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Cultural Competency Essay
Cultural competency
In healthcare industry cultural competence is an important component and it is not an isolated aspect of medical care as it improves patients' clinical
outcomes. Cultural competence is express as a dynamic, complex and it involves skill that healthcare providers need to develop in order to respond to
their individual diverse cultural patients' (Brenda, 2016). Cultural competency is defined as creating consciousness of an individual's life; feeling and
thoughts without allowing it to have an unwanted control or power by demonstrating knowledge on the patients cultural and respecting their
differences. Another definition had been stated that cultural competence is how the healthcare providers advocate effectively and deliver required needs
for their diverse cultural patients (Weber, 2003). Cultural competency is a concept that had been used widely in nursing profession.
The aim is to improve effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare services for patients' with diverse cultural background. It was developed by recognition
of cultural barriers among the healthcare providers and patients; that could affect the quality of healthcare delivered to more content...
There are great quantities of international literature pertaining to cultural competency and the importance of it had been integrated into healthcare. In
the United States, the importance's of cultural competency within healthcare practice is widely accredited to the state and federal regulations for
culturally competent healthcare (WHO, 2012). Reviews had examined the cultural competency and related concepts within healthcare setting such as
nursing, mental health and healthcare systems by focusing on patients' outcomes. However, there are some reviews that examined specific health
diagnosis for example
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Cultural Competence Analysis
Integrate the components of cultural competence into practice Campinha– Bacote and colleagues describes the components for cultural competence in
healthcare. These includes cultural ; a) knowledge, b) awareness, c) skills, d) encounter and e) desire. Cultural awareness refers to self–examination as
well as in–depth exploration of an individual cultural as well as professional background. I am able to explore my own cultural healthcare values and
beliefs. This is because understanding another person's does not guarantee that one will become cultural competent. I am now able to use the cultural
awareness assessment to assess my personal level of cultural awareness, and to get an insight on the understanding of my cultural values and beliefs more content...
My work placements acknowledge the importance of these skills and have programmed professional development training modules for every week. The
next training module is on health and safety. This is important because nurses interact with patients for a longer time than the physicians. Basically, the
training will incorporate aspects such as risk assessment, risk management and the process of reporting these assessments (Shannon, 2012). This will
help me in learning strategies on risk mitigation. This requires good communication skills. The next training is on leadership skills. The module
comprises of strategies to improve individual interpersonal skills. This will help improve the productivity and teams performances. The next training
that I am looking forward to is on time– management skills. This is an important aspect for nurses in order to help them balance work and their
social life. This will address on issues such as adequate sleep, taking of good diets and some exercises and other strategies to prevent burnout (Long,
2016). In addition. At the end of my work placement and graduating, I wish to further my education to Master level. I will also be looking into getting
a job; therefore I will be amending my CV and personal statements. I will be using the resources provided by the institution to prefect job
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Essay on Intercultural Competence
The Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) is an assessment that examines an individual's intercultural competence (Hammer, Bennett, &
Wiseman, 2003). Bennett (2004) describes intercultural competence as one's place on a continuum from ethnocentric to ethnorelativism. As I
understand it, the IDI and intercultural competence are examining an individual's ability to understand and accept other cultures. The IDI measures
intercultural competence on a continuum that includes five stages that a person can vacillate between, which include denial, defense, minimization,
acceptance, and adaptation (Bennett, 2004; Hammer et al., 2003). Moreover, Bennett (2004) indicates that the denial stage is when an individual is
very ethnocentric, more content...
For instance, my IDI profile indicates that my perceived orientation stage is acceptance, which would mean that I believe I understand and accept
that there are cultural differences as well as similarities between cultures (Bennett, 2004; IDI Individual Profile Report, 2012). I believe I likely feel
this way given the helping profession that I have chosen. I feel a need to be more culturally aware and sensitive especially since I will be working
with individuals from all different types of cultural backgrounds.
In contrast with how I perceive myself, my IDI profile demonstrates that my developmental orientation is actually in the minimization stage (IDI
Individual Profile Report, 2012). This indicates that I tend to focus more on the similarities between cultures and ignore the differences (Bennett,
2004). I believe this is likely related to how I was raised. I can think of examples in which my parents or grandparents have said stereotypical or racist
comments and I have found myself trying to counter those comments, because I have a desire to be more open–minded and accepting of others. For
instance, my dad constantly makes comments about how immigrants, especially the Hispanic immigrants, "should have to learn English to live in the
United States." I always tried to
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Essay On Cross-Cultural Competence
I feel that my Cross–Cultural Competence and Dispute Resolution are both significant strengths. The reason I feel strongly about my Cross–Cultural
Competence stems from two factors first my ability, as I spoke about in previous modules to be able to fit into many different groups, and help
drive the group toward a goal, and the factor I was raised by a family that was often interacting with people from many different backgrounds under
the roof of one of my churches that my Dad served at as a Pastor. Being exposed to this throughout my life has helped me adapt to dealing with people
from different backgrounds, working to find a common interest and goal and then moving forward without having to spend time analyzing each other
in order to more content...
