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League RoyalE Mobile
Product Launch Plan
Executive Summary
The plan is to ensure the success of the Riot Games’ first mobile game by leveraging the IP of world-famous title League of
Legends and its beloved characters to enter one of the top-grossing mobile gaming market in the world, Taiwan.
Taiwanese mobile gaming market has grown to a estimation of $1.0B USD by 27% YoY in revenue while declining in total
downloads by 13% YoY. With the highest smartphone penetration rate in APAC, 75.8%, the market is getting mature. This
means the user base is growing slower and being more picky but willing to pay more (or simply their budget is concentrated
into fewer games). This also means each download would be harder to get and more expensive. Despite the challenges
and risks, the top games in the market could earn up to $10-70M USD annually.
Our mission is to provide the same AAA experience to our fans as well as a new adventure to players in the region that
hasn’t experience our games before. This would require streamlining our collaboration with our partner, Garena, to establish
creative marketing and PR plans, highest quality of connections & services & localization and anything to ensure that the
players have the highest level of experience throughout the launch phase.
Table of Contents
❏ Product Key Feature
❏ Go-to-Market Strategy
❏ Profile Target Users
❏ Defining the Market & Positioning
❏ Journey
❏ Competition & Cooperation
❏ Roadmap
❏ Plans & Deliverables checklists
❏ Financial Forecast & KPIs
❏ Risks
❏ Communications (TBD)
❏ Appendix
Product Key Features
Concept: Imagining 100 different League characters summoned to an ancient deserted floating island to fight for glory and
honor till the last man standing. Ancient artifacts and weapons scattered around the island awaiting to be taken. Upgrade
these power items by collecting souls shards of other summoners at the Forge. Heal their wounds in magical fountains.
Hide in bushes to sneak attack your opponents. Use these strategically to your best advantages and the BEST Champion
will be you!
● 141 famous LoL Characters
● Battle Royale Gameplay
● Multiplayer, up to 5 players a team
● F2P with IAP, champions/skins
● Low system/connection requirement
● Appealing Visual Effects & Art Style
● Easy controllers and UIs for mobile
Go To Market Strategy
Ideal User Profile
❏ Below 20, didn’t grow up with
League IP
❏ Or Casual Player/ Not loyal to
a particular game yet
❏ Curious and follows the trends
❏ Mobile gaming only
❏ Influenced by friends at school
❏ Influenced by Media/Celebs
❏ Almost no credit cards
❏ Age 22-35
❏ Existing League Player/ or
played extensively before
❏ Might not be familiar to
❏ Has a group of friends/clan to
play together with.
❏ Plays on PC/Mobile
❏ Age 18-30
❏ Existing Battle Royale Player
❏ Competitive Player
❏ E-sports enthusiast
❏ Love shooters
❏ Plays on PC/Mobile
❏ Watches streamers play
❏ Value skill level of the game
❏ Has pro gaming peripherals
Defining the Market
*Est. 18% overlapping (Newzoo)
Size: 3M+
Age: 10-20,
Male: Female = 1.3 : 1
Size: 3M+ Players
Male:Female = 4:1
*Est. 20% overlapping
Size: 2M+ Players
Male:Female = 2:1
*Est. 10% overlapping
Total Est. : 5.5M-6M Players
Total Market Value: $26.4M- $64.8M USD per year(With 2-3% CVR, ARPPU $20-30 USD/Month)
The Journey of Teemo, Tristana & Zhaoxin
*KOLs,Celebs on TV, Mass Media
*Offline advertisement
*Branding/Peripherals collaboration
*Word of mouth/Viral,
*Cool Contents/vids/Trailers
*Online advertisements
*Featuring by Appstore/Google Play
*Cool People he follows
*Places he goes to
*Friends he hangs out with
*Cool things on SNS/Store
*Streamer she follows
*If the gameplay is exciting
*E-sports tournaments
*substitute when AFPC
*Streamers collaboration, endorsement
*PR: Tournaments/ sponsorship/
*Cross promotion with Free Fire
*Content marketing: Replay Highlights
* Targeted digital marketing on
Awareness/AcquisitionPoint of Interest Retention/Referral/Re-engagement Monetization
*Cross promotion with LoL/HoK
*VIP early access/beta keys
*Pre-reg on iOS/GP
*Word of mouth
*Conversion from League Community
*IP Related contents/trailers
*League streamers Collaboration/
*Targeted digital marketing on
*Offline Events: Cosplay Events, Game
*League related contents
*League Streamers
*Substitute: a mobile MOBA
*Plays with his clan/group
*Events during rush hours, exx: Extra coins
bonus during morning, noon and evening.
