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Jean Watson Philosophy Of Caring Essay
Philosophy of Caring in Nursing To care is to feel compassion towards someone or something. Are human beings generally good and trustworthy or are
they selfish and greedy? If humanity is the latter, than compassion towards others is not for their greater good, but for self–gratitude. It is hard to
accept this thought process if you are a nurse or even know one. Compassion means to care and without either of these, nursing would flounder.
Nurses seem to have an innate caring disposition about them. Think about how nurses are generally portrayed, tired, overworked, underpaid, but still
going that extra mile with a smile on their face. Is this because nurses have compassion that the rest of the world is lacking, if humanity is selfish and
greedy, or is it because nurses have the intrinsic ability to care? If nurses have an innate characteristic for compassion, then one can speculate nurses
are born not created. However, if humanity is generally good, then nursing is a chosen field, not for self–gratitude but of genuine compassion for
others. The philosophy of caring has been questioned and studied for years, and yet we are still learning. Dr. Jean Watson is a nursing professor and
key leader regarding the philosophy of caring. In 1979, Watson published a theory about human caring. Her theory was based on Nightingale's
revelation of nursing. (Falk Rafael, 2000, p. 35) Watson had three main ideas about nursing that were highly discussed. First, was her idea of
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Examples Of Nursing Philosophy Paper
Personal Philosophy Paper
There are four basic concepts of the nursing philosophy. One concept of the nursing philosophy is person, which is the recipients of the nursing care.
The environment is another aspect, which can be both physical and social. The aspect of health which is the mental and physical wellness of a person,
and nursing which is the act of caring for a person holistically. These concepts are referred to as the metaparadigm of nursing (Hood, 2012). I believe a
person is an individual with their own beliefs, feelings, and emotions. Each individual person has their own threshold of pain and their own thoughts
and feelings on what constitutes pain. I also believe, in healthcare, that the category person should include the patients' family or group of support
whom are directly related to the individual's care. We as nurses are responsible for the emotional and physical wellbeing of the patient in our care which
sometimes means we have to take into account the emotional state of their support system. If their support system are emotionally stable they are
better equipped to assist the patient in his or her recovery. The environment of a person includes both the inner body workings and the external
surroundings that each person interacts with during their lifetime. Humans more content...
Holistic nursing is defined as all nursing practice that has healing the whole person as its goal (AHNA, 1998). I believe a nurse does not discriminate
and treats all their patients with the same sense of dignity and respect. I believe that a nurse should strive to develop trusting professional relationships
with their patients so that they can better develop individual care plans. Nurses should focus on a person's life as a whole when providing help and
support for the patient when making decisions about their care. Nurses should also be compassionate and have excellent critical thinking
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My Nursing Philosophy
Being a nurse is not always easy. We never know what time has in store for us. Nursing is very demanding profession that requires a lot of dedication
and commitment. Clinical education is recognized as an essential, fundamental and highly significant component of professional education for nursing.
Clinical practice provides student nurses the opportunity to develop their clinical skills, particularly the patient care skills. It is one of the ways used
to increase the nursing students' professional competence. During our final years in high school, the curriculum was based on Leadership and
Management which was so easy in theories. As soon as the clinical practice started, it was really getting difficult. We had to take turns to act as a
student in–charge in a particular ward of the hospital for 3weeks. We were assigned more content...
My partner had to take over me. The presentation went bad. I was worried. I still had loads of work to do and it was already tiring. I wanted to
give up. As the saying goes, we cannot refuse to be challenged in our lives, but we can still choose not to lose. But it was based on whole
curriculum of final year and the scores of our final year was lot dependent upon this. So, I continued, I was hoping to do well the next day. The
next day was okay, the teachers gave us a positive feedback. The days were going on and on, I gave my best although it was exhausting. There were
times when teachers were not satisfied but we kept going. The ward started running smoothly without any obstacles, everybody was performing well.
We were praised for our works. The patient were happy as we also focused on keeping the ward tidy. We got compliments from them too. It felt good,
there was satisfaction within myself. During the end of our turn, the teachers were satisfied, the staffs, colleagues, juniors as well as the patients. I
scored 92% and I was also
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Nursing Philosophy
Philosophy of nursing is an occupation consisting of professional individuals that exhibit and express compassion, respect, dignity and integrity to their
patients and fellow coworkers. Nursing is not just a career, it is intertwined in the way we think, make decisions and prioritize values. As a nurse, it is
important to me to provide the highest quality nursing care possible to achieve excellence in patient outcomes, while simultaneously, providing a
respectful healing environment and work with other members of the care team to achieve positive patient outcomes.
Health. Wellness is not an absolute conception, but exists in the framework of the health obstacles of thehuman being (Kearney–Nunnery, 2012).
Health, a dynamic process, more content...
When patients are in our environment, it's our obligation to provide safe quality care to promote safety being our top priority to our patients. We
want our patients to feel safe at all times and have no fears while in our care. Nurses are responsible for knowing policies, procedures and protocols
to ensure the safety of patients. We are also to maintain the privacy of our patients and to ensure Hippa regulations are not broken at any given time. It
is our duty to provide safe adequate care at all times and to advocate for the patient.
Nursing. Nursing is defined as treatment that is molded to the needs of the patient and delivered in a competent well organized and applicable way.
Nursing refers to the operation of caring for the patient and assisting individuals in reaching their goals while also educating them the essentials of
caring for themselves (Rebecca Lake, 2013). Nursing is about compassion and trying to understand human beings on all emotional, physical and
scientific levels. We are the voice for our patient's when unable to speak or unstable to make sound decisions. As nurses, we utilize therapeutic
communication and intuition regarding the well–being of our patients.
In conclusion nursing is just not a career, it is intertwined in the way we think, make decisions, and prioritize values. Nursing is a profession which
uses evidence based practices yet displays a comprehensive understanding of human beings through health, person, environment, and
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My Nursing Philosophy
i know that my own nursing philosophy and experience will continue to evolve as long as nursing is still in existence. Nursing as i grew to know and
understand is about helping people in all dimension. personally, the nursing theory and philosophy i have adapted through my journey in nursing is that
of Virginia Henderson. Henderson theory is that of Need Theory. Her theory emphasizes the importance of increasing the patient's independence so that
progress made after hospitalization will not be delayed. This theory focuses on the basic human need as a central point of nursing practice (Need
Theory). Every human being at some point in their lifetime will need help that they will not be able to render to themselves under normal circumstances
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Personal Nursing Philosophy Essay
Abstract I define my philosophy of nursing within the three nursing domains of person, health, and environment. My goal is to communicate the
importance of nursing as a knowledge–based career, depending not only on the nurse fulfilling her role but also on the patient's compliance. A patient
must learn to provide self–care at home in the same capacity as the nurse would provide care in the clinical setting. I discuss various subjects within
nursing. I explain why I want to be a nurse, what I believe a nurse's role is, the different domains of nursing, and where I believe nursing will be in the
future. My philosophy demonstrates the interdependence of the nursing domains. You cannot fully evaluate a person without evaluating their health, more content...
