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Sexual Ethics

                            Rae, chapter 10

Tuesday 4 October 2011
The nature of discussion, even
                         Sexual Ethics
                   amongst Christians, about sexual
                  issues and ethics is such that some
                  offence might be caused. Please use
                     discretion before reading this

                             Rae, chapter 10

Tuesday 4 October 2011
Sexual ethics is the discussion of
      ethical issues raised by the variety
      of sexual issues both within and
      outside of marriage.
      Consider what you might say in
      each of the following situations,
      - a young person approaches you
      and talks about being unsure of
      their sexual orientation, they do
      not know what to do (or think)

Tuesday 4 October 2011
- a soon to be married couple approach you to talk
      about birth control. As Christians are they allowed to
      use it, what can they use, do some methods prevent
      embryo implantation?
      - a gay couple whom you have befriended ask you to
      bless their forthcoming marriage at a civil ceremony

Tuesday 4 October 2011
- a student asks what you
                         think about masturbation,
                         does the Bible prohibit it?

                         - a couple who will soon be
                         married in church talk to
                         you about sex - they have
                         both been married before
                         and openly admit they are
                         having sex as they are
                         committed to each other
                         and the ceremony is not of
                         great significance to them
Tuesday 4 October 2011
Tuesday 4 October 2011
Biblical teaching on sexual

      The Bible talks a lot about sexual
      relationships! God understands it
      and has expressed boundaries for it
      to be expressed within.
      Key Passages: Genesis 2:18-25,
      Leviticus 18, Song of Songs, 1
      Corinthians 5-7 and some
      selected passages in the epistles.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
       2 complimentary accounts of
       creation in Gen 1-2. Chapter 1 =
       broad overview, 2 = creation of man
       and woman and their relationship
       to God.
       2:18-25 shows marriage and sexual
       relations for the first time. Rae says
       this passage really fits in between
       1:26 and 1:28
       For a number of reasons Gen 2:24
       is believed to be the first
       institution of marriage:

Tuesday 4 October 2011
Genesis image, a!er our
    Then God said, "Let us make man in our
    likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and
      2 complimentary accounts of
    over the birds of the heavens and1over the livestock and over a"
      creation in Gen 1-2. Chapter =
    the earth and over2every creeping man that creeps on the earth."
      broad overview, = creation of thing
      and woman and their relationship
    So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he
      to God.
    created him; male and female he created them.
      2:18-25 shows marriage and sexual to them, "Be $uitful and
    And God blessed them. And God said
      relations for the first time. Rae says
    multiply and fi" the earth and subdue it and have dominion over
      this passage really fits in between
    the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over
      1:26 and 1:28
    everyaliving thing reasons Gen 2:24 earth."
      For number of     that moves on the
    2:24 Therefore a man sha" leave his father and his mother and
      is believed to be the first
    hold fast to his wife, and they sha" become one flesh.
      institution of marriage:

Tuesday 4 October 2011
       2 complimentary accounts of
       creation in Gen 1-2. Chapter 1 =
       broad overview, 2 = creation of man
       and woman and their relationship
       to God.
       2:18-25 shows marriage and sexual
       relations for the first time. Rae says
       this passage really fits in between
       1:26 and 1:28
       For a number of reasons Gen 2:24
       is believed to be the first
       institution of marriage:

Tuesday 4 October 2011
- it is quoted in the NT making it
      appear this was intended for married
      - use of the word leave= man/woman
      intimately related, separated from
      their family to form a new unit
      - one flesh includes sexual unity (not
      exclusively) - but sex is limited to
      marriage throughout scripture
      Procreation - Gen 1:26 includes sex,
      leaving, cleaving, one flesh, all of
      which is in the context of marriage
      - and that was heterosexual in nature -
      the nature of the extended family is
      a cultural and economic issue.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
The term “one flesh” emphasises sexual
      relations though including a couple having
      spiritual and emotional onenness too -
      another term was available if the author
      did not want to emphasise the sexual
      Ex 20:14 - “You sha! not commit adultery.” -
      helps to protect the creation ideal for
      family life - in fact most cultures have
      something like this in their moral code,
      protecting the marriage covenant.
      OT prophets often use the idea of adultery
      to describe Israels falling away from God,
      breaking covenant.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
Ironically religious prostitution was
      often associated with idolatrous
      worship in the OT world - Jer
      3:6-10, Hosea 1-3.
      In spite of the marriage ideal of Gen
      1-2 polygamy, and having concubines
      was practiced in Israel - such
      marriages also solidified alliances with
      foreign powers.
      Rae suggests polygamy might have
      been allowed to protect women - who
      would not have worked in OT times,
      and so needed provision and
      protection should their husband die.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
NT we see monogamy - Jesus
     teaches on marriage, Matt
     19:1-5, from Gen 1-2 - elders
     are husband of one wife, 1 Tim
     What should happen when
     someone in a culture which
     practices polygamy comes to
     Often a suggestion of taking
     no further wives is proposed
     and adopted. In succeeding
     generations polygamy then
     gradual is eradicated.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
Ruth and levirate marriage
      the custom of marriage by a man with his
      brother's widow, such marriage required in
      Biblical law if the deceased was childless.
      Deut. 25:5–10.
      A widow with no surviving children
      faced problems - no support / no way to
      carry on the line of the husband
      (important for a link to property)
      The book of Ruth shows this principle
      of levirate marriage in action.
      Ruth could have married a relative
      closer than Boaz, but he declined - the
      son of Ruth and Boaz is Obed,
      grandfather of King David.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
OT law
      Other parts of the OT law were
      designed to protect the model of
      Genesis 1-2. Including,
      - prohibition of illicit sexual relations
      - incest, homosexuality, adultery,
      premarital sex, bestiality are all
      - Lev 18-20 suggests these all violate
      the family structure of Gen 1-2
      - Ex 19:6 - Rae suggests these would
      keep the family intact and preserve
      Israel from attack as a people under
      God’s holy law.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
Song of Songs
      Rae says this celebrates the beauty of
      sex within marriage - the lover and his
      bride are described in detail. It adds all
      sorts of details about what might be
      enjoyed within sex and marriage - food,
      drink, water, spices etc.
      1:1-3:5 shows restraint prior to the
      marriage - even within an obvious desire
      for one another.
      Courtship 1:1-3:5 - marriage &
      consummation 3:6-5:1 - conflict 5:2-6:3 -
      reconciliation 6:4-8:14.
      The book only shows sex within

