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In this issue
                          Achieving business
                                                   Maximizing talent
                                                                       winter 08

                                                                       Interview with
                                                                       Andrew Zolli
                                                                       and more...

What election-year healthcare reform proposals mean
for the future of employer-sponsored health insurance 10
              A new view Business success
              in the 21st century
              Tom Craren

              My view The key to 21st-century
              competitiveness: Finding the right people
              Dennis Nally

              Your view On constant change

View points
              Solving the tech waste problem

              Syncing up on info security

              Joining the consumer conversation

              The business of bribes

              International assignments


              Cover story
                                                          Change agents Just whose job is it to
              Healthy choices? What do election-year      ensure your business can keep pace with
              healthcare reform proposals mean for        customers, competitors, and suppliers?
              the future of employer-sponsored health     Randy Browning
              insurance? Sandy Lutz, Benjamin Isgur,
              and Jeffrey Gartland
It’s time to check up on how election-year healthcare reform
will affect employers, page 10.

One global flavor A US move to
                                              Maximizing talent There are strategies
International Financial Reporting             for making the most of your people       Piercing the veil Andrew Zolli looks
Standards is inevitable. All companies        no matter what tomorrow brings.          at the future of business and of the
should think strategically about this         Steve Rimmer, Karen Vander Linde,        world. Interview by Tom Craren and
change and begin to understand                Dolores Wilverding, and Warren Cinnick   Gene Zasadinski
the impact now. Raymond J. Beier
    winter 08

    Editorial                               Contributors
    Editorial Director                      In addition to our authors, we thank the following individuals for their contributions
    Tom Craren                              to this issue of View:
                                            View points
    Managing Editor
                                            Deborah K. Bothun, Principal, Advisory Services, Global Digital Convergence Leader
    Gene Zasadinski
                                            Charles Hacker, Partner, Advisory Services, Investigations
    Assistant Managing Editor
                                            Neil Keenan, Director, Advisory Services, Investigations
    Christine Wendin
                                            Mark Lobel, Partner, Advisory Services, Security
    Assistant Editor
                                            Mitchell Schuckman, Partner, International Assignment Services
    Reena Vadehra
                                            Steven Skalak, Partner, Advisory Services, US and Global Investigations Leader
                                            Business agility
    Director, Online Marketing              Bo Parker, Managing Director, Center for Technology and Innovation
    Jack Teuber
                                            International Financial Reporting Standards
    Designer and Producer                   Sara DeSmith, Partner, National Professional Services Group, Global Accounting
    Joe Breen                               Consulting Services

    Design                                  Photography
    Odgis + Company                         Corbis, David Doubilet, Bill Gallery, Getty Images, Matt Goins, Vance Jacobs,
                                            JupiterImages, Kit Kittle, National Geographic Image Collection, Reuters Pictures,
    Creative Director
                                            and Leonard Rubenstein
    Janet Odgis

    Banu Berker
    Rhian Swierat

                                            To request additional copies of View or to comment:

                                            PricewaterhouseCoopers ( provides industry-focused assurance, tax and advisory
                                            services to build public trust and enhance value for its clients and their stakeholders. More than 146,000
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                                            © 2008 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved.
                                            “PricewaterhouseCoopers” refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (a Delaware limited liability partnership)
                                            or, as the context requires, the PricewaterhouseCoopers global network or other member firms of the
                                            network, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity. *connectedthinking is a trademark of
                                            PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (US).

   PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08
Business success
A new view

             in the 1st century
             According to naturalist and evolutionary        As it does to 21st-century business,
             theorist Charles Darwin, “It is not the         change also applies to View. With a new
             strongest of the species that survive, nor      design, a new format, a new editorial
             the most intelligent, but the one most          approach, and an enhanced online pres-
             responsive to change.” Whether his words        ence, View is evolving to keep pace with
             accurately describe biological processes        a changing business environment.
             is still a matter of heated debate. But there
             is no debate about their applicability to       In line with those changes, we intend to
             21st-century business: Complex forces           consistently offer business executives
             of change are at work, and only those           like you straight talk on subjects that
             companies flexible enough to respond            matter. Topics in this issue include health-
             appropriately will survive and prosper.         care policy, agility, International Financial
                                                             Reporting Standards, and strategies for
             Addressing these forces of change is what       finding and maximizing talent. And there’s
             View is all about. In each issue we share       also an interview with noted futurist
             insights into challenges that most concern      Andrew Zolli.
             you and that affect your success—chal-
             lenges such as embedding agility into           We hope you enjoy this issue of View and
             your company and making change stick;           that you’ll come back often. We promise
             discovering opportunities inherent in some      to be a friendly, reliable, informative, and
             risk; attracting and maintaining talent;        entertaining place for you to check in on
             maximizing your corporate social respon-        and track the trends and issues that interest
             sibility efforts; disarming complexity; and     and concern you most, not just today,
             fostering innovation and collaboration.         but over time as well. We know your expec-
                                                             tations are high. We wouldn’t have it any
                                                             other way. You can be sure that we’ll deliver.


                                                             Tom Craren
                                                             US Thought Leadership

                                                                              PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08
The key to 1st-century
    My view
    Dennis Nally

                                            Finding the right people

                                            In today’s knowledge-based economy, talent
                                            will be the defining competitive advantage.
                                            And companies that want to succeed are
                                            dramatically rethinking the way they find,
                                            develop, and hold on to talent.

   PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08
In today’s leading organizations, there is no    We can start by increasing the visa cap for        want us. Yes, that’s right, want us. Today’s
question that talent—finding it, developing      international professionals who want to            recruits have expectations about the
it, and retaining it—affects success more        work in the US. This year, for the first time      companies they want to work for. They are
directly than any other single factor. It also   in history, the visa cap was reached on the        looking for commitments to integrity, to
is among the greatest causes of concern.         first day of filing. Applications arriving after   social responsibility, and to flexibility. And
                                                 day-one were denied.                               they are in a position to demand this and
Our 11th Annual Global CEO Survey bears                                                             more. Companies that meet and exceed
this out. While 89 percent of CEOs assert        This and other policies and approaches to          these demands will win. Those that don’t
that their companies’ people agendas             education and to developing talent need to         will fall behind.
are among their top priorities, 61 percent       change. I firmly believe that to maintain its
express concern over the availability of         competitive edge, America must become              Some companies will find that coping with
key skills. In addition, 62 percent maintain     a magnet for talent. But until this happens,       these new realities is difficult. Others will
that their organizations need to change          we can’t just sit on the sidelines. We’ve          pretend they don’t exist and continue on
the way they recruit, motivate, and              got to find and cultivate talent in our own        with the old ways. However, organizations
develop employees.                               backyards. We’ve got to recruit students           that succeed will be those that neither
                                                 at an earlier age. And we’ve got to learn          ignore change nor fear it. Rather, they will
Responses such as these to questions             how to use newer technologies such as              be those that respond to change and turn
about what, a decade ago, was a yawn-            mobile email and text messaging as pow-            it to their advantage.
inducing issue suggest that a fundamental        erful, new recruiting tools. We also need to
shift has occurred. Perhaps more than any        fully exploit rich sources of new talent           And that’s my view.
other aspect of business, the competition        such as virtual online communities and
for talent has changed profoundly.               social networks.                                   Dennis Nally is chairman and senior partner of
                                                                                                    PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. In the next issue of
The reasons are not difficult to find. They      But most important, we have to find ways           View, he continues to examine this critical issue and
are related directly to globalization and to     of ensuring that the people we want also           offers his insights on developing and retaining talent.
changes in demographics and technology.

Finding the right people
There was a time—at least in the account-
ing profession—when the only talent you
needed involved understanding a balance
sheet and an income statement. Those
days are long gone.

Today, we look for people not only with          of CEOs assert that their companies’ people agendas are among
technical skills, but with integrity as well.
We also look for people with diverse back-       their top priorities.

grounds and cultures—people who bring a
broader understanding of the world around
them. Without such people, a company
cannot compete globally.

However, tapping into this type of work-
force is easier said than accomplished, and
business leaders must work proactively to        of CEOs maintain that their organizations need to change the
remove obstacles. But what can be done?          way they recruit, motivate, and develop employees.

                                                                                                                        PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08
View points

    Corporate social responsibility
    Solving the tech waste problem

    For businesses across the United States,                  burden of its products—a burden shoul-                         Research’s November 2007 report titled In
    yesterday’s technology has become                         dered by its corporate customers. A                            Search of Green Technology Consumers—
    tomorrow’s problem. The millions of com-                  recent study by PricewaterhouseCoopers                         which covered American attitudes toward
    puters, printers, and other gadgets that are              surveyed tech industry senior executives                       green technology—only 12 percent of
    commonplace in any office—and that we                     on their companies’ attitudes and policies                     respondents agree that they would pay
    steadfastly rely on to conduct business—                  on environmentalism. When asked which                          extra for consumer electronics that used
    can become threats when we discard them.                  factors were most important in their com-                      less energy or came from a company that
                                                              panies’ environmental decision making,                         was environmentally friendly. Forty-one
    In the United States alone, approximately                 nearly half of the respondents cited “meet-                    percent said that though they are con-
    2 million tons of e-waste is tossed into                  ing customer expectations/requirements,”                       cerned about the environment, they do not
    landfills, poisoning the air and the land and             but energy savings and regulatory compli-                      strongly agree that they would pay more
    exposing people to dangerous toxins. In                   ance had an even greater impact on their                       for environmentally friendly electronics.
    addition, all that hardware—especially data               environmentally focused pursuits.1
    centers that house a company’s informa-                                                                                  Despite this disconnect, many technol-
    tion lifeblood—is eating up a lot of energy.              So, can customers expect more green                            ogy companies have jumped on the green
    In fact, 50 percent of the energy consumed                products when a company’s next                                 bandwagon. For instance, Sony is creating
    in a data center is used just to cool down                upgrade cycle rolls around? According to                       an e-waste drop-off facility where anyone
    the network system.                                       PricewaterhouseCoopers/National Venture                        can recycle unwanted electronics. And
                                                              Capital Association MoneyTree™ Report                          many technology companies are collabo-
    Along with these practical problems, com-                 based on data from Thomson Financial,                          rating with smaller organizations to develop
    panies face the challenge of going green                  venture capitalists invested in 2007 almost                    and promulgate more environmentally
    and reducing their carbon footprints. This                $2.2 billion in companies that make green                      friendly processes.
    is becoming important as public interest in               tech products. That investment is more
    environmentalism increases and as more                    than the amount spent on green technology                      Such initiatives and collaborations are
    organizations want to position themselves                 companies in 2006 and 2005 combined.                           pivotal for making green technology
    as socially responsible businesses.                                                                                      a reality for any business. They reduce
                                                              While such numbers are impressive, a                           energy costs and provide an alternative
    The technology industry is beginning to                   considerable amount of resistance to                           to junking used hardware.
    recognize and address the environmental                   green tech products still exists. In Forrester
                                                                                                                             1 Technology Executive Connections: Going Green: Sustainable
                                                                                                                             Growth Strategies, PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2008.
    Motivation for environmental decision making

    Percent of tech company executives surveyed
                                                     44.6            43.2


    20                                                                                    17.6
                                                                                                               14.9                14.2
    10                                                                                                                                                 8.8
                Potential          Complying with    Meeting         Potential           Obtaining           Matching the    Attracting and          Meeting           Don’t know/
                cost savings       environmental     customer        for gaining         tax incentives      environmentally retaining staff         investor/         Not applicable
                from energy        legislation and   expectations/   competitive                             focused actions                         shareholder
                efficiency         regulation        requirements    advantage                               of competitors                          demands
                                                                      Source: Technology Executive Connections: Going Green: Sustainable Growth Strategies, PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2008

6   PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08
CEOs, CIOs, and CSOs differ in their attitudes
                                                 about business security matters.

