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New Horizons
                       The Official Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay Inc.
                           PO Box 168, Nedlands, Western Australia, 6909 !          District 9455!    ABN: 99 602 195 617

 Volume 3, Issue 8	                                                                                                         23rd - 29th August 2010

From the President          Next Meeting             Club Assembly            New Youth Committee     From the Desk of the     Historic Moments:
Find out what is            What is happening        Find out what was        See    what     these   District Governor        Rotary’s Emblem
happening around the        next meeting? Find       discussed at the club    committee    changes    Find out what is         The current Rotary
club.                       out now..                assembly last weekend.   mean.                   happening around the     emblem was not the
Page 1                      Page 1                   Page 2                   Page 2                  District.                first. Find out some
                                                                                                      Page 3                   history.
                                                                                                                               Page 4

                                            Last week saw the re-                                                   Rotary Club. Three MLC
From the                                    establishment of a creche at         Our speaker at the last            students and one of the
                                            the meeting, with Ella James         meeting was PDG Paul               students' fathers also came
President                                   babysitting Ariana and Eva in        Gianatti from the Rotary           along to learn about Interact,
                                            the     chapel    (with   the        Club     of    Mt    Lawley,       and we sought their input
Dear Fellow Rotarians,                      permission of the hospital –         accompanied by his wife            about whether they would be
                                            thank you Bryant Stokes!).           Doreen. Paul has started up        interested in the program.
August    is     flying     by!              Now that a separate room is          two Interact Clubs in Perth,       With positive feedback all
Hopefully    the    electronic              finally available for children        and informed us about what         round, we will now look at
committee     meetings     are              to be minded, we hope to be          he had learned and how best        gathering enough 14 – 17
drawing to a close, and we'll               able to attract more members         to go about it. He reiterated      year olds to form a
be seeking your feedback as                 who may not be otherwise             that      the     successful       community-based       Interact
to how you found that                       about to commit to meetings          continuation of an Interact        club.
method of working.                          because of child-minding             Club is dependent on the
                                            responsibilities.                    support of its sponsoring          It was lovely to see Lyn
                                                                                                                    Packer at our meeting last
                                                                                                                    week while she is back in
                                                                                                                    Perth for a while. We love to
                                                                                                                    see our Friends of the Club
                                                                                                                    whenever possible!

                                                                                                                    Yours in Rotary Service,

                                                                                                                    Simone Carot Collins
                                                                                                                    Club President

                                                                                                                    Next Meeting
                                                                                                                    The speaker at this week's
                                                                                                                    meeting will be Lisa Guppy,
                                                                                                                    the Ambassadorial Scholar
                                                                                                                    selected from our district for
                                                                                                                    2010-11. Lisa will tell us
                                                                                                                    about her scholarship, where
                                                                                                                    she will be going to
                                                                                                                    University College London to
                                                                                                                    work on water scarcity. Lisa
                                                                                                                    will also talk about water
                                                                                                                    poverty in Cambodia and

                                                                                                                    Also in attendance will be
                                                                                                                    Justin Hewett, our applicant
 Photo: MLC students Kathleen Elliott, Sally Thomson, Hannah McDonald and PDG Paul                                  for the next Ambassadorial

Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455
N   E   W        H     O   R   I   Z    O    N    S

Scholarship. Justin is a final              night stalks, 10 pin                                                       like to be involved, please let
year Law Student at UWA.                   bowling,    and    more                                                    Marcos know.
He speaks Mandarin and                     vocational outings               Shelter Boxes
would like to study in China,
with a goal of working for             •   a general agreement that         Margaret Stuart shared the                Waist Disposal
Human Rights for the                       it's better to have a            great news that fundraising
Chinese.                                   smaller number of larger         efforts of the students of                Challenge
                                           fundraisers than regular         Phoenix College on August
                                           small ones, but more             13th was matched by the                   Weigh-ins will happen this
Club Assembly                              detailed      proposals          College to fund two Shelter               week, so please come
                                           needed to be provided            Boxes.                                    prepared!
Our first club assembly for                 before members could
this   Rotary    year   was                give     feedback     on                                                   Our club is now sitting in 5th
extremely well attended. As                whether they could help          New Youth                                 place on the leaderboard,
well as the majority of our                                                                                           with     long-time     leader
club members, Linda French             •   a large “Amazing Race”           Committee                                 Dalkeith recently toppled by
from the Rotary Club of                    type fundraiser could                                                      South Perth-Burswood.
Heirisson told us about the                help put our club on the         This year we had planned to
Dinner      Auction      she               map                              split the massive Projects
successfully organised, plus                                                committee into 2 smaller                  PR in
one friend of the club and             The Club Service Committee           committees, but ended up
two prospective members                will explore these areas                                                       Claremont
                                                                                                                      On Friday 20th August, Ken
                                                                                                                      Collins spent the day at
                                                                                                                      Claremont        Quarter
                                                                                                                      promoting our club with
                                                                                                                      display boards about our
                                                                                                                      activities   and    Rotary
                                                                                                                      banners. He was joined at
                                                                                                                      4pm by Margaret Stuart and
                                                                                                                      Jen Martins.

