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This	project	is	meant	to	go	behind	the	scenes	into	the	album,	In	Between	
Dreams	by	Jack	Johnson.	It	looks	at	the	making	of	the	album	in	terms	of	songwriting	
influences,	contributors,	and	recurring	themes	throughout	the	music	and	lyrics.	Our	
social	media	strategy	is	meant	to	encourage	existing	fans	to	buy	the	album	as	well	as	
getting	new	listeners	interested	in	Johnson,	his	personality,	and	his	music.	In	terms	
of	listeners,	our	main	target	audience	will	be	men	and	women	ages	18-34.	To	do	
this,	we	will	target	popular	media	in	the	music	industry	such	as	Pitchfork,	Rolling	
Stone,	Billboard,	and	Fuse.	By	combining	behind-the-scenes	information	on	the	
album	as	well	as	our	own	creativity	and	strategy,	we	intend	to	inspire	reporters	to	
write	about	the	album	and	everything	that	went	into	its	creation.
Zach Gill- Piano
Growing	up	near	the	coast	in	
Saratoga,	CA,	Zach	Gill’s	early	
musical	inspiration	came	
from	his	grandmother,	a	
church	organist,	as	well	as	his	
father,	a	lifelong	guitar	
player.	Gill’s	path	in	life	
became	clear	during	high	
school	when	he	and	fellow	musicians	Dan	Lebowitz	and	Steve	Adams	sparked	an	
inseparable	friendship.	Their	band	L.A.G.	helped	introduce	him	into	live	
performances	as	they	played	around	town	during	his	time	at	the	University	of	
California	Santa	Barbara.	His	band	then	traveled	to	Augusta,	GA	where	they	were	
mentored	and	influenced	by	the	legend	of	fund	and	soul	James	Brown.	His	style	
helped	shape	Zach	into	the	genre-crossing	multi-instrumentalist	he	is	today.	In	
2005,	he	teamed	up	with	his	old	college	pal	Jack	Johnson	to	work	on	the	acclaimed	
album	In	Between	Dreams.	
Trevor	LaRose
Adam TopoL- Drummer
Originally	from	Lake	Tahoe,	California	Adam	
Topol	began	his	drumming	career	in	the	1970’s.	
He	has	been	behind	the	drums	for	artists	from	
Joey	Santiago	to	Jack	Johnson.	During	the	80’s	
Topol’s	career	grew,	as	he	was	an	at-home	
accompaniment	to	records	by	Black	Flag	and	
the	Adolescents.	His	undergraduate	degree	is	
from	University	of	Southern	California	where	
he	discovered	that	people	pay	to	see	live	
entertainment.	This	led	to	him	performing	at	college	parties.	He	was	then	bitten	by	
the	jazz	bug	and	enrolled	in	Berklee	College	of	Music.	After	graduation,	he	moved	to	
Los	Angeles	where	his	long	time	friend	JP	Plunier	introduced	Topol	to	Jack	Johnson.	
In	2005,	he	collaborated	on;	In	Between	Dreams	with	Jack	Johnson	while	writing	two	
solo	albums	of	his	own.		
Deanna	Nanni
Mario Caldato, Jr. – Producer
Born	in	Brazil,	moved	to	Los	Angeles	
with	his	family	in	1963.	Mario	Caldato	
Jr.	the	man	behind	creating	music	
through	keyboards	and	percussion.	He	
is	a	well-known	producer	and	
engineer	who	has	worked	with	“The	
Beastie	Boys”	and	“Jack	Johnson”.	His	
talent	began	with	a	Silverstone	Organ.	
Throughout	the	years	he	dabbled	in	other	instruments,	built	studios,	and	toured	in	
Jamaica.	Shortly	after,	his	renowned	skills	bought	him	to	engineer	the	second	album	
for	the	Beastie	Boys.	Alongside	the	Beastie	Boys,	he	also	worked	with	Marcelo	D2,	
and	produced	three	Jack	Johnson	Albums:	On	&	On,	In	Between	Dreams,	and	From	
Here	to	Now	to	You.		Johnson	said	Caldato	convinced	him	to	build	a	studio	in	his	
garage	and	record	in	Hawaii.	The	music	they	make	together	is	mellow	and	laidback.
