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Quality Management
Mozilla’s report

Lilly-F03093 1
                                                                                                                            Quality Management

Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 2
3a. Information made available to customers and the importance given to effective marketing .................. 3
3b. Benefit of user and non-user surveys in determining customer needs .................................................... 4
3c. Methods of consultation employed in one quality scheme to encourage participation by under-
represented groups ........................................................................................................................................ 5
3d. Value of complaints procedures and analyze how each is used to improve quality ............................... 6
4a. Role of self-assessment in order to determine an organization‟s current „state of health‟ ...................... 8
4b. Stages of staff consultation for effective implementation of a quality scheme .................................... 10
4c. Propose new systems or modifications to existing systems that could improve service quality........... 11
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 15
References ................................................................................................................................................... 16
Appendix ..................................................................................................................................................... 18

Lilly-F03093 2
                                                                           Quality Management

As the new Quality Director for the Mozilla Foundation, which has previously made an in-depth
study for pertaining to the quality system in the organization, I prepared this report to support
Mozilla in implement their quality system. A range of quality controls and assess their benefits to
the customer is reported. Some principles of quality management to improve performance of an
organization were suggested to Mozilla. Hope that this report will be useful for Mozilla and also
for other users.

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3a. Information made available to customers and the importance given to effective
When decide to use any kind of products, customers always want to understand as much as
possible about this. Thus, company need to provide them some necessary information.

Mozilla has an official website on which users can access to various kinds of information such as
vision, mission, support, about the two main products of Mozilla. From this, customers have
general view about Mozilla Company.

Beside the general information, Mozilla also allow users to access to the detail information about
each product. For example: the feature of Firefox in each version.This information attracts users
to use Firefox as their browser. Thus, it contributes effectively to the marketing strategy of

Not only the good information but also the information about the bug is also public through the
Bugzilla application. Bugzilla is a web-based tool that lets users report and look up existing
bugs. Changes made to a bug's status are automatically sent to users. This means the information
about the weaknesses of Firefox also available to customers through Bugzilla. It seems to be
unusual, because it can effect badly to decision making of users.

However,when public this information about bugs of Firefox, it‟s marketing strategyof Mozilla.
Based on the purchasing psychology of customers, the more information they know about the
products, the more attention they pay to this. Thus, Mozilla provide customers as much
objectives information as possible. Users will suppose that Firefox hasn‟t perfect, and Mozilla
aware of that, so they leaseBugzilla to control the quality. It shows that Mozilla care about the
quality. They want find out the bugs in their products by the contribution of customers. Mozilla
shows that they respect and care for their users, so this will satisfy them.

Not only public the information about the bugs, Mozilla also fixes them and notice back to their
users. Thus, it can avoid customers from the bad psychology of afraid of using Firefox on the
future. They will keep using this product for the long term to see how this product will be
improved by the company. The increasing in numbers of users of Firefox every year proved that

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3b. Benefit of user and non-user surveys in determining customer needs
Mozilla defines quality based on the satisfaction of customers. Thus, to complete their quality
management system, they need to understand customer needs firstly.

There are many ways to understand customer needs, but survey is one of the most popular ways.
However, businesses need to decide what kind of survey will they use? To whom?Users or non-

The first survey‟s target is the users of Mozilla. The survey with their users helps Mozilla
understand their actual strengths and weaknesses. The respondents are using the products, thus
their answers will be relevant. With the relationship of seller and customers, the voice of users
will represent the demand and needs for Mozilla products.Moreover, Mozilla will use internet
survey as a main tool to do survey, so the people who actually use these two products will have
the opportunities to see this survey higher than others. It meansuser‟s survey has the response
rate higher.

Beside the user‟s survey, Mozilla can also use non-users surveys. Non-user surveys can be
unusual in marketing research, but it‟s also very useful. Because they aren‟t current customers of
Mozilla, they will let the company know why they don‟t use Mozilla‟s products. What do they
want from a browser? What do they best satisfy with their current browsers? Etc. From these
information, Mozilla can know what they aren‟t goods as their competitors? What criteria effect
customer‟s using decision? Thus, Mozilla will have the strategy to fulfill the distance between
their actual products with the customers‟ need. Moreover, using non-user survey shows that
Mozilla care about the customer need. This will make customers want to use Mozilla‟s
products.Besides the advantages, non-user survey also has some disadvantages such as the
response rate is low, because the opportunities for non-users to see the survey of Mozilla are low.

To determine customers‟ needs, Mozilla should apply both 2 kinds of survey.This will help the
company find out what are they doing good or bad (user survey) and what they are hasn‟t meet
customer need? (non-user survey). Even using both will cost much administrative effort and take
time, but Mozilla can take advantages of both two kinds to get the best result in determining
customer need.

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                                                                            Quality Management

There are some possible questions such as: Do you use Firefox? If yes, answer user survey, if no,
answer non –user survey.

        For user survey: Are you satisfied with the current browser? Have you ever get crash or
        trouble with Firefox? What annoy you best when using Firefox? What do you want to
        For non-user survey: Have you ever use Firefox? What is your current browser? Why
        don‟t you use Firefox? Do you have any suggestion for change for Firefox? Etc.

