyone. The party is strongly based on their belief of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Founded in 1971, the Libertarian party opposes any government interference in their lives. They believe more content... They are against any form of limiting the sale of guns or limiting their size or carrying capacity. They believe if guns were taken away from everyone, they would have no way of defending themselves. The Green party believes that gun control should be strengthened. They believe that everyone should have a background check when buying a gun. This will help prevent the amount of guns getting into the hands of criminals. They believe that police should be have retracted gun use so they do not have an overwhelming amount of power. I believe if you are a safe, responsible person, you should have the right to own a gun. However, I do believe there should be background checks for everyone. If you are a criminal and have a bad record, you should not be allowed to buy a gun or depending on your conviction be limited to what kind of gun you can buy. There should be a system of security checks that need to be done in order for one to buy a gun to help prevent guns being in the hands of criminals. Health care has become a significant source of controversy especially since the Affordable Care Act was passed in Get more content on
  • 13. Political Parties & Interest Groups Essay Political Parties and Interest Groups Parties are not mentioned in the U.S. Constitution, they are vital to the function of the electoral system in the states. Parties organize opposition by recruiting and nominating candidates, act as opposition powerless, unify electorate, and provide government and people linkage.(Magleby 55) Election rules in favor of Democrats and Republicans, not minorities. Minor parties must have a min. number of votes to appear on ballot. Various things must appear for minor parties to get on the ballot: num. Of signatures, allotted time to collect; signatures distributed across several counties. (Maglebey 56) The party column ballot–encourages party–line voting, organized by parties, party name more content... Competition that otherwise would occur between major parties occurs in majority party. Voters don't participate as much. (Magleby 66) If party imbalance disorganizes dominant party minority party is pulverized. Minority doesn't fight. Young people gain dominant party, and second party goes national. Two party, a state in which two major parties alternate in winning majorities, balances the southern and northern states. In general election southern voted Republican and northern voted Democrat. Party balance is important in it leans people to one party or other and the election can go either way. (Magleby 66) Mayors lead city party organizations. The mayors office is a stepping stone to other offices. In legislatures parties are at a 50/50 tie with Democrats and Republican parties. In order for a candidate to win the legislative they must form party apparatus to wage a winning campaign. Yet it is important for them to be associated to a party also.( Magleby 83) A party caucus is a meeting of the members of a party in a legislative chamber to select party leaders and develop party policy. Party unity is found in states with two party systems and helps party members to vote similarly. The political caucus aids in how members vote. Legislatures with single party has had long standing dominance or control parties are less important is shaping legislatures. A rebirth of partisanship and Get more content on
  • 14. Political Parties Vs Interest Groups Essay Political parties and interest groups differ in three main areas: their purpose, their internal issues, and their methods. Political parties can be defined as organized groups of people that seek to influence public policy by getting candidates elected to office. An interest group can be defined as an organized group that tries to influence the government to adopt certain policies. From the initial definitions, there is one obvious difference between the purposes of political parties and interest groups: political parties want their members in office, and interest groups want policies to be implemented. However, there are many small differences between the two. Political parties unite people under their common political ideas. They are meant to pick candidates to run campaigns, educate voters, more content... Rather than nominate candidates that share their beliefs for governmental positions, interest groups merely try to gain the attention of those already in office. Furthermore, political parties have very broad platforms and opinions that they prioritize. Interest groups usually have one or two stances that they will not concede, like anti–gun laws or pro–life opinions ("The Relationship"). Because of this difference in policies, political parties and interest groups often have sharply contrasting structures. Political parties, with all the topics that they form opinions about, are more flexible. Members do not necessarily have to agree on every single element of the platform, because there are plenty of opportunities to agree with someone on a particular policy. However, membership in interest groups is much more rigid. Because they typically only opine on one or two things, it is extremely uncommon for members to disagree because people with differing beliefs cannot be in the same interest group. As for methodology, political parties Get more content on
