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Restful API modeling language
RAML is a human- and machine-readable language for the definition of a RESTful application programming interface (API). RAML is designed to
improve the specification of such interfaces by providing a format that can serve as a useful contract between the API provider and the API
consumers, for example to facilitate providing user documentation and source code stubs for client and server implementations, thereby
streamlining and enhancing the definition and development of inter-operable applications that utilize RESTful APIs.
It's a way of describing practically-RESTful APIs in a way that's highly readable by both humans and computers. We say "practically RESTful"
because, in the real world, very few APIs today actually obey all constraints of REST. RAML isn't strict; for now, it focuses on cleanly describing
resources, methods, parameters, responses, media types, and other HTTP constructs that form the basis for modern APIs that obey many,
though perhaps not all, RESTful constraints.
RAML describes an API in a way that is
- The structure of the API should be manifest. Patterns are brought to the forefront; its data and interaction models are front andClear
- An API spec is a contract: whatever is captured must correctly describe the behavior of the API.Correct
- Can a client be generated from the spec that's as faithful to the API as it is reasonable? Do the implementer know what they'rePrecise
required to deliver?
- RAML has strong support for capturing patterns. It encourages reuse, enables discovery and pattern-sharing, and aims forConsistent
merit-based emergence of best practices.
- Optimizes both creating and reading specs by impatient, smart humans.Readable & writable
- It is as close as possible to the mental model one has for the API, like what you'd type out in an email to a colleagueNatural & intuitive
or friend you were helping design or consume the API.
Benefits of a single interface description
It removes duplication of effort and inconsistencies between multiple representations.
It can be collocated with source code to promote consistency between source code and documentation.
It can be used to generate static documentation, interactive documentation, client applications, server applications, and automated tests.
Benefits of using RAML vs. other products
Modularization of parts of the representation removes duplication and encourages API consistency through reuse.
The RAML API designer tool encourages a design-first approach instead of a document-after approach.
A RAML document contains the following information:
- Explains how to describe core aspects of the API, such as its name, title, location (or URI), and defaults. DescribesBasic Information
how to include supporting documentation for the API.
- Describes a means to model API data via a streamlined type system, which also encompasses JSON and XML Schema.Data Types
- Describes how to specify an API's resources and nested resources, as well as URI parameters in any URI template.Resources
- Describes how to specify the methods on the API’s resources, and their request headers, query parameters, and requestMethods
- Describes the specification of API responses, including status codes, media types, response headers and response bodies.Responses
- Describes the optional mechanism for using RAML resource types and traits to characterize resources so asResource Types and Traits
to avoid unnecessary repetition in an API's definition and promote consistency and reuse.
- Describes the mechanisms available in RAML to specify an API’s security schemes.Security
- Describes a mechanism for extending a RAML specification by defining strongly-typed annotations and applying themAnnotations
throughout the specification.
- Describes how an API’s definition may be composed of externalized definition documents,Includes, Libraries, Overlays, and Extensions
how collections of such definitions can be packaged as libraries, how layers of metadata may be separated from and overlaid on top of a
RAML document, and how an API specification can be extended with additional functionality.
Structure of the RAML document
Mark-up Language
RAML API definitions are YAML-compliant documents that begin with a REQUIRED YAML-comment line that indicates the RAML version, as
#%RAML 0.8
It must be the first commented line of the RAML document.
The root of the document
The root section of the RAML document describes the basic information of an API, such as its title and version, as well as defining assets used
elsewhere in the RAML document such as types and traits. Following example shows an overview of RAML document:
#%RAML 0.8
title: GitHub API
version: v3
mediaType: application/json
- oauth_2_0: !include securitySchemes/oauth_2_0.raml
Gist: !include types/gist.raml
Gists: !include types/gists.raml
collection: !include typed/collection.raml
securedBy: [ oauth_2_0 ]
type: collection
RAML document contains following properties:
Title - It specifies title of the API.
Version - optional property, specifies version of the API.
Description - optional property, describes the overall API in human friendly, extended manner.
