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Taking	stock	of		
stakeholder’s	perspec0ves	on	
renewable	decision	processes	in	
A	Q	study	on	facilita0ng	the		
Swiss	energy	transi0on	strategy	
Paula	Díaz	
PhD	Climate	Policy	–	ETHZ	
Q	Method	Conference	–	New	Orleans,	Sept.	8th	2016
o  Perspec0ves	on	decision	process		
o  Energy	policy	for	high	levels	of	renewables	
Are	stakeholders’	perspec0ves		
posing	risks	to		
energy	policy	implementa0on?
Governments	have	deeply	reviewed	their	energy	
policy	frameworks	and	targeted	a	system	with	high	
penetra0on	of	renewable	energy		
§  Swiss	Energy	Strategy	enacted	in	2012	to	phase	out	nuclear	by	2050	
§  EU’s	new	energy	market	design	enacted	in	2015	
§  German	Renewable	Energy	Act	last	revised	on	2014	
§  the	American	Recovery	and	Reinvestment	Act	of	2009	
§  the	Indian	Na0onal	Renewable	Energy	Act	of	2015...	
Governments	face	
situa0ons	where		
new	risks	to	the	
implementa0on	of	the	
energy	policy	may	emerge
“Many respondents complain the
lack of acceptance of hydropower
in society and miss the political
will to their expansion. 
A broad debate on the role of
hydropower for energy supply has
not been previously performed. 
The existing fronts between
conservation and use interests have
so far prevented an objective
discussion. From different sides a
transparent, fact-based debate is
required instead of lobbying and
emotional discussions.” 
(page: 6/22)
Hydropower potential in Switzerland
Case	study	
Decision	process	of	small	hydropower	project	
Electricity	produc0on	for	2500	Households	(3.1MW)	
Case	study	
Project	site:	valley	&	river	
Hydropower	measurements
Decision	process:	stakeholders	involved	
St.	Gallen	
10	Stakeholder	
30	people	involved	
Valley	commune	
Fishing	associa;on
Q	method	
•  Operant	subjec0vity		
– Behavior	is	best	understood	rela0ve	to	its	impact	
upon	the	immediate	environment	
•  Par0cipants	viewpoints	can	really	make	a	
•  They	do	not	express		a	par0cular	preconceived	
•  They	impress	their	own	meanings
Concourse	of	opinion	
•  Interviews	to	12	stakeholders	
•  Media	&	literature	
•  Complain	&	court	decision
Final	set	of	statements	(Q-set)	
Admin.	Levels	
2	 3	 3	
2	 2	 4	
1	 1	 4	
4	 4	 4	
N	=	34
Impression	of	preferences:	Q	sor;ng	
In	person:	5	(19%)	
Condi;on	of	instruc;on:	“Verteilen	Sie	die	Aussagen	gemäss	Ihrer	
persönlichen	Auffassung	in	einer	Skala	von	–	4	bis	+	4	auf.	BiEe	beachten	Sie,	dass	-	
4	überhaupt	nicht	Ihrer	Auffassung	und	+	4	ganz	Ihrer	Auffassung	entspricht.”	
(Distribute	the	statements	according	to	your	personal	opinion	on	a	
scale	from	-4	to	+4.	Please	note	that	-4	is	most	unlike	your	opinion	
and	+4	most	like	your	opinion).	