Make people see other playing the game
while retaining them on their fragmented
*Push Notification: Reminders/invitation
*Incentivised referral system with FB friend
list/ LINE contacts
*Wiki sites, Stats sites
*Guild system/support
*mid-term goal Tournaments/Ranking
*Progression events/quests
*How to advance/ Tutorial vids
*Live Tournaments
*Fan/Loyalty Program: Playtime related:
unlockable achievements/ items/skins.
*Fan-related contests: FanArt
*FanSites Sponsorship
*League friend list integration
*New Champions
*Pro-gamer exclusive skins
*Peripherals licensing
*e-sports licensing
*Gatcha model
*Flashy Skins
*Taunting emoticons
*Streamers’ exclusive skins
*Classic league Characters
*Classic skins
*official events sponsorship
Titles DLs Rev. Launch
Knives Out 2.19M $1.1M 12/21/2017
HOK 1.71M $3.2M 10/13/2016
LineageM 2.84M $40.7M 12/11/2017
HearthSt. 5.68M $1.1M 04/15/2015
I play whatever is
trendy with my
We’re basically competing for the trendiness and
exposure in this segment with most of the popular titles
that Teemo might spend his time and money on. It will
be crucial to have an eye-catching content marketing, a
tight platform relationship, a cost effective media buy
and classy RP/Branding to associate the title with the
most trendy person/thing at the moment.
The other popular titles are mostly MMORPGs which we
could differentiate ourselves by gameplay. Nonetheless
we will be competing in media buy and exposure.
*PUBG/ Fortnite are not available in TW market
*Knives out and free Fire are there but regarded as
knock-off of PUBG.
*one of the biggest competitor would be HOK by
Garena, substitute for the League of Legends on mobile.
*Trendy: latest style of gameplay on mobile and what’s trending by ranking, the higher the lastest.
*Brand: Branding familiarity in the perspective of players. The more established the farther on the right.
Data: first 3 months after launch, AppAnnie
I play competitive
Battle Royale and
love esports
We’re competing here with core Battle Royale(BR)
players in this segment. While most title provide a more
realistic experience, we provide a more fantasy -based
experience with famous League IPs. We’ll be competing
for time-to-market, streamer’s airtime, e-sports events
viewership /sponsorship /licensing deals, and the
perspective from pro-gamers to take our title as The
Tournament for Battle Royale where the best players
compete in and where Fans who be the most excited.
It’s crucial to work with KOLs, streaming platforms,
e-sports agencies and teams to grow an e-sports vibe
and ecosystem to win over Tristana’s favor in this
*PUBG/ Fortnite are not available in TW market.
*Realm Royal is not available for mobile.
*Intense: The higher the more intense, due to visual effect, gameplay and e-sport ecosystem: Ceiling of pro-gamer
*Realistic: Real guns/Vests, simulations of recoil, the art visually, etc. Surreal: fantasy, magic and swords, etc.
Titles DLs Rev. Launch
Knives Out 2.19M $1.1M 12/21/2017
Freefire 1.53M $0.28M 01/09/2018
Data: first 3 months after launch, AppAnnie
League of Legends
For The Win!
This is the trickiest segment. In IP segment we’re directly
competing with our own title LoL. If we expand IP, we’ll
be competing with IPs that are famous decades ago
overlapping user base. By device, we’re competing with
the LoL mobile substitute HOK, published by our partner
Garena. Although we would be separated by gameplay,
the competition in this segment seems to be mostly
On one hand, we could have cool IP related contents,
Vids, Arts, Cosplays, etc, or VIP early access/
Pre-Reg/Beta Keys to promote the game and recall
churned users from League. On the other hand, we
could seek cross-promote or convert current users from
League or HOK which might be a double edge for both us
and Garena. Nevertheless, we’re still competing for the
time and money within the same group of fans.
Titles DLs Rev. Launch
LOL(*est) 2.0M $4.0M 10/24/2010
HOK 1.71M $3.2M 10/13/2016
FF XV 0.60M $1.0M 06/30/2016
Marvel FF 0.48M $1.2M 05/01/2015
Data: first 3 months after launch, AppAnnie
IP Popularity
*Hardcore: higher skill level, knowledge required.
