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Role Of My Sisters In My Life
How my sisters changes my life
Life must be boring without someone to be and share with. Like sharing your thoughts, playing around, making fun and having someone who truly
shows genuine love .Those things makes life more beautiful and valuable to live in this wonderful world that God has given. WHAT LIFE GIVES
YOU IS THAT, in every single moment has its own importance in your life giving you more comfort and moment to share and realize how precious
life is. Life deserved to be treasured in order to express how incredible and wonderful it has changed you into something that you might never expect to
happen in your entire life. And this is how my life has changed.
Being the eldest sister to my seven siblings is never easy. Having them is like you're brain might explode because of the different variant of noises
around caused by them .Sometimes my parent cannot focus on just one child because it might cause other to get jealous and this could draw to
possibilities that one of us might put anger to each other. Though my life is kind of surprising and makes you crazy having seven siblings in one small
house, this leads me to get too concern on how my parents is going to support our family. Bigger family has greater responsibilities, as the eldest sibling
it came to a point that I on thinking what would be our family state in the future knew that I had a lot of sisters to be taking care of and to send to
school. This situation bothers me a lot. Of course in our life we cannot
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Middle Adulthood : My Sister Essay
I have five more years before I get to middle adulthood so I decided to interview my sister. My sister Sonya is ten years older than me so she has
just began her middle adulthood. I think my sister grew up fast like me because we both in foster care and we didn't get a normal social life like
most kids we had to mature fast and depend on our self since our mother was not there for us. Middle adulthood my sister is interesting it is bitter
and sweet. It is bitter because body is not the same as it uses to be she has had to have different surgery because he body does what it wants to do.
She decided to go back to school. She is on her last semester on Cal State Dominguez. She does hair at home. She is also married with two
beautiful daughters with are my nieces Symone and Shavonna. My sister is also a recovering addict of substance abuse. She is very active in her
organization she helps other women to get and stay sober by letting them know that there is more to life and God has a better plan for them. The sweet
part of her life is that she has a husband that supports her while she goes to school. Another sweet part knows that her beautiful daughters are doing
well in school. They bought graduate top in there class in middle school. All three of them are going to Cal State Dominguez for their education. My
nieces are going to their high school program on campus. One of them is in the nine the other is in the tenth. They are already talking about going to
college and being
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My Mother With My Sister Essay
I was raised by my single mother and at a time I also had a step–father to help my mother with my sisters and I. My mother had me at 25 years old in
June of 1995, my older sister at 23 in February of 1993, and lastly my little sister at 33 in November of 2003. I grew up being the 'tomboy' and played
so many different sports, there was not a season that I was not playing some type of sport. My stepfather entered my life in 2001 when I was six
years old and he played a huge role in how active I was when it came to playing sports. He was always there to practice with me after school and at
my games to cheer me on. He stayed actively in my life until May of 2005 and from there on until I was 18 years old, in 2013, it was just my
mother, my sisters, and I. As a child, I did not see any boundaries and believed that I could do anything I put my mind to. Growing up I was a straight
A student and in any extracurricular activities. My family encouraged me and supported me in all that I did. As a child, there were no specifiedgender
roles which, "refers to the characteristics and behaviors that different cultures attribute to the sexes", since my household was mainly women that
shared household responsibilities (Nobelius). My stepfather played a part in being a handy man in and outside the house such as painting walls, doing
minor repairs, and yard work. The more major repairs such as plumbing and mechanical issues my parents hired outside help. The only real debate,
which occurred
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My Sister Essay
For as long as I can remember; I have always wanted a sibling. My mom always told me that she had to go through so much to have me and it was a
miracle she was even able to get pregnant. I always wished that she would try again, that just maybe the second time around would be easier. When
I was about 9 years old, my grandma, my mom, and I were eating at KFC. As I ate my potatoes, I saw a young girl working at KFC. I told my mom,
"that girl is pretty, I wish she was my sister." I don't remember my mom saying much, but about two weeks later I was at my grandma's house and
she sat me on the couch. She said, "Taylor remember that girl you said was pretty at KFC?" I said, "yes why?" She said, "well she is your half
sister, your dad was with someone before your mom and they had a daughter." I wasn't quite sure what to think. I was excited but frustrated that my
parents didn't tell me before. I didn't think anything about it at first but as I got older I realized how strange it was that I just wished for a girl to be
my sister and she ends up being my half sister. My parents always told me that I must have felt the connection.
