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QA Metrics in Agile
Look at the Quality from different angels. Real appliance.
By Volodymyr Prymakov
About Me
Volodymyr Prymakov, Ukraine
Head of Performance QA Unit at TCoE,
Interim Head of TCoE at Thomas Cook,
Co-owner at
•14.5 years in QA
• >45 projects experience
• Certified: ISTQB Advanced Test Manager/Test
analyst, ICAgile CP, SAFE, CSPO
QA Experts.Pro Workshops
2 days workshop
December 16-17, 2017
Presentation Plan
1. What is quality of product and process
2. What is foundation for metrics
3. Types of Metrics
4. QA Metrics for Daily Monitoring
5. Regular Quality Reports
6. QA trend Metrics
7. User Satisfaction and Qualitative metrics
8. Team Efficiency Metrics
9. Automation Metrics
10. QA Metrics tools
What is quality
of an application?
What is quality of an application
fit business
Has high
satisfies real
life conditions
Meets user
QA Influence
QA Influence
QA Influence
QA Influence
QA Influence
Guessing Verification Verification Verification Validation Validation
QA Influence
What is quality of an application
fit business
Has high
satisfies real
life conditions
Meets user
QA Influence
QA Influence
QA Influence
QA Influence
QA Influence
Guessing Verification Verification Verification Validation Validation
QA Influence
Deviation in Quality
What is quality of an application
fit business
Has high
satisfies real
life conditions
Meets user
QA Influence
QA Influence
QA Influence
QA Influence
QA Influence
Guessing Verification Verification Verification Validation Validation
QA Influence
Deviation in Quality
What is quality of an application
fit business
Has high
satisfies real
life conditions
Meets user
QA Influence
QA Influence
QA Influence
QA Influence
QA Influence
Guessing Verification Verification Verification Validation Validation
QA Influence
Deviation in Quality
What is quality of an application
fit business
Has high
satisfies real
life conditions
Meets user
QA Influence
QA Influence
QA Influence
QA Influence
QA Influence
Guessing Verification Verification Verification Validation Validation
QA Influence
Deviation in Quality
What is quality of an application
fit business
Has high
satisfies real
life conditions
Meets user
QA Influence
QA Influence
QA Influence
QA Influence
QA Influence
Guessing Verification Verification Verification Validation Validation
QA Influence
Deviation in Quality
What is quality of an application
fit business
Has high
satisfies real
life conditions
Meets user
QA Influence
QA Influence
QA Influence
QA Influence
QA Influence
Guessing Verification Verification Verification Validation Validation
QA Influence
Deviation in Quality
What is quality of an application
fit business
Has high
satisfies real
life conditions
Meets user
QA Influence
QA Influence
QA Influence
QA Influence
QA Influence
Guessing Verification Verification Verification Validation Validation
QA Influence
Deviation in Quality
Deviation in Quality
What is quality
of a process?
What is quality of Process
Quality Process brings much Business Value with keeping project or program engine safe and efficient
1. Deliver new functionality often
2. Deliver more functionality
3. Delivery quality software
4. Delivery what is planed
5. Deliver with minimal risks
6. Business trusts dev teams, processes, and produced results
1. Project vision, goals, roadmap, and other plans are clear to everybody
2. Process is transparent and strait-forward
3. Product quality is always transparent
4. Technical dept is being eliminated
5. Efficient Communication and Interdependency solving
6. Shared decisions making and responsibility
7. Lessons learned and continuous improvement are in place
8. High team sprit and satisfaction
What is quality of Process
Quality Process brings much Business Value with keeping project or program engine safe and efficient
1. Deliver new functionality often
2. Deliver more functionality
3. Delivery quality software
4. Delivery what is planed
5. Deliver with minimal risks
6. Business trusts dev teams, processes, and produced results
1. Project vision, goals, roadmap, and other plans are clear to everybody
2. Process is transparent and strait-forward
3. Product quality is always transparent
4. Technical dept is being eliminated
5. Efficient Communication and Interdependency solving
6. Shared decisions making and responsibility
7. Lessons learned and continuous improvement are in place
8. High team sprit and satisfaction
What is quality of Process
Quality Process brings much Business Value with keeping project or program engine safe and efficient
1. Deliver new functionality often
2. Deliver more functionality
3. Delivery quality software
4. Delivery what is planed
5. Deliver with minimal risks
6. Business trusts dev teams, processes, and produced results
1. Project vision, goals, roadmap, and other plans are clear to everybody
2. Process is transparent and strait-forward
3. Product quality is always transparent
4. Technical dept is being eliminated
5. Efficient Communication and Interdependency solving
6. Shared decisions making and responsibility
7. Lessons learned and continuous improvement are in place
8. High team sprit and satisfaction
QA Metrics
Measuring Product
Face Control
of Done
What is DoD?
Definition of Done (DoD) defines
Which quality Product should
Which Way and How
thoroughly a product or
functionality should be
Min Sufficient Max Allowed
Definition of Done for Stories, e.g.
• Coded and integrated to main branch,
• Unit tests are written and passing,
• API component tests are written and passing,
• Code reviewed and conforms to coding standards
Passed Dev
• Code deployed to QA environment. Automatic API-integration and
EndToEnd smoke testing tests are passing,
• Test Design is completed,
• Positive and negative Acceptance Tests are (automated and)
passed on platforms of priority 1. Exploratory tests are passed on
platform of priority 2.
• Selective Regression is carried out by a necessity and passed.
Passed QA testing:
No (P1/P2)
and neighbor
Story meets INVEST criteria
Story is Signed-Off by Product Owner
Definition of Done for Sprint, e.g.
• Stories that meet DoD are considered DONE, the rest goes to
next sprint.
• It should be avoided to merge Risky or buggy code to main
branch at the end of sprint!