                                                                                                                      Free Small
                                                                                                                      Seminar for
 Photo: Members at the club assembly                                                                                  Rotarians
also came along to give their          further and come back soon           continuing    under     one
feedback.                              with proposals.                      committee when we were                    The     Rotary    Club    of
                                                                            unable to find a Director for              Joondalup and Edith Cowan
Outcomes from the assembly             Sincere thanks to Toni and           the Youth and Vocational                  University invites Rotarians
include:                               Bill James for hosting the           Committee.                                to a free small business
                                       event, and thank you to all                                                    seminar, Let’s Get Online:
•    Wednesdays remain the             those who brought along              Now that babysitting is                   Let’s GO. The purpose of the
     best night for the                dishes to share for dinner           available at meetings and he              seminar is to assist small
     majority of members               afterwards.                          is now able to attend                     business people to improve
                                                                            meetings,    Marcos      Carot            their business profile and
•    availability on weekends                                               Collins has offered to take on            practices by getting online.
     is quite variable, so we'll       Club Dues                            the role of Youth Director.               For        more        see
     endeavour to vary the                                                  Marcos has substantial first-    
     timing of other events            Club  dues        are    now         hand experience with many
     on both Saturdays and             OVERDUE.                             Rotary programs, including                Date: Tuesday, 7th September
     Sundays                                                                setting up Interact clubs in              Time: 17:30 - 19:30
                                       Treasurer Toni James sent all        Argentina, 9 years as a                   Venue:     ECU      Joondalup
•    vegetables and dip have           members invoices on 15th             Rotaractor (including serving             Campus,       New      Library
     been added in place of            July. If you have not received       as    a   District    Rotaract            Building 31, Room 447,
     some of the cheeses at            your invoice, please contact         Representative     in     both            Entrance @ 270 Joondalup
     our meetings                      Toni.                                Argentina and Australia, and              Drive, Joondalup
                                                                            two terms on the Rotary                   Refreshments provided
•    interest in a variety of          Around     half   the  club          International        Rotaract             Register now by email
     social    events,   held          members have not yet paid            Committee), and a facilitator          or
     around once a month,              their dues. Please pay any           on RYLA.                                  phone Lynne Thornton on
     preferably at no/low              outstanding dues as soon as                                                    6304 2492.
     cost, including dinners           possible.                            The committee itself is still to
     at members' homes,                                                     be established. If you would

                                                                                                             Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455
N   E   W        H     O   R   I   Z   O   N    S