Here we are 7 years later and my sister is 26 with 3 healthy boys. This totally changed my life in a good way because I never thought I would have a
sibling nor nephews. I know I didn't get a little brother or sister that I was hoping for but I got something even better. A big sister that helps me with
anything and 3 adorable nephews that are like my little
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My Siblings Essay
My Siblings
I have 3 siblings; two brothers and one sister. My sister "Isha–27", Little brother "Ishmael–10", and my older brother "I.B–18", we all grew up and
spent the most of our lives with each other. I think I've always known that I was a little different from my brothers and my sister, but it's okay
because we are all different in many ways. Now my story on how it's like living with 3 siblings with personalities are all different and how we all
like certain things but we all manage to live together in harmony , my older brother is more into sports and my little brother is more into video games;
my sister is more into reading a writing and more i'm more into math and science. At times it gets extremely annoying living with more
Some times i had wished i was an only child. Perks of me being an only child i would never have to deal with friends crushing on my siblings, and
plus I wouldn't ever have to share my room. I am always want to get the most amount of attention to my parents but guess they wanted to make us all
equal even though we're not all treated equal, but never understood why that is.
I thought myself to respect all people even if i didn't like them but still had aspect them and saw everyone as equal to each other and not have one
dominant the other. What i am saying I know how it feels to have more limitation based on who you are. I know where they're coming from. But
overall having siblings had made more laughter, more learning opportunities and learning from their mistakes, and most all forever lasting friendship. I
am very thankful to have family and friends to encourage me in my goals on what I want do and who I want to become.
I've been in school for 13 years of my life ,i grew up with most of the same kids; We were a huge family almost, everyone always looked out for
eachother. I was participating in a lot activities. Since the beginning of freshman year, I participated 3 years of color guard, i met new people with
the same interest as me. Almost every friday we had a football game and Saturday's was our competition days; we all bonded as a section when we all
got ready and did each others makeup. Then,
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My Sister Essay
When I was 10 years old I realized I must have been cloned. Mentally, physically, emotionally, and any other descriptive word in the universe I
could not be more like my sister. First with the obvious similarities hair and eye color along with skin tone and height. In all fairness i'm quite alike
to all my family members more my sister than anyone. There are many occasion that will express the likeness between us but here are just a few. In
one occasion I found one trait that correctly signified me and my sisters similarities. The Christmas eve night started out as most did in the past, me
and my sister tried to stay up past midnight, but this year was different we actually did it. "What do you want to watch!" my sister asked "
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As we do every year each family member has to buy each person a gift and if that person does not like the gift the they can return it. "Come on" my
mom yelled to me to come and open my present. As I opened the first gift it was from my father. "Thanks" I said in an unforgiving tone as fathers
give the worst gift and on I went to the next gift. This gift was from my Mom. "Wow" this gift is pretty good I thought. And on to the last person
My sister she always gives me the best gifts as she knows me the best as were around each other 24/7. I opened the gift anticipating for something
great and it was. It was a new case that I had been wanting also a golden corral gift card also something I had been wanting for a while. "How did
you know that I wanted this I haven't told anyone that I had been looking at it?" I asked my sister. "You do know that I have lived with you my
whole life right?" she replied back She always knows what I want I thought while also "drooling" over the new case that I got along with the gift
card In this last occasion it was me writing this paper. In all fairness I wasn't originally going to choose my sister because I didn't think we had that
many similarities or differences then any. Until I began writing the essay. As i'm writing I realizes many of our differences are actually similarities in
a way. For example the many disagreements that we have actually make us similar because it shows we
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My Younger Sister
My Younger Sister "The youngest child gets everything." I could not agree any less with this phrase when I was the youngest in my family. Every
child would know the kind of 'power' their younger sibling has over them. Therefore, I am guilty of taking advantage of this privilege against my
older brother and sister. To begin with, I purposely placed both of them in trouble whenever they made me cry or whenever they don't obey what I
want them to do. In short, I was very spoiled and stubborn child, but nevertheless, I treasured those moments where I was always their center of
attention. That was before my parents told me that I was going to have a younger sister. My immediate response to that appalling news is shock,
mixed with anger, anguish, confusion and a small sense of betrayal. I've been the youngest in my family for as long as I can remember and to have
someone new enter that circle of belongingness seemed unfitting to me. To makes matters worse is that she was a girl, which meant that she would
be gaining twice the attention that I never received. At the same time, I will be the one responsible to look after her in school. Apparently, I was the
only who reacted this way because my parents and siblings welcomed her with open arms. On the other hand, I felt hatred towards my younger sister
more than anyone I could possibly know or think of. Ever since my younger sister came to our doorstep, things were never the same for me. I was
constantly trained to do things on my
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My Sister
Have you ever wondered how something so little could affect your life so much? Well on June XX, 199X, a beautiful baby girl was born with big
brown eyes crystal clear yet pure in color. Gentle skin and soft brown hair, this sweet infant would soon become the most important thing in the world
to me. The opportunity to influence the life of my sister will probably be the most worthwhile experience I will ever encounter. Starlin is an important
person in my life because, she has taught me so much, she is my best friend, and I know I can always count on her.