User documentation - optional property, includes a variety of documents that serve as user guides and reference documentation for the
API. Such documents can clarify how the API works and provide technical and business context. The value of the documentation
property is an array of one or more documents. Each document is an object that must contain following two properties with non empty
string values.
title - Title of documentation section
content - Content of document section
Following example shows an API definition with user documentation:
#%RAML 0.8
title: ZEncoder API
baseUri: some url
title: Home
content: |
Welcome to the Zencoder API Documentation. The Zencoder API
allows you to connect your application to our encoding service
and encode videos without going through the web interface. You
may also benefit from one of our
integration libraries for different languages.
Base URI and base URI parameters - optional property, specifies a URI as an identifier for the API as a whole, and may be used the
specify the URL at which the API is served, and which forms the base of the URLs of each of its resources.
Protocols - optional property, specifies the protocols that an API supports. If the protocols property is not explicitly included, the
protocol(s) specified at the baseUri property is used; if the protocols property is specified explicitly, it overrides any protocol specified in
the baseUri property. It must be a non-empty array of string, of values HTTP or HTTPS, and is case insensitive.
#%RAML 0.8
title: Salesforce Chatter REST API
version: v28.0
protocols: [ HTTP, HTTPS ]
Default media type - optional property, specifies media types expected from API requests. Value of mediaType property must be a media
type string conforming to the media type specification in RFC 6838.
#%RAML 0.8
title: Salesforce Chatter REST API
version: v28.0
mediaType: application/json
Default security - optional attribute , specifies security schemes to be applied to every method of every resource in the API. ForsecuredBy
#%RAML 0.8
title: Salesforce Chatter REST API
version: v28.0
mediaType: application/json
securedBy: [oauth_2_0, oauth_1_0]
oauth_2_0: !include oauth_2_0.yml
oauth_1_0: !include oauth_1_0.yml
RAML introduces the notion of data types, which provides a concise and powerful way to describe the data in your API. The data can be in a URI
parameter, a query parameter, a request or response header, or a request or response body. Data types can be built in and defined explicitly. the
following example shows a user type with three properties: firstname, and lastname of type string, and age of type number.
#%RAML 0.8
title: Salesforce Chatter REST APItypes:
type: object
firstname: string
lastname: string
age: number
type: User
RAML types in a nutshell:
Types are similar to java classes but borrow additional features from JSON schema, XSD, and more expressive object oriented
Types are split into four families: scalars, objects, externals, and arrays
Object types - It is defined as below:
#%RAML 0.8
title: Salesforce Chatter REST APItypes:
type: object
firstname: string
lastname: string
age: number
Array types - It is declared by using the array qualifier at the end of a type expression as below:
#%RAML 0.8
title: Salesforce Chatter REST APItypes:
emails: object
type: Email[]
minItems: 1
uniqueItems: true
Scalar types - RAML provides a predefined set of Scalar types. You can "extend" these types and add further restrictions. These restrictions are
called "facets" and they exist both for scalar and object types.
Built-in scalar types:
boolean file
enum, pattern can also be supported by RAML.
There are some additional attributes of types as below:
minLength - minimum number of characters in a property value
maxLength - maximum number of characters in a property value
minimum - specifies minimum value of parameter
maximum - maximum value of parameter
example - shows an example for a property value on UI of Restful API.
repeat - specifies parameter can be repeated. If it is set to true than parameter can be repeat. By default it has false value
required - make a parameter required in the API.
default - give default value for parameter
Using types in RAML
Types may be used in several positions:
Body ( JSON )
Body ( XML )
Body ( Web Form )
Query Parameters
URI Parameters
Serialization rules depend on both the type and the position in which it is used
When declaring a custom value type ( extending the "value" built-in type ) it will have "string" as its default serialization target.
When extending one of the built-in types, your type will inherit the serialization target
Resources and nested resources
Resources are identified by their relative URI, which MUST begin with a slash ("/"). Every property whose key begins with a slash, and is either at
the root of the API definition or is the child property of a resource property, is such a resource property.
A resource defined as a root-level property is called a top-level resource. Its property's key is the resource's URI relative to the baseUri (if any). A
resource defined as a child property of another resource is called a nested resource, and its property's key is its URI relative to its parent
resource's URI. Following example shows an API definition with one top-level resource, /gists, and one nested resource, /public.