Managing risk
Syncing up on info security

                                                 Executive views on security attacks

                                                 Percent of senior executives surveyed

                                                                 71                                                             74
                                                 60                                                                                       53
                                                            44                                          43


                                                            An employee or                    A hacker as the                  Fewer than 10 security
                                                            former employee as                source of an attack              attacks in the past year
                                                            the source of an attack

                                                 Source: Fifth Annual Global State of Information Security Survey 2007, CIO, CSO and PricewaterhouseCoopers

CEOs worldwide might want to sit down            page concerning the number one priority                           Despite security and technology execu-
with their information and security offi-        for company information security efforts:                         tives’ growing awareness of the true
cers to discuss their differing perceptions      maintaining business continuity and alle-                         nature of security threats, an overwhelm-
of risk. According to a recent global            viating risk. CSOs, however, place greater                        ing number of CEOs still say hackers—not
information security survey conducted            emphasis on regulatory compliance.                                employees—are the culprits who should
by CIO magazine, CSO magazine, and                                                                                 be targeted. However, CEOs believe more
PricewaterhouseCoopers, CEOs, CIOs               Perhaps the most interesting finding con-                         so than their security counterparts that
(chief information officers), and CISOs          cerns a change in perception with regard                          their organizations are secure and have
(chief information security officers) or         to the source of security threats—an area                         experienced few attacks.
CSOs (chief security officers) differ in their   that the survey has tracked for five years.
attitudes about business security matters.       Today, CIOs and CSOs say former and                               So, how can these differences be rec-
The survey concluded that many CEOs are          current employees are more likely sources                         onciled? The survey data leads to what
far more confident about their companies’        of security attacks than outsiders are. And                       is perhaps a counterintuitive conclusion.
security than their information technology       they report that email and abused user                            While information security strategies need
(IT) and security leaders are.                   accounts are the most common methods                              to include technical approaches, such
                                                 of employee attacks. This change, however,                        technical approaches may not lead to the
Typically lacking in-depth technical knowl-      does not suggest an increase in corporate                         whole solution. More extensive or wider
edge with regard to IT, CEOs naturally           crime over the past few years. Rather, it                         information sharing between an organiza-
have different perspectives on information       points to possible cracks that have devel-                        tion’s top executives could turn out to be
security from those of the executive team        oped in information security infrastructure,                      equally if not more important.
members who manage these functions.              and it indicates a greater awareness of the
Even so, CEOs and CIOs are on the same           changing nature of security attacks.

                                                                                                                                           PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08
View points

    Operational excellence
    Joining the consumer conversation

    If you think surfing the Web is better suited   consumer conversation, along with more                     How companies better understand their
    to the home office than to the corner one,      traditional customer information, into its                 customers and markets
    think again.                                    operations. Millions of Internet-savvy                     Engage with                              2%
                                                    consumers are now able to (1) instantly                    customers                              6%
    Consider this scenario. Your company            provide feedback via email and text                        via the Web
    recently launched a product, and the            messages, (2) deeply discuss products                                                       39%               53%
    buzz surrounding the innovation has been        and services on message boards, and
    rising steadily. Shortly after the launch, a    (3) broadcast their opinions on blogs
    hazardous defect was detected. You do           and social networking sites. This largely
    the damage control drill—recalling the          untapped chatter constitutes consumer
    product, reaching out to the media, and         conversation—reflecting the attitudes,
    gauging customer reactions through your         behaviors, and intentions of consumers.1                   Monitor customers’                    3%
    call center and focus groups. You hope                                                                     online behavior and                 9%
    your collective response is enough to           The massive volume and rapid pace of                       preferences                                    31%
    minimize damage, but you’ve overlooked          online activity make getting a handle on this
    one important thing: online consumer            fertile ground problematic. Hiring the right
    conversations. Damage was brewing in            people and finding the right tools to analyze
    blogs and message boards as angry con-                                                                                                         57%
                                                    business intelligence based on consumer
    sumers dissected your product’s downfall        conversation are critical. According to
    and debated alternatives. If only you had       PwC’s Management Barometer, which reg-
    been listening, your company could have         ularly surveys senior executives on crucial                Mine open-ended
    responded proactively.                                                                                                                              3%
                                                    business issues, 31 percent of respondents                 comments from
                                                    monitor their customers’ online behavior on                service and
    The world of digital communications             a regular basis. Fifty-three percent say their             support calls                                      42%
    is burgeoning, and for any business to          companies use online devices to engage
    succeed, it must embed this kind of digital     with their customers.2                                                                       42%

                                                    A consumer electronics company real-
                                                    ized the benefits of this approach when its
                                                    new product was not selling as robustly                    Understand views                      3%
                                                    as expected. Through analyzing online                      of key influencers
                                                    consumer conversations, the company                        (advisory boards,
                                                    discovered that many customers thought                     experts)
                                                    the product was incompatible with other                                                     30%
                                                    brands. After the company changed its
                                                    marketing campaign, the product went
                                                    on to become a top seller.

                                                    As this example demonstrates, compa-                       Collect and analyze                     2%
                                                    nies that engage in digital conversation                   observations by                          3%
                                                    by analyzing and integrating the findings                  employees who
                                                    with other customer data, and, ultimately,                 interact with or
                                                    by embedding this intelligence will be well                observe customers
                                                    positioned to drive business transformation                                                              81%
                                                    and gain competitive advantage.

                                                    1 PricewaterhouseCoopers, How Consumer Conversation Will
                                                                                                                  Yes     No      Not certain    Not applicable
                                                    Transform Business, January 2008.
                                                    2 PricewaterhouseCoopers Management Barometer: Consumer    Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers Management Barometer:
                                                    Conversations, January 2008.                               Consumer Conversations, January 2008

8   PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08
Global mobility

Economic crime                                                      North American companies reported having           Money doesn’t always make the world go
                                                                    been asked to pay a bribe in their home            ’round. Organizations are discovering that
The business of bribes                                              region, as opposed to 21 to 54 percent of          it takes more than high salaries to attract
                                                                    companies doing business in E7 countries.          the best potential candidates to interna-
                                                                    Interestingly, the survey also found that          tional assignments.
                                                                    companies asked to pay kickbacks were
                                                                    more likely to lose deals to competitors that      Recent studies we have undertaken sug-
                                                                    were not asked to pay bribes.                      gest that the nature of global mobility is
This is the deal your company needs to                                                                                 changing.1 Whereas in the past, busi-
secure a position in a vital emerging mar-                          Why do businesses that succumb to                  nesses were interested mainly in hiring
ket. In the middle of negotiations, you’ve                          bribery suffer losses? The study suggests          experienced staff from the West, today’s
been asked to grant a “commission” to                               that organizations known to be ethical are         expatriates are being recruited from around
secure the contract. Should you pay—                                less likely to be approached with requests         the world. They include younger, less ex-
just this once?                                                     for illicit money. Corrupt individuals prefer      perienced workers, who serve for various
                                                                    to deal with companies whose ethical               lengths of time. In fact, in an effort to re-
According to a recent PwC study on global                           standards are ambiguous. In addition,              duce costs, a growing number of organiza-
economic crime, corporate bribery rarely                            business relationships based on illegal            tions have developed program alternatives
has positive results.                                               transactions are not likely to focus on qual-      to the traditional expatriate assignment.
                                                                    ity and price—an indicator that the market         Almost half the companies we surveyed
For our 4th Biennial Global Economic Crime                          is not operating according to competi-             employ permanent transfers; about 20
Survey, we interviewed more than 5,400                              tive norms. And companies in the E7 that           percent send employees on short-term
companies in 40 countries and found that                            had implemented effective anticorruption           assignments; and a small percentage use
companies in E7 countries (Brazil, China,                           controls and strong, clearly understood            virtual staff where the employee does
India, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia, and                               ethical guidelines said they suffered up to        not relocate but has responsibilities for
Turkey) reported higher incidences of being                         50 percent fewer incidents of corruption           a foreign office.
asked to pay a bribe.1 Only 3 percent of                            than other companies.
                                                                                                                       Changes are also occurring in the area of
                                                                    In short, the study supports the old adage         staff incentives to move abroad. It’s no
1 PricewaterhouseCoopers 4th Biennial Global Economic Crime
                                                                    that honesty is the best policy when doing         longer enough to simply increase salaries or
Survey - Economic crime: people, culture and controls, 2007.        business in any market.                            provide other monetary perks. Employees
                                                                                                                       want a total package that delivers a cul-
                                                                                                                       tural education, keeps spouses happy, and
                                                                                                                       sets out reasonable career expectations.

Lost business opportunities in emerging markets                                                                        The costs of sending employees and their
                                                                                                                       families abroad are high. If an employee is
Percent of companies surveyed
                                                                                                                       unhappy in the new environment, he or she
                  71                                                            70                                     can jeopardize an overseas project. By im-
70                              66                                                                                     proving the help that employees get prior to
60                                         58                                                       Companies          and during their international assignment,
                                                                                                    asked to pay
50    45                                                47                                          a bribe and lost   companies can maximize their investments
                                                                                                    an opportunity     in the development of global talent.
                                                                                     31             Companies
30                                                                                                  never asked
           23                                                  21                                   to pay a bribe
20                                              18                    17                       18   and lost an
                                     14                                                             opportunity
10                     8                                                   6
 0                                                                                                  4th Biennial       1 International assignment perspectives: Critical issues facing the
     Brazil       China         India      Indonesia Mexico           North     Russia    Turkey    Global Economic    globally mobile workforce, PricewaterhouseCoopers, July 2007.
                                                                      America                       Crime Survey

                                                                                                                                                PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08        9
Cover story

Healthy choices?

PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08
What election-year
healthcare reform proposals
mean for the future of
employer-sponsored health
By Sandy Lutz, Benjamin Isgur, and Jeffrey Gartland

                     As the presidential campaign reaches a fever pitch, candidates on
                     both sides of the aisle are promulgating their positions on every-
                     thing from fiscal policy to the war in Iraq. One of the most closely
                     followed public debates centers on healthcare reform. Although
                     all voters have a vested interest in the discussion, voters who are
                     also employers may be most affected by its outcome.

                     If you are an employer, spiraling healthcare costs are eating
                     away at your bottom line. According to the US Census Bureau,
                     177 million Americans rely on employer-sponsored insurance
                     for their health coverage. At 16 percent of the US economy and
                     growing, healthcare is big business—maybe even your business.
                     Moreover, the health plan options companies offer have become
                     key factors in employee recruitment and retention. Current (and
                     prospective) employees are asking a number of questions. How
                     comprehensive is the existing coverage? How many choices
                     do I have? How much is it costing (going to cost) me? Can I do
                     better elsewhere?

                     It’s no wonder, then, that healthcare consistently ranks as one of
                     the top domestic policy issues on the minds of Americans and
                     that during election years healthcare policy becomes a focal point.
                     (See Figure 1.) Employers, employees, and politicians alike agree
                     that the system is not sustainable and that there is no clear path
                     ahead. As one might expect, Democrats differ from Republicans
                     in their respective approaches to healthcare reform. Generally,
                     Democrats favor broader and more immediate changes through
                     legislation, while their Republican counterparts focus primarily on
                     changes to tax policy as the means of transforming the system.

                                                             PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08   11
However, all of the major candidates agree                          For US businesses, too, the significant                             income for tax and payroll purposes. In fact,
     that a single-payer model is not tenable and                        cost of healthcare is a major concern,                              one recent study found that employees
     that going forward, our healthcare system                           particularly when one considers that                                would rather receive thousands of dollars
     will continue to be a public-private partner-                       while just 61 percent of US businesses                              in employer-sponsored insurance benefits
     ship. Just what that partnership will look                          offer health insurance to at least some                             than the same amount in additional salary.
     like is the key question. And top of mind for                       employees, a whopping 98 percent of                                 (See Figure 4.)
     employers is cutting through the election-                          large businesses (those with 200 or more
     year hype and determining what it really                            workers) do the same.3 Employers typically                          The future course for employer-sponsored
     means to the future of their businesses.                            spend upwards of 10 percent of payroll                              insurance may depend largely on the
                                                                         on health insurance for their workers. (See                         policies initiated by the next president of
     Scoping the problem                                                 Figure 3.) Taken in aggregate, that’s a huge                        the United States. A new leader will help
                                                                         number—nearly $600 billion, according to                            decide important policy questions con-
     Healthcare spending has been increasing at
                                                                         the US Department of Commerce’s Bureau                              cerning covering the uninsured, improving
     about twice the rate of inflation, absorbing
                                                                         of Economic Analysis.                                               the quality of care, and using taxes and
     a larger and larger share of both employers’
                                                                                                                                             other mechanisms to fund coverage. Pro-
     profits and workers’ salaries. (See Figure 2.)
                                                                         It wasn’t always that way. Employer-                                posals run the gamut from mandating that
     For employees, healthcare cost is the top
                                                                         sponsored insurance was introduced dur-                             all employers provide coverage to doing
     financial concern facing American fami-
                                                                         ing World War II as a relatively inexpensive                        away with employer responsibility alto-
     lies, ranking higher than home ownership,
                                                                         way to recruit and retain employees in a                            gether. The major differences among the
     energy costs, debt, retirement savings, and
                                                                         tight labor market where wages were frozen                          possible approaches involve the following
     college expenses, according to a recent
                                                                         by the federal government. Americans                                broad categories: employer mandates,
     Gallup Poll.1 The problem is compounded
                                                                         quickly became accustomed to healthcare                             government and worker responsibility,
     because the high cost of healthcare in the
                                                                         coverage as a benefit of employment. They                           retiree coverage, tax policy, market
     United States is directly related to growth in
                                                                         have also gotten used to the favorable tax                          reforms, and cost control. (For a snap-
     the number of uninsured people, especially
                                                                         treatment of employer-sponsored insur-                              shot of the Democratic and Republican
     when premium increases exceed personal
                                                                         ance benefits under current law, in which                           approaches to healthcare, see “Opposing
     income growth, thus making insurance
                                                                         the premiums are excluded from their                                views,” beginning on page 20.)
     less affordable.2

     1 Gallup Organization, What Is the Most Important Financial Problem Facing Your Family Today? Gallup Poll Social Series, July 12–15, 2007.
     2 Todd Gilmer and Richard Kronick, “It’s the Premiums, Stupid: Projections of the Uninsured through 2013,” Health Affairs, vol. 25, no. 6 (2006).
     3 The Kaiser Family Foundation and Health Research and Educational Trust, Employer Health Benefits: 2007 Summary of Findings, September 2007.

1   PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08
Figure 1: America’s big concern Percent of Americans surveyed, citing healthcare as the nation’s most important problem





















                1992                                                                  1996                                                                          2000                                                                    2004                                                 2008
         Presidential Elections                                                Presidential Elections                                                       Presidential Elections                                                  Presidential Elections                                 Presidential
                                Clinton’s Task Force on
                              National Health Care Reform

Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers, Beyond the Sound Bite, 2007, based upon PwC Health Research Institute analysis of Gallup’s Most Important Problem series, October
11-14, 1990 through September 14-16, 2007

Figure : Healthcare’s growing                                             80
share of consumer spending
Percent change in wallet share of                                          70
personal consumption components






                                                                             0                                                                                                                                                                                                            Medical care
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Services, excluding
                                                                          –10                                                                                                                                                                                                             medical care

Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers, Beyond                                    –20                                                                                                                                                                                                             Durable goods
the Sound Bite, 2007, based upon PwC                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Nondurable goods
Health Research Institute analysis of data                                –30
from the Bureau of Economic Analysis,
“Personal Consumption Components,” 2007                                             1980                          1985                              1990                             1995                              2000                             2005

Figure : Rising employer                                                                                                                                                                                          Figure : Health insurance trumps pay increases
healthcare costs Employer                                                                                                                                                                                          Percent of respondents who would rather have
premium contributions as a                                                                                                                                                                                         $6,700 in employer-sponsored health insurance—
share of payroll                                                                                                                                                                                                   the average amount spent by employers on each
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   employee at the time of the survey—over the same
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   amount in additional taxable income



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Prefer employer-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      75%                         sponsored insurance

                                                 8.0%                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Prefer higher pay

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Don’t know

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Source: R. Helman and P. Fronstin, 2006 Health Confidence
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Survey: Dissatisfaction with Health Care System Doubles Since
                                                                             1996                             2000                            2003                            2005                                 1998, EBRI (Employee Benefit Research Institute) Notes, vol. 27,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   no. 11, November 2006, and earlier publications based on the
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Research Data Center, Employment Cost Index, data accessed from February 2006 to April 2007                                                                                    EBRI Health Confidence Survey

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08                        1
Figure : Employer attitudes changing on providing coverage
     Percent of respondents who say employers should move away from
     providing healthcare coverage for active employees


                          87%                Agree


     PricewaterhouseCoopers Health Research Institute, Tailoring the approach: Employer attitudes
     and healthcare strategies address distinct issues, 2007

                                                                                                                                         Pay, play—or no way
     Figure 6: Overview of existing state employer mandates                                                                              According to our analysis of US Census
                                                                                                                                         Bureau data, 47 million Americans—more
                                                                                   Catamount Health
                                                                                                                                         than 15 percent of the population—do
                                                                                   Employers that do not offer health insur-             not have health insurance. Of those, a full
                                                                                   ance, that offer health insurance only to             two-thirds have a connection to a full-time
                                                                                   some employees, or that have uninsured                job; that is, they either hold full-time jobs
                                                                                   employees must pay a quarterly assess-                or are dependents of those who do. Given
                                                                                   ment fee of $1 per day per full-time                  these statistics, it is not surprising that
                                                                                   equivalent (FTE). FTE exceptions will be
                                                                                   made through 2010. The employer assess-
                                                                                                                                         both of the major political parties consider
                                                                                   ment rate will be raised at the same rate             addressing the working uninsured to be a
                                                                                   as Catamount Health premiums.                         high priority.

                                                                                                                                         To expand access to care, proposals
                                                                                                                                         from the leading Democratic candidates
                                                                                                                                         require employers to provide worker health
                                                                                                                                         coverage. This approach, often referred to
                                                                                                                                         as pay or play, encourages employers to
                                                                                                                                         fund employee health insurance by taxing
                                                                                                                                         employers that do not.

                                                                                                                                         The Democratic mandates strengthen and
                                                                                                                                         expand the employer’s role in the health-
                                                                                                                                         care market. Today, however, many large
                                                                                                                                         companies agree that employers must
                                                                                                                                         offer a minimum level of coverage. In a
                                                                                                                                         recent PricewaterhouseCoopers survey,
                                                                                                                                         150 US executives at large, publicly held
                                                                                                                                         companies agree, with 87 percent reject-
                                                                                                                                         ing the notion that employers should not
                                                                                                                                         provide such coverage. (See Figure 5.)

                                                                                                                                         Since 2005, 31 states have proposed
     Hawaii                                                                        Massachusetts                                         a form of pay or play, and employer
     Prepaid Health Care Act                                                       Act providing access to affordable,                   mandates have already been enacted in
     Employers must provide health insurance for                                   quality, and accountable healthcare
     employees working over 20 hours per week.                                     Employers must enroll at least one-fourth
                                                                                                                                         Hawaii, Massachusetts, and Vermont.
     Employers must contribute 50 percent of the pre-                              of employees in an employer-sponsored                 (See Figure 6.) In Massachusetts, employ-
     mium for single coverage and the employee covers                              plan or pay at least one-third of employee            ers with at least 10 workers pay each
     the additional portion of the premium. Employee                               healthcare premium costs. Penalities for              worker $295 per year if they do not make
     contribution is not to exceed 1.5 percent of wages.                           failure to adhere to the mandate are $295             a “fair and reasonable” contribution to the
                                                                                   per employee per year.                                cost of workers’ coverage. In this case,
                                                                                                                                         fair and reasonable means either enrolling
                                                                                                                                         25 percent or more of full-time equivalents
                                                                                        Employer mandate passed                          (FTEs) in the employer’s plan or offering to
                                                                                                                                         pay at least 33 percent of FTEs’ premiums.
     Source: National Conference of State Legislatures Universal                        Employer mandate attempted 2005, 2006, or 2007
     Health Care Action Network and Progressive State Network,
     Towards Health Care for All in the States, September 19, 2007                      No mandate being considered at this time

1   PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08
An individual mandate could coexist with an
                                                 employer mandate, potentially offering workers
                                                 affordable coverage options both through their
                                                 employers and in the individual market.

