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Pagsanahan National High School
Badoc, Ilocos Norte
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the subject -
Practical Research I
Justin Cariaga
Jeremy Vallejos
Vince Reniel Aguinaldo
Bernadeth Cariaga
Bernadette Peralta
Kerisly Lerissa Vergara
Le-ann Cainguitan
Rezzel Mae Ugdamin
Reymalyn Sagsagat
S.Y. 2017 – 2018
The researchers lovingly dedicated this research paper to all the contributors in
making this a successful one.
We would like to thank Miss Eva Rona May Antonio for supervising our research and
for her overall supportive attitude as our Practical Research 1 Teacher. We would also like to
thank our friends and our fellow students that gave us the most amazing support we could
ever wish for. Special thanks then goes to Miss Antonio – without her, we could never make
To Mr. Deo Marco Dellosa, one of our SHS teachers, for providing us the bond
papers to be able to print these documents.
We are very lucky to have many supportive friends, who never grew too tired of
listening to our repetitive anxious thoughts regarding this research and in our lives, in
general, which inspired me, comforted me and, if needed, told me to talk less and work more.
If we should name all our friends who helped us it could easily be longer than the research
itself, so please know you are in our thoughts!
To all people who became a part of this journey we had.
The Researchers
Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.................................................................................................. 2
ABSTRACT......................................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER I ........................................................................................................................ 5
BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY .............................................................................................. 5
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMS ............................................................................................ 6
SIGNIICANCE OF THE STUDY ................................................................................................ 6
SCOPE AND DELIMITATIONS .............................................................................................6-7
CHAPTER II....................................................................................................................... 8
REVIEW OF LITERATURE .................................................................................................8-12
CHAPTER III ................................................................................................................... 13
METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................ 13
Research Design ......................................................................................................... 13
Respondents ................................................................................................................ 13
Research Instrument ................................................................................................... 14
CHAPTER IV.................................................................................................................... 15
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ..........................................................................................15-20
FINDINGS.......................................................................................................................... 20
CHAPTER V..................................................................................................................... 21
SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................21-22
CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................... 22
RECOMMENDATION ......................................................................................................22-23
DEFINITION OF TERMS............................................................................................... 26
Cyber bullying is a new form of violence among adolescents. As new technology
evolves so too is an opportunity for that technology to go awry. This study attempted to
measure the prominence of cyber bullying. It found that most of its perpetrators were
females and classmates of the victims. Most acts of cyber bullying were conducted by way
of chat on Facebok. This study scrapes the surface of a problem and reveals the need for a
more comprehensive look at the frequency of cyber bullying, its perpetrators, and the effects
on its victims.
Modern technology is continuously evolving, and in recent times, it has manifested
itself in a very serious social problem, namely cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is an act in
cyberspace intended to make life unpleasant for another person. This involves non-physical
bullying and harassing such as "posting or sending harmful or cruel texts or pictures using the
Internet especially in Facebook (FB) and other digital devices such as cellphones used by
cyberbullies not only provide a means to harass and threaten victims, but often implies
Cyberbullying has grown with the increasing penetration of electronic devices and
social network among young people. We come up with this research title, "Do not bully me
on FB." A study of the causes and effects of cyberbullying. It is because we all know that this
type of bullying is very rampant nowadays. Cyberbullying become an issue for young people
especially for students as they interact increasingly through social media such as FB. Almost
all of the students have their own Facebook accounts, and some of these FB users might
become the victims of cyberbullies.
Cyberbullying is becoming a bigger problem as time passes and the internet comes
into play more and more, and people need to notice and do something about it. We only want
to make the students of Pagsanahan National High School (PNHS) and other schools to be
aware about “cyberbullying” as we go on discussing the effects to cyberbullies and their
victims and the reasons why cyberbullies bully their fellowmen. We also want to inculcate
this quote to each and every one- “STAND UP TOWARDS THE BULLYING AND HELP
This study aims to investigate the causes and effects of cyberbullying to victims and
the consequences it may lead to. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following research
 Why do students bully?
 What are the effects of cyberbullying to the victims?
 What are the possible feelings might felt by the cyberbullies?
 What coping strategies do victims of cyberbullying use?
This study intended to bring more clarity and its effects and reasons of cyberbullying.
It was important to this study the opinions of individuals about the said issue. This research
provides up to date information about the nature and scope of cyber bullying among the
students of PNHS. This study will assist the authorities, staffs, school teachers, and parents to
take more effective steps to prevent cyber bullying. And records of interviews, observations
and questionnaires are valuable assets for researchers in finding workable solutions to cyber
The beneficiaries are the students and teachers of Pagsanahan National High School,
and at the same time, the parents. They’ll be the ones who will be benefited in preventing
them to get involved in this issue by educating them especially to students on how to be
immune to internet dangers and of how to avoid being mocked or cheated through the
This chapter offers insights into the complexities and limitations of current estimates
and underscores the challenges faced by teenagers nowadays. Although exact estimates are
challenging to identify and require more comprehensive measurement of bullying that
addresses the current prevalence research limitations, it is clear that a sizeable portion of
youth is exposed to bullying.
Our respondents are the twenty-five (25) selected students especially the users of
Facebook at Pagsanahan National High School (PNHS) in particular of the Grade 7 to Grade
10 students would be contacted from the month of August to October. This site (FB) was
chosen due to the large number of users on which the research focuses.