Using survey, Mozilla needs to consider about the number of question and the contents to be
convenient to respondents.

3c. Methods of consultation employed in one quality scheme to encourage participation by
under-represented groups
In quality management, one of the most important requirements is customers‟ satisfaction. Thus,
Mozilla need to understand customer need about their company to improve or maintain their
performance. The voice of every customer is equally important, but how Mozilla can hear this
voice from every representative group is difficult.

Underrepresented groups are the group of users has little communicate with the company. They
have little feedback for company. Thus their influence on the company is low. However, the
information that this group of users is also very useful for the company, so Mozilla should have
some method to encourage participation by this group.

To get the best results for hearing VOC, Mozilla first needs to understand why these people are
underrepresented. For example: the different in language, the communication culture, etc. For
each barrier, Mozilla can have different solutions to encourage participation.

If the differences in language prevent these users from communicating, Mozilla should have
language supports for them. For example: Mozilla have different channels that users can give
their feedback such as Bugzilla, Mozilla blogs, ect. Usually, this channel will be designed in
English. But not every people can understand this language, so Mozilla also can have different
choice in language for users. This will make users willing to share in detail than using the
language that they aren‟t familiar with.

Lilly-F03093 6
                                                                           Quality Management

In many countries, people are usually passive in communication. Vietnamese people are an
example. They rarely share their feeling or experience with the suppliers. It‟s one reason to
become underrepresent group. To encourage the group of users have this reason, Mozilla should
make them feel free to share. The best ways to do is use people who have the same culture with
them to investigate. For example: Mozilla can build up a Mozilla‟s office in Vietnam, or
Mozilla‟s official website in Vietnam. People with the same culture can easy to understand each
other and make Mozilla‟s users in Vietnam feel easy when they give feedbacks.

3d. Value of complaints procedures and analyze how each is used to improve quality
Customer complaints can be an opportunity for a business. Effectively dealing with customer
complaints cannot only appease the unhappy customer, but also build loyalty. In the eyes of
many customers, it is not so much whether a business gets it right the first time - but how this
business reacts to mistakes.

Mozilla also understand the importance of users‟ complaints. Mozilla has 10 office centers in 10
different regions. However, the complaints procedure is applied the same in all Mozilla‟s centers.

One tool that Mozilla‟s centers use to collect customer‟s complaints is Bugzilla. When users
have any problem with Mozilla‟s products, they can report this to Bugzilla. The report will be
numbered. The more votes the report has, the more important the crash is. Mozilla will keep
track of these reports from users. They will fix these problem and email back to the reporters if
the problem was fixed. Using Bugzilla, the complaints of customers are collected in a systematic
way but it costs time and administrative effort from Mozilla.

   Users            Bugzilla          Assess the
                                                         Mozilla           Mozilla           email
  post their          will           importance
                                                          record          fixed the         back to
  problem          numberred         by numbers
                                                            the           reported          used if
     on             the post          of vote by
                                                         problem          problem          problem
  Bugzilla           (code)              users
                                                                                           was fixed

                                    Pic 1: Bugzilla’s process

Lilly-F03093 7
                                                                            Quality Management

                                     Pic 2: Bugzilla’s report

Besides Bugzilla, Mozilla also use Internet Relay Chat (IRC) to collect feedback from users.
It is a form of real-time text messaging between multiple users at the same time. IRC also allows
one to one communication between connected users. This is the primary form of communication
for members of the Mozilla community; developers, testers, users, and the like. There are several
different applications which allow you to connect to IRC networks. The easiest to use is an add-
on for Firefox called Chatzilla. Using IRC will help Mozilla respond to their user immediately
but it‟s has no historical record, so it hard for Mozilla in constantly management.

                                         Pic 3: Chatzilla

Lilly-F03093 8
                                                                             Quality Management

Other ways that Mozilla is using to collect complaint to improve quality of products are Mozilla
forum or blogs of Mozilla. The availability of many different channels makes users easy to
connect to Mozilla.

4a. Role of self-assessment in order to determine an organization’s current ‘state of health’
It‟s necessary for the organization to understand its “state of health” to see whether their business
operation well or not. That‟s why organizations should do self-assessment. “Self-assessment is a
comprehensive, systematic and regular review of an organization‟s activities and results,
referenced against the excellence model‟‟.(anon, n.d.)
Mozilla are engaged in number of activities with an intention to achieve their objectives.
However, how can they say that they are performing well? They decided and designed the
system according to their best knowledge and experience or not? Thus, unless they verify, they
cannot be confidence.

The assessment needs to be done against the objectives and to determine the extent to which it
was achieved. There is no second opinion about this and Mozilla needs assessments. The Quality
Management Systems, therefore, insist on periodic assessment. The model of Self-assessment is:

                                  Pic 4: Seft-assessment process
Assessments might be planned, systematic and explicit or unplanned and implicit.There are
many ways that Mozilla can use to do their self-assessment.

