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Badminton Long Serve
5. Performance Expectation
  Use good form to serve a shuttlecock in fair territory into the deepest third of the opposing court, 75
  percent of the time
                               1. Stance
                                    Handshake with the racket
                                    Pinch the shuttlecock
                                    Feet shoulder width, front foot open
                                    Sideways to the net

                                2. Ready
                                     Elbow and racket high
                                     Bend the wrist
                                     Weight back

                                3. Strike
                                     Pendulum swing
                                     Shift the weight
                                     Snap the wrist

                                4. Finish
                                     Racket head to ceiling
                                     Step through
                                     Face the net
                                                                                  Go to:
                                                                                       Thorough description of skill
                                                                                       Common errors
                                                                                       Rubric list
© H. Raymond Allen, 2004
Badminton Long Serve
5. Performance Expectation
                                     - Detailed Description -
  Use good form to serve a shuttlecock in fair territory into the deepest third of the opposing court, 75 percent
  of the time
                  1. Stance
                       Grip the racket with a handshake grip and hold the                Handshake
                          shuttlecock between the index finger and thumb in front of      Pinch the shuttlecock
                          the forward foot                                                Feet shoulder width
                       Stand with the back foot and shoulders parallel to the net,
                          and the front foot at a 45-degree angle with the net with the   Sideways to the net
                          feet near shoulder width                                        Bend and flex
                       Stand with knees and waist slightly flexed, racket up
                 2. Ready
                       Hold the shuttlecock below the hand in front of the body          Elbow & racket high
                          and slightly in front of the stride foot                        Bend the wrist
                       Raise the racket with the elbow as high as the shoulder,          Weight back
                          with the elbow and wrist flexed so the racket is over the                                      Video
                       Take a short stride toward the net while dropping the
                       Distribute the body weight primarily on the back foot             Pendulum swing
                 3. Strike                                                                Shift the weight
                       Swing the racket down and forward on an arc                       Snap the wrist
                       Shift the weight to the front foot as the racket comes
                       Keep the eyes focused on the shuttlecock
                       Snap/rotate the wrist as the racket contacts the
                 4. Finish
                      Continue the racket forward and up on an arc until the             Racket head to the ceiling
                          racket is overhead and pointing over the opposite               Step through
                          shoulder                                                                                     Go to:
                                                                                          Face the net
                      Take a step with the back foot so the body is square to                                              Basic rubric
                          the net
                                                                                                                            Common errors
                                                                                                                            Rubric list
    © H. Raymond Allen, 2004
Badminton Long Serve
                            - Common Errors -

 Correct        Incorrect
                            Drop point too close to the body
                                Shuttle cock is dropped too close to the body rather than
                                   in on line with the front foot

                            Racket swings parallel to the floor
                                The forearm swings parallel to the floor rather than an arced pathway
                                    from front to back

                            Lazy wrist action
                                The server fails to maintain a flexed wrist early in the swing,
                                    which allows them to snap the wrist upon contact

                                                                                              Go to:
                                                                                                   Basic rubric
                                                                                                   Thorough description of skill
                                                                                                   Rubric list
© H. Raymond Allen, 2004
Tennis Serve
5. Performance Expectation
  Execute a legal serve with correct form so the ball lands in the back third of the service court on over
  50% of attempts when playing a tennis game
                              1. Ready
                                   ‘V’ on top
                                   Fingers Spread
                                   Angle the Body
                                   Hands Together

                               2. Toss
                                        Make a ‘W’
                                        Weight Forward
                                        Point at the Ball
                                        Scratch Your Back                            Videos

                               3. Strike
                                    Reach High to the Sky
                                    Swing the Shoulder
                                    Snap the Wrist