World Health Organization defines bullying as a threat or physical use of force, aiming at
the individual, another person, a specific community or group which can result in injury,
death, physical damage, some development disorders or deficiency. The concept of bullying
at school is not new; however, it has been increasing in recent years. There is a crucial
increase in studies conducted and the number of news on bullying at school in mass media.
Despite the common assumption that bullying is a normal part of childhood and encompasses
minor teasing and harassment, researchers increasingly find that bullying is a problem that
can be detrimental to students' well-being. Different types of bullying such as “cyber
bullying” may affect different groups of students, occur in different types of schools, or affect
student behavior in different ways.
Technology continues to develop rapidly and is therefore changing our ways of
functioning in society. Doors are constantly opening, bringing more opportunities and at the
same time requiring all of us to rethink the ethical use of technology in schools. For example,
Internet cellphones and other communication technologies, while providing us with
conveniences, also expose our students to interactions that put their safety and emotional
well-being at risk. This article examines negative uses of technology— cyber bullying—that
is a new form of bullying with distinct differences in form, personality, and response. Recent
research studies have shown that a substantial number of students are victims of cyber-
bullying, which leads to a wider realization that cyber bullying is becoming a serious
problem. This finding calls for a thorough understanding of cyber-bullying that requires us to
dissect the relationships among related variables in social, physical, institutional, and
community contexts. This study, therefore, explores student beliefs and their behaviors
associated with cyber-bullying
It provided us with infinite more possibilities than ever before. Information, education,
games, and social interactions can be easily accessed at any time or place by simply going
online. However, despite the wide breath of opportunities the Internet has to offer, there has
been concern about the potential for abuse. Recently, new means to harass others has
emerged in tandem with the widespread availability of online socializing and researchers
across the globe are concerned about the psychological impact on Internet users. In a similar
manner to traditional bullying (or face-to-face bullying including physical, verbal and
relational bullying), cyber bullying is believed to have negative consequences for the
psychological, social and physical health of both the bullies and victims involved.
Sending cruel, vicious, and sometimes threatening messages; breaking into an e-mail
account and sending malicious or embarrassing material to others; creating web sites that
contain stories, cartoons, pictures, and jokes ridiculing adolescents and their peers. These
activities are emerging today as one of the more challenging issues facing educators and
parents; as young people embrace the Internet and other mobile communication technologies
to engage in what has been termed cyber bullying. However, Wiseman (2011) suggests that
cyber bullying may produce even more damage, ranging from low-self-esteem, depression,
anxiety, anger, school avoidance, and academic failure to violence toward others and suicide.
Because cyber bullying can occur any place, any time, in the privacy of one’s own home, it
has the potential to spread to a very wide audience with great speed. In addition, cyber
bullies can remain anonymous and not experience the consequences of their actions and grow
older and end up in the wrong place.
There was recently a report released about the way that Philippines residents may be
responding to these kinds of changes. The report indicated that people are increasingly
searching for cyber bullying terms through a wide array of social media venues. Notably, the
Philippines were the world’s 4th leading country when it came to searching for “cyber-
bullying” through Google. This indicates that local residents are taking an increased interest
in what they can find through this kind of report. This could actually help people develop a
complete view of the issues that coincide with this kind of bullying phenomenon. The
Department of Education within the Philippines has stated that the school system will need to
come up with a solution for this soon. In particular, expectations are being levied for primary
and secondary school leaders to manage these kinds of programs going forward.
With advances in technology, especially with the capabilities of Smart Phones, educators
must understand all of the current trends in technology if they want to effectively face this
problem and Wiseman (2011) listed some effects of cyber bullying.
Cyber-bullying has been linked to multiple maladaptive emotional, psychological, and
behavioral outcomes (Hinduja & Patchin, 2006). The physical and metal effects of cyber-
bullying vary depending on the victim, but the consequences include low self-esteem,
anxiety, feeling sad, being scared, feeling embarrassed, depression, anger, truancy, decreased
academic achievement, an increased tendency to violate others, school violence, and suicide
(Willard, 2006; Beran & Li, 2005; Hinduja & Patchin, 2007; Hinduja & Patchin, 2009).
There is a relationship between Internet harassment and depressive symptomatology, with
targets of online harassment reporting more frequent cases than non-targets (Ybarra,
Mitchell, & Finkelhor, 2007; Ybarra, 2004).
According to Fegenbush and Olivier (2009), this self-adjusting in personal beliefs brings
us back to the cast members we explored in the act of traditional bullying: the bully, the
bullied, and the bystander. They are now the cyber bully, the cyber bullied, and the cyber
The Cyber-bully
Studies show that the motives for bullying someone online have remained fairly the same
as traditional bullying: power and a need to dominate or subdue others. However, the profile
of the bully is changing. The anonymity of being online has empowered those who may not
have typically shown aggression in an open forum.
The Cyber-bullied
According to a 2004 survey given by i-SAFE America, 42% of school-aged children
have been bullied while online. This percentage increased drastically in a 2008 study that
raised the statistic from 42% to 72% (Juvonen & Gross, 2008). Compare these statistics to the
near 20% of students who report being traditionally bullied (Nansel, et al.,2001), and one can
see that there is a dramatic increase in victimization when bullying occurs online. Most teens
who are bullied online are often the same teens who are bullied offline usually resulting from
the same motivations.
