SlideShare a Scribd company logo
i) Create a Folder
Dim objFso
Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”)
objFso.CreateFolder “C:Documents and Settings1 Desktophyderabad”
ii) Check if the Folder Exist or not? If not create the Folder
Dim objFso, myFolder
myFolder=”C:Documents and Settings1 Desktophyderabad”
Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”)
If Not objFso.FolderExists(myFolder) Then
objFso.CreateFolder (myFolder)
End If
iii) Copy a Folder
Dim objFso, myFolder
myFolder=”C:Documents and Settings1 Desktophyderabad”
Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”)
objFso.CopyFolder myFolder,”E:abcd”
iv) Delete a folder
Dim objFso, myFolder
myFolder=”C:Documents and Settings1Desktophyderabad”
Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”)
objFso.DeleteFolder( myFolder)
Dim objFso, myFolder
myFolder=”C:Documents and Settings1Desktophyderabad”
Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”)
If objFso.FolderExists(myFolder) Then
objFso.DeleteFolder( myFolder)
End If
v) Return a Collection of Disk Drives
Dim objFso, colDrives
Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”)
Set colDrives=objFso.Drives
For Each oDrive in colDrives
Msgbox oDrive
vi) Get available space on a Drive
Dim objFso
Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”)
Set myDrive=objFso.GetDrive(“D:”)
Msgbox myDrive.AvailableSpace/(1024^3) & ” GB”
vii) Creating a Text File
Dim objFso
Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”)
objFso.CreateTextFile (“C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.txt”)
objFso.CreateTextFile (“C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.doc”)
objFso.CreateTextFile (“C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.xls”)
objFso.CreateTextFile (“C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.pdf”)
Note: We can Create other files also, but they act as Text/Flat Files
viii) Check if the File Exist or not? If not create the File
Dim objFso, myFile1,myFile2, myFile3, myFile4
myFile1=”C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.txt”
myFile2=”C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.doc”
myFile3=”C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.xls”
myFile4=”C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.pdf”
Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”)
If Not objFso.FileExists(myFile1) Then
objFso.CreateTextFile (myFile1)
End If
If Not objFso.FileExists(myFile2) Then
objFso.CreateTextFile (myFile2)
End If
If Not objFso.FileExists(myFile3) Then
objFso.CreateTextFile (myFile3)
End If
If Not objFso.FileExists(myFile4) Then
objFso.CreateTextFile (myFile4)
End If
ix) ReadData Character by Character from a text file
Dim objFso, myFile, myChar
Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”)
Set myFile=objFso.OpenTextFile(“C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.txt”,1) ’1 for Read,
2 for Write and 8 for Append
Do Until myFile.AtEndOfStream=True
Msgbox myChar
Set objFso=Nothing
x)Read Line by Line from a Text File
Dim objFso, myFile, myChar
Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”)
Set myFile=objFso.OpenTextFile(“C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.txt”,1) ’1 for Read,
2 for Write and 8 for Append
Do Until myFile.AtEndOfStream=True
Msgbox myChar
Set objFso=Nothing
xi) Data Driven Testing by fetching Test data directly from a Text file.
‘Test Requirement: Data Driven Testing by fetching Test data directly from a Text file.
‘Author: xyz
‘Date of Creation: 24-08-2010
‘abcd.txt (Test Data File)
‘Test Flow:
‘Create File System object
‘Open the file with Read mode and store reference into a variable
‘Skipe the first line
‘Read line by line and split the Data
‘Login Operation
‘Form Looping and pass Parameters
Dim objFso, myFile, myLine, myField
Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”)
Set myFile=objFso.OpenTextFile(“C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.txt”,1) ’1 for Read,
2 for Write and 8 for Append
Do Until myFile.AtEndOfStream =True
SystemUtil.Run “C:Program FilesHPQuickTest Professionalsamplesflightappflight4a.exe”
Dialog(“text:=Login”).WinEdit(“attached text:=Agent Name:”).Set myField(0)
Dialog(“text:=Login”).WinEdit(“attached text:=Password:”).Set myField(1)
Wait 2
Window(“text:=Flight Reservation”).Close
Set objFso=Nothing
xii) Write Data to a Text File
Dim objFso, myFile, Result, a, b
a=10: b=20
Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”)
Set myFile=objFso.OpenTextFile(“C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.txt”,2) ’1 for Read,
2 for Write and 8 for Append
myFile.WriteLine “Addition of a, b is: “&Result
Set objFso=Nothing
xiii) Delete a Text File
Dim objFso
Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”)
objFso.DeleteFile(“C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.doc”)
Set objFso=Nothing
xiv) Check if the File Exists or not? If Exists delete the File
Dim objFso
Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”)
If objFso.FileExists(“C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.pdf”) Then
