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Spencer M. Robinson, PhD
Executive Director and Chief of Research and Development
Center for Applied Social Neuroscience (CASN) Ph: +81-776-63-2290
638-2 Keyakidai, Eiheiji-cho, Mobile: +81-80-5855-6639
Yoshida-gun, Fukui 910-1223 email:
• Center for Applied Social Neuroscience (CASN)
Eiheiji-cho, Yoshida-gun, Fukui, Japan
5 January 2015 – Present
Executive Director and Chief of Research and Development. CASN is a research laboratory dedicated
to the continuous development and implementation of Cognitive Neuroeducation (CNE) programs to
make the lives of children and adults more self-connected, socially integrated and self-fulfilling, and to
foster the social environments that will help our world become a better place to live in. As the founder
of the field of applied social neuroscience (ASN), the originator of CNE and the Executive Director of
CASN, my responsibilities consist of overseeing the research, development, training, dissemination,
lecturing and implementation relating to the modality of Cognitive Neuroeducation (CNE) in recovery
from cognitive and behavioral dysfunction and in the optimization of learning realization. CNE is an
activities-based learning environment applying the principles of brain-mind-behavior interaction in
broadly stimulating and exercising the brain, renewing or expanding cognitive acuity to enable deep,
enduring learning outcomes and the formulation of self-defined, positive and relevant behavioral con-
structs leading to fluid social integration.
• National Institute for Stroke and Applied Neurosciences
Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences
AUT University
Auckland, New Zealand
6 February 2014 – 6 February 2016
Research Associate. In conjunction with the research and development that was ongoing at Robinson
Psychocognitive Training below, my responsibilities as research associate with the National Institute
for Stroke and Applied Neurosciences (NISAN) involved the development and fine-tuning of an encom-
passing theoretical perspective articulating the antecedents of human behavior leading to basic princi-
ples and methods for intervention in behavioral and cognitive disorder. This work formed the basis of
a new formalized field of applied social neuroscience (ASN) incorporating a synthesis of new findings
in neuroscience, cognitive and developmental psychology and cognitive rehabilitation informed by the
social sciences.
• Robinson Psychocognitive Training
Milton, New Zealand
5 July 2013 – 5 December 2014
Director. Our basic research concentrated on defining human behavior from the composition of the
interplay of the mechanisms of neuroplasticity and apperception within the biological determinants of
the evolutionary process in the formation of the social brain of the anatomically modern human, deriv-
ing a model of the mind directly leading to a revised framework of cognitive enhancement therapy
(CET) for intervention in behavioral and cognitive disorder. From our basic model research was
directed at further articulating our model of the mind and in modifying and fine-tuning cognitive
enhancement therapy to more directly reflect the newest findings in neuroscience and in more effec-
tively tailoring the components and exercises comprising cognitive enhancement therapy to more
tightly defined population groups by age, social/cognitive functioning, ethnic or cultural identification
and language ability.
CV of Spencer M. Robinson
• Robinson Research Center
Fukui-shi, Fukui, Japan
August 2011 – July 2013
Director. The Robinson Research Center was established to devote all resources to research in the
health sciences, specializing in mental health, particularly in the remediation of cognitive dysfunction
and in the diagnosis and intervention of disorders on the autism spectrum. Accordingly, the center
was divided into two main streams: the Autism Research Lab and the Cognitive Remediation and
Rehabilitation Lab.
In the former, a major project was a case study consisting of a deep, intensive discourse analysis of an
ADI-R (Autism Diagnostic Interview – Revised) session in determining the validity and reliability of
ADI-R as a clinical evaluation and diagnostic instrument in consideration of the diagnostic criteria of
the American Psychiatric Association DSM IV-TR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Dis-
orders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision) for disorders on the autism spectrum, and such autism diag-
nostic protocols as the M-CHAT (Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers), Q-CHAT (Quantitative
Checklist for Autism in Toddlers), DISCO (Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication
Disorders), ADOS (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule), SCQ (Social Communication Question-
naire), and VABS (Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales). This study was considered an important first
step toward a wider critical study of the theory, method and implementation of autism diagnostic
In the Cognitive Remediation and Rehabilitation Lab, a major project focused on computer-aided
cognitive remediation and rehabilitation, and in particular on the highly promising modality of CET
(cognitive enhancement therapy) which integrates computer-aided attention, memory and problem-
solving training modules with group sessions of social-interaction exercises addressing emotion pro-
cessing, social affect, recognition of nonverbal cues and perspective taking within a group dynamic.