The Cyber bystander
The role of the bystander is one that is not often given much study in the process of cyber
In a period of time where nearly 100% of teenagers have access to the Internet (Beran &
Li, 2007), it appears natural that aggressive behavior would migrate towards the digital
world. With its limitless amount of information and instant means of communication, the
Internet provides teens with a means of establishing their own identity through the use of
exploring (Bullen & Hare, 2000).
Cyber bullying here in the Philippines doesn’t get much attention as there are no official
reported cases about it. But just because it remains unreported doesn’t mean that it is not
happening. Interviews with the local high school students here show that the youth are aware
that cyber-bullying is a serious issue. However, most of them do not know how to react when
faced with those kinds of situations. Majority of the students just keeps mum about it because
they think that it is a ‘normal’ part of the ‘online experience’. Cyber-bullying affects many
adolescents on a daily basis and while it may be difficult to stop, it is not impossible.
Everyone can help stop cyber-bullying by making other people, especially the youth, aware
about the real deal on cyber-bullying. The first step is to educate the youth on what can be
classified as cyber-bullying and that cyber-bullying is wrong and is not a ‘normal’ behavior
or experience. It is also good to encourage victims of cyber bullying to talk to adults or other
people when they are experiencing cyber-bullying instead of merely putting up with it. Of
course, the youth themselves also have to be more responsible with what information they
post online. As a user of a social networking site, what the content of their site would be on
their own jurisdiction. However, they should be more aware on what could be considered as
inappropriate content. As a campaign of a local media here in the Philippines say: “THINK
This chapter presents the research design, respondents, research instrument, and data
gathering procedure.
The Ground Theory was used in this study.
This theory was chosen because this research aims to generate a theory from the
analysed data.
The focus of the investigations is to identify causes and effects of cyberbullying
among the Junior High School students. It also presents the reactions of the respondents on
The respondents of this research are the twenty-five (25) selected students of Pagsanahan
National High School (PNHS) in particular of the Grade 7 to Grade 9 students.
Junior High School students (Grade 7-9) were chosen because of the large number of
social media (Facebook) users despite in their young age.
The questionnaire was administered to 25 respondents from the three grades: Grade 7
(Daisy and Carnation) 10; Grade 8 (Sunflower and Adelfa) 10; Grade 9 (Cattleya).
This research study made use of questionnaire as the research instrument or to be
used as a gathering-data tool. The questionnaire is composed of 10 multiple questions.
The researchers administer the questionnaires to the Junior High School Students
(Grade 7-9).
This chapter presents, analyzes and interprets the data gathered.
The researchers distributed questionnaires to the Grade 7-9 students to know the causes
and effects of cyberbullying in their own perspective. The questionnaire contained 10
questions with choices to be filled up.
Chart I. Percentages Of Students Experiencing Cyberbullying
Chart I shows the percentages of students experiencing cyberbullying.
This question was asked to find out if girls were more likely to bully over boys. The
question was, “How often have you been cyberbullied?” According to the data, girls are
more likely to be the victims of cyberbullying than boys are. This states that 80%, 20 of 25,
believe girls to be the victims and 20%, 5 of 25 believe boys to be the victims.
Chart II. Reasons Why Students Cyberbully Others
BOYS (%)
A few times
Many times
Almost everyday
A few times
Many times
Almost everyday
Chart II presents the list of reasons why people cyberbully others.
Based on the result, the Junior High School students (G7-G9) mostly chose the option
wherein it states that the main reason why cyberbullies bully other is because of anger (23%)
and insecurity/jealousy (22%) while 17 percent admit to cyberbullying because they are
Although cell phones are useful device, a large number of students use it to hurt others
instead of focusing in their studies.
In the meantime, cyberbullying students admitted to have family problems (11%) and the
think it’s fun (15%).
Chart III. The Feeling Of Students About People Being Cyberbullied
A. It is cool
B. They feel insecure or
C. They are angry
D. They think it’s fun
E. They are bored
F. They think it is a defense
G. They have family problems
Chart III presents the reaction of the respondents about the people being cyberbullied.
The chart shows that almost 80 percent of the 25 students surveyed are aware of
cyberbullying with nearly 100% of the girls and 65% of the boys admitting awareness. So
when asked, "What is your feeling about the people being cyberbullies?" 8 percent of the
students answered that they deserve it, 20 percent feel it's not too bad, but there is nothing we
can do about it, 72 percent feel it's a major and a serious problem and we need to stop it.
Chart IV. When You Are Cyberbullied, You…
Chart IV presents the list of what the respondents do when they’d been cyberbullied by
A. They deserve it
B. It's too bad, but there is
nothing we can do about it
C. It is a very serious problem
and we need to stop it
A. Do nothing
B. Tell the cyberbully to stop
C. Get away (e.g., log off)
from the cyberbully
D. Cyberbully other people
E. Bully other kids
F. Tell an adult/friend
It shows that the common thing they do is to get away from the cyberbully such as
logging off on Facebook, etc. (30%), second is they tell the cyberbully to stop (27%), third is
the do nothing (21%) maybe they are scared to the cyberbully, and fifth is they tell an adult/
friend (19%)when the victim had been cyberbullied.