objFso.DeleteFile(“C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.pdf”)
End If
Set objFso=Nothing
xv) Calculate size of a Text File
Dim objFso
Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”)
File_Size= objFso.GetFile(“C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.txt”).Size
Msgbox File_Size& ” Bytes”
Set objFso=Nothing
xvi)Compare Two Text File by Size, by Text and by Binary values
Option Explicit
Dim objFso, File1, File2, myFile1, myFile2, File_First, File_Second, Files_Compare
File1=”C:Documents and Settings1 abcd.txt”
File2=”C:Documents and Settings1 desktopxyz.txt”
Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”)
‘Comaring two text files by Size
If objFso.GetFile(File1).Size= objFso.GetFile(File2).Size Then
Msgbox “Files are Same in Size”
Msgbox “Files are Not Same”
End If
‘Comaring two text files by Text
Set File_First=objFso.OpenTextFile(File1)
Set File_Second=objFso.OpenTextFile(File2)
‘Msgbox myFile1
Files_Compare=strComp(myFile1,myFile2,1) ’1 for Texual Comparision
If Files_Compare=0 Then
Msgbox “Files are having Same Text”
Msgbox “Files are having Different Text”
End If
‘Binary Comparision of Two Text Files
Files_Compare=strComp(myFile1,myFile2,0) ’0 for Binary Comparision (It is Default mode)
If Files_Compare=0 Then
Msgbox “Files are Equal”
Msgbox “Files are Not Equal”
End If
Set objFso=Nothing
xvii) Count the number of times a word appears in a Text File
Option Explicit
Dim objFso, File1, myWord, myData, myFile, objRegEx, MatchesFound, TotMatches
File1=”C:Documents and Settings1 RIGHATWAYDesktopabcd.txt”
Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”)
Set myFile=objFso.OpenTextFile(File1)
Set objRegEx= New RegExp ‘Creating Regular Expression Object
objRegEx.Pattern=myWord ‘Search string
objRegEx.Global=True ‘ Finding all Matches
objRegEx.IgnoreCase=True ‘ Ignoring Case
Set MatchesFound=objRegex.Execute(myData) ‘Executing the Total file data to find natches
Msgbox “Matches: “&TotMatches
Set objFso=Nothing
xviii) Capture all Button Names from Login dialog Box and Export to a Text File
Option Explicit
Dim objFso, FilePath, myFile, oButton, myButton, Buttons, i, TotButtons
FilePath=”C:Documents and Settings1 RIGHATWAYDesktopabcd.txt”
Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”)
Set myFile=objFso.OpenTextFile(FilePath,2)
myFile.WriteLine “Button Names”
myFile.WriteLine “————”
Set oButton=Description.Create
SystemUtil.Run “C:Program FilesHPQuickTest Professionalsamplesflightappflight4a.exe”
Set Buttons=Dialog(“text:=Login”).ChildObjects(oButton)
For i= 0 to TotButtons-1 Step 1
myFile.WriteLine myButton
Set objFso=Nothing
xix) Capture Customer Names from 1 to 10 Orders in FR and export to a Text File
‘Test Requirement: Capture Customer names from 1 to 10 orders
‘and export to text file
‘Test Flow:
‘Create an object in File system class
‘Open the text file in write mode using File sytem object
‘Login Operation
‘Form Loop to open 1 to 10 orders
‘capture the Customer names and write to external text file
Dim objFso, myFile
Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FilesystemObject”)
Set myFile=objFso.OpenTextFile(“C:Documents and Settingsgcr.GCRC-
myFile.WriteLine “Customer Names”
myFile.WriteLine “———”
If Not Window(“Flight Reservation”).Exist(3) Then
SystemUtil.Run “C:Program FilesHPQuickTest
Professionalsamplesflightappflight4a.exe”,”",”C:Program FilesHPQuickTest
Dialog(“Login”).WinEdit(“Agent Name:”).Set “nagesh”
End If
For Order_Number= 1 to 10 step 1
Window(“Flight Reservation”).Activate
Window(“Flight Reservation”).WinButton(“Button”).Click
Window(“Flight Reservation”).Dialog(“Open Order”).WinCheckBox(“Order No.”).Set “ON”
Window(“Flight Reservation”).Dialog(“Open Order”).WinEdit(“Edit”).Set Order_Number
Window(“Flight Reservation”).Dialog(“Open Order”).WinButton(“OK”).Click
wait 2
Customer_Name = Window(“Flight Reservation”).WinEdit(“Name:”).GetVisibleText()
myFile.WriteLine Customer_Name
Set objFso=Nothing
'''Script to create a new excel file , write data
'''save the file with read and write protected
'''''pwd1 is for read protected pwd2 is for write protected
Set xl=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set wb=xl.Workbooks.Add
Set ws=wb.Worksheets("sheet1")
wb.Saveas "e:data2.xls",,"pwd1","pwd2"
Set xl=nothing
'''Script to open excel file ,which is read and write protected write data
'''''pwd1 is for read protected pwd2 is for write protected
Set xl=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set wb=xl.Workbooks.Open("e:data2.xls",0,False,5,"pwd1","pwd2")
Set ws=wb.Worksheets("sheet1")
ws.cells(2,2)="new data"
Set xl=nothing
''Script to get the list of links in Google and do spell check
dim d
set mw=CreateObject("Word.Application")
set d=Description.Create
set a=Browser("Google").page("Google").childobjects(d)
for i=0 to a.count-1
mw.WordBasic.insert s
if mw.ActiveDocument.Spellingerrors.count>0 then
Reporter.ReportEvent 1,"Spelling","spelling error :"&s
end if
set mw=nothing
''''Script to check ON the checkboxes in yahoo mail inbox
Dim d
Set d=Description.Create
Set c=Browser("Inbox (17) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Inbox (17) - Yahoo!