My sister is important to me in a numerous amount of ways. She has taught me to be truthful, kind and to never loose faith. Through her I've learned to
have self–confidence in all that more content...
I can trust her over anyone to tell me the truth, she is not afraid of hurting my feelings as long as she is being strait up and honest. As we sit on the
gray and black confuter talking, about anything and everything. She is a very unique friend in many ways, mostly because she is my little sister and
I've watched her grow from an adorable toddler to becoming an amazing young woman. I know the connection between the two of us will never fade,
and I have no worries of ever loosing her. We have made many life long memories that will never perish from my mind, and a bond that is
unbreakable. The difficulties we encountered growing up together only makes us stronger and keeps us closer.
I know that if I ever come across a point in my life where I had nothing she would be my everything, which is why I know I can always count on
her. One can open up and pour out their heart to her, she listens and fixes other's problems with complete disregard for her own. She will do
anything to help others without acknowledging her own needs. She listens no matter the time of day and she always gives a word of advice no
matter how big or small. Starlin has proven to me that she is reliable and caring when I had no one to turn to and I was alone at a dramatic time in
my life. I thought I was pregnant and I was afraid of loosing everything I had worked up to be. Starlin brought me back down to reality and helped me
realize that with god and faith I would be
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My Family: My Older Sister Essay
Behind closed doors I saw her tears. Behind her back I heard the laughing. I watched her as she never gave up. So much of what makes me who I am
today, I learned from her. She is my older sister, Lisa.
I had reasons to admire Lisa other than her being my older sister. From the beginning, everything was hard for her. In elementary school,Lisa wore
glasses and was constantly teased by the other children. They were unaware of the emotional harm they caused her. Later, Lisa was diagnosed with a
learning disability. Her school years were extremely difficult, both socially and academically.
Lisa influenced me most when she was in high school, and I was in middle school. Lisa knew the importance of a more content...
Lisa proved to everyone who wanted to see her succeed that she could do it.
Throughout high school Lisa was more dedicated than I can even imagine. All Lisa wanted was to be a "normal" kid for she rarely saw other
students in her same situation. She wanted to make her disability go away. In my eyes, the longer she pursued the more she grew as a student. She
was able to express herself in writing, something she had never been able to do before. She had found an outlet to express herself.
In her senior year, Lisa took a half year elective course in accounting. This proved to be something that she excelled in. In 1993 she received the
BCCO Scholarship Award for "a senior student who has shown significant improvement and success in the face of adversity." Lisa went against all the
odds, did extremely well, and found something that she loved.
At the same time Lisa was improving in school, she was changing on the outside. Within a period of a few years, Lisa matured into a beautiful young
adult. She got contact lenses, her braces came off, and she found a new way to do her hair. From beneath the shy little girl came a beautiful, outgoing
teenager. Yet the students did not make her struggle any easier. Once people have one impression of a person, their minds are not very accepting of
change. It was strange to me that although Lisa wanted to achieve, she was ridiculed for it by the students in her classes.