Dr.	Alessio	Pruneddu	
Online:	21	(81%)
Factor	analysis	
Centroid	analysis:	
Factors	 	1	 2	 3	 4	 5	 6	 7	
Eigenvalues	 7.77	 3.49	 1.58	 1.41	 0.37	 1.04	 0.76	
Variance	(%)	 29.90	 13.42	 6.08	 5.43	 1.44	 4.01	 2.92	
(p	<0.01	=	0.442)	
4	 3	 3	 3	 0	 1	 1	
(SE*2	=	0.17*2=0.34)	
0.65	 0.48	 0.22	 0.22	 0.05	 0.10	 0.10
Factor	analysis	
Factors	 	1	 2	 3	 4	 5	 6	 7	
Eigenvalues	 7.77	 3.49	 1.58	 1.41	 0.37	 1.04	 0.76	
Variance	(%)	 29.90	 13.42	 6.08	 5.43	 1.44	 4.01	 2.92	
(p	<0.01	=	0.442)	
4	 3	 3	 3	 0	 1	 1	
(SE*2	=	0.17*2=0.34)	
0.65	 0.48	 0.22	 0.22	 0.05	 0.10	 0.10	
Centroid	analysis:
Factor	analysis	
Factors	 	1	 2	 3	 4	 5	 6	 7	
Eigenvalues	 7.77	 3.49	 1.58	 1.41	 0.37	 1.04	 0.76	
Variance	(%)	 29.90	 13.42	 6.08	 5.43	 1.44	 4.01	 2.92	
(p	<0.01	=	0.442)	
4	 3	 3	 3	 0	 1	 1	
(SE*2	=	0.17*2=0.34)	
0.65	 0.48	 0.22	 0.22	 0.05	 0.10	 0.10	
Centroid	analysis:
Factor	analysis	
Factors	 	1	 2	 3	 4	 5	 6	 7	
Eigenvalues	 7.77	 3.49	 1.58	 1.41	 0.37	 1.04	 0.76	
Variance	(%)	 29.90	 13.42	 6.08	 5.43	 1.44	 4.01	 2.92	
(p	<0.01	=	0.442)	
4	 3	 3	 3	 0	 1	 1	
(SE*2	=	0.17*2=0.34)	
0.65	 0.48	 0.22	 0.22	 0.05	 0.10	 0.10	
Centroid	analysis:
Factor	analysis	
Varimax	factor	rota0on:	
4	Factors	
22	Q	sorts	(4	confounded)	
Rotated	Factors	 	1	 2	 3	 4	 Total	
Eigenvalues	 5.00	 3.90	 3.82	 1.54	
Variance	(%)	 19.23	 15.01	 14.69	 5.91	 54.8	
Consensus	statements	across	factors		
All	stakeholders	should	be	involved	in	the	
decisions-making.	 1.2	 0.76	 0.92	 0.03	
In	Switzerland	the	environment	impacts	are	
not	a	problem	as	long	as	the	economy	moves	 -1.2	 -0.9	 -0.9	 -0.9	
The	many	admin.	bodies	in	Switzerland	made	
the	decision-making	process	complex.	 0.87	 0.39	 0.17	 0.46	
The	phase	out	of	nuclear	in	Switzerland	is,	in	
my	opinion,	wrong.	 -1.7	 -2.1	 -1.5	 -1.1	
		1							2							3							4		
Loadings	per	factor
Factor	1	
“Super	green	local	produc;on	empowerment”			
Par0cipants	 Q	sort	 Loadings	
1	 Ortsgemeinde	 2	 0.64	
2	 Electricity	na0onal	company	 6	 0.53	
3	 Canton	Councilor	Chris0an	People's	Party	 8	 0.49	
4	 Valley	community	 9	 0.63	
5	 Environmental	Assessment	 12	 0.70	
6	 Ortsgemeinde	 14	 0.70	
7	 Electricity	local	company	 16	 0.65	
8	 Farmer	 19	 0.70	
9	 Water	Cantonal	Admin.	 22	 0.45	
10	 Electricity	local	company	 24	 0.45
Factor	1	
“Super	green	local	produc;on	empowerment”			
Decision	process	and	project	
Energy	Strategy	
Local	residents	have	the	best	knowledge	
about	community	needs.	
The	lack	of	experience	of	canton	St.	Gallen	
facilitated	the	decision-making	process.	
I	could	not	influence	the	results	of	the	
decision	process.	
We	have	to	produce	as	much	energy	as	
possible	to	meet	our	needs.	
We	should	enhance	the	energy	efficiency	
(efficient	appliances,	roof	isola0on).	
The	Swiss	energy	strategy	should	focus	on	
how	to	protect	our	nature.	
Par0cipants	 Q	sort	 Loadings	
1	 NGO	 1	 0.79	
2	 NGO	 3	 0.44	
3	 NGO	 5	 0.66	
4	 NGO	 10	 0.79	
5	 NGO	 15	 0.76	
6	 Environmental	Assessment	 17	 0.69	
Factor	2	
“Super	green:	na;onal	savings”
In	projects	planned	at	na0onal	level,	local	
interests	are	enough	taken	into	account.	
Decision	process	and	project	
Energy	Strategy	
The	decision	process	brought	a	huge	
disadvantage	for	the	project.	