Lilly-F03093 9
                                                                                    Quality Management

The first method is benchmarking.Benchmarking is a tool which allows organizations to
compare with others, to identify their strengths and weaknesses and improve. Benchmarking
gives company a comprehensive view of their current health by compiling metrics of business
performance. Beside the benefit, benchmarking also has disadvantages such as needing the
agreement of the partner for benchmarking. Moreover, even the successful benchmarking; the
company is still the follower, not the first innovator. Benchmarking costs lots of time, money and
When benchmarking, Mozilla should do with their direct competitor or the best-in-class of the
field which they want to benchmarking (Marketing-Apple, customers‟ services-Toyota, etc).
             Determine which
                                               Identify the key factors and      Select the best-in-class
            functional areas to
                                             variables with which to measure   companies for each area to
           be benchmarked (eg:                those functions (eg: financial   be benchmarked (Apple or
               marketing or                     data or markting strategy)       Toyota, Chrome ot IE)
            customer services )

                                                                               Measure the performance of
            Specify those programs and
                                                      Measure Mozilla's            the company for each
           actions to meet and surpass the
                                                     performance for each      benchmark being considered
            competition based on a plan
                                                                                -- from sources such as the
          developed to enhance those areas            variable to find out            SEC, companies
                that show potential for                    the gap               themselves, articles in the
                                                                                   press or trade journals

          Implement these programs by
           setting specific improvement
               targets and deadlines,

                                      Pic 5: Mozilla’s benchmarking process
Besides, Mozilla can also evaluate their business activities by internal assessment.
Questionnaires for employees will be prepared in different categories (appendix). This kind of
assessment should be conducted quarterly to ensure that the improvement in performance is kept
track frequently.

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                                                                        Quality Management

One of the cons of internal assessment is bias, so Mozilla can pay for an external agency to do
assessment for more objective results. This method can be expensive so Mozilla only need to do
it every 2 years.
4b. Stages of staff consultation for effective implementation of a quality scheme
Implementing a new quality scheme, there will be much change in Mozilla. Staffs of Mozilla
can feel worried about what will happen. These bad feelings affect badly to their performance.
Thus, Mozilla should do staff consultation. It will help employees feel more confident. The
Andre Changing Management Model (2012) is suggested for Mozilla:


     Stabilize             Do

                           Pic 6: Andre Changing Management Model
Plan: The planned changes should be prepared for employees. For example: the change is in the
organizational structure of Mozilla, the manager of the company need to plan who and what
position will be changed. Not only the changing candidate but also relevant employees should be
motivated toward this change. The time pressure (urgency) will push people into trying their
best. The candidate should be empowered to do some jobs to be familiar with new position.
Do: Because new quality scheme will be implemented, some necessary training is needed for
employees. Mozilla can assign supervisors in quality management to train their employees. All
employees should be trained to commit with the new quality scheme. Some main part of quality
scheme can be conducted by empowered team. The better future when the quality scheme is
successful and its good effects are used to motivate employees.
Stabilize: This stage is to ensure that all employees are engaged with the new quality scheme.
Some adjustment should be flexible. Mozilla needs keep motivating and empowering.
Repeat: the first stage is repeated by prepare for more changes needed. After that is doing and
stabilizing stages.

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                                                                          Quality Management

During the process, the communication among manager and employees is very important. The
vision and mission of the Mozilla need to be communicated. Eg: After setting up the vision,
goals and values, the CEO of Mozilla will inform them to all employees in the company to make
employees aware them.      He can use memos, meetings and newsletters. Besides, CEO and
managers can use e-mail, intranets and online newsletters to communicate quickly and
effectively with employees. The CEO and every team leader of Mozilla need communicate with
enthusiasm and passion.

In the new quality project, empowering is effective. Because employees are more close to
customers, so their idea will be useful. Mozilla should empower their teams to do some part of
the quality schemes.
4c. Propose new systems or modifications to existing systems that could improve service
To best delight customer, Mozilla should improve their service quality by upgrade their current
quality system. There are some necessary modifications that Mozilla can consider about:

   1. Make commitment toward improvement and leadership from the top
       Edward Deming-father of quality management laid out 14 points for management, one of
       them is: “"Create constancy of purpose towards improvement". It means that the
       company should replace the short term reaction by long term plan."End of month quality
       is the same as beginning of month. It means that the long term benefit of the organization
       is not sacrificed to hit quarterly targets. (Morgan, n.d)
       Mozilla should clearly in their vision and mission and make sure that their staffs are all
       commit with them. The clear objectives will be the motivation for improvement of
       Mozilla's commitment to quality had to come from the top, and it had to be reinforced
       over and over again. Unless a business views quality as its single, non-negotiable goal,
       workers will inevitably feel the need to make tradeoffs and quality will slip. Leadership
       from the top should be applied.

