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     ©2009 Classified Ventures, LLC. All rights reserved.
                                                                             ow is the best time in U.S.    I recommend going by the property or
                                                                             history to take advantage of   properties you plan on purchasing during
   published for investors by investors                                      the bank-owned property        the day on a weekday and again at night
                                                                             real estate market, get some   or on the weekends to really get a feel for
               FOUNDER & EDITOR
                    Linda Pliagas
                                                                             great built-in equity, cash    the neighborhood. In addition, the tenants
                             flow and, most importantly, build long-        you are going to rent to in these bad
                 EDITORIAL STAFF                             term wealth. However, most investors do        neighborhoods are going to miss
                    Carla Fischer                            not do the right due diligence when            payments more, cause more damages to
                     Lori Peebles                            purchasing properties or even know how         your units, and have a higher likelihood
                  PHOTO EDITOR                               to for that matter. So, how does an investor   of moving out in the middle of the night
                   John DeCindis                             do the right due diligence? Do you need        and having their friends steal your water
                   COLUMNISTS                                to be an attorney, CPA or other financial      heater, AC unit and all of the copper
                    Dave Lindahl
                                                             professional? Well it helps, but it is not     piping. What do you do if you have
                  Charles Salisbury
                                                             necessary. If you do not feel you are          already purchased in one of these

                                                             How to Do Your
               Kelly Global Marketing
                   Melissa Stepan

                                                             DUE DILIGENCE

                  Lawrence Ruano
                 GRAPHIC DESIGN
                   Susan Crowell
                    Lori Hampton                                    A Step-by-Step Guide by Mathew Owens, CPA & Investor
               UNIVERSITY INTERN
            Kimberly Valenzuela, CSULB
           CALIFORNIA DISTRIBUTION                           experienced enough to do your homework         neighborhoods unknowingly? One way
         Professional Distribution Solutions                 the right way, hire someone who is. The        to go is to get a section 8 tenant. They are
                   1.877.418.6500                            extra cost of hiring a professional now will   required to take better care of your unit
            NATIONAL DISTRIBUTION                            save you major headaches and possible          and you get guaranteed rents. Another
              KJ Banks: 805.377.6328                         losses down the road. OK, so your saying:      way to go is to sell as fast as possible and
      DIRECT BROKERAGE DISTRIBUTION                          “What if I want to do it myself because I      even possibly take a loss on it to get out
            CBS Advertising Distributors
                                                             do not trust even the most seasoned            of the property. It’s better than losing
                                                             professional with my money?” Well get          money over your mortgage payment
                                                             prepared because I am about to take you        month after month because of the
              Manifest Media Partners
                                                             through a step-by-step guide to do the         extensive vacancies, bad debt and repairs!
    Our Mission is to Educate, Motivate & Inspire
               Phone: 310.499.9545                           right due diligence on every property
         Email:                      purchase.                                      MARKET VALUE ANALYSIS
 Realty411 is published in Los Angeles, Calif., by Mani-                                                    Let me start off by saying one really
 fest Media Partners. Publishers are not responsible for     NEIGHBORHOOD ANALYSIS                          important factor you need to consider
 unsolicited manuscripts, photographs and/or other ma-       One of the biggest mistakes you can make       when buying property today: You are in a
 terials. © Copyright 2009 by Realty411. All Rights Re-      when purchasing property is buying in a
 served. Reproduction without permission is strictly pro-                                                   declining market! What does this mean?
 hibited. Realty411 strives to achieve journalistic integ-   bad neighborhood. What is a bad area?          It means you need to pay very close
 rity; however, the opinions expressed by our colum-         When you are walking through the               attention to what the market value of the
 nists are not endorsed by the publishers or editorial       neighborhoods look for crack heads, 30"
 staff. Real estate investing can be risky. Before invest-                                                  property is TODAY. Not three years ago.
 ing in real estate, please seek the advisement of a
                                                             rims up and down the street, un-kept           Many wholesalers, sellers and real estate
 trusted financial advisor, attorney or tax consultant.      houses and major foot traffic. These           agents will try to sell you on the highest
   PRINTED IN THE USA. GOD BLESS AMERICA.                    would all be pretty good signs you may         appraised value ever received for that
         Connect With Our Editor Online:                     not want to buy there. Many investors          property. However, you should be buying
                                                             just starting out (including myself) have      property based on what the current
                                                             made the mistake of buying in the wrong        financeable value is IF you plan to sell or
                                                             neighborhoods and trusted the seller when      refinance. If you are buying a property
                                                             they say that it’s a “quite family-owned       with cash and holding for long-term cash
                                                             neighborhood” only to find out that during     flow, it is less important if the property
                                                             the day the place looks great, but at night
                                                                                                                               Continued on next page >
                                                             it’s an entire different ball game.                                                                                                           Vol 2 Issue 4 2009 | 5
has the right comparables for financing,         estate agents and asset managers. We also       thought you were getting was not what
but it still is a signification of the current   take it one step further and get an appraisal   you expected at year end. Many sellers
value of the property. Good wholesalers          on every property before we close escrow        rely on this downright lie to trick less
and real estate professionals know how           as well as pull the property tax assessor’s     educated or experienced investors into
to find properties with these requirements       tax appraisal as a secondary check-on           thinking their return on investment is
and many times you as the investor do not        value. As a side note, there are many           higher.
know the difference or will never check.         properties that are un-financeable and             In addition to the cash flow calculation,
In order to get a property financed in           look like they have great cash flow on          you always want to take into consideration
today’s lending market, banks require            paper. However, when you get down to it         the tax benefits which can easily increase
appraisers to use three comparable               the vacancies, repairs and bad debts make       your cash flow return on your money with
property sales within the last six months        your cash flow significantly under              extra tax breaks. You can even get really
and within one mile. Banks can differ on         expectation if not non-existent. All of         creative and do a cost segregation analysis
these requirements and personally if a           these factors need to be considered when        or build green for extra tax breaks, which
property does not have a minimum of six          looking at the market value of your             is a great way to inch up that return a little
comparables within three months, I would         property and which investments to chose         on each investment. Also when you are
not buy it if I am going to sell or refinance.   from.                                           computing your return on investment
If it takes three months to purchase,                                                            there are a couple of different factors to
renovate and sell the property (sometimes        CASH FLOW & RENTAL ANALYSIS                     consider. First, you have your return due
it can take a month just to close escrow)        First things first: How do you compute          to the cash flow, which is basically your
then you want to still be able to use the        cash flow? Most sellers will tell you, rent     NET rent after all expenses and the
comparables you pulled when you sell.            minus property management, property             mortgage payment if you have one. Next
Keep in mind there are many professional         taxes and insurance equals cash flow. You       you have your tax breaks. Then you have
real estate investors that wholesale             as an investor need to watch out. Do not        your principal reduction on the loan every
properties, but do not assume you will be        be fooled. Always, always, always include       year and lastly you have the built in equity
able to find a buyer before you have to          a monthly vacancy allowance and monthly         when you purchase the property. All of
close escrow. You should have the funds          repairs allowance when doing your cash          these items should be considered when
ready to close escrow if need be. You            flow analysis. If you do not include these      you are looking at your return on
definitely do not want the reputation of         items on a monthly basis you are going to       investment and total increase in
not closing your deals with the local real       find that the return on your money you
                                                                                                                          Continued on pg. 13
        n the perplexing                                              gious financial institutions including Wells Fargo Bank and
       world of residential                                           AmSouth. Green also served as an investment banker working
       investments, two                                               closely on retirement ac-
                                                                                                    Ryan Hinricher, Chief Marketing Officer
       Memphis-based                                                  counts at Fidelity Invest-
entrepreneurs, Ryan Hin-                                              ments prior to embarking
richer and Stephen Green,                                             on the launch of earlier
decided to lead the pack                                              start-up companies includ-
and offer a concierge ap-                                             ing Green Financial. He
proach as investment                                                  then started renovating
home advisors. This                                                   homes for out-of-state in-
“white glove” advisor role                                            vestors looking to own in
concept is unique and                                                 the Memphis area.
Hinricher and Green agree                                                While its headquarters
that it’s the future of in-             Stephen Green, President      are in Memphis, Investor
vestment realty.                                                      Nation also has satellite of-
   This year, these two ambitious executives launched Investor        fices strategically located
Nation, focused on providing investors with a turn-key solution       in Orlando, Florida, and
by allowing them to build a diversified investment home port-         Portland, Oregon, where

White-Glove Approach Positions
Investor Nation Ahead of the Pack          by Carla Fischer and Marie Domingo

folio in the best real estate markets in America. In doing so, each many of their investors live. The company currently employs
investor learns how to make savvy decisions when purchasing, ten people.
renovating and renting investment property. The company’s ob-                Hinricher and Green believe that Investor Nation’s unique
jectives are to help the investor maximize the benefits of real “white glove” concept is the future of investment realty. “We’ve
estate investing by offering tailored investment strategies to meet taken the approach of ‘radical transparency,’ meaning we offer
each investor’s individual                                                                                  an incredible amount of due
                                       Investor Nation offers out-of-state investors choice properties.
goals.                                                                                                      diligence, from inspections,
  To date, Hinricher and                                                                                    appraisals and renovation
Green have sold more than                                                                                   bids,” said Hinricher. “We
400 properties in the last                                                                                  make this process seamless
36 months. As Investor                                                                                      and easily accessible to all
Nation launched, its focus                                                                                  of our investors from our
was on Memphis, but the                                                                                     website.”
company has since ex-                                                                                           Hinricher explains that
panded to Charlotte, North                                                                                  once the investor purchases
Carolina, and Atlanta,                                                                                      a home, the company offers
Georgia, and future re-                                                                                     pre-screened licensed third-
gions will be added.                                                                                        party general contractors
  Prior to forming Inves-                                                                                   and management companies
tor Nation with Green,                                                                                      as resources to collaborate
Hinricher held senior man-                                                                                  with the investor, making
agement posts at presti-                                                                                         Continued on next page >                                                                                             Vol 2 Issue 4 2009 | 7
the process pain-free.                                                                                 time. We’ll guide you the whole
     Both Hinricher and Green                                                                          way. Before you even purchase
own investment homes and                                                                               the home, you will know what
spent years establishing solid                                                                         needs to be done, how much it
resources and consider clients’                                                                        will cost, how you will finance
access to their contacts from                                                                          the renovations, and who will
their personal Rolodexes is part                                                                       perform them for you.”
of the white glove service.                                                                                   “Our key focus is working
   “Our team becomes your se-                                                                          for investors who are seeking se-
nior advisor to help guide the                                                                         cure assets to diversify their en-
investor, locate and screen                                                                            tire investment portfolio and buy
property as well as help com-                                                                          two to three investment homes to
plete the transaction,” Green                               Jim Williams, Charlotte Branch Manager     supplement their 401(K) and
said. “It’s an ideal solution for                                                                      other retirement vehicles,”
anyone currently interested or already involved with investments explained Green.
and who needs a senior advisor to handle time-consuming but             Hinricher and Green plan to change the world of real estate as
deadline-oriented projects.”                                          they’re doing their share to revitalize the economy. “The invest-
                                                  Investor Na- ment homes we purchase are primarily distressed and foreclosed,
                                                  tion identifies so we are revitalizing those homes at a rapid pace and delivering
                                                  and introduces a positive impact to local neighborhoods and the economy on a
                                                  investors to                                                              l a r g e r
                                                  third-party                                                               scale,”
                                                  finance lender                                                            Hinricher
                                                  specialists                                                               said. “The
                                                  who are famil-                                                            houses we
                                                  iar with the in-                                                          target are
                                                  vestor homes                                                              usually
                                                  in the desig-                                                             three-bed-
                                                  nated area.                                                               room, two-
Tailored programs for investors, who perhaps don’t always                                                                   bath homes
qualify within the normal Fannie Mae guidelines, are also of-                                                               built after
fered as an alternative method of financing.                                                                                1978.”
                                                                                                 Terrance Hill, Marketing
   “Stephen and I focus primarily on cash flow, based on how                                                                   Investor
well the economy is doing,” said Hinricher. “Our services are Nation purchases vacant and distressed properties in all the com-
perfect for someone seeking an investment property for the first munities it serves. Investors eventually restore the properties to
                                                                                             some of the best homes in these neighbor-
                                                                                             hoods. This attracts new tenants and posi-