In our project on the study of CET, CET sessions were modeled to take advantage of the neuro-
plasticity of the brain [the brain’s innate ability to a) develop neuronal circuits in the early stages of
life and in ongoing learning throughout life, b) restart the development of neuronal circuits in devel-
opmental delay or interruption, and c) rebuild compromised neuronal circuits resulting from tissue
damage] by exercising the brain to grow, renew, extend and fortify neuronal interconnections and
stimulate the renewal or rebuilding of cognitive functioning, offering particular promise of cognitive
remediation in developmental disorders such as disorders on the autism spectrum.
The literature reports that in two-year clinical trial studies using CET with schizophrenia subjects with
volumetric loss of gray matter, a significant volumetric increase in gray matter was effected. The goal
of our research was the modification and fine-tuning of CET for maximum efficacy in the remediation
of cognitive impairment in both high-functioning and low-functioning ASD (autism spectrum dis-
order). We were also interested in developing novel therapeutic approaches by integrating CET with
variable combinations of such modalities as PRT (Pivotal Response Treatment) or CPRT (Classroom
Pivotal Response Teaching), TEACHH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communica-
tion Handicapped Children), VB (Verbal Behavior), RDI (Relationship Development Intervention), and
other promising evidence-based learning orientated interventions.
CV of Spencer M. Robinson
• Child Development Research Center
University of Fukui Hospital and Faculty of Medical Sciences
Eiheiji-cho, Yoshida-gun, Fukui
13 June 2012 – 16 November 2012
ADI-R Reliability Certification Instructor. Provided training for reliability certification for ADI-R ad-
ministration for the staff psychiatrists, psychologists and pediatricians specializing in ASD (autism
spectrum disorder). The ADI-R (Autism Diagnostic Interview – Revised) is a structured interview for
the assessment of individuals suspected of having autism as then defined (autistic disorder, DSM-IV
TR 299.00) or other disorder on the autism spectrum. The interview is composed of a series of struc-
tured questions aimed at a parent or caregiver familiar with the developmental history and current
day-to-day behavior of the individual being evaluated.
The ADI-R consists of an 85-page booklet (ADI-R Interview Protocol, WPS Product No. W-382) cover-
ing 93 items addressing particular aspects of clinical and diagnostic concern. The booklet contains
both the structured questions particular to each item as well as the coding criteria and coding options
for each item. The key features of the informant’s responses to the questions for each item, as
determined by the ADI-R administrator, along with the coding, and a brief note on the administrator’s
justification and evidence for the coding given for each item, are directly recorded in the booklet. The
coding is scored through a set of ADI-R algorithms (divided into two diagnostic algorithm categories
and three current behavior algorithm categories) using the Comprehensive Algorithm Form (W-382E).
Aimed at rigorously following the then-current DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for PDD (pervasive
developmental disorder), the ADI-R addresses three functional domains: 1) language/communication;
2) reciprocal social interactions; and 3) restricted, repetitive and stereotyped behavior and interests.
The ADI-R items are organized into eight content areas: 1) subject’s background, including family,
education, previous diagnoses and medications; 2) overview of the subject’s behavior; 3) early
development and developmental milestones; 4) language acquisition and loss of language and other
skills; 5) current functioning in regard to language and communication; 6) social development and
play; 7) interests and behaviors; and 8) clinically relevant behaviors, such as aggression, self-injury,
and possible epileptic features. The ADI-R has become a formally recognized standard for diagnosis of
ASD in the publication of ASD research in the United States, and reliability certification for ADI-R
administration is required for publication of ASD studies in most major peer-reviewed psychiatric and
other scientific journals in the United States. As such, the ADI-R is gaining widespread use as a princi-
pal diagnostic instrument in the international research and clinical communities.
The ADI-R training that I provided to the Child Development Research Center (CDRC) focused on
preparation for passing the ADI-R reliability evaluation to enable the submission of ASD studies by the
CDRC as a group, and by the individual trainees, for publication in major psychiatric journals in the
United States. My responsibilities included the production of a training video in which I conducted an
ADI-R session with the parent of a subject about whom there were some concerns regarding
developmental issues. The parent’s responses were coded for each item, recording both the rationale
and evidence for the coding, the coding then scored by functional domain and carefully evaluated
against the then-current DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for each category of pervasive developmental
disorder [Diagnostic Criteria for 299.00 Autistic Disorder; Diagnostic Criteria for 299.80 Asperger’s
Disorder; Diagnostic Criteria for 299.80 PDD NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise
Specified); Diagnostic Criteria for 299.80 Rett’s Disorder; and Diagnostic Criteria for 299.10 CDD
(Childhood Disintegrative Disorder)].