*IP Popularity: est. by Fan base, the variety of IP related products, etc.
Q4 2018
Q1 2019
Q2 2019
Q3 2019
Tech Training &
Localization & QA
v1.0 Live v1.1 Live v1.2 LivePre-Launch v1.3 Live
Research Planning 1st campaign 2nd campaign 3rd campaign
Announcement Game Show E-sports league
Platform/BD Reveiw Pre-Reg Feature
AB Testing ASO
PR Site
The main idea of the roadmap is to use the end of League of Legend Championship to announce the new product, League Royale. Following the hype with PR/Pre-reg/VIP Beta
keys campaigns with a short phase a closed Beta. We then build the excitement to a peak during the Taipei Game Show where all the media and fans gather. After the game show
we sim-ship on iOS & Android. With no major issues, we go for a Feature on iOS and Android, hopefully within the first 2 weeks of launch. In the mean, we use those users to A/B
Test/Tune our Store Listing. We follow up the featuring with a major campaign of TVC and digital download campaigns to burst our ranking to the top charts Before Chinese New
Years when there’s more money in everyone’s pocket. We then slowly grow the game into the hearts of esport enthusiast for long term growth.
Closed Beta
Plans and Deliverables - Pre Launch + Beta
Concentrating our energy during the pre-launch on building a sound
foundation by identifying and converting our existing customers into our
title. The key plans will be:
PR Blitz after League’s World Championship.
Content Marketing of the new game: Trailers/ Behind the scene, etc.
2 Step Rollout:
League(Garena) Fans First Beta Key campaign: League users/Garena’s VIP
Pre-Reg campaigns for new users on iOS/GP/PR site/online Ads/QR codes
➢ Engineering & QA:
✓ Client & server stability & bug free for Beta
✓ Documentation handover & Training
✓ Backend/APIs/BI integration
✓ Client/Platform pipeline management
✓ Package Review process assist
✓ Plan for scalability with pre-reg data
➢ Localization:
✓ Outsourcing vetting & management
✓ Proofreading & QA
✓ Technical documentation translation
✓ Store listing localization
➢ BD:
✓ Package Review process & schedule ownership
✓ Pre-Reg negotiation
✓ Other resources: offline events, giftcard collaboration,
holiday gifts/special offers
➢ PR & Marketing:
✓ Research & planning for all campaigns
✓ Store listing/client assets
✓ 1st campaign implementation
✓ Announcement News Release
✓ Agencies/production proposal & vetting
✓ Content Marketing of the announcement
✓ PR site
Plans and Deliverables - v1.0 Live + Game Show
The plan for launch is simple. We amplify our volume by joining in Taipei
Game Show announcing our launch plans and dates during a press
conference to gain maximum media coverage, player’s attention and social
media virality. And we rapidly build up the volume to a peak with
featuring, mass media commercials while perfecting of ASO with AB testing
in the meantime.
Game Show: Streamers showcase, invitation tournament with pro-gamers,
Cosplays, Fan Events, Game Demo, Collaboration with Twitch/Youtube
gaming, etc. Bring the new game to fans first-hand spreading it via social
media into the community and public.
Press Conference: eye-catching high profile press conference nearby the
Game Show. We showcase the importance feature of the game, have a sit
down with the producer and announce the official date of launch.
Preferably with an endorsement by a celebrity.
Advertisement: TV commercial and online ads would be the most crucial.
On the side, we could also do other offline marketing, such as
MRT/Shopping are takeovers, Cross-promotion with related
FMCGs/Peripherals. Influencer/Content marketing on social media would
also be a popular option. And we sync them with featuring for max output.
➢ Engineering & QA:
✓ Events related implements
✓ Stress, scalability test & preparation
✓ troubleshooting
➢ BD:
✓ Youtube/Twitch Collaboration deal
✓ Feature scheduling
➢ PR/Marketing:
✓ Game show, agency vetting, Pro-gamers, streamer’s
✓ Press conference, event managing, agency vetting
✓ Celebrity endorsement deal
✓ TVC, Concept, production, agency vetting
✓ Online Advertising management
✓ Influencer management
✓ Content marketing production
✓ Offline marketing, design, agency vetting
Plans and Deliverables - v1.1 + E-Sports League
With the progression of game and its users, the demand of e-sports
related features/events would grow higher. We’ll launch a ranking system
and Championship League similar to the structure of LoL’s. We’ll then
have a better edge against other BR titles to attract core users.