Deanna	Nanni
Robert Carranza- Engineer
Robert	Carranza	is	a	four-
time	Grammy	winning	
recording	engineer.	He	has	
worked	in	all	aspects	of	
music	production	including	
producing,	mixing,	
mastering,	editing,	and	
producing.	Living	in	Los	
Angeles,	his	career	has	come	into	contact	with	many	world-famous	artists.	Before	
working	on	the	rising	superstar	Jack	Johnson’s	album	In	Between	Dreams,	Carranza	
played	a	part	in	the	production	of	Beck’s	1999	hit	Midnite	Vultures	that	went	on	to	
win	Grammy	awards	for	Best	Album	of	the	Year	and	Best	Alternative	Music	Album.	
He	also	worked	as	an	engineer	and	mixer	for	international	icons	Los	Lobos	before	
moving	on	to	more	film-based	projects	such	as	the	worldwide	success	‘300’	and	
‘Dawn	of	the	Dead.’	Carranza	now	lives	in	LA	with	his	wife	Shemainee	working	on	
what	he	loves	most,	music.	
Trevor	LaRose
Behind the Dreams
“Love	is	the	answer,	at	least	for	most	of	the	questions	in	my	heart,”	says	Jack	
Johnson	as	he	spills	out	the	mission	statement	for	In	Between	Dreams,	his	newest	
album	focused	on	relationships	and	dedicated	to	his	wife,	Kim.	The	song,	“Better	
Together”	is	about	how	life	can	be	deceiving	and	difficult,	but	when	Johnson	is	with	
his	wife,	he	knows	everything	is	better	when	they	are	together.	The	delivery	of	an	
album	is	what	is	important	to	Johnson,	not	the	substance.	Overall	this	album	is	a	feel	
good	collection	filled	with	upbeat	rhythms	and	catchy	song	lyrics.	Johnson	sees	that	
In	Between	Dreams	is	reminding	him	that	warmer	days	are	ahead,	yet	the	good	stuff	
is	worth	the	bad.	Inspirational	as	always,	Jack	Johnson	always	knows	how	to	make	
his	listeners	feel	good.		
Deanna Nanni
Sitting, Waiting, Wishing for Sustainability
Jack	Johnson’s	sophomore	album	generated	sales	over	a	million,	and	the	third	album	
is	projected	to	generate	more	sales.	However,	its	not	the	impact	on	his	career	that	
Johnson	cares	about	so	much	as	the	impact	it	will	have	on	the	environment.	
Johnson’s	junior	album	In	Between	Dreams	was	recorded	in	Hawaii	at	Johnson’s	own	
Mango	Tree	Studio.	After	finding	a	house	in	Hawaii	for	him	and	his	family,	the	idea	
came	about	to	build	a	sustainable	recording	studio.	To	make	this	dream	come	to	life,	
he	contracted	his	brother	to	build	the	studio	in	Johnson’s	garage.	He	was	able	to	ride	
the	waves	during	the	day	and	produce	with	his	band	at	night.		The	studio	provides	
peace	of	mind	as	it	runs	on	100%	solar	power	in	addition	to	the	album	cover	being	
printed	on	recycled	paper.	
Deanna	Nanni
Break of a Wave
The	world-touring	singer	Jack	Johnson’s	third	studio	release	In	Between	Dreams	
might	not	have	actually	happened	had	it	not	been	for	his	successful	career	as	a	pro-
surfer.	Growing	up	on	the	shores	of	Oahu,	Johnson	began	surfing	pretty	much	as	
soon	as	he	learned	to	swim.	“It's	like	when	you	get	your	first	bike,”	Johnson	explains,	
“You	get	your	first	surfboard	in	Hawaii	when	you're	about	5	years	old,	and	
everybody	starts	surfing.”	With	the	legendary	Banzai	Pipeline	just	steps	from	his	
house,	the	talented	kid	was	surfing	the	infamous	waves	since	age	12.	After	being	
invited	to	surf	in	the	Pipe	Masters	competition	at	age	17,	Johnson	was	injured	in	a	
season-ending	accident.	This	break	from	the	waves	allowed	Johnson	to	get	in	touch	
with	his	inner	musician	and	further	develop	his	style	as	an	artist.	He	first	used	this	
musical	talent	to	score	the	surf	movies	he	was	filming	in	college.	“People	started	
telling	me	that	they	really	liked	the	soundtracks	of	the	films	and	wondered	if	we	
were	going	to	put	them	out,	so	I	just	started	kind	of	recording	stuff	with	my	four-
track	and	passing	it	around	to	friends.	Next	thing	I	knew,	there	were	people	over	in	
Florida	and	Texas	with	my	bootlegs--it	was	crazy!”	