The mandate proposals generally estab-           for by the government and administered by     tend to believe that existing government
lish a minimum employer contribution. For        private plans. Other Democratic proposals     programs are underutilized. Rather than
example, if an employer currently pays           include (1) a new government health insur-    expanding government programs, leading
at least 6 percent of payroll costs toward       ance option wherein individuals could         Republicans would prefer that the gov-
employee health insurance, the employer          purchase coverage (the program would          ernment focus on enrolling uninsured
would be exempt from any further contri-         be modeled after Medicare but not funded      Americans who are eligible for Medicaid
bution. If the employer provides no health       through the Medicare trust fund); (2) a new   and for SCHIP but who haven’t signed up.
insurance or pays less than 6 percent of         program that would mirror the Federal
payroll, the employer would have to con-         Employees Health Benefits Program and         Both parties advocate changing the
tribute to a public pool that brings the total   make the same private insurance options       individual’s role in the healthcare system.
contribution up to 6 percent of payroll. The     enjoyed by federal employees available        Democrats would start with an individual
public pool would then subsidize coverage        to all Americans; and (3) the development     mandate—that is, with a requirement that
for the uninsured.                               of a national health insurance exchange       individuals procure health insurance similar
                                                 that would set standards for participating    to the requirement in many states that
Generally speaking, Republicans do not           plans and facilitate the purchasing of        individuals procure automobile insurance.
support this approach. They oppose               individual coverage.                          An individual mandate could coexist with
additional federal regulations on the health                                                   an employer mandate, potentially offer-
industry and specifically reject mandates.       Republicans support proposals that would      ing workers affordable coverage options
They counter that an employer mandate            strengthen the individual insurance market    both through their employers and in the
may not be effective unless the penalty is       by extending to that market some of the       individual market. Individual mandates
high enough to make purchasing coverage          favorable tax treatment that is currently     could be supported by new rules like
attractive. Some critics add that mandates       available only for employer-group cover-      guaranteed insurability and community
might cause employers to hire more part-         age. Strengthening the individual market      rating, which consist of pricing everyone
time or temporary workers who would not          would not only provide tax support            in a given geography the same, thereby
be subject to mandates.                          for people who do not have access to          creating a large pool that spreads the
                                                 employer coverage; it would also offer        risk. Together, guaranteed insurability and
Changing government and worker roles             more insurance-product choices to             community rating facilitate portability of
                                                 employees who currently are limited to just   insurance—something both parties agree
Bolstering or diminishing the employer’s
                                                 one or two health plans. Also, Republicans    on. A variation on this approach involves
role in healthcare is just one lever that is
being used to address healthcare reform.
How the parties see the responsibility of
the federal government and the respon-
sibility of individuals is another key issue
that also gets at the problem—and directly
impacts employers.

Democrats generally favor expanding
government programs such as Medicaid
and the State Children’s Health Insurance
Program (SCHIP). Many support a new
government-sponsored health insurance
program wherein individuals could pur-
chase coverage. This could benefit health
plans if the program were structured like
the Medicare drug benefit, which is paid

                                                                                                               PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08   1
Health costs

600 1 
billion USD is the amount
employers spend on health
                                        million Americans rely on
                                        employer-sponsored insurance
                                                                       million Americans, more than
                                                                       15 percent of the population,
insurance for their workers,            for their health coverage.     do not have health insurance.
upwards of 10 percent                                                  Of those, a full two-thirds have
of payroll.                                                            a connection to a full-time job.

PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08
Even employers that believe they have a
responsibility to provide health coverage
access for retirees also feel there are limits
to that responsibility.

                                                                    an individual mandate only for children that                  by employers—a level that commonly
                                                                    is supported through expanded govern-                         approaches annual family premiums of
                                                                    ment programs.                                                $15,000 or more.

                                                                    Republicans oppose individual as well as                      Whichever coverage proposals prevail,
                                                                    employer mandates. They argue that an                         they will affect employers. On one hand,
                                                                    individual mandate may not be effective                       public-plan options may crowd out private
                                                                    unless it is coupled with a severe penalty                    insurance if insured individuals drop their
                                                                    for those who do not enroll in a plan. For                    private coverage in favor of less expensive
                                                                    example, in Massachusetts—a state that                        government coverage. Or employers—
                                                                    currently has an individual mandate—the                       especially employers of low-wage
                                                                    penalty is loss of the individual exemp-                      workers—may decide not to offer insur-
                                                                    tion. However, the value of the $3,500                        ance when public alternatives are readily
                                                                    tax exemption ranges from $0 (for lower-                      available. On the other hand, any plan that
                                                                    income individuals not paying taxes) to                       covers more people may have the effect
                                                                    $1,225 (for individuals in the 35 percent                     of lowering overall insurance premiums,
                                                                    tax bracket). Given that the average annual                   a trend that could benefit employers.
                                                                    premium cost of single coverage exceeds
                                                                    $4,000, the penalty might not encour-                         The retiree dilemma
                                                                    age many of the uninsured to purchase
                                                                                                                                  Covering active workers and their depen-
                                                                    insurance. In practice, a mandate would
                                                                                                                                  dents is one thing, but what about the
                                                                    likely be limited to those who can reason-
                                                                                                                                  burden of providing coverage for retirees?
                                                                    ably be expected to afford private health
                                                                                                                                  Even employers that believe they have
                                                                    insurance. Unless significant subsidies
                                                                                                                                  a responsibility to provide health cover-
                                                                    are provided for middle-income uninsured
                                                                                                                                  age access for retirees also feel there are
                                                                    people, such individuals cannot afford to
                                                                                                                                  limits to that responsibility. In a recent PwC
                                                                    purchase the level of insurance provided
                                                                                                                                  survey, employers were less than certain
                                                                                                                                  about their future support for retiree health
                                                                                                                                  coverage. When asked to describe their
                                                                                                                                  views on the topic, nearly three-quarters
                                                                                                                                  said retiree health coverage is placing
Figure : Employer attitudes on retiree health coverage In describing your views about                                            financial pressure on companies and that
retiree health coverage, do you agree at least somewhat with the following statements?                                            such coverage will need to be changed
                                                Percent agreeing                                                                  through reduced employer contributions
                                                                                                                                  and benefit caps. However, employers
Retiree health coverage is placing                                                                                                do show strong support for assisting
financial pressure on companies and
will need to be changed via reduced                                                                                   73          employees in managing their own
employer contributions and benefit caps                                                                                           retirement health and associated costs.
Employers should help provide                                                                                                     For example, nearly 80 percent support
access to affordable retiree health                                                                                    74         providing retirees with savings account
coverage but not necessarily fund it
                                                                                                                                  mechanisms, tax incentives, and access
Employees should set aside money                                                                                                  to coverage even if they do not fund it.
during their active employment years                                                                                        79    (See Figure 7.)
to fund their retirement healthcare needs
                                                                                                                                  The parties’ proposals on retiree healthcare
There should be more tax incentives
for employees to set aside money to                                                                                          80
                                                                                                                                  closely mirror their positions on increasing
fund their retirement healthcare needs                                                                                            healthcare coverage in general. The

Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers Health Research Institute, Tailoring the approach: Employer attitudes and healthcare
strategies address distinct issues, 2007
                                                                                                                                                   PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08   1
Democrats would bring retirees into the sys-   their own, affordable policies without help   individual coverage more attractive and
     tem either by expanding existing programs,     from employers. This approach weakens         begin to disentangle health insurance
     by prepurchasing retiree healthcare cover-     the connection between insurance              from employment.
     age, or by using health markets to increase    and employment.
     access. The Republicans favor tax incen-                                                     Under the Republican plan, people
     tives through the expansion or modification    The Republican plans extend the approach      who purchase coverage costing less
     of health savings accounts (HSAs).             that President George W. Bush proposed        than the deduction amounts would still
                                                    in his fiscal year 2008 budget: Contribu-     receive the full value of the deduction,
     Tax reformers and market makers                tions to employer-sponsored insurance are     which could influence individuals to shop
                                                    included in wages and therefore subject       for the most basic coverage. However,
     Instead of employer or individual mandates,
                                                    to income and payroll taxes. In exchange,     the proposal would offer few incentives to
     Republicans generally support changes
                                                    the president’s proposal would provide        low-income earners who have no or little
     to tax policy to stimulate a more robust
                                                    a standard deduction of $7,500 for all        tax income liability. The administration
     individual insurance market. Their theory
                                                    insured individuals and $15,000 for insured   estimated that its proposal would reduce
     is that with attractive rates and policies,
                                                    families. By eliminating the tax advantages   the number of uninsured by 3 million.
     individual consumers—especially those
                                                    associated with employer-sponsored insur-     Critics, however, argue that employer-pur-
     who are currently uninsured—can secure
                                                    ance, the president’s proposal would make     chased insurance might continue to enjoy
                                                                                                  an advantage over individually purchased
                                                                                                  policies because of more favorable pricing
                                                                                                  based on employer purchasing power.

                                                                                                  Republicans favor expanding HSAs,
                                                                                                  which let individuals earmark tax-
                                                                                                  exempt contributions for healthcare.
                                                                                                  By increasing contribution limits, they
                                                                                                  hope to entice more individuals to
                                                                                                  purchase insurance. Some also favor
                                                                                                  doing away with high-deductible
                                                                                                  requirements for HSAs, which would
                                                                                                  also make the plans more attractive.

                                                                                                  Opponents say the impact of such HSA
                                                                                                  changes would likely be modest, based
                                                                                                  on how changes have been received
                                                                                                  since their inception a few years ago.
                                                                                                  The HSA-eligible, high-deductible-health-
                                                                                                  plan option has attracted about 4.5 million
                                                                                                  Americans, about one-fourth of whom
                                                                                                  previously were uninsured.4 However,
                                                                                                  only about half of those with eligible
                                                                                                  plans have actually opened HSAs.5

                                                                                                  4 America’s Health Insurance Plans Center for Policy and
                                                                                                  Research: “January 2007 Census Shows 4.5 Million People
                                                                                                  Covered by HSA/High-Deductible Health Plans,” April 2007.
                                                                                                  5 US Government Accountability Office, Consumer-Directed
                                                                                                  Health Plans, Early Enrollee Experiences with Health Savings
                                                                                                  Accounts and Eligible Health Plans, report to the Hon. Max
                                                                                                  Baucus (D-Mont.), August 9, 2006.