  • 15. The Role Of Political Parties Political parties have a big role in our government. states "A political party is a team of politicians, activist, and voters whose goal is to win control of the government." There are two types of political parties the most popular are the republicans and democrats. The second type of political party is third parties. Popular third parties are the green and libertarian party. Political parties have a big role in the government by their political views, by selecting candidates, mobilize voters, and monitoring the opposing party. One of the political party's roles in the government is sharing their political views. Every four years political parties write their party platform. A party platform is a written document listing that parties views and beliefs. Candidates will run under their party platforms views during an election. If the candidate is elected he or she will vote for things in their favorable view. This means a government official will run the country under their party platform, and they will vote for things in their favor and their party favor. Republicans are pro–life, against medical marijuana, and against LGBT laws. Democrats are pro–choice, for medical marijuana, and for LGBT laws. The two main parties have opposite views and beliefs and that' why their platforms are so different. Parties share their political views with the public to gain support from people that share the same views and beliefs. Parties will also share the opposing party's views to gain more support for people against those views. Political parties also have to nominate candidates to run our country like the president and vice president. Political parties have a big role in the government by selecting candidates. To select a candidate political parties must go through a two–step process recruiting and nominating candidates. Parties are looking for someone that meets the requirements of the position that they are recruiting for, an unblemished record, a credible candidate, and the ability to raise money. The next step in the process is nominating a candidate. The party will nominate the candidate with a higher chance to win. A candidate can be nominated at a convention or caucus, through the primaries, or Get more content on
  • 16. Political Parties And Its Impact On Society In the twenty–first century, political parties are a very important aspect of our society. After recently wrapping up a presidential election, we see how greatly elected officials impact our everyday lives. Civilization has truly evolved since the beginning of the political parties in the 1600's started by the Ancient Greeks. During that time, two groups who are known as the Patricians and the Plebeians made many of the decisions for the Greek society. The Patricians were made up of the Nobel families and families that were born into royalty, and the Plebeians represented the middle class. Even in that time we see how much of an impact social class had on decision making. In the late 1700's, many felt it was time for the change more content... These colonial merchants had passed their wealth to their children." (Book, Section 9.4). One of the most powerful families in American history were founders of the private banking service J.S. Morgan & CO. The Middle Class consisted mainly of artisans, which were workers who made their items from scratch using their hands, and small business owners. These people valued challenging work and worked to provide for their family because they did not have the cushion lifestyle that the elite upper class did. Finally, the working class was made up of Industrialization workers. These individuals suffered the most when any economic crisis occurred. In terms of the political parties in the early United States, the wealthy elite supported federalism because it benefited the bank owners and kept money in their pockets. The Democratic republic party supported more of the middle class and working class. Their desire was to limit the central government 's control because a strong central government will weaken the states' rights and the rights of the people. The War of 1812 helped the decline of federalism in the United States, which in turn contributed to the rise ofAndrew Jackson. British empire set a restriction on American trade, called the Embargo Act of 1807, Get more content on
  • 17. In What Ways Are American Political Parties Weak 1. What are the three political arenas within which a party may be found? As a label in the minds of voters, an organization that chooses and campaigns for candidates, or as a set of leaders who try to organize and control the legislative and executive branches. 2. In what ways are American political parties weak? (This is an extremely important point so be sure that you understand it and can explain all the reasons. This concept will turn up again and again in this class.) This would be a good question for writing a detailed answer. As you read through the chapter, anytime you see a mention of weakened parties, add to this list. Then leave room for more notes or plan to add later since we'll be talking about this all more content... Describe the structure of the major political parties, making sure you understand the roles of the national committees, congressional committees, and the national chairmen. At the national level, political parties run candidates for congress and the presidency. Each party has its own national committee made up of party leaders, elected officials, and the chairs of the state party organizations. The chair of the national committee is chosen by the party's candidate for president. 6. What has been the difference between the two parties in terms of structure and organization? Republicans began to convert their national party into a well–financed, highly staffed organization devoted to finding and electing republican candidates, especially to congress. Democrats began changing the rules governing how presidential candidates are nominated in ways that profoundly altered the distribution of power within the party. 7. What is a political party machine? How has the power of party machines been weakened? What were some of the positive aspects of party Get more content on