The reason that I find myself sometimes struggling when dealing with individuals that are from a high–context cultural is that I can often be very
sarcastic and overlook simply non–verbal cues that may let me know that I have offended someone or that they are not understanding what I am
saying. Additionally, I can get very emotional when talking about issue that I am passionate about and this sometimes can be construed as I'm not
satisfied with something or I am upset, when I am simply excited about what we are talking about. Furthermore, when I'm in disagreement with
someone on an issue I can struggle to bring myself to an understanding their view or position on the manner. I find this being a issue when I view the
position that the other person is misrepresenting their position, or they are not in a position that truly needs what they are looking for. As a squadron
superintendent this can rear its ugly head many times as I often have to interact with other squadrons in order to solve issues, and if I don't feel their
issue is important I often find myself later realizing I didn't work to understand their position on the manner as to what I should've been more willing to
work with
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Cultural Humility And Cultural Competence
Melanie Tervalon and Jann Murray–GarcГa differentiate cultural humility and cultural competence based upon the longevity involved in the pursuit of
expertise in both concepts. They insinuate that cultural competence is based primarily on facts that generalize the behaviors of minorities and
low–income populations receiving health care services. On the contrary, cultural humility places more importance on the provider's personal awareness
of their response to the individual needs of patients without constricting guidelines that overlook challenges involved in meeting their health concerns.
Melanie Tervalon and Jann Murray–GarcГa mentioned that there is not an adequate amount of medical training aimed towards exposure to diverse
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Cultural Competence In Education Essay
The strategies that an educator can display while learning and educating children from different cultures is displaying and learning practically about
them. Make a day of a culture and dress up, cook their food, build their homes and display their practices so the children can see firsthand how their
culture differs from their own family and can enjoy learning about them which in turn can displace racism in the facility. Families can be involved in
this process by bringing in different objects for children to view and learn about during their education day.
Educators view culture and the context of family as central to children's sense of being and belonging, and to success in lifelong learning. Cultural
competence is much more than awareness
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Cultural Competence
In my opinion I believe that cultural competence is a key factor in enabling others to be effective with cultures other than their own. It is simply
having an awareness of one's own cultural identity and views about differentiating the ability to leave and build on the varying cultural and
community news of others. Key note: Culture shapes individual's experiences, perceptions, decisions and how they relate to others. Culture a set of
shared values that a group of people hold. These values affect how you think, act and most importantly the basis on which you judge others. These
behaviors can be viewed as normal and right or strange or wrong. Keep in mind though that we are all individuals and that no two people belonging to
the same culture
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Introduction Teaching is a difficult job, it is underpaid, underappreciated, overwhelming. But there is so much good in it, the best of which is when a
child deemed hopeless, successes. There are a lot of biases and incorrect notions about different students because of their race, culture, or class level.
Ideas that they are hurtful to the students and the teachers. Such as children in poverty lack motivation, black students do not care about school, or that
Asian students do not need as much help because of their family's support (Moule, 2012). These ideas tell the teacher who they should focus on which
can be good but it can also cause students to slip through the cracks and not get the help they need. It is important to understand different cultures and
why they are important but it is also important to remember that not all generalizations are true. That is the beginning of my action plan to be culturally
competent, understanding the barriers and beliefs, while also making my own of each individual student. Cultural Competence Cultural Competence by
Moule's (2012) definition is "the ability to successfully teach students who come from cultures other than your own" (pg. 5). This means that cultural
competence is teaching students no matter a person's biases or preconceived notions. Good teaching for different cultures is good teaching for all
students. Any student needs a teacher that is competent in teaching and it is important that they
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Examples Of Cultural Competence
Cultural competence allows nurses to be able to provide the best care for their patients. Many individuals in different cultures have many differences
that a nurse may not agree with or understand. It is the nurse's job to understand a patient's practices, cultural norms and lifestyle choices. It is
important for a nurse to understand a patient and their practices. Some cultures do not believe in women physically touching them and they could see
that as a nurse disrespecting their values. Professor Molyneaux gave us an example in class about a man a nurse touched, who was trying to comfort
him in his time of need. The man became angry and wanted to make a complaint on the nurse because he felt violated. Another example of the
importance of
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Cultural Competence Essay
The American Academy of Family Physicians website defines cultural competence as:
"A set of congruent behaviors, attitudes and policies that come together as a system, agency or among professionals and enable that system, agency or
those professionals to work effectively in cross–cultural situations. The word "culture" is used because it implies the integrated pattern of
human thoughts, communications, actions, customs, beliefs, values and institutions of a racial, ethnic, religious or social group. The word competence
is used because it implies having a capacity to function effectively."
Campinha–Bacote constructed a model that depicts cultural competence into five different areas: cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, more
Part of cultural skill is also conducting a culturally based physical assessment. Important areas that should be focused on are ethnicity, culture, place of
birth, space (degree of comfort), proximity to others, body movement, perception of space, and cultural health practice. I conducted a cultural
assessment on one person before, but I did not do a physical assessment. I was able to discover interesting information about this person's culture. I
need to familiarize myself some more with conducting a cultural assessment. I was a bit rusty, but I know that everything comes with practice.