Championship League: Allocating Prize money $100-200K USD for the
season-end tournament as a promotional method. Motivating players to
start forming guilds and professional teams to compete for the slots.
E-sports marketing campaign: Content marketing, creating contents
about the tournament for players to spread the word and a media to
recruit teammates.
➢ Engineering & QA:
✓ Test and Implement v1.1
➢ Localization:
✓ Localize v1.1
➢ BD:
✓ Develop professional teams to join the Tournament
➢ PR/Marketing:
✓ Online marketing
✓ content production & vetting
● Best case: IP+Gameplay+Monetization
Lineage M’s ARPD= $14.33
● Normal Case: Gameplay+monetization
HOK’s ARPD= $1.87, Knives Out’s ARPD= $0.5
● Normal Case: IP+Monetization
Marvel FF’s ARPD= $2.5, FF XV’s ARPD= $1.6
● Bad Case: IP+Gameplay
HearthStone’s ARPD= $0.19
● Bad Case: Gameplay
Free Fire’s ARPD= $0.18
ARPD doesn’t equal LVT but we can benchmark KPIs and ROIs from
it. Unless, organic users were acquired massively. This could be the
case for Hearth Stone and making it a better case.
*ARPD = Average revenue per download
*UAC ranges from $1.5-5
*First 3 months data
Normal case
Monthly Retention 25%-35%
ARPPU Per Month $30-40
Paying Ratio 3.0%-5.0%
UAC $1.8-3.0
Bought Users 878K
Organic Users 699K
First Q Rev $1.04M
Advertising $1.85M
Game Show+Press Conf. $0.45M
E-sports Prize + Event $0.30K
The following page will discuss risk assessment and
management in taiwan gaming market within the scope of
a product launch practically. The types like natural
disasters, company bankruptcy, etc, are not covered in
this discussion.
Category Item Chance severity Action Plan
Technical Cheating/Hacking Highly
Serious Avoid
Avoid by encrypting the codes/memory
Hiring a 3rd party anti-cheating/hacking company
Likely Moderate Share
Share the risk by deploying our servers on a 3rd party cloud service, AWS, etc.
Bringing the service back online ASAP and compensating the users with free gifts.
Critical Bug Slightly
Serious Avoid
Avoid by creating a strict and thorough QA process.
Logging suspicious behavior and locking down exploiters while fixing.
Reputational Bad Reviews Slightly
Moderate Avoid
Managing player’s expectations from a PR perspective
Lively and approachable community engagement & management
Reply to each negative reviews and provide customer service.
PUBG Copy-cat Likely Minor Reduce Differentiate the product by promoting unique features/IPs
Demand Lower than expectation Likely Serious Reduce
Monitoring Pre-Reg numbers and adjusting investments accordingly
Asking Garena to provide a marketing commitment of certain installs/MAUs
Higher than expectation Slightly
Minor Reduce
Planning for scalability in advance
Deploying on 3rd party cloud service and utilizing its auto-scaling features
Schedule Delay Slightly
Serious Reduce
Extend the pre-reg & beta period.
Retain a flexibility clause to change dates in marketing deals.
Postpone the press conference.
Providing a longer buffer or an earlier start of each plan.
Legal/Policy Legal Compliance Unlikely Serious Avoid Complying to VAT, Ad-related withholding tax, Privacy ACT, Consumer Protection Law,
Content/Audience Rating and Trademark Reg.