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Role Of My Sisters In My Life

  • 1. Role Of My Sisters In My Life How my sisters changes my life Life must be boring without someone to be and share with. Like sharing your thoughts, playing around, making fun and having someone who truly shows genuine love .Those things makes life more beautiful and valuable to live in this wonderful world that God has given. WHAT LIFE GIVES YOU IS THAT, in every single moment has its own importance in your life giving you more comfort and moment to share and realize how precious life is. Life deserved to be treasured in order to express how incredible and wonderful it has changed you into something that you might never expect to happen in your entire life. And this is how my life has changed. Being the eldest sister to my seven siblings is never easy. Having them is like you're brain might explode because of the different variant of noises around caused by them .Sometimes my parent cannot focus on just one child because it might cause other to get jealous and this could draw to possibilities that one of us might put anger to each other. Though my life is kind of surprising and makes you crazy having seven siblings in one small house, this leads me to get too concern on how my parents is going to support our family. Bigger family has greater responsibilities, as the eldest sibling it came to a point that I on thinking what would be our family state in the future knew that I had a lot of sisters to be taking care of and to send to school. This situation bothers me a lot. Of course in our life we cannot Get more content on
  • 2. Middle Adulthood : My Sister Essay I have five more years before I get to middle adulthood so I decided to interview my sister. My sister Sonya is ten years older than me so she has just began her middle adulthood. I think my sister grew up fast like me because we both in foster care and we didn't get a normal social life like most kids we had to mature fast and depend on our self since our mother was not there for us. Middle adulthood my sister is interesting it is bitter and sweet. It is bitter because body is not the same as it uses to be she has had to have different surgery because he body does what it wants to do. She decided to go back to school. She is on her last semester on Cal State Dominguez. She does hair at home. She is also married with two beautiful daughters with are my nieces Symone and Shavonna. My sister is also a recovering addict of substance abuse. She is very active in her organization she helps other women to get and stay sober by letting them know that there is more to life and God has a better plan for them. The sweet part of her life is that she has a husband that supports her while she goes to school. Another sweet part knows that her beautiful daughters are doing well in school. They bought graduate top in there class in middle school. All three of them are going to Cal State Dominguez for their education. My nieces are going to their high school program on campus. One of them is in the nine the other is in the tenth. They are already talking about going to college and being Get more content on
  • 3. My Mother With My Sister Essay I was raised by my single mother and at a time I also had a step–father to help my mother with my sisters and I. My mother had me at 25 years old in June of 1995, my older sister at 23 in February of 1993, and lastly my little sister at 33 in November of 2003. I grew up being the 'tomboy' and played so many different sports, there was not a season that I was not playing some type of sport. My stepfather entered my life in 2001 when I was six years old and he played a huge role in how active I was when it came to playing sports. He was always there to practice with me after school and at my games to cheer me on. He stayed actively in my life until May of 2005 and from there on until I was 18 years old, in 2013, it was just my mother, my sisters, and I. As a child, I did not see any boundaries and believed that I could do anything I put my mind to. Growing up I was a straight A student and in any extracurricular activities. My family encouraged me and supported me in all that I did. As a child, there were no specifiedgender roles which, "refers to the characteristics and behaviors that different cultures attribute to the sexes", since my household was mainly women that shared household responsibilities (Nobelius). My stepfather played a part in being a handy man in and outside the house such as painting walls, doing minor repairs, and yard work. The more major repairs such as plumbing and mechanical issues my parents hired outside help. The only real debate, which occurred Get more content on
  • 4. My Sister Essay For as long as I can remember; I have always wanted a sibling. My mom always told me that she had to go through so much to have me and it was a miracle she was even able to get pregnant. I always wished that she would try again, that just maybe the second time around would be easier. When I was about 9 years old, my grandma, my mom, and I were eating at KFC. As I ate my potatoes, I saw a young girl working at KFC. I told my mom, "that girl is pretty, I wish she was my sister." I don't remember my mom saying much, but about two weeks later I was at my grandma's house and she sat me on the couch. She said, "Taylor remember that girl you said was pretty at KFC?" I said, "yes why?" She said, "well she is your half sister, your dad was with someone before your mom and they had a daughter." I wasn't quite sure what to think. I was excited but frustrated that my parents didn't tell me before. I didn't think anything about it at first but as I got older I realized how strange it was that I just wished for a girl to be my sister and she ends up being my half sister. My parents always told me that I must have felt the connection. Here we are 7 years later and my sister is 26 with 3 healthy boys. This totally changed my life in a good way because I never thought I would have a sibling nor nephews. I know I didn't get a little brother or sister that I was hoping for but I got something even better. A big sister that helps me with anything and 3 adorable nephews that are like my little Get more content on