                                                                                     the Rotary Fellowships      European languages) joined
                                                                                     p ro g r a m .    Rotary    together to practice their
                                                                                     Fellowships are groups      hobby. In 1947 Rotarians
                                                                                     of Rotarians, Rotarian      organized a group of boating
                                                                                     spouses and Rotaractors     enthusiasts, which became the
                                                                                     who unite to: share a       Yachting Fellowship. These
                                                                                     common interest in          activities    gained      more
                                                                                     worthwhile recreational     attention and operated over
                                                                                     activities, further their   the     years   under     many
                                                                                     vocational development      different names, such as World
                                                                                     through acquaintance        Fellowship         Activities,
                                                                                     with others of the same     International       Vocational
                                                                                     profession, make new        Contact      Groups,    Rotary
                                                                                     friends      around   the   Recreational and Vocational
                                                                                     world, explore new          Fellowships,     and     finally
                                                                                     opportunities         for   Rotary Fellowships. As of June
                                                                                     service, and of course,     2010 there are 55 Board-
                                                                                     have fun!                   recognized           Rotary
                                                                                                                 Fellowships covering all sorts
                                                                                     How       can     Rotary    of hobbies and professions,
                                                                                     Fellowships lead to         including music, doctors, and
                                                                                     Bigger, Better, Bolder      scuba diving, just to name a
                                                                                     clubs?         Rotary       few. (There is even a new
                                                                                     Fellowships are a great     Rotarians On Social Networks
                                                                                     way for Rotarians to        Fellowship!)
                                                                                     share ideas and make
                                                                                     new friends in Rotary.      Whether it is just for the fun of
                                                                                     By joining a fellowship,    it, or to build relationships
                                                                                     Rotarians          will     with     others      in     your
                                                                                     experience          the     professional field, fellowships
                                                                                     internationality      of    are a great addition to any
                                                                                     Rotary      and    form     Rotary experience. For more
                                                                                     relationships that are      information       on      Rotary
                                                                                     the basis of future club    Fellowships       visit      visit
                                                                                     to club partnerships for
                                                                                     service       projects.
                                                                                     Rotarians involved in
Photo: Ken Collins with PR stand on Rotary at Claremont Quarter                      fellowships are among       From the Desk
                                                                                                                 of the District
                                                                                                                 As the Membership month of
                                                                                                                 August draws to a close we
                                                                                                                 will soon enter September
                                                                                                                 which is New Generations
                                                                                                                 month. It is very pleasing to
                                                                                                                 note the work being done
                                                                                                                 on membership in our Clubs.
                                                                                                                 Most Clubs are working on
                                                                                                                 membership       development.
                                                                                                                 One Club has changed some
                                                                                                                 of the traditional elements of
                                                                                                                 its meeting format to make it
                                                                                                                 more attractive to younger
Photo: Display board from PR stand
                                           RI Programs Division                  the most committed of our
Fellowship:                                                                      members,     and      their
                                                                                                                 Some Clubs have sought
                                                                                                                 assistance from our District
                                           Rotarians often cite fellowship       activities      increase
Sharing Ideas                              as the reason why they joined         membership retention.
                                                                                                                 Membership team led by Jerry
                                                                                                                 Pilcher. Jerry and his team
                                           a Rotary club. With so many
and Connecting                             diverse Rotary clubs all over         Rotary      Fellowships
                                                                                                                 have thrown themselves into
                                                                                                                 the challenge and are working
                                           the world, the opportunity for        informally began in 1928
People                                     connection and collaboration          when a group of Rotarians
                                                                                                                 hard with Clubs to help them
                                                                                                                 grow their membership.
                                           is truly inspiring. One of the        with    an   interest   in
Worldwide                                  ways in which Rotarians can           Esperanto   (a   language
                                                                                                                 Extension efforts are being led
                                           bridge continents is through          derived    from       many
By Amanda Runge

Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455
N    E    W        H     O     R   I   Z    O      N    S