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2. Keep track mistakes by SPC
   As Mozilla define quality by customer‟s satisfaction, the defects in product are
   unacceptable. Mozilla should keep track on their mistake and defect products to remove
   Currently, Bugzilla is one useful tool that Mozilla use to identify their bug and problem
   in products. This tool is operating well, but Mozilla should still upgrade this tool to meet
   the demand of customers. Some ways to encourage participation of under-represented
   groups such as language support, open located centers should be applied. From these
   feedbacks of customers, mistakes of Firefox can be kept track frequently.
   When applying TQM as quality system, every data about the manufacturing process and
   business activities needs to be recorded carefully. The Statistical Process Control can be
   used in this situation.Eg: data about the defect products, data about the improvement, the
   number of users, the financial data, etc. From these data, Mozilla can compare and
   contrast to see the constancy improvement and have strategy to adjust the process.
   Mozilla can apple SPC as following steps:

                                           Plan: Mozilla identify the
                                         problem in the process (Root
                                         cause chart) . Plan corrective
                                         action against these problem.

             Act: If the result is                                         Do: Mozilla makes changes
         successful, standardize the                                      designed to correct or improve
          changes and then work on                                                the situation.
      further improvements or the next
             prioritized problem

                                          Study: Study the effect of
                                             these changes on the
                                            situation. Evaluate the
                                          results and then replicate
                                                  the change

                                  Pic 6: SPC’s process(anon, n.d.)

Lilly-F03093 13
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   Voice of customers need to be care about. Mozilla should consider it as a source of idea
   and information. Some current channels such as: blog, forum, website, IRC, Buggilla
   should be maintained. Other channel should be develops to meet the sharing demand of
3. Invest in training and focus on employees
   Mozilla has few numbers of employees (250 employees in 2011) but huge number of
   users. It means that the profit that each employee brings back to Mozilla is very much.
   Mozilla should care much about their employees.
   Mozilla should create a comfortable working environment for employees. For example
   the uniform, slogan, logo of the company. These spirit symbols will make employees
   close together and commit with Mozilla.
   If in the past, quality of products is controlled by quality department, nowadays “Quality
   experts recommend that businesses train workers at all levels to look for ways to improve
   quality and to ameliorate problems.” (Wiley, 2010). It is suggested that Mozilla should
   train 100% of their employees about some part of quality management or depend on the
   position of this employee. For example: the IT man will be trained more than the support
   staff or the cleaner, etc. However, 100% trained employee will help the company operate
   well when the entire employee can aware of what they need to do and how they should
   do. The trained cleaner can identify whether the quality process of Mozilla is operating
   well or not to report to the higher manager. Moreover, the number of employees of
   Mozilla isn‟t too much, so the training won‟t cause too much difficulty for the company.
   Investing into training employees can cost money and effort of Mozilla but the benefit it
   brings back will be uncountable.
   Training takes on several dimensions. For starters, Mozilla should set up a new-employee
   initiation program that trains workers to focus on quality issues from their first day on the
   job. People learn in many different ways. Thus, Mozilla can use a combination of training
   systems and tools, such as: video, classroom with and instructor, on the job training with
   managers and key employees, computer based, Self- study manuals. Beside these
   methods, the supervisors about quality management also provided to support employees
   of Mozilla.

Lilly-F03093 14
                                                                           Quality Management

       “Finally, train workers to see the connection between their actions and, more broadly,
       their work ethic, and the company's overall performance. By tying individual behavior to
       an overall system of work, and then showing where that system can, on occasion break
       down, you will be giving workers the information they need to be good stewards of your
       business.” (Anon, 2010)
   4. Empowering employees and team approach
       Part of the TQM philosophy is to empower all employees to seek out quality problems
       and correct them. TQM provides incentives for employees to identify quality problems.
       Mozilla can reward for the employee who uncovering quality problems, not punished.
       The empowerment will increase employee‟s involvement, thus motivate employees.
       TQM stresses that quality is an organizational effort. To facilitate the solving of quality
       problems, it places great emphasis on teamwork.

From these above modifications and the current operating ways, the quality scheme of Mozilla
will be best support their service quality.

Lilly-F03093 15
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Quality management is very important activities that Mozilla need to do for the two products.
These analysis and suggestion above is from the fact and reliable information. It will be very
useful for quality process of Mozilla and also other companies.

Lilly-F03093 16
                                                                          Quality Management


Anon, 5 Ways to Improve Quality (2010), 2 Sep, [Online], Available: [2 Jul 2012].

BPP Professional Education (2004) 'QUality Management'.

Anon, Bugzilla (2012), [Online], Available: [4 Jul 2012].

ChatZilla (2012), [Online], Available:
[3 Jul 2012].

Cohen, P. (2010) Deming's 14 points, [Online], Available: [3 Jul 2012].

Anon, Define quality in terms of businesses and service provisions (2010), [Online], Available:
businesses.php [30 Jun 2012].

Anon, How to do Benchmarking Well (2012), [Online], Available: [3 Jul 2012].

Anon, (2010), [Online], Available:
businesses.php [30 Jun 2012].

Pratt, M.K. (2009) 6 ways to train your employees on the cheap, 10 Aug, [Online], Available:
ap [2 Jul 2012].

'Quality Management'.

Anon,Underrepresented Groups (2011), [Online], Available: [2 Jul 2012].

SIGMA? (2011), [Online], Available:
and_how_does_it_apply_to_six_sigma_021706.html [1 Jul 2012].

Anon, Why You Should Avoid Benchmarking Against Other Companies (2011), 3 Jul, [Online],
other-companies.html [2 Jul 2012].