   Facts about Investor Nation                                                               tively impacts the value of the area.”
                                                                                                   While Investor Nation realizes that
                                                                                             the revitalization of homes benefits neigh-
  Established to deliver to each in-         gies to meet each investor’s indi-
  vestor a turn-key solution, Investor       vidual goals. Ryan Hinricher and                borhoods, members of the company go a
  Nation empowers its clients to             Stephen Green have sold more                    step further by donating time and money
  build a diversified investment home        than 400 properties in the last 36              to local organizations such as Habitat for
  portfolio in the best real estate mar-     months. As Investor Nation                      Humanity.
  kets in America. In doing so, each         launched, its focus was on Mem-                       “We don’t see ourselves as a sales
  investor learns how to make savvy          phis, but it has since expanded to              organization, we see ourselves as a ser-
  decisions when purchasing, reno-           Charlotte, N.C., and Atlanta, Ga.,
                                                                                             vice organization serving both the com-
  vating and renting investment prop-        and other regions will be added
  erty.                                      soon. While its headquarters are                munities and investors,” Hinricher said.
   The company’s objective is to              in Memphis, Investor Nation also
 help the investor maximize the ben-          has a satellite office strategically           For more information or to learn more
 efits of real estate investing by of-        located in Portland, Ore., where               about investing with Investor Nation,
 fering tailored investment strate-           many of their investors reside.                please visit:
Private Money:
        The Biggest Power Tool An Investor Can Have
                                                                                    by Dave Lindahl

                hese days, most real estate      great rate of return. Stop and think of the      delighted with an eight percent return and
             investors are sitting on the        kind of negotiating power you’ll have            plenty of collateral. That would certainly
             sidelines. The daily media          when you find a deal and know that you           be a far better deal than they’re getting in
             drumbeat scares them into           can get financing for it. You can drive a        other investments.
inaction. If they’re not hearing about           very hard bargain when, in effect, you’re           Where do you find these private
higher unemployment, they’re told how            the only exit with a gas station for the next    lenders? They’re all around you. Kate,
many more banks failed and how much              100 miles for a seller who needs to get          one of my students, discovered from me
more housing prices have plunged.                out of a property.                               how to do a quick, informal pitch to just
    I’d have to say it’s one of the best times      You can ethically drive a very hard           about everyone she meets. Not pushy, but
to be an investor. You read that right: The      bargain with sellers because you need to         just matter-of-fact style. Her car mechanic
biggest profits are made when everyone           buy the property at an excellent price in        had money to lend her! With all the
else is running for the door. Competition        order to get financing. After all, your          potholes in New England where Kate
is much lower and so are prices. Investors       private lenders have two key                     lives, it’s no wonder that mechanic’s a rich
who are smart right now will be extremely        requirements:                                    guy.
rich in just a few short years.                  Key #1: Private lenders want a high                 Another great source for private money
    I know what you’re thinking: “Yeah,          likelihood that they’ll get their money          is true “self-directed” IRAs. Warning:
sure. And how am I supposed to finance           back. When you buy a deal at a great             Most people think they’re in a self-
my deals? At all those failed banks? They        price, that’s another way of giving              directed IRA when in reality, they’ve been
were bad enough in the good old days,            insurance to your lenders that they’ll get       fed a pack of lies by their securities firm.
and now they’re not even lending to each         their money back. In other words, if they        Here’s the scam: The Big Boys on Wall
other.”                                                 finance you and later the deal runs       Street think we’re all idiots. They are also
    You’re right. Banks are a lousy place                    into trouble, they want to know      greedy. So this is how the discussion goes
to get financing now. The superior                             that the liquidation value of      at one of the “Acme Financial Services”
alternative is “private money.”                                  that property will more than     off-site planning meetings:
That’s where you arrange a true                                    cover their investment.           “Hey, let’s tell our idiots — um,
“win/win”:                                                          That’s easy if you bought     customers — that we’re putting them into
* You have a property that needs                                    at a great price.             the ‘Acme Retirement Security Self-
financing. You’re willing to offer                                 Key #2: Private lenders        Directed IRA,’ when in fact we’ll just
an attractive interest rate (or even                               want a great return on         allow them to invest from among stocks
equity) to people who finance                                      their money. Again,            we sell them, bonds we sell them, mutual
it.                                                                  when you buy right, you      funds we make commissions on, and
* Those people are sick                                                  can afford to give       money market accounts we gouge them
and tired of                                                                 lenders an ex-       with. We’ll get our lawyers to put in
earning close to                                                                cellent return.   really, really small print whatever we need
zero on their                                                                    At the right     to, in order to make it legal. The idiots
money, but they                                                                  price, your      will never know the difference!”
also don’t want                                                                  property            Meanwhile, smart investors would
to take much                                                                     m i g h t        never dream of establishing an IRA with
risk. Private                                                                     generate a      one of these big Wall Street firms.
money is the                                                                      10 percent      Instead, they establish a truly self-directed
way both par-                                                                     return or       IRA. To do that, they go with a company
ties win. You                                                                      m o r e .      whose only business is establishing IRAs.
get your deal                                                                      T h e s e      Contact me if you can’t find such
done, and your                                                                     days, your     companies on your own. To summarize
private inves-                                                                     lenders        about IRAs: In the course of your normal
tors make a                                                                         might be      conversations with people, just ask if they
                                                                                                                     Continued on next page 38

10 |                                                                                                Vol 2 Issue 4 2009
Expand Your Options:
Invest in Alternative Assets with Your IRA
by Hugh Bromma                                  rules allow you to take the actual real
CEO of The Entrust Group                        property as an in-kind distribution. You

                                                can also liquidate all or part of the real
               ver the past decade, more        property.
                and more people are
                including alternative assets                Rules to Live By
                in their IRAs as a means to     Another thing to consider is the applicable
               diversify. Alternative assets    laws and rules for the particular asset type.
include anything that is not a certificate      For example, a private placement is
of deposit (CD) or publicly traded              covered by securities laws and requires
security, such as stocks and bonds. Typical     certain disclosures to the buyer. A note is
alternative investments include real estate,    a security in many states. Offshore
                                                                                                                Photograph by John DeCindis
private placements, equipment, leases,          investments require certain reporting
and notes. If you are looking into adding       requirements and, in many cases, the             owner really own it? Is the private
alternative investments to your IRA, take       transactions cannot be made in the same          placement really a security and what are
a moment to consider these tips.                way as you would for a similar type of           the disclosures to be made? If the private
                                                alternative investment in the United             placement consists of real property, who
             Time and Money                     States. There are even limitations for           owns the property? Is there equipment or
You have a variety of asset types to choose     buying assets within U.S. territories,           personal property being sold in a
from—some are excellent for the short           commonwealths, and possessions.                  commercial building that generates
term, others might take decades to reap            You want to make sure that the person         operating income? How is the security
true benefits. So first, you need to            or company selling those assets is               interest in personal property perfected?
determine your goals and objectives in          completely aware of the rules and laws
terms of when you plan to retire or take        that apply. So you need to be able to ask                  Making the Purchase
distributions from your IRA.                    the right questions so that you know that        After you’ve taken your goals into
   Your present age is an essential             you are getting informed answers. If you         account, you know the rule and
determinant of what you are looking for         have any doubts, seek a professional who         regulations involved, and you’ve done
in growth and income of an asset. A real        can help you understand the rules and laws       your due diligence, you’re ready to buy
property asset might have more growth           for that asset type. Sellers and brokers         the asset with your IRA.
potential if you have at least 10 or 20 years   should be competent in the area of                  The process of acquisition is simple:
for the asset to appreciate. The big-picture    specialty for the asset that they are selling.   You order the administrator for the
view would be to also consider whether          They should be able to provide you with          custodian of your self-directed IRA to buy
it provides a positive cash flow to your        any information or source to address your        the asset for your IRA. You do this in
IRA while waiting for it to appreciate. Of      questions and concerns.                          writing by fully describing the asset and
course, time can also cause physical               In addition to the specific regulations       the terms and conditions of the purchase.
depreciation, so proper maintenance is a        regarding the asset type, you should be          The administrator follows your orders
cost to the IRA.                                aware of the rules concerning prohibited         completely, provided that you have not
   If you have a traditional IRA—earnings       transactions and the responsibilities            engaged in an obvious prohibited
are taxable at distribution as compared to      involved in self-directing your IRA              transaction, which should be outlined in
a Roth IRA in which distributions are tax       purchases. Your custodian and                    your IRA adoption agreement. Your IRA
free and not mandatory—you must take            administrator should provide you with the        is a legal entity and owns the asset until it
distributions when you reach age 70½. So        types of permissible investments with            is distributed to you or your heirs.
depending how many more years you have          your IRA adoption agreement.                        Your administrator does not give any
until you are required to take distributions,                                                    advice about your investment choices.
you might tailor your investments                            Due Diligence                       The role of your administrator is to
accordingly or choose to convert your           The questions you ask of a seller are part       purchase the asset on behalf of your IRA,
traditional IRA to a Roth. Before making        of you doing your due diligence for your         maintain the records for it, and report the
this type of decision, consult with your        IRA purchase. You should never make              results to you and the IRS. What your IRA
tax advisor on what works best for your         assumptions about an asset or neglect this       invests in is up to you, but certainly you
situation.                                      essential step. Some things to ask are:          should consult with your advisors,
   The minimum distribution requirement         Does the asset exist? Does the purported         attorneys, or accountants to help you
12 |                                                                                               Vol 2 Issue 4 2009
develop your financial plan,       and increase growth, and
select your asset type, and        choose what to invest in while
perform the necessary due          becoming knowledgeable
diligence.                         about the choices.
                                      So if you are interested in
        Self-direction             investing in real property,
For many people, having a          precious metals, or private
self-directed IRA means            loans, to name just a few
opportunity: opportunity to        opportunities, consider estab-
diversify IRA funds into a         lishing a self-directed IRA.
variety of assets, reduce risk

                                   purchase and request that you
 Due Diligence, pg. 6
                                   pay for the materials cost
WEALTH. Next, you have             directly. This takes a huge
your rental analysis. When         amount of risk off of you
doing this you want to ask         because the contactor then
property managers that             cannot hide costs in materials.
manage properties in your          Take a look at the large ticket
specific areas; there are          items as well. Does the
numerous sites you can go to       property need a new roof,
in order to also get an            electrical, plumbing, foun-
assessment. Be conservative        dation, AC and heating unit?
on the rental amounts as it        Look at those major items and
affects your return on             any additional items and
investment significantly.          compare them item by item
                                   with the inspection report. If
                                   there is anything on the
                                   inspection report that is not on
When doing your renovation
                                   the renovation bid, make sure
it is VERY, VERY important
                                   the contractor is aware of it
you have good team members
                                   and is planning on getting it
in place that know how to
                                   fixed. Most people tell me not
renovate property and know
                                   to over renovate. I actually do
how to cut costs. I recommend
                                   a little extra on every
having more than one
                                   renovation to put it above the
renovation team. If you only
                                   rest. What does that do? It
have one team they typically
                                   helps you sell the property
get a little sloppier and the
                                   faster and/or rent the property
price slowly rises over time. If
                                   faster as well, which both
you have more than one team
                                   makes you a more successful
you can switch back and forth
                                   investor. Also, I have found
to pressure them not to
                                   that when you do a better job
increase the price and take
                                   on your renovations, your
better care when doing the
                                   tenants tend to take better care
renovation, or you can go to
                                   of the unit and do not cause as
someone else. There are a
                                   many damages.
million and one ways a
contractor can gouge you, but
if you do your homework, you
                                   So who has ever been charged
can significantly reduce that
                                   extra fees, costs, points or
risk. First thing you can do is
                                   insurance while closing
get a renovation bid, go
                                   escrow on a property? If you
through it with a fine tooth
                                   have purchased one property
comb, and find out what
materials they are going to                     Continued on pg. 22
by Greg Boots
          Manager of TKO Properties and

        Anderson Business Advisors, PLLC
                   s an investor in long-
                   term holds, I know the
                   importance of making
                   sure that I am pro-
                   tected from any
   liability exposure associated with my
   investment property. The question then
   becomes should I use a Limited
   Liability Company or a Limited
   Partnership for asset protection
   purposes with my rental properties?

   Having consulted and educated
   thousands of investors across the
   country, I have seen both LLCs and LPs

            LLC or LP?
 What Entity is Best to Protect My Rentals?
   used to hold rental properties. Both entities are extremely      The next distinction is directly related to our tax benefits
   well situated to protect properties from unrelated liability     of holding long-term properties. As investors, we are able
   exposure (called outside liability). However, there are two      to capture the depreciation of our long-term holds on our
   distinctions that make LLCs better suited to hold rentals        1040 returns (subject to income thresholds). In order to
   and lease options.                                               be eligible to capture the depreciation, we must have some
                                                                    participation in the operation of the investment property.
   The first benefit deals with inside liability exposure. This     Unfortunately, I encounter many people who have gone to
   type of harm occurs within the entity itself and is associated   their local attorneys and those attorneys completely ignored
   with the property. In a Limited Partnership, two classes of      tax consequences and placed the rental properties in LPs
   partners can exist: General Partners and Limited Partners.       for asset protection. If you place your rental property in a
   Limited Partners are able to contain their risk exposure to      LP and you are the Limited Partner, you lose your ability
   what they have invested in the business because they are         to capture your depreciation on an annual basis because a
   completely passive investors. As passive investors, the          Limited Partner cannot participate in the operation of the
   Limited Partners are not able to participate in the              business. This is a huge mistake when it comes to tax
   management or running of the business. The General               planning. However, if you use an LLC for your investment,
   Partner is in total control of how the business is to be run.    you do not lose the ability to capture your annual
   In exchange for the control, the General Partner is subject      depreciation because even a passive Member within the
   to unlimited liability exposure. Therefore, if a tenant is       LLC can participate in the operation to an extent that would
   injured not only can the General Partner lose his or her         allow for the full capture of the annual depreciation.
   investment in the business, but the General Partner can have
   all of his or her personal assets at risk as well. The way to    When it comes to proper planning for asset protection, be
   avoid personal unlimited liability is to use an entity such      diligent to ensure that you will not only receive the best
   as a corporation to serve as the General Partner.                level of protection but that your plan does not hinder proper
   Conversely, an LLC has Members and Managers who are              tax planning. In almost all circumstances LLCs are the
   both protected from unlimited liability exposure if an injury    preferred entity to provide not only asset protection for
   occurs within the LLC.                                           your investments, but also solid tax planning.