by PDG Bill Benbow. His            Rotary International District           a similar design, placing the         approved the emblem that was
efforts are bearing fruit as we    9455                                    name of their city at the             then in use. Not all written
move closer to the chartering                                              bottom      in    place     of        descriptions    were    updated
of a new Club at Mindarie; we                                              International Association. The        immediately, however. To clear
expect to celebrate the Charter    Historic                                number of spokes and cogs             up any confusion caused by the
at a meeting in October. Bill is                                           was unspecified.                       various decisions about the
also pursuing interest in a        Moments:                                                                      emblem between 1912 and 1929,
New Generations Club in                                                    As     a   result,    numerous        a standard description of the
Perth and there are further        Rotary's                                variations on the emblem were         existing design, with a keyway,
opportunities in country areas.                                            in use by 1918. The Board             was approved by the 1929
We need to keep up the good        Emblem                                  appointed            Charles          convention.
work      with     membership      By Susan Hanf and Joe Derr              Mackintosh, of the Rotary
development and extension.         Rotary International News               Club of Chicago, and Oscar            The     Rotary    emblem,     like
                                   17 August 2010                          Bjorge, of the Rotary Club of         Rotary’s name and other logos, is
On the weekend of 21st and                                                 Duluth,     to    the   Special       a registered trademark. Clubs,
22nd August a few of us will       The        Rotary      emblem,          Committee to Standardize the          districts, and Rotary Entities are
be in Canberra to participate in   unchanged since 1924, was               Rotary Emblem.                        welcome to use the Rotary
the     Australian       Rotary    redesigned many times in the                                                  emblem subject to the guidelines
Conference which has the           early years of the organization.        Bjorge drafted an emblem with         for the use of the Rotary Marks
theme: "Towards a Stronger         In 1905, Montague M. Bear, an           six spokes and 24 cogs, giving        as set forth by the RI Board of
Rotary in Australia". The          engraver and member of the              it a sturdy appearance. In this       Directors.    These    guidelines
Conference       follows       a   Rotary Club of Chicago,                 design, the number of teeth           govern the use of the Rotary
successful       membership        sketched a wagon wheel with             and spokes was intended to            Marks on all merchandise,
conference held in Canberra        13 spokes. When fellow club             reflect    a     real, working         promotional     materials,    and
two years ago but the scope of     members began to complain               gearwheel, and not any aspect         publications, including domain
this Conference has been           that the design was static and          of Rotary's history.                  names and websites.
broadened and we will enjoy        lifeless, Bear added flourishes
the presence of RI President       that made the wheel appear to           In November 1919, the Board
Ray Klinginsmith.                  ride on a bed of clouds.                adopted Bjorge’s design and a
                                   Unfortunately, some members             detailed description, and the
In September we will celebrate     felt the clouds looked like             1921    convention    formally
the many youth and young           dust, defying the laws of               approved them. For many
adult programmes that fall         gravity by being kicked up on           years, descriptions of the
into the "New Generations"         both sides of the wheel.                emblem simply referred to a
avenue        of      service.                                             1920 article in The Rotarian,
Participation in the Rotary        Bear      re s p o n d e d by           “Redesigning      the   Rotary
Youth Exchange programme           superimposing a banner with             Wheel,” which announced the
continues to grow in District      the words Rotary Club over              Board’s decision.
9455 under the leadership of                                                                                    The Rotary Emblem circa 1910
                                   the clouds.
Peter Durrant. It is wonderful                                             By 1924, Bjorge’s     design had
to see the renewed interest in     In 1911, Secretary Chesley R.           been modified to
this      flagship       youth      Perry     recommended       that        include           a
programme.                         “action be taken by the                 keyway.       This        13th Annual Dr Ken Collins
                                                                           addition has been
The Youth Driver Awareness
                                   National      Association     to
                                   establish the wheel as the basic        attributed to Will                Address
programme, RYDA, will enjoy        part of the emblem of every             R. Forker, of the              Promoting The Rotary
its first event in District 9455    Rotary club.” Clubs were                Rotary Club of
this month on 23 August; the       invited to submit designs to an         Los Angeles. He                    Foundation
event        is       already      emblem committee before the             was reported to
oversubscribed. Our District                                               have         said     When: Monday, 29th November, 2010. 
                                   1912 convention in Duluth,                                    Venue: Golden Nugget Room, Gloucester Park. 
Coordinators Lindsey Francis       Minnesota.                              Bjorge’s design
(RC of Matilda Bay) and Peter                                              m a d e        n o    Time: 7:00pm for 7:30pm
Perich (RC of Swan Districts)      The      Duluth      convention         provision for the     Guest Speaker: RI President Ray Klinginsmith
are keen to help Clubs             provided some definition.                transfer of power     Alumni Speaker: Maryanne Tokome-Amu
organise and run RYDA              “The emblem consists of the             to or from a shaft,
events.       The        RY D A                                            rendering       the   Cost: $45pp with cash bar available.
                                   basic principle of a wheel with
management team visited            gears cut on the outer edge. …          wheel        idle.
Perth on 29th July to brief        The spokes are to be so                 Forker perceived
coordinators, presenters and
others on the new syllabus for
                                   designed as to indicate                 Rotary
                                                                                      as     a
                                                                                                          Change of Meeting
                                   strength; the object of the gears
RYDA events;         the   new     … being twofold; to relieve the         and inserting a       When: Thursday, 7st October, 2010. 
syllabus is a big step forward     plainness of the design, and …          keyway into the       Venue: Usual venue. 
in delivering the safe driving     symbolize power.”                       hub made the          Time: Usual time.
message to youth.                                                          new wheel a
                                                                                                 Guest Speaker: Phil Sherwood from RC Arden
                                   The word Rotary appeared at             “real worker.”
                                                                                                 Arcade, California
Yours in Rotary service            the top and International
Ian Hutton                         Association at the bottom.              In January 1924,      Note: this meeting is in place of our usual
District Governor                  Clubs were encouraged to use            the      Board        Wednesday meeting on Wed 6th Oct.
                                                                           f o r m a l l y

                                                                                                            Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455
N   E   W       H      O    R    I     Z    O   N   S

                                                     Upcoming Guest Speakers

        Date                                    Speaker                                                               Topic

 25th August           Lisa Guppy - Outbound Ambassadorial Scholar            My Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship: Water Poverty in Cambodia and Viet Nam

 1st September         Tony Baker                                             What’s happening with fine arts?