Lilly-F03093 17
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Anon, (2010), [Online], Available: [2 Jul 2012].

Anon, (2011), [Online], Available:
and_how_does_it_apply_to_six_sigma_021706.html [1 Jul 2012].

Anon, (2012), 6 Feb, [Online], Available:
[3 Jul 2012].

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Quality Management

  • 2. Lilly-F03093 1 Quality Management Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 2 3a. Information made available to customers and the importance given to effective marketing .................. 3 3b. Benefit of user and non-user surveys in determining customer needs .................................................... 4 3c. Methods of consultation employed in one quality scheme to encourage participation by under- represented groups ........................................................................................................................................ 5 3d. Value of complaints procedures and analyze how each is used to improve quality ............................... 6 4a. Role of self-assessment in order to determine an organization‟s current „state of health‟ ...................... 8 4b. Stages of staff consultation for effective implementation of a quality scheme .................................... 10 4c. Propose new systems or modifications to existing systems that could improve service quality........... 11 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 15 References ................................................................................................................................................... 16 Appendix ..................................................................................................................................................... 18 1
  • 3. Lilly-F03093 2 Quality Management Introduction As the new Quality Director for the Mozilla Foundation, which has previously made an in-depth study for pertaining to the quality system in the organization, I prepared this report to support Mozilla in implement their quality system. A range of quality controls and assess their benefits to the customer is reported. Some principles of quality management to improve performance of an organization were suggested to Mozilla. Hope that this report will be useful for Mozilla and also for other users. 2
  • 4. Lilly-F03093 3 Quality Management 3a. Information made available to customers and the importance given to effective marketing When decide to use any kind of products, customers always want to understand as much as possible about this. Thus, company need to provide them some necessary information. Mozilla has an official website on which users can access to various kinds of information such as vision, mission, support, about the two main products of Mozilla. From this, customers have general view about Mozilla Company. Beside the general information, Mozilla also allow users to access to the detail information about each product. For example: the feature of Firefox in each version.This information attracts users to use Firefox as their browser. Thus, it contributes effectively to the marketing strategy of Mozilla. Not only the good information but also the information about the bug is also public through the Bugzilla application. Bugzilla is a web-based tool that lets users report and look up existing bugs. Changes made to a bug's status are automatically sent to users. This means the information about the weaknesses of Firefox also available to customers through Bugzilla. It seems to be unusual, because it can effect badly to decision making of users. However,when public this information about bugs of Firefox, it‟s marketing strategyof Mozilla. Based on the purchasing psychology of customers, the more information they know about the products, the more attention they pay to this. Thus, Mozilla provide customers as much objectives information as possible. Users will suppose that Firefox hasn‟t perfect, and Mozilla aware of that, so they leaseBugzilla to control the quality. It shows that Mozilla care about the quality. They want find out the bugs in their products by the contribution of customers. Mozilla shows that they respect and care for their users, so this will satisfy them. Not only public the information about the bugs, Mozilla also fixes them and notice back to their users. Thus, it can avoid customers from the bad psychology of afraid of using Firefox on the future. They will keep using this product for the long term to see how this product will be improved by the company. The increasing in numbers of users of Firefox every year proved that facts. 3
  • 5. Lilly-F03093 4 Quality Management 3b. Benefit of user and non-user surveys in determining customer needs Mozilla defines quality based on the satisfaction of customers. Thus, to complete their quality management system, they need to understand customer needs firstly. There are many ways to understand customer needs, but survey is one of the most popular ways. However, businesses need to decide what kind of survey will they use? To whom?Users or non- users? The first survey‟s target is the users of Mozilla. The survey with their users helps Mozilla understand their actual strengths and weaknesses. The respondents are using the products, thus their answers will be relevant. With the relationship of seller and customers, the voice of users will represent the demand and needs for Mozilla products.Moreover, Mozilla will use internet survey as a main tool to do survey, so the people who actually use these two products will have the opportunities to see this survey higher than others. It meansuser‟s survey has the response rate higher. Beside the user‟s survey, Mozilla can also use non-users surveys. Non-user surveys can be unusual in marketing research, but it‟s also very useful. Because they aren‟t current customers of Mozilla, they will let the company know why they don‟t use Mozilla‟s products. What do they want from a browser? What do they best satisfy with their current browsers? Etc. From these information, Mozilla can know what they aren‟t goods as their competitors? What criteria effect customer‟s using decision? Thus, Mozilla will have the strategy to fulfill the distance between their actual products with the customers‟ need. Moreover, using non-user survey shows that Mozilla care about the customer need. This will make customers want to use Mozilla‟s products.Besides the advantages, non-user survey also has some disadvantages such as the response rate is low, because the opportunities for non-users to see the survey of Mozilla are low. To determine customers‟ needs, Mozilla should apply both 2 kinds of survey.This will help the company find out what are they doing good or bad (user survey) and what they are hasn‟t meet customer need? (non-user survey). Even using both will cost much administrative effort and take time, but Mozilla can take advantages of both two kinds to get the best result in determining customer need. 4