#%RAML 0.8
title: Salesforce Chatter REST APItypes:
version: v3
baseUri: https//
displayName: Gists
displayName: Gists
The properties for resources are given in following table:
Property Description Value type
displayName An alternate, human-friendly name for the
description A longer, human-friendly description of the
Markdown string
The methods available on this resource. Object describing the method
is A list of the traits to apply to all methods
declared (implicitly or explicitly) for this
array, which can contain each of the
following elements:
* name of unparametrised trait
* a key-value pair with trait name as key and
a map of trait parameters as value
* inline trait declaration
type The resource type which this resource
one of the following elements:
* name of unparametrized resource type
* a key-value pair with resource type name
as key and a map of its parameters as value
* inline resource type declaration
securedBy The security schemes that apply to all
methods declared (implicitly or explicitly) for
this resource.
array of security scheme names or a single
security scheme name
uriParameters Detailed information about any URI
parameters of this resource
object whose property names are the URI
parameter names and whose values
describe the values
These are operations that are performed on resource. The optional properties of a resource defineget, patch, put, post, delete, head, and options
its method. Resource can have all the resource properties described above. Apart from those properties it can have some additional properties as
Property Description Value type
queryParameters Detailed information about any query
parameters needed by this method. Mutually
exclusive with queryString. It is a map in
which the key is the name of the header, and
the value is itself a map specifying the
header attributes, according to named
Object whose property names are the query
parameter names and whose values
describe the values.
headers Detailed information about any request
headers needed by this method. It is a map
in which the key is the name of the header,
and the value is itself a map specifying the
header attributes, according to named
Object whose property names are the
request header names and whose values
describe the values.
queryString Specifies the query string needed by this
method. Mutually exclusive with
An object whose keys are the HTTP status
codes of the responses and whose values
describe the responses.
responses Information about the expected responses to
a request
An object whose keys are the HTTP status
codes of the responses and whose values
describe the responses.
body Some methods admit request bodies, which
are described by this property.
Object whose properties are either
1) media types and whose values are type
objects describing the request body for that
media type, or
2) a type object describing the request body
for the default media type specified in the
root mediaType property
Resource types and traits
There are many advantages of reusing patterns across multiple resources and methods. For example, after defining a collection-type resource's
characteristics, that definition can be applied to multiple resources. This use of patterns encourages consistency and reduces complexity for both
servers and clients.
A is a partial resource definition that, like a resource, can specify security schemes and methods and other properties. Resourcesresource type
that use a resource type inherit its properties. A resource type can also use, and thus inherit from, another resource type.
A is a partial method definition that, like a method, can provide method-level properties such as description, headers, query stringtrait
parameters, and responses. Methods that use one or more traits inherit those traits' properties. Resources and resource types can also use, and
thus inherit from, one or more traits, which then apply to all of their methods.
Declaration for resource types and traits
Resource types may be declared via the optional property at the root of the API definition. The value of this property is an objectresourceTypes
whose property names become names of resource types that can be referenced throughout the API, and whose property values are resource
type declarations.
Similarly, traits may be declared via the optional property at the root of the API definition. The value of this property is an object whosetraits
property names become names of traits that can be referenced throughout the API, and whose property values are trait declarations.
Resource type and traits can have following properties:
Property Description Value type
usage Instructions on how and when to use this
resource type in a RAML spec
Markdown string
uses You may import library locally here it
contents is accessible only inside of this trait
An array of libraries
parameters Optional declaration of the parameters that
the resource type employs.
An object whose property names are the
parameter names and whose property values
describe the parameter data types.
The following example illustrates the declaration of several resource types and traits.
#%RAML 0.8
title: Example API
version: v1
usage: This resourceType should be used for any collection of items
description: The collection of <<resourcePathName>>
description: Get all <<resourcePathName>>, optionally filtered
description: Create a new <<resourcePathName | !singularize>>
usage: Apply this to any method that needs to be secured
description: Some requests require authentication.
description: Access Token
example: 5757gh76
required: true
The following example builds on the previous one, but the the resource types and traits are defined in external files that are included by using an
!include tag.