18   PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08
The individual market for health insurance        There is emerging evidence to support            regulations concerning employers—rules
has not grown during the past three years,        this push, and some of the employers that        and regulations designed to help expand
and the percent of Americans in high-             have instituted wellness and prevention          coverage for working Americans. Repub-
deductible health plans dropped in 2006,          programs have seen a clear return on their       lican candidates will frame the discussion
according to the Commonwealth Fund.               investment in terms of improved worker           around modifications to the tax code and
                                                  productivity or reduced absenteeism.             reduced regulation of the insurance indus-
In keeping with the vision of expanded            Employers are encouraged to create incen-        try to de-emphasize the employer’s role in
individual markets, Republicans also favor        tives for healthy behavior that may prevent      favor of market forces.
permitting cross-state selling of insurance.      chronic disease. That means programs to
The reduced regulations would create              promote screenings, smoking cessation,           Both parties are likely to promote wellness
national health insurance markets in which        weight loss, and regular exercise. But there     strategies designed to encourage healthy
individuals could purchase insurance plans        are no quick fixes: Even the best employer       lifestyles and to manage the epidemic
from anywhere in the nation. Under current        programs are ineffective unless people           of chronic disease. In the end, however,
regulations, insurance products may be            commit to changing their behavior.               commitment by business leaders and col-
sold within a state only if the product is                                                         laborative public-private partnerships most
approved by that state’s insurance com-           The debate continues                             likely will help enhance productivity, reduce
missioner and if it abides by the individual                                                       the number of uninsured, quell the growing
                                                  As the presidential campaign season
state’s mandates. The Republicans pro-                                                             burden of healthcare costs, and lead to a
                                                  continues, employers can expect to see
pose replacing 50 different sets of state                                                          more healthy community.
                                                  increased attention paid to the health-
regulations with a single national standard.      care debate and to the employer’s role in        Sandy Lutz is managing director, Benjamin Isgur is
                                                  workers’ health. Democratic candidates,          assistant director, and Jeffrey Gartland is a research
Reining in costs                                  who focus on decreasing the number of            analyst with the PricewaterhouseCoopers Health
Proposed mandates and tax policy changes          uninsured, will speak about new rules and        Research Institute.
focus principally on the issue of expanding
coverage for the uninsured. But controlling
skyrocketing healthcare costs is another
important priority—particularly for employ-       Employer impacts
ers. To help control costs, Republicans and
Democrats alike urge an increased focus on
                                                  The good, the bad, the unknown
the twin pillars of wellness and prevention,
                                                  At this stage of the election, it’s still too early to assess the bottom-line impact of health-
yet the parties have yet to outline significant
                                                  care reform on employers. However, no matter who is elected, employers will be affected.
policies promoting this agenda and the
                                                  Here are a few of the potential benefits and risks associated with healthcare reform that
employer’s expanded role.
                                                  you might want to keep on your radar screen.
The consensus is that while tradition-
                                                  Potentially positive outcomes                    Potentially negative outcomes
ally, governments—not employers—have
been held responsible for a population’s          • Fewer uninsured people in the health-          • Coverage mandates could lead to
health, government alone cannot pre-                care system may reduce both cost shift-          higher costs and/or penalties.
vent the spread of chronic disease. The             ing and overall premium costs.
                                                                                                   • Tax credits and deductions that encour-
workplace is seen as an important focal
                                                  • Tax credits to purchase insurance may            age workers to buy individual policies
point for successful prevention strategies,
                                                    increase attractiveness for recruitment          may take away what some employers
and employers are seen as being able to
                                                    and retention at smaller firms.                  consider to be a key retention tool.
influence individual behavior by providing
a supportive environment and leveraging           • More government spending on wellness
existing infrastructure to offer low-cost but       and prevention could benefit employee
effective interventions.                            productivity.

                                                                                                                       PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08   19
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Pwc view-winter08