14 |                                                                                      Vol 2 Issue 4 2009
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Five Minutes with Kansas City
  Missouri’s Foremost Real Estate Expert

      nvestors looking for high returns Reedy: Our key is volume. We make a returns can be as high as 63 percent. Our
      with a low entry point should smaller profit on multiple deals and leave average flip generates net profits after all
      consider investing in the Kansas the lion’s share for our clients. That fees, closing costs and commissions of 20
      City marketplace. The area boasts combined with our hands-on approach percent to the investor. We actually have
      a stable and diversified economy and attention to detail makes it very easy one client who has made in excess of
and affordable properties with a strong for us to provide the investor with a turn- $100,000 this year alone just on flip
ROI (return on investment). Realty411 key flip or rental property with great properties we have done for him. Now
spoke with Dan Reedy, owner of Missouri returns.                                          keep in mind, this is on value-priced
Real Estate Ex-                                                                                            properties in Kansas

                           What they’re saying...
change, to get the                                                                                         City. Our average buy
inside scoop on                                                                                            and hold property is
opportunities in                                                                                           about $50,000 and our
America’s             “I have had the chance to work with Dan and see how he operates his business.        finished flip property
heartland.            I have seen several of the projects Dan has done in rehabbing homes for              is in the $70,000 to
                      investors. His work is incredible. I was amazed at the lengths he goes to provide    $100,000 range.
Realty411: What       the highest quality service at the best price. I would highly recommend Dan to       Realty411: What’s the
makes you so          anybody who would like to find quality properties for investing.”                    best way for investors to
informative                                                    ~Adam Cazier, Provo, Utah, April 1, 2009    begin the process and
about the real                                                                                             start making money?
estate market in Kansas City?                 Realty411: Explain your “hands-on” Dan Reedy: They can visit our website
Dan Reedy: First of all, I have lived in approach.                                        at and look at our
this area my entire life and am very Reedy: Simply put, we handle everything current inventory, see rehab videos, and
familiar with all of the positives and from beginning to end. We find the then call me direct at (816) 564-5265.
negatives of almost every neighborhood property, rehab it, place the tenant and I will walk them thru the process and help
in the Kansas City area. Secondly, we manage on a rental or resell to the end them to determine the best option based
have done close to 1,000 real estate buyer on a flip. The key is having one on what they are trying to accomplish,
transactions since our inception in 2005. point of contact for everything.                budget and risk tolerance.
We have also rehabbed hundreds of Realty411: What kind of returns are your
properties for retail and rental and also investors seeing?
mange over 300 properties in Kansas City Reedy: On buy-and-hold properties, our If you are looking for turn-key cash flow
for investors nationally. There isn’t very average ROI is 40 percent. We have a few and flip profits, visit
much we haven’t seen.                         very safe, great neighborhood properties or call Dan Reedy direct on his cell
Realty411: That’s a lot of deals! What do that will dip to 35 percent. And, we also phone at (816) 564-5265.
you attribute your success to?                work in some higher risk areas, but the
16 |                                                                                      Vol 2 Issue 4 2009
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    10601 W. Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90232                                       Vol 2 Issue 4 2009 | 17
             few years back, when real        labor into a fix-and-flip and have nothing     one thing you are not likely to get, I’m
             estate was doubling and          to show for it except a loss on their books.   sad to say, is a profit. There are too many
             tripling in price in                How could this be? Simply put, when         variables, too many uncertainties, and
             neighborhoods all across the     it comes to fixing and flipping, time is       overall, too much market risk.
country, flipping houses was all the rage.    money. Starry-eyed newcomers to real             Fixing and
In fact, there was even a TV show or two      estate typically underestimate the amount      flipping, un-
devoted to the practice, and it featured      of time and money it will take to fix up a     fortunately, is
people making money hand over fist by         property. They also underestimate the          not the path to
buying properties, fixing them up, and        holding period. At the same time, they         real     estate
then selling them for huge profits.           overstate the amount of money they’re          wealth for the

        The Truth About
        House Flipping                        by Charles Salisbury, MBA

   The concept is nothing new, it’s been      going to earn when they finally sell the       novice. It’s a risky endeavor that involves
around for years and has always been an       property.                                      a lot of work, a lot of time, and more than
option for making money in real estate,          While they’re busy underestimating and      a good share of luck.
especially for those who are handy. The       over-estimating, the bank is busy                 The bottom line is that real estate is still
idea is that you locate a                            collecting interest, because as I       the very best investment out there. But
distressed piece of                                    said, time is money. The longer       house flipping, buying foreclosed
property in a decent                                     it takes to sell a property, the    properties or property in probate is not a
or at least                                                 smaller the profit and the       secret, fast path to wealth.
average neigh-                                                greater the amount of             So how can investors make money in
borhood,                                                      money the fix-and-flipper      real estate without having to paint walls
buy it, fix it                                                will pay to the bank.          and replace tile on weekends? By using a
up so that it                                                     And then you need to       turn-key approach that is disciplined yet
m e e t s                                                     consider the risk factor.      very effective. If you are interested in
community                                                     What if you buy a house        learning more about how my team and I
or neigh-                                                     today and the real estate      invest in real estate, I encourage you to
borhood                                                       market turns even lower, so    visit my website to read more information
standards,                                                    that you can’t even recoup     and articles about my investment
and sell it.                                                  your initial investment        philosophy.
   Even in                                                    when you come to sell the
these tough economic times, adver-            house? Or what if you knock out a wall
tisements abound for seminars that teach      in the house and discover, to your horror,     Chuck Salisbury outlines the safest, most
the secret to house flipping and help you     additional repair problems that are both       conservative way to invest in real estate
make your own fortune through the             expensive and time-consuming? To               in “The Incredible Investment Book.”
process. It sounds great, but I’m here to     paraphrase Forrest Gump, a fixer-upper         For a free newsletter, please visit:
tell you that more often than not, a novice   is like a box of chocolates — you never        www.TenPercent or contact
investor can put a lot of time and hard       know what you’re going to get. But the         the author at: (949) 910-6028

   To paraphrase Forrest Gump, a fixer-
    upper is like a box of chocolates —
 you never know what you’re going to get.                                                                                            Vol 2 Issue 4 2009 | 19
Top10     by Scott Meyers, CSSM©
                                            Reasons to Invest
                                             in Self Storage
                                                  last apartment complex with all those ten-
                                                                                                 percent planned to start a new job. What
                                                  ants and toilets and traded them for self      do people do when they move? That’s
                      Like many of you, I be-     storage units filled with nothing but...       right, they store stuff. Downsizing, buy-
                      gan my career by build-     STUFF!                                         ing a second home, or even a like swap in
                      ing a large portfolio of       My passion, and my company, Self Stor-      houses necessitates a need for storage.
                      single family and multi-    age Profits, Inc., www.SelfStorage             One economist recently compared the
                      family properties. I, is designed to share my         opportunity in this industry to sitting on
                      spent the first 10 years    experience with you so that you may find       the oil industry in the 1950s or sitting on
                      in real estate investment   the joy of running your own real estate        Silicon Valley in the 1990s!
                      fighting with tenants       business without all the hassles that the      8. Multiple Ways to Increase Value –
                      and toilets, and it al-     traditional real estate investment pos-        There’s only so much you can do to a
most drove me into the insane asylum and          sesses.                                        house or with apartments that truly adds
bankruptcy court! Chasing tenants that               Now, I will share with you the top 10       value, or commands a higher rent. But with
wouldn’t pay, trying to stay ahead of ris-        reasons why I decided to sell all my houses    Self Storage, you can take a vanilla facil-
ing taxes, insurance, utility bills, and the      and apartments and say goodbye to all the      ity and create multiple additional income
ongoing, unexpected maintenance calls,            tenants, toilets and trash to invest in self   streams such as:
almost forced me out of the business. So          storage:                                       a. Retail centers that sell locks, boxes,
I began to ask myself, what area of real          10. Endless Opportunities – Contrary to        moving supplies
estate could I invest in that could utilize       popular belief, the large, public operators    b. A truck rental service through a 3rd
the talents and experience I have gained,         in the industry only account for about 25      party, or in-house
without all the hassles of tenants and toi-       percent of the estimated 51,000 facilities     c. A business center that charges for com-
lets? Well, after weighing all options, and       in this country worth $22 billion in 2007.     puter usage, copies, and fax
after speaking with many of my mentors            That means there is a huge opportunity to      d. Ebay® Add-it centers where customers
in the industry, I ultimately chose Self Stor-    pursue roughly 37,000 facilities that are      can pay you to sell their “stuff”
age as the area I wanted to pour my ef-           available. Many of these are “mom and          e. A pack and ship business
forts into and secure my future.                  pop” facilities that are already established   These additional services can contribute
   So after 13 years of amassing a large          and cash flowing, and were developed spe-      as much as five to seven percent of the
portfolio of single family and multi-fam-         cifically to sell off to investors once they   total income a facility brings in monthly.
ily apartment complexes, I began to sell          were stabilized.                               7. Low Operating Costs – With my
them all off and begin investing in self stor-    9. Demand Projections are on the rise –        apartments, I was responsible for paying
age facilities. And as most people say once       Over 23,000 facilities have been added         the utility costs for many of the common
they have found their true calling, I wish I      since 2000. But probably the most excit-       areas and vacant units, and in some prop-
would have done it sooner! The Self Stor-         ing prospect for the industry is the aging     erties, the gas and water was on one meter,
age business isn’t without its fair share of      of the baby boomers. There are roughly         and was included in the rent. I was forced
challenges, however, and I certainly              77 million baby boomers in this country        to pay for my tenants’ wasteful use of gas
wouldn’t call it easy. But my life has            as of 2007, and they account for approxi-      and water. With Self Storage, however, the
changed dramatically the day I sold my            mately $2 trillion in spending power. A        expenses are minimal to begin with. You
                                                                               recent poll by    will pay for lights in the parking lot, and
                                                                               the Self Stor-    utilities for the office, but those can be
                                                                               age Associa-      monitored, and increases can be easily ab-
                                                                               tion of a sam-    sorbed. This makes budgeting for utili-
                                                                               pling of Baby     ties and other variable costs a breeze com-
                                                                               Boomers re-       pared to properties with tenants and toi-
                                                                               vealed that       lets.
                                                                               upon retire-      6. Minimal Collection Losses – Forty-
                                                                               ment, 50 per-     seven of the 50 states have a lien law with
                                                                               cent planned      regard to self storage collections proce-
                                                                               to travel, 40     dures, and the other three provide for steps
                                                                               p e r c e n t     that an owner can take to collect past due
                                                                               planned      to
                                                                                                                         Continued on pg. 30
                                                                               move, and 10
20 |                                                                                              Vol 2 Issue 4 2009
Due Diligence, pg. 13                        package before purchasing. Get the             agreement, void the contract without
in your lifetime you probably have been       appraisal, before pictures and video,          notice and take over the management of
charged extra. Did you really think it cost   inspection report, renovation estimate,        the property im-mediately.” This little
$200 to pull your credit report? Well, do     cash flow and profit analysis, assessors       wording saved me a few times and is a
not feel too badly about it. The fact is      report and do your neighborhood analysis       great clause to add. Now we have our
that pretty much every single fee, point      all before closing. These things are key       own in-house property management
or cost on the closing statement is           and you do not want to slack off on them       company, which is, in my opinion, the
negotiable. So negotiate! Review the          or you will find yourself losing money on      only way to go once you have enough
HUD closing statement in detail for fees.     your investments very quickly.                 properties in your portfolio.
Some of them hide themselves as “lender
fees, broker fees, loan charge fees,          MANAGEMENT                                     CONTINUED ANALYSIS
processing fees, broker origination fees,     Property management is the single most         Never forget: Your investment needs to
settlement or closing fees, document          important factor in owning property. If        be analyzed on a quarterly and annual
                                                                              you do not     basis to determine if you are getting the
                                                                              have good      return on your money that you are
 Never forget: Your investment needs to be                                    property       expecting. Review those statements on a
 analyzed on a quarterly and annual basis...                                  manage-        monthly basis and contact the
                                                                              ment      in   management company with any questions
preparation fees, notary fees, shipping and   place, you will have major problems down       as well. This helps with decision making
handling fees,” just to name a few. You       the road.       Make sure you find a           down the line and helps mitigate any
also want to make sure on every closing       management company that has the right          inefficiencies early to increase your
that your closing statements are correct      incentives in place. No mark ups on            returns.
and reflect the entire transaction and have   repairs and man-agement fees only when
FULL disclosure with the lender and           the property is rented are two major must-     OCG Properties, LLC, helps clients do
seller/buyer. This will get you out of any    haves in the contract. I also write in every   all of the right due diligence on every
problems down the line and make sure you      management contract, “If ever I feel that      investment. If you would like to talk real
do not cross those legal bear traps. For      the manager is not acting in my best           estate, call (424) 757-4680 or visit online:
the closing make sure you have had the        interest at any time, I have the right to Or, feel free to
time to complete your entire due diligence    cancel the property management                 email:

22 |                                                                                          Vol 2 Issue 4 2009
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           w w w . p a n d h r e a l t y. c o m                                                                     Vol 2 Issue 4 2009 | 25
RE Club Founder Ponders Meaning of LIFE
A few months ago,                                                      wild horses. Again         ence: unpredictability, uncertainty, and in-
Bruce Norris was a                                                     neighbors gathered         security. Worrying about future events is
guest speaker at my                                                    around him, offered        unproductive. Thinking that we are in
club in Los Angeles. I                                                 their sympathy and         charge is futile. Believing we can predict
call him Nostradamus                                                   told him how unfortu-      the future events based on series of num-
because he predicts                                                    nate he was. His           bers and stats can be detrimental to our
future events based on                                                 usual reply was,           mental health. What we need to do is to
past performances.                                                     “Maybe and who             surrender instead of worry. Go on out
He did a fabulous job                                                  knows.” A week later,      there and do what you do best everyday,
of predicting the fu-                                                  the soldiers came and      then surrender to Life for the final out-
ture of real estate in                                                 drafted every able         come. Welcome Life’s challenges, as they
California and the na-                                                 male body for an im-       are part of your continual growth. Your
tion, but I simply                                                     minent war with an-        only certainty is uncertainty. And, if you
couldn’t help but re-                                                  other country but          really wish to have security then seek in-
mind myself that the                                                   spared the peasant’s       security! One more thing, no matter how
Life I know is highly                                                  son. Once again, his       “bad” your life is now or has been so far,
unpredictable. His predictions were rather       neighbors called him very lucky. The mes-        it can turn on a dime and be completely
scientific, based on numbers, graphs and         sage here is loud and clear: Every event         different tomorrow. As a matter of fact,
stats, but I am not ready to give up my          that happens in our life is not to be judged     things are never as “good” or as “bad” as
notion that nothing is written in stone. The     as good or bad because we simply do not          they appear to be. They’re usually closer
nature of Life is not all scientific, you see.   know what’s coming next. There are no            to the middle, but our judgmental minds
Life is non-linear and follows the Chaos         direct correlations between events and no        cannot understand the concept of balance.
Theory. This means that although num-            one really knows what the future holds.          The only catalyst to a better, more fulfilled
bers do play an important part in shaping           It’s the same thing with Life. Past does      life is your knowing that you’re protected.
our decisions, no one knows for sure             not equal the future. You can make all the       The more you come to peace with your-
what’s in store for us in the coming months      predictions you want but Life remains            self, the more you look at Life as a play-
or years. Chaos Theory, which is popu-           mysterious and people are unpredictable.         ground, the more you project positive
larly referred to as the Butterfly Effect (a     Who’s to say California real estate won’t        thoughts, the more you realize your seren-
butterfly flaps its wings in the Amazon,         make a full recovery in one to two years.
and two years later there’s rainfall in Kan-     I know stats state otherwise, but no one
sas) simply states: The only prediction you      knows what Life will bring tomorrow. It’s
can make about anything is that it’s un-         entirely possible that lower home values
predictable!                                     in our state could bring in thousands of
   In essence, things are not directly caused    people from all over the country and the
by other things. Life is not boring and          globe to miraculously turn things around
translucent; instead, it’s marvelous and         for us. After all, Life is a field of all pos-
mysterious. The mysterious nature of Life        sibilities. This is what Werner Heisenberg,
is what allows the future to be wide open        a renowned German quantum physicist,
regardless of what the past looked like or       called the Uncertainty Principal. My point
what the stats tell us. My approach to           is that you can very possibly shape your               Hundreds of members visit monthly.
Life’s events is this: “Maybe and who            future based on your decisions today.            ity is in your surrendering and not fight-
knows.” It reminds me of an old story of         Likewise, I know our country is in a lot of      ing with Life, the quicker you’ll succeed
a peasant whose only horse ran away and          trouble now and many feel that our sys-          in all areas of your life. So, play the game
left him without any means to make a liv-        tem might eventually collapse because of         like a child and you will enter the King-
ing. His neighbors called this event very        corruption in the government and our mon-        dom of God, Universe, Nature, Life, or
unfortunate. The wise old peasant’s re-          etary system, but we could very possibly         whatever else you wish to call it.
sponse was a simple, “Maybe and who              change the course of future events by our
knows.” A few days later, the horse re-          thoughts and deeds today.                        Best regards,
turned with another ten wild horses in tow.          Life has a mission of its own. Life is       Sam Sadat
His neighbors flocked to his place and           non-linear. Life is mysterious and unpre-        Founder and president of the National
called him the luckiest man on earth. His        dictable. Life doesn’t follow our limited        Club of Real Estate Investors and the Los
usual response was, “Maybe and who               human perspective. Need I say more?              Angeles Real Estate Investors Club, visit:
knows.” A few days later, the peasant’s             So, I highly encourage you to come to and
son broke his leg while riding one of the        grips with this facet of our human exist-        Email directly:
24 |                                                                                                Vol 2 Issue 4 2009
Bank on Land            by Bonnie MacKinnon

          s a long-time reader of     MONEY FOR LIFE
          Realty411, it is a thrill   Invest in stocks, and you’re
          to contribute some-         investing in the principals of
thing to this publication. Just       the company and their finan-
like most readers, I am an            cial savvy and common sense.
investor. I have several parcels      If they make the wrong
in Palmdale and Lancaster,            decision, your money gets hit.
which are growing areas                  Invest in a rental property,
outside of Los Angeles, Calif.        and you’re relying that a set of
   I’ve seen my parcels grow          people from property
tremendously in value in the          managers to cleaners to rental
boom years and hold steady in         personnel are all communi-
more recessive times. I have          cating and coordinating
tried other investment ve-            effectively among themselves
hicles, like the stock market         to make sure the renters are
and rentals, but I always come        taken care of.
back to land as being the best           Nope, give me something I
and most hassle-free way to           can understand and control,
make my money grow. There’s           and I’m a happy camper. Give
a common saying: “Sometimes           me Los Angeles County with
it’s easier to make money than        a population of 18 million
it is to keep it.”                    people. Give me an economy
   Boy, have we all learned this      that’s the 11th strongest in the
lesson over the last six months!      world. Let me stand back and
As the stock market dropped           watch people migrate to Los
to levels not seen since 1990,        Angeles because of its
I stood by comfortable in the         financial opportunities and
fact that my money — both             then migrate to Antelope
cash and IRA funds — were             Valley for its space and
safely secured in land.               affordability. Give me land.
   My stock market invest-               Lastly, I was talking to a
ments have taught me a lesson:        long-time resident of Palm-
It’s one thing to make money,         dale. He’s seen the effects of
but you have to hold on to it         the growth and popularity of
and, even smarter, to make it         the area with retailers and
grow.                                 businesses over the past 40
   Another thing that I appre-        years. I mentioned to him that
ciate about investing in land is      I had a nice 10 acre parcel on
the fact that it earns its value      the east side of Lancaster at
based on truly organic                35th St. East and Avenue F.
elements: population expan-              “Just wait,” he said, “In 10
sion and time passing.                years, you’ll be downtown.
   How many times have we             You’ll be sitting on a gold-
made an investment in which           mine.”
the results were dependant on            That type of care-free
some person or set of persons         investing sounds good to me.
making the right decision?
Live Where You Want,
                                    Invest Where it Makes Sense
                                    by Kathy Fettke                   thing.” While that’s a tall order, most people are finding that
                                                                      cash flow today is better than the hope of appreciation in the
                                      The old adage, "Invest in       future. The economic crisis we face today is different than
                                      your own back yard" is still    other downturns. An asset bubble collapse can last much longer.
                                      true. But in today’s informa-   The Great Depression in the U.S. and the asset collapse in
                                      tion age, our back yards have   Japan in 1989 are examples of this. It has been 20 years, and
                                      become much larger.             Japan has still not recovered. Ask investors there if they would
                                      Through Google
                                      maps, we can
  visit any location in the world at the click of a but-
  ton. We can research MLS listings nationwide. And
  with direct flights, we can be in another state in
  just a few hours.
     I live near San Francisco, where the median
  home price is $656,700. Median rents are $2,234
  for a typical 3/2 home. Median income is $63,393.
  In a city like this, it clearly makes a lot more sense
  to rent than to own. And the only reason an inves-
  tor would buy in this city would be for the poten-
  tial appreciation — not for cash flow.
     Let’s compare rentals in San Francisco to Dal-
  las. In Dallas, you can expect to get at least 1.2
  percent of the purchase price in rents: a $100,000
  property would bring in $1,200 in rent. You could
  buy six and a half of these for one home in San
  Francisco. The rental income in Dallas would be over $7,300         have taken cash flow over appreciation. The appreciation never
  per month, compared to the $2,234 you’d get in San Fran-            happened.
  cisco. That’s a $60,792 difference in annual income! After 10          The biggest hurdle investors need to overcome when in-
  years, the difference is $607,920. Many people will hold out        vesting in cash-flow markets is the worry that their property is
  for the possibility of the San Francisco property doubling in       so far away, and “out there on it’s own.” While this would be
  value over 10 years and worry that Texas properties never           tragic, it does not have to be the case. Good property manag-
  appreciate. What they fail to see is that income can be just as     ers are the key. Real estate is a business and must be treated as
  lucrative as appreciation, but it’s less speculative.               such. All good businesses rely on delegation. Real estate in-
     In today’s economy, investors are looking for the “sure          vestors are no different. They hire teams to help them suc-
                                                                      ceed, and a good property manager is one of the team mem-
                                                                           Therefore, live where you want (even if it means renting)
                                                                      and invest where it makes sense, in areas with affordable mar-
                                                                      kets with high job and population growth as well as landlord-
                                                                      friendly laws.
                                                                      For more information about Kathy Fettke, please log on to:
                                                                         Real Wealth Network helps investors build their teams. As
                                                                      the network grows with investors sharing information, our
                                                                      list of tried and true real estate professionals also grows. Mem-
                                                                      bership is free and access to this list is available to those who
                                                                      ask and includes CPAs, 1031 exchange companies, asset pro-
                                                                      tection specialists, property managers,wholesale property sell-
                                                                      ers, and turn-key property networks.
26 |                                                                                          Vol 2 Issue 4 2009
Affordablity and High Returns
Make this Southern City Shine
   Thinking about heading South to expand your portfolio? Regionally speaking,
   the South is leading the nation in economic stability and growth. This booming
   and stable region provides investors with a low entry point (Investors can buy
   with as little as $1,500 down.) and outstanding returns. How does a cash on
   cash return of 400 percent sound? Here are some other reasons why Birming-
   ham, Alabama, is attacting investors from across the nation. —Realty411 Staff
                                                                                       Inside Scoop on Birmingham
     * An Old City Embraces a New Economy *                                            This vibrant city is gaining attention
                                                                                       as being a key market for investors.
   * Birmingham's economy                               40 banks in deposits and       • CNN/MONEY named Birming-
   was transformed by invest-                           assets.
                                                                                       ham, Ala., the 10th best overall real
   ments in bio-technology                              * Telecommunications pro-
                                                                                       estate market in the nation. 
   and medical research at the                          vider AT&T, formerly
                                                                                       • Birmingham is the third best cash
   University of Alabama at                             BellSouth, has a major pres-
                                                        ence with several large
                                                                                       flow market in the United States,
   Birmingham (UAB) and
                                               offices in the metropolitan area.       according to Nuwire Investor.
   its adjacent hospital. UAB is now the
   area's largest employer and the largest     * Major insurance providers (Protec-    • Relative to all metro areas exceed-
   in Alabama with a workforce of about        tive Life, Infinity Property & Casu-    ing one million persons, Birmingham
   20,000.                                     alty and ProAssurance, among others)    has the lowest unemployment rate.
   * After Charlotte, NC, Birmingham is        are headquartered in Birmingham and     • Birmingham is the third fastest
   the South’s leading financial center with   employ a large number of people in      growing real estate market in the na-
   headquarters to three of the nation’s top   greater Birmingham.                     tion, according to CNN/MONEY.                                                                                   Vol 2 Issue 4 2009 | 27
                                                            A Real Asset
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Those Insurance Villains!
           by R. Michael Wrenn, President and CEO of Renovator’s Insurance

                et’s talk about those Insur-    a good friend too in your agent. If you
                ance Villains. You know,        don’t, you’ll probably always be talkin’
                those agents and companies      about those Insurance Villains. So, here
                that take your money and        we go, and pay attention...OK?
                then never pay a claim due      1) Find an agent (preferably one with at
to the fine print! I just don’t know how        least three years experience) who you like     and take as much risk as you can afford to
they get away with it, and if I didn’t need     and trust and knows about the issue of         take; choose those higher deductibles. But,
that darn stuff, I wouldn’t even buy it!        vacancy in the various property insurance      do not fail to buy all the liability insur-
Those fast talkin’ no good…scoundrels.          policies…and the Insurance 101 issue of        ance you can afford as this is where some-
   I guess after 35 years in this business, I   replacement cost and actual cash value         one takes you out if you have none and
have heard it all…even a thank you or two.      coverages. Tell him or her exactly what        someone is hurt or receives damage to
I developed a program that today insures        you do and then tell them exactly what you     their property where you might be negli-
over 4,000 locations for investment prop-       know about insurance. Next, rely on that       gent. (You know, negligent…it’s where
erty owners and rehabbers. We started this      agent to educate you on just the basics over   you didn’t take out that dead tree and it
with about 32 HomeVestor franchisees in         the next say six months. Go to lunch or        fell on your neighbor’s car or house…or
1999, and now we have over 600 clients          breakfast a few times during this period       that hole you failed to fill in, but the
nationwide. I know you investors very well      and just talk about YOUR business. They        neighbor’s kid found, fell into and broke
after 10 years. Busy, busy, busy, you are       will usually buy too!                          his neck.)
for sure! You’re running around doing           2) If after six months you don’t sense they      This is really simple enough, don’t you
deals and taking for granted the insurance      know anything or they don’t care about         think? And, oh, if you buy based on price
you’ve placed on your prized developing         you, then fire them and start the process      only, you might want to take all the whin-
assets. I know you almost better than you       all over. You have no time to invest on an     ing about those Insurance Villains and
know yourself as it relates to your con-        agent who doesn’t “get you” or seem to         make it into a song! Remember the old
sumption of time and energy and atten-          care enough to “get your business” and its     adage: You get what you pay for.
tion or focus on insurance policies, and        unique needs.                                    The biggest issue of all is finding that
their appropriate coverage on your rental,      3) Explain your risk preference and abil-      agent who really cares. If he or she really
renovation or vacant properties. I’ll go        ity financially to handle higher deductibles   cares then everything else will generally
even further: You don’t know much about         in the event of a loss. Then tailor the pro-   work out just fine.
your risks. But, one thing you need to          gram you buy to your personal risk level,
know is: If you make a
mistake on this, it could
take you out of the game.
   So, you’ve had a
claim and it wasn’t cov-
ered, surprise, surprise.
But, you know, maybe I
can help you with that.
Maybe I can give you
some good, sound ad-
vice that can save you
money and may even
lead to a claim being
covered and paid…it
just might even save
your little bottom (line)
     If you’ll take my ad-
vice you can exit this
business at retirement
with a valued relation-
ship and probably even                                                                                            Vol 2 Issue 4 2009 | 29
Realty411 Magazine Real Estate Investing Guide
Realty411 Magazine Real Estate Investing Guide
Realty411 Magazine Real Estate Investing Guide
Realty411 Magazine Real Estate Investing Guide
Realty411 Magazine Real Estate Investing Guide
Realty411 Magazine Real Estate Investing Guide
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Realty411 Magazine Real Estate Investing Guide

