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Regional Rheumatic Pain 
Diana Girnita, MD PhD 
UC Rheumatology Fellow
 include disorders involving 
 muscles 
 Tendons 
 Entheses 
 Joints 
 Cartilage 
 ligaments 
 fascia 
 bone 
 nerve.
Causative factors 
 Injury 
 Overuse 
 Atrophy due to aging 
 Inflammation processes 
 Tendinitis/ tendinosis/ tendinopathy-mostly 
degenerative changes and few inflammatory cells 
 Tenosynovitis- inflammatory response of 
Concepts of management 
 Drug therapy 
 Analgesics: tylenol, tramadol, propoxyphen 
 TCA- amytriptiline in chronic pain/ neurogenic/ 
 Intralesions injections with lidocaine, steroids 
(needle parallel with tendon fibers) 
 Physical therapy
Disorders of Shoulder Region
Rotator cuff tendinitis (RCT) or 
impingement sdr 
 Most common cause 
of shoulder pain 
 Acute/ chronic 
 May + calcific 
deposits in the tendon 
 Pain with active 
ABDUCTION between 
degrees/lowering the 
Chronic RCT 
 Ache in the shoulder over the lateral deltoid 
 Pain with abduction and internal rotation 
 Difficulties dressing 
 Night pain 
 Less pain with passive abduction 
 Pain with abduction against resistance
Impingement test 
 Inject 2-5 ml 2% lidocaine in the subacromial 
bursa- pain relief on abduction = test positiv
 Causes: 
 Overuse/ overhead activity 
 Aging/ decline in use 
 Osteophytes in the acromioclavicular joint 
 RA 
 TX: rest, hot packs, cold, NSAIDs, CS injections 
in the subacromial bursa
Rotator Cuff Tear 
 Most common trauma with ruptured cuff (falls, FX) 
 Classification 
 Small <1cm 
 Medium 1-3 cm 
 Large 3-5 cm 
 Massive >5cm 
 Shoulder pain, weakness on abduction, and loss of 
motion severe pain and mild weakness to no pain 
and marked weakness. 
 A positive drop-arm sign with inability to actively 
maintain 90° of passive shoulder abduction (massive 
 MRI /abnormal arthrogram for diagnosis 
 TX: rest, PT, NSAIDs  surgery
Bicipital tendinitis& Rupture of 
proximal Bicipital Tendon 
 Pain in the anterior region of 
 Acute/Chronic. 
 Tenderness over the bicipital 
 Supination of the forearm 
against resistance 
 Shoulder flexion against 
 Tx: rest, hot packs, US, NSAIDs, 
CS injection 
 Full rupture of the long head of 
tendon –bulbous enlargement of
Adhesive Capsulitis/ Frozen 
Shoulder/ Pericapsulitis 
 generalized pain and tenderness with severe loss 
of active and passive motion in all planes. 
 Rare<40 years 
 Causes: inflammatory arthritis, DM, immobility, 
depression, and neglect 
 The joint capsule adheres to the anatomic neck, 
and the axillary fold binds to itself, causing 
restricted motion. 
 The capsule becomes thickened and contracted 
 Injecting dye : 0.3-5-10 ml, while in normal joint 
could inject up to 28ml 
 TX: NSAIDs,CS injections, PT
Suprascapular Neuropathy 
 suprascapular nerve, 
which innervates the 
supraspinatus and 
 Cause: trauma, 
overactivity of the 
shoulder, local ganglion, 
or scapula FX 
 Weakness on abduction 
and external rotation± 
atrophy of the 
supraspinatus and 
 Dg:EMG 
 Tx: PT, CS injection into 
the area of the 
suprascapular notch.; 
surgical decompression
Long Thoracic Nerve 
• weakness of the serratus 
anterior muscle, 
resulting in a winged 
• Pain along the base of 
the neck and downward 
over the scapula and 
deltoid region + fatigue 
on elevation of the arm. 
• The winging of the 
scapula becomes 
apparent when the 
patient pushes against 
the wall with arms 
Brachial Plexopathy 
 deep, sharp shoulder pain of rapid onset made worse 
by abduction and rotation + weakness of the shoulder 
 EMG: positive sharp waves and fibrillations 
 Recovery may take from 1 month to several years. 
 Causes: trauma, tumor, radiation, inoculation neuritis, 
diabetes, infection, or median sternotomy done for 
cardiac surgery, or it can be idiopathic
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome 
 The neurovascular bundle is 
bordered below by the first rib, 
anteriorly by the scalenus 
anterior muscle, and posteriorly 
by the scalenus medius muscle 
 Neurologic symptoms: Pain, 
paresthesia, and numbness 
radiating from the neck and 
shoulder down to the arm and 
hand, especially distributing to 
the ring and little fingers. 
 Weakness and vascular 
symptoms consist of 
discoloration, temperature 
change, pain on use, and 
Raynaud’s phenomenon
Adson Test 
 patient holds a deep breath, 
extends his neck, and then turns his 
chin toward the side being 
examined, is positive when the 
radial pulse becomes extremely 
weak or disappears. 