#%RAML 1.0
title: Example API
version: v1
collection: !include resourceTypes/collection.raml
member: !include resourceTypes/member.raml
secured: !include traits/secured.raml
rateLimited: !include traits/rate-limited.raml
Most REST APIs have one or more mechanisms to secure data access, identify requests, and determine access level and data visibility. RAML
supports the following built-in security scheme types:
Type Description
OAuth 1.0 The API's authentication uses OAuth 1.0 as described in RFC5849
OAuth 2.0 The API's authentication uses OAuth 2.0 as described in RFC6749
Basic Authentication The API's authentication uses Basic Access Authentication as
described in RFC2617 [RFC2617]
Digest Authentication The API's authentication uses Digest Access Authentication as
described in RFC2617 [RFC2617]
Pass Through Headers or Query Parameters are passed through to the API based
on a defined mapping.
x-<other> The API's authentication uses an authentication method not listed
Security scheme types
- Security schemes of this type have specific settings object.OAuth 1.0
Property Description Value type
requestTokenUri The URI of the Temporary Credential
Request endpoint as defined in RFC5849
Section 2.1
authorizationUri The URI of the Resource Owner
Authorization endpoint as defined in
RFC5849 Section 2.2
tokenCredentialsUri The URI of the Token Request endpoint as
defined in RFC5849 Section 2.3
Note: FixedUri type is a String, and should conform to the URI standard defined in RFC 3986. The following is an example for OAuth 1.0:
#%RAML 0.8
title: Dropbox API
version: 1
- oauth_1_0:
OAuth 1.0 continues to be supported for all API requests, but OAuth 2.0 is now preferred.
type: OAuth 1.0
OAuth 2.0 - Security schemes of this type have specific settings object:
Property Description Value type
accessTokenUri The URI of the Token Endpoint as defined in
RFC6749 [RFC6748] Section 3.2. Not
required forby implicit grant type.
authorizationUri The URI of the Authorization Endpoint as
defined in RFC6749 [RFC6748] Section 3.1.
Required forby authorization_code and
implicit grant types.
authorizationGrants A list of the Authorization grants supported
by the API as defined in RFC6749
[RFC6749] Sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4,
can be any of:
* authorization_code
* password
* client_credentials
* implicit
* refresh_token.
scopes A list of scopes supported by the security
scheme as defined in RFC6749 [RFC6749]
Section 3.3
The following is an example for OAuth 2.0:
#%RAML 0.8
title: Dropbox API
version: 1
- oauth_2_0:
description: |
Dropbox supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating all API requests.
type: OAuth 2.0
description: |
Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Do not use
with the "access_token" query string parameter.
type: string
description: |
Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Do not use together with
the "Authorization" header
type: string
description: |
Bad or expired token. This can happen if the user or Dropbox
revoked or expired an access token. To fix, you should re-
authenticate the user.
description: |
Bad OAuth request (wrong consumer key, bad nonce, expired
timestamp...). Unfortunately, re-authenticating the user won't help here.
authorizationGrants: [ authorization_code, refresh_token ]
Basic - it does not require any further specification of settings in the API definition.
#%RAML 0.8
title: Dropbox API
version: 1
- basic:
description: |
This API supports Basic Authentication.
type: Basic Authentication
Digest - it does not require any further specification of settings in the API definition.
#%RAML 0.8
title: Dropbox API
version: 1
- digest:
description: |
This API supports Digest Authentication.
type: Digest Authentication
Pass through - Pass Through authentication does not have any specific settings defined and the implementation is known to RAML. For every
header or queryParameter defined in describedBy, the value is required and passed along with the request without modification. The following is
an example:
#%RAML 0.8
title: Dropbox API
version: 1
- passthrough:
description: |
This API supports PassThrough Authentication.
type: PassThrough
type: string
type: string
The securedBy attribute of RAML document root may be used to apply security schemes to every method of API. This specifies that all methods
in the API (unless they have their own securedBy attribute) can be authenticated by any mentioned security scheme.
Applying a security scheme to a method overrides whichever security scheme has been applied to the API as whole. To indicate that the method
is protected using a specific security scheme, the method MUST be defined by using the securedBy attribute. The value assigned to the
securedBy attribute MUST be a list of any of the security schemas previously defined in thesecuritySchemes property of RAML document root.