  • 5. My Siblings Essay My Siblings I have 3 siblings; two brothers and one sister. My sister "Isha–27", Little brother "Ishmael–10", and my older brother "I.B–18", we all grew up and spent the most of our lives with each other. I think I've always known that I was a little different from my brothers and my sister, but it's okay because we are all different in many ways. Now my story on how it's like living with 3 siblings with personalities are all different and how we all like certain things but we all manage to live together in harmony , my older brother is more into sports and my little brother is more into video games; my sister is more into reading a writing and more i'm more into math and science. At times it gets extremely annoying living with more content... Some times i had wished i was an only child. Perks of me being an only child i would never have to deal with friends crushing on my siblings, and plus I wouldn't ever have to share my room. I am always want to get the most amount of attention to my parents but guess they wanted to make us all equal even though we're not all treated equal, but never understood why that is. I thought myself to respect all people even if i didn't like them but still had aspect them and saw everyone as equal to each other and not have one dominant the other. What i am saying I know how it feels to have more limitation based on who you are. I know where they're coming from. But overall having siblings had made more laughter, more learning opportunities and learning from their mistakes, and most all forever lasting friendship. I am very thankful to have family and friends to encourage me in my goals on what I want do and who I want to become. I've been in school for 13 years of my life ,i grew up with most of the same kids; We were a huge family almost, everyone always looked out for eachother. I was participating in a lot activities. Since the beginning of freshman year, I participated 3 years of color guard, i met new people with the same interest as me. Almost every friday we had a football game and Saturday's was our competition days; we all bonded as a section when we all got ready and did each others makeup. Then, Get more content on
  • 6. My Sister Essay When I was 10 years old I realized I must have been cloned. Mentally, physically, emotionally, and any other descriptive word in the universe I could not be more like my sister. First with the obvious similarities hair and eye color along with skin tone and height. In all fairness i'm quite alike to all my family members more my sister than anyone. There are many occasion that will express the likeness between us but here are just a few. In one occasion I found one trait that correctly signified me and my sisters similarities. The Christmas eve night started out as most did in the past, me and my sister tried to stay up past midnight, but this year was different we actually did it. "What do you want to watch!" my sister asked " more content... As we do every year each family member has to buy each person a gift and if that person does not like the gift the they can return it. "Come on" my mom yelled to me to come and open my present. As I opened the first gift it was from my father. "Thanks" I said in an unforgiving tone as fathers give the worst gift and on I went to the next gift. This gift was from my Mom. "Wow" this gift is pretty good I thought. And on to the last person My sister she always gives me the best gifts as she knows me the best as were around each other 24/7. I opened the gift anticipating for something great and it was. It was a new case that I had been wanting also a golden corral gift card also something I had been wanting for a while. "How did you know that I wanted this I haven't told anyone that I had been looking at it?" I asked my sister. "You do know that I have lived with you my whole life right?" she replied back She always knows what I want I thought while also "drooling" over the new case that I got along with the gift card In this last occasion it was me writing this paper. In all fairness I wasn't originally going to choose my sister because I didn't think we had that many similarities or differences then any. Until I began writing the essay. As i'm writing I realizes many of our differences are actually similarities in a way. For example the many disagreements that we have actually make us similar because it shows we Get more content on