 May be positive in normal people 
 TX: conservative. Good posture is 
emphasized. Stretching of the 
scalene and pectoral muscles, 
strengthening of the shoulder girdle 
Olecranon Bursitis 
 The bursa is characteristically swollen and tender 
on pressure, but pain may be minimal and 
generally no motion is lost 
 Causes: 
 gout, RA, or CPPD 
 uremia in HD patients 
 Septic bursitis
Lateral Epicondylitis 
 tennis elbow 
 Localized tenderness directly over 
or slightly anterior to the lateral 
 Pain during handshakes, lifting a 
briefcase, <10% of patients due to 
playing tennis; job and recreational 
activities, including gardening 
 Pathology: degeneration of the 
common extensor tendon 
 Tx: rest, Ice packs, heat, NSAIDs, 
forearm brace 
 Entrapment of the radial nerve at 
the elbow, which is called radial 
tunnel syndrome (aching, weakness 
of extension of the middle finger; 
forced forearm supination against 
resistance aggravate the symptoms
Medial Epicondylitis/ Golfer’s 
 Local pain and tenderness over the medial 
 Resistance to wrist flexion exacerbates the pain. 
 Cause: work/ leisure activitie/golf and throwing. 
 MRI not needed for diagnosis, ---thickening and 
increased signal intensity of the common flexor 
 TX: rest, NSAIDS, CS injections
Tendinopathy, Complete and Partial 
Rupture of the Distal Biceps Insertion 
 Dull pain throughout the antecubital fossa of the 
elbow, mild swelling at the tendon insertion 
 Resisted elbow flexion and resisted supination 
increase pain. 
 Complete rupture of the distal biceps tendon is 
uncommon (sudden forced extension against an 
actively contracting biceps muscle) 
 pain and weakness of elbow flexion and 
 MRI confirms the diagnosis 
 Tx: surgical repair
Cubital Bursitis/ bicipitoradial 
 swelling of the antecubital fossa and tenderness 
with some restriction of pronation. 
 Cause: RA/inflammatory arthritis; trauma or 
overuse, associated with a partial tear of the 
distal biceps tendon. 
 MRI: confirm the diagnosis. 
 TX: conservatively, including an image-guided 
aspiration and corticosteroid injection.
Triceps Tendinitis and Triceps 
Tendon Rupture 
• pain is present in the posterior 
• worse by extension and resisted 
• Tenderness of the insertion of the 
• Cause: overuse of the upper arm 
(throwing; hammering); 
• Tx: conservative/ surgery 
• Rupture of the triceps tendon at 
the insertion in the olecranon is 
rare; usually trauma /CS injections 
into the olecranon bursa/heavy 
use of anabolic steroids.
Ulnar Nerve Entrapment 
 numbness and paresthesia of the 
little finger and adjacent side of the 
ring finger and medial aspect of 
the elbow. Hand clumsiness 
 + decreased sensation and 
weakness on abduction and 
flexion; atrophy and weakness of 
the ulnar intrinsic muscles of the 
 A positive Tinel’s sign, elicited by 
tapping the nerve at the elbow 
 EMG:dg 
 TX: Avoiding pressure on the 
elbow and repetitive elbow flexion/ 
surgical correction is needed.
 cystic swelling arising from a joint or tendon 
sheath that occurs most commonly over the 
dorsum of the wrist. 
 It is lined with synovium and contains thick 
jellylike fluid 
 Swelling to discomfort 
 TX: aspiration and CS injection
De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis 
 Repetitive activity that involves pinching with the 
thumb while moving the wrist. 
 New mothers as a complication of pregnancy, 
lifting babies 
 Pain, tenderness, ±swelling over the radial styloid 
 Finkelstein test: pain increases when the thumb is 
folded across the palm and the fingers are flexed 
over the thumb as the examiner passively 
deviates the wrist toward the ulnar side 
 TX; splinting, NSAIDs, CS injection
Intersection Syndrome 
 Occur in the radial side of the wrist. 
 involves the site of the intersection and crossing 
of the extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis 
with the abductor pollicis longus and the extensor 
pollicis brevis, which is about 4 cm from the wrist. 
 Pain is present and worse with radial or twisting 
 Cause: racket sports, skiing, canoeing, and 
weight lifting. 
 Tx: rest with possibly a thumb splint, NSAIDs, ice, 
and a local steroid injection.
Tenosynovitis of the Wrist 
 occurs in other flexor and extensor tendons of the 
 Localized pain and tenderness, sometimes 
 Pain on resisted movement is often seen. 
 Cause: repetitive use, trauma, inflammatory 
arthritis, idiopathic. 
 TX: avoiding overuse, splinting, and NSAIDs. A 
local corticosteroid injection into the tendon 
Pronator Teres Syndrome 
 The median nerve is compressed at the level of 
the pronator teres muscle. 
 Aching in the volar aspect of the forearm, 
numbness in the thumb and index finger, 
weakness on gripping with the thumb, and 
writer’s cramp. 
 Tenderness of the proximal part of the pronator 
teres aggravated by resistive pronation of the 
Anterior Interosseous Nerve 
 Compression of the anterior interosseous nerve 
near its bifurcation from the median nerve 
produces weakness of the 
 flexor pollicis longus, 
 flexor digitorum profundus, 
 pronator quadratus muscles. 