Chart V. The Reaction Of Students To Cyberbullying
Chart V presents the reaction of the students to cyberbullying.
The chart shows that most of the Junior High School Students (G7-G9) have no opinion
(29%) about the issue, maybe they’re scared to tell the truth and they are upset (25%) about
what’s happening to their fellow student.
Table VI. What happened after you told someone?
A. No big deal
B. Live with it
C. Upset
D. Very upset
E. No opinion
Chart VI presents the possible outcome after the victim told someone after he/she have
been cyberbullied.
This question asked, “If you have been cyberbullied, what happened after you told
someone?” This question was skipped by 7 individuals so we calculated the results on 18
individuals. More individuals stated that they tell anyone that they were/are being bullied
and after that, the situation got better (72%). 8%, 2 of 25, has not told anyone and 64%, 16 of
24, has told someone. This shows that more people would rather tell someone or asking for
help rather than keeping a serious issue like this.
The study found approximately 64 percent had been victims of cyberbullying and 44
percent had bullied someone online. Of those who had admitted to being cyberbullied, 40
percent admitted to bullying someone as well. In addition, approximately 80 percent of all of
the students surveyed reported that they aware of instances of cyberbullying.
When male and female experiences were considered separately, it was found that over 20
percent of males and over 80 percent of females had experienced cyberbullying. In addition,
36 percent of females and only 28 percent of males reported to be a witness to cyberbullying
A. It got better
B. It got worse
C. Nothing changed
D. I never told anyone
 Most Junior High School students consider that telling someone can make the issue gets
better and can be solved easily.
 It was found out that girls are more likely to be the victims of cyberbullying than boys
 The main reason why people cyberbully others is because they are angry and because of
insecurity/ jealousy.
 Most Junior High School students consider getting away from cyberbullying such as
logging off to Facebook as the best way to avoid and to be not involved in this issue.
 Most Junior High School students consider cyberbullying a very serious problem and we
need to stop it.
 Most Junior High School students have been cyberbullied once/twice.
This chapter presents the summary, conclusion and recommendation of the study.
This study aimed to investigate the causes and effects of cyberbullying to victims and the
consequences it may lead to.
Specifically, it sought answers from the Junior High School students (G7-G9) to the
following questions:
1) How often have you been cyberbullied?
2) How often have you cyberbullied others?
3) How frequently have you been a witness to cyberbullying incidents?
4) On the following scale, check your reaction to cyberbullying.
5) When you are cyberbullied, you…
6) If you have been cyberbullied, what happened after you told someone?
7) If you have been cyberbullied, who has tried to help you?
8) Why do you think people cyberbully others?
9) What is your feeling about people being cyberbullied?
10) I have friends who…
The study was conducted in Pagsanahan National High School, school year 2017-2018
with 25 Junior High School students (G7-G9) as respondents.
The main data gathering instrument used was a questionnaire composed of 10 multiple
We look at the impact, reasons and almost total lack of communication on the topic that
student have with both their parents and their educators. Thus, it highlights the need for
schools to develop awareness programs and provide informational resources for parent,
teachers, administrators and students involved. Perhaps, additional research will examine the
possible effectiveness of such educational programs to curb this growing concern which can
produce lifelong emotional scars and even deadly results for our nation's children.
On the bases of the foregoing findings, these are concluded: 1) Junior High School
students consider cyberbullying a very serious problem and we can do something to stop it, 2)
it was found out in this study that girls are more likely to be the victims of cyberbullying than
boys are, and 3) although cell phones are useful device, a large number of students use it to
hurt others instead of focusing in their studying.
This study was conducted on a small scale within a brief amount of time. Therefore,
the time frame of this cyber-bullying study must be extended in order to discover the causes,
effects, and true impact of cyber-bullying among students. Widening the participation pool
and receiving a more balanced response among the genders may also provide more accurate
results. This can be done by distributing and at the same time, collecting the data from the
students by use of questionnaires. Finally, since the topic of cyber-bullying is considerably
new and facing a growth spurt, researchers should be mindful of any changes as more
information is gathered.
Isla, (2012), from
Anonymous, (2010)
Fegenbush and Olivier, (2009)
Anonymous, (2015)
White, (2012)
Brand et al. (2008)
Takumi, (2016)
Wiseman, (2011)
Definition of Terms
For the purpose of this research:
Cyber-bully The person (perpetrator) conducting the cyberbullying
Victim The victim of the cyberbullying activity
Cyber-bullying Any communication using a digital device or medium (e.g.
smartphones and social media sites), with the intent to coerce,
intimidate, harass or cause substantial emotional distress to a person.
This may include posting embarrassing or harmful photos, videos, or
rumors relating to an individual and can include using social media
features to actively promote and spread the harmful content.
Student Refers to a person who attends classes in any level of basic education,
and includes a pupil or learner as defined in DepED Order No. 40, s.