  • 6. Lilly-F03093 5 Quality Management There are some possible questions such as: Do you use Firefox? If yes, answer user survey, if no, answer non –user survey. For user survey: Are you satisfied with the current browser? Have you ever get crash or trouble with Firefox? What annoy you best when using Firefox? What do you want to change?etc.. For non-user survey: Have you ever use Firefox? What is your current browser? Why don‟t you use Firefox? Do you have any suggestion for change for Firefox? Etc. Using survey, Mozilla needs to consider about the number of question and the contents to be convenient to respondents. 3c. Methods of consultation employed in one quality scheme to encourage participation by under-represented groups In quality management, one of the most important requirements is customers‟ satisfaction. Thus, Mozilla need to understand customer need about their company to improve or maintain their performance. The voice of every customer is equally important, but how Mozilla can hear this voice from every representative group is difficult. Underrepresented groups are the group of users has little communicate with the company. They have little feedback for company. Thus their influence on the company is low. However, the information that this group of users is also very useful for the company, so Mozilla should have some method to encourage participation by this group. To get the best results for hearing VOC, Mozilla first needs to understand why these people are underrepresented. For example: the different in language, the communication culture, etc. For each barrier, Mozilla can have different solutions to encourage participation. If the differences in language prevent these users from communicating, Mozilla should have language supports for them. For example: Mozilla have different channels that users can give their feedback such as Bugzilla, Mozilla blogs, ect. Usually, this channel will be designed in English. But not every people can understand this language, so Mozilla also can have different choice in language for users. This will make users willing to share in detail than using the language that they aren‟t familiar with. 5
  • 7. Lilly-F03093 6 Quality Management In many countries, people are usually passive in communication. Vietnamese people are an example. They rarely share their feeling or experience with the suppliers. It‟s one reason to become underrepresent group. To encourage the group of users have this reason, Mozilla should make them feel free to share. The best ways to do is use people who have the same culture with them to investigate. For example: Mozilla can build up a Mozilla‟s office in Vietnam, or Mozilla‟s official website in Vietnam. People with the same culture can easy to understand each other and make Mozilla‟s users in Vietnam feel easy when they give feedbacks. 3d. Value of complaints procedures and analyze how each is used to improve quality Customer complaints can be an opportunity for a business. Effectively dealing with customer complaints cannot only appease the unhappy customer, but also build loyalty. In the eyes of many customers, it is not so much whether a business gets it right the first time - but how this business reacts to mistakes. Mozilla also understand the importance of users‟ complaints. Mozilla has 10 office centers in 10 different regions. However, the complaints procedure is applied the same in all Mozilla‟s centers. One tool that Mozilla‟s centers use to collect customer‟s complaints is Bugzilla. When users have any problem with Mozilla‟s products, they can report this to Bugzilla. The report will be numbered. The more votes the report has, the more important the crash is. Mozilla will keep track of these reports from users. They will fix these problem and email back to the reporters if the problem was fixed. Using Bugzilla, the complaints of customers are collected in a systematic way but it costs time and administrative effort from Mozilla. Mozilla Users Bugzilla Assess the Mozilla Mozilla email post their will importance record fixed the back to problem numberred by numbers the reported used if on the post of vote by problem problem problem Bugzilla (code) users was fixed Pic 1: Bugzilla’s process 6
  • 8. Lilly-F03093 7 Quality Management Pic 2: Bugzilla’s report Besides Bugzilla, Mozilla also use Internet Relay Chat (IRC) to collect feedback from users. It is a form of real-time text messaging between multiple users at the same time. IRC also allows one to one communication between connected users. This is the primary form of communication for members of the Mozilla community; developers, testers, users, and the like. There are several different applications which allow you to connect to IRC networks. The easiest to use is an add- on for Firefox called Chatzilla. Using IRC will help Mozilla respond to their user immediately but it‟s has no historical record, so it hard for Mozilla in constantly management. Pic 3: Chatzilla 7
  • 9. Lilly-F03093 8 Quality Management Other ways that Mozilla is using to collect complaint to improve quality of products are Mozilla forum or blogs of Mozilla. The availability of many different channels makes users easy to connect to Mozilla. 4a. Role of self-assessment in order to determine an organization’s current ‘state of health’ It‟s necessary for the organization to understand its “state of health” to see whether their business operation well or not. That‟s why organizations should do self-assessment. “Self-assessment is a comprehensive, systematic and regular review of an organization‟s activities and results, referenced against the excellence model‟‟.(anon, n.d.) Mozilla are engaged in number of activities with an intention to achieve their objectives. However, how can they say that they are performing well? They decided and designed the system according to their best knowledge and experience or not? Thus, unless they verify, they cannot be confidence. The assessment needs to be done against the objectives and to determine the extent to which it was achieved. There is no second opinion about this and Mozilla needs assessments. The Quality Management Systems, therefore, insist on periodic assessment. The model of Self-assessment is: Pic 4: Seft-assessment process Assessments might be planned, systematic and explicit or unplanned and implicit.There are many ways that Mozilla can use to do their self-assessment. 8