For i=1 to 10
c(i).set "ON"
'''script to select a mail having subject 'hi' or 'HI'
For i=2 to n
If lcase(trim(s))="hi" Then
Browser("yahoo").Page("yahoo").WebCheckBox("index:="&i-1).set "ON"
End If
'''''Function to send a mail
Function SendMail(SendTo, Subject, Body, Attachment)
Set otl=CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set m=otl.CreateItem(0)
If (Attachment <> "") Then
End If
Set m = Nothing
Set otl = Nothing
End Function
Call SendMail("","hi","This is test mail for testing","")
'''''''''''''''create a new text file
Dim fs,f
Set fs=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f=fs.CreateTextFile("e:file1.txt")
f.WriteLine "hello"
f.WriteLine "this is sample data"
Set fs=nothing
'''''''''''''''read data from a text file
Dim fs,f
Set fs=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f=fs.OpenTextFile("e:file1.txt",1)
While f.AtEndOfLine<>True
msgbox f.ReadLine
Set fs=nothing
''''''''''create a new excel file and write data
Dim xl,wb,ws
Set xl=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set wb=xl.Workbooks.Add
Set ws=wb.Worksheets("sheet1")
wb.SaveAs "e:file1.xls"
Set xl=nothing
'''''''open existing file and write data in second column in Sheet1
Dim xl,wb,ws
Set xl=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set wb=xl.Workbooks.Open("e:file1.xls")
Set ws=wb.Worksheets("sheet1")
Set xl=nothing
'''''''''''read data from excel from rows and columns
Dim xl,wb,ws
Set xl=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set wb=xl.Workbooks.Open("e:file1.xls")
Set ws=wb.Worksheets("sheet1")
For i=1 to r
For j=1 to c
v=v&" "& ws.cells(i,j)
print v
print "-----------------------"
Set xl=nothing
''''''''''''''''get the bgcolor in a cell in excel
Dim xl,wb,ws
Set xl=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set wb=xl.Workbooks.Open("e:file3.xls")
Set ws=wb.Worksheets("sheet1")
For i=1 to r
For j=1 to c
msgbox x
Set xl=nothing
'''''''''''''''''''''create word and write data
dim mw
set mw=CreateObject("Word.Application")
mw.selection.typetext "hello"
mw.ActiveDocument.SaveAs "e:file1.doc"
set mw=nothing
''''''''''script will display all the doc files in all the drives in the system
Dim mw
Set mw=CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set fs=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set d=fs.Drives
For each dr in d
msgbox dr
For each i in mw.FileSearch.FoundFiles
print i
Set f=fs.GetFile(i)
print f.Name&" "&f.Size&" "&f.DateCreated
print "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
'''''''''Open Internet Explorer and navigate to yahoomail
Dim ie
Set ie=CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
ie.Navigate ""
msgbox x
''''''Create word, Create table and write all the services names
Set mw = CreateObject("Word.Application")
mw.Visible = True
Set dc = mw.Documents.Add()
Set objRange = dc.Range()
Set objTable = dc.Tables(1)
strComputer = "."
Set wms=GetObject("winmgmts:" & strComputer & "rootcimv2")
Set colItems = wms.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service")
For Each s in colItems
If x > 1 Then
End If
objTable.Cell(x, 1).Range.Font.Bold = True
objTable.Cell(x, 1).Range.Text = s.Name
objTable.Cell(x, 2).Range.text = s.DisplayName
objTable.Cell(x, 3).Range.text = s.State
x = x + 1
'How do we validate links in web page and how to display linknames with status in excel
Set objExcel=Createobject("excel.application")
set objSheet=objExcel.ActiveSheet
set c1=objSheet.Cells(1,1)
objSheet.Cells(1,2)="Expected URL"
set c2=objSheet.Cells(1,2)
objSheet.Cells(1,3)="Actual URL"
set c3=objSheet.Cells(1,3)
set c4=objSheet.Cells(1,4)
Set objDesc=Description.Create
set objLinks=Browser("title:=.*").page("title:=.*").childobjects(objDesc)
msgbox objLinks.count
For i=0 to objLinks.count-35 step 1
If instr(strActUrl,strExpUrl)>0Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Link Vaidation","Succeed"
Set C4=objSheet.Cells(i+2,4)
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Link Vaidation","Failed"
Set C4=objSheet.Cells(i+2,4)
End If
set objWbook=objExcel.ActiveWorkbook
objWbook.SaveAs "C:OutPutdata.xls"
Set objExcel=nothing
On error resume next 'To handle run time error
''SystemUtil.CloseProcessByName "iexplore.exe"
Systemutil.Run "iexplore",""
Browser( "sample").Page("sample ").WebEdit("html id:=IDToken1").Set "56793287"
Browser("sample ").Page("sample ").WebEdit("html id:=IDToken2").Set "ranao2009"
Browser("sample ").Page("sample ").WebButton("html id:=signIn").Click
Browser("sample ").Dialog("text:=Security Information").Winbutton("text:=&Yes").click
If Browser("sample ").Page("sample ").Image("close_text_button").Exist(10) Then
Browser("sample ").Page("sample ").Image("close_text_button").Click
End if
Set objLinkDesc=Description.Create
'To count no of links in a web page
Set objLinks = Browser("sample ").Page("sample ").ChildObjects(objLinkDesc)
'Set objLinks=Browser("sample ").page("sample ").childobjects(objLinkDesc)
msgbox objLinks.count
For i=1 to objLinks.count-187 step 1
' Reporter.ReportEvent micDone,""&strTargetUrl,""
' objLinks(i).click
'Verify Link is navigating into the correct page
If instr(strTargetUrl,strActualUrl)>0 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Navigate to correct page","The Actual URL is"& vbcrlf
&strActualUrl& vbcrlf &"The Target URL is"& vbcrlf &strTargetUrl 'Report result to the QTP test log
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Navigate to wrong page","The Actual URL is"& vbcrlf
&strActualUrl& vbcrlf &"The Target URL is"& vbcrlf &strTargetUrl 'Report result to the QTP test log
End If
'How to select specified checkbox in a web table
intRowcount = Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Inbox (477) - Yahoo!
For i=2 to intRowcount
strTxt=Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Inbox (477) - Yahoo!