  • 1. view In this issue 22 Achieving business agility 38 Maximizing talent winter 08 46 Interview with Andrew Zolli and more... Healthy choices? What election-year healthcare reform proposals mean for the future of employer-sponsored health insurance 10
  • 2. Departments 3 A new view Business success in the 21st century Tom Craren 4 My view The key to 21st-century competitiveness: Finding the right people Dennis Nally 52 Your view On constant change View points 6 Solving the tech waste problem 7 Syncing up on info security 8 Joining the consumer conversation 9 The business of bribes 9 International assignments Features 10 Cover story 22 Change agents Just whose job is it to Healthy choices? What do election-year ensure your business can keep pace with healthcare reform proposals mean for customers, competitors, and suppliers? the future of employer-sponsored health Randy Browning insurance? Sandy Lutz, Benjamin Isgur, and Jeffrey Gartland
  • 3. It’s time to check up on how election-year healthcare reform will affect employers, page 10. 30 One global flavor A US move to 38 Maximizing talent There are strategies 46 Interview International Financial Reporting for making the most of your people Piercing the veil Andrew Zolli looks Standards is inevitable. All companies no matter what tomorrow brings. at the future of business and of the should think strategically about this Steve Rimmer, Karen Vander Linde, world. Interview by Tom Craren and change and begin to understand Dolores Wilverding, and Warren Cinnick Gene Zasadinski the impact now. Raymond J. Beier
  • 4. view winter 08 Editorial Contributors Editorial Director In addition to our authors, we thank the following individuals for their contributions Tom Craren to this issue of View: View points Managing Editor Deborah K. Bothun, Principal, Advisory Services, Global Digital Convergence Leader Gene Zasadinski Charles Hacker, Partner, Advisory Services, Investigations Assistant Managing Editor Neil Keenan, Director, Advisory Services, Investigations Christine Wendin Mark Lobel, Partner, Advisory Services, Security Assistant Editor Mitchell Schuckman, Partner, International Assignment Services Reena Vadehra Steven Skalak, Partner, Advisory Services, US and Global Investigations Leader Online Business agility Director, Online Marketing Bo Parker, Managing Director, Center for Technology and Innovation Jack Teuber International Financial Reporting Standards Designer and Producer Sara DeSmith, Partner, National Professional Services Group, Global Accounting Joe Breen Consulting Services Design Photography Odgis + Company Corbis, David Doubilet, Bill Gallery, Getty Images, Matt Goins, Vance Jacobs, JupiterImages, Kit Kittle, National Geographic Image Collection, Reuters Pictures, Creative Director and Leonard Rubenstein Janet Odgis Designers Banu Berker Rhian Swierat To request additional copies of View or to comment: PricewaterhouseCoopers ( provides industry-focused assurance, tax and advisory services to build public trust and enhance value for its clients and their stakeholders. More than 146,000 people in 150 countries across our network share their thinking, experience, and solutions to develop fresh perspectives and practical advice. © 2008 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. “PricewaterhouseCoopers” refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (a Delaware limited liability partnership) or, as the context requires, the PricewaterhouseCoopers global network or other member firms of the network, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity. *connectedthinking is a trademark of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (US). PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08
  • 5. Business success A new view in the 1st century According to naturalist and evolutionary As it does to 21st-century business, theorist Charles Darwin, “It is not the change also applies to View. With a new strongest of the species that survive, nor design, a new format, a new editorial the most intelligent, but the one most approach, and an enhanced online pres- responsive to change.” Whether his words ence, View is evolving to keep pace with accurately describe biological processes a changing business environment. is still a matter of heated debate. But there is no debate about their applicability to In line with those changes, we intend to 21st-century business: Complex forces consistently offer business executives of change are at work, and only those like you straight talk on subjects that companies flexible enough to respond matter. Topics in this issue include health- appropriately will survive and prosper. care policy, agility, International Financial Reporting Standards, and strategies for Addressing these forces of change is what finding and maximizing talent. And there’s View is all about. In each issue we share also an interview with noted futurist insights into challenges that most concern Andrew Zolli. you and that affect your success—chal- lenges such as embedding agility into We hope you enjoy this issue of View and your company and making change stick; that you’ll come back often. We promise discovering opportunities inherent in some to be a friendly, reliable, informative, and risk; attracting and maintaining talent; entertaining place for you to check in on maximizing your corporate social respon- and track the trends and issues that interest sibility efforts; disarming complexity; and and concern you most, not just today, fostering innovation and collaboration. but over time as well. We know your expec- tations are high. We wouldn’t have it any other way. You can be sure that we’ll deliver. Sincerely, Tom Craren Partner-in-Charge US Thought Leadership PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08
  • 6. The key to 1st-century My view Dennis Nally competitiveness Finding the right people In today’s knowledge-based economy, talent will be the defining competitive advantage. And companies that want to succeed are dramatically rethinking the way they find, develop, and hold on to talent. PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08
  • 7. In today’s leading organizations, there is no We can start by increasing the visa cap for want us. Yes, that’s right, want us. Today’s question that talent—finding it, developing international professionals who want to recruits have expectations about the it, and retaining it—affects success more work in the US. This year, for the first time companies they want to work for. They are directly than any other single factor. It also in history, the visa cap was reached on the looking for commitments to integrity, to is among the greatest causes of concern. first day of filing. Applications arriving after social responsibility, and to flexibility. And day-one were denied. they are in a position to demand this and Our 11th Annual Global CEO Survey bears more. Companies that meet and exceed this out. While 89 percent of CEOs assert This and other policies and approaches to these demands will win. Those that don’t that their companies’ people agendas education and to developing talent need to will fall behind. are among their top priorities, 61 percent change. I firmly believe that to maintain its express concern over the availability of competitive edge, America must become Some companies will find that coping with key skills. In addition, 62 percent maintain a magnet for talent. But until this happens, these new realities is difficult. Others will that their organizations need to change we can’t just sit on the sidelines. We’ve pretend they don’t exist and continue on the way they recruit, motivate, and got to find and cultivate talent in our own with the old ways. However, organizations develop employees. backyards. We’ve got to recruit students that succeed will be those that neither at an earlier age. And we’ve got to learn ignore change nor fear it. Rather, they will Responses such as these to questions how to use newer technologies such as be those that respond to change and turn about what, a decade ago, was a yawn- mobile email and text messaging as pow- it to their advantage. inducing issue suggest that a fundamental erful, new recruiting tools. We also need to shift has occurred. Perhaps more than any fully exploit rich sources of new talent And that’s my view. other aspect of business, the competition such as virtual online communities and for talent has changed profoundly. social networks. Dennis Nally is chairman and senior partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. In the next issue of The reasons are not difficult to find. They But most important, we have to find ways View, he continues to examine this critical issue and are related directly to globalization and to of ensuring that the people we want also offers his insights on developing and retaining talent. changes in demographics and technology. 89% Finding the right people There was a time—at least in the account- ing profession—when the only talent you needed involved understanding a balance sheet and an income statement. Those days are long gone. Today, we look for people not only with of CEOs assert that their companies’ people agendas are among technical skills, but with integrity as well. We also look for people with diverse back- their top priorities. 6% grounds and cultures—people who bring a broader understanding of the world around them. Without such people, a company cannot compete globally. However, tapping into this type of work- force is easier said than accomplished, and business leaders must work proactively to of CEOs maintain that their organizations need to change the remove obstacles. But what can be done? way they recruit, motivate, and develop employees. PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08
  • 8. View points Corporate social responsibility Solving the tech waste problem For businesses across the United States, burden of its products—a burden shoul- Research’s November 2007 report titled In yesterday’s technology has become dered by its corporate customers. A Search of Green Technology Consumers— tomorrow’s problem. The millions of com- recent study by PricewaterhouseCoopers which covered American attitudes toward puters, printers, and other gadgets that are surveyed tech industry senior executives green technology—only 12 percent of commonplace in any office—and that we on their companies’ attitudes and policies respondents agree that they would pay steadfastly rely on to conduct business— on environmentalism. When asked which extra for consumer electronics that used can become threats when we discard them. factors were most important in their com- less energy or came from a company that panies’ environmental decision making, was environmentally friendly. Forty-one In the United States alone, approximately nearly half of the respondents cited “meet- percent said that though they are con- 2 million tons of e-waste is tossed into ing customer expectations/requirements,” cerned about the environment, they do not landfills, poisoning the air and the land and but energy savings and regulatory compli- strongly agree that they would pay more exposing people to dangerous toxins. In ance had an even greater impact on their for environmentally friendly electronics. addition, all that hardware—especially data environmentally focused pursuits.1 centers that house a company’s informa- Despite this disconnect, many technol- tion lifeblood—is eating up a lot of energy. So, can customers expect more green ogy companies have jumped on the green In fact, 50 percent of the energy consumed products when a company’s next bandwagon. For instance, Sony is creating in a data center is used just to cool down upgrade cycle rolls around? According to an e-waste drop-off facility where anyone the network system. PricewaterhouseCoopers/National Venture can recycle unwanted electronics. And Capital Association MoneyTree™ Report many technology companies are collabo- Along with these practical problems, com- based on data from Thomson Financial, rating with smaller organizations to develop panies face the challenge of going green venture capitalists invested in 2007 almost and promulgate more environmentally and reducing their carbon footprints. This $2.2 billion in companies that make green friendly processes. is becoming important as public interest in tech products. That investment is more environmentalism increases and as more than the amount spent on green technology Such initiatives and collaborations are organizations want to position themselves companies in 2006 and 2005 combined. pivotal for making green technology as socially responsible businesses. a reality for any business. They reduce While such numbers are impressive, a energy costs and provide an alternative The technology industry is beginning to considerable amount of resistance to to junking used hardware. recognize and address the environmental green tech products still exists. In Forrester 1 Technology Executive Connections: Going Green: Sustainable Growth Strategies, PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2008. Motivation for environmental decision making Percent of tech company executives surveyed 70 60.1 60 50.7 50 44.6 43.2 40 30 20 17.6 14.9 14.2 10 8.8 3.4 0 Potential Complying with Meeting Potential Obtaining Matching the Attracting and Meeting Don’t know/ cost savings environmental customer for gaining tax incentives environmentally retaining staff investor/ Not applicable from energy legislation and expectations/ competitive focused actions shareholder efficiency regulation requirements advantage of competitors demands Source: Technology Executive Connections: Going Green: Sustainable Growth Strategies, PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2008 6 PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08
  • 9. CEOs, CIOs, and CSOs differ in their attitudes about business security matters. Managing risk Syncing up on info security Executive views on security attacks Percent of senior executives surveyed 100 83 80 71 74 65 60 53 50 44 43 40 38 CEO 20 CIO CISO/CSO 0 An employee or A hacker as the Fewer than 10 security former employee as source of an attack attacks in the past year the source of an attack Source: Fifth Annual Global State of Information Security Survey 2007, CIO, CSO and PricewaterhouseCoopers CEOs worldwide might want to sit down page concerning the number one priority Despite security and technology execu- with their information and security offi- for company information security efforts: tives’ growing awareness of the true cers to discuss their differing perceptions maintaining business continuity and alle- nature of security threats, an overwhelm- of risk. According to a recent global viating risk. CSOs, however, place greater ing number of CEOs still say hackers—not information security survey conducted emphasis on regulatory compliance. employees—are the culprits who should by CIO magazine, CSO magazine, and be targeted. However, CEOs believe more PricewaterhouseCoopers, CEOs, CIOs Perhaps the most interesting finding con- so than their security counterparts that (chief information officers), and CISOs cerns a change in perception with regard their organizations are secure and have (chief information security officers) or to the source of security threats—an area experienced few attacks. CSOs (chief security officers) differ in their that the survey has tracked for five years. attitudes about business security matters. Today, CIOs and CSOs say former and So, how can these differences be rec- The survey concluded that many CEOs are current employees are more likely sources onciled? The survey data leads to what far more confident about their companies’ of security attacks than outsiders are. And is perhaps a counterintuitive conclusion. security than their information technology they report that email and abused user While information security strategies need (IT) and security leaders are. accounts are the most common methods to include technical approaches, such of employee attacks. This change, however, technical approaches may not lead to the Typically lacking in-depth technical knowl- does not suggest an increase in corporate whole solution. More extensive or wider edge with regard to IT, CEOs naturally crime over the past few years. Rather, it information sharing between an organiza- have different perspectives on information points to possible cracks that have devel- tion’s top executives could turn out to be security from those of the executive team oped in information security infrastructure, equally if not more important. members who manage these functions. and it indicates a greater awareness of the Even so, CEOs and CIOs are on the same changing nature of security attacks. PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08