 8th September         PDG Ron Geary                                          Handicamp

 22nd September        Hon Nick Hasluck, AM                                   Reflections of a newly retired judge

                                                                                 Program for August/September
  Host - Introduction & Thank You
                                                                                               Date                            Details
                   Date                         Name
                                                                                25th August                       Lisa Guppy - Outbound
            25th September         Daniel Forsdyke                                                                Ambassadorial Scholar

                                                                                28th August (Saturday)            Bunnings Sausage Sizzle

                      Back-up Host                                              1st September                     Tony Baker - What’s happening with
                                                                                                                  fine arts?
                   Date                         Name
                                                                                8th September                     Ron Geary - Handicamp

            25th September                                                      15th September                    Committee Meeting

      Welcoming Roster                                    Board                                                 Club Details
                                                          Rotary Year 2010-11
       Date                       Name                                                                          Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay Inc.
                                                          Simone Carot Collins — President
                                                                  PO Box 168,
 25th August           Wilma McBain                                                                             Nedlands,
                                                          Di Collins — Secretary / Vice President               Western Australia, 6909
 1st September         Judy Edwards                               Meetings
                                                              Wednesday 5:45pm to 6:45pm
                                                                                                                Cafe, Bethesda Hospital
                                                          Bill Hassell — President Elect / Club                 Queenslea Drive
                                                          Administration Director                               Claremont
New Horizons: Winner of the District 9450                                                             
      Bulletin Award for 2009/10                          Toni James — Treasurer
                                                                                                                08 9385 0471
                                                          Rob Rohrlach — Projects Director
Bulletin Contributions                          
                                                                                                                08 9385 0472

Contributions for the weekly bulletin are                 Claire Forsdyke — International Director    
sought from members of the club.                
Why not use the bulletin to update the club                                                           
on the projects your committee is working                 Ken Collins — Membership Director                     freshwaterbayrotary
on or promote the clubs next fundraising        
event.                                                                                                          Chartered 19 December 2008
Please forward articles and photos to

Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455

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Annual Report 2010-11
Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay
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New Horizons V3 I8