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  • 5. Realty411 N ow is the best time in U.S. I recommend going by the property or history to take advantage of properties you plan on purchasing during published for investors by investors the bank-owned property the day on a weekday and again at night real estate market, get some or on the weekends to really get a feel for FOUNDER & EDITOR Linda Pliagas great built-in equity, cash the neighborhood. In addition, the tenants flow and, most importantly, build long- you are going to rent to in these bad EDITORIAL STAFF term wealth. However, most investors do neighborhoods are going to miss Carla Fischer not do the right due diligence when payments more, cause more damages to Lori Peebles purchasing properties or even know how your units, and have a higher likelihood PHOTO EDITOR to for that matter. So, how does an investor of moving out in the middle of the night John DeCindis do the right due diligence? Do you need and having their friends steal your water COLUMNISTS to be an attorney, CPA or other financial heater, AC unit and all of the copper Dave Lindahl professional? Well it helps, but it is not piping. What do you do if you have Charles Salisbury necessary. If you do not feel you are already purchased in one of these ADVERTISING How to Do Your Kelly Global Marketing 310.439.1145 Melissa Stepan 818.974.4404 DUE DILIGENCE EVENT & EXPO MARKETING Lawrence Ruano GRAPHIC DESIGN Susan Crowell Lori Hampton A Step-by-Step Guide by Mathew Owens, CPA & Investor UNIVERSITY INTERN Kimberly Valenzuela, CSULB CALIFORNIA DISTRIBUTION experienced enough to do your homework neighborhoods unknowingly? One way Professional Distribution Solutions the right way, hire someone who is. The to go is to get a section 8 tenant. They are 1.877.418.6500 extra cost of hiring a professional now will required to take better care of your unit NATIONAL DISTRIBUTION save you major headaches and possible and you get guaranteed rents. Another KJ Banks: 805.377.6328 losses down the road. OK, so your saying: way to go is to sell as fast as possible and DIRECT BROKERAGE DISTRIBUTION “What if I want to do it myself because I even possibly take a loss on it to get out CBS Advertising Distributors do not trust even the most seasoned of the property. It’s better than losing 310.390.5744 professional with my money?” Well get money over your mortgage payment PUBLISHED & DESIGNED BY prepared because I am about to take you month after month because of the Manifest Media Partners through a step-by-step guide to do the extensive vacancies, bad debt and repairs! Our Mission is to Educate, Motivate & Inspire Phone: 310.499.9545 right due diligence on every property Email: purchase. MARKET VALUE ANALYSIS Realty411 is published in Los Angeles, Calif., by Mani- Let me start off by saying one really fest Media Partners. Publishers are not responsible for NEIGHBORHOOD ANALYSIS important factor you need to consider unsolicited manuscripts, photographs and/or other ma- One of the biggest mistakes you can make when buying property today: You are in a terials. © Copyright 2009 by Realty411. All Rights Re- when purchasing property is buying in a served. Reproduction without permission is strictly pro- declining market! What does this mean? hibited. Realty411 strives to achieve journalistic integ- bad neighborhood. What is a bad area? It means you need to pay very close rity; however, the opinions expressed by our colum- When you are walking through the attention to what the market value of the nists are not endorsed by the publishers or editorial neighborhoods look for crack heads, 30" staff. Real estate investing can be risky. Before invest- property is TODAY. Not three years ago. ing in real estate, please seek the advisement of a rims up and down the street, un-kept Many wholesalers, sellers and real estate trusted financial advisor, attorney or tax consultant. houses and major foot traffic. These agents will try to sell you on the highest PRINTED IN THE USA. GOD BLESS AMERICA. would all be pretty good signs you may appraised value ever received for that Connect With Our Editor Online: not want to buy there. Many investors property. However, you should be buying just starting out (including myself) have property based on what the current made the mistake of buying in the wrong financeable value is IF you plan to sell or neighborhoods and trusted the seller when refinance. If you are buying a property they say that it’s a “quite family-owned with cash and holding for long-term cash neighborhood” only to find out that during flow, it is less important if the property the day the place looks great, but at night Continued on next page > it’s an entire different ball game. Vol 2 Issue 4 2009 | 5
  • 6. has the right comparables for financing, estate agents and asset managers. We also thought you were getting was not what but it still is a signification of the current take it one step further and get an appraisal you expected at year end. Many sellers value of the property. Good wholesalers on every property before we close escrow rely on this downright lie to trick less and real estate professionals know how as well as pull the property tax assessor’s educated or experienced investors into to find properties with these requirements tax appraisal as a secondary check-on thinking their return on investment is and many times you as the investor do not value. As a side note, there are many higher. know the difference or will never check. properties that are un-financeable and In addition to the cash flow calculation, In order to get a property financed in look like they have great cash flow on you always want to take into consideration today’s lending market, banks require paper. However, when you get down to it the tax benefits which can easily increase appraisers to use three comparable the vacancies, repairs and bad debts make your cash flow return on your money with property sales within the last six months your cash flow significantly under extra tax breaks. You can even get really and within one mile. Banks can differ on expectation if not non-existent. All of creative and do a cost segregation analysis these requirements and personally if a these factors need to be considered when or build green for extra tax breaks, which property does not have a minimum of six looking at the market value of your is a great way to inch up that return a little comparables within three months, I would property and which investments to chose on each investment. Also when you are not buy it if I am going to sell or refinance. from. computing your return on investment If it takes three months to purchase, there are a couple of different factors to renovate and sell the property (sometimes CASH FLOW & RENTAL ANALYSIS consider. First, you have your return due it can take a month just to close escrow) First things first: How do you compute to the cash flow, which is basically your then you want to still be able to use the cash flow? Most sellers will tell you, rent NET rent after all expenses and the comparables you pulled when you sell. minus property management, property mortgage payment if you have one. Next Keep in mind there are many professional taxes and insurance equals cash flow. You you have your tax breaks. Then you have real estate investors that wholesale as an investor need to watch out. Do not your principal reduction on the loan every properties, but do not assume you will be be fooled. Always, always, always include year and lastly you have the built in equity able to find a buyer before you have to a monthly vacancy allowance and monthly when you purchase the property. All of close escrow. You should have the funds repairs allowance when doing your cash these items should be considered when ready to close escrow if need be. You flow analysis. If you do not include these you are looking at your return on definitely do not want the reputation of items on a monthly basis you are going to investment and total increase in not closing your deals with the local real find that the return on your money you Continued on pg. 13
  • 7. I n the perplexing gious financial institutions including Wells Fargo Bank and world of residential AmSouth. Green also served as an investment banker working investments, two closely on retirement ac- Ryan Hinricher, Chief Marketing Officer Memphis-based counts at Fidelity Invest- entrepreneurs, Ryan Hin- ments prior to embarking richer and Stephen Green, on the launch of earlier decided to lead the pack start-up companies includ- and offer a concierge ap- ing Green Financial. He proach as investment then started renovating home advisors. This homes for out-of-state in- “white glove” advisor role vestors looking to own in concept is unique and the Memphis area. Hinricher and Green agree While its headquarters that it’s the future of in- Stephen Green, President are in Memphis, Investor vestment realty. Nation also has satellite of- This year, these two ambitious executives launched Investor fices strategically located Nation, focused on providing investors with a turn-key solution in Orlando, Florida, and by allowing them to build a diversified investment home port- Portland, Oregon, where White-Glove Approach Positions Investor Nation Ahead of the Pack by Carla Fischer and Marie Domingo folio in the best real estate markets in America. In doing so, each many of their investors live. The company currently employs investor learns how to make savvy decisions when purchasing, ten people. renovating and renting investment property. The company’s ob- Hinricher and Green believe that Investor Nation’s unique jectives are to help the investor maximize the benefits of real “white glove” concept is the future of investment realty. “We’ve estate investing by offering tailored investment strategies to meet taken the approach of ‘radical transparency,’ meaning we offer each investor’s individual an incredible amount of due Investor Nation offers out-of-state investors choice properties. goals. diligence, from inspections, To date, Hinricher and appraisals and renovation Green have sold more than bids,” said Hinricher. “We 400 properties in the last make this process seamless 36 months. As Investor and easily accessible to all Nation launched, its focus of our investors from our was on Memphis, but the website.” company has since ex- Hinricher explains that panded to Charlotte, North once the investor purchases Carolina, and Atlanta, a home, the company offers Georgia, and future re- pre-screened licensed third- gions will be added. party general contractors Prior to forming Inves- and management companies tor Nation with Green, as resources to collaborate Hinricher held senior man- with the investor, making agement posts at presti- Continued on next page > Vol 2 Issue 4 2009 | 7
  • 8. the process pain-free. time. We’ll guide you the whole Both Hinricher and Green way. Before you even purchase own investment homes and the home, you will know what spent years establishing solid needs to be done, how much it resources and consider clients’ will cost, how you will finance access to their contacts from the renovations, and who will their personal Rolodexes is part perform them for you.” of the white glove service. “Our key focus is working “Our team becomes your se- for investors who are seeking se- nior advisor to help guide the cure assets to diversify their en- investor, locate and screen tire investment portfolio and buy property as well as help com- two to three investment homes to plete the transaction,” Green Jim Williams, Charlotte Branch Manager supplement their 401(K) and said. “It’s an ideal solution for other retirement vehicles,” anyone currently interested or already involved with investments explained Green. and who needs a senior advisor to handle time-consuming but Hinricher and Green plan to change the world of real estate as deadline-oriented projects.” they’re doing their share to revitalize the economy. “The invest- Investor Na- ment homes we purchase are primarily distressed and foreclosed, tion identifies so we are revitalizing those homes at a rapid pace and delivering and introduces a positive impact to local neighborhoods and the economy on a investors to l a r g e r third-party scale,” finance lender Hinricher specialists said. “The who are famil- houses we iar with the in- target are vestor homes usually in the desig- three-bed- nated area. room, two- Tailored programs for investors, who perhaps don’t always bath homes qualify within the normal Fannie Mae guidelines, are also of- built after fered as an alternative method of financing. 1978.” Terrance Hill, Marketing “Stephen and I focus primarily on cash flow, based on how Investor well the economy is doing,” said Hinricher. “Our services are Nation purchases vacant and distressed properties in all the com- perfect for someone seeking an investment property for the first munities it serves. Investors eventually restore the properties to some of the best homes in these neighbor- hoods. This attracts new tenants and posi- Facts about Investor Nation tively impacts the value of the area.” While Investor Nation realizes that the revitalization of homes benefits neigh- Established to deliver to each in- gies to meet each investor’s indi- vestor a turn-key solution, Investor vidual goals. Ryan Hinricher and borhoods, members of the company go a Nation empowers its clients to Stephen Green have sold more step further by donating time and money build a diversified investment home than 400 properties in the last 36 to local organizations such as Habitat for portfolio in the best real estate mar- months. As Investor Nation Humanity. kets in America. In doing so, each launched, its focus was on Mem- “We don’t see ourselves as a sales investor learns how to make savvy phis, but it has since expanded to organization, we see ourselves as a ser- decisions when purchasing, reno- Charlotte, N.C., and Atlanta, Ga., vice organization serving both the com- vating and renting investment prop- and other regions will be added erty. soon. While its headquarters are munities and investors,” Hinricher said. The company’s objective is to in Memphis, Investor Nation also help the investor maximize the ben- has a satellite office strategically For more information or to learn more efits of real estate investing by of- located in Portland, Ore., where about investing with Investor Nation, fering tailored investment strate- many of their investors reside. please visit:
  • 9.