 Sensation is not affected 
 cannot form an O with the thumb and index 
Radial Nerve Palsy 
 spiral groove syndrome 
(bridegroom palsy,)- radial nv 
compressed against the 
 wrist drop with flexion of MCP 
and adduction of thumb 
 Anesthesia in the web space and 
hypesthesia from the dorsal 
aspect of the forearm to thumb, 
index, and middle fingers 
 crutches or prolonged leaning of 
the arm over the back of a chair 
(Saturday night palsy), weakness 
of the triceps and brachioradialis 
Posterior Interosseous Nerve 
 Posterior interosseous nerve entrapment in the 
radial tunnel produces discomfort in the proximal 
lateral portion of the forearm
Superficial Radial Neuropathy 
(Cheiralgia Paresthetica) 
 Burning or shooting pain and sometimes 
numbness and tingling over the dorsoradial 
aspect of the wrist, thumb, and index fingers. 
 Hyperpronation and ulnar wrist flexion may be 
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 
 paresthesias and numbness in the hands. 
 The median nerve and flexor tendons pass 
through a common tunnel at the wrist, whose rigid 
walls are bounded dorsally and on the sides by 
the carpal bones, and on the volar aspect by the 
transverse carpal ligament
Carpal tunnel sdr 
burning pain or tingling in the hand are common, often occurring during the 
night and relieved by vigorous shaking or movement of the hand. 
sensation of hand swelling when in fact no swelling is visible. 
Occasionally the pain spreads above the wrist into the forearm or, rarely, 
even above the elbow and up the arm. 
Bilateral disease is common.
Causes and TX 
 Pregnancy 
 trauma 
 Osteophytes 
 ganglia 
 tuberculosis, histoplasmosis, sporotrichosis, 
coccidioidomycosis, rubella. 
 Rheumatoid arthritis 
 gout,/pseudogout, and other infl ammatory diseases of the 
wrist can 
 multiple myeloma 
 myxedema and acromegaly 
 Tx: milder cases, splinting the wrist in a neutral position; 
Local injections of corticosteroids into the carpal tunnel 
area, to surgical decompression of the tunnel by release of 
the transverse carpal ligament
Ulnar Nerve Entrapment at 
the Wrist 
 ulnar nerve, on entering 
Guyon’s canal, bifurcates into 
the superficial and deep 
 pain, numbness,paresthesias 
of the hypothenar area, 
clumsiness,and a weak hand 
grip; atrophy of hypothenar 
 Causes: trauma, ganglia, 
bicycling, inflammatory 
arthritis, flexor carpi ulnaris 
hypertrophy, fractures,
Trigger Finger (Volar Flexor 
 Inflammation of the tendon 
sheaths of the flexor digitorum 
superficialis and flexor digitorum 
profundus - extremely common 
 Pain in the palm is felt on finger 
flexion may radiate to the PIP and 
MCP joints on the dorsal 
 Dg:localized tenderness and 
swelling of the volar tendon 
 middle and index fingers are 
most commonly involved 
 nodule composed of fibrous tissue 
can be palpated in the palm just 
proximal to the MCP
Dupuytren’s Contracture 
 thickening and shortening of the palmar fascia 
 usually of the ring finger. The fifth, third,second 
fingers are involved in decreasing order of 
 Associated with DM, epilepsy, alcoholism 
 Tx: Heat, stretching, ultrasound, and intralesional 
CS injection to SX (Limited fasciectomy)
Trochanteric Bursitis 
 Midle age F>M 
 Aching over the trochanteric area 
and lateral thigh. 
 Walking, various movements, 
and lying on the involved hip may 
intensify the pain 
 Dg; palpate the throchanteric 
area and elicit point tenderness 
 Pain worse with ER and 
abduction against resistance 
 Inseryion of gluteus medius and 
minimus tendon 
 Tx: CS injection, NSAIDs, weight 
Iliopsoas (Iliopectineal) 
 Bursa: anterior to the 
hip joint and lateral to 
the femoral vessels 
 Groin and anterior thigh 
 This pain becomes 
worse on passive hip 
hyperextension and 
sometimes on flexion, 
especially with 
Ischial (Ischiogluteal) Bursitis 
 trauma or prolonged sitting on hard surfaces 
 Pain when sitting or lying down, may radiate 
down the back of the thigh. 
 Dg:MRI and ultrasonography may be used to 
confi rm the diagnosis. 
 TX: Use of cushions and local CS injection
Piriformis Syndrome 
 pain over the buttocks, often radiating 
down the back of the leg as in sciatica; 
 tenderness of the piriformis muscle on 
rectal or vaginal examination. 
 Pain in the involved buttock is evident 
on hip flexion, adduction and internal 
rotation (FAIR) 
 having the patient lie on the uninvolved 
side with the upper knee resting on the 
table. Buttock pain occurs when the 
knee of the involved side is lifted
Meralgia Paresthetica 
 lateral femoral 
cutaneous nerve (L2– 
 intermittent burning pain 
associated with 
hypesthesia and 
sometimes with 
numbness of the 
anterolateral thigh. 
 DM, pregnant, obese, 
tight clothing 
 Tx: CS injection to 
medial to the anterior 
superior iliac spine
 pain in the coccyx area when pressure is applied, 
with sitting most commonly 
 patient squirms from buttock to buttock to relieve 
the pressure and consequent pain, often chooses 
to sit on a cushion 
 F>M; due to lordosis which exposes coccyx to 
Popliteal Cyst (Baker’s cyst) 
 Patient standing, examined from behing 
 Associated with any disease having synovial 
effusion: OA, RA 
 A syndrome mimicking thrombophlebitis may 
occur with rupture 
 Dg: US 
 Tx: CS injection/ surgery
Anserine Bursitis 
 overweight, middle-aged to elderly 
F w/ big legs and OA of the knees 
 pain and tenderness over the 
medial aspect of the knee about 2″ 
below the joint margin. 