  • 1. New Horizons The Official Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay Inc. PO Box 168, Nedlands, Western Australia, 6909 ! District 9455! ABN: 99 602 195 617 Volume 3, Issue 8 23rd - 29th August 2010 From the President Next Meeting Club Assembly New Youth Committee From the Desk of the Historic Moments: Find out what is What is happening Find out what was See what these District Governor Rotary’s Emblem happening around the next meeting? Find discussed at the club committee changes Find out what is The current Rotary club. out now.. assembly last weekend. mean. happening around the emblem was not the Page 1 Page 1 Page 2 Page 2 District. first. Find out some Page 3 history. Page 4 Last week saw the re- Rotary Club. Three MLC From the establishment of a creche at Our speaker at the last students and one of the the meeting, with Ella James meeting was PDG Paul students' fathers also came President babysitting Ariana and Eva in Gianatti from the Rotary along to learn about Interact, the chapel (with the Club of Mt Lawley, and we sought their input Dear Fellow Rotarians, permission of the hospital – accompanied by his wife about whether they would be thank you Bryant Stokes!). Doreen. Paul has started up interested in the program. August is flying by! Now that a separate room is two Interact Clubs in Perth, With positive feedback all Hopefully the electronic finally available for children and informed us about what round, we will now look at committee meetings are to be minded, we hope to be he had learned and how best gathering enough 14 – 17 drawing to a close, and we'll able to attract more members to go about it. He reiterated year olds to form a be seeking your feedback as who may not be otherwise that the successful community-based Interact to how you found that about to commit to meetings continuation of an Interact club. method of working. because of child-minding Club is dependent on the responsibilities. support of its sponsoring It was lovely to see Lyn Packer at our meeting last week while she is back in Perth for a while. We love to see our Friends of the Club whenever possible! Yours in Rotary Service, Simone Carot Collins Club President Next Meeting The speaker at this week's meeting will be Lisa Guppy, the Ambassadorial Scholar selected from our district for 2010-11. Lisa will tell us about her scholarship, where she will be going to University College London to work on water scarcity. Lisa will also talk about water poverty in Cambodia and Vietnam. Also in attendance will be Justin Hewett, our applicant Photo: MLC students Kathleen Elliott, Sally Thomson, Hannah McDonald and PDG Paul for the next Ambassadorial Gianatti Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455 1
  • 2. N E W H O R I Z O N S Scholarship. Justin is a final night stalks, 10 pin like to be involved, please let year Law Student at UWA. bowling, and more Marcos know. He speaks Mandarin and vocational outings Shelter Boxes would like to study in China, with a goal of working for • a general agreement that Margaret Stuart shared the Waist Disposal Human Rights for the it's better to have a great news that fundraising Chinese. smaller number of larger efforts of the students of Challenge fundraisers than regular Phoenix College on August small ones, but more 13th was matched by the Weigh-ins will happen this Club Assembly detailed proposals College to fund two Shelter week, so please come needed to be provided Boxes. prepared! Our first club assembly for before members could this Rotary year was give feedback on Our club is now sitting in 5th extremely well attended. As whether they could help New Youth place on the leaderboard, well as the majority of our with long-time leader club members, Linda French • a large “Amazing Race” Committee Dalkeith recently toppled by from the Rotary Club of type fundraiser could South Perth-Burswood. Heirisson told us about the help put our club on the This year we had planned to Dinner Auction she map split the massive Projects successfully organised, plus committee into 2 smaller PR in one friend of the club and The Club Service Committee committees, but ended up two prospective members will explore these areas Claremont On Friday 20th August, Ken Collins spent the day at Claremont Quarter promoting our club with display boards about our activities and Rotary banners. He was joined at 4pm by Margaret Stuart and Jen Martins. Free Small Business Seminar for Photo: Members at the club assembly Rotarians also came along to give their further and come back soon continuing under one feedback. with proposals. committee when we were The Rotary Club of unable to find a Director for Joondalup and Edith Cowan Outcomes from the assembly Sincere thanks to Toni and the Youth and Vocational University invites Rotarians include: Bill James for hosting the Committee. to a free small business event, and thank you to all seminar, Let’s Get Online: • Wednesdays remain the those who brought along Now that babysitting is Let’s GO. The purpose of the best night for the dishes to share for dinner available at meetings and he seminar is to assist small majority of members afterwards. is now able to attend business people to improve meetings, Marcos Carot their business profile and • availability on weekends Collins has offered to take on practices by getting online. is quite variable, so we'll Club Dues the role of Youth Director. For more see endeavour to vary the Marcos has substantial first- timing of other events Club dues are now hand experience with many on both Saturdays and OVERDUE. Rotary programs, including Date: Tuesday, 7th September Sundays setting up Interact clubs in Time: 17:30 - 19:30 Treasurer Toni James sent all Argentina, 9 years as a Venue: ECU Joondalup • vegetables and dip have members invoices on 15th Rotaractor (including serving Campus, New Library been added in place of July. If you have not received as a District Rotaract Building 31, Room 447, some of the cheeses at your invoice, please contact Representative in both Entrance @ 270 Joondalup our meetings Toni. Argentina and Australia, and Drive, Joondalup two terms on the Rotary Refreshments provided • interest in a variety of Around half the club International Rotaract Register now by email social events, held members have not yet paid Committee), and a facilitator or around once a month, their dues. Please pay any on RYLA. phone Lynne Thornton on preferably at no/low outstanding dues as soon as 6304 2492. cost, including dinners possible. The committee itself is still to at members' homes, be established. If you would 2 Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455