Stories meets DoD
• Regression testing is passed with P1 test cases on at least 1
top priority platform/device
• Smoke or exploratory testing is passed on platforms/devices
of priority 1 and 2
Cover Regression
• Main Integration tests for live 3d-party services are passed on
STAGE or other environments3d party Integration
No (P1/P2)
for product
and neighbor
Sprint is Signed-Off by Chief Product Owner
Definition of Done for RELEASE, e.g.
• All Stories, which were merged to Main branch, meets DoD for stories.
• Risky or buggy code is not merged to main branch or is toggled off or is
Stories meets DoD
• Regression testing is passed for all priority 1 platforms/devices.
• Exploratory testing is passed for priority 2 platforms/devices.
• Smoke testing is passed for priority 3 platforms.
Full Regression Test
• All Integration tests for live 3d-party services are passed on STAGE or
other environments
• There is no other 3rd party release ongoing that may impact release
3d party Integration Test
and Releases
• UAT is passed on STAGE environment
• Performance Testing successfully passed
• Security Testing successfully passed
• and other types of testing and preparations to release
Other Types of Testing
No (P1/P2)
for product
and neighbor
Release GO Aproval from by Chief Product Owner, QA team, Release Manager and
respective Business representatives
All other unresolved
bugs are tracked,
reviewed, and planned
when to be fixed
Definition of Done
dictates you
which Activities and QA metrics
to perform and monitor!
Types of Metrics
Quantative - Information that is directly measured as a
Qualitative - Information that results from human
observation and analysis
Types of Metrics
1. Absolute metrics
2. Relative metrics
3. Derivative metrics
Purpose of Metrics.
1. Goal Metrics: To measure results/goals
2. Actionable metrics: to make decision
3. Predictive metrics: to predict future
Stages at which QA and other metrics are needed
Implementation period
• Daily Monitoring of
Quality, product
implementation, and
test progress
Key sprint and release
• QA Report Before
sprint Demo
• QA Reports During
stabilization /
regression / UAT
• QA report Before
• QA Reminder report
when product has
critical quality state
or low product
implementation or
testing progress
After Release
• Release quality and
process analysis
• Quality and process
Trends and analysis
• Team efficiency
QA Metrics
Goals of Daily Quality Monitoring
1. What is the current quality of the
2. How much work is left?
3. Do we have enough time to finish and
stabilize the product?
Breakdown Defect Metrics
Always breakdown your metrics to the following groups:
All Bugs! – shows general product quality state
Critical and Blocker bugs – Shows whether we
meet Readiness criteria!
Lower Priority bugs– Shows the rest of bugs,
general amount of which can negatively influence on the
end-user’s impression about the product.
Defects reported by Date
Critical and Blocker bugs Major and lower priority bugs
Jira “Recently Created Chart” Gadget
Allows you track new bugs and immediately react to them!
Open Defects reported Today
Jira “Filter Results” Gadget
Allows you to quickly review new bugs
Open Defects By Component/Platform
Major and lower priority bugs
Jira “Pie Chart” Gadget
Critical and Blocker bugs
Shows which
is not ready for release
or requires bug fixes
Defects By Component/Platform for Current
Affected Version (any Status)
Major and lower priority bugs
Jira “Pie Chart” Gadget
Critical and Blocker bugs
Shows which
require more thorough
e.g. (Selective)
Regression testing
Critical Open Bugs by Status
Jira “Issue Statistics” Gadget
Allows you to quickly get Status of Open Critical Bugs and understand whether we have enough time to fix them
Open Bugs by Priority
Jira “Issue Statistics” Gadget
Shows general quality of the product
!!!NOT-assigned Open Critical Defects
Jira “Issue Statistics” Gadget
To Fix Version
To Team
(for big teams only)
To Sprint To Developer
Shows probably lost or forgotten Critical open bugs, which should be processed or escalated immediately!
Assigned Open Tasks and Bugs for Developers/QAs
Jira “Issue Statistics” Gadget
By teams By Developers
For current Fix Version or sprint
By QAs
By teams By Developers By QAs
To assure that there is no bottlenecks and overloads. To Remind about
work assigned!
To spread load equally between teams, Developers and QAs!
Release scope status by developers/QAs/teams
If by the end of sprint or before stabilization period at release a lot of stories are in open status,
it can bring risk of late merge status, not enough time for testing, not ability to finish functionality etc.
Action: Try to spread load equally by teams, QAs and Dev Specialists. Remind about work Not Done.
Postpone certain functionality to next Release!
Stories Bugs
Jira “Two Dimensional Filter Statistics” Gadget
Stories/Bug Status By Fix Version
created >= -365d
Stories Bugs
created >= -180d
Allows to understand ability to finish/fix all tasks or bugs in time for a certain sprint/release
Jira “Two Dimensional Filter Statistics” Gadget
Current Fix Version Progress
Shows general release/sprint ProgressJira “Release Report”
Team Burndown Chart
Kanban board for All Open Critical and Blocker Bugs
(For big teams)
Allows to
and track all
open Critical
and Blocker
bugs in 1 place
Regression testing
Recommended Statuses:
• Failed with Critical and Blocker bugs
• Failed with Major and lower priority bugs
• Failed by automated tests
• Blocked
• Not tested
• In Progress
• Passed
Regression Testing Coverage and Results
For Release/Milestone
– General Results
By Cycle/Stages
- Every cycle should has certain purpose, e.g:
1. Initial Feedback about quality,
2. Exploratory testing,
3. Confirmation testing
4. 3rd Party services testing.
Regression Testing Coverage and Results
By Product Component
• by platform/device
• by test priority:
• Priority 1
• Priority 2
• Priority 3
By Type of Test:
• Smoke test
• Regression test,
• UAT test
Questions or
your suggestions
QA Metrics
For Regular
Quality Data
Sprint Report
1. Story Delivery rate % = Actual Stories Completed vs. Committed Stories, e.g.: 90%
2. Amount of Stories met DoD, e.g.: 25
3. Amount of Stories Moved to a new sprint, e.g.: 4
Because of 1 not implemented, 1 Reopen because of Critical Bugs, 2 Not Tested
Specifies the reasons, risks and recommendations.