Trevor	LaRose
Jack’s Jokes
The	critically	acclaimed	third	song	off	of	In	Between	Dreams,	“Banana	Pancakes,”	is	
one	of	Jack	Johnson’s	favorite	tracks	to	make	it	onto	the	album.	Some	of	Johnson’s	
favorite	songs	start	off	as	jokes	or	ideas	that	have	no	intention	of	being	released	on	a	
full-length	record.	Johnson	explains,	“The	song	started	off	as	a	way	to	make	my	wife	
laugh.	It’s	just	all	about	why	don’t	we	just	sleep	in,	make	some	banana	pancakes,	and	
hang	out;	just	pretend	like	there’s	no	world	outside	of	the	house.”	It’s	the	kind	of	
carefree,	effortless	nature	of	songwriting	like	this	that	really	resonates	with	
Johnson.	“That’s	a	song	that	you	never	think	would	actually	be	on	the	record,	they	
always	just	start	out	as	a	joke.	If	they	do	make	on	there,	they’re	usually	my	favorite	
ones	because	they	don’t	take	themselves	too	seriously.”
Creative piece
What Would Jack Johnson Do?
Jack	Johnson	created	a	sustainable	practice	called,	All	at	Once.	The	purpose	of	this	
campaign	is	for	Jack	and	his	crew	to	take	actions	to	minimize	the	environmental	
impact	of	their	tour.	The	All	At	Once	campaign	supports	non-profits	and	engages	
fans	in	the	realms	of	sustainable	local	food	systems	and	plastic	free	initiatives.
W.W.J.J.D- “Water “
Q:	When	performing	on	stage,	it	is	very	easy	to	get	dehydrated	and	the	first	thing	a	
band	member	wants	to	do	is	grab	a	water	bottle.	Fans	are	also	dancing	and	singing	
along	in	the	audience	and	are	craving	water.	But,	water	bottles	are	bad	for	our	
environment.	What	would	Jack	do	in	this	situation?
A:	Jack	and	his	crew	eliminated	the	use	of	single-use	plastic	water	bottles	on	tour	by	
filling	up	at	backstage	water	refill	stations.	Fans	could	even	fill	up	their	own	water	
bottles	for	free	at	the	All	At	Once	Water	Stations	that	were	located	in	the	venues.	
Jack	even	created	a	reusable	bottle	called	‘Klean	Kanteen’	and	fans	can	purchase	the	
bottle	at	the	shows.
W.W.J.J.D- “Recycle and Waste Reduction”
Q:	Tours	generate	an	enormous	amount	of	trash	at	every	show	and	stop	they	make	
along	the	way.	Whether	it’s	from	the	food	and	drinks	consumed	at	the	venue,	or	
from	the	flyers	used	to	promote	the	shows,	waste	from	a	tour	can	have	a	huge	
environmental	impact.	To	combat	this	problem,	what	would	Jack	do?
A:	Jack	Johnson	tour	crew	worked	with	venue	operators	to	make	every	effort	
towards	a	zero	waste	tour	through	recycling,	composting,	and	other	waste	diversion	
efforts	to	reduce	the	amount	of	waste	headed	for	the	landfill.
Fans	supported	this	initiative	by	participating	in	recycling	and	composting	on	site.
W.W.J.J.D- “Travel”
Q:	While	traveling,	tour	busses	and	cars	shuttling	artists	and	their	teams	around	the	
country	consumes	a	huge	amount	of	fuel.	Big	tour	busses	also	generate	a	lot	of	
harmful	carbon	dioxide	that	they	pump	into	the	air.	What	would	Jack	and	his	fans	do	
to	help	lessen	the	environmental	impact	of	travelling	around	the	country?