Define Nursing I personally define nursing as aiding in the recovery and survival of another person using the specialized knowledge, ability, and critical
thinking skills attained through study and experience. The word nurse translates in Latin to nourish. This Latin translation reveals that nurses nourish
when a person is in need. Angelo Gonzalo (2011) states, "Nursing is an art through which the practitioner of nursing gives specialized assistance to
persons with disabilities which makes more than ordinary assistance necessary to meet needs for self–care" (Major Concepts section, para. 1). Nursing
requires a diligent and hardy person to be able to assess the situation, access the appropriate knowledge and skills, and accordingly provide the care a
person needs. Regrettably, the existence of nursing depends on the medical inadequacy of others. Unfortunately, nursing exists because people get hurt,
cannot care for themselves, or need assistance with daily activities. Carol Taylor (2011), author of Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of
Nursing Care, writes, "Nursing care involves any number of activities, from carrying out complicated technical procedures to something as seemingly
as holding a hand" (p. 5). Taylor explains it is the duty of a nurse not only to learn the pertinent skills but also to bond with and comfort others. Nurses
have to do and become many things: They must be stern when necessary, compassionate when needed, open minded
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Nursing Care Philosophy Essay
Philosophy of nursing and nursing care Nursing is a nurturing profession, and caring is the core component of this noble profession. Act of caring is
what distinguishes nursing from other healthcare professions. Caring is a strong commitment to self, others and the environment, and its deeply
rooted in empathy, integrity, compassion, respect, and honesty. Premise: The act of caring is a genuine devotion to both self and others. Caring for
individuals in need is one of the greatest acts of kindness. However, it is important to care for ourselves first to be able to care for others (Norman,
2012). Self –care is essential for physical and emotional well–being of every nurse. Exercise, health nutrition, adequate sleep, and rest are attributes
self–care. Very earlier in my childhood, my parents inculcated values such as kindness, love and compassion for self and others which in turn,
influence my practice. Caring is based on treating oneself and others with love, kindness and compassion. Premise: Caring for more content...
Caring for the environment enhances the availability of clean water, food, and pure air, and ensures a place that is conducive for living, learning,
healing, and working (Norman et al., 2016). Nurses must shield themselves and their patients from environmental hazards: Especially the elderly,
children, and chronically–ill, who are at increased risk for the side effects of environmental hazards (Norman, 2016). In the ICU, I protect my patients
from potential environmental hazards by removing unused or discontinued medications, sharps, any equipment's that are no longer needed in my
patients' room, and thorough hand hygiene. Caring for the environment is building a better future. Nurses and other health care professionals must
demonstrate genuine interest in shielding our patients from the harmful effect environmental
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Personal Philosophy of Nursing Essay examples
Personal Philosophy of Nursing UCF November 25, 2011 Personal Philosophy of Nursing My personal definition of nursing is taking care of my
patient as a whole; using my knowledge, being compassionate and caring, respectful and honest. Taking care of the; spiritual, physical and emotional
aspect of the patient, and taking into consideration their family and environment. Learning about the different theorists I associate myself the most with
Hildegard Peplau. Peplau believed that the relationship between the patient and the nurse was focus of attention, rather than the patient only as the unit
of attention. (Chitty & Black p.314–315). Using Peplau's theory my relationship begins with my patients as strangers and I try more content...
Not being afraid to question doctors as well as the nurses about their care, asking for a 2nd opinion if they don't feel quite right about a diagnosis.
Patients should educate themselves on their disease process along with collaboration of the physicians and nurses. Patients should know why they are
on their medications, I have seen countless times were patients have no idea what their taking and why their taking their medications, their response
because the doctor said so this is not good enough. I also believe that many of our physicians and nurses have failed our patients looking at them as
just a body not an individual. We should encourage screenings, early interventions (education) to help prevent or reduce diseases. By doing these
things I think we can help to reduce patients hospitalizations, healthcare costs and risk of infections. Prolong the lives of our patients help them to live
a healthy and long life. There will be a few challenges ahead for our healthcare system and the nursing profession: 1. The Aging Population– (baby
boomers will be hitting retirement age). 2. Poverty–"the increasing numbers of disenfranchised people and pressure to limit health care expenditures
will collide to create an intense values conflict for nurses of the future". (Chitty & Black p.382) 3. Unhealthy Lifestyles– (obesity, tobacco use, lack of
exercise, stress, HIV/AIDS and drug abuse). 4. Faculty and Student shortages– making nursing shortage worse. Nurses as
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My Nursing Philosophy
My nursing philosophy is to get every patient to be as independent as they were before they came to me or at least to where they can function closely
to what they were doing before. I want. I like teaching patients independence because if the patient doesn't remain active or able to bathe themselves or
feed themselves, the muscles lose memory and it becomes more and more difficult for the patient to care for themselves. My definition is closely
related to Virginia Henderson and Dorothea Orem because they both promote self–care and patient independence. The most important roles for
providing care are person, environment, nursing, and health. I define person as someone who is seeking care or family seeking care of a health care
provider. more content...
Keep the body clean and well–groomed and protect the integument.
9. Avoid dangers in the environment and avoid injuring others.
10. Communicate with others in expressing emotions, needs, fears, or opinions.
11. Worship according to one's faith.
12. Work in such a way that there is a sense of accomplishment.
13. Play or participate in various forms of recreation.
14. Learn, discover, or satisfy the curiosity that leads to normal development and health and use the available health facilities." (Virginia Henderson,
Her philosophy and fourteen points support patient independence by encouraging the patient to perform everyday activities by the nurse supporting the
patient recovering instead of nurses doing everything for the patient. Dorothea Orem's theory of nursing focuses on independence of the patient, but
also focuses on the patient's responsibility of healing. The patient is the one who has to be determined to be healthy and get well again. His or her
family also has responsibility of caring for the patient because they have an impact on the environment. "It is also the environment and the society that
directly affect the nurse–patient relationship and self–care agency, which are all interconnected into achieving, restoring, and maintaining health."
(Komento, 2012) Orem's theory is very relevant to mine because she focuses on independence on the patient to become healthy
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Nursing Philosophy Essay
In the philosophy of nursing are four basic concepts:
1) nursing as art and science;
2) the patient as a person;
3) Environment;
4) health.
Art has a great impact on the spiritual world. The impact of art on the general condition and mood of the person and its beneficial effects on health have
been seen in ancient times. At the time, Florence Nightingale said that nursing – one of the oldest arts and one of the youngest sciences, which focuses
on caring for patients.
As the science of nursing is based not only on medical knowledge, but also in psychology, sociology, cultural studies, history, ethics and aesthetics. In
the course of professional work with the nursing staff produced some conceptual approach, based on the considerable more content...