#%RAML 0.8
title: Dropbox API
version: 1
securedBy: [oauth_2_0]
- oauth_2_0: !include oauth_2_0.yml
- oauth_1_0: !include oauth_1_0.yml
securedBy: [oauth_2_0, oauth_1_0]

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RAML API Specification Language

  • 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. RAML Restful API modeling language RAML is a human- and machine-readable language for the definition of a RESTful application programming interface (API). RAML is designed to improve the specification of such interfaces by providing a format that can serve as a useful contract between the API provider and the API consumers, for example to facilitate providing user documentation and source code stubs for client and server implementations, thereby streamlining and enhancing the definition and development of inter-operable applications that utilize RESTful APIs. It's a way of describing practically-RESTful APIs in a way that's highly readable by both humans and computers. We say "practically RESTful" because, in the real world, very few APIs today actually obey all constraints of REST. RAML isn't strict; for now, it focuses on cleanly describing resources, methods, parameters, responses, media types, and other HTTP constructs that form the basis for modern APIs that obey many, though perhaps not all, RESTful constraints. RAML describes an API in a way that is - The structure of the API should be manifest. Patterns are brought to the forefront; its data and interaction models are front andClear center. - An API spec is a contract: whatever is captured must correctly describe the behavior of the API.Correct - Can a client be generated from the spec that's as faithful to the API as it is reasonable? Do the implementer know what they'rePrecise required to deliver? - RAML has strong support for capturing patterns. It encourages reuse, enables discovery and pattern-sharing, and aims forConsistent merit-based emergence of best practices. - Optimizes both creating and reading specs by impatient, smart humans.Readable & writable - It is as close as possible to the mental model one has for the API, like what you'd type out in an email to a colleagueNatural & intuitive or friend you were helping design or consume the API. Why RAML? Benefits of a single interface description It removes duplication of effort and inconsistencies between multiple representations. It can be collocated with source code to promote consistency between source code and documentation. It can be used to generate static documentation, interactive documentation, client applications, server applications, and automated tests. Benefits of using RAML vs. other products Modularization of parts of the representation removes duplication and encourages API consistency through reuse. The RAML API designer tool encourages a design-first approach instead of a document-after approach. A RAML document contains the following information: - Explains how to describe core aspects of the API, such as its name, title, location (or URI), and defaults. DescribesBasic Information how to include supporting documentation for the API. - Describes a means to model API data via a streamlined type system, which also encompasses JSON and XML Schema.Data Types - Describes how to specify an API's resources and nested resources, as well as URI parameters in any URI template.Resources - Describes how to specify the methods on the API’s resources, and their request headers, query parameters, and requestMethods bodies. - Describes the specification of API responses, including status codes, media types, response headers and response bodies.Responses - Describes the optional mechanism for using RAML resource types and traits to characterize resources so asResource Types and Traits to avoid unnecessary repetition in an API's definition and promote consistency and reuse. - Describes the mechanisms available in RAML to specify an API’s security schemes.Security - Describes a mechanism for extending a RAML specification by defining strongly-typed annotations and applying themAnnotations throughout the specification. - Describes how an API’s definition may be composed of externalized definition documents,Includes, Libraries, Overlays, and Extensions how collections of such definitions can be packaged as libraries, how layers of metadata may be separated from and overlaid on top of a RAML document, and how an API specification can be extended with additional functionality. Structure of the RAML document Mark-up Language RAML API definitions are YAML-compliant documents that begin with a REQUIRED YAML-comment line that indicates the RAML version, as follows: #%RAML 0.8 It must be the first commented line of the RAML document. The root of the document The root section of the RAML document describes the basic information of an API, such as its title and version, as well as defining assets used elsewhere in the RAML document such as types and traits. Following example shows an overview of RAML document:
  • 2. 1. 2. #%RAML 0.8 title: GitHub API version: v3 baseUri: mediaType: application/json securitySchemes: - oauth_2_0: !include securitySchemes/oauth_2_0.raml types: Gist: !include types/gist.raml Gists: !include types/gists.raml collection: !include typed/collection.raml resourceTypes: traits: securedBy: [ oauth_2_0 ] /search: /code: type: collection get: RAML document contains following properties: Title - It specifies title of the API. Version - optional property, specifies version of the API. Description - optional property, describes the overall API in human friendly, extended manner. User documentation - optional property, includes a variety of documents that serve as user guides and reference documentation for the API. Such documents can clarify how the API works and provide technical and business context. The value of the documentation property is an array of one or more documents. Each document is an object that must contain following two properties with non empty string values. title - Title of documentation section content - Content of document section Following example shows an API definition with user documentation: #%RAML 0.8 title: ZEncoder API baseUri: some url documentation: title: Home content: | Welcome to the Zencoder API Documentation. The Zencoder API allows you to connect your application to our encoding service and encode videos without going through the web interface. You may also benefit from one of our integration libraries for different languages. Base URI and base URI parameters - optional property, specifies a URI as an identifier for the API as a whole, and may be used the specify the URL at which the API is served, and which forms the base of the URLs of each of its resources. Protocols - optional property, specifies the protocols that an API supports. If the protocols property is not explicitly included, the protocol(s) specified at the baseUri property is used; if the protocols property is specified explicitly, it overrides any protocol specified in the baseUri property. It must be a non-empty array of string, of values HTTP or HTTPS, and is case insensitive. #%RAML 0.8 title: Salesforce Chatter REST API version: v28.0 protocols: [ HTTP, HTTPS ] baseUri:{version}/chatter Default media type - optional property, specifies media types expected from API requests. Value of mediaType property must be a media type string conforming to the media type specification in RFC 6838.