A:	Sustainable	biodiesel	was	used	to	fuel	tour	trucks,	buses	and	generators	
throughout	North	America.	Ground	and	sea	freight	was	used	for	shipping	gear	in	an	
effort	to	further	reduce	the	tour’s	carbon	footprint.
Fans	saved	gas,	money	and	reduced	their	carbon	footprint	by	carpooling,	utilizing	
shuttles,	mass	transit,	and	by	riding	bikes	to	get	to	the	show.	They	also	linked	up	
with	friends	via	the	Jack	Johnson	Ride-Share	Program	on	ZimRide	in	North	America.
W.W.J.J.D- “Catering and Concession”
Q:	Fresh,	wholesome,	organic	food	can	be	hard	to	find	at	a	concert	or	festival.	Eating	
the	food	found	at	most	venues	could	be	costly	and	unhealthy.	What	would	Jack	do	to	
ensure	healthier	food	options	are	available	in	addition	to	creating	a	low	
environmental	impact	of	getting	it	to	the	venues?
A:	As	part	of	a	farm	to	stage	catering	program,	Jack	Johnson	tour	crew	worked	
directly	with	local	farms	and	purveyors	to	source	locally	grown	organic	foods.
In	North	America	you	can	check	out,	in	the	UK	explore,	and	in	Australia	visit	to	find	fresh,	local	and	sustainable	food	options	at	
restaurants,	farmer’s	markets,	CSA’s	and	stores	in	your	area.
W.W.J.J.D- “Eco Friendly Concert Merchandise”
Q:	While	concert	merchandise	can	be	a	great	way	to	remember	a	show	or	
commemorate	your	favorite	artist,	it	can	create	a	lot	of	waste	and	is	generally	made	
by	environmentally	harmful	practices.	What	would	Jack	do	to	provide	his	fans	with	
cost-effect	merchandise	that	has	a	minimal	environmental	impact?
A:	All	tour	merchandise	was	made	from	sustainable	materials	with	a	focus	on	
reusable	and	renewables.	Jack	Johnson	tour	crew	used	reusable	water	bottles	and	
bags	to	reduce	plastic	waste.
Exclusive	Jack	Johnson	‘Klean	Kanteen’	reusable	water	bottles,	up	cycled	tote	bags,	
recycled	paper	tour	posters	and	shirts	made	with	100%	Organic	cotton	t-shirts	are	
available	for	purchase.
W.W.J.J.D- “Carbon Offsets”
Q:	Things	like	lighting,	power	for	equipment,	and	visuals	on	stage	use	up	a	huge	
amount	of	electricity	and	ultimately	create	a	large	amount	of	CO2	emissions.	On	a	
large	tour	with	multiple	stops,	this	waste	of	energy	can	really	add	up.	What	would	
Jack	do	to	minimize	the	carbon	footprint	left	by	touring	around	the	world?
A:	After	all	energy	conservation	measures	were	taken,	remaining	CO2	emissions	for	
each	show	and	the	entire	tour	are	being	offset	to	support	a	variety	of	local	and	
sustainable	carbon	management	projects.	Jack	asked	venues	to	install	energy-
efficient	light	bulbs	for	the	shows	to	help	reduce	his	own	impact.
Fans	offset	their	travel	to	and	from	the	show	by	purchasing	Jack	Johnson	carbon	
offset	stickers	at	the	merchandise	stands	or	by	opting	in	to	the	carbon	offset	ticket	
add-on	when	purchasing	their	concert	tickets	online.
Impact	was	tracked	throughout	the	tour	to	demonstrate	how	collective	action	can	
result	in	significant	change.
