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2011-p503附錄刊頭.indd 503                                                                    2011/10/13 11:50:56 PM
Appendix            I
                                                  Chronology: 2010
               Jan.	5	—	The Legislative Yuan passes an                      Freedom in the World report, listing
                        amendment to the Act Governing                      Taiwan as one of the freest countries
                        Food Sanitation 食品衛生管理法, ban-                       whose people enjoy a high degree of
                        ning the import of cow parts from ar-               political rights and civil liberties.
                        eas where mad cow disease has been        	    18	—	The Legislative Yuan passes amend-
                        documented within the past decade.                  ments to the Local Government Act
             		—	The Legislative Yuan passes the Hak-                       地方制度法, clearing the way for year-
                        ka Basic Act 客家基本法 to promote                       end elections in the nation’s special
                        Hakka language and culture.                         municipalities.
             	      7	—	The Legislative Yuan passes an            	    20	—	In the 2010 Index of Economic Free-
                        amendment to the Political Donations                dom, released jointly by The Heritage
                        Act 政治獻金法 that relaxes restrictions                 Foundation and The Wall Street Jour-
                        on small-sum anonymous campaign                     nal, the ROC is ranked as having the
                        donations, revising the proportion of               world’s 27th freest economy, a leap
                        such donations to a political party,                over 2009, when it ranked 35th.
                        group or candidate from 10 percent to     	    24	—	An ROC C-130 Hercules transport
                        30 percent of total donations.                      aircraft carrying medical supplies for
             		—	The Legislative Yuan passes an                             earthquake victims in Haiti lands at
                        amendment to the Insurance Act 保險                   San Isidro Air Base in the Dominican
                        法, prohibiting the payment of death                 Republic.
                        benefits for children who die under       	    27	—	The Taipei International Book Exhibi-
                        the age of 15.                                      tion opens at the Taipei World Trade
             		—	The Legislative Yuan passes the Cul-                       Center 臺北世界貿易中心; a record-high
                        tural and Creative Industries Act 文化                58 countries and regions participate.
                        創意產業發展法, requiring the govern-            		—	The Ministry of Economic Affairs
                        ment to promote the development of                  approves the first large-sum invest-
                        the arts through tax rebates, discounts             ment in Taiwan by a state-run main-
                        and subsidies.                                      land Chinese company—Yangzhou
             	      9	—	The Democratic Progressive Party                    Yangtze Investment and Development
                        (DPP) 民主進步黨 wins all three seats                    Group Co. Ltd. 揚子江集團—which
                        contested in legislative by-elections               will invest approximately NT$66
                        in Taichung 臺中, Taoyuan 桃園 and                      million (US$2.09 million) to open a
                        Taitung 臺東 counties.                                restaurant in Taipei.
             	    12	—	The Legislative Yuan passes an             Feb. 20	—	Au Revoir, Taipei 一頁臺北 receives
                        amendment to the Organizational Act                 the Best Asian Film Award from the
                        of the Executive Yuan 行政院組織法,                       Network for the Promotion of Asian
                        under which the number of Cabinet-                  Cinema at the Berlin International
                        level organizations will be cut from                Film Festival 2010, beating out 11
                        37 to 29 and comprise 14 ministries,                other entries.
                        eight councils and commissions, three     	    27	—	The DPP wins three of four seats in
                        independent agencies and four subor-                the ROC’s legislative by-elections,
                        dinate bodies.                                      taking Chiayi 嘉義 , Hsinchu 新竹
             		—	The U.S.-based human rights organiza-                      and Taoyuan 桃園 counties, while
                        tion Freedom House releases its 2010                the Kuomintang (KMT) 中國國


1-p496-501Appendix-I (spelling check) .indd 496                                                              2011/10/13 11:43:19 PM
Chronology: 2010

                              民黨 retains the Hualien County 花蓮                妥速審判法 to ensure that defendants
                              縣 seat.                                        in criminal cases are brought to trial
                	    28	—	The Taipei Jingmei Girls High School               as quickly as possible.
                          臺北市立景美女子高級中學 tug-of-war                   	  30	—	The ROC and Japan sign a memo-
                          team out-pulls rivals from around the              randum of understanding in Taipei
                          globe to win gold in the 540-kilogram              to strengthen cooperation in a wide
                          category at the World Indoor Champi-               range of areas, including global
                          onships in Italy.                                  warming, disaster prevention and
                Mar.	10	—	ROC baker Wu Pao-chun 吳寶春 wins                     fighting international crime.
                          the title of Master Baker in the bread    May	 4	—	The Taiwan Strait Tourism Associa-
                          category at the Bakery World Cup in                tion (TSTA) 臺灣海峽兩岸觀光旅遊協
                          France.                                            會, Taiwan’s first semi-official agency in
                	    21	—	President Ma Ying-jeou embarks                     the mainland, opens an office in Beijing.
                          on a seven-day trip to Kiribati, the      	    7	—	The TSTA’s mainland counterpart, the
                          Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, the                Cross-Strait Tourism Exchange Asso-
                          Solomon Islands and Tuvalu, all ROC                ciation 海峽兩岸旅遊交流協會, launches
                          diplomatic allies in the South Pacific.            operations in Taipei.
                Apr. 1		—	The Hong Kong-Taiwan Economic             	  10	—	Chen Shu-chu 陳樹菊, a 61-year-old
                          and Cultural Co-operation and Pro-                 vegetable vendor in eastern Taiwan, is
                          motion Council (ECCPC) 港台經濟                        named one of the 100 most influential
                          文化合作協進會, whose mission is to                       people in the world by Time magazine
                          facilitate relations between the two               for her extraordinary generosity.
                          sides, is formally inaugurated.           		—	Kaohsiung 高雄, Taiwan, and Xiamen
                		—	Across Taiwan, the Easycard 悠遊                           廈門, mainland China, forge closer
                          卡, a stored-value card that had been               management and logistical ties by
                          used only for public transit, can now              signing a port agreement.
                          be used to pay for purchases at over      	  14	—	Students from the ROC collect one
                          10,000 retail locations.                           top prize, five third-place honors and
                	     6	—	Taipei and Shanghai ink four memo-                 a fourth-place prize in categories
                          randums of understanding that cover                ranging from animal and mathemati-
                          cultural exchanges, tourism, technology            cal science to chemistry and electrical
                          parks and environmental protection.                and mechanical engineering at the
                	     9	—	ROC men and women’s tug-of-war                     Intel International Science and Engi-
                          teams out-pull rivals to win gold at               neering Fair in California.
                          the Asian Tug-of-War Championships        	  15	—	Students from the ROC capture 18
                          in South Korea.                                    gold, 22 silver and four bronze med-
                	    16	—	The ROC signs a working holiday                    als at the 21st International Invention,
                          pact with Canada.                                  Innovation and Technology Exhibi-
                	    21	—	The Taipei Culture Center 臺北文化中                    tion in Malaysia.
                          心, which promotes cultural exchang-       	  17	—	Health Minister Yaung Chih-liang 楊
                          es between the ROC and Japan, opens                志良 leads an ROC delegation that
                          in Tokyo.                                          takes part in the 63rd World Health
                	    23	—	The Legislative Yuan passes the Fair               Assembly as an observer under the
                          and Speedy Criminal Trials Act 刑事                  name “Chinese Taipei.”


1-p496-501Appendix-I (spelling check) .indd 497                                                                2011/10/13 11:43:20 PM
Appendix            I
             		—	The Asia-Pacific Economic Coop-                 	   28	—	In the greatest upset at Wimbledon
                       eration (APEC) Business Advisory                    2010, Taiwan’s Lu Yen-hsun 盧彥勳 de-
                       Council begins its five-day second                  feats fifth-seed U.S. player Andy Rod-
                       meeting of the year in Taipei.                      dick, earning a spot in the quarterfinals.
             	   18	—	The Legislative Yuan passes the            	   29	—	Taipei and Beijing sign the landmark
                       Environmental Education Act 環境教                     Cross-Straits Economic Cooperation
                       育法, which makes coursework on en-                   Framework Agreement (ECFA) 海峽
                       vironmental issues mandatory starting               兩岸經濟合作架構協議 and the Intellec-
                       in 2011.                                            tual Property Rights Protection and Co-
             		—	The 2010 World Competitiveness Year-                      operation Agreement (IPR Agreement)
                       book, published by the Switzerland-                 智慧財產權保護合作協議 following talks
                       based International Institute for                   in Chongqing 重慶, mainland China,
                       Management Development, ranks the                   between Taiwan’s Straits Exchange
                       ROC the world’s eighth-most com-                    Foundation (SEF) 海基會 and its
                       petitive economy.                                   mainland Chinese counterpart, the
             	   24	—	The APEC SME Crisis Management                       Association for Relations Across the
                       Center, devoted to helping members’                 Taiwan Straits (ARATS) 海協會.
                       small and medium-sized enterprises        	   30	—	Marshall Islands President Jurelang
                       prepare for future economic crises,                 Zedkaia and his entourage arrive in
                       opens in Taipei.                                    the ROC for a six-day state visit.
             	   26	—	The Taiwan-Hong Kong Economic              July	 1	—	The Cabinet approves the pacts
                       and Cultural Co-operation Council                   signed on June 29 between Taiwan’s
                       ( E C C C ) 臺港經濟文化合作策進會,                            SEF and mainland China’s ARATS.
                       Taiwan’s counterpart to Hong Kong’s       	     4	—	Huang You-di 黃友棣, composer of
                       ECCPC, begins operations.                           over 2,000 songs and one of the most
             June	 1	—	The Legislative Yuan approves                       influential 20th-century Chinese-
                       amendments to the Labor Union Act                   language musicians, dies in Kao­
                       工會法, securing the right to form                     hsiung City 高雄市 at the age of 98.
                       unions for millions of workers, in-       	    11	—	The Taiwan-Israel Chamber of Com-
                       cluding teachers.                                   m e r c e 臺灣以色列商業文化促進會 i s
             	     8	—	The Sydney-based Institute for Eco-                 established in Taipei to promote
                       nomics and Peace ranks the ROC the                  trade, culture, education and tourism
                       35th-most peaceful country out of                   between the two countries.
                       149 nations measured in the Global        	   24	—	Doris Chen 陳彥寧 becomes the first
                       Peace Index, up two slots from 2009.                golfer from Taiwan to win the U.S.
             		—	The ROC and The Gambia sign a                             Girls’ Junior Championship.
                       bilateral Investment Promotion and        	   27	—	The ROC reaffirms its sovereignty
                       Protection Agreement aimed at ex-                   over the Dongsha Islands 東沙群島
                       panding economic cooperation be-                    (also known as the Pratas Islands)
                       tween the two countries.                            in the South China Sea by opening a
             	   24	—	Officials from Taiwan and mainland                   Marine National Park Headquarters
                       China agree on an “early harvest” list              海洋國家公園管理處 office on the coral
                       of goods and services subject to tariff             atoll.
                       cuts. Beijing grants tariff reductions    Aug. 1		—	Taiwan’s Yani Tseng 曾雅妮 wins the
                       on some 500 items from Taiwan,                      Women’s British Open, becoming
                       while Taipei offers similar treatment               the youngest player ever to have won
                       for roughly 200 mainland Chinese                    three Ladies Professional Golf Asso-
                       products.                                           ciation (LPGA) majors.


1-p496-501Appendix-I (spelling check) .indd 498                                                                 2011/10/13 11:43:20 PM
Chronology: 2010

                	—	Chinese Taipei wins the 2010 World               	    16	—	The World Trade Organization rates
                          Junior Baseball Championship in                     Taiwan as the world’s 16th-largest
                          Canada, its first gold medal in 27                  exporter and 17th-largest importer in
                          years at the under-18 international                 the first half of 2010.
                          competition, sponsored by the Inter-      	    23	—	The Cabinet-level Financial Supervi-
                          national Baseball Federation.                       sory Commission 行政院金融監督管理
                	   17	—	The Legislative Yuan ratifies the                    委員會 authorizes mainland China’s
                          ECFA.                                               Bank of China 中國銀行 and Bank
                	   19	—	The Legislative Yuan amends three                    of Communications 交通銀行 to set
                          acts, allowing mainland Chinese stu-                up representative offices in Taiwan,
                          dents to study in Taiwan’s universi-                marking the first time mainland
                          ties and recognizing higher education               banks receive approval to operate in
                          degrees from the mainland.                          Taiwan.
                	   21	—	The Chongqing Junior High School           	    27	—	ROC senior high school students win
                          重慶國中 baseball team wins the                         three golds and one silver at the 2010
                          Junior League World Series in the                   International Earth Science Olympiad
                          United States. This is the ROC’s 18th               in Indonesia.
                          title at a Little League Baseball Inc.-   Oct.	11	—	After signing an agreement with Ger-
                          sponsored tournament and its first                  many, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
                          since returning to tournament play in               unveils a reciprocal working holiday
                          2010 after withdrawing from compe-                  program for people aged 18 to 30.
                          tition in 1997.                           	    21	—	Typhoon Megi 梅姬颱風 delivers
                	   26	—	A team of ROC junior all-stars wins                  record-breaking rainfall for a single
                          the 2010 Asian “AA” Baseball Cham-                  day to the plains of eastern Taiwan,
                          pionship in Thailand.                               flooding Su-ao 蘇澳, Yilan County 宜
                	   30	—	First lady Chow Mei-ching 周美青 ar-                    蘭縣. Several people are killed by a
                          rives in Haiti on a two-day humanitar-              landslide triggered by the rains.
                          ian mission to the earthquake-stricken    	    31	—	The ROC wins the team champion-
                          nation.                                             ship among 37 participating nations
                	   31	—	The ROC and Australia sign a memo-                   at the iENA International Trade Fair
                          randum of understanding to cooperate                in Germany, taking 27 gold, 32 silver
                          on promoting green energy industries                and 23 bronze medals.
                          and technologies.                         		—	Airplanes begin traveling between
                Sept. 9	—	The ROC is ranked the world’s 13th-                 Taipei International Airport 臺北國際
                          most competitive economy out of 139                 航空站 (Songshan Airport) and Tokyo
                          surveyed in the annual Global Com-                  International Airport (Haneda Air-
                          petitiveness Report released by the                 port) for the first time in over three
                          World Economic Forum.                               decades.
                	   12	—	Two landmark agreements between            Nov.	 6	—	The 2010 Taipei International Flora
                          Taiwan and mainland China—the ECFA                  Exposition 臺北國際花卉博覽會 begins.
                          and the IPR Agreement—take effect.                  Fifty-nine cities and 86 organizations
                	   14	—	The ROC reaffirms its sovereignty                    from 31 countries are expected to
                          over the Diaoyutai Islands 釣魚臺列嶼                    participate in the event by the time it
                          following a Sept. 13 standoff between               closes April 25, 2011.
                          an ROC fishing vessel and a flotilla of   	     7	—	Students from the ROC competing
                          Japanese patrol boats in waters off the             against 1,200 others from over 20
                          disputed archipelago.                               countries win a total of nine medals