  • 7. My Younger Sister My Younger Sister "The youngest child gets everything." I could not agree any less with this phrase when I was the youngest in my family. Every child would know the kind of 'power' their younger sibling has over them. Therefore, I am guilty of taking advantage of this privilege against my older brother and sister. To begin with, I purposely placed both of them in trouble whenever they made me cry or whenever they don't obey what I want them to do. In short, I was very spoiled and stubborn child, but nevertheless, I treasured those moments where I was always their center of attention. That was before my parents told me that I was going to have a younger sister. My immediate response to that appalling news is shock, mixed with anger, anguish, confusion and a small sense of betrayal. I've been the youngest in my family for as long as I can remember and to have someone new enter that circle of belongingness seemed unfitting to me. To makes matters worse is that she was a girl, which meant that she would be gaining twice the attention that I never received. At the same time, I will be the one responsible to look after her in school. Apparently, I was the only who reacted this way because my parents and siblings welcomed her with open arms. On the other hand, I felt hatred towards my younger sister more than anyone I could possibly know or think of. Ever since my younger sister came to our doorstep, things were never the same for me. I was constantly trained to do things on my Get more content on
  • 8. My Sister Have you ever wondered how something so little could affect your life so much? Well on June XX, 199X, a beautiful baby girl was born with big brown eyes crystal clear yet pure in color. Gentle skin and soft brown hair, this sweet infant would soon become the most important thing in the world to me. The opportunity to influence the life of my sister will probably be the most worthwhile experience I will ever encounter. Starlin is an important person in my life because, she has taught me so much, she is my best friend, and I know I can always count on her. My sister is important to me in a numerous amount of ways. She has taught me to be truthful, kind and to never loose faith. Through her I've learned to have self–confidence in all that more content... I can trust her over anyone to tell me the truth, she is not afraid of hurting my feelings as long as she is being strait up and honest. As we sit on the gray and black confuter talking, about anything and everything. She is a very unique friend in many ways, mostly because she is my little sister and I've watched her grow from an adorable toddler to becoming an amazing young woman. I know the connection between the two of us will never fade, and I have no worries of ever loosing her. We have made many life long memories that will never perish from my mind, and a bond that is unbreakable. The difficulties we encountered growing up together only makes us stronger and keeps us closer. I know that if I ever come across a point in my life where I had nothing she would be my everything, which is why I know I can always count on her. One can open up and pour out their heart to her, she listens and fixes other's problems with complete disregard for her own. She will do anything to help others without acknowledging her own needs. She listens no matter the time of day and she always gives a word of advice no matter how big or small. Starlin has proven to me that she is reliable and caring when I had no one to turn to and I was alone at a dramatic time in my life. I thought I was pregnant and I was afraid of loosing everything I had worked up to be. Starlin brought me back down to reality and helped me realize that with god and faith I would be Get more content on
  • 9. My Family: My Older Sister Essay Behind closed doors I saw her tears. Behind her back I heard the laughing. I watched her as she never gave up. So much of what makes me who I am today, I learned from her. She is my older sister, Lisa. I had reasons to admire Lisa other than her being my older sister. From the beginning, everything was hard for her. In elementary school,Lisa wore glasses and was constantly teased by the other children. They were unaware of the emotional harm they caused her. Later, Lisa was diagnosed with a learning disability. Her school years were extremely difficult, both socially and academically. Lisa influenced me most when she was in high school, and I was in middle school. Lisa knew the importance of a more content... Lisa proved to everyone who wanted to see her succeed that she could do it. Throughout high school Lisa was more dedicated than I can even imagine. All Lisa wanted was to be a "normal" kid for she rarely saw other students in her same situation. She wanted to make her disability go away. In my eyes, the longer she pursued the more she grew as a student. She was able to express herself in writing, something she had never been able to do before. She had found an outlet to express herself. In her senior year, Lisa took a half year elective course in accounting. This proved to be something that she excelled in. In 1993 she received the BCCO Scholarship Award for "a senior student who has shown significant improvement and success in the face of adversity." Lisa went against all the odds, did extremely well, and found something that she loved.
  • 10. At the same time Lisa was improving in school, she was changing on the outside. Within a period of a few years, Lisa matured into a beautiful young adult. She got contact lenses, her braces came off, and she found a new way to do her hair. From beneath the shy little girl came a beautiful, outgoing teenager. Yet the students did not make her struggle any easier. Once people have one impression of a person, their minds are not very accepting of change. It was strange to me that although Lisa wanted to achieve, she was ridiculed for it by the students in her classes. Get more content on