  • 10. Lilly-F03093 9 Quality Management The first method is benchmarking.Benchmarking is a tool which allows organizations to compare with others, to identify their strengths and weaknesses and improve. Benchmarking gives company a comprehensive view of their current health by compiling metrics of business performance. Beside the benefit, benchmarking also has disadvantages such as needing the agreement of the partner for benchmarking. Moreover, even the successful benchmarking; the company is still the follower, not the first innovator. Benchmarking costs lots of time, money and effort. When benchmarking, Mozilla should do with their direct competitor or the best-in-class of the field which they want to benchmarking (Marketing-Apple, customers‟ services-Toyota, etc). Determine which Identify the key factors and Select the best-in-class functional areas to variables with which to measure companies for each area to be benchmarked (eg: those functions (eg: financial be benchmarked (Apple or marketing or data or markting strategy) Toyota, Chrome ot IE) customer services ) Measure the performance of Specify those programs and Measure Mozilla's the company for each actions to meet and surpass the performance for each benchmark being considered competition based on a plan -- from sources such as the developed to enhance those areas variable to find out SEC, companies that show potential for the gap themselves, articles in the compliment press or trade journals Implement these programs by setting specific improvement targets and deadlines, Pic 5: Mozilla’s benchmarking process Besides, Mozilla can also evaluate their business activities by internal assessment. Questionnaires for employees will be prepared in different categories (appendix). This kind of assessment should be conducted quarterly to ensure that the improvement in performance is kept track frequently. 9
  • 11. Lilly-F03093 10 Quality Management One of the cons of internal assessment is bias, so Mozilla can pay for an external agency to do assessment for more objective results. This method can be expensive so Mozilla only need to do it every 2 years. 4b. Stages of staff consultation for effective implementation of a quality scheme Implementing a new quality scheme, there will be much change in Mozilla. Staffs of Mozilla can feel worried about what will happen. These bad feelings affect badly to their performance. Thus, Mozilla should do staff consultation. It will help employees feel more confident. The Andre Changing Management Model (2012) is suggested for Mozilla: Plan Stabilize Do Pic 6: Andre Changing Management Model Plan: The planned changes should be prepared for employees. For example: the change is in the organizational structure of Mozilla, the manager of the company need to plan who and what position will be changed. Not only the changing candidate but also relevant employees should be motivated toward this change. The time pressure (urgency) will push people into trying their best. The candidate should be empowered to do some jobs to be familiar with new position. Do: Because new quality scheme will be implemented, some necessary training is needed for employees. Mozilla can assign supervisors in quality management to train their employees. All employees should be trained to commit with the new quality scheme. Some main part of quality scheme can be conducted by empowered team. The better future when the quality scheme is successful and its good effects are used to motivate employees. Stabilize: This stage is to ensure that all employees are engaged with the new quality scheme. Some adjustment should be flexible. Mozilla needs keep motivating and empowering. Repeat: the first stage is repeated by prepare for more changes needed. After that is doing and stabilizing stages. 10
  • 12. Lilly-F03093 11 Quality Management During the process, the communication among manager and employees is very important. The vision and mission of the Mozilla need to be communicated. Eg: After setting up the vision, goals and values, the CEO of Mozilla will inform them to all employees in the company to make employees aware them. He can use memos, meetings and newsletters. Besides, CEO and managers can use e-mail, intranets and online newsletters to communicate quickly and effectively with employees. The CEO and every team leader of Mozilla need communicate with enthusiasm and passion. In the new quality project, empowering is effective. Because employees are more close to customers, so their idea will be useful. Mozilla should empower their teams to do some part of the quality schemes. 4c. Propose new systems or modifications to existing systems that could improve service quality To best delight customer, Mozilla should improve their service quality by upgrade their current quality system. There are some necessary modifications that Mozilla can consider about: 1. Make commitment toward improvement and leadership from the top Edward Deming-father of quality management laid out 14 points for management, one of them is: “"Create constancy of purpose towards improvement". It means that the company should replace the short term reaction by long term plan."End of month quality is the same as beginning of month. It means that the long term benefit of the organization is not sacrificed to hit quarterly targets. (Morgan, n.d) Mozilla should clearly in their vision and mission and make sure that their staffs are all commit with them. The clear objectives will be the motivation for improvement of Mozilla. Mozilla's commitment to quality had to come from the top, and it had to be reinforced over and over again. Unless a business views quality as its single, non-negotiable goal, workers will inevitably feel the need to make tradeoffs and quality will slip. Leadership from the top should be applied. 11