The problem of personality in philosophy – is primarily a question of the place of the people in the world. The man – a holistic, dynamic,
self–regulating biological system, a set of physiological, psychosocial and spiritual needs, the satisfaction of which determines the growth,
development, merging with the surrounding environment. Biological, psychological, social and spiritual components are integrated human patient.
They are common to all people, but unique to each and form a unique personality. Anurse must be prepared to deal with any patient, respectful of its
past and present, life values, customs and beliefs.
The environment has always influenced the life of people. Hippocrates came from the defining influence of environmental factors on the formation of
physical (design) and mental (temperament) property rights. He singled out these factors (climate, weather, wind, water, soil, topography, people's
lifestyle, their habits, the laws of the country, even form of government, and others.) In terms of their impact on human rights. F.Naytingeyl also
considered the environment a significant factor in preventing disease and maintaining
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Nursing Philosophy Of Nursing
Introduction As a nursing student in the BSN program at West Coast University, I have discovered my skills and knowledge to prepare myself on
how to be an efficient nurse as well as a nurse that truly cares for the best quality of care given to a patient. I have found some good qualities and
insight in the paradigms to a philosophy of caring as a nurse. In this paper I will discuss the four paradigms of nursing which includes: Health, Nursing,
Client/Person, and Environment. As a nurse, one must understand the importance of these paradigms and the philosophy of caring. Developing a
nursing philosophy with each paradigm can result into a better quality of care, having an authentic relationship with the patient, and inviting growth and more content...
Nursing as a health profession is "with the knowledge and understanding that each client has different needs. Possessing the ability to assess these
needs and determine what type of care or intervention is needed to improve the clients' health, person, and the environment is the art of nursing." (2012)
The client/person is who nurses care for and their families. As a nurse, it is very important to establish a good rapport with the client, and to their
families. At a very basic level nursing is not about just a job or how much the pay is, it is about caring for the client/person and their families who
are not related to you. As nurses, we need to look at the client/person and their families as if they are our own families that we need to care for. By
doing so, we can provide the best efficient and best quality of care possible. "Nursing is about caring for someone which is an instinct we learn from
our family, our culture, and our life experiences." (2012)
Environment is a multifaceted concept that can affect a person physically, mentally, and socially. A person's environment can be influenced by its
location, family, peers interaction, and technologies available. As nurses in the United States, we must be aware and non–judgmental of different
cultures and people that we encounter. Nurses, when giving that care for clients/person, we must have an open mind as well as open heart to
incorporate and understand the different culture that
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Nursing Philosophy : Nursing And Nursing Essay
Nursing Philosophy Nursing philosophy is defined as a nurse or students thought of what they believe to be true about the nature of the profession of
nursing and to provide a base for nursing practice. (2016, para.1) The nursing field continues to develop into a professional scope of practice and
nurses continue to work to develop a high standard for the profession. The values and skills that nurses' learn as they care for patients continue to
develop into rules and regulations for future nurses. As a nurse it is important to create the best environment for patients, family members and
co–workers. After graduating from high school I obtained my STNA and then began my college career in the health field as a physical therapy
major. This past year I transitioned to nursing after seeing how much more I am able to work directly with patients. The reasoning behind my nursing
philosophy is that I have gained knowledge and love for the profession through working as a certified nurses aide for the last four years. The love for
helping others and the ability to help individuals during their times of need has grown on me and developed into a passion. Through education and
work experiences my philosophy will transform overtime. Currently, I believe in a nursing philosophy that states strong principals that encompass
empathy, compassion, and respect towards patients and their families. In addition, nurses must stay abreast of developing health care trends, be critical
thinkers and
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Sample Nursing Philosophy Paper
Philosophy of Nursing
Christopher S. Ingham
NSC 840 Theoretical Foundations for EBP
Department of Baccalaureate & Graduate Nursing, Eastern Kentucky University
Richmond, KY
August 28, 2014
Philosophy of Nursing
After previously writing about Caper's (1978) pattern of knowledge defined as personal knowledge I started to reflect back up on each day of what had
previously occurred? What had led to the situation? And what could have I done differently to have bettered my relationship with patients? Searching
for these answers during my daily practice has opened self–exploration into what nursing means to me. Within this paper I will discuss my philosophy
of nursing, my personal definition of nursing, and what guided me towards more content...
Nursing was a challenge to the individual and I had to experience an identity I had never previously thought about which was being a male within a
predominantly female career field. As Yang et al. (2004) showed males in their study work towards promotion and strive on a long term goal of
personal growth. In previous fields I had always fought for advancement and now I still do and have been equally been treated among my peers and
have seen that advancement truly can only come from pursuing an advanced degree. My goal of becoming a mental health nurse practitioner stems as
well from another belief I have of nursing; advancing for the betterment of patient care. The advanced practice nurse basis their practice on evidence
to reach the therapeutic goal. Increasing skills through education and being a source for others to come to increases the quality of care throughout
clinical setting. I want to be a resource for all my fellow nurses so that it is not just I who increases patient outcomes, but assist others in doing the same.
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Nursing Philosophy Statement
In my personal philosophy, it is my goal to assure that my patients receive the upmost quality care. Although each working shift I am faced with many
undaunting challenges, it is still my calling that the patients who remain under my care for 12 hours remain without harm. According to the Arkansas
State Board of Nursing (2017)," The mission of the Arkansas State Board of Nursing is to protect the public and act as their advocate by effectively
regulating the practice of nursing" (para. 1). Once completing my education and seating before the NCLEX boards, I took an oath to act in accordance
with this mission. In my current student status, transforming my diploma degree into a baccalaureate degree, I will now learn to integrate new Quality
and Safety Education for Nursing competencies into my philosophy. They will permit me to: Expand the concepts of health and health education to
incorporate more complex research utilization and evidence based practice as a participative member of the interdisciplinary team...serve as a
community and professional advocate while designing educational programs that are based more content...
The competencies of informatics fit well under this umbrella of nursing as it assists in better patient care. Nursing informatics "is the synthesis of
nursing science, information science, computer science, and cognitive science for the purpose of managing and enhancing health care data,
information, knowledge, and wisdom to improve patient care and the nursing profession" (McGonigle, 2014). For an example, in my clinical practice,
technology informatics can be utilized to measure my patient outcomes, easily access electronical medical records, and easily assess workloads and
interventions. It can be seen how Informatics can enhance my abilities to improve patient care and therefore aligns with my philosophy of providing
high grade
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Nursing Philosophy Paper
In this paper I will describe the evolution of my nursing philosophy. My nursing philosophy is dynamic and ever changing, dependent upon the person,
environment nursing and the health of the person. Everyone is different. They come from different backgrounds, nationalities, genders, races and social
statuses to name a few. I have found that my nursing philosophy is not a fixed or rigid philosophy, it changes with time.
The essence of nursing in my philosophy is ever changing. It is based on different nursing theories and cobbled together to achieve the goal of giving
the best care possible. My nursing philosophy is rooted in Florence Nightingale's Environmental more content...