iOS/Google Play Unlikely Serious Avoid Complying to iOS/Google Play’s best practices
Contractual Breach of contract Unlikely Serious Avoid Depends on the contract. make each stakeholder aware of the relevant specifics
Taiwanese Market Top5 in the world
Market Overview
TW Mobile gaming Market Value
TW Market Download Change
TW Market Revenue Growth
BR overlapping with core games
50% Battle Royal players stream
Mobile Gamers ARPPU $385 NTD
E-sports players pay 1.7x more than average
Esports enthusiast are interested in skill related contents
Knives Out DLs
Knives Out Revenue
Free Fire DLs
Free Fire Revenue

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Riot Games Interview presentation Product launch plan

  • 2. Executive Summary The plan is to ensure the success of the Riot Games’ first mobile game by leveraging the IP of world-famous title League of Legends and its beloved characters to enter one of the top-grossing mobile gaming market in the world, Taiwan. Taiwanese mobile gaming market has grown to a estimation of $1.0B USD by 27% YoY in revenue while declining in total downloads by 13% YoY. With the highest smartphone penetration rate in APAC, 75.8%, the market is getting mature. This means the user base is growing slower and being more picky but willing to pay more (or simply their budget is concentrated into fewer games). This also means each download would be harder to get and more expensive. Despite the challenges and risks, the top games in the market could earn up to $10-70M USD annually. Our mission is to provide the same AAA experience to our fans as well as a new adventure to players in the region that hasn’t experience our games before. This would require streamlining our collaboration with our partner, Garena, to establish creative marketing and PR plans, highest quality of connections & services & localization and anything to ensure that the players have the highest level of experience throughout the launch phase.
  • 3. Table of Contents ❏ Product Key Feature ❏ Go-to-Market Strategy ❏ Profile Target Users ❏ Defining the Market & Positioning ❏ Journey ❏ Competition & Cooperation ❏ Roadmap ❏ Plans & Deliverables checklists ❏ Financial Forecast & KPIs ❏ Risks ❏ Communications (TBD) ❏ Appendix
  • 4. Product Key Features Concept: Imagining 100 different League characters summoned to an ancient deserted floating island to fight for glory and honor till the last man standing. Ancient artifacts and weapons scattered around the island awaiting to be taken. Upgrade these power items by collecting souls shards of other summoners at the Forge. Heal their wounds in magical fountains. Hide in bushes to sneak attack your opponents. Use these strategically to your best advantages and the BEST Champion will be you! ● 141 famous LoL Characters ● Battle Royale Gameplay ● Multiplayer, up to 5 players a team ● F2P with IAP, champions/skins ● Low system/connection requirement ● Appealing Visual Effects & Art Style ● Easy controllers and UIs for mobile
  • 5. Go To Market Strategy
  • 6. Ideal User Profile Teemo ❏ Below 20, didn’t grow up with League IP ❏ Or Casual Player/ Not loyal to a particular game yet ❏ Curious and follows the trends ❏ Mobile gaming only ❏ Influenced by friends at school ❏ Influenced by Media/Celebs ❏ Almost no credit cards Zhaoxin ❏ Age 22-35 ❏ Existing League Player/ or played extensively before ❏ Might not be familiar to shooters ❏ Has a group of friends/clan to play together with. ❏ Plays on PC/Mobile Tristana ❏ Age 18-30 ❏ Existing Battle Royale Player ❏ Competitive Player ❏ E-sports enthusiast ❏ Love shooters ❏ Plays on PC/Mobile ❏ Watches streamers play ❏ Value skill level of the game ❏ Has pro gaming peripherals
  • 7. Defining the Market *Est. 18% overlapping (Newzoo) Size: 3M+ Age: 10-20, Male: Female = 1.3 : 1 Size: 3M+ Players Age:18-30 Male:Female = 4:1 *Est. 20% overlapping Size: 2M+ Players Age:22-35 Male:Female = 2:1 *Est. 10% overlapping Total Est. : 5.5M-6M Players Total Market Value: $26.4M- $64.8M USD per year(With 2-3% CVR, ARPPU $20-30 USD/Month)
  • 8. The Journey of Teemo, Tristana & Zhaoxin