4. Regression testing coverage and results: Graph
5. Cross platform testing coverage and results: Graph
6. 3d-party integration testing results: Graph or written explanation.
7. Testing and testing activities NOT done – describe reasons, connected risks, and recommendations.
8. Open Bugs:
All Open Critical and Blocker bugs, e.g.: 4 Critical&Blocker Bugs (list or link to jira)
Open Major bugs opened during the sprint, e.g: 40 Major bugs open during sprint. (link to jira)
9. Point to the buggiest product component and platform: Graph and explanation
10. General Conclusions
Regression testing reports, daily or by cycles
Reports about Regression testing, cross platform testing, 3d-party integration testing, 3d party releases testing, etc.
1. Name of the Regression testing stage, e.g.: Regression Cycle 1 (Preliminary feedback)
2. Coverage and results: Graph
3. Open Bugs
New (created today) and All Open Critical and Blocker bugs:
New 4 Critical&Blocker Bugs, (All 5 Critical&Blocker Bugs) (list or links to jira)
New (Created today) and All Open Major bugs opened during the release:
New 10 Major bugs, (All Major bugs created for current release) (links to jira)
4. Specify Time needed to finish regression testing and/or necessity in additional regression and other testing.
5. Point to the buggiest product component, platform, or functionality if needed.
6. Recommendations
Release Readiness testing Report (by necessity)
1. Specify functional testing accomplished and its status:
Regression and cross-platform testing,
3dparty integration testing,
e.g.: Written explanations and Links to Test management system,
or Graphs of testing coverage and results.
2. Testing and testing activities NOT done – describe reasons, connected risks and recommendations.
3. Specify Non-functional testing status, like performance and security testing.
Whether the product is ready or not ready from non-functional point of view.
Describe connected risks and recommendations.
4. Open Bugs.
All Open Critical and Blocker bugs, e.g.: 4 Critical&Blocker Bugs (list or link)
Open Major bugs opened during the release and All Major bugs, e.g: 40 Major bugs open during release.,
70 Major bugs are Open in general
(list or links to jira)
5. Functionality Not ready for release, etc.: (list or link)+ written explanation
6. General Conclusions!
Regression and Release Readiness Report example
Reminder Reports (Be necessity)
Reminder Reports (Be necessity)
1. Critical and Blocker Bugs in open state.
2. A Lot of Open Major bugs
3. A lot of Bugs and stories Not Done in the middle or later
stage of sprints: In development, in Test, etc.
4. Availability of not tested stories during stabilization period.
5. Inability to finish testing in time because of certain issues.
Reminder emails or chat messages about:
Questions or
your suggestions
QA Metrics
for process
and product
Milestones for trends
• AffectedVersion – AffectedVersion field in jira
• Time Span - e.g. period between start and end
date of sprint
Time based conditions in jira queries:
a) createdDate >= '2017-08-30' and
createdDate <='2017-09-12 ‘
b) status changed TO 'READY TO TEST' after
'2017-08-30' before '2017-09-12‘
c) assignee was in (‘user’)
• Sprint – Sprint Field in jira, etc.
Found on Environment
Shows leaks of
Critical and
Blocker bugs to
Pivot Report
Found on Environment
Shows leaks of
Critical and
Blocker bugs to
Pivot Report
Found on Environment
All bugs
Shows leaks of
bugs to later
Pivot Report
Bugs By Priority – Any Status
All Bugs
Aff. Version
Shows absolute
release quality
– decrease in
number of all
and critical bugs
shows process
Pivot Report
Note: Should be considered carefully when the team size and product increment increase.
Note: Blank version is bad, and it shows that the Affected Version is not specified for
certain bugs and thus they can be lost
Bugs By Priority – OPEN (not-closed)
All Bugs
Aff. Version
Shows still open
bugs for
– Ideally No
critical and
blocker bugs
should be here
Pivot Report Note: If critical bugs are shown here for previous releases, they might be lost, forgotten or
Bugs by RootCause
Typical Root causes of Bugs:
+ Backend
3d party
Bugs by RootCause
and Blocker
Shows Root cause of all bugs
Pivot Report
All Bugs
Shows Root cause of the most
of important bugs
Created Vs Resolved - Cumulative
and Blocker
Created should be less than resolved
Jira “Created vs. Resolved Chart” Gadget
Bug found vs. fixed chart is a defect analysis line chart that lets us see defect
removal process patterns and understand defect management effectiveness
Created Vs Resolved - Cumulative
All Bugs
Difference should be minimal
and If it is big and no positive
trend is shown then probably
Bagathon sprint should be
Jira “Created vs. Resolved Chart” Gadget
Defects Dept
Critical and Blocker Bugs
Note: Should Be always close to Zero for Critical bugs
All Bugs
Spreadsheets + advanced Jira time period based queries
Defects dept is a cumulative difference between Resolved and Open bugs
= (Open in sprint N - Resolved in sprint N)+ (Open in sprint N+1- Resolved in sprint N+1 )+…
Note: Shows accumulation of bugs in time
Bugs Opened vs Stories Delivered
There should be correlation between the metrics - more stories you deliver more bugs may appear.
Ideal trend is to deliver more user stories with less bugs.
!!!Pay attention to anomalies and investigate them deeper.
Spreadsheets + Advanced Jira time period based queries
Bugs per Story Point
and Blocker Bugs
If number
decreases in
time it means
that we
improve QA
process Note: This metric is very good for cases when team size or
product increment is variable or change (increase)
All Bugs
Spreadsheets + Advanced Jira time period based queries
Bugs per Story Point
Other Variations:
1. Bugs per requirement
2. Bugs per developer
3. Bugs per 1000/Code
4. Time lost for bugs h - Time spent for Bugs vs time spent for stories
Note: Very useful to for making future project estimations.