RN's were named honest and ethical by the American Nurses Association and a Gallup poll in 2014, people voted and them the most honest and ethical
(American Nurse, 2015).According to Masters the code of ethics for nurses contains general moral provisions and standards for nurses to follow, but
specific guidelines for clinical practice, education, research and administration are contained within the statements. The code is non–negotiable.
(Masters, p.1 Patients
Patients are unique individuals. Each comes from a different walks of life and have had varying life experiences. Patients are not just a diagnosis or
treatment in a certain room. Each patient is a human being and should be treated with respect no matter what their history may be. Families and
Significant Others
Patients families and significant others are individuals also. They are concerned about their loved one. These feelings should be acknowledged and
respected. Emotions have a tendency to run high when a loved one is ill and the nurse must understand this is a reality and that the nurse treats the
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Nursing Philosophy Essay
Nursing is a science in which all the needs of a person are met through the proper use of the nursing process. With health care as a universal human
right, it encompasses a process that involves a collaborative care of people of all ages and communities in all settings. Nursing is essential in promoting
health, prevention of illness, care of the sick and disabled people in the society. Nursing advocates for the promotion of a safe environment, research,
shaping health policies, education and patient health management systems. The philosophy of nursing examines the truths and ideals in nursing. It is
the result of the intellectual effort to understand the relationship among people, environment and health. Nursing philosophy outlines more
The nursing profession majorly focuses on using the element of caring, to improve the health of people within their environments. An essential theory
in nursing enhances better health care offered to the patients, better communication between nurses and proper guidance, for research and education. In
general, the nursing theories are used by practitioners to improve their practice. The nursing paradigms are patterns that are used to show the
relationship between the concepts in the theories and practice of nursing. They are essential in developing a better understanding of the nursing
profession. The meta–paradigm concept in nursing is a core–unifying element that provides a common and conducive ground for communicating
between nursing theories. The nursing meta–paradigm involves research, practice, philosophy, theory, knowledge base and the wider educational
experience associated with the nursing practice. There are four concepts in the nursing theory that highly influence and determine the nursing practice
that include the person, the environment, health and the nursing roles, goals and functions (Rich, 2011). The person is the recipient of the care and in
most cases is the patient. This care may be given to people, families and communities. The environment includes the external and internal aspects that
influence the person. There is a dynamic relationship between
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My Nursing Philosophy Essay
What nursing is defined as in my opinion, is more of a philosophy. I see nursing as a combination of beliefs and ideals that revolve around the
concepts of compassion, integrity, and sacrifice. I have always viewed nurses as caring and compassionate towards their patents. There is a quality in
their personalities in that they truly care about who they are working with. Nurses are also ones who can be trusted, as you know that they regard
their job to the highest degree. Nurses will not compromise, and will do whatever necessary to ensure the health of their patients. Sacrifice is another
concept I associate with nursing. Nurses put their patients above themselves and will gladly go out of their way to ensure their wellness. If I
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A major contributor to my nursing philosophy was my being in the Air Force, and the many knowledgeable and supportive supervisors an co–workers
that I had. The Air Force has the core values of integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do. I feel that these core values helped
shape my nursing philosophy. I feel integrity is an integral part of nursing as we must always do the right thing no matter what. I believe that nurses
must also put their service of helping others above themselves. Nursing is not a job but is a sense of duty, and I those who truly desire to be nurses
have no issue putting others above them. I believe that nurses must also strive to perform to the highest level possible. We must strive for excellence
in all we do as a means to provide the most competent and effective care possible. It is the reinforcement of these core values by my mentors, and their
application to my professional and educational experiences that contribute to my personal philosophy of
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Essay On Philosophy Of A Nurse
You must first define nursing in your own words before you can have a solid nursing philosophy. Nursing is more than providing healthcare to the
public to maintain optimal health and improving quality of life. You have to incorporate your own personal beliefs into nursing while at the same time
not stepping over nursing guidelines and or personal boundaries. I believe that good bedside manners are essential. When you enter into a patient's
room you always acknowledge them by introducing yourself and greeting them. This alone speaks volumes to the patient. Building a strong
patient–nurse relationship will be based on the attitude you present to the patient within the first few seconds of being in their hospital room. Listen to
the patient because they will be your most accurate source of information. As advocates, we should encourage patients to become active participants in
their care and to engage in mutual goal–setting between them and their healthcare providers. If the patient has concerns with things such as
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Widening your knowledge base through technology or evidence–based practice nursing are two ways to stay current. Always keep your skills up to
date because this will demonstrate your competency in front of patients, co–workers and physicians. Being willing to learn new things and accepting
change in your profession will help you grow tremendously as a nurse. Be open to new ideas and make your personal ideas known and heard.
Accepting constructive criticism is one of the hardest things for nurses to give consideration to but it is a great tool to use for personal growth. We, as
healthcare providers, are always learning through books, research, internet, and from the interactions and experiences with our patients and their
families. We will continue to learn in our everyday nursing practice and reflect on the things we need to improve
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Nursing Philosophy Essay
Module 2 Assignment: Personal Philosophy of Nursing Module 2 Assignment: Personal Philosophy of Nursing Submit by 2359 (CT) Saturday at
the end of Module 2. NOTE: You will create a new Word document for this Assignment instead of typing directly into this document. Overview:
"Personal Philosophy of Nursing" In this module's Assignment, you will draft a formal paper expressing your personal philosophy of nursing paper.
In this paper, you will provide a framework for your personal practice of nursing and reflect on why you chose nursing as a profession. Your paper
will define how you interact with patients, family members, other nurses, and other health care professionals. Since this is your first formal paper for
the program, more content...