                               4. Finish
                                    Pull Down
                                    Flat Face
                                    Touch the Thigh
                                                                                  Go to:
                                                                                       Thorough description of skill
                                                                                       Common errors
                                                                                       Rubric list
© H. Raymond Allen, 2004
Tennis Serve
5. Performance Expectation
                                      - Detailed Description -
  Execute a legal serve with correct form so the ball lands in the back third of the service court on over 50% of
  attempts when playing a tennis game
               1. Ready
                    Grip the racket with the ‘V’ from the thumb and index       Angle the Body
                      finger on top of the racket                                Hands Together
                    Hold the racket with the fingers vs in the palm
                    Stand with the feet at a 45 degree angle to the baseline at
                      shoulder width
                    Align the hips and shoulders with the intended target
                    Position the hands in front of the body with the ball near
                      the racket throat
               2. Toss
                                                                                   Make a ‘W’
                    Drop both hands simultaneously, then up at the same
                       time                                                        Scratch Your Back
                    Toss the ball by fully extending the arm, so the ball                                 Video
                       would drop slightly in front of the front toe
                    Flex the wrist and elbow of the striking arm as the ball is
                       tossed, to the racket is behind the back
               3. Strike
                    Rotate the striking shoulder up and forward as the            Reach High to the Sky
                        striking arm extends                                       Snap the Wrist
                    The striking shoulder high, and the arm fully extended
                    Flex the wrist on contact

               4. Finish
                    Continue the racket forward, then down so the striking        Pull Down
                        side shoulder is pointing at the net and the racket hand   Flat Face
                        is near the opposite hip                                   Touch the Thigh
                    Keep the racket face parallel to the net                                               Go to:
                                                                                                                 Basic rubric
                                                                                                                 Common errors
                                                                                                                 Rubric list
    © H. Raymond Allen, 2004
Tennis Serve
                              - Common Errors -
 Correct          Incorrect
                                Chest open before swinging
                                    Standing with the chest facing the target at the end of the
                                       preparation phase, or wind-up
                                    This prevents the striker from using the torso to generate force and
                                       puts undue strain on the anterior deltoid during the swing

                                Contacting the ball too low
                                    Failing to throw the ball high enough and reaching up for the ball so
                                        the elbow is fully extended
                                    This makes it more difficult to strike the ball with velocity and have
                                        it land in the service area

                                                                                           Go to:
                                                                                                Basic rubric
                                                                                                Thorough description of skill
                                                                                                Rubric list
© H. Raymond Allen, 2004
Pickleball Forehand
5. Performance Expectation
  Use good form to return a ball tossed from the middle of the opposite court to the forehand side with correct
  form so it lands in fair territory at least 60% of the time

                                1. Ready
                                     Dominate hand on bottom
                                     Handshake grip
                                     Balls of the feet
                                     Hands up in front

                                2. Turn
                                         Turn
                                         Bend
                                         Point at the ball
                                         Make a “T”                                    Videos

                                3. Strike
                                     Back to Front
                                     Elbow to Hip
                                     Twist Hips

                                4. Finish
                                     Tummy to Target
                                     Finish High
                                     Return to Ready
                                                                                     Go to:
                                                                                          Thorough description of skill
                                                                                          Common errors
                                                                                          Rubric list
    © H. Raymond Allen, 2004
Pickleball Forehand
                                     - Detailed Description -
5. Performance Expectation
  Use good form to return a ball tossed from the middle of the opposite court to the forehand side with correct
  form so it lands in fair territory at least 60% of the time
              1. Ready
                   Hold the racket with the dominant hand at the base of the           Front Hand Below
                      handle                                                            Handshake Grip
                   Grip the racket so the “V” formed by thumb and index finger is      Balls of the Feet
                      on the top of the handle                                          Hands Up in Front
                   Stand with feet at shoulder width, knees flexed and weight on
                      the balls of he feet
                   Extend that arms comfortably with the hands at waist level and
                       the racket heat pointing to the target
              2. Turn
                                                                                        Turn Racket
                   Turn facing the sideline in a square or slightly open stance
                   Stand with the feet slightly wider than shoulder width with
                      knees and waist flexed                                            Point at the Ball                    Video
                   Point at the ball with the non-striking hand                        Make a ‘T’
                   Extend the arms to the sides slightly with elbows slightly
                      flexed and racket perpendicular to the target