Fix Rate
Should be close to 100% or higher
Spreadsheets + Advanced Jira period based queries
Critical and Blocker Bugs
All Bugs
Fix Rate = Closed bugs / Open bugs
Ideally should be close to 100%
“Average Age” and “Time in status”
For Critical
and Blocker
Jira “Average Age” and “Time in Status” Gadgets
Average Age - Displays the average number of days issues have been unresolved.
For critical and Blocker bugs this time should be very short.
If process improves it should decrease in time.
Average Time in status, e.g. Open status
- Displays the average number of days issues have spent in status.
For critical and Blocker bugs this time should be very short.
If process improves it should decrease in time.
Cumulative Flow Chart
Jira Agile Reports
To find process bottlenecks and predict project close time
Bugs by Components/Platforms
Pivot or other spreadsheet Report
Bugs trend By Component – Critical and Blocker / All Bugs
Shows weakest component of the product, shows
where additional testing should be performed, shows
where technical Improvements should be made,
Shows whether component quality improves
Bugs trend By Platform – Critical and Blocker / All Bugs.
Shows amount of cross-platform bugs, shows the
weakest platform requiring more testing and
Sprint and Business Metrics
Estimates Accuracy % = Estimated amount of
effort/Actual amount of effort-1
Story Delivery Rate % = Actual Stories Completed /
Committed Stories
% of Change Requests = Number of change requests /
Number of Initial Backlog stories
Change Requests Costs = Time spent of change
requests * Average Rate of developers on the project
% Costs of Defect = Average Time for defect fix *
Average developer rate on the project
 Trends
 For Sprint
 General value
Questions or
your suggestions
User Satisfaction
Number of hot fixes had to be made in this or that release.
Shows leaks of Critical bugs on prod.
Bugs found by end-users
Critical/Blocker (Shows leaks of Critical bugs on prod.)
Major and Low priority
Customer Complaints and Feedbacks reports. (Net Promoter Score)
A/B Testing results
Shows which functionality is more preferred
Other Marketing investigations and surveys
All these answer the following questions:
a) What are the weakest points of the product?
b) What functionality is most used ?
c) Which focus in product development and testing should be made?
Qualitative Metrics about the project state
If you want to gather more metrics about project processes, approaches,
technology, communication, mood in teams, etc.
Just ask people to provide evaluation and feedback
Experts evaluation and/or Audit
1-2-1 and other meeting
Rumors/small talks at Smoking room/kitchen 
QA Metrics
Team and
Developers and Dev Team efficiency
Reopened Bugs Ratio % = Reopened bugs vs Resolved bugs
Reopened Bugs Ratio % = Reopened Stories vs Stories
delivered to testing
QUALITATIVE METRICS: Gather qualitative metrics about
developers: approach to coding, complexity of code,
contribution to innovation, communication efficiency, quick
reaction to problems, etc.  Per PROJECT in general
 Per Team
 Per specific Developer
QAs and QA team Efficiency
Absolute Number of rejected bugs:
All resolutions,
Not a bug,
Cannot reproduce
Rejected Rate % = rejected vs created
BUGs LEAKS: to PROD other later stages of development.
Break down by
Per product part
Per functionality
So you can correlate it with a certain QA or group of QAs
 For critical and blocker
 For Lower priority
 Per PROJECT in general
 Per QA Team
 Per specific QA
QAs and QA team Efficiency
 Stories Tested
 Created bugs Critical and Blocker (not rejected)
 Created bugs Major and lower priority (not Rejected)
 Test cases Created (passed DoD). Test cases rejected.
 Test cases Executed.
 Automation scripts Created (passed DoD). Test cases
 Advanced test artifacts created and activities
accomplished: test suites, plans, release support, etc.
QUALITATIVE METRICS: Gather qualitative metrics about QAs:
Complexity of tasks, Communication efficiency, Proactivity,
Contribution to innovation, Test management skils, Conflict solving,
 Per PROJECT in general
 Per QA team
 Per specific QA
 For Sprint (Velocity)
 Trends
 General value
Questions or
your suggestions
QA Metrics for
 Unit test coverage & number of test
 API testing coverage & number of test
for product in general
by component
 GUI Automation testing coverage & number of test
 for product in general
 by product part
 by platform/device
 by type of test
end-to-end test
Smoke test
Regression test
UAT test
 by test priority:
Priority 1
Priority 2
Priority 3
Automation Coverage & Results
Automation Efficiency
 Automation tests Frequency
 Duration of tests Running
 Velocity of script creation and maintenance
 Time for script creation and maintenance
Stability of automation
False Positives
Root Cause for failure
Bugs found by Automation
Critical and Blocker
Other bugs
Bugs missed with automation.
Critical and Blocker
Other bugs
ROI – Time automation economy, etc.
Cost per automated test
 Per PROJECT in general
 Per QA team
 Per specific QA
 For Sprint (Velocity)
 Trends
 General value
Questions or
your suggestions
QA Metrics
 Jira + Special time-
related JQL
 Confluence + Jira and
other Macros in it
 Spreadsheet processors:
Googlesheets, Excel
 TestTrail
JiraReportingInGsheets Tool
Link to Help:
JiraReportingInGSheets free add-on
for GoogleSheets
allows to automatically build custom jira reports
in google sheets
Created by (
Volodymyr PrymakovPilvinskyi Dmitry
JiraReportingInGsheets Tool
Thank you
2 days workshop
December 16-17, 2017

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QA metrics in Agile (GUIDE)

  • 1. QA Metrics in Agile Look at the Quality from different angels. Real appliance. By Volodymyr Prymakov
  • 2. About Me Volodymyr Prymakov, Ukraine Head of Performance QA Unit at TCoE, Interim Head of TCoE at Thomas Cook, Co-owner at •14.5 years in QA • >45 projects experience • Certified: ISTQB Advanced Test Manager/Test analyst, ICAgile CP, SAFE, CSPO /in/vladimirprimakov/
  • 3. QA Experts.Pro Workshops 2 days workshop December 16-17, 2017
  • 5. Presentation Plan 1. What is quality of product and process 2. What is foundation for metrics 3. Types of Metrics 4. QA Metrics for Daily Monitoring 5. Regular Quality Reports 6. QA trend Metrics 7. User Satisfaction and Qualitative metrics 8. Team Efficiency Metrics 9. Automation Metrics 10. QA Metrics tools
  • 6. What is quality of an application?