CV of Spencer M. Robinson
The training video, coding, coding rationales and supporting evidence, scoring and diagnostic
evaluation together comprised a basic training test case around which I developed and conducted
three workshops as basic training modules covering 1) the underlying rationale, methodology and
implementation framework of the ADI-R; 2) the critical information required to assess each item in
the ADI-R and the diagnostic and clinical significance of the information; 3) the techniques for probing
for the essential information within the framework of the structured questions for each item; 4) the
significance of the coding criteria for each item; 5) the techniques for picking out the key diagnostic
and clinical information in the informant’s responses and evaluating the key points in the determina-
tion of the appropriate coding; 6) how to write the coding rationale clearly tying the evidence to the
coding criteria; 7) the rationale of the ADI-R diagnostic and clinical algorithms and the clinical and
diagnostic scoring, including the distinction that is made between an ADI-R diagnosis and a clinical
evaluation; and 8) how to evaluate the scoring against the DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria of each
category of pervasive developmental disorder in making a final diagnosis.
Following the workshops I conducted private coaching sessions for each ADI-R reliability evaluation
candidate. For the coaching sessions I developed several ADI-R administration training scripts for
each candidate, primarily working on fluency in interviewing and probing for the essential informa-
tion within the framework of the structured questions for each ADI-R item in a variety of different
case scenarios. The final stage of training focused on the development of fluency in coding, writing the
coding justification, scoring, and making a final diagnosis.
• Seminar on Contemporary Issues in Psychology and Psychiatry
Department of Neuropsychiatry
University of Fukui Hospital and Faculty of Medical Sciences
Eiheiji-cho, Yoshida-gun, Fukui
12 October 2010 – 7 July 2011
Presenter and Lecturer. Presented a 10-month seminar covering various issues in contemporary
theory, methodology and clinical practice in psychology and psychiatry for the staff psychiatrists.
Discussion primarily focused on the DSM-IV-TR and the problematic of the emphasis on symptoms as
opposed to etiology as the basis for both diagnosis and intervention. Other concerns of discussion
included the problems of comorbidity, differential diagnosis, and the high rates of iatrogenesis; as well
as the different cultural perspectives of normative vs. non-normative behavior and the concept of
mental disorder.
• Fukui Institute for Overseas Study (FIOS)
Fukui-shi, Fukui
April 2006 – August 2011
Director and Lecturer. Initially an owner-operated liberal arts preparatory school for study abroad,
providing studies in archaeology, anthropology, psychology, world history, language, English litera-
ture, philosophy, the history of art and architecture, biology, and earth science at the high school and
university undergraduate and graduate levels. Latterly focusing on professional studies in health
sciences and clinical psychology and psychiatry in response to several of the attendees of my
professional seminar on contemporary issues in psychology and psychiatry that elected to study
privately with me. My responsibilities included the preparation and teaching of all study materials at
all levels. FIOS was discontinued August 2011 to devote all resources to the Robinson Research Center
established at that time.
CV of Spencer M. Robinson
• Urban Studies
Social Psychology
University of Fukui
Fukui-shi, Fukui
November 2002 – October 2004
Associate Professor. Presentation of survey course in social psychology and psychological anthro-
pology focusing on urban life in a historical perspective from prehistory to modern times, with
emphasis on life issues of the individual and prevailing worldview in different socioeconomic levels in
different societies and historical periods, extrapolating the relationship between material culture and
cognitive schema inherent therein.
• Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) Program
Otago Polytechnic
Dunedin, New Zealand
Lecturer in Information Technology. Full-time lecturer for 1999 academic year. Responsibilities
included development of senior-level courses and course materials; classroom assignments and
assessments; and presentation of classroom lectures and in-class instruction, including hands-on
laboratory sessions, focusing on systems programming (in a UNIX environment) and control technol-
ogy (control applications and implementation using microprocessor-based systems).
Independent computer, electronic systems engineering and biomedical instrumentation consultant for
almost 30 years. Assignments have covered a wide variety of products, technical fields, and industries.
Projects have included technical publications, scientific research papers, systems documentation, systems
design and development, and electronics and computer engineering support.
From 1982 to 1984 was signal transmission engineering instructor for NEC Signal Transmission
Engineering, Ltd., Tokyo, providing training and instruction for overseas engineers on general signal
transmission theory, circuit theory and analysis, installation, maintenance, service, and operation of NEC
PCM (Pulse-Code Modulation) and FDM (Frequency Division Multiplex) signal transmission equipment,
digital data communications equipment, digital transmultiplexing equipment and biomedical instrumen-
From 1986 operated under the corporate identity of Microelectronics Design Lab, reflecting the concen-
tration on microelectronics and microprocessor systems engineering support. From 1986 to 1998
provided in-depth analysis of the functional specifications of new microprocessor architecture designs, as
well as the design and development of the complete user interface and operating specifications of discrete
microprocessor implementations for the Semiconductor & IC Division of Hitachi, Ltd. (Japan).