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Research Paper: “Do Not Bully Me on Fb: A Study of the Causes and Effects of Cyberbullying”

  • 1. 1 “DO NOT BULLY ME ON FB.” A STUDY OF THE CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF CYBERBULLYING RESEARCH PAPER Pagsanahan National High School Badoc, Ilocos Norte In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the subject - Practical Research I By Justin Cariaga Jeremy Vallejos Vince Reniel Aguinaldo Bernadeth Cariaga Bernadette Peralta Kerisly Lerissa Vergara Le-ann Cainguitan Rezzel Mae Ugdamin Reymalyn Sagsagat S.Y. 2017 – 2018 ACKNOWLEDGMENT
  • 2. 2 The researchers lovingly dedicated this research paper to all the contributors in making this a successful one. We would like to thank Miss Eva Rona May Antonio for supervising our research and for her overall supportive attitude as our Practical Research 1 Teacher. We would also like to thank our friends and our fellow students that gave us the most amazing support we could ever wish for. Special thanks then goes to Miss Antonio – without her, we could never make it! To Mr. Deo Marco Dellosa, one of our SHS teachers, for providing us the bond papers to be able to print these documents. We are very lucky to have many supportive friends, who never grew too tired of listening to our repetitive anxious thoughts regarding this research and in our lives, in general, which inspired me, comforted me and, if needed, told me to talk less and work more. If we should name all our friends who helped us it could easily be longer than the research itself, so please know you are in our thoughts! To all people who became a part of this journey we had. THANK YOU SO MUCH! The Researchers Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.................................................................................................. 2 ABSTRACT......................................................................................................................... 4 CHAPTER I ........................................................................................................................ 5
  • 3. 3 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY .............................................................................................. 5 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMS ............................................................................................ 6 SIGNIICANCE OF THE STUDY ................................................................................................ 6 SCOPE AND DELIMITATIONS .............................................................................................6-7 CHAPTER II....................................................................................................................... 8 REVIEW OF LITERATURE .................................................................................................8-12 CHAPTER III ................................................................................................................... 13 METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................ 13 Research Design ......................................................................................................... 13 Respondents ................................................................................................................ 13 Research Instrument ................................................................................................... 14 CHAPTER IV.................................................................................................................... 15 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ..........................................................................................15-20 FINDINGS.......................................................................................................................... 20 CHAPTER V..................................................................................................................... 21 SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................21-22 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................... 22 RECOMMENDATION ......................................................................................................22-23 REFERENCES.............................................................................................................24-25 DEFINITION OF TERMS............................................................................................... 26 ABSTRACT Cyber bullying is a new form of violence among adolescents. As new technology evolves so too is an opportunity for that technology to go awry. This study attempted to measure the prominence of cyber bullying. It found that most of its perpetrators were females and classmates of the victims. Most acts of cyber bullying were conducted by way of chat on Facebok. This study scrapes the surface of a problem and reveals the need for a
  • 4. 4 more comprehensive look at the frequency of cyber bullying, its perpetrators, and the effects on its victims. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Modern technology is continuously evolving, and in recent times, it has manifested itself in a very serious social problem, namely cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is an act in
  • 5. 5 cyberspace intended to make life unpleasant for another person. This involves non-physical bullying and harassing such as "posting or sending harmful or cruel texts or pictures using the Internet especially in Facebook (FB) and other digital devices such as cellphones used by cyberbullies not only provide a means to harass and threaten victims, but often implies behaviors. Cyberbullying has grown with the increasing penetration of electronic devices and social network among young people. We come up with this research title, "Do not bully me on FB." A study of the causes and effects of cyberbullying. It is because we all know that this type of bullying is very rampant nowadays. Cyberbullying become an issue for young people especially for students as they interact increasingly through social media such as FB. Almost all of the students have their own Facebook accounts, and some of these FB users might become the victims of cyberbullies. Cyberbullying is becoming a bigger problem as time passes and the internet comes into play more and more, and people need to notice and do something about it. We only want to make the students of Pagsanahan National High School (PNHS) and other schools to be aware about “cyberbullying” as we go on discussing the effects to cyberbullies and their victims and the reasons why cyberbullies bully their fellowmen. We also want to inculcate this quote to each and every one- “STAND UP TOWARDS THE BULLYING AND HELP PROTECT THE VICTIM.” STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMS This study aims to investigate the causes and effects of cyberbullying to victims and the consequences it may lead to. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following research questions:  Why do students bully?  What are the effects of cyberbullying to the victims?  What are the possible feelings might felt by the cyberbullies?  What coping strategies do victims of cyberbullying use? SIIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This study intended to bring more clarity and its effects and reasons of cyberbullying. It was important to this study the opinions of individuals about the said issue. This research
  • 6. 6 provides up to date information about the nature and scope of cyber bullying among the students of PNHS. This study will assist the authorities, staffs, school teachers, and parents to take more effective steps to prevent cyber bullying. And records of interviews, observations and questionnaires are valuable assets for researchers in finding workable solutions to cyber bullying. The beneficiaries are the students and teachers of Pagsanahan National High School, and at the same time, the parents. They’ll be the ones who will be benefited in preventing them to get involved in this issue by educating them especially to students on how to be immune to internet dangers and of how to avoid being mocked or cheated through the internet. SCOPE AND DELIMITATIONS This chapter offers insights into the complexities and limitations of current estimates and underscores the challenges faced by teenagers nowadays. Although exact estimates are challenging to identify and require more comprehensive measurement of bullying that addresses the current prevalence research limitations, it is clear that a sizeable portion of youth is exposed to bullying. Our respondents are the twenty-five (25) selected students especially the users of Facebook at Pagsanahan National High School (PNHS) in particular of the Grade 7 to Grade 10 students would be contacted from the month of August to October. This site (FB) was chosen due to the large number of users on which the research focuses.