  • 3. #%RAML 0.8 title: Salesforce Chatter REST API version: v28.0 mediaType: application/json baseUri:{version}/chatter Default security - optional attribute , specifies security schemes to be applied to every method of every resource in the API. ForsecuredBy e.g. #%RAML 0.8 title: Salesforce Chatter REST API version: v28.0 mediaType: application/json baseUri:{version}/chatter securedBy: [oauth_2_0, oauth_1_0] securitySchemes: oauth_2_0: !include oauth_2_0.yml oauth_1_0: !include oauth_1_0.yml Types RAML introduces the notion of data types, which provides a concise and powerful way to describe the data in your API. The data can be in a URI parameter, a query parameter, a request or response header, or a request or response body. Data types can be built in and defined explicitly. the following example shows a user type with three properties: firstname, and lastname of type string, and age of type number. #%RAML 0.8 title: Salesforce Chatter REST APItypes: User: type: object properties: firstname: string lastname: string age: number /users/{id}: get: responses: 200: application/json: type: User RAML types in a nutshell: Types are similar to java classes but borrow additional features from JSON schema, XSD, and more expressive object oriented languages. Types are split into four families: scalars, objects, externals, and arrays Object types - It is defined as below:
  • 4. #%RAML 0.8 title: Salesforce Chatter REST APItypes: User: type: object properties: firstname: string lastname: string age: number Array types - It is declared by using the array qualifier at the end of a type expression as below: #%RAML 0.8 title: Salesforce Chatter REST APItypes: types: emails: object type: Email[] minItems: 1 uniqueItems: true Scalar types - RAML provides a predefined set of Scalar types. You can "extend" these types and add further restrictions. These restrictions are called "facets" and they exist both for scalar and object types. Built-in scalar types: string number integer date boolean file enum, pattern can also be supported by RAML. There are some additional attributes of types as below: minLength - minimum number of characters in a property value maxLength - maximum number of characters in a property value minimum - specifies minimum value of parameter maximum - maximum value of parameter example - shows an example for a property value on UI of Restful API. repeat - specifies parameter can be repeated. If it is set to true than parameter can be repeat. By default it has false value required - make a parameter required in the API. default - give default value for parameter Using types in RAML Types may be used in several positions: Body ( JSON ) Body ( XML ) Body ( Web Form ) Headers Query Parameters URI Parameters Serialization rules depend on both the type and the position in which it is used When declaring a custom value type ( extending the "value" built-in type ) it will have "string" as its default serialization target. When extending one of the built-in types, your type will inherit the serialization target Resources and nested resources Resources are identified by their relative URI, which MUST begin with a slash ("/"). Every property whose key begins with a slash, and is either at the root of the API definition or is the child property of a resource property, is such a resource property. A resource defined as a root-level property is called a top-level resource. Its property's key is the resource's URI relative to the baseUri (if any). A
  • 5. resource defined as a child property of another resource is called a nested resource, and its property's key is its URI relative to its parent resource's URI. Following example shows an API definition with one top-level resource, /gists, and one nested resource, /public. #%RAML 0.8 title: Salesforce Chatter REST APItypes: version: v3 baseUri: https// /gists: displayName: Gists /public: displayName: Gists The properties for resources are given in following table: Property Description Value type displayName An alternate, human-friendly name for the resource. StringType description A longer, human-friendly description of the resource. Markdown string get patch put post delete options head The methods available on this resource. Object describing the method is A list of the traits to apply to all methods declared (implicitly or explicitly) for this resource. array, which can contain each of the following elements: * name of unparametrised trait * a key-value pair with trait name as key and a map of trait parameters as value * inline trait declaration type The resource type which this resource inherits. one of the following elements: * name of unparametrized resource type * a key-value pair with resource type name as key and a map of its parameters as value * inline resource type declaration securedBy The security schemes that apply to all methods declared (implicitly or explicitly) for this resource. array of security scheme names or a single security scheme name uriParameters Detailed information about any URI parameters of this resource object whose property names are the URI parameter names and whose values describe the values Methods These are operations that are performed on resource. The optional properties of a resource defineget, patch, put, post, delete, head, and options its method. Resource can have all the resource properties described above. Apart from those properties it can have some additional properties as below: Property Description Value type queryParameters Detailed information about any query parameters needed by this method. Mutually exclusive with queryString. It is a map in which the key is the name of the header, and the value is itself a map specifying the header attributes, according to named parameters. Object whose property names are the query parameter names and whose values describe the values.