I	have	the	feeling	that	the	ecologic	cons	and	
the	power	produc0on	are	well	balanced.	
We	should	enhance	the	energy	efficiency	
(efficient	appliances,	roof	isola0on).	
In	Switzerland	we	should	not	build	any	more	
small	hydropower	plant.		
We	have	to	produce	as	much	energy	as	
possible	to	meet	our	needs.	
Factor	2	
“Super	green:	na;onal	savings”
Par0cipants	 Q	sort	 Loadings	
1	 Canton	Councilor	Swiss	People's	Party	 7	 0.55	
2	 Water	Cantonal	Admin.	 11	 0.73	
3	 Water	Cantonal	Admin.	 18	 0.72	
4	 Fishing	associa0on	 25	 0.45	
Factor	3	
“The	solu;on	is	always	in	the	middle”
We	have	to	produce	much	more	renewable	
energy.	 1.22	
Decision	process	and	project	
Energy	Strategy	
The	hydropower	plant	Berschnerbach	is	a	
decisive	project	for	the	canton	St.	Gallen.	
Decisions	are	logically	always	taken	by	those	
who	pay.	
In	projects	planned	at	na0onal	level,	local	
interests	are	enough	taken	into	account.	
The	Swiss	energy	strategy	should	focus	on	
how	to	protect	our	nature.	
In	Switzerland,	we	have	to	produce	as	much	
energy	as	possible	to	meet	our	needs.	
Factor	3	
“The	solu;on	is	always	in	the	middle”
Factor	4	
“Liberal	energy	produc;on	for	all”		
Par0cipants	 Q	sort	 Loadings	
1	 Farmer	 23	 0.51	
2	 Electricity	na0onal	company	 26	 0.64	
3	 Electricity	naRonal	company	 13	 -0.56	
Decision	process	and	project	
Energy	Strategy	
If	we	had	invested	the	money	somewhere	
else,	we	could	have	produced	more	energy.	
In	decision	process	personal	interests	are	
given	preference	over	project	interests.	
In	the	en0re	economy	of	Switzerland,	this	
project	is	important.	
We	should	not	limit	the	conven0onal	energy	
sources	(non-renewable).	
We	have	to	produce	much	more	renewable	
The	Swiss	energy	strategy	should	focus	on	
how	to	protect	our	nature.	
Factor	4	
“Liberal	energy	produc;on	for	all”
•  Q	reveals	four	major	stakeholders’	perspec0ves	regarding	the	
Swiss	Energy	Strategy	2050.		
•  Although	having	some	consensus	on	general	statements,	each	
perspec0ve	supports	substan0ally	different	policy	priori0es.	
•  Each	perspec0ve	differ:	
–  Means	to	implement	the	energy	strategy	
–  Emphasis	given	
•  Economic	ra0onale	
•  Energy	saving	
•  Nature	protec0on	
•  Technologies,	etc.
•  Each	perspec0ve	correspond	to	different	levels	of	federal	
–  Local	
–  Cantonal	
–  Na0onal	perspec0ve	
•  The	Canton	plays	a	relevant	role	for	the	energy	strategy	
–  It	enacts	requirements	for	insula0on,	ra0onal	use	of	energy	and	use	of	
renewable	sources	of	energy,	among	others	
–  However,	our	results	show	that	the	Canton	does	not	priori0ze	na0onal	
interest,	such	as,	nature	protec0on	and	energy	efficiency
Policy	Implica0ons	
•  No	extreme	opposi0on	to	energy	policy	
implementa0on	has	been	highlighted.	
•  Renewable	development	may	be	delayed	of	
implementa0on	process.	
•  Nego0a0on	with	stakeholders	involved	is	necessary	
to	arrive	to	a	compromise.	