If strcomp(strTxt,"FreeHotPasses")=0 Then
set objChkBox=Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Inbox (477) -
Yahoo! Mail").WebTable("Inbox").ChildItem(i,2,"WebCheckBox",0)
objChkBox.set "ON"
End If
‘Sample script on registration in realtor application
systemutil.Run "iexplore",""
If Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Real Estate
Listings,").WebElement("Welcome | Sign In | Sign").Exist Then
reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1","Test is Pass"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1","Test is Fail"
End if
Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Real Estate Listings,").Link("Sign Up").Click
If Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Real Estate
Listings,").WebElement("SIGN UP").Exist Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step2","Test is Pass"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2","Test is Fail"
End if
Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Real Estate Listings,").WebEdit("WebEdit").Set
Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Real Estate
Listings,").WebEdit("WebEdit_2").SetSecure "4c697cca0717f1d0d617bead25615149f6b4"
Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Real Estate
Listings,").WebEdit("WebEdit_3").SetSecure "4c697cce3c61c2ec9481da3cd6ab89da7bd9"
Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Real Estate Listings,").WebList("select").Select
Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Real Estate Listings,").WebEdit("WebEdit_4").Set
Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Real Estate Listings,").Link("Sign Up_2").Click
If Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Real Estate Listings,").WebElement("THANK
YOU").Exist Then
Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Real Estate Listings,").Link("CLOSE").Click
End if
' How to delete cookies
systemutil.Run "iexplore",""
'How to validate Links in specified web page
Set objLinkDesc=Description.Create
set objLinks=Browser("title:=.*").Page("title:=.*").ChildObjects(objLinkDesc)
msgbox objLinks.count
For i=0 to objLinks.count-5
' strExpUrl=objLinks(i).Getroproperty("url")
If instr( strExpUrl,strActUrl)>0 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Link validation","Test is pass"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Link validation","Test is Fail"
End If
'Browser("Commercial Real Estate").Page("Commercial Real Estate").Image("® -
'How to set link names of specified page and keep them into a excel file
Set objExcel=Createobject("Excel.application")
set objsheet=objExcel.ActiveSheet
set C=objsheet.cells(1,1)
Set objLinkdesc=Description.Create
For i=0 to objLinks.count-1
set objWbook=objExcel.ActiveWorkbook
Set objExcel=nothing
p = Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Real Estate Listings,").WebElement("Welcome,
If trim(arr(1))=UserId Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3","Test is Pass"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 3","Test is Fail"
End If
'How to focus the cursor on the object and howto select the itemsfrom dropdown
x = Browser("Google").Page("Google").WebEdit("q").GetROProperty("abs_x")
Set objDevice=Createobject("mercury.Devicereplay")
objDevice.Mouseclick x,y,0
Set objShell=Createobject("")
objShell.SendKeys "q"
Set objDesc=Description.Create
objDesc("name").value="Google Search"
set objWele=Browser("Google").Page("Google").WebTable("qtp interview
msgbox objWele.count
For i= 0 to objWele.count-1 step 1
Reporter.ReportEvent micDone,"Item Name--"&strName,"Item Captured"
Set objDevice=Nothing
Set objShell=nothing
'How to focus the cursor on the object
'Browser("Google").Page("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Image("Desinations").Click
'x=Browser("Google").Page("Welcome: Mercury
'y=Browser("Google").Page("Welcome: Mercury
' Set objDevice=Createobject("Mercury.Devicereplay")
' objDevice.MouseMove x,y
' wait(10)

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Qtp Imp Script Examples

  • 1. FILE SYSTEM OBJECTS EXAMPLES Examples: i) Create a Folder Dim objFso Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”) objFso.CreateFolder “C:Documents and Settings1 Desktophyderabad” ii) Check if the Folder Exist or not? If not create the Folder Dim objFso, myFolder myFolder=”C:Documents and Settings1 Desktophyderabad” Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”) If Not objFso.FolderExists(myFolder) Then objFso.CreateFolder (myFolder) End If iii) Copy a Folder Dim objFso, myFolder myFolder=”C:Documents and Settings1 Desktophyderabad” Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”) objFso.CopyFolder myFolder,”E:abcd” iv) Delete a folder Dim objFso, myFolder myFolder=”C:Documents and Settings1Desktophyderabad” Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”) objFso.DeleteFolder( myFolder) 2nd Dim objFso, myFolder
  • 2. myFolder=”C:Documents and Settings1Desktophyderabad” Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”) If objFso.FolderExists(myFolder) Then objFso.DeleteFolder( myFolder) End If v) Return a Collection of Disk Drives Dim objFso, colDrives Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”) Set colDrives=objFso.Drives For Each oDrive in colDrives Msgbox oDrive Next vi) Get available space on a Drive Dim objFso Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”) Set myDrive=objFso.GetDrive(“D:”) Msgbox myDrive.AvailableSpace/(1024^3) & ” GB” vii) Creating a Text File Dim objFso Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”) objFso.CreateTextFile (“C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.txt”) objFso.CreateTextFile (“C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.doc”) objFso.CreateTextFile (“C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.xls”) objFso.CreateTextFile (“C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.pdf”) Note: We can Create other files also, but they act as Text/Flat Files viii) Check if the File Exist or not? If not create the File Dim objFso, myFile1,myFile2, myFile3, myFile4