  • 7. What is quality of an application Requirements fit business needs Requirements Has high quality Product corresponds to requirements Product No Outstanding Defects Product satisfies real life conditions Product Meets user needs Minimal QA Influence Medium QA Influence High QA Influence High QA Influence High QA Influence Guessing Verification Verification Verification Validation Validation Minimal QA Influence
  • 8. What is quality of an application Requirements fit business needs Requirements Has high quality Product corresponds to requirements Product No Outstanding Defects Product satisfies real life conditions Product Meets user needs Minimal QA Influence Medium QA Influence High QA Influence High QA Influence High QA Influence Guessing Verification Verification Verification Validation Validation Minimal QA Influence Deviation in Quality
  • 9. What is quality of an application Requirements fit business needs Requirements Has high quality Product corresponds to requirements Product No Outstanding Defects Product satisfies real life conditions Product Meets user needs Minimal QA Influence Medium QA Influence High QA Influence High QA Influence High QA Influence Guessing Verification Verification Verification Validation Validation Minimal QA Influence Deviation in Quality
  • 10. What is quality of an application Requirements fit business needs Requirements Has high quality Product corresponds to requirements Product No Outstanding Defects Product satisfies real life conditions Product Meets user needs Minimal QA Influence Medium QA Influence High QA Influence High QA Influence High QA Influence Guessing Verification Verification Verification Validation Validation Minimal QA Influence Deviation in Quality
  • 11. What is quality of an application Requirements fit business needs Requirements Has high quality Product corresponds to requirements Product No Outstanding Defects Product satisfies real life conditions Product Meets user needs Minimal QA Influence Medium QA Influence High QA Influence High QA Influence High QA Influence Guessing Verification Verification Verification Validation Validation Minimal QA Influence Deviation in Quality
  • 12. What is quality of an application Requirements fit business needs Requirements Has high quality Product corresponds to requirements Product No Outstanding Defects Product satisfies real life conditions Product Meets user needs Minimal QA Influence Medium QA Influence High QA Influence High QA Influence High QA Influence Guessing Verification Verification Verification Validation Validation Minimal QA Influence Deviation in Quality
  • 13. What is quality of an application Requirements fit business needs Requirements Has high quality Product corresponds to requirements Product No Outstanding Defects Product satisfies real life conditions Product Meets user needs Minimal QA Influence Medium QA Influence High QA Influence High QA Influence High QA Influence Guessing Verification Verification Verification Validation Validation Minimal QA Influence Deviation in Quality
  • 14. What is quality of an application Requirements fit business needs Requirements Has high quality Product corresponds to requirements Product No Outstanding Defects Product satisfies real life conditions Product Meets user needs Minimal QA Influence Medium QA Influence High QA Influence High QA Influence High QA Influence Guessing Verification Verification Verification Validation Validation Minimal QA Influence Bad Product Deviation in Quality
  • 16. What is quality of a process?
  • 17. What is quality of Process Quality Process brings much Business Value with keeping project or program engine safe and efficient 1. Deliver new functionality often 2. Deliver more functionality 3. Delivery quality software 4. Delivery what is planed 5. Deliver with minimal risks 6. Business trusts dev teams, processes, and produced results 1. Project vision, goals, roadmap, and other plans are clear to everybody 2. Process is transparent and strait-forward 3. Product quality is always transparent 4. Technical dept is being eliminated 5. Efficient Communication and Interdependency solving 6. Shared decisions making and responsibility 7. Lessons learned and continuous improvement are in place 8. High team sprit and satisfaction
  • 18. What is quality of Process Quality Process brings much Business Value with keeping project or program engine safe and efficient 1. Deliver new functionality often 2. Deliver more functionality 3. Delivery quality software 4. Delivery what is planed 5. Deliver with minimal risks 6. Business trusts dev teams, processes, and produced results 1. Project vision, goals, roadmap, and other plans are clear to everybody 2. Process is transparent and strait-forward 3. Product quality is always transparent 4. Technical dept is being eliminated 5. Efficient Communication and Interdependency solving 6. Shared decisions making and responsibility 7. Lessons learned and continuous improvement are in place 8. High team sprit and satisfaction
  • 19. What is quality of Process Quality Process brings much Business Value with keeping project or program engine safe and efficient 1. Deliver new functionality often 2. Deliver more functionality 3. Delivery quality software 4. Delivery what is planed 5. Deliver with minimal risks 6. Business trusts dev teams, processes, and produced results 1. Project vision, goals, roadmap, and other plans are clear to everybody 2. Process is transparent and strait-forward 3. Product quality is always transparent 4. Technical dept is being eliminated 5. Efficient Communication and Interdependency solving 6. Shared decisions making and responsibility 7. Lessons learned and continuous improvement are in place 8. High team sprit and satisfaction
  • 23. Definition of Done (DoD) defines Which quality Product should have? Which Way and How thoroughly a product or functionality should be tested? Min Sufficient Max Allowed
  • 24. Definition of Done for Stories, e.g. • Coded and integrated to main branch, • Unit tests are written and passing, • API component tests are written and passing, • Code reviewed and conforms to coding standards Passed Dev Testing: • Code deployed to QA environment. Automatic API-integration and EndToEnd smoke testing tests are passing, • Test Design is completed, • Positive and negative Acceptance Tests are (automated and) passed on platforms of priority 1. Exploratory tests are passed on platform of priority 2. • Selective Regression is carried out by a necessity and passed. Passed QA testing: No (P1/P2) bugs outstanding for STORY and neighbor functionality Story meets INVEST criteria Story is Signed-Off by Product Owner
  • 25. Definition of Done for Sprint, e.g. • Stories that meet DoD are considered DONE, the rest goes to next sprint. • It should be avoided to merge Risky or buggy code to main branch at the end of sprint! Stories meets DoD • Regression testing is passed with P1 test cases on at least 1 top priority platform/device • Smoke or exploratory testing is passed on platforms/devices of priority 1 and 2 Cover Regression Test • Main Integration tests for live 3d-party services are passed on STAGE or other environments3d party Integration Test No (P1/P2) bugs outstanding for product and neighbor products. Sprint is Signed-Off by Chief Product Owner
  • 26. Definition of Done for RELEASE, e.g. • All Stories, which were merged to Main branch, meets DoD for stories. • Risky or buggy code is not merged to main branch or is toggled off or is reverted! Stories meets DoD • Regression testing is passed for all priority 1 platforms/devices. • Exploratory testing is passed for priority 2 platforms/devices. • Smoke testing is passed for priority 3 platforms. Full Regression Test • All Integration tests for live 3d-party services are passed on STAGE or other environments • There is no other 3rd party release ongoing that may impact release negatively 3d party Integration Test and Releases • UAT is passed on STAGE environment UAT • Performance Testing successfully passed • Security Testing successfully passed • and other types of testing and preparations to release Other Types of Testing No (P1/P2) bugs outstanding for product and neighbor products Release GO Aproval from by Chief Product Owner, QA team, Release Manager and respective Business representatives All other unresolved bugs are tracked, reviewed, and planned when to be fixed
  • 27. Definition of Done dictates you which Activities and QA metrics to perform and monitor!