              3. Strike
                   Take a short stride toward the target                               Back to Front
                   Rotate the hips as weight transfers to the front foot               Elbow to the Hip / Aim not wrists
                   Swing the arm forward with the hand close to the body               Twist the Hips
                   Continue racket up and through the ball upon contact                Up and through
                   Keep the eyes focused on the ball

              4. Finish
                   Continue rotating the hips on contact
                                                                                        Tummy to Target
                   Return the back foot to a point near parallel with the front foot
                                                                                        Finish High                         Go to:
                   Finish with the racket hand at eye level with racket face facing
                       the surface                                                      Weight on Front Foot                     Basic rubric
                                                                                                                                 Common errors
                                                                                                                                 Rubric list
    © H. Raymond Allen, 2004
Pickleball Forehand
                              - Common Errors -
 Correct          Incorrect
                               Dropping the racket head on contact

                               Turning too late
                                    The player fails to turn the torso and pull the
                                       striking hand back immediately, then go to
                                       the ball
                                    This causes a ‘hurried’ stroke, so the player
                                       fails to have enough time to get the racket in
                                       proper position to the ball and use the body
                                       to generate force

                               Swinging the arm without the torso
                                   Fail to rotate hips and shoulders, so the stomach and
                                      shoulders do not face the net upon contact
                                   The player loses potential velocity from the hips, the
                                      player cannot see the ball make contact with the racket
                                      as well, and the swing tends to swing around the body
                                      rather than straight through the path of the ball

                                                                                                Go to:
                                                                                                     Basic rubric
                                                                                                     Thorough description of skill
© H. Raymond Allen, 2004                                                                             Rubric list
Pickleball Backhand
5. Performance Expectation
  Use good form to return a ball tossed from the middle of the opposite court to the backhand side with correct
  form so it lands in fair territory at least 60% of the time

                                 1. Ready
                                      Dominant hand on bottom
                                      Two hands on racket
                                      Balls of the feet
                                      Hands up in front

                                 2. Turn
                                          Turn
                                          Rotate racket
                                          Look over your shoulder
                                          Hand low and close
                                          Aim with the base of the handle
                                 3. Strike
                                      Step to the target
                                      Rotate the hips
                                      Hand straight forward
                                      Hit it out front

                                 4. Finish
                                      Tummy to Target
                                      Weight on the front foot
                                      Finish High
                                      Return to Ready
                                                                                    Go to:
                                                                                         Thorough description of skill
                                                                                         Common errors
    © H. Raymond Allen, 2004                                                             Rubric list
Pickleball Backhand
                                     - Detailed Description -
5. Performance Expectation
  Use good form to return a ball tossed from the middle of the opposite court to the backhand side with correct
  form so it lands in fair territory at least 60% of the time
              1. Ready
                   Hold the racket with the dominant hand at the base of the handle       Front Hand Below
                   Grip the racket so the “V” formed by thumb and index finger is on      Two Hands on Racket
                     the top of the handle                                                 Balls of the Feet
                   Stand with feet at shoulder width, knees flexed and weight on the      Hands up in Front
                     balls of he feet
                   Hold the hands at waist level with the arms slightly flexed

              2. Turn
                                                                                           Turn Upper Body
                   Turn facing the sideline in a square or slightly open stance so the
                       striking side shoulder points at the target                         Point Racket Back
                   Rotate the racket hand so the palm is facing towards…                  Look Over Shoulder        Video
                   Stand with the feet slightly wider than shoulder width with knees      Hand Low and Close
                       and waist flexed                                                    Aim the Handle Base
                   Pull the racket back so the arm is nearly straight and striking hand
                       is close to the body and low, with the racket head pointing away
                       from the target
              3. Strike
                   Take a short stride toward the target                                  Step to the Target
                   Rotate the hips and transfer the body weight to the front foot         Rotate Hips
                   Swing the arm forward with the hand close to the body                  Arm not wrist
                   Continue up and through the ball upon contact
                   Keep the eyes focused on the ball