Tuesday 4 October 2011
New Testament
      1 Thess 4:3 - It is God’s wi! that you
      should be sanctified: that you should avoid
      sexual immorality;
      Eph 5:3 - But among you there must not be
      even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any
      kind of impurity, or of greed, because these
      are improper for God’s holy people.
      1 Cor 5:9 -I wrote to you in my letter not to
      associate with sexua!y immoral people
      Col 3:5 - Put to death, therefore, whatever
      belongs to your earthly nature: sexual
      immorality, impurity, lust,

Tuesday 4 October 2011
Heb 13:4 - Marriage should be honored
      by a!, and the marriage bed kept pure, for
      God wi! judge the adulterer and a! the
      sexua!y immoral.
      1 Cor 5-7 develops these ideas more
      fully - the Corinthian church seems
      to be having some problems regarding
      its view of sex:
      3 theological reasons for avoiding
      sexual immorality,
      - God will raise the body to
      immortality at the 2nd coming - 1
      Cor 6:14 - the body is important and
      should be treated well

Tuesday 4 October 2011
- believers are one with Christ, so
      they should never be one with anyone
      other than their spouse, 1Cor
      - the believers body is a temple of
      HSp, 1Cor 6:19, your testimony for
      Christ should not be compromised as
      ultimately it has been purchased for
      God by Jesus and should be used t
      honour him.
      These three ideas give a trinitarian
      view to a believers relationship with
      God - and show all aspects of that
      relationship can be damaged in this
      area of sexual immorality.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
Is Paul simply showing a homophobic
      bias in his writings, as the patriarchs
      seem anti-women? Was his message
      simply a reflection of the culture of
      the day and something we can reject?
      Corinth at the time of Paul in fact
      practiced great sexual diversity - 1
      Cor 5-6 - so Paul did not reflect the
      culture of the day but was running
      counter to it - against it. His views
      would seem to be theologically based
      not culturally.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
      In western nations increasing number of
      homes are headed by single people -
      marriage is seen by many as no longer a
      good option. Sex in the Bible is reserved
      for marriage but still the Bible talks
      about singleness.
      1 Cor 7 - affirms being single, verses
      25-35, Rae suggests such commands
      might be in the light of persecution
      facing the church at that time (see v26),
      singleness thus reduces the possibility of
      vulnerability to persecution through
      family members.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
29-31 suggests marriage will pass away
      with the return of Christ - both
      marriage and singleness have the
      same eternal value.
      vv. 32-35 suggests the ability of single
      people serving the Lord with
      undivided hearts - an advantage over
      The passage suggests marriage or
      singleness are equally valid - there is
      nothing wrong in either - your motive
      for either is to be decided between
      you and God, but morally neither
      option is better or worse.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
      What of the morality of a
      homosexual / lesbian / bisexual
      Should marriage be allowed in such
      Most cultures - including India - have
      accepted the legitimacy of such
      relationships and accept what is done
      sexually is done in private away from
      moral scrutiny.
      Some people argue that it is
      compatible to be a Christian and a
      practicing homosexual - they believe
      this fits in with broad Bible teaching.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
Defining Homosexual
      1. A person who sexually prefers to be
      with members of the same sex. Rae says
      this applies to only 5% of people called
      homosexual. 1-2% of the population are
      homosexual in this way.
      2. A bisexual person - attracted to either
      3. A situational homosexual - having had
      some homosexual experience but not
      having a predominant homosexual
      orientation - the person has a homosexual
      relationship because needs are met
      within it not because of gender - or a
      preteenage exploration of sexuality,
      possibly up to 30% of all teenagers
Tuesday 4 October 2011
The Metropolitan Community Church
      MCC are found all over the world and
      offer training and resources
      supporting their views - the Bible is
      balanced by reason, tradition and
      Rae cites this church as a group of
      churches who claim to believe historic
      Christianity and homosexual practice.
      They interpret biblical texts in a way
      that affirms committed, loving
      homosexual relationships.
      Sodom & Gomorrah Gen 19-20 - not
      relevant as what happened was gang
      rape not consensual sex.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
The Metropolitan Community Church
      MCC are found all over the world and
      offer training and resources
      supporting their views - the Bible is
      balanced by reason, tradition and
      Rae cites this church as a group of
      churches who claim to believe historic
      Christianity and homosexual practice.
      They interpret biblical texts in a way
      that affirms committed, loving
      homosexual relationships.
      Sodom & Gomorrah Gen 19-20 - not
      relevant as what happened was gang
      rape not consensual sex.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
Paul, in the NT, addresses
      perversions of homosexuality -
      expressing dominance over
      someone, temple prostitution.
      They say that the mutual caring
      homosexual relationships they
      practice are not prohibited in the
      NT. Jesus would not discriminate
      against someone on the basis of
      sexuality - it is like being a racist.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
Myths about Homosexuality
      All homosexuals are...
      1. effeminate
      2. Promiscuous - they do have a
      relatively high number of partners
      (lesbians less so) - there are loving,
      committed relationships
      3. Following chose way of life - it may
      be learned developmentally (not
      genetic or chosen) - and might be a
      place they found acceptance without
      having to “hide” who they are
      4. Artistic in nature - homosexuals are
      found in all professions