The process that encourages the health care professional to interact face to face with people of different cultures to modify any existing beliefs and
prevent stereotypes is called cultural encounter. I sometimes have the problem of thinking that someone may be talking about me if they are
speaking in another language. An example of this is when I went to an Arabic restaurant. I decided to go to this restaurant because I wanted to try
new foods from a different culture. I was waiting for my carryout and the cashier (who was Arabic), looked at me, turned to an Arabic waiter and then
they spoke in Arabic amongst each other. This is not always my mindset. This case I felt uncomfortable because they looked at me first. I need
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Cultural Competence in Nursing Essay
The term culture is defined as "the thoughts, communications, actions, customs, beliefs, values, and institutions of racial, ethnic, religious, or social
groups" (Potter & Perry, 2013). With the increase of culturally diverse populations in the United States, it is important for nurses to practice cultural
competence. Cultural competence is the ability to acquire specific behaviors, skills, attitudes, and policies in a system that permits "effective work in a
cross–cultural setting" (OMH, 2013). Being culturally competent is essential because nurses who acknowledges and respects a patient's health beliefs
and practices are more likely to have positive health outcomes (OMH, 2012). Every culture has certain views and attitudes more
Although they accept death, religious Jews prohibit active euthanasia and suicide. Furthermore, the decision to remove a mechanical ventilator from a
Jew is more complicated. When dealing with this sort of situation, consultation with the physician and family rabbi is one way to handle it, though it
will be on a "case–by–case" basis. In addition, performing an autopsy on a religious Jew is not allowed unless it is legally required, and organ
donation of any sorts is discouraged (Schub T et al., 2013). On the subject of attitude towards health, a Jewish law requires that one must retain good
health prior to any early treatment or prevention of diseases; this includes both physical and mental health. Even more, the Jews does not consider a
fetus to be a person until birth. If a pregnant woman is being endangered by the fetus, all Judaism branches would require the woman to receive an
abortion. Moreover, when dealing with childbirth, the father may be present to provide comfort and support during labor, but will remain outside the
room to say prayers for both his wife and child. These types of men refrain from any physical contact with their wives because she is said to be
"impure" during this time. In contrast to that, other Jewish men can be present to provide encouragement to the mother during the labor and delivering
process (Schub T et al., 2013). When treating a Jewish patient, it is important
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Cultural Competency Paper
Culture can be defined as a way of thinking, behaving or working that exists in a particular region or organization. It must be followed by vast
majority of people from one generation to other. According to Hellriegel and Slocum (2011), across cultures competency can be defined as the ability
to understand and quickly act in a culture different from one's own. Across–cultural competence is a set of behaviors, values, and policies that may be
developed at an individual level, in a system, or organizational level with the ability to constructively interact and work effectively across cultures and
in diverse cultural situations. It should recognize differences and similarities among other cultures.
If an individual is considered, there are more content...
Competency should be mentioned in organization's policies, practices, missions and philosophy. The importance of across cultural competence is
increasing in many areas
Contribution to effective performance.
Culturally skilled individuals are aware of their own cultural heritage. They also respect values and differences of other cultures. They are aware of
how their cultural background would influence their psychological processes. They have a clear understanding of their competencies and expertise.
Irrespective of race, ethnicity and cultural beliefs, culturally skilled people would work comfortably with their clients which would lead to effective
Culturally skilled employees possess knowledge and understanding about how oppression, racism, discrimination, and stereotyping affects them
personally and in their work. This allows them to acknowledge their own racist attitudes, beliefs, and feelings. Culturally skilled employees understand
how work related ethics would influence the team and the organization. They help in motivating other team members with different values and
attitudes such as individualism and
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Example Of Cultural Competence
Cultural Competence As today's society grows more diverse, the need for cultural competence becomes increasingly necessary within the criminal
justice system, a field where civility and the ability to be unbiased is required. As a result, there is a deepening need for understanding the value of
diversity and utilizing intercultural communication skills. By developing a cultural competence assessment tool that can improve interactions with
people of diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds, individuals who work in the criminal justice field can successfully achieve cultural competence by
thoroughly understanding the tool's importance and applying it effectively.
An Explanation of Cultural Competence Cultural competence is the ability to acknowledge, understand, respect and communicate with cultures and
ethnicities different from one's own. It encourages the acceptance of individual's differences in appearance, behavior, and culture which offers positive
changes in the way people interact with others. Furthermore, it offers an awareness and sensitivity to diverse cultures that often goes unrecognized
(Hanser & Gomila, 2016). By fully understanding how to effectively interact with people from diverse cultures, the individual maximizes their ability
to interact, not only in professional settings with staff and clients but in our growing society as a whole. Also, being culturally competent is beneficial
because while it improves interactions between people of
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Essay On Cultural Competence
From the self–assessment survey for quality and culture I took, I would like to improve and understand how cultural competence can have a real
impact on clinical outcomes. There are a few questions I was surprised that I answered them incorrectly. Now I do understand that what I learned in this
culturally competence class will help me become more efficient in cultural competence, to provide quality care to all my patients regardless of gender,
socioeconomic status, and ethnic, but it will take consistent individual practice, patience, and training on my part to develop and maintain that. I have
learned that being culturally competent and implementing sound cultural competency techniques, will help to increase health access and reduce health
disparities among different racial and ethnic groups. Cultural competence can lead to, health literacy, health equity, and fewer diagnostic errors, which
might help the patient expand their choices and access high quality medical providers because the patient is no longer restricted to a small pool of
clinicians who share their culture.
I attended an event at Center on Halsted in Chicago, which is dedicated to advancing community and securing the health and well–being of the Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and more content...
Some are from small towns who moved to Chicago because they were the only lesbian or gay in the town and couldn't be themselves out of fear how
they might be treated or might happen to them once they are found out and some comes from different ethnic groups, religion, cultures, and countries
where it is taboo to be gay, lesbian, or transgender. The Center on Halsted helps bring all these people together, to have a place to feel comfortable and
participate in everyday events and assimilate to the
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My Interview With Cultural Competence Essay
People live very different lives. Culture is a major importance in everyone lives. Everyone has customs that they follow, and somethings are more
bizarre than others. But it may be bizarre in one persons ' eyes, and be completely normal to another. Having the ability to understand one 's culture
and heritage can really help you have a better understanding of where they come from. In the medical it is very important to understand where an
individual is coming regarding culture. From understanding their language, to understanding what they are against in the world of medicine is a
difference between life and death for some of these individuals.
Overview and Heritage From the Purnell Model for cultural competence, I started my interview with overview and heritage. According to Purnell it
is defined as " includes concepts related to the country of origin, current residence, the effects of the topography of the country of origin and current
residence, economics, politics, reasons for emigration, educational status, and occupations" (Purnell, 2002). I began my interview with my Mexican
friend, Diego Pina. In my interview I learned that Diego is was born in Mexico and immigrated into the United States. Diego identifies himself as a
male and is Hispanic. He currently resides here in Edwardsville for school. He has only completed high school, but he is currently pursuing a career
engineering here at SIUE. He has no economic factors or concerns and is a democrat.