  • 6. headers Detailed information about any request headers needed by this method. It is a map in which the key is the name of the header, and the value is itself a map specifying the header attributes, according to named parameters. Object whose property names are the request header names and whose values describe the values. queryString Specifies the query string needed by this method. Mutually exclusive with queryParameters. An object whose keys are the HTTP status codes of the responses and whose values describe the responses. responses Information about the expected responses to a request An object whose keys are the HTTP status codes of the responses and whose values describe the responses. body Some methods admit request bodies, which are described by this property. Object whose properties are either 1) media types and whose values are type objects describing the request body for that media type, or 2) a type object describing the request body for the default media type specified in the root mediaType property Resource types and traits There are many advantages of reusing patterns across multiple resources and methods. For example, after defining a collection-type resource's characteristics, that definition can be applied to multiple resources. This use of patterns encourages consistency and reduces complexity for both servers and clients. A is a partial resource definition that, like a resource, can specify security schemes and methods and other properties. Resourcesresource type that use a resource type inherit its properties. A resource type can also use, and thus inherit from, another resource type. A is a partial method definition that, like a method, can provide method-level properties such as description, headers, query stringtrait parameters, and responses. Methods that use one or more traits inherit those traits' properties. Resources and resource types can also use, and thus inherit from, one or more traits, which then apply to all of their methods. Declaration for resource types and traits Resource types may be declared via the optional property at the root of the API definition. The value of this property is an objectresourceTypes whose property names become names of resource types that can be referenced throughout the API, and whose property values are resource type declarations. Similarly, traits may be declared via the optional property at the root of the API definition. The value of this property is an object whosetraits property names become names of traits that can be referenced throughout the API, and whose property values are trait declarations. Resource type and traits can have following properties: Property Description Value type usage Instructions on how and when to use this resource type in a RAML spec Markdown string uses You may import library locally here it contents is accessible only inside of this trait An array of libraries parameters Optional declaration of the parameters that the resource type employs. An object whose property names are the parameter names and whose property values describe the parameter data types. The following example illustrates the declaration of several resource types and traits.