Tuesday 4 October 2011
Causes of Homosexuality
      No single cause or clear pattern - and
      great debate about a genetic link. Rae
      suggests some developmental factors
      (primarily for male homosexuals);
      - an angry / absent father along with
      close bonding to their mother, esp. if
      the boy becomes an emotional
      substitute for the husband
      - the boy to man progression does not
      take place with pleasure
      - their introduction to sexuality - with
      whom and was it pleasurable? If with
      a male who enjoyed it then more
      likely to take homosexual orientation.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
Biblical response to homosexuality
      Lev 18:22, 20:13 prohibit
      homosexual sex - this does not get
      greater condemnation than other
      sexual sins in these two chapters.
      Rom 1:24-27 - the key NT passage
      This is part of Paul’s argument about
      the universality of sin and judgement
      and the need for justification by
      faith in Christ’s death on the cross.
      Paul quotes the natural order being
      man and woman - this is distorted by
      sin and everyone has the potential
      (as with all sin)

Tuesday 4 October 2011
Biblical response to homosexuality
      Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of
      Lev 18:22, 20:13 prohibit
      their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of
      homosexual sex - this does not get
      their bodies with one another. They exchanged the
      greater condemnation than other
      truth about these two a lie, and worshiped and served
      sexual sins in God for chapters.
      created thingsthe key NT passage
      Rom 1:24-27 - rather than the Creator—who is
      forever praised. Amen.
      This is part of Paul’s argument about
      the universality of God gave them over to shameful
      Because of this, sin and judgement
      and the needtheir women exchanged natural sexual
      lusts. Even for justification by
      faith in Christ’s death on the cross. the same way the men
      relations for unnatural ones. In
      Paul quotes the natural order being with women and
      also abandoned natural relations
      man and woman - this is distorted by
      were inflamed with lust for one another. Men
      sin and everyone has the potential
      committed shameful acts with other men, and
      (as with all sin)
      received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
Tuesday 4 October 2011
Biblical response to homosexuality
      Lev 18:22, 20:13 prohibit
      homosexual sex - this does not get
      greater condemnation than other
      sexual sins in these two chapters.
      Rom 1:24-27 - the key NT passage
      This is part of Paul’s argument about
      the universality of sin and judgement
      and the need for justification by
      faith in Christ’s death on the cross.
      Paul quotes the natural order being
      man and woman - this is distorted by
      sin and everyone has the potential
      (as with all sin)

Tuesday 4 October 2011
This passage has been interpreted in
      various ways:
      1. It refers to homosexual temple
      prostitutes in idolatrous worship
      ceremonies - see also Dt 23:17-18
      2. Paul is condemning true homosexuals
      who engage in sexual acts - debate here
      is about the use of natural as
      homosexuals claim this is natural for
      them and it would refer to
      heterosexuals performing homosexual
      acts. The question becomes does this
      apply regardless of your own sexual

Tuesday 4 October 2011
3. Paul is condemning perversions of
      homosexuality and if a relationship is
      committed and loving then it is ok -
      the same might apply to
      4. Paul is condemning all homosexual
      behaviour - there is a universal truth
      in creation order about all sexual
      relations, “natural relations with
      women” shows this - Rae suggests this
      is the only option that does not read
      something into the passage that is not

Tuesday 4 October 2011
Some say it is important to see a
      difference between attraction and
      action in this. This is paralleled in
      marriage where being attracted to a
      person other than your spouse is not sin,
      acting on it is! Matt 5:27-32 -
      It is argued that homosexual attraction is
      not in itself a sin, but when the
      attraction gives in to lust and sex then it
      is - thus a Christian homosexual can
      either practice abstinence or
      heterosexual sex. Such a stance might
      give a more accepting position for those
      struggling with homosexuality.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
Could this also be part of the cure
      for homosexuality? We need to
      distinguish between a cure for the
      behaviour and the desire - a cure of
      being content apart from the
      behaviour. So an alcoholic has not
      necessarily lost the desire for alcohol
      but have learned to be content apart
      from drinking it. Similarly a
      homosexual might still be attracted
      but not acting on that desire.
      What this does provide is a place for
      homosexuals who are struggling to try
      and find some form of grace form
      God (within church acceptance)

Tuesday 4 October 2011
Responses to Homosexuality in
                             addition to Scripture
      Arguing in a secular setting against
      homosexuality is hard - and 3 lines
      have been taken;
      1. Public health - there is a
      statistical link of transmission of
      AIDS and homosexual activity - there
      is a strong link here (especially in
      unprotected homosexual sex or IV
      drug use) though there is also
      transmission within the heterosexual
      One might argue this is more about
      unprotected sex than anything else.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
2. Historical argument - no civilisation has survived the
      destruction of the traditional family unit. Homosexuality
      undermines this idea. To ensure society flourishes we should
      encourage the family and discourage anything that acts
      against it. (In all probability there are historical exceptions to
      this, to which the homosexual community might appeal.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
3. An argument from Immanuel Kant’s
     philosophy, based on reason alone. Kant
     formulated his moral duties in terms of a
     “principle of universalizability” - saying if
     a moral rule can be made a universal rule
     then, and only then, can it be called a
     valid moral rule.
     So telling the truth is such a rule as it is
     necessary to a functioning society - no
     truth telling would mean little meaningful
     communication as you would not know if
     you were being told the truth and so
     social relations would be severely
     damaged. Q: What would happen if no
     one held to the moral rule in question?