1-p496-501Appendix-I (spelling check) .indd 499                                                               2011/10/13 11:43:20 PM
Appendix            I
                    at the 2010 World Robot Olympiad          Dec. 2		—	Former President Chen Shui-bian be-
                    in the Philippines.                                 gins serving his sentence for corrup-
             	  8	—	The Legislative Yuan passes the Act                 tion and money laundering at Taipei
                    Governing Breastfeeding in Public                   Prison 法務部矯正署臺北監獄.
                    Places 公共場所母乳哺育條例, protect-               	    5	—	Yani Tseng wins the LPGA Player of
                    ing women’s right to breastfeed in                  the Year 2010 award in the United
                    public while providing a legal basis                States, becoming the first golfer from
                    for the establishment of nursing                    Taiwan to be so honored.
                    rooms in public places and enacting       		—	Taiwan’s athletes win a record total of
                    fines for those who attempt to prevent              three gold, two silver and four bronze
                    breastfeeding.                                      medals at the 2010 Asian Extreme
             	 11	—	The Supreme Court upholds a lower                   Sports Championships in Taipei.
                    court’s guilty verdict for former         		—	The ROC delegation to the 6th Seoul
                    President Chen Shui-bian 陳水扁 and                    International Invention Fair picks up a
                    his wife for cases of graft involving               total of 33 gold, 32 silver and 32 bronze
                    a land acquisition deal in Longtan                  medals, as well as three special awards
                    Township 龍潭鄉, Taoyuan County,                       in a competition involving 36 countries
                    and the appointment of the Grand Ca-                displaying over 650 inventions.
                    thay Securities 大華證券 chairperson          	   11	—	The ROC’s delegation of six students
                    during Chen’s presidency.                           is named the top winner at the 2010
             	 16	—	The Legislative Yuan passes the Ge-                 International Junior Science Olym-
                    ology Act 地質法, requiring the taking                 piad in Nigeria, where a total of 180
                    of a nationwide geological survey and               students under 16 years of age from
                    a public disclosure of unstable areas.              35 countries test their understanding
                    Geological information is to be stored              of mathematics, biology, physics,
                    in a national database and updated                  chemistry and geoscience.
                    every five years.                         	   21	—	The Cross-Strait Medical and Health
             	 22	—	Canada grants ROC nationals visa-                   Cooperation Agreement 兩岸醫藥衛生
                    free entry for up to six months.                    合作協議 is signed in Taipei follow-
             	 24	—	Taiwanese and French scientists                     ing a sixth round of talks between
                    jointly share the 2010 Taiwan-France                Taiwan’s SEF and mainland China’s
                    Science and Technology Award pre-                   ARATS.
                    sented by the Fondation Scientifique      	   22	—	The European Union announces that,
                    Franco-Taiwanaise for nanotechnol-                  starting Jan. 11, 2011, ROC nationals
                    ogy research on interactions between                will be allowed visa-free entry to 35
                    silicon carbide and oxygen.                         European nations and territories for
             	 27	—	The first elections of mayors, coun-                periods of up to 90 days.
                    cilors and ward chiefs of five special    	   24	—	The Ministry of Economic Affairs
                    municipalities are held. The KMT                    kicks off an initiative to install the
                    wins in Taipei, New Taipei 新北市 and                  nation’s first low-voltage smart-meter
                    Taichung cities, while the DPP takes                systems, allowing a sampling of cus-
                    the mayoralties of Tainan 臺南市 and                   tomers to keep tabs on their electric-
                    Kaohsiung.                                          ity usage online.
             		—	Taiwan pockets 13 gold, 16 silver and        	   25	—	Mayors and city councilors of the
                    38 bronze medals at the Asian Games                 nation’s five special municipalities,
                    in Guangzhou 廣州, mainland China,                    which altogether account for roughly
                    its second-biggest gold medal haul ever             60 percent of the nation’s population,
                    and best performance in 12 years.                   are sworn in.


1-p496-501Appendix-I (spelling check) .indd 500                                                             2011/10/13 11:43:21 PM
Chronology: 2010

                	     28	—	The ROC baseball team clinches its             		—	The ROC’s Penghu Islands 澎湖群島
                           fifth straight title at the 6th Asian Little       are named one of the 10 best secret
                           League Championships in Japan.                     island groups in travel publisher
                	     29	—	An ROC-Hungary treaty eliminat-                    Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel 2011
                           ing double taxation between the two                guide. The book praises the beauty
                           countries takes effect. Under the                  of the islands, their nostalgic feel
                           agreement, investors pay taxes only                and their green turtle breeding
                           in their main country of operation.                sites.


1-p496-501Appendix-I (spelling check) .indd 501                                                             2011/10/13 11:43:21 PM
Appendix           II
                                          Chronology: 1911-2009
             1911                                                                       the Second Revolution against Yuan’s
             Oct.	 10	—	A revolt against Qing dynasty 清朝                                dictatorial rule.
                        erupts in Wuchang 武昌 and is fol-                      Oct.	 6	—	Yuan forces the parliament to elect
                        lowed by revolutionary activities                               him president.
                        throughout China. The string of up-                   	    10	—	Yuan formally assumes the presidency.
                        risings which ultimately overthrew
                        the Qing court were referred histori-                 1914
                        cally as the Xinhai Revolution 辛亥                     May	 1	—	Yuan annuls the provisional constitu­ion.
                        革命.                                                   June	23	—	The KMT is reorganized as the
             Dec.	29	—	Dr. Sun Yat-sen 孫中山 is elected                                    Chinese Revolutionary Party 中華
                        by delegates across China as provi-                              革命黨 in Tokyo. Dr. Sun is elected
                        sional president of the new republic                             director-general.
                        to be founded in 1912.                                Aug.	 6	—	Yuan declares China’s neutrality in
                                                                                         World War I.
                                                                              Sept.	 2	—	Japanese troops land at Longkou
             Jan.	 1	—	The Republic of China (ROC) is                                    龍口, Shandong Province 山東省,
                        founded, with Dr. Sun as the first                               in preparation for an invasion of
                        pro­ isional president.
                            v                                                            German-controlled Qingdao 青島
             		—	The Gregorian calendar replaces the                                     following Japan’s alliance with Brit-
                        lunar calendar in the ROC.                                       ain against Germany in World War I.
             	     28	—	A provisional parliament is estab-                               Japan gains de facto control over the
                        lished in Nanjing.                                               region which later evolves into the
             Feb.	 12	—	Aisin-Gioro Puyi 愛新覺羅.溥儀 ab-                                     Shandong dispute.
                        dicates as emperor, end­ng the rule
                        of the Qing dynasty.                                  1915
             	     13	—	Dr. Sun tenders his resignation to the
                        provisional parliament.                               Jan.	 18	—	Japan presents the notorious Twenty-
             	     15	—	Yuan Shi-kai 袁世凱 is elected pro-                                 one De­ ands 二十一條要求 to the
                        visional president by the provisional                            Beijing government in an attempt
                        parliament.                                                      to establish political and economic
             Mar.	10	—	Yuan Shi-kai assumes the provision-                               domination over China.
                        al presidency in Beijing.                                                                   m
                                                                              May	25	—	The Sino-Japanese Agree­ ent (the
             	     11	—	A p r o v i s i o n a l c o n s t i t u t i o n i s              Twenty-one Demands) is signed.
                        promul­ ated.
                                g                                             Dec.	12	—	Yuan proclaims himself emperor.
             Apr.	 2	—	The provisional parliament resolves                    	     25	—	Cai E 蔡鍔, Tang Ji-yao 唐繼堯 and Li
                        to move the seat of the government                               Lie-jun revolt against Yuan in Yun-
                        to Beijing.                                                      nan Province 雲南省.
             Aug.	25	—	The Revolutionary Alliance 中國同盟
                        會 is reorganized as the Kuomintang                    1916
                        (KMT) 國民黨.                                            Mar.	22	—	Yuan is forced to forsake his monar-
             1913                                                                        chical reign, and the republican form
             Apr.	 6	—	The provisional parliament is dissolved.                          of government is restored.
             	      8	—	The Republic’s first parliament is                    June	 6	—	Yuan dies at the age of 58.
                        convened.                                             	      7	—	Li Yuan-hong 黎元洪 becomes presi-
             May	 2	—	The United States recognizes the ROC.                              dent of the Beijing government.
             July	 12	—	Li Lie-jun 李烈鈞 of the KMT starts                      Oct.	 31	—	Huang Xing 黃興, leader of the Xinhai


2-p502-543-Appendix-II.indd 502                                                                                            2011/10/13 11:45:40 PM
Chronology: 1911-2009

                              Revolution that overthrew the Qing              faction and Zhang Zuo-lin 張作霖 of
                              dynasty, dies at the age of 42.                 the Fengtian 奉天 faction join forces
                                                                              to fight against Duan Qi-rui 段祺瑞
                1917                                                          of the Anhui faction.
                July	 12	—	An attempted coup d’état by Zhang
                           Xun 張勳 to restore the Qing dynasty      1921
                           fails.                                  May	 5	—	Dr. Sun assumes the presi­ ency of
                Aug.	14	—	The Beijing government joins the Al-                the newly formed southern govern-
                           lies in World War I and declares war               ment in Guangzhou.
                           on Germany and Austro-Hungary.          July	 23	—	The Chinese Communist Party 中國
                	     25	—	Dr. Sun forms a military government                共產黨 holds its first congress.
                           in Guangzhou 廣州.
                Sept.	 1	—	The special parliamentary assembly      1922
                           elects Dr. Sun as generalissimo of
                                                                   Feb.	 4	—	China signs an agreement with Japan
                           the Chinese Military Government.
                                                                              in Washington to settle the Shandong
                                                                   Apr.	 28	—	War between Wu Pei-fu 吳佩孚 of the
                Sept.	 4	—	The An-Fu Clique Parliament 安福國                    Zhili faction and Zhang Zuo-lin of
                           會 in the north elects Xu Shi-chang                 the Fengtian faction breaks out.
                           徐世昌 presi­ ent.
                                      d                            June	 2	—	Xu Shi-chang resigns as president of
                Nov.	23	—	The Ministry of Education adopts                    the Beijing government.
                           the National Phonetic Symbols.          	     11	—	Li Yuan-hong resumes the presi-
                                                                              dency in Beijing.
                1919                                               	     l6	—	Chen Jiong-ming 陳炯明 revolts
                Apr.	 30	—	The Paris Peace Conference allows                  against Dr. Sun.
                           Ja­ an to take over Germany’s pre-
                              p                                    Aug.	15	—	Dr. Sun issues a manifesto urging
                           war rights in Shandong Province.                   the unification of China by peaceful
                May	 4	—	More than 3,000 students demon-                      means.
                           strate in Beijing against the Paris
                           Peace Con­ erence decision.
                                      f                            1923
                June	28	—	China refuses to sign the Versailles     Jan.	 26	—	Dr. Sun and Adolf Joffe, representa-
                           Treaty on grounds that German                      tive of the Soviet Communist Party,
                           rights in Shandong were given to                   issue a joint statement declaring that
                           Japan.                                             neither the Communist social order
                Oct.	 10	—	The Chinese Revolutionary Party is                 nor the Soviet system is suitable for
                           reorgan­zed as the Chinese National-
                                   i                                          China.
                           ist Party 中國國民黨 (abbreviated as
                           Nationalist Party, or KMT).             1924
                                                                   Jan.	 20	—	The first National Congress of the
                1920                                                          KMT in Guangzhou adopts a policy
                June	29	—	China joins the League of Nations.                  of cooperation with the Soviet Union
                July	 14	—	With various parts of China ruled                  and the Chinese Communist Party.
                           by local warlords, war erupts be-       May	 3	—	Chiang Kai-shek 蔣中正 is appointed
                           tween the Zhili 直隸 and Anhui 安徽                    superin­ endent of the Whampoa
                           factions. Cao Kun 曹錕 of the Zhili                  Military Academy 黃埔軍校.