My academic, engineering, technical support and scientific documentation earned seven international
awards of excellence from the Society for Technical Communication (STC), and I was listed in the millen-
nium edition of the Marquis “Who’s Who in Science and Engineering,” 2000/2001.
CV of Spencer M. Robinson
• Cognitive Neuroeducation (CNE) – English as Therapy:
▪ Lecture presented to the Nagoya Chapter of JALT (Japan Association of Language Teachers)
Nagoya, Japan
17 January 2016
▪ Lecture presented to the Gifu Chapter of JALT (Japan Association of Language Teachers)
Gifu, Japan
16 January 2016
▪ Lecture presented to the Kyoto Chapter of JALT (Japan Association of Language Teachers)
Kyoto, Japan
20 December 2015
▪ Paper presented to the 2015 NeuroELT Brain Days International Conference
Kyoto, Japan
27 September 2015
• Integrating Neuroscience with Psychotherapy: A Cognitive Approach to Psychopathology. A workshop
sponsored by the Massey University Center for Psychology.
Center for Psychology
Massey University, Auckland Campus
Auckland, New Zealand
10 April 2014
• An Introduction to Cognitive Enhancement Therapy (CET): Theory, Principles and Curriculum. A lecture
presented at a Clinical Medical Education (CME) session of the Auckland Regional Psychiatric
Registrar Training Program.
Auckland, New Zealand
8 April 2014
• Applied Social Neuroscience (ASN): A New Paradigm in Understanding and Addressing Cognitive and
Behavioral Disorder. A lecture presented to the NISAN Pipeline Clinic.
National Institute for Stroke and Applied Neurosciences (NISAN)
Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences
AUT University
Auckland, New Zealand
7 April 2014
• Introduction to Cognitive Enhancement Therapy (CET): Approaches to Improving Attention, Memory,
Problem Solving, Social Integration and Self-Sufficiency. A presentation sponsored by the Southern
District Health Board of the New Zealand Ministry of Health.
Dunedin, New Zealand
4 December 2013
CV of Spencer M. Robinson
Bachelor’s Degree
University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida
BA Psychology 1968
Postgraduate Studies
Stetson University
DeLand, Florida
Psychometrics 1970
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Amherst, Massachusetts
Anthropology 1993-1998
Concentration in the areas of psychological anthropology, physical/medical anthropology, paleoanthro-
pology (human evolution), and cognitive archaeology/evolutionary psychology. My anthropological
studies were grounded in the dialogs in the philosophy of science, especially (within the human sciences)
in Diltheian hermeneutics, philosophical phenomenology and phenomenological psychology; and in
cultural theory and archaeological theory and method. Major interests included social psychology,
linguistic anthropology, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, historical linguistics, literary criticism, seman-
tics and semiotics, and the marriage of psychology and anthropology in intensive idiographic approaches
to the understanding of the individual as a unique biological potential cast and framed as a product of,
and the resistance to, the molding and melding processes of, and interplay between, the tensions of cul-
ture, society, group and family.
University of Otago
Dunedin, New Zealand
Otago University Postgraduate Scholarship awarded January 2002
Full scholarship: providing full tuition and a research stipend of $20,000 per annum for three years
PhD awarded 3 December 2010, degree formally conferred at graduation ceremony 21 May 2011.
In my doctoral studies I applied Diltheian hermeneutics, philosophical phenomenology and phenomeno-
logical psychology to social psychology, physiological psychology/neuropsychology, evolutionary psy-
chology, paleoanthropology, evolutionary biology and psychological anthropology to understand the
biological predispositions in the formation of the realms of culture, language and society through which
meaning is uniquely individually constructed. From this framework my focus of research has evolved into
developing explanations of human behavior and cognitive and behavioral disorder through the lens of ap-
plied social neuroscience.
CV of Spencer M. Robinson
(All following dates are approximate)
• Director
Venereal Disease Clinic
Broward County Health Department
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
• Certification in Venereal Disease Control Epidemiology
Venereal Disease Control Epidemiology Certification Program
United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Grady Memorial Hospital
Atlanta, Georgia
• Lead Biomedical Instrumentation Technician
Brain Research in Addiction
Addictive Diseases Hospital
Downstate Medical Center
State University of New York
Brooklyn, New York
I am currently serving on the scientific board of the International Journal of Psychology and Neuroscience
(ISSN 2183-5829).