Tuesday 4 October 2011
If this reasoning is applied to homosexuality - what if no one
      obeyed the moral rule prohibiting homosexuality?
      Procreation would decline unless alternative technologies
      were developed and used extensively, the existence of the
      next generation might be at stake.
      Many do not adhere to, or agree with, Kant’s moral system.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
Same-sex marriage

      This is legal in some countries and is
      considered the same as heterosexual
      marriage. There is a significant move
      in the USA and other countries to
      legalise this.
      Arguing for is the idea of fairness -
      benefits and designation being
      withheld is unfair. Historically other
      areas of discrimination have been
      changed by law - this should be too.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
Opponents - it is not unfair to
      say marriage is man and woman.
      In the USA almost all benefits
      are available to all couples
      regardless of orientation.
      Thus it has been asked what the
      agenda is with regard to this
      issue? Some say it is social and
      moral validation of their
      lifestyle - a symbolic affirmation
      - this is what opponents are
      trying to stop, the approval of
      relationships which they think
      are morally problematic.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
A second argument is made by
      opponents: Those in favour of same
      sex marriage often talk about it being
      decided on the grounds of personal
      autonomy, value based decisions in
      life are usually free from the
      judgment of the law, in cases of sexual
      preference and relationship type this
      should be the case - it is a decision
      made by consenting adults.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
So what of polygamy or incest? Some
      people argue for consenting adult-
      A secondrelationships made by
      children argument is or for bestiality
      opponents: Those in favour of same
      (relationships with animals) - are they
      permissible ifoften talk about it being
      sex marriage based on a person’s
      informed desires?
      decided on the grounds of personal
      The question is what else will be
      autonomy, value based decisions in
      permitted if same sex marriage is
      life are usually free from the
      judgment of the countries which allow
      Some European law, in cases of sexual
      preference and relationship type this
      same sex marriage also already allow
      multiple marriages -as monogamy.
      should be the case it is a decision
      Law scholars are already speaking of
      made by consenting adults.
      the connection of same sex marriage
      and multiple marriages.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
Polyamory is another word used
      for polygamy.
      An example from the
      Netherlands in 2005 is where
      Victor de Bruijn, who was already
      married, took another “wife” -
      though it was not technically a
      marriage. Both of the women are
      bisexual and he is straight.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
Birth control
      Is it acceptable at all - and if it is what types
      are biblically acceptable?
      For Roman Catholics artificial birth control
      is not allowed - for all other Christians it is.
      Most religious believers and culture in
      general say it is acceptable and desirable.
      Additionally it seems no division is made
      between permanent and non-permanent
      methods of birth control - though wisdom
      might need to be exercised with regard to
      the latter.
      The only biblical example of birth control is
      coitus interruptus of Onan in Gen 38:9-10.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
Previously we discussed that making it
      mandatory for couple to produce children
      requires reading into the bible text “be
      fruitful and multiply” - sex as a unifying
      action, can in itself, be sufficient.
      Gen 1:27 “fill the earth” - is it full now?
      The Bible does not tell us how many
      children to have. So birth control might
      be argued to avoid over population, good
      stewardship, timing of having children.
      In opposition it is said children are a gift
      from God - and should not be refused -
      does this mean you have to have as many
      children as possible, or that birth control
      is not allowed?.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
What methods of birth control are
      Contraceptives are generally
      accepted - these prevent
      conception e.g. condoms
      What of arbortiofacient methods -
      these prevent implantation or
      cause the expulsion of the fetus
      from the uterus. IUD’s and RU486
      come into this category - and if we
      consider the human status of the
      fetus both have to be considered
      The birth control pill is more
      controversial -

Tuesday 4 October 2011
The birth control pill is more
      controversial - it is very commonly
      used around the world. It has a
      contraceptive affect - whereby the
      sperm is prevented from reaching
      and fertilising the egg. It is
      questioned if it has an effect in
      thickening the lining of the uterus
      causing an inhospitable
      environment for implantation of a
      fertilised egg. Rae suggests that
      there is no medical consensus at
      present on whether this second
      effect takes place.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
      Dictionary: the stimulation or
      manipulation of one's own
      genitals,especia!y to orgasm; sexual self-
      Rae: An area on which the Bible
      is almost entirely silent
      Onan, Gen 38, was guilty of coitus
      interruptus - not masturbation.
      This is required for collecting
      sperm sample for techniques of
      reproductive technologies.
      Some couples do it during/post
      pregnancy, nursing small children,
      post menopause.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
The problem for single people (or
      married) is the sexual fantasy
      which accompanies this act.
      Lust is biblically equated with
      adultery - Matt 5:27-29 - and so
      it is what is done with the mind
      that becomes a major problem
      Is it possible to masturbate
      without having sinful sexual
      Your answer determines if it is

Tuesday 4 October 2011
Sex change and transgender

      Transgender, Rae defines as - “a person
      whose gender identity is at variance with
      their sex at birth” - ranging from
      transvestites to transexuals.
      Another issue that the Bible is silent
      on - probably as the technology to
      produce such change was not available
      and not anticipated in Bible writers
      times. Some biblical principles might
      be applied though,
      - trusting God’s providence with
      regard to the gender you are born with

Tuesday 4 October 2011
- a child can be born with ambiguous
      gender, hermaphroditism, this is a
      genetic abnormality and parents then
      choose gender and surgery and
      hormone therapy are used. (This
      could be mistaken and so surgery
      could be allowed to correct this later).
      However this is different to someone
      who is unwilling to accept their
      gender as a given in life.
      Although the words gender and sex both
      have the sense ‘the state of being male or
      female,’ they are typica!y used in slightly
      different ways: sex tends to refer to
      biological differences, while gender tends to
      refer to cultural or social ones.
Tuesday 4 October 2011
Premarital sex and abstinence

      Sexual immorality = porneia - from
      which we get pornography = generally
      all forbidden sexual relations.
      The NT is specific and clear on this
      issue - Eph 5:3, Col 3:5, 1 Thess
      4:3, Heb 13:4
      Song of Songs - sex is for marriage -
      shown in much of the imagery used
      Full sexual enjoyment is reserved for
      within marriage.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
Sexual purity and safe sex
      Society is full of sexual images and of
      messages which are highly sexual in nature
      - to talk in any other way is often greeted
      with disdain.
      Safe sex is talked of - the use of condoms
      is encouraged though failure rates of 15%
      are recorded and of HIV in up to 33%.
      Self control - urges can be controlled with
      regard to sex in the same way as for any
      other temptation - though the accepted
      pattern in society is to simply say
      teenagers will do it, so help them - this
      seems animalistic in its way of treating
      young people.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
Winning the battle for sexual purity
      What can a young person do to
      maintain sexual purity?
      1. Avoid tempting situations - 1 Cor
      6:18 Flee from sexual immorality,
      1 Pet 5:8 resist the devil
      Make the right choices, be
      2. Realise sex is not the glue in a
      relationship, it does not hold things
      together (it is a dessert!) - added to
      which the media portrays sex in a
      very different light to reality. Rae says
      in marriage sex is the 2nd most
      argued about thing - money is 1st!