2-p502-543-Appendix-II.indd 503                                                                              2011/10/13 11:45:41 PM
Appendix           II
             Sept.	17	—	The second Zhili-Fengtian war           Aug.	 1	—	The Chinese Communists stage the
                        breaks out, and later results in the              Nanchang 南昌 Uprising against the
                        defeat of Wu Pei-fu and the resigna-              Na­ional Government.
                        tion of Cao Kun.                        	    13	—	Chiang Kai­ shek resigns as commander-
             	     22	—	The design of a “white sun in a blue              in-chief of the National Revolution-
                        sky over a crimson ground” is ad-                 ary Forces in order to unify the
                        opted as the national flag of the ROC             Nanjing and Hankou factions of the
                        (see “National Symbols”).                         KMT.
             Nov.	10	—	Dr. Sun, in a manifesto, calls for the
                        early convocation of a national peo­    1928
                        ple’s convention and the abolition of   May	 1	—	The National Revolutionary Forces
                        unequal treaties.                                 occupy Jinan 濟南.
             	     24	—	Duan Qi-rui becomes provisional         	     3	—	Japanese troops attack the North-
                        chief executive in Beijing.                       ern Expeditionary Forces in Jinan,
                                                                          touching off the May 3 (Jinan) Inci­
             1925                                                         dent 五三慘案.
             Mar.	12	—	Dr. Sun dies in Beijing at the age of    June	 4	—	Zhang Zuo-lin is killed on a train by
                       59.                                                a bomb explosion. His son, Zhang
             July	 1	—	The National Government 國民政府                       Xue-liang 張學良, succeeds him as
                       is established in Guangzhou.                       “ruler of Manchuria 滿洲(東北)       .”
             Nov.	23	—	The KMT proposes disciplinary            	    20	—	Beijing is renamed Beiping 北平.
                       measures to restrict communist           Oct.	 8	—	Chiang Kai-shek is elected chairman
                             t                                            of the National Government of the
             1926                                               	    10	—	Chiang Kai-shek assumes the chair­
                                                                          manship of the National Govern­ ent.
             Apr.	 9	—	Duan Qi-rui resigns as provisional       Nov.	 1	—	The Central Bank of China 中央銀行
                       chief executive.                                   is estab­ished.
             June	 5	—	Chiang Kai-shek becomes commander­  -    Dec.	 5	—	The Legislative Yuan (Legislature)
                       in-chief of the National Revolution­               立法院 is formally es­ ablished.
                       ary Forces 國民革命軍.                        	    29	—	Zhang Xue-liang pledges allegiance
             July	 9	—	Chiang Kai-shek launches the North­                to the National Government, which
                       ern Expedition 北伐 from Guangzhou                   leads to the unification of China.
                       to end the rule of local warlords and
                       unify China.                             1929
                                                                May	20	—	Japanese troops withdraw from
                                                                           Shandong Province.
             Jan.	 1	—	Wuhan 武漢 (Wuchang, Hankou 漢              June	15	—	The KMT announces that by 1935
                        口 and Hanyang 漢陽) is proclaimed                    the government plans to end the Pe-
                        capital of the National Government                 riod of Political Tutelage 訓政時期,
                        by a left-wing group of the KMT.                   a preconstitutional form of govern-
             Mar.	22	—	The Northern Expeditionary Forces                   ment which was introduced in 1928.
                        take over Shanghai.                     July	 23	—	The National Government severs
             Apr.	 13	—	The KMT launches a purge within                    diplo­ atic relations with the Soviet
                        the party by expelling communist                   Union.
                        members.                                Dec.	28	—	The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
             	     18	—	A reorganized national government                  (MOFA) proclaims the nul­ification
                        is estab­ ished in Nanjing by the
                                  l                                        of consular jurisdiction in China to
                        KMT.                                               rid China of foreign privi­eges.


2-p502-543-Appendix-II.indd 504                                                                            2011/10/13 11:45:41 PM
Chronology: 1911-2009

                1930                                                   	    18	—	Ma Zhan-shan 馬占山 puts up a
                Jan.	 6	—	The Examination Yuan 考試院 is for-                       stiff fight against the Japanese in
                           mally es­ablished.
                                    t                                            Heilongjiang Province 黑龍江省.
                Apr.	 1	—	Yan Xi-shan 閻錫山, Feng Yu-xiang               Dec.	15	—	Chiang Kai-shek retires in the interest
                           馮玉祥 and Li Zong-ren 李宗仁 revolt                        of party unity.
                           against the National Government.            	    28	—	Lin Sen 林森 assumes chairmanship
                	     18	—	The United Kingdom returns the                        of the National Government.
                           Weihaiwei 威海衛 naval base to
                           China.                                      1932
                July	 13	—	Opposition seeks to set up a gov-           Jan.	 7	—	U.S. Secretary of State Henry Stim-
                           ernment in Beijing under the lead-                    son declares that the United States
                           ership of Wang Jing­ wei 汪精衛.
                                                -                                will not recognize any treaty that
                Nov.	 4	—	Ya n X i - s h a n a n n o u n c e s h i s             violates the Open Door Policy 門戶
                           retirement.                                           開放政策, which allows equal privi-
                                                                                 leges for countries trading within
                1931                                                             China and supports Chinese territo-
                Feb.	 2	—	The Control Yuan 監察院 is formally                       rial integrity.
                                 l                                     	    14	—	The League of Nations Com­ ission
                May	 5	—	The National People’s Convention                        is established to investigate the Japa-
                           國民會議 is held in Nanjing under the                     nese invasion.
                           chairman­ hip of Chiang Kai-shek.
                                      s                                	    28	—	Japanese naval forces attack Shang-
                June	 1	—	The Provisional Constitution for the                   hai. The 19th Army Corps puts up
                           Period of Political Tutelage 訓政時期                     stiff resistance.
                           約法 is promul­ ated.
                                           g                           	    30	—	The National Government is moved
                July	 4	—	Korean immigrants occupy Wan-                          to Luoyang 洛陽 due to the Japanese
                           baoshan 萬寶山 in Jilin Province 吉                       invasion.
                           林省 at the insti­ ation of Japanese
                                              g                        Feb.	 6	—	The National Military Council 軍事
                           militarists.                                          委員會 is es­ ablished.
                	      6	—	The first higher civil service examina­     Mar.	 8	—	Chiang Kai-shek becomes chairman
                           tion is held in Nanjing.                              of the National Military Council.
                Sept.	18	—	Japanese troops occupy Shenyang             May	 5	—	China and Japan sign an armistice in
                           瀋陽 (Mukden) in a surprise attack.                     Shanghai.
                           Impor­ ant cities in Liaoning 遼寧
                                   t                                   June	28	—	Chiang Kai-shek arrives in Hankou
                           and Jilin prov­nces later fall to the
                                            i                                    from Lushan 盧山 to direct the cam-
                           Japanese.                                             paign against the Chinese Communists.
                Oct.	 24	—	The Council of the League of Na-            Dec.	 1	—	The National Government moves
                           tions adopts a resolution urging                      back to Nanjing.
                           Japan to withdraw its troops from           	    12	—	China resumes diplomatic relations
                           Northeast China by Nov. 16.                           with the Soviet Union.
                	     26	—	Japan turns down the League’s
                           resolution.                                 1933
                	     27	—	Nanjing and Guangzhou representa-           Jan.	 3	—	Japanese troops outside the Great
                           tives meet in Shanghai for peace                       Wall 長城 occupy Shanhaiguan 山
                           negotia­ions and reconciliation among
                                    t                                             海關.
                           different factions of the KMT.              Feb.	 14	—	The League of Nations refuses to
                Nov.	 7	—	The Chinese Communists set up a                         rec­ gnize “Manchukuo” 滿洲國.
                           So­ iet regime in Ruijin 瑞金, Jiangxi
                              v                                        	     21	—	Japanese troops invade Rehe Prov-
                           Province 江西省.                                          ince 熱河省. Fighting later spreads


2-p502-543-Appendix-II.indd 505                                                                                   2011/10/21 2:40:06 AM
Appendix           II
                       in North China. Sev­ ral strategic
                                             e                   1936
                       passes along the Great Wall 長城 fall       May	 5	—	The government promulgates the
                       to the Japanese.                                     May 5 Draft Constitution 五五憲草.
             May	31	—	The Sino-Japanese Tanggu Armistice         Aug.	19	—	The Guangxi Province 廣西省 oppo-
                       Agreement 塘沽協定 is signed.                            sition sets up an inde­ endent regime
             Aug.	 6	—	Feng Yu-xiang announces that his re-                 in Guilin 桂林.
                       volt at Kalgan Pass 張家口 has failed.       Sept.	16	—	The Guangxi problem is settled. Li
             Nov.	20	—	Leaders of the 19th Army Corps                       Zong-ren assumes office as com­
                       form a “people’s government” in                      mander of the Guangxi Pacification
                       Fujian Province 福建省.                                 Headquarters.
                                                                 Dec.	 4	—	Chiang Kai-shek leaves Luoyang for
             1934                                                           Xian by air.
             Feb.	 19	—	Chiang Kai-shek launches the New         	     12	—	Zhang Xue-liang’s troops mutiny in
                        Life Movement 新生活運動 in Nan-                         Xian and hold Chiang Kai-shek and
                        chang 南昌.                                           other ranking government officials
             Mar.	 1	—	Henry Puyi (Aisin-Gioro Puyi) is en-                 hostage.
                        throned as “emperor of Manchukuo”        	     22	—	Madame Chiang 蔣夫人, accom-
                        in Changchun 長春 by the Japanese                     panied by W. H. Donald and T.V.
                        militarists.                                        Soong (Sung Tzu­ wen) 宋子文, fly to
             Oct.	 10	—	The main forces of the Chinese                      Xian.
                        Com­ unist troops flee their bases in
                             m                                   	     25	—	Zhang Xue-liang accompanies Gen­
                        Jiangxi Province to the northwest,                  eralissimo Chiang Kai-shek and
                        launching “Long March” 長征.                          Mad­ me Chiang to Luoyang, en
             Nov.	10	—	Government troops capture Ruijin,                    route to Nanjing.
                        the communist capital in Jiangxi
                        Province.                                1937
                                                                 July	 7	—	Japanese troops near Marco Polo
             1935                                                          Bridge 盧溝橋, southwest of Beijing,
             Oct.	 2	—	Chiang Kai-shek is appointed                        attack Wanping County 宛平縣 at
                       com­ ander-in-chief of the North-
                            m                                              night, formally starting the Second
                       western Communist-Suppression                       Sino-Japanese War (or War of Re-
                       Army and Zhang Xue-liang, deputy                    sistance Against Japan), which lasts
                       com­ ander-in-chief, with headquar-
                            m                                              until 1945.
                       ters in Xian 西安.                          	    17	—	In a speech at Guling 牯嶺, Chiang
             Nov.	 3	—	The National Government proclaims                   Kai-shek lays down four conditions
                       the nationalization of all silver, mak-             for settle­ ent of the Marco Polo
                       ing notes issued by the Central Bank                Bridge Incident 盧溝橋事變.
                       of China, the Bank of China and           	    26	—	The Japanese consul in Tianjin 天津
                       the Bank of Communica­ions legal
                                                   t                       sends an ultimatum to Song Zhe-yuan
                       tender.                                             宋哲元, Chi­ ese commander in the
             	    19	—	Chiang Kai-shek, while comment-                     Hebei-Chahaer 河北-察哈爾 area, de-
                       ing on the Japanese aggression at                   manding that Chinese troops evacuate
                       the fourth plenary session of the                   from Beijing and its vicinities. Song
                       Fifth National Congress of the KMT,                 orders his 29th Army Corps to resist.
                       says that hope for peace should not       	    27	—	Japanese troops attack Beijing.
                       be abandoned and that there should        	    28	—	Beijing falls.
                       be no talk about sacrifice until and      	    30	—	Chinese troops evacuate from
                       unless sacrifice becomes absolutely                 Tianjin.
                       necessary.                                Aug.	13	—	Japanese troops attack Shanghai.


2-p502-543-Appendix-II.indd 506                                                                              2011/10/21 2:40:52 AM
Chronology: 1911-2009

                	     21	—	China and the Soviet Union sign a                      guiding principles for the settlement of
                           non-­ ggression treaty in Nanjing.
                                a                                                 the Sino-Japanese conflict and the es-
                Sept. 28	—	The League of Nations adopts a                         tablishment of a new order in East Asia.
                           resolu­ ion denouncing Japan’s ag-
                                  t                                   	      26	—	Chiang Kai-shek reiterates China’s de­
                           gression in China.                                     termination to carry on the war of re-
                Oct.	 6	—	The U.S. State Department con-                          sistance against Japan and charges that
                           demns Japan’s invasion of China.                       Konoye’s statement clearly re­ eals
                	      7	—	The League of Nations adopts a                         Japan’s ambition to take over China.
                           resolu­ ion pledging moral support
                           for China.                                 1939
                	     30	—	The National Government decides            Jan.	 28	—	The fifth plenary session of the Fifth
                           to move the capital from Nanjing to                   Central Committee of the KMT de-
                           Chongqing 重慶.                                         cides to create a Supreme National
                Nov.	 3	—	China presents her case at The Nine                    Defense Council 國防最高委員會 with
                           Power Treaty Conference 九國公約會                         Chiang Kai-shek as chairman.
                           議 in Brussels.                             Nov.	20	—	Chairman Chiang Kai-shek is ap-
                	     11	—	Chinese forces evacuate from                          pointed to the concurrent post of
                           Shanghai.                                             president of the Executive Yuan 行政院.
                Dec.	13	—	Japanese troops occupy Nanjing.

                1938                                                  Mar.	29	—	Wang Jing-wei establishes a puppet
                                                                                 regime in Nanjing, which is recog­
                Mar.	28	—	The MOFA issues a statement de-                        nized by Japan on Nov. 30.
                           nouncing the “Reform Government            	    30	—	The MOFA declares the Nanjing
                           of China,” a puppet regime set up by                  puppet regime illegal.
                           the Japanese in Nanjing.                   Sept.	 6	—	Chongqing is proclaimed provisional
                	     31	—	The Emergency National Congress of                    ocapital of China
                           the KMT in Wuchang elects Chiang
                           Kai-shek as its director-gen­ ral and
                                                         e            1941
                           decides to organize a People’s Po-
                                                                      Jan.	 4	—	The Communist New Fourth Army
                           litical Council and a San-min-zhu-                    新四軍 revolts against the National
                           yi (Three Principles of the People)                   Govern­ ent.
                           Youth Corps 三民主義青年團.                       	     15	—	The revolt of the Communist New
                Apr.	 7	—	Chinese troops score a major victory                   Fourth Army is suppressed.
                           over Japan in Taierzhuang 臺兒莊.             Mar.	 1	—	The first session of the Second Peo­
                July	 6	—	The first session of the People’s Politi­              ple’s Political Council is convened
                           cal Council 國民參政會 opens in Han-                       in Chongqing.
                           kou and adopts a program of armed          Apr.	 14	—	Condemning the Soviet-Japanese
                           resistance and national reconstruction.                    t
                                                                                 Neu­ rality Pact, Foreign Minister
                	      9	—	The San-min-zhu-yi Youth Corps is                     Wang Chong-hui 王寵惠 declares that
                           es­ ablished with Chiang Kai-shek
                              t                                                  Outer Mon­ olia and the northeastern
                           as head.                                              provinces are Chinese territory and
                Oct.	 25	—	Chinese troops evacuate from                          that the Soviet-Japanese statement is
                           Wuchang and Hankou.                                   not bind­ng on China.
                Dec.	18	—	Wang Jing-wei deserts the National          	     17	—	U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt
                           Government and leaves Chongqing                       approves the first military aid pro-
                           for Kunming 昆明.                                       gram of US$45 million for China.
                	     22	—	The Japanese prime minister, Prince        Sept.	30	—	Chinese troops win the second battle
                           Konoye, lays down three points as                     of Changsha 長沙.