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Cultural Competence Essay
Assignment 5
Cultural competence has to do with one's culture. Culture affects among other factors, how children are raised, how families communicate, what is
considered normal or abnormal, ways of coping with issues, the way we dress, when and where we seek medical treatment, and so forth. I should
know because I come from a very cultural home where it is considered bad to talk to a male doctor about anything gynecological.
Cultural Competence is important for many reasons. First, it can help develop culturally sensitive practices which can in turn help reduce barriers that
affect treatment in health care settings. Second, it can help build understanding, which is critical in competence, in order wards knowing whom the more content...
We need new advances in the delivery of service to discuss cultural differences. Last but not least, as managed care procedures extend into the public
division through programs like Medicare, the need to find an appropriate abstract framework to guide service plan and delivery becomes even clearer.
For us to develop cultural competence we need to have a level expertise, knowledge and attributes. When I mention Expertise I am referring to
professional skills such as, being able to communicate correct information for culturally different people and their communities, the skill to candidly
discuss racial and ethnic issues and to react to culturally based signs, the skill to understand the meaning that traditions/culture has for each person,
Interviewing skills that help to understand and accommodate the role of language in a person's culture and the skill to use the idea of empowerment on
behalf of culturally different people and communities.
Knowledge refers to knowing a person's cultural history, values, and traditions; the impact of perhaps racism or poverty on behavior, the role of
communication in different communities, knowledge of resources such as agencies that can aid, and how professional values may either agree with or
disagree with the needs of clients from different cultures.
Finally attributes refers to our acceptance of cultural differences, our desire or readiness to work with individuals from different backgrounds and the
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What Is Cultural Competence?
In real life, we met people from different destinations of the world and talk to them. We plan for having normal friendship or business partnership but
still cultures might be the limit. In this case, it is good to find how we learn to interact with people whom we don't share the same culture.
What is Culture?
According to Zimmermann, culture is defined as a set of characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, language, religion, cuisine,
social habits, music and arts (Zimmermann, 2017). Each society has a set of behaviors each member should know and understand very well. They
might have their own taboos, language, their own way of worship or way of dancing or singing. All these characteristics form a culture of a certain
society. Anyone from outside of this society should learn to be acquainted with their culture to be able to communicate to them.
What is cultural competence? more content...
Cultural competence is defined as the ability of a person to interact effectively with people of different cultures, helps to ensure the needs of all
community members are addressed (SAMHSA, 2016). In this context, cultural relativism has to applied. Cultural relativism means that the culture of a
certain community should understood and interpreted in its own cultural context. If you are new in that community, you should not judge their culture
based on the values and beliefs of one's own. So, practicing cultural relativism requires an open mind and a willingness to consider, and even adapt to,
new values and
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Culture Competence Essay
These nine terms are all correlated and intertwined with each other. Without one, like culture, you cannot have the other, such as diversity. If one is
going to work as a health care professional, they must know these terms and be able to respect the meaning of each one.
A meaning of a word can differ from person to person, depending on his or her culture and upbringing. Culture in a general sense is patterns,
behaviors, beliefs, values, customs and life ways that have been passed on from person to person, generation to generation, within a family and group
of people. This group of people with the same thoughts about products of human work will also share implicit or explicit patterns of their world view
and decision making. There more content...
The acceptance and respect for diverse cultures comes from being aware of what goes on between the people of a particular culture. "Cultural
awareness is the appreciation of outer signs of diversity such as the music, dress, arts and physical characteristics" (Purnell, 404). Being respectful and
open to different cultures isn't just about appreciation the beauty of the people and their beliefs, it is also about having the knowledge to be able to
communicate and care for patients of another culture. Cultural competence takes in thought the patients beliefs and practices, not just the external
views of a culture. In order to be competent as a health care professional, one must be able to deliver care accordingly for a patient's culture. Not only,
do they have to obtain the knowledge, abilities and skill to treat the patient effectively, but they must also choose their words carefully. Since cultures
differ from patient to patient, one must accept that before they open his/her mouth. Every culture has a different way of speaking, not necessarily a
different language, but a way of talking to one another. Health care professionals must be sensitive to what they say to their patients. Certain things like
"You have to take your medicine or you could die" may be offensive to someone who doesn't have the same culture that you are used to. Without this
cultural sensitivity health care providers can make patients feel very uncomfortable or
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Cultural Competence And Why Is It Important
Competency 1
Understand cultural competence and why is it important especially for that have a diverse workforce.
The United States has become increasingly a culturally diverse society. The understanding of cultural relativism in a multicultural working
environment can be of a great importance to the success or failure of an organization. What is cultural competency? Before we explain it, let's take a
step back and analyze culture, cultural diversity, and Cultural relativism.
Objective 1a:
Define culture: Culture refers to beliefs, values and norms of a group of people from a particular ethnic or cultural background. Even though each
culture has their unique characters, but there are elements common to all human cultures. By definition, this is what we call "cultural universal". For
instance, fear of supernaturals, food, clothing, money, education etc. There are ethnocentric people, who believe that their culture or ethnic group is
superior to all others. The Nazi Germany back in 1931 wanted to transmit the idea that the German race were of a superior race than all races around
the globe. More often than not this kind of cultural globalization can create conflict and tension among nations.
Objective 1b:
Cultural diversity in the workplace: Employees are similar or different based on race, gender, age, personality, style, education, background etc.