  • 7. 7 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE World Health Organization defines bullying as a threat or physical use of force, aiming at the individual, another person, a specific community or group which can result in injury, death, physical damage, some development disorders or deficiency. The concept of bullying at school is not new; however, it has been increasing in recent years. There is a crucial increase in studies conducted and the number of news on bullying at school in mass media. Despite the common assumption that bullying is a normal part of childhood and encompasses minor teasing and harassment, researchers increasingly find that bullying is a problem that can be detrimental to students' well-being. Different types of bullying such as “cyber bullying” may affect different groups of students, occur in different types of schools, or affect student behavior in different ways. Technology continues to develop rapidly and is therefore changing our ways of functioning in society. Doors are constantly opening, bringing more opportunities and at the same time requiring all of us to rethink the ethical use of technology in schools. For example, Internet cellphones and other communication technologies, while providing us with conveniences, also expose our students to interactions that put their safety and emotional
  • 8. 8 well-being at risk. This article examines negative uses of technology— cyber bullying—that is a new form of bullying with distinct differences in form, personality, and response. Recent research studies have shown that a substantial number of students are victims of cyber- bullying, which leads to a wider realization that cyber bullying is becoming a serious problem. This finding calls for a thorough understanding of cyber-bullying that requires us to dissect the relationships among related variables in social, physical, institutional, and community contexts. This study, therefore, explores student beliefs and their behaviors associated with cyber-bullying It provided us with infinite more possibilities than ever before. Information, education, games, and social interactions can be easily accessed at any time or place by simply going online. However, despite the wide breath of opportunities the Internet has to offer, there has been concern about the potential for abuse. Recently, new means to harass others has emerged in tandem with the widespread availability of online socializing and researchers across the globe are concerned about the psychological impact on Internet users. In a similar manner to traditional bullying (or face-to-face bullying including physical, verbal and relational bullying), cyber bullying is believed to have negative consequences for the psychological, social and physical health of both the bullies and victims involved. Sending cruel, vicious, and sometimes threatening messages; breaking into an e-mail account and sending malicious or embarrassing material to others; creating web sites that contain stories, cartoons, pictures, and jokes ridiculing adolescents and their peers. These activities are emerging today as one of the more challenging issues facing educators and parents; as young people embrace the Internet and other mobile communication technologies to engage in what has been termed cyber bullying. However, Wiseman (2011) suggests that cyber bullying may produce even more damage, ranging from low-self-esteem, depression, anxiety, anger, school avoidance, and academic failure to violence toward others and suicide. Because cyber bullying can occur any place, any time, in the privacy of one’s own home, it has the potential to spread to a very wide audience with great speed. In addition, cyber bullies can remain anonymous and not experience the consequences of their actions and grow older and end up in the wrong place. There was recently a report released about the way that Philippines residents may be responding to these kinds of changes. The report indicated that people are increasingly searching for cyber bullying terms through a wide array of social media venues. Notably, the
  • 9. 9 Philippines were the world’s 4th leading country when it came to searching for “cyber- bullying” through Google. This indicates that local residents are taking an increased interest in what they can find through this kind of report. This could actually help people develop a complete view of the issues that coincide with this kind of bullying phenomenon. The Department of Education within the Philippines has stated that the school system will need to come up with a solution for this soon. In particular, expectations are being levied for primary and secondary school leaders to manage these kinds of programs going forward. With advances in technology, especially with the capabilities of Smart Phones, educators must understand all of the current trends in technology if they want to effectively face this problem and Wiseman (2011) listed some effects of cyber bullying. Cyber-bullying has been linked to multiple maladaptive emotional, psychological, and behavioral outcomes (Hinduja & Patchin, 2006). The physical and metal effects of cyber- bullying vary depending on the victim, but the consequences include low self-esteem, anxiety, feeling sad, being scared, feeling embarrassed, depression, anger, truancy, decreased academic achievement, an increased tendency to violate others, school violence, and suicide (Willard, 2006; Beran & Li, 2005; Hinduja & Patchin, 2007; Hinduja & Patchin, 2009). There is a relationship between Internet harassment and depressive symptomatology, with targets of online harassment reporting more frequent cases than non-targets (Ybarra, Mitchell, & Finkelhor, 2007; Ybarra, 2004). According to Fegenbush and Olivier (2009), this self-adjusting in personal beliefs brings us back to the cast members we explored in the act of traditional bullying: the bully, the bullied, and the bystander. They are now the cyber bully, the cyber bullied, and the cyber bystander. The Cyber-bully Studies show that the motives for bullying someone online have remained fairly the same as traditional bullying: power and a need to dominate or subdue others. However, the profile of the bully is changing. The anonymity of being online has empowered those who may not have typically shown aggression in an open forum.