2-p502-543-Appendix-II.indd 507                                                                                    2011/10/13 11:45:42 PM
Appendix           II
             Dec.	 9	—	China formally declares war on Japan.     1944
                                                                 May	17	—	Chinese and American forces lay siege
             1942                                                           to Myitkyina in northern Burma.
             Jan.	 2	—	Chinese Expeditionary Forces enter        June	16	—	Chinese Expeditionary Forces cap-
                        Burma.                                              ture Kaimaing in northern Burma.
             	      3	—	Generalissimo Chiang assumes of-         	     18	—	U.S. Vice President Henry Wallace
                        fice as supreme commander of the                    vis­ts China.
                        China Theater of War.                    	     25	—	Chinese Expeditionary Forces cap-
             	     15	—	Chinese troops win the third battle                 ture Mogaung in northern Burma.
                        of Changsha.                             Sept.	29	—	The Chinese-American-British phase
             Mar.	 4	—	General Joseph Stilwell arrives in                   of the Dumbarton Oaks Conference
                        Chongqing to assume duties as chief                 begins.
                        of staff of the China Theater of War     Oct.	 9	—	China, the United States, the United
                        and also to take command of all                     Kingdom and the Union of Soviet
                        Ameri­ an armed forces in China,
                               c                                            Socialist Republics promulgate the
                        Burma and India.                                    draft for the Charter of the United
             Apr.	 19	—	Chinese Expeditionary Forces cap-                   Nations.
                        ture Burma’s Yenangyaung, rescuing       	     29	—	U.S. General Albert C. Wedemeyer
                        more than 7,000 British and Burmese                 is appointed chief of staff of the
                        troops from Japanese encirclement.                  China Theater of War.
             June	 2	—	Foreign Minister T.V. Soong and
                        U.S. Secretary of State Cordell Hull     1945
                        sign the Sino-American Lend-Lease        Mar.	 5	—	China, the United States, the United
                        Agree­ ent in Washington.
                               m                                            Kingdom and the Soviet Union is-
             July	 4	—	The China Task Force of the U.S.                     sue joint invitations to the Apr. 25
                        Army Air Corps supersedes the                       United Nations Conference in San
                        American Volunteer Group of the                     Francisco.
                        Chinese Air Force.                       June	26	—	Representatives of 50 nations, in-
             Oct.	 10	—	The U.S. and U.K. governments an­                   cluding China, sign the U.N. Charter
                        nounce their intention to relinquish                in San Francisco. The U.N. Security
                        extraterritoriality and related rights              Council is consequently created,
                        in China.                                           with China as one of the five perma-
                                                                            nent members.
             1943                                                July	 26	—	Chiang Kai-shek, U.S. President
             Jan.	 11	—	China signs the new Sino-American                   Harry S. Truman and U.K. Prime
                        Treaty in Washington and the new                    Minister Churchill issue a joint ulti-
                        Sino-British Treaty in Chongqing.                   matum, call­ng for Japan’s uncondi-
             June	14	—	The Battle of West Hubei ends, with                  tional surren­ er.
                        a strategic victory for China.           Aug.	 9	—	Soviet troops enter Manchuria.
             Oct.	 10	—	Chiang Kai-shek is sworn in as chair­    	     11	—	The Chinese Communist headquar-
                        man of the National Government.                     ters in Yanan 延安 order communist
             Nov.	23	—	Chiang Kai-shek, U.S. President                      troops to launch an all-out revolt
                        Franklin D. Roosevelt and U.K.                      against the government.
                        Prime Minister Winston Churchill         	     14	—	Japan surrenders.
                        confer in Cairo.                         		—	The Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship
             Dec.	 3	—	The Joint Declaration of the Cairo                   and Alliance is signed in Moscow.
                        Con­ erence is issued simultaneously
                             f                                   		—	Chiang Kai-shek invites Mao Ze-
                        in Chongqing, Washington and                        dong 毛澤東 to come to Chongqing
                        London.                                             for a confer­ nce.


2-p502-543-Appendix-II.indd 508                                                                              2011/10/13 11:45:42 PM
Chronology: 1911-2009

                	     15	—	The Legislative Yuan unanimously                       and call for the Soviet Union to with­
                           approves the U.N. Charter.                             draw its forces from China.
                	     23	—	Soviet troops occupy Manchuria.             Mar.	 5	—	The MOFA announces that China
                	     28	—	Mao Zedong, accompanied by U.S.                        has rejected the Soviet claim to all
                           Ambassador Patrick Hurley, arrives                     Japanese military enterprises in
                           in Chongqing from Yanan.                               Manchuria.
                	     31	—	The three northeastern provinces            	     13	—	Government forces enter Mukden
                           (Man­ huria) are divided into nine
                                   c                                              fol­owing the evacuation of Soviet
                           prov­nces by the government.
                                 i                                                troops.
                Sept.	 2	—	Japan’s surrender is signed on the          	     24	—	The government postpones convoca­
                           USS Missouri, with General Xu                          tion of the National Assembly set for
                           Yong-chang 徐永昌 signing for China.                      May 5, 1946.
                	      9	—	General He Ying-qin 何應欽 receives            	     26	—	Communist troops take over Harbin
                           the for­ al surrender of Japanese
                                     m                                            哈爾濱 and Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾 as the
                           forces in China from General Oka-                      Soviet forces evacuate.
                           mura in Nanjing.                            May	 5	—	The National Government moves
                Oct.	 25	—	Taiwan is formally retroceded to                       back to Nanjing.
                           China after 50 years of Japanese            	     23	—	G o v e r n m e n t t r o o p s r e c a p t u r e
                           rule.                                                  Changchun.
                Nov.	12	—	The government convokes the Na-              June	 6	—	Chiang Kai-shek accepts General
                           tional Assembly 國民大會 slated for                        Marshall’s proposal to issue a sec-
                           May 5, 1946.                                           ond cease-fire order during the 15-
                	     22	—	General George C. Marshall arrives                     day armistice.
                           in Chongqing as U.S. President Tru-         July	 3	—	The Supreme National Defense
                           man’s special envoy.                                   Coun­ il votes to convene the Na-
                	     28	—	The Big Three Foreign Ministers’                       tional As­ embly on Nov. 12, 1946.
                           Con­ erence in Moscow announces
                                f                                      Aug.	17	—	Yanan issues a second mobilization
                           agree­ ents on a commission and al-
                                   m                                              order instructing all communist
                           lied council for Japan, the ultimate                   forces to launch full-scale war against
                           estab­ishment of a free Korea, and
                                  l                                               the government.
                           the with­ rawal of Soviet and U.S.
                                      d                                Sept.	 3	—	Chiang Kai-shek agrees to create a
                           troops from China.                                     committee of five headed by U.S.
                                                                                  Ambassador J. Leighton Stuart to pave
                1946                                                              the way for a coalition government.
                Jan.	 7	—	Government and communist repre­              Oct.	 16	—	Chiang Kai-shek presents the com-
                           sentatives hold their first truce meet­ng
                                                                 i                munists with eight conditions for a
                           with General Marshall as media­or. t                   na­ionwide cease-fire.
                	     10	—	The government issues a cease-fire          	     18	—	The communists reject the govern­
                           or­ er.
                              d                                                   ment’s latest peace offer.
                		—	The Political Consultative Con-                    Nov.	 4	—	China and the United States sign a
                           f e r e n c e 政治協商會議 o p e n s i n                     five-year Treaty of Friendship, Com­
                           Chongqing.                                             merce and Navigation.
                Feb.	 11	—	U.S. Secretary of State James Byrnes        	      8	—	Chiang Kai-shek issues a third
                           makes public the Yalta Secret                          cease-fire.
                           Agree­ ent.
                                    m                                  	     15	—	The National Assembly officially
                	     20	—	The MOFA declares the Yalta Secret                     opens. Chiang Kai-shek announces
                           Agreement not binding on China.                        termina­ion of KMT tutelage.
                	     22	—	More than 20,000 students demonstrate       Dec.	25	—	The National Assembly completes
                           against the Yalta Secret Agreement                     drafting the new Constitution.


2-p502-543-Appendix-II.indd 509                                                                                           2011/10/13 11:45:42 PM
                             II                                  	    29	—	Li Zong-ren is elected vice president
             Jan.	 1	—	The government promulgates the                      of China on the fourth ballot.
                        Con­ titution.
                             s                                   May	20	—	President Chiang and Vice President
             	      8	—	General Marshall leaves Nanjing for                Li are sworn in.
                        the United States to become secre­       Dec.	29	—	General Chen Cheng 陳誠 is ap­
                        tary of state.                                     pointed gov­ rnor of Taiwan.
             	     29	—	The U.S. State Department announces
                        abandonment of efforts to mediate        1949
                        between the National Government          Dec.	 7	—	The ROC central government moves
                        and the communists.                                its headquarters to Taipei.
             Feb.	 28	—	Rioting breaks out in Taipei 臺北,         	    10	—	President Chiang flies from Chengdu
                        following an incident between po­                  成都 to Taipei.
                        lice and a ped­ ler who violated the
                        tobacco monopoly.                        1950
             Mar.	19	—	Government troops capture Yanan.
                                                                 Jan.	 6	—	Diplomatic relations with the United
             May	26	—	The third plenary session of the
                        Fourth People’s Political Council                  Kingdom are severed following Brit­
                        adopts a resolution to invite commu­               ain’s recognition of the communist
                        nist mem­ ers to attend.
                                    b                                      authorities in Beijing.
             June	25	—	The foreign ministry reveals repeat­      	    11	—	The United Nations Security Coun­
                        ed Soviet Union attempts to block                  cil rejects a Soviet proposal for the
                        Chi­ ese troops from entering Dalian
                            n                                              immediate expulsion of the ROC
                        大連 and Port Arthur 旅順口.                            delegation.
             July.	22	—	General Albert C. Wedemeyer, U.S.        	    28	—	The ROC declares it will not be
                        President Truman’s special representa­             bound by any agreements signed be­
                        tive, arrives in Nanjing.                          tween Beijing and Moscow.
             Aug.	22	—	The Executive Yuan orders closure         Mar.	 1	—	President Chiang resumes office in
                        of the Soviet-controlled port of Da­               Taipei.
                        lian to all foreign shipping.            	     7	—	President Chiang nominates General
             Nov.	21	—	The first general election in China is              Chen Cheng as president of the Ex­
                        held.                                              ecutive Yuan 行政院 (premier).
             Dec.	25	—	The National Government adopts the        Apr.	 5	—	The Executive Yuan grants Taiwan
                                  t                                        authority to carry out self-governance
                                                                           through popular elections in counties
             1948                                                          and cities within two months.
             Mar.	29	—	China’s first National Assembly un­       June	27	—	U.S. President Truman orders the
                        der the Constitution opens with 1,629              U.S. Seventh Fleet to prevent a com­
                        del­ gates attending.
                            e                                              munist attack on Taiwan and asks
             Apr.	 18	—	The first National Assembly approves,              the ROC government to cease air
                        by a two-thirds majority, temporary                and sea operations against mainland
                        provisions granting emergency pow­                 China.
                        ers to the president during the period   July	 2	—	A popular election for the Hualien
                        of the anti-communist campaign.                    County Council 花蓮縣議會 is held,
             	     19	—	The first National Assembly elects                 marking the beginning of self-
                        Chiang Kai-shek as China’s first                   governance in Taiwan.
                        presi­ ent under the new Constitution
                              d                                  	    31	—	U.S. General Douglas MacArthur
                        by 2,430 out of 2,734 votes.                       arrives in Taipei for talks with Presi­
             	     21	—	Government troops evacuate from                    dent Chiang.
                        Yanan.                                   Aug.	10	—	Karl L. Rankin arrives in Taipei


2-p502-543-Appendix-II.indd 510                                                                               2011/10/18 4:12:00 AM
Chronology: 1911-2009

                              as chargé d’affaires of the United                the second National Assembly can
                              States Embassy.                                   be elected.
                                                                     Nov.	 24	—	The government protests the pro-
                1951                                                            posal by the United States to transfer
                May	 1	—	U.S. Major General William C.                          the Amami Oshima Islands to Japan.
                          Chase arrives in Taipei as the first
                          chief of the Military Assistance Ad-       1954
                          visory Group in Taiwan.                    Mar.	11	—	The second session of the first Na-
                	    25	—	The Legislative Yuan adopts the                      tional Assembly approves indefinite
                          37.5-Percent Farm Rental Reduction                   extension of the Temporary Provi-
                          Act 耕地三七五減租條例.                                       sions Effective During the Period of
                	    30	—	The government announces plans                       National Mobilization for Suppres-
                          to sell arable public land to tenant                 sion of the Communist Rebellion 動
                          farmers on easy payment terms.                       員戡亂時期臨時條款.
                Dec.	11	—	The Taiwan Provincial Assembly 臺           	    22	—	The National Assembly re-elects
                          灣省議會 is established.                                 Chiang Kai-shek president to a sec-
                                                                               ond six-year term.
                1952                                                 	    24	—	The National Assembly elects Chen
                Feb.	 1	—	The U.N. General Assembly finds                      Cheng vice president.
                           the Soviet Union guilty of violation      Dec.	 3	—	The Sino-American Mutual Defense
                           of the 1945 Sino-Soviet Treaty of                   Treaty 中美共同防禦條約 is signed in
                           Friendship and Alliance.                            Washington.
                Apr.	 28	—	The Treaty of Peace between the
                           ROC and Japan is signed in Taipei.        1955
                Oct.	 22	—	The first worldwide Overseas Chi-         Jan.	 26	—	The U.S. House of Representatives
                           nese Conference opens in Taipei.                     approves a resolution authorizing
                                                                                President Dwight D. Eisenhower to
                1953                                                            employ American armed forces to
                Jan.	 10	—	The Legislative Yuan adopts the                      defend Taiwan, the Penghu Islands
                           Land-to-the-Tiller Act 實施耕者有其                        澎湖群島 and “related positions and
                           田條例.                                                 territories.”
                	     25	—	President Chiang announces the ab-        Feb.	 7	—	Evacuation of the Dachen Islands 大
                           rogation of the Sino-Soviet Treaty of                陳島 begins.
                           Friendship and Alliance of 1945 and       Mar.	 3	—	Foreign Minister George K.C. Yeh 葉
                           its related documents.                               公超 and U.S. Secretary of State John
                Apr.	 2	—	Karl Rankin becomes the U.S. am-                      Foster Dulles exchange instruments
                           bassador to the ROC.                                 of ratification of the Sino-American
                	     12	—	The Legislative Yuan passes a bill                   Mutual Defense Treaty in Taipei.
                           submitted by President Chiang, ex-
                           tending the term of office for legisla-   1956
                           tors by one year to May 7, 1954.          Jan.	 12	—	The Taiwan Provincial Govern-
                July	 17	—	Troops on Kinmen 金門 conduct a                        ment 臺灣省政府 promulgates the
                           successful raid against the communist-               Enforcement Rules of the Act on
                           held Dongshan Island 東山島 off the                     Urban Land Reform 實施都市平均地
                           southern coast of Fujian Province.                   權條例臺灣省施行細則.
                Sept.	27	—	President Chiang recommends an            May	28	—	The ROC informs the Philippines
                           extension of the term of office for                  that the ROC has full sovereignty
                           the delegates of the first National                  over the Nansha (Spratly) Islands 南
                           Assembly, elected in 1947, until                     沙群島.