  • 28.
  • 30. Types of Metrics Quantative - Information that is directly measured as a number Qualitative - Information that results from human observation and analysis
  • 31. Types of Metrics 1. Absolute metrics 2. Relative metrics 3. Derivative metrics Purpose of Metrics. 1. Goal Metrics: To measure results/goals 2. Actionable metrics: to make decision 3. Predictive metrics: to predict future
  • 32. Stages at which QA and other metrics are needed Implementation period • Daily Monitoring of Quality, product implementation, and test progress Key sprint and release points • QA Report Before sprint Demo • QA Reports During stabilization / regression / UAT period • QA report Before Release • QA Reminder report when product has critical quality state or low product implementation or testing progress After Release • Release quality and process analysis • Quality and process Trends and analysis • Team efficiency analysis
  • 34. Goals of Daily Quality Monitoring 1. What is the current quality of the product? 2. How much work is left? 3. Do we have enough time to finish and stabilize the product?
  • 35. !!!Important: Breakdown Defect Metrics Always breakdown your metrics to the following groups: All Bugs! – shows general product quality state Critical and Blocker bugs – Shows whether we meet Readiness criteria! Lower Priority bugs– Shows the rest of bugs, general amount of which can negatively influence on the end-user’s impression about the product.
  • 36. Defects reported by Date Critical and Blocker bugs Major and lower priority bugs Jira “Recently Created Chart” Gadget Allows you track new bugs and immediately react to them!
  • 37. Open Defects reported Today Jira “Filter Results” Gadget Allows you to quickly review new bugs
  • 38. Open Defects By Component/Platform Major and lower priority bugs Jira “Pie Chart” Gadget Critical and Blocker bugs Shows which component/platform is not ready for release or requires bug fixes
  • 39. Defects By Component/Platform for Current Affected Version (any Status) Major and lower priority bugs Jira “Pie Chart” Gadget Critical and Blocker bugs Shows which component/platform require more thorough testing, e.g. (Selective) Regression testing
  • 40. Critical Open Bugs by Status Jira “Issue Statistics” Gadget Allows you to quickly get Status of Open Critical Bugs and understand whether we have enough time to fix them
  • 41. Open Bugs by Priority Jira “Issue Statistics” Gadget Shows general quality of the product
  • 42. !!!NOT-assigned Open Critical Defects Jira “Issue Statistics” Gadget To Fix Version To Team (for big teams only) To Sprint To Developer Shows probably lost or forgotten Critical open bugs, which should be processed or escalated immediately!
  • 43. Workload: Assigned Open Tasks and Bugs for Developers/QAs Jira “Issue Statistics” Gadget By teams By Developers For current Fix Version or sprint By QAs Stories By teams By Developers By QAs Bugs To assure that there is no bottlenecks and overloads. To Remind about work assigned! To spread load equally between teams, Developers and QAs!
  • 44. Release scope status by developers/QAs/teams If by the end of sprint or before stabilization period at release a lot of stories are in open status, it can bring risk of late merge status, not enough time for testing, not ability to finish functionality etc. Action: Try to spread load equally by teams, QAs and Dev Specialists. Remind about work Not Done. Postpone certain functionality to next Release! Stories Bugs Jira “Two Dimensional Filter Statistics” Gadget
  • 45. Stories/Bug Status By Fix Version created >= -365d Stories Bugs created >= -180d Allows to understand ability to finish/fix all tasks or bugs in time for a certain sprint/release Jira “Two Dimensional Filter Statistics” Gadget
  • 46. Current Fix Version Progress Shows general release/sprint ProgressJira “Release Report”
  • 48. Kanban board for All Open Critical and Blocker Bugs (For big teams) Allows to accumulate and track all open Critical and Blocker bugs in 1 place
  • 49. Regression testing Recommended Statuses: • Failed with Critical and Blocker bugs • Failed with Major and lower priority bugs • Failed by automated tests • Blocked • Not tested • In Progress • Passed
  • 50. Regression Testing Coverage and Results For Release/Milestone – General Results By Cycle/Stages - Every cycle should has certain purpose, e.g: 1. Initial Feedback about quality, 2. Exploratory testing, 3. Confirmation testing 4. 3rd Party services testing.