  • 10. View points Operational excellence Joining the consumer conversation If you think surfing the Web is better suited consumer conversation, along with more How companies better understand their to the home office than to the corner one, traditional customer information, into its customers and markets think again. operations. Millions of Internet-savvy Engage with 2% consumers are now able to (1) instantly customers 6% Consider this scenario. Your company provide feedback via email and text via the Web recently launched a product, and the messages, (2) deeply discuss products 39% 53% buzz surrounding the innovation has been and services on message boards, and rising steadily. Shortly after the launch, a (3) broadcast their opinions on blogs hazardous defect was detected. You do and social networking sites. This largely the damage control drill—recalling the untapped chatter constitutes consumer product, reaching out to the media, and conversation—reflecting the attitudes, gauging customer reactions through your behaviors, and intentions of consumers.1 Monitor customers’ 3% call center and focus groups. You hope online behavior and 9% your collective response is enough to The massive volume and rapid pace of preferences 31% minimize damage, but you’ve overlooked online activity make getting a handle on this one important thing: online consumer fertile ground problematic. Hiring the right conversations. Damage was brewing in people and finding the right tools to analyze blogs and message boards as angry con- 57% business intelligence based on consumer sumers dissected your product’s downfall conversation are critical. According to and debated alternatives. If only you had PwC’s Management Barometer, which reg- been listening, your company could have ularly surveys senior executives on crucial Mine open-ended responded proactively. 3% business issues, 31 percent of respondents comments from 13% monitor their customers’ online behavior on service and The world of digital communications a regular basis. Fifty-three percent say their support calls 42% is burgeoning, and for any business to companies use online devices to engage succeed, it must embed this kind of digital with their customers.2 42% A consumer electronics company real- ized the benefits of this approach when its new product was not selling as robustly Understand views 3% as expected. Through analyzing online of key influencers 12% consumer conversations, the company (advisory boards, discovered that many customers thought experts) 55% the product was incompatible with other 30% brands. After the company changed its marketing campaign, the product went on to become a top seller. As this example demonstrates, compa- Collect and analyze 2% nies that engage in digital conversation observations by 3% 14% by analyzing and integrating the findings employees who with other customer data, and, ultimately, interact with or by embedding this intelligence will be well observe customers positioned to drive business transformation 81% and gain competitive advantage. 1 PricewaterhouseCoopers, How Consumer Conversation Will Yes No Not certain Not applicable Transform Business, January 2008. 2 PricewaterhouseCoopers Management Barometer: Consumer Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers Management Barometer: Conversations, January 2008. Consumer Conversations, January 2008 8 PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08
  • 11. Global mobility International assignments Economic crime North American companies reported having Money doesn’t always make the world go been asked to pay a bribe in their home ’round. Organizations are discovering that The business of bribes region, as opposed to 21 to 54 percent of it takes more than high salaries to attract companies doing business in E7 countries. the best potential candidates to interna- Interestingly, the survey also found that tional assignments. companies asked to pay kickbacks were more likely to lose deals to competitors that Recent studies we have undertaken sug- were not asked to pay bribes. gest that the nature of global mobility is This is the deal your company needs to changing.1 Whereas in the past, busi- secure a position in a vital emerging mar- Why do businesses that succumb to nesses were interested mainly in hiring ket. In the middle of negotiations, you’ve bribery suffer losses? The study suggests experienced staff from the West, today’s been asked to grant a “commission” to that organizations known to be ethical are expatriates are being recruited from around secure the contract. Should you pay— less likely to be approached with requests the world. They include younger, less ex- just this once? for illicit money. Corrupt individuals prefer perienced workers, who serve for various to deal with companies whose ethical lengths of time. In fact, in an effort to re- According to a recent PwC study on global standards are ambiguous. In addition, duce costs, a growing number of organiza- economic crime, corporate bribery rarely business relationships based on illegal tions have developed program alternatives has positive results. transactions are not likely to focus on qual- to the traditional expatriate assignment. ity and price—an indicator that the market Almost half the companies we surveyed For our 4th Biennial Global Economic Crime is not operating according to competi- employ permanent transfers; about 20 Survey, we interviewed more than 5,400 tive norms. And companies in the E7 that percent send employees on short-term companies in 40 countries and found that had implemented effective anticorruption assignments; and a small percentage use companies in E7 countries (Brazil, China, controls and strong, clearly understood virtual staff where the employee does India, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia, and ethical guidelines said they suffered up to not relocate but has responsibilities for Turkey) reported higher incidences of being 50 percent fewer incidents of corruption a foreign office. asked to pay a bribe.1 Only 3 percent of than other companies. Changes are also occurring in the area of In short, the study supports the old adage staff incentives to move abroad. It’s no 1 PricewaterhouseCoopers 4th Biennial Global Economic Crime that honesty is the best policy when doing longer enough to simply increase salaries or Survey - Economic crime: people, culture and controls, 2007. business in any market. provide other monetary perks. Employees want a total package that delivers a cul- tural education, keeps spouses happy, and sets out reasonable career expectations. Lost business opportunities in emerging markets The costs of sending employees and their families abroad are high. If an employee is Percent of companies surveyed 80 unhappy in the new environment, he or she 71 70 can jeopardize an overseas project. By im- 70 66 proving the help that employees get prior to 63 60 58 Companies and during their international assignment, asked to pay 50 45 47 a bribe and lost companies can maximize their investments an opportunity in the development of global talent. 40 31 Companies 30 never asked 23 21 to pay a bribe 20 18 17 18 and lost an 14 opportunity 10 8 6 Source: 0 4th Biennial 1 International assignment perspectives: Critical issues facing the Brazil China India Indonesia Mexico North Russia Turkey Global Economic globally mobile workforce, PricewaterhouseCoopers, July 2007. America Crime Survey PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08 9
  • 13. What election-year healthcare reform proposals mean for the future of employer-sponsored health insurance By Sandy Lutz, Benjamin Isgur, and Jeffrey Gartland As the presidential campaign reaches a fever pitch, candidates on both sides of the aisle are promulgating their positions on every- thing from fiscal policy to the war in Iraq. One of the most closely followed public debates centers on healthcare reform. Although all voters have a vested interest in the discussion, voters who are also employers may be most affected by its outcome. If you are an employer, spiraling healthcare costs are eating away at your bottom line. According to the US Census Bureau, 177 million Americans rely on employer-sponsored insurance for their health coverage. At 16 percent of the US economy and growing, healthcare is big business—maybe even your business. Moreover, the health plan options companies offer have become key factors in employee recruitment and retention. Current (and prospective) employees are asking a number of questions. How comprehensive is the existing coverage? How many choices do I have? How much is it costing (going to cost) me? Can I do better elsewhere? It’s no wonder, then, that healthcare consistently ranks as one of the top domestic policy issues on the minds of Americans and that during election years healthcare policy becomes a focal point. (See Figure 1.) Employers, employees, and politicians alike agree that the system is not sustainable and that there is no clear path ahead. As one might expect, Democrats differ from Republicans in their respective approaches to healthcare reform. Generally, Democrats favor broader and more immediate changes through legislation, while their Republican counterparts focus primarily on changes to tax policy as the means of transforming the system. PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08 11
  • 14. However, all of the major candidates agree For US businesses, too, the significant income for tax and payroll purposes. In fact, that a single-payer model is not tenable and cost of healthcare is a major concern, one recent study found that employees that going forward, our healthcare system particularly when one considers that would rather receive thousands of dollars will continue to be a public-private partner- while just 61 percent of US businesses in employer-sponsored insurance benefits ship. Just what that partnership will look offer health insurance to at least some than the same amount in additional salary. like is the key question. And top of mind for employees, a whopping 98 percent of (See Figure 4.) employers is cutting through the election- large businesses (those with 200 or more year hype and determining what it really workers) do the same.3 Employers typically The future course for employer-sponsored means to the future of their businesses. spend upwards of 10 percent of payroll insurance may depend largely on the on health insurance for their workers. (See policies initiated by the next president of Scoping the problem Figure 3.) Taken in aggregate, that’s a huge the United States. A new leader will help number—nearly $600 billion, according to decide important policy questions con- Healthcare spending has been increasing at the US Department of Commerce’s Bureau cerning covering the uninsured, improving about twice the rate of inflation, absorbing of Economic Analysis. the quality of care, and using taxes and a larger and larger share of both employers’ other mechanisms to fund coverage. Pro- profits and workers’ salaries. (See Figure 2.) It wasn’t always that way. Employer- posals run the gamut from mandating that For employees, healthcare cost is the top sponsored insurance was introduced dur- all employers provide coverage to doing financial concern facing American fami- ing World War II as a relatively inexpensive away with employer responsibility alto- lies, ranking higher than home ownership, way to recruit and retain employees in a gether. The major differences among the energy costs, debt, retirement savings, and tight labor market where wages were frozen possible approaches involve the following college expenses, according to a recent by the federal government. Americans broad categories: employer mandates, Gallup Poll.1 The problem is compounded quickly became accustomed to healthcare government and worker responsibility, because the high cost of healthcare in the coverage as a benefit of employment. They retiree coverage, tax policy, market United States is directly related to growth in have also gotten used to the favorable tax reforms, and cost control. (For a snap- the number of uninsured people, especially treatment of employer-sponsored insur- shot of the Democratic and Republican when premium increases exceed personal ance benefits under current law, in which approaches to healthcare, see “Opposing income growth, thus making insurance the premiums are excluded from their views,” beginning on page 20.) less affordable.2 1 Gallup Organization, What Is the Most Important Financial Problem Facing Your Family Today? Gallup Poll Social Series, July 12–15, 2007. 2 Todd Gilmer and Richard Kronick, “It’s the Premiums, Stupid: Projections of the Uninsured through 2013,” Health Affairs, vol. 25, no. 6 (2006). 3 The Kaiser Family Foundation and Health Research and Educational Trust, Employer Health Benefits: 2007 Summary of Findings, September 2007. 1 PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08
  • 15. Figure 1: America’s big concern Percent of Americans surveyed, citing healthcare as the nation’s most important problem 1991 1992 1994 1996 1997 1993 1995 2007 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 30 25 20 15 10 5 J FMAMJ J A S OND J FMAMJ J A S OND J FMAMJ J A S OND J FMAMJ J A S OND J FMAMJ J A S OND J FMAMJ J A S OND J FMAMJ J A S OND J FMAMJ J A S OND J FMAMJ J A S OND J FMAMJ J A S OND J FMAMJ J A S OND J FMAMJ J A S OND J FMAMJ J A S OND J FMAMJ J A S OND J FMAMJ J A S OND J FMAMJ J A S OND J FMAMJ J A S 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 Presidential Elections Presidential Elections Presidential Elections Presidential Elections Presidential Elections Clinton’s Task Force on National Health Care Reform Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers, Beyond the Sound Bite, 2007, based upon PwC Health Research Institute analysis of Gallup’s Most Important Problem series, October 11-14, 1990 through September 14-16, 2007 Figure : Healthcare’s growing 80 share of consumer spending Percent change in wallet share of 70 personal consumption components 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Medical care Services, excluding –10 medical care Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers, Beyond –20 Durable goods the Sound Bite, 2007, based upon PwC Nondurable goods Health Research Institute analysis of data –30 from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, “Personal Consumption Components,” 2007 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Figure : Rising employer Figure : Health insurance trumps pay increases healthcare costs Employer Percent of respondents who would rather have premium contributions as a $6,700 in employer-sponsored health insurance— share of payroll the average amount spent by employers on each employee at the time of the survey—over the same amount in additional taxable income 5% 20% 10.7% 9.8% Prefer employer- 75% sponsored insurance 8.0% Prefer higher pay Don’t know Source: R. Helman and P. Fronstin, 2006 Health Confidence Survey: Dissatisfaction with Health Care System Doubles Since 1996 2000 2003 2005 1998, EBRI (Employee Benefit Research Institute) Notes, vol. 27, no. 11, November 2006, and earlier publications based on the Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Research Data Center, Employment Cost Index, data accessed from February 2006 to April 2007 EBRI Health Confidence Survey PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08 1
  • 16. Figure : Employer attitudes changing on providing coverage Percent of respondents who say employers should move away from providing healthcare coverage for active employees 6% 7% Disagree 87% Agree Neither PricewaterhouseCoopers Health Research Institute, Tailoring the approach: Employer attitudes and healthcare strategies address distinct issues, 2007 Pay, play—or no way Figure 6: Overview of existing state employer mandates According to our analysis of US Census Bureau data, 47 million Americans—more Vermont Catamount Health than 15 percent of the population—do Employers that do not offer health insur- not have health insurance. Of those, a full ance, that offer health insurance only to two-thirds have a connection to a full-time some employees, or that have uninsured job; that is, they either hold full-time jobs employees must pay a quarterly assess- or are dependents of those who do. Given ment fee of $1 per day per full-time these statistics, it is not surprising that equivalent (FTE). FTE exceptions will be made through 2010. The employer assess- both of the major political parties consider ment rate will be raised at the same rate addressing the working uninsured to be a as Catamount Health premiums. high priority. To expand access to care, proposals from the leading Democratic candidates require employers to provide worker health coverage. This approach, often referred to as pay or play, encourages employers to fund employee health insurance by taxing employers that do not. The Democratic mandates strengthen and expand the employer’s role in the health- care market. Today, however, many large companies agree that employers must offer a minimum level of coverage. In a recent PricewaterhouseCoopers survey, 150 US executives at large, publicly held companies agree, with 87 percent reject- ing the notion that employers should not provide such coverage. (See Figure 5.) Since 2005, 31 states have proposed Hawaii Massachusetts a form of pay or play, and employer Prepaid Health Care Act Act providing access to affordable, mandates have already been enacted in Employers must provide health insurance for quality, and accountable healthcare employees working over 20 hours per week. Employers must enroll at least one-fourth Hawaii, Massachusetts, and Vermont. Employers must contribute 50 percent of the pre- of employees in an employer-sponsored (See Figure 6.) In Massachusetts, employ- mium for single coverage and the employee covers plan or pay at least one-third of employee ers with at least 10 workers pay each the additional portion of the premium. Employee healthcare premium costs. Penalities for worker $295 per year if they do not make contribution is not to exceed 1.5 percent of wages. failure to adhere to the mandate are $295 a “fair and reasonable” contribution to the per employee per year. cost of workers’ coverage. In this case, fair and reasonable means either enrolling 25 percent or more of full-time equivalents Employer mandate passed (FTEs) in the employer’s plan or offering to pay at least 33 percent of FTEs’ premiums. Source: National Conference of State Legislatures Universal Employer mandate attempted 2005, 2006, or 2007 Health Care Action Network and Progressive State Network, Towards Health Care for All in the States, September 19, 2007 No mandate being considered at this time 1 PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08