•  Energy	policy	
implementa0on	will	be	
poten0ally	lengthy	and	
Thank	you	
Paula	Díaz	
This	research	project	is	part	of	the	Na0onal	Research	Programme	"Energy	Turnaround"	(NRP	70)	of	the	Swiss	Na0onal	Science	
Founda0on	(SNSF).	Further	informa0on	on	the	Na0onal	Research	Programme	can	be	found	at
		7	26	34	Berschnerbach																																																								
-4		4		0		0		2		3		4		5		6		5		4		3		2		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0	
F1	 F2	 F3	 F4	 F5	 F6	 F7	 h2	(communality)*	
1	 0.376	 -0.709	 -0.110	 0.134	 0.185	 0.157	 0.156	 0.76	
2	 0.511	 0.230	 0.310	 -0.161	 0.078	 -0.113	 -0.320	 0.56	
3	 0.614	 -0.172	 0.142	 0.213	 0.007	 0.323	 -0.044	 0.58	
4	 0.796	 0.221	 -0.125	 0.036	 0.036	 -0.020	 0.168	 0.73	
5	 0.152	 -0.622	 0.152	 0.113	 0.130	 0.073	 -0.070	 0.47	
6	 0.526	 0.443	 0.207	 0.100	 0.100	 -0.047	 0.229	 0.59	
7	 0.296	 0.651	 -0.181	 0.178	 0.224	 0.199	 -0.056	 0.67	
8	 0.503	 -0.052	 -0.095	 -0.375	 0.094	 -0.317	 0.028	 0.52	
9	 0.493	 0.437	 0.114	 -0.212	 0.131	 -0.011	 0.149	 0.53	
10	 0.356	 -0.678	 0.070	 0.223	 0.161	 -0.119	 -0.158	 0.71	
11	 0.821	 0.049	 -0.432	 0.073	 0.092	 0.011	 -0.128	 0.89	
12	 0.613	 0.037	 0.274	 -0.284	 0.075	 0.051	 0.265	 0.61	
13	 0.456	 0.296	 -0.510	 -0.279	 0.240	 0.299	 0.073	 0.79	
14	 0.532	 0.072	 0.252	 -0.402	 0.118	 -0.055	 -0.144	 0.55	
15	 0.358	 -0.614	 0.306	 0.192	 0.152	 -0.069	 -0.036	 0.66	
16	 0.682	 0.351	 0.053	 -0.095	 0.072	 0.379	 0.112	 0.76	
17	 0.501	 -0.535	 0.264	 -0.170	 0.137	 -0.240	 0.183	 0.75	
18	 0.673	 0.057	 -0.286	 0.293	 0.058	 -0.270	 -0.287	 0.78	
19	 0.712	 0.347	 0.218	 -0.023	 0.073	 -0.078	 0.064	 0.69	
20	 0.695	 0.262	 -0.064	 -0.007	 0.042	 0.138	 -0.115	 0.59	
21	 0.736	 -0.185	 -0.077	 0.202	 0.011	 0.107	 0.112	 0.65	
22	 0.626	 -0.140	 -0.048	 -0.141	 0.024	 0.249	 -0.073	 0.50	
23	 0.386	 0.010	 0.292	 0.537	 0.092	 0.188	 -0.225	 0.62	
24	 0.619	 0.074	 0.099	 0.089	 0.000	 -0.242	 -0.087	 0.47	
25	 0.235	 0.207	 -0.173	 0.293	 0.054	 -0.283	 0.367	 0.43	
26	 -0.023	 0.133	 0.542	 0.320	 -0.220	 0.303	 0.152	 0.58	
Eigenvalue**	 7.77	 3.49	 1.58	 1.41	 0.37	 1.04	 0.76	
Variance	(%)	 29.90	 13.42	 6.08	 5.43	 1.44	 4.01	 2.92	 63.20
4	26	34	Berschnerbach																																																								
	-4		4		0		0		2		3		4		5		6		5		4		3		2		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0	
F1	 F2	 F3	 F4	(bipolar)	 h2	(communality)*	
1	 -0.051	 0.788	 0.151	 -0.169	 0.67	
2	 0.635	 0.011	 0.125	 0.129	 0.44	
3	 0.336	 0.445	 0.377	 0.142	 0.47	
Confounded	 4	 0.554	 0.098	 0.607	 -0.122	 0.70	
5	 -0.065	 0.656	 -0.087	 0.061	 0.45	
6	 0.534	 -0.151	 0.400	 0.241	 0.53	
7	 0.230	 -0.469	 0.548	 0.049	 0.58	
8	 0.487	 0.173	 0.094	 -0.361	 0.41	
9	 0.626	 -0.217	 0.231	 -0.015	 0.49	
10	 -0.026	 0.790	 0.121	 0.032	 0.64	
11	 0.376	 0.224	 0.735	 -0.370	 0.87	
12	 0.699	 0.200	 0.072	 -0.016	 0.53	