2-p502-543-Appendix-II.indd 511                                                                                2011/10/13 11:45:43 PM
                             II                                              1960
             May	 3	—	The Council of Grand Justices 大法                       Feb.	 2	—	The Council of Grand Justices an-
                        官會議 of the Judicial Yuan 司法院                                    nounces that the total membership
                        rules that the nation’s three top rep-                          of the National Assembly during the
                        resentative organs—the Legislative                              present period of national emergency
                        Yuan, the Control Yuan and the Na-                              shall be 1,576.
                        tional Assembly—shall collectively                   Mar.	11	—	The third session of the first Nation-
                        represent the Chinese parliament                                al Assembly adopts an amendment
                        in all international parliamentary                              to the Temporary Provisions Effec-
                        organizations.                                                  tive During the Period of National
             Sept.	26	—	The first council meeting of the                                Mobilization for Suppression of the
                        Asian Peoples’ Anti-Communist                                   Communist Rebellion.
                        League opens in Taipei.                              	    22	—	The National Assembly re-elects
                                                                                        Chiang Kai-shek president to a third
             1958                                                                       term and Chen Cheng vice president
             Aug.	 1	—	An insurance program covering                                    to a second term.
                        180,000 government employees is                      May	 9	—	The Central Cross-Island Highway
                        put into effect.                                                中部橫貫公路 is opened to traffic.
             	     23	—	The Battle of the Taiwan Strait 臺海                   June	18	—	U.S. President Eisenhower arrives in
                        戰役 begins with mainland China’s                                 Taipei for a state visit.
                        firing on the Kinmen Islands.                        	    19	—	President Chiang and U.S. President
             Oct.	 23	—	President Chiang and U.S. Secretary                             Eisenhower issue a joint communi-
                        of State John Foster Dulles issue a                             qué pledging that their governments
                        joint communiqué reaffirming soli-                              will continue to stand solidly behind
                        darity between the two countries and                            the Sino-American Mutual Defense
                        stating that the islands of Kinmen                              Treaty.
                        and Matsu 馬祖 are “closely related”                   		—	Mainland Chinese troops hit Kin-
                        to the defense of Taiwan and the                                men, and ROC artillery units
                        Penghu Islands.                                                 retaliate.
                                                                             Aug.	15	—	The Council of Grand Justices rules
             1959                                                                       that courts of all levels shall be
                                                                                        placed under the jurisdiction of the
             Mar.	 6	—	Weighing 36,000 tons, the Faith is
                                                                                        Judicial Yuan.
                        launched in Keelung 基隆. It is the
                                                                             	    25	—	In the opening procession of the
                        first tanker built in Taiwan.
                                                                                        Olympic Games in Rome, the ROC
             July	 21	—	The Legislative Yuan revises the
                                                                                        Olympic team protests against the
                        Conscription Act 兵役法, stipulat-
                                                                                        International Olympic Committee’s
                        ing that 19-year-old men are to be
                        drafted for two years’ service in                               ruling that compels ROC athletes to
                        the army or three years in the navy                             compete under the name “Taiwan”
                        or air force.                                                   instead of the “Republic of China.”
             Aug.	 5	—	N i k e - H e r c u l e s g r o u n d - t o - a i r
                   1                                                         Sept.	 6	—	Decathlon champion Yang Chuan-
                        guided missiles arrive from the                                 kwang 楊傳廣 wins the ROC’s first
                        United States under a military aid                              Olympic silver medal.
             Sept.	 1	—	The Act on Compensation for Wrong-                   1961
                        ful Detentions and Convictions 冤獄                    May	14	—	U.S. Vice President and Mrs. Lyn-
                        賠償法, designed to compensate peo-                               don B. Johnson visit Taiwan.
                        ple in cases of miscarriage of justice,              Oct.	 7	—	Two defecting Chinese communist
                        goes into effect.                                              pilots, Shao Siyan 邵希彥 and Gao


2-p502-543-Appendix-II.indd 512                                                                                         2011/10/13 11:45:43 PM
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Chronology & Constitution. ROC (Taiwan) Yearbook 2011 Appendices chronology constitution