  • 3. N E W H O R I Z O N S the Rotary Fellowships European languages) joined p ro g r a m . Rotary together to practice their Fellowships are groups hobby. In 1947 Rotarians of Rotarians, Rotarian organized a group of boating spouses and Rotaractors enthusiasts, which became the who unite to: share a Yachting Fellowship. These common interest in activities gained more worthwhile recreational attention and operated over activities, further their the years under many vocational development different names, such as World through acquaintance Fellowship Activities, with others of the same International Vocational profession, make new Contact Groups, Rotary friends around the Recreational and Vocational world, explore new Fellowships, and finally opportunities for Rotary Fellowships. As of June service, and of course, 2010 there are 55 Board- have fun! recognized Rotary Fellowships covering all sorts How can Rotary of hobbies and professions, Fellowships lead to including music, doctors, and Bigger, Better, Bolder scuba diving, just to name a clubs? Rotary few. (There is even a new Fellowships are a great Rotarians On Social Networks way for Rotarians to Fellowship!) share ideas and make new friends in Rotary. Whether it is just for the fun of By joining a fellowship, it, or to build relationships Rotarians will with others in your experience the professional field, fellowships internationality of are a great addition to any Rotary and form Rotary experience. For more relationships that are information on Rotary the basis of future club Fellowships visit visit to club partnerships for service projects. Rotarians involved in Photo: Ken Collins with PR stand on Rotary at Claremont Quarter fellowships are among From the Desk of the District Governor As the Membership month of August draws to a close we will soon enter September which is New Generations month. It is very pleasing to note the work being done on membership in our Clubs. Most Clubs are working on membership development. One Club has changed some of the traditional elements of its meeting format to make it more attractive to younger Photo: Display board from PR stand people. RI Programs Division the most committed of our Fellowship: members, and their Some Clubs have sought assistance from our District Rotarians often cite fellowship activities increase Sharing Ideas as the reason why they joined membership retention. Membership team led by Jerry Pilcher. Jerry and his team a Rotary club. With so many and Connecting diverse Rotary clubs all over Rotary Fellowships have thrown themselves into the challenge and are working the world, the opportunity for informally began in 1928 People connection and collaboration when a group of Rotarians hard with Clubs to help them grow their membership. is truly inspiring. One of the with an interest in Worldwide ways in which Rotarians can Esperanto (a language Extension efforts are being led bridge continents is through derived from many By Amanda Runge Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455 3
  • 4. N E W H O R I Z O N S by PDG Bill Benbow. His Rotary International District a similar design, placing the approved the emblem that was efforts are bearing fruit as we 9455 name of their city at the then in use. Not all written move closer to the chartering bottom in place of descriptions were updated of a new Club at Mindarie; we International Association. The immediately, however. To clear expect to celebrate the Charter Historic number of spokes and cogs up any confusion caused by the at a meeting in October. Bill is was unspecified. various decisions about the also pursuing interest in a Moments: emblem between 1912 and 1929, New Generations Club in As a result, numerous a standard description of the Perth and there are further Rotary's variations on the emblem were existing design, with a keyway, opportunities in country areas. in use by 1918. The Board was approved by the 1929 We need to keep up the good Emblem appointed Charles convention. work with membership By Susan Hanf and Joe Derr  Mackintosh, of the Rotary development and extension. Rotary International News Club of Chicago, and Oscar The Rotary emblem, like 17 August 2010 Bjorge, of the Rotary Club of Rotary’s name and other logos, is On the weekend of 21st and Duluth, to the Special a registered trademark. Clubs, 22nd August a few of us will The Rotary emblem, Committee to Standardize the districts, and Rotary Entities are be in Canberra to participate in unchanged since 1924, was Rotary Emblem. welcome to use the Rotary the Australian Rotary redesigned many times in the emblem subject to the guidelines Conference which has the early years of the organization. Bjorge drafted an emblem with for the use of the Rotary Marks theme: "Towards a Stronger In 1905, Montague M. Bear, an six spokes and 24 cogs, giving as set forth by the RI Board of Rotary in Australia". The engraver and member of the it a