              4. Finish
                   Continue to rotate the hips on contact                                 Tummy to Target
                   Return the back foot to a point near parallel with the front foot      Weight on Front Foot
                                                                                                                  Go to:
                   Finish with the racket hand at eye level with racket face facing the   Finish High
                       surface                                                                                         Basic rubric
                                                                                                                       Common errors
                                                                                                                       Rubric list
    © H. Raymond Allen, 2004
Pickleball Backhand
                              - Common Errors -
 Correct          Incorrect

                               Dropping the racket head on contact

                               Turning too late
                                    The player fails to turn the torso and pull the striking
                                       hand back immediately, then go to the ball
                                    This causes a ‘hurried’ stroke, so the player fails to have
                                       enough time to get the racket in proper position to the
                                       ball and use the body to generate force

                                Swinging the arm without the torso
                                    The hips and shoulders fail to rotate as the player swings, so
                                       the stomach and shoulders do not face the net upon contact
                                    The player loses potential velocity from the hips, the player
                                       cannot see the ball make contact with the racket as well,
                                       and the swing tends to swing around the body rather than
                                       straight through the path of the ball

                                                                                                   Go to:
                                                                                                        Basic rubric
                                                                                                        Thorough description of skill
                                                                                                        Rubric list
© H. Raymond Allen, 2004