Objective 1c:
Define cultural relativism in the workplace: Cultural relativism is the understanding that belief,
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Cultural Competency Essay

  • 1. Cultural Competency Essay Cultural competency In healthcare industry cultural competence is an important component and it is not an isolated aspect of medical care as it improves patients' clinical outcomes. Cultural competence is express as a dynamic, complex and it involves skill that healthcare providers need to develop in order to respond to their individual diverse cultural patients' (Brenda, 2016). Cultural competency is defined as creating consciousness of an individual's life; feeling and thoughts without allowing it to have an unwanted control or power by demonstrating knowledge on the patients cultural and respecting their differences. Another definition had been stated that cultural competence is how the healthcare providers advocate effectively and deliver required needs for their diverse cultural patients (Weber, 2003). Cultural competency is a concept that had been used widely in nursing profession. The aim is to improve effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare services for patients' with diverse cultural background. It was developed by recognition of cultural barriers among the healthcare providers and patients; that could affect the quality of healthcare delivered to more content... There are great quantities of international literature pertaining to cultural competency and the importance of it had been integrated into healthcare. In the United States, the importance's of cultural competency within healthcare practice is widely accredited to the state and federal regulations for culturally competent healthcare (WHO, 2012). Reviews had examined the cultural competency and related concepts within healthcare setting such as nursing, mental health and healthcare systems by focusing on patients' outcomes. However, there are some reviews that examined specific health diagnosis for example Get more content on
  • 2. Cultural Competence Analysis Integrate the components of cultural competence into practice Campinha– Bacote and colleagues describes the components for cultural competence in healthcare. These includes cultural ; a) knowledge, b) awareness, c) skills, d) encounter and e) desire. Cultural awareness refers to self–examination as well as in–depth exploration of an individual cultural as well as professional background. I am able to explore my own cultural healthcare values and beliefs. This is because understanding another person's does not guarantee that one will become cultural competent. I am now able to use the cultural awareness assessment to assess my personal level of cultural awareness, and to get an insight on the understanding of my cultural values and beliefs more content... My work placements acknowledge the importance of these skills and have programmed professional development training modules for every week. The next training module is on health and safety. This is important because nurses interact with patients for a longer time than the physicians. Basically, the training will incorporate aspects such as risk assessment, risk management and the process of reporting these assessments (Shannon, 2012). This will help me in learning strategies on risk mitigation. This requires good communication skills. The next training is on leadership skills. The module comprises of strategies to improve individual interpersonal skills. This will help improve the productivity and teams performances. The next training that I am looking forward to is on time– management skills. This is an important aspect for nurses in order to help them balance work and their social life. This will address on issues such as adequate sleep, taking of good diets and some exercises and other strategies to prevent burnout (Long, 2016). In addition. At the end of my work placement and graduating, I wish to further my education to Master level. I will also be looking into getting a job; therefore I will be amending my CV and personal statements. I will be using the resources provided by the institution to prefect job Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on Intercultural Competence The Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) is an assessment that examines an individual's intercultural competence (Hammer, Bennett, & Wiseman, 2003). Bennett (2004) describes intercultural competence as one's place on a continuum from ethnocentric to ethnorelativism. As I understand it, the IDI and intercultural competence are examining an individual's ability to understand and accept other cultures. The IDI measures intercultural competence on a continuum that includes five stages that a person can vacillate between, which include denial, defense, minimization, acceptance, and adaptation (Bennett, 2004; Hammer et al., 2003). Moreover, Bennett (2004) indicates that the denial stage is when an individual is very ethnocentric, more content... For instance, my IDI profile indicates that my perceived orientation stage is acceptance, which would mean that I believe I understand and accept that there are cultural differences as well as similarities between cultures (Bennett, 2004; IDI Individual Profile Report, 2012). I believe I likely feel this way given the helping profession that I have chosen. I feel a need to be more culturally aware and sensitive especially since I will be working with individuals from all different types of cultural backgrounds. In contrast with how I perceive myself, my IDI profile demonstrates that my developmental orientation is actually in the minimization stage (IDI Individual Profile Report, 2012). This indicates that I tend to focus more on the similarities between cultures and ignore the differences (Bennett, 2004). I believe this is likely related to how I was raised. I can think of examples in which my parents or grandparents have said stereotypical or racist comments and I have found myself trying to counter those comments, because I have a desire to be more open–minded and accepting of others. For instance, my dad constantly makes comments about how immigrants, especially the Hispanic immigrants, "should have to learn English to live in the United States." I always tried to Get more content on
  • 4. Essay On Cross-Cultural Competence I feel that my Cross–Cultural Competence and Dispute Resolution are both significant strengths. The reason I feel strongly about my Cross–Cultural Competence stems from two factors first my ability, as I spoke about in previous modules to be able to fit into many different groups, and help drive the group toward a goal, and the factor I was raised by a family that was often interacting with people from many different backgrounds under the roof of one of my churches that my Dad served at as a Pastor. Being exposed to this throughout my life has helped me adapt to dealing with people from different backgrounds, working to find a common interest and goal and then moving forward without having to spend time analyzing each other in order to more content... The reason that I find myself sometimes struggling when dealing with individuals that are from a high–context cultural is that I can often be very sarcastic and overlook simply non–verbal cues that may let me know that I have offended someone or that they are not understanding what I am saying. Additionally, I can get very emotional when talking about issue that I am passionate about and this sometimes can be construed as I'm not satisfied with something or I am upset, when I am simply excited about what we are talking about. Furthermore, when I'm in disagreement with someone on an issue I can struggle to bring myself to an understanding their view or position on the manner. I find this being a issue when I view the position that the other person is misrepresenting their position, or they are not in a position that truly needs what they are looking for. As a squadron superintendent this can rear its ugly head many times as I often have to interact with other squadrons in order to solve issues, and if I don't feel their issue is important I often find myself later realizing I didn't work to understand their position on the manner as to what I should've been more willing to work with Get more content on