  • 13. Lilly-F03093 12 Quality Management 2. Keep track mistakes by SPC As Mozilla define quality by customer‟s satisfaction, the defects in product are unacceptable. Mozilla should keep track on their mistake and defect products to remove them. Currently, Bugzilla is one useful tool that Mozilla use to identify their bug and problem in products. This tool is operating well, but Mozilla should still upgrade this tool to meet the demand of customers. Some ways to encourage participation of under-represented groups such as language support, open located centers should be applied. From these feedbacks of customers, mistakes of Firefox can be kept track frequently. When applying TQM as quality system, every data about the manufacturing process and business activities needs to be recorded carefully. The Statistical Process Control can be used in this situation.Eg: data about the defect products, data about the improvement, the number of users, the financial data, etc. From these data, Mozilla can compare and contrast to see the constancy improvement and have strategy to adjust the process. Mozilla can apple SPC as following steps: Plan: Mozilla identify the problem in the process (Root cause chart) . Plan corrective action against these problem. Act: If the result is Do: Mozilla makes changes successful, standardize the designed to correct or improve changes and then work on the situation. further improvements or the next prioritized problem Study: Study the effect of these changes on the situation. Evaluate the results and then replicate the change Pic 6: SPC’s process(anon, n.d.) 12
  • 14. Lilly-F03093 13 Quality Management Voice of customers need to be care about. Mozilla should consider it as a source of idea and information. Some current channels such as: blog, forum, website, IRC, Buggilla should be maintained. Other channel should be develops to meet the sharing demand of customers. 3. Invest in training and focus on employees Mozilla has few numbers of employees (250 employees in 2011) but huge number of users. It means that the profit that each employee brings back to Mozilla is very much. Mozilla should care much about their employees. Mozilla should create a comfortable working environment for employees. For example the uniform, slogan, logo of the company. These spirit symbols will make employees close together and commit with Mozilla. If in the past, quality of products is controlled by quality department, nowadays “Quality experts recommend that businesses train workers at all levels to look for ways to improve quality and to ameliorate problems.” (Wiley, 2010). It is suggested that Mozilla should train 100% of their employees about some part of quality management or depend on the position of this employee. For example: the IT man will be trained more than the support staff or the cleaner, etc. However, 100% trained employee will help the company operate well when the entire employee can aware of what they need to do and how they should do. The trained cleaner can identify whether the quality process of Mozilla is operating well or not to report to the higher manager. Moreover, the number of employees of Mozilla isn‟t too much, so the training won‟t cause too much difficulty for the company. Investing into training employees can cost money and effort of Mozilla but the benefit it brings back will be uncountable. Training takes on several dimensions. For starters, Mozilla should set up a new-employee initiation program that trains workers to focus on quality issues from their first day on the job. People learn in many different ways. Thus, Mozilla can use a combination of training systems and tools, such as: video, classroom with and instructor, on the job training with managers and key employees, computer based, Self- study manuals. Beside these methods, the supervisors about quality management also provided to support employees of Mozilla. 13
  • 15. Lilly-F03093 14 Quality Management “Finally, train workers to see the connection between their actions and, more broadly, their work ethic, and the company's overall performance. By tying individual behavior to an overall system of work, and then showing where that system can, on occasion break down, you will be giving workers the information they need to be good stewards of your business.” (Anon, 2010) 4. Empowering employees and team approach Part of the TQM philosophy is to empower all employees to seek out quality problems and correct them. TQM provides incentives for employees to identify quality problems. Mozilla can reward for the employee who uncovering quality problems, not punished. The empowerment will increase employee‟s involvement, thus motivate employees. TQM stresses that quality is an organizational effort. To facilitate the solving of quality problems, it places great emphasis on teamwork. From these above modifications and the current operating ways, the quality scheme of Mozilla will be best support their service quality. 14
  • 16. Lilly-F03093 15 Quality Management Conclusion Quality management is very important activities that Mozilla need to do for the two products. These analysis and suggestion above is from the fact and reliable information. It will be very useful for quality process of Mozilla and also other companies. 15
  • 17. Lilly-F03093 16 Quality Management References Anon, 5 Ways to Improve Quality (2010), 2 Sep, [Online], Available: [2 Jul 2012]. BPP Professional Education (2004) 'QUality Management'. Anon, Bugzilla (2012), [Online], Available: [4 Jul 2012]. ChatZilla (2012), [Online], Available: [3 Jul 2012]. Cohen, P. (2010) Deming's 14 points, [Online], Available: [3 Jul 2012]. Anon, Define quality in terms of businesses and service provisions (2010), [Online], Available: businesses.php [30 Jun 2012]. Anon, How to do Benchmarking Well (2012), [Online], Available: [3 Jul 2012]. Anon, (2010), [Online], Available: businesses.php [30 Jun 2012]. Pratt, M.K. (2009) 6 ways to train your employees on the cheap, 10 Aug, [Online], Available: ap [2 Jul 2012]. 'Quality Management'. Anon,Underrepresented Groups (2011), [Online], Available: [2 Jul 2012]. Anon,WHAT IS "VOICE OF THE CUSTOMER" (VOC) AND HOW DOES IT APPLY TO SIX SIGMA? (2011), [Online], Available: and_how_does_it_apply_to_six_sigma_021706.html [1 Jul 2012]. Anon, Why You Should Avoid Benchmarking Against Other Companies (2011), 3 Jul, [Online], Available: other-companies.html [2 Jul 2012]. 16
  • 18. Lilly-F03093 17 Quality Management Anon, (2010), [Online], Available: [2 Jul 2012]. Anon, (2011), [Online], Available: and_how_does_it_apply_to_six_sigma_021706.html [1 Jul 2012]. Anon, (2012), 6 Feb, [Online], Available: [3 Jul 2012]. 17
  • 19. Lilly-F03093 18 Quality Management Appendix 18