My papers published online may be accessed at

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  • 1. -1- CURRICULUM VITAE Spencer M. Robinson, PhD Executive Director and Chief of Research and Development Center for Applied Social Neuroscience (CASN) Ph: +81-776-63-2290 638-2 Keyakidai, Eiheiji-cho, Mobile: +81-80-5855-6639 Yoshida-gun, Fukui 910-1223 email: Japan ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH POSITIONS • Center for Applied Social Neuroscience (CASN) Eiheiji-cho, Yoshida-gun, Fukui, Japan 5 January 2015 – Present Executive Director and Chief of Research and Development. CASN is a research laboratory dedicated to the continuous development and implementation of Cognitive Neuroeducation (CNE) programs to make the lives of children and adults more self-connected, socially integrated and self-fulfilling, and to foster the social environments that will help our world become a better place to live in. As the founder of the field of applied social neuroscience (ASN), the originator of CNE and the Executive Director of CASN, my responsibilities consist of overseeing the research, development, training, dissemination, lecturing and implementation relating to the modality of Cognitive Neuroeducation (CNE) in recovery from cognitive and behavioral dysfunction and in the optimization of learning realization. CNE is an activities-based learning environment applying the principles of brain-mind-behavior interaction in broadly stimulating and exercising the brain, renewing or expanding cognitive acuity to enable deep, enduring learning outcomes and the formulation of self-defined, positive and relevant behavioral con- structs leading to fluid social integration. • National Institute for Stroke and Applied Neurosciences Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences AUT University Auckland, New Zealand 6 February 2014 – 6 February 2016 Research Associate. In conjunction with the research and development that was ongoing at Robinson Psychocognitive Training below, my responsibilities as research associate with the National Institute for Stroke and Applied Neurosciences (NISAN) involved the development and fine-tuning of an encom- passing theoretical perspective articulating the antecedents of human behavior leading to basic princi- ples and methods for intervention in behavioral and cognitive disorder. This work formed the basis of a new formalized field of applied social neuroscience (ASN) incorporating a synthesis of new findings in neuroscience, cognitive and developmental psychology and cognitive rehabilitation informed by the social sciences. • Robinson Psychocognitive Training Milton, New Zealand 5 July 2013 – 5 December 2014 Director. Our basic research concentrated on defining human behavior from the composition of the interplay of the mechanisms of neuroplasticity and apperception within the biological determinants of the evolutionary process in the formation of the social brain of the anatomically modern human, deriv- ing a model of the mind directly leading to a revised framework of cognitive enhancement therapy (CET) for intervention in behavioral and cognitive disorder. From our basic model research was directed at further articulating our model of the mind and in modifying and fine-tuning cognitive enhancement therapy to more directly reflect the newest findings in neuroscience and in more effec- tively tailoring the components and exercises comprising cognitive enhancement therapy to more tightly defined population groups by age, social/cognitive functioning, ethnic or cultural identification and language ability.
  • 2. CV of Spencer M. Robinson -2- • Robinson Research Center Fukui-shi, Fukui, Japan August 2011 – July 2013 Director. The Robinson Research Center was established to devote all resources to research in the health sciences, specializing in mental health, particularly in the remediation of cognitive dysfunction and in the diagnosis and intervention of disorders on the autism spectrum. Accordingly, the center was divided into two main streams: the Autism Research Lab and the Cognitive Remediation and Rehabilitation Lab. In the former, a major project was a case study consisting of a deep, intensive discourse analysis of an ADI-R (Autism Diagnostic Interview – Revised) session in determining the validity and reliability of ADI-R as a clinical evaluation and diagnostic instrument in consideration of the diagnostic criteria of the American Psychiatric Association DSM IV-TR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Dis- orders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision) for disorders on the autism spectrum, and such autism diag- nostic protocols as the M-CHAT (Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers), Q-CHAT (Quantitative Checklist for Autism in Toddlers), DISCO (Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorders), ADOS (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule), SCQ (Social Communication Question- naire), and VABS (Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales). This study was considered an important first step toward a wider critical study of the theory, method and implementation of autism diagnostic protocols. In the Cognitive Remediation and Rehabilitation Lab, a major project focused on computer-aided cognitive remediation and rehabilitation, and in particular on the highly promising modality of CET (cognitive enhancement therapy) which integrates computer-aided attention, memory and problem- solving training modules with group sessions of social-interaction exercises addressing emotion pro- cessing, social affect, recognition of nonverbal cues and perspective taking within a group dynamic. In our project on the study of CET, CET sessions were modeled to take advantage of the neuro- plasticity of the brain [the brain’s innate ability to a) develop neuronal circuits in the early stages of life and in ongoing learning throughout life, b) restart the development of neuronal circuits in devel- opmental delay or interruption, and c) rebuild compromised neuronal circuits resulting from tissue damage] by exercising the brain to grow, renew, extend and fortify neuronal interconnections and stimulate the renewal or rebuilding of cognitive functioning, offering particular promise of cognitive remediation in developmental disorders such as disorders on the autism spectrum. The literature reports that in two-year clinical trial studies using CET with schizophrenia subjects with volumetric loss of gray matter, a significant volumetric increase in gray matter was effected. The goal of our research was the modification and fine-tuning of CET for maximum efficacy in the remediation of cognitive impairment in both high-functioning and low-functioning ASD (autism spectrum dis- order). We were also interested in developing novel therapeutic approaches by integrating CET with variable combinations of such modalities as PRT (Pivotal Response Treatment) or CPRT (Classroom Pivotal Response Teaching), TEACHH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communica- tion Handicapped Children), VB (Verbal Behavior), RDI (Relationship Development Intervention), and other promising evidence-based learning orientated interventions.