  • 5. Cultural Humility And Cultural Competence Melanie Tervalon and Jann Murray–GarcГa differentiate cultural humility and cultural competence based upon the longevity involved in the pursuit of expertise in both concepts. They insinuate that cultural competence is based primarily on facts that generalize the behaviors of minorities and low–income populations receiving health care services. On the contrary, cultural humility places more importance on the provider's personal awareness of their response to the individual needs of patients without constricting guidelines that overlook challenges involved in meeting their health concerns. Melanie Tervalon and Jann Murray–GarcГa mentioned that there is not an adequate amount of medical training aimed towards exposure to diverse populations. Get more content on
  • 6. Cultural Competence In Education Essay The strategies that an educator can display while learning and educating children from different cultures is displaying and learning practically about them. Make a day of a culture and dress up, cook their food, build their homes and display their practices so the children can see firsthand how their culture differs from their own family and can enjoy learning about them which in turn can displace racism in the facility. Families can be involved in this process by bringing in different objects for children to view and learn about during their education day. Educators view culture and the context of family as central to children's sense of being and belonging, and to success in lifelong learning. Cultural competence is much more than awareness Get more content on
  • 7. Cultural Competence In my opinion I believe that cultural competence is a key factor in enabling others to be effective with cultures other than their own. It is simply having an awareness of one's own cultural identity and views about differentiating the ability to leave and build on the varying cultural and community news of others. Key note: Culture shapes individual's experiences, perceptions, decisions and how they relate to others. Culture a set of shared values that a group of people hold. These values affect how you think, act and most importantly the basis on which you judge others. These behaviors can be viewed as normal and right or strange or wrong. Keep in mind though that we are all individuals and that no two people belonging to the same culture Get more content on
  • 8. Introduction Teaching is a difficult job, it is underpaid, underappreciated, overwhelming. But there is so much good in it, the best of which is when a child deemed hopeless, successes. There are a lot of biases and incorrect notions about different students because of their race, culture, or class level. Ideas that they are hurtful to the students and the teachers. Such as children in poverty lack motivation, black students do not care about school, or that Asian students do not need as much help because of their family's support (Moule, 2012). These ideas tell the teacher who they should focus on which can be good but it can also cause students to slip through the cracks and not get the help they need. It is important to understand different cultures and why they are important but it is also important to remember that not all generalizations are true. That is the beginning of my action plan to be culturally competent, understanding the barriers and beliefs, while also making my own of each individual student. Cultural Competence Cultural Competence by Moule's (2012) definition is "the ability to successfully teach students who come from cultures other than your own" (pg. 5). This means that cultural competence is teaching students no matter a person's biases or preconceived notions. Good teaching for different cultures is good teaching for all students. Any student needs a teacher that is competent in teaching and it is important that they Get more content on
  • 9. Examples Of Cultural Competence Cultural competence allows nurses to be able to provide the best care for their patients. Many individuals in different cultures have many differences that a nurse may not agree with or understand. It is the nurse's job to understand a patient's practices, cultural norms and lifestyle choices. It is important for a nurse to understand a patient and their practices. Some cultures do not believe in women physically touching them and they could see that as a nurse disrespecting their values. Professor Molyneaux gave us an example in class about a man a nurse touched, who was trying to comfort him in his time of need. The man became angry and wanted to make a complaint on the nurse because he felt violated. Another example of the importance of Get more content on
  • 10. Cultural Competence Essay The American Academy of Family Physicians website defines cultural competence as: "A set of congruent behaviors, attitudes and policies that come together as a system, agency or among professionals and enable that system, agency or those professionals to work effectively in cross–cultural situations. The word "culture" is used because it implies the integrated pattern of human thoughts, communications, actions, customs, beliefs, values and institutions of a racial, ethnic, religious or social group. The word competence is used because it implies having a capacity to function effectively." Campinha–Bacote constructed a model that depicts cultural competence into five different areas: cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, more content... Part of cultural skill is also conducting a culturally based physical assessment. Important areas that should be focused on are ethnicity, culture, place of birth, space (degree of comfort), proximity to others, body movement, perception of space, and cultural health practice. I conducted a cultural assessment on one person before, but I did not do a physical assessment. I was able to discover interesting information about this person's culture. I need to familiarize myself some more with conducting a cultural assessment. I was a bit rusty, but I know that everything comes with practice. The process that encourages the health care professional to interact face to face with people of different cultures to modify any existing beliefs and prevent stereotypes is called cultural encounter. I sometimes have the problem of thinking that someone may be talking about me if they are speaking in another language. An example of this is when I went to an Arabic restaurant. I decided to go to this restaurant because I wanted to try new foods from a different culture. I was waiting for my carryout and the cashier (who was Arabic), looked at me, turned to an Arabic waiter and then they spoke in Arabic amongst each other. This is not always my mindset. This case I felt uncomfortable because they looked at me first. I need Get more content on