  • 1. Appendices Treasuring the earth’s resources is the common responsibility of all inhabitants of the global village. 2011-p503附錄刊頭.indd 503 2011/10/13 11:50:56 PM
  • 2. Appendix I Chronology: 2010 Jan. 5 — The Legislative Yuan passes an Freedom in the World report, listing amendment to the Act Governing Taiwan as one of the freest countries Food Sanitation 食品衛生管理法, ban- whose people enjoy a high degree of ning the import of cow parts from ar- political rights and civil liberties. eas where mad cow disease has been 18 — The Legislative Yuan passes amend- documented within the past decade. ments to the Local Government Act — The Legislative Yuan passes the Hak- 地方制度法, clearing the way for year- ka Basic Act 客家基本法 to promote end elections in the nation’s special Hakka language and culture. municipalities. 7 — The Legislative Yuan passes an 20 — In the 2010 Index of Economic Free- amendment to the Political Donations dom, released jointly by The Heritage Act 政治獻金法 that relaxes restrictions Foundation and The Wall Street Jour- on small-sum anonymous campaign nal, the ROC is ranked as having the donations, revising the proportion of world’s 27th freest economy, a leap such donations to a political party, over 2009, when it ranked 35th. group or candidate from 10 percent to 24 — An ROC C-130 Hercules transport 30 percent of total donations. aircraft carrying medical supplies for — The Legislative Yuan passes an earthquake victims in Haiti lands at amendment to the Insurance Act 保險 San Isidro Air Base in the Dominican 法, prohibiting the payment of death Republic. benefits for children who die under 27 — The Taipei International Book Exhibi- the age of 15. tion opens at the Taipei World Trade — The Legislative Yuan passes the Cul- Center 臺北世界貿易中心; a record-high tural and Creative Industries Act 文化 58 countries and regions participate. 創意產業發展法, requiring the govern- — The Ministry of Economic Affairs ment to promote the development of approves the first large-sum invest- the arts through tax rebates, discounts ment in Taiwan by a state-run main- and subsidies. land Chinese company—Yangzhou 9 — The Democratic Progressive Party Yangtze Investment and Development (DPP) 民主進步黨 wins all three seats Group Co. Ltd. 揚子江集團—which contested in legislative by-elections will invest approximately NT$66 in Taichung 臺中, Taoyuan 桃園 and million (US$2.09 million) to open a Taitung 臺東 counties. restaurant in Taipei. 12 — The Legislative Yuan passes an Feb. 20 — Au Revoir, Taipei 一頁臺北 receives amendment to the Organizational Act the Best Asian Film Award from the of the Executive Yuan 行政院組織法, Network for the Promotion of Asian under which the number of Cabinet- Cinema at the Berlin International level organizations will be cut from Film Festival 2010, beating out 11 37 to 29 and comprise 14 ministries, other entries. eight councils and commissions, three 27 — The DPP wins three of four seats in independent agencies and four subor- the ROC’s legislative by-elections, dinate bodies. taking Chiayi 嘉義 , Hsinchu 新竹 — The U.S.-based human rights organiza- and Taoyuan 桃園 counties, while tion Freedom House releases its 2010 the Kuomintang (KMT) 中國國 496 1-p496-501Appendix-I (spelling check) .indd 496 2011/10/13 11:43:19 PM
  • 3. Chronology: 2010 民黨 retains the Hualien County 花蓮 妥速審判法 to ensure that defendants 縣 seat. in criminal cases are brought to trial 28 — The Taipei Jingmei Girls High School as quickly as possible. 臺北市立景美女子高級中學 tug-of-war 30 — The ROC and Japan sign a memo- team out-pulls rivals from around the randum of understanding in Taipei globe to win gold in the 540-kilogram to strengthen cooperation in a wide category at the World Indoor Champi- range of areas, including global onships in Italy. warming, disaster prevention and Mar. 10 — ROC baker Wu Pao-chun 吳寶春 wins fighting international crime. the title of Master Baker in the bread May 4 — The Taiwan Strait Tourism Associa- category at the Bakery World Cup in tion (TSTA) 臺灣海峽兩岸觀光旅遊協 France. 會, Taiwan’s first semi-official agency in 21 — President Ma Ying-jeou embarks the mainland, opens an office in Beijing. on a seven-day trip to Kiribati, the 7 — The TSTA’s mainland counterpart, the Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, the Cross-Strait Tourism Exchange Asso- Solomon Islands and Tuvalu, all ROC ciation 海峽兩岸旅遊交流協會, launches diplomatic allies in the South Pacific. operations in Taipei. Apr. 1 — The Hong Kong-Taiwan Economic 10 — Chen Shu-chu 陳樹菊, a 61-year-old and Cultural Co-operation and Pro- vegetable vendor in eastern Taiwan, is motion Council (ECCPC) 港台經濟 named one of the 100 most influential 文化合作協進會, whose mission is to people in the world by Time magazine facilitate relations between the two for her extraordinary generosity. sides, is formally inaugurated. — Kaohsiung 高雄, Taiwan, and Xiamen — Across Taiwan, the Easycard 悠遊 廈門, mainland China, forge closer 卡, a stored-value card that had been management and logistical ties by used only for public transit, can now signing a port agreement. be used to pay for purchases at over 14 — Students from the ROC collect one 10,000 retail locations. top prize, five third-place honors and 6 — Taipei and Shanghai ink four memo- a fourth-place prize in categories randums of understanding that cover ranging from animal and mathemati- cultural exchanges, tourism, technology cal science to chemistry and electrical parks and environmental protection. and mechanical engineering at the 9 — ROC men and women’s tug-of-war Intel International Science and Engi- teams out-pull rivals to win gold at neering Fair in California. the Asian Tug-of-War Championships 15 — Students from the ROC capture 18 in South Korea. gold, 22 silver and four bronze med- 16 — The ROC signs a working holiday als at the 21st International Invention, pact with Canada. Innovation and Technology Exhibi- 21 — The Taipei Culture Center 臺北文化中 tion in Malaysia. 心, which promotes cultural exchang- 17 — Health Minister Yaung Chih-liang 楊 es between the ROC and Japan, opens 志良 leads an ROC delegation that in Tokyo. takes part in the 63rd World Health 23 — The Legislative Yuan passes the Fair Assembly as an observer under the and Speedy Criminal Trials Act 刑事 name “Chinese Taipei.” 497 1-p496-501Appendix-I (spelling check) .indd 497 2011/10/13 11:43:20 PM
  • 4. Appendix I — The Asia-Pacific Economic Coop- 28 — In the greatest upset at Wimbledon eration (APEC) Business Advisory 2010, Taiwan’s Lu Yen-hsun 盧彥勳 de- Council begins its five-day second feats fifth-seed U.S. player Andy Rod- meeting of the year in Taipei. dick, earning a spot in the quarterfinals. 18 — The Legislative Yuan passes the 29 — Taipei and Beijing sign the landmark Environmental Education Act 環境教 Cross-Straits Economic Cooperation 育法, which makes coursework on en- Framework Agreement (ECFA) 海峽 vironmental issues mandatory starting 兩岸經濟合作架構協議 and the Intellec- in 2011. tual Property Rights Protection and Co- — The 2010 World Competitiveness Year- operation Agreement (IPR Agreement) book, published by the Switzerland- 智慧財產權保護合作協議 following talks based International Institute for in Chongqing 重慶, mainland China, Management Development, ranks the between Taiwan’s Straits Exchange ROC the world’s eighth-most com- Foundation (SEF) 海基會 and its petitive economy. mainland Chinese counterpart, the 24 — The APEC SME Crisis Management Association for Relations Across the Center, devoted to helping members’ Taiwan Straits (ARATS) 海協會. small and medium-sized enterprises 30 — Marshall Islands President Jurelang prepare for future economic crises, Zedkaia and his entourage arrive in opens in Taipei. the ROC for a six-day state visit. 26 — The Taiwan-Hong Kong Economic July 1 — The Cabinet approves the pacts and Cultural Co-operation Council signed on June 29 between Taiwan’s ( E C C C ) 臺港經濟文化合作策進會, SEF and mainland China’s ARATS. Taiwan’s counterpart to Hong Kong’s 4 — Huang You-di 黃友棣, composer of ECCPC, begins operations. over 2,000 songs and one of the most June 1 — The Legislative Yuan approves influential 20th-century Chinese- amendments to the Labor Union Act language musicians, dies in Kao­ 工會法, securing the right to form hsiung City 高雄市 at the age of 98. unions for millions of workers, in- 11 — The Taiwan-Israel Chamber of Com- cluding teachers. m e r c e 臺灣以色列商業文化促進會 i s 8 — The Sydney-based Institute for Eco- established in Taipei to promote nomics and Peace ranks the ROC the trade, culture, education and tourism 35th-most peaceful country out of between the two countries. 149 nations measured in the Global 24 — Doris Chen 陳彥寧 becomes the first Peace Index, up two slots from 2009. golfer from Taiwan to win the U.S. — The ROC and The Gambia sign a Girls’ Junior Championship. bilateral Investment Promotion and 27 — The ROC reaffirms its sovereignty Protection Agreement aimed at ex- over the Dongsha Islands 東沙群島 panding economic cooperation be- (also known as the Pratas Islands) tween the two countries. in the South China Sea by opening a 24 — Officials from Taiwan and mainland Marine National Park Headquarters China agree on an “early harvest” list 海洋國家公園管理處 office on the coral of goods and services subject to tariff atoll. cuts. Beijing grants tariff reductions Aug. 1 — Taiwan’s Yani Tseng 曾雅妮 wins the on some 500 items from Taiwan, Women’s British Open, becoming while Taipei offers similar treatment the youngest player ever to have won for roughly 200 mainland Chinese three Ladies Professional Golf Asso- products. ciation (LPGA) majors. 498 1-p496-501Appendix-I (spelling check) .indd 498 2011/10/13 11:43:20 PM
  • 5. Chronology: 2010 — Chinese Taipei wins the 2010 World 16 — The World Trade Organization rates Junior Baseball Championship in Taiwan as the world’s 16th-largest Canada, its first gold medal in 27 exporter and 17th-largest importer in years at the under-18 international the first half of 2010. competition, sponsored by the Inter- 23 — The Cabinet-level Financial Supervi- national Baseball Federation. sory Commission 行政院金融監督管理 17 — The Legislative Yuan ratifies the 委員會 authorizes mainland China’s ECFA. Bank of China 中國銀行 and Bank 19 — The Legislative Yuan amends three of Communications 交通銀行 to set acts, allowing mainland Chinese stu- up representative offices in Taiwan, dents to study in Taiwan’s universi- marking the first time mainland ties and recognizing higher education banks receive approval to operate in degrees from the mainland. Taiwan. 21 — The Chongqing Junior High School 27 — ROC senior high school students win 重慶國中 baseball team wins the three golds and one silver at the 2010 Junior League World Series in the International Earth Science Olympiad United States. This is the ROC’s 18th in Indonesia. title at a Little League Baseball Inc.- Oct. 11 — After signing an agreement with Ger- sponsored tournament and its first many, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs since returning to tournament play in unveils a reciprocal working holiday 2010 after withdrawing from compe- program for people aged 18 to 30. tition in 1997. 21 — Typhoon Megi 梅姬颱風 delivers 26 — A team of ROC junior all-stars wins record-breaking rainfall for a single the 2010 Asian “AA” Baseball Cham- day to the plains of eastern Taiwan, pionship in Thailand. flooding Su-ao 蘇澳, Yilan County 宜 30 — First lady Chow Mei-ching 周美青 ar- 蘭縣. Several people are killed by a rives in Haiti on a two-day humanitar- landslide triggered by the rains. ian mission to the earthquake-stricken 31 — The ROC wins the team champion- nation. ship among 37 participating nations 31 — The ROC and Australia sign a memo- at the iENA International Trade Fair randum of understanding to cooperate in Germany, taking 27 gold, 32 silver on promoting green energy industries and 23 bronze medals. and technologies. — Airplanes begin traveling between Sept. 9 — The ROC is ranked the world’s 13th- Taipei International Airport 臺北國際 most competitive economy out of 139 航空站 (Songshan Airport) and Tokyo surveyed in the annual Global Com- International Airport (Haneda Air- petitiveness Report released by the port) for the first time in over three World Economic Forum. decades. 12 — Two landmark agreements between Nov. 6 — The 2010 Taipei International Flora Taiwan and mainland China—the ECFA Exposition 臺北國際花卉博覽會 begins. and the IPR Agreement—take effect. Fifty-nine cities and 86 organizations 14 — The ROC reaffirms its sovereignty from 31 countries are expected to over the Diaoyutai Islands 釣魚臺列嶼 participate in the event by the time it following a Sept. 13 standoff between closes April 25, 2011. an ROC fishing vessel and a flotilla of 7 — Students from the ROC competing Japanese patrol boats in waters off the against 1,200 others from over 20 disputed archipelago. countries win a total of nine medals 499 1-p496-501Appendix-I (spelling check) .indd 499 2011/10/13 11:43:20 PM
  • 6. Appendix I at the 2010 World Robot Olympiad Dec. 2 — Former President Chen Shui-bian be- in the Philippines. gins serving his sentence for corrup- 8 — The Legislative Yuan passes the Act tion and money laundering at Taipei Governing Breastfeeding in Public Prison 法務部矯正署臺北監獄. Places 公共場所母乳哺育條例, protect- 5 — Yani Tseng wins the LPGA Player of ing women’s right to breastfeed in the Year 2010 award in the United public while providing a legal basis States, becoming the first golfer from for the establishment of nursing Taiwan to be so honored. rooms in public places and enacting — Taiwan’s athletes win a record total of fines for those who attempt to prevent three gold, two silver and four bronze breastfeeding. medals at the 2010 Asian Extreme 11 — The Supreme Court upholds a lower Sports Championships in Taipei. court’s guilty verdict for former — The ROC delegation to the 6th Seoul President Chen Shui-bian 陳水扁 and International Invention Fair picks up a his wife for cases of graft involving total of 33 gold, 32 silver and 32 bronze a land acquisition deal in Longtan medals, as well as three special awards Township 龍潭鄉, Taoyuan County, in a competition involving 36 countries and the appointment of the Grand Ca- displaying over 650 inventions. thay Securities 大華證券 chairperson 11 — The ROC’s delegation of six students during Chen’s presidency. is named the top winner at the 2010 16 — The Legislative Yuan passes the Ge- International Junior Science Olym- ology Act 地質法, requiring the taking piad in Nigeria, where a total of 180 of a nationwide geological survey and students under 16 years of age from a public disclosure of unstable areas. 35 countries test their understanding Geological information is to be stored of mathematics, biology, physics, in a national database and updated chemistry and geoscience. every five years. 21 — The Cross-Strait Medical and Health 22 — Canada grants ROC nationals visa- Cooperation Agreement 兩岸醫藥衛生 free entry for up to six months. 合作協議 is signed in Taipei follow- 24 — Taiwanese and French scientists ing a sixth round of talks between jointly share the 2010 Taiwan-France Taiwan’s SEF and mainland China’s Science and Technology Award pre- ARATS. sented by the Fondation Scientifique 22 — The European Union announces that, Franco-Taiwanaise for nanotechnol- starting Jan. 11, 2011, ROC nationals ogy research on interactions between will be allowed visa-free entry to 35 silicon carbide and oxygen. European nations and territories for 27 — The first elections of mayors, coun- periods of up to 90 days. cilors and ward chiefs of five special 24 — The Ministry of Economic Affairs municipalities are held. The KMT kicks off an initiative to install the wins in Taipei, New Taipei 新北市 and nation’s first low-voltage smart-meter Taichung cities, while the DPP takes systems, allowing a sampling of cus- the mayoralties of Tainan 臺南市 and tomers to keep tabs on their electric- Kaohsiung. ity usage online. — Taiwan pockets 13 gold, 16 silver and 25 — Mayors and city councilors of the 38 bronze medals at the Asian Games nation’s five special municipalities, in Guangzhou 廣州, mainland China, which altogether account for roughly its second-biggest gold medal haul ever 60 percent of the nation’s population, and best performance in 12 years. are sworn in. 500 1-p496-501Appendix-I (spelling check) .indd 500 2011/10/13 11:43:21 PM
  • 7. Chronology: 2010 28 — The ROC baseball team clinches its — The ROC’s Penghu Islands 澎湖群島 fifth straight title at the 6th Asian Little are named one of the 10 best secret League Championships in Japan. island groups in travel publisher 29 — An ROC-Hungary treaty eliminat- Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel 2011 ing double taxation between the two guide. The book praises the beauty countries takes effect. Under the of the islands, their nostalgic feel agreement, investors pay taxes only and their green turtle breeding in their main country of operation. sites. 501 1-p496-501Appendix-I (spelling check) .indd 501 2011/10/13 11:43:21 PM