Rubric Use this rubric and APA: The Easy Way to guide your work on the Module 2 Assignment, "Personal Philosophy of Nursing." Contact your
Coach if you have questions. Tasks пѓЄ| Accomplished| Proficient| Needs Improvement| Personal Philosophy of Nursing PaperFormat (Total 40
points)| Title Page (Use College of Nursing Title Page) No mistakes in APA format (5 points) Headings and References Uses APA format for headings
and cite 2 references. (25 points) Writing Conventions Professional grammar, spelling, and punctuation; paragraphs of at least 3, well–written sentences
(10 points)| Title Page (Use College of Nursing Title Page) Errors in APA format (4 points) Headings and References Cites 1 reference and includes
headings in APA format. (20 points) Writing Conventions No more than 3 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors in the entire paper. (8 points) | No
Title Page (0 points)Headings and References Does not cite references and/or include headings. (0 points) Writing Conventions More than 3 grammar,
spelling, and punctuation errors in the entire paper (5 points) | Tasks пѓЄ| Accomplished| Proficient| Needs Improvement| Content and Headings (Total
60 points)| Introduction Writes a comprehensive overview of the paper in 1–2 paragraphs. (5 points)Choice of Nursing Clearly answers question in 2–3
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Jean Watson Philosophy Of Caring Essay

  • 1. Jean Watson Philosophy Of Caring Essay Philosophy of Caring in Nursing To care is to feel compassion towards someone or something. Are human beings generally good and trustworthy or are they selfish and greedy? If humanity is the latter, than compassion towards others is not for their greater good, but for self–gratitude. It is hard to accept this thought process if you are a nurse or even know one. Compassion means to care and without either of these, nursing would flounder. Nurses seem to have an innate caring disposition about them. Think about how nurses are generally portrayed, tired, overworked, underpaid, but still going that extra mile with a smile on their face. Is this because nurses have compassion that the rest of the world is lacking, if humanity is selfish and greedy, or is it because nurses have the intrinsic ability to care? If nurses have an innate characteristic for compassion, then one can speculate nurses are born not created. However, if humanity is generally good, then nursing is a chosen field, not for self–gratitude but of genuine compassion for others. The philosophy of caring has been questioned and studied for years, and yet we are still learning. Dr. Jean Watson is a nursing professor and key leader regarding the philosophy of caring. In 1979, Watson published a theory about human caring. Her theory was based on Nightingale's revelation of nursing. (Falk Rafael, 2000, p. 35) Watson had three main ideas about nursing that were highly discussed. First, was her idea of Get more content on
  • 2. Examples Of Nursing Philosophy Paper Personal Philosophy Paper There are four basic concepts of the nursing philosophy. One concept of the nursing philosophy is person, which is the recipients of the nursing care. The environment is another aspect, which can be both physical and social. The aspect of health which is the mental and physical wellness of a person, and nursing which is the act of caring for a person holistically. These concepts are referred to as the metaparadigm of nursing (Hood, 2012). I believe a person is an individual with their own beliefs, feelings, and emotions. Each individual person has their own threshold of pain and their own thoughts and feelings on what constitutes pain. I also believe, in healthcare, that the category person should include the patients' family or group of support whom are directly related to the individual's care. We as nurses are responsible for the emotional and physical wellbeing of the patient in our care which sometimes means we have to take into account the emotional state of their support system. If their support system are emotionally stable they are better equipped to assist the patient in his or her recovery. The environment of a person includes both the inner body workings and the external surroundings that each person interacts with during their lifetime. Humans more content... Holistic nursing is defined as all nursing practice that has healing the whole person as its goal (AHNA, 1998). I believe a nurse does not discriminate and treats all their patients with the same sense of dignity and respect. I believe that a nurse should strive to develop trusting professional relationships with their patients so that they can better develop individual care plans. Nurses should focus on a person's life as a whole when providing help and support for the patient when making decisions about their care. Nurses should also be compassionate and have excellent critical thinking Get more content on
  • 3. My Nursing Philosophy Being a nurse is not always easy. We never know what time has in store for us. Nursing is very demanding profession that requires a lot of dedication and commitment. Clinical education is recognized as an essential, fundamental and highly significant component of professional education for nursing. Clinical practice provides student nurses the opportunity to develop their clinical skills, particularly the patient care skills. It is one of the ways used to increase the nursing students' professional competence. During our final years in high school, the curriculum was based on Leadership and Management which was so easy in theories. As soon as the clinical practice started, it was really getting difficult. We had to take turns to act as a student in–charge in a particular ward of the hospital for 3weeks. We were assigned more content... My partner had to take over me. The presentation went bad. I was worried. I still had loads of work to do and it was already tiring. I wanted to give up. As the saying goes, we cannot refuse to be challenged in our lives, but we can still choose not to lose. But it was based on whole curriculum of final year and the scores of our final year was lot dependent upon this. So, I continued, I was hoping to do well the next day. The next day was okay, the teachers gave us a positive feedback. The days were going on and on, I gave my best although it was exhausting. There were times when teachers were not satisfied but we kept going. The ward started running smoothly without any obstacles, everybody was performing well. We were praised for our works. The patient were happy as we also focused on keeping the ward tidy. We got compliments from them too. It felt good, there was satisfaction within myself. During the end of our turn, the teachers were satisfied, the staffs, colleagues, juniors as well as the patients. I scored 92% and I was also Get more content on
  • 4. Nursing Philosophy Philosophy of nursing is an occupation consisting of professional individuals that exhibit and express compassion, respect, dignity and integrity to their patients and fellow coworkers. Nursing is not just a career, it is intertwined in the way we think, make decisions and prioritize values. As a nurse, it is important to me to provide the highest quality nursing care possible to achieve excellence in patient outcomes, while simultaneously, providing a respectful healing environment and work with other members of the care team to achieve positive patient outcomes. Health. Wellness is not an absolute conception, but exists in the framework of the health obstacles of thehuman being (Kearney–Nunnery, 2012). Health, a dynamic process, more content... When patients are in our environment, it's our obligation to provide safe quality care to promote safety being our top priority to our patients. We want our patients to feel safe at all times and have no fears while in our care. Nurses are responsible for knowing policies, procedures and protocols to ensure the safety of patients. We are also to maintain the privacy of our patients and to ensure Hippa regulations are not broken at any given time. It is our duty to provide safe adequate care at all times and to advocate for the patient. Nursing. Nursing is defined as treatment that is molded to the needs of the patient and delivered in a competent well organized and applicable way. Nursing refers to the operation of caring for the patient and assisting individuals in reaching their goals while also educating them the essentials of caring for themselves (Rebecca Lake, 2013). Nursing is about compassion and trying to understand human beings on all emotional, physical and scientific levels. We are the voice for our patient's when unable to speak or unstable to make sound decisions. As nurses, we utilize therapeutic communication and intuition regarding the well–being of our patients. In conclusion nursing is just not a career, it is intertwined in the way we think, make decisions, and prioritize values. Nursing is a profession which uses evidence based practices yet displays a comprehensive understanding of human beings through health, person, environment, and Get more content on