  • 3. CV of Spencer M. Robinson -3- • Child Development Research Center University of Fukui Hospital and Faculty of Medical Sciences Eiheiji-cho, Yoshida-gun, Fukui Japan 13 June 2012 – 16 November 2012 ADI-R Reliability Certification Instructor. Provided training for reliability certification for ADI-R ad- ministration for the staff psychiatrists, psychologists and pediatricians specializing in ASD (autism spectrum disorder). The ADI-R (Autism Diagnostic Interview – Revised) is a structured interview for the assessment of individuals suspected of having autism as then defined (autistic disorder, DSM-IV TR 299.00) or other disorder on the autism spectrum. The interview is composed of a series of struc- tured questions aimed at a parent or caregiver familiar with the developmental history and current day-to-day behavior of the individual being evaluated. The ADI-R consists of an 85-page booklet (ADI-R Interview Protocol, WPS Product No. W-382) cover- ing 93 items addressing particular aspects of clinical and diagnostic concern. The booklet contains both the structured questions particular to each item as well as the coding criteria and coding options for each item. The key features of the informant’s responses to the questions for each item, as determined by the ADI-R administrator, along with the coding, and a brief note on the administrator’s justification and evidence for the coding given for each item, are directly recorded in the booklet. The coding is scored through a set of ADI-R algorithms (divided into two diagnostic algorithm categories and three current behavior algorithm categories) using the Comprehensive Algorithm Form (W-382E). Aimed at rigorously following the then-current DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for PDD (pervasive developmental disorder), the ADI-R addresses three functional domains: 1) language/communication; 2) reciprocal social interactions; and 3) restricted, repetitive and stereotyped behavior and interests. The ADI-R items are organized into eight content areas: 1) subject’s background, including family, education, previous diagnoses and medications; 2) overview of the subject’s behavior; 3) early development and developmental milestones; 4) language acquisition and loss of language and other skills; 5) current functioning in regard to language and communication; 6) social development and play; 7) interests and behaviors; and 8) clinically relevant behaviors, such as aggression, self-injury, and possible epileptic features. The ADI-R has become a formally recognized standard for diagnosis of ASD in the publication of ASD research in the United States, and reliability certification for ADI-R administration is required for publication of ASD studies in most major peer-reviewed psychiatric and other scientific journals in the United States. As such, the ADI-R is gaining widespread use as a princi- pal diagnostic instrument in the international research and clinical communities. The ADI-R training that I provided to the Child Development Research Center (CDRC) focused on preparation for passing the ADI-R reliability evaluation to enable the submission of ASD studies by the CDRC as a group, and by the individual trainees, for publication in major psychiatric journals in the United States. My responsibilities included the production of a training video in which I conducted an ADI-R session with the parent of a subject about whom there were some concerns regarding developmental issues. The parent’s responses were coded for each item, recording both the rationale and evidence for the coding, the coding then scored by functional domain and carefully evaluated against the then-current DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for each category of pervasive developmental disorder [Diagnostic Criteria for 299.00 Autistic Disorder; Diagnostic Criteria for 299.80 Asperger’s Disorder; Diagnostic Criteria for 299.80 PDD NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified); Diagnostic Criteria for 299.80 Rett’s Disorder; and Diagnostic Criteria for 299.10 CDD (Childhood Disintegrative Disorder)].