  • 3. myFile1=”C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.txt” myFile2=”C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.doc” myFile3=”C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.xls” myFile4=”C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.pdf” Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”) If Not objFso.FileExists(myFile1) Then objFso.CreateTextFile (myFile1) End If If Not objFso.FileExists(myFile2) Then objFso.CreateTextFile (myFile2) End If If Not objFso.FileExists(myFile3) Then objFso.CreateTextFile (myFile3) End If If Not objFso.FileExists(myFile4) Then objFso.CreateTextFile (myFile4) End If ix) ReadData Character by Character from a text file Dim objFso, myFile, myChar Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”) Set myFile=objFso.OpenTextFile(“C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.txt”,1) ’1 for Read, 2 for Write and 8 for Append Do Until myFile.AtEndOfStream=True myChar=myFile.Read(1) Msgbox myChar Loop myFile.Close Set objFso=Nothing
  • 4. x)Read Line by Line from a Text File Dim objFso, myFile, myChar Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”) Set myFile=objFso.OpenTextFile(“C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.txt”,1) ’1 for Read, 2 for Write and 8 for Append Do Until myFile.AtEndOfStream=True myChar=myFile.ReadLine Msgbox myChar Loop myFile.Close Set objFso=Nothing xi) Data Driven Testing by fetching Test data directly from a Text file. ‘***************************************************************************** ******** ‘Test Requirement: Data Driven Testing by fetching Test data directly from a Text file. ‘Author: xyz ‘Date of Creation: 24-08-2010 ‘Pre-requasites: ‘abcd.txt (Test Data File) ‘Test Flow: ‘Create File System object ‘Open the file with Read mode and store reference into a variable ‘Skipe the first line ‘Read line by line and split the Data ‘Login Operation ‘Form Looping and pass Parameters ‘***************************************************************************** ********
  • 5. Dim objFso, myFile, myLine, myField Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”) Set myFile=objFso.OpenTextFile(“C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.txt”,1) ’1 for Read, 2 for Write and 8 for Append myFile.SkipLine Do Until myFile.AtEndOfStream =True myLine=myFile.ReadLine myField=Split(myLine,”,”) SystemUtil.Run “C:Program FilesHPQuickTest Professionalsamplesflightappflight4a.exe” Dialog(“text:=Login”).Activate Dialog(“text:=Login”).WinEdit(“attached text:=Agent Name:”).Set myField(0) Dialog(“text:=Login”).WinEdit(“attached text:=Password:”).Set myField(1) Wait 2 Dialog(“text:=Login”).WinButton(“text:=OK”).Click Window(“text:=Flight Reservation”).Close Loop myFile.Close Set objFso=Nothing xii) Write Data to a Text File Dim objFso, myFile, Result, a, b a=10: b=20 Result=a+b Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”) Set myFile=objFso.OpenTextFile(“C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.txt”,2) ’1 for Read, 2 for Write and 8 for Append myFile.WriteLine “Addition of a, b is: “&Result myFile.Close Set objFso=Nothing
  • 6. xiii) Delete a Text File Dim objFso Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”) objFso.DeleteFile(“C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.doc”) Set objFso=Nothing xiv) Check if the File Exists or not? If Exists delete the File ———– Dim objFso Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”) If objFso.FileExists(“C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.pdf”) Then objFso.DeleteFile(“C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.pdf”) End If Set objFso=Nothing xv) Calculate size of a Text File Dim objFso Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”) File_Size= objFso.GetFile(“C:Documents and Settings1 Desktopabcd.txt”).Size Msgbox File_Size& ” Bytes” Set objFso=Nothing xvi)Compare Two Text File by Size, by Text and by Binary values Option Explicit Dim objFso, File1, File2, myFile1, myFile2, File_First, File_Second, Files_Compare File1=”C:Documents and Settings1 abcd.txt” File2=”C:Documents and Settings1 desktopxyz.txt” Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”) ‘Comaring two text files by Size If objFso.GetFile(File1).Size= objFso.GetFile(File2).Size Then
  • 7. Msgbox “Files are Same in Size” Else Msgbox “Files are Not Same” End If ‘Comaring two text files by Text Set File_First=objFso.OpenTextFile(File1) Set File_Second=objFso.OpenTextFile(File2) myFile1=File_First.ReadAll myFile2=File_Second.ReadAll ‘Msgbox myFile1 Files_Compare=strComp(myFile1,myFile2,1) ’1 for Texual Comparision If Files_Compare=0 Then Msgbox “Files are having Same Text” Else Msgbox “Files are having Different Text” End If ‘Binary Comparision of Two Text Files Files_Compare=strComp(myFile1,myFile2,0) ’0 for Binary Comparision (It is Default mode) If Files_Compare=0 Then Msgbox “Files are Equal” Else Msgbox “Files are Not Equal” End If Set objFso=Nothing xvii) Count the number of times a word appears in a Text File Option Explicit Dim objFso, File1, myWord, myData, myFile, objRegEx, MatchesFound, TotMatches
  • 8. File1=”C:Documents and Settings1 RIGHATWAYDesktopabcd.txt” Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”) Set myFile=objFso.OpenTextFile(File1) myData=myFile.ReadAll myWord=”QTP” Set objRegEx= New RegExp ‘Creating Regular Expression Object objRegEx.Pattern=myWord ‘Search string objRegEx.Global=True ‘ Finding all Matches objRegEx.IgnoreCase=True ‘ Ignoring Case Set MatchesFound=objRegex.Execute(myData) ‘Executing the Total file data to find natches TotMatches=MatchesFound.Count Msgbox “Matches: “&TotMatches Set objFso=Nothing xviii) Capture all Button Names from Login dialog Box and Export to a Text File Option Explicit Dim objFso, FilePath, myFile, oButton, myButton, Buttons, i, TotButtons FilePath=”C:Documents and Settings1 RIGHATWAYDesktopabcd.txt” Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FileSystemObject”) Set myFile=objFso.OpenTextFile(FilePath,2) myFile.WriteLine “Button Names” myFile.WriteLine “————” Set oButton=Description.Create oButton(“micclass”).value=”WinButton” SystemUtil.Run “C:Program FilesHPQuickTest Professionalsamplesflightappflight4a.exe” Set Buttons=Dialog(“text:=Login”).ChildObjects(oButton) TotButtons=Buttons.Count For i= 0 to TotButtons-1 Step 1