  • 5. My Nursing Philosophy i know that my own nursing philosophy and experience will continue to evolve as long as nursing is still in existence. Nursing as i grew to know and understand is about helping people in all dimension. personally, the nursing theory and philosophy i have adapted through my journey in nursing is that of Virginia Henderson. Henderson theory is that of Need Theory. Her theory emphasizes the importance of increasing the patient's independence so that progress made after hospitalization will not be delayed. This theory focuses on the basic human need as a central point of nursing practice (Need Theory). Every human being at some point in their lifetime will need help that they will not be able to render to themselves under normal circumstances Get more content on
  • 6. Personal Nursing Philosophy Essay Abstract I define my philosophy of nursing within the three nursing domains of person, health, and environment. My goal is to communicate the importance of nursing as a knowledge–based career, depending not only on the nurse fulfilling her role but also on the patient's compliance. A patient must learn to provide self–care at home in the same capacity as the nurse would provide care in the clinical setting. I discuss various subjects within nursing. I explain why I want to be a nurse, what I believe a nurse's role is, the different domains of nursing, and where I believe nursing will be in the future. My philosophy demonstrates the interdependence of the nursing domains. You cannot fully evaluate a person without evaluating their health, more content... Define Nursing I personally define nursing as aiding in the recovery and survival of another person using the specialized knowledge, ability, and critical thinking skills attained through study and experience. The word nurse translates in Latin to nourish. This Latin translation reveals that nurses nourish when a person is in need. Angelo Gonzalo (2011) states, "Nursing is an art through which the practitioner of nursing gives specialized assistance to persons with disabilities which makes more than ordinary assistance necessary to meet needs for self–care" (Major Concepts section, para. 1). Nursing requires a diligent and hardy person to be able to assess the situation, access the appropriate knowledge and skills, and accordingly provide the care a person needs. Regrettably, the existence of nursing depends on the medical inadequacy of others. Unfortunately, nursing exists because people get hurt, cannot care for themselves, or need assistance with daily activities. Carol Taylor (2011), author of Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care, writes, "Nursing care involves any number of activities, from carrying out complicated technical procedures to something as seemingly as holding a hand" (p. 5). Taylor explains it is the duty of a nurse not only to learn the pertinent skills but also to bond with and comfort others. Nurses have to do and become many things: They must be stern when necessary, compassionate when needed, open minded Get more content on
  • 7. Nursing Care Philosophy Essay Philosophy of nursing and nursing care Nursing is a nurturing profession, and caring is the core component of this noble profession. Act of caring is what distinguishes nursing from other healthcare professions. Caring is a strong commitment to self, others and the environment, and its deeply rooted in empathy, integrity, compassion, respect, and honesty. Premise: The act of caring is a genuine devotion to both self and others. Caring for individuals in need is one of the greatest acts of kindness. However, it is important to care for ourselves first to be able to care for others (Norman, 2012). Self –care is essential for physical and emotional well–being of every nurse. Exercise, health nutrition, adequate sleep, and rest are attributes self–care. Very earlier in my childhood, my parents inculcated values such as kindness, love and compassion for self and others which in turn, influence my practice. Caring is based on treating oneself and others with love, kindness and compassion. Premise: Caring for more content... Caring for the environment enhances the availability of clean water, food, and pure air, and ensures a place that is conducive for living, learning, healing, and working (Norman et al., 2016). Nurses must shield themselves and their patients from environmental hazards: Especially the elderly, children, and chronically–ill, who are at increased risk for the side effects of environmental hazards (Norman, 2016). In the ICU, I protect my patients from potential environmental hazards by removing unused or discontinued medications, sharps, any equipment's that are no longer needed in my patients' room, and thorough hand hygiene. Caring for the environment is building a better future. Nurses and other health care professionals must demonstrate genuine interest in shielding our patients from the harmful effect environmental Get more content on
  • 8. Personal Philosophy of Nursing Essay examples Personal Philosophy of Nursing UCF November 25, 2011 Personal Philosophy of Nursing My personal definition of nursing is taking care of my patient as a whole; using my knowledge, being compassionate and caring, respectful and honest. Taking care of the; spiritual, physical and emotional aspect of the patient, and taking into consideration their family and environment. Learning about the different theorists I associate myself the most with Hildegard Peplau. Peplau believed that the relationship between the patient and the nurse was focus of attention, rather than the patient only as the unit of attention. (Chitty & Black p.314–315). Using Peplau's theory my relationship begins with my patients as strangers and I try more content... Not being afraid to question doctors as well as the nurses about their care, asking for a 2nd opinion if they don't feel quite right about a diagnosis. Patients should educate themselves on their disease process along with collaboration of the physicians and nurses. Patients should know why they are on their medications, I have seen countless times were patients have no idea what their taking and why their taking their medications, their response because the doctor said so this is not good enough. I also believe that many of our physicians and nurses have failed our patients looking at them as just a body not an individual. We should encourage screenings, early interventions (education) to help prevent or reduce diseases. By doing these things I think we can help to reduce patients hospitalizations, healthcare costs and risk of infections. Prolong the lives of our patients help them to live a healthy and long life. There will be a few challenges ahead for our healthcare system and the nursing profession: 1. The Aging Population– (baby boomers will be hitting retirement age). 2. Poverty–"the increasing numbers of disenfranchised people and pressure to limit health care expenditures will collide to create an intense values conflict for nurses of the future". (Chitty & Black p.382) 3. Unhealthy Lifestyles– (obesity, tobacco use, lack of exercise, stress, HIV/AIDS and drug abuse). 4. Faculty and Student shortages– making nursing shortage worse. Nurses as Get more content on
  • 9. My Nursing Philosophy My nursing philosophy is to get every patient to be as independent as they were before they came to me or at least to where they can function closely to what they were doing before. I want. I like teaching patients independence because if the patient doesn't remain active or able to bathe themselves or feed themselves, the muscles lose memory and it becomes more and more difficult for the patient to care for themselves. My definition is closely related to Virginia Henderson and Dorothea Orem because they both promote self–care and patient independence. The most important roles for providing care are person, environment, nursing, and health. I define person as someone who is seeking care or family seeking care of a health care provider. more content... Keep the body clean and well–groomed and protect the integument. 9. Avoid dangers in the environment and avoid injuring others. 10. Communicate with others in expressing emotions, needs, fears, or opinions. 11. Worship according to one's faith. 12. Work in such a way that there is a sense of accomplishment. 13. Play or participate in various forms of recreation. 14. Learn, discover, or satisfy the curiosity that leads to normal development and health and use the available health facilities." (Virginia Henderson, 2016) Her philosophy and fourteen points support patient independence by encouraging the patient to perform everyday activities by the nurse supporting the patient recovering instead of nurses doing everything for the patient. Dorothea Orem's theory of nursing focuses on independence of the patient, but also focuses on the patient's responsibility of healing. The patient is the one who has to be determined to be healthy and get well again. His or her family also has responsibility of caring for the patient because they have an impact on the environment. "It is also the environment and the society that directly affect the nurse–patient relationship and self–care agency, which are all interconnected into achieving, restoring, and maintaining health." (Komento, 2012) Orem's theory is very relevant to mine because she focuses on independence on the patient to become healthy Get more content on