13	 0.332	 -0.203	 0.412	 -0.559	 0.63	
14	 0.701	 0.117	 -0.028	 -0.089	 0.51	
15	 0.108	 0.762	 0.014	 0.206	 0.63	
16	 0.650	 -0.058	 0.416	 -0.027	 0.60	
17	 0.395	 0.687	 -0.081	 -0.044	 0.64	
18	 0.225	 0.213	 0.719	 -0.108	 0.62	
19	 0.703	 -0.009	 0.402	 0.140	 0.68	
Confounded	 20	 0.541	 0.024	 0.506	 -0.082	 0.56	
Confounded	 21	 0.333	 0.471	 0.537	 -0.050	 0.62	
22	 0.451	 0.341	 0.262	 -0.213	 0.43	
23	 0.129	 0.261	 0.424	 0.508	 0.52	
24	 0.454	 0.201	 0.393	 0.077	 0.41	
25	 0.006	 -0.076	 0.453	 0.052	 0.21	
26	 0.089	 -0.005	 -0.027	 0.637	 0.41	
Eigenvalue**	 5.00	 3.90	 3.82	 1.54	
Variance	(%)	 19.23	 15.01	 14.69	 5.91	 54.83
		7	26	34	Berschnerbach																																																								
	-4		4		0		0		2		3		4		5		6		5		4		3		2		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0	
F1	 F2	 F3	 F4	 F5	 F6	 F7	 h2	(communality)*	
1	 		 a	 		 		 		 		 		
2	 a	 		
3	 		 a	 		
Confounded	 4	 a	 a	 		
5	 		 a	 		
6	 a	 		
7	 		 a	 		
8	 a	 		
9	 a	 		
10	 		 a	 		
Confounded	 11	 		 a	 a	 		
12	 a	 		
13	 		 a	 		
14	 a	 		
15	 		 a	 		
Confounded	 16	 a	 a	 		
Confounded	 17	 a	 a	 		
18	 		 a	 		
19	 a	 		
20	 		 a	 		
Confounded	 21	 		 a	 a	 		
22	 		 a	 		
23	 		 a	 		
24	 a	 		
25	 		 a	
26	 		 		 		 a	 		 		 		
Eigenvalue**	 7.774	 3.4894	 1.5815	 1.412	 0.3741	 1.0424	 0.759	
Variance	(%)	 30	 13	 6	 5	 1	 4	 3	 62	
In	factor	6,	4	
Q	sorts	were	
with	other	
F1	 F2	 F3	 F4	
ID	Wording	 Load.	 Arr	Load.	Arr	 Load.	Arr	 Load.	Arr	
1	 Technicallywise I am very happy with what the project represents	 0.76	 1	 0.25	 1	 2.14	 4	 0.53	 1	
2	 In the entire economy of Switzerland, the hydropower plant Berschnerbach is important.	 0.01	 0	 -1.9	 -4	 0.47	 2	 -2.05	 -4	
3	 Of course I (or my employer) take profit from the hydropower plant Berschnerbach	 0.57	 1	 -0.65	 -2	 -2.14	 -4	 -0.24	 0	
4	 Comparing the planed electricity price of the hydropowerplant Berschnerbach with the price that we have today in the market, the Energy Policy
seems senseless.	 -1.07	 -2	 0.55	 2	 0.02	 0	 2.09	 4	
5	 If we had invested the money somewhere else insted of in the hydropower plant Berschnerbach, we could have increased more the energy efficiency.	-0.81	 -1	 1.55	 3	 -0.62	 -1	 1.79	 4	
6	 The hydropower plant Berschnerbach is a decisive project for St. Gallen.	 0.12	 0	 -1.15	 -3	 1.42	 3	 -1.32	 -3	
7	 The results of the decision process about the hydropower Berschnerbach are something I could not influence.	 -1.26	 -3	 -0.61	 -2	 -0.75	 -2	 -0.37	 -1	
8	 The community has gained much significance with the hydropower Berschnerbach.	 0.35	 0	 -0.38	 -1	 0.13	 0	 -1.72	 -4	
9	 Regarding the hydropower Berschnebach, the result is a "win win" situation for everyone.	 1.21	 3	 0.23	 0	 1.29	 3	 -0.86	 -2	
10	 Regarding the hydropower Berschnerbach, I have the feeling that the ecologic cons and the power production are well balanced.	