  • 4. CV of Spencer M. Robinson -4- The training video, coding, coding rationales and supporting evidence, scoring and diagnostic evaluation together comprised a basic training test case around which I developed and conducted three workshops as basic training modules covering 1) the underlying rationale, methodology and implementation framework of the ADI-R; 2) the critical information required to assess each item in the ADI-R and the diagnostic and clinical significance of the information; 3) the techniques for probing for the essential information within the framework of the structured questions for each item; 4) the significance of the coding criteria for each item; 5) the techniques for picking out the key diagnostic and clinical information in the informant’s responses and evaluating the key points in the determina- tion of the appropriate coding; 6) how to write the coding rationale clearly tying the evidence to the coding criteria; 7) the rationale of the ADI-R diagnostic and clinical algorithms and the clinical and diagnostic scoring, including the distinction that is made between an ADI-R diagnosis and a clinical evaluation; and 8) how to evaluate the scoring against the DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria of each category of pervasive developmental disorder in making a final diagnosis. Following the workshops I conducted private coaching sessions for each ADI-R reliability evaluation candidate. For the coaching sessions I developed several ADI-R administration training scripts for each candidate, primarily working on fluency in interviewing and probing for the essential informa- tion within the framework of the structured questions for each ADI-R item in a variety of different case scenarios. The final stage of training focused on the development of fluency in coding, writing the coding justification, scoring, and making a final diagnosis. • Seminar on Contemporary Issues in Psychology and Psychiatry Department of Neuropsychiatry University of Fukui Hospital and Faculty of Medical Sciences Eiheiji-cho, Yoshida-gun, Fukui Japan 12 October 2010 – 7 July 2011 Presenter and Lecturer. Presented a 10-month seminar covering various issues in contemporary theory, methodology and clinical practice in psychology and psychiatry for the staff psychiatrists. Discussion primarily focused on the DSM-IV-TR and the problematic of the emphasis on symptoms as opposed to etiology as the basis for both diagnosis and intervention. Other concerns of discussion included the problems of comorbidity, differential diagnosis, and the high rates of iatrogenesis; as well as the different cultural perspectives of normative vs. non-normative behavior and the concept of mental disorder. • Fukui Institute for Overseas Study (FIOS) Fukui-shi, Fukui Japan April 2006 – August 2011 Director and Lecturer. Initially an owner-operated liberal arts preparatory school for study abroad, providing studies in archaeology, anthropology, psychology, world history, language, English litera- ture, philosophy, the history of art and architecture, biology, and earth science at the high school and university undergraduate and graduate levels. Latterly focusing on professional studies in health sciences and clinical psychology and psychiatry in response to several of the attendees of my professional seminar on contemporary issues in psychology and psychiatry that elected to study privately with me. My responsibilities included the preparation and teaching of all study materials at all levels. FIOS was discontinued August 2011 to devote all resources to the Robinson Research Center established at that time.
  • 5. CV of Spencer M. Robinson -5- • Urban Studies Social Psychology University of Fukui Fukui-shi, Fukui Japan November 2002 – October 2004 Associate Professor. Presentation of survey course in social psychology and psychological anthro- pology focusing on urban life in a historical perspective from prehistory to modern times, with emphasis on life issues of the individual and prevailing worldview in different socioeconomic levels in different societies and historical periods, extrapolating the relationship between material culture and cognitive schema inherent therein. • Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) Program Otago Polytechnic Dunedin, New Zealand 1999-2000 Lecturer in Information Technology. Full-time lecturer for 1999 academic year. Responsibilities included development of senior-level courses and course materials; classroom assignments and assessments; and presentation of classroom lectures and in-class instruction, including hands-on laboratory sessions, focusing on systems programming (in a UNIX environment) and control technol- ogy (control applications and implementation using microprocessor-based systems). COMPUTER AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING CONSULTANT Independent computer, electronic systems engineering and biomedical instrumentation consultant for almost 30 years. Assignments have covered a wide variety of products, technical fields, and industries. Projects have included technical publications, scientific research papers, systems documentation, systems design and development, and electronics and computer engineering support. From 1982 to 1984 was signal transmission engineering instructor for NEC Signal Transmission Engineering, Ltd., Tokyo, providing training and instruction for overseas engineers on general signal transmission theory, circuit theory and analysis, installation, maintenance, service, and operation of NEC PCM (Pulse-Code Modulation) and FDM (Frequency Division Multiplex) signal transmission equipment, digital data communications equipment, digital transmultiplexing equipment and biomedical instrumen- tation. From 1986 operated under the corporate identity of Microelectronics Design Lab, reflecting the concen- tration on microelectronics and microprocessor systems engineering support. From 1986 to 1998 provided in-depth analysis of the functional specifications of new microprocessor architecture designs, as well as the design and development of the complete user interface and operating specifications of discrete microprocessor implementations for the Semiconductor & IC Division of Hitachi, Ltd. (Japan). My academic, engineering, technical support and scientific documentation earned seven international awards of excellence from the Society for Technical Communication (STC), and I was listed in the millen- nium edition of the Marquis “Who’s Who in Science and Engineering,” 2000/2001.