  • 10. Nursing Philosophy Essay In the philosophy of nursing are four basic concepts: 1) nursing as art and science; 2) the patient as a person; 3) Environment; 4) health. Art has a great impact on the spiritual world. The impact of art on the general condition and mood of the person and its beneficial effects on health have been seen in ancient times. At the time, Florence Nightingale said that nursing – one of the oldest arts and one of the youngest sciences, which focuses on caring for patients. As the science of nursing is based not only on medical knowledge, but also in psychology, sociology, cultural studies, history, ethics and aesthetics. In the course of professional work with the nursing staff produced some conceptual approach, based on the considerable more content... The problem of personality in philosophy – is primarily a question of the place of the people in the world. The man – a holistic, dynamic, self–regulating biological system, a set of physiological, psychosocial and spiritual needs, the satisfaction of which determines the growth, development, merging with the surrounding environment. Biological, psychological, social and spiritual components are integrated human patient. They are common to all people, but unique to each and form a unique personality. Anurse must be prepared to deal with any patient, respectful of its past and present, life values, customs and beliefs. The environment has always influenced the life of people. Hippocrates came from the defining influence of environmental factors on the formation of physical (design) and mental (temperament) property rights. He singled out these factors (climate, weather, wind, water, soil, topography, people's lifestyle, their habits, the laws of the country, even form of government, and others.) In terms of their impact on human rights. F.Naytingeyl also considered the environment a significant factor in preventing disease and maintaining
  • 11. Get more content on
  • 12. Nursing Philosophy Of Nursing Introduction As a nursing student in the BSN program at West Coast University, I have discovered my skills and knowledge to prepare myself on how to be an efficient nurse as well as a nurse that truly cares for the best quality of care given to a patient. I have found some good qualities and insight in the paradigms to a philosophy of caring as a nurse. In this paper I will discuss the four paradigms of nursing which includes: Health, Nursing, Client/Person, and Environment. As a nurse, one must understand the importance of these paradigms and the philosophy of caring. Developing a nursing philosophy with each paradigm can result into a better quality of care, having an authentic relationship with the patient, and inviting growth and more content... Nursing as a health profession is "with the knowledge and understanding that each client has different needs. Possessing the ability to assess these needs and determine what type of care or intervention is needed to improve the clients' health, person, and the environment is the art of nursing." (2012) Client/Person The client/person is who nurses care for and their families. As a nurse, it is very important to establish a good rapport with the client, and to their families. At a very basic level nursing is not about just a job or how much the pay is, it is about caring for the client/person and their families who are not related to you. As nurses, we need to look at the client/person and their families as if they are our own families that we need to care for. By doing so, we can provide the best efficient and best quality of care possible. "Nursing is about caring for someone which is an instinct we learn from our family, our culture, and our life experiences." (2012) Environment Environment is a multifaceted concept that can affect a person physically, mentally, and socially. A person's environment can be influenced by its location, family, peers interaction, and technologies available. As nurses in the United States, we must be aware and non–judgmental of different cultures and people that we encounter. Nurses, when giving that care for clients/person, we must have an open mind as well as open heart to incorporate and understand the different culture that Get more content on
  • 13. Nursing Philosophy : Nursing And Nursing Essay Nursing Philosophy Nursing philosophy is defined as a nurse or students thought of what they believe to be true about the nature of the profession of nursing and to provide a base for nursing practice. (2016, para.1) The nursing field continues to develop into a professional scope of practice and nurses continue to work to develop a high standard for the profession. The values and skills that nurses' learn as they care for patients continue to develop into rules and regulations for future nurses. As a nurse it is important to create the best environment for patients, family members and co–workers. After graduating from high school I obtained my STNA and then began my college career in the health field as a physical therapy major. This past year I transitioned to nursing after seeing how much more I am able to work directly with patients. The reasoning behind my nursing philosophy is that I have gained knowledge and love for the profession through working as a certified nurses aide for the last four years. The love for helping others and the ability to help individuals during their times of need has grown on me and developed into a passion. Through education and work experiences my philosophy will transform overtime. Currently, I believe in a nursing philosophy that states strong principals that encompass empathy, compassion, and respect towards patients and their families. In addition, nurses must stay abreast of developing health care trends, be critical thinkers and Get more content on
  • 14. Sample Nursing Philosophy Paper Philosophy of Nursing Christopher S. Ingham NSC 840 Theoretical Foundations for EBP Department of Baccalaureate & Graduate Nursing, Eastern Kentucky University Richmond, KY August 28, 2014 Philosophy of Nursing After previously writing about Caper's (1978) pattern of knowledge defined as personal knowledge I started to reflect back up on each day of what had previously occurred? What had led to the situation? And what could have I done differently to have bettered my relationship with patients? Searching for these answers during my daily practice has opened self–exploration into what nursing means to me. Within this paper I will discuss my philosophy of nursing, my personal definition of nursing, and what guided me towards more content... Nursing was a challenge to the individual and I had to experience an identity I had never previously thought about which was being a male within a predominantly female career field. As Yang et al. (2004) showed males in their study work towards promotion and strive on a long term goal of personal growth. In previous fields I had always fought for advancement and now I still do and have been equally been treated among my peers and have seen that advancement truly can only come from pursuing an advanced degree. My goal of becoming a mental health nurse practitioner stems as well from another belief I have of nursing; advancing for the betterment of patient care. The advanced practice nurse basis their practice on evidence to reach the therapeutic goal. Increasing skills through education and being a source for others to come to increases the quality of care throughout clinical setting. I want to be a resource for all my fellow nurses so that it is not just I who increases patient outcomes, but assist others in doing the same. Get more content on
  • 15. Nursing Philosophy Statement In my personal philosophy, it is my goal to assure that my patients receive the upmost quality care. Although each working shift I am faced with many undaunting challenges, it is still my calling that the patients who remain under my care for 12 hours remain without harm. According to the Arkansas State Board of Nursing (2017)," The mission of the Arkansas State Board of Nursing is to protect the public and act as their advocate by effectively regulating the practice of nursing" (para. 1). Once completing my education and seating before the NCLEX boards, I took an oath to act in accordance with this mission. In my current student status, transforming my diploma degree into a baccalaureate degree, I will now learn to integrate new Quality and Safety Education for Nursing competencies into my philosophy. They will permit me to: Expand the concepts of health and health education to incorporate more complex research utilization and evidence based practice as a participative member of the interdisciplinary team...serve as a community and professional advocate while designing educational programs that are based more content... The competencies of informatics fit well under this umbrella of nursing as it assists in better patient care. Nursing informatics "is the synthesis of nursing science, information science, computer science, and cognitive science for the purpose of managing and enhancing health care data, information, knowledge, and wisdom to improve patient care and the nursing profession" (McGonigle, 2014). For an example, in my clinical practice, technology informatics can be utilized to measure my patient outcomes, easily access electronical medical records, and easily assess workloads and interventions. It can be seen how Informatics can enhance my abilities to improve patient care and therefore aligns with my philosophy of providing high grade Get more content on