  • 9. myButton=Buttons(i).GetRoProperty(“text”) myFile.WriteLine myButton Next myFile.Close Set objFso=Nothing xix) Capture Customer Names from 1 to 10 Orders in FR and export to a Text File ***************************************************************** ‘Test Requirement: Capture Customer names from 1 to 10 orders ‘and export to text file ‘Test Flow: ‘Create an object in File system class ‘Open the text file in write mode using File sytem object ‘Login Operation ‘Form Loop to open 1 to 10 orders ‘capture the Customer names and write to external text file ‘***************************************************************** Dim objFso, myFile Set objFso=CreateObject(“scripting.FilesystemObject”) Set myFile=objFso.OpenTextFile(“C:Documents and Settingsgcr.GCRC- 9A12FBD3D9Desktopabc.txt”,2) myFile.WriteLine “Customer Names” myFile.WriteLine “———” If Not Window(“Flight Reservation”).Exist(3) Then SystemUtil.Run “C:Program FilesHPQuickTest Professionalsamplesflightappflight4a.exe”,”",”C:Program FilesHPQuickTest Professionalsamplesflightapp”,”open” Dialog(“Login”).Activate Dialog(“Login”).WinEdit(“Agent Name:”).Set “nagesh”
  • 10. Dialog(“Login”).WinEdit(“Password:”).SetSecure “4c9e05a626f9b6471971fb15474e791b28cc1ed0″ Dialog(“Login”).WinButton(“OK”).Click End If For Order_Number= 1 to 10 step 1 Window(“Flight Reservation”).Activate Window(“Flight Reservation”).WinButton(“Button”).Click Window(“Flight Reservation”).Dialog(“Open Order”).WinCheckBox(“Order No.”).Set “ON” Window(“Flight Reservation”).Dialog(“Open Order”).WinEdit(“Edit”).Set Order_Number Window(“Flight Reservation”).Dialog(“Open Order”).WinButton(“OK”).Click wait 2 Customer_Name = Window(“Flight Reservation”).WinEdit(“Name:”).GetVisibleText() myFile.WriteLine Customer_Name Next myFile.Close Set objFso=Nothing
  • 11. HOW TO WORK WITH EXCEL '''Script to create a new excel file , write data '''save the file with read and write protected '''''pwd1 is for read protected pwd2 is for write protected Set xl=CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set wb=xl.Workbooks.Add xl.DisplayAlerts=False Set ws=wb.Worksheets("sheet1") ws.cells(1,1)=100 ws.cells(1,2)=200 wb.Saveas "e:data2.xls",,"pwd1","pwd2" wb.Close Set xl=nothing '''Script to open excel file ,which is read and write protected write data '''''pwd1 is for read protected pwd2 is for write protected Set xl=CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set wb=xl.Workbooks.Open("e:data2.xls",0,False,5,"pwd1","pwd2") xl.DisplayAlerts=False Set ws=wb.Worksheets("sheet1") ws.cells(1,2)="hello" ws.cells(2,2)="new data" wb.Save wb.Close Set xl=nothing ''Script to get the list of links in Google and do spell check =============================================================== dim d set mw=CreateObject("Word.Application") set d=Description.Create d("micclass").value="Link" set a=Browser("Google").page("Google").childobjects(d) for i=0 to a.count-1 mw.WordBasic.filenew s=a(i).getROProperty("innertext") mw.WordBasic.insert s if mw.ActiveDocument.Spellingerrors.count>0 then Reporter.ReportEvent 1,"Spelling","spelling error :"&s end if mw.ActiveDocument.Close(False) next
  • 12. mw.quit set mw=nothing ========================================= ''''Script to check ON the checkboxes in yahoo mail inbox ========================================= Dim d Set d=Description.Create d("micclass").value="WebCheckBox" Set c=Browser("Inbox (17) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Inbox (17) - Yahoo! Mail").ChildObjects(d) For i=1 to 10 c(i).set "ON" Next ======================================== '''script to select a mail having subject 'hi' or 'HI' ======================================== n=Browser("yahoo").Page("yahoo").WebTable("Inbox").RowCount For i=2 to n s=Browser("yahoo").Page("yahoo").WebTable("Inbox").GetCellData(i,7) If lcase(trim(s))="hi" Then Browser("yahoo").Page("yahoo").WebCheckBox("index:="&i-1).set "ON" End If Next ======================================== '''''Function to send a mail ======================================== Function SendMail(SendTo, Subject, Body, Attachment) Set otl=CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set m=otl.CreateItem(0) m.Subject=Subject m.Body=Body If (Attachment <> "") Then Mail.Attachments.Add(Attachment) End If m.Send otl.Quit Set m = Nothing Set otl = Nothing End Function Call SendMail("","hi","This is test mail for testing","") '''''''''''''''create a new text file ===================================================== Dim fs,f Set fs=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f=fs.CreateTextFile("e:file1.txt")
  • 13. f.WriteLine "hello" f.WriteLine "this is sample data" f.Close Set fs=nothing ===================================================== '''''''''''''''read data from a text file ===================================================== Dim fs,f Set fs=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f=fs.OpenTextFile("e:file1.txt",1) While f.AtEndOfLine<>True msgbox f.ReadLine Wend f.Close Set fs=nothing ===================================================== ''''''''''create a new excel file and write data ===================================================== Dim xl,wb,ws Set xl=CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set wb=xl.Workbooks.Add Set ws=wb.Worksheets("sheet1") ws.cells(1,1)=10 ws.cells(2,1)=20 ws.cells(3,1)=50 wb.SaveAs "e:file1.xls" wb.Close Set xl=nothing ===================================================== '''''''open existing file and write data in second column in Sheet1 ===================================================== Dim xl,wb,ws Set xl=CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set wb=xl.Workbooks.Open("e:file1.xls") Set ws=wb.Worksheets("sheet1") ws.cells(1,2)="Testing" ws.cells(2,2)="hyd" ws.cells(3,2)="ap" wb.Save wb.Close Set xl=nothing ===================================================== '''''''''''read data from excel from rows and columns ===================================================== Dim xl,wb,ws Set xl=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
  • 14. Set wb=xl.Workbooks.Open("e:file1.xls") Set ws=wb.Worksheets("sheet1") r=ws.usedrange.rows.count c=ws.usedrange.columns.count For i=1 to r v="" For j=1 to c v=v&" "& ws.cells(i,j) Next print v print "-----------------------" Next wb.Close Set xl=nothing ====================================================== ''''''''''''''''get the bgcolor in a cell in excel ====================================================== Dim xl,wb,ws Set xl=CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set wb=xl.Workbooks.Open("e:file3.xls") Set ws=wb.Worksheets("sheet1") r=ws.usedrange.rows.count c=ws.usedrange.columns.count For i=1 to r For j=1 to c x=ws.cells(i,j).interior.colorindex msgbox x Next Next wb.Close Set xl=nothing =======================================================' '''''''''''''''''''''create word and write data ======================================================= dim mw set mw=CreateObject("Word.Application") mw.Documents.Add mw.selection.typetext "hello" mw.ActiveDocument.SaveAs "e:file1.doc" mw.quit set mw=nothing ======================================================= ''''''''''script will display all the doc files in all the drives in the system ======================================================== Dim mw Set mw=CreateObject("Word.Application")