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Racquet sports rubrics

  • 1. Badminton Long Serve 5. Performance Expectation Use good form to serve a shuttlecock in fair territory into the deepest third of the opposing court, 75 percent of the time 1. Stance  Handshake with the racket  Pinch the shuttlecock  Feet shoulder width, front foot open  Sideways to the net 2. Ready  Elbow and racket high  Bend the wrist  Weight back Videos 3. Strike  Pendulum swing  Shift the weight  Snap the wrist 4. Finish  Racket head to ceiling  Step through  Face the net Go to:  Thorough description of skill  Common errors  Rubric list © H. Raymond Allen, 2004
  • 2. Badminton Long Serve 5. Performance Expectation - Detailed Description - Use good form to serve a shuttlecock in fair territory into the deepest third of the opposing court, 75 percent of the time CUES 1. Stance  Grip the racket with a handshake grip and hold the Handshake shuttlecock between the index finger and thumb in front of Pinch the shuttlecock the forward foot Feet shoulder width  Stand with the back foot and shoulders parallel to the net, and the front foot at a 45-degree angle with the net with the Sideways to the net feet near shoulder width Bend and flex  Stand with knees and waist slightly flexed, racket up 2. Ready  Hold the shuttlecock below the hand in front of the body Elbow & racket high and slightly in front of the stride foot Bend the wrist  Raise the racket with the elbow as high as the shoulder, Weight back with the elbow and wrist flexed so the racket is over the Video head  Take a short stride toward the net while dropping the shuttlecock  Distribute the body weight primarily on the back foot Pendulum swing 3. Strike Shift the weight  Swing the racket down and forward on an arc Snap the wrist  Shift the weight to the front foot as the racket comes forward  Keep the eyes focused on the shuttlecock  Snap/rotate the wrist as the racket contacts the shuttlecock 4. Finish  Continue the racket forward and up on an arc until the Racket head to the ceiling racket is overhead and pointing over the opposite Step through shoulder Go to: Face the net  Take a step with the back foot so the body is square to  Basic rubric the net  Common errors  Rubric list © H. Raymond Allen, 2004
  • 3. Badminton Long Serve - Common Errors - Correct Incorrect Drop point too close to the body  Shuttle cock is dropped too close to the body rather than in on line with the front foot Racket swings parallel to the floor  The forearm swings parallel to the floor rather than an arced pathway from front to back Lazy wrist action  The server fails to maintain a flexed wrist early in the swing, which allows them to snap the wrist upon contact Go to:  Basic rubric  Thorough description of skill  Rubric list © H. Raymond Allen, 2004
  • 4. Tennis Serve 5. Performance Expectation Execute a legal serve with correct form so the ball lands in the back third of the service court on over 50% of attempts when playing a tennis game 1. Ready  ‘V’ on top  Fingers Spread  Angle the Body  Hands Together 2. Toss  Make a ‘W’  Weight Forward  Point at the Ball  Scratch Your Back Videos 3. Strike  Reach High to the Sky  Swing the Shoulder  Snap the Wrist 4. Finish  Pull Down  Flat Face  Touch the Thigh Go to:  Thorough description of skill  Common errors  Rubric list © H. Raymond Allen, 2004
  • 5. Tennis Serve 5. Performance Expectation - Detailed Description - Execute a legal serve with correct form so the ball lands in the back third of the service court on over 50% of attempts when playing a tennis game CUES 1. Ready  Grip the racket with the ‘V’ from the thumb and index Angle the Body finger on top of the racket Hands Together  Hold the racket with the fingers vs in the palm  Stand with the feet at a 45 degree angle to the baseline at shoulder width  Align the hips and shoulders with the intended target  Position the hands in front of the body with the ball near the racket throat 2. Toss Make a ‘W’  Drop both hands simultaneously, then up at the same time Scratch Your Back  Toss the ball by fully extending the arm, so the ball Video would drop slightly in front of the front toe  Flex the wrist and elbow of the striking arm as the ball is tossed, to the racket is behind the back 3. Strike  Rotate the striking shoulder up and forward as the Reach High to the Sky striking arm extends Snap the Wrist  The striking shoulder high, and the arm fully extended  Flex the wrist on contact 4. Finish  Continue the racket forward, then down so the striking Pull Down side shoulder is pointing at the net and the racket hand Flat Face is near the opposite hip Touch the Thigh  Keep the racket face parallel to the net Go to:  Basic rubric  Common errors  Rubric list © H. Raymond Allen, 2004
  • 6. Tennis Serve - Common Errors - Correct Incorrect Chest open before swinging  Standing with the chest facing the target at the end of the preparation phase, or wind-up  This prevents the striker from using the torso to generate force and puts undue strain on the anterior deltoid during the swing Contacting the ball too low  Failing to throw the ball high enough and reaching up for the ball so the elbow is fully extended  This makes it more difficult to strike the ball with velocity and have it land in the service area Go to:  Basic rubric  Thorough description of skill  Rubric list © H. Raymond Allen, 2004
  • 7. Pickleball Forehand 5. Performance Expectation Use good form to return a ball tossed from the middle of the opposite court to the forehand side with correct form so it lands in fair territory at least 60% of the time 1. Ready  Dominate hand on bottom  Handshake grip  Balls of the feet  Hands up in front 2. Turn  Turn  Bend  Point at the ball  Make a “T” Videos 3. Strike  Back to Front  Elbow to Hip  Twist Hips 4. Finish  Tummy to Target  Finish High  Return to Ready Go to:  Thorough description of skill  Common errors  Rubric list © H. Raymond Allen, 2004