sturdy appearance. In this Directors. These guidelines Conference follows a Rotary Club of Chicago, design, the number of teeth govern the use of the Rotary successful membership sketched a wagon wheel with and spokes was intended to Marks on all merchandise, conference held in Canberra 13 spokes. When fellow club reflect a real, working promotional materials, and two years ago but the scope of members began to complain gearwheel, and not any aspect publications, including domain this Conference has been that the design was static and of Rotary's history. names and websites. broadened and we will enjoy lifeless, Bear added flourishes the presence of RI President that made the wheel appear to In November 1919, the Board Ray Klinginsmith. ride on a bed of clouds. adopted Bjorge’s design and a Unfortunately, some members detailed description, and the In September we will celebrate felt the clouds looked like 1921 convention formally the many youth and young dust, defying the laws of approved them. For many adult programmes that fall gravity by being kicked up on years, descriptions of the into the "New Generations" both sides of the wheel. emblem simply referred to a avenue of service. 1920 article in The Rotarian, Participation in the Rotary Bear re s p o n d e d by “Redesigning the Rotary Youth Exchange programme superimposing a banner with Wheel,” which announced the continues to grow in District the words Rotary Club over Board’s decision. 9455 under the leadership of The Rotary Emblem circa 1910 the clouds. Peter Durrant. It is wonderful By 1924, Bjorge’s design had to see the renewed interest in In 1911, Secretary Chesley R. been modified to this flagship youth Perry recommended that include a programme. “action be taken by the keyway. This 13th Annual Dr Ken Collins addition has been The Youth Driver Awareness National Association to establish the wheel as the basic attributed to Will Address programme, RYDA, will enjoy part of the emblem of every R. Forker, of the Promoting The Rotary its first event in District 9455 Rotary club.” Clubs were Rotary Club of this month on 23 August; the invited to submit designs to an Los Angeles. He Foundation event is already emblem committee before the was reported to oversubscribed. Our District have said When: Monday, 29th November, 2010.  1912 convention in Duluth, Venue: Golden Nugget Room, Gloucester Park.  Coordinators Lindsey Francis Minnesota. Bjorge’s design (RC of Matilda Bay) and Peter m a d e n o Time: 7:00pm for 7:30pm Perich (RC of Swan Districts) The Duluth convention provision for the Guest Speaker: RI President Ray Klinginsmith are keen to help Clubs provided some definition. transfer of power Alumni Speaker: Maryanne Tokome-Amu organise and run RYDA “The emblem consists of the to or from a shaft, events. The RY D A rendering the Cost: $45pp with cash bar available. basic principle of a wheel with management team visited gears cut on the outer edge. … wheel idle. Perth on 29th July to brief The spokes are to be so Forker perceived coordinators, presenters and others on the new syllabus for designed as to indicate Rotary “living as a force,” Change of Meeting strength; the object of the gears RYDA events; the new … being twofold; to relieve the and inserting a When: Thursday, 7st October, 2010.  syllabus is a big step forward plainness of the design, and … keyway into the Venue: Usual venue.  in delivering the safe driving symbolize power.” hub made the Time: Usual time. message to youth. new wheel a Guest Speaker: Phil Sherwood from RC Arden The word Rotary appeared at “real worker.” Arcade, California Yours in Rotary service the top and International Ian Hutton Association at the bottom. In January 1924, Note: this meeting is in place of our usual District Governor Clubs were encouraged to use the Board Wednesday meeting on Wed 6th Oct. f o r m a l l y 4 Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455
  • 5. N E W H O R I Z O N S Upcoming Guest Speakers Date Speaker Topic 25th August Lisa Guppy - Outbound Ambassadorial Scholar My Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship: Water Poverty in Cambodia and Viet Nam 1st September Tony Baker What’s happening with fine arts? 8th September PDG Ron Geary Handicamp 22nd September Hon Nick Hasluck, AM Reflections of a newly retired judge Program for August/September Host - Introduction & Thank You Date Details Date Name 25th August Lisa Guppy - Outbound 25th September Daniel Forsdyke Ambassadorial Scholar 28th August (Saturday) Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Back-up Host 1st September Tony Baker - What’s happening with fine arts? Date Name 8th September Ron Geary - Handicamp 25th September 15th September Committee Meeting Welcoming Roster Board Club Details Rotary Year 2010-11 Date Name Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay Inc. Simone Carot Collins — President PO Box 168, 25th August Wilma McBain Nedlands, Di Collins — Secretary / Vice President Western Australia, 6909 1st September Judy Edwards Meetings Wednesday 5:45pm to 6:45pm Cafe, Bethesda Hospital Bill Hassell — President Elect / Club Queenslea Drive Administration Director Claremont Email New Horizons: Winner of the District 9450 Bulletin Award for 2009/10 Toni James — Treasurer Phone 08 9385 0471 Fax Rob Rohrlach — Projects Director Bulletin Contributions 08 9385 0472 Website Contributions for the weekly bulletin are Claire Forsdyke — International Director sought from members of the club. Facebook Why not use the bulletin to update the club on the projects your committee is working Ken Collins — Membership Director freshwaterbayrotary on or promote the clubs next fundraising event. Chartered 19 December 2008 Please forward articles and photos to Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455 5