  • 15. Set fs=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set d=fs.Drives mw.FileSearch.FileName="*.doc" For each dr in d msgbox dr mw.FileSearch.LookIn=dr mw.FileSearch.SearchSubFolders=True mw.FileSearch.Execute For each i in mw.FileSearch.FoundFiles print i Set f=fs.GetFile(i) print f.Name&" "&f.Size&" "&f.DateCreated print "-------------------------------------------------------------------" Next Next mw.Quit ========================================================== '''''''''Open Internet Explorer and navigate to yahoomail ========================================================== Dim ie Set ie=CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") ie.Visible=True ie.Navigate "" x=Browser("CreationTime:=0").GetROProperty("title") msgbox x ========================================================== ''''''Create word, Create table and write all the services names ========================================================== Set mw = CreateObject("Word.Application") mw.Visible = True Set dc = mw.Documents.Add() Set objRange = dc.Range() dc.Tables.Add objRange,1,3 Set objTable = dc.Tables(1) x=1 strComputer = "." Set wms=GetObject("winmgmts:" & strComputer & "rootcimv2") Set colItems = wms.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service") For Each s in colItems If x > 1 Then objTable.Rows.Add() End If objTable.Cell(x, 1).Range.Font.Bold = True objTable.Cell(x, 1).Range.Text = s.Name objTable.Cell(x, 2).Range.text = s.DisplayName
  • 16. objTable.Cell(x, 3).Range.text = s.State x = x + 1 Next ******************************************************************************************* 'How do we validate links in web page and how to display linknames with status in excel '************************************************************************* Set objExcel=Createobject("excel.application") objExcel.Visible=True objExcel.Workbooks.Add set objSheet=objExcel.ActiveSheet objSheet.Cells(1,1)="LinkName" set c1=objSheet.Cells(1,1) C1.Font.color=vbblue objSheet.Cells(1,2)="Expected URL" set c2=objSheet.Cells(1,2) C2.Font.color=vbblue objSheet.Cells(1,3)="Actual URL" set c3=objSheet.Cells(1,3) C3.Font.color=vbblue objSheet.Cells(1,4)="Status" set c4=objSheet.Cells(1,4) C4.Font.color=vbBlue Set objDesc=Description.Create objDesc("micclass").value="Link" set objLinks=Browser("title:=.*").page("title:=.*").childobjects(objDesc) msgbox objLinks.count
  • 17. For i=0 to objLinks.count-35 step 1 strLinkName=Browser("title:=.*").page("title:=.*").Link("name:=.*","index:="&i).Getroproperty( "name") strExpUrl=Browser("title:=.*").page("title:=.*").Link("name:=.*","index:="&i).GetRoproperty("ur l") Browser("title:=.*").page("title:=.*").Link("name:=.*","index:="&i).click Browser("title:=.*").Sync strActUrl=Browser("title:=.*").GetROProperty("url") If instr(strActUrl,strExpUrl)>0Then Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Link Vaidation","Succeed" objSheet.Cells(i+2,1)=strLinkName objSheet.Cells(i+2,2)=strExpUrl objSheet.Cells(i+2,3)=strActUrl objSheet.Cells(i+2,4)="Pass" Set C4=objSheet.Cells(i+2,4) C4.Font.color=vbGreen Else Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Link Vaidation","Failed" objSheet.Cells(i+2,1)=strLinkName objSheet.Cells(i+2,2)=strExpUrl objSheet.Cells(i+2,3)=strActUrl objSheet.Cells(i+2,4)="Fail" Set C4=objSheet.Cells(i+2,4) C4.Font.color=vbRed End If Browser("title:=.*").Back
  • 18. Next set objWbook=objExcel.ActiveWorkbook objWbook.SaveAs "C:OutPutdata.xls" objExcel.Quit Set objExcel=nothing '***************************************************************************** HOW DO WE VERIFY LINKS IN A WEB PAGE ****************************************************************************** On error resume next 'To handle run time error ''SystemUtil.CloseProcessByName "iexplore.exe" Systemutil.Run "iexplore","" Browser( "sample").Page("sample ").WebEdit("html id:=IDToken1").Set "56793287" Browser("sample ").Page("sample ").WebEdit("html id:=IDToken2").Set "ranao2009" Browser("sample ").Page("sample ").WebButton("html id:=signIn").Click wait(10) Browser("sample ").Dialog("text:=Security Information").Winbutton("text:=&Yes").click If Browser("sample ").Page("sample ").Image("close_text_button").Exist(10) Then Browser("sample ").Page("sample ").Image("close_text_button").Click End if Set objLinkDesc=Description.Create objLinkDesc("micclass").value="Link" 'To count no of links in a web page Set objLinks = Browser("sample ").Page("sample ").ChildObjects(objLinkDesc) 'Set objLinks=Browser("sample ").page("sample ").childobjects(objLinkDesc) msgbox objLinks.count For i=1 to objLinks.count-187 step 1 strTargetUrl=Browser("title:=.*").Page("title:=.*").Link("text:=.*","index:="&i).GetRoProperty("url") print(strTargetUrl) ' Reporter.ReportEvent micDone,""&strTargetUrl,"" ' objLinks(i).click Browser("title:=.*").Page("title:=.*").Link("text:=.*","index:="&i).click Browser("title:=.*").Sync strActualUrl=Browser("title:=.*").GetROProperty("url") Print(strActualUrl) 'Verify Link is navigating into the correct page If instr(strTargetUrl,strActualUrl)>0 Then Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Navigate to correct page","The Actual URL is"& vbcrlf &strActualUrl& vbcrlf &"The Target URL is"& vbcrlf &strTargetUrl 'Report result to the QTP test log Else Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Navigate to wrong page","The Actual URL is"& vbcrlf &strActualUrl& vbcrlf &"The Target URL is"& vbcrlf &strTargetUrl 'Report result to the QTP test log
  • 19. End If Browser("title:=.*").Page("title:=.*").Link("name:=SampleHomeLogo").click Browser("title:=.*").Sync Next ‘************************************************************************* 'How to select specified checkbox in a web table ‘*************************************************************************** intRowcount = Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").WebTable("Inbox").RowCount() For i=2 to intRowcount strTxt=Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").WebTable("Inbox").GetCellData(i,5) If strcomp(strTxt,"FreeHotPasses")=0 Then set objChkBox=Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").WebTable("Inbox").ChildItem(i,2,"WebCheckBox",0) objChkBox.set "ON" End If Next ‘***************************************************************************** ***** ‘Sample script on registration in realtor application ‘***************************************************************************** ** systemutil.Run "iexplore",""