0.74	 1	 -0.7	 -2	 1.67	 4	 -0.29	 -1	
11	 In Switzerland the environment impacts are not a problem as long as the economy moves ahead.	
-1.22	 -3	 -0.94	 -2	 -0.9	 -2	 -0.93	 -2	
12	 In the decision process my main motivation was to be able to use renewable energy.	
1.2	 3	 0.08	 0	 1.17	 2	 0.44	 1	
13	 In Switzerland conflicts limit e sustainable energy development.	
0.9	 2	 -0.44	 -1	 0.44	 1	 0.23	 1	
14	 The Swiss energy strategy should focus on how to protect our nature.	
-0.57	 -1	 1.26	 3	 0.23	 1	 -1.35	 -3	
15	 In Switzerland, we should enhance the energy efficiency (efficient appliances, proper roof isolation).	
0.78	 1	 2.28	 4	 0.84	 2	 -0.03	 0	
16	 In Switzerland, we have to produce as much energy as possible to meet our needs.	
1.05	 2	 -1.17	 -3	 -0.99	 -2	 0.43	 1	
17	 In Switzerland, we have to produce much more renewable energy.	
1.52	 4	 1.09	 2	 1.22	 3	 -0.53	 -1	
18	 In Switzerland, we should improve the efficiency of the large hydropower plants.	
1.57	 4	 1.49	 3	 0.08	 0	 1.12	 3	
19	 In Switzerland we should not build any small hydropower plant more.	
-1.61	 -3	 1.68	 4	 0.15	 0	 -1.35	 -3	
20	 The phase out of nuclear in Switzerland is, in my opinion, wrong.	
-1.72	 -4	 -2.14	 -4	 -1.56	 -4	 1.11	 2	
21	 In Switzerland, we should not limit the conventional energy sources (non-renewable).	 -1.68	 -4	 -1.19	 -3	 -0.6	 -1	 0.99	 2	
22	 The electricity for the municipality Walenstadt is secured with the hydropowerplant Berschnerbach.	
0.3	 0	 -0.48	 -1	 0.44	 1	 -0.92	 -2	
23	 The lack of experience with hydropower projects in the canton of St. Gallen facilitated the decision-making process.	 -1.17	 -2	 -0.09	 0	 -1.35	 -3	 -0.29	 -1	
24	 I wonder whether the green lobby has a strong influence on the government departments.	
0.37	 0	 -0.39	 -1	 -0.32	 -1	 1.42	 3	
25	 The whole political apparatus could work faster.	
0.4	 1	 0.46	 1	 0.15	 0	 -0.21	 0	
26	 In decision process personal interests are given preference over project interests.	
-0.64	 -1	 -0.03	 0	 -1.3	 -3	 1.12	 3	
27	 Local residents have the best knowledge about community needs.	
0.96	 2	 -0.23	 0	 -0.22	 -1	 0.07	 0	
28	 The low agreement is in large part due to the fact that the initiators underestimated the complexity of the decision process.	
-0.43	 -1	 0.26	 1	 0.4	 1	 0.67	 2	
29	 In Switzerland, it is easy to call everyone to hold a roundtable to make decisions.	 -0.89	 -2	 0.52	 2	 0.2	 1	 -0.36	 -1	
30	 In projects planned at national level, local interests are enough taken into account.	
-0.76	 -1	 0.51	 1	 -1.05	 -2	 -0.1	 0	
31	 Decisions are logically always taken by those who pay.	
-0.88	 -2	 -0.32	 0	 -1.17	 -3	 -0.56	 -2	
32	 The decision process brought a huge disadvantage for the hydropower plant Berschnerbach.	
-0.17	 0	 -0.56	 -1	 -0.57	 -1	 1.06	 2	
33	 The many instances in Switzerland made the decision-making process rather complex.	
0.87	 2	 0.39	 1	 0.17	 0	 0.46	 1	
34	 All stakeholders should be involved in the decisions-making.	 1.2	 3	 0.76	 2	 0.92	 2	 -0.03	 0

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