 Pain is worse by climbing stairs. 
 TX: rest, stretching of the adductor 
and quadriceps muscles, and CS 
Prepatellar Bursitis 
 Swelling superficial to knee cap 
 “housemaid knee” 
 Consider septic prepatellar bursitis 
(trauma, knee abrassion)
Medial Plica Syndrome 
 Patella pain may be the predominant complaint, 
and snapping or clicking of the knee, a sense of 
instability, and possible pseudolocking of the knee
Popliteal Tendinitis 
 Pain posterolateral of the knee secondary to 
tendinitis of the popliteal tendons (hamstrings and 
 Knee flexed at 90 degrees, tender to palpation 
 Pain with running downhill 
 Tx: rest, conservative
Pellegrini–Stieda Syndrome 
 calcification of the medial collateral ligament of 
the knee.
Patellar tendinitis 
 jumper’s knee 
 athletes engaging in repetitive running, jumping, 
or kicking activities. 
 Pain and tenderness are present over the patellar 
 Dg: US 
 Tx:rest, NSAIDS, 
CS injection
Rupture of Quadriceps Tendon 
Patellar Tendon 
 sudden violent contractions of the quadriceps 
muscle when the knee is flexed. 
 trauma from sports, systemic diseases (CKD, 
RA, hyperPTH, gout, SLE on steroids 
 sudden sharp pain and cannot extend the leg 
 Rx: high riding patella 
 Tx:surgery
Peroneal Nerve Palsy/ FOOT 
 painless foot drop with a steppage gait 
 Sensation decreased 
 Causes: Direct trauma, fracture of the lower 
portion of the femur or upper portion of the tibia, 
compression of the nerve over the head of the 
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome 
 pain and crepitus in the patellar region 
 Stiffness occurs after prolonged sitting and is 
alleviated by activity; overactivity involving knee 
flexion, particularly under loaded conditions such 
as stair climbing 
 pain occurs when the patella is compressed 
against the femoral condyle or when the patella is 
displaced laterally. 
 Tx: analgesics, NSAIDs, ice, rest, isometric 
exercises for the quadriceps
Achilles Tendinitis/ tendon 
 Causes: trauma, athletic overactivity, improperly 
fitting shoes with a stiff heel counter, inflammatory 
dx (AS, reactive arthritis, gout, RA, CPPD; FK use 
 Pain, swelling, and tenderness occur over the 
Achilles tendon 
 Rupture: occurs with a sudden onset of pain 
during forced dorsiflexion 
 Subcutaneous Achilles Bursitis 
A subcutaneous bursa superficial to the 
Achilles due to shoes pressure
Retrocalcaneal Bursitis 
 Pain at the back of the heel, tenderness of the 
area anterior to the Achilles tendon, and pain on 
 Local swelling is present, with bulging on the 
medial and lateral aspects of the tendon 
 Dg: MRI/ US
Plantar Fasciitis 
 Pain in the plantar area of the heel arising and is most 
severe for the first few steps. 
 After an initial improvement, the pain may worsen 
later in the day, especially after prolonged standing or 
 The pain is burning, aching, and occasionally 
 Palpation typically reveals tenderness anteromedially 
 Tx: NSAIDs, use of heel pad or heel cup orthoses, 
arch support, and stretching of the heel cord and 
plantar fascia
Posterior Tibial Tendinitis/ 
 Pain and tenderness just posterior to the medial 
malleolus occur in posterior tibial tendinitis. 
 Cause: trauma, excessive pronation, RA, or 
 pain is present on resisted inversion or passive 
Peroneal Tendon Dislocation 
and Peroneal Tendinitis 
 Ankle sprain 
 dorsiflexion with eversion 
 severe pain and tenderness of the tendon area 
that lies over the lateral malleolus
Hallux Valgus
 prominence of the 5th MT head from the overlying 
bursa and a localized callus
Hammer Toe 
2nd toe 
 PIP joint is flexed and 
the tip of the toe 
points downward.
 Pain arising from the metatarsal heads 
 Pain on standing and tenderness on palpation of 
the metatarsal heads are present. 
 Calluses over the metatarsal heads are usually 
Pes Planus/ Pes Cavus
Morton’s Neuroma 
 Middle-aged women 
 entrapment neuropathy of the 
interdigital nerve occurring most 
often between the 3rd and 4th 
 Paresthesia and a burning, 
aching pain in the 4th toe worse 
with walking on hard surfaces 
or wearing tight shoes or high 
 Tx: metatarsal bar or a local CS 
into the web space or surgical 
excision of the neurom
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome 
 posterior tibial nerve is compressed 
at or near the flexor retinaculum 
 the nerve divides into the medial 
plantar, lateral plantar, and posterior 
calcaneal branches. 
 The flexor retinaculum is located 
posterior and inferior to the medial 
 Numbness, burning pain, and 
paresthesias of the toes and sole 
extend proximally to the medial 
 relief by leg, foot, and ankle 
 Tietze’s syndrome : gradual or abrupt with 
swelling usually occurring in the second or third 
costal cartilage. Pain, which ranges from mild to 
severe, may radiate to the shoulder and be 
aggravated by coughing, sneezing, inspiration, or 
by movements affecting the chest wall. 