  • 10. 10 The Cyber-bullied According to a 2004 survey given by i-SAFE America, 42% of school-aged children have been bullied while online. This percentage increased drastically in a 2008 study that raised the statistic from 42% to 72% (Juvonen & Gross, 2008). Compare these statistics to the near 20% of students who report being traditionally bullied (Nansel, et al.,2001), and one can see that there is a dramatic increase in victimization when bullying occurs online. Most teens who are bullied online are often the same teens who are bullied offline usually resulting from the same motivations. The Cyber bystander The role of the bystander is one that is not often given much study in the process of cyber bullying In a period of time where nearly 100% of teenagers have access to the Internet (Beran & Li, 2007), it appears natural that aggressive behavior would migrate towards the digital world. With its limitless amount of information and instant means of communication, the Internet provides teens with a means of establishing their own identity through the use of exploring (Bullen & Hare, 2000). Cyber bullying here in the Philippines doesn’t get much attention as there are no official reported cases about it. But just because it remains unreported doesn’t mean that it is not happening. Interviews with the local high school students here show that the youth are aware that cyber-bullying is a serious issue. However, most of them do not know how to react when faced with those kinds of situations. Majority of the students just keeps mum about it because they think that it is a ‘normal’ part of the ‘online experience’. Cyber-bullying affects many adolescents on a daily basis and while it may be difficult to stop, it is not impossible. Everyone can help stop cyber-bullying by making other people, especially the youth, aware about the real deal on cyber-bullying. The first step is to educate the youth on what can be classified as cyber-bullying and that cyber-bullying is wrong and is not a ‘normal’ behavior or experience. It is also good to encourage victims of cyber bullying to talk to adults or other people when they are experiencing cyber-bullying instead of merely putting up with it. Of course, the youth themselves also have to be more responsible with what information they post online. As a user of a social networking site, what the content of their site would be on their own jurisdiction. However, they should be more aware on what could be considered as
  • 11. 11 inappropriate content. As a campaign of a local media here in the Philippines say: “THINK BEFORE YOU CLICK!” CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY This chapter presents the research design, respondents, research instrument, and data gathering procedure. RESEARCH DESIGN The Ground Theory was used in this study. This theory was chosen because this research aims to generate a theory from the analysed data.
  • 12. 12 The focus of the investigations is to identify causes and effects of cyberbullying among the Junior High School students. It also presents the reactions of the respondents on cyberbullying. RESPONDENTS The respondents of this research are the twenty-five (25) selected students of Pagsanahan National High School (PNHS) in particular of the Grade 7 to Grade 9 students. Junior High School students (Grade 7-9) were chosen because of the large number of social media (Facebook) users despite in their young age. The questionnaire was administered to 25 respondents from the three grades: Grade 7 (Daisy and Carnation) 10; Grade 8 (Sunflower and Adelfa) 10; Grade 9 (Cattleya). INSTRUMENTATION AND DATA COLLECTION This research study made use of questionnaire as the research instrument or to be used as a gathering-data tool. The questionnaire is composed of 10 multiple questions. The researchers administer the questionnaires to the Junior High School Students (Grade 7-9).
  • 13. 13 CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS This chapter presents, analyzes and interprets the data gathered. The researchers distributed questionnaires to the Grade 7-9 students to know the causes and effects of cyberbullying in their own perspective. The questionnaire contained 10 questions with choices to be filled up. Chart I. Percentages Of Students Experiencing Cyberbullying
  • 14. 14 Chart I shows the percentages of students experiencing cyberbullying. This question was asked to find out if girls were more likely to bully over boys. The question was, “How often have you been cyberbullied?” According to the data, girls are more likely to be the victims of cyberbullying than boys are. This states that 80%, 20 of 25, believe girls to be the victims and 20%, 5 of 25 believe boys to be the victims. Chart II. Reasons Why Students Cyberbully Others 80% 20% 0% 0% 0% BOYS (%) Never Once/Twice A few times Many times Almost everyday 30% 50% 10% 5% 5% GIRLS (%) Never Once/Twice A few times Many times Almost everyday
  • 15. 15 Chart II presents the list of reasons why people cyberbully others. Based on the result, the Junior High School students (G7-G9) mostly chose the option wherein it states that the main reason why cyberbullies bully other is because of anger (23%) and insecurity/jealousy (22%) while 17 percent admit to cyberbullying because they are bored. Although cell phones are useful device, a large number of students use it to hurt others instead of focusing in their studies. In the meantime, cyberbullying students admitted to have family problems (11%) and the think it’s fun (15%). Chart III. The Feeling Of Students About People Being Cyberbullied 6% 22% 23% 15% 17% 6% 11% A. It is cool B. They feel insecure or jealous C. They are angry D. They think it’s fun E. They are bored F. They think it is a defense mechanism G. They have family problems
  • 16. 16 Chart III presents the reaction of the respondents about the people being cyberbullied. The chart shows that almost 80 percent of the 25 students surveyed are aware of cyberbullying with nearly 100% of the girls and 65% of the boys admitting awareness. So when asked, "What is your feeling about the people being cyberbullies?" 8 percent of the students answered that they deserve it, 20 percent feel it's not too bad, but there is nothing we can do about it, 72 percent feel it's a major and a serious problem and we need to stop it. Chart IV. When You Are Cyberbullied, You… Chart IV presents the list of what the respondents do when they’d been cyberbullied by others. 8% 20% 72% A. They deserve it B. It's too bad, but there is nothing we can do about it C. It is a very serious problem and we need to stop it 21% 27% 30% 3% 0% 19% A. Do nothing B. Tell the cyberbully to stop C. Get away (e.g., log off) from the cyberbully D. Cyberbully other people E. Bully other kids F. Tell an adult/friend