  • 20. If Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Real Estate Listings,").WebElement("Welcome | Sign In | Sign").Exist Then reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1","Test is Pass" Else Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1","Test is Fail" End if Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Real Estate Listings,").Link("Sign Up").Click If Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Real Estate Listings,").WebElement("SIGN UP").Exist Then Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step2","Test is Pass" else Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2","Test is Fail" End if UserId="nagesh.rao49" Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Real Estate Listings,").WebEdit("WebEdit").Set UserId&"" Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Real Estate Listings,").WebEdit("WebEdit_2").SetSecure "4c697cca0717f1d0d617bead25615149f6b4" Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Real Estate Listings,").WebEdit("WebEdit_3").SetSecure "4c697cce3c61c2ec9481da3cd6ab89da7bd9" Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Real Estate Listings,").WebList("select").Select "Female" Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Real Estate Listings,").WebEdit("WebEdit_4").Set "1980" Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Real Estate Listings,").Link("Sign Up_2").Click
  • 21. If Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Real Estate Listings,").WebElement("THANK YOU").Exist Then Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Real Estate Listings,").Link("CLOSE").Click End if ‘*********************************************************************** ' How to delete cookies ‘************************************************************************* systemutil.Run "iexplore","" webutil.DeleteCookies systemutil.CloseDescendentProcesses ‘************************************************************************ 'How to validate Links in specified web page ‘*************************************************************************** Set objLinkDesc=Description.Create objLinkDesc("micclass").value="Link" set objLinks=Browser("title:=.*").Page("title:=.*").ChildObjects(objLinkDesc) msgbox objLinks.count For i=0 to objLinks.count-5 strExpUrl= Browser("title:=.*").page("title:=.*").Link("text:=.*","index:="&i).Getroproperty("url") Browser("title:=.*").page("title:=.*").Link("text:=.*","index:="&i).click ' strExpUrl=objLinks(i).Getroproperty("url") 'Browser("title:=.*").page("title:=.*").Link("text:=.*","index:="&i).click
  • 22. 'objLinks(i).click Browser("title:=.*").Sync strActUrl=Browser("title:=.*").GetROProperty("url") If instr( strExpUrl,strActUrl)>0 Then Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Link validation","Test is pass" Else Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Link validation","Test is Fail" End If Browser("title:=.*").Back 'Browser("Commercial Real Estate").Page("Commercial Real Estate").Image("® - Official").Click Browser("title:=.*").Sync 'wait(10) Next ‘**************************************************************** 'How to set link names of specified page and keep them into a excel file ‘**************************************************************** Set objExcel=Createobject("Excel.application") objExcel.Visible=True objExcel.Workbooks.Add set objsheet=objExcel.ActiveSheet objsheet.cells(1,1)="LinkName" set C=objsheet.cells(1,1) c.font.color=vbblue Set objLinkdesc=Description.Create
  • 23. objLinkdesc("micclass").value="Link" Set objLinks=Browser("title:=.*").Page("title:=.*").ChildObjects(objLinkdesc) For i=0 to objLinks.count-1 strLinkname=objLinks(i).GetRoproperty("name") objsheet.cells(i+2,1)=strLinkname Next set objWbook=objExcel.ActiveWorkbook objWbook.SaveAs("C:Demo.xls") objExcel.Quit Set objExcel=nothing ‘***************************************************************************** ********* p = Browser("Inbox (477) - Yahoo! Mail").Page("Real Estate Listings,").WebElement("Welcome, nagesh.rao48").GetROProperty("innertext") arr=split(p,",") If trim(arr(1))=UserId Then Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3","Test is Pass" Else Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 3","Test is Fail"
  • 24. End If ‘*********************************************************************** ‘************************************************************************ 'How to focus the cursor on the object and howto select the itemsfrom dropdown ‘************************************************************************* x = Browser("Google").Page("Google").WebEdit("q").GetROProperty("abs_x") y=Browser("Google").Page("Google").WebEdit("q").GetROProperty("abs_y") ' Set objDevice=Createobject("mercury.Devicereplay") objDevice.Mouseclick x,y,0 Set objShell=Createobject("") objShell.SendKeys "q" wait(4) Set objDesc=Description.Create objDesc("micclass").value="WebElement" objDesc("name").value="Google Search" set objWele=Browser("Google").Page("Google").WebTable("qtp interview questions").ChildObjects(objDesc) msgbox objWele.count For i= 0 to objWele.count-1 step 1 objShell.SendKeys"{DOWN}"
  • 25. strName=objWele(i).GetRoproperty("innertext") Reporter.ReportEvent micDone,"Item Name--"&strName,"Item Captured" Next Set objDevice=Nothing Set objShell=nothing ****************************************************************************** ********************** 'How to focus the cursor on the object 'Browser("Google").Page("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Image("Desinations").Click 'x=Browser("Google").Page("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Image("Desinations").GetROProperty("abs_x") 'y=Browser("Google").Page("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Image("Desinations").GetROProperty("abs_y") ' ' Set objDevice=Createobject("Mercury.Devicereplay") ' objDevice.MouseMove x,y ' wait(10) ''***************************************************************************** *************************************