Tenderness with palpation, and approximately 
80% of patients have a single site. 
 Costochondritis is more common; pain and 
tenderness of the chest wall, without swelling. 
Tenderness is present over more than one 
costochondral junction, and palpation should 
duplicate pain 
 Xiphoid cartilage syndrome or 
xiphoidalgia/xiphodynia, is pain over the xiphoid 
area and tenderness on palpation. Pain may be 
intermittent and brought on by overeating and 
various twisting movements.
Primer on the Rheumatic diseases 
13th edition 
Google images
Regional Rheumatic Pain Syndromes

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Regional Rheumatic Pain Syndromes

  • 1. Regional Rheumatic Pain Syndromes Diana Girnita, MD PhD UC Rheumatology Fellow
  • 2. RRPS  include disorders involving  muscles  Tendons  Entheses  Joints  Cartilage  ligaments  fascia  bone  nerve.
  • 3.
  • 4. Causative factors  Injury  Overuse  Atrophy due to aging  Inflammation processes  Tendinitis/ tendinosis/ tendinopathy-mostly degenerative changes and few inflammatory cells  Tenosynovitis- inflammatory response of tenosynovium
  • 5. Concepts of management  Drug therapy  NSAIDS  Analgesics: tylenol, tramadol, propoxyphen  TCA- amytriptiline in chronic pain/ neurogenic/ myofascial  Intralesions injections with lidocaine, steroids (needle parallel with tendon fibers)  Physical therapy
  • 7. Rotator cuff tendinitis (RCT) or impingement sdr  Most common cause of shoulder pain  Acute/ chronic  May + calcific deposits in the tendon  Pain with active ABDUCTION between 60-120 degrees/lowering the arm
  • 8. Chronic RCT  Ache in the shoulder over the lateral deltoid  Pain with abduction and internal rotation  Difficulties dressing  Night pain  Less pain with passive abduction  Pain with abduction against resistance
  • 9. Impingement test  Inject 2-5 ml 2% lidocaine in the subacromial bursa- pain relief on abduction = test positiv
  • 10. RCT  Causes:  Overuse/ overhead activity  Aging/ decline in use  Osteophytes in the acromioclavicular joint  RA  TX: rest, hot packs, cold, NSAIDs, CS injections in the subacromial bursa
  • 11. Rotator Cuff Tear  Most common trauma with ruptured cuff (falls, FX)  Classification  Small <1cm  Medium 1-3 cm  Large 3-5 cm  Massive >5cm  Shoulder pain, weakness on abduction, and loss of motion severe pain and mild weakness to no pain and marked weakness.  A positive drop-arm sign with inability to actively maintain 90° of passive shoulder abduction (massive tears)  MRI /abnormal arthrogram for diagnosis  TX: rest, PT, NSAIDs  surgery
  • 12. Bicipital tendinitis& Rupture of proximal Bicipital Tendon  Pain in the anterior region of shoulder  Acute/Chronic.  Tenderness over the bicipital grove  Supination of the forearm against resistance  Shoulder flexion against resistance  Tx: rest, hot packs, US, NSAIDs, CS injection  Full rupture of the long head of tendon –bulbous enlargement of
  • 13. Adhesive Capsulitis/ Frozen Shoulder/ Pericapsulitis  generalized pain and tenderness with severe loss of active and passive motion in all planes.  Rare<40 years  Causes: inflammatory arthritis, DM, immobility, depression, and neglect  The joint capsule adheres to the anatomic neck, and the axillary fold binds to itself, causing restricted motion.  The capsule becomes thickened and contracted  Injecting dye : 0.3-5-10 ml, while in normal joint could inject up to 28ml  TX: NSAIDs,CS injections, PT
  • 14. Suprascapular Neuropathy  suprascapular nerve, which innervates the supraspinatus and infraspinatus  Cause: trauma, overactivity of the shoulder, local ganglion, or scapula FX  Weakness on abduction and external rotation± atrophy of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus  Dg:EMG  Tx: PT, CS injection into the area of the suprascapular notch.; surgical decompression
  • 15. Long Thoracic Nerve Paralysis • weakness of the serratus anterior muscle, resulting in a winged scapula. • Pain along the base of the neck and downward over the scapula and deltoid region + fatigue on elevation of the arm. • The winging of the scapula becomes apparent when the patient pushes against the wall with arms outstretched
  • 16. Brachial Plexopathy  deep, sharp shoulder pain of rapid onset made worse by abduction and rotation + weakness of the shoulder girdle.  EMG: positive sharp waves and fibrillations  Recovery may take from 1 month to several years.  Causes: trauma, tumor, radiation, inoculation neuritis, diabetes, infection, or median sternotomy done for cardiac surgery, or it can be idiopathic
  • 17. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome  The neurovascular bundle is bordered below by the first rib, anteriorly by the scalenus anterior muscle, and posteriorly by the scalenus medius muscle  Neurologic symptoms: Pain, paresthesia, and numbness radiating from the neck and shoulder down to the arm and hand, especially distributing to the ring and little fingers.  Weakness and vascular symptoms consist of discoloration, temperature change, pain on use, and Raynaud’s phenomenon