  • 17. 17 It shows that the common thing they do is to get away from the cyberbully such as logging off on Facebook, etc. (30%), second is they tell the cyberbully to stop (27%), third is the do nothing (21%) maybe they are scared to the cyberbully, and fifth is they tell an adult/ friend (19%)when the victim had been cyberbullied. Chart V. The Reaction Of Students To Cyberbullying Chart V presents the reaction of the students to cyberbullying. The chart shows that most of the Junior High School Students (G7-G9) have no opinion (29%) about the issue, maybe they’re scared to tell the truth and they are upset (25%) about what’s happening to their fellow student. Table VI. What happened after you told someone? 17% 8% 25% 21% 29% A. No big deal B. Live with it C. Upset D. Very upset E. No opinion
  • 18. 18 Chart VI presents the possible outcome after the victim told someone after he/she have been cyberbullied. This question asked, “If you have been cyberbullied, what happened after you told someone?” This question was skipped by 7 individuals so we calculated the results on 18 individuals. More individuals stated that they tell anyone that they were/are being bullied and after that, the situation got better (72%). 8%, 2 of 25, has not told anyone and 64%, 16 of 24, has told someone. This shows that more people would rather tell someone or asking for help rather than keeping a serious issue like this. RESULTS The study found approximately 64 percent had been victims of cyberbullying and 44 percent had bullied someone online. Of those who had admitted to being cyberbullied, 40 percent admitted to bullying someone as well. In addition, approximately 80 percent of all of the students surveyed reported that they aware of instances of cyberbullying. When male and female experiences were considered separately, it was found that over 20 percent of males and over 80 percent of females had experienced cyberbullying. In addition, 36 percent of females and only 28 percent of males reported to be a witness to cyberbullying incidents. 72% 6% 11% 11% A. It got better B. It got worse C. Nothing changed D. I never told anyone
  • 19. 19 FINDINGS  Most Junior High School students consider that telling someone can make the issue gets better and can be solved easily.  It was found out that girls are more likely to be the victims of cyberbullying than boys are.  The main reason why people cyberbully others is because they are angry and because of insecurity/ jealousy.  Most Junior High School students consider getting away from cyberbullying such as logging off to Facebook as the best way to avoid and to be not involved in this issue.  Most Junior High School students consider cyberbullying a very serious problem and we need to stop it.  Most Junior High School students have been cyberbullied once/twice. CHAPTER V SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATION This chapter presents the summary, conclusion and recommendation of the study.
  • 20. 20 SUMMARY This study aimed to investigate the causes and effects of cyberbullying to victims and the consequences it may lead to. Specifically, it sought answers from the Junior High School students (G7-G9) to the following questions: 1) How often have you been cyberbullied? 2) How often have you cyberbullied others? 3) How frequently have you been a witness to cyberbullying incidents? 4) On the following scale, check your reaction to cyberbullying. 5) When you are cyberbullied, you… 6) If you have been cyberbullied, what happened after you told someone? 7) If you have been cyberbullied, who has tried to help you? 8) Why do you think people cyberbully others? 9) What is your feeling about people being cyberbullied? 10) I have friends who… The study was conducted in Pagsanahan National High School, school year 2017-2018 with 25 Junior High School students (G7-G9) as respondents. The main data gathering instrument used was a questionnaire composed of 10 multiple questions. CONCLUSION We look at the impact, reasons and almost total lack of communication on the topic that student have with both their parents and their educators. Thus, it highlights the need for schools to develop awareness programs and provide informational resources for parent, teachers, administrators and students involved. Perhaps, additional research will examine the
  • 21. 21 possible effectiveness of such educational programs to curb this growing concern which can produce lifelong emotional scars and even deadly results for our nation's children. On the bases of the foregoing findings, these are concluded: 1) Junior High School students consider cyberbullying a very serious problem and we can do something to stop it, 2) it was found out in this study that girls are more likely to be the victims of cyberbullying than boys are, and 3) although cell phones are useful device, a large number of students use it to hurt others instead of focusing in their studying. RECOMMENDATION This study was conducted on a small scale within a brief amount of time. Therefore, the time frame of this cyber-bullying study must be extended in order to discover the causes, effects, and true impact of cyber-bullying among students. Widening the participation pool and receiving a more balanced response among the genders may also provide more accurate results. This can be done by distributing and at the same time, collecting the data from the students by use of questionnaires. Finally, since the topic of cyber-bullying is considerably new and facing a growth spurt, researchers should be mindful of any changes as more information is gathered.
  • 22. 22 References: Isla, (2012), from cyberbullying-in-the-philippines/ Anonymous, (2010) Fegenbush and Olivier, (2009) Anonymous, (2015)
  • 23. 23 White, (2012) Brand et al. (2008) Takumi, (2016) experience-cyberbullying-survey/story/ Wiseman, (2011) ons
  • 24. 24 Definition of Terms For the purpose of this research: Cyber-bully The person (perpetrator) conducting the cyberbullying Victim The victim of the cyberbullying activity Cyber-bullying Any communication using a digital device or medium (e.g. smartphones and social media sites), with the intent to coerce, intimidate, harass or cause substantial emotional distress to a person. This may include posting embarrassing or harmful photos, videos, or rumors relating to an individual and can include using social media features to actively promote and spread the harmful content. Student Refers to a person who attends classes in any level of basic education, and includes a pupil or learner as defined in DepED Order No. 40, s. 2012