  • 17. An individual mandate could coexist with an employer mandate, potentially offering workers affordable coverage options both through their employers and in the individual market. The mandate proposals generally estab- for by the government and administered by tend to believe that existing government lish a minimum employer contribution. For private plans. Other Democratic proposals programs are underutilized. Rather than example, if an employer currently pays include (1) a new government health insur- expanding government programs, leading at least 6 percent of payroll costs toward ance option wherein individuals could Republicans would prefer that the gov- employee health insurance, the employer purchase coverage (the program would ernment focus on enrolling uninsured would be exempt from any further contri- be modeled after Medicare but not funded Americans who are eligible for Medicaid bution. If the employer provides no health through the Medicare trust fund); (2) a new and for SCHIP but who haven’t signed up. insurance or pays less than 6 percent of program that would mirror the Federal payroll, the employer would have to con- Employees Health Benefits Program and Both parties advocate changing the tribute to a public pool that brings the total make the same private insurance options individual’s role in the healthcare system. contribution up to 6 percent of payroll. The enjoyed by federal employees available Democrats would start with an individual public pool would then subsidize coverage to all Americans; and (3) the development mandate—that is, with a requirement that for the uninsured. of a national health insurance exchange individuals procure health insurance similar that would set standards for participating to the requirement in many states that Generally speaking, Republicans do not plans and facilitate the purchasing of individuals procure automobile insurance. support this approach. They oppose individual coverage. An individual mandate could coexist with additional federal regulations on the health an employer mandate, potentially offer- industry and specifically reject mandates. Republicans support proposals that would ing workers affordable coverage options They counter that an employer mandate strengthen the individual insurance market both through their employers and in the may not be effective unless the penalty is by extending to that market some of the individual market. Individual mandates high enough to make purchasing coverage favorable tax treatment that is currently could be supported by new rules like attractive. Some critics add that mandates available only for employer-group cover- guaranteed insurability and community might cause employers to hire more part- age. Strengthening the individual market rating, which consist of pricing everyone time or temporary workers who would not would not only provide tax support in a given geography the same, thereby be subject to mandates. for people who do not have access to creating a large pool that spreads the employer coverage; it would also offer risk. Together, guaranteed insurability and Changing government and worker roles more insurance-product choices to community rating facilitate portability of employees who currently are limited to just insurance—something both parties agree Bolstering or diminishing the employer’s one or two health plans. Also, Republicans on. A variation on this approach involves role in healthcare is just one lever that is being used to address healthcare reform. How the parties see the responsibility of the federal government and the respon- sibility of individuals is another key issue that also gets at the problem—and directly impacts employers. Democrats generally favor expanding government programs such as Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). Many support a new government-sponsored health insurance program wherein individuals could pur- chase coverage. This could benefit health plans if the program were structured like the Medicare drug benefit, which is paid PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08 1
  • 18. Health costs 600 1 billion USD is the amount employers spend on health million Americans rely on employer-sponsored insurance million Americans, more than 15 percent of the population, insurance for their workers, for their health coverage. do not have health insurance. upwards of 10 percent Of those, a full two-thirds have of payroll. a connection to a full-time job. PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08
  • 19. Even employers that believe they have a responsibility to provide health coverage access for retirees also feel there are limits to that responsibility. an individual mandate only for children that by employers—a level that commonly is supported through expanded govern- approaches annual family premiums of ment programs. $15,000 or more. Republicans oppose individual as well as Whichever coverage proposals prevail, employer mandates. They argue that an they will affect employers. On one hand, individual mandate may not be effective public-plan options may crowd out private unless it is coupled with a severe penalty insurance if insured individuals drop their for those who do not enroll in a plan. For private coverage in favor of less expensive example, in Massachusetts—a state that government coverage. Or employers— currently has an individual mandate—the especially employers of low-wage penalty is loss of the individual exemp- workers—may decide not to offer insur- tion. However, the value of the $3,500 ance when public alternatives are readily tax exemption ranges from $0 (for lower- available. On the other hand, any plan that income individuals not paying taxes) to covers more people may have the effect $1,225 (for individuals in the 35 percent of lowering overall insurance premiums, tax bracket). Given that the average annual a trend that could benefit employers. premium cost of single coverage exceeds $4,000, the penalty might not encour- The retiree dilemma age many of the uninsured to purchase Covering active workers and their depen- insurance. In practice, a mandate would dents is one thing, but what about the likely be limited to those who can reason- burden of providing coverage for retirees? ably be expected to afford private health Even employers that believe they have insurance. Unless significant subsidies a responsibility to provide health cover- are provided for middle-income uninsured age access for retirees also feel there are people, such individuals cannot afford to limits to that responsibility. In a recent PwC purchase the level of insurance provided survey, employers were less than certain about their future support for retiree health coverage. When asked to describe their views on the topic, nearly three-quarters said retiree health coverage is placing Figure : Employer attitudes on retiree health coverage In describing your views about financial pressure on companies and that retiree health coverage, do you agree at least somewhat with the following statements? such coverage will need to be changed Percent agreeing through reduced employer contributions and benefit caps. However, employers Retiree health coverage is placing do show strong support for assisting financial pressure on companies and will need to be changed via reduced 73 employees in managing their own employer contributions and benefit caps retirement health and associated costs. Employers should help provide For example, nearly 80 percent support access to affordable retiree health 74 providing retirees with savings account coverage but not necessarily fund it mechanisms, tax incentives, and access Employees should set aside money to coverage even if they do not fund it. during their active employment years 79 (See Figure 7.) to fund their retirement healthcare needs The parties’ proposals on retiree healthcare There should be more tax incentives for employees to set aside money to 80 closely mirror their positions on increasing fund their retirement healthcare needs healthcare coverage in general. The Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers Health Research Institute, Tailoring the approach: Employer attitudes and healthcare strategies address distinct issues, 2007 PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08 1
  • 20. Democrats would bring retirees into the sys- their own, affordable policies without help individual coverage more attractive and tem either by expanding existing programs, from employers. This approach weakens begin to disentangle health insurance by prepurchasing retiree healthcare cover- the connection between insurance from employment. age, or by using health markets to increase and employment. access. The Republicans favor tax incen- Under the Republican plan, people tives through the expansion or modification The Republican plans extend the approach who purchase coverage costing less of health savings accounts (HSAs). that President George W. Bush proposed than the deduction amounts would still in his fiscal year 2008 budget: Contribu- receive the full value of the deduction, Tax reformers and market makers tions to employer-sponsored insurance are which could influence individuals to shop included in wages and therefore subject for the most basic coverage. However, Instead of employer or individual mandates, to income and payroll taxes. In exchange, the proposal would offer few incentives to Republicans generally support changes the president’s proposal would provide low-income earners who have no or little to tax policy to stimulate a more robust a standard deduction of $7,500 for all tax income liability. The administration individual insurance market. Their theory insured individuals and $15,000 for insured estimated that its proposal would reduce is that with attractive rates and policies, families. By eliminating the tax advantages the number of uninsured by 3 million. individual consumers—especially those associated with employer-sponsored insur- Critics, however, argue that employer-pur- who are currently uninsured—can secure ance, the president’s proposal would make chased insurance might continue to enjoy an advantage over individually purchased policies because of more favorable pricing based on employer purchasing power. Republicans favor expanding HSAs, which let individuals earmark tax- exempt contributions for healthcare. By increasing contribution limits, they hope to entice more individuals to purchase insurance. Some also favor doing away with high-deductible requirements for HSAs, which would also make the plans more attractive. Opponents say the impact of such HSA changes would likely be modest, based on how changes have been received since their inception a few years ago. The HSA-eligible, high-deductible-health- plan option has attracted about 4.5 million Americans, about one-fourth of whom previously were uninsured.4 However, only about half of those with eligible plans have actually opened HSAs.5 4 America’s Health Insurance Plans Center for Policy and Research: “January 2007 Census Shows 4.5 Million People Covered by HSA/High-Deductible Health Plans,” April 2007. 5 US Government Accountability Office, Consumer-Directed Health Plans, Early Enrollee Experiences with Health Savings Accounts and Eligible Health Plans, report to the Hon. Max Baucus (D-Mont.), August 9, 2006. items/d06798.pdf. 18 PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08
  • 21. The individual market for health insurance There is emerging evidence to support regulations concerning employers—rules has not grown during the past three years, this push, and some of the employers that and regulations designed to help expand and the percent of Americans in high- have instituted wellness and prevention coverage for working Americans. Repub- deductible health plans dropped in 2006, programs have seen a clear return on their lican candidates will frame the discussion according to the Commonwealth Fund. investment in terms of improved worker around modifications to the tax code and productivity or reduced absenteeism. reduced regulation of the insurance indus- In keeping with the vision of expanded Employers are encouraged to create incen- try to de-emphasize the employer’s role in individual markets, Republicans also favor tives for healthy behavior that may prevent favor of market forces. permitting cross-state selling of insurance. chronic disease. That means programs to The reduced regulations would create promote screenings, smoking cessation, Both parties are likely to promote wellness national health insurance markets in which weight loss, and regular exercise. But there strategies designed to encourage healthy individuals could purchase insurance plans are no quick fixes: Even the best employer lifestyles and to manage the epidemic from anywhere in the nation. Under current programs are ineffective unless people of chronic disease. In the end, however, regulations, insurance products may be commit to changing their behavior. commitment by business leaders and col- sold within a state only if the product is laborative public-private partnerships most approved by that state’s insurance com- The debate continues likely will help enhance productivity, reduce missioner and if it abides by the individual the number of uninsured, quell the growing As the presidential campaign season state’s mandates. The Republicans pro- burden of healthcare costs, and lead to a continues, employers can expect to see pose replacing 50 different sets of state more healthy community. increased attention paid to the health- regulations with a single national standard. care debate and to the employer’s role in Sandy Lutz is managing director, Benjamin Isgur is workers’ health. Democratic candidates, assistant director, and Jeffrey Gartland is a research Reining in costs who focus on decreasing the number of analyst with the PricewaterhouseCoopers Health Proposed mandates and tax policy changes uninsured, will speak about new rules and Research Institute. focus principally on the issue of expanding coverage for the uninsured. But controlling skyrocketing healthcare costs is another important priority—particularly for employ- Employer impacts ers. To help control costs, Republicans and Democrats alike urge an increased focus on The good, the bad, the unknown the twin pillars of wellness and prevention, At this stage of the election, it’s still too early to assess the bottom-line impact of health- yet the parties have yet to outline significant care reform on employers. However, no matter who is elected, employers will be affected. policies promoting this agenda and the Here are a few of the potential benefits and risks associated with healthcare reform that employer’s expanded role. you might want to keep on your radar screen. The consensus is that while tradition- Potentially positive outcomes Potentially negative outcomes ally, governments—not employers—have been held responsible for a population’s • Fewer uninsured people in the health- • Coverage mandates could lead to health, government alone cannot pre- care system may reduce both cost shift- higher costs and/or penalties. vent the spread of chronic disease. The ing and overall premium costs. • Tax credits and deductions that encour- workplace is seen as an important focal • Tax credits to purchase insurance may age workers to buy individual policies point for successful prevention strategies, increase attractiveness for recruitment may take away what some employers and employers are seen as being able to and retention at smaller firms. consider to be a key retention tool. influence individual behavior by providing a supportive environment and leveraging • More government spending on wellness existing infrastructure to offer low-cost but and prevention could benefit employee effective interventions. productivity. PricewaterhouseCoopers View winter 08 19