  • 11. Cultural Competence in Nursing Essay The term culture is defined as "the thoughts, communications, actions, customs, beliefs, values, and institutions of racial, ethnic, religious, or social groups" (Potter & Perry, 2013). With the increase of culturally diverse populations in the United States, it is important for nurses to practice cultural competence. Cultural competence is the ability to acquire specific behaviors, skills, attitudes, and policies in a system that permits "effective work in a cross–cultural setting" (OMH, 2013). Being culturally competent is essential because nurses who acknowledges and respects a patient's health beliefs and practices are more likely to have positive health outcomes (OMH, 2012). Every culture has certain views and attitudes more content... Although they accept death, religious Jews prohibit active euthanasia and suicide. Furthermore, the decision to remove a mechanical ventilator from a Jew is more complicated. When dealing with this sort of situation, consultation with the physician and family rabbi is one way to handle it, though it will be on a "case–by–case" basis. In addition, performing an autopsy on a religious Jew is not allowed unless it is legally required, and organ donation of any sorts is discouraged (Schub T et al., 2013). On the subject of attitude towards health, a Jewish law requires that one must retain good health prior to any early treatment or prevention of diseases; this includes both physical and mental health. Even more, the Jews does not consider a fetus to be a person until birth. If a pregnant woman is being endangered by the fetus, all Judaism branches would require the woman to receive an abortion. Moreover, when dealing with childbirth, the father may be present to provide comfort and support during labor, but will remain outside the room to say prayers for both his wife and child. These types of men refrain from any physical contact with their wives because she is said to be "impure" during this time. In contrast to that, other Jewish men can be present to provide encouragement to the mother during the labor and delivering process (Schub T et al., 2013). When treating a Jewish patient, it is important Get more content on
  • 12. Cultural Competency Paper Culture can be defined as a way of thinking, behaving or working that exists in a particular region or organization. It must be followed by vast majority of people from one generation to other. According to Hellriegel and Slocum (2011), across cultures competency can be defined as the ability to understand and quickly act in a culture different from one's own. Across–cultural competence is a set of behaviors, values, and policies that may be developed at an individual level, in a system, or organizational level with the ability to constructively interact and work effectively across cultures and in diverse cultural situations. It should recognize differences and similarities among other cultures. If an individual is considered, there are more content... Competency should be mentioned in organization's policies, practices, missions and philosophy. The importance of across cultural competence is increasing in many areas Contribution to effective performance. Culturally skilled individuals are aware of their own cultural heritage. They also respect values and differences of other cultures. They are aware of how their cultural background would influence their psychological processes. They have a clear understanding of their competencies and expertise. Irrespective of race, ethnicity and cultural beliefs, culturally skilled people would work comfortably with their clients which would lead to effective performance. Culturally skilled employees possess knowledge and understanding about how oppression, racism, discrimination, and stereotyping affects them personally and in their work. This allows them to acknowledge their own racist attitudes, beliefs, and feelings. Culturally skilled employees understand how work related ethics would influence the team and the organization. They help in motivating other team members with different values and attitudes such as individualism and Get more content on
  • 13. Example Of Cultural Competence Cultural Competence As today's society grows more diverse, the need for cultural competence becomes increasingly necessary within the criminal justice system, a field where civility and the ability to be unbiased is required. As a result, there is a deepening need for understanding the value of diversity and utilizing intercultural communication skills. By developing a cultural competence assessment tool that can improve interactions with people of diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds, individuals who work in the criminal justice field can successfully achieve cultural competence by thoroughly understanding the tool's importance and applying it effectively. An Explanation of Cultural Competence Cultural competence is the ability to acknowledge, understand, respect and communicate with cultures and ethnicities different from one's own. It encourages the acceptance of individual's differences in appearance, behavior, and culture which offers positive changes in the way people interact with others. Furthermore, it offers an awareness and sensitivity to diverse cultures that often goes unrecognized (Hanser & Gomila, 2016). By fully understanding how to effectively interact with people from diverse cultures, the individual maximizes their ability to interact, not only in professional settings with staff and clients but in our growing society as a whole. Also, being culturally competent is beneficial because while it improves interactions between people of Get more content on
  • 14. Essay On Cultural Competence From the self–assessment survey for quality and culture I took, I would like to improve and understand how cultural competence can have a real impact on clinical outcomes. There are a few questions I was surprised that I answered them incorrectly. Now I do understand that what I learned in this culturally competence class will help me become more efficient in cultural competence, to provide quality care to all my patients regardless of gender, socioeconomic status, and ethnic, but it will take consistent individual practice, patience, and training on my part to develop and maintain that. I have learned that being culturally competent and implementing sound cultural competency techniques, will help to increase health access and reduce health disparities among different racial and ethnic groups. Cultural competence can lead to, health literacy, health equity, and fewer diagnostic errors, which might help the patient expand their choices and access high quality medical providers because the patient is no longer restricted to a small pool of clinicians who share their culture. I attended an event at Center on Halsted in Chicago, which is dedicated to advancing community and securing the health and well–being of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and more content... Some are from small towns who moved to Chicago because they were the only lesbian or gay in the town and couldn't be themselves out of fear how they might be treated or might happen to them once they are found out and some comes from different ethnic groups, religion, cultures, and countries where it is taboo to be gay, lesbian, or transgender. The Center on Halsted helps bring all these people together, to have a place to feel comfortable and participate in everyday events and assimilate to the Get more content on
  • 15. My Interview With Cultural Competence Essay People live very different lives. Culture is a major importance in everyone lives. Everyone has customs that they follow, and somethings are more bizarre than others. But it may be bizarre in one persons ' eyes, and be completely normal to another. Having the ability to understand one 's culture and heritage can really help you have a better understanding of where they come from. In the medical it is very important to understand where an individual is coming regarding culture. From understanding their language, to understanding what they are against in the world of medicine is a difference between life and death for some of these individuals. Overview and Heritage From the Purnell Model for cultural competence, I started my interview with overview and heritage. According to Purnell it is defined as " includes concepts related to the country of origin, current residence, the effects of the topography of the country of origin and current residence, economics, politics, reasons for emigration, educational status, and occupations" (Purnell, 2002). I began my interview with my Mexican friend, Diego Pina. In my interview I learned that Diego is was born in Mexico and immigrated into the United States. Diego identifies himself as a male and is Hispanic. He currently resides here in Edwardsville for school. He has only completed high school, but he is currently pursuing a career engineering here at SIUE. He has no economic factors or concerns and is a democrat. Communication Get more content on