  • 8. Pickleball Forehand - Detailed Description - 5. Performance Expectation Use good form to return a ball tossed from the middle of the opposite court to the forehand side with correct form so it lands in fair territory at least 60% of the time CUES 1. Ready  Hold the racket with the dominant hand at the base of the Front Hand Below handle Handshake Grip  Grip the racket so the “V” formed by thumb and index finger is Balls of the Feet on the top of the handle Hands Up in Front  Stand with feet at shoulder width, knees flexed and weight on the balls of he feet  Extend that arms comfortably with the hands at waist level and the racket heat pointing to the target 2. Turn Turn Racket  Turn facing the sideline in a square or slightly open stance Bend  Stand with the feet slightly wider than shoulder width with knees and waist flexed Point at the Ball Video  Point at the ball with the non-striking hand Make a ‘T’  Extend the arms to the sides slightly with elbows slightly flexed and racket perpendicular to the target 3. Strike  Take a short stride toward the target Back to Front  Rotate the hips as weight transfers to the front foot Elbow to the Hip / Aim not wrists  Swing the arm forward with the hand close to the body Twist the Hips  Continue racket up and through the ball upon contact Up and through  Keep the eyes focused on the ball 4. Finish  Continue rotating the hips on contact Tummy to Target  Return the back foot to a point near parallel with the front foot Finish High Go to:  Finish with the racket hand at eye level with racket face facing the surface Weight on Front Foot  Basic rubric  Common errors  Rubric list © H. Raymond Allen, 2004
  • 9. Pickleball Forehand - Common Errors - Correct Incorrect Dropping the racket head on contact Turning too late  The player fails to turn the torso and pull the striking hand back immediately, then go to the ball  This causes a ‘hurried’ stroke, so the player fails to have enough time to get the racket in proper position to the ball and use the body to generate force Swinging the arm without the torso  Fail to rotate hips and shoulders, so the stomach and shoulders do not face the net upon contact  The player loses potential velocity from the hips, the player cannot see the ball make contact with the racket as well, and the swing tends to swing around the body rather than straight through the path of the ball Go to:  Basic rubric  Thorough description of skill © H. Raymond Allen, 2004  Rubric list
  • 10. Pickleball Backhand 5. Performance Expectation Use good form to return a ball tossed from the middle of the opposite court to the backhand side with correct form so it lands in fair territory at least 60% of the time 1. Ready  Dominant hand on bottom  Two hands on racket  Balls of the feet  Hands up in front 2. Turn  Turn  Rotate racket  Look over your shoulder  Hand low and close  Aim with the base of the handle Videos 3. Strike  Step to the target  Rotate the hips  Hand straight forward  Hit it out front 4. Finish  Tummy to Target  Weight on the front foot  Finish High  Return to Ready Go to:  Thorough description of skill  Common errors © H. Raymond Allen, 2004  Rubric list
  • 11. Pickleball Backhand - Detailed Description - 5. Performance Expectation Use good form to return a ball tossed from the middle of the opposite court to the backhand side with correct form so it lands in fair territory at least 60% of the time CUES 1. Ready  Hold the racket with the dominant hand at the base of the handle Front Hand Below  Grip the racket so the “V” formed by thumb and index finger is on Two Hands on Racket the top of the handle Balls of the Feet  Stand with feet at shoulder width, knees flexed and weight on the Hands up in Front balls of he feet  Hold the hands at waist level with the arms slightly flexed 2. Turn Turn Upper Body  Turn facing the sideline in a square or slightly open stance so the striking side shoulder points at the target Point Racket Back  Rotate the racket hand so the palm is facing towards… Look Over Shoulder Video  Stand with the feet slightly wider than shoulder width with knees Hand Low and Close and waist flexed Aim the Handle Base  Pull the racket back so the arm is nearly straight and striking hand is close to the body and low, with the racket head pointing away from the target 3. Strike  Take a short stride toward the target Step to the Target  Rotate the hips and transfer the body weight to the front foot Rotate Hips  Swing the arm forward with the hand close to the body Arm not wrist  Continue up and through the ball upon contact  Keep the eyes focused on the ball 4. Finish  Continue to rotate the hips on contact Tummy to Target  Return the back foot to a point near parallel with the front foot Weight on Front Foot Go to:  Finish with the racket hand at eye level with racket face facing the Finish High surface  Basic rubric  Common errors  Rubric list © H. Raymond Allen, 2004
  • 12. Pickleball Backhand - Common Errors - Correct Incorrect Dropping the racket head on contact Turning too late  The player fails to turn the torso and pull the striking hand back immediately, then go to the ball  This causes a ‘hurried’ stroke, so the player fails to have enough time to get the racket in proper position to the ball and use the body to generate force Swinging the arm without the torso  The hips and shoulders fail to rotate as the player swings, so the stomach and shoulders do not face the net upon contact  The player loses potential velocity from the hips, the player cannot see the ball make contact with the racket as well, and the swing tends to swing around the body rather than straight through the path of the ball Go to:  Basic rubric  Thorough description of skill  Rubric list © H. Raymond Allen, 2004