  • 8. Appendix II Chronology: 1911-2009 1911 the Second Revolution against Yuan’s Oct. 10 — A revolt against Qing dynasty 清朝 dictatorial rule. erupts in Wuchang 武昌 and is fol- Oct. 6 — Yuan forces the parliament to elect lowed by revolutionary activities him president. throughout China. The string of up- 10 — Yuan formally assumes the presidency. risings which ultimately overthrew the Qing court were referred histori- 1914 cally as the Xinhai Revolution 辛亥 May 1 — Yuan annuls the provisional constitu­ion. t 革命. June 23 — The KMT is reorganized as the Dec. 29 — Dr. Sun Yat-sen 孫中山 is elected Chinese Revolutionary Party 中華 by delegates across China as provi- 革命黨 in Tokyo. Dr. Sun is elected sional president of the new republic director-general. to be founded in 1912. Aug. 6 — Yuan declares China’s neutrality in World War I. 1912 Sept. 2 — Japanese troops land at Longkou Jan. 1 — The Republic of China (ROC) is 龍口, Shandong Province 山東省, founded, with Dr. Sun as the first in preparation for an invasion of pro­ isional president. v German-controlled Qingdao 青島 — The Gregorian calendar replaces the following Japan’s alliance with Brit- lunar calendar in the ROC. ain against Germany in World War I. 28 — A provisional parliament is estab- Japan gains de facto control over the lished in Nanjing. region which later evolves into the Feb. 12 — Aisin-Gioro Puyi 愛新覺羅.溥儀 ab- Shandong dispute. dicates as emperor, end­ng the rule i of the Qing dynasty. 1915 13 — Dr. Sun tenders his resignation to the provisional parliament. Jan. 18 — Japan presents the notorious Twenty- 15 — Yuan Shi-kai 袁世凱 is elected pro- one De­ ands 二十一條要求 to the m visional president by the provisional Beijing government in an attempt parliament. to establish political and economic Mar. 10 — Yuan Shi-kai assumes the provision- domination over China. al presidency in Beijing. m May 25 — The Sino-Japanese Agree­ ent (the 11 — A p r o v i s i o n a l c o n s t i t u t i o n i s Twenty-one Demands) is signed. promul­ ated. g Dec. 12 — Yuan proclaims himself emperor. Apr. 2 — The provisional parliament resolves 25 — Cai E 蔡鍔, Tang Ji-yao 唐繼堯 and Li to move the seat of the government Lie-jun revolt against Yuan in Yun- to Beijing. nan Province 雲南省. Aug. 25 — The Revolutionary Alliance 中國同盟 會 is reorganized as the Kuomintang 1916 (KMT) 國民黨. Mar. 22 — Yuan is forced to forsake his monar- 1913 chical reign, and the republican form Apr. 6 — The provisional parliament is dissolved. of government is restored. 8 — The Republic’s first parliament is June 6 — Yuan dies at the age of 58. convened. 7 — Li Yuan-hong 黎元洪 becomes presi- May 2 — The United States recognizes the ROC. dent of the Beijing government. July 12 — Li Lie-jun 李烈鈞 of the KMT starts Oct. 31 — Huang Xing 黃興, leader of the Xinhai 502 2-p502-543-Appendix-II.indd 502 2011/10/13 11:45:40 PM
  • 9. Chronology: 1911-2009 Revolution that overthrew the Qing faction and Zhang Zuo-lin 張作霖 of dynasty, dies at the age of 42. the Fengtian 奉天 faction join forces to fight against Duan Qi-rui 段祺瑞 1917 of the Anhui faction. July 12 — An attempted coup d’état by Zhang Xun 張勳 to restore the Qing dynasty 1921 fails. May 5 — Dr. Sun assumes the presi­ ency of d Aug. 14 — The Beijing government joins the Al- the newly formed southern govern- lies in World War I and declares war ment in Guangzhou. on Germany and Austro-Hungary. July 23 — The Chinese Communist Party 中國 25 — Dr. Sun forms a military government 共產黨 holds its first congress. in Guangzhou 廣州. Sept. 1 — The special parliamentary assembly 1922 elects Dr. Sun as generalissimo of Feb. 4 — China signs an agreement with Japan the Chinese Military Government. in Washington to settle the Shandong dispute. 1918 Apr. 28 — War between Wu Pei-fu 吳佩孚 of the Sept. 4 — The An-Fu Clique Parliament 安福國 Zhili faction and Zhang Zuo-lin of 會 in the north elects Xu Shi-chang the Fengtian faction breaks out. 徐世昌 presi­ ent. d June 2 — Xu Shi-chang resigns as president of Nov. 23 — The Ministry of Education adopts the Beijing government. the National Phonetic Symbols. 11 — Li Yuan-hong resumes the presi- dency in Beijing. 1919 l6 — Chen Jiong-ming 陳炯明 revolts Apr. 30 — The Paris Peace Conference allows against Dr. Sun. Ja­ an to take over Germany’s pre- p Aug. 15 — Dr. Sun issues a manifesto urging war rights in Shandong Province. the unification of China by peaceful May 4 — More than 3,000 students demon- means. strate in Beijing against the Paris Peace Con­ erence decision. f 1923 June 28 — China refuses to sign the Versailles Jan. 26 — Dr. Sun and Adolf Joffe, representa- Treaty on grounds that German tive of the Soviet Communist Party, rights in Shandong were given to issue a joint statement declaring that Japan. neither the Communist social order Oct. 10 — The Chinese Revolutionary Party is nor the Soviet system is suitable for reorgan­zed as the Chinese National- i China. ist Party 中國國民黨 (abbreviated as Nationalist Party, or KMT). 1924 Jan. 20 — The first National Congress of the 1920 KMT in Guangzhou adopts a policy June 29 — China joins the League of Nations. of cooperation with the Soviet Union July 14 — With various parts of China ruled and the Chinese Communist Party. by local warlords, war erupts be- May 3 — Chiang Kai-shek 蔣中正 is appointed tween the Zhili 直隸 and Anhui 安徽 superin­ endent of the Whampoa t factions. Cao Kun 曹錕 of the Zhili Military Academy 黃埔軍校. 503 2-p502-543-Appendix-II.indd 503 2011/10/13 11:45:41 PM
  • 10. Appendix II Sept. 17 — The second Zhili-Fengtian war Aug. 1 — The Chinese Communists stage the breaks out, and later results in the Nanchang 南昌 Uprising against the defeat of Wu Pei-fu and the resigna- Na­ional Government. t tion of Cao Kun. 13 — Chiang Kai­ shek resigns as commander- - 22 — The design of a “white sun in a blue in-chief of the National Revolution- sky over a crimson ground” is ad- ary Forces in order to unify the opted as the national flag of the ROC Nanjing and Hankou factions of the (see “National Symbols”). KMT. Nov. 10 — Dr. Sun, in a manifesto, calls for the early convocation of a national peo­ 1928 ple’s convention and the abolition of May 1 — The National Revolutionary Forces unequal treaties. occupy Jinan 濟南. 24 — Duan Qi-rui becomes provisional 3 — Japanese troops attack the North- chief executive in Beijing. ern Expeditionary Forces in Jinan, touching off the May 3 (Jinan) Inci­ 1925 dent 五三慘案. Mar. 12 — Dr. Sun dies in Beijing at the age of June 4 — Zhang Zuo-lin is killed on a train by 59. a bomb explosion. His son, Zhang July 1 — The National Government 國民政府 Xue-liang 張學良, succeeds him as is established in Guangzhou. “ruler of Manchuria 滿洲(東北) .” Nov. 23 — The KMT proposes disciplinary 20 — Beijing is renamed Beiping 北平. measures to restrict communist Oct. 8 — Chiang Kai-shek is elected chairman activi­ies. t of the National Government of the ROC. 1926 10 — Chiang Kai-shek assumes the chair­ manship of the National Govern­ ent. m Apr. 9 — Duan Qi-rui resigns as provisional Nov. 1 — The Central Bank of China 中央銀行 chief executive. is estab­ished. l June 5 — Chiang Kai-shek becomes commander­ - Dec. 5 — The Legislative Yuan (Legislature) in-chief of the National Revolution­ 立法院 is formally es­ ablished. t ary Forces 國民革命軍. 29 — Zhang Xue-liang pledges allegiance July 9 — Chiang Kai-shek launches the North­ to the National Government, which ern Expedition 北伐 from Guangzhou leads to the unification of China. to end the rule of local warlords and unify China. 1929 May 20 — Japanese troops withdraw from 1927 Shandong Province. Jan. 1 — Wuhan 武漢 (Wuchang, Hankou 漢 June 15 — The KMT announces that by 1935 口 and Hanyang 漢陽) is proclaimed the government plans to end the Pe- capital of the National Government riod of Political Tutelage 訓政時期, by a left-wing group of the KMT. a preconstitutional form of govern- Mar. 22 — The Northern Expeditionary Forces ment which was introduced in 1928. take over Shanghai. July 23 — The National Government severs Apr. 13 — The KMT launches a purge within diplo­ atic relations with the Soviet m the party by expelling communist Union. members. Dec. 28 — The Ministry of Foreign Affairs 18 — A reorganized national government (MOFA) proclaims the nul­ification l is estab­ ished in Nanjing by the l of consular jurisdiction in China to KMT. rid China of foreign privi­eges. l 504 2-p502-543-Appendix-II.indd 504 2011/10/13 11:45:41 PM
  • 11. Chronology: 1911-2009 1930 18 — Ma Zhan-shan 馬占山 puts up a Jan. 6 — The Examination Yuan 考試院 is for- stiff fight against the Japanese in mally es­ablished. t Heilongjiang Province 黑龍江省. Apr. 1 — Yan Xi-shan 閻錫山, Feng Yu-xiang Dec. 15 — Chiang Kai-shek retires in the interest 馮玉祥 and Li Zong-ren 李宗仁 revolt of party unity. against the National Government. 28 — Lin Sen 林森 assumes chairmanship 18 — The United Kingdom returns the of the National Government. Weihaiwei 威海衛 naval base to China. 1932 July 13 — Opposition seeks to set up a gov- Jan. 7 — U.S. Secretary of State Henry Stim- ernment in Beijing under the lead- son declares that the United States ership of Wang Jing­ wei 汪精衛. - will not recognize any treaty that Nov. 4 — Ya n X i - s h a n a n n o u n c e s h i s violates the Open Door Policy 門戶 retirement. 開放政策, which allows equal privi- leges for countries trading within 1931 China and supports Chinese territo- Feb. 2 — The Control Yuan 監察院 is formally rial integrity. estab­ished. l 14 — The League of Nations Com­ ission m May 5 — The National People’s Convention is established to investigate the Japa- 國民會議 is held in Nanjing under the nese invasion. chairman­ hip of Chiang Kai-shek. s 28 — Japanese naval forces attack Shang- June 1 — The Provisional Constitution for the hai. The 19th Army Corps puts up Period of Political Tutelage 訓政時期 stiff resistance. 約法 is promul­ ated. g 30 — The National Government is moved July 4 — Korean immigrants occupy Wan- to Luoyang 洛陽 due to the Japanese baoshan 萬寶山 in Jilin Province 吉 invasion. 林省 at the insti­ ation of Japanese g Feb. 6 — The National Military Council 軍事 militarists. 委員會 is es­ ablished. t 6 — The first higher civil service examina­ Mar. 8 — Chiang Kai-shek becomes chairman tion is held in Nanjing. of the National Military Council. Sept. 18 — Japanese troops occupy Shenyang May 5 — China and Japan sign an armistice in 瀋陽 (Mukden) in a surprise attack. Shanghai. Impor­ ant cities in Liaoning 遼寧 t June 28 — Chiang Kai-shek arrives in Hankou and Jilin prov­nces later fall to the i from Lushan 盧山 to direct the cam- Japanese. paign against the Chinese Communists. Oct. 24 — The Council of the League of Na- Dec. 1 — The National Government moves tions adopts a resolution urging back to Nanjing. Japan to withdraw its troops from 12 — China resumes diplomatic relations Northeast China by Nov. 16. with the Soviet Union. 26 — Japan turns down the League’s resolution. 1933 27 — Nanjing and Guangzhou representa- Jan. 3 — Japanese troops outside the Great tives meet in Shanghai for peace Wall 長城 occupy Shanhaiguan 山 negotia­ions and reconciliation among t 海關. different factions of the KMT. Feb. 14 — The League of Nations refuses to Nov. 7 — The Chinese Communists set up a rec­ gnize “Manchukuo” 滿洲國. o So­ iet regime in Ruijin 瑞金, Jiangxi v 21 — Japanese troops invade Rehe Prov- Province 江西省. ince 熱河省. Fighting later spreads 505 2-p502-543-Appendix-II.indd 505 2011/10/21 2:40:06 AM
  • 12. Appendix II in North China. Sev­ ral strategic e 1936 passes along the Great Wall 長城 fall May 5 — The government promulgates the to the Japanese. May 5 Draft Constitution 五五憲草. May 31 — The Sino-Japanese Tanggu Armistice Aug. 19 — The Guangxi Province 廣西省 oppo- Agreement 塘沽協定 is signed. sition sets up an inde­ endent regime p Aug. 6 — Feng Yu-xiang announces that his re- in Guilin 桂林. volt at Kalgan Pass 張家口 has failed. Sept. 16 — The Guangxi problem is settled. Li Nov. 20 — Leaders of the 19th Army Corps Zong-ren assumes office as com­ form a “people’s government” in mander of the Guangxi Pacification Fujian Province 福建省. Headquarters. Dec. 4 — Chiang Kai-shek leaves Luoyang for 1934 Xian by air. Feb. 19 — Chiang Kai-shek launches the New 12 — Zhang Xue-liang’s troops mutiny in Life Movement 新生活運動 in Nan- Xian and hold Chiang Kai-shek and chang 南昌. other ranking government officials Mar. 1 — Henry Puyi (Aisin-Gioro Puyi) is en- hostage. throned as “emperor of Manchukuo” 22 — Madame Chiang 蔣夫人, accom- in Changchun 長春 by the Japanese panied by W. H. Donald and T.V. militarists. Soong (Sung Tzu­ wen) 宋子文, fly to - Oct. 10 — The main forces of the Chinese Xian. Com­ unist troops flee their bases in m 25 — Zhang Xue-liang accompanies Gen­ Jiangxi Province to the northwest, eralissimo Chiang Kai-shek and launching “Long March” 長征. Mad­ me Chiang to Luoyang, en a Nov. 10 — Government troops capture Ruijin, route to Nanjing. the communist capital in Jiangxi Province. 1937 July 7 — Japanese troops near Marco Polo 1935 Bridge 盧溝橋, southwest of Beijing, Oct. 2 — Chiang Kai-shek is appointed attack Wanping County 宛平縣 at com­ ander-in-chief of the North- m night, formally starting the Second western Communist-Suppression Sino-Japanese War (or War of Re- Army and Zhang Xue-liang, deputy sistance Against Japan), which lasts com­ ander-in-chief, with headquar- m until 1945. ters in Xian 西安. 17 — In a speech at Guling 牯嶺, Chiang Nov. 3 — The National Government proclaims Kai-shek lays down four conditions the nationalization of all silver, mak- for settle­ ent of the Marco Polo m ing notes issued by the Central Bank Bridge Incident 盧溝橋事變. of China, the Bank of China and 26 — The Japanese consul in Tianjin 天津 the Bank of Communica­ions legal t sends an ultimatum to Song Zhe-yuan tender. 宋哲元, Chi­ ese commander in the n 19 — Chiang Kai-shek, while comment- Hebei-Chahaer 河北-察哈爾 area, de- ing on the Japanese aggression at manding that Chinese troops evacuate the fourth plenary session of the from Beijing and its vicinities. Song Fifth National Congress of the KMT, orders his 29th Army Corps to resist. says that hope for peace should not 27 — Japanese troops attack Beijing. be abandoned and that there should 28 — Beijing falls. be no talk about sacrifice until and 30 — Chinese troops evacuate from unless sacrifice becomes absolutely Tianjin. necessary. Aug. 13 — Japanese troops attack Shanghai. 506 2-p502-543-Appendix-II.indd 506 2011/10/21 2:40:52 AM
  • 13. Chronology: 1911-2009 21 — China and the Soviet Union sign a guiding principles for the settlement of non-­ ggression treaty in Nanjing. a the Sino-Japanese conflict and the es- Sept. 28 — The League of Nations adopts a tablishment of a new order in East Asia. resolu­ ion denouncing Japan’s ag- t 26 — Chiang Kai-shek reiterates China’s de­ gression in China. termination to carry on the war of re- Oct. 6 — The U.S. State Department con- sistance against Japan and charges that demns Japan’s invasion of China. Konoye’s statement clearly re­ eals v 7 — The League of Nations adopts a Japan’s ambition to take over China. resolu­ ion pledging moral support t for China. 1939 30 — The National Government decides Jan. 28 — The fifth plenary session of the Fifth to move the capital from Nanjing to Central Committee of the KMT de- Chongqing 重慶. cides to create a Supreme National Nov. 3 — China presents her case at The Nine Defense Council 國防最高委員會 with Power Treaty Conference 九國公約會 Chiang Kai-shek as chairman. 議 in Brussels. Nov. 20 — Chairman Chiang Kai-shek is ap- 11 — Chinese forces evacuate from pointed to the concurrent post of Shanghai. president of the Executive Yuan 行政院. Dec. 13 — Japanese troops occupy Nanjing. 1940 1938 Mar. 29 — Wang Jing-wei establishes a puppet regime in Nanjing, which is recog­ Mar. 28 — The MOFA issues a statement de- nized by Japan on Nov. 30. nouncing the “Reform Government 30 — The MOFA declares the Nanjing of China,” a puppet regime set up by puppet regime illegal. the Japanese in Nanjing. Sept. 6 — Chongqing is proclaimed provisional 31 — The Emergency National Congress of ocapital of China the KMT in Wuchang elects Chiang Kai-shek as its director-gen­ ral and e 1941 decides to organize a People’s Po- Jan. 4 — The Communist New Fourth Army litical Council and a San-min-zhu- 新四軍 revolts against the National yi (Three Principles of the People) Govern­ ent. m Youth Corps 三民主義青年團. 15 — The revolt of the Communist New Apr. 7 — Chinese troops score a major victory Fourth Army is suppressed. over Japan in Taierzhuang 臺兒莊. Mar. 1 — The first session of the Second Peo­ July 6 — The first session of the People’s Politi­ ple’s Political Council is convened cal Council 國民參政會 opens in Han- in Chongqing. kou and adopts a program of armed Apr. 14 — Condemning the Soviet-Japanese resistance and national reconstruction. t Neu­ rality Pact, Foreign Minister 9 — The San-min-zhu-yi Youth Corps is Wang Chong-hui 王寵惠 declares that es­ ablished with Chiang Kai-shek t Outer Mon­ olia and the northeastern g as head. provinces are Chinese territory and Oct. 25 — Chinese troops evacuate from that the Soviet-Japanese statement is Wuchang and Hankou. not bind­ng on China. i Dec. 18 — Wang Jing-wei deserts the National 17 — U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt Government and leaves Chongqing approves the first military aid pro- for Kunming 昆明. gram of US$45 million for China. 22 — The Japanese prime minister, Prince Sept. 30 — Chinese troops win the second battle Konoye, lays down three points as of Changsha 長沙. 507 2-p502-543-Appendix-II.indd 507 2011/10/13 11:45:42 PM