  • 10. Private Money: The Biggest Power Tool An Investor Can Have by Dave Lindahl T hese days, most real estate great rate of return. Stop and think of the delighted with an eight percent return and investors are sitting on the kind of negotiating power you’ll have plenty of collateral. That would certainly sidelines. The daily media when you find a deal and know that you be a far better deal than they’re getting in drumbeat scares them into can get financing for it. You can drive a other investments. inaction. If they’re not hearing about very hard bargain when, in effect, you’re Where do you find these private higher unemployment, they’re told how the only exit with a gas station for the next lenders? They’re all around you. Kate, many more banks failed and how much 100 miles for a seller who needs to get one of my students, discovered from me more housing prices have plunged. out of a property. how to do a quick, informal pitch to just I’d have to say it’s one of the best times You can ethically drive a very hard about everyone she meets. Not pushy, but to be an investor. You read that right: The bargain with sellers because you need to just matter-of-fact style. Her car mechanic biggest profits are made when everyone buy the property at an excellent price in had money to lend her! With all the else is running for the door. Competition order to get financing. After all, your potholes in New England where Kate is much lower and so are prices. Investors private lenders have two key lives, it’s no wonder that mechanic’s a rich who are smart right now will be extremely requirements: guy. rich in just a few short years. Key #1: Private lenders want a high Another great source for private money I know what you’re thinking: “Yeah, likelihood that they’ll get their money is true “self-directed” IRAs. Warning: sure. And how am I supposed to finance back. When you buy a deal at a great Most people think they’re in a self- my deals? At all those failed banks? They price, that’s another way of giving directed IRA when in reality, they’ve been were bad enough in the good old days, insurance to your lenders that they’ll get fed a pack of lies by their securities firm. and now they’re not even lending to each their money back. In other words, if they Here’s the scam: The Big Boys on Wall other.” finance you and later the deal runs Street think we’re all idiots. They are also You’re right. Banks are a lousy place into trouble, they want to know greedy. So this is how the discussion goes to get financing now. The superior that the liquidation value of at one of the “Acme Financial Services” alternative is “private money.” that property will more than off-site planning meetings: That’s where you arrange a true cover their investment. “Hey, let’s tell our idiots — um, “win/win”: That’s easy if you bought customers — that we’re putting them into * You have a property that needs at a great price. the ‘Acme Retirement Security Self- financing. You’re willing to offer Key #2: Private lenders Directed IRA,’ when in fact we’ll just an attractive interest rate (or even want a great return on allow them to invest from among stocks equity) to people who finance their money. Again, we sell them, bonds we sell them, mutual it. when you buy right, you funds we make commissions on, and * Those people are sick can afford to give money market accounts we gouge them and tired of lenders an ex- with. We’ll get our lawyers to put in earning close to cellent return. really, really small print whatever we need zero on their At the right to, in order to make it legal. The idiots money, but they price, your will never know the difference!” also don’t want property Meanwhile, smart investors would to take much m i g h t never dream of establishing an IRA with risk. Private generate a one of these big Wall Street firms. money is the 10 percent Instead, they establish a truly self-directed way both par- return or IRA. To do that, they go with a company ties win. You m o r e . whose only business is establishing IRAs. get your deal T h e s e Contact me if you can’t find such done, and your days, your companies on your own. To summarize private inves- lenders about IRAs: In the course of your normal tors make a might be conversations with people, just ask if they Continued on next page 38 10 | Vol 2 Issue 4 2009
  • 11.
  • 12. Expand Your Options: Invest in Alternative Assets with Your IRA by Hugh Bromma rules allow you to take the actual real CEO of The Entrust Group property as an in-kind distribution. You O can also liquidate all or part of the real ver the past decade, more property. and more people are including alternative assets Rules to Live By in their IRAs as a means to Another thing to consider is the applicable diversify. Alternative assets laws and rules for the particular asset type. include anything that is not a certificate For example, a private placement is of deposit (CD) or publicly traded covered by securities laws and requires security, such as stocks and bonds. Typical certain disclosures to the buyer. A note is alternative investments include real estate, a security in many states. Offshore Photograph by John DeCindis private placements, equipment, leases, investments require certain reporting and notes. If you are looking into adding requirements and, in many cases, the owner really own it? Is the private alternative investments to your IRA, take transactions cannot be made in the same placement really a security and what are a moment to consider these tips. way as you would for a similar type of the disclosures to be made? If the private alternative investment in the United placement consists of real property, who Time and Money States. There are even limitations for owns the property? Is there equipment or You have a variety of asset types to choose buying assets within U.S. territories, personal property being sold in a from—some are excellent for the short commonwealths, and possessions. commercial building that generates term, others might take decades to reap You want to make sure that the person operating income? How is the security true benefits. So first, you need to or company selling those assets is interest in personal property perfected? determine your goals and objectives in completely aware of the rules and laws terms of when you plan to retire or take that apply. So you need to be able to ask Making the Purchase distributions from your IRA. the right questions so that you know that After you’ve taken your goals into Your present age is an essential you are getting informed answers. If you account, you know the rule and determinant of what you are looking for have any doubts, seek a professional who regulations involved, and you’ve done in growth and income of an asset. A real can help you understand the rules and laws your due diligence, you’re ready to buy property asset might have more growth for that asset type. Sellers and brokers the asset with your IRA. potential if you have at least 10 or 20 years should be competent in the area of The process of acquisition is simple: for the asset to appreciate. The big-picture specialty for the asset that they are selling. You order the administrator for the view would be to also consider whether They should be able to provide you with custodian of your self-directed IRA to buy it provides a positive cash flow to your any information or source to address your the asset for your IRA. You do this in IRA while waiting for it to appreciate. Of questions and concerns. writing by fully describing the asset and course, time can also cause physical In addition to the specific regulations the terms and conditions of the purchase. depreciation, so proper maintenance is a regarding the asset type, you should be The administrator follows your orders cost to the IRA. aware of the rules concerning prohibited completely, provided that you have not If you have a traditional IRA—earnings transactions and the responsibilities engaged in an obvious prohibited are taxable at distribution as compared to involved in self-directing your IRA transaction, which should be outlined in a Roth IRA in which distributions are tax purchases. Your custodian and your IRA adoption agreement. Your IRA free and not mandatory—you must take administrator should provide you with the is a legal entity and owns the asset until it distributions when you reach age 70½. So types of permissible investments with is distributed to you or your heirs. depending how many more years you have your IRA adoption agreement. Your administrator does not give any until you are required to take distributions, advice about your investment choices. you might tailor your investments Due Diligence The role of your administrator is to accordingly or choose to convert your The questions you ask of a seller are part purchase the asset on behalf of your IRA, traditional IRA to a Roth. Before making of you doing your due diligence for your maintain the records for it, and report the this type of decision, consult with your IRA purchase. You should never make results to you and the IRS. What your IRA tax advisor on what works best for your assumptions about an asset or neglect this invests in is up to you, but certainly you situation. essential step. Some things to ask are: should consult with your advisors, The minimum distribution requirement Does the asset exist? Does the purported attorneys, or accountants to help you 12 | Vol 2 Issue 4 2009
  • 13. develop your financial plan, and increase growth, and select your asset type, and choose what to invest in while perform the necessary due becoming knowledgeable diligence. about the choices. So if you are interested in Self-direction investing in real property, For many people, having a precious metals, or private self-directed IRA means loans, to name just a few opportunity: opportunity to opportunities, consider estab- diversify IRA funds into a lishing a self-directed IRA. variety of assets, reduce risk purchase and request that you Due Diligence, pg. 6 pay for the materials cost WEALTH. Next, you have directly. This takes a huge your rental analysis. When amount of risk off of you doing this you want to ask because the contactor then property managers that cannot hide costs in materials. manage properties in your Take a look at the large ticket specific areas; there are items as well. Does the numerous sites you can go to property need a new roof, in order to also get an electrical, plumbing, foun- assessment. Be conservative dation, AC and heating unit? on the rental amounts as it Look at those major items and affects your return on any additional items and investment significantly. compare them item by item with the inspection report. If there is anything on the RENOVATION ANALYSIS inspection report that is not on When doing your renovation the renovation bid, make sure it is VERY, VERY important the contractor is aware of it you have good team members and is planning on getting it in place that know how to fixed. Most people tell me not renovate property and know to over renovate. I actually do how to cut costs. I recommend a little extra on every having more than one renovation to put it above the renovation team. If you only rest. What does that do? It have one team they typically helps you sell the property get a little sloppier and the faster and/or rent the property price slowly rises over time. If faster as well, which both you have more than one team makes you a more successful you can switch back and forth investor. Also, I have found to pressure them not to that when you do a better job increase the price and take on your renovations, your better care when doing the tenants tend to take better care renovation, or you can go to of the unit and do not cause as someone else. There are a many damages. million and one ways a contractor can gouge you, but CLOSING if you do your homework, you So who has ever been charged can significantly reduce that extra fees, costs, points or risk. First thing you can do is insurance while closing get a renovation bid, go escrow on a property? If you through it with a fine tooth have purchased one property comb, and find out what materials they are going to Continued on pg. 22
  • 14. by Greg Boots Manager of TKO Properties and A Anderson Business Advisors, PLLC s an investor in long- term holds, I know the importance of making sure that I am pro- tected from any liability exposure associated with my investment property. The question then becomes should I use a Limited Liability Company or a Limited Partnership for asset protection purposes with my rental properties? Having consulted and educated thousands of investors across the country, I have seen both LLCs and LPs LLC or LP? What Entity is Best to Protect My Rentals? used to hold rental properties. Both entities are extremely The next distinction is directly related to our tax benefits well situated to protect properties from unrelated liability of holding long-term properties. As investors, we are able exposure (called outside liability). However, there are two to capture the depreciation of our long-term holds on our distinctions that make LLCs better suited to hold rentals 1040 returns (subject to income thresholds). In order to and lease options. be eligible to capture the depreciation, we must have some participation in the operation of the investment property. The first benefit deals with inside liability exposure. This Unfortunately, I encounter many people who have gone to type of harm occurs within the entity itself and is associated their local attorneys and those attorneys completely ignored with the property. In a Limited Partnership, two classes of tax consequences and placed the rental properties in LPs partners can exist: General Partners and Limited Partners. for asset protection. If you place your rental property in a Limited Partners are able to contain their risk exposure to LP and you are the Limited Partner, you lose your ability what they have invested in the business because they are to capture your depreciation on an annual basis because a completely passive investors. As passive investors, the Limited Partner cannot participate in the operation of the Limited Partners are not able to participate in the business. This is a huge mistake when it comes to tax management or running of the business. The General planning. However, if you use an LLC for your investment, Partner is in total control of how the business is to be run. you do not lose the ability to capture your annual In exchange for the control, the General Partner is subject depreciation because even a passive Member within the to unlimited liability exposure. Therefore, if a tenant is LLC can participate in the operation to an extent that would injured not only can the General Partner lose his or her allow for the full capture of the annual depreciation. investment in the business, but the General Partner can have all of his or her personal assets at risk as well. The way to When it comes to proper planning for asset protection, be avoid personal unlimited liability is to use an entity such diligent to ensure that you will not only receive the best as a corporation to serve as the General Partner. level of protection but that your plan does not hinder proper Conversely, an LLC has Members and Managers who are tax planning. In almost all circumstances LLCs are the both protected from unlimited liability exposure if an injury preferred entity to provide not only asset protection for occurs within the LLC. your investments, but also solid tax planning. 14 | Vol 2 Issue 4 2009
  • 15. Would you like to profit from purchasing Southern California FORECLOSURES? Take Advantage of the Ultimate Buyer’s Market by Teaming Up with Our Professionals The Herrera Sindell Group, Inc., Provides Investors • Cash-Flow Investment Properties in the Southern California Market • Strong Cash-on-Cash Returns with Long-Term Holds • Excellent Return-on-Investment (ROI) within 30 to 90 days • Joint Venture Partnerships with The Herrera Sindell Group, Inc. The Herrera Sindell Group, Inc. • Options to Utilize Retirement Plans for Investment Properties 15060 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 100 • Tenant-Occupied Properties in the Local Market Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 • Turn-key Investment Properties for Busy Investors • Property Management In Place, No Need to Worry Toll Free (877) 949-2772 Dislcaimer: This is not a public offering nor are we a REIT or a hedge fund. This is not an offer or invitation to sell or a solicitation of any offer to purchase any securities in the United States or any other jurisdiction. Any securities may only be offered or sold, directly or indirectly, in the state or states in which they have been registered or may be offered under an appropriate exemption.