  • 16. Cultural Competence Essay Assignment 5 Cultural competence has to do with one's culture. Culture affects among other factors, how children are raised, how families communicate, what is considered normal or abnormal, ways of coping with issues, the way we dress, when and where we seek medical treatment, and so forth. I should know because I come from a very cultural home where it is considered bad to talk to a male doctor about anything gynecological. Cultural Competence is important for many reasons. First, it can help develop culturally sensitive practices which can in turn help reduce barriers that affect treatment in health care settings. Second, it can help build understanding, which is critical in competence, in order wards knowing whom the more content... We need new advances in the delivery of service to discuss cultural differences. Last but not least, as managed care procedures extend into the public division through programs like Medicare, the need to find an appropriate abstract framework to guide service plan and delivery becomes even clearer. For us to develop cultural competence we need to have a level expertise, knowledge and attributes. When I mention Expertise I am referring to professional skills such as, being able to communicate correct information for culturally different people and their communities, the skill to candidly discuss racial and ethnic issues and to react to culturally based signs, the skill to understand the meaning that traditions/culture has for each person, Interviewing skills that help to understand and accommodate the role of language in a person's culture and the skill to use the idea of empowerment on behalf of culturally different people and communities. Knowledge refers to knowing a person's cultural history, values, and traditions; the impact of perhaps racism or poverty on behavior, the role of communication in different communities, knowledge of resources such as agencies that can aid, and how professional values may either agree with or disagree with the needs of clients from different cultures. Finally attributes refers to our acceptance of cultural differences, our desire or readiness to work with individuals from different backgrounds and the Get more content on
  • 17. What Is Cultural Competence? CULTURAL COMPETENCE HANDOUT In real life, we met people from different destinations of the world and talk to them. We plan for having normal friendship or business partnership but still cultures might be the limit. In this case, it is good to find how we learn to interact with people whom we don't share the same culture. What is Culture? According to Zimmermann, culture is defined as a set of characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts (Zimmermann, 2017). Each society has a set of behaviors each member should know and understand very well. They might have their own taboos, language, their own way of worship or way of dancing or singing. All these characteristics form a culture of a certain society. Anyone from outside of this society should learn to be acquainted with their culture to be able to communicate to them. What is cultural competence? more content... Cultural competence is defined as the ability of a person to interact effectively with people of different cultures, helps to ensure the needs of all community members are addressed (SAMHSA, 2016). In this context, cultural relativism has to applied. Cultural relativism means that the culture of a certain community should understood and interpreted in its own cultural context. If you are new in that community, you should not judge their culture based on the values and beliefs of one's own. So, practicing cultural relativism requires an open mind and a willingness to consider, and even adapt to, new values and Get more content on
  • 18. Culture Competence Essay These nine terms are all correlated and intertwined with each other. Without one, like culture, you cannot have the other, such as diversity. If one is going to work as a health care professional, they must know these terms and be able to respect the meaning of each one. A meaning of a word can differ from person to person, depending on his or her culture and upbringing. Culture in a general sense is patterns, behaviors, beliefs, values, customs and life ways that have been passed on from person to person, generation to generation, within a family and group of people. This group of people with the same thoughts about products of human work will also share implicit or explicit patterns of their world view and decision making. There more content... The acceptance and respect for diverse cultures comes from being aware of what goes on between the people of a particular culture. "Cultural awareness is the appreciation of outer signs of diversity such as the music, dress, arts and physical characteristics" (Purnell, 404). Being respectful and open to different cultures isn't just about appreciation the beauty of the people and their beliefs, it is also about having the knowledge to be able to communicate and care for patients of another culture. Cultural competence takes in thought the patients beliefs and practices, not just the external views of a culture. In order to be competent as a health care professional, one must be able to deliver care accordingly for a patient's culture. Not only, do they have to obtain the knowledge, abilities and skill to treat the patient effectively, but they must also choose their words carefully. Since cultures differ from patient to patient, one must accept that before they open his/her mouth. Every culture has a different way of speaking, not necessarily a different language, but a way of talking to one another. Health care professionals must be sensitive to what they say to their patients. Certain things like "You have to take your medicine or you could die" may be offensive to someone who doesn't have the same culture that you are used to. Without this cultural sensitivity health care providers can make patients feel very uncomfortable or Get more content on
  • 19. Cultural Competence And Why Is It Important Competency 1 Understand cultural competence and why is it important especially for that have a diverse workforce. The United States has become increasingly a culturally diverse society. The understanding of cultural relativism in a multicultural working environment can be of a great importance to the success or failure of an organization. What is cultural competency? Before we explain it, let's take a step back and analyze culture, cultural diversity, and Cultural relativism. Objective 1a: Define culture: Culture refers to beliefs, values and norms of a group of people from a particular ethnic or cultural background. Even though each culture has their unique characters, but there are elements common to all human cultures. By definition, this is what we call "cultural universal". For instance, fear of supernaturals, food, clothing, money, education etc. There are ethnocentric people, who believe that their culture or ethnic group is superior to all others. The Nazi Germany back in 1931 wanted to transmit the idea that the German race were of a superior race than all races around the globe. More often than not this kind of cultural globalization can create conflict and tension among nations. Objective 1b: Cultural diversity in the workplace: Employees are similar or different based on race, gender, age, personality, style, education, background etc. Objective 1c: Define cultural relativism in the workplace: Cultural relativism is the understanding that belief, Get more content on