  • 18. Adson Test  patient holds a deep breath, extends his neck, and then turns his chin toward the side being examined, is positive when the radial pulse becomes extremely weak or disappears.  May be positive in normal people  TX: conservative. Good posture is emphasized. Stretching of the scalene and pectoral muscles, strengthening of the shoulder girdle musculature
  • 20. Olecranon Bursitis  The bursa is characteristically swollen and tender on pressure, but pain may be minimal and generally no motion is lost  Causes:  gout, RA, or CPPD  uremia in HD patients  Septic bursitis
  • 21. Lateral Epicondylitis  tennis elbow  Localized tenderness directly over or slightly anterior to the lateral epicondyle  Pain during handshakes, lifting a briefcase, <10% of patients due to playing tennis; job and recreational activities, including gardening  Pathology: degeneration of the common extensor tendon  Tx: rest, Ice packs, heat, NSAIDs, forearm brace  Entrapment of the radial nerve at the elbow, which is called radial tunnel syndrome (aching, weakness of extension of the middle finger; forced forearm supination against resistance aggravate the symptoms
  • 22. Medial Epicondylitis/ Golfer’s elbow  Local pain and tenderness over the medial epicondyle  Resistance to wrist flexion exacerbates the pain.  Cause: work/ leisure activitie/golf and throwing.  MRI not needed for diagnosis, ---thickening and increased signal intensity of the common flexor tendon  TX: rest, NSAIDS, CS injections
  • 23. Tendinopathy, Complete and Partial Rupture of the Distal Biceps Insertion  Dull pain throughout the antecubital fossa of the elbow, mild swelling at the tendon insertion  Resisted elbow flexion and resisted supination increase pain.  Complete rupture of the distal biceps tendon is uncommon (sudden forced extension against an actively contracting biceps muscle)  pain and weakness of elbow flexion and supination.  MRI confirms the diagnosis  Tx: surgical repair
  • 24. Cubital Bursitis/ bicipitoradial bursitis  swelling of the antecubital fossa and tenderness with some restriction of pronation.  Cause: RA/inflammatory arthritis; trauma or overuse, associated with a partial tear of the distal biceps tendon.  MRI: confirm the diagnosis.  TX: conservatively, including an image-guided aspiration and corticosteroid injection.
  • 25. Triceps Tendinitis and Triceps Tendon Rupture • pain is present in the posterior elbow • worse by extension and resisted extension. • Tenderness of the insertion of the tendon • Cause: overuse of the upper arm (throwing; hammering); • Tx: conservative/ surgery • Rupture of the triceps tendon at the insertion in the olecranon is rare; usually trauma /CS injections into the olecranon bursa/heavy use of anabolic steroids.
  • 26. Ulnar Nerve Entrapment  numbness and paresthesia of the little finger and adjacent side of the ring finger and medial aspect of the elbow. Hand clumsiness  + decreased sensation and weakness on abduction and flexion; atrophy and weakness of the ulnar intrinsic muscles of the hand  A positive Tinel’s sign, elicited by tapping the nerve at the elbow  EMG:dg  TX: Avoiding pressure on the elbow and repetitive elbow flexion/ surgical correction is needed.
  • 28. Ganglion  cystic swelling arising from a joint or tendon sheath that occurs most commonly over the dorsum of the wrist.  It is lined with synovium and contains thick jellylike fluid  Swelling to discomfort  TX: aspiration and CS injection
  • 29. De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis  Repetitive activity that involves pinching with the thumb while moving the wrist.  New mothers as a complication of pregnancy, lifting babies  Pain, tenderness, ±swelling over the radial styloid  Finkelstein test: pain increases when the thumb is folded across the palm and the fingers are flexed over the thumb as the examiner passively deviates the wrist toward the ulnar side  TX; splinting, NSAIDs, CS injection
  • 30. Intersection Syndrome  Occur in the radial side of the wrist.  involves the site of the intersection and crossing of the extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis with the abductor pollicis longus and the extensor pollicis brevis, which is about 4 cm from the wrist.  Pain is present and worse with radial or twisting motions.  Cause: racket sports, skiing, canoeing, and weight lifting.  Tx: rest with possibly a thumb splint, NSAIDs, ice, and a local steroid injection.
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  • 32. Tenosynovitis of the Wrist  occurs in other flexor and extensor tendons of the wrist  Localized pain and tenderness, sometimes swelling.  Pain on resisted movement is often seen.  Cause: repetitive use, trauma, inflammatory arthritis, idiopathic.  TX: avoiding overuse, splinting, and NSAIDs. A local corticosteroid injection into the tendon sheath
  • 33. Pronator Teres Syndrome  The median nerve is compressed at the level of the pronator teres muscle.  Aching in the volar aspect of the forearm, numbness in the thumb and index finger, weakness on gripping with the thumb, and writer’s cramp.  Tenderness of the proximal part of the pronator teres aggravated by resistive pronation of the forearm.