  • 16. Five Minutes with Kansas City Missouri’s Foremost Real Estate Expert I nvestors looking for high returns Reedy: Our key is volume. We make a returns can be as high as 63 percent. Our with a low entry point should smaller profit on multiple deals and leave average flip generates net profits after all consider investing in the Kansas the lion’s share for our clients. That fees, closing costs and commissions of 20 City marketplace. The area boasts combined with our hands-on approach percent to the investor. We actually have a stable and diversified economy and attention to detail makes it very easy one client who has made in excess of and affordable properties with a strong for us to provide the investor with a turn- $100,000 this year alone just on flip ROI (return on investment). Realty411 key flip or rental property with great properties we have done for him. Now spoke with Dan Reedy, owner of Missouri returns. keep in mind, this is on value-priced Real Estate Ex- properties in Kansas What they’re saying... change, to get the City. Our average buy inside scoop on and hold property is opportunities in about $50,000 and our America’s “I have had the chance to work with Dan and see how he operates his business. finished flip property heartland. I have seen several of the projects Dan has done in rehabbing homes for is in the $70,000 to investors. His work is incredible. I was amazed at the lengths he goes to provide $100,000 range. Realty411: What the highest quality service at the best price. I would highly recommend Dan to Realty411: What’s the makes you so anybody who would like to find quality properties for investing.” best way for investors to informative ~Adam Cazier, Provo, Utah, April 1, 2009 begin the process and about the real start making money? estate market in Kansas City? Realty411: Explain your “hands-on” Dan Reedy: They can visit our website Dan Reedy: First of all, I have lived in approach. at and look at our this area my entire life and am very Reedy: Simply put, we handle everything current inventory, see rehab videos, and familiar with all of the positives and from beginning to end. We find the then call me direct at (816) 564-5265. negatives of almost every neighborhood property, rehab it, place the tenant and I will walk them thru the process and help in the Kansas City area. Secondly, we manage on a rental or resell to the end them to determine the best option based have done close to 1,000 real estate buyer on a flip. The key is having one on what they are trying to accomplish, transactions since our inception in 2005. point of contact for everything. budget and risk tolerance. We have also rehabbed hundreds of Realty411: What kind of returns are your properties for retail and rental and also investors seeing? mange over 300 properties in Kansas City Reedy: On buy-and-hold properties, our If you are looking for turn-key cash flow for investors nationally. There isn’t very average ROI is 40 percent. We have a few and flip profits, visit much we haven’t seen. very safe, great neighborhood properties or call Dan Reedy direct on his cell Realty411: That’s a lot of deals! What do that will dip to 35 percent. And, we also phone at (816) 564-5265. you attribute your success to? work in some higher risk areas, but the 16 | Vol 2 Issue 4 2009
  • 17. The Bare Truth About Real Estate Investing… No Hype, No Pitch The Naked Real Estate Investors Club sets a new paradigm in real estate clubs. We are based on being an affordable resource for all levels of investors across the nation! Education Networking - Deals Naked REIC offers a place where real estate investors receive support and guidance in their career. We are committed to bringing in quality train- ing, education, support, deal making and camara- derie amongst our peers. Naked Real Estate Investors Club is built by investors, for investors. Visit Us in Our New Home at the Los Angeles Meeting & Event Center Bus: 310-280-9418 10601 W. Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90232 Vol 2 Issue 4 2009 | 17
  • 18.
  • 19. A few years back, when real labor into a fix-and-flip and have nothing one thing you are not likely to get, I’m estate was doubling and to show for it except a loss on their books. sad to say, is a profit. There are too many tripling in price in How could this be? Simply put, when variables, too many uncertainties, and neighborhoods all across the it comes to fixing and flipping, time is overall, too much market risk. country, flipping houses was all the rage. money. Starry-eyed newcomers to real Fixing and In fact, there was even a TV show or two estate typically underestimate the amount flipping, un- devoted to the practice, and it featured of time and money it will take to fix up a fortunately, is people making money hand over fist by property. They also underestimate the not the path to buying properties, fixing them up, and holding period. At the same time, they real estate then selling them for huge profits. overstate the amount of money they’re wealth for the The Truth About House Flipping by Charles Salisbury, MBA The concept is nothing new, it’s been going to earn when they finally sell the novice. It’s a risky endeavor that involves around for years and has always been an property. a lot of work, a lot of time, and more than option for making money in real estate, While they’re busy underestimating and a good share of luck. especially for those who are handy. The over-estimating, the bank is busy The bottom line is that real estate is still idea is that you locate a collecting interest, because as I the very best investment out there. But distressed piece of said, time is money. The longer house flipping, buying foreclosed property in a decent it takes to sell a property, the properties or property in probate is not a or at least smaller the profit and the secret, fast path to wealth. average neigh- greater the amount of So how can investors make money in borhood, money the fix-and-flipper real estate without having to paint walls buy it, fix it will pay to the bank. and replace tile on weekends? By using a up so that it And then you need to turn-key approach that is disciplined yet m e e t s consider the risk factor. very effective. If you are interested in community What if you buy a house learning more about how my team and I or neigh- today and the real estate invest in real estate, I encourage you to borhood market turns even lower, so visit my website to read more information standards, that you can’t even recoup and articles about my investment and sell it. your initial investment philosophy. Even in when you come to sell the these tough economic times, adver- house? Or what if you knock out a wall tisements abound for seminars that teach in the house and discover, to your horror, Chuck Salisbury outlines the safest, most the secret to house flipping and help you additional repair problems that are both conservative way to invest in real estate make your own fortune through the expensive and time-consuming? To in “The Incredible Investment Book.” process. It sounds great, but I’m here to paraphrase Forrest Gump, a fixer-upper For a free newsletter, please visit: tell you that more often than not, a novice is like a box of chocolates — you never www.TenPercent or contact investor can put a lot of time and hard know what you’re going to get. But the the author at: (949) 910-6028 To paraphrase Forrest Gump, a fixer- upper is like a box of chocolates — you never know what you’re going to get. Vol 2 Issue 4 2009 | 19
  • 20. Top10 by Scott Meyers, CSSM© Reasons to Invest in Self Storage last apartment complex with all those ten- NOW percent planned to start a new job. What ants and toilets and traded them for self do people do when they move? That’s Like many of you, I be- storage units filled with nothing but... right, they store stuff. Downsizing, buy- gan my career by build- STUFF! ing a second home, or even a like swap in ing a large portfolio of My passion, and my company, Self Stor- houses necessitates a need for storage. single family and multi- age Profits, Inc., www.SelfStorage One economist recently compared the family properties. I, is designed to share my opportunity in this industry to sitting on spent the first 10 years experience with you so that you may find the oil industry in the 1950s or sitting on in real estate investment the joy of running your own real estate Silicon Valley in the 1990s! fighting with tenants business without all the hassles that the 8. Multiple Ways to Increase Value – and toilets, and it al- traditional real estate investment pos- There’s only so much you can do to a most drove me into the insane asylum and sesses. house or with apartments that truly adds bankruptcy court! Chasing tenants that Now, I will share with you the top 10 value, or commands a higher rent. But with wouldn’t pay, trying to stay ahead of ris- reasons why I decided to sell all my houses Self Storage, you can take a vanilla facil- ing taxes, insurance, utility bills, and the and apartments and say goodbye to all the ity and create multiple additional income ongoing, unexpected maintenance calls, tenants, toilets and trash to invest in self streams such as: almost forced me out of the business. So storage: a. Retail centers that sell locks, boxes, I began to ask myself, what area of real 10. Endless Opportunities – Contrary to moving supplies estate could I invest in that could utilize popular belief, the large, public operators b. A truck rental service through a 3rd the talents and experience I have gained, in the industry only account for about 25 party, or in-house without all the hassles of tenants and toi- percent of the estimated 51,000 facilities c. A business center that charges for com- lets? Well, after weighing all options, and in this country worth $22 billion in 2007. puter usage, copies, and fax after speaking with many of my mentors That means there is a huge opportunity to d. Ebay® Add-it centers where customers in the industry, I ultimately chose Self Stor- pursue roughly 37,000 facilities that are can pay you to sell their “stuff” age as the area I wanted to pour my ef- available. Many of these are “mom and e. A pack and ship business forts into and secure my future. pop” facilities that are already established These additional services can contribute So after 13 years of amassing a large and cash flowing, and were developed spe- as much as five to seven percent of the portfolio of single family and multi-fam- cifically to sell off to investors once they total income a facility brings in monthly. ily apartment complexes, I began to sell were stabilized. 7. Low Operating Costs – With my them all off and begin investing in self stor- 9. Demand Projections are on the rise – apartments, I was responsible for paying age facilities. And as most people say once Over 23,000 facilities have been added the utility costs for many of the common they have found their true calling, I wish I since 2000. But probably the most excit- areas and vacant units, and in some prop- would have done it sooner! The Self Stor- ing prospect for the industry is the aging erties, the gas and water was on one meter, age business isn’t without its fair share of of the baby boomers. There are roughly and was included in the rent. I was forced challenges, however, and I certainly 77 million baby boomers in this country to pay for my tenants’ wasteful use of gas wouldn’t call it easy. But my life has as of 2007, and they account for approxi- and water. With Self Storage, however, the changed dramatically the day I sold my mately $2 trillion in spending power. A expenses are minimal to begin with. You recent poll by will pay for lights in the parking lot, and the Self Stor- utilities for the office, but those can be age Associa- monitored, and increases can be easily ab- tion of a sam- sorbed. This makes budgeting for utili- pling of Baby ties and other variable costs a breeze com- Boomers re- pared to properties with tenants and toi- vealed that lets. upon retire- 6. Minimal Collection Losses – Forty- ment, 50 per- seven of the 50 states have a lien law with cent planned regard to self storage collections proce- to travel, 40 dures, and the other three provide for steps p e r c e n t that an owner can take to collect past due planned to Continued on pg. 30 move, and 10 20 | Vol 2 Issue 4 2009
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  • 22. Due Diligence, pg. 13 package before purchasing. Get the agreement, void the contract without in your lifetime you probably have been appraisal, before pictures and video, notice and take over the management of charged extra. Did you really think it cost inspection report, renovation estimate, the property im-mediately.” This little $200 to pull your credit report? Well, do cash flow and profit analysis, assessors wording saved me a few times and is a not feel too badly about it. The fact is report and do your neighborhood analysis great clause to add. Now we have our that pretty much every single fee, point all before closing. These things are key own in-house property management or cost on the closing statement is and you do not want to slack off on them company, which is, in my opinion, the negotiable. So negotiate! Review the or you will find yourself losing money on only way to go once you have enough HUD closing statement in detail for fees. your investments very quickly. properties in your portfolio. Some of them hide themselves as “lender fees, broker fees, loan charge fees, MANAGEMENT CONTINUED ANALYSIS processing fees, broker origination fees, Property management is the single most Never forget: Your investment needs to settlement or closing fees, document important factor in owning property. If be analyzed on a quarterly and annual you do not basis to determine if you are getting the have good return on your money that you are Never forget: Your investment needs to be property expecting. Review those statements on a analyzed on a quarterly and annual basis... manage- monthly basis and contact the ment in management company with any questions preparation fees, notary fees, shipping and place, you will have major problems down as well. This helps with decision making handling fees,” just to name a few. You the road. Make sure you find a down the line and helps mitigate any also want to make sure on every closing management company that has the right inefficiencies early to increase your that your closing statements are correct incentives in place. No mark ups on returns. and reflect the entire transaction and have repairs and man-agement fees only when FULL disclosure with the lender and the property is rented are two major must- OCG Properties, LLC, helps clients do seller/buyer. This will get you out of any haves in the contract. I also write in every all of the right due diligence on every problems down the line and make sure you management contract, “If ever I feel that investment. If you would like to talk real do not cross those legal bear traps. For the manager is not acting in my best estate, call (424) 757-4680 or visit online: the closing make sure you have had the interest at any time, I have the right to Or, feel free to time to complete your entire due diligence cancel the property management email: 22 | Vol 2 Issue 4 2009
  • 23. OWED MONEY? DISPUTE? Have you been taken advantage of on an investment or business deal? Maybe we can help. Call Jack Baugher: 509.966.0359 Hit Your TARGET with Email Marketing! Do you want to reach prospective new clients? Looking into buying email lists? BE CAREFUL! Most email service companies are scam artists! NO COST UNLESS WE GET RESULTS Our Company has over 300 Million+ Consumer & TAKE ACTION TODAY! Business Email Addresses for USA & Canada Own in Arizona? Own Targeted Opt-In Emails: ·$320 under 25K Records P & H REALTY, INC. has been ·$395 from 25K to 100K ·$495 from 100K to 5 Million serving investors since 1988. ·$695 per 10 million Owned by Lawrence & Patti DeAugustine, ·$995 per 20 million P & H REALTY, INC. is a Family-Operated Company specializing in the Management We will replace any bounces! & Sales of Multi-Family Apartment Homes. Our data Credit System allows you to pull all data now or as fresh data comes in. P & H REALTY, INC., manages a Over 15 Years Experience! total of over 1,000 units in the While 90% of email vendors do not own Metro Phoenix Area & Statewide. their own data we own our own data and We tailor A Unique Management Plan to fit can-spam compliant email delivery software. your needs for the MAXIMUM SUCCESS of your Real Estate Investment Property. Toll Free (877) 510-7833 P & H REALTY, INC Database Emailer Group 49 East Thomas Road #111, Phoenix, Arizona 85012 Building 19, Colonial Drive Off: (602) 230-1510 / Fax: (602) 277-2146 Little Falls, NJ 07424 w w w . p a n d h r e a l t y. c o m Vol 2 Issue 4 2009 | 25