  • 51. Regression Testing Coverage and Results By Product Component • by platform/device • by test priority: • Priority 1 • Priority 2 • Priority 3 By Type of Test: • Smoke test • Regression test, • UAT test
  • 53. QA Metrics For Regular Quality Data Reports (Snapshots)
  • 54. Sprint Report 1. Story Delivery rate % = Actual Stories Completed vs. Committed Stories, e.g.: 90% 2. Amount of Stories met DoD, e.g.: 25 3. Amount of Stories Moved to a new sprint, e.g.: 4 Because of 1 not implemented, 1 Reopen because of Critical Bugs, 2 Not Tested Specifies the reasons, risks and recommendations. 4. Regression testing coverage and results: Graph 5. Cross platform testing coverage and results: Graph 6. 3d-party integration testing results: Graph or written explanation. 7. Testing and testing activities NOT done – describe reasons, connected risks, and recommendations. 8. Open Bugs: All Open Critical and Blocker bugs, e.g.: 4 Critical&Blocker Bugs (list or link to jira) Open Major bugs opened during the sprint, e.g: 40 Major bugs open during sprint. (link to jira) 9. Point to the buggiest product component and platform: Graph and explanation 10. General Conclusions
  • 55. Regression testing reports, daily or by cycles Reports about Regression testing, cross platform testing, 3d-party integration testing, 3d party releases testing, etc. 1. Name of the Regression testing stage, e.g.: Regression Cycle 1 (Preliminary feedback) 2. Coverage and results: Graph 3. Open Bugs New (created today) and All Open Critical and Blocker bugs: New 4 Critical&Blocker Bugs, (All 5 Critical&Blocker Bugs) (list or links to jira) New (Created today) and All Open Major bugs opened during the release: New 10 Major bugs, (All Major bugs created for current release) (links to jira) 4. Specify Time needed to finish regression testing and/or necessity in additional regression and other testing. 5. Point to the buggiest product component, platform, or functionality if needed. 6. Recommendations
  • 56. Release Readiness testing Report (by necessity) 1. Specify functional testing accomplished and its status: Regression and cross-platform testing, 3dparty integration testing, UAT e.g.: Written explanations and Links to Test management system, or Graphs of testing coverage and results. 2. Testing and testing activities NOT done – describe reasons, connected risks and recommendations. 3. Specify Non-functional testing status, like performance and security testing. Whether the product is ready or not ready from non-functional point of view. Describe connected risks and recommendations. 4. Open Bugs. All Open Critical and Blocker bugs, e.g.: 4 Critical&Blocker Bugs (list or link) Open Major bugs opened during the release and All Major bugs, e.g: 40 Major bugs open during release., 70 Major bugs are Open in general (list or links to jira) 5. Functionality Not ready for release, etc.: (list or link)+ written explanation 6. General Conclusions!
  • 57. Regression and Release Readiness Report example
  • 58. Reminder Reports (Be necessity)
  • 59. Reminder Reports (Be necessity) 1. Critical and Blocker Bugs in open state. 2. A Lot of Open Major bugs 3. A lot of Bugs and stories Not Done in the middle or later stage of sprints: In development, in Test, etc. 4. Availability of not tested stories during stabilization period. 5. Inability to finish testing in time because of certain issues. Reminder emails or chat messages about:
  • 61. Trend-based QA Metrics for for process and product quality analysis
  • 62. Milestones for trends • AffectedVersion – AffectedVersion field in jira • Time Span - e.g. period between start and end date of sprint Time based conditions in jira queries: a) createdDate >= '2017-08-30' and createdDate <='2017-09-12 ‘ b) status changed TO 'READY TO TEST' after '2017-08-30' before '2017-09-12‘ c) assignee was in (‘user’) • Sprint – Sprint Field in jira, etc.
  • 63. Found on Environment Critical and Blocker bugs Shows leaks of Critical and Blocker bugs to later development stages Pivot Report
  • 64. Found on Environment Critical and Blocker bugs Shows leaks of Critical and Blocker bugs to later development stages Pivot Report
  • 65. Found on Environment All bugs Shows leaks of bugs to later development stages Pivot Report
  • 66. Bugs By Priority – Any Status All Bugs by Aff. Version Shows absolute release quality history – decrease in number of all and critical bugs shows process improvements Pivot Report Note: Should be considered carefully when the team size and product increment increase. Note: Blank version is bad, and it shows that the Affected Version is not specified for certain bugs and thus they can be lost
  • 67. Bugs By Priority – OPEN (not-closed) All Bugs by Aff. Version Shows still open bugs for releases – Ideally No critical and blocker bugs should be here Pivot Report Note: If critical bugs are shown here for previous releases, they might be lost, forgotten or blocked.
  • 68. Bugs by RootCause Typical Root causes of Bugs: FrontendOthers Backend Frontend + Backend Environme nt issues 3d party components
  • 69. Bugs by RootCause Critical and Blocker bugs Shows Root cause of all bugs Pivot Report All Bugs Shows Root cause of the most of important bugs
  • 70. Created Vs Resolved - Cumulative Critical and Blocker Bugs Created should be less than resolved Jira “Created vs. Resolved Chart” Gadget Bug found vs. fixed chart is a defect analysis line chart that lets us see defect removal process patterns and understand defect management effectiveness
  • 71. Created Vs Resolved - Cumulative All Bugs Difference should be minimal and If it is big and no positive trend is shown then probably Bagathon sprint should be planned Jira “Created vs. Resolved Chart” Gadget
  • 72. Defects Dept Critical and Blocker Bugs Note: Should Be always close to Zero for Critical bugs All Bugs Spreadsheets + advanced Jira time period based queries Defects dept is a cumulative difference between Resolved and Open bugs = (Open in sprint N - Resolved in sprint N)+ (Open in sprint N+1- Resolved in sprint N+1 )+… Note: Shows accumulation of bugs in time
  • 73. Bugs Opened vs Stories Delivered There should be correlation between the metrics - more stories you deliver more bugs may appear. Ideal trend is to deliver more user stories with less bugs. !!!Pay attention to anomalies and investigate them deeper. Spreadsheets + Advanced Jira time period based queries
  • 74. Bugs per Story Point Critical and Blocker Bugs If number decreases in time it means that we improve QA process Note: This metric is very good for cases when team size or product increment is variable or change (increase) All Bugs Spreadsheets + Advanced Jira time period based queries
  • 75. Bugs per Story Point Other Variations: 1. Bugs per requirement 2. Bugs per developer 3. Bugs per 1000/Code 4. Time lost for bugs h - Time spent for Bugs vs time spent for stories Note: Very useful to for making future project estimations.