  • 7. #%RAML 0.8 title: Example API version: v1 resourceTypes: collection: usage: This resourceType should be used for any collection of items description: The collection of <<resourcePathName>> get: description: Get all <<resourcePathName>>, optionally filtered post: description: Create a new <<resourcePathName | !singularize>> traits: secured: usage: Apply this to any method that needs to be secured description: Some requests require authentication. headers: access_token: description: Access Token example: 5757gh76 required: true The following example builds on the previous one, but the the resource types and traits are defined in external files that are included by using an !include tag. #%RAML 1.0 title: Example API version: v1 resourceTypes: collection: !include resourceTypes/collection.raml member: !include resourceTypes/member.raml traits: secured: !include traits/secured.raml rateLimited: !include traits/rate-limited.raml Security Most REST APIs have one or more mechanisms to secure data access, identify requests, and determine access level and data visibility. RAML supports the following built-in security scheme types: Type Description OAuth 1.0 The API's authentication uses OAuth 1.0 as described in RFC5849 [RFC5849] OAuth 2.0 The API's authentication uses OAuth 2.0 as described in RFC6749 [RFC6749] Basic Authentication The API's authentication uses Basic Access Authentication as described in RFC2617 [RFC2617] Digest Authentication The API's authentication uses Digest Access Authentication as described in RFC2617 [RFC2617] Pass Through Headers or Query Parameters are passed through to the API based on a defined mapping. x-<other> The API's authentication uses an authentication method not listed above. Security scheme types - Security schemes of this type have specific settings object.OAuth 1.0 Property Description Value type
  • 8. requestTokenUri The URI of the Temporary Credential Request endpoint as defined in RFC5849 Section 2.1 FixedUri authorizationUri The URI of the Resource Owner Authorization endpoint as defined in RFC5849 Section 2.2 FixedUri tokenCredentialsUri The URI of the Token Request endpoint as defined in RFC5849 Section 2.3 FixedUri Note: FixedUri type is a String, and should conform to the URI standard defined in RFC 3986. The following is an example for OAuth 1.0: #%RAML 0.8 title: Dropbox API version: 1 baseUri:{version} securitySchemes: - oauth_1_0: description:| OAuth 1.0 continues to be supported for all API requests, but OAuth 2.0 is now preferred. type: OAuth 1.0 settings: requestTokenUri: authorizationUri: tokenCredentialsUri: OAuth 2.0 - Security schemes of this type have specific settings object: Property Description Value type accessTokenUri The URI of the Token Endpoint as defined in RFC6749 [RFC6748] Section 3.2. Not required forby implicit grant type. FixedUri authorizationUri The URI of the Authorization Endpoint as defined in RFC6749 [RFC6748] Section 3.1. Required forby authorization_code and implicit grant types. FixedUri authorizationGrants A list of the Authorization grants supported by the API as defined in RFC6749 [RFC6749] Sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4, can be any of: * authorization_code * password * client_credentials * implicit * refresh_token. StringType[] scopes A list of scopes supported by the security scheme as defined in RFC6749 [RFC6749] Section 3.3 StringType[] The following is an example for OAuth 2.0:
  • 9. #%RAML 0.8 title: Dropbox API version: 1 baseUri:{version} securitySchemes: - oauth_2_0: description: | Dropbox supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating all API requests. type: OAuth 2.0 describedBy: headers: Authorization: description: | Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Do not use with the "access_token" query string parameter. type: string queryParameters: access_token: description: | Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Do not use together with the "Authorization" header type: string responses: 401: description: | Bad or expired token. This can happen if the user or Dropbox revoked or expired an access token. To fix, you should re- authenticate the user. 403: description: | Bad OAuth request (wrong consumer key, bad nonce, expired timestamp...). Unfortunately, re-authenticating the user won't help here. settings: authorizationUri: accessTokenUri: authorizationGrants: [ authorization_code, refresh_token ] Basic - it does not require any further specification of settings in the API definition.
  • 10. #%RAML 0.8 title: Dropbox API version: 1 baseUri:{version} securitySchemes: - basic: description: | This API supports Basic Authentication. type: Basic Authentication Digest - it does not require any further specification of settings in the API definition. #%RAML 0.8 title: Dropbox API version: 1 baseUri:{version} securitySchemes: - digest: description: | This API supports Digest Authentication. type: Digest Authentication Pass through - Pass Through authentication does not have any specific settings defined and the implementation is known to RAML. For every header or queryParameter defined in describedBy, the value is required and passed along with the request without modification. The following is an example: #%RAML 0.8 title: Dropbox API version: 1 baseUri:{version} securitySchemes: - passthrough: description: | This API supports PassThrough Authentication. type: PassThrough describedBy: queryParameters: query: type: string headers: api_key: type: string Usage
  • 11. The securedBy attribute of RAML document root may be used to apply security schemes to every method of API. This specifies that all methods in the API (unless they have their own securedBy attribute) can be authenticated by any mentioned security scheme. Applying a security scheme to a method overrides whichever security scheme has been applied to the API as whole. To indicate that the method is protected using a specific security scheme, the method MUST be defined by using the securedBy attribute. The value assigned to the securedBy attribute MUST be a list of any of the security schemas previously defined in thesecuritySchemes property of RAML document root. #%RAML 0.8 title: Dropbox API version: 1 baseUri:{version} securedBy: [oauth_2_0] securitySchemes: - oauth_2_0: !include oauth_2_0.yml - oauth_1_0: !include oauth_1_0.yml /users: get: securedBy: [oauth_2_0, oauth_1_0]