  • 24. RE Club Founder Ponders Meaning of LIFE A few months ago, wild horses. Again ence: unpredictability, uncertainty, and in- Bruce Norris was a neighbors gathered security. Worrying about future events is guest speaker at my around him, offered unproductive. Thinking that we are in club in Los Angeles. I their sympathy and charge is futile. Believing we can predict call him Nostradamus told him how unfortu- the future events based on series of num- because he predicts nate he was. His bers and stats can be detrimental to our future events based on usual reply was, mental health. What we need to do is to past performances. “Maybe and who surrender instead of worry. Go on out He did a fabulous job knows.” A week later, there and do what you do best everyday, of predicting the fu- the soldiers came and then surrender to Life for the final out- ture of real estate in drafted every able come. Welcome Life’s challenges, as they California and the na- male body for an im- are part of your continual growth. Your tion, but I simply minent war with an- only certainty is uncertainty. And, if you couldn’t help but re- other country but really wish to have security then seek in- mind myself that the spared the peasant’s security! One more thing, no matter how Life I know is highly son. Once again, his “bad” your life is now or has been so far, unpredictable. His predictions were rather neighbors called him very lucky. The mes- it can turn on a dime and be completely scientific, based on numbers, graphs and sage here is loud and clear: Every event different tomorrow. As a matter of fact, stats, but I am not ready to give up my that happens in our life is not to be judged things are never as “good” or as “bad” as notion that nothing is written in stone. The as good or bad because we simply do not they appear to be. They’re usually closer nature of Life is not all scientific, you see. know what’s coming next. There are no to the middle, but our judgmental minds Life is non-linear and follows the Chaos direct correlations between events and no cannot understand the concept of balance. Theory. This means that although num- one really knows what the future holds. The only catalyst to a better, more fulfilled bers do play an important part in shaping It’s the same thing with Life. Past does life is your knowing that you’re protected. our decisions, no one knows for sure not equal the future. You can make all the The more you come to peace with your- what’s in store for us in the coming months predictions you want but Life remains self, the more you look at Life as a play- or years. Chaos Theory, which is popu- mysterious and people are unpredictable. ground, the more you project positive larly referred to as the Butterfly Effect (a Who’s to say California real estate won’t thoughts, the more you realize your seren- butterfly flaps its wings in the Amazon, make a full recovery in one to two years. and two years later there’s rainfall in Kan- I know stats state otherwise, but no one sas) simply states: The only prediction you knows what Life will bring tomorrow. It’s can make about anything is that it’s un- entirely possible that lower home values predictable! in our state could bring in thousands of In essence, things are not directly caused people from all over the country and the by other things. Life is not boring and globe to miraculously turn things around translucent; instead, it’s marvelous and for us. After all, Life is a field of all pos- mysterious. The mysterious nature of Life sibilities. This is what Werner Heisenberg, is what allows the future to be wide open a renowned German quantum physicist, regardless of what the past looked like or called the Uncertainty Principal. My point what the stats tell us. My approach to is that you can very possibly shape your Hundreds of members visit monthly. Life’s events is this: “Maybe and who future based on your decisions today. ity is in your surrendering and not fight- knows.” It reminds me of an old story of Likewise, I know our country is in a lot of ing with Life, the quicker you’ll succeed a peasant whose only horse ran away and trouble now and many feel that our sys- in all areas of your life. So, play the game left him without any means to make a liv- tem might eventually collapse because of like a child and you will enter the King- ing. His neighbors called this event very corruption in the government and our mon- dom of God, Universe, Nature, Life, or unfortunate. The wise old peasant’s re- etary system, but we could very possibly whatever else you wish to call it. sponse was a simple, “Maybe and who change the course of future events by our knows.” A few days later, the horse re- thoughts and deeds today. Best regards, turned with another ten wild horses in tow. Life has a mission of its own. Life is Sam Sadat His neighbors flocked to his place and non-linear. Life is mysterious and unpre- Founder and president of the National called him the luckiest man on earth. His dictable. Life doesn’t follow our limited Club of Real Estate Investors and the Los usual response was, “Maybe and who human perspective. Need I say more? Angeles Real Estate Investors Club, visit: knows.” A few days later, the peasant’s So, I highly encourage you to come to and son broke his leg while riding one of the grips with this facet of our human exist- Email directly: 24 | Vol 2 Issue 4 2009
  • 25. Bank on Land by Bonnie MacKinnon A s a long-time reader of MONEY FOR LIFE Realty411, it is a thrill Invest in stocks, and you’re to contribute some- investing in the principals of thing to this publication. Just the company and their finan- like most readers, I am an cial savvy and common sense. investor. I have several parcels If they make the wrong in Palmdale and Lancaster, decision, your money gets hit. which are growing areas Invest in a rental property, outside of Los Angeles, Calif. and you’re relying that a set of I’ve seen my parcels grow people from property tremendously in value in the managers to cleaners to rental boom years and hold steady in personnel are all communi- more recessive times. I have cating and coordinating tried other investment ve- effectively among themselves hicles, like the stock market to make sure the renters are and rentals, but I always come taken care of. back to land as being the best Nope, give me something I and most hassle-free way to can understand and control, make my money grow. There’s and I’m a happy camper. Give a common saying: “Sometimes me Los Angeles County with it’s easier to make money than a population of 18 million it is to keep it.” people. Give me an economy Boy, have we all learned this that’s the 11th strongest in the lesson over the last six months! world. Let me stand back and As the stock market dropped watch people migrate to Los to levels not seen since 1990, Angeles because of its I stood by comfortable in the financial opportunities and fact that my money — both then migrate to Antelope cash and IRA funds — were Valley for its space and safely secured in land. affordability. Give me land. My stock market invest- Lastly, I was talking to a ments have taught me a lesson: long-time resident of Palm- It’s one thing to make money, dale. He’s seen the effects of but you have to hold on to it the growth and popularity of and, even smarter, to make it the area with retailers and grow. businesses over the past 40 Another thing that I appre- years. I mentioned to him that ciate about investing in land is I had a nice 10 acre parcel on the fact that it earns its value the east side of Lancaster at based on truly organic 35th St. East and Avenue F. elements: population expan- “Just wait,” he said, “In 10 sion and time passing. years, you’ll be downtown. How many times have we You’ll be sitting on a gold- made an investment in which mine.” the results were dependant on That type of care-free some person or set of persons investing sounds good to me. making the right decision?
  • 26. Live Where You Want, Invest Where it Makes Sense by Kathy Fettke thing.” While that’s a tall order, most people are finding that cash flow today is better than the hope of appreciation in the The old adage, "Invest in future. The economic crisis we face today is different than your own back yard" is still other downturns. An asset bubble collapse can last much longer. true. But in today’s informa- The Great Depression in the U.S. and the asset collapse in tion age, our back yards have Japan in 1989 are examples of this. It has been 20 years, and become much larger. Japan has still not recovered. Ask investors there if they would Through Google maps, we can visit any location in the world at the click of a but- ton. We can research MLS listings nationwide. And with direct flights, we can be in another state in just a few hours. I live near San Francisco, where the median home price is $656,700. Median rents are $2,234 for a typical 3/2 home. Median income is $63,393. In a city like this, it clearly makes a lot more sense to rent than to own. And the only reason an inves- tor would buy in this city would be for the poten- tial appreciation — not for cash flow. Let’s compare rentals in San Francisco to Dal- las. In Dallas, you can expect to get at least 1.2 percent of the purchase price in rents: a $100,000 property would bring in $1,200 in rent. You could buy six and a half of these for one home in San Francisco. The rental income in Dallas would be over $7,300 have taken cash flow over appreciation. The appreciation never per month, compared to the $2,234 you’d get in San Fran- happened. cisco. That’s a $60,792 difference in annual income! After 10 The biggest hurdle investors need to overcome when in- years, the difference is $607,920. Many people will hold out vesting in cash-flow markets is the worry that their property is for the possibility of the San Francisco property doubling in so far away, and “out there on it’s own.” While this would be value over 10 years and worry that Texas properties never tragic, it does not have to be the case. Good property manag- appreciate. What they fail to see is that income can be just as ers are the key. Real estate is a business and must be treated as lucrative as appreciation, but it’s less speculative. such. All good businesses rely on delegation. Real estate in- In today’s economy, investors are looking for the “sure vestors are no different. They hire teams to help them suc- ceed, and a good property manager is one of the team mem- bers. Therefore, live where you want (even if it means renting) and invest where it makes sense, in areas with affordable mar- kets with high job and population growth as well as landlord- friendly laws. For more information about Kathy Fettke, please log on to: Real Wealth Network helps investors build their teams. As the network grows with investors sharing information, our list of tried and true real estate professionals also grows. Mem- bership is free and access to this list is available to those who ask and includes CPAs, 1031 exchange companies, asset pro- tection specialists, property managers,wholesale property sell- ers, and turn-key property networks. 26 | Vol 2 Issue 4 2009
  • 27. Birmingham Market411 Affordablity and High Returns Make this Southern City Shine Thinking about heading South to expand your portfolio? Regionally speaking, the South is leading the nation in economic stability and growth. This booming and stable region provides investors with a low entry point (Investors can buy with as little as $1,500 down.) and outstanding returns. How does a cash on cash return of 400 percent sound? Here are some other reasons why Birming- ham, Alabama, is attacting investors from across the nation. —Realty411 Staff Inside Scoop on Birmingham * An Old City Embraces a New Economy * This vibrant city is gaining attention as being a key market for investors. * Birmingham's economy 40 banks in deposits and • CNN/MONEY named Birming- was transformed by invest- assets. ham, Ala., the 10th best overall real ments in bio-technology * Telecommunications pro- estate market in the nation.  and medical research at the vider AT&T, formerly • Birmingham is the third best cash University of Alabama at BellSouth, has a major pres- ence with several large flow market in the United States, Birmingham (UAB) and offices in the metropolitan area. according to Nuwire Investor. its adjacent hospital. UAB is now the area's largest employer and the largest * Major insurance providers (Protec- • Relative to all metro areas exceed- in Alabama with a workforce of about tive Life, Infinity Property & Casu- ing one million persons, Birmingham 20,000. alty and ProAssurance, among others) has the lowest unemployment rate. * After Charlotte, NC, Birmingham is are headquartered in Birmingham and • Birmingham is the third fastest the South’s leading financial center with employ a large number of people in growing real estate market in the na- headquarters to three of the nation’s top greater Birmingham. tion, according to CNN/MONEY. Vol 2 Issue 4 2009 | 27
  • 28. LAND BANKING A Real Asset Predictable - Profitable Smart - Simple - Safe • A stronger alternative to traditional markets • Excellent placement for cash, self-directed IRAs, old 401(K)s • Customer receives a grant deed, fee simple ownership and title insurance “A Proven Formula for Building Wealth Since the 10th Century.” Numerous Advantages to Land Banking exist, such as: • Historically safer • Far more profitable than paper assets • Risk is minimal, not relative to market and position • No management or maintenance • 1031 exchange Add Land to Your Investment Portfolio! ACE CAPITAL GROUP Lou Meza Affiliate Land Consultant 9454 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 600, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Cell: 562-945-3510 •
  • 29. Those Insurance Villains! by R. Michael Wrenn, President and CEO of Renovator’s Insurance L et’s talk about those Insur- a good friend too in your agent. If you ance Villains. You know, don’t, you’ll probably always be talkin’ those agents and companies about those Insurance Villains. So, here that take your money and we go, and pay attention...OK? then never pay a claim due 1) Find an agent (preferably one with at to the fine print! I just don’t know how least three years experience) who you like and take as much risk as you can afford to they get away with it, and if I didn’t need and trust and knows about the issue of take; choose those higher deductibles. But, that darn stuff, I wouldn’t even buy it! vacancy in the various property insurance do not fail to buy all the liability insur- Those fast talkin’ no good…scoundrels. policies…and the Insurance 101 issue of ance you can afford as this is where some- I guess after 35 years in this business, I replacement cost and actual cash value one takes you out if you have none and have heard it all…even a thank you or two. coverages. Tell him or her exactly what someone is hurt or receives damage to I developed a program that today insures you do and then tell them exactly what you their property where you might be negli- over 4,000 locations for investment prop- know about insurance. Next, rely on that gent. (You know, negligent…it’s where erty owners and rehabbers. We started this agent to educate you on just the basics over you didn’t take out that dead tree and it with about 32 HomeVestor franchisees in the next say six months. Go to lunch or fell on your neighbor’s car or house…or 1999, and now we have over 600 clients breakfast a few times during this period that hole you failed to fill in, but the nationwide. I know you investors very well and just talk about YOUR business. They neighbor’s kid found, fell into and broke after 10 years. Busy, busy, busy, you are will usually buy too! his neck.) for sure! You’re running around doing 2) If after six months you don’t sense they This is really simple enough, don’t you deals and taking for granted the insurance know anything or they don’t care about think? And, oh, if you buy based on price you’ve placed on your prized developing you, then fire them and start the process only, you might want to take all the whin- assets. I know you almost better than you all over. You have no time to invest on an ing about those Insurance Villains and know yourself as it relates to your con- agent who doesn’t “get you” or seem to make it into a song! Remember the old sumption of time and energy and atten- care enough to “get your business” and its adage: You get what you pay for. tion or focus on insurance policies, and unique needs. The biggest issue of all is finding that their appropriate coverage on your rental, 3) Explain your risk preference and abil- agent who really cares. If he or she really renovation or vacant properties. I’ll go ity financially to handle higher deductibles cares then everything else will generally even further: You don’t know much about in the event of a loss. Then tailor the pro- work out just fine. your risks. But, one thing you need to gram you buy to your personal risk level, know is: If you make a mistake on this, it could take you out of the game. So, you’ve had a claim and it wasn’t cov- ered, surprise, surprise. But, you know, maybe I can help you with that. Maybe I can give you some good, sound ad- vice that can save you money and may even lead to a claim being covered and paid…it just might even save your little bottom (line) sometime! If you’ll take my ad- vice you can exit this business at retirement with a valued relation- ship and probably even Vol 2 Issue 4 2009 | 29