  • 34. Anterior Interosseous Nerve Syndrome  Compression of the anterior interosseous nerve near its bifurcation from the median nerve produces weakness of the  flexor pollicis longus,  flexor digitorum profundus,  pronator quadratus muscles.  Sensation is not affected  cannot form an O with the thumb and index finger
  • 35. Radial Nerve Palsy  spiral groove syndrome (bridegroom palsy,)- radial nv compressed against the humerus.  wrist drop with flexion of MCP and adduction of thumb  Anesthesia in the web space and hypesthesia from the dorsal aspect of the forearm to thumb, index, and middle fingers  crutches or prolonged leaning of the arm over the back of a chair (Saturday night palsy), weakness of the triceps and brachioradialis muscles
  • 36. Posterior Interosseous Nerve Syndrome  Posterior interosseous nerve entrapment in the radial tunnel produces discomfort in the proximal lateral portion of the forearm
  • 37. Superficial Radial Neuropathy (Cheiralgia Paresthetica)  Burning or shooting pain and sometimes numbness and tingling over the dorsoradial aspect of the wrist, thumb, and index fingers.  Hyperpronation and ulnar wrist flexion may be provocative
  • 38. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome  paresthesias and numbness in the hands.  The median nerve and flexor tendons pass through a common tunnel at the wrist, whose rigid walls are bounded dorsally and on the sides by the carpal bones, and on the volar aspect by the transverse carpal ligament
  • 39. Carpal tunnel sdr burning pain or tingling in the hand are common, often occurring during the night and relieved by vigorous shaking or movement of the hand. sensation of hand swelling when in fact no swelling is visible. Occasionally the pain spreads above the wrist into the forearm or, rarely, even above the elbow and up the arm. Bilateral disease is common.
  • 40. Causes and TX  Pregnancy  trauma  Osteophytes  ganglia  tuberculosis, histoplasmosis, sporotrichosis, coccidioidomycosis, rubella.  Rheumatoid arthritis  gout,/pseudogout, and other infl ammatory diseases of the wrist can  multiple myeloma  myxedema and acromegaly  Tx: milder cases, splinting the wrist in a neutral position; Local injections of corticosteroids into the carpal tunnel area, to surgical decompression of the tunnel by release of the transverse carpal ligament
  • 41. Ulnar Nerve Entrapment at the Wrist  ulnar nerve, on entering Guyon’s canal, bifurcates into the superficial and deep branches  pain, numbness,paresthesias of the hypothenar area, clumsiness,and a weak hand grip; atrophy of hypothenar area  Causes: trauma, ganglia, bicycling, inflammatory arthritis, flexor carpi ulnaris hypertrophy, fractures,
  • 42. Trigger Finger (Volar Flexor Tenosynovitis)  Inflammation of the tendon sheaths of the flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor digitorum profundus - extremely common  Pain in the palm is felt on finger flexion may radiate to the PIP and MCP joints on the dorsal  Dg:localized tenderness and swelling of the volar tendon sheaths.  middle and index fingers are most commonly involved  nodule composed of fibrous tissue can be palpated in the palm just proximal to the MCP
  • 43. Dupuytren’s Contracture  thickening and shortening of the palmar fascia  usually of the ring finger. The fifth, third,second fingers are involved in decreasing order of frequency  Associated with DM, epilepsy, alcoholism  Tx: Heat, stretching, ultrasound, and intralesional CS injection to SX (Limited fasciectomy)
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  • 46. Trochanteric Bursitis  Midle age F>M  Aching over the trochanteric area and lateral thigh.  Walking, various movements, and lying on the involved hip may intensify the pain  Dg; palpate the throchanteric area and elicit point tenderness  Pain worse with ER and abduction against resistance  Inseryion of gluteus medius and minimus tendon  Tx: CS injection, NSAIDs, weight loss
  • 47. Iliopsoas (Iliopectineal) Bursitis  Bursa: anterior to the hip joint and lateral to the femoral vessels  Groin and anterior thigh pain  This pain becomes worse on passive hip hyperextension and sometimes on flexion, especially with resistance.
  • 48. Ischial (Ischiogluteal) Bursitis  trauma or prolonged sitting on hard surfaces  Pain when sitting or lying down, may radiate down the back of the thigh.  Dg:MRI and ultrasonography may be used to confi rm the diagnosis.  TX: Use of cushions and local CS injection
  • 49. Piriformis Syndrome  pain over the buttocks, often radiating down the back of the leg as in sciatica; limp  tenderness of the piriformis muscle on rectal or vaginal examination.  Pain in the involved buttock is evident on hip flexion, adduction and internal rotation (FAIR)  having the patient lie on the uninvolved side with the upper knee resting on the table. Buttock pain occurs when the knee of the involved side is lifted
  • 50. Meralgia Paresthetica  lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (L2– L3)  intermittent burning pain associated with hypesthesia and sometimes with numbness of the anterolateral thigh.  DM, pregnant, obese, tight clothing  Tx: CS injection to medial to the anterior superior iliac spine
  • 51. Coccydynia  pain in the coccyx area when pressure is applied, with sitting most commonly  patient squirms from buttock to buttock to relieve the pressure and consequent pain, often chooses to sit on a cushion  F>M; due to lordosis which exposes coccyx to trauma
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  • 54. Popliteal Cyst (Baker’s cyst)  Patient standing, examined from behing  Associated with any disease having synovial effusion: OA, RA  A syndrome mimicking thrombophlebitis may occur with rupture  Dg: US  Tx: CS injection/ surgery
  • 55. Anserine Bursitis  overweight, middle-aged to elderly F w/ big legs and OA of the knees  pain and tenderness over the medial aspect of the knee about 2″ below the joint margin.  Pain is worse by climbing stairs.  TX: rest, stretching of the adductor and quadriceps muscles, and CS inj
  • 56. Prepatellar Bursitis  Swelling superficial to knee cap  “housemaid knee”  Consider septic prepatellar bursitis (trauma, knee abrassion)
  • 57. Medial Plica Syndrome  Patella pain may be the predominant complaint, and snapping or clicking of the knee, a sense of instability, and possible pseudolocking of the knee
  • 58. Popliteal Tendinitis  Pain posterolateral of the knee secondary to tendinitis of the popliteal tendons (hamstrings and popliteus)  Knee flexed at 90 degrees, tender to palpation  Pain with running downhill  Tx: rest, conservative
  • 59. Pellegrini–Stieda Syndrome  calcification of the medial collateral ligament of the knee.