Social Media
Our	social	media	strategy	is	centered	on	the	theme	of	love	along	with	
Johnson’s	hit	song	“Banana	Pancakes.”	Johnson	will	post	on	his	personal	social	
media	accounts	a	contest	involving	couples	creating	a	creative	recipe	and	way	of	
eating	banana	pancakes.	Contestants	are	to	post	on	their	personal	Twitter,	
Facebook,	and	Instagram	accounts	using	the	hashtag,	#PancakesAndDreams.	Jack	
Johnson	will	make	one	lucky	couples’	dreams	come	true.	The	contest	winners	will	
win	a	trip	to	Hawaii,	complete	with	a	breakfast	of	banana	pancakes	followed	by	time	
out	on	the	waves	with	Jack.	This	will	promote	his	new	album,	In	Between	Dreams	
because	the	album	is	about	love	and	relationships.	This	gives	Johnson	a	chance	to	
connect	with	his	fans	and	show	them	around	Hawaii	and	how	much	he	loves	surfing.	
We	plan	to	supplement	this	strategy	with	a	comical	video	on	Johnson’s	YouTube	
page.	The	video	will	feature	Johnson	and	his	wife	cooking	up	their	signature	banana	
pancakes	while	showcasing	Johnson’s	naturally	funny	personality.	This	will	
encourage	fans	to	participate	in	the	contest	as	well	as	listen	to	his	newest	album,	In	
Between	Dreams.
Feature Bio
Don’t Let Your Dreams Be Dreams
								 As	a	musician,	producer,	surfer,	and	philanthropist,	one	might	say	the	
famously	laid-back	singer-songwriter	Jack	Johnson	is	living	many	dreams.	Johnson,	
however,	wouldn’t	quite	put	it	that	way.	A	former	professional	surfer,	Johnson	takes	
on	his	many	pursuits	as	they	roll	in,	much	like	his	view	of	the	waves	out	on	the	
ocean.	Starting	out	surfing	the	shores	in	his	back	yard	as	a	kid,	he	quickly	moved	up	
the	ranks	to	become	a	professional	surfer	by	age	17.	After	a	season-ending	injury	
cast	him	bedridden	for	the	better	part	of	the	summer,	Johnson	picked	up	the	guitar	
and	honed	in	on	his	skills.	
								 	Growing	up	surfing	on	the	Hawaiian	island	of	Oahu,	Johnson	has	always	felt	
connected	to	the	environment.	His	admirable	eco-centric	attitude	can	be	can	be	seen	
in	his	backyard	organic	garden	and	homemade	rain-catch	he	built	with	his	kids	all	
the	way	down	to	his	tour	riders.	Before	playing	at	a	venue,	Johnson	requires	each	
venue	to	install	compact	fluorescent	light	bulbs	and	insists	that	all	organic	waste	be	
compacted	after	the	show.	He	claims	his	green-focused	tours	stemmed	from	time	he	
spent	touring	with	Pearl	Jam	and	Willie	Nelson	early	on	in	his	musical	career.	"We	
could	stop	touring	altogether	to	have	the	smallest	impact,"	says	Johnson,	"But	the	
greater	impact	could	be	to	find	ways	to	make	the	industry	more	responsible."	
								 After	riding	the	wave	to	success	on	his	first	album	Brushfire	Fairytales,	
Johnson	felt	it	was	time	to	bring	his	recordings	back	to	his	home	in	Oahu	where	he	
built	his	own	recording	studio	Mango	Tree	Studio.	This	was	a	very	personal	project
for	Johnson	as	he	designed	it	with	his	brother	to	bring	his	music	closer	to	his	family	
and	the	place	he	loves	most,	home.	
								 As	a	new	father,	Johnson	finds	the	time	spent	touring	without	his	family	to	be	
strenuous.	When	it	comes	to	touring	after	his	newest	release	Johnson	says,	“I'll	be	
taking	my	wife	and	our	son	along	again.	The	big	challenge	for	me	is	going	to	bed	at	
rock	&	roll	hours	and	waking	up	at	daddy	hours.”	
								 Despite	his	worldwide	fame	and	constant	attention,	Johnson	maintains	a	very	
down-to-earth	mindset;	he	doesn’t	seek	out	fame	or	recognition.	“We	got	everything	
we	need	right	here	and	everything	we	need	is	enough,”	the	singer	preaches	on	his	
newest	single	‘Banana	Pancakes’	from	his	new	album	In	Between	Dreams,	out	on	
March	1,	2005.	While	this	release	will	likely	bring	Johnson	a	rush	of	worldwide	
attention,	for	now	the	singer	prefers	to	just	take	it	slow	and	roll	with	the	tide.