  • 16. Nursing Philosophy Paper Abstract In this paper I will describe the evolution of my nursing philosophy. My nursing philosophy is dynamic and ever changing, dependent upon the person, environment nursing and the health of the person. Everyone is different. They come from different backgrounds, nationalities, genders, races and social statuses to name a few. I have found that my nursing philosophy is not a fixed or rigid philosophy, it changes with time. The essence of nursing in my philosophy is ever changing. It is based on different nursing theories and cobbled together to achieve the goal of giving the best care possible. My nursing philosophy is rooted in Florence Nightingale's Environmental more content... RN's were named honest and ethical by the American Nurses Association and a Gallup poll in 2014, people voted and them the most honest and ethical (American Nurse, 2015).According to Masters the code of ethics for nurses contains general moral provisions and standards for nurses to follow, but specific guidelines for clinical practice, education, research and administration are contained within the statements. The code is non–negotiable. (Masters, p.1 Patients Patients are unique individuals. Each comes from a different walks of life and have had varying life experiences. Patients are not just a diagnosis or treatment in a certain room. Each patient is a human being and should be treated with respect no matter what their history may be. Families and Significant Others Patients families and significant others are individuals also. They are concerned about their loved one. These feelings should be acknowledged and respected. Emotions have a tendency to run high when a loved one is ill and the nurse must understand this is a reality and that the nurse treats the family Get more content on
  • 17. Nursing Philosophy Essay Nursing is a science in which all the needs of a person are met through the proper use of the nursing process. With health care as a universal human right, it encompasses a process that involves a collaborative care of people of all ages and communities in all settings. Nursing is essential in promoting health, prevention of illness, care of the sick and disabled people in the society. Nursing advocates for the promotion of a safe environment, research, shaping health policies, education and patient health management systems. The philosophy of nursing examines the truths and ideals in nursing. It is the result of the intellectual effort to understand the relationship among people, environment and health. Nursing philosophy outlines more content... The nursing profession majorly focuses on using the element of caring, to improve the health of people within their environments. An essential theory in nursing enhances better health care offered to the patients, better communication between nurses and proper guidance, for research and education. In general, the nursing theories are used by practitioners to improve their practice. The nursing paradigms are patterns that are used to show the relationship between the concepts in the theories and practice of nursing. They are essential in developing a better understanding of the nursing profession. The meta–paradigm concept in nursing is a core–unifying element that provides a common and conducive ground for communicating between nursing theories. The nursing meta–paradigm involves research, practice, philosophy, theory, knowledge base and the wider educational experience associated with the nursing practice. There are four concepts in the nursing theory that highly influence and determine the nursing practice that include the person, the environment, health and the nursing roles, goals and functions (Rich, 2011). The person is the recipient of the care and in most cases is the patient. This care may be given to people, families and communities. The environment includes the external and internal aspects that influence the person. There is a dynamic relationship between Get more content on
  • 18. My Nursing Philosophy Essay What nursing is defined as in my opinion, is more of a philosophy. I see nursing as a combination of beliefs and ideals that revolve around the concepts of compassion, integrity, and sacrifice. I have always viewed nurses as caring and compassionate towards their patents. There is a quality in their personalities in that they truly care about who they are working with. Nurses are also ones who can be trusted, as you know that they regard their job to the highest degree. Nurses will not compromise, and will do whatever necessary to ensure the health of their patients. Sacrifice is another concept I associate with nursing. Nurses put their patients above themselves and will gladly go out of their way to ensure their wellness. If I more content... A major contributor to my nursing philosophy was my being in the Air Force, and the many knowledgeable and supportive supervisors an co–workers that I had. The Air Force has the core values of integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do. I feel that these core values helped shape my nursing philosophy. I feel integrity is an integral part of nursing as we must always do the right thing no matter what. I believe that nurses must also put their service of helping others above themselves. Nursing is not a job but is a sense of duty, and I those who truly desire to be nurses have no issue putting others above them. I believe that nurses must also strive to perform to the highest level possible. We must strive for excellence in all we do as a means to provide the most competent and effective care possible. It is the reinforcement of these core values by my mentors, and their application to my professional and educational experiences that contribute to my personal philosophy of Get more content on
  • 19. Essay On Philosophy Of A Nurse You must first define nursing in your own words before you can have a solid nursing philosophy. Nursing is more than providing healthcare to the public to maintain optimal health and improving quality of life. You have to incorporate your own personal beliefs into nursing while at the same time not stepping over nursing guidelines and or personal boundaries. I believe that good bedside manners are essential. When you enter into a patient's room you always acknowledge them by introducing yourself and greeting them. This alone speaks volumes to the patient. Building a strong patient–nurse relationship will be based on the attitude you present to the patient within the first few seconds of being in their hospital room. Listen to the patient because they will be your most accurate source of information. As advocates, we should encourage patients to become active participants in their care and to engage in mutual goal–setting between them and their healthcare providers. If the patient has concerns with things such as more content... Widening your knowledge base through technology or evidence–based practice nursing are two ways to stay current. Always keep your skills up to date because this will demonstrate your competency in front of patients, co–workers and physicians. Being willing to learn new things and accepting change in your profession will help you grow tremendously as a nurse. Be open to new ideas and make your personal ideas known and heard. Accepting constructive criticism is one of the hardest things for nurses to give consideration to but it is a great tool to use for personal growth. We, as healthcare providers, are always learning through books, research, internet, and from the interactions and experiences with our patients and their families. We will continue to learn in our everyday nursing practice and reflect on the things we need to improve Get more content on
  • 20. Nursing Philosophy Essay Module 2 Assignment: Personal Philosophy of Nursing Module 2 Assignment: Personal Philosophy of Nursing Submit by 2359 (CT) Saturday at the end of Module 2. NOTE: You will create a new Word document for this Assignment instead of typing directly into this document. Overview: "Personal Philosophy of Nursing" In this module's Assignment, you will draft a formal paper expressing your personal philosophy of nursing paper. In this paper, you will provide a framework for your personal practice of nursing and reflect on why you chose nursing as a profession. Your paper will define how you interact with patients, family members, other nurses, and other health care professionals. Since this is your first formal paper for the program, more content... Rubric Use this rubric and APA: The Easy Way to guide your work on the Module 2 Assignment, "Personal Philosophy of Nursing." Contact your Coach if you have questions. Tasks пѓЄ| Accomplished| Proficient| Needs Improvement| Personal Philosophy of Nursing PaperFormat (Total 40 points)| Title Page (Use College of Nursing Title Page) No mistakes in APA format (5 points) Headings and References Uses APA format for headings and cite 2 references. (25 points) Writing Conventions Professional grammar, spelling, and punctuation; paragraphs of at least 3, well–written sentences (10 points)| Title Page (Use College of Nursing Title Page) Errors in APA format (4 points) Headings and References Cites 1 reference and includes headings in APA format. (20 points) Writing Conventions No more than 3 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors in the entire paper. (8 points) | No Title Page (0 points)Headings and References Does not cite references and/or include headings. (0 points) Writing Conventions More than 3 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors in the entire paper (5 points) | Tasks пѓЄ| Accomplished| Proficient| Needs Improvement| Content and Headings (Total 60 points)| Introduction Writes a comprehensive overview of the paper in 1–2 paragraphs. (5 points)Choice of Nursing Clearly answers question in 2–3 Get more content on