  • 9. *KOLs,Celebs on TV, Mass Media *Offline advertisement *Branding/Peripherals collaboration *Word of mouth/Viral, *Cool Contents/vids/Trailers *Online advertisements *Featuring by Appstore/Google Play *Cool People he follows *Places he goes to *Friends he hangs out with *Cool things on SNS/Store *Streamer she follows *If the gameplay is exciting *E-sports tournaments *substitute when AFPC *Streamers collaboration, endorsement *PR: Tournaments/ sponsorship/ *Cross promotion with Free Fire *Content marketing: Replay Highlights * Targeted digital marketing on youtube/FB/twitch Awareness/AcquisitionPoint of Interest Retention/Referral/Re-engagement Monetization *Cross promotion with LoL/HoK *VIP early access/beta keys *Pre-reg on iOS/GP *Word of mouth *Conversion from League Community *IP Related contents/trailers *League streamers Collaboration/ endorsement *Targeted digital marketing on youtube/FB/twitch *Offline Events: Cosplay Events, Game Show *League related contents *League Streamers *Substitute: a mobile MOBA *Plays with his clan/group *Events during rush hours, exx: Extra coins bonus during morning, noon and evening. Make people see other playing the game while retaining them on their fragmented time. *Push Notification: Reminders/invitation *Incentivised referral system with FB friend list/ LINE contacts *Wiki sites, Stats sites *Guild system/support *mid-term goal Tournaments/Ranking *Progression events/quests *How to advance/ Tutorial vids *Live Tournaments *Fan/Loyalty Program: Playtime related: unlockable achievements/ items/skins. *Fan-related contests: FanArt *FanSites Sponsorship *League friend list integration *New Champions *Pro-gamer exclusive skins *Peripherals licensing *e-sports licensing *Gatcha model *Flashy Skins *Taunting emoticons *Streamers’ exclusive skins *Classic league Characters *Classic skins *official events sponsorship
  • 10. Titles DLs Rev. Launch Knives Out 2.19M $1.1M 12/21/2017 HOK 1.71M $3.2M 10/13/2016 LineageM 2.84M $40.7M 12/11/2017 HearthSt. 5.68M $1.1M 04/15/2015 I play whatever is trendy with my classmates We’re basically competing for the trendiness and exposure in this segment with most of the popular titles that Teemo might spend his time and money on. It will be crucial to have an eye-catching content marketing, a tight platform relationship, a cost effective media buy and classy RP/Branding to associate the title with the most trendy person/thing at the moment. The other popular titles are mostly MMORPGs which we could differentiate ourselves by gameplay. Nonetheless we will be competing in media buy and exposure. *PUBG/ Fortnite are not available in TW market *Knives out and free Fire are there but regarded as knock-off of PUBG. *one of the biggest competitor would be HOK by Garena, substitute for the League of Legends on mobile. Brand Trendy *Trendy: latest style of gameplay on mobile and what’s trending by ranking, the higher the lastest. *Brand: Branding familiarity in the perspective of players. The more established the farther on the right. Data: first 3 months after launch, AppAnnie
  • 11. I play competitive Battle Royale and love esports We’re competing here with core Battle Royale(BR) players in this segment. While most title provide a more realistic experience, we provide a more fantasy -based experience with famous League IPs. We’ll be competing for time-to-market, streamer’s airtime, e-sports events viewership /sponsorship /licensing deals, and the perspective from pro-gamers to take our title as The Tournament for Battle Royale where the best players compete in and where Fans who be the most excited. It’s crucial to work with KOLs, streaming platforms, e-sports agencies and teams to grow an e-sports vibe and ecosystem to win over Tristana’s favor in this segment. *PUBG/ Fortnite are not available in TW market. *Realm Royal is not available for mobile. Intense RealisticSurreal *Intense: The higher the more intense, due to visual effect, gameplay and e-sport ecosystem: Ceiling of pro-gamer *Realistic: Real guns/Vests, simulations of recoil, the art visually, etc. Surreal: fantasy, magic and swords, etc. Titles DLs Rev. Launch Knives Out 2.19M $1.1M 12/21/2017 Freefire 1.53M $0.28M 01/09/2018 Data: first 3 months after launch, AppAnnie
  • 12. League of Legends For The Win! This is the trickiest segment. In IP segment we’re directly competing with our own title LoL. If we expand IP, we’ll be competing with IPs that are famous decades ago overlapping user base. By device, we’re competing with the LoL mobile substitute HOK, published by our partner Garena. Although we would be separated by gameplay, the competition in this segment seems to be mostly internal. On one hand, we could have cool IP related contents, Vids, Arts, Cosplays, etc, or VIP early access/ Pre-Reg/Beta Keys to promote the game and recall churned users from League. On the other hand, we could seek cross-promote or convert current users from League or HOK which might be a double edge for both us and Garena. Nevertheless, we’re still competing for the time and money within the same group of fans. Titles DLs Rev. Launch LOL(*est) 2.0M $4.0M 10/24/2010 HOK 1.71M $3.2M 10/13/2016 FF XV 0.60M $1.0M 06/30/2016 Marvel FF 0.48M $1.2M 05/01/2015 Data: first 3 months after launch, AppAnnie IP Popularity HardcoreCasual *Hardcore: higher skill level, knowledge required. *IP Popularity: est. by Fan base, the variety of IP related products, etc.