  • 6. CV of Spencer M. Robinson -6- RECENT PRESENTATIONS, LECTURES AND WORKSHOPS • Cognitive Neuroeducation (CNE) – English as Therapy: ▪ Lecture presented to the Nagoya Chapter of JALT (Japan Association of Language Teachers) Nagoya, Japan 17 January 2016 ▪ Lecture presented to the Gifu Chapter of JALT (Japan Association of Language Teachers) Gifu, Japan 16 January 2016 ▪ Lecture presented to the Kyoto Chapter of JALT (Japan Association of Language Teachers) Kyoto, Japan 20 December 2015 ▪ Paper presented to the 2015 NeuroELT Brain Days International Conference Kyoto, Japan 27 September 2015 • Integrating Neuroscience with Psychotherapy: A Cognitive Approach to Psychopathology. A workshop sponsored by the Massey University Center for Psychology. Center for Psychology Massey University, Auckland Campus Auckland, New Zealand 10 April 2014 • An Introduction to Cognitive Enhancement Therapy (CET): Theory, Principles and Curriculum. A lecture presented at a Clinical Medical Education (CME) session of the Auckland Regional Psychiatric Registrar Training Program. Auckland, New Zealand 8 April 2014 • Applied Social Neuroscience (ASN): A New Paradigm in Understanding and Addressing Cognitive and Behavioral Disorder. A lecture presented to the NISAN Pipeline Clinic. National Institute for Stroke and Applied Neurosciences (NISAN) Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences AUT University Auckland, New Zealand 7 April 2014 • Introduction to Cognitive Enhancement Therapy (CET): Approaches to Improving Attention, Memory, Problem Solving, Social Integration and Self-Sufficiency. A presentation sponsored by the Southern District Health Board of the New Zealand Ministry of Health. Dunedin, New Zealand 4 December 2013
  • 7. CV of Spencer M. Robinson -7- EDUCATION Bachelor’s Degree University of South Florida Tampa, Florida BA Psychology 1968 Postgraduate Studies Stetson University DeLand, Florida Psychometrics 1970 University of Massachusetts at Amherst Amherst, Massachusetts Anthropology 1993-1998 Concentration in the areas of psychological anthropology, physical/medical anthropology, paleoanthro- pology (human evolution), and cognitive archaeology/evolutionary psychology. My anthropological studies were grounded in the dialogs in the philosophy of science, especially (within the human sciences) in Diltheian hermeneutics, philosophical phenomenology and phenomenological psychology; and in cultural theory and archaeological theory and method. Major interests included social psychology, linguistic anthropology, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, historical linguistics, literary criticism, seman- tics and semiotics, and the marriage of psychology and anthropology in intensive idiographic approaches to the understanding of the individual as a unique biological potential cast and framed as a product of, and the resistance to, the molding and melding processes of, and interplay between, the tensions of cul- ture, society, group and family. PhD University of Otago Dunedin, New Zealand 2001-2011 Otago University Postgraduate Scholarship awarded January 2002 Full scholarship: providing full tuition and a research stipend of $20,000 per annum for three years (2002-2004). PhD awarded 3 December 2010, degree formally conferred at graduation ceremony 21 May 2011. In my doctoral studies I applied Diltheian hermeneutics, philosophical phenomenology and phenomeno- logical psychology to social psychology, physiological psychology/neuropsychology, evolutionary psy- chology, paleoanthropology, evolutionary biology and psychological anthropology to understand the biological predispositions in the formation of the realms of culture, language and society through which meaning is uniquely individually constructed. From this framework my focus of research has evolved into developing explanations of human behavior and cognitive and behavioral disorder through the lens of ap- plied social neuroscience.
  • 8. CV of Spencer M. Robinson -8- SUMMARY OF 1970s LABORATORY AND CLINICAL POSITIONS AND TRAINING (All following dates are approximate) • Director Venereal Disease Clinic Broward County Health Department Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 1972-1974 • Certification in Venereal Disease Control Epidemiology Venereal Disease Control Epidemiology Certification Program United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Grady Memorial Hospital Atlanta, Georgia 1972 • Lead Biomedical Instrumentation Technician Brain Research in Addiction Addictive Diseases Hospital Downstate Medical Center State University of New York Brooklyn, New York 1970-1971 PUBLICATIONS I am currently serving on the scientific board of the International Journal of Psychology and Neuroscience (ISSN 2183-5829). My papers published online may be accessed at or