  • 14. Appendix II Dec. 9 — China formally declares war on Japan. 1944 May 17 — Chinese and American forces lay siege 1942 to Myitkyina in northern Burma. Jan. 2 — Chinese Expeditionary Forces enter June 16 — Chinese Expeditionary Forces cap- Burma. ture Kaimaing in northern Burma. 3 — Generalissimo Chiang assumes of- 18 — U.S. Vice President Henry Wallace fice as supreme commander of the vis­ts China. i China Theater of War. 25 — Chinese Expeditionary Forces cap- 15 — Chinese troops win the third battle ture Mogaung in northern Burma. of Changsha. Sept. 29 — The Chinese-American-British phase Mar. 4 — General Joseph Stilwell arrives in of the Dumbarton Oaks Conference Chongqing to assume duties as chief begins. of staff of the China Theater of War Oct. 9 — China, the United States, the United and also to take command of all Kingdom and the Union of Soviet Ameri­ an armed forces in China, c Socialist Republics promulgate the Burma and India. draft for the Charter of the United Apr. 19 — Chinese Expeditionary Forces cap- Nations. ture Burma’s Yenangyaung, rescuing 29 — U.S. General Albert C. Wedemeyer more than 7,000 British and Burmese is appointed chief of staff of the troops from Japanese encirclement. China Theater of War. June 2 — Foreign Minister T.V. Soong and U.S. Secretary of State Cordell Hull 1945 sign the Sino-American Lend-Lease Mar. 5 — China, the United States, the United Agree­ ent in Washington. m Kingdom and the Soviet Union is- July 4 — The China Task Force of the U.S. sue joint invitations to the Apr. 25 Army Air Corps supersedes the United Nations Conference in San American Volunteer Group of the Francisco. Chinese Air Force. June 26 — Representatives of 50 nations, in- Oct. 10 — The U.S. and U.K. governments an­ cluding China, sign the U.N. Charter nounce their intention to relinquish in San Francisco. The U.N. Security extraterritoriality and related rights Council is consequently created, in China. with China as one of the five perma- nent members. 1943 July 26 — Chiang Kai-shek, U.S. President Jan. 11 — China signs the new Sino-American Harry S. Truman and U.K. Prime Treaty in Washington and the new Minister Churchill issue a joint ulti- Sino-British Treaty in Chongqing. matum, call­ng for Japan’s uncondi- i June 14 — The Battle of West Hubei ends, with tional surren­ er. d a strategic victory for China. Aug. 9 — Soviet troops enter Manchuria. Oct. 10 — Chiang Kai-shek is sworn in as chair­ 11 — The Chinese Communist headquar- man of the National Government. ters in Yanan 延安 order communist Nov. 23 — Chiang Kai-shek, U.S. President troops to launch an all-out revolt Franklin D. Roosevelt and U.K. against the government. Prime Minister Winston Churchill 14 — Japan surrenders. confer in Cairo. — The Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship Dec. 3 — The Joint Declaration of the Cairo and Alliance is signed in Moscow. Con­ erence is issued simultaneously f — Chiang Kai-shek invites Mao Ze- in Chongqing, Washington and dong 毛澤東 to come to Chongqing London. for a confer­ nce. e 508 2-p502-543-Appendix-II.indd 508 2011/10/13 11:45:42 PM
  • 15. Chronology: 1911-2009 15 — The Legislative Yuan unanimously and call for the Soviet Union to with­ approves the U.N. Charter. draw its forces from China. 23 — Soviet troops occupy Manchuria. Mar. 5 — The MOFA announces that China 28 — Mao Zedong, accompanied by U.S. has rejected the Soviet claim to all Ambassador Patrick Hurley, arrives Japanese military enterprises in in Chongqing from Yanan. Manchuria. 31 — The three northeastern provinces 13 — Government forces enter Mukden (Man­ huria) are divided into nine c fol­owing the evacuation of Soviet l prov­nces by the government. i troops. Sept. 2 — Japan’s surrender is signed on the 24 — The government postpones convoca­ USS Missouri, with General Xu tion of the National Assembly set for Yong-chang 徐永昌 signing for China. May 5, 1946. 9 — General He Ying-qin 何應欽 receives 26 — Communist troops take over Harbin the for­ al surrender of Japanese m 哈爾濱 and Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾 as the forces in China from General Oka- Soviet forces evacuate. mura in Nanjing. May 5 — The National Government moves Oct. 25 — Taiwan is formally retroceded to back to Nanjing. China after 50 years of Japanese 23 — G o v e r n m e n t t r o o p s r e c a p t u r e rule. Changchun. Nov. 12 — The government convokes the Na- June 6 — Chiang Kai-shek accepts General tional Assembly 國民大會 slated for Marshall’s proposal to issue a sec- May 5, 1946. ond cease-fire order during the 15- 22 — General George C. Marshall arrives day armistice. in Chongqing as U.S. President Tru- July 3 — The Supreme National Defense man’s special envoy. Coun­ il votes to convene the Na- c 28 — The Big Three Foreign Ministers’ tional As­ embly on Nov. 12, 1946. s Con­ erence in Moscow announces f Aug. 17 — Yanan issues a second mobilization agree­ ents on a commission and al- m order instructing all communist lied council for Japan, the ultimate forces to launch full-scale war against estab­ishment of a free Korea, and l the government. the with­ rawal of Soviet and U.S. d Sept. 3 — Chiang Kai-shek agrees to create a troops from China. committee of five headed by U.S. Ambassador J. Leighton Stuart to pave 1946 the way for a coalition government. Jan. 7 — Government and communist repre­ Oct. 16 — Chiang Kai-shek presents the com- sentatives hold their first truce meet­ng i munists with eight conditions for a with General Marshall as media­or. t na­ionwide cease-fire. t 10 — The government issues a cease-fire 18 — The communists reject the govern­ or­ er. d ment’s latest peace offer. — The Political Consultative Con- Nov. 4 — China and the United States sign a f e r e n c e 政治協商會議 o p e n s i n five-year Treaty of Friendship, Com­ Chongqing. merce and Navigation. Feb. 11 — U.S. Secretary of State James Byrnes 8 — Chiang Kai-shek issues a third makes public the Yalta Secret cease-fire. Agree­ ent. m 15 — The National Assembly officially 20 — The MOFA declares the Yalta Secret opens. Chiang Kai-shek announces Agreement not binding on China. termina­ion of KMT tutelage. t 22 — More than 20,000 students demonstrate Dec. 25 — The National Assembly completes against the Yalta Secret Agreement drafting the new Constitution. 509 2-p502-543-Appendix-II.indd 509 2011/10/13 11:45:42 PM
  • 16. Appendix 1947 II 29 — Li Zong-ren is elected vice president Jan. 1 — The government promulgates the of China on the fourth ballot. Con­ titution. s May 20 — President Chiang and Vice President 8 — General Marshall leaves Nanjing for Li are sworn in. the United States to become secre­ Dec. 29 — General Chen Cheng 陳誠 is ap­ tary of state. pointed gov­ rnor of Taiwan. e 29 — The U.S. State Department announces abandonment of efforts to mediate 1949 between the National Government Dec. 7 — The ROC central government moves and the communists. its headquarters to Taipei. Feb. 28 — Rioting breaks out in Taipei 臺北, 10 — President Chiang flies from Chengdu following an incident between po­ 成都 to Taipei. lice and a ped­ ler who violated the d tobacco monopoly. 1950 Mar. 19 — Government troops capture Yanan. Jan. 6 — Diplomatic relations with the United May 26 — The third plenary session of the Fourth People’s Political Council Kingdom are severed following Brit­ adopts a resolution to invite commu­ ain’s recognition of the communist nist mem­ ers to attend. b authorities in Beijing. June 25 — The foreign ministry reveals repeat­ 11 — The United Nations Security Coun­ ed Soviet Union attempts to block cil rejects a Soviet proposal for the Chi­ ese troops from entering Dalian n immediate expulsion of the ROC 大連 and Port Arthur 旅順口. delegation. July. 22 — General Albert C. Wedemeyer, U.S. 28 — The ROC declares it will not be President Truman’s special representa­ bound by any agreements signed be­ tive, arrives in Nanjing. tween Beijing and Moscow. Aug. 22 — The Executive Yuan orders closure Mar. 1 — President Chiang resumes office in of the Soviet-controlled port of Da­ Taipei. lian to all foreign shipping. 7 — President Chiang nominates General Nov. 21 — The first general election in China is Chen Cheng as president of the Ex­ held. ecutive Yuan 行政院 (premier). Dec. 25 — The National Government adopts the Apr. 5 — The Executive Yuan grants Taiwan Constitu­ion. t authority to carry out self-governance through popular elections in counties 1948 and cities within two months. Mar. 29 — China’s first National Assembly un­ June 27 — U.S. President Truman orders the der the Constitution opens with 1,629 U.S. Seventh Fleet to prevent a com­ del­ gates attending. e munist attack on Taiwan and asks Apr. 18 — The first National Assembly approves, the ROC government to cease air by a two-thirds majority, temporary and sea operations against mainland provisions granting emergency pow­ China. ers to the president during the period July 2 — A popular election for the Hualien of the anti-communist campaign. County Council 花蓮縣議會 is held, 19 — The first National Assembly elects marking the beginning of self- Chiang Kai-shek as China’s first governance in Taiwan. presi­ ent under the new Constitution d 31 — U.S. General Douglas MacArthur by 2,430 out of 2,734 votes. arrives in Taipei for talks with Presi­ 21 — Government troops evacuate from dent Chiang. Yanan. Aug. 10 — Karl L. Rankin arrives in Taipei 510 2-p502-543-Appendix-II.indd 510 2011/10/18 4:12:00 AM
  • 17. Chronology: 1911-2009 as chargé d’affaires of the United the second National Assembly can States Embassy. be elected. Nov. 24 — The government protests the pro- 1951 posal by the United States to transfer May 1 — U.S. Major General William C. the Amami Oshima Islands to Japan. Chase arrives in Taipei as the first chief of the Military Assistance Ad- 1954 visory Group in Taiwan. Mar. 11 — The second session of the first Na- 25 — The Legislative Yuan adopts the tional Assembly approves indefinite 37.5-Percent Farm Rental Reduction extension of the Temporary Provi- Act 耕地三七五減租條例. sions Effective During the Period of 30 — The government announces plans National Mobilization for Suppres- to sell arable public land to tenant sion of the Communist Rebellion 動 farmers on easy payment terms. 員戡亂時期臨時條款. Dec. 11 — The Taiwan Provincial Assembly 臺 22 — The National Assembly re-elects 灣省議會 is established. Chiang Kai-shek president to a sec- ond six-year term. 1952 24 — The National Assembly elects Chen Feb. 1 — The U.N. General Assembly finds Cheng vice president. the Soviet Union guilty of violation Dec. 3 — The Sino-American Mutual Defense of the 1945 Sino-Soviet Treaty of Treaty 中美共同防禦條約 is signed in Friendship and Alliance. Washington. Apr. 28 — The Treaty of Peace between the ROC and Japan is signed in Taipei. 1955 Oct. 22 — The first worldwide Overseas Chi- Jan. 26 — The U.S. House of Representatives nese Conference opens in Taipei. approves a resolution authorizing President Dwight D. Eisenhower to 1953 employ American armed forces to Jan. 10 — The Legislative Yuan adopts the defend Taiwan, the Penghu Islands Land-to-the-Tiller Act 實施耕者有其 澎湖群島 and “related positions and 田條例. territories.” 25 — President Chiang announces the ab- Feb. 7 — Evacuation of the Dachen Islands 大 rogation of the Sino-Soviet Treaty of 陳島 begins. Friendship and Alliance of 1945 and Mar. 3 — Foreign Minister George K.C. Yeh 葉 its related documents. 公超 and U.S. Secretary of State John Apr. 2 — Karl Rankin becomes the U.S. am- Foster Dulles exchange instruments bassador to the ROC. of ratification of the Sino-American 12 — The Legislative Yuan passes a bill Mutual Defense Treaty in Taipei. submitted by President Chiang, ex- tending the term of office for legisla- 1956 tors by one year to May 7, 1954. Jan. 12 — The Taiwan Provincial Govern- July 17 — Troops on Kinmen 金門 conduct a ment 臺灣省政府 promulgates the successful raid against the communist- Enforcement Rules of the Act on held Dongshan Island 東山島 off the Urban Land Reform 實施都市平均地 southern coast of Fujian Province. 權條例臺灣省施行細則. Sept. 27 — President Chiang recommends an May 28 — The ROC informs the Philippines extension of the term of office for that the ROC has full sovereignty the delegates of the first National over the Nansha (Spratly) Islands 南 Assembly, elected in 1947, until 沙群島. 511 2-p502-543-Appendix-II.indd 511 2011/10/13 11:45:43 PM
  • 18. Appendix 1957 II 1960 May 3 — The Council of Grand Justices 大法 Feb. 2 — The Council of Grand Justices an- 官會議 of the Judicial Yuan 司法院 nounces that the total membership rules that the nation’s three top rep- of the National Assembly during the resentative organs—the Legislative present period of national emergency Yuan, the Control Yuan and the Na- shall be 1,576. tional Assembly—shall collectively Mar. 11 — The third session of the first Nation- represent the Chinese parliament al Assembly adopts an amendment in all international parliamentary to the Temporary Provisions Effec- organizations. tive During the Period of National Sept. 26 — The first council meeting of the Mobilization for Suppression of the Asian Peoples’ Anti-Communist Communist Rebellion. League opens in Taipei. 22 — The National Assembly re-elects Chiang Kai-shek president to a third 1958 term and Chen Cheng vice president Aug. 1 — An insurance program covering to a second term. 180,000 government employees is May 9 — The Central Cross-Island Highway put into effect. 中部橫貫公路 is opened to traffic. 23 — The Battle of the Taiwan Strait 臺海 June 18 — U.S. President Eisenhower arrives in 戰役 begins with mainland China’s Taipei for a state visit. firing on the Kinmen Islands. 19 — President Chiang and U.S. President Oct. 23 — President Chiang and U.S. Secretary Eisenhower issue a joint communi- of State John Foster Dulles issue a qué pledging that their governments joint communiqué reaffirming soli- will continue to stand solidly behind darity between the two countries and the Sino-American Mutual Defense stating that the islands of Kinmen Treaty. and Matsu 馬祖 are “closely related” — Mainland Chinese troops hit Kin- to the defense of Taiwan and the men, and ROC artillery units Penghu Islands. retaliate. Aug. 15 — The Council of Grand Justices rules 1959 that courts of all levels shall be placed under the jurisdiction of the Mar. 6 — Weighing 36,000 tons, the Faith is Judicial Yuan. launched in Keelung 基隆. It is the 25 — In the opening procession of the first tanker built in Taiwan. Olympic Games in Rome, the ROC July 21 — The Legislative Yuan revises the Olympic team protests against the Conscription Act 兵役法, stipulat- International Olympic Committee’s ing that 19-year-old men are to be drafted for two years’ service in ruling that compels ROC athletes to the army or three years in the navy compete under the name “Taiwan” or air force. instead of the “Republic of China.” Aug. 5 — N i k e - H e r c u l e s g r o u n d - t o - a i r 1 Sept. 6 — Decathlon champion Yang Chuan- guided missiles arrive from the kwang 楊傳廣 wins the ROC’s first United States under a military aid Olympic silver medal. program. Sept. 1 — The Act on Compensation for Wrong- 1961 ful Detentions and Convictions 冤獄 May 14 — U.S. Vice President and Mrs. Lyn- 賠償法, designed to compensate peo- don B. Johnson visit Taiwan. ple in cases of miscarriage of justice, Oct. 7 — Two defecting Chinese communist goes into effect. pilots, Shao Siyan 邵希彥 and Gao 512 2-p502-543-Appendix-II.indd 512 2011/10/13 11:45:43 PM