  • 13. Roadmap Q4 2018 OCT NOV DEC Q1 2019 JAN FEB MAR Q2 2019 APR MAY JUN Q3 2019 JUL AUG SEP Tech Training & Staging Localization & QA Marketing PR Roadmap v1.0 Live v1.1 Live v1.2 LivePre-Launch v1.3 Live Research Planning 1st campaign 2nd campaign 3rd campaign Announcement Game Show E-sports league Platform/BD Reveiw Pre-Reg Feature AB Testing ASO PR Site The main idea of the roadmap is to use the end of League of Legend Championship to announce the new product, League Royale. Following the hype with PR/Pre-reg/VIP Beta keys campaigns with a short phase a closed Beta. We then build the excitement to a peak during the Taipei Game Show where all the media and fans gather. After the game show we sim-ship on iOS & Android. With no major issues, we go for a Feature on iOS and Android, hopefully within the first 2 weeks of launch. In the mean, we use those users to A/B Test/Tune our Store Listing. We follow up the featuring with a major campaign of TVC and digital download campaigns to burst our ranking to the top charts Before Chinese New Years when there’s more money in everyone’s pocket. We then slowly grow the game into the hearts of esport enthusiast for long term growth. Closed Beta Planning
  • 14. Plans and Deliverables - Pre Launch + Beta Concentrating our energy during the pre-launch on building a sound foundation by identifying and converting our existing customers into our title. The key plans will be: Announcement: PR Blitz after League’s World Championship. Content Marketing of the new game: Trailers/ Behind the scene, etc. 2 Step Rollout: League(Garena) Fans First Beta Key campaign: League users/Garena’s VIP Pre-Reg campaigns for new users on iOS/GP/PR site/online Ads/QR codes ➢ Engineering & QA: ✓ Client & server stability & bug free for Beta ✓ Documentation handover & Training ✓ Backend/APIs/BI integration ✓ Client/Platform pipeline management ✓ Package Review process assist ✓ Plan for scalability with pre-reg data ➢ Localization: ✓ Outsourcing vetting & management ✓ Proofreading & QA ✓ Technical documentation translation ✓ Store listing localization ➢ BD: ✓ Package Review process & schedule ownership ✓ Pre-Reg negotiation ✓ Other resources: offline events, giftcard collaboration, holiday gifts/special offers ➢ PR & Marketing: ✓ Research & planning for all campaigns ✓ Store listing/client assets ✓ 1st campaign implementation ✓ Announcement News Release ✓ Agencies/production proposal & vetting ✓ Content Marketing of the announcement ✓ PR site
  • 15. Plans and Deliverables - v1.0 Live + Game Show The plan for launch is simple. We amplify our volume by joining in Taipei Game Show announcing our launch plans and dates during a press conference to gain maximum media coverage, player’s attention and social media virality. And we rapidly build up the volume to a peak with featuring, mass media commercials while perfecting of ASO with AB testing in the meantime. Game Show: Streamers showcase, invitation tournament with pro-gamers, Cosplays, Fan Events, Game Demo, Collaboration with Twitch/Youtube gaming, etc. Bring the new game to fans first-hand spreading it via social media into the community and public. Press Conference: eye-catching high profile press conference nearby the Game Show. We showcase the importance feature of the game, have a sit down with the producer and announce the official date of launch. Preferably with an endorsement by a celebrity. Advertisement: TV commercial and online ads would be the most crucial. On the side, we could also do other offline marketing, such as MRT/Shopping are takeovers, Cross-promotion with related FMCGs/Peripherals. Influencer/Content marketing on social media would also be a popular option. And we sync them with featuring for max output. ➢ Engineering & QA: ✓ Events related implements ✓ Stress, scalability test & preparation ✓ troubleshooting ➢ BD: ✓ Youtube/Twitch Collaboration deal ✓ Feature scheduling ➢ PR/Marketing: ✓ Game show, agency vetting, Pro-gamers, streamer’s managing ✓ Press conference, event managing, agency vetting ✓ Celebrity endorsement deal ✓ TVC, Concept, production, agency vetting ✓ Online Advertising management ✓ Influencer management ✓ Content marketing production ✓ Offline marketing, design, agency vetting