Tuesday 4 October 2011
3. Examine, and think clearly about, the
      damage pre-marital sex can do to a
      relationship - when a couple start having
      sex it often dominates at the expense of
      other aspects of the relationship, ones
      that are in fact very important and will
      add to sexual enjoyment later on.
      Relational harmony and contentment in
      marriage leads to more enjoyable sex.
      Sex before marriage leads to guilt, pain
      and frustration is the relationship fails,
      loss of direction in the relationship (as
      sex dominates), and mistrust.

Tuesday 4 October 2011
The largest
                          married dating
                         site in the world

Tuesday 4 October 2011
Restoring sexual purity
      We might morally agree on what is to be
      desired in sexual activity - but what if we
      have previously failed?
      Rae suggests SoS 4:12-5:1 deals with the
      idea of a lack of sexual control. Using the
      metaphor of a spoiled garden he suggests,
      - accept the problem
      - restore it to its original beauty
      - talk to God about it, accept his counsel
      about how to restore things
      - accept God’s forgiveness
      - follow God’s plan for restoration.
      Gd is good and gracious - he forgives and
Tuesday 4 October 2011

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Rae, Moral Choices: Sexual ethics

  • 1. Sexual Ethics Rae, chapter 10 Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 2. The nature of discussion, even Sexual Ethics amongst Christians, about sexual issues and ethics is such that some offence might be caused. Please use discretion before reading this material Rae, chapter 10 Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 3. Sexual ethics is the discussion of ethical issues raised by the variety of sexual issues both within and outside of marriage. Consider what you might say in each of the following situations, - a young person approaches you and talks about being unsure of their sexual orientation, they do not know what to do (or think) Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 4. - a soon to be married couple approach you to talk about birth control. As Christians are they allowed to use it, what can they use, do some methods prevent embryo implantation? - a gay couple whom you have befriended ask you to bless their forthcoming marriage at a civil ceremony Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 5. - a student asks what you think about masturbation, does the Bible prohibit it? - a couple who will soon be married in church talk to you about sex - they have both been married before and openly admit they are having sex as they are committed to each other and the ceremony is not of great significance to them Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 7. Biblical teaching on sexual relationships The Bible talks a lot about sexual relationships! God understands it and has expressed boundaries for it to be expressed within. Key Passages: Genesis 2:18-25, Leviticus 18, Song of Songs, 1 Corinthians 5-7 and some selected passages in the epistles. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 8. Genesis 2 complimentary accounts of creation in Gen 1-2. Chapter 1 = broad overview, 2 = creation of man and woman and their relationship to God. 2:18-25 shows marriage and sexual relations for the first time. Rae says this passage really fits in between 1:26 and 1:28 For a number of reasons Gen 2:24 is believed to be the first institution of marriage: Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 9. Genesis image, a!er our Then God said, "Let us make man in our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and 2 complimentary accounts of over the birds of the heavens and1over the livestock and over a" creation in Gen 1-2. Chapter = the earth and over2every creeping man that creeps on the earth." broad overview, = creation of thing and woman and their relationship So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he to God. created him; male and female he created them. 2:18-25 shows marriage and sexual to them, "Be $uitful and And God blessed them. And God said relations for the first time. Rae says multiply and fi" the earth and subdue it and have dominion over this passage really fits in between the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over 1:26 and 1:28 everyaliving thing reasons Gen 2:24 earth." For number of that moves on the 2:24 Therefore a man sha" leave his father and his mother and is believed to be the first hold fast to his wife, and they sha" become one flesh. institution of marriage: Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 10. Genesis 2 complimentary accounts of creation in Gen 1-2. Chapter 1 = broad overview, 2 = creation of man and woman and their relationship to God. 2:18-25 shows marriage and sexual relations for the first time. Rae says this passage really fits in between 1:26 and 1:28 For a number of reasons Gen 2:24 is believed to be the first institution of marriage: Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 11. - it is quoted in the NT making it appear this was intended for married couples - use of the word leave= man/woman intimately related, separated from their family to form a new unit - one flesh includes sexual unity (not exclusively) - but sex is limited to marriage throughout scripture Procreation - Gen 1:26 includes sex, leaving, cleaving, one flesh, all of which is in the context of marriage - and that was heterosexual in nature - the nature of the extended family is a cultural and economic issue. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 12. The term “one flesh” emphasises sexual relations though including a couple having spiritual and emotional onenness too - another term was available if the author did not want to emphasise the sexual nature. Ex 20:14 - “You sha! not commit adultery.” - helps to protect the creation ideal for family life - in fact most cultures have something like this in their moral code, protecting the marriage covenant. OT prophets often use the idea of adultery to describe Israels falling away from God, breaking covenant. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 13. Ironically religious prostitution was often associated with idolatrous worship in the OT world - Jer 3:6-10, Hosea 1-3. In spite of the marriage ideal of Gen 1-2 polygamy, and having concubines was practiced in Israel - such marriages also solidified alliances with foreign powers. Rae suggests polygamy might have been allowed to protect women - who would not have worked in OT times, and so needed provision and protection should their husband die. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 14. NT we see monogamy - Jesus teaches on marriage, Matt 19:1-5, from Gen 1-2 - elders are husband of one wife, 1 Tim 3:1-5 What should happen when someone in a culture which practices polygamy comes to Christ? Often a suggestion of taking no further wives is proposed and adopted. In succeeding generations polygamy then gradual is eradicated. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 15. Ruth and levirate marriage the custom of marriage by a man with his brother's widow, such marriage required in Biblical law if the deceased was childless. Deut. 25:5–10. A widow with no surviving children faced problems - no support / no way to carry on the line of the husband (important for a link to property) The book of Ruth shows this principle of levirate marriage in action. Ruth could have married a relative closer than Boaz, but he declined - the son of Ruth and Boaz is Obed, grandfather of King David. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 16. OT law Other parts of the OT law were designed to protect the model of Genesis 1-2. Including, - prohibition of illicit sexual relations - incest, homosexuality, adultery, premarital sex, bestiality are all prohibited - Lev 18-20 suggests these all violate the family structure of Gen 1-2 - Ex 19:6 - Rae suggests these would keep the family intact and preserve Israel from attack as a people under God’s holy law. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 17. Song of Songs Rae says this celebrates the beauty of sex within marriage - the lover and his bride are described in detail. It adds all sorts of details about what might be enjoyed within sex and marriage - food, drink, water, spices etc. 1:1-3:5 shows restraint prior to the marriage - even within an obvious desire for one another. Courtship 1:1-3:5 - marriage & consummation 3:6-5:1 - conflict 5:2-6:3 - reconciliation 6:4-8:14. The book only shows sex within marriage. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 18. New Testament 1 Thess 4:3 - It is God’s wi! that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; Eph 5:3 - But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. 1 Cor 5:9 -I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexua!y immoral people Col 3:5 - Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 19. Heb 13:4 - Marriage should be honored by a!, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God wi! judge the adulterer and a! the sexua!y immoral. 1 Cor 5-7 develops these ideas more fully - the Corinthian church seems to be having some problems regarding its view of sex: 3 theological reasons for avoiding sexual immorality, - God will raise the body to immortality at the 2nd coming - 1 Cor 6:14 - the body is important and should be treated well Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 20. - believers are one with Christ, so they should never be one with anyone other than their spouse, 1Cor 6:15-17, - the believers body is a temple of HSp, 1Cor 6:19, your testimony for Christ should not be compromised as ultimately it has been purchased for God by Jesus and should be used t honour him. These three ideas give a trinitarian view to a believers relationship with God - and show all aspects of that relationship can be damaged in this area of sexual immorality. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 21. Is Paul simply showing a homophobic bias in his writings, as the patriarchs seem anti-women? Was his message simply a reflection of the culture of the day and something we can reject? Corinth at the time of Paul in fact practiced great sexual diversity - 1 Cor 5-6 - so Paul did not reflect the culture of the day but was running counter to it - against it. His views would seem to be theologically based not culturally. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 22. Singleness In western nations increasing number of homes are headed by single people - marriage is seen by many as no longer a good option. Sex in the Bible is reserved for marriage but still the Bible talks about singleness. 1 Cor 7 - affirms being single, verses 25-35, Rae suggests such commands might be in the light of persecution facing the church at that time (see v26), singleness thus reduces the possibility of vulnerability to persecution through family members. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 23. 29-31 suggests marriage will pass away with the return of Christ - both marriage and singleness have the same eternal value. vv. 32-35 suggests the ability of single people serving the Lord with undivided hearts - an advantage over marriage. The passage suggests marriage or singleness are equally valid - there is nothing wrong in either - your motive for either is to be decided between you and God, but morally neither option is better or worse. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 24. Homosexuality What of the morality of a homosexual / lesbian / bisexual relationship? Should marriage be allowed in such instances? Most cultures - including India - have accepted the legitimacy of such relationships and accept what is done sexually is done in private away from moral scrutiny. Some people argue that it is compatible to be a Christian and a practicing homosexual - they believe this fits in with broad Bible teaching. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 25. Defining Homosexual 1. A person who sexually prefers to be with members of the same sex. Rae says this applies to only 5% of people called homosexual. 1-2% of the population are homosexual in this way. 2. A bisexual person - attracted to either gender. 3. A situational homosexual - having had some homosexual experience but not having a predominant homosexual orientation - the person has a homosexual relationship because needs are met within it not because of gender - or a preteenage exploration of sexuality, possibly up to 30% of all teenagers Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 26. The Metropolitan Community Church MCC are found all over the world and offer training and resources supporting their views - the Bible is balanced by reason, tradition and experience Rae cites this church as a group of churches who claim to believe historic Christianity and homosexual practice. They interpret biblical texts in a way that affirms committed, loving homosexual relationships. Sodom & Gomorrah Gen 19-20 - not relevant as what happened was gang rape not consensual sex. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 27. The Metropolitan Community Church MCC are found all over the world and offer training and resources supporting their views - the Bible is balanced by reason, tradition and experience Rae cites this church as a group of churches who claim to believe historic Christianity and homosexual practice. They interpret biblical texts in a way that affirms committed, loving homosexual relationships. Sodom & Gomorrah Gen 19-20 - not relevant as what happened was gang rape not consensual sex. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 28. Paul, in the NT, addresses perversions of homosexuality - expressing dominance over someone, temple prostitution. They say that the mutual caring homosexual relationships they practice are not prohibited in the NT. Jesus would not discriminate against someone on the basis of sexuality - it is like being a racist. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 29. Myths about Homosexuality All homosexuals are... 1. effeminate 2. Promiscuous - they do have a relatively high number of partners (lesbians less so) - there are loving, committed relationships 3. Following chose way of life - it may be learned developmentally (not genetic or chosen) - and might be a place they found acceptance without having to “hide” who they are 4. Artistic in nature - homosexuals are found in all professions Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 30. Causes of Homosexuality No single cause or clear pattern - and great debate about a genetic link. Rae suggests some developmental factors (primarily for male homosexuals); - an angry / absent father along with close bonding to their mother, esp. if the boy becomes an emotional substitute for the husband - the boy to man progression does not take place with pleasure - their introduction to sexuality - with whom and was it pleasurable? If with a male who enjoyed it then more likely to take homosexual orientation. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 31. Biblical response to homosexuality Lev 18:22, 20:13 prohibit homosexual sex - this does not get greater condemnation than other sexual sins in these two chapters. Rom 1:24-27 - the key NT passage This is part of Paul’s argument about the universality of sin and judgement and the need for justification by faith in Christ’s death on the cross. Paul quotes the natural order being man and woman - this is distorted by sin and everyone has the potential (as with all sin) Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 32. Biblical response to homosexuality Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of Lev 18:22, 20:13 prohibit their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of homosexual sex - this does not get their bodies with one another. They exchanged the greater condemnation than other truth about these two a lie, and worshiped and served sexual sins in God for chapters. created thingsthe key NT passage Rom 1:24-27 - rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. This is part of Paul’s argument about the universality of God gave them over to shameful Because of this, sin and judgement and the needtheir women exchanged natural sexual lusts. Even for justification by faith in Christ’s death on the cross. the same way the men relations for unnatural ones. In Paul quotes the natural order being with women and also abandoned natural relations man and woman - this is distorted by were inflamed with lust for one another. Men sin and everyone has the potential committed shameful acts with other men, and (as with all sin) received in themselves the due penalty for their error. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 33. Biblical response to homosexuality Lev 18:22, 20:13 prohibit homosexual sex - this does not get greater condemnation than other sexual sins in these two chapters. Rom 1:24-27 - the key NT passage This is part of Paul’s argument about the universality of sin and judgement and the need for justification by faith in Christ’s death on the cross. Paul quotes the natural order being man and woman - this is distorted by sin and everyone has the potential (as with all sin) Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 34. This passage has been interpreted in various ways: 1. It refers to homosexual temple prostitutes in idolatrous worship ceremonies - see also Dt 23:17-18 2. Paul is condemning true homosexuals who engage in sexual acts - debate here is about the use of natural as homosexuals claim this is natural for them and it would refer to heterosexuals performing homosexual acts. The question becomes does this apply regardless of your own sexual orientation? Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 35. 3. Paul is condemning perversions of homosexuality and if a relationship is committed and loving then it is ok - the same might apply to heterosexuals. 4. Paul is condemning all homosexual behaviour - there is a universal truth in creation order about all sexual relations, “natural relations with women” shows this - Rae suggests this is the only option that does not read something into the passage that is not there. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 36. Some say it is important to see a difference between attraction and action in this. This is paralleled in marriage where being attracted to a person other than your spouse is not sin, acting on it is! Matt 5:27-32 - It is argued that homosexual attraction is not in itself a sin, but when the attraction gives in to lust and sex then it is - thus a Christian homosexual can either practice abstinence or heterosexual sex. Such a stance might give a more accepting position for those struggling with homosexuality. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 37. Could this also be part of the cure for homosexuality? We need to distinguish between a cure for the behaviour and the desire - a cure of being content apart from the behaviour. So an alcoholic has not necessarily lost the desire for alcohol but have learned to be content apart from drinking it. Similarly a homosexual might still be attracted but not acting on that desire. What this does provide is a place for homosexuals who are struggling to try and find some form of grace form God (within church acceptance) Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 38. Responses to Homosexuality in addition to Scripture Arguing in a secular setting against homosexuality is hard - and 3 lines have been taken; 1. Public health - there is a statistical link of transmission of AIDS and homosexual activity - there is a strong link here (especially in unprotected homosexual sex or IV drug use) though there is also transmission within the heterosexual community. One might argue this is more about unprotected sex than anything else. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 39. 2. Historical argument - no civilisation has survived the destruction of the traditional family unit. Homosexuality undermines this idea. To ensure society flourishes we should encourage the family and discourage anything that acts against it. (In all probability there are historical exceptions to this, to which the homosexual community might appeal. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 40. 3. An argument from Immanuel Kant’s philosophy, based on reason alone. Kant formulated his moral duties in terms of a “principle of universalizability” - saying if a moral rule can be made a universal rule then, and only then, can it be called a valid moral rule. So telling the truth is such a rule as it is necessary to a functioning society - no truth telling would mean little meaningful communication as you would not know if you were being told the truth and so social relations would be severely damaged. Q: What would happen if no one held to the moral rule in question? Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 41. If this reasoning is applied to homosexuality - what if no one obeyed the moral rule prohibiting homosexuality? Procreation would decline unless alternative technologies were developed and used extensively, the existence of the next generation might be at stake. Many do not adhere to, or agree with, Kant’s moral system. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 42. Same-sex marriage This is legal in some countries and is considered the same as heterosexual marriage. There is a significant move in the USA and other countries to legalise this. Arguing for is the idea of fairness - benefits and designation being withheld is unfair. Historically other areas of discrimination have been changed by law - this should be too. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 43. Opponents - it is not unfair to say marriage is man and woman. In the USA almost all benefits are available to all couples regardless of orientation. Thus it has been asked what the agenda is with regard to this issue? Some say it is social and moral validation of their lifestyle - a symbolic affirmation - this is what opponents are trying to stop, the approval of relationships which they think are morally problematic. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 44. A second argument is made by opponents: Those in favour of same sex marriage often talk about it being decided on the grounds of personal autonomy, value based decisions in life are usually free from the judgment of the law, in cases of sexual preference and relationship type this should be the case - it is a decision made by consenting adults. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 45. So what of polygamy or incest? Some people argue for consenting adult- A secondrelationships made by children argument is or for bestiality opponents: Those in favour of same (relationships with animals) - are they permissible ifoften talk about it being sex marriage based on a person’s informed desires? decided on the grounds of personal The question is what else will be autonomy, value based decisions in permitted if same sex marriage is life are usually free from the allowed? judgment of the countries which allow Some European law, in cases of sexual preference and relationship type this same sex marriage also already allow multiple marriages -as monogamy. should be the case it is a decision Law scholars are already speaking of made by consenting adults. the connection of same sex marriage and multiple marriages. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 46. Polyamory is another word used for polygamy. An example from the Netherlands in 2005 is where Victor de Bruijn, who was already married, took another “wife” - though it was not technically a marriage. Both of the women are bisexual and he is straight. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 47. Birth control Is it acceptable at all - and if it is what types are biblically acceptable? For Roman Catholics artificial birth control is not allowed - for all other Christians it is. Most religious believers and culture in general say it is acceptable and desirable. Additionally it seems no division is made between permanent and non-permanent methods of birth control - though wisdom might need to be exercised with regard to the latter. The only biblical example of birth control is coitus interruptus of Onan in Gen 38:9-10. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 48. Previously we discussed that making it mandatory for couple to produce children requires reading into the bible text “be fruitful and multiply” - sex as a unifying action, can in itself, be sufficient. Gen 1:27 “fill the earth” - is it full now? The Bible does not tell us how many children to have. So birth control might be argued to avoid over population, good stewardship, timing of having children. In opposition it is said children are a gift from God - and should not be refused - does this mean you have to have as many children as possible, or that birth control is not allowed?. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 49. What methods of birth control are acceptable? Contraceptives are generally accepted - these prevent conception e.g. condoms What of arbortiofacient methods - these prevent implantation or cause the expulsion of the fetus from the uterus. IUD’s and RU486 come into this category - and if we consider the human status of the fetus both have to be considered unacceptable. The birth control pill is more controversial - Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 50. The birth control pill is more controversial - it is very commonly used around the world. It has a contraceptive affect - whereby the sperm is prevented from reaching and fertilising the egg. It is questioned if it has an effect in thickening the lining of the uterus causing an inhospitable environment for implantation of a fertilised egg. Rae suggests that there is no medical consensus at present on whether this second effect takes place. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 51. Masturbation Dictionary: the stimulation or manipulation of one's own genitals,especia!y to orgasm; sexual self- gratification. Rae: An area on which the Bible is almost entirely silent Onan, Gen 38, was guilty of coitus interruptus - not masturbation. This is required for collecting sperm sample for techniques of reproductive technologies. Some couples do it during/post pregnancy, nursing small children, post menopause. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 52. The problem for single people (or married) is the sexual fantasy which accompanies this act. Lust is biblically equated with adultery - Matt 5:27-29 - and so it is what is done with the mind that becomes a major problem here. Is it possible to masturbate without having sinful sexual fantasies? Your answer determines if it is permissible. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 53. Sex change and transgender Transgender, Rae defines as - “a person whose gender identity is at variance with their sex at birth” - ranging from transvestites to transexuals. Another issue that the Bible is silent on - probably as the technology to produce such change was not available and not anticipated in Bible writers times. Some biblical principles might be applied though, - trusting God’s providence with regard to the gender you are born with Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 54. - a child can be born with ambiguous gender, hermaphroditism, this is a genetic abnormality and parents then choose gender and surgery and hormone therapy are used. (This could be mistaken and so surgery could be allowed to correct this later). However this is different to someone who is unwilling to accept their gender as a given in life. Although the words gender and sex both have the sense ‘the state of being male or female,’ they are typica!y used in slightly different ways: sex tends to refer to biological differences, while gender tends to refer to cultural or social ones. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 55. Premarital sex and abstinence Sexual immorality = porneia - from which we get pornography = generally all forbidden sexual relations. The NT is specific and clear on this issue - Eph 5:3, Col 3:5, 1 Thess 4:3, Heb 13:4 Song of Songs - sex is for marriage - shown in much of the imagery used there. Full sexual enjoyment is reserved for within marriage. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 56. Sexual purity and safe sex Society is full of sexual images and of messages which are highly sexual in nature - to talk in any other way is often greeted with disdain. Safe sex is talked of - the use of condoms is encouraged though failure rates of 15% are recorded and of HIV in up to 33%. Self control - urges can be controlled with regard to sex in the same way as for any other temptation - though the accepted pattern in society is to simply say teenagers will do it, so help them - this seems animalistic in its way of treating young people. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 57. Winning the battle for sexual purity What can a young person do to maintain sexual purity? 1. Avoid tempting situations - 1 Cor 6:18 Flee from sexual immorality, 1 Pet 5:8 resist the devil Make the right choices, be accountable. 2. Realise sex is not the glue in a relationship, it does not hold things together (it is a dessert!) - added to which the media portrays sex in a very different light to reality. Rae says in marriage sex is the 2nd most argued about thing - money is 1st! Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 58. 3. Examine, and think clearly about, the damage pre-marital sex can do to a relationship - when a couple start having sex it often dominates at the expense of other aspects of the relationship, ones that are in fact very important and will add to sexual enjoyment later on. Relational harmony and contentment in marriage leads to more enjoyable sex. Sex before marriage leads to guilt, pain and frustration is the relationship fails, loss of direction in the relationship (as sex dominates), and mistrust. Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 59. The largest married dating site in the world “When monogamy becomes monotony” 100% confidentiality Tuesday 4 October 2011
  • 60. Restoring sexual purity We might morally agree on what is to be desired in sexual activity - but what if we have previously failed? Rae suggests SoS 4:12-5:1 deals with the idea of a lack of sexual control. Using the metaphor of a spoiled garden he suggests, - accept the problem - restore it to its original beauty - talk to God about it, accept his counsel about how to restore things - accept God’s forgiveness - follow God’s plan for restoration. Gd is good and gracious - he forgives and restores Tuesday 4 October 2011