  • 60. Patellar tendinitis  jumper’s knee  athletes engaging in repetitive running, jumping, or kicking activities.  Pain and tenderness are present over the patellar tendon  Dg: US  Tx:rest, NSAIDS, CS injection
  • 61. Rupture of Quadriceps Tendon and Patellar Tendon  sudden violent contractions of the quadriceps muscle when the knee is flexed.  trauma from sports, systemic diseases (CKD, RA, hyperPTH, gout, SLE on steroids  sudden sharp pain and cannot extend the leg  Rx: high riding patella  Tx:surgery
  • 62. Peroneal Nerve Palsy/ FOOT DROP  painless foot drop with a steppage gait  Sensation decreased  Causes: Direct trauma, fracture of the lower portion of the femur or upper portion of the tibia, compression of the nerve over the head of the fibula
  • 63. Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome  pain and crepitus in the patellar region  Stiffness occurs after prolonged sitting and is alleviated by activity; overactivity involving knee flexion, particularly under loaded conditions such as stair climbing  pain occurs when the patella is compressed against the femoral condyle or when the patella is displaced laterally.  Tx: analgesics, NSAIDs, ice, rest, isometric strengthening exercises for the quadriceps
  • 65. Achilles Tendinitis/ tendon rupture  Causes: trauma, athletic overactivity, improperly fitting shoes with a stiff heel counter, inflammatory dx (AS, reactive arthritis, gout, RA, CPPD; FK use  Pain, swelling, and tenderness occur over the Achilles tendon  Rupture: occurs with a sudden onset of pain during forced dorsiflexion  Subcutaneous Achilles Bursitis A subcutaneous bursa superficial to the Achilles due to shoes pressure
  • 66. Retrocalcaneal Bursitis  Pain at the back of the heel, tenderness of the area anterior to the Achilles tendon, and pain on dorsiflexion.  Local swelling is present, with bulging on the medial and lateral aspects of the tendon  Dg: MRI/ US
  • 67. Plantar Fasciitis  Pain in the plantar area of the heel arising and is most severe for the first few steps.  After an initial improvement, the pain may worsen later in the day, especially after prolonged standing or walking.  The pain is burning, aching, and occasionally lancinating.  Palpation typically reveals tenderness anteromedially  Tx: NSAIDs, use of heel pad or heel cup orthoses, arch support, and stretching of the heel cord and plantar fascia
  • 68. Posterior Tibial Tendinitis/ rupture  Pain and tenderness just posterior to the medial malleolus occur in posterior tibial tendinitis.  Cause: trauma, excessive pronation, RA, or spondyloarthropathy.  pain is present on resisted inversion or passive eversion.
  • 69. Peroneal Tendon Dislocation and Peroneal Tendinitis  Ankle sprain  dorsiflexion with eversion  severe pain and tenderness of the tendon area that lies over the lateral malleolus
  • 71. Bunionette  prominence of the 5th MT head from the overlying bursa and a localized callus
  • 72. Hammer Toe 2nd toe  PIP joint is flexed and the tip of the toe points downward.
  • 73. Metatarsalgia  Pain arising from the metatarsal heads  Pain on standing and tenderness on palpation of the metatarsal heads are present.  Calluses over the metatarsal heads are usually seen.
  • 75. Morton’s Neuroma  Middle-aged women  entrapment neuropathy of the interdigital nerve occurring most often between the 3rd and 4th toes.  Paresthesia and a burning, aching pain in the 4th toe worse with walking on hard surfaces or wearing tight shoes or high heels  Tx: metatarsal bar or a local CS into the web space or surgical excision of the neurom
  • 76. Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome  posterior tibial nerve is compressed at or near the flexor retinaculum  the nerve divides into the medial plantar, lateral plantar, and posterior calcaneal branches.  The flexor retinaculum is located posterior and inferior to the medial malleolus.  Numbness, burning pain, and paresthesias of the toes and sole extend proximally to the medial malleolus.  relief by leg, foot, and ankle movements.
  • 78.  Tietze’s syndrome : gradual or abrupt with swelling usually occurring in the second or third costal cartilage. Pain, which ranges from mild to severe, may radiate to the shoulder and be aggravated by coughing, sneezing, inspiration, or by movements affecting the chest wall. Tenderness with palpation, and approximately 80% of patients have a single site.  Costochondritis is more common; pain and tenderness of the chest wall, without swelling. Tenderness is present over more than one costochondral junction, and palpation should duplicate pain  Xiphoid cartilage syndrome or xiphoidalgia/xiphodynia, is pain over the xiphoid area and tenderness on palpation. Pain may be intermittent and brought on by overeating and various twisting movements.
  • 79. FINALLY DONE!!! Reference: Primer on the Rheumatic diseases 13th edition & Google images