  • 16. Plans and Deliverables - v1.1 + E-Sports League With the progression of game and its users, the demand of e-sports related features/events would grow higher. We’ll launch a ranking system and Championship League similar to the structure of LoL’s. We’ll then have a better edge against other BR titles to attract core users. Championship League: Allocating Prize money $100-200K USD for the season-end tournament as a promotional method. Motivating players to start forming guilds and professional teams to compete for the slots. E-sports marketing campaign: Content marketing, creating contents about the tournament for players to spread the word and a media to recruit teammates. ➢ Engineering & QA: ✓ Test and Implement v1.1 ➢ Localization: ✓ Localize v1.1 ➢ BD: ✓ Develop professional teams to join the Tournament ➢ PR/Marketing: ✓ Online marketing ✓ content production & vetting
  • 17. Projection revenue Downloads 1M 3M ● Best case: IP+Gameplay+Monetization Lineage M’s ARPD= $14.33 ● Normal Case: Gameplay+monetization HOK’s ARPD= $1.87, Knives Out’s ARPD= $0.5 ● Normal Case: IP+Monetization Marvel FF’s ARPD= $2.5, FF XV’s ARPD= $1.6 ● Bad Case: IP+Gameplay HearthStone’s ARPD= $0.19 ● Bad Case: Gameplay Free Fire’s ARPD= $0.18 ARPD doesn’t equal LVT but we can benchmark KPIs and ROIs from it. Unless, organic users were acquired massively. This could be the case for Hearth Stone and making it a better case. *ARPD = Average revenue per download *UAC ranges from $1.5-5 *First 3 months data 40M
  • 18. Normal case P&L, KPIs Monthly Retention 25%-35% ARPPU Per Month $30-40 Paying Ratio 3.0%-5.0% UAC $1.8-3.0 Bought Users 878K Organic Users 699K First Q Rev $1.04M Budgets Advertising $1.85M Game Show+Press Conf. $0.45M E-sports Prize + Event $0.30K
  • 19. Risk The following page will discuss risk assessment and management in taiwan gaming market within the scope of a product launch practically. The types like natural disasters, company bankruptcy, etc, are not covered in this discussion.
  • 20. Category Item Chance severity Action Plan Technical Cheating/Hacking Highly Likely Serious Avoid Share Avoid by encrypting the codes/memory Hiring a 3rd party anti-cheating/hacking company Server Crash/Error/Overload Likely Moderate Share Reduce Share the risk by deploying our servers on a 3rd party cloud service, AWS, etc. Bringing the service back online ASAP and compensating the users with free gifts. Critical Bug Slightly Likely Serious Avoid Reduce Avoid by creating a strict and thorough QA process. Logging suspicious behavior and locking down exploiters while fixing. Reputational Bad Reviews Slightly Likely Moderate Avoid Reduce Reduce Managing player’s expectations from a PR perspective Lively and approachable community engagement & management Reply to each negative reviews and provide customer service. PUBG Copy-cat Likely Minor Reduce Differentiate the product by promoting unique features/IPs Demand Lower than expectation Likely Serious Reduce Transfer Monitoring Pre-Reg numbers and adjusting investments accordingly Asking Garena to provide a marketing commitment of certain installs/MAUs Higher than expectation Slightly Likely Minor Reduce Transfer Planning for scalability in advance Deploying on 3rd party cloud service and utilizing its auto-scaling features Schedule Delay Slightly Likely Serious Reduce Reduce Reduce Avoid Extend the pre-reg & beta period. Retain a flexibility clause to change dates in marketing deals. Postpone the press conference. Providing a longer buffer or an earlier start of each plan. Legal/Policy Legal Compliance Unlikely Serious Avoid Complying to VAT, Ad-related withholding tax, Privacy ACT, Consumer Protection Law, Content/Audience Rating and Trademark Reg. iOS/Google Play Unlikely Serious Avoid Complying to iOS/Google Play’s best practices Contractual Breach of contract Unlikely Serious Avoid Depends on the contract. make each stakeholder aware of the relevant specifics
  • 22. Taiwanese Market Top5 in the world
  • 24. TW Mobile gaming Market Value
  • 27. BR overlapping with core games
  • 28. 50% Battle Royal players stream
  • 30. E-sports players pay 1.7x more than average
  • 31. Esports enthusiast are interested in skill related contents