  • 76. Fix Rate Should be close to 100% or higher Spreadsheets + Advanced Jira period based queries Critical and Blocker Bugs All Bugs Fix Rate = Closed bugs / Open bugs Ideally should be close to 100%
  • 77. “Average Age” and “Time in status” For Critical and Blocker Bugs Jira “Average Age” and “Time in Status” Gadgets Average Age - Displays the average number of days issues have been unresolved. For critical and Blocker bugs this time should be very short. If process improves it should decrease in time. Average Time in status, e.g. Open status - Displays the average number of days issues have spent in status. For critical and Blocker bugs this time should be very short. If process improves it should decrease in time.
  • 78. Cumulative Flow Chart Jira Agile Reports To find process bottlenecks and predict project close time
  • 79. Bugs by Components/Platforms Pivot or other spreadsheet Report Bugs trend By Component – Critical and Blocker / All Bugs Shows weakest component of the product, shows where additional testing should be performed, shows where technical Improvements should be made, Shows whether component quality improves Bugs trend By Platform – Critical and Blocker / All Bugs. Shows amount of cross-platform bugs, shows the weakest platform requiring more testing and stabilization. .
  • 80. Sprint and Business Metrics Estimates Accuracy % = Estimated amount of effort/Actual amount of effort-1 Story Delivery Rate % = Actual Stories Completed / Committed Stories % of Change Requests = Number of change requests / Number of Initial Backlog stories Change Requests Costs = Time spent of change requests * Average Rate of developers on the project % Costs of Defect = Average Time for defect fix * Average developer rate on the project  Trends  For Sprint  General value
  • 82. User Satisfaction Number of hot fixes had to be made in this or that release. Shows leaks of Critical bugs on prod. Bugs found by end-users Critical/Blocker (Shows leaks of Critical bugs on prod.) Major and Low priority Customer Complaints and Feedbacks reports. (Net Promoter Score) A/B Testing results Shows which functionality is more preferred Other Marketing investigations and surveys All these answer the following questions: a) What are the weakest points of the product? b) What functionality is most used ? c) Which focus in product development and testing should be made?
  • 83. Qualitative Metrics about the project state If you want to gather more metrics about project processes, approaches, technology, communication, mood in teams, etc. Just ask people to provide evaluation and feedback Experts evaluation and/or Audit Surveys Retrospectives 1-2-1 and other meeting Rumors/small talks at Smoking room/kitchen 
  • 85. Developers and Dev Team efficiency REOPENED: Reopened Bugs Ratio % = Reopened bugs vs Resolved bugs Reopened Bugs Ratio % = Reopened Stories vs Stories delivered to testing STORY POINTS DELIVERED STORY DEFECTS ISSUED STORY DEFECTs/STORY POINTs rate % QUALITATIVE METRICS: Gather qualitative metrics about developers: approach to coding, complexity of code, contribution to innovation, communication efficiency, quick reaction to problems, etc.  Per PROJECT in general  Per Team  Per specific Developer
  • 86. QAs and QA team Efficiency REJECTED Absolute Number of rejected bugs: All resolutions, Not a bug, Duplicate Cannot reproduce Incomplete Rejected Rate % = rejected vs created BUGs LEAKS: to PROD other later stages of development. Break down by Per product part Per functionality So you can correlate it with a certain QA or group of QAs Separately:  For critical and blocker  For Lower priority defects  Per PROJECT in general  Per QA Team  Per specific QA
  • 87. QAs and QA team Efficiency WORK DONE:  Stories Tested  Created bugs Critical and Blocker (not rejected)  Created bugs Major and lower priority (not Rejected)  Test cases Created (passed DoD). Test cases rejected.  Test cases Executed.  Automation scripts Created (passed DoD). Test cases rejected.  Advanced test artifacts created and activities accomplished: test suites, plans, release support, etc. QUALITATIVE METRICS: Gather qualitative metrics about QAs: Complexity of tasks, Communication efficiency, Proactivity, Contribution to innovation, Test management skils, Conflict solving, etc.  Per PROJECT in general  Per QA team  Per specific QA  For Sprint (Velocity)  Trends  General value
  • 90.  Unit test coverage & number of test  API testing coverage & number of test for product in general by component  GUI Automation testing coverage & number of test  for product in general  by product part  by platform/device  by type of test end-to-end test Smoke test Regression test UAT test  by test priority: Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Automation Coverage & Results
  • 91. Automation Efficiency AUTOMATION SPEED:  Automation tests Frequency  Duration of tests Running  Velocity of script creation and maintenance  Time for script creation and maintenance AUTOMATION EFFICIENCY: Stability of automation False Positives Root Cause for failure Bugs found by Automation Critical and Blocker Other bugs Bugs missed with automation. Critical and Blocker Other bugs ROI – Time automation economy, etc. Cost per automated test  Per PROJECT in general  Per QA team  Per specific QA  For Sprint (Velocity)  Trends  General value
  • 94. Tools  Jira + Special time- related JQL  Confluence + Jira and other Macros in it  Spreadsheet processors: Googlesheets, Excel  TestTrail
  • 95. JiraReportingInGsheets Tool Link to Help: JiraReportingInGSheets free add-on for GoogleSheets allows to automatically build custom jira reports in google sheets Created by ( Volodymyr PrymakovPilvinskyi Dmitry
  • 97. Thank you 2 days workshop December 16-17, 2017