  • 18. Political Parties Essay Marca Selway–Kaplar Political Parties March 12, 2017 American Political Parties and the 2016 Elections A loss by the Democratic Party's presidential candidate in 2016 and victory by an outsider to Republican politics who still became its standard bearer becomes less surprising when we focus on the organizational underpinnings of both parties and the role they played in the outcome. That outcome reflects the responding changes in technology and methods of campaigning about national and global economic forces for each of the parties and how these affect the lives of population groups that are crucial to electoral success. Cohen et al. (2008) argue that, through "invisible primaries," where partisan insiders in interest groups and more content... One set of findings focuses on efforts to strengthen the party apparatus. For example, Galvin (2012) documents, from his research and that of others, how, over several decades, the Republican and Democratic national committees increased their investments in human resources and informational assets to become service providers to candidates for office. Galvin's assessment leaves open questions about the evolution and relative strengths and weakness of both parties' apparatus leading up to the 2016 election and how these contributed to its outcome. Without discounting institutional changes in both parties that enhance the ability to gain electoral advantages, others argue for countervailing trends. Galvin (2012) sees "shadow parties," nominally independent but run by party insiders, now performing many tasks formerly the purview of the formal party apparatus. Approximately 40 years ago, the three most central collective actors were a financial contributor, interest group, and advisor. That is, it was the unofficial wing of the party that already had the most significant impact. One would anticipate, then, that 2016 would be more of the same. This was not the case. Because the presidency is available to only one party at a given time, possible influences from individual party actors can be expanded to include other officeholders, including candidates for those offices. An Get more content on
  • 19. The Differences Between Our Political Parties America is a land of very diverse people from all parts of the world. They all have wide varieties of interests, which are represented by both parties of its political system. The Democrats and Republicans represent two different standpoints; although they concentrate on the same issues both of them have different views on how the issues should be addressed. Two presidential campaigns in which the parties' candidates differed on the issues are that of 1988 and 1996. Democracy only works when the people who represent the masses differ on the issues, so that to protect our freedom and the parties of our political system are the best representation of this ideology. The campaign of 1988 more content... "... we've got to do a lot better on education, and we have to do, be tougher on those who commit crimes." But Mr. Dukakis felt that values must be reflected by political leaders themselves to set as an example for the children. He goes on by saying that government should send good messages to young people and its better to advocates early drug education programs and create a good environment in the schools. Another issue with differing viewpoints was that on the federal deficit. Mr. Dukakis believes that there should be less spending on defense system, which we can afford or need. He also says investment in economic growth will expand the revenue and bring down the deficit and finally he believes his programs will get many people out of welfare and become productive citizens, which would save millions of dollars. Mr. Bush refutes his argument with his so called "flexible freeze." He believes this program is "going to increase revenues to the federal government, and it's going to create jobs." He supports his argument by saying that John Kennedy had advocated this program and so had Paul Tsongas, a Senator from Massachusetts, and it does not cost the government any money. One of the most important question that politicians have been arguing about since its establishment after the Depression is Medicaid. Mr. Bush tended to see Medicaid as a big financial bill for the government. But "we've got to keep going forward without killing off the engine and throwing Get more content on
  • 20. Political Party Essay Democratic Party 2. Republican Party 3. Libertarian Party 4. Green Party 5. Constitution Party 1. Democratic Party: In the 1890s this party has favored the progressive and liberal political positions, and that they act on the Congress, in which means that they act on the debt ceiling. It is also one of the two major contemporary political parties that here in the United States. 2. Republican Part: There are many ideas, conservatism, economic liberalism, fiscal conservatism, and social conservatism. 3. Libertarian Party: This party is the one that gives us individual freedom, social liberals, economic conservatives, abortion, and non–interventionist foreign policy. 4. Green Party: The Green Party of the United States, in other words, GPUS, more content... I also like how they act on the Congress. I don't that there is a habit of short–termism because the leaders/governments are generally elected to serve a certain amount of time and there are many concerns about getting re–elected. This all means that some social, environmental, and economic problems require longer–term solutions. Republican I like that there are many different parts of the party. I like that the party has many ideas, conservatism, economic liberalism, fiscal conservatism, and social conservatism. What I don't like is that there is a long lasting dominance of democratic and Republican parties. Also, I don't like that the 3rd parties tend to be expressions of discontent with two major parties. Not to mention, the third parties have a little chance, and there are fears of majority tyranny. Libertarian I like that it gives us individual freedom, social liberals, economic conservatives, and non–interventionist foreign policy. I don't like the abortion that this party has because (to me) abortion is just like murder and I don't agree with it, so that is the only thing that I don't really like.
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