LOS	ANGELES	–	May	4,	2016	–	Jack	Johnson’s	newest	album	In	Between	Dreams,	out	
on	March	1st,	2005	on	Brushfire	Records	is	yet	another	step	in	the	highly-acclaimed,	
award	winning	artist’s	journey	to	introduce	the	good	vibes	of	Hawaii	to	the	world.	
The	album	focuses	on	the	incendiary	power	of	love	along	with	its	triumphs	and	
hardships	in	his	signature	cozy,	genre-blending,	acoustic-rock	style.	
Joining	Johnson	on	this	musical	odyssey	is	Zach	Gill	(ALO)	on	piano,	Adam	Topol	
(Culver	City	Dub	Collective)	on	drums,	Marlo	Podlewski	(Spain)	playing	bass,	and	
engineer	Robert	Carranza	(Midnite	Vultures,	Beck).	This	well-meshed	group	of	
talented	musicians	comes	together	to	create	a	genre-blending	collection	of	songs	in	
Johnson’s	well-known	acoustic	folk,	rock,	and	bluesy	sound.	
This	album	marks	Johnson’s	third	studio	release	and	his	second	time	working	with	
renowned	producer	Mario	Caldato,	Jr.	His	credits	include	working	as	a	producer	for	
notable	acts	such	as	the	Beastie	Boys	(Ill	Communication),	Day	One	(Ordinary	Man),	
and	Money	Mark	(Change	is	Coming).	
The	songs	on	the	album	range	from	the	lullaby-like	"Breakdown"	and	the	bossa	
nova	rhythms	of	"Do	You	Remember”	to	the	more	tender	moments	found	on	"If	I	
Could"	and	"No	Other	Way"	that	showcase	a	more	reserved	side	to	the	songwriter’s	
repertoire.	Johnson,	credited	as	a	writer	on	every	song	on	the	album,	takes	his	song	
ideas	from	every-day	life,	things	that	are	very	personal	to	him,	and	broadens	them	
to	appeal	to	everyone.	
The	project	was	recorded	at	Johnson’s	own	home	studio	in	Oahu,	Hawaii,	proudly	
made	with	100%	solar	power.	The	album	was	released	on	Brushfire	Records,	
created	by	Jack	Johnson	in	association	with	Emmett	Malloy.	
Media	Contact:	Trevor	LaRose,	Mango	Tree	Publicity,	207.615.5670,
Dear	Editor:	
Jack	Johnson’s	soon	to	be	released	third	album	In	Between	Dreams	captures	
the	essence	of	the	singer’s	laid-back	Hawaiian	roots.	Blending	together	folk,	rock,	
and	blues	will	his	warm	and	relaxed	voice,	Johnson	creates	a	collection	of	feel-good,	
cozy	songs	designed	to	brighten	the	mood	in	any	situation.	
The	power	of	love	and	family	makes	up	the	essence	of	this	latest	release,	with	
this	theme	really	shining	through	on	the	tracks	“Better	Together,”	“No	Other	Way,”	
and	“Do	You	Remember.”	Taking	inspiration	from	his	love	for	his	wife	and	children,	
Johnson	compiles	a	relaxing,	playful	set	of	songs	that	will	take	listeners	on	a	journey	
to	the	stress-free	beaches	of	Hawaii.	
To	be	released	on	Tuesday,	March	1st,	2005,	In	Between	Dreams	will	hit	
record	stores	nation-wide.	This	album	marks	the	first	full-length	album	released	by	
Johnson’s	own	record	label	Brushfire	Records.	
The	enclosed	press	kit	provides	information	about	the	album,	its	collaborators,	and	
Johnson	himself.	Please	let	me	know	if	you	can	offer	any	coverage	of	In	Between	
Dreams	or	Johnson’s	upcoming	shows.		Press	materials	and	artist	interviews	are	
available	as	well.	
If	you	need	any	additional	art,	pictures,	or	information,	please	contact	Trevor	
LaRose	at	207.615.5670	or	by	email	at	
Trevor	LaRose
Trevor LaRose
Deanna Nanni

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